Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP111007
00:27 And step by step You lead me
00:32 And I will follow You 00:35 All of my days 00:43 Let's sing that again "O God, You are my God." 00:48 O God, You are my God 00:54 And I will ever praise You 01:00 O God, You are my God 01:06 And I will ever praise You 01:11 I will seek You in the morning 01:17 And I will learn to walk in Your ways 01:23 And step by step You lead me 01:29 And I will follow You all of my days 01:34 I will follow You. 01:36 And I will follow You all of my days 01:41 And I will follow You all of my days 01:47 And step by step You lead me 01:52 And I will follow You all of my days 02:07 Once upon a time, 02:11 there was a movement called The Chosen. 02:18 And they were just days away 02:22 from crossing over into the Promised Land. 02:29 Just days away. And the enemy knew it. 02:37 He knew they were closer 02:38 to the Promised Land than they did. 02:45 And so in desperation, he reached for his dark 02:52 and diabolical quiver. 02:56 One year left, a poison shaft 03:03 just three letters long this arrow, 03:08 S-E-X. 03:18 And when he fired that arrow deep 03:22 into the heart of the chosen, great was the slaughter 03:27 that day on the very borders 03:32 of the Promised Land. 03:35 Let us pray. 03:41 O God, as once upon a time come again. 03:49 And are the chosen on the very borders 03:51 once again of the Promised Land. 03:58 If so, Holy Father, then this teaching 04:02 is critical for our survival. 04:07 Hide me, hide all our hearts 04:12 in the presence of the spirit of Christ 04:16 and teach us this morning. 04:19 We pray in Jesus' name, amen. 04:25 Open your Bible with me please to that sad, sad story. 04:30 It's the fourth book of the Bible, 04:31 the Book of Numbers. 04:34 You got to read it. We're not gonna embellish it. 04:37 I'm not gonna add to it. 04:40 Numbers Chapter 25, if you don't have a Bible 04:43 grab the pew Bible, it would be page 112. 04:48 My heart is burdened this morning 04:52 and I'm gonna unburden it with you. 04:55 But I want this story to be our setting for the teaching. 04:59 So Numbers, 05:00 fourth book of the Bible, Numbers Chapter 25. 05:05 If you have the pew Bible, 05:06 it'll be the New King James version 05:07 which would be what I'll be reading right here. 05:10 Numbers 25:1, "Now Israel" 05:15 just days away on the Promised Land. 05:18 "Now Israel remained in Acacia Grove," 05:21 in the Hebrew its Shittim "and the people" of Israel 05:27 "began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab." 05:35 Now the New International Version 05:36 which many of you have on your laps reads, 05:39 "And the people began to indulge in sexual immorality 05:45 with the women of Moab." 05:49 Verse 2 "They" the women. 05:51 "They invited the people" of Israel the chosen. 05:55 "They invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, 05:58 and the people" the chosen "ate 06:00 and bowed down to their gods" the Moabite gods. 06:05 Verse 3, "So Israel was joined a Baal of Peor, 06:10 and the anger of the Lord was aroused against the chosen. 06:17 So brazen, is this arrow? 06:23 You're not gonna believe 06:24 what you're about to read, but it's there. 06:25 Trust me, this never ended up 06:28 in any Bible story book for children. 06:31 Watch this, drop down to verse 6. 06:33 "And indeed, one of the children of Israel" 06:36 one of the chosen "came and presented 06:38 to his brothers and sisters" 06:40 He's walking in the camp 06:41 and presents to them "a Midianite," 06:43 that would be pagan woman "in the sight of Moses 06:47 and in the sight of all the congregation 06:49 of the children of Israel, 06:50 who were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of meeting." 06:54 They are having a prayer meeting. 06:57 A plague has broken out 06:59 and by the tens of thousands, they are dropping. 07:02 The plague has its intended purpose. 07:04 It creates a massive sense of need for God 07:08 and so the community has gathered 07:10 at the doors of the church and they are weeping in prayer 07:13 and in front of that reviving, slowly reviving community, 07:19 a young man of the chosen with his Midianite consort 07:26 brazen walks in front of them, straight into his tent 07:30 and you don't have to have been born a long time ago 07:34 to guess what's gonna happen in that tent. 07:38 Now while they are at prayer meeting and weeping. 07:41 Verse 7, "Now Phinehas the son of Eleazar, 07:45 the son of Aaron the high priest, he saw it." 07:49 Dries, wipes off his tears, rises from the congregation, 07:53 steps out of the prayer meeting 07:55 and he "took a javelin in his hand." 07:59 All right, now it's not very pretty. 08:02 "And he went after" this is verse 8. 08:04 "He went after the man of Israel into the tent" 08:07 they are already coiled around each other 08:11 "and he thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, 08:15 and the woman through her body. 08:16 So the plague was stopped among the children of Israel." 08:20 Verse 9, "And those who died in that plague 08:23 were twenty-four thousand." 08:28 The end. 08:31 Hey, guys, there is something going on here 08:36 that we're not picking up on yet. 08:38 Something's happening here. 08:43 The Apostle Paul tells this 08:44 very same story to make the point. 08:48 Let's see what that point is. 08:49 We're not coming back to Numbers 25, 08:51 so don't keep your finger there. 08:52 It's 1 Corinthians. Go the New Testament now. 08:55 We had the Old Testament story, 1 Corinthians Chapter 10. 09:02 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 09:03 that would be page 772 in your pew Bible. 09:09 We've read these words before, our last time with these words. 09:14 1 Corinthians 10: 6 09:16 "Now these things became our examples, 09:18 to the intent that we should not lust 09:21 after evil things as they also lusted." 09:23 And verse 7, "And do not become idolaters as were some of them. 09:26 As it is written, 'The people sat down 09:28 to eat and drink, and rose up to play.' 09:31 " Verse 8, "Nor let us commit sexual immorality, 09:34 as some of them did, 09:35 and in one day twenty-three thousand fell..." 09:39 Time out, time out, wait a minute, 09:40 we just read 24,000. 09:41 There's a discrepancy in Holy Scripture. 09:43 Scholars scratch their heads and they say, "Ah, it's this." 09:45 The plague destroyed-- the plague destroyed 23, 000 09:49 but God gave a command that we skipped over in Numbers 25, 09:51 when He says, I want the leaders strung up. 09:53 The leaders who have plunged into this anarchy, 09:56 the sexual anarchy and 1,000 young judges 10:00 were executed that day, total 24,000. 10:07 What's going on here, Paul? What's your point? 