New Perceptions

How To Eat, Drink And Be Merry Without Getting Stoned

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP102707

00:29 And hail him as thy matchless King
00:36 Through all eternity
00:41 Sing it, Worthy is the Lamb.
00:44 Worthy is the Lamb
00:50 Seated on the throne
00:57 Crown You now with many crowns
01:03 You reign victorious
01:10 High and lifted up
01:17 Jesus, Son of God
01:24 The Darling of Heaven crucified
01:32 Worthy is the Lamb
01:39 Worthy is the Lamb
01:46 Worthy is the Lamb
01:53 Worthy is the Lamb
02:06 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
02:14 Troubles of the world
02:18 The troubles of the world
02:22 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
02:29 Going home to live with God
02:41 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world,
02:44 Troubles of the world,
02:46 Troubles of the world.
02:48 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
02:50 Going home to live with God
02:54 I want to meet my mother
02:57 I want to meet my mother
03:01 I want to meet my mother
03:04 I'm going home to live with God I'll be going...
03:07 I want to meet my mother
03:10 I want to meet my mother
03:14 I want to meet my mother
03:17 I'm going home to live with God
03:20 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
03:23 Troubles of the world
03:25 Troubles of the world
03:26 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
03:29 Going home to live with God
03:32 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
03:36 Troubles of the world
03:37 Troubles of the world
03:39 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
03:42 Going home to live with God
03:54 I'm going to live with God
04:01 No more crying No more tears
04:14 No more suffering
04:17 No more crying No more tears
04:29 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
04:32 Troubles of the world
04:34 Troubles of the world
04:35 Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world
04:38 Going home to live with God
04:41 I want to meet my Jesus
04:45 I want to meet my Jesus
04:48 I want to meet my Jesus
04:51 I'm going home to live with God
04:54 I want to meet my Jesus
04:57 I want to meet my Jesus
05:00 I want to meet my Jesus
05:03 I'm going home to live with God
05:10 I'm going home to live with God
05:18 With God
05:34 Powerful, powerful, perfect song for a Sabbath
05:38 in which we are celebrating two anniversaries,
05:41 perfect song they just sang.
05:45 It's in the confluence of these two anniversaries
05:50 and their juxtaposition today,
05:54 that I have been pondering God's call to the chosen.
06:01 One anniversary for four days from today and 490 years ago.
06:09 A young German, priest,
06:14 pastor and professor
06:17 strode across the least room plaza
06:20 of the tiny little village,
06:22 walked up to the castle church door,
06:26 wooden, pounded onto that door,
06:31 95 challenges to the sale of indulgences
06:36 by the church of the middle ages.
06:39 October 31, 1517 in the village of Wittenberg,
06:45 just in Germany four weeks ago,
06:48 just to be in that nation where Martin Luther.
06:52 Wow, Martin Luther,
06:55 unwittingly ignited the spiritual revolution
07:02 that we still call the Protestor Reformation.
07:06 Four days from now, the anniversary,
07:08 four days before today another anniversary.
07:12 Four days plus 163 years ago,
07:16 a middle age American Baptist farmer
07:17 turned preacher in upstate New York,
07:19 quietly awaited the fulfillment of four passionate years
07:23 of preaching his heart out.
07:26 So convicted and convince was he of the veracity
07:29 of the Daniels prophecies
07:31 that he had unashamedly predicted on the authority
07:34 of the word of God that on October 22, 1844
07:37 Jesus would return to this planet.
07:41 So four days ago plus 163 years ago,
07:46 William Miller and thousands of Christian believers
07:50 up and down the eastern seaboard
07:52 counted the hours until Jesus would come.
07:57 Soon I will be done with the troubles
08:00 of the world, going home.
08:04 They hoped and prayed but Jesus didn't come.
08:09 So 490 years after Martin Luther
08:14 and 163 years after William Miller,
08:16 we're still here.
08:19 The Protestor Reformation is still in progress.
08:22 In fact, I carry in the back of my Bible
08:23 a quotation just to buck my spirits
08:25 up at times when I get discouraged.
08:27 A quotation that declares the reformation
08:29 did not end with Martin Luther
08:30 but that reformation that he ignited shall continue
08:33 until the last day of earth's history,
08:36 that reformation must go on.
08:38 And it occurs to me in a university setting like this
08:40 that we have some young Martin Luther's here.
08:45 We have some young William Millers here
08:48 or Wilhelmina Millers here.
08:53 We've got you here, God has already spotted you.
08:57 You weren't born by accident,
08:59 this series began reminding you,
09:00 you are a child a destiny.
09:03 You are you because God called you to live.
09:07 So we're still here,
09:10 which is why we're tracking the footsteps of the chosen
09:15 through the wilderness to the Promise Land.
09:16 We're on the same journey going to the promise land,
09:19 also wandering in this wilderness,
09:21 this series "The Chosen."
09:22 We come to the heart of this series
09:24 for critical issues to the children of Israel
09:27 as they tiptoed across those hot deserts sands
09:30 and obviously these four issues are critical to us
09:32 because in our pulpit survey,
09:34 this last spring you wrote it down.
09:36 I want to know about this,
09:37 this, this and this and so these four
09:39 what do we do with the prophet,
09:41 that was last time you and I were together.
09:43 How to stone the prophet?
09:45 Question number two, what do we do with the diet?
09:48 Read, alcohol, that would be today.
09:52 Question number three, what do we do with the dress?
09:55 That's coming up next Sabbath,
09:57 how much of naked is acceptable.
10:00 Question number four, what do we do with the sex?
10:04 That's two Sabbaths from now.
10:06 How to live without sex for a while?
10:09 And in the second service only, as we will today,
10:12 we will end with live Q and A.
10:17 Any question that you have on the subject today,
10:20 I hope you'll ask and I hope I'll have the answers.
10:23 But let's hear the question, we'll check together.
10:26 So today, you get a question
10:27 in the middle of the presentation here,
10:28 scribble it down.
10:29 All right, just scribble it down
10:30 then step up to one of these mics,
10:32 then we'll be ready to go.
10:33 Let's pray.
10:34 Oh, God, soon I will be done with the troubles of the world,
10:37 going home to live with God.
10:38 That passion has ignited generations
10:44 since the days of Enoch on this planet.
10:47 We're not abandoning that hope, that our university raised up
10:51 because of that hope as we worship today,
10:55 in Holy Scripture.
10:56 Please, please let this be clear,
10:59 that the spirit of access to my mind
11:01 and all of our minds,
11:03 for the sake of Christ Jesus
11:04 in whose name we pray. Amen.
11:07 So I'm going into the cafeteria
11:09 this last week to have to the lunch.
11:11 I like to eat the cafeteria food
11:12 because it's great food.
11:14 I go into the cafeteria to eat
11:16 and I'm always looking for somebody to sit with
11:18 and four students said,
11:19 "Hey, pastor, come on over here."
11:20 I love to eat with students.
11:21 So I sit down and we're following a conversation
11:23 and I noticed on the cafeteria food table
11:26 that we were sitting at.
11:27 These little sandwich boards
11:28 you know these are little cardboard triangle thing
11:30 that they put to advertise stuff.
