New Perceptions

Of Sheep And Shepherds And The Midnight Star

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP120311

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:19 Amen.
00:21 Merry Christmas.
00:23 Yes we can say that here
00:24 we are celebrating the birth the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:28 In Luke we have this wonderful account
00:30 and it reads like this.
00:32 Now there were in the same country
00:34 shepherds living out in the fields,
00:36 keeping watch over their flock by night.
00:39 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them,
00:43 and the glory of Lord shone around them,
00:46 and they were greatly afraid.
00:47 Then the angel said to all of the people,
00:50 do not be afraid, for behold,
00:53 I bring you good tidings of great joy
00:56 which will be to all people.
00:58 For there is born to you this day
00:59 in the city of David a Savior,
01:02 who is Christ the Lord.?
01:04 And suddenly there was an angel
01:07 a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
01:12 Glory to God in the highest,
01:14 and on earth peace goodwill toward men!''
01:17 Glory to God in the highest.
01:20 We will now seeing angels
01:21 we have heard on high hymn number 142.
02:16 Angels we have heard on high
02:20 Singing sweetly through the night
02:25 And the mountains in reply
02:29 Echoing their brave delight
02:33 Gloria
02:42 in excelsis Deo
02:47 Gloria
02:55 in excelsis Deo
03:04 Shepherds why this jubilee?
03:08 Why these songs of happy cheer?
03:13 What great brightness did you see?
03:17 What glad tidings did you hear?
03:22 Gloria
03:30 in excelsis Deo
03:35 Gloria
03:43 in excelsis Deo
03:52 Come to Bethlehem and see
03:57 Him whose birth the angels sing
04:01 Come, adore on bended knee
04:05 Christ the Lord, the newborn King
04:10 Gloria
04:19 in excelsis Deo
04:23 Gloria
04:32 in excelsis Deo
04:40 See Him in a manger laid
04:45 Whom the angels praise above
04:49 Mary, Joseph, lend your aid
04:54 While we raise our hearts in love
04:58 Gloria
05:06 in excelsis Deo
05:11 Gloria
05:19 in excelsis Deo
05:48 Hark, the herald angels sing
05:52 "Glory to the newborn king!"
05:57 Peace on earth, and mercy mild
06:02 God and sinners reconciled!
06:06 Joyful, all ye nations rise
06:11 Join the triumph of the skies
06:15 With the angelic host proclaim
06:20 "Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
06:24 Hark! the herald angels sing
06:29 "Glory to the newborn king!"
06:35 Hail! The heaven-born Prince of Peace!
06:39 Hail! The Sun of Righteousness!
06:44 Life and light to all he brings
06:49 Risen with healing in his wings
06:53 Mild He lays His glory by
06:58 Born that man no more may die
07:02 Born to raise the sons of earth
07:07 Born to give them second birth
07:11 Hark! The herald angels sing
07:16 "Glory to the newborn king!"
09:39 In my blog today, the blog gets posted on Thursday
09:42 and it shows up in the worship bulletin,
09:44 but in my blog today I noted that Cyber Monday.
09:47 You know, what this last Monday was?
09:49 This was Cyber Monday.
09:50 Online sales in the United States,
09:53 did you hear the number? $1.25 billion
09:56 we American spent just online buying Christmas gifts.
10:01 So Hosea, when you talked about Pastor Hosea,
10:03 when you talked about this hyper,
10:06 what you called hyper, hyper shopping
10:08 or something like that that is just absolutely true.
10:11 That's a 33% rise over last year's
10:15 Cyber Monday, unbelievable.
10:19 But it's a high-tech world in which we live
10:22 and these young pastors on our pastoral staff
10:24 they really working me over.
10:25 They said, Dwight, you just have to get with the times.
10:27 And particularly pastor Rodlie
10:29 who is our pastor for This Generation Evangelism,
10:32 he says Dwight, get into twitter
10:34 you've just got to get into twitter.
10:38 I have a Facebook account,
10:40 but I never go to it so it's no good to have it.
10:44 So anyway over Thanksgiving very quietly
10:47 nobody looking began to work on twitter.
10:49 How do you do the tweets and these kinds of the thing.
10:52 You know, you are limited to 140 characters.
10:56 If it's not there forget it.
10:58 Some of you thinking you wish sermons were limited to same.
11:01 It'll never happen trust me, it will never happen.
11:05 But anyway I went on over the Thanksgiving
11:09 and I do believe it's another opportunity to connect.
11:12 Hence, I'm gonna put an address on the screen for you right now.
11:16 You know, that with twitter you have to put the @ first.
11:20 Can we put it up?
11:22 You have to put the @ symbol first
11:24 and then it's just Dwight K. Nelson.
11:26 We tried to get Dwight Nelson but somebody else has it.
11:29 So if you ever meet him say, hi.
11:32 But this is Dwight K. Nelson.
11:34 And look, it's a holiday
11:36 you're gonna have your final exams
11:39 and then you're gonna be leaving.
11:40 If you'd like to keep in touch with the campus
11:41 I'm going be trying to tweet everyday.
11:44 What are you gonna tweet Dwight, come on,
11:45 a little bit of a theological reflection
11:48 maybe some devotional inspiration.
11:50 Maybe website I just read something, man,
11:52 you got to check this website out.
11:53 Last night they're saying the World Premier,
11:57 that's what they called it of a piece
12:01 composed the poem by E.E. Cummings
12:03 and Nicholas Zork, or Nic Nicholas Zork
12:05 and Aaron Roche both in New York
12:07 now composed it was just, it was just powerful,
12:11 but I tweeted, I got home last night said,
12:12 I got a tweet this little line
12:13 from spiraling ecstatically this proud
12:17 know whereof earth's most prodigious night blossoms
12:21 a newborn baby.
12:23 You know, E. Cummings so just hear it
12:24 and you can't figure it out
12:25 but the tweet has that line.
12:28 So I'd be honored if you followed along
12:32 now and then these tweets.
12:34 Tell your friends about that side as well.
