New Perceptions

Ellen White - How Did It Really Work?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP110610

00:44 A mighty fortress is our God
00:50 A bulwark never failing
00:56 Our helper He, amid the flood
01:02 Of mortal ills prevailing
01:08 For still our ancient foe
01:14 Doth seek to work us woe
01:18 His craft and power are great
01:24 And armed with cruel hate
01:28 On earth is not his equal
01:36 Did we in our own strength confide
01:42 Our striving would be losing
01:48 Were not the right man on our side
01:54 The man of God's own choosing
02:00 Dost ask who that may be?
02:05 Christ Jesus, it is He
02:10 Lord Sabaoth His name
02:15 From age to age the same
02:20 And He must win the battle
02:30 And though this world, with devils filled
02:35 Should threaten to undo us
02:41 We will not fear, for God hath willed
02:48 His truth to triumph through us
02:54 The prince of darkness grim
02:59 We tremble not for him
03:04 His rage we can endure
03:09 For lo, his doom is sure
03:14 One little word shall fell him
03:22 That word above all earthly powers
03:28 No thanks to them, abideth
03:34 The Spirit and the gifts are ours
03:41 Through Him who with us sideth
03:47 Let goods and kindred go
03:52 This mortal life also
03:56 The body they may kill
04:01 God's truth abideth still
04:07 His kingdom is forever
04:25 In the secret, in the quiet place
04:32 In the stillness, You are there
04:38 In the secret, in the quiet hour
04:42 I wait only for You, 'cause I want to know You more
04:52 I want to know You, I want to hear Your voice
04:58 I want to know You more
05:05 I want to touch You
05:08 I want to see Your face
05:11 I want to know You more
05:18 I am reaching for the highest goal
05:24 That I might receive the prize
05:31 Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside
05:35 Out of my way, 'cause I want to know You more
05:44 I want to know You, I want to hear Your voice
05:50 I want to know You more
05:57 I want to touch You, I want to see Your face
06:03 I want to know You more
06:10 I want to know You, I want to hear Your voice
06:17 I want to know You more
06:23 I want to touch You, I want to see Your face
06:30 I want to know You more
11:03 Let's pray together. Oh, God, just the melody
11:09 of what we heard, sweeping us heavenward.
11:18 Kim's testimony just before this.
11:24 You are one awesome God
11:28 we are worshipping today.
11:30 If You're able to do that in the life of a skeptic,
11:35 turn her heart into a believer,
11:38 what can You do with all of us?
11:41 Be eternal now. Let Your power be manifested
11:47 in Holy Scripture as we plunge into this teaching.
11:51 We pray in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.
11:57 Could it be that God is calling you and me to become
12:04 involved in the greatest revival
12:06 in the history of the human race?
12:13 493 years ago Sunday past,
12:19 a young German monk strode
12:23 through the red and yellow leaf-strewn village square
12:30 in his hometown perched on the side of the Elbe river.
12:36 In his eye a steely glint of determination,
12:42 clutched in his hand a freshly crafted,
12:46 by his own hand, document.
12:51 He strode to the bulletin board of the university
12:54 where he taught. It happened to be the door
12:59 to the campus church. And with hammer in hand,
13:05 he affixed into that wood his 95 theses,
13:12 95 challenges to the ruling
13:14 theology and church of the Dark and Middle Ages.
13:22 Little did he know that with every hammer blow,
13:28 he was igniting the spark
13:32 that would set ablaze the inferno
13:35 of what we still remember as the Protestant Reformation.
13:41 Few moments ago, we sang what became
13:44 the battle hymn of the Reformation.
13:47 Luther's own composition, "A mighty fortress is our God,
13:53 a bulwark never failing, our helper He amidst the flood
13:59 of mortal ills prevailing."
14:02 493 years ago,
14:07 a 130 years ago, a little woman,
14:13 5'2" tall was brooding one day
14:19 over the life ministry of this Martin Luther
14:23 and clutching a pen she began to spread
14:25 and inscribe in ink words
14:28 upon a manuscript that would eventually
14:31 become a part of that apocalyptic classic
14:34 "The Great Controversy."
14:36 Let me put the words on the screen for you.
14:39 "Precious was the message which Luther bore
14:41 to the eager crowds that hung upon his words.
14:46 Never before had such teachings fallen upon their ears.
14:50 The glad tidings of a Savior's love,
14:53 the assurance of pardon and peace through
14:55 His atoning blood,
14:56 rejoiced their hearts and inspired
14:58 within them an immortal hope.
15:00 At Wittenberg a light was kindled whose rays
15:03 should extend to the uttermost parts of the earth,
15:06 and which was this light to increase in brightness
15:08 to the close of time."
15:14 Could it be that the prophetic ministry
15:18 of that little woman named Ellen White
15:22 was raised up by God to play a pivotal role
15:26 in this Reformation that would extend
15:29 to the end of time and the return of Christ?
15:31 Could it be you and I have been called to have a part
15:37 in the greatest revival in the history of this planet.
15:42 Open your Bible with me, please, to some broad
15:45 stroked depictions of that revival. The Bible's last book,
15:51 the Book of Revelation.
15:52 You've got to see this for yourself.
15:54 Open your Bible, please.
15:55 Revelation Chapter 12. You didn't bring a Bible?
15:58 Grab that pew Bible in front of you.
16:00 You need to follow this.
16:02 Take a look at this painting
16:06 in the campus of the apocalypse.
16:07 Revelation Chapter 12.
16:10 If you grab the pew Bible, it will be page 829.
16:15 Those of you who're sitting up here,
16:16 glad to have you.
16:17 Look at the screens above and below,
16:19 you'll be able to follow along.
16:20 All right.
16:22 Revelation Chapter 12,
16:23 let's drop to the right bottom of that chapter.
