Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP102508
00:30 Beautiful Savior
00:34 Lord of all nations 00:39 Son of God 00:40 Son of Man 00:45 And Son of Man! 00:53 Glory and honor, 00:58 Praise adoration, 01:04 Now and forevermore be Thine. 01:16 Hallelujah. 01:17 Would you grab your neighbor's hand? 01:18 We're going to invite the Lord's presence here again. 01:21 Grab your neighbor's hand. 01:22 Father, today we touch and agree believing that 01:25 You have invited us here today to meet You. 01:29 We sense Your presence, Lord Jesus. 01:31 Teach us today, draw us closer ever to thee. 01:35 We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 01:40 How many know that the Lord is Holy? 01:43 The Bible declares He is high and lifted up 01:46 separate from sinners. 01:47 And so we sing that song today. 01:51 We stand and lift up our hands 01:54 For the joy 01:55 For the joy of the Lord is our strength 02:01 We bow down and worship Him now 02:07 How great, how awesome is He 02:12 And together we sing 02:19 Everyone sing 02:23 Holy is the Lord 02:24 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 02:31 The earth is filled with His glory 02:36 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 02:42 The earth is filled with His glory 02:48 The earth is filled with His glory 02:56 Let me try it again, we stand and lift up our hands. 02:58 We stand and lift up our hands 03:02 For the joy of the Lord 03:03 For the joy of the Lord is our strength 03:09 We bow down and worship 03:10 We bow down and worship Him now 03:15 How great, how awesome is He 03:20 And together we sing 03:25 Everyone sing 03:27 Everyone sing 03:30 Let's try out together, Holy. 03:32 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 03:38 The earth is filled with His glory 03:43 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 03:49 The earth is filled with His glory 03:55 The earth is filled with His glory 04:04 It's rising up all around 04:10 It's the anthem of the Lord's renown 04:16 It's rising up all around 04:21 It's the anthem of the Lord's renown 04:27 It's rising up all around 04:33 It's the anthem of the Lord's renown 04:39 It's rising up all around 04:45 It's the anthem of the Lord's renown 04:52 And together we sing 04:59 Everyone sing 05:04 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 05:11 The earth is filled with His glory 05:16 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 05:23 The earth is filled with His glory 05:28 The earth is filled with His glory 05:34 The earth is filled with His glory 05:44 Amen. Please take your seats. 05:48 Isn't that something to sing about? 05:51 The Lord is Holy, 05:52 He is drawing us closer and closer. 05:55 We want to teach you a new song. 05:56 Song the Lord gave to me, it says to all generations. 06:00 And it comes from Psalm 89:1. 06:01 It says, I will sing at the mercies of the Lord forever 06:04 and declare His faithfulness unto all generation. 06:07 And so we'll repeat that course to all generations. 06:10 We're thinking of our commitment to share, 06:13 to just walk across the room and to sing of His mercy 06:17 and His love and His faithfulness to us. 06:20 Just repeat after me, we're going to sing it 06:21 for you few times, just repeat. 06:23 Here we go. We'll sing and you repeat. 06:28 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 06:35 Try that. 06:36 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 06:42 And the next part says. 06:43 And declare His faithfulness in truth 06:49 Try that, and declare 06:50 And declare His faithfulness in truth 06:55 Nest part says, I will testify. 06:57 I will testify, of one crucified 07:04 Try that. 07:06 I will testify, of one crucified 07:12 And the last part says. 07:14 I will sing His praises 07:17 I will sing His praises 07:20 And the courses to all generations, 07:21 To all generations, to all generations 07:29 To all generations we speak 07:34 To all generations. 07:36 To all generations, to all generations 07:43 To all generations we speak 07:49 We will try all again together that same verse, 07:51 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. 07:54 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 08:01 And declare His faithfulness in truth 08:07 I will testify. 08:09 I will testify 08:12 Of one crucified. 08:13 Of one crucified 08:15 And I will sing His praises. 08:16 And I will sing His praises 08:19 To all generations. 08:20 To all generations, 08:24 to all generations 08:27 To all generations we speak 08:35 To all generations, to all generations 08:42 To all generations we sing 08:48 Come on try one more verse, I will sing. 08:53 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 09:00 And declare His faithfulness in truth 09:06 So with all my heart. 09:07 So with all my heart 09:11 And every breath. 09:12 And every breath 09:14 I will shout His praises. 09:15 I will shout His praises 09:18 Just bring out that chorus. 