Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP111106
00:33 Crown him the Lord of years
00:38 The Potentate of time 00:43 Creator of the rolling spheres 00:49 Ineffably sublime! 00:53 All hail! Redeemer, hail! 00:59 For thou hast died for me 01:03 Thy praise shall never, never fail 01:09 Throughout eternity 01:19 Be seated. 01:23 Psalm 118:14 starting, 01:27 "The Lord is my strength and my song, 01:30 He has become my salvation. 01:33 Shouts of joy and victory resound 01:36 in the tents of the righteous. 01:38 'The Lord's right hand has done mighty things! 01:41 The Lord's right hand is lifted high, 01:44 the Lord's right hand has done mighty things! 01:48 Open for me the gates of righteousness. 01:52 I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. 01:55 This is the gate of the Lord 01:57 through which the righteous may enter. 02:00 I will give You thanks, for You answered me, 02:03 You have become my salvation." 02:06 "Give thanks to the Lord, 02:08 for He is good and His love endures forever." 02:17 Over all the earth You reign on high 02:22 Every mountain stream, every sunset sky 02:27 But my one request Lord, my only aim 02:32 Is that You'd reign in me again 02:36 Lord reign in me, reign in Your pow'r 02:41 Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour 02:46 You are the Lord of all I am 02:52 So won't You reign in me again 03:05 Over every thought, over every word 03:10 May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord 03:15 'Cause You mean more to me 03:17 Than any earthly thing 03:20 So won't You reign in me again 03:24 Lord reign in me, reign in Your pow'r 03:29 Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour 03:34 You are the Lord of all I am 03:39 So won't You reign in me again 03:43 Lord reign in me, reign in Your pow'r 03:48 Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour 03:52 You are the Lord, of all I am 03:58 So won't You reign in me again 04:14 Lord, let Your light 04:20 Light of Your face 04:25 Shine on us 04:31 Lord, let Your light 04:38 Light of Your face 04:42 Shine on us 04:47 That we may be saved 04:56 That we may have life 05:04 To find our way 05:08 In the darkest night 05:14 Let your light shine on us 05:24 Lord, let Your grace 05:31 Grace from Your hand 05:35 Fall on us 05:41 Lord, let Your grace 05:48 Grace from Your hand 05:52 Fall on us 05:57 That we may be saved 06:05 That we may have life 06:13 To find our way 06:17 In the darkest night 06:22 Let Your grace fall on us 06:33 Lord, let Your love 06:40 Love with no end 06:45 Come over us 06:51 Lord, let Your love 06:58 Love with no end 07:03 Come over us 07:08 That we may be saved 07:16 That we may have life 07:24 To find our way 07:29 In the darkest night 07:34 Let Your love 07:37 Come over us 07:44 Let Your light shine on us 07:56 That we may be saved, 07:59 that we may have life to find our way in the darkest night. 08:06 Lord let Your light shine on us today. 08:10 Isaiah 9 says that 08:11 "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, 08:15 on those living in the land of the shadow of death 08:18 a light has dawned. 08:21 In the words of Jesus, "I'm the light of the world. 08:25 Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, 08:29 but will have the light of life. 08:33 Father in heaven, we would have never guessed 08:38 that we would have ever seen 08:40 the light of life hanging on a Cross. 08:44 But it's because of this gift 08:46 that we can have this light of life 08:49 that You can shine on us. 08:52 We thank You, here we are Lord Your people this morning. 08:57 We are here to worship You. 09:00 We ask that You shine on us, 09:02 and that You be glorified in the name of Jesus, amen. 09:25 Light of the world 09:27 You stepped down into darkness 09:31 Opened my eyes, let me see 09:38 Beauty that made this heart adore You 09:44 Hope of a life spent with You 09:52 So here I am to worship, here I am to bow down 09:59 Here I am to say that You're my God 10:05 You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy 10:12 Altogether wonderful to me 10:20 King of all days, Oh, so highly exalted 10:26 Glorious in heaven above 10:33 Humbly You came to the earth You created 10:39 All for love's sake became poor 10:47 So here I am to worship, here I am to bow down 10:54 Here I am to say that you're my God 11:00 You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy 11:06 Altogether wonderful to me 11:14 And I'll never know how much it cost 11:20 To see my sin upon that cross 11:27 I'll never know how much it cost 11:34 To see my sin Upon that cross 11:40 I'll never know how much it cost 11:46 To see my sin upon that cross 11:53 I'll never know how much it cost 11:59 To see my sin upon that cross 12:07 So here I am to worship here I am to bow down 12:15 Here I am to say that You're my God 12:21 You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy 12:29 Altogether wonderful to me 12:43 Hello, yes, I'm almost ready, 12:46 I'm putting on my coat right now. 12:52 Yes. No. 12:54 I know that I always say that I'm ready but this time 12:56 I really am gonna be ready. 12:59 You are not here. 13:01 I'm looking outside right now and I don't see you. 13:05 I'm ready. 13:06 Just knock at the door when you get here. 13:10 Boy, gonna be late. He is here already? 13:20 Told you I was gonna be ready. 13:26 Jesus, what are You doing here? 13:32 I mean, come in. Hi, come in, come in. 13:39 Sit, make Yourself at home. 13:45 What a pleasant surprise? 13:49 Haven't seen You for a while, yeah. 13:53 It's-- it's nice to have you here. 13:56 Oh, wait, someone's knocking at the door, 13:58 just wait a second. 14:04 Hi. You look amazing. Hi. 14:06 Let's go, let's go. We are late. 14:07 I have a visitor. A visitor? What? 14:08 An unexpected visitor. 14:10 No, no, no, Jesus is here, at my house. 14:12 You say, Jesus? Yes. 14:13 He just stopped by unexpectedly. 14:19 Well, we have plans. 