New Perceptions

The Kings Of The East

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP102806

00:27 He calls me His own
00:31 He'll never leave me
00:36 No matter where I go
00:44 He knows my name
00:50 He knows my every thought
00:57 He sees each tear that falls
01:03 And hears me when I call
01:17 At this time I'd like to invite you
01:19 to come forward for prayer,
01:22 as we approach our God, this God of wonders,
01:26 our Savior, not only that,
01:30 this God who knows our name,
01:33 who knows everything about us.
01:36 As we approach this God,
01:38 this Friend, this Creator, this Redeemer in prayer,
01:42 I'd like to invite you,
01:43 if you have something
01:45 that you'd like to bring before Him,
01:47 or you just like to be closer to Him.
01:49 I'd like to invite you to come to the front,
01:51 and join us here,
01:53 as we sing this first verse again:
02:05 I have a Father
02:12 He calls me His own
02:19 He'll never leave me
02:24 No matter where I go
02:32 He knows my name
02:39 He knows my every thought
02:45 He sees each tear that falls
02:51 And hears me when I call
03:01 Let's kneel down in prayer.
03:16 Dear God, I thank You for Your many blessings,
03:19 I thank You for the Sabbath day.
03:22 Please help us to do whatever You need.
03:26 Please help all the churches around the world
03:29 and especially the church and our PMC.
03:34 Dear Lord, we come to You this morning,
03:38 thanking You for all these things
03:40 that You do for us.
03:42 We are so blessed.
03:45 We thank You for Your mercies,
03:47 Your long suffering, and for the gift of salvation.
03:55 Bless this service today,
03:57 and we ask that You bless the lips of Your servant,
04:00 so that You may speak through him
04:02 and through him.
04:04 We thank You Lord for hearing our prayer,
04:07 and for being an awesome God,
04:09 in Your name Jesus we pray, Amen.
04:16 Well, good morning boys and girls.
04:18 It is so nice to see you.
04:20 We got a great group today. Halleluiah.
04:25 Nice to have you, Oh, I see we still-- Oh,
04:27 we still have some coming so squeeze
04:29 in just a little bit.
04:30 Can you squeeze in just a little bit,
04:33 so that everybody can have a nice soft stair.
04:37 And if we can't fill all the stairs then we've got
04:39 the soft floor in front of them,
04:40 there you go.
04:41 Good to have you.
04:42 Any visitors here today,
04:44 just take a little bit of time to welcome our visitors.
04:46 Oh, Adriane, I met you, nice to have you,
04:49 and the others good to have you.
04:51 Cecil, where you're from?
04:53 Berrien Springs, that's a good place to be from.
04:55 We love our Berrien Springs' visitors the best.
04:58 Halleluiah because you are close to home.
05:01 Glad you're here.
05:02 All right, have a seat guys.
05:04 We're ready to start when you all are
05:06 most unusual story I must tell you,
05:10 most unusual.
05:12 Just a few days old.
05:14 Is everybody here?
05:16 All right, but before I tell you the story,
05:19 I'm going to say a word. Here's the deal.
05:22 If you can guess the meaning of this word,
05:25 because we've little older kids than we have in first church.
05:27 So if you can guess the meaning of this word.
05:30 How many here are of Ruth Murdoch High School?
05:32 Put your hand up,
05:33 be proud that you are in Ruth Murdoch, okay.
05:34 If you can guess the meaning of this word,
05:37 I'm going to do this--
05:38 I'm gonna because I know the principal at Ruth Murdoch,
05:42 and I know the principal at Andrews Academy,
05:46 and we're going to advance you
05:47 instantaneously to Andrews Academy
05:49 if you know the meaning of this word.
05:52 Now if you are college student in the audience
05:53 and you don't know the meaning of this word,
05:55 we'll advance you to Andrews Academy. Okay.
05:59 Okay, so here is the word.
06:00 Now you have to listen carefully.
06:02 If you know the meaning now-
06:04 Here's the word "Amnesia."
06:11 "Amnesia."
06:13 You have to know the meaning of the word.
06:16 You have to know the meaning of the word.
06:20 I'm going to put you on hold.
06:23 I want to share a story with you
06:24 that will give the meaning of amnesia.
06:26 You guys really know the meaning of the word?
06:28 Say me afterwards. All right.
06:32 Do you know the meaning of the word too sir?
06:34 You go! Don't you say it?
06:37 Okay, so here's the story.
06:39 Here's the story.
06:40 Just a few days ago,
06:45 he was standing there all by himself in Denver, Colorado.
06:49 Anybody here from Colorado?
06:54 Of course nice to have the little pool children back.
06:57 Good to have you visiting, again a sad,
06:59 sad occasion that brings you here.
07:02 Denver, Colorado, he's standing there,
07:04 looking at this big building in the 16th street mall,
07:08 it's called the World Trade Centre,
07:09 the building is, not the one in New York.
07:11 So it's just big building
07:12 and he's just standing there and looking at it like hmm.
07:17 And all the sudden a man comes walking up to him,
07:18 "Sir, sir, sir, hey, hey, hey, we've been watching you."
07:22 He's a policeman.
07:24 "We've been watching you sir.
07:25 You have been standing
07:26 in front of this building for a long time.
07:30 This does not look good.
07:31 We want to find out
07:32 what in the world are you doing here?
07:34 What's your name?"
07:36 And he, well, not yours. He was asking.
07:39 Nicolas, thank you for that.
07:40 He was asking--
07:42 He was asking the man, "What's your name?"
07:44 And you know what Nicolas?
07:45 The man could not do, you just did.
07:47 The Man looked at the policeman and he said "What's my name?"
07:53 "Yeah what's your name?"
07:54 He said, "I don't know."
07:57 "What do you mean you don't know?
07:58 What do you mean you don't know you name?"
08:00 How many here don't know their name?
08:01 Everybody knows his or her name.
08:03 Yeah you know,
08:04 and you thought I was asking, how many know.
08:05 Yeah.
08:07 "Okay, okay, okay, you're playing
08:08 some little game with me, are you sir?
08:11 Where're you from?"
08:13 And the man thought for a minute,
08:14 he said "I forgot."
08:18 "You forgot, what is this?
08:20 You trying to me look foolish, sir.
08:23 Hey, Joe, come over here."
08:25 So the other police officer came over here,
08:26 he said "Joe, look at this man,
08:27 he won't give me his name.
08:30 He won't tell me where he's from.
08:31 Let me see your driver's license."
08:33 The man reached into-he said "I don't have a wallet."
08:37 "You don't have wallet. What you got in those pockets?"
08:39 They reached into the pockets, $8 and a cigarette lighter.
08:42 That's it. That's it.