10:09 Verse 11, "Now all these things happened to them" 10:13 wandering through the wilderness. 10:15 "All these things happened to the chosen as examples, 10:18 and they were written for our admonition, 10:20 upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 10:23 It is for the chosen, 10:25 one last time at the borders of the Promised Land 10:27 that for stories have been preserved. 10:30 Once upon a time, 10:32 the chosen were on the borders of the Promised Land 10:33 when sexual immorality brought them down. 10:35 Once upon another time, the chosen are once again 10:38 on the borders of the Promised Land. 10:40 Question, shall sexual immorality 10:43 bring us down as well? 10:47 I want to unburden my heart to you 10:51 as we plunge into this fourth 10:52 and final controversial subject. 10:54 This is number 4 of the 4 within the series The Chosen. 11:02 True or false? 11:03 Our human sexuality is a glorious gift from God, 11:07 true or false? 11:09 But of course, true. God gave us sex. 11:14 Gave it to us in the beginning. 11:15 In fact, let me take you back to the Garden of Eden, 11:17 Genesis Chapter 1. 11:18 Remember these words? 11:19 "So God created man" 11:21 Adam in the Hebrew, Generic, human. 11:23 "God created man in His own image, 11:25 in the image of God He created him, 11:27 male and female" takes the two 11:29 "male and female He created them." 11:31 To make the image of God. 11:32 "And then God blessed them, and He said to them, 11:34 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, 11:37 fill the earth rather and subdue it, 11:39 have dominion over the fish of the sea, 11:40 over the birds of the air, and over every living thing 11:43 that moves on the earth." 11:44 Populate this brand new planet for me. 11:46 Now the little up-close zoom-in 11:49 in chapter 2 of the wedding itself, 11:51 it sets us up in Chapter 2 verse 18 11:53 "And the Lord God said, 'it is not good that man" 11:56 Adam "should be alone, 11:57 I will make him a helper comparable to him.'" 12:00 Not identical to him, comparable to him. 12:04 And after that wedding ceremony, 12:06 there's this glorious exclamation. 12:08 Verse 24, Genesis 2 "Therefore a man shall leave 12:11 his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 12:15 and then they shall become one flesh." 12:21 All right, ladies and gentlemen, 12:22 what you and I have always known? 12:24 Come on, you knew this, I knew this. 12:26 God created our sexuality so that we might be 12:29 fruitful and multiply, procreation we call it. 12:33 But I want to remind you that sex is not only-- 12:36 it's not just about procreation and multiplying. 12:39 Sex is a gift from God to the human race, 12:44 to make possible the ultimate intimacy 12:48 that can exist between two human beings, 12:50 i.e., a man and a woman 12:53 in the protective confides of marriage. 12:56 Sex is about the gift of ultimate intimacy. 13:01 You say, "Oh, come on, Dwight, you can't prove that." 13:02 Why, yes, I can. Look at this, Genesis 4:1. 13:07 When you were a kid you configured these words out. 13:08 "Mom, what does this mean?" 13:09 'Adam knew Eve his wife, and she got pregnant.' 13:11 Should we not know girls?" 13:14 "No, son, that's not what it means." 13:17 And then she never answered the rest of the question. 13:21 But God is doing something intentional here. 13:23 "Now Adam knew Eve his wife 13:26 and she conceived and bore Cain." 13:28 Now the Hebrew word there is yada. 13:30 He knew her. 13:32 God's making a huge point right here at the beginning, 13:35 after the fall. 13:36 His point is intimacy, intimacy, intimacy, 13:41 must be experienced on the level of knowing. 13:43 Hey, listen, there are five levels to knowing 13:46 but you have to have the first four in place 13:47 before the fifth one makes a, hoot of sense, all right. 13:52 You've got to know somebody first on the mental level. 13:54 "That's right, I just see you, yeah. 13:56 Like to get to know you." 13:57 Then you know somebody on the emotional level, 13:59 kind of like this getting to know you. 14:01 See, you got the mental level, 14:02 the emotional level and the social level. 14:03 "Hey, what do you say we go out together?" 14:05 That's the social level. 14:06 Then you get to know somebody 14:07 if your friendship progresses on the spiritual level. 14:11 "You love God too? Oh, let's love God together." 14:14 God's point is it takes the first four levels 14:17 in order to prepare for the ultimate intimacy 14:20 of the fifth level which is knowing 14:22 that person on a physical or sexual basis. 14:25 If you only go to number five, 14:27 you have short-circuited intimacy. 14:29 And do you know what you have? 14:31 You have what is spelled F-A-K-E. 14:35 Say it with me, fake. It's a fake. 14:39 You have to know on all these levels, 14:43 then, that intimacy is yours. 14:48 By the way, God comes along. This is amazing. 14:50 God comes along and in Jeremiah 9, 14:52 we'll look at this verse little bit later. 14:53 He comes along in Jeremiah 9 He says, 14:55 "Hey, you want to be excited about some-- 14:57 You want to write your folks back at home 14:58 and tell them what you've found?" 15:01 Don't boast in your wisdom, don't boast in your wealth, 15:03 don't boast in your prowess, your strength, 15:07 let him who boasts, let her who boasts, 15:08 boast in this that she, yada, that she knows me. 15:13 You see, ultimate human intimacy 15:16 is a paradigm for ultimate divine human intimacy. 15:21 God takes the very same word. 15:23 Adam and Eve had sex relations, He says, 15:25 "I want that word to describe 15:26 what I'm hungry for you to experience with me." 15:31 So, guys, here's what's happening. 15:34 When Israel, the chosen, 15:35 when they joined themselves to Moabites' prostitutes 15:39 and experience illicit sex-- do you understand? 15:42 They were sacrificing their intimacy 15:45 with Almighty God Himself. 15:46 They were substituting it now. A fake intimacy is substituted. 15:52 Immediately having the residual effect 15:55 on the Israelite conscience. 15:57 Immediately. As soon as they go for the fake intimacy 16:01 the conscience breaks down and from sex they turn to gods. 16:06 The conscience breaks down so rapidly that they turn 16:11 from the living God in a matter of minutes 16:14 and are soon bowing in front of the pagan idols of Moab 16:21 which is precisely, what Satan had in mind. 16:24 That's why he shot that arrow in the first place. 16:29 Take him down now. I cannot let them crossover. 16:36 No wonder. The divine reaction was so swift and so strong, 16:43 24,000 dead. 16:48 Because unbridle, illicit sex eats away 16:50 at the human conscience and renders the chosen we, 16:53 now the chosen is weak, 16:55 he, she is impotent to the heavy-handed wooing 16:59 that the tempter had in mind the whole time to collapse, 17:03 to dumb down the conscience 17:07 and destroy their faith. That's the whole point. 