11:32 And so I pick it up, apparently it's health week,
11:34 either next week or this week
11:35 I'm not sure but there is health week going on.
11:38 And then there's this quotation from Mark Twain
11:41 and so I had my receipt from eating there,
11:45 great food and a great price.
11:48 And on the back of the receipt I scribble down,
11:50 I scribble down Mark Twain,
11:52 okay, this is a quotation from Mark Twain.
11:54 It sets us up for our teaching this morning.
11:57 The Mark Twain once said,
11:58 "The only way to keep your health,
12:02 is to eat what you don't want."
12:05 All right, "drink what you don't like
12:09 and do what you rather not and you'll keep healthy."
12:14 With that thought in mind,
12:15 would you open your Bible please
12:16 to the New Testament the book first Corinthians 10,
12:20 forget about Mark Twain,
12:21 we don't need him we'll take Saint Paul
12:22 instead 1 Corinthians 10.
12:25 Didn't bring a Bible, you really need to track
12:27 as we got a dynamite story coming up
12:28 and so you want to grab the pew Bible in front of you.
12:31 This will be page 772 New King James Version
12:34 that'll be what I'm in this morning
12:36 1 Corinthians 10, 1 Corinthians 10.
12:42 All right, this is a perfect set up by the way,
12:45 these few verses set us up
12:47 for the next three presentations
12:48 covering the heart of this series.
12:50 Here we go, so this is 1 Corinthians 10 verse 1,
12:52 "Moreover brethren"
12:53 I like to say brothers and sisters,
12:55 the new translations that's what I like about them,
12:57 their gender inclusive.
12:58 "Moreover brothers and sisters,
13:00 I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers"
13:03 oh, time out Paul, who're you writing to?
13:05 I'm writing to a bunch of pagans
13:06 who become Christians in court.
13:08 Are you serious?
13:09 You mean, once we're baptized into Jesus Christ,
13:12 the whole story of Israel becomes ours?
13:14 That's my point boy.
13:16 Our fathers, I'm calling them our fathers.
13:19 "Moreover brothers and sisters,
13:20 I do not want you to be unaware
13:21 that all our fathers were under the cloud
13:25 all pass to the sea," that would be the Red Sea.
13:27 Verse 2, "all were baptized into Moses
13:30 in the cloud and the sea,"
13:32 and that really feel strange,
13:34 I mean baptized into Moses, please.
13:36 What's going on here?
13:37 Here's Paul's point there was a cloud overhead,
13:39 so there's water content,
13:40 there's water on this side of the Red Sea.
13:42 Water on this side, they went under the water.
13:44 Paul is saying, and by the way,
13:47 they're baptized into their leader.
13:50 It's a metaphor for Christian baptism.
13:51 When you're baptized into Christ,
13:53 he's your leader you go into the water
13:54 and you come out certain of who your leader is.
13:56 That's what Paul's saying,
13:57 so they were all baptized into Moses.
13:59 And now notice this verse 3,
14:00 "All ate the same spiritual food
14:03 because it was a supernatural in origin,
14:05 all drank the same spirit to drink
14:07 because it was supernatural in origin.
14:10 For they drank of that spiritual rock
14:12 that followed them and that rock was Christ."
14:14 Hallelujah, when you're wandering
14:16 through the hot desert sands of life,
14:18 "I've got" Paul says, "I've got great news for you.
14:21 There is a rock that will be your shade,
14:24 your shelter, your safety, and your salvation."
14:27 Thank you, Jesus. The rock is Christ.
14:30 You will find that rock in your wandering
14:32 through this university
14:34 and through the rest of your life,
14:35 that rock will always be there.
14:38 Uh-oh, but some bad news verse 5,
14:40 "But with most of them God was not well pleased,
14:44 for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness."
14:46 i.e., they never made it to the promise land.
14:49 Died, little burial mounds tracking their journey,
14:54 little humps, little humps, one by one,
14:56 an entire generation is married.
14:58 Oh, what's going on here?
14:59 Verse 6, "Now these things became are examples,
15:03 to the intent that we should not lust
15:07 after evil thing as they also lusted."
15:10 I need to tell you that the that the Greek word
15:11 for lust here is epithumeo.
15:13 It means to desire deeply.
15:14 It is not a sin to desire deeply,
15:16 you can come on, God majored with desires.
15:18 So desire deeply just don't desire that
15:21 which will kill you,
15:23 just don't desire what will kill you.
15:29 That punch line is so important to Paul that he repeats it.
15:32 He does it in the verse 6 and dropped down to verse 11.
15:34 All over again,
15:35 "Now all these things happen to them as examples,
15:39 and they were written for our admonition
15:41 upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
15:46 Paul's point, the story of the chosen
15:48 in the beginning will be book end
15:51 by the story of the chosen in the ending,
15:54 in the-- they upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
15:58 They'll be the story and by the way Paul says,
16:00 their story is preserved here
16:03 so that the story of our movement
16:05 will be protected over here.
16:07 That's my point, Paul says.
16:08 Learn the lessons that they went through.
16:11 In fact, that point so critical
16:12 would you grab a study guide out.
16:13 Is it there in your worship bulletin,
16:14 pull your study guide out, please.
16:15 Thank you, ushers, you're gonna want to study guide
16:18 we're going to get to alcohol-- 8 resilient factors.
16:21 You want this list, trust me, hold your hand up,
16:23 if you don't have a study guide.
16:24 We have enough for everybody in the balcony,
16:27 here in the front, hold your hand up,
16:29 take your study guide out let me say to those of you
16:31 watching on television right now.
16:33 Delighted to have you.
16:34 Let me put our website on the screen for you,
16:35 "www" see it there on your screen
16:42 As soon as you go there you'll see different logos
16:44 for the various sermon series
16:45 this is the one called "The Chosen."
16:46 Click onto "The Chosen"
16:47 and it will show you the teachings,
16:49 you want this teaching,
16:50 "How to eat drink and be merry without getting stoned."
16:54 Click on to that and it will say study guide.
16:57 You will have the identical study guide
17:00 we're gonna go through this morning together.
17:01 So if you're watching on DVD
17:03 just hit the pause get that and then rejoin us please.
17:06 All right, the sentence at the top, let's fill it up.
17:09 First sentence of the study guide.
17:11 Their story was preserved
17:12 so that our movement might be protected.
17:16 Key point, protected, keep your pen moving.
17:19 The lessons of the chosen in the beginning
17:22 must be lessons for the chosen at the ending.
17:25 Some of you are still getting your study guides,
17:27 let me just remind you
17:28 that if you don't get an answer here,
17:30 go to our website.
17:31 The answers are at the bottom of all the study guide
17:33 so you'll be able to get what you missed here.
17:36 Now let me repeat that number two,
17:38 the lessons of the chosen in the beginning
17:39 must be the lessons for the chosen at the ending.
17:42 Paul says, remember their story what story do you suppose
17:45 Paul is talking about here in verse 6?
17:47 Ah, let's track Israel for a couple days
17:50 in the wilderness.