08:43 "What're you doing here in Denver?"
08:48 "I don't know."
08:49 "What do you mean you don't know?
08:50 Get in this car."
08:51 They drove him down to the police station,
08:53 clerk at the police station said
08:54 "all right, name?"
08:57 "I can't remember."
08:58 "Okay, listen, we'll find out. We'll just call your house.
09:00 Just tell us the city you're from?"
09:04 "I don't know."
09:05 "Come on, what is going on here.
09:07 Who's your mother?"
09:09 "I can't remember."
09:11 "Your father?"
09:13 "I can't remember either."
09:14 "Something is wrong here." And so you know what?
09:17 The police started to say,
09:18 "What we're going to do, we can't keep this guy,
09:20 we can't put him in prison, he doesn't know anything."
09:22 "Oh let's take him down to the hospital."
09:24 So they took him down
09:25 to the medical centre in Denver,
09:27 and they turned him over to the doctors,
09:28 and of course when you go to the hospital,
09:29 you have to fill out the form.
09:30 So the clerk said "Name?" "I don't remember."
09:34 "Well, where you're from?
09:36 Just put your address right here."
09:37 "I don't know."
09:39 "A grown man like you and you don't know.
09:43 Doctor!" And the doctors came and they examined the man
09:47 and you know what "Hey, look at you,
09:49 you look healthy to me.
09:51 You look strong.
09:52 You're fine, let me look, say, say ah."
09:54 "Look into those eyes, your eyes look fine."
09:58 After the doctors hurdle up and said this is very strange.
10:02 He can't remember his name.
10:03 He can't remember where he's from.
10:04 He can't remember the work he does.
10:06 He can't remember anything.
10:09 "Oh," One doctor said
10:11 "I remember studying about this,
10:12 do you what this is?
10:14 This is dissociative fugue.
10:17 What the other doctor said
10:19 "What?" Yeah, it's a form of amnesia.
10:23 It's a form of amnesia, remember that word, amnesia.
10:26 When you are under incredible stress
10:29 and things aren't going right in your life
10:32 and you're worried-some people the mind just goes.
10:36 How many of you've ever worked on a computer?
10:37 Put your hand up if you've worked on a computer.
10:39 Do you know the little
10:40 'delete' button on the computer, delete.
10:43 It's like the mind hit the delete button
10:45 and everything on the hard disk is gone.
10:48 There's nothing there.
10:49 You can still read, you can still talk,
10:52 but you have no memory.
10:55 What're we going to do, well we can't send him home,
10:58 we can't put him in prison.
10:59 So we just let stay in hospital?
11:01 And then the word got out,
11:03 the news stories began to circulate in Denver.
11:06 And then the Today Show,
11:08 that's a morning news television program in America.
11:11 The Today Show heard about it,
11:13 and they put, there were calling,
11:15 they gave him a name Al, Amnesia Al they called him.
11:20 That's his name Amnesia Al.
11:22 And they put Amnesia Al on the television.
11:25 The whole nation saw it,
11:26 let's put Amnesia on the screen here.
11:27 There is Amnesia Al.
11:29 Can you see on the TV screen?
11:31 This is the man.
11:32 A nice looking man, 40 years old.
11:36 Nice glasses, nice shirt, but nobody knows who he is.
11:41 And he doesn't know.
11:44 Well, far away somebody was watching the news
11:48 and this guy said hey wait.
11:49 Hey, hey, and the guy picked up his telephone
11:55 and he called his sister, Penny Hanson.
11:56 He says, "Penny, you got to turn the TV on,
12:01 there's no goatee, and there's no mustache
12:03 but I'm sure this must be him.
12:07 And Penny went and turned on the television,
12:09 she said "Yeah, wow!
12:11 She said, he is, it's him." Called the police.
12:17 It took two detectives,
12:19 an airline company in Colorado named Frontier Airlines
12:21 said we'll give you free ticket.
12:23 They flew him with two detectives
12:25 to Seattle, Washington,
12:28 where his fiancé was waiting for him to come home.
12:33 I want to put a picture on the screen of Penny Hanson.
12:39 Turns out he-- Look at these guys.
12:41 He left home September 6.
12:43 A friends of his was dying in Alberta,
12:45 Canada and the stress.
12:47 He drove in a little 1995 Dodge Neon
12:50 but the stress just blanked his mind out,
12:52 they haven't been able to find the car.
12:54 They don't know how he ended up in Denver
12:57 but there he is.
12:59 And, you know, he said when he saw Penny,
13:02 he says, "You know what, your face,
13:05 I kind of feel warm about it but I don't know why."
13:10 She says, "Oh, let me take you to where you live."
13:12 And he went to where he used to lived, in Seattle
13:15 and he says "Oh, this kind of looks familiar."
13:23 Can you believe it?
13:24 He has amnesia, still does,
13:28 can't remember a thing about his past.
13:32 Oh, boys and girls, you know sometimes some people wonder,
13:35 does Jesus had amnesia?
13:38 How many think Jesus has amnesia?
13:40 Do you think Jesus forgets any thing?
13:42 No.
13:43 Some people think, you know, Jesus hasn't come back.
13:45 Jesus hasn't come back.
13:46 I'll bet you He forgot about promising to come.
13:49 Do you think Jesus has forgotten?
13:51 You know what?
13:53 Jesus is worried that we'll have amnesia,
13:56 and we'll forget.
13:59 Oh my, my, my, I don't want to forget
14:02 Jesus is coming soon, do you?
14:04 How many want to remember that as long as you live?
14:07 No amnesia with Jesus.
14:09 Oh Jesus, don't let us forget that you are coming soon.
14:14 Let's pray together.
14:16 Dear Jesus, we raise our hands
14:18 because we really don't want to forget.
14:21 We are sorry for the times we have.
14:22 We get so excited about what we're doing,
14:25 we forget all about the good news
14:28 that You are coming soon.
14:29 And so we raise our hands, please help us remember.
14:32 Stay our forever friend,
14:34 every step of the way until You come,
14:36 we pray in Your name. Amen.
14:40 As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats.
14:42 Will you be saying that in your heart?
14:44 Oh, Jesus thank You for not forgetting.
14:48 I don't want to forget either.
14:50 Please come soon. God bless you.
14:53 Happy Sabbath to you.
15:07 Praise Him, O praise Him
15:10 O come, ye people
15:12 Praise the Lord forever
15:16 Sing praises to His holy name
15:22 Praise Him, O praise Him
15:24 O come, ye people
15:26 Praise Him, O praise Him
15:32 Praise the Lord forever
15:35 Sing praises to His holy name
15:38 To the God of glory
15:46 To the God of glory
15:49 Loudest praise now bring
15:55 Source of our salvation
16:00 Our eternal King
16:37 Praise Him, Praise Him Praise the Lord forever
16:42 Come and praise Him
16:45 Come and praise the Lord Come and praise the Lord
16:49 Praise Him, O praise Him
16:51 To the God of glory
16:55 O come, ye people Praise the Lord forever
16:59 Come and praise Him Come and praise Him
17:02 Come and praise the Lord
17:52 Oh, Father, we don't want to have amnesia.