16:25 Chapter 12:17. By the way,
16:28 I'm in the New King James Version,
16:29 which is the same translation as the pew Bible today.
16:33 Revelation 12:17,
16:34 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman."
16:37 Hit the pause button right there. Dragon,
16:39 who's this dragon?
16:40 Come on, you read the chapter,
16:43 you just drop back to verse 9 and you discover
16:44 that the great dragon was cast out of heaven
16:46 once upon a time, that serpent of old
16:48 called the devil and Satan.
16:50 It's the fallen rebel angel Lucifer.
16:53 Apocalyptic symbol, the dragon
16:55 and the dragon, read it again, verse 17,
16:57 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman."
17:01 Hit the pause button again. Who's this woman?
17:04 I'll tell you what, you spend a little time
17:05 in Revelation Chapter 12
17:06 and it becomes crystal clear the woman
17:09 represents the faithful of God
17:13 post Calvary in the history of Christianity.
17:16 That's who she is.
17:19 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman
17:21 and he went to make war
17:23 with the rest of her offspring,"
17:24 moving to the very end of time.
17:28 The old King James calls it, "and the remnant."
17:30 I proceed.
17:32 "The dragon was enraged with the woman
17:34 and he went to make war
17:35 with the rest of her offspring."
17:36 Who are they? "Who keep,"
17:37 number one, "the commandments of God"
17:40 and number two,
17:41 "who have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
17:45 Revelation Chapter 12 and stunning
17:47 apocalyptic symbolism describes the history
17:50 of Christianity post Calvary
17:52 all the way through to the end of time.
17:54 There will be a community at the end of time
17:57 that will be noted for its twin passions,
18:00 radical passion number one, obedience to the law of God,
18:03 His commandments, it would include the ten.
18:05 It would include the fourth commandment.
18:06 It will be, therefore, a Sabbatarian community.
18:09 Whatever community this is, twin passions.
18:12 Passion for radical obedience
18:13 to God's commandments and a passion for allegiance
18:17 to the testimony of Jesus Christ.
18:21 So what's this testimony of Jesus Christ business?
18:24 The phrase is used six times in the apocalypse.
18:28 What does it mean?
18:29 John doesn't leave us in the dark,
18:30 turn just a page, just a little page
18:32 farther to chapter 19. Chapter 19.
18:37 He's not gonna leave--
18:38 He's not gonna leave us in the dark.
18:39 Chapter 19, drop down to verse 10.
18:42 There's been an angel messenger
18:43 that has been bringing to John the visions of the apocalypse.
18:49 He's been talking to that angel in these visions.
18:52 He now is so overwhelmed by this angelic being
18:55 that he responds by worshipping it.
18:58 Notice the response of the angel,
18:59 this should be verse 10.
19:00 "And I fell at his feet to worship him.
19:05 And he said to me-- But he said to me,
19:07 'See that you do not do that!'"
19:08 Oh, woah, we are both created beings,
19:11 we don't receive worship from each other. No, no no.
19:14 "See that you do not do that.
19:15 I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers
19:18 who have the testimony of Jesus."
19:20 Oh, there's that word.
19:21 "Worship God!" If you want to worship.
19:23 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
19:29 That point is so critical, I wish you'd grab your
19:31 study guide that's in your worship bulletin today
19:34 and let's jot it down before we get past it.
19:36 Grab your study guide,
19:38 you have it in front of you there
19:39 in your worship bulletin.
19:41 You didn't get a study guide? Our ushers are coming your way.
19:44 All the way up in the balcony,
19:45 please, ushers. And those of you
19:46 in overflow just put your hand up,
19:48 we'll make sure we get a study guide to you as well.
19:52 By the way, I want to say to those of you
19:53 who are watching on television, we're delighted to have you.
19:56 You can have the same study guide.
19:57 Here's what you do. Go to our website,
19:59 I'll put it on the screen for you.
20:01 There it is, you see at the bottom of the screen
20:06 That's our website.
20:07 You're looking for the series entitled "The Gift."
20:10 All this semester we have been examining the gift.
20:12 The gift of prophecy from the gates
20:14 of the garden of Eden
20:15 all the way down, woven through Scripture,
20:16 to the very-- to the very end of time.
20:18 You're looking for "The Gift." This is part 7. By the way,
20:21 if you've missed any of the previous parts
20:23 right there at that website, you can get the podcast,
20:25 the videocast, everything's there waiting for you,
20:27 but you're looking for today's teaching
20:29 and it's entitled "Ellen White: How Did It Really Work."
20:33 Last week, in the midst of this series,
20:36 we plunged into a critical examination
20:38 of the life ministry of Ellen White.
20:39 We're going deeper today.
20:41 You've got to get the study guide,
20:42 you're gonna want this. Where you see study guide
20:45 underneath today's teaching,
20:48 click on there and you'll have the identical study guides.
20:50 So let's go. All right, everybody have it?
20:54 Hold your hand up, ushers still coming your way,
20:55 but we got to move.
20:57 Study guide.
20:58 The apocalypse declares, Revelation 12:17,
21:00 here it goes,
21:01 "The final community of God's faithful will be--"
21:03 Jot it down, please. Number one,
21:05 radically obedient, "radically obedient
21:08 to the commandments of God that would include
21:10 the fourth commandment about the seventh-day Sabbath."
21:13 You'd expect that in the community at the end of time.
21:17 And number two, radically loyal,
21:20 radically obedient to God's commands.
21:21 Number two, "Radically loyal to the testimony of Jesus."
21:26 So what's the testimony of Jesus?
21:27 We just looked at it in Revelation 19:10,
21:29 keep your pen moving.
21:30 "The testimony of Jesus' is 'the spirit of prophecy'
21:34 or the prophetic gift."
21:36 All right?
21:37 "Spirit of prophecy," write that in.
21:39 Whatever this testimony of Jesus is,
21:41 it is the spirit of prophecy or the prophetic gift.
