New Perceptions

Starving For Bread When The Pantry Is Full

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP102911

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perception with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:19 Oh, God's children, we're all children.
00:21 Where you're children there, we are earth's children,
00:24 could it be we are starving to death?
00:29 We look well fed-- our tummies are full
00:33 but are we starving, are we on the point of death?
00:38 Its morning and Holy Scripture teaches,
00:40 let the teaching be clear
00:42 let us know how You would have us respond
00:44 we pray in Jesus name.
00:46 Amen.
00:48 You can't talk about starving without thinking famine,
00:50 you can't think about famine
00:51 without thinking of the Horn of East Africa.
00:53 Let me put a map of the Horn of East Africa up here.
00:55 Take a look at this.
00:57 The darker the color the more extreme the suffering,
01:01 that dark section in the middle.
01:03 These are the countries by the way of Somalia,
01:05 Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti.
01:08 You're getting into Somalia there that's catastrophic famine
01:12 according to the key that's catastrophic famine.
01:14 United Nations now estimates that more than 13 million people
01:19 on that map are suffering, are starving to death.
01:24 Sixty years they've gone without water,
01:25 60 years in the Horn of Africa.
01:27 And Somalia alone down where that's dark
01:30 four million are starving,
01:32 three million of whom
01:33 live in the southern portion of Somalia
01:35 so it just gets worse and worse as you move down.
01:38 They're estimating now that 750,000 people
01:43 face the risk of death in the next four months,
01:46 the UN says if help does not come.
01:49 Maybe you're gonna be there help they need,
01:52 I don't know.
01:54 But let me talk about the children.
01:56 The death rate now under five
02:00 15.43 deaths per 10,000 individuals daily, daily.
02:06 Thirty thousand children have died
02:08 to 2 per 10,000 is the threshold of famine, its 15.43.
02:13 But running numbers by it doesn't move you at all,
02:16 so let me put some faces by
02:17 and take a look at these suffering.
02:22 Look at that sitting in a little plastic bathtub,
02:26 starving to death.
02:27 Take a look at another face, family looking on
02:33 victims of starvation, look at them.
02:34 Look at one more.
02:38 That little baby looks like he's 80-years of age,
02:40 does he not?
02:41 He is starving to death.
02:44 Could it be that if you're putting
02:47 the faces of the starving our faces go up?
02:50 Yeah, right like we just prayed our tummies are full
02:53 but are we on the edge of spiritual starvation.
02:59 Fourth gospel confronts us with that question--
03:03 familiar beloved narrative and then
03:05 a metaphor that many find disgusting.
03:08 We're getting to the metaphor but first the familiar narrative
03:11 that teaching today is entitled
03:15 "Starving to Death When the Pantry is Full."
03:19 Let us pray.
03:20 O God, amazing grace,
03:24 that You come to us full tummies.
03:31 But in this narrative
03:35 Holy Spirit confront us with our desperate need.
03:40 We pray in Jesus name, amen.
03:43 Open your Bible please to the fourth gospel,
03:46 the fourth gospel, the Gospel of John.
03:51 Beloved narrative-- do you know what,
03:52 this is the only miracle that all four gospels record.
03:56 That's how popular this miracle as you know
04:00 the miracle you grew up with it as a kid.
04:02 You know John Chapter 6,
04:05 but we return to this beloved narrative,
04:07 because a narrative sets us up
04:09 for this revolting metaphor
04:11 that it is impaired if we wrestle with
04:13 as we continue our journey through the last word.
04:16 That's the fourth gospel the Gospel of John
04:19 for the final generation.
04:21 Let's go to John Chapter 6.
04:22 I'm in the New King James Version
04:24 if you didn't bring a Bible
04:25 grab the pew Bible in front of you,
04:27 it will also be the New King James Version.
04:29 Let's get into the teaching together.
04:31 John Chapter 6, pick it up in verse 1.
04:35 Let's go
04:36 "After these things
04:37 Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee,
04:38 which is a Sea of Tiberias."
04:40 John is the only one who refers to it by its Roman name,
04:43 because John has Gentile readers in mind.
04:45 It's written specifically for them.
04:47 So Jesus went over to the Sea of Tiberias.
04:49 Verse 2 "Then a great multitude followed Him,
04:52 because they saw His signs
04:54 which He performed on those who were diseased."
04:57 Jesus is at His heyday right now.
05:01 He has the popularity of a rock star
05:03 by the thousands people are flocking to Him.
05:06 I saw a news clip this last week of President Obama.
05:10 He's on the Denver Campus of the University of Colorado
05:12 and the place is just jammed and there's the camera panned
05:16 these young university students.
05:18 I mean, it's just a look of wow.
05:22 Jesus is in that same status.
05:23 The people at the edge the crowd
05:25 are holding up their iPhones and they're taking pictures
05:27 to email to their friends.
05:29 I'm near, I'm near the star himself.
05:33 But in a few short verses everything collapses.
05:36 "So they followed Him, because they've seen the signs
05:38 which He performed on those who were diseased."
05:39 Verse 3 "Jesus went up on the mountain,
05:41 and there He sat with His disciples.
05:42 Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near."
05:47 Four times John will talk about the Passover,
05:49 four times he wants us to recall the images
05:51 not only in the ancient exodus,
05:53 he wants to read us
05:54 post Calvary to recall the images of the cross
05:57 and so he intentionally uses the word Passover.
06:00 And by the way this is his last Passover.
06:02 The next Passover it'scurtains, he dies.
06:06 He will be the Passover lamb.
06:09 John skips two-and-half years of Jesus ministry.
06:11 Boom, gone, and he plunges in to the crisis
06:14 and the crisis it's a picture right here.
06:18 "Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near."
06:20 Verse 5 "Then Jesus lifted up His eyes,
06:23 and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him,
06:25 He said to Philip,"
06:26 who have into grow up in Bethesda
06:28 a village near this mountain
06:29 where Jesus is going to perform this miracle.
06:32 "He happens to say to Philip,
06:34 'Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?' "
06:36 You know, Philip, you grow up in this town,
06:37 any supermarkets that can cover this crowd.
06:40 Now we're gonna find out there're 5,000 men--
06:43 the only list of men.
06:45 Who senses back there that's the--
06:47 those of the heads they count.
06:49 But if the men are married you're gonna throw in--
06:51 probably you are gonna throw in what,
06:52 now they're 3,500 for.
06:54 Yeah, 3,500 then you're gonna throw in children.
06:57 We could be looking at a small baseball stadium AAA,
07:01 not World Series,
07:02 but AAA baseball stadium with 15, 000 people.
07:06 So "Philip 'where we're going to get bread?'
07:08 " But He said this Jesus did, verse 6
07:10 "He said this to test Philip for him,
07:12 He Himself knew what He would do,
07:13 " He wants to set this up so that
07:15 when Philip experiences this miracle
07:18 he will never forget it as long as he lives.
07:21 So "Philip answers Him" verse 7 I thought about it,
07:23 you know what, Lord,
07:24 "Two hundred denarii worth of bread
07:26 is not sufficient for them,
07:27 that every one of them may have a little."
07:29 Now Philip has grabbed a big number.
