New Perceptions

The Purest Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP160116A

00:08 Happy Sabbath, PMC. Happy Sabbath.
00:11 It's a pleasure to worship with you today.
00:13 This first song we're gonna sing is sort of an invitation,
00:16 a call to worship, an invitation to God,
00:20 to the Holy Spirit, to His presence to say God,
00:23 we want Your presence here with us
00:26 as we worship, as we learn,
00:27 I mean, as we gather together as a body of believers.
00:30 So I invite you to sing this first song,
00:32 maybe unfamiliar to some of you but if so we're gonna--
00:35 We're gonna sing this first chorus,
00:36 I like you to sing with me.
00:42 Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
00:48 Come flood this place, fill the atmosphere
00:54 Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
01:01 To be overcome by Your presence,
01:06 Lord
01:12 Your presence, Lord
01:16 I invite you to stand with me as we sing.
01:22 There's nothing worth more That could ever come close
01:28 No thing can compare You're our living hope
01:34 It's Your presence, Lord
01:37 Your presence, Lord
01:42 As I've tasted and seen.
01:47 I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves
01:53 Where my heart becomes free
01:56 and my shame is undone
02:03 Your presence, Lord We sing the Holy Spirit.
02:11 Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
02:17 Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
02:24 Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
02:29 To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
02:41 Your presence, Lord
02:46 There's nothing worth more.
02:50 There's nothing worth more That could ever come close
02:56 No thing can compare You're our living hope
03:05 Your presence, Lord
03:11 As I've tasted.
03:15 I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves
03:21 Where my heart becomes free
03:24 and my shame is undone
03:28 Sing Your presence.
03:30 Your presence, Lord
03:35 We invite the Holy Spirit.
03:38 Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
03:44 Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
03:50 Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
03:56 To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
04:03 Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
04:08 Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
04:14 Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
04:20 To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
04:31 Your presence, Lord
04:39 Let us become more aware of Your presence
04:45 Let us experience the glory of Your goodness
04:50 Let us become.
04:51 Let us become more aware of Your presence
04:57 Let us experience the glory of Your goodness
05:07 Your presence, Lord
05:11 We sing Holy Spirit. Lift your voice with me now.
05:15 Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
05:21 Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
05:27 Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
05:34 To be overcome
05:37 by Your presence, Lord
05:42 Your presence.
05:46 Your presence, Lord
05:51 And, Father, we come before You now
05:54 with open arms and open hearts.
05:58 Father, we invite Your presence to be with us.
06:02 We're standing here now saying, we need Your presence
06:06 today, every day, Lord, in all that we do.
06:09 So we invite You to dwell with us now.
06:11 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:21 Come, thou Fount of every blessing
06:26 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
06:30 Streams of mercy,
06:33 Never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise
06:40 Teach me some melodious sonnet
06:45 Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount!
06:52 I'm fixed upon it
06:55 Mount of thy redeeming love
07:06 Here I raise mine Ebenezer Hither
07:12 by Thy help I'm come
07:15 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
07:20 Safely to arrive at home
07:25 Jesus sought me when a stranger
07:29 Wandering from the fold of God
07:34 He to rescue me from danger
07:39 Interposed His precious blood
07:50 O, to grace how great a debtor
07:55 Daily I'm constrained to be
07:59 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
08:04 Bind my wandering heart to Thee
08:08 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
08:13 Prone to leave the God I love
08:17 Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it
08:22 Seal it for Thy courts above
08:29 We gather each week as a body of believers.
08:34 We gathered to praise God.
08:36 We gathered to learn about God.
08:39 We also gathered to pray, bring our problems,
08:42 bring out thanksgiving to bring it all.
08:44 So in this time as we sing our last song,
08:46 I invite everyone there's something on their heart
08:49 praise or thanksgiving to come forward.
08:55 Ooh, ooh
09:05 You're beautiful
09:07 Ooh, ooh
09:17 You're beautiful
09:20 I see your face in every sunrise
09:25 The colors of the morning are inside
09:30 Your eyes The world awakens in the light of the day
09:37 I look up to the sky and say
09:42 "You're beautiful"
09:44 Ooh, ooh
09:54 You're beautiful
09:56 Ooh, ooh
10:06 You're beautiful
10:09 I see your power in the moonlit night
10:14 When planets are in motion and galaxies are bright
10:20 We are amazed in the light of the stars
10:26 It's all proclaiming who You are,
10:30 "You're beautiful"
10:32 Ooh, ooh
10:42 You're beautiful
10:44 Ooh, ooh
10:53 Sing this out with me.
10:56 I see you there hanging on a tree
11:02 You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
11:08 Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne
11:14 Soon You will be coming home,
11:18 "You're beautiful"
11:20 Ooh, ooh
11:30 You're beautiful
11:32 Ooh, ooh
11:42 You're beautiful
11:44 When we arrive at eternity's shore
11:49 Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
11:56 We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
12:01 Your bride will come together and we'll sing
12:06 "You're beautiful"
12:08 Ooh, ooh
12:18 You're beautiful
12:20 Ooh, ooh
12:41 I see your face.
