New Perceptions

Shabbat Shalom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP111911

00:05 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson
01:28 Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him!
01:35 Yea, I will laud Him until death,
01:41 With songs and anthems I'll come before Him
01:48 As long as He doth give me breath
01:54 From Him my life and all things came
02:00 Bless, O my soul, His holy name
02:07 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
02:24 "Make a joyful shout to the Lord all you lands!
02:29 Serve the Lord with gladness,
02:31 Come before His presence with singing.
02:35 Know that the Lord, He is God,
02:38 It is he who has made us, and not we ourselves,
02:41 We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
02:45 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
02:48 And into his courts with praise.
02:50 Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
02:54 For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting,
02:58 And His truth endures to all generations."
03:34 All things bright and beautiful
03:38 All creatures great and small
03:42 All things wise and wonderful
03:46 The Lord God made them all
03:51 Each little flower that opens
03:55 Each little bird that sings
04:00 He made their glowing colors
04:05 He made their tiny wings
04:09 All things bright and beautiful
04:13 All creatures great and small
04:18 All things wise and wonderful
04:22 The Lord God made them all
04:27 The purple-headed mountains
04:32 The river running by
04:37 The sunset, and the morning
04:41 That brightens up the sky
04:46 All things bright and beautiful
04:50 All creatures great and small
04:55 All things wise and wonderful
04:59 The Lord God made them all
05:05 The cold wind in the winter
05:09 The pleasant summer sun
05:14 The ripe fruits in the garden
05:18 He made them every one
05:23 All things bright and beautiful
05:28 All creatures great and small
05:32 All things wise and wonderful
05:37 The Lord God made them all
05:42 He gave us eyes to see them
05:47 And lips that we might tell
05:51 How great is God Almighty,
05:56 Who has made all things well
06:01 All things bright and beautiful
06:06 All creatures great and small
06:11 All things wise and wonderful
06:16 The Lord God made them all
06:40 Fairest Lord Jesus,
06:47 Ruler of all nature
06:52 O Thou of God
06:57 And man the Son!
07:03 Thee will I cherish,
07:09 Thee will I honor
07:14 Thou art my glory,
07:18 Joy and crown
07:24 Fair is the sunshine
07:30 Fairer still the moonlight
07:35 And all the twinkling,
07:41 Starry host
07:46 Jesus shines brighter,
07:52 Jesus shines purer
07:56 Than all the angels
08:00 Heaven can boast
08:06 Beautiful Savior,
08:13 Lord of all the nations
08:18 Son of God
08:22 And Son of Man!
08:29 Glory and honor,
08:35 Praise, adoration
08:40 Now and forevermore be Thine!
09:18 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
09:22 The King of creation!
09:27 O my soul, praise Him
09:30 For He is thy health and salvation!
09:37 All ye who hear,
09:40 Now to His temple draw near
09:45 Join ye in glad adoration!
09:53 Praise to the Lord
09:56 Who o'er all things so wonderfully reigneth
10:03 Shieldeth thee under His wings,
10:07 Yea, so gently sustaineth!
10:13 Hast thou not seen,
10:16 How thy desires e'er have been
10:22 Granted in what He ordaineth?
10:45 Praise to the Lord
10:48 Who doth prosper they work and defend thee
10:56 Surely His goodness
10:59 And mercy here daily attend thee
11:06 Ponder anew
11:11 What the Almighty can do
11:16 If with His love He befriend thee
11:30 Today's words of joy are taken from Psalms 98.
11:35 "Oh, sing to the Lord a new song,
11:37 for He has done marvelous things,
11:39 His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
11:44 The Lord has made His salvation known to all the nations.
11:47 His righteousness He has revealed
11:49 in the sight of the nations.
11:51 He has remembered His mercy
11:53 and His faithfulness to the house of Israel.
11:56 All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
12:00 Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth,
12:02 break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.
12:05 Sing to the Lord with the harp,
12:07 with the harp and the sound of a psalm,
12:09 with trumpets and the sound of a horn.
12:11 Shout joyfully before the Lord, the King.
12:15 Let the sea roar, and all its fullness,
12:17 the world and those who dwell in it.
12:20 Let the rivers clap their hands,
12:23 let the hills be joyful together before the Lord,
12:26 for He is coming to judge the earth.
12:29 With righteousness He shall judge the world,
12:32 and the peoples with equity."
12:35 This is God's word.
12:36 May we be touched by God's abundant joy today?
12:41 We come this Sabbath to the special time of praise.
12:46 We invite you to kneel
12:47 where you are for a prayer of rejoicing.
13:07 Dear precious heavenly Father,
13:10 we come before You with thankfulness in our hearts
13:13 for the many blessings You have given us.
13:17 We thank You for this beautiful Sabbath day
13:20 that You have created for us to lay aside
13:23 all of the burdens of our week
13:25 and to simply sit at Your feet to worship You.
13:30 Often when we come to Your feet
13:32 we have more petitions than praises.
13:36 When we send a thank you card to someone
13:38 the whole purpose of the card
13:40 is to show appreciation not to ask for more.
13:45 So Lord, today, right now,
13:49 this is our thank you cards prayer.
13:52 We don't want to ask anything,
13:55 we only want to praise You for blessing us
13:58 with the privilege to know the truth
14:01 and for the opportunities You continue to give us
14:04 to share Your truth with those around us.
14:08 We thank You for this community of believers
14:11 for our loved ones and for the extended family
14:14 we have through the blood of Christ.