21:43 You say, Dwight, I'm not sure about the prophetic gift part.
21:45 Let me assure you,
21:47 that's a correct interpretation.
21:48 In fact watch this, just turn, turn one more page,
21:51 maybe two pages in your translation
21:52 to the end of the Bible.
21:53 that would be Revelation:22, Poor John,
21:57 he is so enraptured by this celestial being, an angel,
22:04 that he repeats, he repeats what he was warned
22:07 not to do in chapter 19.
22:08 He falls down again to worship the angel
22:10 and the angel has to repeat what he told John in 19.
22:13 John's forgotten it already by chapter 22.
22:16 This would be in verse 9.
22:18 Then the angel, "Then he said to me,"
22:21 here comes the repetition,
22:22 almost identical wording, except a slight change
22:25 and it's the slight change
22:26 that's a clue we're looking for.
22:28 And he, the angel, said to me, "See that you do not do that
22:31 for I am your fellow servant."
22:35 Now in 19, it said, I'm your fellow servant
22:37 of those who have the testimony of Jesus.
22:39 Now notice what he says, "I am your fellow servant
22:43 of your brothers the prophets,
22:46 and of those who keep the words this book.
22:48 Worship God."
22:49 See what's going on here? Over here, chapter 19,
22:52 he says, "Hey, listen, I'm of your fellow servants,
22:53 your brothers who had the testimony of Jesus."
22:56 Over here, he says, "I'm of your fellow servants,
22:58 your brothers, the prophets."
23:02 Absolutely clear that the testimony of Jesus
23:06 is linked to the ministry of a prophet.
23:09 In fact would you jot
23:10 that down, please, in your study guide?
23:11 Revelation 22:9 "The spirit of prophecy is manifested
23:16 through the ministry of a prophet."
23:18 Write that down.
23:19 How's this testimony of Jesus,
23:21 the spirit of prophecy thing work?
23:23 It works through a prophet,
23:24 through the ministry of a prophet.
23:25 Keep your pen moving, "Clearly, therefore,
23:28 God's final community of faithful on earth
23:32 will have the ministry of a prophet in their midst."
23:38 Jot that down. You say, "Okay, okay, Dwight, okay,
23:40 look, okay, so that's fine. Fact of the matter is
23:44 there are spiritual communities all over this planet
23:46 who boast the presence of a prophet in their midst.
23:48 So how in the world are you supposed to figure it out?
23:50 I mean, come on, some of these,
23:52 some of these manifestations
23:53 are in blatant contradiction to each other.
23:55 How could it possibly work?"
23:57 Yeah, it's a bright question, good question.
24:00 So how's a thinking mind to determine?
24:06 No wonder God makes this very unusual command.
24:10 You probably haven't read it before,
24:12 but he makes this command in the New Testament.
24:14 I need you to see this for yourself.
24:15 Don't just read it on the screen.
24:16 Let's just go back to the little book,
24:18 1 Thessalonians.
24:21 Because it's gonna take you so long
24:22 to find 1Thessalonians, you're gonna want to
24:23 read it off the screen, but don't do it.
24:25 Just force yourself to find it. You can do it.
24:28 You can do it. By the way, the page number--
24:31 Now you wish you had the pew Bible,
24:33 it's page 796. All right,
24:36 1 Thessalonians, just a little tiny book.
24:38 Chapter 5, three in pair, it's just boom,
24:41 boom, boom, one-liners. Watch this.
24:44 Paul, the brilliant and mighty apostle writing here.
24:47 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
24:51 Paul writing, says, hey, Christians,
24:55 "Do not quench the Spirit."
24:58 Okay? The Spirit is gonna be at work,
25:00 moving among the community of faith,
25:02 don't throw water. You know, you try to put a fire out,
25:04 you throw water on it to quench it.
25:05 Don't throw water on what the Spirit is doing.
25:08 Let it go, watch the Spirit.
25:10 Verse 19. Here comes verse 20.
25:12 "Do not despise prophecies."
25:15 Don't despise them. Someone says,
25:18 if he were writing to us third millennials,
25:20 don't despise prophecies.
25:22 Finally, verse 21, "Test all things,
25:24 hold fast what is good."
25:29 Paul is saying, "Hey you, you third millennials,
25:33 watch out for your third millennial needs,
25:35 your skepticism that dismisses
25:37 all manifestations of the supernatural
25:40 as anti-intellectual or pseudo metaphysics.
25:43 No, don't you do that.
25:45 Test the manifestations, check them out,
25:48 see if they are right or wrong, and then follow your mind
25:52 and your heart holding on to what is good."
25:56 Yeah, but how am I supposed to know?
25:58 Come on, how am I supposed to know?
26:00 Did you know that there are four tests,
26:02 at least four tests given in Holy Scripture,
26:05 whereby we might determine the veracity,
26:08 or the lack thereof, of the gift of prophecy,
26:11 four tests. Because let's face it,
26:13 we're living in a time when there are a lot of quacks
26:15 and fakes out there.
26:17 Every time I go to Wal-Mart with Karen,
26:19 I love to get up to the checkout line
26:21 where she's doing the business transaction,
26:23 so I'm falling behind, because I want to check out,
26:26 you know, these supermarket tabloids.
26:29 The first thing I do is I make sure
26:30 none of you is nearby.
26:33 Once I'm sure
26:34 that you're not shopping in Wal-Mart today,
26:37 I pick that little thing, and I got to read this,
26:39 whoa, predictions for 2011, you got to be kidding me.
26:45 The world is filled with quacks and fakes.
26:49 We have to know. so there are four tests.
26:53 Here we go, fasten your seatbelt,
26:55 four tests that will separate
26:57 the authentic from the counterfeit, four tests.
27:01 Jot them down, let's go. Test number one, Isaiah 8:20,
27:04 "The word of the true prophet is in agreement
27:06 with the word of God."