07:31 This is 200 days of a common labor,
07:33 its $8 an hour minimum wage.
07:35 So that's eight hours a day
07:37 so that be 64 times 200, $12,800
07:40 even if we could $12,800 drawn from our ATM machines
07:44 all of us at the same time using our debit cards
07:46 it wouldn't be enough to pay for food for these.
07:48 Ah, that's a point.
07:49 Jesus wants Philips to get.
07:50 Now Philip and Andrew are buddies
07:52 they appear in chapter 1 together,
07:53 they appear here together,
07:54 they will appear in chapter 12 together,
07:56 they both grew up in the same town.
07:57 So where Phillip is you'll find Andrew.
07:59 And Andrew either is overhearing
08:02 or he is standing beside Philip.
08:04 And Andrew pipes up.
08:06 Verse 8 "One of His disciples,
08:07 Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to Him,"
08:10 hey wait a minute, "there is a lad here
08:12 who has five barley loaves and two small fish,
08:15 but what are they among so many?"
08:22 Jesus says to the two men.
08:26 Make the people sit down.
08:27 This is verse 10 "'Make the people sit down.'
08:29 Now there was much grass in the place."
08:31 that's John the eyewitness
08:32 because it's springtime Passover here so this mountain,
08:35 it's not a mountain, say hillside.
08:36 We call it hill today.
08:37 But this mountain is just as verdant green carpet
08:40 that goes all the way up to the top.
08:42 Nice soft carpet, Jesus says "'Make everybody sit down.'
08:45 Now there was much grass in the place.
08:47 So the men sat down, in number about five thousand."
08:50 Plus the women, plus the children--
08:52 we're looking at 15,000 perhaps.
08:54 Verse 11 "And Jesus took the loaves,
08:57 and when He had given thanks"
09:00 His characteristic behavior at the beginning of a meal
09:04 He takes a loaves, "and when He had given thanks
09:07 He distributed them to the disciples,
09:10 and the disciples to those sitting down,
09:11 and likewise of the fish."
09:13 The fish was used as a relish.
09:15 Those were actually sandwiches that little boy brought.
09:18 A barley sandwiches.
09:20 Now barley is not your--
09:22 is not the top of the menu request.
09:25 In fact Philo
09:27 the Jewish philosopher described barley
09:29 which is a cheaper substitute for wheat.
09:31 Barley he described it as fit for irrational animals
09:34 and men in unhappy circumstances.
09:37 It's awful food.
09:39 Only the poor, the poor eat barley.
09:41 So Andrew finds this poor kid.
09:44 He said, hey, boy let me just,
09:46 let me just have your lunch, five barley loaves.
09:49 The fish, little sardine or whatever that's just relish.
09:52 He just-- mother sent them slices
09:54 and he has to put it on.
09:55 So he gives the relish and the five loaves.
10:01 "Jesus breaks it, gives it to the disciples,
10:03 the disciples then given to those sitting down."
10:05 This is the end of verse 11.
10:06 "And likewise at the fish, as much as they wanted."
10:09 So verse 12 "When they were filled,
10:11 Jesus said to His disciples
10:12 'Gather up the fragments of remain,
10:14 so that nothing is lost.'
10:15 " We waste nothing in my kingdom.
10:18 I know a commentator named Robert Smith
10:20 delightful commentary on the fourth gospel
10:22 and he makes the point.
10:24 He says you know what, Jesus isn't so concerned
10:25 about the fragments.
10:26 Yes He is, but He is making a point about humanity.
10:29 I don't want any fragments of humanity lost.
10:32 I want every men, women, and child
10:34 picked up for the kingdom.
10:35 Do you understand? Nobody get's left behind.
10:38 That be a good-- that be a good slogan, wouldn't it?
10:40 No child left behind everyone comes.
10:45 You get them all, you hear me?
10:47 Get them all.
10:48 And they go out and they gather up the fragment.
10:51 This is verse 13
10:52 "Therefore they gathered them up,
10:53 they filled twelve baskets
10:55 with the fragments of the five barley loaves
10:57 which were left over by those who had eaten.
10:58 And then those men, when"
11:00 these are the men sitting underground.
11:02 "When they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said," truly,
11:05 "'This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.'
11:10 " And by the way this is capital "P" Prophet,
11:12 because they are thinking of Moses in Deuteronomy 18
11:14 it says "One day God is gonna send a prophet
11:17 just like me and he will leads you."
11:20 This is the capital "P" Prophet.
11:21 Hey, wait a minute guys, come here, come here.
11:23 Think about this, we would if when we go into battle
11:26 we would never be hungry,
11:28 we could be fed night and day
11:29 and guess what if any of us got hit
11:32 He will heal us on the spot.
11:34 We need this guy to become king.
11:39 Exactly what's happening here.
11:41 Look at that verse 15 "Therefore when Jesus perceived
11:45 that they were about to come
11:47 and take Him by force and make Him king,
11:53 He departed again to the mountain
11:54 by Himself alone."
11:55 Now the deal is John cuts out two key points
11:59 that the synoptics insert right here.
12:01 Number one,
12:03 knowing the intentions of the crowd.
12:05 The synoptics tell us Jesus turned to the disciples and
12:08 He says get in that boat,
12:09 get in that boat push off the shore now.
12:13 And Desire of Ages describes this way.
12:15 The disciples protested
12:16 but Jesus now spoke with an authority
12:18 He had never before assume toward them
12:21 and in silence, steaming,
12:27 but in silence they turn toward the sea.
12:31 Now, go and then He turns, He turns to the crowd.
12:35 And going to the synoptics He dismisses the crowd
12:38 with the air of an authority.
12:39 There were strong men in the crowd.
12:40 Desire of Ages says strong men
12:42 who were ready to force their will to be done.
12:44 Jesus speaks to them with a divinity
12:48 that dispels the crowd.
12:50 And then heartbroken, you know, His heart has broken,
12:53 because now the big plunge He knows what lies ahead.
12:58 Heart broken He climbs that mountain,
12:59 that tall hill to be alone with His Father.
13:06 And the disciples-- look at this verse 16.
13:12 "Now when evening came,
13:13 His disciples went down to the sea."
13:14 So they obey Jesus that far they go down to the sea.
13:16 "Got into the boat,
13:18 and went over the sea toward Capernaum.
13:20 And it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them."
13:22 In other words, they actually waited.
13:23 They didn't push off, they waited.
13:26 Desire of Ages fills us in on the psyche of these disciples
13:30 at this moment of terrible disappointment.
13:33 I want to read this to you. I'll put it on the screen.
13:35 I want to read this to you, because I find it very familiar
13:38 as to what happens in my own spiritual journey.
13:41 Watch this, maybe it happens to you too.
13:43 Words on the screen.
13:44 "They the disciples had left Jesus with dissatisfied hearts,
13:47 more impatient with Him than ever before
13:50 since acknowledging Him as their Lord.
13:52 They murmured because they had not been
13:53 permitted to proclaim Him king.
13:55 They blamed themselves for yielding
13:57 so readily to His command."
13:58 I told you why don't you stand up,
14:00 what a whip?
14:01 Well, why don't you stand up?
14:03 They're blaming each other.
