New Perceptions

Ellen White - Taste Them Again For The First Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP120410

04:25 Let's pray.
04:26 And then plunge into the last piece
04:30 in our series entitled "The Gift" this is it.
04:33 Let's pray together.
04:35 Dear God, in this season that begins where we
04:39 celebrate the coming of the Messiah the first time
04:42 in our hearts that set ablaze with a hope
04:44 of His return the second time.
04:46 We do come to that last piece, the last teaching.
04:50 May it be clear, may Holy Scriptures speak
04:54 in unequivocal tones and terms to us.
05:00 And what we hear, let us follow
05:04 as we follow our Lord Jesus Christ,
05:05 in His name we pray.
05:07 Amen.
05:09 When I was in school, in fact, when you were in school,
05:12 the favorite time of the day or the week besides recess
05:19 was when the teacher put her pencil down
05:21 and she said, "Boys and girls,
05:22 we're having show-and-tell today."
05:25 Three minutes of fame.
05:29 As you stand in front of your little friends
05:31 and you show what you found,
05:35 what you made, who you know,
05:40 whatever it was, show-and-tell.
05:42 Well, teacher says we can have a little show-and-tell today.
05:44 I want to share two items with you both headlines.
05:47 Three weeks ago, this headline came,
05:50 Cyberspace, one of the most respected
05:52 news organizations in the United States,
05:54 the Christian Science Monitor, three weeks ago.
05:59 The headline naturally would catch my eye.
06:02 Here's the headline, "For real education reform,
06:06 take a cue from the Adventists."
06:09 Well, he got my attention now.
06:12 Here we go, "Amidst all of the buzz on education reform,
06:14 the Seventh-day Adventist school system
06:16 might seem an unexpected place
06:18 to look for models in improving student achievement
06:20 but by educating mind, body and spirit,
06:23 Adventist schools outperform
06:24 the national average across all demographics.
06:29 Since 2006, as part of the cognitive genesis study
06:32 two colleagues and I," this is written by Elisa Kido.
06:35 "Two colleagues and I have been gathering data
06:37 on more than 50,000 students
06:38 enrolled in Seventh-day Adventist schools
06:40 unbeknownst to many the Adventist church runs
06:42 a Christian school system, second only in size
06:45 to the Roman Catholic parochial schools.
06:51 Even we were surprised by the results,
06:53 our four-year independently financed study show
06:55 that students at Adventist schools
06:57 outperformed their peers
06:59 at the national average in every subject area.
07:02 Our research shows the demographics
07:04 at Adventist schools are closer to those of public schools
07:08 and this is the shocker, closer to public schools
07:11 with high economic and socioeconomic diversity."
07:14 Because people says "Oh, yeah, yeah private school,
07:15 unique, you get the creme de la creme
07:17 and that's why you have the high scores."
07:19 No, we're just like public schools,
07:20 they look at our diversity.
07:22 Okay.
07:23 "Enrollment is open, many students are admitted
07:25 without the kind of screening for ability
07:26 that many other private schools employ.
07:28 In North America, the Adventist Church runs
07:30 almost a thousand schools, we're one of them.
07:33 Many of which are small and rural.
07:35 We found no relationship between the size of the school
07:38 that students attended and achievement,"
07:40 Isn't that great?
07:41 Some of you came from a very small school
07:44 and you are doing very well here
07:47 and we are very proud of you.
07:50 Good on you.
07:51 "So how do we account for the Adventist's advantage?
07:53 We believe it lies in the holistic approach
07:56 these schools take.
07:57 A commitment to educating mind, body and spirit."
08:00 Whoa.
08:02 Andrews University, our latin motto,
08:04 Mens, Corpus, Spiritus.
08:07 We believe in that, don't we?
08:08 "Unlike public schools, Adventist schools
08:10 across the country have a standard curriculum.
08:12 It includes the traditional three R's
08:14 along with emphasis on spiritual
08:15 and physical development.
08:16 There's a coherence and a connectedness
08:19 between Adventist schools
08:20 that doesn't often exist in other systems."
08:23 Final sentence, here it comes.
08:24 "True reform of the public school system
08:26 will take hard work and innovation,
08:29 but the Adventists provide a model
08:31 that can help reformers hit the reset button."
08:37 Show-and-tell, headline number one.
08:40 Here comes headline number two.
08:42 Hold it up here for you to see
08:44 the respected National Geographic magazine.
08:48 Here we go.
08:49 You can see the cover story, you see it?
08:51 "The Secrets of Living Longer," cover story.
08:55 So I'm curious now.
08:57 I open up my National Geographic.
08:59 "What if I said you could add up
09:01 to ten years to your life?
09:04 A long healthy life is no accident.
09:06 It begins with good genes,
09:07 but it also depends on good habits.
09:09 If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say,
09:11 chances are you may live up to a decade longer.
09:15 So with this study for funded in part
09:18 by the US National Institute on aging.
09:20 Scientist focused on several regions.
09:22 Sardinia, Italy, sent the crew there.
09:25 Okinawa, Japan, I've been there, sent a crew there.
09:28 Loma Linda, California,
09:30 researchers studied a group of Seventh-day Adventists
09:32 who rank among America's longevity all-stars,
09:35 they live the longest."
09:37 So I turned to this little section
09:40 called Adventists in the National Geographic.
09:42 Let me just read a line here.
09:43 "The Adventists church born during the era
09:45 of 19th century health reforms
09:47 that popularized organized vegetarianism,
09:50 the graham cracker and breakfast cereals.
09:52 John Harvey Kellogg was an Adventist
09:54 when he started making wheat flakes, cornflakes today.
09:58 Has Seventh-day Adventist church has always preached
10:00 and practiced a message of health.
10:02 It expressly forbids smoking, alcohol consumption,
10:06 and eating biblically unclean foods, such as pork.
10:08 It also discourages the consumption of other meat,
10:11 rich foods, caffeinated drinks
10:13 and stimulating condiments and spices."
10:15 Quoting now, someone, "Grains fruits, nuts
10:18 and vegetables constitute the diet,
10:20 chosen for us by our Creator," wrote Ellen White.
10:24 "An early figure that helped shape the Adventist church,
10:27 Adventists also observed the Sabbath on Saturday,
10:30 socializing with other church members
10:32 and enjoying a sanctuary in time
10:33 that helps relieve stress.
10:34 Today most Adventists follow the prescribed lifestyle,
10:37 a testimony perhaps to the power
10:38 of mixing health and religion."
10:41 You want to know what these two headlines have in common?
