New Perceptions

Snakes In The Cradle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP120107

00:30 For our sin He is crucified.
00:35 For our sin He is crucified.
00:37 We might be saved.
00:43 Crucified, laid behind the stone
00:51 You lived to die rejected and alone
00:58 Like the rose trampled on the ground
01:06 You took the fall
01:09 And thought of me above all
01:21 Above all powers, above all kings
01:29 Above all nature and all created things
01:36 Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
01:44 You were here before the world began
01:50 Above all kingdoms, above all thrones
01:58 Above all wonders the world has ever known
02:05 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
02:13 There's no way to measure what You're worth
02:20 Crucified, laid behind the stone
02:27 You lived to die rejected and alone
02:33 Like the rose trampled on the ground
02:40 You took the fall
02:43 And thought of me above all
02:54 Above all powers, above all kings
03:02 Above all nature and all created things
03:09 Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
03:16 You were here before the world began
03:23 Above all kingdoms, above all thrones
03:29 Above all wonders the world has ever known
03:36 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
03:44 There's no way to measure what You're worth
03:51 Crucified, the laid behind the stone
03:57 You lived to die rejected and alone
04:04 Like the rose trampled on the ground
04:11 You took the fall
04:14 And thought of me above all
04:23 Like the rose trampled on the ground
04:30 You took the fall
04:34 And thought of me above all
04:53 Thank You for the cross, Lord
04:59 Thank You for the price You paid
05:06 Bearing all my sin and shame
05:11 In love You came and gave amazing grace
05:20 Thank You for this love, Lord
05:26 Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
05:33 Washed me in Your cleansing flow
05:38 Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace
05:48 Worthy is the Lamb
05:55 Seated on the throne
06:01 Crown You now with many crowns
06:08 You reign victorious!
06:14 High and lifted up
06:21 Jesus, Son of God
06:27 The darling of heaven, crucified
06:37 Worthy is the Lamb!
06:44 Worthy is the Lamb!
06:51 Thank You for the cross, Lord
06:57 Thank You for the price You paid
07:03 Bearing all my sin and shame
07:08 In love You came and gave amazing grace
07:16 Thank You for this love, Lord
07:22 Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
07:29 Washed me in Your cleansing flow
07:33 Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace
07:43 Worthy is the Lamb
07:49 seated on the throne
07:56 Crown You now with many crowns
08:02 You reign victorious!
08:08 High and lifted up
08:14 Jesus, Son of God
08:21 The darling of heaven, crucified
08:30 Worthy is the Lamb!
08:35 Say worthy.
08:37 Worthy is the Lamb!
08:43 Worthy is the Lamb!
08:51 Worthy is the Lamb
08:57 seated on the throne
09:04 Crown You now with many crown
09:10 You reign victorious!
09:16 High and lifted up
09:22 Jesus, Son of God
09:29 The darling of heaven, crucified
09:36 What worthy is the Lamb!
09:43 So worthy is the Lamb!
09:49 What so worthy
09:52 Worthy is the Lamb!
09:59 Worthy is the Lamb!
10:06 Thank you, Jesus.
10:20 I wonder as I wander
10:25 Out under the sky
10:29 How Jesus the Savior
10:33 Did come for to die
10:38 For poor on'ry people
10:43 Like you and like I
10:47 I wonder as I wander
10:55 Out under the sky
11:02 When Mary birthed Jesus 'twas in a cow's stall
11:10 With wise men and farmers
11:15 And shepherds and all
11:19 But high from God's heaven
11:24 A star's light did fall
11:28 And the promise of ages
11:36 It then did recall
11:44 If Jesus had wanted
11:48 For any wee thing
11:53 A star in the sky
11:56 or a bird on the wing
12:01 Or all of God's Angels
12:05 In heaven to sing
12:10 He surely could have it
12:18 'Cause he was the King
12:26 I wonder as I wander
12:31 Out under the sky
12:35 How Jesus the Savior
12:39 Did come for to die
12:44 For poor on'ry people
12:49 Like you and like I
12:54 I wonder as I wander
13:04 out under the sky
13:20 Oh, King Jesus, we do wonder
13:26 how could it be that You would empty Your throne.
13:33 Come down to this planet and be born
13:38 for the solitary reason of dying.
13:41 Your birth, Your death...
13:47 let them both be upon our hearts
13:49 as we continue our worship.
13:52 And holy Christ, our hearts must respond
13:59 to what You teach us today.
14:03 Grant us Your grace and Your courage
14:04 we pray in Your name, amen.
14:10 True confession time.
14:16 I'm not afraid of snakes.
14:21 I just don't want to be there when they are there.
14:27 Are you the same way even that a picture
14:30 of the snake makes you recoil?
14:34 Take a look at this.
14:36 Yeah, just a picture of snake. Hey, mercy look at this one.
14:39 Oh, boy. Hey, about this one?
14:44 This one oh, would not be able to hand that one,
14:47 how about the next one.
14:51 So be warned the story you are about to hear
14:55 is a real life snake story.
14:59 I should be correct.
15:00 It's actually is a thousands of poisonous snakes stories
15:04 It's the stuff of nightmares.
15:06 Take your Bible out, open to the fourth
15:08 book of the Bible, the Book of Numbers.
15:11 Our series "The Chosen" is moving towards its wreck.
15:14 Not today, next weekend, final installment.
15:18 By the way next Sabbath is sadist
15:20 and the gladdest story of all.
15:22 Don't shoot they miss next Sabbath.
15:25 All right.
15:26 Numbers fourth Book of the Bible.
15:29 And by the way if you didn't bring the Bible
15:31 you have got to follow this one for yourselves.