12:44 I see your face,
12:46 You're beautiful You're beautiful,
12:52 You're beautiful Sing it out with me.
12:56 I see your face,
12:58 You're beautiful You're beautiful,
13:05 You're beautiful
17:49 Let's pray.
17:54 Oh, God, You know our hearts.
17:56 No games here.
18:00 What is is and You know
18:04 in advance of what we've even heard
18:07 yet we are asking
18:12 that You will direct our attention
18:14 to what needs attention.
18:18 We're here in the name of Christ.
18:20 We've been much in worship to this very moment.
18:23 We're not stopping.
18:26 Speak to us we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
18:32 Can you believe this?
18:35 There is a website
18:38 that actually advertises
18:44 and offers sexual affairs to those who are married?
18:49 Of course, will do this for a little fee.
18:53 Apparently, now I insert that word apparently
18:57 so that you know I've never been
18:59 to this website, all right.
19:02 Apparently, I read it in the newspaper
19:05 that's why I know.
19:08 Apparently, the website's homepage
19:12 features a picture as Leonard Pitts
19:16 puts it in his syndicated column from Allen, Miami.
19:19 Features a picture of a
19:21 "ubiquitous brunette counseling discretion
19:25 with an index finger to her pouty lips."
19:32 Also on the website it boasts an "Affair Guarantee Program,"
19:39 through which, here's a quote.
19:41 "Through which you are promised a refund
19:43 if you can't find a suitable partner to cheat with."
19:47 No kidding. No kidding.
19:51 And they describe their customers as
19:53 "free-thinking people who choose to engage in
19:56 fully lawful online activities."
19:58 Their tagline is
20:00 "Life is short, have an affair."
20:05 The only reason we know about this
20:06 is because hackers hacked into their website last summer
20:12 and exposed by publishing a list
20:14 of their 32 million customers.
20:20 Yeah, men and women, young and not so young
20:24 who believe the line,
20:26 "life is short, have an affair."
20:31 Included in that list of customers
20:33 was a gentleman name John Gibson.
20:38 Leonard Pitts describes him.
20:41 I'll read it to you.
20:44 "He was a married father of two,
20:48 a pastor and a professor
20:51 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
20:55 He is said to have loved fixing cars
20:57 and to have had an oddball laugh.
20:59 In photos, he and his wife Christi
21:00 and their two kids come across as a goofy, fun-loving bunch.
21:04 Pictures of them radiate joy.
21:07 Christi Gibson came home August 24
21:09 to find her husband dead of suicide."
21:12 You see, his name was on that list.
21:17 "In his note, says his wife,
21:19 he expressed profound remorse.
21:24 'What we know about him,' she told CNN,
21:26 'is that he poured his life into other people,
21:29 and he offered grace and mercy
21:30 and forgiveness to everyone else,
21:31 but somehow he couldn't extend that to himself.'
21:39 "Life is short,
21:42 have an affair," as it turns out
21:45 for first half of that tagline was true.
21:47 John Gibson was 56 years old.
21:54 Every time you and I come back from going down to South Bend,
21:58 we've to cross the Indiana,
22:00 Michigan borders, isn't that right?
22:02 And every single, Highway 31,
22:04 and every single time you cross the border
22:05 there it is a huge blue letters
22:10 "Pure Michigan."
22:15 I mean, come on, who you kidding?
22:17 You talking about Michigan?
22:19 We all live in Michigan,
22:21 "Pure Michigan" you got to be kidding me.
22:24 You don't know the secrets in our hearts.
22:31 Once upon a time there was a man,
22:32 a capital "M" Man.
22:34 Not because he was from Michigan.
22:36 Now the capital "M" Man was from Nazareth.
22:39 No pure Nazareth signs
22:41 on the streets entering that city notorious.
22:45 The scuttlebutt around town is
22:47 "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
22:52 But apparently someone very good
22:56 and very pure came out of Nazareth
23:01 and lived to be in stories like this.
23:05 Once upon a time Jesus was attending a dinner
23:09 thrown in His honor by a rather wealthy Pharisee name Simon.
23:12 Simon had been healed by leprosy.
23:14 Healed of leprosy by Jesus
23:16 and so as an expression of his gratitude,
23:18 he pulls off one of those
23:20 wish I had an invitation to that kind of banquet.
23:23 And everybody who is anybody in town was there.
23:27 The dinner has began
23:30 and the sounds of silver cutlery clinking softly
23:33 against the fine bone china
23:35 punctuated with laughter and chatter,
23:37 zigzagging back and forth
23:39 across a heavy laden table of entrees
23:42 and vegetables as far as the eye can see.
23:46 Sometime during that scrumptious feast,
23:49 a woman of the night
23:52 tiptoed into the dominantly male boisterous gathering.
24:00 If you're a local you recognized her,
24:05 especially if you are a male.
24:10 She was a town whore.
24:14 A very attractive woman
24:15 who prostituted her innocence and her beauty
24:20 for a bit of income.