10:44 They have in common, the same 5'2" little woman,
10:50 whose writings have shaped the community of faith
10:53 that I'm privileged to belong to.
10:55 Ever read a book, Education?
10:57 I have. Amazing.
11:00 Ever read a book, Ministry of Healing?
11:01 I have. Amazing.
11:04 10 year advantage, please.
11:06 Amazing. What's up with that?
11:11 I mean, the word on the street is practically everything
11:14 she got, she borrowed from somebody else.
11:17 Well, you if that was true, you think about this, just--
11:20 Let's just be logical.
11:21 If she borrowed it all, how come nobody else
11:23 has come up with the same positive results?
11:27 Why they're making headlines?
11:31 How come the people who follow the principal
11:34 she wrote and championed
11:35 live up to 10 years longer than those who don't.
11:40 That's the question that intrigued
11:41 Australian ENT, ear, ear, nose
11:45 and throat specialist, Don McMahon.
11:48 In Loma Linda University biologist,
11:50 paleontologist researcher Leonard Brand,
11:52 they collaborated to find the answer.
11:54 I'm reading at the very last page
11:55 of their book, delightful little book,
11:57 I put the words on the screen for you.
11:58 "The critics claims that Ellen White's writings
12:01 can be explained as originating from strictly human sources
12:05 do not stand up to critical evaluation.
12:07 Dr. Don McMahon's research reveals
12:10 a dramatic difference in quality
12:12 between Mrs. White's health principles
12:14 and those advocated by other health reformers in the 1800s."
12:18 So they-- I photocopied this from their book.
12:20 So they-- they put some of the other health reforms.
12:23 These are the people that she could have borrowed from.
12:25 She could have borrowed these ideas.
12:27 Let's see, here's Sylvester Graham,
12:30 graham crackers, all right,
12:31 graham crackers, this is the guy.
12:34 This is, listen.
12:35 These are his health principles.
12:36 Don't heat your house, go naked.
12:43 Don't rock-- Parents, don't rock a baby to sleep.
12:48 Don't drink water, get liquids only from fruit.
12:52 Somebody is borrowing, fortunately left all that out.
12:56 Here's another health reformer contemporary
12:58 to Ellen White, William A. Alcott,
13:00 wear very little clothing even when it's cold.
13:03 These guys must have lived in California,
13:04 that's what I'm thinking.
13:06 Where do you come up with this stuff?
13:09 Don't use eyeglasses.
13:12 Don't comfort children, crying is good for them.
13:17 Avoid sweating in hot weather.
13:21 They didn't live in California. Okay, here's another one.
13:24 Larkin B. Coles, another contemporary.
13:26 Avoid excessive spitting. Well, that's good counsel.
13:30 Don't rock a child in a cradle. Don't nurse babies at night.
13:34 When you're supposed to nurse them?
13:37 Just wait till day. Drink little water.
13:40 Here's another guy, James C. Jackson,
13:42 don't wear black.
13:47 Why are you laughing at me for?
13:53 Marital sexual activity is dangerous to your health.
13:59 Rubbing the body with the hands will substitute for a bath.
14:02 You're right. Okay.
14:05 So McMahon the specialist and the researcher Brand,
14:09 they examine what's happening to her contemporaries.
14:12 She's leaving all this behind.
14:13 What she comes up with gives you
14:14 a 10 year advantage today.
14:16 Something's going on here, these men conclude.
14:18 I'll put it on the screen for you.
14:20 Take a careful note of this.
14:21 "This difference between the health reformers indicates
14:24 that Mrs. White had health information
14:26 that could not have come from any human source
14:29 available anywhere at the time she lived and wrote."
14:33 It just didn't exist.
14:35 The stuff was not around
14:36 for a 10 year advantage back then.
14:38 Where did she get it from? Keep reading.
14:41 "At least in the area of health,
14:43 our research has provided evidence
14:45 that demands an extra biblical, that means outside the Bible,
14:48 extra human, outside of human,
14:50 source of information to account
14:53 for the accuracy of her health principles."
14:56 Amazing. Amazing.
15:00 Reminds me, of these words to God,
15:03 to the children of Israel,
15:04 the chosen people on their way
15:06 to the Promised Land, liberated from Egypt.
15:08 This is Exodus 15:26, God speaking to Israel,
15:11 "If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God
15:15 and do what is right in His sight
15:17 give ear to His commandments, keep all the His statutes,"
15:19 those health embedded health principles
15:21 in the mosaic writings.
15:23 "Keep all the statues, I will put none of the diseases
15:27 on you which I have brought on the Egyptians.
15:29 For I am the Lord who heals you."
15:33 Amazing. Up to a 10 year advantage.
15:38 Wow.
15:39 Maybe the Creator of our bodies really does know what's best.
15:43 And maybe, just maybe that little 5'2" woman
15:46 really was divinely inspired to lead her readers
15:49 back to the timeless principles of this book right here.
15:53 Which is why by the way, we might understand now
15:57 the ending that the Christmas story has to it.
16:00 Lot of people don't know this.
16:03 Well, they just say, God, John just forgot--
16:05 I mean, they read the Gospel of John,
16:06 there's no Christmas story in the Gospel of John.
16:08 He forgot it, no, he didn't forget it,
16:09 he was saving it.
16:11 He embedded it into his apocalypse,
16:14 the dramatic apocalypse and I want to go there today,
16:16 the dramatic Christmas story, the cryptic Christmas story.
16:19 The moment you read these words, you will just say,
16:21 "Oh, yeah, that's Christmas, all right."
16:22 Open your Bible, please to the Bible's last book
16:24 written by John, Book of Revelation.
16:27 Revelation 12.
16:30 You didn't bring your Bible, you got to see this,
16:32 this will be page 829 in the pew Bible.
16:35 Revelation 12. Look at this.
16:38 The cryptic Christmas story, yeah, you'll see it.
16:41 You'll say, "Well, that is Christmas right there."
16:44 I'm in the New King James Version today,
16:46 any translation you have, it's fine with me.
16:50 All right.
16:51 Revelation 12:1, "Now--" John's envision.
16:55 All right, that's what happens to prophet, they get visions.
16:57 God shows them what others cannot see.
17:01 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven,
17:03 a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,
17:08 and on her head a garland,"
17:09 now the Greek word for garland there is Stephanus,
17:11 from whence comes our word Stephanie or Stephen.
17:15 All right, it's a--it's a wreath,
17:17 you cross the finish line in the ancient Olympus races,
17:21 you get this wreath.
17:22 It's the conqueror, it's the winner.