14:05 "For yielding so readily to His command.
14:07 They reasoned that if they had been more persistent."
14:10 This was the golden moment, He is a star.
14:14 "If they had been more persistent
14:15 they might have accomplished their purpose.
14:17 Unbelief."
14:18 Now keep reading.
14:19 "Unbelief was taking possession of their minds."
14:26 Because that's what happens whenever I catch myself
14:29 moving into a little pour me pity party
14:33 when I start feeling sorry for myself
14:35 God you really let me down on this one,
14:38 I can't believe it.
14:40 The moment I start moving into that thinking
14:42 I tell you what, it is self-perpetuating,
14:44 it just kicks into gear and suddenly questions
14:46 you would have never thought of start popping up in your mind.
14:49 Watch this with them.
14:50 "Unbelief was taking possession of their minds and hearts."
14:52 Now here comes a series of questions.
14:53 Number one.
14:54 "Were they always to be accounted
14:56 followers of a false prophet?"
14:57 You know how hard that is on my pride.
15:00 Number two.
15:01 "Would Christ never assert His authority as king?
15:03 Number three.
15:04 "Why didn't He who possessed such power
15:06 reveal Himself in His true character,
15:08 and make their own way less painful?"
15:09 Number four.
15:10 "Why had He not saved John the Baptist
15:12 from a violent death?"
15:13 whoa, whoa, time out.
15:15 How you getting into John the Baptist,
15:16 he has nothing to do with this.
15:19 But when you move into that pour me dark thinking
15:24 suddenly the enemy of your soul is able to slip in
15:27 totally unrelated doubts that will continue the way you down.
15:32 His goal kill your heart, kill your faith,
15:37 cuts you off.
15:39 And they are going down.
15:41 "Thus the disciples reasoned" isn't it something
15:44 "until they brought upon themselves
15:45 great spiritual darkness."
15:48 Last question, can you believe this?
15:50 "They questioned, could Jesus be an imposter,
15:53 as the Pharisees asserted?"
15:55 Maybe guys, maybe, maybe, He is a fake.
16:01 Can you imagine?
16:05 "Their thoughts were stormy and unreasonable."
16:08 You know what, I found this to be true
16:10 that's I wanted this line in that quote.
16:12 "And the Lord gave them something else
16:15 to afflict their souls and occupy their minds."
16:20 When you and I move into that
16:22 sicky pour me pity for me thinking,
16:26 I found in my own journey that's when I'm blindsided.
16:30 But He allows it to take my mind off me, me, me, me
16:36 and refocus and why I live any way.
16:41 "Their thoughts were stormy and unreasonable."
16:42 Guess what, they get a storm.
16:44 "God often does this when men and women create burdens,
16:46 and troubles for themselves.
16:47 The disciples had no need to make trouble.
16:50 Already danger was fast approaching."
16:54 You know, just one of the topographical
16:55 features of the eastern shore of Galilee,
16:57 those towering hills they call them mounts, we call them hills,
17:00 but they are severed by this massive deep gorge
17:03 that runs straight to the lake.
17:05 It is a veritable wind tunnel and out of nowhere
17:08 those gales would come exploding out of that gorge
17:12 onto the helpless Sea of Galilee
17:14 and that's exactly what God allows to happen tonight.
17:19 Verse 18.
17:21 "Then the sea arose
17:23 because a great wind was blowing."
17:25 "So verse 19, when they had rowed about
17:27 three or four miles."
17:28 Can you imagine rowing for three or four miles?
17:30 "When they had rowed about three or four miles,
17:31 they saw Jesus walking on the sea
17:34 and drawing near the boat,
17:35 and they were afraid."
17:36 It is a ghost this is realm we're going down.
17:39 David Jones locker here we come
17:41 this is death and they scream
17:44 into the howling gale they cry out.
17:47 And I love this, verse 20.
17:49 "But Jesus said to them."
17:51 In the Greek.
17:53 Read just like this.
17:55 "I am, I am that's all.
18:00 "I am, do not be afraid."
18:04 "I am, do not be afraid."
18:13 "Then they willingly received Him in the boat,
18:14 and immediately the boat was at the land."
18:16 Supernatural miracle gets in the boat,
18:18 it's there, they disembark.
18:20 We need to hit the pause button right here.
18:23 We are moving into this disgusting metaphor
18:25 but there are two life lessons
18:27 I wish we would jot down right now.
18:29 Would you grab your study guides in your worship bulletin?
18:33 I want to get these two life lessons
18:34 we can't, we can't hurry through this story and miss
18:37 what's imbedded in this beloved narrative.
18:39 And so
18:40 grab the worship bulletin, pull it out.
18:43 Ushers, thank you for slipping by
18:45 and making sure everybody gets.
18:47 So, if didn't get one hold you hand up in the balcony
18:48 an overflow wherever you are,
18:50 I want to make sure you get that study guide.
18:52 Those are who you watching on television
18:54 we're delighted to have you.
18:55 You are live streaming right now, good?
18:57 I'm gonna put the website on the screen for you
18:59 and you will see their,
19:01 that you see right now
19:07 In a serious the last word this is,
19:10 I can't believe its part nine, already.
19:11 We are flying through this gospel.
19:13 Title of this teaching today
19:14 "Starving For Bread When the Pantry Is Full."
19:16 So you see the last word,
19:18 then you go to starving for bread,
19:19 and it says study guide you click on a study guide,
19:21 you'll have the same study guide.
19:22 Jot down with us please, those of you are watching.
19:24 Right now jot down with us the-- these two life lessons,
19:27 just a little lessons
19:28 then we plunge into this revolting
19:30 some consider a metaphor.
19:32 Let's go.
19:33 Lesson number one, would you please jot it down?
19:35 No matter how small your gift,
19:38 that lad with a five barley loaves and two fishes.
19:41 No matter how small your gift in the hands of a Master
19:45 it can feed the world.
19:49 Did you write that down, please?
19:51 No matter how small,
19:52 your little gift in the hand Jesus,
19:55 nails scarred hands.
19:56 He will feed the world through you.
19:58 This is Desire of Ages.
19:59 Keep your pen moving.
20:02 "The means in our possession may seem to be--
20:04 may not seem to be sufficient for the work."
20:06 What can God do with my all humble little tiny gift?
20:10 It doesn't seem sufficient.
20:11 God you cant do anything big on this planet through me.
20:13 "But if we will move forward in faith."
20:16 Hold down now,
20:17 "believing in the all sufficient power of God,
20:20 abundant resources will open before us."
20:22 I love that.
20:23 Just step forward, just step forward,
20:25 the little you have God will provide
20:27 and in the emphasis is mine here.
20:29 "If the work be of God,
20:31 He himself will provide
20:32 the means for its accomplishment."
20:34 You say, what kind of work we talk about God?
20:36 Well God, says, any work you do for me
20:39 that can be your career.
20:40 The career you moving into the career, you are ready in,
20:42 if you're doing it for Me
20:44 I will advance your cause.
20:46 You get an ambition for Me,
20:49 I will provide the means for its accomplishment.
20:51 And then in that last sentence
20:52 "He will reward honest, simple, reliance upon Him.
