Participants: Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP102211
00:06 From the campus of Andrews University
00:09 this is New Perception with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson. 00:28 Rejoice, the Lord is King! 00:32 Your Lord and King adore! 00:36 Rejoice, give thanks, and sing 00:39 And triumph evermore 00:44 Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! 00:49 Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 00:57 Jesus, the Savior, reigns 01:01 The God of truth and love 01:05 When He had purged ur stains 01:08 He took His seat above 01:13 Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! 01:19 Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 01:27 Rejoice, in glorious hope! 01:30 Our Lord the judge shall come, 01:35 And take His servants up to their eternal home 01:42 Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! 01:49 Rejoice, again I say 01:53 Rejoice! 02:01 Let's pray. 02:02 Oh, God, how firm a foundation 02:05 we find in the word, 02:08 we've not follow cunningly devised fables. 02:14 As we open Holy Scripture now 02:17 if the might third person of the God 02:19 had who inspired the stories long ago 02:25 in today's teaching inspire us to respond accordingly. 02:31 In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 02:47 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger 02:55 I can tarry, I can tarry but a night 03:06 "'If the public will countenance such a quack pretender, 03:11 in his efforts to excite the minds 03:12 of ignorant, superstitious people, 03:15 they, as well as he should bear the responsibility.' 03:20 The Republican Herald." 03:21 "'We must speak out, and we will. 03:24 These men are the worst enemies of God.' 03:28 The Olive Branch." 03:30 "'The second advent delusion has proven the greatest calamity 03:33 that has befallen our organization' 03:36 General Convention of Baptist, 1846." 03:42 "'When I look back to the period 03:45 when we began to publish the news of a coming Savior. 03:49 I think it the happiest time of my life. 03:54 The glorious appearing of Christ 03:57 is my only hope to this I claim.' 04:02 William Miller." 04:05 On the 22nd of October in 1844 as tradition has it, 04:10 a group of people stood or sat expectantly 04:13 from morning to night on a large rock ledge in a place 04:16 then called Low Hampton, New York. 04:21 Nearby in the front room of a farmhouse 04:23 a 62-year-old itinerant Baptist preacher 04:26 sat reading the Bible and praying. 04:29 These people and perhaps hundreds of thousands more 04:32 from Portland, Maine to Saint Louis 04:34 to Washington DC were called Millerites. 04:37 Some had sold or given away 04:39 all their possessions in the preceding days. 04:42 Others had left crops standing in the field. 04:45 They had eaten what they thought 04:47 was their last meal on earth. 04:49 They and William Miller a man in the farmhouse 04:52 were waiting quietly for the end of the world. 05:04 So the fair question to ask is the spiritual children 05:07 of William Miller is this, 05:10 how can a 167 year old event still retain 05:18 its cutting edge in the apocalyptic community? 05:24 They were right about the prophetic 05:27 time marker of Daniel 8:14. 05:30 Scholars had heaped up books affirming 05:35 the correctness of that conclusion. 05:38 Obviously wrong about the event Christ did not come. 05:41 Something else happened at that prophetic time marker. 05:47 So as the descendants as it were of William Miller, 05:54 how do we keep a cutting-edge on this 167 year old event? 06:02 Before you're too hard on that teaching 06:08 I need to ask the question this way. 06:11 How do we keep the cutting edge? 06:12 How do we retain the cutting edge 06:14 on an event 2,000 years ago 06:16 a top of mountain called Calgary? 06:18 How does a believing community keep that alive? 06:21 Is the same question, it's the same challenge. 06:26 Let's not be too hard on either event. 06:30 How do we keep alive the last red letter words? 06:33 If you have a red letter Bible 06:34 the last red letter words in the Bible 06:36 spoken by Christ at the end of the apocalypse. 06:39 "Surely I am coming soon." 06:42 So how are we gonna keep that one alive 06:44 2,000 years later? 06:47 Don't be too hard on this Bible teaching 06:50 that says before He returns 06:52 the second time there will be a celestial 06:56 pre-advent convening judgment. 