17:58 We don't want to forget,
18:00 for all the times that we have, what can we say.
18:03 You are a gracious and merciful God.
18:06 May today's teaching help us remember
18:08 all the more what we must not forget,
18:12 we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
18:20 Why is it? Tell me the answer to this.
18:21 Why is it that the world loves a war story,
18:26 but to a man and a woman we hate war?
18:32 I know the media are touting that the upcoming election
18:36 is some sort of referendum on the war.
18:40 I tell you in our little home Karen and I,
18:42 our daughter Chrissie is married to a medic
18:45 with the US Army Rangers.
18:48 And they're now deciding between two units of rangers
18:50 to go to Iraq and you bet we are praying.
18:53 We are praying hard.
18:55 They're stationed in Kansas, Fort Riley.
19:00 Although fact of the matter is,
19:01 Seventh-day Adventist boys and Seventh-day Adventist girls
19:03 do end up in a war.
19:05 They have all through our history.
19:08 Imagine my surprise to pull a book off the history section
19:11 of the shelf at an airport bookstore
19:14 and discover that in--
19:17 I'm talking about World War II now in that,
19:20 in that-- Uh,
19:23 I don't even know what the word is I'm looking for.
19:25 In that strategic battle
19:27 for that little rocky crag named Iwo Jima.
19:30 You heard of Iwo Jima?
19:32 The most famous war picture in the history of earth
19:34 was taken in the United States.
19:36 I'm going to put that war picture.
19:38 Imagine my surprise to discover that
19:40 off those boys who raised that flag at Iwo Jima,
19:43 one of them is a Seventh-day Adventist soldier.
19:46 In fact he is the young man who was pushing the flag pole
19:50 into the summit there on Iwo Jima,
19:52 his name Harlon Block from Weslaco, Texas.
19:56 I'm reading the book by James Bradley,
19:58 it's a New York Times bestseller,
19:59 it's entitled Flags of Our Fathers.
20:02 You may have heard of that title.
20:03 Listen to this description of the Seventh-day Adventist home
20:06 in which Harlon Block grew up in, all right.
20:10 Early in their move to the valley,
20:11 this would be the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
20:13 Bell that's Harlon's mother,
20:14 became a fully accepting practitioner
20:17 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
20:19 Now he's going to give a one sentence synopsis
20:21 to what its means to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
20:23 And I want to tell you something,
20:24 you and I could not have done it more succinctly
20:27 than this bestseller on The New York Times has done it.
20:30 So she became a fully accepting practitioner,
20:32 her husband later did.
20:33 Of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
20:34 the vivid Protestants strain that
20:37 assume a seventh day creation of the earth, check.
20:40 A great controversy between Jesus Christ and Satan, check.
20:43 A millennia return of Christ in the history, check.
20:45 At which moment the dead will awaken, check.
20:47 Evil will vanish and time will end, check, check.
20:51 That's pretty good, isn't it?
20:53 Harlon was the child
20:54 most influenced by Bell and her beliefs.
20:56 He grew up feeling sure of what was right and wrong,
20:58 confident of this "ordered view of the world."
21:01 He was the tease of the girls.
21:02 He ended up being a football star
21:04 at the high school,
21:05 and when the marines came to town recruiting,
21:07 he signed up, ended up being shipped
21:09 to that little rocky crag called Iwo Jima,
21:12 and on that island gave his life
21:13 for the country he loved, all right.
21:16 The world loves a good war story
21:20 though there is no good war.
21:24 And the Bible is replete with good war stories.
21:29 In fact today, we're going to take look
21:30 at one of the most famous,
21:33 classics of military history
21:35 and strategy that forms the bedrock and the framework
21:38 for today's Bible teaching.
21:40 Open your Bible please, without any further adieu,
21:42 let us fly to the Book of Daniel,
21:44 the apocalyptic book in the Old Testament,
21:46 the Book Of Daniel please.
21:47 Find Daniel Chapter 5.
21:50 If you came today without a Bible,
21:51 we've got one in the pew rack, right in front of.
21:53 Pull that Bible out.
21:54 It will be the same translation.
21:56 I'll be reading from the New King James Version
21:57 and it's page 599 in our pew Bible.
22:00 Daniel Chapter 5,
22:01 one of the great military classics, brilliant strategy,
22:06 and it's a framework for today's teaching.
22:08 All right, enough talking, let's go, Daniel Chapter 5.
22:15 And let's begin in verse 1, Daniel 5:1.
22:22 Belshazzar, the king of Babylon.
22:24 All right, this is Babylon.
22:26 "Belshazzar the king made a great feast
22:28 for a thousand of his lords and their wives,
22:31 and drank wine in the presence of the thousand."
22:35 It's party time in Babylon.
22:37 Although I tell you what, for the life me,
22:38 I can't figure out why anybody
22:40 would be going to a party tonight.
22:42 The Barbarians are literally at the gates of the Babylon.
22:47 And what gets me is that everybody in the party
22:49 knows that their city is surrounded by the armies
22:54 of this young Persian king name Cyrus.
22:57 He has the city in a chokehold,
23:00 and they are partying tonight.
23:03 Of course that's why the party goes on
23:05 because everybody knows Babylon is invincible.
23:09 Let me put a picture,
23:10 an artist's conception of the walls of Babylon.
23:13 Let me put it on the screen for you.
23:14 Babylon had a double set of two walls, a double set.
23:18 So that on the outside you began with 24 feet
23:20 and 26 feed wide walls respectively,
23:24 then you went little further
23:25 and you came to the second set
23:26 and they're 12 feet wide and 22 feet thick respectively.
23:30 At some places those walls towered up to 40 feet high.
23:35 Nobody is worried about Babylon falling tonight.
23:38 And in fact some estimates indicate
23:41 that they had enough food inside those walls
23:43 to survive a decade's long siege.
23:47 So it's party on dude in Babylon tonight.
23:52 Babylon is fallen, is fallen that great city.
23:57 Drop down to verse 3,
23:59 and then while the partying is going on
24:02 "They brought the gold vessels that had been taken
24:04 from the temple of the house of God
24:06 which had been in Jerusalem,
24:08 and the king and his lords, and his wives,
24:10 and his concubines drank from the holy vessels. Verse 4,
24:15 "They drank wine, and they praised
24:18 the gods of gold and silver, bronze and iron,
24:20 wood and stone."