09:19 To all generations, to all generations 09:26 To all generations we speak 09:32 Let's sing that, to all. 09:33 To all generations, to all generations 09:40 To all generations we sing 09:46 One last time. 09:47 To all generations, to all generations 09:55 To all generations we speak 10:02 To all generations, to all generations 10:10 To all generations we speak 10:39 Sing the mighty power of God 10:42 Marvelous amazing 10:45 Sing the mighty power of God 10:48 Earth and heaven praise Him 10:51 God is worthy to be praised 10:57 To be praised 11:02 Sing the mighty power of God 11:05 Marvelous amazing 11:08 Sing the mighty power of God 11:11 Earth and heaven praise Him 11:14 God is worthy to be praised 11:20 To be praised 11:33 Everything with life and breath 11:39 Makes His glories known 11:46 All authority and strength 11:52 belong to God alone 11:59 Sing the mighty power 12:02 Sing the mighty power of God 12:09 Marvelous amazing 12:12 Sing the mighty power of God 12:15 Earth and heaven praise Him 12:18 God is worthy to be praised 12:24 To be praised 12:34 I sing the almighty power of God 12:41 That made the mountains rise, 12:46 the mountains rise 12:50 Sing the mighty power 12:53 Sing the mighty power 12:57 Sing the mighty power of God 13:08 I sing the mighty power of God 13:17 The power of God 13:29 Let's pray. 13:36 Holy Father, appropriate words, 13:40 this singing of Your might power given this hour 13:49 a political uncertainty, 13:53 economic turbulence. 13:59 How would You have Your children engaged this hour? 14:05 May this morning's teaching be clear. 14:12 Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen. 14:19 Once upon a time 14:23 Jesus was ambushed 14:27 by a group of young seminarians and giving the sterling 14:34 reputation that our seminarians enjoy on this campus. 14:37 I know that sounds a bit strange to you, 14:39 seminarians ambushing Jesus. 14:47 Covert their assignment, placed strategically 14:54 in the crowd that morning by their professors, 15:01 the religious elders and Pharisees. 15:04 It was one of those classic, 15:07 gotcha journalism moments. 15:13 I realize that we are in an election season right now. 15:18 I don't know where you stand politically 15:21 and it really doesn't matter to me 15:22 and you don't know where I stand and you won't. 15:27 But I have a feeling all of us, come on, 15:30 let's just be honest, all of us have felt a bit drawn 15:37 to her plight, her name is Sarah Palin. 15:40 I don't know if you've heard of her. 15:46 Drawn to what appears to be 15:51 the gotcha journalism of the main stream press. 15:55 Vice presidential nominee of course and John Mccain's 16:00 republican ticket. 16:02 Wikipedia defines "Gotcha journalism" this way, 16:06 let me read it to you, "Method of interviewing 16:10 which are designed to entrap the interviewee 16:14 into making statements which are damaging or discreditable 16:17 to their character, integrity, or repute." 16:23 Now it cuts both ways. 16:25 Both political parties, any candidate is fare game, 16:28 gotcha journalism. 16:30 This was to be the perfect, perfect setup. 16:37 Flattering, innocent 16:41 but in that question a Christian 16:46 community on the eve of this national election 16:49 would do well-- listen carefully, 16:51 to both the young seminarians gotcha question 16:56 and Jesus gotcha back answer. 17:02 We continue our series Primetime. 17:05 Open your Bible to the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 22 17:08 and while you are doing that I'll put it on the screen. 17:10 This is our series Primetime. 17:12 This is part seven in Primetime. 17:15 Title of today's teaching, "The Politics of the Kingdom," 17:18 subtitle, "How to Vote in this Election." 17:24 And I hope we were still friends when it's over. 17:28 If you've missed the previous six in this 17:30 teaching by the way, let me leave it up 17:31 for little longer there's our website. 17:32 You can go to that website and get the pod cast 17:35 to the previous six teachings. 17:36 And by the way don't miss next week 17:39 when the title of our teaching will be, 17:41 can an atheist be saved? 17:44 How can I effectively share 17:46 my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 17:47 with someone who doesn't believe of it? 17:52 I hope you'll be here next weekend. 17:54 All right, this is Matthew 22. 17:56 I am in the Today's New International Version. 18:00 Grab your Bible, if you didn't bring your Bible 18:01 you got to track this little narrative in Matthew 22 18:03 the pew Bible in front of you. 18:05 What's the page number, page 665. 18:08 That will be in the New King James Version. 18:11 Matthew Chapter 22, let's pick it up in verse 15, 18:14 "Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap 18:18 him in his words." 18:19 Classic definition of gotcha journalism, 18:23 that's what you do. 18:26 Now remind you this is Tuesday. 18:29 Tomorrow is Wednesday, the next day is Thursday 18:34 and after that will be Friday upon which this young 18:38 Galilean will be executed by the Roman authorities. 18:45 But the Pharisees have no idea that the Friday is coming. 18:47 They have no idea what will happen transpire 18:50 for the reminder of this week. 18:51 What they do know is that they must somehow gather 18:56 enough legal evidence for a religious court, 19:00 for a secular court it doesn't matter, 19:03 accumulate Ecclesiastical, federal charges. 