07:02 Daniel 8:14. Still speaks its truth. 07:08 Ron Knott and producer Mohan 07:13 who crafted this as DVD 07:17 entitled "The Midnight Cry, William Miller 07:19 and the end of the world." 07:20 The borrowed that title from the parable Jesus told. 07:24 You know, the parable of the ten virgins 07:26 and in the middle of the parable 07:27 about Jesus speaks these words 07:31 "But while the bridegroom" Christ is the bridegroom. 07:34 "But while the bridegroom was delayed" 07:36 It's a parable Jesus is very clear 07:38 about the second coming. 07:39 "But while the bridegroom was delayed, 07:41 they all slumbered and slept." 07:42 We have all slept. 07:44 How do we live with this delay? 07:47 A 167 years after October 22, 1844 right now 07:54 167 years to the second here we are. 08:00 Perhaps it's no coincidence it all 08:03 that we come in the fourth gospel, 08:06 we come to a series of Jesus 08:08 most penetrating statements about the judgment 08:11 and we happen to come to them on this October 22. 08:15 I want to examine those statements that be-- 08:18 did our prefaced by a stunning miracle. 08:20 Open your Bible the fourth gospel, 08:23 the Gospel of John fly through one miracle 08:29 and then two stunning statements. 08:31 John Chapter 4, you didn't bring a Bible, 08:33 you need to track this miracle. 08:35 If it were just the miracle 08:36 it would be worth it all just for this narrative, 08:39 John chapter 5. 08:41 Grab the pew Bible in front of you 08:42 if you didn't bring a Bible. 08:44 It's page 717 in that pew Bible. 08:50 Unforgettable miracle here in John 5, 08:52 but it's followed by two stunning statement 08:54 about the judgments and those statements 08:56 that I want to get to as fast as we can. 08:58 So let's go, John 5:1 New King James Version. 09:01 "After this" I put the words on a screen for you. 09:04 "After this there was a feast of the Jews, 09:06 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." 09:08 That's code language in John. 09:09 John will repeat that phrase, you know why? 09:11 Because only John tells us 09:13 that Jesus repeatedly went up to Jerusalem. 09:16 All the other gospels these synoptic Gospels all say 09:19 at the end He went up once. 09:21 John says no again and again He went up to Jerusalem, why? 09:25 Because Jerusalem is where Calvary will climax. 09:30 So we already have Calgary hinted at in this story. 09:34 Calvary embedded in every narrative in the Gospel of John. 09:37 "After this there was a feast to the Jews, 09:39 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." 09:40 Verse 2 "Now there is in Jerusalem, 09:42 by the Sheep Gate a pool 09:44 which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda," 09:47 some suggest it means house of mercy. 09:49 "And it had five porches or porticos." 09:55 I've stood-- I've actually stood 09:56 on the ledge in Jerusalem and its way down 09:59 because the layers over the centuries 10:01 have accumulated as they've torn down 10:03 and rebuilt, torn down and rebuilt. 10:05 There are actually two pools for the pool of Bethesda, 10:08 the length of a football field. 10:10 So we're not talking about a little wading pools here, 10:12 a massive two pools 20 feet deep, 5 porticos, 10:17 which means that their porches on all four sides 10:20 and then a portico or porch in the middle 10:23 and archaeologist are assuming 10:24 that meant the separation of genders two pools for each. 10:33 "Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool" 10:35 verse 2 "which is called in Hebrew, 10:37 Bethesda, having five porches. 10:39 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind." 10:47 The ancients believe to heal a blind man 10:51 is the pinnacle of divine intervention. 10:54 "Lame," they felt the same about the lame. 10:56 Those two-- those two physical impairments 10:59 were considered the unachievable in terms of healing. 11:04 "The blind, the lame, the paralyzed 11:06 waiting for the moving of the water," 11:10 Somehow I got started 11:12 in the Folklore of that holy city 11:15 that on certain occasions unpredictable, 11:19 there would come a supercharging of the waters as it were. 11:24 And if you stepped into those waters you'd be healed. 11:27 In fact, the Folklore was the first person into the water 11:33 when an angel that was the belief an angel reached out 11:36 and with his solicitor hand he just stirred the rippling. 