14:20 No, no, no, we need to stay a little time with Him. 14:23 Okay, okay. Okay. 14:27 Hey, you, what's up? 14:32 It's been a while. 14:37 You're good? I'm good. 14:42 Oh, would you like some water? 14:44 Or a wine? Or could you know how you or not. 14:49 Okay, okay, okay. 14:52 How about some food? 14:53 I haven't gone to the grocery, 14:55 so all I have are loafs of bread and fish, 14:58 it's-- never mind, maybe not. 15:01 Okay. So-- 15:05 Oh, I got an idea, just read the Bible. Come on. 15:08 That's I don't really read that much, but I guess-- 15:11 There's some great story right, 15:12 this guy named Daniel and these lions they just-- 15:15 Okay, you were there. 15:19 You wrote it. 15:27 Okay. TV, TV? 15:32 Why don't we watch some television? 15:33 Yeah. The remote is here. 15:35 Some music videos that gets my mind off things. 15:38 Okay. Oh, I love that song. Okay. 15:41 They can show that on cable? 15:42 I don't know? But-- Oh-- 15:44 Oh, that's not the channel, what's wrong with this. 15:46 Switch. 15:51 The Bachelor, my favorite. Oh, let's change this, no. 15:53 No, no, no, let's watch this. Have you seen this? 15:57 It's about this guy, he gets to date all these women 16:00 and then at the end he leaves the audience 16:02 to suspense trying to figure out 16:04 who is the lucky woman. 16:06 None of us know until the last episode, 16:08 you know, he picks the rose, you know. 16:12 You know everything, so-- yup, yup. 16:15 Ah, next channel, saving lives, 16:18 this is about saving lives, so this is good. 16:20 Yup, this is great except look at her scandalous bathing suit. 16:24 How can she save anyone's life wearing something like that? 16:26 Sure, I would drown too if my lifeguard is that good. 16:29 I mean, no, I wouldn't do that. 16:34 Let's just turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. 16:37 Gina, it's late, we got to get to that party 16:41 and we're gonna be late for vespers and-- 16:43 That's right, Friday night vespers, 16:45 those are the best. 16:46 We wouldn't want to do that, 16:47 so we should go and Gina, let's go. 16:51 We're gonna do that and cool. So here we go. 16:55 You can stay here, make yourself at home, 16:58 fill the place with your presence. 17:00 It was good seeing you again though. 17:02 We'll be right back, just stay. My bag. 17:06 Let's go. Stay there, we'll see you, let's go. 17:11 Uh, He is-- He is following us. 17:12 Oh, I don't know if you misunderstood but we gonna go, 17:15 you have to come with us, so just, 17:18 if you can just stay there and we'll be right back though. 17:21 Make yourself at home. Cool. 17:23 Okay, let's go. 17:24 Come on, we are late. Okay. 17:29 He is following us. 17:31 Okay, I don't think you get it. 17:33 It's okay, you can stay really, you can stay. 17:36 I want the house to be filled with your presence. 17:38 It's okay, you stay. 17:39 Let me, don't you understand, 17:41 we don't want you to come with us, 17:43 just stay here, don't follow us anymore. 17:45 Okay. Stay. All right. 17:47 No offense, no offense but we have to do 17:49 what we got to do and-- 17:50 We'll be right back. Yes. 17:51 Let's go. 17:57 He's still there. Okay. 18:00 Let me put it this way. Why don't you-- 18:05 Just stay. Where we put You. 18:11 Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 18:40 Holy Father, 18:44 by the time we're through this last teaching 18:49 in this series, 18:51 please... 18:54 may we decide all of us, 18:59 what to do with Jesus. 19:04 Speak to us now of all the teachings, 19:09 this must be clear for Your glory, 19:13 we pray in Christ name, amen. 19:20 Did you know that the Book of Daniel 19:21 ends just like The Da Vinci Code? 19:26 With a heart pounding... 19:31 page turning, nail biting surprise ending. 19:37 Everybody loves the mystery 19:40 and Daniel when he wrote his book 19:42 made certain that he penned into its final plot, 19:46 a dramatic mystery. 19:47 Open your Bible please with me 19:50 to the question we've been ducking now for two months, 19:52 we have been reading about The King of the North, 19:54 we've skirted around it, can't run any longer, 19:58 this is the last of the series "Rumors From the East." 20:03 Open your Bibles please to Daniel Chapter 11. 20:05 One of the great prophetic 20:08 mysteries of ancient literature. 20:11 Daniel Chapter 11. 20:18 Only this piece of literature is no fiction at all 20:23 as you're gonna discover in just a moment. 20:25 This is the gospel truth 20:26 that hasn't quite fully come true yet, 20:30 it just you watch. 20:32 You wait, you'll see. 20:34 Daniel Chapter 11, drop down to verse 40, 20:36 I'm in the New King James Version, 20:38 by the way if you didn't bring a Bible, 20:39 I need you, this teaching is very serious 20:42 and so I invite you to take the Bible 20:44 that's in the pew rack in front of you, 20:46 same translation as the New King James, 20:48 page 606 in your pew Bible. 20:51 Strap yourself in. 20:53 We're going Daniel 11:40 20:57 "At the time of the end... 21:03 the king of the South shall attack him" 21:06 The King of the North. 21:08 "And the king of the North shall come 21:10 against him like a whirlwind, 21:12 with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships, 21:15 and he shall enter the countries, 21:17 overwhelm them, and pass through." 21:21 So who is the king of the North? 21:24 Is it Russia? As some are teaching? 21:28 Is it Iran? Is it Iraq? 21:32 Is it China? Is it America? 21:38 Just a cursory reading as we've just done 21:42 enables us to identify certain vital clues. 21:46 For example what we just read, 21:47 clue number one, whatever it is, 21:49 whatever is happening, 21:50 here clue number one is clear the king of the North 21:52 and the king of the south are antagonist. 21:55 They are enemies, all right? 21:57 Clue number two, the king of the South 21:59 mortally wounds the king of the North. 