19:06 Somehow you got to trap Him with His own words. 19:11 Get rid of this guy, eliminate Him, odious. 19:16 He's been a thorn in our side ever since He began. 19:21 "Then the Pharisees went out," verse 15, 19:23 "and laid plans to trap him in his words." 19:26 Now here they come, the young seminaries. 19:28 "They sent their disciples to Him." 19:30 Hold it right there. 19:32 They sent their disciples. 19:34 There was a seminary in Jerusalem. 19:36 It's obvious the Pharisees cannot on this Tuesday 19:39 morning dare show up with their glorious flowing 19:41 robes and their big bushy beards. 19:44 It would be a dead give away that somebody is out 19:47 to nail this preacher. 19:49 Jesus would be prepared, cocked and ready to go. 19:53 So they send the beardless seminaries to filter 19:56 into that crowd and stand there innocuously waiting 19:59 for their perfect moment. 20:01 The instructions to the seminaries are clear 20:03 by the way, an automatic A you can nail Him. 20:08 Who wouldn't take the offer? 20:14 Verse 16 again, "They sent their disciples to Him 20:18 along with the Herodians." 20:22 Hit the pause button right there. 20:25 Tragically, it's too often the case, the church, 20:29 when on certain that she has the leverage 20:30 and power to accomplish her task tragically she often does 20:34 precisely this. 20:35 She allies herself with a political party in order 20:38 to achieve her means and her ends. 20:44 The Herodians, the Herodians, 20:46 they are a political party, party of Jews. 20:50 They back the Roman puppet ruler of Palestine, 20:54 Harold Antipas that's why they called Herodians. 20:58 Now you got to understand this envy obviously, 21:01 clearly bags the most strange of bad fellows 21:06 because the Pharisees are ultranationalist. 21:08 They are the archconservatives, 21:10 they spit on the very thought of collaborators. 21:15 So for the Pharisees to lock, 21:17 to join forces with Herodians is the evidence 21:24 of desperation now. 21:27 And that's a tragedy by the way, 21:29 that has ever been the tragedy in desperation 21:32 to achieve our agenda that the church allies 21:37 itself with a political party and we are always 21:42 the weaker for it. 21:46 This last year brought the untimely death 21:51 of two of the most well known leaders 21:53 of the religious right in this country, 21:54 Jerry Falwell and D James Kennedy. 21:58 Four years ago, this season 22:06 Jerry Falwell before the re-election 22:09 of President George W. Bush, Jerry Falwell, 22:13 Baptist preacher and pastor, 22:15 Chancellor of Liberty University in Virginia, 22:19 Lynchburg Virginia. 22:20 Jerry Falwell made this statement 22:22 I put it on the screen for you. 22:25 Both Kennedy and Falwell unabashed 22:29 and they are pastor over parties and loyalties. 22:31 Here it goes, "For conservative people, 22:33 " quoting Jerry Falwell now four years ago. 22:34 "For conservative people of faith, 22:36 voting for principle this year means voting 22:38 for the re-election of George W. Bush. 22:41 I believe it is the responsibility 22:43 of every political conservative, every evangelical 22:46 Christian, every pro-life Catholic, 22:47 every traditional Jew, every Reagan Democrat, 22:50 and everyone in between to get serious about 22:52 re-electing President Bush." 22:54 So preaches a baptize protestant preacher. 22:59 Of course, it is the right of every American Christian 23:02 and by the way we have 100 nations here, 23:04 it is the right of every Christian on earth 23:07 to engage in the national election and vote 23:10 your wish, vote your convictions, 23:12 vote your conscious. 23:15 But the tragic death of our Lord Jesus 23:18 is in incontrovertible 'Exhibit A' that when the church 23:22 aligns itself with a political party the end 23:25 results are always, always disastrous. 23:32 For evangelicals in America today to blindly ally 23:36 or align themselves to a political party repeats 23:39 the sin of the Pharisees and the Herodians. 23:44 Let James Dobson be his tired drum, 23:48 you cannot let one spokes person 23:51 become the voice of an entire community of faith. 23:57 And by the way you want to 'Exhibit B'? 23:59 If 'Exhibit A' wasn't enough you want 'Exhibit B?' 24:02 The political collaboration of the church in Nazi 24:06 Germany is a Sambar 'Exhibit B' about 24:11 the national political, even emergency amalgamation 24:16 that can take a church down. 24:19 I tell you what, it does not forebode well for Jesus 24:22 this Tuesday morning when the church has aligned 24:26 itself with a political party. 24:31 Verse 16, "So they sent their disciples" 24:34 these young seminaries 24:35 "to Him along with the Herodians. 24:36 'Teacher,'" Here we go now, "'Teacher,' they said, 24:40 'we know that you are a man of integrity 24:43 and that you teach the way of God 24:45 in accordance with the truth. 24:46 You aren't swayed by others, 24:48 because you pay no attention to who they are.' 24:51 " All right, I want to tell you something. 