20:56 The little" don't you love this,
20:58 "The little bit as wisely economically
20:59 used in the service of the Lord of heaven
21:02 will increase in that very act of imparting."
21:05 You just let go of it, just let go that.
21:07 Have a little gift?
21:08 I know it seems like nothing,
21:09 you know what that's what the devil is gonna
21:10 do to you by the away,
21:12 don't let him fool you.
21:14 He's gonna come as, you an insignificant nobody
21:16 just like that little lad, you don't have what it takes,
21:19 but if you take the little you have
21:21 and put it in His hands got promises to feed your world.
21:27 And here is lesson number two, then the metaphor.
21:29 Lesson number two, ambition for power
21:32 will destroy you.
21:33 You know, you live in an institution like this
21:35 there's a lot of moving around, there's a lot of jockeying,
21:37 there's a lot of who's, who's silo is was this?
21:40 Who spaces this?
21:41 I mean, who's got there?
21:42 What grade am I?
21:43 Where am I in the pecking order?
21:47 I wish you jot that down and life lesson number two,
21:49 ambition for power will destroy you.
21:52 I mean, why else did Lucifer come?
21:54 And he reserves for the final,
21:56 the final blast after 40 days and 40 nights of praying
21:59 Jesus in the wilderness
22:00 why does Lucifer reserve number three for the end,
22:03 because it's most deadly.
22:05 If you bow down to me, hey, hey boy, listen to me,
22:07 if you bow down to me, you give me your life,
22:11 I will give you this world,
22:12 I will make you the most powerful the most popular,
22:15 I will move you to position you've never been before.
22:19 That's why I save it through the end
22:22 because we're so vulnerable.
22:23 How many stars of Hollywood, how many stars of washed and
22:26 how many stars a Wall Street
22:27 have cut this Faustian bargain with the devil?
22:30 All right I'll sell my soul but you make me number one.
22:33 Numero Uno, you make me Numero Uno and I'll follow.
22:40 Robert Smith in his commentary Wounded Lord,
22:43 its there in your study guide.
22:44 "The crowds are astonished."
22:47 Boy is this insight for what?
22:48 "The crowds are astonished by this great sign,
22:50 " the feeding of the 15,000.
22:52 "They call Jesus 'the prophet.'
22:54 And impressed by his powers,"
22:56 get this "they want to make him 'king.'
22:58 The prophet and king are high compliments,"
23:01 but hold on, "not high enough."
23:06 The devil will always get you to sell yourself short
23:08 through your ambition.
23:10 He said, hey listen, I'll get you up to here but
23:12 he will never raise you to where God can raise you.
23:15 Jesus isn't a prophet, He's not a king, He is the I am.
23:19 If He hear to that siren song of those crowds
23:22 He to cut Himself down to prophet and king
23:24 when He is the eternal I am.
23:27 The devil will never let you rise
23:30 to your divine potential.
23:32 He will sell your ambition, he will sell you here,
23:34 stop you here.
23:36 And then you live never having life raised
23:41 to the heights God will for you.
23:44 Take the humble road.
23:47 Forget that position, let it go.
23:49 One day you're gonna sit on the throne
23:51 of the humble in the kingdom of God
23:54 and that ought to be payoff enough.
23:56 Two little life lessons along the way,
24:00 but how can we meet the ambition
24:05 that takes us to that kingdom.
24:07 Now I come, now we are confronted
24:09 with the strong metaphor.
24:10 Some feel almost on the border of disgusting.
24:14 Let's go.
24:15 Let's pick it up in verse 25.
24:17 The crowd by the way is waiting for Jesus
24:19 when the boat comes in they're trying to figure out hey,
24:21 how would you get it because they want another miracle.
24:22 Jesus cuts through all of that.
24:24 Verse 25 "And when they found Him
24:26 the crowd on the other side of the sea,
24:28 they said to Him, 'Rabbi, when did You come here?'
24:29 Jesus answered," verse 26 "and He said to them.
24:31 'Most assuredly, amen, amen."
24:34 Twenty five times in the gospel of John,
24:35 four of them are right here in chapter 6.
24:37 Whenever we run into that double amen
24:39 remember there is a giant red flags say yo reader, so down,
24:42 this is big stuff.
24:44 "Amen, amen, I say to you.
24:47 You seek Me, not because you saw the signs,
24:49 not because you remove by the glory of God,
24:51 but because you ate of the loaves and were filled."
24:53 You just want your tummies filled 24/7.
24:56 Verse 27 "Do not labor for the food which parishes,
25:00 but for the food which endures to everlasting life,
25:03 which the Son a Man will give you,
25:05 because God the Father has set His seal on Him."
25:08 And the crowd is primed and ready.
25:09 Man, this is the rock star, this is the miracle worker.
25:13 "And they said to Him, 'what shall we do,
25:15 that we may work the works of God?'
25:17 And Jesus answered," verse 29.
25:18 And He said to them, "This is the work of God,
25:21 that you believe in Him whom He sent."
25:24 And "Therefore they said to Him."
25:25 Oh, come on, you're not talking about you, are you?
25:27 See they are bating Him.
25:29 They want more.
25:31 "What sign will you performed then,
25:32 that we may see it and believe You?
25:34 What work do you do?"
25:35 Because you see there was a rumor going around
25:37 the Jewish community at that time
25:38 that when the Messiah comes,
25:40 He would give them manna day after day after day.
25:44 All right, one fine meal you gave us,
25:47 but we want the big sign.
25:48 Can you feed us for the rest of our lives?
25:54 "Our fathers" verse 31 "ate the manna in the desert,
25:56 it is written," it is written "as it is written,
25:58 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'
26:00 " Can you do the same?
26:01 Then Jesus said to them verse 32
26:03 "Most assuredly amen, amen, listen to me,
26:07 Moses didn't give you the bread from heaven,
26:09 but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven
26:11 for the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven
26:14 and gives life to the world.
26:16 And then they said to Him,
26:18 'Lord, give us this bread always.'"
26:21 Just like this Samaritan woman they have missed the point.
26:24 Give me this water,
26:25 so I don't have to come back to this well ever again.
26:26 Lord, give me this bread,
26:28 so that I never get hungry again.
26:30 They missed it. "And Jesus said to them."
26:32 Here we go now.
26:34 "I am," its ego eimi, it's the same I am
26:38 as He said on the high seas.
26:40 "I am the bread of life.
26:42 He who comes to me shall never hunger,
26:44 and she who believes in Me shall never thirst."
26:50 Verse 47 "Most assuredly, amen, amen."
26:54 There is the fourth one.
26:55 "I say to you,
26:57 he who believes in Me has everlasting life."
27:00 For verse 48 "I am the bread a life."
27:06 "I am the bread of life."
27:13 I want to walk over to the table now.
27:16 Can see the table from where you are?
27:19 All right.
27:20 let me just remove this lovely little doily at the top.
27:28 You know that is, don't not?
27:30 Yeah, the whole world knows what that is.
27:32 You know what, every culture, very society has bread.
27:38 South of the border doesn't look like this,
27:40 they called them tortillas.
27:42 Isn't that right?
27:43 Yeah, it's a bread.