22:02 Now you don't get that in English, 22:03 you have to read it in Daniel's language 22:05 which is Hebrew and the Hebrew word for attack, 22:07 what it says attack the Hebrew word here 22:09 is Nakah which means to gore like a bull 22:14 with the thrusting horn. 22:16 For the life of me I tell you what, 22:17 I cannot understand why any matador in the world 22:20 would stand in front of a bull maniac bull 22:23 and egg him on to gore him. 22:27 But the word is actually translated that way 22:29 in Deuteronomy 33:17, 22:32 look at this same Hebrew word, 22:33 "In majesty He is like a firstborn bull, 22:36 his horns are the horns of a wild ox. 22:38 With them he will gore the nations, 22:42 even those at the ends of the earth." 22:44 All right, the point, the king of the North, 22:47 whoever or whatever he is, 22:50 is gored by the king of the South 22:52 whoever, whatever it is. 22:55 Clue three, clearly time is being compressed 22:58 in this prophetic mystery 22:59 because no sooner as we just read it here, 23:01 "No sooner is the king of the North 23:03 mortally wounded then he turns around 23:05 and attacks the king of the south 23:06 and conquers the king of the south." 23:08 Impossible, I mean, how long? 23:09 How many here been gored by a bull? 23:11 Let's just see your hands. 23:12 How long does it take for a wound 23:14 in your side to heal? 23:16 Can't happen instantaneously 23:18 and so these short six verses obviously within them 23:21 time has been compressed. 23:25 What else do we know? 23:26 What we know from this would be clue for-- 23:28 we know that the king of the North is a militant power. 23:31 He commands armies and navies, whether he owns those 23:34 armies and navies is immaterial to this presentation. 23:37 He is simply able to mobilize armed forces. 23:40 Clue number five. 23:42 The king of the North after conquering 23:44 the king of the South becomes a global 23:46 rather than a local or national power. 23:50 Read on here verse 41 "He, the king of the North 23:53 shall also enter the Glorious Land, 23:56 and many countries shall be overthrown, 23:58 but these shall escape from his hand, Edom, Moab, 24:01 and the prominent people of Ammon." 24:02 Verse 42 "He, the king of the North 24:04 shall stretch out his hand against the countries, 24:06 and the land of Egypt shall not escape." 24:08 Verse 43, "He shall have power 24:11 over the treasures of gold and silver, 24:13 and over all the precious things of Egypt, 24:15 also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels." 24:20 Clue number 6. 24:22 The king of the North not only becomes 24:23 a global power, it is a wealthy power as well. 24:28 And it's right here that this prophetic plot 24:31 takes a mysterious twist, watch this. 24:34 Verse 44, "But news from the east" 24:37 the New American Standard Version 24:39 renders this you remember. 24:40 "Rumors from the east and the north 24:44 shall trouble him..." 24:46 Now, the Hebrew word for trouble is Bahal 24:49 and it means to terrify or to panic. 24:52 I ye, the king of the North hears for boding rumors 24:55 coming from the east 24:57 and he panics in a dither of fury. 25:00 Now for the last two months in this teaching series, 25:02 you and I have been examining 25:04 the content of these rumors from the east. 25:06 Whatever, obviously the king of the North 25:11 fears for his own kingdom and survival, 25:13 and in fury he rushes out once he gets those rumors. 25:18 All right, verse 44, "But news, rumors from the east 25:23 and the north shall trouble him, 25:24 and therefore he shall go out 25:25 with great fury to destroy and annihilate many." 25:29 Clue number seven. 25:30 The king of the North becomes a destroying, 25:33 persecuting power in the end. 25:35 Whatever it is, that's how he ends up. 25:38 Final verse, verse 45, "And he, king of the North, 25:41 shall plant the tents of his palace 25:42 between the seas and the glorious holy mountain, 25:45 yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him." 25:48 Final clue. 25:50 The King of the North mysteriously 25:51 comes to a dreadful end and nobody-- 25:54 and who would blame them, 25:56 dark and evil king that he is, nobody stepped forward. 25:59 And I mean, nobody to intervene, 26:00 they just let him go boom, 26:02 and we know it's the end by the way 26:03 because the very next verses speak of the resurrection 26:06 and the return of Christ, the end, the world's over. 26:11 All right, so who is this king of the North? 26:16 Just a few more lines 26:18 and you won't have to read between the lines anymore. 26:20 In fact this point is so critical, 26:22 I would like to humbly invite you to jot it down, 26:25 so would you take out your study guide please. 26:26 You have a study guide in your worship bulletin, 26:28 bunch of you came in with one bulletin, 26:29 you're gonna need some extra study guides 26:31 and so for ushers right now would pass your way. 26:34 Hold your hand up, if you'd like an extra study guide, 26:36 want to give to a friend of yours, just, we have enough, 26:39 hold your hand up in the balcony as well. 26:41 And while they're doing that, 26:42 those of you watching on television, 26:43 let me give our website, put it on the screen for you. 26:46 There it is 26:50 Go to our website and you will come to this teaching series, 26:53 it's entitled Rumors from the East. 26:55 We have come to the final part, 26:57 it's part 9, final part in this teaching series. 27:00 The title is king of the North. 27:01 Drop down to you see king of the North, 27:03 it will say study guide right there. 27:05 Click study guide 27:07 and you'll have the identical piece of paper 27:10 that we're gonna examine right now. 27:12 Key point, right here right at the start. 27:14 Your pen is gonna be moving today. 27:16 Nobody is gonna have rusty wrist 27:18 by the time we're through. 