24:52 If ever I would covet a complement I would want 24:55 those words to be said about me, wouldn't you? 24:58 I mean, come on. 24:59 I know that when you open up your mouth 25:01 you tell the truth. 25:02 You are not swayed political position 25:03 or power. 25:04 You hold your like because it's what you believed 25:07 to be truth. 25:08 If only the young seminaries believed 25:12 what they have just mouthed. 25:14 Oh, no, this is just a flattery setup 25:18 for the gotcha question. 25:24 Verse 17, 25:28 Tell us, O good teacher, "Tell us then, 25:34 what is your opinion?" 25:35 Boom, red light. 25:36 Jesus knows immediately. 25:38 They just said, they value me for telling the truth 25:41 and now they are asking my opinion. 25:43 They don't want to know at all. 25:45 Tell us. 25:46 They gave themselves away too early. 25:48 "Tell us then, what is your opinion? 25:50 Is it right to pay the imperial tax 25:53 to Caesar or not?" 25:58 It seemingly harmless question, you got to admit. 26:00 I mean, please, shall we pay the tax that subjugated 26:02 peoples and provinces of Rome, of the Roman Empire, 26:05 are require to pay, Roman citizens themselves being 26:08 exempted of course. 26:10 I tell you what, them fighting words 26:11 with the nationalistic community like the Jews. 26:15 The Pharisees said, no way, no way. 26:18 The Herodians said, but of course we pay that tax. 26:21 So what do you say, Jesus? 26:23 Should we or should we not? 26:25 Oh, its perfect. 26:26 Gotcha journalism, if he Says, 26:27 pay the tax then the Pharisees will declare Him, 26:29 an enemy of law of God for they believe the law of God 26:32 for bad paying taxes to any foreign power 26:35 and if He says, don't pay the tax then they will hurry 26:37 to the governor and declare that He is an insurrectionist 26:40 against Rome. 26:41 Gotcha either way. 26:42 Brilliant. Automatic A. 26:50 Verse 18, "But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, 26:58 said, 'You hypocrites,'" you are too young to be this, 27:02 "'You hypocrites why are you trying to trap me?' 27:11 "And then Jesus, get this, 27:14 because He is so dirt poor 27:19 has to turn to the crown and say, hey, 27:21 anybody here have a coin? 27:22 Somebody throw me a coin, He's that poor. 27:26 Not even a coin. 27:29 Somebody reached in to his flowing robes 27:34 and flips a coin across the clearing 27:37 to where the young Gillian catches it. 27:43 He holds up the coin, 27:46 it's a denarius, denarius, 27:53 equal to the wages of a common laborer for one day. 27:57 Let's say you work at McDonalds 27:58 and you get $8 an hour and you work eight hours 28:00 a day doing $60 to $64 in this coin for tax. 28:07 I did this in first service. 28:08 This is a silver dollar by the way. 28:10 I did this in first service between services 28:13 one of my friends doctoral student here 28:15 Kenneth Morrison met me just 28:17 before coming on to the platform today. 28:19 He said, I want to show you something. 28:22 He said, take a look at this. 28:24 He handed me an actual denarius, 28:27 its right here in this plastic. 28:28 Oh, I must be very careful, dated between 14 and 37 A.D. 28:36 It's about the size, it's about the size 28:41 little bigger than a dime and smaller than a nickel. 28:45 So that's what somebody threw at Jesus. 28:46 He did have a coin. They threw it at Him. 28:49 Jesus held it up and just like this one, 28:53 in fact Ken Morrison said to me, you know what, 28:54 Dwight, this could be the actual coin. 28:58 It could be, you don't know that its not. 29:01 We know it's between 14 and 37 A.D. 29:03 because we have Tiberius picture on the coin. 29:07 This could be the one He held up. 29:11 Let's pretend it is. 29:16 Jesus holds up the coin and He gets it so that, 29:19 so that the Tiberius' face is facing straight at the 29:24 smart aleckian seminaries. 29:27 He says, all right, tell me whose picture, 29:31 whose image is engraved on this coin? 29:35 It would be like Jesus pulling out a penny 29:37 and saying to us, okay, guys, tell me who's the president 29:39 on this copper penny? 29:40 And what would we say? 29:42 Oh, Lincoln. 29:44 That's exactly what they did. 29:45 Set Him up, they didn't have time to think. 29:48 They just said, ha, it's Caesar. 29:51 Jesus said, very good. 29:57 Very good. 30:00 Give it to Caesar what is Caesar's, 30:07 give to God what is God's. 30:12 Just like that it's over. 30:14 Verse 22, "When they heard this, they were amazed. 30:20 So they left him and went away." 30:24 The end. Oh, it's not the end. 30:26 The end doesn't come for more three days, 30:29 that's when the end comes. 30:36 But that story has a backdrop. 30:43 I want to take a moment 30:47 and talk heart to heart 30:51 with you who are the Primetime generation right now. 30:59 One of the epic stories that has come out of this 31:03 presidential election cycle has been the phenomenal, 31:07 the phenomenal, 31:09 the chattering class has shaken its heads. 31:14 The phenomenal, activism 31:20 of young American adults 31:27 in Barrack Obama's campaign. 