24:23 Only a fool plays with the Holy.
24:29 Only a fool.
24:31 Do you know what's holy?
24:33 Sex is holy.
24:37 Sex is a gift from God to a man and a woman
24:40 who live within the protective walls of holy matrimony.
24:44 I'm telling you what, sir,
24:46 if you're fooling around with her
24:48 and she is not your wife,
24:50 you are just as destined for the judgment
24:54 as Belshazzar is tonight.
24:56 You get away from that girl
24:58 and leave your hands off of her.
25:02 All right. Sex is holy.
25:05 The Sabbath is holy.
25:07 The Sabbath is the gift of the Creator
25:08 to the human race.
25:09 It is holy time.
25:10 This is when our friendship goes deep
25:13 with the end of every single week.
25:14 The Sabbath is holy.
25:15 You can't play with what's holy.
25:18 Your body is holy.
25:19 You know that, you are the temple
25:20 of the Holy Spirit.
25:23 What you put inside your body is a moral issue.
25:26 It's the only body trust me you'll ever be given.
25:30 So take very good care of it. You're holy.
25:33 Belshazzar is a fool drinking out of holy cups.
25:41 Verse 5, "In the same hour the fingers of a man's hand
25:46 appeared and wrote opposite the lampstand
25:50 on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace,
25:54 and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote."
25:58 You try to imagine it in your heart,
26:00 a bloodless hand.
26:01 No connection to anything,
26:03 just a bloodless hand begins to etch its letters
26:08 of awful doom on the plaster of that palace banquet.
26:15 But Belshazzar and the inebriated partygoers
26:18 are sobered just a little too late.
26:24 And when the word goes out bring him in,
26:25 bring him in!
26:27 The old man now, was a Hebrew captive,
26:30 became a prophet after he was taken captive.
26:32 Served so faithfully,
26:34 the grandfather of the Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar.
26:36 When old man Daniel
26:37 with his bushy white mane enters that room,
26:41 Daniel knows it's over, it's too late.
26:43 Daniel's name by the way trumpets
26:44 every time you call it, God is my judge.
26:47 God is the judge.
26:49 When Daniel walks in, he sadly shakes his head,
26:51 he reads the letters and he says
26:53 "Oh king, it's too late.
26:56 You have been weighed in the balances
26:59 and you have been found wanting.
27:01 Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great
27:04 because she's made all nations drink of the wine
27:06 of the wrath of her fornication.
27:09 It's over.
27:11 And in that instant, there is the horse cry
27:15 from the far end of the palace hall.
27:18 And in the midnight the clatter of running feet,
27:21 the Persians have broken through.
27:24 Babylon is fallen, is fallen that great city.
27:29 And verse 30 how does it read,
27:32 "That every night Belshazzar,
27:34 king of the Chaldeans, was slain."
27:38 So how did he do it? Invincible city.
27:40 How did that young prince?
27:41 How did that young king Cyrus,
27:42 how could he have possibly brought
27:44 Babylon to its knees?
27:46 How is rest of the story.
27:49 Take a, listen, take a look at this incredible strategy.
27:52 And by the way, this military victory
27:55 and strategy were all predicted
27:57 including the name of the general
27:59 who would achieve it.
28:00 All predicted one and a half centuries before
28:02 the event took place.
28:03 A 150 years before Babylon fell 539 BC.
28:08 God predicted the name of the king
28:11 and the exact strategy.
28:14 Go back just a couple of books,
28:16 couple of three books to Isaiah.
28:18 Take a look, a century and a half earlier now.
28:21 Keep that in mind, God is speaking His words.
28:22 He actually names young Persian king Isaiah Chapter 45,
28:28 that would be page 490 in your pew Bible.
28:33 Isaiah 45, take a look at this.
28:36 Incredible, a century and a half in advance.
28:39 Isaiah 45:1 "Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,"
28:43 one and a half centuries before the boy is born,
28:46 God is saying, I got a guy named Cyrus, is coming.
28:48 He's my man.
28:49 And what Cyrus gonna do,
28:50 this is what God says to Cyrus
28:51 "Whose right hand I have held,
28:53 to subdue nations before him
28:55 and loose the armor of the kings,
28:56 to open before him the double doors,
29:00 so that the gates will not be shut:"
29:02 I need to tell you one more thing
29:03 about those walls.
29:06 Those walls are 24 feet and 26 feet thick,
29:09 you remember that.
29:10 There is a way into the city.
29:12 Even though you can't climb the walls,
29:13 there's a way into the city.
29:15 In fact I'm giving them a chance
29:16 up in the mezzanine to scram it back
29:18 to the slide I forgot about.
29:19 There is a way into the city.
29:20 The River Euphrates runs straight through Babylon.
29:23 Take a look at that.
29:24 The famous River Euphrates goes straight through Babylon,
29:27 straight through the heart.
29:29 But you can understand
29:30 though they don't show it there.
29:31 The walls are built over the city.
29:33 So sure, you could jump into the river,
29:35 it goes all the way to the top of the cauldron,
29:37 you'd have to hold your breath 24 feet
29:39 and then 26 feet and then 12 feet
29:41 and then 22 and even if you get inside the city.
29:44 So let's say you could swim under
29:45 all those walls and you get inside,
29:47 there are massive walls all along the river bank,
29:50 no way Jose,
29:52 you cannot get out of that river into the city.
29:55 But God says here, the gates,
29:57 the only way into the city would be some gates
30:00 stationed strategically all along the walls
30:03 along the river bank.
30:04 The only way you can get in if the gets are open.
30:07 And what did God just say
30:08 "I'm going to open before him the double doors
30:11 so that the gates will not be shut.
30:12 Look at this verse 2.
30:14 "I will go before you Cyrus and I will make
30:15 the crooked places straight,
30:16 and I will break in pieces the greats of bronze
30:18 and I'll cut the bars of iron."
30:20 In verse 3, "I will give you the treasures of darkness
30:23 and the hidden riches of secret places,
30:25 that you may know that I,
30:27 the Lord, who call you by your name,
30:29 I am the God of Israel."
30:30 Finally verse 4, "For Jacob My servant's sake,
30:33 and Israel My elect,
30:35 I have even called you by your name,
30:37 I have named you..." And get this.
30:39 "Though you have not known Me."
30:41 God chose a human being
30:44 who had no personal connection with Him.
30:49 I tell you what?
30:50 The next time you write off some godless atheist ruler,
30:54 political ruler on this planet,
30:56 I want you to remember the story of Cyrus
30:58 and be reminded,
31:01 God can partner with anybody
31:04 to strategically bring about His will.