27:19 Jot it down please. A careful reading, there it is. 27:23 "A careful reading of Daniel 11 reveals 27:26 that the "king of the north" is a metaphor to describe 27:30 a succession of earth powers that have subjugated 27:33 the people of God throughout the rest of sacred history." 27:35 Jot them down. 27:36 Here are the earth powers 27:37 that are mentioned in Daniel 11. 27:39 Power number one, Persia. 27:41 Write it down please, Persia. 27:43 Power number two, Greece. 27:46 Greece, that would include the Seleucids, 27:48 who were a key part of that moment of history. 27:51 And power number three, Rome. 27:53 Jot it down, that third blank is Rome. 27:56 You say wait a minute, pastor, come on Dwight, 27:58 where is Babylon? 27:59 Babylon the-- come on, 28:00 you know where Babylon is? 28:01 Babylon doesn't even exist. 28:03 By the time Daniel writes the Bible's longest prophecy, 28:06 Daniel 10, 11 and 12 Babylon is over, 28:09 it has fallen and that's why you find 28:12 at the very beginning of Chapter 11, 28:13 it says Darius the Mede is sitting on the throne. 28:15 Daniel is now writing at the age of 88 28:18 during the time of Persia, so there's no Babylon. 28:21 All right, keep your pen moving. 28:22 From Daniel's perspective fascinating now. 28:24 "From Daniel's perspective as a faithful Israelite, 28:28 all these powers are north..." 28:30 Write it in. 28:31 Are north of the homeland of his people." 28:34 That's true. Keep writing. 28:36 So when the prophets described impending crisis, 28:40 it was from the north that calamity would come. 28:44 It comes from the north. Take a look at this. 28:46 Let's put Jeremiah 1:14. 28:48 You have that verse in your study guide, 28:50 just the reference. 28:51 Let's read it now. 28:52 "Then the Lord said to me..." 28:53 Speaking to Jeremiah. 28:55 "Out of the north calamity shall break forth 28:58 on all the inhabitants of the land." 29:02 So ladies and gentlemen, what do we know so far? 29:04 We know that the king of the North 29:05 is a prophetic symbol of a power 29:08 that would persecute the people of God. 29:13 I ye, the king of the North is not good news 29:19 for the people of God. 29:20 He is bad, bad news. He's not good, he's bad news. 29:26 How bad is the bad news? Get ready. 29:30 Commentators suggest that the Roman Empire... 29:34 You just jot it that down. Phase of the scene in verse 30. 29:37 So there goes the Roman Empire fading of the scene. 29:40 Verse 31 now marks 29:44 the appearance of the final manifestation 29:46 of the king of the North, 31 and forward. 29:48 Get ready. 29:49 Now is when your pen is going to move, 29:52 but I need you to see this. 29:54 Put these lines down. 29:56 I think you will see it. Verse 31. 29:58 Jot this down first before we read the verse, verse 31. 30:01 This is a-- these are the defining characteristics 30:03 of the king of the North, okay? 30:04 Here we go. Hey, folks, what are we doing? 30:07 We are letting Daniel interpret itself, okay? 30:09 We are letting the Bible interpret itself. 30:11 I could tell you, hey, that's Russia. 30:13 There're some people out there, that's Russia. 30:15 I had proved it. 30:17 I could tell you it's Iran, Iraq, China, America, 30:19 forget it. 30:20 Let's let the Bible interpret itself. 30:22 Jot down these characteristics of this 30:25 kingly power. 30:26 Verse 31, "He defiles the sanctuary 30:29 and takes away the daily..." 30:31 Write that word in, "The daily sacrifices 30:34 and replaces them with the abomination of desolation." 30:39 Let's read verse 31. Is that really there? 30:42 Yep, they're here goes verse 31. 30:43 "And forces shall be mustered by him, 30:45 king of the North and they shall defile 30:48 the sanctuary fortress, then they shall take away 30:51 the daily sacrifices, and place their 30:54 the abomination of desolation." 30:58 Daily sacrifices, what's that? That's the Bible symbol. 31:01 Whenever you run into that, it is a symbol of Christ, 31:06 our heavenly high priest, his 24/7 intercessory ministry 31:10 in the sanctuary above. 31:12 That's what daily. 31:13 It's the ongoing continuous intercession, 31:16 and the abomination of desolation. 31:17 That's when false worship is inserted 31:20 into the place of true worship to replace it. 31:24 It's called abomination of desolation, all right? 31:27 So we know that about the king of the North. 31:29 Here comes next-- whoever he is, whoever it is, 31:33 it's substitutes Christ intercessory ministry 31:36 and true worship with that which is false. 31:38 Keep your pen moving. Okay, here's number two. 31:42 Verses 32 to 35, write this down. 31:44 "He persecutes, He persecutes the people of God." 31:50 Is that really there? Okay, read it verse 32. 31:53 Those-- read verse 32, "Those who do wickedly 31:56 against the covenant he, the king of the North shall 31:58 corrupt with flattery, but..." 32:00 Oh, I love this, I just love this line. 32:02 "But the people who know their God shall be strong, 32:06 and carry out exploits." 32:07 Throughout the history of time 32:09 there have been people who have stood up 32:11 to whatever manifestation of the king of the North 32:13 has been there, in their era. 32:15 And those who have stood up have done, hallelujah, 32:18 great exploits. 32:21 Ah, look at verse 33. 32:23 "And those are the people who understand 32:24 shall instruct many, yet for many days, look out, 32:27 they shall fall by the sword and flame by captivity 32:31 and plundering." 32:34 Okay, third characteristic, they were getting 32:35 by picking up these verses just before verse 40. 32:38 Jot it down please, verse 36, 32:40 "He exalts and magnifies himself above every god." 32:44 Write it, that's little god by the way. 32:45 Write that in. "And speaks blasphemies." 32:49 You'll have to look at the screen to spell that one. 32:51 What's blasphemy? 32:52 That which hurls in the face of God. 32:57 The heart longing to replace itself with God Himself. 33:02 Blasphemy taken the prerogatives 33:04 of God to yourself. 