31:31 And I'm gonna tell you that somebody who has been 31:34 standing on the sidelines, I've found it personally, 31:37 I've found it very refreshing to see that reengagement 31:44 by your segment of the American electorate. 31:47 Never the less, never the less 31:52 I need to warn you, I need to warn you 31:56 about the danger of seeking rapprochement 32:04 with the Caesar of politics. 32:09 In 1274 a German myth was born, 32:14 came out of that tiny little German village called Hamelin. 32:17 It's the myth of the Pied Piper. 32:18 You remember the Pied Piper? 32:20 Put a picture of the Pied Piper on the screen for you. 32:23 You remember that story, Hamelin, Germany, 1274. 32:27 This story according to the myth 32:30 that little village was inundated with rats, remember? 32:33 And so this enchanter comes among 32:35 and he says, hey, I can take the rats away. 32:37 They said, you can? He says, yeah, for a fee. 32:38 They said, we'll pay you. 32:40 He played his magical flute and all the rats were led 32:43 right down to the river and they drowned. 32:45 He came back for his fee and the people said, 32:47 we changed our mind, we are not going to pay you. 32:50 Oh, a few months later 32:52 when all the adults were in church 32:56 the Pied Piper came back, 32:57 played that same little flute 33:00 and 130 boys and girls 33:01 followed him out of that village 33:02 and into a cave and were never seen again. 33:06 It's the myth of the Pied Piper. 33:08 The Caesar of politics is a Pied Piper 33:12 who plays a heady and enchanting tune 33:15 and as it is in the myth he is particularly, 33:19 particularly desires 33:22 of drawing the young after him. 33:28 Fresh with idealism, it's you. 33:33 Filled with physical and intellectual energy you are. 33:38 Passionate about cause you embrace, that's you again. 33:41 There isn't a Pied Piper on this planet 33:43 including the Lord Jesus Christ 33:46 who would not give His right arm 33:48 to have you follow after Him. Why? 33:52 Because you are the stuff of hope, 33:55 you are the promise of change. 33:59 And so the Pied Piper knowing that you want hope 34:02 and that you believe in change 34:05 plays the tune for you. 34:11 Beware the Caesar of politics 34:16 who can be the enchanting Pied Piper? 34:20 Because after the last rally is over 34:23 and election night has ended 34:25 and you crawl back into your bed 34:27 and the floor in the hotel ball room is strewn with red, 34:31 white and blue confetti and deflated balloons 34:34 reality will once again set in, trust me. 34:38 And the voters who recorded and romance 34:40 with every political promise in the book 34:42 will soon be forgotten by the political elite 34:45 who only need our votes and not our opinions and convictions. 34:51 But if you've learned anything from history, 34:54 it is that the ends of Caesar 34:58 are the terminus of impotent power, 35:02 futile redemption and unconsummated hope. 35:10 What you want most, you will never find scampering 35:14 after the Pied Piper, trust me. 35:18 Truth be told, there is no political deliverer 35:21 for the human race or for the American nation, 35:23 you think about this at best, at best. 35:26 The Caesar of politics operates 35:28 in a moral world of compromise 35:30 and the necessary choice of the lesser of two evils. 35:32 For millennia the Pied Piper has piped 35:34 something about Ethiopia 35:36 and we keep hoping and believing 35:37 unless the Ethiopia will come, it has not come yet. 35:40 Do you know why? 35:42 Because what is facing Caesar is the endemic dysfunction, 35:46 the systemic disease of the human heart 35:49 that even Caesar's elixir can not heal 35:53 and can not satisfy, that's why. 35:57 Oh, yes, the very same Caesar. 35:58 You are right, the very same Caesar 36:00 that Jesus commanded us to render to 36:02 is the same Caesar that the apostle Paul appeal to, 36:05 appeal to when his life was in jeopardy. 36:07 Acts 25, "Get me out of here, I appeal to Caesar. 36:11 I won't get a fair trial here, I appeal to Caesar." 36:16 The only treat that Paul offers on human governance 36:20 and government is in Romans Chapter 13. 36:23 And in Romans 13 he calls the ruler. 36:25 You can read Caesar, 36:26 he calls the ruler a servant of God. 36:29 Let me put it on the screen for you, Romans 13:4, 36:31 "For the one in authority is God's servant." 36:33 The Greek word is diakonos from which come out word deacon. 36:38 "The one in authority is God's deacon for your good." 36:44 But please do not mistake, 36:47 Paul defense of human governance 36:48 in this fallen world for any appeal 36:50 to become immersed in the world of politics. 36:53 We say, hey, come on, time out, time out. 36:54 Oh I, wait a minute, don't be so fast. 36:57 You have forgotten about Daniel and Esther 37:01 and Nehemiah and Joseph 37:04 and even Moses. What about them? 37:06 They were all believers 37:07 and they served government effectively. 37:09 Ho, touche. Good point. 37:15 Thoughtful observation. 37:17 However, I remind you 37:20 that their exemplary service, these political exiles 37:24 and by the way that's the key word exiles. 