31:06 An atheist, you don't have to have
31:09 an evangelical Christian in office,
31:11 in order for God's will to be done in America,
31:14 which gives us a little bit of space and peace.
31:18 You don't have to have a believer anywhere.
31:20 He took a pagan.
31:22 He said this is My man Cyrus, My anointed one.
31:25 Clue one,
31:27 the name of Babylon's conqueror would be Cyrus.
31:29 Clue number two, the double doors will be left open.
31:31 Let's go to clue three,
31:32 and you just go to the end of the chapter
31:34 right before Isaiah 44,
31:35 the last two verses.
31:37 God says in verse 27 "Who says to the deep,
31:39 'Be dry! And I will dry up your rivers."
31:42 Clue number three,
31:43 the river is going to get dried up.
31:45 Who is He speaking about?
31:47 Verse 28, "Who says of Cyrus,
31:48 'He is My shepherd,
31:50 and he shall perform all My pleasure',
31:51 he would say to Jerusalem,
31:53 'You shall be built."
31:54 I'm going to use that godless man
31:56 to help deliver My remnant people.
31:58 I'm going to use a godless politician
32:00 to save the community of faith on earth.
32:03 I'm going to use a godless king.
32:06 And He'll say to Jerusalem,
32:07 'You shall be built', to the temple,
32:09 'Your foundation shall be laid.'"
32:11 One and a half centuries before Babylon fell.
32:13 God said this is how it's going to happen.
32:15 The gates would be opened, and I'm going to use Cyrus.
32:17 Fifty years before Babylon fell,
32:20 God names more specifically the body of water.
32:26 Go to Jeremiah, this now 50 years,
32:28 Jeremiah Chapter 50.
32:30 One more fascinating piece.
32:32 Get a load of this, Jeremiah 50.
32:34 Can you imagine this? This is page 548. Unbelievable!
32:39 Fifty years before this invincible.
32:41 Babylon was the largest city of antiquity.
32:44 Fifty years in advance.
32:46 Verse 35, Chapter 50:35
32:49 God says "'A sword is against the Chaldeans,'
32:52 that would the Babylonians,
32:54 against the inhabitants of Babylon,
32:55 against her princes, against her wise men.
32:57 A sword is against the soothsayers,
32:59 they will be fools.
33:00 A sword is against her mighty men,
33:01 and they will be dismayed.
33:02 A sword is against their horses,
33:03 chariots, mixed peoples,
33:05 again they will become like women.
33:06 A sword is against her treasures."
33:08 Now verse 38,
33:09 "And a drought is against her waters."
33:13 It now identifies which water this is?
33:15 It's the river.
33:17 Put it together with Isaiah.
33:18 It's the river that runs through Babylon.
33:20 "A drought is against her waters,
33:21 and they will be dried up.
33:23 For it is the land of carved images,
33:24 and they are insane with their idols."
33:27 Babylon is an idolatrous power,
33:32 and I'll take that power down.
33:35 Did it happen the way God predicted a century earlier?
33:37 Listen to this.
33:38 October 13, 539 BC.
33:40 By the way, we're almost-- we just passed the anniversary,
33:42 October 13, 539 BC,
33:45 the Greek historian describing that night.
33:47 This is Herodotus.
33:48 We'll put it on the screen for you.
33:49 Describes the midnight victory of the Persian forces.
33:53 Seen on the screen there,
33:54 "He, Cyrus, posted his army at the place
33:58 where the river enters the city,
33:59 and another part of it
34:00 where the stream issues from the city."
34:02 All right, Euphrates goes in, Euphrates comes out.
34:04 So at both places he positions his army.
34:08 "And then he bade his men, hear the instructions,
34:10 enter the city by the channel of the Euphrates
34:13 when they should see it to be fordable"
34:15 Look at it guys, when the river drops,
34:16 trust me, it's going to drop.
34:17 When the river drops, you go in.
34:19 we're taking the city tonight.
34:20 You understand, we're taking the city tonight.
34:23 Then what does he do?
34:24 "Then he himself marched away
34:26 with those of his army who couldn't fight,
34:27 and when he came to the lake,
34:29 Cyrus dealt with it..."
34:30 the historian writes
34:31 "with the river just as had the Babylonian queen:"
34:34 The queen once upon a time said,
34:35 I need a lake up here. And so what did she do?
34:37 Drawing off the river by a canal into the lake
34:41 which was till now a marsh.
34:43 "He, Cyrus, made the stream, that would be the Euphrates,
34:45 sink till its former channels could be forded.
34:49 When this happened,
34:50 The Persians who have been posted with their intent
34:52 to make their way into Babylon
34:53 by the channel of the Euphrates,
34:54 which had now sunk,
34:55 they saw the water sink to about the height
34:59 of the middle of man's thigh."
35:01 You can go anywhere.
35:03 Any army can march through water this shallow.
35:07 The Euphrates drops and Herodotus tells us,
35:11 and in fact that night there was a party in Babylon.
35:14 Daniel 5 is right.
35:16 And the drunken guards left,
35:18 mistakenly left all the river gates open.
35:21 How had God put it Isaiah 45
35:24 "I will open before Cyrus the double doors,
35:27 so that the gates will not be shut."
35:32 And they were not.
35:34 The point, ladies and gentlemen,
35:35 when God's king of the east shows up,
35:39 there ain't nobody that can keep Him out, nobody.
35:44 In fact I wish you jot that down right now.
35:46 Will you? With better English than that.
35:48 Pull out your study guide in today's worship bulletin.
35:51 Thank you ushers.
35:52 Let's get study guides out quickly now.
35:54 If you didn't get your
35:55 study guide, just hold your hand up,
35:56 we have a study guide for you in the balcony,
35:58 up here to front,
36:00 pull out the study guide.
36:01 And while the ushers are getting it out,
36:02 let me just say to those of you
36:03 watching on television, go to our website.
36:05 Let me put it on the screen.
36:07 There it is,
36:10 That's our website.
36:12 This is the teaching series
36:13 entitled "Rumors from the East."
36:15 Click on that series,
36:16 then you'll see a list of titles.
36:18 This particular title is "Kings of the East."
36:21 Click on there, you see the word pardon me,
36:24 you see the word study guide, click there.
36:26 You'll get the identical study guide.
36:28 I want to get that point while it's fresh on our minds.
36:31 Jot it down please.
36:34 "When the divinely appointed king
36:36 of the east shows up..."
36:37 It's on the screen, just fill it in.
36:39 "When the divinely appointed king
36:40 of the east shows up, there is nothing."
36:44 There is nothing, write that in,
36:45 that can keep him out!
36:46 What's all this have to do with rumors from the east?
36:48 Keep your pen moving.