33:05 "He exalts and magnifies himself above every God 33:06 and speaks blasphemies against the God of gods." 33:09 Is that here? Well, look at verse 36. 33:11 "Then the King, that's the king of the North, 33:13 shall do according to his own will. 33:16 He shall exalt and magnify himself above every God, 33:20 shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods 33:22 and shall prosper till the wrath 33:24 has been accomplished 33:26 for what has been determined shall be done." 33:33 Jot it down, verse 37. 33:37 "He will not regard the God of his fathers 33:40 nor the desire of women or any god." 33:46 Fascinating, watch this, read verse 37. 33:48 Is that there he shall regard, yeah, 33:49 almost rebate him. 33:50 "He shall regard neither the God of his fathers 33:52 nor the desire of women, nor regard any God, 33:54 for he shall exalt himself above them all." 33:59 Look at this, ladies and gentlemen, 34:00 whoever this power, whatever this power is, 34:03 he rejects all of the faith of his father. 34:05 I don't want that. 34:07 And he also does not regard the desire of women. 34:12 Do you suppose this could be 34:14 what the Apostle Paul warned about? 34:15 Jot this verse down, 34:16 I didn't put it in the study guide. 34:17 Jot it down, if you're serious. 34:19 1 Timothy 4:1-3, where Paul says, 34:24 "In the latter time some would arise forbidding marriage." 34:32 Keep your pen moving here is description number five, 34:35 verses 38, 39. 34:36 "He shall honor a god 34:38 which his fathers did not know." 34:39 Write that in, did not know. 34:41 "A ''foreign god" 34:42 whose ''glory'' he will advance." 34:45 Watch this fascinating, verse 38. 34:47 "But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses, 34:51 and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor 34:54 with gold and silver and with precious stones 34:56 and pleasant things." 34:57 And notice verse 39. 34:58 "Thus he shall act against the strong fortresses 35:01 with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, 35:04 and advanced its glory, and he shall cause them to rule 35:08 over many, and divide the land for gain." 35:11 The king of the North introduces 35:13 a foreign god and says, you worship this now. 35:17 I don't-- I no longer embrace what my fathers did, 35:20 I have another god and he advances the glory 35:23 of that foreign god. 35:27 And finally would you jot this down? 35:29 He will-- we just read it. 35:31 "He will rule over many and profit from his sales." 35:36 The king of the North will actually sell to people 35:40 what they long for. 35:41 He says, for a price you can have it, 35:44 you can have it, what I control, 35:47 you can have for money, for a price, 35:50 I'll let you have it. 35:53 So who is this king of the North, huh? 35:55 Who is it? 35:57 Let's add the clues that we noted in our beginning. 36:01 We will look at verses up now because we've already 36:02 read them together. 36:03 But would you jot these down, keep going. 36:05 We already know from what we read in verse 40. 36:06 "He is mortally wounded but eventually recovers." 36:10 Write in the word recovers, key point. 36:12 Gored but he'll recover. Also in verse 40. 36:16 "He conquers the King of the South or Egypt, 36:20 identified by some commentators 36:22 as a symbol of atheism or godlessness." 36:27 Egypt appears in apocalyptic prophecy as the proud 36:30 revolting symbol of atheism. 36:34 God, don't need You. Where'd you get that? 36:36 Look at Pharaoh, Pharaoh's explanation to Moses, 36:39 Exodus 5:2. 36:41 "And Pharaoh said, 'Who is the Lord, 36:44 Yahweh that I should 36:45 obey His voice to let Israel go? 36:47 I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go." 36:50 I don't give a rip for your God, 36:54 king of the south. 36:57 The king of the North with his own brand of religion 37:00 shuts down the godless opposition 37:04 of the king of the South. 37:06 Verses 41 to 43. 37:07 You already read it, jot it down. 37:09 "He is a global power." 37:11 Global now, verse 44 keep writing. 37:14 "He is threatened by the spiritual rumors 37:16 from the east." 37:18 Our whole teaching series from the east. 37:20 Remember, east is a spiritual direction 37:23 from which the greatest truths about Christ come. 37:26 They come from the east. 37:28 This power will not have the faith as it is in Jesus. 37:31 This power will not allow Jesus Christ to assume 37:36 His rightful lordship. He is held at bay. 37:38 He is troubled by what comes from the east. 37:41 Verse 45, keep your pen moving. 37:43 Just a couple more. 37:44 "He panics and sets out to possess 37:46 'the glorious holy mountain.' 37:48 ' What in the world is that? 37:49 "A prophetic symbol for Mt. Zion." 37:51 Fills this in. "The loyal remnant of God." 37:55 Take a look at Joel 2:32, Revelation 14:1, Psalm 48:2. 37:59 Let's just put Joel 2:32 on the screen. 38:02 Zion is the symbol of the remnant. Watch this. 38:04 "And it shall come to pass that whoever calls 38:06 on the name of the Lord..." 38:07 This is at the end of time. 38:08 "Shall be saved for in Mount Zion 38:11 and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance 38:14 as the Lord has said, 38:15 among the remnant whom the Lord calls." 38:21 Ladies and gentlemen, Mount Zion 38:22 is a symbol of the remnant. 38:23 God has always had a remnant throughout the history of time. 38:26 At the end of time, 38:27 the remnant are shown to cluster, 38:29 to hide in the citadel of Mount Zion. 38:33 They angry and furious, king of the North 38:36 goes against that glorious holy mountain. 38:39 He will take that. He will take them in the end. 38:42 He has to... or his rule is jeopardized. 38:52 Hallelujah. 38:56 The scripture is clear that at that very moment 38:58 and we just read it a moment ago, right after verse 45, 39:01 the last verse of Daniel 11. 