27:46 In France it's long and narrowing.
27:48 Huge, I was over in Paris, you know,
27:49 I went to a restaurant this long thing.
27:52 They call them baguettes.
27:54 Over in India they are thicken flat and round
27:57 and they're called naan.
28:00 They have it in Asia, they have it in Africa
28:02 small and whites it's called rice.
28:07 Don't you laugh.
28:09 I grew up in Asia, all right.
28:12 Rice was a staple.
28:13 We never ate, we hardly ever ate bread maybe on a Sabbath.
28:18 My wife grew up in an old American family.
28:20 Bread every single meal, seven days a week.
28:24 But that's the world.
28:26 The whole world this by the way
28:30 is created by there's lovely little
28:32 bread maker in our village name Murnau Witsel,
28:36 she is the bread maker.
28:38 So I had to make two loaves
28:41 because I get to keep them after this is over.
28:43 Okay, so I'm going to slice bread, all right,
28:45 I'm a slice the bread, I mean,
28:46 every culture in the world knows,
28:50 that this is what you do with bread.
28:55 That's a homemade by the way.
28:58 You know, I wonder why Jesus--
29:00 I wonder why Jesus chose His metaphor,
29:02 I mean, please bread.
29:04 Why did Jesus use a metaphor a bread and say hey world,
29:08 I am the bread of life.
29:10 There must be something in this.
29:12 It's got to be.
29:16 I can't slice it all.
29:18 How about three nice little slices?
29:19 Oh, it's beautiful.
29:21 Okay, here's the deal, you see that,
29:23 you got a camera on it.
29:25 I want to put Jesus words on the screen now.
29:30 Now that you've seen the bread and I'm gonna ask you,
29:33 I'm gonna ask you to call out to me.
29:35 We've never done this before.
29:36 I'm gonna ask you to call out to me,
29:39 what the human race,
29:41 what benefits do we human earth,
29:43 do we earth children gain from eating bread?
29:46 There are benefits, come on, doesn't matter
29:48 what you call the bread in the land
29:49 where you live there are benefits.
29:51 And so let's put it on the screen.
29:52 I am the bread of life.
29:54 And I'm going to give you the first one.
29:55 I'm gonna-- there are seven blanks in your study guide,
29:57 you're gonna fill them in
29:59 whatever you say goes in that blank,
30:00 all right, so I have no idea what you're gonna say,
30:02 but whatever you say it will go in the blank
30:04 and there is our producer up there sitting behind a keyboard
30:07 and she is gonna get it when I repeat it to her,
30:09 I'll hear it and then I'll repeat it.
30:11 But let's put one up, let's just say number one
30:14 what is it that bread does it nourishes you,
30:18 isn't that true?
30:19 Bread nourishes you.
30:21 Now we got six more blacks
30:22 on your study guide to fill it in.
30:24 So you call it in and let's filled it.
30:26 It has to begin with it and then something you,
30:29 all right, let's go.
30:30 Tell me what benefits do humans accrue from bread?
30:35 It comforts.
30:36 I heard comfort let's fill that in please.
30:39 It comforts you.
30:42 Hey, you know what, that's true isn't it?
30:43 When somebody comes up from
30:44 south of the border to north of the border
30:47 feeling lonely, feeling abandoned,
30:50 if you can just get a hold of some bread from home,
30:52 some tortilla there is a comfort.
30:56 You know what, that's true.
30:58 When an American travels overseas in a country
31:00 where there isn't a lot of bread and you go to a restaurant
31:02 and they have bread it's a comfort food I like that.
31:05 Yeah, it comforts you that's what bread does,
31:06 it comforts us.
31:07 All right, let's put another one.
31:09 How about another one?
31:12 Keeps you alive.
31:13 Now I want to put-- keeps you alive.
31:16 Let's put that up there.
31:17 It keeps-- well it's--
31:20 Okay, it keeps alive you.
31:24 Let's do that.
31:27 All right, Jenna, just put it up there,
31:30 it keeps you alive. That'll be fine.
31:31 It keeps you alive. That's good.
31:34 Just keep it a one word, if you can.
31:36 All right, it keeps you alive.
31:38 See they're trying to figure out.
31:40 Yeah there it is, it keeps you alive.
31:42 Okay, what else does bread do?
31:43 What are the benefits?
31:44 Jesus says "I am the bread of life."
31:46 If you eat this bread this is what happened you.
31:48 It nourishes you, it comforts you,
31:50 it keeps you alive.
31:51 Give me another one.
31:56 Little louder.
31:57 It fills.
31:58 Okay, I got fills, I heard that.
32:00 It fills you.
32:02 Yeah, it does, it fills you.
32:05 You know why, that's why the poor
32:06 by the way eat the barley bread.
32:08 It wasn't the greatest file asset,
32:11 but it fills your tummy.
32:13 You eat that barley bread it just fills you.
32:14 If you can't have can't have broccoli and Thai salad
32:17 that's can't afford it, but you eat the bread,
32:18 it fills the stomach.
32:21 Yeah, that's good, it's fill you.
32:23 All right, I got to come over this way a bit more,
32:25 'cause I'm hear a lot of voices from over there.
32:26 What else is it do? Over here.
32:28 It pleases you.
32:30 I heard that. Pleases you.
32:32 It pleases you.
32:34 Well, I like that.
32:36 Yeah, why does it please you?
32:38 Because I have something at last,
32:40 my hunger is satiated by that which pleases me.
32:45 I love my bread, I love my naan, I love my baguette,
32:48 I love my tortilla, I love my rice, it pleases me.
32:50 All right, one, two, three, four five.
32:52 We can do two more.
32:53 How about this side here?
32:56 What part?
32:58 It energizes. I like that.
33:00 It energizes you.
33:02 Why we're now consumes this bread
33:04 I draw strength from a donut
33:05 and it's just like putting on--
33:07 the change in my Duracell batteries.
33:09 And now I'm energized.
33:11 Oh, I like that, it energizes you.
33:12 One, two, three, I got one more.
33:15 What does bread-- what are the benefits
33:16 that accrue from bread?
33:18 One more.
33:20 Satisfies.
33:21 It's not up there, let's put it up.
33:23 I like that satisfies you.
33:24 It satisfies you.
33:27 I don't have to go anywhere else.
33:29 You give me a loaf of bread, you give me that naan,
33:32 you give me that baguette I'm happy, I'm satisfied.
33:36 Very good.
33:37 Now here's a deal guys, leave it up there please.
33:39 I want to look at, by the way,
33:40 you can fill it in your study guide,
33:41 fill those in, those seven.
33:43 Here's a deal.
33:44 Does Jesus who says I am the bread of life,
33:47 does Jesus do the same?
33:51 Let's go to that list.
33:53 Does Jesus nourish you?
33:54 But He does.
33:56 He said, I will nourish you,
33:58 I'll put those vitamins
34:00 into your spiritual body and vitamins,
34:02 I will nourish you.
34:03 Does Jesus comfort you?
34:05 Oh, but of course.
34:06 Does Jesus keep you alive?
34:08 Yes.
34:09 Does Jesus fill you?
34:12 Yeah, fill me till I, that old song
34:14 feed me till I want no more.