36:49 It is the critical historical clue,
36:51 this story we just shared the military victory,
36:54 the clue that unlocks rumor number three.
36:59 Rumor number three, this is the final rumor.
37:01 We are moving to wrap on this series.
37:03 Go to the Bible's last book, it's the twin book to Daniel.
37:06 It's the New Testament equivalent of Daniel.
37:09 It's the Book of Revelation the Apocalypse,
37:11 just one line.
37:12 Just one line of Revelations 16.
37:14 Please find that, and let's cut to the chase.
37:18 Revelations Chapter 16.
37:20 By the way you recognize the chapter,
37:22 these are the seven last plagues.
37:24 I don't know what you know about Scripture
37:26 but you don't have to know much to know--
37:29 When you hear about the seven last plagues.
37:31 Everybody knows that they immediately,
37:33 according to the Bible, they immediately proceed
37:35 the destruction of this earth,
37:37 the end of time, all right.
37:38 So the seven angels are shown holding bowls.
37:41 This is just before the return of Christ.
37:43 Plague number six.
37:45 Take a look at this, plague number six,
37:46 drop down to verse 12 Revelations 16:12,
37:49 "Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl
37:54 on the great river Euphrates..."
37:55 Have we already heard about the River Euphrates?
37:58 Yeah, we've already read it.
37:59 "He poured out his bowl on the River Euphrates
38:01 and its water..." was what?
38:04 Waters dried up. We heard about that? Yep.
38:08 "And its water was dried up,
38:09 so that the way of the kings from the east..."
38:12 Cyrus attacked Babylon from the east.
38:15 He was a king from the east.
38:17 "So that the way of the kings from the east
38:19 might be prepared."
38:23 Ladies and gentlemen,
38:24 what you've just read is a neat and tidy summation
38:27 of the great and strategic military victory of King Cyrus.
38:31 He was the king from the east.
38:33 He was east to Babylon.
38:34 King Cyrus and the fall of Babylon.
38:39 When the divinely appointed king
38:40 of the east showed up,
38:42 there was nothing that could keep him out.
38:45 But then, hey, come on who cares about Cyrus?
38:48 We're third millennials.
38:51 Unless of course what we've just read here
38:53 in Revelation isn't about the Persian Cyrus at all,
38:57 could that be it?
38:58 So who could this king of the east be
39:01 in the Apocalypse?
39:03 Three clues, jot them down.
39:04 Fascinating, jot these down.
39:06 Clue number one the name Cyrus means "sun."
39:10 Comes up in the morning and goes down at night.
39:12 It means sun, Cyrus means sun.
39:14 Have we heard about the sun in this series,
39:16 "Rumors from the east?"
39:18 Clue number one, Cyrus means sun.
39:20 Clue number two, the Greek for "east"
39:21 actually in this case is a two-word phrase
39:24 that means "rising sun" rising sun
39:29 or you can combine it "sunrise."
39:32 All right.
39:33 And clue number three, fascinating this one.
39:36 Isaiah 45:1 which we read a moment ago.
39:38 I want to talk about My anointed Cyrus,
39:40 remember God saying that,
39:41 My anointed one Cyrus. Listen to this.
39:43 "God calls Cyrus His "anointed" or in the Hebrew,
39:46 mashiach, which is used only in Isaiah 45
39:50 and in Daniel 9:25, 26."
39:53 For in Daniel 9, it is translated as Messiah.
39:57 The English word comes from the Hebrew "Messiah."
40:01 Now we take those three, just those three clues,
40:03 ladies and gentlemen.
40:05 Who do you suppose is this apocalyptic king
40:08 that comes right into earth from the east
40:10 and is called the Sun of Righteousness:
40:12 Malachi 4:2, The Sunrise: Luke 1:78
40:16 and the Messiah: John 1:41?"
40:18 Who might that be?
40:20 Keep your pen moving, Revelation 19:11-16
40:24 confirms that it is none other than King Jesus.
40:28 Now, folks, it's not rocket science,
40:30 those three clues, Sun, coming from the east,
40:33 rising who is this?
40:36 You see that little sentence that I struck
40:38 in the study guide taking these three clues:
40:40 Who do you suppose is this apocalyptic king
40:42 that comes right into earth from the east
40:44 and is called The Sun of Righteousness:
40:46 Malachi 4:2 and it's called The Sunrise:
40:48 Luke 1:78 and it's called the Messiah: John 1:41?
40:52 Who do you suppose this is?
40:54 Revelation 19 is absolutely unequivocal,
40:56 this is none other, write this in.
40:58 This is none other than King Jesus.
41:00 Hallelujah, the Cyrus of the Apocalypse.
41:05 His name means Sun, I'm the Sun of Righteousness.
41:08 The Cyrus is Jesus.
41:10 Just turn one page, will you?
41:11 One page to Revelation 19,
41:13 I love this description of Christ second coming.
41:16 Isn't this beautiful?
41:17 Revelation 19:11, "Then I saw heaven opened,
41:20 and behold, a white horse."
41:21 Oh, I love horses, scared of riding,
41:24 but I love them.
41:26 I'm gonna learn someday.
41:28 "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.
41:30 And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True,
41:32 and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
41:35 His eyes, verse 12, were like a flame of fire,
41:38 and on His head were many crowns.
41:39 He had a name written that no one knew except Himself."
41:43 Verse 13, "He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood...
41:47 " crimson, "...and His name is called the Word of God.
41:53 Verse 14, hallelujah, "And the armies in heaven,
41:55 clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
41:58 followed Him also on white horses."
42:00 Now verse 15,
42:01 "Out of His mouth goes a sharp two edged sword,
42:04 that with it He should strike the nations.
42:06 And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
42:09 He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness
42:12 and wrath of Almighty God."
42:13 Final verse 16, "And He had on His robe
42:16 and He has on His thigh a name written:
42:19 King of kings... Read it out loud with me.
42:22 "...King of kings and Lord of lords." Hallelujah.
42:28 There He is ladies and gentlemen,
42:31 the king of the east that's who He is.
42:34 Imagine my surprise to discover.
42:36 I'm reading the late Australian scholar
42:40 and writer name Lewis Viera,
42:41 I'm reading him in preparation
42:43 for this series and I discovered.
42:44 Write this down.
42:45 That in fact the favorite direction of King Jesus,
42:48 His favorite of all directions,
42:50 write it down is "east."
42:51 Keep your pen moving.
42:53 Three incredible pieces of evidence for that premise.
42:57 Numbers 2:3, look at this.
42:58 Isn't this fascinating?
43:00 You remember the camp Israel had 12 tribes
43:02 and always the sanctuary is the middle.
43:04 The tribe of Judah was given its place to camp.