15:33 So grab the pew Bible in front of you,
15:34 it's the saying translation new King James Version
15:36 that I'm in here.
15:38 It will be page 109 in your pew Bible.
15:43 Story begins in verse 4, Snakes in the Cradle.
15:47 That's the title of today's teaching.
15:51 Snakes in the Cradle, Numbers 21:4 then, they,
15:54 that will be children of Israel the chosen.
15:58 "Then, they journeyed from Mount Hor"
16:00 oh, boy sad story don't you miss next week.
16:04 Aaron has died a top Mount Hor,
16:07 the high priest of the community
16:09 40 years number two in leadership is been buried.
16:14 "Then, they journeyed from Mount Hor
16:16 by the Way the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom"
16:19 now I need to tell you what happening in here.
16:20 Edom will be the land of children of Esau.
16:23 These are the children of Jacob.
16:24 So, there's cousins are in Edom and God is absolutely clear
16:27 you don't put the finger, you don't put a finger
16:30 on those Edomites they are my children.
16:32 God is still that way with the children of East.
16:36 By the way still loves the children of the East.
16:39 And so He says the only way
16:40 here is the Promise Land here's Edom
16:42 they are coming up from the south.
16:43 The only way you can get to the Promise Land
16:46 I want you to go East.
16:47 You go East, you go around Edom
16:50 then you come to the Jordan next week.
16:53 But every step they take eastward
16:56 they realize we are getting
16:58 further and further from the Promise Land.
17:01 Hence, the rest of verse 4 "and the soul of people
17:05 became very discouraged on the way."
17:10 Verse 5, "And the people
17:11 spoke against God and against Moses.
17:14 'Why have you brought us up
17:15 out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
17:17 For there is no food and no water,
17:19 and our soul loathes this worthless'"
17:22 this "worthless bread."
17:28 And the words of the former Yankees pitcher Yogi Berra,
17:31 "it is deja vu all over again."
17:36 I mean, can you believe it?
17:37 It's a different reading the same story
17:39 we've been reading all this semester
17:41 the same people, the same murmuring,
17:43 the same complaining, the same meltdown
17:47 different incident, different story
17:49 might feel familiar it's a different story.
17:56 For 40 years they have been bearing
17:59 and entire generation behind these kids backs
18:04 and a little burial mounts and hot sand of their parents.
18:09 But I notice some thing about a negative spirit.
18:13 Maybe you have too.
18:15 You meet a person who when you looks at the cup
18:17 he always tells you it's half empty.
18:19 You meet a person who is by nature negative
18:21 and I'm telling you what, you can trace it back
18:25 to the parents like father like son, like daughter,
18:30 like mother, like daughter.
18:33 Some times it is like daughter like mother.
18:38 Its kids they got it naturally they got earnestly.
18:41 There grown up in a home.
18:43 We sit around the dinner table
18:46 and mom and dad were ripped apart of the Church,
18:48 ripped apart of the leaders, ripped apart their work,
18:50 complain about the world every thing
18:52 neggy, neggy, neggy, they it earnestly.
18:58 The negative spirit never forget this,
19:01 a negative spirit is highly contagious.
19:07 Especially, in groups by the way
19:09 which is why every-- every leader knows
19:12 that you had got the cut this thing off
19:14 at the past or the entire group,
19:16 the entire congregation, the entire community
19:19 will going to melt down.
19:23 So the people spoke is verse 5.
19:25 "And the people spoke against God and against Moses,
19:27 'Why have you brought us up
19:28 out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
19:30 There is no food and no water,
19:31 and our soul loathes this worthless bread.'"
19:33 Which being interpreted means
19:34 we are sick and tied of this awful manna.
19:39 And by the way, I would go the same way, wouldn't you?
19:41 Forty years with that same die wouldn't you get sick?
19:45 I would, but I want you to remind you
19:47 before you are too quick to sympathize with the people.
19:49 I want to remind you it was never God's plan
19:51 for them to have 40 years of manna.
19:52 God's plan was for that generation
19:54 goes straight in at the Promise Land
19:56 but because of their unbelief
19:59 they've been struck with that bread for 40 years.
20:05 A hundred years ago, these words were written
20:08 I'm reading to you.
20:12 For 40 years did unbelief and murmuring
20:14 and the rebellion shout out ancient Israel
20:17 from the land of Canaan.
20:18 Now listen, "We too
20:21 may have to remain here in this world
20:22 because of our insubordination.
20:28 We too may have remain in this world many more years
20:31 as did the children of Israel but for Christ sake"
20:34 that is strong language by the way,
20:36 "but for Christ sake His people should not add
20:38 sin to sin by charging God with the consequence
20:40 of their own wrong course of action."
20:41 You can't blame God, you cannot blame Moses
20:44 for these 40 years.
20:46 We are here because you choose.
20:50 So we have verse 5 "And the people spoke
20:52 against God and against Moses.
20:53 Why have you brought us up, why have you brought us up
20:55 out of Egypt the die in the wilderness?
20:56 For there is no food and no water,
20:58 and our soul loathes this worthless bread."
21:00 The leader God knows
21:01 that He has got mild down on his hands again.
21:03 Deja vu all over again, here we go again.
21:08 It's just days from the promise Land.
21:11 And so verse 6, "So the Lord sent fiery serpents
21:16 among the people, and they bit the people,
21:19 and many of the people of Israel died."
21:24 I know, this sounds awful
21:26 but I got to tell you something guys,
21:28 there is a breath taking portrait of God
21:31 in what we had just read.
21:34 You got to get this don't ever forget this.
21:37 God is so committed to our human freedom
21:40 that he has elevated free choice
21:42 as the highest of all universal liberties.