17:24 "On her head a garland of twelve stars."
17:26 All right, let's just put an artist portrayal of that.
17:29 Okay, there she is. There's the woman.
17:31 Now in Revelation a pure woman
17:33 such as this one represents God's true community of faith.
17:36 If there's an impure woman and she appears in Chapter 17,
17:39 she's called the prostitute, the whore or the harlot.
17:42 That represents the fallen system
17:44 a fake, counterfeit truth.
17:46 All right.
17:47 So that the two are just opposed in the apocalypse,
17:49 the pure woman, this is the pure woman here.
17:52 Keep reading, verse 2.
17:53 "Then being with child," oh, oh, that woman
17:56 that we just saw is pregnant.
17:58 "Then being with child, she cried out in labor
18:01 and in pain to give birth."
18:04 And then watch this, John says, when I'm watching verse 3.
18:07 "Another sign appeared in heaven,
18:09 behold, a great fiery red dragon having seven heads
18:12 and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads."
18:15 Let's see that dragon now on that screen.
18:18 Whoa. Found him in Google.
18:23 I typed in dragon, Revelation 12
18:25 and that's what I got.
18:26 Isn't that something?
18:27 Hey, by the way, who's the dragon in this prophecy?
18:30 Who's a dragon? Verse 9, it's clear.
18:32 The dragon, that old serpent called the devil and Satan,
18:36 we know who the dragon is.
18:38 The dragon is Satan. Okay. So now let's go.
18:40 Here Satan appears in verse 3, here goes verse 4 now.
18:43 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven
18:46 and threw them to the earth."
18:47 Those are clearly members of the family
18:49 of God's angels who joined with him.
18:51 This is the origin of demons by the way.
18:53 There are demons, that's not a figment
18:55 of my imagination, they're fallen angels.
18:57 A third of them were drawn to this rebellion by Lucifer,
19:00 the fallen one and the dragon, now here it goes.
19:02 "And the dragon stood before the woman
19:04 who was ready to give birth,
19:06 to devour her Child as soon as it was born."
19:09 Now we're getting to the Christmas story.
19:11 What happened in that Christmas story?
19:13 Who was poised, ready as soon as the Christ child is born?
19:16 And who is the front man for the dragon?
19:19 Who is the front man? King Herod.
19:21 Ready to devour that baby as soon as it's born.
19:25 This is the cryptic Christmas story
19:26 and it's in fast forward.
19:27 Watch this.
19:29 Verse 5, "So she bore a male Child
19:32 who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron."
19:34 That's a messianic sign, symbol rather.
19:36 Straight out of Psalm 2. She bore the Messiah.
19:39 "And her child was caught up to heaven and gone.
19:43 That's the whole story, his whole life
19:44 in half a sentence, because that's the point.
19:48 The point is the dragon in this story.
19:50 The dragon and the woman, the woman.
19:53 What happens to the woman? Verse 6.
19:55 "Then the woman--" after he was ascended to heaven.
19:57 "Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
19:59 where she has a place prepared by God,
20:01 that they should feed her there
20:03 one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
20:05 In Bible prophecy, a day equals a year, that's 1,260 years.
20:08 The dark and middle ages now. Whoa.
20:11 She goes underground, the community of faith
20:13 goes underground preserving divine truth
20:16 for a ruthless power seeks to exterminate
20:22 that truth and that community.
20:25 Long dark and middle ages.
20:28 Well, just read-- just drop down to verse 13,
20:30 "And when the dragon saw
20:31 that he had been cast to the earth,"
20:32 and by the way that happened at Calvary.
20:34 This chapter's clear, Calvary,
20:35 when Jesus said it is finished on the cross,
20:37 over, it's curtains for Satan and he knows it.
20:40 He's cast to the earth fully.
20:42 "Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast
20:44 to the earth, he persecuted the woman
20:46 who gave birth to the male Child."
20:48 I can't get at my antagonist, I cannot get it.
20:52 I will kill the woman that gave birth to him.
20:57 Now, fast forward all the way to the end of the chapter.
20:59 This is the final generation at the end of time
21:02 that is faithful to God.
21:04 Seed of the woman, watch this. Verse 17.
21:07 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
21:11 and he went to make war
21:13 with the rest of her offspring,"
21:16 King James says with the remnant.
21:17 That what's comes at the very end.
21:19 He went to make war with that at the very end.
21:21 Who are these people?
21:22 Oh, these are they who keep the commandments of God.
21:25 And notice this, have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
21:30 Ladies and gentlemen, there it is.
21:31 Did you catch that line?
21:32 And the dragon was enraged, raged with the woman.
21:39 That's what happened at Christmas.
21:41 By the way, that's what's happening today.
21:43 Now you know, now you know.
21:46 Because if we take a look at this woman
21:48 and her end time children.
21:49 Do you see what they have?
21:51 The Greek word here is very clear,
21:53 it can be translated, they possess.
21:55 They don't have the commandments of God.
21:56 God has those. They're radically loyal to God.
21:59 They only have one solitary possession
22:01 and what is that possession?
22:02 They possess the testimony of Jesus Christ,
22:06 that's what they possess.
22:07 Final community, what's the testimony of Jesus Christ?
22:09 Revelation-- We've been there a few weeks ago.
22:11 Just a little refresher, Revelation 19:10,
22:13 we put it up here, direct quote,
22:14 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
22:20 That means we found out from Revelation 22,
22:22 that means there is the presence
22:23 of a divinely inspired prophet in the midst of the community.
22:27 I'm not making this up, this is in the apocalypse.
22:34 So here's a question we need to be asking,
22:35 really here's the question.
22:37 Why has the dragon, this evil grinch
22:39 that almost destroyed the first Christmas?
22:42 Why has the dragon from the very beginning
22:43 of time been so enraged at the gift of prophecy,
22:46 at the spirit of prophecy, at the testimony of Jesus?
22:49 Why has he always slaughtered the prophets?
22:51 John the Baptist.
22:54 Why has he being going after the prophets?
22:57 I tell you why? This isn't rocket science.
22:59 Now the answer is very simple.
23:01 Because the gift of prophecy
23:05 through it, God shines a massive halogen light
23:11 straight into that dark secret layer of the dragon
23:16 and exposes his secrets
23:19 and brings to light his deceptions.
23:23 And so the dragon is enraged at the woman, a killer.
23:29 Now snuff out that light.
23:34 You see, the bright halogen light
23:37 closes in on the mo, the modus operandi of the dragon.
23:42 For example, how he uses diet?