27:11 In agreement.
27:13 The true prophet, the word will be
27:15 in agreement with the word of God.
27:16 Let's put it up on the screen.
27:17 I'm not gonna read the rest of the verses
27:18 out of Scripture, we've got to fly.
27:20 Let's put Isaiah 8:20 on the screen.
27:21 "To the law and to the testimony."
27:23 Now the law is the Torah,
27:26 people tend to think of this as the writings of Moses,
27:28 the testimony, technical word,
27:29 refers to the writings of the prophets, okay?
27:32 So "To the law and to the testimony.
27:34 If they do not speak according to this word,
27:37 it is because there is no light in them."
27:41 Gerhard Pfandl.
27:44 Put his words on the screen for you.
27:45 He wrote the book "Prophetic Gift."
27:47 You see his words there?
27:48 "Every true prophet," I like this.
27:50 "Every true prophet has made the writings of
27:52 previous prophets the benchmark."
27:54 I like that. "Every true prophet
27:56 makes the previous prophets the benchmark
27:58 for his or her own ministry."
28:02 The teaching of anybody who claims the gift of prophecy
28:05 must be judged by the objective standard
28:07 of the word of God.
28:08 You check it out right here.
28:10 If they do not agree here, there's no light in them.
28:14 You've got to match.
28:16 You got to be in agreement and harmony
28:18 with the objective standard of the word of God.
28:20 All right, that's test number one.
28:22 Here comes test number two, Jeremiah 28:8, 9
28:25 "The prediction of the true prophet comes true."
28:29 This is the one you and I are most familiar with.
28:31 Hey, did what he said come true?
28:33 Did what she say come true?
28:35 Immediately, that's how we determine
28:37 the authenticity of the gift.
28:40 In fact, let's put it on the screen,
28:41 Jeremiah Chapter 28, where God gives this test,
28:44 "The prophets who have been before me,"
28:45 this is Jeremiah speaking, "and before you of old,
28:49 these prophets prophesied against many countries
28:51 and great kingdoms of war and disaster and pestilence."
28:55 But watch this, "As for the prophet
28:57 who prophesies of peace,
29:00 when the word of the prophet comes to pass,
29:02 the prophet will be known
29:04 as one whom the Lord has truly sent."
29:07 Yeah, we're familiar with that test,
29:09 but I have to tell you,
29:10 this test is a bit more complicated
29:13 than it first appears.
29:15 For example, Nostradamus, you ever heard of that
29:18 Parisian, that French physician?
29:22 Died in 1566.
29:24 Nostradamus supposedly predicted
29:27 the great fire of London in 1666 with his quatrain,
29:32 that's a little four line rhyme, a century earlier.
29:35 Let me read the quatrain to you.
29:37 "The blood of the just will be demanded of London
29:40 burnt by the fire in the year '66."
29:45 So does that make Nostradamus a prophet of God?
29:50 How about the Irish seer Cheiro?
29:53 Cheiro twice warned the journalist W.T.Stead
29:56 in 1894 and again in 1911
29:59 that he would drown in April 1912.
30:02 Twice he warned him.
30:04 W.T.Stead drowned in April 1912
30:08 for he was a passenger on the Titanic.
30:11 Does that make Cheiro a true prophet then?
30:15 How about Jeane Dixon, you ever heard of her?
30:17 Our own home-grown Jeane Dixon, 1956,
30:20 she predicted the election of a Democrat
30:22 as president of the United States in 1960,
30:25 but that he would be assassinated in office.
30:26 Guess what?
30:27 John Kennedy was elected president, a Democrat,
30:30 and was assassinated in office.
30:32 Does that make Jeane Dixon a true prophet of God?
30:36 No, God says to Moses in Deuteronomy,
30:38 no, no, no, no, hold on.
30:40 We're not gonna look this up,
30:41 but you need to write this down.
30:42 Deuteronomy 13:1-4, you check it out later,
30:45 declares, you see this in the study guide,
30:47 that test number two,
30:49 making a correct prediction
30:50 is only valid if test number one is true
30:54 that the prophet is speaking in harmony,
30:56 total agreement with the word of God.
30:58 In other words, here's where you fill it in,
31:00 "Fulfilled predictions must be matched
31:02 by the prophet's genuine harmony."
31:06 Harmony with God's word. All right?
31:10 Look, the devil himself can make predictions
31:12 and he can make his predictions come true, can't he?
31:15 Yeah, so you don't want to just make predictions,
31:17 kind of your benchmark line for interpreting
31:19 the gift of prophecy.
31:21 All right, test number three, let's go, 1 John 4:1, 2
31:24 "The focus of the true prophet
31:26 is on the truth about Jesus Christ."
31:29 Would you write that down, please?
31:31 The truth of Jesus Christ.
31:34 If this prophet is genuine, the prophet will be focusing
31:37 on the truth of Christ. Is that really in the Bible?
31:39 Sure it is. Just put it up, 1 John 4:1
31:42 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
31:45 but test," here it goes, Paul tells us to test.
31:48 John comes along and says you got to test it,
31:50 use your brains, you got a bright IQ, use it.
31:53 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit
31:54 but test the spirits, whether they are of God,
31:57 because many false prophets,"
31:59 that's the big deal, "false prophets
32:01 have gone out into the world." Now watch this.
32:03 "By this you know the Spirit of God:
32:06 Every spirit that confesses
32:08 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God."
32:15 Keep your pen moving,
32:16 "no wonder revelation defines the endtime manifestation
32:20 of the 'spirit of prophecy' as the 'testimony of Jesus.'"
32:24 It's got to be. Any genuine gift of the end of time
32:27 has to be saturated with Jesus Christ.
32:30 In fact that's the next one,
32:31 jot it down, "A genuine prophet at the end of time
32:33 will be saturated," write in the word "saturated".