21:46 You think about it.
21:48 In God's kingdom there is no greater freedom
21:53 than the freedom to choose.
21:56 That point is so critical
21:57 to understand in this story that are,
21:58 I wish you take out your study guide right now.
22:00 Would you?
22:01 Take out your study guide and write it down.
22:03 Let's get that point while it is fresh in our minds.
22:05 If you didn't study guide thank you ushers,
22:07 just hold your hand up in the balcony,
22:09 back front where we are and we make sure
22:11 the ushers gets that study guide.
22:13 I want to say a word to you
22:14 who are watching on Television right now,
22:16 you can get the same study guide
22:18 we are delighted to have you.
22:19 Let me put it on the screen for you.
22:20 That's a website, you go to our website
22:25 This is a series "The Chosen."
22:26 And by the way this is the next and last of The Chosen.
22:28 It all wraps up. Don't you miss next week.
22:31 But today's teaching is entitle "Snakes in the Cradle."
22:34 You see right besides "Snakes in the Cradle"
22:35 the word study guide, the word study guide
22:38 click there you have the same study guide we have right here.
22:42 All right that's right down
22:43 while it's fresh, fresh in our minds.
22:45 Jot it down.
22:46 God is so committed to our human freedom
22:48 that He has elevated free choice, free choice.
22:51 You got a free choice, baby. It is your choice.
22:54 "He has elevated free choice
22:55 as the highest of all universal liberties."
22:57 Keep riding, "In God's kingdom
22:58 there is no greater freedom than the freedom to choose.
23:03 Without the freedom to choose," write it down "reciprocal."
23:06 You know reciprocal means? It means I give it back.
23:08 You give to me I return it.
23:10 "Without the freedom to choose, reciprocal love could not exist
23:12 because love must not only give you
23:14 the right to say YES
23:16 it must also grant you the right to say NO."
23:21 If you are a young man on this campus
23:24 and you being longing to go out with a girl,
23:26 you finally get up the courage to take reside
23:29 and you put a gun at her head
23:31 and you announce love me or I will kill you.
23:34 Trust me what she gives you will never be love.
23:39 You can called him rape but you cannot call in love.
23:42 Because love in order for the love to be loved
23:44 it has to give you the right not only to say yes,
23:46 but it must give you the right to say no.
23:49 Well, why don't you tell that to God?
23:51 I mean, he is the one who is kill all the people
23:52 because they said no to Him.
23:54 No, not so fast watch out, watch this.
23:59 Deuteronomy is out theme book.
24:00 I want to take it to a verse in Deuteronomy Chapter 8
24:03 we'll put on the screen
24:04 because we need to put the finger right here.
24:06 Let me show you some thing interesting
24:07 about the wilderness terrain which for 40 years has been
24:11 that the tram and camping grounds.
24:12 All right, this is the wilderness.
24:14 Moses fairly addresses, he says
24:16 I want to remind you about God.
24:17 Look what God did for.
24:18 "He led you through that great and terrible wilderness,
24:21 in which" were what?
24:23 "In which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land
24:27 where there was no water,
24:28 God brought you water out of the flinty rock."
24:32 Now please note ladies and gentlemen,
24:33 that the fiery serpents and by the way there are fiery
24:37 because of there rapid fire, killer venom,
24:42 burns as it goes in and soon death in minutes.
24:46 These fiery serpents
24:47 the wilderness is there natural habitat.
24:50 There are the logical inhabitants.
24:52 They already lived in.
24:53 In fact, would you write it down please?
24:55 "God did not suddenly create
24:57 a slithering horde of fiery serpents
24:58 to punish the children of Israel,
24:59 the snakes were already there."
25:03 Don't you put this one on God.
25:04 Well, what kind of mean You are to come up for these snakes.
25:06 He didn't come up for them, the snakes are already there.
25:10 For 40 years God's presence.
25:13 And 1 Corinthians 10, reminds us
25:14 it is the presence of the pre-incarnate Christ.
25:16 For 40 years Christ himself has been the divine shield
25:20 to protect these wandering liberate slaves.
25:26 Forty years He's been that shield and wall.
25:29 "But it is clear in response
25:32 to the people's dark and murmuring wishes,"
25:34 jot it down "God honors their free choice."
25:37 He values that more than any thing in the world
25:39 even if you saying no to Him,
25:41 He values that more the new having to say yes to Him.
25:44 "God honors their free choice and removes himself
25:48 from their midst thus lifting the divine shield
25:50 that had protected them all these years."
25:53 Why?
25:54 Because God is love
25:55 and in order for love to be loved
25:57 it must not only grant you the right to say yes,
25:59 it must give you the right to say no.
26:02 And when Israel says no, once again
26:05 this time God quietly takes no for an answer.
26:07 He says, all right,
26:09 I got the point, I got the point.
26:10 I'm out of here. Good bye.
26:13 And he walks away.
26:18 Want you to hit the pause button
26:19 here for just for one quite moment.
26:23 Some of you have been going through some difficult time,
26:27 tough, tough, I understand.
26:30 You may be tempted, you may be tempted
26:32 to just kiss God off.
26:35 Tell Him I've had it with You.
26:38 I begged You to do this, I asked You to intervene
26:41 You have done nothing for me, adios.
26:44 I want you to think very carefully my friend,
26:45 before you say no to God do you know
26:49 what He has kept you from all these years.
26:55 You be careful, won't you say no on the borders.
26:58 Won't you say no on the borders of the Promise Land?
27:01 You're hanging there with that yes.
27:05 Verse 6, "So the Lord,
27:06 sent fiery serpents among the people,
27:08 and they bit the people
27:09 and many of the people of Israel died."