17:18 Just thinking about it makes you cry. 17:19 You know what, it just makes you sad. 17:23 I feel like weeping too. 17:30 Which is why, ladies and gentlemen, 17:32 Satan with his demonic and diabolical cunning 17:35 was waiting for Israel, waiting for them 17:38 right on the borders of the Promised Land. 17:42 "I'm waiting for you, boy. 17:43 I'm waiting for you, girl, just step into my line of fire." 17:48 And he got them, got them. 17:51 I'm unburdening my heart to you today. 17:53 I want to share with you three realms of illicit sex. 18:00 One of the three is being defended 18:02 by those within the community of faith 18:05 but I'm gonna share all three with you. 18:07 I'm gonna be as candid as I can be 18:10 and under the power of the Spirit 18:11 I hope it's fourth right 18:13 has got intense for this teaching to be. 18:15 Take your study guide out right now 18:17 I'm gonna-- I want you to jot these down. 18:18 There are there realms of illicit sex, 18:21 fake intimacy that are crippling. 18:25 These three realms, they are crippling 18:27 the children of the chosen 18:29 on the borders of the Promised Land. 18:31 And by the way, those of you 18:32 over the age of 30 or over the age of 40, 18:34 I don't want to hear you sitting back 18:36 and just saying, "All right, pastor, let them have it" 18:38 because there will be a little something 18:39 for you and me in this as well, all right. 18:42 Take your study guide out. Where is your study guide? 18:44 You got in your-- Oh, and I got to do two things with this. 18:46 Listen, guys, this is the last of the Q and A. 18:49 But because the subject is sex 18:50 nobody is gonna step up to a microphone. 18:52 I'm gonna ask you to write your question down. 18:54 Write your question down. 18:55 If you don't have a piece-- there's a piece of paper 18:57 in the bulletin for you to write it down 18:59 but you didn't get a bulletin, hold your hand up, 19:00 our ushers will make sure you get a piece of paper 19:02 along with the study guide, 19:03 make sure you get the study guide. 19:06 This is a keeper and if you want to ask a question 19:08 and you, of course, have no idea yet 19:10 whether you want to ask it, 19:11 but if you want to, get that piece of paper. 19:13 While they're doing that, those of you 19:14 watching on television, we're delighted to have you. 19:16 Let me put our website on the screen for you 19:18 and you can go to this website. 19:19 You see it there right now www.pmchurch 19:23 Pioneer Memorial 19:26 Go to that website. 19:27 You're looking for a series called The Chosen. 19:29 This series will be over in a month. 19:31 You're looking for The Chosen. 19:32 This is the heart of it, four controversial subjects. 19:35 And today's teaching is entitled 19:37 "How to Live Without Sex for a while." 19:40 All right. 19:41 So click on where it says, study guide beside that title. 19:44 You'll get the same study guide. 19:45 This is a three panel study guide. 19:47 We're gonna fly through it starting right now 19:50 and so make sure you have it. 19:52 And I want to make sure 19:53 everybody in the balcony gets it as well. 19:55 If you need a question, 19:56 a Q and A piece of blank paper, 19:59 hold your hand up and use that. 20:02 The ushers will get that for you. 20:03 All right, let's jot it down. 20:05 Three realms of sexual concern 20:06 and then I'll conclude with the simple 20:07 four fold life and sex strategy. 20:09 All right, here we go. 20:10 Realm number one, I am concerned today. 20:12 Realm number one, pornographic sex. 20:16 Pornographic sex and then every one of these three realms 20:19 will end with a question, a natural question. 20:21 Why resist? Why, come on, please. 20:23 Pornographic sex. 20:24 I'm convinced that the single greatest threat to this nation 20:28 and this church and this campus is pornography. 20:32 Its anonymous availability 20:34 through the click of the mouse on the internet today 20:36 is sucking tens of millions of men and boys, 20:39 women and girls into its dark vortex. 20:43 I'm concerned. 20:44 I have had men in my office weeping their hearts out, 20:47 young and old men over their addiction to pornography. 20:51 What's going on with pornography? 20:53 It is illicit sex that offers a fake intimacy, 20:58 fake intimacy and the danger is it dumbs down your conscience. 21:03 It will eventually destroy your faith. 21:05 It will destroy you, trust me. 21:11 You need to look at these numbers. 21:12 This will blow you out of the water. 21:13 The National Coalition for the Protection of Children, 21:16 I'm gonna fly through this, if you don't get them all now 21:18 go to our website, the answers will be at the bottom. 21:19 The National Coalition for the Protection of Children 21:21 reports that 25%, write that down, 21:25 of all internet search engine requests 21:27 are related to pornography. 21:29 One out of four googling is saying, 21:31 "Find me something, find me something out there." 21:33 One out of four, isn't that amazing? 21:37 There are 1.3 million pornographic websites 21:41 logged on to by 30 million people everyday 21:44 making it a $3 billion a year industry. 21:48 Keep your pen moving. 21:49 At least 20,000 American adults 21:52 visit internet sex sites at least 11 hours, 21:55 not a month, not a year, a week. 21:57 11 hours a week, 20,000 American adults. 22:01 20,000-- I mean, 20% of men 22:03 and 13% of women do it on the job. 22:05 Look at that employer, they are doing it on the job. 22:10 About 8% of all emails include pornography, you know that. 22:14 Those emails some how get through the filter 22:15 and you get one Russian Girls. 22:20 You've seen them. 22:23 Get this, an estimated 20,000 images of child pornography 22:27 are posted on the internet every single week. 22:31 Twenty thousand new pictures of kids. 22:34 The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports 22:37 that the average age of first internet exposure 22:39 to pornography is 11. 22:41 I heard someone this last week say, five, 22:43 and the largest consumer of internet porn, 22:44 this blew me out of the water, 12 to 17 years of age, 22:47 the largest consumer 12-17. 22:53 70% of sexual advances over the internet happen 22:57 when the youngsters are at home on a computer. 22:59 Mom and pop, are you listening to me? 23:00 We got some young parents to be, are you listening? 23:03 70% of the sexual advances are happening in their home, 23:05 on the home computer. 23:06 Look at this, 20% of parents do not know 23:08 any of their children's internet passwords, 23:10 instant messaging nicknames or email addresses. 