17:51 Go back to the fourth book in the Bible,
17:53 that would be the book of Numbers.
17:55 In our teaching last time, how to stone the prophet?
17:59 We were also in Numbers, go back to Numbers, please,
18:02 only this time we're going to be in Numbers 11.
18:06 I believe, last time we were Numbers 12.
18:07 So go back to Numbers 11,
18:10 Paul says, I want to tell you--
18:11 I want to remind you of a story.
18:13 We'll be reminded right here, Numbers 11,
18:16 oh, I didn't give you the page number, 101.
18:18 If you're looking for it there in the Old Testament, 101,
18:21 Numbers 11: 4, " Now the mixed multitude"
18:27 I need to just hit the pause button right there
18:28 because scholars are scratching their heads
18:29 and saying who, who, who are these?
18:32 They're not quite sure who they are.
18:34 One commentator says, it really out--
18:35 The Hebrew ought to be translated,
18:37 now the rift raft, riff-raff,
18:41 what seems clear is that when Israel fled
18:44 in that midnight hour from Egypt.
18:47 They were Egyptians they said, we are going with you.
18:49 You've just messed up our pantheon of Gods--
18:52 we're going with your God.
18:53 He must be the strongest around we'll follow you.
18:56 So there is this, there's this--
18:57 there's this crowd within the community of faith.
19:00 There's always a crowd within the community of faith.
19:02 There's this crowd,
19:04 their bodies are in the community
19:06 but their hearts are back in Egypt.
19:10 Kind of like Mrs. Lot who left her heart in Sodom,
19:12 you remember that?
19:13 So it's the same here, verse 4 so,
19:17 "Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded"
19:22 look at this "yielded to intense craving."
19:26 Hit the pause button again
19:27 because and you have this new study guide
19:28 those words "intense craving"
19:30 in English are actually the Hebrew Ta'avah, avah,
19:34 those are two words,
19:35 same word back to back it means craving, craving
19:37 in other words it said double craving,
19:39 it's intense, double craving.
19:43 Which by the way, jot this down,
19:44 is a classic definition of appetite.
19:48 Write in the word appetite, please.
19:50 For what is appetite
19:51 but an intense craving for food,
19:56 for alcohol, for tobacco, for chocolate, for caffeine,
20:00 for cocaine, for sex, for gambling.
20:02 I mean the list goes on and on and on.
20:05 Our appetite is that craving and in fact,
20:08 keep your pen moving,
20:09 appetite constantly yielded to results in addiction.
20:15 If you keep yielding to that appetite,
20:17 you become addicted.
20:19 Whatever, whatever.
20:21 Here's something from Wikipedia,
20:23 technical definition you have it in your study guide,
20:25 we'll put it on the screen for those of you viewing
20:27 and Wikipedia got this from the Neuro ed okay,
20:30 dealing with psychology and neurology
20:32 they got it from that website.
20:34 Here it is, "Addiction is a state a physiological
20:36 or psychological dependence
20:38 or devotion to something manifesting as a condition
20:42 in which medically significant symptoms
20:44 liable to have a damaging effect are present."
20:49 I.e., if you do this long enough,
20:52 it will affect you.
20:53 If you eat this long enough it will affect you.
20:56 If you drink this long enough it will affect you.
20:59 It will-- it will impact your organism,
21:02 that's what addiction does.
21:06 Okay, so now that we got that clear verse 4
21:08 "Now the mixed multitude who are among them
21:10 yielded to intense craving;"
21:12 now here the plot thickens.
21:13 "So the children of Israel also wept again."
21:18 Now that word again is key
21:21 because this has been going on over
21:23 and over and over.
21:25 Moses almost melts down
21:27 in just a few verses we'll note that.
21:28 It's happened all over again.
21:30 These belly achers are going all over again.
21:33 "And so, the children of Israel also wept
21:35 again said who will give us meat?"
21:39 That's Hebrew for flesh food. Who will give us flesh to eat?
21:44 Look at this, "We remember the fish
21:48 which we ate freely in Egypt the cucumbers,
21:52 the melons, the leaks, the onions and garlic."
21:55 It get's you hungry for dinner, doesn't it?
21:57 Verse 6 "But now own our whole being is dried up.
22:01 There is nothing at all except this manna"
22:09 I'm sick of this manna,
22:12 "nothing but this manna before our eyes."
22:16 We went to-- this summer as a Nelson
22:19 kind of a family thing, a tribe
22:21 and we conducted
22:22 for simultaneous evangelistic crusades
22:25 in a great city La Ceiba,
22:26 and if you've gone south of the border
22:27 you know this is true,
22:28 those cooks south of the border
22:30 they can take just a little bit a cornmeal,
22:31 have you noticed this?
22:32 Just a little bit of cornmeal
22:34 and they can make soft tortillas,
22:36 they can make hard taco shells they can make stuffed burritos.
22:40 They can make crunchy chips
22:41 all from just a little bit a cornmeal.
22:44 And they come up north of the border
22:45 by the way and they say, what is up with you Americans?
22:47 You are always eating bread. You have bread in the morning.
22:49 You call it toast.
22:50 You have bread at lunch, you call it sandwiches.
22:51 You put everything under the sun
22:53 between those slices.
22:54 You have bread at night, you call them dinner rolls.
22:55 Why are you always eating bread?
22:58 And if you go over to China,
22:59 morning noon and night forever its rice.
23:03 Cultures tend to gravitate around a particular staple
23:07 and the children of Israel are no exception.
23:09 Only for them, it was genuine miracle food.
23:12 I watched television, I see these advertising oh,
23:14 this a great miracle food, no,
23:16 they had genuine miracle food and it was called manna.
23:21 It was a white, seedy,
23:22 frost like substance that appeared
23:24 with the dew every morning, six days a week.
23:26 So you had manna for breakfast and lunch and supper on Sunday.
23:31 And then on Monday you had manna for breakfast
23:33 and lunch and supper.
23:35 And then Tuesday,
23:36 manna breakfast lunch and supper
23:38 and you get the picture.
23:39 It's just manna the whole blooming week until--
23:46 until you come to Sabbath.
23:49 No manna, oh, it's true.
23:52 You're gonna eat manna again,
23:53 it just don't come on the Sabbath.
23:56 Something supernatural.
23:57 God says I want to tell you something, guys,
23:59 I want to tell you about my Seventh-day Sabbath.
24:00 I've given this to the human race,
24:02 I did from the beginning in Genesis
24:04 and I'm gonna, by a supernatural miracle,
24:06 show you which day of the week.
24:07 You don't have calendars on your tent walls,
24:08 that's okay.
24:09 I'll show you every Seventh-day.
24:10 There won't be a drop of manna, so on Friday,
24:12 what I want you to do is go out and get a double portion.
24:15 I rest on the Sabbath,
24:16 I want you to rest on the Sabbath.
24:18 So every Sabbath, a supernatural proof
24:22 this is the Seventh-day.
24:24 Now by the way, its, its--it's miraculous
24:26 because during the week, if on Wednesday saying
24:28 you know what I'm sleeping in on Thursday.
24:29 I'll go out today and get a double portion,
24:31 by Thursday morning that stuff is stinking rotten.