24:24 Somewhere along the way she met this capital "M" Man,
24:29 Jesus of Nazareth.
24:32 Any conversation between them was so private
24:35 we have not a whisper of that conversation.
24:40 But it is apparent from the quiet glow
24:43 that radiates from her face tonight
24:46 that He has changed her life.
24:50 Pure Jesus, big change.
24:54 No more impurity within, forgiven.
24:58 She is a pure woman now.
25:02 And even as Simon
25:04 has thrown this banquet in honor of Jesus
25:07 even so this woman crashes the party
25:10 also in gratitude to this same Jesus.
25:15 Before anyone can hiss, "Get out of here, woman"
25:19 she reaches into the folds of her garment
25:21 and she pulls out a container of nard perfume
25:26 from the petals grown at the foot of the Himalayas.
25:32 Before anyone could stop her,
25:33 she has broken the container open
25:36 and begins as she stifles her sobs
25:41 begins to drip the perfume along with her tears
25:48 on the feet of this man,
25:50 feet recline from behind.
25:56 And as she sobs
25:58 she finally, she is a prostitute,
26:02 she finally lowers her head, loosens the tresses of her hair
26:06 and begins to wipe His feet.
26:09 The perfume and the tears
26:14 as she kisses the feet.
26:17 That's how a prostitute says thank you.
26:22 Jesus finally feels something down there.
26:26 Turns around
26:28 and even beyond the aroma of dinner,
26:31 He picks up the scent.
26:34 He turns around sees her,
26:38 smiles a look of recognition
26:41 and says, "You are welcome."
26:44 But not so the Pharisee Simon.
26:47 I want you see how Simon responds.
26:49 Open your Bible to Luke Chapter 7,
26:52 Luke Chapter 7.
26:57 You didn't bring a Bible,
27:00 pull that pew Bible out, you got to see this.
27:02 Luke Chapter 7,
27:03 I'm gonna pick it up in verse 39.
27:06 I'm in the NIV here.
27:08 And "When the Pharisee--"
27:10 That would be Simon,
27:12 "Who had invited Jesus saw this, he said to himself,
27:16 'If this man were a prophet,
27:17 he would know who is touching him
27:19 and what kind of woman she is -that she is a sinner.'
27:23 Jesus answered" isn't that something?
27:25 It says if they were in conversation already.
27:28 "Jesus answered him,
27:32 'Simon, I have something to tell you.'
27:34 'Tell me, teacher,' he said."
27:36 Okay.
27:37 "'Two people owed money to a certain moneylender.
27:39 One owed him five hundred denarii,'"
27:40 One denarii is day's labor for a common labor.
27:43 "'One owed him five hundred denarii,
27:44 and the other fifty.
27:45 Neither of them had the money to pay him back,
27:47 so he forgave the debts of both.
27:49 Now, Simon, which one of them will love him more?'
27:52 Simon replied, 'I suppose the one
27:54 who had the bigger debt forgiven.'
27:56 'You have judged correctly,' Jesus said.
27:59 Then he turned toward the woman"
28:01 and there is not a sound in the room
28:02 but the voice of Jesus.
28:04 Now as "He turned toward the woman at his feet
28:09 and he said to Simon, 'Do you see this woman?'"
28:11 The whole room is staring at her.
28:15 "'Do you see this woman?'
28:16 I came into your house.
28:18 You did not give me any water for my feet,
28:20 but she wet my feet with her tears
28:21 and wiped them with her hair.
28:22 You did not give me a kiss, but this woman,
28:24 from the time I entered,
28:25 has not stopped kissing my feet.
28:26 You did not put oil on my head,
28:28 but she has poured perfume on my feet.
28:30 Therefore, I tell you, Simon,
28:31 her many sins have been forgiven
28:33 as her great love has shown.
28:35 But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.'"
28:39 By the way, Desire of Ages pulls the veil aside,
28:41 strips it aside and says,
28:43 Simon was the one who led this woman
28:44 into sinning the very first time.
28:50 Why has Simon not showing great love?
28:56 Because he's not been forgiven.
28:58 And why is he not been forgiven?
28:59 Because he has not asked, that's why.
29:02 No love, cold heart.
29:05 "Then Jesus said to her, 'Your sins are forgiven.'
29:10 The other guests began to say among themselves,
29:12 'Who is this who even forgives sins?'
29:14 Jesus said to the woman,
29:15 'Your faith has saved you,
29:18 go in peace.'"
29:21 Wow, did you catch that?
29:24 This woman is forgiven.
29:26 Sexual impurity gone.
29:28 Cleansed forever.
29:31 Go in peace.
29:34 Pure Michigan.
29:36 Pure Jesus.
29:38 How pure this Jesus?
29:40 Grab your study guide and let's fill it out some
29:43 rather astounding declarations of scripture.
29:45 You got to see this.
29:46 You got your study guide in your worship bulletin,
29:48 you should, pull it out.
29:49 You didn't get a study guide
29:51 here come our friendly ushers your way.
29:52 Hold your hand up, you're gonna want this one
29:53 in the balcony.