12:39 So we are the high-tech world we live in, in fact right after
12:41 we pray we're going to pull our cell phones out
12:43 and I want to hear from you.
12:45 But first let's pray.
12:48 Oh, God, this music today
12:51 has swept us to Your throne room.
12:55 You celebrate Christmas up there at this time,
13:01 of course the truth is
13:03 that the gifts that made Christmas possible
13:06 is the greatest news this universe has ever heard
13:08 and it is celebrated 24/7 where You are.
13:12 We don't want to forget down here either,
13:15 so in these few moments that we have together
13:17 energize today's Bible teaching back to the Fourth Gospel
13:20 one last time this semester.
13:22 Let it be clear we pray in Jesus name, amen.
13:26 Let met put the title of today's teaching
13:28 on the screen for you right now.
13:30 This is the last word our last Sabbath
13:33 in this semester with it.
13:34 Title of today's teaching
13:35 of Sheep and Shepherds and the Midnight Star."
13:39 There is a website by the way
13:40 those of who you are joining us live streaming
13:42 we're glad you have joined us.
13:46 That website is there for others who are watching
13:49 if you'd like to get the study guide.
13:50 We're not going get to the study guide
13:51 to right at the end
13:53 it just boom, boom, boom and then its over.
13:54 And so they are gonna come through right now.
13:56 If you need a study guide just hold your hand up
13:58 our fine ushers are coming your way,
14:02 but that title sounds like a Christmas story to me
14:04 which of course it is it
14:07 because there is no Christmas Story in John.
14:09 John tells the Christmas story not at all.
14:12 Not the Fourth Gospel.
14:14 The closest John comes to the Christmas story
14:16 is John in his prologue.
14:17 John Chapter 1, remember verse 14
14:20 "And the Word became flesh,
14:22 and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory,
14:25 the glory as of the only begotten
14:27 of the Father, full of grace and truth."
14:29 That's it, that's all of Christmas
14:31 there is in John.
14:33 Now you got to admit that is a huge and powerful it
14:38 but that's a narrative, that's the story.
14:42 So how can we come
14:43 with this last Sabbath of this semester?
14:45 Moving into Christmas break and not have anything
14:47 with the Christmas story in it.
14:49 As it turns out just by sequential moving
14:52 through this grand gospel the Fourth Gospel,
14:55 we come today to John Chapter 10
14:57 where Jesus will declare, I am the good shepherd.
15:02 And what Christmas it is not shepherds
15:03 and sheep and the Midnight Star.
15:06 So we get-- you can get there
15:08 from where we get this little interface
15:10 but it still presents the dilemma.
15:12 Because how can we who are so utterly urban and urbane.
15:17 How can we possibly wrap our minds around
15:19 so agrarian a metaphor?
15:21 Agrarian, you know, it means barnyard, farmyard.
15:23 Who lives around and barnyard animals anymore,
15:27 unless you're in act major he at Andrews University?
15:32 But you know what, it's passable
15:34 that we have showed ourselves little bit short.
15:36 We know perhaps more than we realize
15:39 about the metaphor of shepherd and sheep's,
15:42 sheep rather.
15:47 Enough, all right.
15:50 I was trying to come up
15:51 with something but there's nothing.
15:53 When you're wrong, you're wrong.
15:56 Okay, so here's the deal, get your cell phone out.
15:58 If you hearing the whatever
16:00 they were clicking away in first church,
16:01 if you hearing wind symphony music
16:03 grab a cell phone as well.
16:04 Some of you are ought to be on it
16:05 so you already having on your lap there.
16:08 I'm gonna put a question on the screen
16:10 because we know that Jesus
16:12 is about to say to us in John 10,
16:14 I am the good shepherd.
16:15 So I'm gonna put a question on the screen
16:17 at the bottom of the screen there will be a text number.
16:19 Please text this number and they'll start coming in.
16:22 Here's the questions,
16:23 let's put the question on the screen please, guys.
16:25 Thank you, so what do you know?
16:27 What do you know about shepherds that would make this metaphor,
16:29 I am the good shepherd, good news.
16:32 Okay, here's a question.
16:33 What is so good news about being shepherd?
16:36 Jesus wouldn't take a bad news metaphor
16:38 its obviously good news
16:40 so what makes being a shepherd good news?
16:43 Would you write now begin to text me
16:45 you see the number on your screen?
16:46 Those of who you are live streaming
16:47 you're seeing the number on your screen as well,
16:49 anywhere in the world that you're watching this
16:51 you can send a text and we will get it.
16:54 All right, so take a few moments,
16:56 this is not a hard--
16:57 this is not rocket science question.
17:00 What do we know about being shepherd in this urban society?
17:04 We all city slickers you and I.
17:05 Let's just see what's up here.
17:10 All right.
17:17 Oh, boy here we go, 77 here, he's always caring for us.
17:22 It means you would take care me,
17:24 that's what shepherd do,
17:25 a shepherd protects and provide for a sheep
17:27 they protect and care for the flock.
17:30 Shepherd's help creatures that wouldn't survive without them.
17:33 Even if we were the only sinner.
17:35 Okay, so you are thinking about Jesus now
17:36 He would still go out of his way to protect us.
17:37 David was a shepherd and he killed a bear
17:39 and lion for his sheep.
17:41 Shepherd's leader and protect, that's good.
17:43 Shepherd is a leader and protector.
17:45 All right keep refreshing, oh down to 80.
17:50 The shepherd goes right when everyone goes left.
17:52 Oh, I like that goes right when everyone goes left.
17:55 Shepherds are inherently gentle.
17:57 He protects his flock just as God protects us.
17:59 Shepherds will do anything to protect their flock,
18:02 Jesus is the ultimate.
18:04 Well, that's good.
18:09 They see what the sheep can't.
18:11 Good I knew is that from behind me?
18:15 Very good.
18:16 Takes care of the sheep protects him.
18:17 Good shepherd places the safety comfort
18:19 and she is just primary.
18:20 Shepherd loves his sheep like none other.