43:06 Numbers 2:3 "The tribe of Judah
43:10 was to camp "on the east side
43:12 toward the rising of the sun."
43:15 And Revelation 5:5 calls
43:16 "Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah."
43:20 Write it down.
43:22 East is His favorite.
43:23 It's His favorite direction. Here's another one.
43:26 Jesus in the mini Apocalypse, all right,
43:29 Mathew 24 is the gospel's Apocalypse.
43:32 Jesus in the mini Apocalypse says,
43:35 "When I come the lightning is going to flash
43:37 from the east to the west."
43:42 Write it down from the east lo the west.
43:44 It's His favorite direction.
43:46 Notice this, 2 Peter 1:19,
43:48 Revelation 22:16, Jesus is called the "Morning Star."
43:51 And if go out running early before the sun is up
43:53 like I do you know that the morning star
43:55 always rises in the east.
43:58 It's not even a star, it's a planet.
43:59 It's that bright light in the east,
44:02 the last light to go out.
44:05 Great Controversy,
44:06 the Apocalyptic classic, get this.
44:08 I tell you this moves me every time
44:10 I come across these words, page 640,
44:12 soon describes the second coming of Jesus.
44:15 "Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud,
44:20 about half the size of a man's hand."
44:23 I used to try to figure that one out.
44:24 Half the size of a man's hand,
44:25 I mean how big is that? Well here's a man's hand.
44:27 Let me show you my hand.
44:29 I want to now make this hand half its size, watch this.
44:34 Oh I did, I just decreased
44:36 the size by about a half, didn't I?
44:38 So this is going to be that little cloud
44:40 in the east is going to be half the size of a man's hand.
44:42 Does it mean the man's hand right here?
44:44 No, no, always, if you're going to talk
44:45 about the hand you have to hold it in perspective,
44:47 it will be at arm's length.
44:49 So there is a cloud from the east
44:52 half the size of a man's hand.
44:53 What's going on here, watch this.
44:55 "The people of God know
44:56 this to be the sign of the Son of man.
44:59 In solemn silence they gaze upon it
45:02 as it draws nearer the earth,
45:04 becoming lighter and more glorious,
45:06 imagine this, until it is a huge,
45:08 a great white cloud,
45:10 its base a glory like consuming fire,
45:12 and above it a rainbow.
45:15 Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror."
45:19 Wow.
45:21 We were having a brunch two Sundays ago,
45:23 with our senior leaders, our elders.
45:26 We were having brunch together, and we were sharing stories.
45:28 And one of the elders shared this story
45:30 about his daughter he said "Our daughter left Christ,
45:33 left the church everything.
45:35 Then years later we got a phone call one morning.
45:38 She was on the other end of the line
45:39 and she was announcing, said ''Daddy, Mama,
45:40 both of you get on the phone." she said "Last night,
45:44 last night I had a dream that Jesus was returning
45:47 to the earth and that dream has so troubled me
45:50 that I have decided to give my heart
45:52 back to Jesus and return to the church."
45:55 I'm telling you,
45:56 I've seen it happened over and over again.
45:57 Just a mere visualization of the return of Christ
46:02 to this earth and suddenly inside your conscience,
46:04 inside your heart there is this little pounding,
46:06 there's a little something that's saying you know what,
46:08 I want to be ready, I need to be ready.
46:12 Let your mind visualize that little cloud
46:15 getting closer and closer.
46:18 It's Cyrus.
46:19 It's Cyrus and he is going
46:21 to bring Babylon to its knees.
46:30 Write it down ladies and gentlemen,
46:31 I want to be there when the King of the east
46:33 comes riding out of that sunrise.
46:34 Write it down.
46:35 There it is, rumor number three.
46:37 What is rumor number three? He's coming!
46:39 That's the rumor. Write it down, He is coming.
46:41 Hallelujah.
46:43 Which by the way, in my book,
46:45 that's what makes this rumor
46:47 the best rumor of all three, the best of the best.
46:52 And by the way that is also why when that dark and evil power
46:58 known as the king of the north when he gets this rumor,>>
47:02 he is driven into a panic.
47:05 And in one lashing fury,
47:08 seeks to obliterate those who are loyal to God.
47:11 It's this rumor.
47:13 You say, come on, unpack this.
47:15 Come on, what's the drying up of the Euphrates.
47:16 What is this? Who is this Babylon?
47:19 Two weeks from today,
47:21 this entire series shuts down.
47:23 And I hope that if you're anywhere
47:24 within driving distance two weeks from the day,
47:26 you'll be right here.
47:27 Title of the teaching then "King of the North."
47:29 We've held it in advance, we've held it back,
47:32 we've read it, we've noted it,
47:33 we've not said a word about it.
47:34 And I'm going to be careful in that teaching
47:36 it's going to be cryptic.
47:38 I'm not just going to come out and spell it for you.
47:41 But anybody who can pick up the cues
47:43 will know in an instant after those cues and clues,
47:48 who the king of the north is?
47:49 Today, King of the east.
47:51 Forget the king of the north, today hallelujah,
47:54 King of the east.
47:55 And by the way, did you notice in your Bible,
47:57 it's not king of the east,
47:58 it's "kings" plural of the east.
48:01 Go back to verse 12 here in Revelation 16.
48:05 "Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl
48:07 on the great river Euphrates,
48:08 and its water was dried up,
48:10 so that the way of the kings
48:12 from the east might be prepared."
48:16 So who are these kings?
48:17 Who's John talking about? Keep your pen moving.
48:20 Well, let John interpret himself.
48:22 We're not going to bring in extra interpretation.
48:23 Let John speak Revelation 1:5, 6.
48:26 Jot this down, this praise to Jesus.
48:28 "To Him who loved us and washed us
48:30 from our sins in His own blood,
48:32 and has made us kings
48:37 and priests to His God and Father"
48:40 Keep your pen moving.
48:41 In Revelation 17:14,
48:43 "For He is the Lord of lords and King of kings,
48:45 and those who are with,
48:49 those who are with Him in this final showdown
48:52 are called, chosen, and faithful.
48:56 "One more, Revelation 20:4,
48:58 "And I saw thrones, and they,
49:01 those whom Jesus takes to heaven
49:03 and they sat on them."
49:05 Ladies and gentlemen, when John uses the word kings.
49:08 Keep your pen moving.
49:10 He's drawing a circle so wide
49:12 that it even includes every man,
49:13 woman and child who follows,
49:16 who follows Jesus!
49:18 No, they don't,
49:19 they don't come back to earth with Jesus.
49:20 How could they? They're already on this earth.
49:22 They're not coming back with Him.
49:24 There are people who are here but John intentionally--
49:26 Keep your pen moving.
49:27 John intentionally uses the plural.