11:39 The first person and is healed. 11:44 It doesn't take a whole lot of pondering 11:47 to realize that with that premise 11:50 you can understand it would always be those 11:53 with the brew physical strength. 11:57 Usually the least of the sick, least sick 12:00 who would be in the water first, 12:02 because if you're emaciated physically, medically 12:05 there is no way you can drag your frame 12:10 those skin and bones to that water, 12:13 unless of course you had a family 12:15 who can rejuvenate, some friends 12:16 who would hurry you to the water's edge. 12:20 Verse 5, so there they lie by the hundreds packed 12:25 around those two pools. 12:27 "Now a certain man was there 12:29 who had an infirmity thirty-eight years." 12:33 I feel like life is ended if I have a cold for three days. 12:36 I am miserable to everybody around me. 12:40 But some of you know, 12:42 someone you know the meaning of chronic suffering, 12:46 pain that never goes away, it just is with you, 12:49 some of you know, 38 years skin and bones. 12:54 That's where he is lying right there too far. 13:00 "Now a certain man" verse 5 "was there 13:04 who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 13:06 And when Jesus saw him lying their" Desire of Ages 13:08 says by the way that when Jesus stepped 13:10 into that pool of Bethesda two pools, really 13:13 He inquired who's been here the longest. 13:16 Who is here the longest? 13:18 Jesus purposely picked out. 13:20 The Desire of Ages says 13:22 is the worst case, just hopeless. 13:26 "And when Jesus saw him lying there, 13:28 and knew" see, " and knew" he checked it out. 13:31 "And knew that the man had already been 13:33 in that condition for a long time, 13:35 He said to him, 'Do you what to be made well?'" 13:40 What happened if Jesus stood in front of you me today 13:43 and He looked into our faces 13:45 and He asked that question? 13:46 Very privately of course to you, 13:48 so that nobody else would hear it, but you. 13:50 If He looked into your face 13:51 and He said, a girl, a boy, 13:53 do you want to be made well? 13:56 If Jesus stood in front of me today 13:57 and He said, Dwight, I can heal you. 13:59 I can heal you right now. 14:01 Nobody else knows what you're crippled over. 14:04 I know, I can heal you right now. 14:08 What would I ask Him to do? 14:10 If He asked me do you want to be made well? 14:12 Yes, please. 14:18 Jesus leans over this emaciated protruding cheek boned, 14:25 sunken eyed countenance. 14:28 When He leans over He blocks the noonday sun 14:31 and that's why the bloodshot eyes open 14:33 and they can see a stranger 14:35 staring down at him back lighted 14:37 by the glory of the afternoon. 14:41 Do you want to be made well? 14:43 "The sick man answered Him," verse 7. 14:45 "Sir, I have no man." 14:49 I tell you what, there's a whole sermon, 14:51 someday somebody's got to preacher it 14:53 I have no one, I have no one. 14:56 I have nobody in his dormitory. 14:59 I have nobody on this campus. 15:02 I have nobody in this community, 15:03 I have no man, I have no woman, 15:05 I have nobody who cares for me. 15:08 Once in a while I get an email from my worshipper 15:10 who has worshipped here for months 15:14 and I tell you what, it just makes my heart weep 15:16 as that person describes 15:18 coming here Sabbath after Sabbath 15:20 and there's nobody, 15:23 nobody that shows an interest in her, 15:25 nobody that notices he's even sitting in that pew. 15:30 But I love that, I love that 15:32 there's Johnny Bell testimony a moment ago 15:35 and I'm talking to the family here 15:37 at the Pioneer Memorial Church. 15:38 Come on, go to that website volunteer 15:41 to become a family away from family, 15:44 a home away from home. 15:46 We just had our five over last Sabbath, 15:48 had a glorious Sabbath together. 15:51 Come on, that's what is about. 15:53 We don't want anybody leaving Andrews University 15:55 and saying, you know what, I had nobody. 15:57 The whole four years and nobody cared about me. 16:05 That heartache "I have no man to put me in a pool 16:09 when the water is stirred up, 16:10 but while I am coming, another step down before me." 16:12 The stronger obviously are the ones who get healed. 16:15 "Jesus said to him," 16:16 there must have been something in that voice. 