27:12 You say, Dwight, look it says the Lord sent them.
27:14 I told you God is the one who came up with these.
27:16 Hey, hold on, hold on.
27:19 There's an important Old Testament principle
27:21 you need to keep in mind
27:22 this will help you through the Old Testament.
27:24 We'll put it on the screen for you.
27:25 Here it is.
27:26 "God is often shown as doing that which he allows."
27:31 So, when Bible says
27:32 " God hardened Pharaoh's heart,"
27:34 He didn't hardened Pharaoh's heart.
27:36 He gave Pharaoh an opportunity to make a choice
27:37 and Pharaoh chosen in that moment of decision
27:40 to say no to God
27:41 but the Old Testament portrays God
27:43 is often doing that which He loves.
27:46 Says the Lord, sent the venomous adders.
27:49 He did not.
27:51 He simply allowed them, He step backs.
27:53 All right you don't want Me here,
27:55 here what's I have been keeping
27:56 from you for 40 years, you may have them now.
28:00 Well.
28:03 Did I already mention to you
28:04 that I'm not really keen on snakes?
28:07 I mean, you try to imagine with me.
28:09 Imagine it.
28:11 I can't-- man, I cannot fathom the horror of a deadly adder,
28:17 some how slithering up into my bed.
28:23 I like to sleep with the leg out of the covers.
28:27 So he find out he's looking for warm, he finds that hole.
28:30 I can't imagine what would be like to wake up
28:33 in the middle of the night
28:34 with something cold and clammy
28:35 moving slowly up the side of my torso.
28:40 I mean, do you get the heebie jeebies
28:41 like I do just think about this?
28:45 I know my problem is I'm telling this is the truth
28:47 I'm the baby boomer, all right and so I grew up,
28:49 I grew up with a whole lot of missionary stories.
28:53 A lot of you haven't heard Missionary stories
28:54 but boy, we baby boomers grew up with them.
28:56 And I'm the missionary's kid anyway
28:58 but I think grew up for the Africa or India.
28:59 I grew up in-- you know, civilized Japan as it were
29:03 but they told the stories.
29:04 I remember those stories
29:05 some of you might remember them where
29:07 you know the missionary wakes up
29:08 in the middle of the night and they are cocked and coiled
29:10 that hooded mantle cobra as just is a stuff.
29:17 It's a stuff of nightmares and this is it.
29:21 Patriarchs and Prophets
29:22 let them put it on the screen for you.
29:23 "In almost every tent" isn't is something
29:26 "almost every tent in it were the dying or the dead.
29:30 None were secure.
29:32 Often the silence of the night was broken
29:33 by piercing cries that told of fresh victims."
29:39 Yeah, therefore verse 7,
29:43 you got to handed to the people.
29:46 They may be slow but there are quick.
29:51 Bless them.
29:53 "And Therefore the people came to Moses,
29:55 and said, 'We have sinned,
29:56 for we have spoken against the Lord and against you,
29:59 pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.'
30:01 So Moses prayed for the people."
30:03 The very leader that hours ago they had cursed off,
30:06 they are coming to and pleading you,
30:08 you got to pray for us please.
30:11 I tell you what, I worked for few leaders in my life.
30:17 It takes a very big leader...
30:27 to after he or she is been rejected
30:33 be willing to still lead the same people.
30:42 Moses immediately praise for his stricken people.
30:47 You know what, it occurs to me you may be a leader.
30:50 Leader in your dormitory room, leader in your marriage,
30:52 leader in your home, leader in your office,
30:54 leader in your school, leader in your place of work,
30:57 leader in your neighborhood.
30:58 You may be a leader.
31:00 Guess what leader friend,
31:02 the spiritual mission of a leader
31:05 is to pray for her people, pray for his people.
31:08 You got a roommate you pray, you pray.
31:12 You pray for your people.
31:15 Moses prays and God responds
31:16 with this most unusual three fold instruction.
31:19 Watch this.
31:20 Verse 8 "Then the Lord said to Moses,"
31:22 after Moses pleaded on behalf of the people.
31:24 Verse 8, Number one " I what you make a fiery serpent."
31:27 You make one just like these snakes
31:28 that would come into this camp.
31:29 I want to look just like these snakes.
31:31 Number one, "you make a fiery serpent."
31:32 Number two "you set it on a pole."
31:34 Hebrew word is for a military standard
31:36 and I want that pole to be so high
31:37 that it could be seen a across the desert sands, okay.
31:40 Number one, serpent.
31:41 Number two, high on a pole and Number three Moses,
31:43 you get the people this instruction
31:45 every one who is bitten,
31:46 when he looks at the pole with the serpent you live.
31:51 "So Moses" verse 9 "made a bronze serpent,
31:53 and he put it on a pole, and so it was,
31:55 if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked
31:58 at the bronze serpent, he lived."
32:01 The end, because it's was the end.
32:06 For those who did not or would not look,
32:10 I'm too pride for this.
32:12 I'm too intelligent.
32:13 You don't just look at some thing
32:15 and get healed, I refuse.
32:18 For those two bright for raw faith it was the end
32:26 but for those victims who tenderly carried
32:29 or urgently drag to that-- thrown open tenth flap.
32:33 I mean, you can't try to put it
32:34 put yourself there it's your mother,
32:36 it's your mother who's been bitten.
32:38 You got your mother in the corner of the tent
32:39 what you gonna do?
32:40 The word is if you get your mother,
32:41 so that she can turn almost glazed eyes
32:44 and faced that serpent she live.
32:46 What you gonna do it in momma? What you gonna do with brother?
32:49 He's been bite. Your wife is almost comatose.