18:23 We still going?
18:24 We are up to 214.
18:27 He stays with them, a shepherd always watches,
18:29 a shepherd goes in front he was supply my needs.
18:32 It's good I got to keep refreshing this.
18:35 It means he cares for everyone even the ones
18:38 that text the pastor bad words.
18:40 Here you go.
18:44 Did I set that up or what?
18:47 Thank you, yeah.
18:48 I'm not mad at the guy did that,
18:51 but it's a very good point.
18:54 That was pretty fast by the way, okay.
19:02 They lead by the voice, shepherd lead by their voice.
19:08 All right, just do a few more.
19:10 They keep searching until they find what they're looking for.
19:13 Good for you.
19:14 Shepherds seek the lost sheep,
19:15 he's not afraid to get dirt on his hands, they are loving,
19:18 the shepherd will take care of his flock he loves it.
19:21 They lead their sheep in the right direction.
19:23 We are the sheep and He is the shepherd.
19:26 Lets hit the pause button right there.
19:29 Let's find out come on open your Bible
19:31 to the primary chapter John Chapter 10.
19:33 Primary document today is this Fourth Gospel
19:36 that has been our theme book all this semester,
19:42 John Chapter 10.
19:44 Has does it matched up?
19:45 What Jesus says,
19:50 how is it matched up with what we just texted?
19:54 John 10 we'll pick it up in verse 1.
19:58 "Most assuredly," Jesus says, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
20:03 he does not enter the she followed by the door,
20:06 but climbs up some other way,
20:07 the same is a thief and a robber."
20:08 And hit pause button right here,
20:10 because remember chapter 10
20:12 is immediately on the heels a chapter 9.
20:14 And what happened in chapter 9
20:15 when we were together just before Thanksgiving.
20:17 What happens in chapter 9 you remember is that,
20:22 on a Sabbath day with a little bit a spit
20:24 and mud Jesus heals a man
20:26 who has been born blind from birth.
20:27 You remember that story? He heals him.
20:30 And the man goes off seeing the praises
20:32 of whoever healed him.
20:34 He doesn't know who healed him.
20:35 The Pharisees, the religious prelates
20:36 of Jerusalem the spiritual hierarchy
20:38 find the man and they are in waged
20:41 because they know who healed him.
20:43 So they hold a man in front of Supreme Court also on Sabbath
20:47 and they begin to grill him.
20:48 And what really infuriates them is that the man eloquently,
20:52 he is just a blind man, he is just a commoner
20:54 but always spirit comes in, amen,
20:55 he logically, eloquently defends the Lord Jesus
20:59 whom He is never meet.
21:02 And that only, that only sends them over the top
21:05 and you remember they excommunicate him,
21:07 toss him out of the synagogue,
21:09 out of this temple, Jesus finds him.
21:11 That's precisely what has happened immediately
21:15 before Jesus speaks these words.
21:19 So something's gone on with the spiritual leadership
21:22 and now Jesus is gonna dramatically contrast
21:24 two paradigms of spiritual leadership,
21:26 his own and theirs.
21:28 A cobalt of Pharisees standing right there Jesus is speaking
21:31 so that they can hear.
21:33 Now right chapter 10:1.
21:35 Most assuredly, I say to you.''
21:37 By the way remember John is the only author
21:39 who uses this literary device.
21:41 What's just happened is he's used amen twice.
21:44 Amen, amen, verily, verily
21:46 in the King James, truly, truly in NIV.
21:48 Most assuredly in the New King James
21:50 amen, amen I say to you.
21:52 The moment you get a double amen with John.
21:55 It's like a huge red flag
21:57 remember this and John said,
21:58 hey Dwight, slow down, slow down this is heavy, this is big.
22:05 Listen carefully.
22:06 Amen, amen, Jesus speaking, I say to you,
22:11 he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door
22:13 but climbs up by some other way,
22:14 the same is a thief and a robber.''
22:16 You know, who is talking about?
22:17 They are standing around him
22:18 while he's offering this metaphor.
22:20 But verse 2, ''He who enters by the door
22:23 is the shepherd of the sheep.
22:25 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice,
22:29 and he calls his own sheep by name
22:31 and he leads them out.''
22:32 Verse 4, "And when he brings out his own sheep,
22:35 he goes before them;
22:36 and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.?
22:38 Now verse 5, ''Yet they will by no means''
22:41 double negative in the Greek.
22:42 They will no not ever "follow a stranger,
22:47 but will flee from him,
22:48 for they do not know the voice of strangers.''
22:51 Jesus is absolutely right.
22:52 Palestinian shepherds are exactly that way.
22:55 Very affectionate towards their sheep.
22:57 I think all shepherds on earth are affectionate.
22:59 I had great Constantine come up to me after first church.
23:03 He say's, let me tell you about Romanian shepherds.
23:04 I think shepherds everywhere that way.
23:07 They name their sheep.
23:10 Usually its based on some physical,
23:12 some physical characteristics they will be floppy ears
23:15 or little stubs, tail, you know, sheep tails, short.
23:20 But it's an affection and it's an endearing term
23:22 and the shepherd knows that name.
23:26 And you call that name when he wants that sheep.
23:29 And the sheep know the voice of the shepherd.
23:32 Amazingly the Christmas story begins with shepherds and sheep.
23:37 I want to go back to that,
23:38 thank you for reading that a moment ago Hosea.
23:40 Let's go back to the gospel of Luke for a moment.
23:43 "Now they were in the same country
23:45 shepherds" notice its plural.
23:47 There were "shepherds living out in the fields."
23:50 You know, I had a gentleman ask me just this last week
23:52 we are having Bible studies
23:53 is getting ready to be baptized here.
23:56 He said hey, Dwight, so when is Christmas?
23:59 And of course there is no way to know when Christmas is?
24:01 We know it is not December 25.
24:04 It's a day pulled off of a pagan ritual calendar.
24:07 We also know it's not December 25,
24:09 because you wouldn't be out in the fields.