16:18 There must have been something 16:19 even in that back lighted face 16:21 that mirrors compassion in hope 16:23 Jesus says to that man is He stoops over him. 16:26 I'm telling you 16:29 "Rise, take up your bed and walk." 16:34 Something in the heart of that 38 years sick man leaps. 16:41 He doesn't know who is speaking to him 16:44 but there's an ounce of faith just a mustard seed 16:47 and he jumps to his feet. 16:49 Halleluiah. 16:51 He jumps to his feet. 16:53 "And immediately the man was made well, 16:56 and took up his bed, and walked." 17:00 Praise God. 17:01 And John inserts the word immediately 17:04 because he wants high contrast 17:05 between 38 years and immediately. 17:08 For the last four chapters 17:10 John has been talking water, water,water 17:12 and chapter 2 17:14 the water pots of purification in the wedding of Cana, 17:17 in chapter 3 unless you're born of water 17:19 and chapter 4 the well of Jacob's well in Samaria. 17:23 And now in chapter 5, water again, 17:26 because there was great ritual significance 17:28 attached to the meaning of water 17:30 and John is saying I want to tell you something 17:32 all the water in the world can't save you, 17:35 Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 17:38 Boom he seals it by John 5. 17:44 We've heard a joyful sound 17:47 Jesus saves, Jesus saves, 17:50 spread the glad news all around. 17:54 Jesus saves, that's the point of this miracle. 17:59 Salvation is in Christ. 18:03 Oh, we left off a sentence, 18:06 we left off a sentence in verse 19, didn't we? 18:08 "And immediately the man was made well, 18:10 took up his bed, and walked." 18:12 And now John purposely 18:14 who has with held this phrase 18:15 from the beginning of his narrative 18:17 for a moment pregnant with drama. 18:21 Now John inserts it 'cause he could have said it 18:22 at the beginning of the narrative. 18:24 On the Sabbath Jesus went to the pool of Bethesda 18:26 and he found a sick man. 18:28 No, not a word about what day of the week it is 18:30 only now the end of verse 9, how does it read. 18:33 "And that day was the Sabbath day." 18:38 And it was the Sabbath day. 18:43 And John by that inclusion 18:46 at the ending of the healing is telling all these readers, 18:50 the young Messiah has intentionally 18:54 chosen not to do the healing on Tuesday, 18:56 not to do it on Monday, not to do it on Sunday, 18:58 He chose to do it today 19:00 and he found the worst pathetic case 19:04 around that pool and He says 19:05 I'll do it on this one so that it will be seen. 19:09 He's thrown down the gauntlet at the young Messiah as. 19:12 He's challenging the rabbinical regulations 19:15 that have been heaped around the Sabbath to protect it. 19:18 Thirty nine prohibitions they may have been 19:20 well intended at the beginning 19:22 to preserve the sanctity of the seventh-day Sabbath, 19:24 but they are now strangulating the gift of God. 19:28 And the Lord of the Sabbath will not stand for it. 19:31 He throws the gauntlet down 19:35 and the challenge is on. 19:37 It was the Sabbath day. 19:44 And then-- then verse 10 19:48 "The Jews" now remember, come on, come on, 19:51 whenever John talks about the Jews 19:53 he's not talking about the Jewish people. 19:55 He's talking about the ecclesiastical, 19:57 the religious hierarchy. 19:59 He means the leaders. 20:01 So you could read this way. 20:02 Verse 10 The leaders of the religion 20:07 "therefore said to the healed man 20:09 who was cured, 'It is the Sabbath, 20:13 it is not lawful for you to carry your bed.'" 20:16 Now ladies and gentlemen, 20:17 arguably this is a most well-known suffer 20:20 in the city of Jerusalem for 38 years 20:23 even the grown-up children 20:25 know the old man has been lying there 38 years 20:28 and he's never gotten healed. 20:29 He's the most well-known sufferer, 20:31 so when he goes walking through, 20:33 when he goes walking to Jerusalem 20:35 they know instantly who it is. 20:38 Isn't that amazing? 20:39 Not even a quiet little, well, praise God. 20:43 Hey, guys, can you believe this, high five. 20:47 Not a word about it, 20:49 not a word about thank God Almighty. 20:51 The word is, because when you're strangulated 20:54 by legalism all you can think of is exalting creed over need, 20:58 it's always creed over need. 21:00 Jesus comes long He says no it's the other way around, 21:02 it's need over creed. 21:05 Not word about thank God, for what just took place. 