14:18 We rejoice in Your willingness to send Your only son
14:22 to give us the opportunity to one day
14:25 cast our crowns at Your feet.
14:28 Lord, we are all looking forward to that soon coming day
14:32 when we will stand blameless in Your perfect presence.
14:37 Father, Your plan of salvation will ever be our theme of study.
14:42 Thank You for speaking to us personally through Scripture,
14:45 for providing us with the weapons necessary
14:49 to fight against principalities of darkness.
14:52 Thank You for sending angels to invisibly battle for us.
14:57 Lord, You are so good to us,
14:59 Psalms 40:5 declares, Your thoughts towards us
15:03 cannot be recounted to You in order.
15:06 You think of us and bless us so often
15:10 that we can't even count these in order
15:12 because You worked simultaneously.
15:15 You are amazing, God.
15:18 There is no other artist
15:20 who paints two masterpieces every day,
15:23 one with sunrise and one at sunset.
15:27 And there is no other doctor
15:28 who can heal by simply speaking.
15:32 Lord, we are grateful for all the incredible healings
15:35 in this community and in our families
15:38 throughout this past year.
15:40 We thank You in advance
15:42 for the healing of Eland Robertson.
15:45 Lord, we mourn with the family of Betty Lou Hartline
15:48 and also with Joyce Jones
15:51 on the death of her daughter Joya.
15:53 But we praise You for the comfort,
15:56 peace and hope You give through these times of tragedy and loss.
16:01 Lord, You are worthy to be praised.
16:05 There is none like You.
16:07 You are the only true and living God.
16:11 As we come for You
16:13 with different pasts and experiences
16:16 we praise You for creating each of us to be unique.
16:20 Still no matter how different we are we can all agree
16:25 that You deserve praise and our deepest devotion.
16:30 Now Lord, I know that I said
16:32 we didn't want to ask for anything
16:36 but we do want to ask for one thing,
16:39 please God, help us appreciate and praise You more.
16:44 We come reverently before You
16:46 in the faithful name of our Savior
16:50 and Mediator, Jesus.
16:53 Amen.
17:19 Set me as a seal
17:23 Upon your heart
17:27 As a seal upon your arm
17:33 Set me as a seal
17:37 Upon your heart
17:41 As a seal
17:44 Upon your arm
17:50 For love is strong as death
17:58 For love is strong
18:01 As death
18:07 Set me as a seal
18:10 Upon your heart
18:11 As a seal upon your arm
18:15 For love is strong as death
18:22 For love is strong
18:32 As death
19:00 Many waters cannot quench love
19:03 Many waters cannot quench love
19:06 Many waters cannot quench love
19:09 Many waters cannot quench love
19:22 Many waters cannot quench love
19:26 Many waters cannot quench love
19:29 Many waters cannot quench love
20:10 Set me as a seal
20:15 Upon your heart
20:19 As a seal upon your arm As a seal upon your arm
20:26 Set me as a seal upon your heart
20:31 As a seal upon your arm
20:35 For love is as strong
20:39 As death
20:44 For love is as strong as deaths
21:25 Oh, God, on this distinctly American holiday
21:28 we have come to do just that
21:33 to ponder and knew what that Almighty has done
21:38 as You have befriended us.
21:41 In Jesus name we are praising you, amen.
21:50 So knowing the story that was coming up in our series
21:53 "The Last Word" the stunning, healing of the blind man.
21:59 I went to Google and I typed in
22:01 "Thanksgiving and blind, is there any connection?"
22:04 Google took me to the message board of the
22:08 American Foundation for the Blind.
22:11 This is a national non-profitable organization
22:13 that serves over 25 million Americans with vision loss.
22:20 Helen Keller by the way spent 40 years
22:22 associated with AFB.
22:24 So on the message board sure enough here the linkage,
22:28 Thanksgiving and seeing impairment.
22:32 As it turns out appropriate for today,
22:34 this post was written by a college student,
22:37 I don't know if it's a she or he but here we go.
22:40 "I'm so excited,
22:43 I have school this week
22:44 and Monday and Tuesday of next week
22:46 then I get to go home,
22:48 I'm in college for Thanksgiving break."
22:51 Sounds like us.
22:52 "I'm so ready for a break
22:54 but next Wednesday is the day after I get out,
22:57 I'm having surgery on my bad eye.
22:59 It's a cataract surgery
23:00 but they say it's gonna be complicated and messy
23:02 so they're put me to sleep,
23:04 usually they don't for cataracts stuff
23:06 and they're gonna dehydrate me for two, kind of nervous,
23:10 and it's the day before Thanksgiving.
23:13 I don't like that but it can't wait.
23:16 What are y'all doing for Thanksgiving break?
23:18 It must be from the south.
23:21 There's several posts here in reply
23:23 and I will read them all.
23:24 The first one is from zumer7, just a few minutes later,
23:29 "I hope your surgery goes smoothly
23:31 and as for what I'm doing on Thanksgiving
23:33 whatever I can to get away from my deranged family."
23:38 Not a lot of warm fuzzes in that post.
23:42 Here's another one from Thrill Monster,
23:44 "Going on vacation to Florida."
23:46 Some of you may be doing the same.
23:48 And then I like this on, Joe S, he's a party of the AFB,
23:50 The American Foundation for the Blind staff,
23:53 "We will be sending positive thoughts
23:54 and vibes for you and your surgery.