24:11 Not late in December,
24:13 this has to be earlier in the fall.
24:15 It might be October, maybe first of November.
24:18 They're still able to be outdoors.
24:23 Now there were shepherds
24:24 "Now there were in the same country
24:25 shepherds living out in the fields,
24:26 keeping watch over their flock."
24:28 Now notice plural shepherds singular flock,
24:33 what's going on here?
24:35 They all have their own flocks, everybody does
24:38 but tonight it's a dark night, it's a tad chilly
24:41 let's pull all our flocks together
24:43 so we have a singular flock.
24:45 We'll have to untangle them come the morning
24:47 and so the shepherds are there with a single flock.
24:50 Each has his own flock.
24:54 Now they're were in the same country
24:55 shepherds living out in the fields
24:56 keeping watch over their flock by night and what happens
24:58 and behold an angel of the Lord stood before then
25:01 and the glory the Lord shone around about them
25:04 and they were greatly afraid.
25:08 Of courses is the classic this is a classic Christmas moment
25:12 they out of breath go pounding.
25:16 They leave their flocks uncharacteristically,
25:19 pounding in to little Bethlehem.
25:24 They keel before the newborn in that box of calf feed.
25:29 They sense as the angle said,
25:31 you'll be in the presence of the son of David,
25:34 that means the Messiah.
25:35 They bow down and worship Him.
25:39 Nobody sleeps a wink that night you can be sure that.
25:42 By the time they get back the first blush is
25:45 and crimson on the eastern sunrise horizon
25:48 are spreading across the hills of Bethlehem.
25:51 It's time to go back to the pastures,
25:53 what did the shepherds do?
25:54 Kenneth Bailey a New Testament scholar
25:56 was in Palestine and he observed,
25:58 a Palestinian and shepherd with 200 sheep.
26:01 All right, 200 sheep and he was trying to obtain
26:03 how did the sheep know how to follow this guy.
26:06 He listen to the shepherd who had a unique 10 second call,
26:09 whatever it was it were just 10 seconds words or whatever.
26:13 Then their will be roughly a 40 second break
26:15 and then they tissue that call again
26:16 and all 200 sheep simply focused in
26:20 hounding like radar on the shepherds
26:23 calling in his voice and they followed him.
26:27 So when they rise early,
26:29 you know, we like to say that was Christmas morning
26:31 and they have to untangle their sheep,
26:33 it's no big deal at all.
26:35 The shepherd just gives his call.
26:37 And the sheep don't following others,
26:39 they don't want to follow-- they won't say well,
26:40 maybe there's better food with that guy.
26:41 No, they know exactly to whom they belong
26:44 and the follow.
26:46 So Jesus is telling this metaphor
26:48 explaining to it and notice verse 6,
26:51 "Jesus uses illustration,
26:53 but they did not understand the things
26:55 which He spoke to them."
26:56 Oh common Pharisees, come on.
26:58 Worshipers crowding the courts of the temple
27:00 you don't understand about shepherd
27:01 and sheep, of course you do.
27:03 But that's John's way of telling us,
27:04 Jesus is not about sheep and shepherds.
27:07 There's something much deeper here
27:09 that Jesus is trying to teach.
27:10 And oh boy, when he plunges into this metaphor
27:12 here we go verse 11,
27:14 I am "I am the good shepherd."
27:19 Thank you sir, for that beautiful testimony.
27:22 That's exactly right. In the Greek its ego eimi.
27:24 It's intentionally to be read I am.
27:27 I am the bread of life. I am the water of life.
27:32 I am the light of the world.
27:34 I am the wine,
27:37 I am the way the truth and the life.
27:39 I am the good shepherd.
27:43 Moses says, but when they ask me
27:46 who has sent me to Egypt, what shall I tell them?
27:49 I'm has sent you.
27:56 Wow, verse 11, "I am the good shepherd.
27:58 The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."
28:03 Hit the pause button right there.
28:05 I need to tell you that whoever stands here
28:07 in the Pioneer pulpit he, she
28:09 anybody who comes to this church and preaches
28:11 there are two glorious realities about standing right here.
28:14 Reality number one,
28:16 you probably don't look at very often,
28:18 but the wind symphony will affirm
28:20 this the pulpit is stationed right at the foot
28:24 of a across, isn't that right?
28:25 You're sitting on a cross right now
28:27 which is where you're supposed to be.
28:28 But the pulpit is right here at the foot,
28:31 that's making a symbolic statement in and of itself.
28:35 When our designers say, hey listen, Dwight,
28:36 how about if I put in some really scarred up dark wood here
28:39 so that it stands out from the rest?
28:40 I said, do it.
28:41 This platform ended up on a trade magazine
28:44 across the nation.
28:46 So he did a great job.
28:48 So every time a preacher comes here and steps here,
28:50 it is a humble honor, trust me to stand right here.
28:53 You're standing at the foot of the cross.
28:55 But there's another glorious reality that you never see.
28:59 You never see this when you come to Pioneer,
29:01 but I see it every single Sabbath.
29:03 And that is when I stand here
29:05 I look at one of the most beautiful
29:07 stained glass windows anywhere in the nation.
29:12 Now to say you're getting a crick in your neck.
29:16 We're gonna put it on the screen for you.
29:18 Let's put it on the big screen
29:19 and just pull that camera off slowly.
29:21 That's the center, that's 20 feet tall translucent glass
29:25 letting in the color's of light.
29:29 And it's a portrayal as you can see of the good shepherd.
29:33 You seem standing there the good shepherd with the staff
29:36 with the rod is His hand and you see the sheep.
29:38 I don't know if that's you, I don't know if that's a ram,
29:40 but that she is just pushing a ride up
29:42 smack dab against the a staff
29:45 and you see that the shepherd with one free arm
29:48 and the crook of that arm is caring a little lamie, isn't He?
29:52 He has that lamie, a peaceful contented look
29:55 on that little lamb's face.
29:58 So which one are you?
29:59 I know we're not the shepherd,
30:01 but which one of those two is you?