24:35 It will not keep,
24:37 only that double collection on Friday keeps.
24:41 Proof by the way,
24:42 to those who say at the Sabbath was given on Mount Sinai.
24:45 The Sabbath is the gift of the Jews
24:46 that came of the Ten Commandments.
24:47 So you kidding, this story is before the Ten Commandments.
24:49 The Sabbath goes all the way back to creation
24:53 and God supernaturally proved
24:55 which day by the Seventh-day miracle.
24:58 Yeah, well of course that doesn't make
24:59 the manna any more palatable.
25:01 If you've got that we got to have
25:02 that meat hungries in your heart and they got it.
25:07 So Moses says,
25:08 let me tell you about the manna by the way.
25:10 Let's pick it up again at verse 6, people weeping
25:13 "But our whole being is dried up;
25:16 there's nothing at all except his manna
25:17 before our eyes!"
25:18 Now verse 7, "Now the manna was like coriander seed,
25:20 and its color like the color of bdellium"
25:22 that would be white.
25:23 Verse 8, The people went about it gathered it,"
25:26 just like south of the border.
25:27 "They gathered at they grounded on millstones
25:29 or they beat it in the mortar,
25:31 they cooked in a pans, and made cake of it,
25:33 and its tastes is like the taste the pastry
25:35 prepared with oil."
25:36 I'm thinking kind of like Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
25:38 I'm thinking that's probably the taste.
25:41 It says, it's like pastry, so it must have been good.
25:43 Verse-- but you know what,
25:44 you get tired of Krispy Kreme if you had it every day.
25:47 Verse 9 "And when the dew fell on the camp in the night,
25:51 the manna fell on it."
25:53 Now verse 10 watch this,
25:54 "Then Moses heard the people
25:56 weeping throughout their families,
25:59 everyone at the door of his tent..."
26:00 I've got to tell you about the Middle East.
26:01 You just watch the film out of Iraq,
26:03 when people mourn,
26:05 they never mourn in private, not in the Middle East,
26:07 you go out in the middle of the street
26:08 and then you beat your chest and you cry to the heavens.
26:13 They got it from way back then.
26:15 Everybody is in the door of their house
26:17 and they're all just wailing, and I'm telling you,
26:21 it is cutting Moses to the quick.
26:25 Apparently, it bothered God too,
26:26 it says the anger the Lord was greatly aroused
26:30 and Moses also was displeased.
26:33 You know what?
26:35 We're too hard on our leaders, way too hard on our leaders.
26:39 Do you think it is a picnic
26:41 to lead the lives of you and me?
26:44 Do you think, for a moment, don't you know?
26:47 You know what Moses does?
26:48 He said, I just can't take this
26:50 and he gets alone with God the next few verses.
26:52 He gets alone with God and he says,
26:53 now let me just run this by you again.
26:55 I'm supposed lead this people how long?
26:58 What have you called me to be?
26:59 He says it, have you called me to be a nurse maid.
27:02 What I have to do give them a little bottle
27:03 and burp them everyday.
27:05 Get them through this.
27:07 They're driving me crazy, God, I'm tired of leadership.
27:11 Trust me, our leaders get tired of leading.
27:15 So when you and I are given extra digs and jabs,
27:19 were only making it harder for the leader.
27:23 Next time you got an issue with the leader,
27:25 why don't you pray for her?
27:27 Why didn't you pray for him?
27:28 That's what you're supposed to do.
27:29 No way and get a little crowd weeping with you.
27:35 In fact, Moses is so--
27:36 Moses is so heartbroken over this.
27:39 Look at verse 15, you know what Moses says guys,
27:40 he says, "God, hey God, tell me do you love me?"
27:42 God says, "Of course I love you."
27:44 And Moses says, "If you love me, kill me."
27:46 Look at that, it's right there in verse 15, "kill me."
27:49 Well, now that gone-- put me out of my misery.
27:53 It's tough sometimes to be a leader
27:58 and then God says, "Hey, the Lord God,
28:00 all right, children, Israel, all right.
28:03 I've heard you, you have an intense craving
28:05 an appetite for flesh food,
28:07 do you-- I'm gonna give you meat
28:08 until it comes out your nostrils."
28:12 And he does, verse 31 look at this,
28:14 can you believe it?
28:15 Verse 31, "Now a wind went out from the Lord,
28:18 and it brought quail from the sea
28:20 and left them fluttering near the camp,
28:22 about a day's journey on this side
28:24 and about a day's journey on the other side,
28:26 all around the camp,
28:27 and about two cubits above the surface of the ground."
28:30 I used to think of that quail stacked up to about two cubits.
28:33 One cubit, tip elbow to tip, 18 inches one cubit.
28:38 So two cubits would be about three feet,
28:40 about a yard, yard and half, they're not quite not sure.
28:43 I used to think that the quail piled up that high.
28:45 No, that's not what happened.
28:47 I was reading a scholar this last week,
28:48 you know what happened?
28:50 The quail came down and fluttered at three feet
28:53 above the ground.
28:54 Because of the--
28:55 if the quail are fluttering at eight feet,
28:57 I'm out of luck
28:58 but when the birds are right here...
29:02 and that's exactly what they did.
29:04 They fluttered with arms reach.
29:06 Look at this, you can't believe this.
29:09 Verse 32 "And the people stayed up all that day,
29:14 and the people stayed up all that night,
29:17 and the people stayed up all the next day,
29:20 and they gathered the quail"
29:21 and hold on, now hold onto your seat
29:23 "He who gathered least gathered ten homers"
29:26 that's the-- this is the least,
29:27 that's the equivalent of 62 bushels of quail.
29:32 The guy that got the least,
29:33 had 62 of those apple bushels around this tent,
29:41 "And they spread them out for themselves
29:43 all around the camp."
29:44 They killed it they wanted meat to dry,
29:46 they're gonna cure and hey, baby, we got--
29:48 we got meat to the Promise Land, hallelujah.
29:51 But watch this, verse 33,
29:53 "But while the meat was still between their teeth,
29:56 before it was chewed,
29:58 the wrath of the Lord was aroused against the people,
30:02 and the Lord struck the people with a very great plague."
30:04 You know, what God didn't have to do a thing.
30:07 If you are eating with a feverish pitch,
30:10 you will kill yourself cramming it into your mouth.
30:15 You'll kill yourself and what happened in verse 34,
30:20 "So Moses called the name
30:21 of that place Kibroth Hattaavah,"
30:25 remember tavah avah, intense craving,
30:27 he named it the graves of craving.
30:31 The graves of craving, so here's the question.
30:33 So what is it that you crave for?
30:36 What is it that I crave for?
30:37 What do we crave for here at Andrews University.
30:39 What do we crave for in the Pioneer Memorial Church?
30:42 What is it?
30:43 The list could be endless, I suppose,
30:45 but may I mention one that turns out to be two.
30:50 I had a mother come up to me at camp meeting this summer.
30:53 She said, "Pastor have to talk with you."
30:55 So we got off the beaten path,
30:58 turns out the mother has a daughter
30:59 that is attending at--
31:01 is a student at Andrews University.