32:36 "Will be saturated with the truth about Jesus
32:38 that He is the incarnated God,
32:40 that He is the atoning Savior,
32:42 that He is the mediating High Priest,
32:44 that He is the divine Judge,
32:45 and that He is the soon coming Deliverer."
32:48 Four tests, four tests and you got to put
32:51 all four up. Here comes number 4, the last one.
32:54 Matthew 7: 15-20. We spent some time
32:58 with this last week actually.
33:00 By the way if you weren't here for last week's teaching,
33:02 you've got to get it. It's just a series of stories,
33:05 get a hold of last week's podcast, videocast.
33:08 All right.
33:10 Fill this one out. Here's test number four.
33:11 "The life and influence of the true prophet
33:13 demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit of Jesus."
33:19 They call this the orchard test.
33:21 I like that.
33:22 The orchard test. What kind of fruit
33:24 is growing on this tree?
33:26 Somebody just make that up? No, are you kidding?
33:28 From the sermon on the mountain.
33:29 Jesus himself made it up.
33:30 Jesus himself calls us to exercise test number four,
33:35 these are the words of jesus in sermon on the mountain,
33:37 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you
33:40 in sheep's clothing but inwardly
33:41 they are ravenous wolves.
33:44 You will know them by their fruit."
33:46 Jesus goes on, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit
33:49 nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
33:52 Therefore, by their fruits you will know them."
33:58 Would you jot it down, please? A prophetic ministry
34:00 that bears the fruits of the Spirit demonstrates
34:03 its divine authority
34:05 and corroborates its divine calling,
34:09 has God's fingerprints all over it.
34:11 If it's bearing the fruits of the Spirit,
34:13 divine fingerprints all over it.
34:15 How did Jesus put it?
34:16 "Therefore by their fruits you shall know them."
34:20 Okay, so Ellen White, let's talk about her now.
34:24 How does she measure up
34:27 this 19th and early 20th century wife,
34:31 who was a mother, who was a homemaker,
34:33 who was a visionary, who was a church leader,
34:36 who was a public speaker, who was an intrepid traveler,
34:38 who was an institutional builder,
34:40 who was a best-selling
34:41 and most translated American author in history,
34:43 how does her prophetic life ministry stand up
34:46 to these four compelling tests
34:49 of the genuine gift of prophecy?
34:54 Let's find out. But before we do,
34:56 I need to share something fascinating.
34:58 This is gonna-- You're gonna say "Wow."
35:02 Watch this, George Barna,
35:06 have you ever heard of George Barna?
35:08 The celebrated Christian demographer?
35:10 I think most everybody knows George Barna.
35:12 So I subscribed to his newsletter.
35:14 So I'm reading his newsletter, and I'm reading,
35:17 he's conducting a survey in this newsletter
35:19 because he's big on surveys.
35:21 It's a survey of American clergy to determine
35:23 what pastors considered the most influential authors
35:26 and the most helpful books they had read.
35:29 So he's going through all of this,
35:30 I'm reading the newsletter.
35:32 And then Barna shares his discovery,
35:35 that for pastors, now listen to this,
35:37 pastors underthe age of 40,
35:39 that would be most of you, you're not pastors
35:41 but under the age of 40,
35:43 for pastors under the age of 40,
35:47 he found out what they were reading.
35:48 This will catch you by surprise. I'll put--
35:50 I don't want you to take my words for it,
35:51 we'll put it on the screen. And in your study guide
35:53 you have the website address,
35:55 you can check it out for yourself.
35:56 "The under-40 pastors championed,"
36:00 isn't this is interesting?
36:01 "Championed several authors who are not ranked highly
36:05 by older church leaders. Those authors included
36:08 business consultant James Collins."
36:10 You've heard of Jim Collins, good to great, all right.
36:14 "Seminary professor Thom Rainer,
36:16 19th century Seventh-day Adventist icon Ellen White,
36:22 and Pastor John Ortberg."
36:24 Isn't that amazing?
36:27 A national survey of all denominations,
36:30 a national survey of pastors under the age of 40 discovers
36:35 that this little 5'2" woman's life ministry
36:40 is continuing to bear fruits in the third millennium.
36:47 Isn't that amazing?
36:52 But as we apply these four tests,
36:54 I wish you'd keep in mind
36:56 that Ellen White never called herself a prophet.
37:01 Put it on the screen for you, you need to fill this in.
37:03 She's writing here, "Others," she writes,
37:05 "have called me a prophetess,
37:07 but I have never assumed that title.
37:09 I have not felt that it was my duty
37:11 thus to designate myself.
37:13 I regard myself as a messenger," write that in.
37:17 "I regard myself as a messenger
37:19 entrusted by the Lord with messages for His people."
37:24 Ladies and gentlemen, she did not seek
37:25 the prophetic office. You can't find one prophet,
37:28 genuine prophet whoever sought the job.
37:31 If you knew what went into the job,
37:32 you would never ask for the job.
37:35 She never flaunted her spiritual gift,
37:37 she never boasted of her calling.
37:40 Quite the contrary.
37:41 Listen to this, 17, she's just days into being 17
37:47 and she is wrestling with this overwhelming
37:50 sense of inadequacy,
37:52 sensing God's call to prophetic ministry
37:54 and she is pleading with God, "Release me from this ministry,
37:58 please. You can't be-- You can't be serious."
38:00 These are her words.
38:01 Put it on the screen for you, "In my second vision,
38:05 about a week after the first,"
38:09 she's just 17 by 3 weeks old,
38:11 she's 17 plus 3 weeks.
38:14 "In my second vision about a week after the first,
38:16 the Lord gave me a view of the trials
38:19 through which I must pass,
38:20 and told me that I must go and relate to others
38:22 what He had revealed to me.
38:24 It was shown me that my labors would meet
38:27 with great opposition." If she only knew.