30:05 Are you the sheep or you the lamb?
30:08 Truth of the matter is we're often both aren't we?
30:11 There are times when my life is just --
30:13 is just crumbling in my heart
30:17 and I feel like a tiny little lamb
30:20 if only there were a shepherd
30:22 to pick me up and hold me close now.
30:26 The lambs, the lambs were sheep.
30:30 Well, Jesus tender Shepherd hear me
30:33 blessed I little lamb tonight through the darkness
30:37 be down near me watch my sleep till morning light.
30:41 She was a mother of two,
30:42 25-years-old in December caught a chill,
30:48 the chill turned to a fever and on January 5,
30:51 1840 Mary Lundie died.
30:55 The next year after this 25-year-old young mother's death
30:58 her own mother published her memoirs
31:01 and included in them
31:03 one on the 23 hymns young Mary had written.
31:07 This one a children's prayer
31:09 she composed for her own too little toddlers.
31:12 I put the words on the screen for you.
31:14 It's only two stanzas long.
31:15 It's in our hymnal.
31:17 We put it on the screen.
31:18 Jesus tender Sheppard, hear me
31:20 Bless Thy little lamb tonight
31:23 Through the darkness be thou near me
31:25 Watch my sleep till morning light
31:28 All this day Thy hand has led me
31:30 And I thank Thee for Thy care
31:32 Thou has clothed me
31:34 Warmed and fed me
31:36 Listen to my evening prayer
31:40 But posthumously this short
31:43 and touching hymn eventually went viral,
31:48 if you can go viral in 1841 it went viral.
31:53 And children all over the nation
31:55 begin to sing these words as they drifted off to sleep.
31:59 Jesus tender Sheppard, hear me
32:02 Bless Thy little lamb tonight
32:07 They will come to think of it.
32:12 As always been a very simple very similar prayer
32:19 for going to bed hasn't that been?
32:23 Only this prayer not so much for the--
32:24 not so much for the end of the day
32:27 this prayer really is for the end at the life.
32:31 Yea, though I walk through the valley
32:36 of the shadow of death, thou art with me.
32:42 That's the beloved, universally beloved Psalm 23.
32:46 I love it in the King James
32:48 and you had to learn it in the King James.
32:50 And so what I want to do
32:51 is let's just at the end of the semester
32:53 just going to let some other stress just seep out of us.
32:57 I want to read this great prayer, Psalm 23.
33:00 Put it on the screen and it'll be in the--
33:01 in the language of you grandparents.
33:05 And I want us to read it out loud together.
33:07 All right, so we're gonna read this out loud together.
33:09 Let's go.
33:11 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
33:16 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
33:20 He leadeth me beside the still waters.
33:24 He restoreth my soul.
33:27 He leadeth me in the paths
33:29 of righteousness for his name's sake.
33:33 Yea, though I walk through the valley
33:36 of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
33:40 For thou art with me, thy rod
33:43 and thy staffed they comfort me.
33:46 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence in mine enemies.
33:51 Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.
33:57 Surely goodness and mercy
33:59 shall follow me all the days of my life.
34:03 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
34:08 Amen.
34:10 You know what, after a long and grueling semester
34:14 there is something comforting
34:16 in the reciting of those words, isn't there?
34:19 Look, I just sitting and writing the manuscript on Thursday
34:23 and I put the words up and just read them through it.
34:26 And I tell you it just brought tears to my eyes.
34:29 Is not only been a long grueling semester,
34:32 this has been a long and grueling year.
34:35 We're about the end of year together.
34:37 Well, the Lord in spite of the year
34:41 that we have had the Lord is my Shepherd.
34:47 So what's a good news about the shepherd
34:51 got a hundreds of your responses here.
34:53 Let's find out, let me just see
34:55 if I can recall some of those.
34:58 Let's put them down. Take your study guide now.
35:00 This final inning of the sermon will be the study guide.
35:05 Pull it out.
35:08 Why this metaphor
35:09 I am The Good Shepherd?
35:10 What's so good news? Would you write it now please?
35:12 Let's put it down as number one. Put it on the screen please.
35:14 I am the Good Shepherd is good news
35:16 because it means there is someone who leads me.
35:21 Over and over your text
35:22 and I was keeping a lot of text is to find something different.
35:24 Over and over your text said is Shepherd leads?
35:28 Oh, I love that,
35:29 because the Shepherd doesn't drive a sheep.
35:31 Yo, yo, yo, come guys, go, go.
35:33 Shepherd doesn't drive the sheep, does he? No.
35:34 And shepherd gets in front of the sheep, isn't that right?
35:37 Shepherd leads his sheep.
35:39 I'll tell you when I was a kid, grown up in a in summers
35:43 by little mountain lake in Japan called Lake Nojiri.
35:45 I tell you what, I was never, as a boy I was never afraid
35:50 of the dark as long as my dad
35:52 was in front of me and he had a flashlight.
35:54 Anywhere Dad went okay, not the worry, no fear.
35:59 I love how "Desire of Ages" puts it.
36:01 And by way, this chapter from "Desire of Ages"
36:03 I slipped into your study, just a few of the classic.
36:07 This is a collection of some
36:08 of the great classics in that book.
36:09 You got to read a whole chapter.
36:11 But they're all in the study guide for you to keep.
36:13 And I love this one right here
36:14 how "Desire of Ages" expresses it.
36:15 Put it on the screen, please.
36:17 "As the shepherd goes before his sheep."
36:20 Leads the way.
36:22 "Himself first encountering the perils of the way."
36:25 That's what it means, when Jesus leads me
36:26 He runs into trouble first.
36:28 I don't get the trouble first, He gets the trouble first.
36:32 "For himself first accounting the perils of the way,
36:34 so does Jesus with his people the way to heaven."
36:37 Now listen, this is pointing.
36:39 "The way to heaven is consecrated
36:41 by the Savior's footprints.
36:44 The path may be steep and rugged."
36:46 Some of you right now are on a very rugged pathway.
36:50 God and you alone know what it is you're going through.