31:04 And the daughter has confided in her mother
31:07 that she's worried for her friends,
31:09 who go off campus on weekends for drinking parties.
31:14 And the mother looked me straight in the eyes,
31:16 and she says, "Pastor, you're gonna have
31:18 to say something about this."
31:22 I came home from camp meeting
31:23 and then got out the surveys from this spring,
31:24 and began to look at the surveys
31:26 and you were saying the same thing,
31:27 so today, I'm saying something.
31:34 May I read a list of statistics to you?
31:38 These are compiled over 12 months
31:40 by the Alcohol Abuse
31:44 and Alcoholism Task Force on college drinking.
31:48 Adventist Review came out
31:49 with a special issue on addiction,
31:53 care of these statistics.
31:55 The following statistics for a year bring into focus
31:57 the consequences of college drinking.
31:59 All right, over 12 month period
32:00 in the United States of America here's what happens,
32:03 1,400 students aged 18 to 24 die.
32:09 Do you understand? Die. They don't get sick.
32:12 They die, 1,400 every year, 18 to 24.
32:15 500,000 students aged 18 to 24 are unintentionally injured,
32:21 half-a-million, 600,000 students aged 18 to 24
32:24 are assaulted by another student.
32:25 70,000 students in that same age bracket
32:28 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
32:32 And hold on to this, 400,000 students
32:33 in that same age bracket have unprotected sex
32:36 and more than, 100,000 of them are too intoxicated
32:39 to know whether they had consented or not.
32:44 25% percent of college students report
32:45 negative academic consequences from their drinking.
32:49 150,000 students develop
32:50 an alcohol related health problem
32:51 1.2 to 1.5 % of students indicates suicide attempts
32:55 within the past year
32:56 as a result of alcohol or drug use.
33:00 What's going on?
33:02 We got an epidemic in America
33:03 and it's happening on our campuses.
33:07 This is the whole nation.
33:12 I'll tell you what, based on empirical evidence alone,
33:14 you can understand why a university like ours
33:17 would forbid the use of alcohol, period.
33:22 We're not dealing with rocket science here.
33:30 Does it then get used around here,
33:32 since it's forbidden?
33:34 I've had several conversations with Dwayne McBride.
33:37 He's a sociologist and a researcher here
33:39 at Andrews University.
33:40 And Dwayne just told me about a 20 year study
33:42 that he and a team of researchers
33:44 have undertaken 20 years studying only Adventist
33:47 young adults attending Adventist colleges
33:50 and universities in the United States.
33:56 And they've discovered that our students
33:57 use alcohol and drugs at a rate two-third
34:00 less than the students in the general population.
34:03 Hallelujah.
34:07 Except obviously there's still concern for the one-third,
34:12 nobody needs me to stand in front of you today
34:14 and present a case
34:15 for the destructive effects of alcohol in the human brain.
34:18 The college statistics we just shared are evidence enough.
34:22 Please, however the biblical-- the biblical case
34:26 for the abstinence from alcohol,
34:29 while it is made textually
34:30 and I put a few verses there in your study guide
34:32 Proverbs, 20: 1, Proverbs 23: 29-35.
34:37 You've got a 1 Corinthians 10:31,
34:38 you can go to 1 Corinthian 16, 19 and 20,
34:40 "Your body is a temple of God, you cannot defile it."
34:43 I mean, we can make a case textually,
34:44 the Bible strongest case however,
34:46 listen, the Bible strongest case
34:48 is made anecdotally through stories.
34:52 I heard a story just two weeks ago,
34:53 in fact, it was our children story
34:54 in the First Church.
34:55 Two weeks ago, about a village in India
34:56 where elephants broke into the village distillery.
34:59 They didn't know what was in it,
35:01 they broke into the distillery
35:02 drank everything in the distillery
35:04 and then trashed the village.
35:09 The elephants had to be euthanized,
35:13 now nobody is recommending euthanasia
35:15 for those who consume alcohol in our midst.
35:19 However in the Bible narrative, euthanasia was once,
35:23 one time, it was a strategy.
35:25 I'm talking about the two preacher kids.
35:27 The two preacher boys, the sons of Aaron,
35:31 their names Nadab and Abihu
35:33 who in a drunken stupor stagger into the sanctuary
35:37 and the glory of God--
35:40 as their bodies are being dragged
35:42 by their brothers to be buried.
35:46 God makes a point, take a look at this,
35:48 Leviticus chapter 10:9 "God says,
35:50 do not drink wine or intoxicating drink,
35:53 you, nor your sons with you,
35:54 when you go into the tabernacle of meeting, lest you die.
35:57 It should be a statute forever throughout your generations
36:00 that you may distinguish between the Holy and the unholy
36:03 between the unclean and the clean."
36:08 Anecdotally, the Bible makes its case.
36:10 Do you ever heard of the story about Daniel and his four--
36:12 his three university student peers Daniel
36:14 and there's--
36:16 they discover they're gonna be served the wine of Babylon.
36:19 And so Daniel makes a choice everybody knows
36:21 Daniel chapter 1: 8 put it on the screen please,
36:23 "But Daniel purposed in his heart
36:25 that he would not defile himself
36:27 with a portion of the Kings delicacies"
36:30 and it also says, we left that line out,
36:32 but also says the wine
36:35 and "therefore he requested the chief of the eunuchs
36:37 that he might not defile himself."
36:42 Anecdotally, the Bible makes the case.
36:44 Let's take the death of our Lord Jesus,
36:46 who, as he's hanging on the cross.
36:47 They bring to him just as they're preparing,
36:49 maybe just before hoisting him,
36:51 they bring him sour wine mixed with gall you know,
36:53 what he says he tastes it.
36:55 Let's look at the record here Matthew 27,
36:57 "They gave him sour wine mingled with gall to drink
36:59 but when He had tasted it,"
37:01 and realize what it was and new why they wanted him too
37:04 because alcohol will numb the mind.
37:07 That's a no brainer, he said I will not have that,
37:10 thank you and pushed it away with his jaw.
37:14 He would not drink it.
37:17 So we had anecdotal evidence as well as textual
37:20 but you know what,
37:21 I'm gonna take a different approach
37:23 and I'd like to come back to appetite for a moment.
37:25 You know what appetite is?
37:26 That very God given,
37:28 that very wonderful capacity we all have,
37:30 to hunger and thirst, to be able to savor tasty food,
37:33 to be able to relish delectable drink.
37:36 I mean, thank God for appetite.
37:38 I mean, can you imagine being a machine
37:40 just you'd be like a car--
37:41 is just give me that gas,
37:42 I'll suck it up, no taste, no nothing.
37:45 God made us with appetite but God created the human race,
37:49 let me do the anatomy,
37:50 I'll step around from behind this pulpit.
37:52 God made the human race intentionally one way.
37:55 He said I want your reason,
37:56 by the way, point on your own body
37:59 to where reason is in your body.
38:01 Just point, you follow me, point to where reason is,
38:04 yeah, put your finger up here.
38:05 Come on, put your finger up here.
38:07 This is where reason takes place,
38:08 is that not right?