38:32 "And that my heart would be rent with anguish,
38:37 but that the grace of God
38:38 would be sufficient to sustain me through all,
38:40 for several days, and far into the night,
38:43 I prayed that this burden might be removed from me
38:45 and laid upon someone more capable of bearing it.
38:48 But the light of duty did not change,
38:50 and the words of the angel sounded continually in my ears,
38:54 'Make known to others what I have revealed to you.'"
39:01 And so this 17-year-old girl resolves
39:04 that by the grace of God,
39:06 she would be faithful to His life calling
39:07 for the rest of her life, a 70-year life ministry,
39:12 from the age of 17 to 87.
39:18 So does Ellen White pass the four tests
39:21 of a genuine prophet?
39:22 Let's find out, all right? Test number one,
39:25 what's test number one?
39:26 Remember, Isaiah 8:20, "The word of the true prophet
39:28 is in agreement with the word of God."
39:31 Let's find out. So I brought a couple of her classics
39:35 into the pulpit with me.
39:37 I want to-- I want to show you the Scripture index
39:41 that appears in the back of most of her books.
39:44 This first one, and I want a camera
39:46 to come on up here, please.
39:47 This, this first book is the classic, classic for me,
39:50 the greatest book I've ever read on the life of Christ.
39:53 I've read numerous books on the life of Jesus,
39:55 but this is the "Desire of Ages."
39:56 All right? So what I want to show you
39:58 and I want you to watch the screen, don't watch me,
39:59 watch the screen. I'm gonna take you
40:01 to the Scripture index,
40:02 these appear-- I don't know how many times
40:04 I've read this book.
40:05 It's just a powerful, powerful book, but I'm gonna
40:07 take you all the way to the back. Okay,
40:10 here it is, here it is, watch this, okay.
40:12 Can you see this?
40:13 Can you see the word
40:14 "scriptural index," can see that?
40:16 All right, look, what follows are all quoted
40:20 references to Holy Scripture,
40:22 these are not allusions. That number would be,
40:26 who knows? These are just direct quotes.
40:29 So I decided, okay, I'm gonna count them. And so I went,
40:32 I said, okay, here and here and here, all right. Whoa,
40:35 here, here, here, here. Then I counted
40:38 this column right here, I said, okay,
40:39 let me just take an average column,
40:40 let's just say I got 40 in this.
40:42 I multiplied the columns,
40:44 960 scriptural quotations in this single book.
40:52 I'm gonna show you another book,
40:53 this book is this classic this apocalyptic classic,
40:57 "The Great Controversy." I want to show you
40:59 whereas in here-- I want to show you the same.
41:03 All right, so you've got the Scripture index right here.
41:05 By the way, I want to say much more about this book,
41:08 this one next week when we look at the critics.
41:11 Next week, this one, all right.
41:13 So here they are, here we go, here we go, here we go,
41:15 they're here, here, here, here,
41:16 and you see my scribbling's up here,
41:18 there's something on the back, but I said,
41:19 okay, 15 times 40, 600 plus 90 on the back,
41:21 690 Scripture quotations in these 2 classics.
41:28 What's test number one?
41:32 That the true prophet will speak in harmony
41:34 with the word of God.
41:36 This is from "The Great Controversy."
41:38 Thank you very much.
41:39 This is from "The Great Controversy,"
41:40 the introduction to "The Great Controversy"
41:45 and I'll put it on the screen for you,
41:46 she wrote these words.
41:47 "The Spirit was not given," you see that on the screen?
41:49 "The Spirit was not given, nor can it ever be bestowed
41:54 to supersede the Bible, for the Scriptures
41:59 explicitly state that the word of God
42:02 is the standard by which
42:03 all teaching and experience must be tested."
42:07 You always go to the word, the bedrock,
42:10 bottomline standard by which everything--
42:12 By the way, every spiritual gift,
42:13 not just the gift of prophecy,
42:14 every spiritual gift, speaking in tongues,
42:17 healing, everything, it has to be tested
42:20 by the holy word of God.
42:22 I tell you what, there is no false prophet
42:24 in the history of the world
42:25 who would subordinate his teaching
42:26 or his writings to the absolute authority
42:28 of the word of God.
42:29 Like that statement just does.
42:32 Everything, every, everything subliminally,
42:36 subordinated rather to Holy Scripture.
42:38 All right, that's test number one.
42:40 Test number two, what's test number two?
42:42 Jeremiah 28:8, 9
42:43 "The prediction of the prophet comes true."
42:48 All right, September, September 1, 1902,
42:51 Ellen White wrote these words.
42:52 I'll put it on the screen for you.
42:55 September 1, 1902,
42:58 "Well equipped tent meetings should be held
43:00 in the large cities, such as San Francisco,
43:03 for not long hence these cities will suffer
43:05 under the judgments of God.
43:07 San Francisco and Oakland are becoming
43:11 as Sodom and Gomorrah,
43:12 and the Lord will visit them in wrath."
43:17 All right? 4 years later, 4 years later,
43:20 on April 16, 1906, she received a vision,
43:24 here's her description of the vision,
43:26 put it on the screen.
43:27 "While at Loma Linda, California,"
43:28 perhaps you've heard of that place.
43:31 "While at Loma Linda, California,"
43:32 where our medical university is,
43:35 "April 16, 1906, there passed before me
43:39 a most distressing representation.
43:41 During a vision of the night,
43:42 I stood on an eminence,"
43:44 okay, some kind of outcropping upon a hill.
43:47 "I stood on an eminence from which I could see
43:49 houses shaking like a reed in the wind.
43:52 Buildings great and small were falling to the ground.
43:54 Pleasure resorts, theaters, hotels,
43:56 and the homes of the wealthy were shaken and shattered.
43:58 Many lives were blotted out of existence,
44:00 and the air was filled with the shrieks
44:02 of the injured and the terrified."