49:29 Write that down.
49:30 He uses the plural to teach that
49:32 because of their allegiance to the king of the East,
49:35 his victory is theirs when He conquers
49:37 the enemy of Babylon, it's their conquering too.
49:41 They come together. He's not returned yet.
49:49 The divine Cyrus has not come back yet.
49:54 But when He comes, hallelujah,
49:57 He conquers. He will conquer.
50:00 That's why, ladies and gentlemen,
50:02 I can watch the unfolding nuclear showdown
50:05 with North Korea and not lose a night of sleep over?
50:08 I'm not afraid.
50:10 I never told you this before but my mother
50:11 was born in Pyongyang,
50:13 the capital of North Korea.
50:15 Born as a missionary's kid.
50:17 I'm not afraid of how that's going to turn out.
50:20 I tell you what?
50:21 I just know when the rulers of this earth
50:23 had exhausted their final solution,
50:26 the king of the east comes
50:27 riding triumphantly out of that sunrise.
50:30 Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.
50:32 That's why you know what?
50:33 The quagmire in the Middle East right now,
50:35 I can't figure it out.
50:37 I don't know what this election
50:38 is going to be a referendum on,
50:39 I don't know what they are going to decide from this.
50:42 But I'm not losing any sleep over it
50:43 unless our son-in-law Andrew as a medic
50:46 to the rangers get sent,
50:47 then I'll be up night and day praying.
50:53 I've a feeling speaking of this election.
50:57 There is no human brilliance sufficient to solve the moral,
51:00 social and political woes and ills of this planet.
51:05 I carry in the back of my Bible.
51:07 I brood on these words every now and then.
51:09 Listen to this.
51:10 These words are written a hundred years ago.
51:11 "The present..."
51:12 They sound like they were written yesterday.
51:15 "The present is a time of overwhelming interest
51:17 to all living.
51:18 Rulers and statesmen,
51:19 men who occupy positions of trust and authority,
51:21 thinking men and women of all classes,
51:24 have their attention fixed upon the events
51:26 taking place about us.
51:27 They are watching the strained,
51:29 restless relations that exist among the nations.
51:32 They observe the intensity that is taking possession
51:34 of every earthly element,
51:36 and they recognize thinking people do that
51:38 something great and decisive is about to take place,
51:42 that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis."
51:48 I'm not afraid because I know that when we are
51:52 at our wits' end humanly speaking,
51:56 there's a king that comes riding out of that sunrise.
52:02 That this night of crushing darkness
52:05 is soon going to end.
52:07 I know what you'd say, "Come on Dwight,
52:08 it's not crushing, it's not dark for me.
52:10 I'm having a great time right now.
52:11 This is the best hour of my life."
52:14 I want to tell you something, it is crushing and dark
52:16 for a senior at Andrews University today
52:18 named Leroy Brown who lost his mother and brother
52:21 in the same car accident this week.
52:25 You want to know crushing darkness.
52:27 Be a member of Marilyn Poole family.
52:30 You want to know what it's like to live with a broken heart
52:33 in the midnight of life?
52:36 Talk to the Judas Peter's family.
52:38 Two people, community activists
52:41 both lost within the last week.
52:44 You say, "My life is just fine right now."
52:46 Trust me, trust me.
52:49 If there is no longing in your heart
52:50 for this midnight to end,
52:52 God can take care of that for you.
52:56 There will be no human being on this planet
52:58 who will not know midnight,
53:00 and our hunger and our longing for Jesus Christ to come.
53:03 Our hunger and our longing for that,
53:05 where is that sun that is supposed to come up.
53:09 If your life is just hunky-dory party on dude,
53:11 have great time tonight wherever you're going.
53:13 But I'm telling you what, like Belshazzar,
53:15 you're going to get a wake up call one day.
53:17 There will be a knocking at your door
53:18 and you'll discover it's midnight.
53:22 Don't ask for it, don't ask for it.
53:25 Just know that His grace will be sufficient when it comes.
53:29 You'll have a dark night. We all do.
53:33 But hallelujah, I have not examined
53:36 all the calendars of earth,
53:38 but I understand that there has never been a midnight
53:42 on this planet that has not been
53:44 followed by a sunrise.
53:48 Straight out of the east. Thank you Jesus.
53:52 East. That's why in Bible prophecy,
53:55 east is a four letter word.
53:56 Write this down.
53:57 In Bible prophecy, east is a four letter word
53:59 spelled HOPE, east,
54:07 because that's where
54:09 Jesus is coming from, east.
54:14 And He is a last best hope we have ever had.
54:16 I tell you what? We have this hope.
54:18 We really do have it and nobody,
54:21 and I mean nobody can take this hope
54:26 away from us. Amen.
54:50 We have this hope
54:54 that burns within our hearts
54:59 Hope in the coming of the Lord
55:07 We have this faith
55:14 that Christ alone imparts
55:17 Faith in the promise
55:19 of His Word
55:25 We believe the time is here
55:29 When the nations far and near
55:33 Shall awake, and shout and sing
55:38 Hallelujah! Christ is King!
55:44 We have this hope that
55:52 burns within our hearts
55:58 Hope in the coming of the Lord
56:14 And now to Him who loves us and has freed us
56:16 from our sins by His blood and has made us to be
56:20 a kingdom and priest to serve His God and Father,
56:24 to Him be glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.
56:28 Look, He is coming with the clouds
56:33 and every eye will see Him.
56:35 Even those who pierced Him.
56:37 And all the peoples of the earth will mourn
56:39 because of Him, so shall it be.
56:42 Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus. Amen.
57:06 Before you go, I wanted to take
57:07 one more moment to let you know,
57:09 how glad I am you shared this hour of worship
57:10 and Bible teachings with us.
57:13 Living in the world that we do now,
57:14 a civilization surviving on the edge
57:16 of constant upheaval and change,
57:19 I'm grateful that we have the bed rock hope of Jesus,
57:21 aren't you?
57:22 And I'm thankful that you and I
57:23 can partner together to reach this generation
57:25 the world over through the satellite telecast.
57:29 So please know that I thank God
57:30 and you for the generous way
57:32 you partnered with us.
57:33 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:36 all across the earth for such a time as this.
57:39 If you'd like to order a DVD or a video tape
57:41 copy of this teaching today,
57:43 or make a donation on your credit card,
57:45 please call our friendly operators
57:46 at the numbers on your screen.
57:47 There it is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:50 Just the two words 877-HIS-WILL.
57:53 And I promise you, we will invest every penny
57:55 of your generosity in God's mission
57:57 to reach this final generation now.
58:00 Thank you for that partnership.
58:02 And I will see you here again, next time.


Revised 2015-05-21