29:55 Yep, there they are.
29:56 Hold your hand up, let's go.
29:58 And by the way let me put this on the screen.
29:59 Those of you watching streaming right now
30:01 or you're watching on a television set
30:03 somewhere on this planet, glad to have you.
30:05 By the way this is the first time
30:06 I can announce this,
30:08 here is the website that you go to,
30:09 www.newperceptions ,
30:13 this is the New Perceptions telecast.
30:15 You go to .
30:18 Go to that website you find a little series called
30:21 "Charmed into Righteousness."
30:23 This teaching is entitled "The Purest Life."
30:29 When you click on "The Purest Life"
30:30 you will see the study guide embedded right there
30:32 waiting for you now.
30:36 Pure Jesus, how pure, let's go.
30:38 Got your pen.
30:40 First let's consider the testimony of the Bible.
30:42 The Bible has a testimony about Jesus you bet.
30:44 In fact you not even have to look at the screen
30:46 because I'm gonna read this to you
30:47 and we are gonna go that fast.
30:48 Here we go, 1 Peter 2:22,
30:51 "Jesus committed no sin," write it in
30:54 "and no deceit was found in His mouth."
30:58 Pure Jesus.
30:59 Keep going.
31:00 1 John 3:5, "In Him there is no sin."
31:04 Pure Jesus.
31:06 Here we go, Hebrews 7:26,
31:07 "He was 'holy, blameless, undefiled,'"
31:11 not a spot on Him.
31:13 "Undefiled, separated from sinners.'"
31:16 Pure Jesus.
31:17 That's the Bible testimony about Him.
31:18 Guess what?
31:20 Jesus say, Jesus has testimony about Himself.
31:22 Jot them down.
31:23 Jesus speaking to a crowd in John 8:46,
31:26 "Which one of you in the crowd convicts Me of sin?"
31:28 All right, step forward.
31:30 You ever seen me sin,
31:31 you step forward, you tell the story.
31:33 Be my guest.
31:34 Nobody breathe the word.
31:37 Here's another time,
31:39 this is just before His execution.
31:40 The night before He is crucified
31:41 John 14:30,
31:43 "The prince of this world" that would be Satan.
31:45 "The prince of this world is coming.
31:46 He has no hold on me."
31:49 Not even a hangnail on one of his fingers
31:51 has caught my garment.
31:53 He has no hold, zero, not, nothing, nothing in me.
31:59 The testimony of the Bible, the testimony of Jesus,
32:02 now the testimony of Desire of Ages.
32:04 Jot this down, will you?
32:07 Sends us from that classic on life of Jesus.
32:09 Here's one "He was the embodiment of purity,
32:11 an example of spotless integrity."
32:15 Spotless.
32:18 Here's another one.
32:19 "People could not appreciate the purity of Jesus spirit
32:22 upon which there was no stain of sin."
32:26 No stain.
32:29 Now I want to run three lines by that show
32:33 how Christ was personally impact living
32:35 in the cesspool of sin.
32:37 Nazareth the cesspool of sin.
32:39 Hanging around 157 variety sinners
32:41 like you and me the cesspool of sin.
32:44 Here's how it, here's how it felt inside of Him.
32:48 Jot this one down.
32:50 "As one with us,
32:51 Jesus must bear the burden of our guilt.
32:53 The Sinless One must feel the shame of sin.
32:55 The peace lover must dwell with strife,
32:57 the truth must abide with falsehood,
32:59 purity with vileness.
33:01 Every sin, every discord, every defiling lust
33:04 that transgression had brought, was torture--"
33:09 Write it down, "Was torture to His spirit."
33:14 Hey, let me ask you a question.
33:15 Hit the pause button right there.
33:16 Let me ask you a question.
33:18 Would you use the word torture to describe hanging around sin
33:22 for you and me?
33:23 Are you kidding?
33:24 It's not torture, it's entertainment.
33:26 We downloaded by the gigabytes to our devices
33:29 so that we can watch.
33:30 Oh, yeah, this is art imitation,
33:33 imitating reality, that's what we are saying.
33:35 Hey, this is nothing.
33:36 Yeah, they are killing each other
33:38 but come on that's just all fake.
33:39 Yeah, they are sleeping together,
33:41 she's being raped but so, I mean this is all,
33:43 you know, this is how I enjoy a Saturday night.
33:45 You got a problem with this?
33:48 We don't call it torture.
33:49 We entertain our selves with it.
33:51 How you suppose Jesus?
33:52 Do you think He be downloading gigabytes of that stuff
33:55 on to His devices and say, "What am I gonna do tonight?
33:58 Come over to my room."
34:00 Can you imagine Christ?
34:02 Do you know why,
34:03 because He knows that these are demons,
34:06 these are demons who have taught the human race
34:09 how to behave as animals that's why.
34:12 And every time they do this even art imitating reality,
34:15 it is spitting in the face of the Creator.
34:17 Do you think He finds joy? That's entertainment?