37:26 The exemplary service of these political exiles 37:29 was to a man and to a woman, 37:30 the result of their exile status 37:33 and not their political ambitions. 37:36 They were thrust into office not by personal choice 37:39 but by miraculous divine appointment. 37:43 And they maintained the whole while 37:46 their exile status even in captivity. 37:49 They were not citizens 37:50 or political participants of their government. 37:54 So of course, 37:56 I know some of you are taking political science, 37:58 keep in political science. 38:00 Aspire to government service. Do you know what? 38:03 I met a prime minister once, the prime minister of Uganda 38:06 and did a preaching to him, Seventh-day Adventist Christian. 38:10 Go ahead aspire the highest government service 38:15 you can aspire to 38:16 but do so with your eyes wide open. 38:24 David Kuo, a young evangelical political operative 38:28 who became special assistant to President Bush, 38:30 his last turn for faith based initiatives 38:33 eventually resigned, resigned in disillusionment 38:37 from his political position in the White House. 38:38 Put him on the screen there, there's his face. 38:40 He wrote a book subsequently entitles "Tempting faith, 38:43 an insight story of political seduction." 38:48 There's the young adult who got on the inside 38:52 and said, it aren't all that's cracked up to be. 38:55 Kuo story is a moral tale for Christian young today. 38:58 The Pied Piper may fain 39:00 an interest in your faith perspectives 39:02 but Kuo concluded all you really wanted for is 39:04 you ability to deliver a few more votes 39:07 to associate Caesar's insatiable appetite for power. 39:12 Don't be pied pipered into that. 39:17 Say, what's the point, Dwight? 39:19 What are you saying? Here's what I am saying. 39:24 How much do we give to Caesar? 39:26 Jesus said render to Caesar what is Caesar's. 39:28 So how much is that? 39:29 The stunning injection that three days later 39:33 Jesus himself made while He was bound 39:36 and almost gagged in front of the Roman governor. 39:43 That stunning injection defines the parameters 39:46 and the limits of how much we give to Caesar. 39:50 I want to read this story with you 39:52 straight out of the gospel. 39:53 John, one more text, John Chapter 18. 40:02 John Chapter 18. John 18, drop down to verse 28. 40:07 Pickup the narrative in verse 28. 40:16 John 18:28, "Then the Jewish leaders 40:20 took Jesus from Caiaphas 40:23 to the palace of the Roman governor. 40:26 By now it was early morning, 40:28 and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness 40:30 they did not enter the palace, 40:33 because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover." 40:36 Go figure. 40:41 Verse 29, "So Pilate came out to them and asked, 40:45 'What charges are you bringing against this Man?' 40:48 'Oh if he were not a criminal,' they replied, 40:50 'we would not have handed Him over to you.'" 40:53 Verse 31, "Pilate said, 40:54 'Take Him yourselves and judge Him by your own law.' 40:58 'But we have no right to execute anyone,' 41:00 they objected. This took place." 41:02 Verse 32, "to fulfill what Jesus had said about 41:05 the kind of death he was going to die." 41:07 He said, I am going to die by being lifted up, 41:08 I'll be crucified and only Romans, 41:12 this was a bitter pill for Jews to swallow, 41:15 only Romans could execute that penalty. 41:22 "Pilate" verse 33, "then went back inside the palace, 41:26 summoned Jesus and asked Him, 41:30 'Are You the king of the Jews?' 41:34 'Is that your own idea,' Jesus asked, 41:37 'or did others talk to you about Me?' 41:39 'Am I a Jew?' Pilate replied. 41:40 'Your own people and chief priests 41:42 handed You over to me. What is it You have done?'" 41:45 And then Verse 36, 41:47 "Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world. 41:54 If it were, My servants would fight to prevent 41:56 My arrest by the Jewish leaders. 41:57 But now My kingdom is from another place.'" 42:04 My kingdom is not of this world, 42:14 meaning, and neither are My followers. 42:18 I am from another place and so are they. 42:22 They wanted to play this game with you, 42:23 they fight justice dirty as you fight 42:25 but they are not gonna fight on your turf. 42:29 They are not sucked in to this fallen system, 42:34 they are Mine. 42:36 My kingdom is from another place. 42:40 You know what that means? 42:43 That means that the follower of Christ embraces 42:45 an ultimate and higher loyalty. 42:50 I tell you what ladies and gentlemen the utter, 42:52 the utter lack of political engagement 42:54 by both Jesus and Paul speaks cautionary volumes 42:58 to us living today. 42:59 Neither one stepped in 43:01 to the hottest political issues of their day, 43:04 they stayed out. 43:09 You say, what are you saying, Dwight? 43:10 Am I not supposed to enter politics then? 43:13 You know what my friend, 43:14 nobody can make that decision for you. 43:15 No, I am not gonna make it for you 43:17 but I will tell you, rare, rare is the man or woman 43:25 who has been able to combine high moral integrity 43:30 with political expedience. 