23:13 What do you know of your children? 23:16 What do you know? 23:20 In a recent Sunday Herald Palladium 23:21 which is published right here in Barring County 23:23 which reported all these statistics, 23:25 there is an FBI Agent, special agent, 23:26 who is devoted to child porn is working out 23:29 of the St. Joseph FBI office, his name Robert Sell. 23:32 So he's given a little presentation. 23:33 I'm gonna put Robert Sell's words on the screen here. 23:36 "In my professional opinion, 23:38 I would restrict all access to MySpace, 23:41 and I would not allow my child to have a MySpace page. 23:44 I would tell my daughter 23:45 that sexual predators would be able to easily find her. 23:48 Predators search for things like this. 23:50 MySpace is by far the worst thing on there, 23:52 not only for children, but for adults." 24:00 My friend Bernie Anderson addressed this campus 24:03 at a special forum chapel on Thursday 24:07 sharing the confession of his new book entitled 24:10 "Breaking the Silence" that's Bernie's new book. 24:13 Bernie sent me the manuscript as he was writing it, 24:15 I read it and I wrote a promotion 24:17 that appears on the back cover of this book. 24:19 Bernie was our co-host at Net '98. 24:22 He stood up here with me 24:24 to 100 nations in 40 languages night after night after night. 24:26 We did not know at the time that Bernie was already 24:29 under the grip of pornographic addiction. 24:35 In this book, with courage and conviction, 24:37 the Seventh-day Adventist pastor 24:39 shares his testimony and describes 24:41 how God delivered him from pornographic addiction. 24:43 He told us on Thursday, 40% of clergy, 24:45 40% of clergy have a pornography problem. 24:49 It's amazing. 24:54 There is a way out, I need to say this. 24:56 In just a moment in fact, 24:57 I'm gonna share with you a four fold strategy. 24:59 There is a way out 25:00 but would you write this down please. 25:02 The best way out is to never go in. 25:06 Don't go in. 25:09 If you're dabbling right now and wondering 25:11 whether you should go any further? 25:12 My friend, you got to stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! 25:15 There's somebody who is not interested 25:17 in your entertainment, he is only interested 25:19 in melting down your conscience 25:21 and destroying your soul, that's all he wants. 25:24 Don't you go, don't you go. 25:27 Read my friend Bernie's book "Breaking the Silence." 25:30 I tell you what, ladies and gentlemen, 25:31 if we do not start talking about this 25:32 and acting on this in our community of faith, 25:34 we will lose half an entire generation 25:36 of our best and brightest, 25:38 sucked at the beginning of their life journey. 25:43 Do you think it's an accident 25:45 that these stupid little pops ups pop up? 25:50 It's insidious, it's satanic, 25:56 it's allure and the arrow 25:59 is just waiting for you to touch the mouse. 26:06 Fake intimacy. 26:07 The fake intimacy of illicit sex, 26:09 it dumbs down the conscience and destroys the faith. 26:12 All right, three realms I'm concerned about. 26:14 Realm number two, write it down, 26:15 premarital sex, why wait? 26:17 By the way, you can scribble down there 26:18 if you're already passed premarital extramarital sex. 26:22 In my blog today in the worship bulletin, 26:25 it's already posted in our website 26:27 I write a weekly blog. 26:29 A report on a recent school board decision 26:31 of the King Middle School in Portland, Maine 26:33 in which they voted 7-2 26:34 to provide a full range of birth control contraceptives 26:37 for students as young as 11 years of age. 26:42 If you have your parents' permission, 26:43 you can go to the medical center. 26:44 You don't have to tell them 26:45 why you want to go to the medical center. 26:46 Just get their permission 26:47 and if you ask for birth control 26:49 we will give you birth control. 26:50 So, ladies and gentlemen, what is happening to America? 26:53 How young are we supposed to have sex? 26:54 Is it 11 or is it 12? I'm little confused. 26:57 Is it 11 or 12? 26:59 Is it 13? Is it 14? 27:02 When are we supposed to have sex? 27:03 15 is that it, 15, 16, 17? What about 18? 27:07 What's wrong with 19, huh, 20, 21? 27:09 When do we start sex in America? 27:18 Rachel Wilson, a student here at Andrews University, 27:20 this last week sent me a piece from the Wall Street Journal, 27:24 just came out last week in which a study 27:25 by Michigan State University reported, jot this down, 27:28 60% of university students surveyed, Michigan State, 27:32 have had a sexual friends with benefits relationship. 27:35 We're friends because, you know, 27:36 we both get to do something out of this. 27:39 Nine out of ten of those hookups did not lead 27:41 to a dating relationship, it was a one night stand. 27:44 The Journal of Sex Research, keep writing, 27:46 reported last year that after casual sex, 27:49 females are more likely than males 27:50 to show symptoms of depression. 27:53 You start melting down, sis. 27:55 You start melting down, you will start melting down. 27:59 Laura Sessions Stepp author of the book "Unhooked" 28:02 put it on the screen for you, "Unhooked." 28:03 How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love, and Lose at Both. 28:08 Interviewed girls who considered it empowering 28:10 to be dismissive of romance and casual about sex. 28:13 "Not a big deal, who cares." They now are beset with regret. 28:19 As it so happened, this very week 28:21 a young co-ed calls me up on the phone in tears. 28:26 She has melted down, melted down, premarital sex. 28:32 You know, what it is, don't you? 28:33 Premarital sex? 28:34 It's fake intimacy, there's nothing there. 28:37 It's a fake. 28:39 Its whole purpose is to begin to dumb down your conscience, 28:42 melt it down so that your faith 28:43 will be gone in a moment of crisis, 28:45 you got nothing there to call on, it's over. 28:48 That's the point. 28:51 I'm being very straight with you, but I got to be. 28:56 We are on the borders of the Promised Land. 28:59 Do you understand? The arrow 29:00 has been waiting for this generation. 29:06 And by the way, you say, "I'm married." Good. 29:09 Stay married and stay away 29:12 from every other woman on this planet. 29:16 I want to hear about little dalliances with coeds, 29:22 don't need it, you stay away. 29:26 And by the way, sis, if he's married, stay away. 29:30 You're half the equation, you stay away. 29:34 Fake, fake intimacy will leave you bankrupt. 29:39 All right, I'm concerned about three realms. 29:41 It's the third realm now that we've come to 29:42 realm number three, homosexual sex. 29:46 Why not? 29:50 I visit with homosexuals here in my church office. 29:54 I've heard their testimonies of pain and rejection. 