38:09 Am I making this up?
38:10 No, now point to where appetite takes place.
38:13 I know what happens to the nerve signals
38:15 but where does appetite involved?
38:17 Yeah, right-- right here,
38:19 God says, hey, I want to--
38:20 I want you to see how I made you.
38:22 Reason is to be elevated above appetite,
38:27 you'll be just fine with reason up here
38:29 and appetite down here.
38:30 The devil comes along,
38:31 who is the enemy of God and it turns out,
38:33 he's the enemy the human race.
38:34 And he immediately sets out to reverse God's grace,
38:39 and you know what he does?
38:40 The devil makes fools of us
38:42 because he said I'm gonna make you walk on your hands.
38:43 I'm gonna make you walk on your hands
38:46 'cause I want your head down and I want your belly up.
38:49 I want the belly over the head.
38:52 I want a visceral to control the rational and the spiritual.
38:55 Would you jot that down, please?
38:57 In our creation,
38:58 God elevated reason over appetite,
39:00 but in our fall, Satan elevated appetite over reason.
39:05 He did it with Adam and Eve at the tree, didn't he?
39:07 He said, hey, good looking, come here.
39:09 Girl, come here, hey, you ought to taste this.
39:15 If in fact, if you taste this.
39:17 it'll give you a high so high,
39:19 you'll be higher than God himself, eat it.
39:23 Appetite elevated over reason, did at--
39:27 did it right at the beginning.
39:29 He did it with Esop, remembers the story of Esop?
39:31 He's been hunting all day, and he's coming in and oh,
39:33 man, is he famished and he gets
39:35 a whiff of his twin brother Jacobs lentil stew.
39:39 How you could get mouth watering over that,
39:42 I have no idea but he smells that lentil stew.
39:45 And he says, ah, and then Satan whispers to him,
39:49 hey Esop, let me just a something,
39:50 boy, you are hungry.
39:53 Oh, Esop, I want to tell you something,
39:54 you are so hungry.
39:55 I predict you will die if you don't get that.
39:58 So while Satan's doing that number,
39:59 getting appetite over reason, he's over here,
40:01 Jacob is saying hey, by the way boy,
40:02 this is your big chance,
40:03 why don't you make a deal make a deal with your brother.
40:05 Tell him you'll give him the stew
40:07 if he'll give you the birthright, boom!
40:08 And so Satan comes--
40:10 Esop who should have been the Prince,
40:12 the leader of that tribe.
40:14 Oh, come on, this silly little birthright stuff,
40:16 you don't believe Gods promises do you?
40:18 You're hungry boy.
40:19 You're hungry, eat, appetite over reason.
40:23 Nadab and Abihu, appetite over reason,
40:26 Satan attempted that with Daniel,
40:28 appetite over reason, he lost.
40:30 Satan comes to Almighty God in human form
40:33 in the wilderness and makes the same play,
40:35 appetite over reason.
40:37 Come on, hey, who are you?
40:40 Look like you haven't eaten 40 days and 40 nights.
40:44 Pitiful and suppose you think you are who they--
40:47 who you've been saying you are, son of God.
40:49 Yeah, right, give me another one,
40:51 I tell you what, I'm from heaven,
40:53 if you're really the son of God, see those--
40:55 I bet you're hungry.
40:56 See those stones,
40:57 you turned one of them into baked bread
40:59 and I will believe you, sir, that you are who you are.
41:02 Appetite elevated over reason but Jesus sniffed a snake,
41:08 smelled the old serpent and you know what Jesus does,
41:11 this is incredible.
41:12 He goes to our theme book for this series
41:15 Deuteronomy and by memory,
41:18 he quotes Deuteronomy 8:3 our last text to look up.
41:21 I need you to see it in your Bible please,
41:23 Deuteronomy your numbers just go the next book
41:26 over Deuteronomy chapter 8, amazing.
41:30 He takes our theme book and quotes from it,
41:35 Deuteronomy chapter 8:3,
41:38 Moses's farewell address
41:40 he'll be dead at the end to this address,
41:42 he'll climb Mount Nebo leader fail, leaders failed.
41:46 It's a high price leaders pay, tough job but also high price.
41:54 So Moses talking to these grown up children
41:56 whose parents are now buried in the wilderness.
41:57 "So God humbled you, and he allowed you to hunger,"
42:03 would you hit the pause button right there.
42:05 I want to suggest that there are times
42:07 when God lets you and me hunger in order to reveal to us
42:11 the ferocious power of appetite.
42:16 I was flying to another camp meeting,
42:18 it's over in New Jersey.
42:21 And so you have a good breakfast,
42:22 it's Friday so I'm gonna start preaching
42:23 first things Sabbath morning.
42:24 It's--It's Friday, you get a good breakfast
42:26 and then a you fly over
42:28 to the east coast going to New Jersey.
42:30 And I fly United
42:31 and you know what United serves you?
42:32 Nothing. Nothing.
42:33 Nothing but these pitiful, pitiful pretzels
42:37 that's all you get a tiny little bag.
42:39 If you have another airline
42:40 that feed you better let me know.
42:42 Nothing, so I get this little--
42:44 I get this little bag,
42:46 so I get the thickest drink I can get
42:48 and that's tomato juice
42:49 and wolf it all down with tomato juice.
42:51 The story of my life, the plane is late,
42:52 so I get into wherever it is in New Jersey late.
42:55 And then I have this rental car
42:56 and I'm thinking you know the Sabbath has come,
42:57 I'll find a place to eat there will be a place to eat.
43:00 I'm going on a turnpike
43:01 I have never driven on in my life
43:02 and I cannot find a--
43:03 find a blooming place to eat.
43:06 That evening and I'm saying, this is terrible.
43:09 I had only breakfast.
43:11 I'm-- I'm dying.
43:14 I'm telling you, I have a problem with appetite.
43:17 Some of you think that you know what,
43:19 if you're thin, you don't have a problem with appetite.
43:20 I want to tell you something,
43:22 don't you ever fall into that kind of thinking.
43:24 Appetite is not determined by the size of your body.
43:26 Appetite is determined by the force of that hunger.
43:30 It has nothing to do with your weight,
43:31 don't let anybody either side of the spectrum
43:34 lock you into a corner.
43:36 Do you understand? Appetite.
43:37 I see skinny little people running around
43:39 and that appetite
43:40 is out of control in their lives.
43:41 They're eating all through the day this well,
43:43 it's no problem with me.
43:45 No, it is a problem with you, sir.
43:48 It's a problem with me, I'll tell you.
43:50 So I'm driving, I say,
43:51 oh, I can't find anything to eat,
43:52 I'll go without food. I'll do this for you, God.
43:57 So I get to this hotel
43:59 and I check it is there any place to eat?
44:00 No, nowhere to eat.
44:01 The breakfast in the morning at six, okay,
44:04 little, a little bottle of mints,
44:07 I was tempted to empty them in my pocket
44:09 and go up to my room.
44:11 I didn't but I got up into the room
44:13 and you know what,
44:14 by now I'm throwing a tizzy fit with God,
44:16 I'm just, God I don't--
44:17 What is the problem?