23:56 Enjoy the break.
23:57 I know we all look forward to having time off.
24:00 Enjoy the vacation."
24:02 Well put for a college community
24:04 and the cusp of this holiday break.
24:09 Thanksgiving and blindness, you can get there from here.
24:12 The stunning saga of what we are about to read will link
24:17 Thanksgiving and blindness
24:19 on this Sabbath before Thanksgiving.
24:21 And so without further due
24:22 I want to plunge into Holy Scripture.
24:24 I put the title slide up, just to remind you
24:26 we are part of "The Last Word" series.
24:29 As you see there today's teaching Shabbat Shalom.
24:34 I am in the New Kings James version,
24:36 whatever translation you have, it's fine with me.
24:39 If you didn't bring a Bible,
24:40 this is one of the most dramatic healings in all of Scripture.
24:43 So grab he pew Bible in front of you
24:45 and it'll be also in the New King James Version.
24:47 Let's go, John Chapter 9, we're just going through John.
24:50 Only one more piece left before Christmas,
24:52 we'll get to that right after the Thanksgiving holiday.
24:55 This is John Chapter 9, let's pick it up in verse 1,
24:59 "Now as Jesus passed by
25:01 He saw a man who was blind from birth."
25:04 There we go.
25:06 "And His disciples asked Him saying,
25:08 'Rabbi who sinned, this manor his parents,
25:10 that he was born blind?'
25:12 " You see the faith community at the time of Christ
25:14 believed that somehow suffering was linked to sin,
25:18 a punishment from God.
25:20 If you were majorly suffering
25:23 you are obviously majorly sinning.
25:26 In fact, some Rabbis even suggested
25:29 that prenatal sin can occur
25:31 and the use of story of Esau approve that.
25:33 So the disciples aren't asking,
25:35 is there a connection between sin and suffering,
25:36 they already know there is
25:37 but we want to know was it this man or was it his parents
25:40 who were the cause of his blindness?
25:42 and Jesus answer in verse 3.
25:44 and I praise God for Jesus answer.
25:46 Jesus said, hey wait in the fellows,
25:48 "Neither, this man nor his parents sin
25:51 but that the works of God should be revealed in him."
25:54 Isn't that great news to know?
25:56 Your suffering is not at the hands of an angry God.
25:59 So I got intended,
26:00 inserted intentionally into the canon of sacred scripture
26:04 the Old Testament,
26:05 the story of Job to remind us
26:08 that most of our human suffering
26:09 is directly upon the personal orders
26:12 and through the personal hand of Satan himself.
26:18 Jesus goes on verse 4, "I must work the works Him
26:22 who sent me while it is day, the night is coming,"
26:25 Oh, boys, this draws us in as a generation, doesn't it?
26:28 "The night is coming when no one can work."
26:30 We got to do what we got to do now
26:32 before night falls.
26:34 "I am the light in the world,"
26:37 I am the water of life, I am the bread of life,
26:41 "I am the light of the world,"
26:43 twice now He's declared Himself the light of the world.
26:47 And then to dramatically prove He is a light for our darkness,
26:51 here we go over verse 6,
26:52 "And when He had said these things,
26:54 He spat on the ground and make clay with the saliva,
26:58 and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay."
27:01 Try to imagine yourself being the blind man for a moment.
27:05 You can't see a thing but you hear the voice of Jesus
27:07 coming closer and closer until finally 13 pairs of sandals
27:11 are crunched all around you in a circle.
27:13 You have acute hearing, you know what's happening,
27:16 silence and then the next thing
27:17 you hear is somebody going...
27:22 You hear the...
27:24 You do not know what is happening next,
27:26 all you know is that the silence.
27:29 You cannot see that Jesus is down
27:31 with His own sputum in the mud making a concoction.
27:36 Now you know that sometimes, this often happens,
27:38 when somebody comes behind you from the side
27:41 and touches you when you're not expecting it,
27:43 isn't there's an immediate response,
27:45 especially if they are touching the face.
27:46 So imagine the blind person,
27:48 he doesn't know what's happening
27:49 and until suddenly some warm fingers
27:51 touch his eyelids and he jerks back.
27:55 And then He feels this, oozy, oozy, grainy stuff,
28:00 slime rub over both eyes and then Jesus speaks.
28:04 What is this?
28:05 Verse 7, "And Jesus said him,
28:07 'Now go, wash in the pool of Siloam,
28:11 which is translated, Sent.
28:13 So he went and washed," and I love this,
28:16 "And came back seeing."
28:20 Somebody gets him the 1200 meters,
28:24 1.2 kilometers from where he is to that pool,
28:27 somebody gets him there
28:29 and as he scoops down into that fresh cool water,
28:33 begins to splashing, rubbing the grit,
28:35 rubbing the mud, now dried and cake,
28:38 rubbing his eyes lids, scrubbing them
28:40 and then one eye goes open.
28:42 One eye looks around.
28:44 The other eye goes open, both eyes.
28:48 Can you imagine?
28:50 No, you and I cannot.
28:52 We cannot fathom what it would be to see light
28:56 for the first time in your adult life.
29:02 Full high definition, mega, mega, mega pixel colors.
29:08 He's heard the sounds all his life
29:09 but now sounds are matched to sites.
29:12 Unbelievable.
29:15 "Therefore" verse 8, "the neighbors"
29:18 because now he's raising back,
29:20 "Therefore the neighbors and those who previously
29:22 had seen that he was blind said,
29:24 'Isn't this he who sat and begged?'