39:02 Michael stands up and when Michael stands up 39:06 with the thunder of the approaching 39:08 King of the East, 39:10 Michael returns to this planet, boom, it's over, 39:13 everything ends at that moment. 39:17 There you have it. 39:20 A few extra lines of Daniel 11. 39:22 So who is this power? Who is the king of the North? 39:26 Keep your pen moving. 39:27 Clearly he is not-- This is a key point because-- 39:30 some people comes and say, well, there be an evil king, 39:32 there be an evil President or a Prime Minister, 39:34 an awful Prime Minister one day. 39:35 Watch this, "Clearly he is not a single individual." 39:38 Write that down. How can he be an individual? 39:41 "Daniel 11 prophetic history spans too long a time period 39:44 for any human being to occupy." 39:47 He cannot be a single human being. 39:49 Therefore what does he have to be? 39:51 Just keep your pen moving. 39:52 "If he's not a person then he must be a power." 39:54 Some kind a nation, some sort a government, 39:57 some sort of institution, whatever he is, 39:59 we still haven't identified him yet. 40:01 You just have a whole lot of descriptors now. 40:04 So what do we know about this kingly power? 40:06 Keep your pen moving. 40:07 "It is a religious not a secular power." 40:11 Write in the word religious. 40:12 "Since it receives worship, exalts itself above God, 40:15 and speaks blasphemies against God." 40:17 It can't be Russia, it can't be Iran, it can't be Iraq, 40:20 China or America, it can't be any. 40:23 It's a religious power, its worshiped. 40:26 Number two, jot it down. 40:27 "It is a militant if not military power, 40:32 for it commands armies and attacks fortresses." 40:36 Ah, we're gonna get it now. 40:38 Write it down please, "It is a ruling, global..." 40:41 You have to put both in. 40:42 "It is a ruling, global power for it possesses a palace, 40:46 conquers nations, and seeks to control a people." 40:50 Summary statement, thus, keeping your pen going, 40:54 "Thus, the King at the North symbolizes..." 40:55 three words in a row now. 40:57 A geo that means global, religio that's Latin 41:01 for religious, geo religio political. 41:05 Write in the word political. 41:07 "It is geo religio political power 41:12 that succeeds the Empire of Rome." 41:15 Write that in please. 41:17 "And has effectively dominated religious 41:19 and political history since, except for the time 41:21 of its mortal wounding after which it would be 41:23 healed and exert..." 41:24 Write it down. "And even greater global dominance." 41:28 Even greater in the end. 41:30 So who is this king of the North? 41:35 You have enough information on your study guide 41:38 right now to identify. 41:39 You don't need anybody coming along and saying, 41:43 I think it out to be this. 41:44 You have enough right now. 41:46 Now, I need to tell you that one of the great, 41:49 the great political philosophers 41:52 in English history Thomas Hobbes, 41:55 17th century wrote the book Leviathan. 41:57 Thomas Hobbes raises his hand and said, I know. 42:00 By the way, that book Leviathan 42:02 became the precursor for all political philosophy. 42:05 The study of the politics, philosophy of politics. 42:08 He said, I know, I know who that is and these are-- 42:11 you have it in your study guide. 42:12 These are the words of Thomas Hobbes. 42:13 Watch this, back in the 1600s. And if a man, he writes. 42:18 "And if a man consider the original 42:20 of this great ecclesiastical dominion, 42:24 the origin he will easily perceive that the blank, 42:28 the blank is no other than 42:31 the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, 42:34 sitting crowned upon the grave thereof." 42:40 Who is this ghost of the deceased Roman Empire 42:43 that sits on the grave of that empire? 42:45 Who is this ghost? 42:47 You say, hey come on, pastor, you forgot to fill it in. 42:50 Put the blank, put the word in. 42:51 No, no, no, no, no, no, you're not gonna get me 42:53 to do that. 42:55 We're not gonna put the word in. 42:57 You have enough evidence in that study guide now 42:59 to put the single word that I purposely left out 43:03 of Hobbs quotation. 43:05 You know this is not rocket science, 43:07 ladies and gentlemen, you know. 43:09 if you're still not sure afterwards, 43:11 come up and ask me, I'll tell you, all right? 43:16 I was reading an essay this week... 43:21 by Ron Fraser in the November-December issue, 43:24 a Philadelphia trumpet. 43:26 And he suggested a hypothesis 43:28 that was new to me but the more I brooded over it, 43:30 the more plausible it seems. 43:31 Let me just share with you, namely here you go. 43:35 "That the recent brouhaha over a carefully placed 43:41 public comment by a well known 43:42 Christian leader regarding Islam 43:46 was all about the public reaction 43:49 it elicited rather than being an ill advised quotation." 43:55 For would it not be advantageous for Europe 43:58 to be united against the common threat 44:00 that Islam poses to Europe's historic religious 44:05 and cultural base. 44:08 Draw them all together, hence a very public 44:12 hardly veil condemnation of Islam's 44:15 supposed proclivity to violence." 44:19 You must unite your base, 44:22 if you would strengthen your hand. 44:30 Daniel is clear that at the end of the-- 44:31 at the end of time the king of the North 44:34 strengthens his base. 44:38 But I know what you're saying, say, hey, so what, pastor? 44:40 So what, Dwight? 44:41 Let me so that the king of the North 44:43 is who you are suggesting 44:45 that the king of the North is, big deal. 44:47 You know what, my friend, you are right, 44:49 it is a big deal. 44:56 Because Daniel 11 teaches that the king of the North 44:59 hits his stride just before the end of time. 45:06 Are you ready? 45:09 Are you ready? 45:11 Are you? 45:14 The King of the North has already 45:15 taken down the King of the south. 45:17 Political atheism in the West is gone forever. 45:22 And now he builds his historic base out of an ancient empire. 45:27 Daniel is clear. 