23:46 What we're eating, what we drink
23:47 to control how we think?
23:49 Now light suddenly shines,
23:51 you don't want to be under that control.
23:53 Watch what you eat, watch what you drink.
23:56 There's another for example. How he uses reading material.
24:02 You watch that goes through into your brain
24:05 and onto the hard disk.
24:06 How he uses that to open the door of your life,
24:08 straight to his attack.
24:10 Now light shines, look out for what you read.
24:13 What you watch, what you hear, be very careful, he wants it.
24:19 That's what the-- that's what
24:20 the halogen light of the spirit of prophecy does.
24:22 It illumines the fallen culture of a doomed planet.
24:30 Don't be marinated in that culture.
24:33 It exposes philosophical confusion,
24:36 it exposes false record,
24:37 hey, we got time, man, I got time.
24:40 This world's not coming to an end.
24:41 Bright halogen the hiss of the serpent,
24:45 the dragon, all exposed.
24:47 I tell you what, if I were the dragon,
24:49 I would be, I would be tip to high heavens
24:54 over that bright halogen light.
24:56 Because by the way, the bright light,
24:57 not only exposes the end game of Lucifer,
24:59 it also exposes the strategy
25:02 and end game of Almighty God Himself.
25:05 So that when you and I think curtains, there's no hope,
25:08 we might as well give up our faith and surrender.
25:10 That light shines, it says,
25:11 don't you let go, I'm coming soon.
25:14 When you see these things begin to come to pass,
25:16 sit up, sit up, sit up, I'm coming soon.
25:18 Hang on.
25:19 It gives us hope in a future.
25:22 If I were the dragon, I would obliterate this gift, please.
25:27 In fact, if I were the dragon,
25:29 there are two diabolical strategies
25:31 that I would resort to.
25:32 May I put them on the screen for you?
25:34 Two strategies, if I were the dragon.
25:36 Strategy number one, I would ravage the author,
25:40 "I would ravage the author and her writings
25:43 so that no one will read her."
25:47 If I were the dragon I would raise up every critic
25:49 I could find in an effort to destroy the credibility
25:52 of that little 5'2" woman and a prophetic gift.
25:55 I would seek to destroy her influence,
25:57 I would seek to cast down on her integrity.
25:59 I would accuse her of the basest of motives
26:01 that I could possibly concoct, because if she is read,
26:06 if she is read, I am exposed and I lose big-time.
26:14 Destroy it, destroy it.
26:18 Two strategic plans, the other is the very opposite,
26:22 put the second one up.
26:23 "I would overemphasize the author and her writings
26:27 so that no one will read her."
26:28 Either strategy, they don't read her.
26:31 What's the strategy number two?
26:32 I'd find well-meaning but fanatical people
26:34 who use her writings to beat others over the head.
26:37 I'd raise a generation of baby boomers,
26:39 many of whom appeared to have experienced
26:41 that sort of legalistic punitive use
26:43 of her writings when they were young
26:44 and I would make those baby boomer parents
26:46 so gun-shy over the Spirit of Prophecy
26:48 that they would end up neglecting
26:51 to teach their children
26:52 the immensity and value of the divine gift,
26:54 so that I would have an entire generation
26:56 in the university right now.
26:57 An entire generation that has not been exposed to her
27:01 because of their parents' gun-shy timidity.
27:04 That's what I would do.
27:07 I wouldn't want them to know that now was the time,
27:09 forget what your mom and dad did.
27:11 Don't do what your mom and dad did.
27:13 Read it for yourself.
27:14 I wouldn't want them to know that.
27:17 Either extreme, I win
27:19 because nobody reads her that way.
27:25 Pretty bright dragon. Pretty smart dragon.
27:29 Which is why I'm grateful
27:30 for the very bright mind of the scholar
27:34 who is the namesake of Andrews University.
27:37 Now go, come on, help me out here.
27:39 We surely wouldn't have named our university after someone
27:42 who was not intellectually bright and biblically literate.
27:46 Now would we have? No.
27:49 Having established that point.
27:52 Then please listen to what J.N. Andrew says
27:55 about this end-time community and the gift of prophecy.
27:59 In February, 15, 1870 issue, the Review and Herald Magazine,
28:03 Andrews lays out 20 sure points to express
28:05 what Seventh-day Adventists believe
28:07 about the Bible teaching of spiritual gifts
28:08 and Ellen White's prophetic ministry in this church.
28:11 I'm not gonna share the 20 with you,
28:12 I'm gonna share just the last two.
28:13 All right.
28:14 Number 19, I put it on the screen for you.
28:15 Number 19, here it is.
28:17 This is the namesake of this university writing.
28:20 "One of the chief gifts of the Spirit of God
28:22 that he has placed in the New Testament church
28:24 is the gift of prophecy."
28:25 And there are list of texts. All right.
28:28 "This gift the Bible connects with the closing work
28:31 of this age, this dispensation."
28:33 There are those next texts.
28:34 Spiritual gifts do not, here's the keeper for 19.
28:37 "Spiritual gifts, therefore,
28:38 do not cease to be of importance
28:40 in the sight of God at the end of time."
28:42 No, no, no, just go all the way to the end.
28:44 "Nor of importance to his true people.
28:47 And that message which is to accomplish the perfecting,
28:50 the shaping of the saints to fit them for translation,
28:53 for the return of Christ.
28:55 That message has the Spirit of God connected with it."
28:59 The Holy Spirit is in the think of the gift of prophecy.
29:03 I dismiss that gift, I'm dismissing him.
29:05 Hey, I don't need you. He's in the thick of it.
29:08 Of course, he is. Now here comes number 20.
29:12 This is where I can tell
29:14 we chose the right one, bright mind.
29:17 Notice the balance, notice the careful balance here.
29:19 Number 20, on the screen for you.
29:20 "Finally, in the reception of members into our churches,"
29:23 all right, so you're bringing people in.
29:25 "We desire on this subject to know two things."
29:27 You want to come and join
29:28 my community of faith, two things.
29:30 "Number one, we desire to know
29:33 that they believe the biblical doctrine,
29:35 the Bible doctrine of Spiritual gifts."
29:36 Well, that's not rocket science,
29:37 every Christian today believes in the doctrine
29:39 of Spiritual gifts is right here.
29:40 And the Spiritual gifts go all the way
29:42 to the end of time, very clear from Holy Scripture.
29:44 All right, so number one, that's what we ask
29:45 and then number two, watch this.
29:47 "That they will candidly acquaint themselves
29:50 with the visions, the writings of Ellen White,
29:54 which have ever held
29:55 so prominent place in this work.