29:27 " Verse 9, "And some said, 'Yep this is he'.
29:30 Others said, 'He just looks like him,
29:31 he just like him."
29:33 I had a neighbor, when we're in Coquille,
29:35 Oregon pastoring,
29:36 we had a neighbor ended up baptizing both,
29:38 the neighboring and his wife.
29:39 But he never wore dentures, ever, ever.
29:41 He was a fairly young man but he just didn't wear them,
29:43 he ate everything with just the gums.
29:46 You know that your face eventually
29:47 adapts to whatever you do.
29:49 If Carl had ever put dentures
29:52 I knew I wouldn't have recognized him.
29:54 Imagine a man who's grown up will sockets,
29:57 the eyeballs just were never there.
29:59 Suddenly you put white,
30:02 white eyeballs with bright brown irises,
30:06 they are not playing a game, they're not sure.
30:08 Are you sure this is he? He looks like him.
30:12 And he pipes up in Verse 9, he said, "I am he."
30:18 In fact in the Greek, he kept piping.
30:20 Hey, wait, wait, it is me.
30:22 No, no. It is. I am, I am, I am, I am.
30:26 And "Therefore they said to him," in verse 10,
30:28 "How were your eyes opened? And he answered and said,
30:31 'A Man called Jesus made clay an anointed my eyes
30:33 and said to me, "Go to the pool of Siloam and wash."
30:35 So I went and washed and I receive site.'
30:37 Then they said to him, 'Where is he?'
30:39 He said, 'I don't know.'
30:41 He was blind when he left.
30:44 I don't know where he went.
30:46 "They" verse 13, "brought him
30:48 who formerly was blind to the Pharisees."
30:55 The next line, now it was a Sabbath.
31:02 Oh, oh.
31:05 "It was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay
31:08 and opened his eyes.
31:09 Then the Pharisees also asked him again
31:11 how he had received his sight.
31:12 He said to them, 'He put clay on my eyes,
31:14 and I washed, and I see.'
31:16 Therefore some of the Pharisees said,
31:17 'This man is not from God.'"
31:18 By the way they know exactly who did this, know exactly.
31:21 "This man is not from God,
31:23 because he does not keep the Sabbath."
31:24 Other said, "How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?"
31:27 And there was a division among the spiritual elite,"
31:30 among the leaders they are divided.
31:32 Is he for real? Could he be?
31:37 "They said" verse 17, "to the blind man again,
31:38 'What do you say about him because He opened your eyes?'"
31:40 We want to hear from you.
31:42 He said, 'He is a prophet."
31:45 But the Jews did not believe concerning him,
31:46 you're not a blind man, you just faking it,
31:48 "until they called his parents of him
31:50 who had received the site."
31:51 Verse 19, "And they asked them."
31:52 Now this gets comical, it almost ludicrous as this story goes.
31:55 They get to the parent and they said, He, listen,
31:58 "Is this your boy, who you say was born blind?
32:02 How can he see?"
32:04 His parents answer them and their knees are knocking,
32:06 "We know that this is our son,
32:08 and that he was born blind,
32:09 but by what means he now sees we do not know,
32:11 or who open his eyes we do not know.
32:12 Look, he is of age ask him."
32:13 He is old enough, just ask him.
32:16 "He will speak for himself.
32:18 His parents said these things"
32:19 verse 22, "because they feared the Jews,"
32:21 for the word was out.
32:22 And by the way, remember Jews,
32:23 code word for the leadership.
32:25 There are all Jews in the story.
32:27 Code word for the leadership,
32:28 "The leadership had agreed already that if anyone confessed
32:31 that He" Jesus "was Christ," the Messiah
32:33 "he would be put out of the synagogue."
32:35 Excommunicado, you are out.
32:39 "Therefore his parents said, 'He is of age, ask him.'"
32:41 Verse 24, "So they called the man
32:43 who was born blind and they said to him,
32:46 'Give God the glory!'"
32:47 Now this is a technical phrase,
32:48 they did that ache him, Give God the glory,
32:50 did you steal this-- did you steal gold?
32:52 Give God the glory, that means you better--
32:54 you better do what we're asking you to do.
32:55 "Give God the glory!"
32:57 What they want him to do is say, you're right,
32:58 the man didn't heal me, God healed me,
33:01 I give God the glory.
33:03 But he doesn't take the cue.
33:04 "Give God the glory!
33:06 We know that this Man is a sinner."
33:08 And he, the healed blind man answered,
33:10 verse 25, I love this,
33:12 "Whether he is a sinner not, I do not know.
33:14 One thing I know that though I was blind, now I see."
33:20 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
33:24 that saved a wretch like me.
33:28 I once was, but now I am, was, but now I.
33:35 They got, John Newton got it right out of the story.
33:38 Now I see, I once was blind but now I see.
33:46 I want to-- no, they come right after him.
33:51 Verse 26, "Then they said him again,
33:54 'What did He do to you?"
33:56 I want to run through his one more time.
33:57 How did he open up your eyes?
33:58 They are now attempting to confuse him.
34:00 And I need to insert right here little lie from Desire of Ages,
34:02 I want you to see this.
34:04 You will no read this in any other commentary
34:06 on this story, trust me.
34:07 Put it on the screen, please, Desire of Ages.