36:53 It seems like your life is unraveling,
36:55 it seems like you have met an insurmountable obstacle,
36:58 you are not sure you can survive another day.
37:01 I need you to see this because the good shepherd
37:04 goes in front of the sheep,
37:06 which means whatever it is you're going through
37:08 Jesus has already determined.
37:10 He went through it first,
37:11 He's already determined you can pass through this,
37:14 you can get there from here.
37:17 He's close enough to touch, close enough to touch,
37:21 He is right in front of you.
37:23 "Now the way to heaven is consecrated
37:24 by the Savior's footprints.
37:25 The path may be steep and rugged,
37:27 but Jesus has traveled that way,
37:29 His feet have pressed down upon a cruel thorns,"
37:31 what's cutting your heart right now.
37:34 Those rejection, marital rejection,
37:39 pink slip at the job rejection,
37:43 we're cutting back sorry about the economy you lose.
37:48 The thorns have already been pushed down.
37:53 My feet bloodied by His choice to lead you.
37:58 "His feet have pressed down the cruel thorns,
38:00 to make the pathway easier for us.
38:02 Every burden that we are called a bare He Himself has borne."
38:07 Whatever it is you're going through here's the good news,
38:09 whatever it is He's going through it
38:11 right in front you, right in front you.
38:14 It's okay.
38:15 Touch Him.
38:16 He is right in front of you.
38:18 As that old hymn go,
38:19 He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
38:22 O, something--something heavenly comfort fraught.
38:25 Yeah, you can trust Him.
38:27 Here's the point, you can trust Him.
38:30 If He's right there going in front of you can trust Him.
38:32 All right number two,
38:33 what's the good news about I'm the good shepherd,
38:35 I'm the good shepherd good news.
38:36 There is someone who will lead me.
38:38 What's the next one, there is someone who pastors me.
38:40 Write the word in pastors because you see in the Greek
38:45 the word for Shepherd and the word for Pastor
38:47 are identical so a correct translation
38:49 of what Jesus has just said is "I am the good pastor."
38:53 That's what He said. I am the good pastor.
38:56 Which is why you speak the language in heaven,
38:58 pastor Hosea, and he speak Spanish.
39:02 Amen.
39:03 Thank you.
39:05 And you come to Psalm 23.
39:07 Here's how psalm 23 read in the Spanish
39:10 "Jehova es mi Pastor."
39:15 "The Lord Jehova, the Lord is my Pastor."
39:21 Read that word in Spanish.
39:24 So that's the good news because you see pastor
39:26 is to somehow identify a nurturer.
39:30 And so pastors do those who had to get the pastoring
39:32 had to get a nurturing.
39:34 You wouldn't go into a trust me, you'd stay away from this job.
39:36 It's just you would say I do some notes.
39:40 Well, what does the nurturer do?
39:41 Look at the Psalm 23 we just read in a moment ago.
39:43 So what is it do,
39:44 the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want He, what?
39:47 He leadeth me
39:50 by still waters, green pastures,
39:53 He anoints my head with oil, He is right in there.
39:56 Nurturer, one of the great pastoral depictions
40:03 I've got in Old Testament and I love this.
40:04 It's Isaiah Chapter 40 as to Michael quoted from this
40:07 in his prayer moment ago but not this line.
40:09 Isaiah 40 can we put that on the screen, bless you.
40:11 "He" speaking of God "He will feed His flock"
40:16 because a shepherd "He will feed His flock like a shepherd,
40:18 He will gather the lambs with His arm."
40:20 That's what that stained glass window is depicting.
40:22 "And He will carry them is His bosom,
40:24 and gently lead those who are with young."
40:29 The point is, ladies and gentlemen,
40:31 we can trust Him.
40:32 Come on, somebody who is gonna carry you
40:34 why can't you trust Him? You can.
40:37 All right, what else is good news would you say,
40:39 somebody put this down.
40:40 Please put it on the screen.
40:41 The good news about I am The Good Shepherd is
40:43 that "There is someone who knows me."
40:45 Jot that down. Somebody who knows me.
40:47 "Desire of Ages' again "Jesus knows us individually,
40:50 and is touch with the feeling of our infirmities.
40:53 He knows as all by name."
40:57 Anybody ever comes in and he says hey,
40:59 you know Robert, don't you?
41:01 Well, Robert, Robert, but that name is familiar
41:03 I just can't put the face with it.
41:05 He knows us by name.
41:08 "He knows the very house,"
41:10 keep reading, "He knows the very house in which we live,
41:11 He knows the name of each occupant.
41:13 He has at times given directions to His servants
41:15 to go to a certain street in a certain city,
41:17 to such a house, and to find one of his sheep."
41:19 I want you go to the fourth floor,
41:22 third floor of Myers.
41:24 I want you go down to a long hallway,
41:26 you go by laundry no worry about
41:28 how it smells in there just keep going
41:31 forth door down I want you to go there.
41:34 I know who's in the room, I know the sheep.
41:37 And I'm sending it you.
41:42 Every soul oh, this underline this,
41:45 "Every soul, is as fully known to Jesus
41:47 as if He were the only one for whom the Savior died."
41:53 There were nobody else on this planet
41:55 and you would the only one he died for.
41:57 That's how well I know you, Dwight.
41:59 That's how well I know you, James.
42:04 ""Every soul, is as fully known to Jesus
42:06 as if he were the only one for whom the Savior died.
42:07 The distress of every one touches His heart.
42:09 The cry for aid reaches His ear." Last line.
42:12 "He cares for each one as if there were not another
42:17 on the face of the earth."
42:18 I have eyes for no one else
42:20 as if you would be only occupant of this planet,
42:23 you are only in heaven and I'm watching you.
42:26 No wonder we can trust Him with eyes.
42:29 So if you are the only one boy, girl,
42:31 you're the only one I've known trust me.
42:35 Well, now here's number four of five of these.
42:38 Here's number four.
42:39 There is someone who protects me.
42:41 That's what's good news is so you
42:42 and I came up over and over again in your text messages
42:45 just a moment ago.