34:19 You want to spend Saturday night
34:21 spitting in God's face?
34:23 You can't believe it.
34:25 Of course He wouldn't watch it.
34:29 No spot.
34:31 Pure Jesus.
34:34 Maybe that's our problem.
34:35 Why is it so easy to be impure?
34:37 Because we live in a world saturated with the cesspool
34:40 and we are comfortable with it
34:42 and we go to the cesspool for entertainment.
34:45 Tell me that one.
34:47 Can you believe it, all of us?
34:54 There is another line from Desire of Ages.
34:55 "His spirit of stainless purity shrank from the spectacle."
34:59 Wouldn't that be something, if we can,
35:00 if something popped up on the computer screen
35:02 and we actually shrank from it?
35:06 Something in a dark, dark corner somewhere
35:07 we shrank from it.
35:09 Some smutty joke in a circle of buddies
35:12 we actually shrank.
35:14 Stop that.
35:16 One more,
35:18 Desire of Ages speaking about the night,
35:20 He is on trial right now.
35:22 "Christ suffered keenly under abuse and insult.
35:25 And He suffered in proportion to the perfection
35:27 of His holiness and His hatred of sin.
35:29 To be surrounded by human beings
35:31 under the control of Satan was revolting to Him."
35:35 Write that word down.
35:37 I want you to catch it, revolting.
35:39 Revolting to Him.
35:42 You want to know what's revolting to me.
35:44 Glad you asked, I'll tell you.
35:46 Sticking my hand into a toilet bowl
35:48 to retrieve an object I find very revolting.
35:55 In my book you have to want that object very dearly
36:00 to stick your hands into an empty toilet bowl
36:04 and if the bowl is filled with
36:05 what belongs in a toilet bowl you can have it.
36:10 I'm not going back for it.
36:13 Nobody likes keeping company with fecal matter.
36:18 Do we? No, we no.
36:21 For the stainless, spotless,
36:24 pure son of God hanging around with sinners was revolting
36:27 and torture to His spirit
36:28 and thus he shrank back from it.
36:31 And yeah, hold on, hold on, hold on.
36:33 Get this.
36:35 But because His love for the lost rebel race
36:39 is so strong,
36:41 He agrees to plunge into the sewer head first
36:48 if that's what it will take to save this race
36:51 and He came down to our cesspool
36:54 and live next door.
36:57 Isn't that some?
36:58 You would have to love somebody pretty much
37:00 to go into a cesspool to save them.
37:05 But speaking of the contents of a toilet bowl.
37:08 The only way I can handle such fecal matter
37:11 is if it's in the diaper of someone I love.
37:15 If I tell you about my granddaughter Ella
37:17 I probably have.
37:19 Look it, I love my granddaughter Ella
37:23 so in my mind she doesn't have fecal matter,
37:25 we call it poop.
37:27 What's wrong with poops? What's wrong with poop?
37:29 You can handle poop,
37:30 it's fecal matter that I can't stand.
37:34 When it's somebody you love
37:36 and by the way little Ella's daddy,
37:38 I have changed Kirk's diapers many, many times
37:41 without the gag reflex taking over.
37:44 If it were your diapers adios.
37:50 You see, it's the mindset that makes the difference.
37:53 It's the same poop.
37:57 The wretches under the control of Satan
38:00 who spat on Jesus' face during His trial
38:03 created a revolting moment of reversion
38:07 for the pure Son of God.
38:09 And listen, listen,
38:10 and yet when His friend Peter
38:13 falls under the same control of the same Satan
38:17 for a few desert moments that same night,
38:19 Jesus can look on Peter with mourn for love,
38:22 no wrenching now, why?
38:24 Because there is a difference. Oh, sure.
38:28 He loved His enemies out of principle
38:30 but oh, my how He loves you and me out of passionate love
38:34 for who we longed to be
38:40 or we can be and we pray to be.
38:48 You're no stranger to God.
38:51 You know, the impurity that change you
38:53 like a ball and metal links.
38:59 You are no stranger to God
39:01 and He is already set in motion away
39:05 to set you free.
39:07 He loves you too much.
39:08 He loves you doesn't matter to Him the chain.
39:12 He loves me.
39:15 Pure Michigan,
39:17 Pure Jesus, but pure me?
39:22 Yep.
39:25 One passage,
39:26 I want you to look at this, 1 John.
39:28 Very end of your Bible, 1 John just for revelation.
39:30 1 John unbelievable. Take a look at this.
39:33 These words are in your Bible.
39:36 1 John 3, get a feel for this.
39:40 1 John 3:1, oh, I love verse 1.
39:43 By the way,
39:45 in my humble opinion the New International Version
39:47 has best rendered verse of any translation around.
39:50 So I've got the NIV right here.
39:51 1 John 3:1,
39:53 "See what great love the Father has lavished..."
39:58 Oh, that word "Has lavished on us,
40:03 that we should be called children of God!"
40:06 And by the way,
40:07 that's not some day, no, no, no.
40:09 He is calling us that right now that we should be called
40:12 the children of God and that is what we are.