43:34 The price is very, very high. 43:42 I saw the movie "Amazing Grace", 43:43 we sang it just a moment ago. 43:45 I saw the movie "Amazing Grace", 43:48 based on the life of that Englishman named 43:50 William Wilberforce who single handedly, 43:56 single handedly turned an entire empire, 44:01 took years of political engagement in the government 44:04 but turned and empire against slavery. 44:10 There is a sterling exception. 44:17 Rare is the man or women, rare who can. 44:22 You know what that means, 44:23 that means that this Primetime generation 44:24 is been raised up by God not to craft an alliance with Caesar 44:28 but rather to raise up a new kingdom for God. 44:32 You say, what are you saying, 44:33 Dwight, am I not suppose to vote now? 44:35 No, of course you vote, vote, vote your conviction, 44:37 vote your wishes, vote your will. 44:39 Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's 44:41 and the vote belongs to him 44:42 but let us not be, I repeat, so naive as to believe that 44:46 we should elect a political Messiah. 44:48 Caesar, whether his name is Obama 44:50 or McCain or Clinton or Bush. 44:53 Caesar cannot save this nation now. 44:57 No matter who is chosen by the nation in a few days 45:00 to become our next president, 45:01 he simply will not be able to save America. 45:07 Disabuse yourself of that day dream. 45:15 The economic crises into which 45:16 we are in the world are now descending us 45:17 is painfully revealing apostasy of human deliverance 45:20 and human delivers. 45:22 Not even Paul Krugman, Princeton University professor 45:26 just awarded two weeks ago the Nobel prize for economics. 45:29 Not even this economics laureate with the Nobel prize can tell us 45:36 what we're supposed to do next 45:39 to execrate ourselves from this morass. 45:44 I tell you what, the unnerving uncertainty 45:48 that we're now witnessing in our economic 45:50 and political leaders of way reminds me of a prediction. 45:53 This is a prediction that was made 100 years ago 45:56 but every day that goes by makes this for me, 45:58 makes this prediction all the more appreciate for it 46:02 describes the condition of the nation 46:05 before the return of the Christ, just before. 46:08 I put the words on the screen for you. 46:11 There are not many, "There are not many even among educators," 46:15 that would be Princeton University. 46:19 "There are not many, even among educators and statesmen," 46:22 you want to talk about Hank Paulson, 46:23 you want to talk about the presidents, the economy team. 46:28 "There are not many, even among educators 46:29 and statesmen who comprehend the causes 46:32 that underlie the present state of society. 46:35 Those who hold the reins of government 46:37 are not able to solve the problem. 46:40 They are struggling in vain to place business operations 46:43 on a more secure basis." 46:48 Struggling in vain to place business operations 46:50 on a more secure basis, has it already come to that? 46:56 But surely it's clear to us all 46:59 into what is fast becoming a crisis hour 47:01 if you believe all the commentators. 47:05 The crisis hour of economic confusion 47:06 and political uncertainty what surely is clear to us all 47:09 is that Christ Jesus is sending a new Primetime generation 47:13 of young adults into this crisis in society. 47:21 We noted in last week it is in the time of collective 47:25 or personal crisis that the mind is suddenly open wide 47:30 to the possibility of a major paradigm shift. 47:32 Ladies and gentleman, the everlasting gospel 47:34 of Jesus Christ is a huge paradigm shift for this society. 47:38 But in the time of crisis what I never before would 47:42 have been open to, I am suddenly now willing to consider. 47:47 This is the hour for the mobilization 47:51 of a new Primetime generation 47:53 that can march straight into the crisis 47:56 with the good news that we got hope, 47:57 we got a hope that there is somebody returning 47:59 to this planet and that somebody is our only hope. 48:04 I want to tell you something, our message is not a message 48:07 of political alliances or bumper sticker hope. 48:09 Ours is a cry of three angels. 48:10 Fear God and give glory to Him, 48:12 we are in the hour of His judgment 48:14 and worship Him who made heaven and earth 48:16 and the fountains of water. 48:17 Look up we got deliverance on the way 48:21 and if you come to Jesus now, you can be saved too. 48:24 Come to Jesus now. Come to Jesus now. 48:27 Why would you put it off? Is there a human solution? 48:30 Have we found a human deliverance? 48:31 No, no, no. 48:32 Then I have a divine deliver to recommend to you. 48:37 Guys, girls, you've been setup 48:42 as a primetime generation to step into this crisis 48:46 and holding your head high 48:47 with your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 48:49 declaring to this generation I know a solution. 48:54 I have met the deliverer and He is soon to come. 48:58 Wow. 49:00 Primetime generation give your vote to Caesar 49:06 but give your life, your energy and your passion to Christ. 