29:57 We believe that every person standing
29:59 thus, you do these two.
30:00 Carrying out this purpose will be guided in the way
30:02 of truth and righteousness."
30:03 Now the last sentence is the key point.
30:06 And these are my italics.
30:07 And these who occupy this ground,
30:10 are never denied all the time
30:14 they desire to decide this matter."
30:17 You can have all the time you wish.
30:19 You don't have to come to the conclusion I come to.
30:22 Now take all the time you wish.
30:24 Study the Biblical teaching of Spiritual gifts.
30:26 Read from Ellen White's writings.
30:28 Take your time, be a stern as you can possibly be
30:31 and then, here's what you ask yourself,
30:33 ask yourself, when I read her writings,
30:36 am I tasting the fruit of the testimony of Jesus?
30:40 Is this the fruit? You know what?
30:43 I'm just as confident as John Nevins Andrews,
30:45 that if you'll do that, I just trust you
30:47 and God to work it all out.
30:49 You don't have to talk to me about it, you just do it.
30:52 I trust the Holy Spirit to lead you.
30:55 So you're saying, Dwight, what do we do next?
30:58 I say we embrace
30:59 the great Kellogg's cornflakes marketing strategy
31:03 from a few years ago.
31:04 Let's put Kellogg's cornflakes,
31:05 make us hungry just for a moment.
31:07 Taste them again.
31:08 Wasn't that, that was brilliant.
31:10 Taste them again for the first time.
31:14 You say, come on, Dwight, how can you do that?
31:15 How can you do something again for the first time?
31:17 But of course that's the whole point, isn't it?
31:20 You can't but of course you can.
31:24 But of course is the message, come back to what you thought
31:26 you gave up when you grew up, come back to it.
31:30 Now look, when I grew up, I grew up in Japan.
31:33 Let me tell you about the breakfast cereals in Japan.
31:34 We had hot soggy oatmeal.
31:39 All right, God bless my mother.
31:42 It was good.
31:44 We had hot soggy oatmeal
31:45 or because we have a college in Japan
31:46 as well schools are all over there.
31:48 They produced granola,
31:49 so we had granola or hot soggy oatmeal.
31:51 When we came home on furlough,
31:53 back to the United States
31:54 and we step for the first time into an American supermarket
31:58 and saw that there are miles of shells
32:01 of American breakfast cereal.
32:04 We think that we are dining on heaven.
32:06 I mean, can you believe it,
32:09 they even have something called frosted flakes to die for.
32:16 Whoa.
32:18 Of course, now that I'm grown up,
32:22 I did out the much more sophisticated palates.
32:26 Kenny frosted flakes now, Karen says so.
32:32 Ah, well, that's the whole point
32:33 of the marketing strategy, come back to what you thought
32:37 you gave up when you grew up.
32:38 Come on, come on back,
32:40 taste them again for the first time.
32:42 Go back to what nourished you when you were a child.
32:45 Open up another box of cornflakes,
32:48 eat, eat and enjoy.
32:52 What if we all did that, what if we all decide.
32:54 Okay, I'm gonna read a book or two of Ellen White's
32:57 for the first time, we call for the first time
32:58 I'll pick up a book and it will be just like
33:00 I'm reading it for the first time.
33:01 I pretend like I never read it before
33:03 with new eyes now, I experience what has always been there.
33:07 What would happen?
33:09 If you and I began to read
33:10 writings of Ellen White, guess what?
33:12 We don't have to,
33:13 we don't have to wonder what will happen.
33:14 Because two friends of mine
33:16 have done the empirical research.
33:18 Now this is gonna blow you out of the water.
33:20 Have done the empirical research,
33:21 two very respected and rigorous researchers
33:25 have done their research, who are my friends,
33:27 Roger Dudley, Des Cummins Jr.
33:31 They did this research, get this.
33:33 They surveyed more than 8,200 members
33:37 of a 193 Seventh-day Adventist churches across North America.
33:40 Their research empirically has confirmed on a broad scale
33:43 what many of us have experienced
33:45 on a deeply personal level.
33:46 And I can hardly wait to share this with you.
33:47 There they were measuring
33:49 20 different categories of spiritual life
33:52 with one of the categories being this question,
33:54 whether those surveyed were regular readers
33:56 of the writings of Ellen White or not.
33:58 The results are stunning
34:00 and they're on the back of your study guide
34:02 which we'd not fill in the day, it's just a take-home.
34:05 So pull your study guide out right now
34:06 and deacons will you please make sure
34:08 that everybody here 'cause you're gonna want this graph.
34:10 Everybody here gets this,
34:11 just go ahead and stand right up now,
34:13 start moving down the aisle
34:14 and make sure you get this piece.
34:17 This is the keeper, you don't have to fill it out.
34:19 You want to have the peace and then I'll go to the graph
34:22 and I want to little belatedly now welcome all of you
34:24 who are watching on television delighted to have you.
34:26 I want you to be please to have the same graph.
34:28 So go to our website.
34:30 Put it on the screen for you right now.
34:32 There it is
34:35 Go to that website, Pioneer Memorial Church,
34:40 This is the last in the series, man, the semester is gone.
34:43 Series has been the gift, the final piece,
34:46 Ellen White, "Taste them again for the first time."
34:49 When you see that teaching title,
34:50 it's says study guide beneath it,
34:53 you click that and you will have the same graph,
34:54 you'll have all the material, I am sharing this morning
34:57 and you won't have to fill out a single line.
35:00 That's a little holiday break for you.
35:02 All right.
35:04 So let's take a look at this graph.
35:06 Just hold your hand, if you sitting in overflow,
35:07 make sure you get this graph.
35:09 All right, I'm not gonna wait any longer just be patient,
35:11 they're coming your way.
35:13 But I want to put,
35:14 I want to pull this graph out myself first, okay.
35:17 So here's the graph.
35:18 Let me draw your attention to this.
35:20 Okay, so they're two bars, the top bar, the lighter bar
35:23 are the readers of Ellen White.
35:25 The dark bar, the non readers.
35:27 Okay. Let's find out.
35:29 They asked, everybody surveyed over 8,200 people.
35:31 They ask them, do you have
35:33 a strong relationship with Jesus Christ?
35:37 85% of those who read Ellen White
35:41 regularly, say yes, I do.
35:44 59% of those who do not read her, said yes, I do.
35:50 Now I want to get the differences.
35:52 That's a 26 percent spread.
35:56 Do you have a strong relationship with Jesus?
35:58 Those who read her, say, yeah, I do, way more.