42:46 I want to share with you
42:47 what for me is one of the most perceptive statements
42:50 about fear that I have ever read.
42:53 I have a book in my library by John Harris title the book
42:55 "Stress Power and Ministry" this is profound.
42:59 Put the words on the screen for you.
43:01 They are also in your study guide.
43:02 Harris writing
43:03 "Fear is the great destructive force in us.
43:08 Fear shuts down spontaneity."
43:11 I'm not gonna do that, I'm not gonna go there,
43:13 this will have to happened with me.
43:14 I'm not gonna do it.
43:15 "Fear shuts down spontaneity,
43:17 and most importantly turns us away from others
43:21 and in upon ourselves."
43:22 If I hang around, if I step into that situation, if I--no.
43:26 "Fear turns us away from others and in upon ourselves.
43:29 Fear drowns out our capacities for life.
43:33 Fear makes us afraid of life itself,
43:36 afraid to the intensity living brings with it."
43:40 And here's what struck me.
43:41 "If fear persists in us long enough."
43:43 So that we just nurture their fear,
43:45 we just curdle that fear and never relinquish it.
43:48 "If fear persists in us long enough,
43:50 we often come to a terrible moment of recognition,
43:53 perhaps in middle life or later,
43:55 that life has passed us by,
43:57 that we have never really lived the life given to us."
44:03 Isn't that something?
44:06 I nurture my fears.
44:10 Afraid of death, afraid of life,
44:15 afraid of failure, afraid of success.
44:18 It's crazy the fears we had.
44:21 What would happen the next that fear comes to you,
44:23 the next time that fear comes to me?
44:24 What would happen if we just in that moment imagine
44:27 that the Good Shepherd is right there,
44:29 that the fear has to come to the Good Shepherd?
44:33 And how did that line go,
44:34 Yea though I walk through the valley
44:35 and the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for what?
44:39 For thou He with me.
44:41 What if I just imagine in the face in their fear
44:43 that has stuck my life?
44:45 A crazy fear.
44:46 What if I imagine
44:48 that the Good Shepherd was standing right there
44:52 and that He would face the fear first?
44:58 This last week Tuesday night I was with the man,
45:02 my age, was dying.
45:06 Went up in to room, their home
45:10 where he was took his hand
45:13 and asked him what's happening?
45:15 What's going through his mind,
45:16 what's going through his heart right now?
45:17 He knew he just got the word the day before.
45:22 So I hold that hand, I listen to this man,
45:27 find the words articulate,
45:30 find the words to confess his faith
45:34 that God was able to carry him through
45:38 what was just ahead.
45:40 He died Thursday night, but Tuesday night he knew
45:47 Yea thou I walk through the valley
45:51 of the shadow of death.
45:53 I will fear no evil.
45:58 For thou art with me here.
46:02 Amen.
46:03 It's good news, no wonder,
46:06 no wonder I can trust Him.
46:08 He protects me.
46:10 No evil, whatever comes to me
46:12 He says Dwight, I let it we win out of this you watch,
46:17 we win in the end.
46:21 Finally--what's a good news about this
46:23 I'm a Good Shepherd metaphor.
46:24 Some of you had it on your text messages.
46:26 Well, there is someone who loves me
46:28 a shepherd loves His sheep.
46:30 A Shepherd just plain loves His sheep.
46:34 Ah, look at this verse 14.
46:36 So significant the metaphor Jesus repeats
46:37 in the verse 14
46:38 "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know my sheep,
46:42 and am known by My own."
46:44 Verse 15 "And as a Father knows Me,
46:46 even so I know the Father,
46:47 and I lay down my life for the sheep."
46:51 You know, Craig keener in his commentary
46:54 on the gospel of John He really is spot on.
46:56 Now let me put that one line from the Keener here.
46:59 "But that this shepherd shows his love for the sheep
47:02 in the ultimate sacrifice, by deliberately dying for them,
47:06 bursts the bounds of the Shepherd
47:07 and sheep image."
47:08 The moment Jesus says
47:10 I'm laying down my life for my sheep.
47:11 Suddenly we're not dealing humans and animals anymore,
47:14 we've got now out of the barnyard now.
47:15 We are dealing with savior and lost.
47:18 The moment He says I will lay down my life.
47:21 And wonder of wonders get this wonder wonders
47:23 when Jesus says He's going to lay down his life,
47:25 it will be at His timing and by His invitation.
47:30 Look at this verse 17.
47:31 "Therefore My Father loves Me,
47:33 because I lay down My life that I may take it again."
47:36 Over and over in John up to chapter 10
47:39 He's been hinting it, He's been hinting,
47:41 He has never come out this starkly and dramatically
47:44 and declare I am now gonna die.
47:48 "Therefore My Father loves Me,
47:49 because I lay down My life that I may take it again.
47:52 No one," verse 18,
47:53 "takes it from Me, but I lay it down on Myself.
47:55 I have authority I have power to lay it down,
47:58 I have authority I have power to take it up again."
48:01 I will die on My terms and in My time and he did.
48:07 I mean, how to explain it.
48:09 For a sheep like me, please.
48:12 With all my madden war foibles.
48:18 Please, please.
48:20 "Desire of Ages." One last "Desire of Ages" line.
48:23 Put it on the screen.
48:24 "The soul that has given herself to Christ
48:28 is more precious in His sight then the whole world.
48:31 The Savior would have passed through the agony
48:33 of Calvary that one,
48:35 Uno, one, that one might be saved in His kingdom.
48:40 He will never abandon one for whom He has died.
48:43 Unless His followers choose to leave him."
48:46 That's the only choice you had.
48:47 I'm out of here, shepherd, I don't need you.
48:49 I'm going to pick my own shepherd.
48:50 In fact let me shepherd my own life would you please?
48:53 And by the way even when we wander away guess
48:55 what the shepherd does as you put in your text.
48:57 He goes right after you.
49:00 Until he gets the final Noah you added my life,
49:02 bug off, I don't need you anymore.