34:09 "With many words they tried to confuse him,
34:12 so that he might think himself deluded.
34:14 Satan and his evil angels were on the side of the Pharisees,
34:18 and united their energies
34:19 and subtlety with a man's reasoning
34:21 in order to counteract the influence of Christ.
34:24 They blunted the convictions
34:26 that were deepening in many minds."
34:29 Now watch this,
34:30 "Angels of God were also on the ground
34:33 to strengthen the man who had had his site restored."
34:38 I want to tell you something,
34:40 if you are ever put on the spot for the Lord Jesus Christ
34:43 you will never be alone.
34:47 God wants to win every time you open your mouth for Him.
34:53 You are not gonna be there alone.
34:55 In that instance the forces of having will surrounds you
34:59 and they will give to you--
35:00 I tell you Jesus said it in Luke 12:12 and I love it
35:02 from the New Living translation, He said,
35:04 "While you are standing there
35:06 the spirit of My Father will give you the words to speak."
35:09 While you're standing,
35:10 you don't have to have
35:12 your little crypt notes to pull out.
35:13 Nothing written on your hand, nothing,
35:16 He'll give you the words.
35:18 And I want to know note now,
35:19 you'll be raised to a level you could never get on your own.
35:25 Watch what the angels of God do
35:28 through this healed blind man
35:29 who takes charge of this moment.
35:33 Okay, where are we?
35:34 So they asked the questions in verse 36,
35:35 Oh, come on we want to here again,
35:36 tell us, tell us, tell us, trying to confuse him.
35:38 And he answered, here we go, verse 27,
35:40 "I told you already and you did not listen.
35:44 Why do you want to hear it again?
35:47 Do you want to become His disciples?
35:53 Then the reviled him" naturally "and said,"
35:55 You, isn't emphatic in the Greek,
35:57 "You are His disciple, we are Moses' disciples."
36:00 Now verse 29, "We know that God spoke to Moses,
36:03 as for this fellow,
36:05 we do not know where He is from."
36:06 Probably illegitimate birth,
36:08 a little hint going on here
36:10 and then now the bar gets raised
36:12 and this man steps into the divine spotlight.
36:14 "The man answered" verse 30, "and he said to them,
36:17 'Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you,'"
36:21 who are the leaders of Israel,
36:22 "you do not know where he's from,
36:24 yet He has opened my eyes!"
36:25 Now verse 31, "We know that God dos not hear sinners
36:27 but if anyone is a worshipper of God
36:29 and does His will he hears him."
36:31 Look, verse 32, "Since the world began it has been unheard
36:35 of that anyone could open the eyes of one
36:38 who was born blind.
36:40 If this man were not from God,
36:42 he could not do anything."
36:48 Wow.
36:51 Desire of Ages, you need to see this line,
36:52 put it on the screen,
36:54 "The man had met his inquisitors on their own ground.
36:56 His reasoning was unanswerable.
36:59 The Pharisees were astonished and they held their peace."
37:02 Now, hold on, Spellbound
37:05 "Spellbound before his pointed, determine words.
37:10 For a few moments there was silence."
37:14 In the court chamber.
37:16 Silence with unassailable logic,
37:21 a man who has never seen
37:23 the face of Jesus Christ steps forward
37:27 and defends the incarnate word made flesh.
37:32 Wow.
37:37 Somebody finds His voice, verse 34 and finally,
37:40 "They answer and they said to him,
37:42 'You were completely born in sins,'"
37:47 I thought you would be blind,
37:48 "'and you are teaching us?'
37:51 And they cast him out." Excommunicated.
37:55 And then I love the next two words,
37:57 verse 35, "Jesus heard."
38:01 I tell you what someone you're going
38:03 through a miserable time right now.
38:06 Your life feels like it's unraveling
38:08 in front of your very seeing eyes.
38:12 I need you note those two words, Jesus hears.
38:16 Whatever it is you're going through right now,
38:18 He has heard about it and when He hears,
38:22 guess what, He goes looking for you.
38:27 Jesus heard, you never going to be alone,
38:30 you will never suffer alone.
38:32 He's already heard about you.
38:35 "Jesus heard that they had cast him out,
38:37 and when He had found him" isn't that amazing?
38:39 What had happed, we bump into each other?
38:40 Are you kidding.
38:41 Jesus went out to find the blind man healed.
38:45 "And He had found him, He said to him,
38:48 'Do you believe in the Son of God?'"
38:50 The man has never seen Him in his life
38:51 but the acute hearing gift of the seeing impaired means
38:56 he recognizes the voice instantly, this is my healer.
39:01 "Jesus says to him,
39:03 'Do you believe in the Son of God?'
39:05 And he answered and said, 'Who is he, Lord,
39:08 that I may believe in him?'
39:09 And Jesus said to him, 'You have both seen Him
39:12 and it is He who is talking with you.'
39:14 Then he said, 'Lord, I believe!'
39:17 And he worshiped Him."
39:18 He fell down and worshiped Him.
39:24 But when it comes time to give thanks
39:26 what else can you do
39:28 but bow down and worship the God
39:31 who has already given you so much.
39:35 And so we are here.
39:37 But Dwight, what that has to do with Shabbat Shalom?
39:40 That's the Hebrew greeting.
39:41 Sabbath, peace be upon you.
39:43 What's that have to do?
39:45 Craig Keener, to the New Testament commentator
39:49 points out that John has intentionally
39:52 taken two miracles in his gospel.