36:04 Also look at the next one, what is this one.
36:06 Do you have the assurance of being right with God?
36:08 Do you have that security, that assurance right now?
36:11 82% of those who read Ellen White says, yes I do.
36:13 59% of those who don't read Ellen White say, yes I do.
36:16 Look at that spread.
36:20 Let's drop down, here's another one.
36:21 Feel well prepared, you see that,
36:22 feel well prepared for witnessing.
36:24 49% said yep, 24% said no, look at that spread.
36:29 Let's drop down another one.
36:31 I thought this was significant. Daily personal Bible study.
36:34 You see that one.
36:36 82% of those who read Ellen White say,
36:39 I read the Bible every single day.
36:41 Now if it were a false prophet,
36:43 we would expect the reaction, it would be no,
36:44 I don't need the Bible anymore, I found another prophet.
36:48 Isn't that amazing?
36:49 82% of the people who read Ellen White say,
36:52 you bet, I read the Bible every single day.
36:55 How about those who don't read her?
36:56 47%, 35% point spread.
37:02 Something is happening here,
37:05 not rocket science, it's called research.
37:09 One more I'll have you take a look at,
37:10 it's next, third from the last.
37:11 Have daily family worship.
37:13 I want to speak to the parents
37:14 who were up here just a moment ago.
37:17 Notice this, those who read Ellen White,
37:21 daily family worship, 70% of them.
37:23 Those who don't read Ellen White, only 42% of them.
37:25 You want a little something to boost you,
37:28 as you raise your children, read,
37:31 read, taste them again for the first time read, read.
37:38 Wow.
37:40 As you can note in everyone
37:42 of the 20 spiritual life categories surveyed
37:44 the regular readers of Ellen White scored higher
37:46 than the non readers in their conclusions.
37:48 I'd put Dudley's and Cummings' conclusion
37:52 on the screen for you.
37:53 "Seldom does a research study find the evidence
37:57 so heavily weighted toward one conclusion.
37:59 In the church grow survey, on every single item that deals
38:02 with personal attitudes or practices of spiritual life,
38:05 the member who regularly studies Ellen White's books
38:08 tends to rank higher than does the member
38:10 who reads them only occasionally or never."
38:15 Which means, ladies and gentlemen,
38:16 if you will, if you will taste them again.
38:19 When you taste them again for the first time,
38:21 you're reading of the writings of Ellen White
38:23 will open the door, I believe to a deeper walk with Christ
38:27 and a more meaningful life of service with Him.
38:32 Taste them again for the first time.
38:37 You say, come on, Dwight, there are over 130 titles
38:39 that bare her name, where am I gonna start?
38:41 It's a fair question.
38:42 I say, let's start with the Testimony of Jesus.
38:45 Let's start with the Testimony of Jesus.
38:47 I'm gonna recommend three classics and then sit down.
38:49 Here they are, I have right here
38:50 in the podium with me, three classics.
38:52 Put it on the screen, classic number one.
38:55 Steps to Christ, I've right here.
38:57 Steps to Christ this short Christian classic,
38:59 I went into Wikipedia and found out
39:00 this is translated somewhere between 135 and 140 languages,
39:04 it's the most translated book she has,
39:06 Steps to Christ, right here.
39:08 I shared this with you a few weeks ago.
39:10 This little book when I was in graduate school
39:11 at Andrews University, this little book
39:13 is what sparked my re-conversion to Jesus.
39:15 This, the reading of this little book,
39:17 it's why I'm so big on the book.
39:19 In fact, you know what,
39:21 I want you to have this book, You may have it.
39:23 When you leave today at the Welcome stations,
39:25 you don't have one of these, stop by and pick it up.
39:28 We got one for you, take one.
39:30 When you comeback from holidays,
39:32 we're not gonna have 40 days of prayer,
39:34 we're gonna have 31 days of prayer,
39:35 we're gonna wait till you're back,
39:36 so we don't start till January.
39:38 When you come back from the holidays,
39:40 we're gonna take this little book
39:42 and it's gonna be the text that we,
39:44 that we work our way through.
39:45 Somebody on Facebook,
39:46 we will give you the address when you get back.
39:48 Somebody on Facebook
39:49 has divided this book into 31 daily readings.
39:52 We will give you that when you come back,
39:54 more on that later.
39:55 Get the book, taste them again for the first time.
40:00 All right, classic number one is Steps to Christ.
40:03 Classic number two, I'm really excited about this one
40:06 for more reasons than one.
40:09 Classic number two, Desire of Ages.
40:11 Hands down, outside of the Bible,
40:13 this happens to be my most favorite book of all.
40:16 But I've got a brand new edition
40:18 right here in my hands, I need the camera
40:19 to pull in as closer as you can see it.
40:21 This is a new edition.
40:22 My friend Jerry Patzer, now sleeps in Jesus.
40:26 One of his projects before he died
40:28 was to work for the publishers, he said, listen, you know what,
40:30 the King James, oh, I agree with him,
40:32 the King James makes this really tough reading.
40:35 Could you pull all the King James out,
40:36 put New King James in, sometimes NIV,
40:39 Sometimes New American Standard, just put it in.
40:42 A friend of Jerry sent this book to me last February
40:44 and I started reading it, read it through.
40:47 I tell you what, what a difference.
40:49 Amazing. You're gonna love it.
40:51 This is the book, the classic in the life of Jesus.
40:56 A second feature by the way
40:57 and that's why I'm holding this up.
40:58 'Cause I need you to come in on.
40:59 The second feature is that publishers decided
41:02 to hire the award-winning artist, Daryl Tank
41:05 to give a pencil sketch, scenes from the life of Jesus
41:08 at the beginning of every chapter,
41:10 this is his pencil sketch for Calvary.
41:11 By the way the most moving chapter
41:13 I've ever read anywhere in literature on Calvary
41:16 is the one titled Calvary in this book.
41:19 It will change you just by reading it, I promise.
41:22 Anyway this is a pencil sketch, they've kind of doctored it up
41:25 with some color for the cover.
41:26 I prop this book up where I worship every morning,
41:28 just so that I can look at that cover.
41:30 And remind myself there's the Victor.
41:34 There's the winner in this cosmic battle
41:38 that you and I are engaged in.
41:39 Wow.
41:41 But beyond all of that, I'm quite confident
41:42 that you'll never read a more inspiring
41:44 and life changing portrayal
41:45 of the life of Jesus than this book.
41:47 I've been blessed to read it a dozen times.
41:50 Hey, listen, you can read, look,
41:51 you can read this for your devotions.