29:58 I've listened to their anguished, 30:00 "Why not, pastor, come on, why not?" 30:03 I want to tell you something, my heart goes out to you, 30:05 my heart goes out to you. 30:08 We're not gonna put the words up on the screen again 30:09 but just a moment ago we were in Genesis, 30:11 we saw the ideal that God created. 30:14 It's very clear there. 30:16 It is within the protective confines of a marriage 30:18 between a man and a woman 30:20 that ultimate human intimacy is to be preserved. 30:26 Sacred scripture never deviates, 30:27 not once does it deviate from that high calling. 30:32 In fact Christ Jesus, the Creator incarnate, 30:34 when He comes to earth, He quotes the very words 30:37 we read a moment ago and He says, "Guys, this is it." 30:39 Marriage is between a man and woman 30:41 and the intimacy must be protected within those walls. 30:48 Homosexual sex. Listen, 30:52 there is no complementarity with homosexual sex. 30:59 It is the union of identicals, not the union of compliments. 31:06 It's fake. It's fake. 31:11 There's no intimacy. 31:14 And by the way, whether it's heterosexual sex 31:17 or homosexual sex and I read a survey 31:19 this last week where they interviewed, 31:20 they surveyed college students on a particular campus 31:22 and they said, "Why do you do this sex? 31:24 Why do you do the sex before marriage?" 31:25 And not one of them said, "Because I love her." 31:27 Not one of those girls said, "Because I love him." 31:28 The bottom line as a newspaper put, it was lust over love. 31:33 Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, 31:35 illicit sex is never about commitment, 31:39 heterosexual or homosexual, it's not about commitment, 31:42 it's about consumption. 31:45 Give it to me. I want more. 31:49 It's not about commitment. 31:52 Like I need to be very gentle here 31:58 but there is no such thing as male, 32:04 monogamous, homosexual commitment. 32:08 That phrases an oxymoron. It just doesn't happen. 32:14 You say, "I'll find you one, Dwight." 32:15 Good, that one that you find will prove the rule 32:19 because it will be that hard to find it. 32:22 Guys, when it's fake intimacy, do you think God is saying, 32:28 I'm blessing, I'm blessing, I'm blessing? 32:31 No. 32:36 Richard B. Hayes' brilliant mind. 32:40 New Testament ethicist at Duke University 32:43 in his magnum opus, magisterial really his book 32:46 "The Moral Vision of the New Testament" 32:48 which I have, I want to put some words, 32:50 it's in your study guide. 32:51 Look at these words, on the screen. 32:52 We put them on the screen for you. 32:53 Hayes now is writing, 32:54 "When human beings engage in homosexual activity, 32:57 they enact an outward and visible sign 32:59 of an inward and spiritual reality: 33:02 the rejection of the Creator's design." 33:05 See Hayes does what you can only do. 33:07 You have to go back to creation for your model, he does. 33:10 "Thus, Paul's choice of homosexuality 33:13 in Romans Chapter 1." 33:14 And Paul does point out men consumed with lust 33:16 for other men and women the same. 33:18 "Paul's choice of homosexuality in Romans 1 as an illustration 33:21 of human depravity is not merely random, 33:24 it serves his rhetorical purposes 33:26 by providing a vivid image of humanity's primal rejection 33:30 of the sovereignty of God the Creator." 33:37 Now I'm not saying that. 33:39 A brilliant mind is saying that. 33:42 You say, "Oh, pastor, but come on please. 33:44 Some of us are heterosexuals and some of us are homosexuals 33:48 and come on, our orientation is not our fault." 33:52 Okay, it's fair enough. 33:55 So let's side step the whole nature 33:56 versus nurture argument, okay. 34:01 We won't even talk about our orientations. 34:04 By the way, I need to tell you 34:05 the Bible knows nothing of sexual orientation. 34:08 That is a modern classification, 34:09 you understand that. 34:11 But what the Bible does know about 34:13 is a single simple divine principle 34:15 for all human sexual interaction. 34:17 Would you write this down, please? 34:18 Outside of a marriage between a man and a woman, 34:21 there is to be no interpersonal sexual expression. 34:26 Because outside of a marriage between a man and a woman, 34:29 illicit sex creates a fake intimacy 34:32 and it will dumb down your conscience 34:33 and destroy your faith. 34:35 You just can't do it. 34:36 God says, there's no proviso. 34:39 Well, the human race is falling now, 34:40 so we have this little proviso. 34:41 No, there is no proviso. 34:43 God will not cut a deal. 34:44 He-- and bargain with Satan, 34:46 He will not cut that deal and say, 34:48 "All right, we'll let your way be for a while." 34:50 No, it's wrong. 34:52 Fake intimacy from illicit sex will destroy you. 34:59 So keep your pen moving. 35:00 In other words, whether heterosexual or homosexual, 35:03 okay, so now we've just eliminated that distinction. 35:06 "All children of God outside of marriage 35:08 between a man and a woman are to live a life of celibacy 35:11 which means sexual abstinence." Sexual abstinence. 35:16 Listen to Hayes now. 35:18 This is masterful, very careful logic. 35:21 I want you to follow it, 35:22 you're a bright minded individual. 35:25 Quoting Richard Hayes again, "Despite the smooth illusions 35:29 perpetrated by mass culture in the United States," 35:32 and oh, how true, "sexual gratification 35:34 is not a sacred right, 35:39 and celibacy is not a fate worse than death." 35:45 Well, I'll tell you watching Hollywood 35:46 you'd say, "Told you, you have to, you just have to." 35:50 Celibacy is not a fate worse than death. 35:53 Hayes goes on, "Surely," oh, this is good. 35:55 "Surely, it is a matter of some interest for Christian ethics 35:59 that both Jesus and Paul lived without sexual relationships. 36:04 So within the church, we should work diligently 36:06 to recover the dignity and value of a single life." 36:11 The church needs to start affirming people 36:12 who are choosing to remain single all their lives. 36:16 There is a value in that. It's not a death sentence. 36:21 The media would have you believe, 36:23 you got to like an animal, 36:25 you got to be able to do this or you'll die. 36:27 You are not an animal. 36:30 You are a brilliant being created in the image of God 36:33 and if He hasn't found a match for you of the opposite gender, 36:36 then you're gonna live faithfully 36:39 with intimacy with God only. 36:42 You will live faithfully with intimacy with God only. 36:46 Now Hayes gets even better. Watch this. 36:49 "Heterosexually oriented persons are also called 36:52 to abstinence from sex unless they marry, 36:56 1 Corinthians 7:8-9," the Bible teaches that. 36:59 "The only difference, admittedly a salient one, 37:02 in the case of homosexually oriented persons is that 37:05 they do not have the option of homosexual marriage." 