49:12 Given to Caesar what is Caesar's 49:14 but give to God what is God's and is God's? 49:17 What is God's right now is your life 49:19 for His mission with such an army 49:23 as our young adults rightly train might furnish. 49:25 How soon the message of a crucified risen 49:28 and soon coming Savior to go to all the world? 49:30 How soon the end would come, 49:31 the end of suffering and sickness and sin? 49:40 You've been setup, generation Primetime. 49:51 491 year ago this coming Friday 49:56 another young adult strode across the leaf 50:01 strewn comings of another little German village. 50:09 He went striding up to the university doors, 50:11 the Bolton Board for that campus 50:14 and he nail on to that door 95 challenges 50:19 to the Holly Roman Empires bankrupt theology 50:22 and unwittingly for he had no idea what would ensue. 50:27 Martin Luther, a young adult ignited 50:33 the mighty protestant reformation. 50:37 He did it. 50:40 Choosing between Caesar and Christ, 50:43 he did it and ended up bringing down 50:48 and entire geo-religo political system, a young adult. 50:53 Don't you ever say you are too young to change the world. 51:01 And in the throws of that might reformation 51:05 he was almost astounded a desire along worship leaders, 51:09 Luther sat down with the pen scribble out the words, 51:16 compose the music to what became 51:19 the battle hymn of the reformation. 51:22 In the German here's what he scribble down, 51:25 "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott." 51:30 "A mighty fortress is our God." 51:35 It's one hymn sings of two kingdoms and one choice. 51:39 That' the choice this generation faces, 51:41 two kingdoms and one choice, Caesar or Christ? 51:43 You cannot serve both. 51:45 You cannot go follow after the Pied Piper 51:47 heart for the Savior, you have to choose. 51:53 One choice, two kingdoms. 51:57 Thus ask who that might be, Christ Jesus it is He, 52:02 Lord Shabuoth is His name from age to age 52:04 it's same and He must win the battle. 52:08 Want to sing that hymn and I want you as you sing it 52:10 to offer yourself to the same Christ and say, 52:14 I will follow. 52:15 As Martin followed, I will follow. 52:18 I will engage this society for you. 52:23 506, let's sing it, 506, A mighty fortress. 53:17 A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing 53:29 Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing 53:43 For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe 53:51 His craft and power are great And armed with cruel hate 54:04 On earth is not his equal 54:12 Did we in our own strength confide 54:19 Our striving would be losing 54:25 Were not the right Man on our side 54:31 The Man of God's own choosing 54:38 Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He 54:46 Lord Sabaoth, His Name From age to age the same 55:00 And He must win the battle 55:08 That word above all earthly powers 55:15 No thanks to them, abideth 55:22 The Spirit and the gifts are ours 55:27 Through Him Who with us sideth 55:34 Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also 55:42 The body they may kill, God's truth abideth still 55:56 His kingdom is forever 56:11 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more 56:14 than all we ask or imagine, 56:17 according to His power that is at work within us, 56:21 to Him be glory in the church 56:24 and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, 56:28 forever and ever. Amen. 56:46 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you again today. 56:49 I hope the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time with us. 56:51 You know what? 56:52 We've got people all over this earth 56:54 who join us every week for this worship hour. 56:56 And as a consequence we are always looking 56:58 for a new ways to bridge, to somehow allow these 57:02 who worship with us to be bridge to the truth 57:05 about Jesus for this critical time in history. 57:08 One of the areas of bridging, 57:10 that's quickly growing is our website. 57:12 We've more than a 140,000 visitors a year. 57:15 It is an amazing opportunity that God has given us 57:18 to expand His kingdom here on earth. 57:20 If you would like to partner with us 57:22 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel 57:24 I tell you what, would you be willing to call this number? 57:27 Let me put it on the screen for you, 877, its toll free, 57:31 877, the words His-Will. 57:33 Our operators will be glad to help you 57:36 work through the details of that partnership 57:38 or if you prefer you can do it all online 57:40 in the privacy of your our home. 57:43 The website, you know at 57:48 I'd we honored for the privilege of partnering with you 57:50 as we seek to spread the truth about Jesus for this generation. 57:54 If ever there were an urge in generation 57:56 to get the good news out it's got to be this one. 58:00 So once again, the toll free number 877, 58:02 two words His-Will. 58:04 Thank you in advance for your generosity. 58:06 I'm looking forward to the continuing worship journey 58:09 that you and I share right here. |
Revised 2014-12-17