40:14 Not many, not years down the road
40:18 that you get your act together,
40:19 then you will be one of My favorite children.
40:21 No, no, right now you are His child.
40:24 See what love He has lavished on you and me
40:27 that we should be called children of God!
40:28 And that is what we are!
40:30 The reason the world does not know us
40:31 is that it did not know him."
40:34 I mean, how could you not love back a being
40:38 who has gone to the depths of the cesspool
40:43 of this rebellion out of love to pull us out.
40:47 How could you not love Him?
40:49 Verse 2, Verse 2, "Dear friends, now..."
40:54 John is really wanting us to get this.
40:55 This is, this is old man John.
40:57 Now this is John boy,
40:58 this is John boy has become old man John.
41:00 "Dear friends, now are we children of God,
41:04 and what we will be..."
41:06 Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
41:07 Now we are but don't,
41:08 Jesus takes us as we are you bet.
41:10 Good news of the gospel,
41:11 He takes us as we are but the good news of the gospel
41:14 also is He does not leave us just as we are.
41:17 He will take us that way but He won't leave us that way.
41:19 And as John is pointing right here.
41:21 "Dear friends, now we are children of God,
41:24 and what we will be has not yet been made known."
41:27 God is not finished with me.
41:29 Is He finished with you? Probably not.
41:31 So hold on, it will be made known.
41:34 One day it will click, you will say ah, "But we know..."
41:37 Keep reading, "But we know that when Christ appears..."
41:41 You see this is the great advent hope.
41:42 See that window over my head,
41:44 rose window this is the great advent home.
41:46 'We know that when Christ appears,
41:48 we shall be like him,
41:51 for we shall see him as he is."
41:56 Something happened along the way.
41:58 We got charmed into righteousness
42:00 and God just kept changing us, changing us,
42:02 changing us and when we finally see Him,
42:04 boom He says, "You're just like Him."
42:10 Paul says it over in 1 Corinthians 15:51
42:13 making the same point.
42:14 "We will all be changed in a flash,
42:16 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
42:19 When Jesus comes,
42:20 that's not talking about just the bodies by the way,
42:22 that's talking about our very spirit,
42:25 our very selves.
42:27 We'll all be changed just like that.
42:30 You know what, that's good news.
42:32 That's good news.
42:34 That's good news for somebody like you,
42:35 somebody like me.
42:36 We struggle day in and day out, we struggle.
42:39 Do you struggle too I mean, just day in and day out,
42:42 just a constant battle?
42:45 But the good news is what you--
42:47 look, you just stay with me.
42:49 You just stay with me
42:50 and when I return the final what God left,
42:53 I'll finish it.
42:55 Don't worry, I will finish what I started.
42:57 Oh, good you see. That's a great idea.
42:59 If God is gonna change me on the day of Jesus' return
43:01 and I'll just go ahead and keep on singing our old song
43:03 and until then I'll go on sinning.
43:08 No, it sounds like Oscar Wilde
43:11 who upon hearing of the gospel's good news
43:13 about God's great forgiveness.
43:15 Oscar Wilde,
43:17 you put the words on the screen please.
43:18 "This is a great idea. I love sinning.
43:20 God loves forgiving. Wonderful arrangement!"
43:23 What's not to like.
43:25 I get washed up right at the end.
43:27 No, sorry, Oscar, not so fast.
43:30 Because when you realize that it's your own sin,
43:33 when you realize your sins cost the death
43:36 of the most loving being in the universe,
43:39 why would you go on spitting in His face every day?
43:44 Why would you do that?
43:46 You would want to stop that because He loves you so deeply.
43:51 Wow, and then there's verse 3 one more.
43:55 "All who have this hope" the hope of Jesus return,
43:59 "All who have this hope in him..."
44:01 Our hope is in Him not in ourselves.
44:03 But watch this, this is a verb.
44:05 "All who have this hope all purify themselves..."
44:09 The verb says we do it.
44:11 "All purify themselves, just as he is pure."
44:17 Apparently you don't just sit back in the gospel and say,
44:20 "Let Jesus take care"
44:23 apparently He calls you into partnership.
44:27 How serious boy are you
44:28 about this pure business?
44:35 Want to know what the practical steps are
44:38 that you can,
44:39 you can purify yourself as John describes it here.
44:43 Jot them down.
44:44 All of these by the way,
44:45 these lines I'm gonna share with you they are often
44:47 in the little book Steps to Christ.
44:48 Here we go, jot them down please.
44:49 Number one, "If you long to be set free from impurity..."
44:52 Get this, ''Recognize this longing
44:55 as the voice of God to your soul.'"
44:59 Recognize, it's God's voice.
45:00 Some of you here are longing to be set free.
45:03 It doesn't matter you are longing that's God.
45:06 God says that's the great first step
45:08 you, you're ready to go.
45:11 Let's go. All right. Number two, jot it down.
45:13 "Ask God to give you repentance,
45:15 to reveal Christ to you in His infinite love,
45:18 in His perfect purity."