32:52 She's going, going. What you gonna do?
32:56 You haven't been bitten yet.
32:58 You gonna drag that body, you don't care how heavy.
33:00 How you gonna tenderly,
33:02 you're gonna get that body to the open flap
33:04 and then you're gonna take your two hands
33:06 and you gonna cup them around that face
33:08 that is precious to you
33:09 and you're gonna said come on papa,
33:10 come on papa, look, look, open your eyes daddy,
33:12 you can see look at the snake.
33:16 Wouldn't you?
33:20 It would not been academic exercise,
33:21 it would not be little theatrical
33:24 one, two, three with all the passion you have
33:27 you would move that person to a life giving gaze.
33:31 And oh, by the way,
33:33 had it been you-- had it been you.
33:39 I know, I like you be pleading somebody get me to the door,
33:46 get me to the door.
33:49 I have to see this now.
33:54 Was it the bronze serpent that saved Israel that day?
33:58 You think, the bronze serpent did it?
34:01 Scholars believe that God asked Moses
34:03 to make that serpent bronze or brass
34:06 to reflect the color of these inviting guest, the killers.
34:12 So I went on Goolge, I said okay,
34:13 give me yellow or bronze snakes
34:15 so this is what I get.
34:17 I tell you what, take your pick,
34:19 I wouldn't want one of them in my sleeping bag,
34:20 not a one of those.
34:24 Do you think, do you think
34:26 that the replica hanging high on that standard,
34:29 do you suppose, that there were
34:30 some sort of divine magic in that twisted brass.
34:34 You think people believe that it was magic.
34:36 Are you kidding the people?
34:37 No exactly what's going on,
34:38 there is no pizza, bronze in the world
34:41 that can possibly save me from what I got.
34:42 I'm going, baby.
34:45 They know, the God has simply called for raw face.
34:51 Is God who is prescribed the bronze serpent
34:55 you see it, you look at it.
34:57 You hear me? You look at it and you live.
35:01 And given the fact, that Israel and murmuring complaint
35:05 had just abandoned their trust in God.
35:07 It is clear that this divine remedy is case specific.
35:10 I'm making it exactly for you.
35:12 Where you fail, you got to come back.
35:14 I need raw faith right here.
35:15 I need you to trust me, you just look at this thing,
35:17 you just look at it and I'll heal you.
35:20 You don't look your gone.
35:25 The remedy was simple, write it down.
35:27 "Look and live!" Look and live.
35:34 Raw faith which was precisely
35:38 Jesus point in that clandestine midnight
35:44 take to take conversation with Nicodemus
35:46 wouldn't been seen dead with him during day light.
35:50 John 3, I want you to turn to John 3,
35:53 we're not coming back to Numbers.
35:55 John 3, the gospel saying St. John Chapter 3
35:58 take a look at this.
35:59 Everybody knows John 3:16, come on, we know it.
36:01 The two verses before John 3:16.
36:04 John Chapter 3, John 3.
36:12 Red letters, if you got Red Letters Bible
36:13 there's a bright red, hallelujah.
36:16 Jesus speaking midnight under the shadow,
36:22 of an outdoor encounter.
36:27 John 3:14, "And as Moses lifted up
36:30 the serpent in the wilderness,
36:33 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
36:36 that whoever believes in Him
36:39 should not perish but have eternal life."
36:47 You need to remember, ladies and gentlemen,
36:49 this is pre-incarnate Christ,
36:51 this is the same one who was pre-incarnate Christ.
36:53 He is the one who came up with the divine remedy
36:55 in the first place and said Nicodemus,
36:56 listen to me, look at Me.
36:58 I'm the serpent, do you understand that?
37:00 I'm the serpent, there must have been--
37:04 shock on the face of that sanctimonious rabbi.
37:07 I'm the serpent.
37:11 When I'm lifted up you look at me, you live.
37:17 You don't look at me, its curtains.
37:23 And then He speaks say it out loud with me come on.
37:25 "For God so loved the world
37:28 that He gave His only begotten Son,
37:30 that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have"
37:34 eternal life "everlasting life."
37:37 You get it if you raw faith trust me.
37:42 Which is why ladies and gentlemen,
37:43 the story of the serpent on the pole
37:44 is much more than a snake story.
37:46 God is seizing the opportunity
37:48 for one more sandbox illustration
37:51 before they march into the Promise Land.
37:57 Did you have sandboxes in your Sabbath school
37:59 when your kid growing up?
38:01 I don't think young adults had sandboxes.
38:04 I asked the two younger adults
38:05 I'm working with to put this PowerPoint together.
38:07 No, no we didn't have sandboxes.
38:08 Did you have sandboxes? They didn't.
38:10 He have phonographs, right.
38:11 Put the things little story they tell the stories
38:13 on the boo, phonographs.
38:17 But when I grew up we had sandboxes.
38:18 If you-- chook, chook, chook, chook, chook.
38:20 Let me ask you this, did you have a sandbox,
38:21 did you have a sandbox outside your house
38:23 as your kid grown up?
38:24 Did you have those?
38:26 They still have those, don't they?
38:27 Yeah.
38:28 Every kid knows about the sandbox.
38:29 You know, what's been going on,
38:30 40 years of a literal burning sandbox
38:34 in the wilderness and God's been sticking
38:36 I'm gonna give you the plan of salvation.
38:37 Watch it-- puts the sanctuary down.
38:38 See, this is what happens.
38:40 There's a holy place, there's a most holy place.
38:42 See that gold that is golden ark is my throne.
38:46 He telling the story of salvation,
38:47 you see the bread, Shewbread.
38:49 I'm the bread of life.