34:17 Fill me.
34:18 Does Jesus please you?
34:20 Yeah, does He?
34:21 Yeah, but of course.
34:22 Does Jesus energies you?
34:25 How does He energies you?
34:28 I mean, how does He energies you?
34:30 What's He do?
34:34 Gives you the strength and powers you for the moment.
34:39 One more does Jesus satisfy?
34:42 Nobody, that old gospel hymn, nobody satisfies like Jesus.
34:47 Jesus says, hey, guys, look, look, look, look, look,
34:50 you see this bread.
34:53 I am, I am the bread of life for you.
34:59 Now having made that point
35:00 who He pivots to this revolting metaphor.
35:04 Come on, we can't skip it.
35:05 Let's confront it, let's go verse 51.
35:12 "I am" Jesus speaking now "I am the living bread
35:15 which came down from heaven.
35:16 If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever,
35:18 and the bread that I shall give is" My what?
35:21 "Is my flesh,
35:25 that I shall give for the life of the world."
35:30 Wait, wait, wait, hey, do you hear what He just said?
35:32 Did He say what I thought I heard Him say, yep, yep, yep.
35:36 And in fact, the Greek here in verse 52.
35:38 "The Jews therefore quarreled"
35:39 the Greek means they came to fight,
35:41 they came to fight
35:42 so that some commentators wonder
35:44 if they were not physical altercations
35:46 in the synagogue of Capernaum
35:48 when Jesus comes and says
35:49 it's my flesh I'm talking about.
35:51 They quarreled.
35:52 He didn't say. Yes, He did.
35:53 He did? Yes He did.
35:54 Then Jesus says all right, I want this metaphor
35:57 to be crystal clear and four times in a row now,
35:59 four times in case we missed at the first and the second,
36:02 four times He will state the metaphor.
36:04 Here we go, verse 53.
36:06 "Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly,
36:07 here it comes, amen, amen.
36:10 "I say to you."
36:11 This is huge now, red flag.
36:13 Listen reader.
36:14 "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of God
36:17 and drink His blood, you have no life in you."
36:22 That's number one.
36:23 Number two, verse 54.
36:24 "Whoever eats My flesh
36:25 and drinks My blood has eternal life,
36:27 and I will raise her up at the last day."
36:29 Here comes number three.
36:31 "For My flesh is food indeed,
36:33 and My blood is drink indeed."
36:34 And here comes number four.
36:35 "He who eats My flesh
36:37 and drinks My blood abides in Me,
36:40 and I in him."
36:43 That is revolting.
36:46 Can't miss it.
36:47 You know this earthquake in Turkey
36:48 we've been following just this week.
36:50 A previous earthquake
36:51 I'll never forget the story as long as I live.
36:53 The previous earthquake, a mother and little child
36:56 were trapped beneath the rubble for days.
36:59 They find it, halleluiah, found them alive
37:01 and they asked the mother,
37:02 how did you keep your little child alive?
37:05 And the mother said, I let my child drink my blood.
37:10 That's what it makes you feel, doesn't it?
37:14 Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you live.
37:21 That was on the border of revolting.
37:25 So what's Jesus saying here?
37:28 For a long time scholars have thought,
37:30 you know what He's doing,
37:31 He is slipping in a little homilies on the Lord's supper
37:34 because Matthew, Mark and Luke
37:36 all have the Lord supper in them
37:38 and there is no Lord supper in John,
37:40 no Lord supper.
37:42 So this is John's way of slipping the Lord's supper
37:44 in a little bit early to make sure that
37:45 he still get the value of Lord supper.
37:47 But scholars now and I'm Craig Keener
37:50 whom I'm leaning on rather heavily
37:53 in the writing of these teachings.
37:57 Craig Keener makes the point.
37:59 He says wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute
38:00 if this were really a Lord supper
38:02 a homilies there is something huge is missing,
38:05 the word wine is never used in the paschal
38:08 or the Passover supper and the Lord supper.
38:10 You always have bread and wine.
38:11 We have the bread, no word about wine.
38:14 And he says by the way, flesh,
38:17 the word here for flesh is socks in the Lord supper formula
38:20 it's not socks it's soma it's body.
38:23 Jesus says this is My body.
38:25 He never says this is My flesh broken for you.
38:28 Keener says John is doing this for a reason.
38:31 Now put it on the screen.
38:33 You have in your study guide as well.
38:34 "Flesh and blood." What's the point?
38:36 "Flesh and blood show the believer's
38:38 absolutely dependence on Christ's death.
38:40 John not only omits the final paschal
38:43 Lord supper meal in his Passion Narrative,
38:46 he makes Jesus actual death the real Passover."
38:50 Now listen, scholars, what happens is
38:53 the Passover occurs when Jesus dies
38:55 in John's gospel that's the Passover.
38:58 There is no Passover Thursday night.
39:00 The Passover is when He dies.
39:03 Keep reading.
39:04 "John plainly moves the Passover
39:06 from the Last Supper to the crucifixion.
39:08 In the context of the entire Gospel,
39:10 John's Eucharistic language
39:12 thus applies directly to Jesus' death
39:16 the way one partakes is through faith and the Spirit.
39:19 John's words invite his audience
39:21 to look to Christ's death itself,
39:22 not merely to those symbols which point to his death."
39:26 Now here's the point, listen carefully.
39:29 Sometimes we get to thinking
39:30 when we celebrate the Lord supper
39:32 that it's all wrapped up in the emblems themselves.
39:36 There are some of our friends who by the grace of God
39:40 would try to go to a mass every single day
39:42 so that they get the symbols and they become a part of Me.
39:47 But John is working overtime to remove,
39:51 to remove the focus on the symbols
39:53 and said, no, no, no, no, no.
39:54 What counts is Calvary itself the real flesh,
39:57 the real blood of the cross that's what Jesus is calling
40:03 you and me to come to, not the symbols,
40:07 but the event itself, Calvary, Calvary.
40:13 In fact, would you jot this down please.
40:15 "Christ's bold language is His call to His disciples
40:18 to meet Him at the foot of the cross."
40:20 When He says eat my flesh, drink My blood.
40:22 Come here, come here, quick, quick, quick, quick
40:24 come here to the foot of the cross.
40:25 Meet Me here as the Passover lamb.
40:31 So what does it mean?
40:33 What is that mean to eat the flesh
40:35 and drink the blood of Christ?
40:36 I want to end with this one more quotation.
40:38 Desire of Ages.
40:39 You have it in your study guide,
40:41 you have to fill it in. Let's go.
40:43 "To eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ
40:46 is to receive Him as a personal Savior."
40:49 Not a collective savior, not a campus wide savior,
40:51 not a congregational savior, personal your own,
40:55 not your family, not your daddy,
40:56 not your mommy, your Savior.
40:59 Have you accepted Him as your Savior?
41:01 That's what it means.
41:02 To accept Him as a personal Savior.
41:03 "Believing that He forgives my sins,
41:06 and that I am complete in Him.
41:08 It is by beholding His love" at the foot of the cross,
41:11 "by dwelling upon it, by drinking it in,
41:13 that we are to become partakers of His nature."
41:15 Now jot this down.