45:19 All of these lines from Steps to Christ.
45:21 Tell you what, you pull the gospel out every morning.
45:23 Every morning you get alone with Jesus
45:25 just one little story a day, you watch Jesus
45:29 and ask God to reveal Him to you
45:31 in His perfect purity.
45:32 Guess what?
45:33 God will reveal Christ,
45:35 the pure Jesus in places you never knew before.
45:38 I found one of those places this week.
45:39 Okay, so it's John 8, John 8,
45:41 which is the woman taken in adultery
45:43 thrown at Jesus' feet.
45:44 You remember the story John 8.
45:46 By the way where is the man? Where is the man?
45:49 Can't have adultery with just the woman.
45:51 Where is the man?
45:52 But they left the man out. It's a set up.
45:55 One author I was reading this week said this, says,
45:57 you know what, this is probably the scenario.
46:00 She was stripped to her waist.
46:02 This young woman was stripped to her waist
46:04 and made to stand in front of this capital "M"
46:07 Man in the crowd.
46:10 And there Jesus is looking at her.
46:14 Now I imagine Jesus just as much a red blooded male
46:17 as you and I are if you are male.
46:22 He is looking
46:23 but His communion with God is so fired up His heart,
46:26 so protected His mind that He can stand there
46:28 and not lust all over her.
46:29 He is looking at her as a child of God
46:31 that needs salvation.
46:33 Unmoved.
46:35 You watch pure Jesus in the gospels
46:37 what we behold we become.
46:42 I like the way Ed tells children stories.
46:44 Let's repeat that out loud together.
46:46 What we behold we become.
46:48 Oh, you didn't hear me like Ed would say.
46:50 Let's do that again out loud together.
46:52 "What we behold we become."
46:55 So love the universe, go to Jesus.
46:59 Number three, jot it down please.
47:00 "Seek for the purity of heart
47:02 that is in harmony with the law of God
47:04 and the character of Christ."
47:06 God's ten precepts for human happiness,
47:08 the Ten Commandments.
47:09 There are wall to protect us.
47:10 Hey, some of you from Brazil.
47:12 Karen and I as you remember were down in Brazil
47:14 back in May last year.
47:16 So they wanted to take us out
47:17 to see this beautiful wild canyon
47:18 and there they were signs
47:20 posted in English and Portuguese,
47:22 "Danger, do not get any closer to the edge."
47:28 That's what the law of God is, it's a huge sign.
47:30 The seventh commandment is about sexual impurity,
47:33 it's a huge sign, danger, don't get any closer,
47:36 you stay...stop.
47:38 Don't get any closer to the edge.
47:40 It's to protect us.
47:42 And by the way the law is a picture of Jesus in words.
47:44 It's His character.
47:45 Number four, jot it down.
47:47 "Do not put off the work of forsaking your sins,
47:50 and seeking purity of heart through Jesus."
47:53 Don't put it off.
47:54 No money honors when it comes to fleeing sexual impurity.
47:57 Cut it off, your right hand offends you, gone.
48:00 Your eye offends you, take your eye off.
48:02 What's He saying, act now.
48:04 Don't just sit there and say,
48:05 oh, please, I'm so helpless, I'm so weak.
48:07 No, take action. Don't put it off.
48:12 We need to have the-- This is Margaret Thatcher.
48:14 Some guy was once accosting her somehow,
48:17 put Margaret Thatcher's words on the screen
48:19 challenging that woman leader.
48:21 "Sir," she replied to him.
48:22 "Sir, I have done battle every single day of my life."
48:27 Don't you talk to me about fighting.
48:29 That's the same testimony we ought to offer up.
48:32 "I have done battle every single day of my life."
48:38 Peter Hubbard writes, put his words on the screen.
48:41 "We are not fighting a physical war,
48:44 but a spiritual one."
48:45 Sinclair Ferguson, he is quoting him
48:47 "explains, 'What then is this killing of sin?
48:50 It is the constant battle against sin
48:52 which we fight daily
48:54 the refusal to allow the eye to wander,
48:57 the mind to contemplate,
48:58 the affections to run after anything
49:00 which will draw us from Christ."
49:03 That's from Hubbard's book "Love into Light:
49:05 The Gospel, the Homosexual, and the Church."
49:11 Number five,
49:12 "Jesus desires to restore you to Himself
49:15 to see His own purity and holiness reflected in you."
49:20 Number six, "The less we see to esteem in ourselves,
49:24 the more we shall see to esteem in the infinite purity
49:27 and loveliness of our Savior."
49:28 And finally number seven,
49:30 "Christ in His purity and holiness,
49:32 Christ in His matchless love-
49:35 this is the for the soul's contemplation.
49:38 It is by loving Him, copying Him..."
49:43 What you behold, you become.
49:44 You copy Jesus.
49:46 Jesus says just follow Me, copy Me, go ahead, copy Me.
49:49 "It is by loving Him, copying Him,
49:51 depending wholly upon Him,
49:52 that you are to be transformed into His likeness."