38:50 You see the water, I'm the water of life.
38:51 You see the light, the candelabra,
38:53 I'm the light of the world.
38:56 You see the sacrifice on the altar I'm the Lamb,
38:58 I'm the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
39:00 God puts in the sand
39:01 chook, chook, chook, chook, chook He has this
39:03 and now just before the Promise Land--
39:08 a stick of the snake on top and it says look at this.
39:15 He is not just telling snake stories.
39:17 He is making a point about salvation.
39:20 All right, jot it down "Numbers 21
39:22 and John 3 introduce the healing metaphor
39:27 into the divine plan of salvation."
39:29 Healing, healing, healing.
39:31 What we have a lamb. We got a lamb.
39:32 No, no, no, the lamb is not enough.
39:34 Watch this, keep your pen moving.
39:35 "Whereas the lamb depicted the forgiveness of our sins,
39:40 the serpent demonstrated the healing from our sins."
39:46 It is the mysterious truth, keep writing,
39:48 "that in order to heal humanity,
39:51 the Savior must become the very poison"
39:55 He must become the "poison that was killing them."
40:00 It is a Healing metaphor.
40:04 And that's why physicians today,
40:07 you go to a doctor's office
40:08 some more in that doctor's office
40:09 may be unheard diploma, may be on this wall
40:12 you will see this symbol.
40:14 Take a look at that symbol. Do you know that symbol is?
40:17 That's Moses serpent on a pole.
40:21 It's a symbol of healing, healing, healing, healing.
40:28 You got some great biologists here
40:30 those of you that are science majors
40:31 or premed students or whatever.
40:34 You taken biology and I have talked to David Steen
40:36 and I've talked to Bill Chobotar
40:37 they teach biology, they teach immunology,
40:39 they teach the whole thing.
40:40 You know, what's happening a Cavalry what's this.
40:42 You know, what's happening on the cross?
40:44 Oh, you guys help me If I'm wrong
40:46 because I have been working on this.
40:47 What's happening on the cross is an antigen,
40:51 an antigen has been injected into the victim of the cross.
40:55 Sin as it were was mainline
40:58 directly in to the heart of Jesus.
41:02 An antigen, that's the poison.
41:04 When the antigen gets inside the system,
41:06 now help me outside scientist,
41:07 when the antigen gets inside the body if it has time,
41:10 if the body has time
41:12 it responds to the antigen by creating antibodies.
41:16 True or False? Antibodies.
41:20 Calvary is where God's mainline did to himself
41:24 the poison that is killed the entire human race
41:27 so that in that divine human body
41:29 there might become antibodies
41:32 and if you take the antibodies now hold on,
41:34 if you take the antibodies
41:36 out of one who has been injected
41:38 or has been bitten with the antigen.
41:42 If you take the antibody out of that one
41:44 and you come to me
41:45 because I also have been bitten by that same serpent
41:48 and you inject his blood straight into me,
41:51 my body immediately receives it as an antidote.
41:58 Isn't that fascinating?
42:01 You know, look like you get it
42:02 but I thought that pretty fascinating myself you know.
42:11 The fact is we don't have a lot of science majors
42:15 with us today that's the problem.
42:19 Is not some thing guys, isn't that something
42:21 what you getting in your classes
42:22 is what happened to Calvary.
42:24 The antigen goes in, the poison goes in.
42:26 My sins what are your sins? What are your favorite sins?
42:30 You have a little catalogue keep in your wallet,
42:31 this is what I love to do.
42:33 What are your favorite sins?
42:35 What ever there are-- mainline into the heart
42:39 the broken heart of the eternal God himself.
42:43 Antibody so that if we go to that cross there is life
42:50 where the serpent is strung up.
42:55 Centuries later it is much more clearly articulated
42:57 than I just do it
42:58 and so, let's do it in your study guide.
42:59 We'll put it on the screen these verses from the Bible.
43:03 Isaiah 53 speaking of the coming Messiah,
43:06 you know, this great prophesy.
43:07 "Surely he has borne our grief's"
43:09 the Hebrew word for grief, can we translate
43:11 "He has borne our sickness i.e. poison"
43:13 was mainlined in to him.
43:14 He has borne our poison and carried our sorrows
43:18 and by His stripes," what is it say?
43:20 We are what? "Healed."
43:22 Ladies and gentlemen,
43:23 the serpent is about the healing metaphor.
43:24 Write it down, we are healed.
43:26 Please go to the next verse please,
43:29 1 Peter 2:24 "Christ himself bore our sins
43:32 in his body on the tree," antigen injected into Him,
43:37 "so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness,
43:40 by his wounds you have been healed."
43:43 There is a healing metaphor again.
43:45 Final verse, 2 Corinthians 5:21
43:47 " For He, the Father made Him, Christ
43:50 who knew no sin to be sin"
43:52 he injected it straight into him
43:53 the Lord, had laid on him the inequity of soul.
43:56 He made Him to be
43:57 "who knew no sin to be sin for us,
44:00 that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
44:05 The story of serpent on the pole
44:06 expands the shinning truth of salvation.
44:08 The power of the Cross not only pardons us over our sins
44:13 it can heal us from our sins.
44:19 Mercy, which is exactly what this is all about.
44:26 A hundred years ago, you got it right there
44:28 in your study guide you have to fill it in.
44:31 "As the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness,
44:34 so the Son of God was lifted up on the cross,
44:37 that sinners from the ends of the earth"
44:39 hundred nations represented at Andrew's University,
44:41 there is no nation outside the reach of Calvary.
44:43 "Sinners from the ends of the earth
44:44 might look and live.