44:05 2 days later, at 5:12 in the morning April 18, 1906,
44:11 a 270 mile section of the San Andreas Fault slipped,
44:15 generating a massive 7.7 to 7.9 magnitude earthquake
44:20 that destroyed the mighty sea port of San Francisco.
44:25 I'll put a picture. Can you believe they have
44:27 black and white pictures? That's the city right there,
44:30 went to Google and got that picture.
44:33 While that picture's up, I need to tell you,
44:34 property loss was measured
44:35 at a rate of one million dollars
44:37 every 10 minutes and this is a century ago.
44:40 One million dollar losses every 10 minutes,
44:43 for greater far than the earthquake devastation
44:45 were the raging fires that swept the city.
44:48 The loss of human life was numbing,
44:51 telegraph lines went wild
44:52 and the rumors began to spread 'Chicago is in flames.
44:55 New York City has been destroyed by a tidal wave."
44:57 It was the panic of doomsday.
45:07 Let me share another prediction with you. 1890,
45:12 some of you historians know this to be true,
45:14 in 1890s here in the United States,
45:16 there was a prevailing "millennial fever,"
45:20 kind of a self-confident, collective spirit
45:24 that our nation and that our world were
45:26 on the eve of a millennial age
45:28 of peace and prosperity, 1890.
45:34 In an utterly counter-cultural
45:37 and counter-social way, Ellen White picked up a pen
45:43 and wrote one of her most sobering predictions,
45:45 these words appeared in
45:46 "Signs of the Times" magazine, April 21, 1890,
45:49 put it on the screen for you.
45:51 "The tempest is coming, and we must get ready
45:55 for its fury by having repentance toward God
45:57 and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
46:00 The Lord will arise to shake terribly the earth.
46:02 We shall see troubles on all sides.
46:04 Thousands of ships will be hurled
46:06 into the depths of the sea.
46:07 Navies will go down,
46:09 and human lives will be sacrificed by millions.
46:12 Fires will break out unexpectedly,
46:15 and no human effort will be able to quench them.
46:18 The palaces of earth will be swept away
46:20 in the fury of the flames.
46:21 Disasters by rail will become more and more frequent.
46:24 Confusion, collision and death
46:27 without a moment's warning will occur
46:28 on the great lines of travel.
46:31 The end is near, probation is closing.
46:33 Oh, let us seek God while he may be found,
46:35 call upon Him while He is near."
46:38 And of course nobody had a clue, an inkling
46:42 that the facade of impending millennial peace
46:44 would be shattered by World War I in 20 years.
46:48 And after World War I, 30 years later, World War 2,
46:52 entire Navies were sunk,
46:55 millions upon millions perished,
46:57 death on the great lines of travel.
46:59 Who'd have thought that automobile deaths
47:02 would number eventually half a million a year?
47:06 Well, it's true that the dominant work of a prophet
47:10 is not foretelling, but it is rather forth telling.
47:15 Prophets don't spend their time
47:16 trying to come up with predictions.
47:17 No.
47:18 The dominant work is not foretelling,
47:19 it's forth telling, it's giving nurture,
47:22 it's giving guidance, it's giving warning,
47:23 it's giving exhortation, leadership.
47:26 While it's true that forth telling
47:29 is the dominant work,
47:30 the fact of the matter is that nothing grabs
47:33 the human attention more powerfully
47:36 than a prediction come true.
47:39 And it could be that the prophet speaks about God
47:43 and what the prophet speaks I should be obeying.
47:50 Test number three, 1 John 4: 1-2
47:52 "The focus of the true prophet
47:54 is on the truth about Jesus Christ."
47:57 I testified last week that of all the authors
48:00 I've read in my lifetime,
48:01 none has been more Christocentric,
48:03 more Jesus focused than Ellen White.
48:06 But then, we probably ought not to be surprised
48:08 since the apocalypse describes the gift of prophesy
48:10 at the end of time as the testimony of Jesus Christ.
48:13 No surprise. My friend Merlin Burt
48:17 who is the director here on campus at Andrews University,
48:20 Director of the Center for Adventist Research,
48:23 has been a tremendous help.
48:25 As I've been doing my researching and reading,
48:28 I've had conversations with him
48:29 and he shared with me a paper
48:31 that he read this July in Europe.
48:34 I want to read a line,
48:35 I'll put it up on the screen for you.
48:37 Merlin Burt, "If it is true that Jesus
48:40 gave His own testimony through the prophetic gift
48:43 as explained by John in Revelation,
48:46 then it is imperative that we listen.
48:51 The 'testimony of Jesus,' as revelation calls it,
48:54 "'the testimony of Jesus' brings us redemption
48:57 and by His loving guidance in a world broken by sin
49:02 and suffering."
49:04 It brings redemption, it brings loving guidance
49:06 in this dysfunctional and broken world
49:09 in which we live.
49:13 Merlin shared with me, as he calls it
49:15 one of Ellen White's most touching
49:17 and spiritually compelling letters,
49:18 it was written to her twin sister.
49:20 We learned about her twin last week.
49:21 Her name is Elizabeth, they called her Lizzy.
49:24 Most of her adult life she was not even a Christian.
49:27 She's dying, this is the year that she dies.
49:30 Ellen writes to Lizzy, the letter was--
49:34 the letter was never published
49:35 and it was intended to be personal.
49:39 I'm gonna read a line or two from that letter.
49:41 Put it on the screen for you.
49:42 "Dear Lizzie," and then a few lines go by,
49:44 let's pick it up.
49:45 "I love to speak of Jesus and His matchless love
49:50 and my whole soul is in this work.
49:53 I have not one doubt of the love God and His care
49:56 and His mercy and ability to save to the utmost all
50:00 who come to Him.
50:02 Don't you believe in Jesus, Lizzy?