41:53 At the bottom of every chapter, there are the gospel references
41:57 where the chapter is based on.
41:58 You could read a chapter a day,
41:59 you could read a chapter a week, who cares.
42:01 "Taste them again for the first time."
42:03 It's the testimony of Jesus. Take a look at your savior.
42:09 You will never be the same again.
42:10 "Taste them again for the first time."
42:12 All right, two classics, "Steps to Christ."
42:14 "Desire of Ages."
42:15 Here's the third, hands down "The Great Controversy."
42:20 Hands down, this is the most dramatically influential book
42:23 Ellen White ever wrote.
42:26 This book, trust me has been read in high places.
42:32 I have three scholar friends
42:35 who became Christian of this community of faith
42:40 after reading this book, Great Controversy.
42:46 You know what this book does?
42:48 It concentrates on the books of Daniel and Revelation.
42:51 And like no other book that you'll ever read
42:54 unveils the end game of both Christ and Satan
42:57 in the final chapter of earth's history.
42:58 It's all exposed.
43:00 Bright halogen light right here.
43:03 I'm warning you.
43:05 You will never be the same again
43:07 if you read this book.
43:08 Promise you.
43:09 Listen to this, Ellen White describing this book,
43:11 here's what she says about the book.
43:12 Put it on the screen.
43:13 "The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated.
43:17 It contains the story of the past,
43:19 the present, and the future.
43:22 In its outline of the closing scenes of this earth's history,
43:25 it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth.
43:27 I am more anxious to see
43:28 a wide circulation for this book
43:30 than for any others I have written,
43:33 for in The Great Controversy, the last message
43:35 of warning to the world is given more distinctly
43:37 than in any of my other books."
43:40 Now I want to say something to some of you.
43:42 If you're a pastor and I know, I've got a bunch of colleagues
43:47 who listen on the radio and watch on television,
43:49 if you're a pastor or a spiritual leader,
43:51 I want you to read this book.
43:54 I've given my copy of this particular one,
43:56 because this is the other one Jerry worked on two
43:59 that has the New King James Version in it.
44:01 I gave my copy
44:02 to a South Bend Pentecostal pastor friend of mine.
44:05 He is reading my copy. I want you to get this book.
44:11 Open it up, just lay everything aside,
44:13 say, okay, okay, okay, I'll check it out.
44:15 Listen, George Barna,
44:18 the celebrated Christian demographer.
44:20 Everybody knows George Barna.
44:22 George Barna surveyed American clergy, asked them,
44:25 what is the most influential writers you are reading?
44:28 And get this, for pastors under the age of 40.
44:33 Okay 40 and younger, they mention,
44:36 in fact Barna uses the word,
44:37 they championed the author Ellen White.
44:42 Three authors and she was one of those three.
44:45 Pastors 40 and under are reading this book.
44:48 I'm telling you what ladies and gentleman,
44:49 she is no longer the best kept secret
44:53 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
44:54 Every denomination the survey, 40 and under,
44:59 we read an author named Ellen White.
45:02 What up with that?
45:07 Readable, compelling this would be
45:08 a prophetic page turner for you.
45:10 Get the book, three classics, "Steps to Christ."
45:12 "Desire of Ages." "The Great Controversy."
45:16 By the way, I need to tell you this,
45:18 these three are part of a five volume series,
45:23 it's called "The Conflict of the Ages Series."
45:27 Takes the entire story of the Bible
45:28 from Genesis through the Revelation
45:30 and in a sweeping panorama of sacred history.
45:35 The five books describe God's activity on this planet.
45:39 You can get the other two here, one here.
45:43 I want you to ponder for a moment,
45:45 the words of a theologian who researched
45:48 these five books, called the Conflict of the Ages.
45:50 I put his words on the screen, his name is Joseph Battistone.
45:53 These are his words.
45:54 "The 'Conflict of the Ages Series'
45:56 is in many respects a theological masterpiece."
46:01 I believe the five are Ellen White's magnum opus,
46:04 the greatest writing that she's done, those five.
46:07 He goes on, "In a unique way
46:08 Ellen White unfolds the drama, the drama of the most
46:11 significant controversy in human history,
46:13 she identifies the main issues in the conflict,
46:14 and demonstrates their relevance for each individual.
46:17 In a simple way she provides answers
46:19 to some of the most vexing questions
46:21 relating to the human dilemma,
46:22 those having to do with the problem of evil.
46:25 One of the major achievements of this work,
46:26 if not the most important,
46:28 is the exoneration of God's character."
46:31 The five books begin with the word,
46:33 the first book begins with the three words, God is love,
46:35 The Great Controversy ends with the three words,
46:38 God is love and between those book ends
46:40 the revelation of God's divine passion
46:44 and love for the human race
46:45 and the lengths heaven has gone to.
46:47 You want to read five books. There you go.
46:50 By the way, I neglected to mention that those of you
46:54 who are watching on television right now,
46:55 these little classic Steps to Christ,
46:56 I'll send it to you free of charge
46:57 that come in the mail.
46:58 There is a toll free number coming up in just a moment,
47:00 call that toll free number, the book is yours.
47:02 If you are here in this building right now,
47:04 stop by our Welcome Center
47:05 and ask for your own copy of Steps to Christ.
47:08 And I'll make one more offer, those of you who are watching,
47:13 this book right here, I'll send the book to you.
47:16 You call the 800 number,
47:18 I'm not gonna give it in the church here
47:19 because everybody will call.
47:20 So they don't know the number
47:22 it's between you and me.
47:24 You call the number, as this is a more expensive book,
47:27 but I want to have the book.
47:28 By the way, since you brought it up,
47:30 Where do I find these books,
47:32 this book 299 brand new, 299.
47:37 all three of these classics,, and by the way,
47:40 hi-techie, third millennials,
47:42 you can get them for your e-readers.
47:44 Your iPad, your Kindle, your Nook,
47:48 everything's there ready and waiting for you.
47:51 Just go to, 99 cents,
47:54 for the electronic edition of this one.
47:57 So go to
48:00 If you like it, if you look it-- if you like, if you like
48:02 everything this woman ever wrote, for $19.99,
48:07, you can buy a CD rom, I have that,
48:10 you put on your laptop, you got them all.
48:12 Hey, listen guys.
48:14 This isn't about selling books, here's a deal.
48:17 This is about a generation at the end of time.
48:21 This is about a generation where the dragon is marked
48:24 to destroy and eliminate.
48:26 And there is a halogen light
48:28 that he does not want you to find.