37:08 Why? 37:09 Because there's no such thing as homosexual marriage. 37:11 The definition has to be between a man and a woman, 37:13 it's not marriage, its not marriage. 37:16 The Bible recognizes no marriage 37:18 but between a man and woman. 37:20 It's true. So they don't-- 37:22 I can't go to a homosexual marriage. 37:24 So where does-- Here's where he goes, 37:27 "So where does that leave homosexuals? 37:28 It leaves them" listen, 37:30 "in precisely the same situation 37:32 as the heterosexual who would like to marry 37:35 but cannot find an appropriate partner 37:37 and there are many such people alive today." 37:41 There's not a difference. 37:42 God is not playing, 37:44 talking out two sides of His mouth 37:45 in giving one guy a harder time, 37:46 no, it's an even playing field, everybody the same. 37:53 I got to read that sentence again. 37:54 "It leaves them, in precisely the same situation 37:56 as the heterosexual who would like to marry 37:58 but cannot find an appropriate partner 38:00 and there are many such" how do I live then? 38:01 "You're summoned to a difficult, 38:03 costly obedience, 38:04 while groaning for the redemption 38:06 of our bodies, Romans 8:23." 38:08 Would you write it down, please? 38:09 "Outside of marriage, 38:11 the divine playing field is even, 38:12 and the child of God will be given the moral purity 38:16 and divine power to live a life without sex." 38:20 So finally, we ask the question, 38:22 "How can I live without sex for a while?" 38:24 For a while means until you're married 38:26 or if you've chosen to live 38:27 and you can't find the one you want, 38:28 then it means until Jesus comes. 38:30 "How can I live without sex that long?" 38:33 I'm gonna share with you now 38:34 a four fold strategy for life and sex. 38:37 And I'm gonna do it backwards. 38:38 We're gonna start with number four 38:41 in your study guide, so dropdown to-- 38:42 there are four exercises here. 38:44 Go to the exercise number four, please. 38:46 Number four write it in, exercise your heart. 38:50 Exercise your heart, 38:51 Bernie Anderson told us on Thursday 38:53 that what broke the power of pornography 38:55 in his life, was turning to a friend, 38:58 who happened to be a pastor colleague of his. 39:01 He said that began the release. 39:03 You see, ladies and gentlemen, we are social beings. 39:06 We are created to thrive heart to heart with each other. 39:08 You and I need a small group to join. 39:12 We need a group where-- of spiritual friends 39:14 who will love us through our homosexual struggles, 39:17 through our pornographic addictions, our loneliness, 39:19 our need for companionship, our need to be loved. 39:21 We need a group that's safe. 39:23 We don't need a whole church, I just need a small group. 39:25 Look, that's what Paul is talking about, 39:26 Hebrews Chapter 10, take a look at this, 39:28 verses 24 and 25. 39:29 "Let us consider one another 39:31 in order to stir up love and good works, 39:33 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together." 39:36 We've got to come together 39:38 "as you see the Day of Christ's return approaching." 39:41 I tell you what, if you'd like to join a small group 39:43 and that was a beautiful story, you saw just a moment. 39:45 Wasn't that beautiful? 39:46 That's what small groups do, 39:47 they take people all the way to the kingdom, 39:49 take you to the borders of the Promised Land. 39:51 If you would like to join a small group, 39:53 we got pastor Esther here and her leadership team 39:55 of small group leaders. They would be happy. 39:58 You don't have to tell them why you're joining, 39:59 that's absolutely immaterial. 40:01 We don't have little groups for people with this temptation 40:03 or people with that temptation. 40:04 Are you kidding? 40:05 We all have the temptations, that's why. 40:07 And in the course of your journey with this group, 40:09 it will come out how similar, in fact, our struggles are. 40:14 And by the way, everything in that group 40:15 stays in that group, 40:16 that is the most confidential circle on earth. 40:19 If it's not, you tell me, 40:20 we'll shut the group down just like that. 40:23 You tell me. 40:25 That's be the most protected place in this community. 40:30 Four exercises to survive with life and sex. 40:32 Okay, that's exercise number four. 40:33 Go up to exercise number three now. 40:35 Exercise your mind, write that in, please. 40:37 In another words, exercise your NO! 40:39 Write that in capital NO. Where do we get that? 40:42 Right after Paul says these stories are for our example. 40:44 Look at verse 13. 40:45 1 Corinthians 10:13, "God is faithful, 40:48 who will not allow you to be tempted beyond 40:50 what you are able, but with the temptation 40:52 will also make the way of escape" 40:55 God has a way out, my friend. 40:56 "You will be able to bear it." 40:59 You see, that's the difference between Joseph and David. 41:01 Two men under sexual attack 41:03 by the same arch enemy, two men. 41:05 Do you know the difference between Joseph and David? 41:08 Joseph fled, David fed 41:11 and there in is a difference of a tale of two boys. 41:15 One fled, the other fed. 41:18 Image shot up on the screen, 41:19 he stayed, the other said, "I'm out of here," off. 41:23 The difference is between fled and fed. 41:28 I'm gonna be like Joseph, don't you? 41:30 I want to be like Joseph. So just say no. 41:33 But how am I gonna do with pornography? 41:34 Guess what, there's an off switch. 41:37 Now that's a concept, turn it off. 41:43 On your Saturday night date, 41:44 all it takes is a polite but firm no. 41:48 And if that does not work, you have my permission. 41:55 Which part of that no, did you not understand the N or the O? 42:04 Exercise your spirit prompt mind and say no. 42:06 Look at this, James 4:7, 42:07 "Resist the devil and he will flee from you!" 42:09 2 Timothy 2:22 "Flee also youthful lusts." 42:12 Just say no. 42:13 Run, boy, run that's what those legs are for. 42:17 All right four exercises. 42:18 Exercise number two, moving up to number one. 42:21 Exercise number two, exercise your body. 42:23 It's beautiful. 42:24 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 42:27 "Flee sexual immorality or do you not know 42:30 that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit 42:32 who is in you, you're not your own?" 42:34 You were bought with the crimps and currency of Calvary. 42:37 You've been bought by the cross. 42:39 He bought you. 42:40 I tell young men who come in to see me 42:42 and who are struggling with sexual addiction. 42:44 Write this down please. 