44:18 And just like that God came to me and said,
44:20 let's just take a little time out,
44:21 would you breath?
44:25 You skipped two meals and you're going ballistic.
44:30 I went 40 days and 40 nights without a morsel to eat.
44:33 Don't you tell me
44:35 the power of appetite in your life.
44:38 It ain't nothing.
44:41 And boy was I chastised and sat straight.
44:44 There are times when God allows hunger to overtake us,
44:48 to show us the ferocious visceral power of appetite.
44:54 Jesus didn't quote the whole verse to--
44:56 Satan he knew the whole verse.
44:58 "So he humbled you, allowed you to hunger,
45:00 and fed you with manna"
45:01 by the way, if you're struggling with appetite
45:03 that is one of the solutions to appetite,
45:05 I'm telling you the truth.
45:06 Nutritionists will tell you, if you move to a simple diet,
45:10 this rich, this multiple 500 course eating,
45:15 you don't have to live that way.
45:16 You can you can cut back the power,
45:19 go for simplicity.
45:21 So we fed you with manna
45:23 which you do not know nor did your father's know
45:25 that he might make you know that,
45:26 here it comes,
45:27 "Man shall not live by bread alone
45:29 but man lives by every word
45:31 that proceeds from the mouth of God."
45:33 Write it down please,
45:34 there's Jesus talking about sliced bread,
45:36 we don't live by slice bread alone.
45:37 No. No. No.
45:38 Write it down man and woman
45:39 shall not live by appetite alone.
45:42 Appetite must be subservient to reason,
45:45 that's the point.
45:47 Lucifer's going for the jugular,
45:48 he's going for appetite
45:50 as he's done all through history
45:52 but Jesus stops him cold,
45:54 he says, I'm not gonna live by that way.
45:56 Now when I yield to this force,
45:57 of course it's a force in me but I will not yield to it.
46:00 "Man should not live by bread alone,
46:02 by appetite alone
46:03 but by every word that proceeds"
46:04 capital W word the word got the proceeds
46:07 from the mouth of God,
46:08 Jesus points to Satan write it down,
46:10 "Reason must supersede appetite."
46:12 Faith must rise above food.
46:15 Your life must be dictated through your mind
46:17 and not your belly.
46:20 And I put a verse there,
46:21 let me put the verse on the screen for you.
46:23 This is an amazing verse, Paul with tears writes this,
46:26 he's writing in prison by the way.
46:28 Brothers and sisters, join in following my example
46:30 and note those who so walks as you walk from us a pattern.
46:34 So go ahead and follow the way we live.
46:36 "For many walk of whom I have told you often
46:39 and now tell you even weeping."
46:41 I'm telling you in tears
46:42 "that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ."
46:44 Who are they?
46:45 "Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly,
46:50 and whose glory is in their shame--
46:51 who set their minds on earthly things."
46:56 The tragedy is that even for the chosen,
47:00 the belly can become the God,
47:02 not just for drink but also for food.
47:08 That's why this sermon on alcohol
47:09 is really a teaching on appetite.
47:11 Yeah, but come on, pastor, give me a break,
47:13 alcohol is a lot worse.
47:14 Oh, really?
47:15 A hundred years ago, jot this down,
47:16 hundred years ago these words were written.
47:18 "The word of God places the sin of gluttony
47:21 in the same catalog
47:23 in the same category with drunkenness."
47:31 Because appetite out of control is appetite out of control,
47:35 whether it is food or drink.
47:38 And by the way, whether you are a college student
47:41 or a leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
47:43 If you don't have your appetite under control,
47:45 you got a problem.
47:47 I have a problem.
47:49 I have a problem.
47:52 'Cause we want this will be come on Dwight,
47:53 get them in these alcohol thing.
47:55 'Cause I don't touch alcohol. Get them. Get them. Get them.
47:57 No, it's not about alcohol, it's about appetite, appetite.
48:04 So let's not you and I be too hard
48:05 on the alcohol drinker.
48:07 We who also struggle with our appetite and I'm one.
48:11 So what hope is there for our addictions?
48:14 I got some great news for you, great news for you.
48:15 Great news for your roommate.
48:16 Great news for your spouse. Great news for your children.
48:21 By the way, when you leave here,
48:23 there will be a magazine, want to put a magazine.
48:25 You take it home, you take a look at--
48:27 delightful magazine that will be at the door
48:28 when you leave.
48:30 By the way, if you're watching on television right now,
48:32 call the 800 number at the end.
48:34 You'll see this 800 number, we're right near the end now.
48:36 Call that 800 number when you see it,
48:38 write it down and we'll make sure
48:40 the magazine is mailed to you.
48:41 All right, but here's the great news,
48:44 Dwayne McBride okay, our research,
48:46 our sociologist here,
48:48 in their study of Adventist young
48:51 in our colleges over this 20 period,
48:52 they discovered--
48:54 and here's where your study guides is
48:55 worth all of this, 8 resilience factors.
48:58 They found out that there are 8 resilience factors
49:00 that were either keep young adult out an alcohol
49:03 or help young adults get out alcohol.
49:06 8 of them and by the way,
49:08 Dwayne says that these eight factors,
49:10 resilience factors work for any addiction.
49:12 So they're good news for all of us.
49:13 Okay jot them down and then I'll sit down.
49:16 Number one parents, these are 8 factors.
49:20 "Parents accept youth unconditionally in a home
49:24 characterized by love and warmth."
49:26 That's great by the way, these are not in priority.
49:29 I'll show you the number one predictor in just a moment.
49:32 Number one, "Parent except youth unconditional."
49:34 The kids need to live in a home,
49:35 where I'm accepted.
49:36 Number two "The young adult is able to talk
49:39 to another adult about anything."
49:41 There has to be some adult in that young adult's life
49:44 that he can talk to or she can talk too.
49:46 Number three "Able to talk to faculty
49:48 or staff about anything."
49:50 You know what, God has called you and me
49:52 to teach classes at this university.
49:54 Our mission is not only behind the lectern,
49:56 our mission is in front of that lectern.
49:58 It is in the mixing and blending with young adults,
50:02 somebody's looking is this the guy that I can trust?
50:04 Is this the woman,
50:06 is this the teacher I can trust with everything on my heart.
50:09 They're looking. When they have that--
50:12 It's a factor that to keep them
50:13 out of alcohol or gets them out.
50:15 Okay and here is the number one predictor,
50:17 isn't this amazing?
50:18 Number one predictor,
50:19 they attend church nearly every week.
50:23 The young adults surveyed who attend church
50:25 nearly every week answered no to the question.
50:28 Did you--
50:29 did you subsist with alcohol last year?
50:33 This is the highest predictor
50:35 so let me just tell you something ladies and gentlemen,
50:37 you are in the right place
50:40 to live a life set free from addictions, any addiction.
50:44 You came to the right place.
50:45 I don't care where you go as long as you go
50:49 and that's something.
50:50 Number five "They attend Sabbath School
50:51 nearly every week."
50:52 Amazing.
50:53 Number-- these are 8 resilience predicted.
50:55 Number six, "They have personal prayer
50:56 several times a week praying."