39:53 One we've already been to, John 5,
39:55 the healing up the invalid, the Pool of Bethesda,
39:57 you remember that?
39:59 He has taken these two miracles
40:00 and he has nearly made them identical for a point.
40:05 Watch how similar these two miracles are.
40:07 I couldn't believe this when I saw his list.
40:09 In both accounts, okay, so John 5, John 9,
40:12 invalid blind man.
40:14 In both accounts the history,
40:16 the case history is stated first.
40:18 This man had been, had been lame for 38 years,
40:21 had been blind all his life.
40:23 In both accounts Jesus takes the initiative,
40:25 neither one comes to Him, Jesus goes to the sick one.
40:28 In both accounts there is a pool
40:30 that is linked to healing,
40:33 Bethesda and Shalom.
40:34 In both accounts Jesus heals on the Sabbath.
40:37 In both accounts
40:38 Jesus is accused of violating the Sabbath.
40:41 In both accounts the authorities ask the one healed
40:43 who healed them, and in both accounts
40:45 the man doesn't know where or who Jesus is
40:47 and in both accounts Jesus findings the man
40:50 and invites him to believe.
40:51 Now the accounts change because in one account
40:56 Jesus implies the relationship between sin and suffering,
41:00 "You got to quit doing that sin or it will kill you,
41:03 something worse will come on you."
41:05 And in the other one
41:06 He says, "There is no relationship at all
41:07 between sin and suffering."
41:09 In one account the man goes to the Jews,
41:12 in the other account the Jews throw the man out
41:15 but both accounts end with Jesus declaring,
41:18 "He must do the works of the Father."
41:22 What's happening here?
41:23 John is intentionally merging these two miracles
41:26 to put the Seventh-day Sabbath front and center.
41:31 These two miracles are not about
41:32 Jesus being the Lord of our bodies
41:34 though that truth is truly true,
41:37 this instead is to teach us that Jesus,
41:41 the Creator is Lord up the Sabbath
41:44 and that the Jews who consider themselves
41:46 very orthodox sabbatarians like
41:49 you and I consider ourselves
41:51 have gotten the Sabbath all wrong.
41:54 Question, have we gotten the Sabbath all wrong too?
42:01 Sigve Tonstad, a Norwegian,
42:05 is a Seventh-day Adventist minister
42:07 and a Seventh-day Adventist position
42:09 and a New Testament scholar.
42:10 And by the way, he presently is enjoying
42:12 a joint appointment at Loma Linda University
42:15 in the School of Religion,
42:17 he is associate professor,
42:19 in the School of Medicine he's an assistant professor.
42:23 So he is an MD, a minister and a Bible scholar.
42:28 He's written, what for me is the most profound book
42:32 I have read on the Sabbath.
42:35 Title of his book, "The Lost Meaning of the Seventh-day."
42:38 And wouldn't you know it,
42:39 Andrews University Press has published that book.
42:42 You've got to get that book you must read that book.
42:45 He writes as a poet, he writes is a scholar,
42:47 he writes is an ecstasy.
42:49 So I am gonna go to the turn step
42:50 before I sat down,
42:51 I want to go to him several times.
42:53 He spends a chapter drawing
42:54 on these two Sabbath healings in John.
42:56 Notice where he goes with this probing exploration.
42:59 You have a study guide today,
43:00 these quotes are all in it so that you can keep the quotes.
43:02 I'm going to put them on the screen right now,
43:04 let's go.
43:06 "A wonderful thing has happened,"
43:08 he's writing, "A wonderful things happen
43:09 in both Sabbath healings," John 5 and John 9,
43:12 "but the body language of Jesus critics loudly states
43:16 that people in the audience
43:18 had better restrain their wonderment."
43:19 Hey, guys, you are getting too excited.
43:22 "Under normal circumstances
43:24 they should be crowding around the restore cripple excitedly,
43:26 showering him with questions.
43:28 Hey, how does it feel to walk again after thirty-eight years?
43:30 They should descend on the blind man
43:32 like reporters at a press conference.
43:34 What it's like to see for the first time?
43:36 But this is not what happens.
43:38 The spirit of awe and gratitude
43:39 that might be expected is drowned out
43:42 by the narrator's explanatory remark
43:45 that it happened on the Sabbath.
43:48 All of a sudden the air is chilled by a logic
43:51 that takes no joy in what has taken place.
43:54 The passage 'is no longer soaring aloft
43:56 on the wings of hope'
43:57 but has 'plummeted to the ground with a decided thud,'
44:00 says Karen Pidcock-Lester."
44:05 Have we done the same to the Sabbath?
44:07 In our hands, in our homes this day
44:11 that was meant for soaring aloft on the wings of hope
44:14 have we turned it into a day
44:16 that has plummeted to the ground
44:18 with a decided thud?
44:24 We who are so right about the Sabbath day,
44:28 are we right about the Sabbath way?
44:32 You see, the Jews had that day down path
44:37 but they blew the way.
44:40 How about us?
44:43 Just turn two pages, three, four to John 5
44:46 because we are going-- the miracles are linked
44:47 so we go back to the other miracle
44:49 to catch this line from Jesus.
44:51 This is John 5:16 after He has healed the invalid
44:55 at the Pool of Bethesda on that Sabbath,
44:57 "For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus,
44:59 and sought to kill Him."
45:02 Can you believe that?
45:03 They are gonna kill him
45:05 "because He had done these things on the Sabbath."