45:29 The base gets established just before the end. 45:31 But you know what, Daniel was just as clear 45:33 that there'll be three rumors, three rumors that will send 45:36 this power into a panic. 45:39 And in this teaching series, we have examined 45:40 those three rumors for the past two months, 45:42 three rumors by the way that bring down 45:45 the final curtain. 45:46 When these rumors become reality, 45:48 the final curtain comes down 45:49 not only on the king of the North 45:51 but on this life of heartache and pain, 45:53 those prayer request we heard a moment ago 45:55 they're forever over. 45:59 What are the three rumors? Oh, you remember these. 46:01 Before I sit down, let me just refresh them 46:02 and we write them down. 46:03 Rumor number one, please. 46:05 Rumor number one, 46:06 the global revival of God's glory. 46:10 Oh, we had several teaching on that, didn't we? 46:12 "The global revival of God's 46:13 glory shining in the face of Jesus 46:15 and shining out from the followers of Christ." 46:18 Revelation 18, Ezekiel 43. I love this quotation. 46:22 You have to fill it in. 46:23 You have it there, it's from that 46:24 classic Christ Object Lessons. 46:25 Jot it down, would you? 46:26 "The last rays, the last rays of merciful light, 46:30 the last message of mercy to be given to the world, 46:34 is a revelation of God's character of love. 46:38 The children of God are to manifest His glory." 46:40 Now here's where you jot it down. 46:42 In their-- "In their own life 46:46 and character they are to reveal what the grace of God 46:49 has done for them. 46:51 The light of the Sun of Righteousness 46:53 is to shine forth in good works, 46:54 in words of truth and deeds of holiness." 46:57 Point being, ladies and gentlemen, 46:58 the king of the North hears 47:00 rumors of a last sunrise in East. 47:03 There is a spiritual revival 47:05 taking possession of this planet 47:06 and in desperation because you remember 47:08 the truth as it is in Jesus is gonna threaten its dominion 47:11 in desperation, and in theory 47:14 it sets out to snuff out. 47:17 That revival, three rumors that was number one, 47:21 here comes number two. 47:24 Rumor number two, "The global revival of God's 47:28 seventh-day Sabbath, "the seal of the living God 47:31 placed upon a final generation's choice 47:33 to remain loyal to their Creator." 47:35 You see, the king of the North has already declared 47:39 that it is a sign of his authority 47:40 and prerogative, that he in fact 47:42 has already changed the day of worship. 47:46 And so when this angel arises out of the sunrise 47:49 and raises the seal of the seventh-day Sabbath 47:50 to global prominence, it will infuriate 47:53 that king of the North and he will set out 47:55 to crush that truth. 48:00 Great controversy, the apocalyptic classic, 48:02 you have to fill this in too. 48:03 "The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty, 48:07 loyalty, for it is the point of truth 48:09 especially controverted. 48:12 And when the final test shall be brought to bear upon 48:14 men and women, then the line of distinction 48:17 will be drawn between those who serve God 48:19 and those who serve Him not... 48:20 while one class, by accepting the sign 48:22 a submission to earthly powers, 48:24 receive the mark of the beast, 48:26 the other choosing the token of allegiance 48:27 to divine authority, receive the seal of God." 48:33 Three rumors that will drive that dark king furious. 48:36 Rumor number three, jot it down. 48:38 "The global withdrawal of support, 48:43 the global withdrawal of support 48:44 for the King of the North, suddenly preparing 48:46 the way for the coming of the King of the East." 48:50 Jot that in. 48:52 This is the one rumor that doesn't involve us at all. 48:57 Revelation 17 which is a twin chapter by the way 49:00 to Daniel 11. 49:02 It talks about the same powers. 49:03 In Daniel 11, the power is called King of the North. 49:05 In Revelation 17, the power is the woman 49:07 sitting on a beast, okay? 49:08 But they are the same power. 49:09 You put the two side by side, identical descriptives. 49:14 Revelation 17 describes and declares that this power, 49:18 King of the North sits upon the waters and it defines 49:22 what the waters are. 49:23 The waters are a symbol of peoples and nations, 49:25 but that in the end 17 goes on the popular support 49:29 will suddenly dry out. 49:30 Euphrates, you remember that teaching. 49:31 Euphrates dries up. 49:34 No support now. It's gone. 49:38 And the king of the North according to Revelation 17, 49:40 the king of the North will be destroyed 49:41 by the very global coalition it tried so hard to built, 49:46 they will turn on it and wipe it out. 49:50 People will come to these religious leaders 49:53 and they will say, you are the one 49:56 that told me this was true. 49:58 Great Controversy same book, "We are lost! they cry..." 50:03 The masses of earth turn on the very religious leaders 50:05 that led them in their apostasy. 50:06 "We are lost!' they cry, 50:08 'and you are the causes of our ruin, 50:10 'and they turn upon the false shepherds. 50:14 The very ones that once admired these shepherds 50:16 most were pronounce 50:18 the most dreadful curses on them. 50:19 The very hands that once crowned these 50:21 shepherds with laurels will be raised 50:22 for their destruction." 50:23 And Daniel 11 ends with a solitary line, 50:26 he will come to his end and nobody, 50:28 nobody would be there to help him. 50:30 You know why? 50:31 Because nobody, nobody now is fooled, 50:37 it's over and it's too late. 50:43 I'm a shepherd. 50:46 I would not want to be a shepherd 50:50 that leads my people... 50:57 other than the pathway of truth. 51:00 And if you ever, if you ever believe 51:05 that I'm leading you, not to truth 51:07 but to error, you owe it to me to come to me. 51:11 Dwight, you have to lead us to truth, all right? 