49:08 "Unless His followers choose to leave Him,
49:10 He will hold them fast. Jesus loves us.
49:13 Jesus loves us as children.
49:14 Reader, He loves you.
49:18 "Heaven itself can bestow
49:19 nothing greater, nothing better."
49:23 He leads me, He pastors me,
49:27 He knows me, He protects me,
49:30 He loves me that's the shepherd.
49:34 Good news in his metaphor.
49:35 Are you kidding, but what's the point?
49:42 The young mother frazzled spent from heaven,
49:46 hang on to her two kids that are arm load
49:49 full of Christmas shopping bags
49:51 she steps onto this crowded elevator.
49:53 You can picture the moment the holiday mania
49:55 is taking its stalls so season
49:57 in this elevator she just pushed in,
49:59 the door closes in front her.
50:01 Talking to nobody in particular
50:03 she blurts out whoever started this whole Christmas thing
50:09 out to be found strung up and shot.
50:15 From the back in the elevator
50:18 there came a voice
50:19 "Don't worry lady, we've already crucified in."
50:25 They said you could have heard a pin drop
50:29 the rest all the way down.
50:32 I am the Good Shepherd.
50:35 and the Good Shepherd lays down his life for His sheep.
50:40 So how then should we live,
50:44 If you going to tweet John 10 in two words.
50:49 The shortest sentence in "Desire of Ages"
50:51 is two words long and it's in this chapter
50:54 and I'll put it on the screen for you.
50:55 Two words "Therefore trust."
51:00 That's it guys, therefore trust Him.
51:04 Trust Him with your life, trust Him with your future,
51:08 trust Him with the New Year,
51:09 trust Him with all that you are and all that you have.
51:14 Therefore I love that
51:15 just two word sentence "Therefore trust."
51:22 You'll never till your dying day find anyone
51:28 who loves you more deeply and who is traveling
51:31 more closely besides you.
51:34 Therefore trust.
51:39 I want to sing that it's not a Christmas.
51:43 It's a trust course.
51:46 I hope you know 'cause they don't know it
51:48 would change the song up
51:50 and there no words are going to go on the screen,
51:53 but there's a chorus to an old hymn that goes like this,
51:55 Only trust Him, only trust Him,
51:58 only trust Him now, do you know that,
52:00 He will save you, He will save you,
52:02 He will save you now.
52:04 I want you to stand on you feet
52:05 and let's just say about this therefore trust
52:08 with the shepherd this good this close
52:11 what's the point therefore trust.
52:15 Let's just sing the chorus, Only trust Him.
52:28 Only trust Him, only trust Him
52:35 Only Trust Him now
52:41 He will save you, He will save you
52:47 He will save you now
52:54 Only trust Him, only trust Him
53:01 Only Trust Him now
53:07 He will save you, He will save you
53:15 He will save you now
53:21 Now just stand, just be our angel
53:25 choir right now ladies, to sing that please.
53:29 Only trust Him, Only trust Him
53:36 Only Trust Him now
53:43 He will save you, He will save you
53:51 He will save you now
54:00 Only trust Him, only trust Him
54:07 Only Trust Him now
54:14 He will save you, He will save you
54:22 He will save you now
54:29 Only trust Him, only trust Him
54:37 Only Trust Him now
54:45 He will save you, He will save you
54:53 He will save you now
55:02 And so divine Good Shepherd,
55:06 like that stained glass windows you gazed down upon us.
55:10 We're in Your presence.
55:12 What do we do with news is good two words therefore trust.
55:19 Oh God, teach us to trust.
55:23 Oh the holiday teach us to trust.
55:26 The first blushes of the New Year
55:28 teach us to trust only trust you,
55:33 no matter what comes then
55:36 we should be at peace.
55:41 And now into the God a peace
55:43 who brought up from the day at our Lord Jesus
55:47 a great Shepherd of the sheep
55:49 through the blood of the everlasting covenant.
55:52 May he make you complete
55:53 in every good work to do His will,
55:56 working in you what as well pleasing in His sight
56:00 through Jesus Christ to whom be glory
56:02 forever and ever.
56:06 Amen.
56:16 Thank you for giving me
56:17 one more moment before you hurry away.
56:19 This has been an incredible year.
56:22 Can you believe that journey we've been on together
56:23 and were poised on the cusp
56:26 of an unprecedented chapter in human history.
56:28 I'm so excited about where we're headed.
56:31 Now look, you of course know
56:33 the telecast cost you nothing, the podcast no cost,
56:37 the website no cost, study guides no cost,
56:40 the books, the literature, all of that no cost,
56:43 but in this season
56:44 where we're celebrating God opening up
56:46 that treasure chest of heaven
56:48 and pour it out in a gift to the Christ child.
56:50 I'm emboldened to ask you.
56:53 If God has been especially good to you
56:55 this year that's passed and you have a little bit extra
56:57 of that goodness that He's passed on your way,
57:00 would you be willing to invest it
57:01 in helping us reach out further into cyberspace
57:04 and further around this globe
57:06 to share the good news of a soon coming Savior.
57:08 It's easy to give.
57:09 You can go to our website
57:10 you see a little banner there, Christmas banner.
57:13 Click on, instruction are simple, has no direct mail,
57:15 and no operators going call you and harsh you.
57:18 It's just a one-time donation.
57:20 If you'd like to talk to our operating
57:21 we've got an easy free number to call
57:24 877-HIS-WILL, 877_HIS_WILL
57:28 and the operator will take your donation
57:29 right over the phone.
57:31 The point is where we're headed who knows,
57:34 but God through the gift of His blessings
57:37 can prepare us and equip us now
57:39 for this uncharted journey ahead.
57:41 I'm glad you're going all the way.
57:43 I believe Jesus is coming soon.
57:45 Now more than ever we invest in His kingdom.
57:48 Thank you for all you have done and what you will do.
57:51 And may God abundantly pour upon you and me His spirit
57:55 as we journey into the next Chapter with Him.
57:59 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17