44:45 Multitudes are still suffering"
44:47 notice the metaphor that medicine--
44:49 the medical metaphor, the healing metaphor.
44:51 "Multitudes are still suffering from the deadly sting
44:54 of that old serpent, the devil.
44:56 The effects of sin can be removed
44:57 only by the provision which God has made.
45:00 Here, alone, hope and salvation can be found.
45:02 As the Israelites saved their lives
45:05 by looking upon the brazen serpent,"
45:07 so sinners that would be you, that would be me,
45:09 "so sinners can look to Christ and live.
45:14 Unlike that inert and lifeless symbol,"
45:16 that just hunk of brass on top of that stick
45:19 "Christ has power and virtue in himself,"
45:21 write it down, to heal "to heal the suffering,
45:26 repenting, bleeding"
45:28 see the medical metaphor is kept alive, "bleeding sinner."
45:36 How than the shall the chosen be healed?
45:38 I'm telling you what guys,
45:40 just like Israel that's how we must look to the pole.
45:43 We must gaze upon the cross,
45:45 look to the cross, go to the cross,
45:47 kneel at the cross, bow before the cross.
45:49 It is the only antidote in the universe
45:52 with the power to heal you and me
45:55 of our crippling, paralyzing,
45:57 and fatal, fatal sins.
46:00 Fatal sins. See, I'm not dead yet.
46:04 I'm not dead.
46:05 No, it's eating you out from the inside out.
46:11 You'll die.
46:13 You'll die unless you are healed you will die.
46:19 So what is it that you struggle with?
46:23 What is the sin that you struggle with?
46:26 I know what I battle in my life.
46:29 I know. What is it?
46:33 This has been some series,
46:35 I mean, we've looked at all kinds of stuff, sex,
46:38 alcohol, drugs, diet.
46:45 There are sins of the flesh,
46:47 the sins of the mind, just a mouse,
46:53 sins of the eyes, sins of the ears.
46:58 So what is it? What is the poison?
47:02 I know what I've been injected with by my choice.
47:09 Ladies and gentlemen, whatever sin you struggle with
47:14 there is all sufficient power
47:16 at the cross of Christ to heal you and me.
47:20 Heal us, not just forgive us, hallelujah, but heal us.
47:24 We've got to be healed.
47:25 It's not enough to be forgiven, you've got to be healed.
47:31 You can't go on forever
47:35 and die this side of the Promise Land.
47:39 Look to the cross where flows a healing antidote
47:46 of the divine serpent that can save us.
47:50 We must look to the cross. Look to the cross.
47:56 Some of you are saying, you know, Dwight, I appreciate
47:57 you're going through this little exercise
47:59 of trying to job my memory.
48:00 I actually haven't been able to think
48:02 of very much at all.
48:07 Some guys just got it.
48:09 Let me tell you something, my friend.
48:12 I'm deeply concerned about
48:13 the toxicity of our spiritual pride.
48:16 It was a calculated list to even get into this series.
48:19 You know, why, because the moment
48:20 you start talking about behavior,
48:21 the moment you start talking about distinctive teachings
48:24 and countercultural behavior--
48:27 and by the way we got into this series because of you.
48:30 The survey we did this last spring
48:31 you ask these questions,
48:32 one series could tie it all together.
48:34 I believe the Holy Spirit let us into the chosen.
48:37 But I've been deeply concerned
48:41 that as we've examined this countercultural life--
48:44 the distinctive teachings of the chosen.
48:48 God has called us to embrace.
48:50 God has called us to embrace it
48:51 all the series we've examined that.
48:52 I have become deeply concerned
48:54 that somehow the chosen are in danger
48:56 of being duped, deceived into believing
49:01 that our salvation is somehow predicated
49:04 upon our counterculturalness and our radical obedience
49:06 and our distinctive teachings and one story
49:09 the serpent on the pole declares
49:10 it is not predicated on that.
49:13 I want to tell you something,
49:15 all the righteous living in the world,
49:16 all the righteous living in the world
49:19 will never say the righteous or the wicked or the chosen.
49:23 You can't, you just can't get saved
49:26 by how you live.
49:35 The chosen are not saved because they are chosen,
49:39 they are chosen because they are saved
49:43 and has a worldly difference.
49:50 Which is why we must look to His cross,
49:53 it is the only, it is the only antidote
49:57 that can save us.
50:02 And by the way, my friend,
50:04 there is no way you can back this out for you
50:10 because if you are not saved
50:13 and not chosen do you understand,
50:16 do you understand that chose people
50:18 who thought they were chosen died in that wilderness.
50:22 I got it, I got it,
50:23 I'm a part of that, I got the card.
50:25 I'm a part, look.
50:26 Nope, they never made it to the Promise Land
50:31 thought they were chosen
50:33 turns out they weren't healed they were not saved.
50:39 One more quotation look at this,
50:41 its in your study guide.
50:42 I love this one.
50:43 "If you will only do your part" what's my part?
50:45 Dwight, this is all you do, bow at the cross of Calvary.
50:49 Isn't that beautiful?
50:50 "Bow at the cross of Calvary,
50:52 you will receive the blessing of God.
50:55 God loves you.
50:57 He doesn't wish to draw you nigh to him to hurt you,
50:59 oh, no, but to comfort
51:01 you to pour in the oil of rejoicing, to heal"
51:03 there is that metaphor again.
51:04 "To heal the wounds that sin has made,
51:07 to bind up where Satan has bruised.
51:08 Will you bow low at the foot of the cross?"
51:11 I love this.
51:12 "Jesus will place his arms around you, and comforts you.
51:16 Will you do this without further delay?"
51:20 isn't that beautiful?
51:21 Just go to the cross, just look, just look and live.