51:22 Nobody comes to him, nobody. 51:23 He is destroyed by his own coalition, 51:26 and the very next words Michael stands up 51:30 and thundering the King of the East returns 51:33 and hallelujah, it really will be over then. 51:39 So there they are, ladies and gentlemen, 51:42 three rumors, two kings... 51:47 one choice, one choice. 51:50 I want to bear my heart to you now in closing. 51:55 You know, why we went into this teaching series? 51:57 Not just because so many of you, 51:59 when we did the survey last spring said, 52:00 oh, please get us in a prophecy, 52:02 take us into red meat Bible teaching. 52:06 Many of you said that. 52:07 But you know why we went into this series? 52:10 To go deeper into the prophetic word 52:11 because I'm concerned. 52:13 I really am concerned that some of you, 52:15 that some of us, when we hear about prophecy 52:19 there's this just little gentle patronizing giggle... 52:27 a smile, oh, please, not that. 52:32 Not us, not me. 52:38 Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know when, 52:41 I have no-- but the book you have. 52:45 I just know that one day, one day the king of the North, 52:49 the ultimate dark and evil 52:52 King of the North one day... 52:57 will himself stand before the human race 53:00 and announce 53:01 that he is the Lord Jesus Christ. 53:05 You see, there's always been only one King of the North. 53:08 Oh, he's had his surrogates all through history. 53:10 He's had fronts, fronts that will get his agenda 53:14 delivered no matter what, but when it comes down 53:16 to the end, he need no surrogate now, 53:18 he will appear himself and Satan the demonic majesty 53:22 himself one day will stand in front of the human race 53:25 and every television, camera of every cable outlet 53:29 will be aimed at his shining visage 53:35 as he stands before the human race 53:37 and every eye will see him, every eye will see it, 53:39 every internet site will carry it. 53:42 And he will stand before the human race 53:45 and he will say, I am Jesus, I have come 53:49 and he'll quote from the gospels 53:52 and he'll reach out, and he will heal the sick, 53:55 and once the whole world is deceived into believing 54:00 who he is not, he'll say, 54:03 and by the way this earth 54:07 is in a huge cauldron of crisis and trouble. 54:13 You know, why? 54:15 You are not following me. 54:17 I know my law but today I announce, 54:22 I am adapting that law. I have a day. 54:28 If you trust me as a savior of the world, 54:31 you will worship me on that day. 54:35 I changed it and it is blaspheme 54:39 for you not to follow me. 54:43 Great Controversy describes that moment 54:47 as the strong almost over mastering delusion. 54:54 Okay, friend of Jesus, so how will it be then, huh? 54:59 Who makes it through that? 55:01 Jot this down final quotation. 55:04 After the strong almost over mastering delusion only, 55:07 write it in please. 55:08 "Only those who have been diligent students 55:11 of the Scriptures and who have received the love of truth 55:14 will be shielded from the powerful delusion 55:16 that makes the world takes the world captive. 55:18 Are the people of God now so firmly established 55:21 upon His word that they would not yield 55:22 to the evidence of their senses? 55:25 Would they, in such a crisis, 55:26 cling to the Bible and the Bible 55:28 only for two months?" 55:31 For two months, we have been in his major teaching series 55:35 for one reason. 55:38 That's you and I might be rooted deeply 55:42 in the prophetic word 55:44 and that has a default now here, 55:50 here is where we go. 55:53 You remember that verse I read just a moment ago, 55:55 verse 32 here in Daniel 11? 55:57 I love that last half. 55:58 But the people who know their God shall be strong 56:01 and carry out great exploits. 56:03 They're not gonna get taken down, 56:04 the people who know. 56:05 And by the way the Hebrew word for know is ya-da. 56:08 When the Bible says, and Adam knew Eve his wife, 56:11 it's describing sexual intimacy 56:13 within the protective borders of marriage. 56:17 So that Daniel comes along and says there will be 56:19 a people at the end of time who ya-da, who know, 56:22 who intimately know their God and because of that 56:26 spiritual intimacy, they will not be brought down 56:31 by the king of the North. 56:33 Ladies and gentlemen, 56:34 I want that intimacy with Jesus, 56:36 don't you? 56:37 I want, I want that passion for the Lord Jesus Christ. 56:43 I don't know what's your passion right now, 56:46 but this much I know, given this breather, 56:51 it would be the right time to make a passion for Him. 56:58 The ruling, thirst and hunger in our lives. 57:05 Before you go, I wanted to take one more moment 57:07 to let you know, how glad I am you shared 57:09 this hour of worship and Bible teachings with us. 57:12 Living in the world that we do now, 57:13 a civilization surviving on the edge of constant 57:16 upheaval and change, I'm grateful 57:18 that we have the bed rock hope of Jesus, aren't you? 57:21 And I'm thankful that you and I can partner together 57:23 to reach this generation the world over 57:25 through the satellite telecast. 57:27 So please know that I thank God 57:29 and you for the generous way you partnered with us. 57:32 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied 57:35 all across the earth for such a time as this. 57:38 If you'd like to order a DVD or a video tape copy of this 57:40 teaching today, or make a donation 57:42 on your credit card, 57:43 please call our friendly operators 57:45 at the numbers on your screen. 57:46 There it is 877-HIS-WILL. 57:48 Just the two words 877-HIS-WILL. 57:52 And I promise you, we will invest every penny 57:54 of your generosity in God's mission 57:56 to reach this final generation now. 57:59 Thank you for that partnership. 58:01 And I will see you here again, next time. |
Revised 2015-06-04