41:16 "What food is to the body, Christ must be to the soul."
41:21 We'll come back to that line.
41:22 That's the point of this radical metaphor.
41:26 "What food is to the body, Christ must be to the soul.
41:29 Food cannot benefit us unless we eat it,
41:31 unless it becomes a part of our being.
41:33 So Christ is of, no value to us
41:34 if we don't know His as a personal Savior.
41:36 A theoretical knowledge will do us no good."
41:38 I don't care how many religious hours
41:40 you have to take in order to get your degree.
41:42 Here in Andrews University it will matter a hell of beans
41:46 unless you personally encounter the Christ
41:48 that has been taught.
41:50 "We must feed upon Him,
41:52 we must receive Him into the heart,
41:54 so that His life becomes ours.
41:56 His love," I love this.
41:57 "His love, His grace, must be assimilated."
42:02 Take it in.
42:06 Take it in.
42:07 His love, and His grace, must be assimilated.
42:10 You say now come on, Dwight, give me some specific.
42:12 How can I eat the flesh
42:13 and drink the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ?
42:15 Let me leave these five with you here.
42:17 Jot this down. Would you please?
42:18 This is how.
42:19 Number one, Take time alone with Jesus daily.
42:25 You said, I've already heard this before.
42:26 You are hearing it again.
42:28 Take time alone with Jesus daily.
42:31 Number two, One slice a day,
42:33 one Gospel story a day.
42:35 One slice a day.
42:38 Number three, Chew, chew that slice.
42:42 Ruminate over it, brood over it, wrestle with it,
42:45 meditate out, chew the bread, chew it.
42:49 Number four, Respond to the picture of Jesus
42:52 that the Spirit will reveal to you.
42:54 You'll see a picture of Him and respond to that.
42:57 We can say this is how I respond, Lord.
42:59 And finally number five, Kneel,
43:02 kneel before the crucified One and offer Him your day.
43:06 You say, Dwight, you just say offer Him your life.
43:08 Of course, but He needs your day,
43:10 today, and today, and today until I come
43:12 give me your day, just give today.
43:15 Offer to Him today.
43:18 Now is that rocket science, ladies and gentlemen?
43:20 It is not rocket science.
43:21 Is that difficult? It is not difficult.
43:25 The Desire of Ages put it.
43:26 His life, His love, His grace must be assimilated.
43:30 So in a few moments when the last time when I said,
43:34 if you would like to tweet this message,
43:36 if you would like to tweet this teaching
43:38 to your friends and family in a 140 characters or less
43:42 I'm gonna give you the one line would you please send this line.
43:45 Pass this line to your friends,
43:46 pass this line to your family,
43:48 get them to come to the website,
43:49 get them to go to that podcast.
43:51 Here's the line that you tweet to them please.
43:54 Jesus is your soul food.
44:00 Tweet it.
44:02 Jesus is your soul food.
44:05 And by the way, I don't care
44:07 if you misspell the word soul.
44:12 I don't care if you spell it sole instead of soul,
44:15 because it's still true.
44:17 Mention I lived by bread alone,
44:18 but every word that proceeds
44:20 out of the mouth of Christ our Lord.
44:22 Jesus is your soul food.
44:26 Have you had your bread today?
44:30 Jesus is your soul food.
44:32 You say, come on, Dwight, that's too simple,
44:34 I need something little more complicated.
44:36 I need to be really stretching me intellectually.
44:38 My friend, that's been the problem.
44:41 We have saw to stretch each other
44:42 till we are stretched out.
44:45 We're living at the edge of eternity,
44:47 we are at the end of time and here is my concern.
44:49 I'll be just--this is pastor to pastor time now.
44:51 No, no, here's my concern.
44:54 I'm concerned that is the people,
44:57 because we have no assurance if this really is the end
45:02 that we are treating life now business as usual.
45:06 The problem with our community of faith,
45:08 I don't want to say this, gentlemen.
45:09 The problem with our community of faith
45:11 it's a okay problem to have.
45:14 We tend to frontload everything
45:17 at the beginning of the spiritual journey.
45:19 My friend Ron Clouse I tell you what,
45:21 I've been just praising God tonight is his last night and
45:23 he has been anointed by the Holy Spirit.
45:26 He want to catch those one areas because he haven't gone to any,
45:28 the others coming just pack it into
45:30 the youth chapel tonight his last lecture.
45:33 But my friend Ron Clouse has been teaching,
45:35 teaching for four weeks now, but we tend to that,
45:38 we kind of frontload it at the beginning of the journey
45:42 and then most of us come in that way,
45:44 and then we spend the rest of our lives
45:45 just kind of just feeding off of the fumes.
45:49 We miss the metaphor.
45:51 The point of the metaphor is now let me show it to you.
45:54 The point of the metaphor is here in verse 35
45:56 we just swift through it a moment ago.
45:57 Now read this and you are hearing verse 35.
45:59 "And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life.'
46:02 " Now watch what happens in the original language.
46:04 He who the Greek reads keeps on coming to me.
46:10 "He who keeps on coming to Me shall never hunger.
46:14 And she who keeps on believing in Me
46:17 shall never thirst."
46:19 It's not front-end loaded, it's frontloaded at all.
46:21 It's day, after day, after day.
46:24 You got to keep coming.
46:25 The story Jesus told about the 10 virgins,
46:27 five of them when the crisis hits
46:29 and the world is falling apart five of them
46:32 have not been coming every day.
46:33 They have nothing,
46:35 there is nothing they can scare up,
46:36 there is nothing-- you can't borrow it from your friends,
46:38 you just give me your spirituality,
46:40 give me bread of life that you been eating.
46:41 You can't it's too late, it's too late.
46:44 If you are waiting for adrenaline to be your call
46:46 to draw near to Jesus, can't be adrenaline.
46:49 I am the bread of life.
46:52 You come back to Me continues repetitive action,
46:56 you come back to Me.
46:58 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
47:02 the Lord our righteousness
47:03 blessed are those who hunger and thirst after me.
47:06 Is what He is saying.
47:07 I am the bread of life.
47:10 I am your bread today, I am your bread today,
47:13 I am your bread today.
47:14 There is no tomorrow with me.
47:15 I am your bread today, I am your bread today.
47:17 I am what you are hungry for, come to me.
47:23 Some of us are thinking well, you know,
47:25 I'm just-- this is so simple,
47:28 this devotional life business.
47:30 My friends, we will rise or fall
47:34 on the simplicity of this truth the bread of life.
47:38 If we don't get it we starved to death
47:42 and its curtains spiritually.
47:46 Eat, and eat, and eat.
47:50 Oh, Dwight, can I do it on my iPhone?
47:52 I don't care where you do it.
47:54 Eat the Word, follow the gospel,
47:56 one slice at a time well over there.
47:59 How much time? Forget how much time.
48:00 That's always a question we ask and then we get--
48:02 we get rare road side tracked, forget it.
48:06 Time, one slice, chew it, respond to it,
48:12 kneel down and say God
48:14 bread of life let us go together.
48:16 Ladies and gentlemen, that's what it means
48:18 to live on the edge of eternity.
48:20 You are eating bread today and today and today
48:24 until Jesus comes.