42:45 This would work for a woman too. 42:46 "Begin a new physical exercise routine, preferably daily." 42:50 Begin to exercise. 42:51 Its called transference where you shift your energies 42:54 previously focused on sexual stimulation 42:56 and now you invest those energies in physical exercise. 42:59 Work yourself out until you drop. 43:03 You get over that urge. 43:07 Run another mile, become a marathon runner. 43:16 By the way, write this down too, "While you're at it, 43:18 keep your body free from stimulants." 43:20 What are you talking about, Dwight? 43:21 I'm talking about "drugs, alcohol, nicotine, 43:23 caffeine, flesh foods, heavy seasonings, high sugar." 43:26 Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 43:28 They have been bought by the blood of Jesus. 43:30 That body does not belong to you. 43:33 Do you understand that? You don't own this thing. 43:35 You can't put into it what you want. 43:38 It's a temple. 43:39 And like Jesus did twice in His ministry, 43:41 you and I are gonna have to walk through the temples 43:42 now and then and say, "This stuff is out, 43:44 get it-- take these things out. 43:46 Cleanse the temple. Cleanse the temple." 43:49 That DVD no longer needs to be in my library 43:52 because when you watch that DVD it has a sexual trigger in it 43:54 and you know it, just get rid of it. 43:57 Get rid of that magazine. 43:59 Get rid of that stuff, you don't need that music. 44:01 You know, what it's saying to you? 44:02 That music is saying copulate. Get rid of it. 44:10 Be a man. Stand up and say, no. 44:15 Take care of your body it's a temple. 44:17 All right. 44:18 Finally, exercise your soul, most important of all. 44:23 I love this, Psalm 42:2, "My soul thirsts for God." 44:29 Writers, both Christian and non-Christian, 44:31 you will see this in literature, 44:32 they often describe our sexual drive as the thirst. 44:35 I like that. 44:37 The ultimate thirst is for God Jesus. 44:39 In John 4:14 says, "Whoever drinks of the water 44:41 that I shall give her will never thirst." 44:44 She won't have to go for that fake intimacy 44:47 because I'll feed her, 44:48 I'll quench her thirst, his thirst. 44:53 Replace fake intimacy with a genuine divine intimacy. 44:56 Would you jot this down? 44:57 Would you jot this down in your study guide please? 44:58 Let me put it on the screen for you. Jeremiah Chapter 9, 45:00 God says, "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, 45:03 let not the mighty man glory in his might, 45:04 let not the rich woman glory in the her riches, 45:06 but let him, let her who glories glory in this, 45:08 that she, he understands and knows Me." 45:11 And just write there-- write, write, that's the same-- 45:13 write Genesis 4:1, the same no, yada. 45:17 God says, "I want that intimacy with you. 45:20 I want to be so close to you that it's like, 45:22 just like a husband and wife. That intimate, 45:24 I want that with you." 45:25 Ladies and gentlemen, replace, 45:29 replace the fake intimacy for the real thing. 45:33 Go after God. 45:34 Say, I'd like to know how to go after God. 45:36 I tell you what, I'm going down to South Bend tonight 45:37 to the Century Center meeting with our television viewers, 45:40 we're gonna tape it there and we're gonna 45:41 put it on our website, a new way to pray. 45:42 I will give you a way to pray that will take you intimately 45:45 into the very depth of God's friendship. 45:47 If you go to our website, eventually, 45:49 you'll have that, we'll teach you. 45:51 You're not alone in this, we'll help you. 45:53 Exercise your soul. All right, you got to sit down. 45:56 You know, what, all this talk about sex 45:57 makes us all feel guilty, doesn't it? 46:01 Feel little guilty just talking about it, 46:03 thinking about it, memories come back. 46:06 So how would you like to become a virgin again? 46:09 Kind of be great. 46:11 How would you like to be spiritual virgin? 46:13 Start all over again. 46:16 Once upon a time, there was a girl, 46:17 she was thrown at the feet of Jesus in a heap, 46:19 early one morning in the temple. 46:21 They say, "We caught her in bed with another man, 46:23 not her husband. 46:26 She's an adulterous. What shall we do with her?" 46:30 And by the way, they already had the stones, 46:31 these are the elders of the church, 46:32 they already had the stones in their hands. 46:35 So what are we gonna do with this girl? 46:36 Moses says, "Stone her. What do you say?" 46:38 It's a trap, trying to get the young teacher or preacher. 46:41 Jesus knows it's a trap. You know, what He does? 46:43 He stoops down and there on the temple floor, 46:45 just in the dust, He begins to write 46:47 the secret sins of the elders, 46:49 because elders have sexual temptations too, 46:51 you didn't know that but they do. 46:53 And He writes it there and then He stands back up 46:55 and He looks at the men and He says, "All right, 46:58 the guy without sin throw the first stone." 47:02 And from the young-- eldest to the youngest, 47:04 they slinked away, 47:07 till the only person left in that circle is the girl 47:10 and the breathless crowd, what will they say to her now? 47:14 Jesus stoops down and takes that quivering chin 47:16 and looks into those penitent eyes 47:18 and He says, "Girl, neither do I condemn you. 47:25 Go and leave that sin behind." 47:30 Ladies and gentlemen, that's that greatest news 47:32 that can be announced today. 47:35 No matter what your sexual sin is, 47:37 when you come to Jesus, that's what He says, 47:39 Calvary's outstretched arms say, I don't condemn you. 47:42 I do not condemn you. 47:44 Just leave that sexual sin behind. 47:47 Let me be your intimacy. 47:49 Let me rewrite your future. Let me walk with you. 47:54 I'll make you a man yet I'll make you a woman 47:57 who will never drop her eyes when the subject is mentioned. 48:00 I'll make you a woman 48:01 who can stand in her noble divine purpose. 48:07 I'll make you a spiritual virgin again. 48:10 I'll create in you a new heart. 48:12 I wash you with hyssop and you'll be cleaned, 48:16 forever clean. 48:18 Ladies and gentlemen, that is a deal. 48:21 I can't imagine turning down, can you? 48:25 I can't imagine turning down that offer. 48:29 At the bottom of your study guide right now, 48:30 do you see it there? 48:32 I'm giving you an opportunity 48:33 in the privacy of your own heart 48:35 to commit to nobody but you and God. 48:36 You're not turning that in? 48:38 You're gonna keep that if you wish. 48:40 You can clip and save it. 48:41 What's it say, "By the grace of my Lord Jesus, 48:43 I receive His forgiveness for my sins 48:45 and I choose now to live a life of moral purity 48:47 as a spiritual virgin till He shall come for me." 48:51 I'm gonna live pure, 48:52 even if I can get married I'm gonna live pure. 48:54 I'm gonna live pure for the rest of my life 48:56 by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. 