45:08 Now verse 17, "But Jesus answered them,
45:10 'My Father has been working until now,
45:13 and I have been working."
45:16 Now Tonstad writes an essay,
45:17 this summer in the Adventist Review
45:19 where he goes deeper with these two miracles,
45:23 it's a great piece.
45:24 I am gonna put a few lines from the essay
45:26 on the screen for you now,
45:27 driving his point home.
45:28 "It seems," this is the same Tonstad,
45:31 "It seems as if Jesus threw down the gauntlet
45:33 by publicly ignoring Jewish Sabbath regulations.
45:37 Two of the 39 prohibitions in existence" at Christ time
45:40 "specifically dealt with carrying a pallet,"
45:42 he said, hey, take up your man and walk,
45:43 "and kneading dough."
45:44 A woman was not allowed to mix dough and make it,
45:47 you know, you are not allowed to do that.
45:48 And so He did that with the spit and dirt,
45:51 He's kneading dough.
45:52 "But we missed the depth of the struggle,"
45:54 Tonstad writes,
45:56 "if we assume that Jesus was merely picking a fight
45:58 with Jewish leaders over proper Sabbath observance."
46:01 It is, now hold on,
46:02 "It is not what they see that creates controversy,
46:06 it is rather what they don't see."
46:09 This is spot on.
46:10 "Clearly they see the mat and the mud,
46:15 but they do not see the man.
46:19 Much worse, they do not see God."
46:25 Jesus says, "Hey, hey, hey,
46:27 my Father has been working continually till now and yes,
46:30 we both work on the Seventh-day Sabbath
46:32 its okay because He works, I work.
46:35 It's okay."
46:37 In fact Jesus, remember in chapter 9,
46:39 Jesus says, "I need to do the works My Father now
46:42 because night is coming and then we can't work at all."
46:46 But how true for you and me, night is coming we can't work?
46:49 It's okay to do it's on the Seventh-day.
46:54 Tonstad goes on,
46:56 "On one level, Jesus active imitation of the Father
46:59 stands in contrast"
47:01 This is poetic.
47:02 "To their tight-lipped obedience to a commandment,
47:05 frozen in time."
47:07 Tight-lipped, you can see them.
47:09 Want to keep this day even if it kills us.
47:12 "Tight-lip commitment to obedience
47:14 to a commanding, frozen in time.
47:15 But on a deeper level,
47:17 Jesus emphasis on the Father working stands in contrast
47:20 to their view of God resting.
47:22 In the minds of His critics,
47:24 the memory of Creation is the basis for Sabbath holiness."
47:27 God rested, so to be holy, we must rest.
47:29 "Jesus, however, has the audacity to connect
47:32 the Sabbath and working,
47:34 making this connection again and again."
47:37 And there are the references.
47:38 In other words, ladies and gentlemen,
47:40 the Jews had reduced the Sabbath
47:42 to a day of inactivity
47:44 but the Word who created the universe,
47:46 when He has made flesh
47:47 He comes down to transform the Sabbath
47:49 from inactivity to proactively.
47:53 It's not to rests, it's to work because night is coming.
48:00 We have to get it done now.
48:04 Which explains why Tonstad back in his book now
48:07 he writes this,
48:08 this is the final quotation from Tonstad.
48:11 "The Jewish religious system
48:13 that is reflected in the Sabbath conflicts
48:16 reduces God to a distant player in human affairs.
48:20 Beyond keeping the universe on course,"
48:22 that's all He does,
48:23 "no initiative seems imminent on God's part.
48:25 The Sabbath has come to epitomize the stalemate,
48:28 anticipating the view that"
48:30 and this is from their writings at the time,
48:32 "if Israel kept the Sabbath properly
48:35 even for one day the Son of David would come."
48:39 If we would just do it right, Jesus will come back.
48:45 Now the provocative conclusion,
48:47 here he goes,
48:48 "Maintenance of the created order will not suffice
48:51 when the created order is threatened by dissolution,
48:55 and when human beings
48:56 are in the thrall of disease and death.
48:58 Rather than waiting for human beings to break
49:00 the deadlock by impeccable Sabbath observance,
49:04 Jesus brings the Father's compassion
49:07 to view on the Sabbath.
49:08 In the words of" the great English preacher,
49:10 "G. Campbell Morgan,
49:11 'There can be no rest for God while humanity is suffering.'"
49:17 This week there was a fire on the edge of our campus
49:20 and a little apartment went up in smoke,
49:22 11 people are homeless
49:23 and one little three-year-old girl is dead.
49:27 Do you think God is resting now?
49:31 How did Morgan put it, there can be no rest for God
49:35 while humanity is suffering?
49:37 "Jesus can't wait until tomorrow,"
49:39 that would be Sunday or Monday or Tuesday
49:41 "because He's magnifying
49:42 the original message of the Sabbath
49:44 in the context of human suffering."
49:46 That's what's happening.
49:47 "Ministering to the person in need,
49:49 reaching out to heal and to restore,
49:51 lies at the heart
49:53 of the divine character and mission."
49:59 Ladies and gentlemen,
50:01 of all people on earth sabbatarians
50:08 who like the Father and His Son
50:14 hold sacred the Seventh-day of the week
50:16 of all people in the world
50:18 we must be working.
50:22 In a world going up in flames we must be working,
50:27 doing the works of our Lord even on the day He is Lord of.