48:30 Otherwise you starved to death.
48:32 You die.
48:34 Why would you die when the pantry is full?
48:44 I want to give you an opportunity to respond today.
48:48 I'm going to give a piece of bread.
48:52 Like if you line up right here
48:53 I'll go through this pretty quick.
48:56 I'm gonna give you a piece of bread.
48:57 No it's not this right here.
49:00 Our ushers are ready right now to come your way.
49:02 I want everybody here to receive a piece of bread.
49:04 It's close enough to dinner you can eat it without fallen up
49:06 your digestive system, all right.
49:08 Ushers, let's go, let's just come,
49:10 in the balcony, ushers, let's go,
49:12 half way back, ushers, let's go,
49:13 in the youth chapel let's go.
49:16 Take some bread if you're really hungry
49:18 take two or three pieces, its okay.
49:21 This is not communion, this is not communion.
49:24 We're not having communion here.
49:25 This is a chance to take the bread of life and
49:28 symbolically say to you and to say to Jesus.
49:30 You know what, Jesus, You are my bread of life.
49:33 Jesus, I have not had the time that I needed with You,
49:36 but Jesus, I am eating this bread right now
49:39 as a commitment that starting today, Jesus, starting today.
49:45 I will eat the bread.
49:48 I will drink the water.
49:51 I want to be nearer and nearer to You.
49:54 I'd rather have You Jesus
49:55 in any thing in the whole wide world.
49:57 I don't need power, I don't need fame,
50:00 I don't need riches, I don't need land,
50:06 I want you Jesus,
50:07 I don't need success, I don't need the adrenaline
50:12 of a pumped up life hunting and hurting for success.
50:18 I want you Jesus.
50:20 And when I eat this Jesus, I am saying to you--
50:22 don't eat it yet.
50:23 Well, you already ate it, okay.
50:27 All right, well, just with that I'm going to eat it too.
50:34 But, Jesus, when I eat this, Jesus, what I'm saying is,
50:36 I want You in me, I want Your nature in me,
50:38 I want what You are to be Dwight.
50:42 I want Dwight to be You.
50:45 I'm such a mess Jesus, I'll let you down so often,
50:49 but please every morning feed me till I want no more.
50:54 You know, that old song, " Feed me till I want no more."
50:56 I got to thank you between services.
50:57 It really should say feed me till I want some more,
51:01 because you never run out of wanting this, guys,
51:03 you never have.
51:04 I had a great, I had a great meal yesterday.
51:05 Do you ever do that?
51:06 I had a great breakfast yesterday,
51:07 I'm dropping breakfasts for the rest of my life.
51:10 No.
51:11 I want a great breakfast today
51:12 and I want a great breakfast tomorrow.
51:14 You just keep coming back, this is the bread.
51:18 We're gonna sing that old gospel hymn
51:19 along we sing two stanzas of it.
51:21 I want to make sure the ushers have time.
51:22 And those of you watching on the screen right now,
51:26 I tell you what, you go to your little pantry,
51:28 you got a loaf of bread and then
51:29 you put that loaf of bread out.
51:30 This is not special bread, this is just bread.
51:33 Jesus says what special is it's a symbol of Me.
51:36 You go pull the piece of bread out, you eat it.
51:38 Well, eat it right now
51:39 and you make the same comment.
51:41 It's time for God's people.
51:43 It's time, guys, we have fiddled dabbled around
51:48 for too long.
51:50 God is ready to draw us deeper than
51:52 we have ever gone before.
51:55 I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold.
51:57 Let's sing that together.
52:02 All right, let's stand together.
52:06 I'd rather have Jesus
52:11 than silver or gold
52:16 I'd rather be His
52:19 than have riches untold
52:24 I'd rather have Jesus
52:28 than houses or lands
52:33 I'd rather be led
52:37 by His nail-pierced hand
52:42 Than to be the king
52:46 of a vast domain
52:51 Or be held in sin's
52:56 dread sway
53:00 I'd rather have Jesus
53:05 than anything
53:10 This world affords today
53:21 I'd rather have Jesus
53:26 than men's applause
53:30 I'd rather be faithful
53:35 to His dear cause
53:40 I'd rather have Jesus
53:45 than worldwide fame
53:49 I'd rather be true
53:54 to His holy name
54:00 Than to be the king
54:04 of a vast domain
54:09 Or be held in sin's
54:14 dread sway
54:20 I'd rather have Jesus
54:25 than anything
54:30 This world affords today
54:43 And so every morning an answer to that desire
54:45 that you just sang what do we do,
54:47 go down in that little corner
54:49 and we break bread
54:52 and we put the bread in us inside ourselves
54:55 and we feed on that bread for the journey of that day.
54:59 Next morning we're back down.
55:01 We break bread again.
55:03 And some of you have been saving your piece.
55:06 You and me right now and by this symbol
55:10 we are assimilating.
55:12 You do it all the time.
55:20 It nourishes, it satisfies.
55:26 I know you're not supposed to talk with your mouthful.
55:29 My mother said.
55:31 It energies, fills you,
55:38 keeps you alive.
55:41 I am the bread of life.
55:44 Come to me,
55:46 she he who eats will live forever.
55:50 Amen.
55:52 O God, such a simple metaphor
55:57 radical in the expression of eating His flesh
56:00 and drinking His blood,
56:01 but at the foot of the cross we do the radical,
56:05 we break bread alone with our bread of life,
56:09 Savior and companion we assimilate,
56:13 we chew, we swallow, we go forth
56:17 for this people, Holy Father,
56:20 please at this time take us into Your heart today,
56:27 and today, and today until Jesus comes.
56:31 Let all the people say.
56:33 Amen.
56:49 Before you go I'd like to take a moment
56:51 and talk to you about your relationship with Jesus.
56:54 So often we go to church, we listen to a sermon
56:56 about the things that Jesus said or that which Jesus did.
56:59 We learn all these facts about Him.
57:01 Yeah, but when it comes down to it we sometimes realize
57:03 we have an actually come to know Him personally ourselves.
57:07 Now perhaps you've only recently discovered the love of Christ
57:10 and you wondering where you go from here.
57:12 That's why I'd like to invite you to take
57:13 advantage of this free book offer
57:14 the little classic steps to Christ.
57:16 Since this book was first penned a century ago,
57:19 it sold over 50 million copies,
57:21 it's been translated into a 135 different languages.
57:24 You know what, the good news of the gospel is so direct
57:27 and so sublimely simple that we often look right past it.
57:31 So what this does is it will help you see the good news
57:33 in all its glory, in all its beauty.
57:35 What you're gonna discover here a clear,
57:38 simple steps to help you enter
57:40 into the most important friendship of your life.
57:42 So please give us a call.
57:44 Toll free number you see it on your screen 877
57:47 and then the two words His-Will, 877-His-Will.
57:50 Ask one of our friendly operators
57:52 for your free copy of Steps to Christ.
57:54 By the way, years ago this book led me to Christ
57:57 and I pray that it will lead you too Him as well.
58:00 So give us a call and in the meantime
58:02 God be with you every step of the way
58:03 until we're here again next time.


Revised 2014-12-17