48:32 Go out running every morning at 6:30,
48:34 every morning and it's dark right now,
48:36 it's 6:30, I carry a little LED flashlight,
48:38 it has these, you know, these little,
48:40 looks like the blue lights
48:41 that the new cars have on them.
48:42 I shine them, boy, I shines way ahead in the dark.
48:45 Why do I carry a flash light in the dark?
48:47 Because I don't want to stumble upon something
48:48 that I didn't know was lying in my pathway.
48:51 You can have the test, you can have the halogen light
48:55 of divine prophecy and shine it.
48:59 And what is coming ahead, you'll see with clarity.
49:03 Taste them again for the first time.
49:05 Taste them again.
49:06 All right, let me end the story.
49:07 The whole series ends with this story.
49:11 By the way, I can't think of a more heart inspiring,
49:13 a life changing Christmas gift to give somebody.
49:19 Giving the books.
49:22 Those of you who are bibliophiles
49:23 like me and you have to have to hold,
49:25 you have to hold the book in your hand,
49:26 'cause you can't figure out
49:27 how you change the pages with this electronic gizmo.
49:32 Just walk across campus, university bookstore,
49:33 you'll find all three classics.
49:34 Across the street to the ABC Christian bookstore,
49:37 they are all there, hard cover.
49:38 You can turn the pages, mark them, study them,
49:41 and come back to them.
49:42 Taste them again for the first time.
49:44 Want to end with the story,
49:45 the whole series, the gift ends now.
49:48 This is an oral interview between James R. Nix,
49:50 my friend, Jim Nix and Ella Mae Robinson,
49:55 granddaughter of Ellen White.
49:57 He asked her the question,
49:58 "Hey, what was it like to watch your grandma upfront."
50:00 All right.
50:01 So this is an eye witness, grand daughter speaking.
50:03 She says, "I see grandma.
50:05 I see grandma standing in the pulpit,
50:07 dressed in her loose fitting black sack suit,
50:09 narrow cuffs of white,
50:11 narrow white collar secured the throat by a brooch,
50:14 she's been telling of the matchless love of Christ
50:16 in suffering shame and death.
50:19 And even running the risk of eternal separation
50:21 from His father in heaven
50:22 by taking upon Himself the sins of the world,
50:24 she pauses, she pauses and she looks up
50:28 and with one hand resting on the desk,
50:30 they call the podium back then.
50:32 And one hand resting upon the desk
50:33 and the other lifted heavenward,
50:35 she exclaims in a ringing voice,
50:38 oh, Jesus, how I love you.
50:42 How I love you, how I love you.
50:46 Granddaughter goes on, there is a deep hush.
50:49 Heaven is very near.
50:52 Ladies and gentleman, there is a reason
50:56 why the gift is called the testimony of Jesus.
51:01 And here's my testimony about the gift,
51:04 like no other author on earth,
51:07 her writings have taught me to say,
51:15 oh, Jesus, how I love you.
51:19 How I love you. How I love you.
51:24 Which is why I'm unabashed, absolutely unapologetic
51:27 to stand in front of you right now
51:29 and tell you, I am what I am
51:34 because of the writings of Ellen White.
51:37 I am where I am right now,
51:40 because of the writings of Ellen White.
51:44 I appeal to you.
51:46 Taste them again for the first time,
51:51 for your sake, for Jesus' sake.
51:56 Amen.
51:59 Want you to sit back and listen to my friend Glenn Russell,
52:05 Professor of Religion here at Andrews University.
52:07 He wrote a song in college,
52:09 I want you to hear that song right now.
52:15 And his college buddy, also my friend, Gary Burns,
52:20 editor of the Lake Union Herald is gonna be on the string base.
52:23 Listen up.
52:48 To a church of searching sinners
52:53 To a world of suffering men
52:57 You were given Holy vision
53:02 As a prophet, as our friend
53:07 All the conflicts of the ages
53:12 Was unfurled by God above
53:17 And you wrote it with such beauty
53:21 That it moves me now with love
53:26 As a woman, as a vanguard
53:31 Through the life of growing faith
53:35 I'm so glad you wrote for Jesus in your way
53:45 Though you pleaded with each Christian
53:50 To prepare for Christ return
53:54 Still so many clung to emptiness
53:59 Sought salvation they could earn
54:04 Even now I hear the voices
54:08 Of opinion raised in spite
54:13 And we use your word since decades
54:18 To cut and prove we're right
54:22 Would it break your heart in sadness
54:27 If you touched our hand with mercy
54:31 Oh, how much we need the man of God indeed
54:47 Even though there's been confusion
54:52 God's son kept shining through
54:57 Through His work and through His spirit
55:01 Using messengers like you
55:06 As a woman, as a vanguard
55:11 Through a life of growing faith
55:15 I'm so glad you lived for Jesus in your way
55:24 I'm so glad you wrote for Jesus in your way
55:43 Let's stand as we pray.
55:55 Holy Father, thank you for the testimony of Jesus.
55:58 Where would we be without it?
56:02 It's all about Him, from Christmas to the end.
56:09 Oh, God, grant us the wisdom
56:15 to taste them again for the first time.
56:20 Nourish us, our souls, our bodies, our lives,
56:27 as we countdown to the Messiah's second coming.
56:36 And now may the love of the Father
56:40 and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
56:42 and the communion of the Holy Spirit
56:43 be with you and me
56:45 while we are absent one from another.
56:48 Amen.
57:05 This little classic was what God sent to me
57:07 when I hit rock bottom spiritually,
57:09 as a graduate student on this campus years ago.
57:12 The title became a self fulfilling prophecy,
57:14 Steps to Christ.
57:16 Because that's precisely what I discovered in this short
57:19 but inspiring and for me life changing book.
57:22 And I'd love for you to experience the same,
57:24 which is why we're setting aside
57:26 a few of these books for our viewing friends.
57:28 If you'd like your own copy of Steps to Christ
57:30 call our toll free number 877-His-Will,
57:33 just punch those two words "His Will" on your keyboard,
57:36 877- His-Will and ask for the book.
57:38 You want it in Spanish? Ask for it.
57:40 It's one of the most translated books in the world.
57:43 Our friendly operators are standing by 24/7 to assist you
57:46 and will get the book to you
57:47 as soon as possible, straight to your address.
57:49 So why not go to the phone right now
57:51 and see if your walk with Jesus
57:52 isn't deepened by this spiritual classic.
57:55 It's our gift to you.
57:57 And until I see you again next time,
57:58 may you sense the living Christ
58:01 walking beside you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17