51:29 As this old year veins and the New Year approaches us
51:36 is what I like to do.
51:38 I like to invite you to join me, make a little,
51:41 let's make a little covenant you and I.
51:43 I won't check up on you
51:44 if you promise not to check up on.
51:47 But here's what I would like to invite.
51:50 This community the chosen as it were.
51:55 What would happen if everyday of journey ahead--
51:57 you start tomorrow not with the New Year,
51:59 but what would happen if everyday
52:00 we went to the foot of the cross to begin the day?
52:05 I learn this from my friend
52:06 who now sleeps in Jesus Roger Morneau
52:09 and I'll tell what it has made a difference in my life.
52:12 Roger taught me the best way
52:14 to begin your day even worship--
52:16 the best way to begin your worship
52:18 is to go to Calvary,
52:19 read the story of the cross, read Matthew 27:24-54.
52:24 What is that?
52:25 Thirty little verses, you read it
52:27 every single day of your life.
52:28 You go to the place
52:29 where the unleashed power of God can heal you.
52:32 Go the foot of the cross.
52:34 And so since I learned that from Roger Morneau
52:36 by the grace of God I begin every worship
52:38 right there at the foot of the cross.
52:41 Every time I stand here,
52:42 this is the cross inlaid into this wooden platform, why?
52:46 Because it's at the foot of the cross
52:49 that you and I are secured.
52:50 That's the only place we are healed.
52:53 So what happened?
52:54 Come on, see now your Bible,
52:57 oh, go buy yourself a Bible for Christmas.
52:59 Don't like the Bible you have, buy yourself a new translation.
53:01 It's great to get a new translation now and then.
53:03 It makes a little more, I got to get into this.
53:05 Turn those nice crispy pages.
53:08 But what you say, you and I make a covenant
53:11 by the grace of God we will go to the cross
53:13 read Matthew 27:24-54 everyday.
53:17 Look out what else you do in worship,
53:18 start your worship at the cross.
53:21 Wouldn't it be something?
53:23 Whole community that's chosen,
53:24 you know, why, you now, why, that would be important?
53:26 I'll tell you why.
53:27 Because the chosen will never end their story
53:32 in the Promise Land until first
53:37 they go to the serpent on the pole.
53:41 You can't get there without that cross.
53:56 I need to make an appeal. I want to pray with you first.
54:02 Dear Father, what is this,
54:11 on the very borders of the Promise Land
54:15 they still need to learn the truth about the cross.
54:20 Could it be the same for us?
54:22 Got everything else down,
54:23 oh, that kind of cultural part got it,
54:26 distinctiveness, oh, got that one
54:28 but are we missing the quintessence
54:33 of what salvation is all about.
54:37 The healing of a divine physician,
54:41 we divine physician who was injected
54:45 with our antigen, our sin, our poison
54:52 and now because of Calvary can offer us eternal life
54:59 if only with raw faith
55:01 we will look to the cross that we might live.
55:06 Holy Father, please,
55:11 take us to the cross over and over and over
55:17 until Christ himself comes I pray.
55:23 Before you go I wanted to take one more moment
55:25 and let you know how glad I am
55:27 you shared this hour of worship and Bible teaching with us.
55:30 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church
55:32 and we're on the campus of Andrew's University
55:33 and the series is The Chosen.
55:36 This is a series that has been growing
55:38 and it's burned on my heart
55:40 and over the last few weeks before this new season began.
55:44 And some concentrated prayer time
55:46 I believe the Spirit of God lead me do this series,
55:49 out of the Book of Deuteronomy
55:50 for this generation within our community of faith
55:53 and outside this community of faith.
55:55 I believe both, both communities need to hear
56:00 the compelling Bible truth
56:03 captured in this series called The Chosen.
56:04 So thank you for joining me and all of us
56:07 as we continue our journey deeper and deeper
56:09 into the heart of this theme.
56:11 Living as you and I do and I'm--
56:14 I know I'm preaching to the choir now,
56:16 living as we do on the edge of a civilization
56:19 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change.
56:23 I am so grateful and I know you are
56:25 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus.
56:29 I'm thankful that you and I
56:30 have been given name the privilege by God
56:33 to partner to reach this generation
56:34 the world over through the satellite telecast.
56:36 I don't know how it works,
56:38 I just know that those satellites drop the signals
56:41 and those footprints all over the planet
56:43 are helping disseminate this divine call
56:46 to become a part of The Chosen, God's last generation on earth.
56:50 So please, here's what I want you to know,
56:51 I thank God for you in a generous way
56:54 you have partnered with us in the past
56:56 and making New Perceptions possible globally.
57:00 Your tax-deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:02 all across the earth I believe for such a time as this.
57:06 Look, would you like to order a copy of today's teaching
57:10 you can order DVD, you get all the PowerPoint,
57:12 everything is there, you can share
57:14 with your friends, share with your family.
57:15 I want to just insert this here,
57:17 if you go to our website
57:18 and we've been advertising our website all along the way
57:20 and I'm gonna insert it right here
57:21, go to that website
57:25 you get a podcast of this.
57:27 We have people now subscribing to podcast
57:29 the world over, it's time for this message to get out.
57:33 Thank you for your partnership in helping us do that.
57:35 Call one of our friendly operators
57:37 to toll-free number, it won't cost you a penny
57:39 here in North America, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:42 You call that number, I promise you every penny
57:45 that you share we will invest your generosity
57:49 in God's mission to reach this final generation now.
57:53 Thank you very, very much.
57:54 And be assured, I'm looking forward to seeing you here,
57:57 right here again next time
57:59 as we continue our fascinating journey into The Chosen.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17