49:56 Pure Jesus, oh, God,
49:59 let me become like my Savior.
50:04 Pure Jesus.
50:07 I would jump, put it here, "All who have this hope in Him
50:11 purify themselves just as He is pure."
50:15 Pure Michigan. Pure Jesus.
50:19 Pure me, you see that's God's promise.
50:23 I will take those sewer rags
50:24 you have been wearing a lot lately.
50:25 I'll take those sewer rags
50:27 and I'm gonna take throw them away
50:29 and I want to surround you
50:31 with a white spotless stainless robe
50:34 of Jesus' perfect purity.
50:37 And when I see you, I see pure Jesus.
50:41 You don't get any better than that.
50:43 But I must say in closing.
50:45 You know, what breaks my heart.
50:47 Just breaks my heart thinking about that Baptist pastor
50:51 and professor in the opening story
50:55 who was so overwhelmed by his guilt,
50:57 so shamed by his sin
50:59 that when the hackers published his name
51:01 took his own life.
51:07 Somehow he forgot
51:10 that someone had already taken his shame
51:14 and borne his guilt
51:17 and paid his penalty so that he could live.
51:20 He forgot that there was someone in this universe
51:23 who has promised the deep cleansing
51:27 of His lavish love.
51:29 I'll clean you, I promise do.
51:32 In fact, it's right here
51:33 chapter 1 of this book, put it on the screen.
51:35 One line, 1 John 1:7. How does it go?
51:38 "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
51:42 Not just sexual sin, no, no, no,
51:44 all sin because some of you are saying,
51:46 "Hey, man, this sex thing is no problem to me."
51:49 All sin,
51:53 the sin of impurity and every other sin washed away
51:57 by His purifying, cleansing blood
52:01 if you want.
52:05 And that's the key, if you want.
52:12 Pure Jesus.
52:15 Pure You.
52:17 Pure Me.
52:19 If we want,
52:22 if we ask.
52:25 Let us pray.
52:28 Oh, God, we ask, we ask, we ask
52:32 please get us out,
52:37 get us out of that pool, strip our rags.
52:45 Pure Jesus, that spotless, stainless robe
52:50 please wrap it around us.
52:56 We shiver in our nakedness,
52:58 but wrap it around us and then draw us to You.
53:03 Pure Jesus, pure us,
53:09 because the blood of the Lamb washes
53:14 as pure as the wind driven snow
53:20 for which we say thank you,
53:23 amen.
53:27 Let's receive our morning tithes and offerings.
53:29 Our ushers are here, yes they are.
53:31 Let's stand ushers and let's go.
53:33 We've had our prayer
53:34 and we're gonna sing a beautiful song
53:36 about Jesus paying it all
53:37 and washing me as white as snow.
54:02 I hear the Savior say
54:08 Thy strength indeed is small
54:12 Child of weakness, Watch and pray
54:17 Find in Me thine all in all
54:23 Jesus paid it all
54:28 All to Him I owe
54:32 Sin had left a crimson stain
54:38 He washed it white as snow
54:45 Lord, now indeed I find
54:50 Thy power, and Thine alone
54:56 Can change the leper's spots
55:00 And melt the heart of stone
55:05 Jesus paid it all
55:10 All to Him I owe
55:15 Sin had left a crimson stain
55:20 He washed it white as snow
55:28 Since nothing good have I
55:33 Whereby Thy grace to claim
55:38 I'll wash my garment white
55:43 In the blood of Calvary's Lamb
55:49 Jesus paid it all
55:54 All to Him I owe
55:59 Sin had left a crimson stain
56:05 He washed it white as snow
56:15 Here's the benediction from scripture.
56:16 What a dynamite promise.
56:20 "Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling
56:23 and to present you before his glorious presence
56:26 without spot and with great joy
56:32 to the only God our Savior
56:33 be glory, majesty, power and authority,
56:36 through Jesus Christ our Lord,
56:38 before all ages, now and forevermore!
56:43 Amen." Amen.
56:44 Amen.
56:56 May I take an extra moment with you
56:58 and let you know how grateful I am
56:59 that you joined us and worshiped today
57:01 and from viewers like you across the nation
57:04 and literally around the world and I'm thankful.
57:06 If you would like to explore further
57:08 what we've just shared,
57:09 I hope you will visit us at our website.
57:11 It's an easy one to remember
57:16 We are the Pioneer Memorial Church
57:18 here on the campus of Andrews University.
57:20 So that's
57:23 Click on to that website
57:25 and you will be able to listen to a podcast of this material,
57:27 you can download the presentation,
57:28 you can print off the study guide,
57:30 you may have a special prayer need
57:32 that you wish to share with our prayer partners
57:34 or you may wish to partner with us
57:35 through a personal donation to help reach this generation
57:38 with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:41 If you rather talk with someone,
57:42 call one of our friendly operators.
57:44 Here's the toll free number 877 and then the two words
57:47 HIS-WILL, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:51 In the meantime may the grace and peace of Jesus be yours
57:54 every step of this adventurous way.


Revised 2017-08-03