50:59 Number seven "They read the Bible at least weekly."
51:01 "Man does not live by bread alone
51:03 but by word that comes out of my mouth of God."
51:05 They read the Bible at least weekly
51:07 and find the number eight
51:08 "Community service four plus hours a month."
51:11 The bus will be leaving this afternoon
51:13 to Benton Harbor inner city.
51:15 You want to give some hours of public service,
51:17 get involved in community service
51:19 here at Andrews University.
51:20 And by the way adults,
51:21 that's true for you and me with our addictions as well.
51:23 You need to be helping others not just me.
51:26 Me. Me. Me.
51:28 I-- there you are, can you believe it?
51:30 8 resilience factors to keep your appetite
51:32 under control of reason
51:33 and away from alcohol or addictive behavior.
51:36 8 of them, turns out Jesus knew what he was talking about,
51:39 when he said man and woman do not live by bread alone,
51:42 not by appetite, no.
51:43 But by every word to proceed out of the mouth of God,
51:46 if you go to the word of God
51:47 It will elevate your reason above your appetite.
51:50 Right now, you have appetite up go to the word of God
51:53 it will reverse you back
51:54 to your divinely intended creation.
51:59 Reason here, appetite here. Reason higher than appetite.
52:05 I want to end with this quotation.
52:07 Oh, this is great news.
52:08 This is something, this is desire of ages wow.
52:11 "By passing over the ground which man must travel,
52:15 our Lord has prepared the way for us to overcome.
52:17 It is not His will that we should be placed
52:19 at a disadvantage in the conflict with Satan.
52:21 He would not have us intimidated
52:22 and discouraged by the assaults of the serpent."
52:24 And I love this, "'Be of good cheer,'
52:26 Jesus says, 'I have overcome the world.'
52:28 John 16:33.
52:30 Let him, let her who is struggling
52:32 against the power of appetite look to the Savior
52:34 in the wilderness of temptation.
52:36 See Him in His agony upon the cross,
52:38 as He exclaimed, 'I thirst.'
52:41 He has endured all that it is possible for us to bear.
52:45 His victory, "hallelujah write it down,
52:47 "His victory is ours."
52:50 Ladies and gentlemen how could the news
52:52 the any better than that, huh?
52:53 I have overcome the world, be of good cheer.
52:58 My victory is your victory.
53:01 Some of are struggling
53:03 with alcohol abuse in your life.
53:05 You're struggling with it, I'm telling you my friend,
53:06 I'm not giving you a simplistic solution
53:09 because if you join AA
53:11 and some of you need to join AA,
53:12 one of the first things they'll tell you is
53:14 you've got to depend on divine power.
53:16 That divine power has a name and his name is Jesus.
53:20 My victory is your victory,
53:22 what I did for you at cavalry I will do for you now.
53:25 I will give you the power
53:29 to put reason back up again over appetite.
53:37 How many want to-- hey, come on guys,
53:40 how many want to say Jesus,
53:43 you know what's going on in my life right now?
53:45 I need to say this to him,
53:46 you know what's going on in my life right now?
53:48 Jesus, please, through the power of you
53:51 victory at Calvary,
53:52 would you reverse,
53:53 do what you must do
53:55 but would you put reason at the top?
53:58 And let me live in the power of your victory.
54:02 You want to say that to Jesus, right?
54:03 Now stand to your feet.
54:04 If you want to say that to Jesus,
54:06 stand to your feet and say Jesus, do it please.
54:10 Why wouldn't I stand? But of course I would stand.
54:14 Oh, Christ we're not promising you anything
54:17 because our will is like ropes of sand.
54:20 We've been there and done that
54:22 but we're standing to our feet, Holy Christ.
54:26 On the cross, the power of your victory,
54:31 it can be ours and so we stand
54:35 and we got addictions come on look at us.
54:37 We got appetite please, we got it
54:40 but we're on the borders of the promise land.
54:43 Paul was right, some stuff has to get dealt with now,
54:48 we can't deal with it.
54:50 Don't have the guts but Holy Christ,
54:53 you have the power.
54:54 You said, be a good cheer, I've overcome the world.
54:59 My victory is yours and so we stand Jesus,
55:01 give it to every man women and child standing
55:04 and what you begin here Holy Christ journey with us
55:08 every step of the way.
55:14 For your name sake
55:17 let all the people say, amen and amen.
55:23 Before you go,
55:24 I wanted to take one more moment
55:26 to let you know,
55:27 how glad I am you shared this hour of worship
55:29 and Bible teachings with us.
55:30 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church,
55:32 we're on the campus of Andrews University
55:34 and the series is The Chosen.
55:36 This is the series that has been growing
55:39 and it's burned on my heart
55:40 and over the last few weeks before this new season began.
55:44 And some concentrated prayer time,
55:46 I believe the spirit of God led me to the series
55:49 out of book of Deuteronomy,
55:51 for this generation within our community of faith
55:53 and outside this community of faith.
55:55 I believe both--
55:57 both communities need to hear the compelling Bible truth
56:03 captured in the series called The Chosen.
56:04 So thank you for joining,
56:06 joining me and all of us as we continue our journey
56:09 deeper and deeper into the heart of--
56:10 of this theme.
56:12 Living as you and I do and I'm--
56:14 I'm-- I know I'm preaching to the choir now,
56:16 living as we do on the edge of the civilization
56:19 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change,
56:23 I'm so grateful and I know you are
56:26 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus.
56:29 I'm thankful that you and I been given the--
56:31 privilege by God to partner,
56:33 to reach this generation
56:35 the world over through the satellite telecast.
56:37 I don't know how it works,
56:38 I just know that those satellites
56:39 drop the signals and those foot prints
56:42 all over the planet are helping disseminate.
56:46 This divine called to become a part of the chosen,
56:48 God's last generation on earth.
56:50 So please, here's what I wanted you to know,
56:52 I thank God for you, in the generous way
56:55 you have partnered with us in the past,
56:57 in making New perceptions possible, globally.
57:00 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:03 all across the earth.
57:04 I believe for such a time is this.
57:06 Look, would you like to order copy of today's teaching,
57:10 you can order DVD,
57:11 you get all the PowerPoint everything is there.
57:13 You can share it with your friends,
57:14 share it with your family.
57:16 I want to just insert this here,
57:17 if you go to our website and we've been advertising
57:19 our website all along the way
57:20 and I'm gonna insert it right here,
57:22 go to website.
57:26 You can get a podcast of this,
57:27 we have people now subscribing to podcasts the world over.
57:31 It's time for this message to get out.
57:33 Thank you for your partnership and helping us do that.
57:36 Call one of our friendly operators,
57:37 the toll free number won't cost you a penny.
57:40 Here in North America 877-HIS-WILL,
57:42 you call that number,
57:44 I promise you every penny that you share,
57:47 we will invest your generosity in Gods mission
57:50 to reach this final generation now.
57:53 Thank you very, very much and be assured,
57:55 I'm looking forward to seeing you here,
57:58 right here, again next time as we continue
58:01 our fascinating journey into The Chosen.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2015-06-22