50:04 Do you not believe He is your Savior?
50:07 That He has evidenced His love for you
50:09 in giving His own precious life that you might be saved?
50:12 I pray most earnestly that the Lord Jesus
50:15 shall reveal Himself to you and Reuben.
50:17 Dear sister, it is no wonderful thing
50:20 that you have to do,"
50:21 some spectacular act that you have to perform.
50:23 No, no, no, no. "But there is One who died
50:27 that you might live through eternal ages.
50:29 Just believe that Jesus will hear your confession,
50:32 receive your penitence, and forgive every sin
50:35 and make you children of God.
50:37 I long to take you in my arms and lay you
50:41 on the bosom of Jesus Christ.
50:46 With Jesus as your blessed friend
50:49 you need not fear to die, for it will be to you like
50:52 closing your eyes here and opening them in heaven.
50:55 Then we shall meet never more to part."
51:04 Test number four, Mathew 7:15-20,
51:08 "The life and influence of the true prophet
51:10 demonstrates the fruits of the Spirit of Jesus."
51:14 Okay, look, here's the question.
51:16 Was Ellen White perfect? Was she flawless?
51:19 Was she sinless? Hardly.
51:23 She made mistakes, she had character weaknesses,
51:27 she was fallible and we're going to examine
51:28 that fallibility in a special way next week.
51:32 But the trend of her life was such that upon her death,
51:36 a newspaper, okay, this is not a church paper,
51:38 this is a city newspaper commenting on her death,
51:42 The "St. Helena Star" near where she died,
51:45 the "St. Helena Star" carried the story entitled
51:47 "Called to her reward" on July 23, 1915.
51:50 I'll put the words on the screen for you.
51:52 "The life of Mrs. White is an example worthy
51:57 of emulation by all.
52:00 She was a humble, devout disciple of Christ
52:02 and ever went about doing good.
52:04 Her death marks the calling of another noted
52:06 leader of religious thought
52:08 and one who is almost 90 years
52:10 were full to overflowing with good deeds,
52:14 kind words and earnest prayers for all mankind."
52:19 How did Jesus put it?
52:20 "By their fruits you will know them."
52:27 493 years ago today, the Protestant Reformation
52:32 was ignited by Martin Luther. Nearly 500 years later,
52:37 the Reformation still goes on.
52:39 In her apocalyptic classic "Great Controversy,"
52:42 she writes, "The Reformation did not
52:45 as many suppose end with Luther.
52:47 It is to be continued to the close
52:48 of this world's history.
52:50 Luther had a great work to do in reflecting to others
52:52 the light which God had permitted to shine upon him,
52:55 yet he did not receive all the light
52:57 which was to be given to the world.
52:59 From that time to this, new light has been continually
53:02 shining upon the Scriptures,
53:03 and new truths have been constantly unfolding."
53:07 Thus it is that the apocalypse predicts
53:09 that at the end of time
53:10 God would raise up a community of faithful,
53:14 whose mission would be to take that truth
53:18 to an entire generation
53:20 just before the return of Christ.
53:22 And the same apocalypse, by the way, predicts
53:24 that to assist in that mission there would be raised up
53:28 within that community someone with the prophetic gift
53:34 to point the church
53:36 and the world to Jesus Christ Himself.
53:39 I believe that Ellen White was that messenger of God
53:45 and I believe that her life ministry fulfils
53:48 the four biblical tests for the authenticity
53:52 of the gift of prophecy.
53:54 You say, "Ah, but, Dwight, what about those who--
53:55 what about those who don't believe?"
53:59 I'm aware. Next week we'll deal with the critics.
54:03 Don't miss next week, please.
54:06 But right now, it's just you and me,
54:08 all I can ask of you is that you taste the fruits
54:12 of her ministry for yourself.
54:15 Read her writings, and I believe...
54:23 that if you do, you will believe as well.
54:31 Stand with me. Let's sing that chorus.
54:36 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
54:39 look full in His wonderful face,
54:42 and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
54:46 in the light of His glory and grace.
54:58 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
55:07 Look full in His wonderful face
55:16 And the things of earth
55:20 Will grow strangely dim
55:27 In the light of His glory and grace
55:39 Let's sing it one more time even quiter.
55:41 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
55:52 Look full in His wonderful face
56:03 And the things of earth
56:09 Will grow strangely dim
56:16 In the light of His glory and grace
56:30 Holy Father, that's why You gave
56:33 the testimony of Jesus Christ
56:37 so that in reading we might turn our eyes upon Jesus.
56:42 Holy God, please in this hour of earth's history,
56:48 lift our gaze higher and higher and higher
56:52 and lock us on the face of our Savior
56:58 in whose name we pray.
57:01 Amen.
57:17 This little classic was a God-sent to me
57:19 when I hit rock bottom spiritually
57:21 as a graduate student on this campus years ago.
57:24 The title became a self- fulfilling prophecy,
57:26 "Steps to Christ,"
57:28 because that's precisely what I discovered
57:30 in the short but inspiring, and for me, life changing book.
57:34 And I'd love for you to experience the same,
57:36 which is why we're setting aside a few of these books
57:38 for our viewing friends.
57:39 If you'd like your own copy of "Steps to Christ,"
57:42 call our toll free number 877-His-Will.
57:45 Just punch those two words, His-Will on your keyboard,
57:47 877-His-Will, and ask for the book.
57:50 If you want it in Spanish, ask for it.
57:52 It's one of the most translated books in the world.
57:54 Our friendly operators are standing by 24x7
57:57 to assist you and will get the book to you
57:58 as soon as possible, straight to your address.
58:01 So why not go to the phone right now,
58:02 and see if your walk with Jesus
58:04 isn't deepened by this spiritual classic.
58:06 It's our gift to you.
58:08 Until I see you again next time,
58:10 may you sense the living Christ
58:12 walking beside you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17