48:57 He says, "Dwight, I don't condemn you. 49:00 I do not condemn you." 49:05 Is there one of us here who could not sign this 49:08 and make this moment an unforgettable commitment 49:12 to the Lord Jesus Christ? 49:15 You can sign it. 49:16 Too embarrassed to sign 49:17 in front of the people around you. 49:18 That's okay, take it home 49:20 and sign it when you're all alone. 49:22 It's just you and Jesus, He'll know what you mean. 49:27 I want to commit to Him. 49:28 Jaci was telling me about a song 49:29 the other day that she heard. 49:30 I said, "Oh, Jaci, you got to sing that. 49:32 Sing it at the end of these four controversial, 49:34 four controversial subjects and today is the end." 49:40 And so, Jaci, I want you to come up and sing 49:42 and you'd be thinking about what Jaci is singing 49:44 as she goes from room to room in her life 49:46 and says, "Jesus you can have this too." 49:57 God is doing 50:01 A work in me 50:05 He's walking through my rooms and halls 50:10 Checking every corner 50:15 He's tearing down the unsafe walls 50:20 And letting in the light 50:25 And I am working hard 50:30 To clean my house and set it straight 50:34 Not let pride get in the way 50:39 To catch an eternal vision of 50:43 What I am to become 50:48 Will You help me be new? 50:53 Will You hold me to the promises 50:57 That I have made? 51:01 Will You let me be new? 51:07 Forgive my old self and my old mistakes 51:21 Well, it seems easier 51:27 Living out my life in Christ 51:30 For those do not know me 51:35 To hide the thorn stuck in my side 51:39 And all my secret faults 51:44 But You know me well 51:49 And it's You I want the most to see 51:54 And recognize the changes 51:58 A word from You empowers me 52:02 To press on for my goal 52:07 Will You help me be new? 52:12 Will You hold me to the promises 52:15 That I have made? 52:20 Will You let me be new? 52:26 Forgive my old self, and my old mistakes 52:40 When I feel condemned to live 52:43 My old life 52:50 Remind me I've been given 52:54 A new life in Christ 53:02 Will You help me be new? 53:07 Will You hold me to the promises 53:11 That I have made? 53:16 Will You let me be new? 53:21 Forgive my old self, and my old mistakes 53:50 I want to stand for Jesus, don't you? 53:53 I want to stand and commit my life to Jesus right now. 53:56 If you want to stand with me, I wish you would. 53:58 Just say, "Jesus, please. 54:01 Please, please, Jesus, walk through the rooms of my life, 54:05 walk down the halls of my heart. 54:09 I give it all to You. I give it all. 54:10 You can have it all. You and me Jesus." 54:15 Oh, Father, we stand for Christ this one who's lifted up 54:20 paid the supreme price to purchase our bodies back. 54:28 We stand for Jesus. 54:31 That means we declare that this physical vessel is all Yours. 54:38 It's Your temple. 54:40 It's the only place on earth You live. 54:42 It's inside of the minds of friends. 54:45 We stand asking Jesus to reclaim what is His. 54:50 His by creation and His by redemption, 54:53 He gets it twice. 54:55 We stand, Father, seal our determination. 54:59 We can't do this at our own. 55:01 We can't do this on our own but Your spirit, 55:07 He'll stay with us that He will. 55:09 He will take us all the way across the borders, 55:12 across the borders holy Father, into the Promised Land one day 55:18 and we shall all be together. 55:22 Thank You, Jesus. 55:23 Thank You, Father, 55:24 and thank You Holy Spirit, amen. 55:28 Before you go, I wanted to take one more moment 55:30 and let you know how glad I am, 55:32 you shared this hour of worship and Bible teaching with us. 55:34 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church. 55:36 We're on the campus of Andrews University 55:38 and the series is The Chosen. 55:40 This is the series that has been growing 55:43 in its burden on my heart and over the last few weeks, 55:47 before this new season began, 55:49 and some concentrated prayer time, 55:51 I believe the spirit of God led me to this series 55:53 out of the Book of Deuteronomy for this generation, 55:56 within our community of faith 55:58 and outside this community of faith, 56:00 I believe both, both communities 56:03 need to hear the compelling Bible truth 56:07 captured in this series called The Chosen. 56:09 So thank you for joining me 56:11 and all of us as we continue our journey 56:13 deeper and deeper into the heart of this theme. 56:16 Living as you and I do, 56:17 and I know I'm preaching to the queer now. 56:20 Living as we do on the edge of a civilization 56:23 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change, 56:28 I am so grateful, and I know you are, 56:30 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus. 56:33 I'm thankful that you and I have been given 56:36 the privilege by God to partner, 56:38 to reach this generation 56:39 the world over through the satellite telecast. 56:41 I don't know how it works. 56:42 I just know that those satellites drop the signals 56:45 and those footprints all over the planet 56:47 are helping disseminate this divine call 56:51 to become a part of the chosen God's last generation on earth. 56:54 So please, here's what I want you to know. 56:56 I thank God for you in the generous way 56:59 you have partnered with us in the past 57:01 and making new perceptions possible globally. 57:04 Your tax deductible gifts 57:06 are being multiplied all across the earth, 57:08 I believe, for a such a time as this. 57:10 Look, would you like to order a copy of today's teaching? 57:14 You can order DVD. 57:15 You get all the PowerPoint, everything is there. 57:17 You can share it with your friends, 57:19 share it with your family. 57:20 I want to just insert this here. 57:21 If you go to our website and we been advertising 57:23 our website all along the way 57:25 and I'm gonna insert it right here, 57:29 Go to that website, you can get a podcast of this. 57:31 We have people now subscribing a podcast the world over. 57:35 It's time for this message to get out. 57:38 Thank you for your partnership and helping us do that. 57:40 Call one of our friendly operators. 57:42 It's a toll-free number. It won't cast you a penny. 57:44 Here in North America, 877-HIS-WILL. 57:46 You call that number, 57:48 I promise you, every penny that you share 57:51 we will invest your generosity and God's mission 57:54 to reach this final generation now. 57:57 Thank you very, very much. And be assured, 58:00 I'm looking forward to seeing you here, 58:01 right here, again next time 58:04 as we continue our fascinating journey 58:06 into The Chosen. 58:09 God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17