50:31 We must work for the night is quickly coming
50:36 and we won't be able to work again.
50:39 If you were to tweet,
50:41 Jesus teaching in these two critical miracles,
50:43 He is teaching about the truth of the Sabbath.
50:46 If you were to tweet it, two words
50:48 would enable your tweet to tell the truth, two words.
50:51 I am gonna put the two words on the screen.
50:53 This is the truth
50:55 of these two miracles, Rest works.
51:01 Rest works.
51:04 When it comes to the Sabbath, rest works.
51:09 When the Lord of the Sabbath is resting in the tomb,
51:13 the Lord of salvation is still at work.
51:16 Rest works.
51:18 You don't stop your mission for the day of rest.
51:25 Rest works.
51:28 When it comes to the Sabbath, rest works.
51:33 You want to rest, then work because if rest rests
51:39 how many others will go up inflame
51:43 because we didn't get there in time?
51:45 I sat down yesterday but Bruce Stover,
51:49 who's the fire chief for Oronoko Township
51:51 in the villages of Bearings Springs,
51:53 I sat down in his office.
51:55 I said, "Chief, how you guys doing?"
52:00 He said, "Pastor, some of my men,
52:05 it was tough when they had to go in
52:07 to get that little body."
52:10 He says, "Thank you for your prayers,
52:11 the prayers of the community."
52:14 I was out running Tuesday morning early,
52:16 heard those sirens racing by,
52:18 something bad in Berrien Springs.
52:23 We had prayer together.
52:26 But you know what, ladies and gentlemen,
52:27 prayer is not enough, prayer is not enough.
52:30 By the way, do you know living next door two elders of ours,
52:33 Janet and Yearling Sorensen,
52:36 their house by a backdraft,
52:39 fire sucked into the system when the transformer blew.
52:42 There were out of their house for two months now.
52:44 There in the dormitory right now.
52:46 Our own elders.
52:49 Praying is fine but it's not enough,
52:51 we have to do more than praying because rest works,
52:54 that's a true of the Sabbath, rest works.
52:58 Even on the Sabbath it works.
53:03 In fact rest will go on working until the family is comforted,
53:06 the housing is restored, clothing is replaced
53:09 and food is provided
53:10 because when Christ is your Lord, rest works.
53:13 I have been proud of this campus
53:14 that has already mobilized to respond.
53:17 I want to move from the theoretical
53:19 now to the practical and then I am sitting down.
53:20 I may put this on the screen for you.
53:22 Three ways you can respond,
53:24 take a tithe envelope, right now and write on it, "Fire."
53:27 The Red Cross is managing all funding for these families.
53:31 Do you know that little body
53:32 needs to be transported to North Carolina
53:35 and the family doesn't have money for
53:38 to get the body to North Carolina?
53:41 Your gift will help the family in their grieving.
53:45 Just on your tithe envelop write in the word, "Fire."
53:48 The next line is Campus Ministry.
53:50 You are student at Andrews University,
53:51 Pastor Chaplin Jose sitting right over there in that
53:55 the campus ministries office,
53:56 they are ground control for all student responses.
54:00 Drop by, you want to drop by something physically,
54:02 you want to drop by something financial, you may.
54:06 Neighbor to Neighbor, that's N2N.
54:07 Neighbor to Neighbor, that's a big community service center
54:09 right out here on the highway.
54:11 They are also Union Station for our response.
54:16 You can drop by, you got some furniture
54:17 that you would like a family to have
54:19 as they find new Zquarters to live,
54:21 see Neighbor to Neighbor.
54:23 But, ladies and gentleman, rest works.
54:26 It's not enough to pray.
54:28 There are people who need healing
54:30 and you and I know that the Healer
54:33 and in His name we can respond,
54:36 we must respond
54:38 because rest really does work.
54:44 Now some instructions as we prepare for the noisiest
54:48 and perhaps most delightful offering of the year.
54:52 For a perceptual offering
54:53 you are invited to bring your gifts of food,
54:55 your tithes and your offerings
54:58 as well as your Thanksgiving letters to the platform.
55:00 But the loose offering today's designated for church offering.
55:05 If you wish for your gift of money
55:06 to go towards the Thanksgiving baskets
55:08 you must put it in envelope and mark it Thanksgiving.
55:12 Our deacons will dismiss you row by row
55:15 and please come forward using the side aisles
55:17 and return to your pew by the center or wall aisles.
55:21 So in the process we invite full hearted
55:23 and full throated participation in the singing of hymns.
55:27 The words will be on the screens and hymn number
55:29 and stances are listed in the worship bulletin.
55:32 And now a time of rejoicing and singing and giving.
56:06 Rejoice, ye pure in heart!
56:10 Rejoice, give thanks and sing
56:14 Your festal banner wave on high
56:19 The cross of Christ your King
56:23 Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice,
56:29 Give thanks and sing!
56:33 With voice as full and strong
56:38 As ocean's surging praise
56:42 Send forth the sturdy hymns of old
56:47 The psalms of ancient days
56:51 Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice,
56:57 Give thanks and sing!
57:13 Praise Him who reigns on high
57:18 The Lord whom we adore
57:23 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
57:28 One God forevermore
57:33 Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice,
57:40 Give thanks and sing!
57:51 Let's pray together.
57:53 And the Spirit the bride say come
57:56 and let him that here it say come
57:59 and let him that is the thirst come
58:02 and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely
58:06 even so come Lord Jesus, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17