21:09 Instead, what is the problem with you, 21:13 don't you know this is a Sabbath? 21:16 You carrying your bed? 21:18 And the poor man, the poor man. 21:24 Verse 11, and why you talking to me, 21:28 and why you talking to me 21:29 and that's what he is saying in verse 11. 21:31 "Don't talk to me, 21:32 He who made me well said to me, 21:34 'Take up your bed and walk.' 21:36 Then they asked him, 'Hey, who is this Man 21:39 who said this to you, Take up your bed and walk?'" 21:41 Do you think they need a little primer 21:44 and healers that might be in Jerusalem today? 21:48 They know exactly who did it. 21:51 Who else could do this? 21:53 Thirty eight years and not a doctor 21:55 in sight has been able to help this man 21:57 and somebody walks in and with one command, 21:59 38 years out the window. 22:01 They know who did it. 22:02 They need to accumulate evidence for charges. 22:07 "Who is this Man who said you, 22:09 'Take up your bed, and walk?'" 22:10 But verse 13 22:12 "But the one who was healed did not know who it was, 22:14 for Jesus had withdrawn 22:15 a multitude being in that place." 22:16 It's crowded, its Sabbath. 22:18 "Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, 22:22 and said to him, 'See, 22:23 you have been made well. 22:25 Sin no more, lest a worst thing come upon you.' 22:28 The man departed and told the Jews" 22:30 hey, here He is right here, here He is, 22:32 Here's the guy who did it, right here. 22:34 "It was Jesus who had made him well." 22:35 Verse 16 "For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus, 22:39 and sought to kill Him, 22:40 because He had done these things on the Sabbath. 22:42 But Jesus answered them, 22:44 'My Father and I have been working until now, 22:45 and I have been working.'" 22:46 Oh, talking about double jeopardy, 22:48 you should not talked-- you shouldn't have talked 22:49 about God as your Father, 22:50 because boom, verse 18. 22:52 "Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, 22:54 because He not only broke the Sabbath, 22:55 but also said that God was His Father, 22:58 making Himself equal with God." 23:01 Double jeopardy and we got jumbled accounts. 23:03 What you are, you think you are the one 23:05 that invented the Sabbath? 23:08 You think you are related to God? 23:11 The die is cast 23:14 and now after that stunning miracle 23:17 here comes Desire of Ages says 23:21 describes how Jesus is actually being arraigned 23:24 before the Supreme Court of the land. 23:26 He standing now before the Sanhedrin, 23:28 71 members, 23:30 He stands before them to answer 23:34 for His violation of the day He created. 23:38 And then two stunning words about judgment 23:40 nothing about the Sabbath, 23:41 two stunning words about judgment. 23:44 Grab your study guide, let's go. 23:45 I want you to write both these words down 23:46 with the both on the words are out were home. 23:48 Thank you, Ushers, let's go. 23:50 Hold your hand up 23:51 if you didn't get a study guide when you came in. 23:52 Up in the balcony hold your hand up 23:53 we want to make sure you have the study guide 23:54 you're sitting in overflow today. 23:57 Hold your hand up 23:58 you're gonna walk this study guide please. 23:59 Daniel 8:14 commencement on 167 years ago 24:03 what's that have to do with John 5 let's find out. 24:07 Hold your hand up as they come 24:08 and those of you who are watching on television 24:09 we're delighted to have you, 24:11 want to get you that same study guide, 24:12 want to give you our website. 24:13 Put it on the screen right now. 24:15 There you see it on your television screen, 24:17 computer screen. 24:19 24:23 You're looking for the series "The Last Word." 24:26 It's a series on the fourth gospel. 24:28 I can't believe it but this is part eight. 24:30 Well, time is flying by, this is part eight. 24:33 You're looking for the teaching entitled "Here Comes the Judge." 24:37 All right, "Here Comes the Judge." 24:38 Keep your hand up there in the back 24:40 they are coming to you. 24:41 Here Comes the Judge when you see that teaching 24:43 it says study guide underneath 24:44 you click on it and you will have it. 24:46 Let's go. 24:48 Two stunning words about the judgment 24:49 that Jesus gives in the context of this Sabbath day miracle, 24:53 but before we go to those two stunning words 24:56 just a little introductory paragraph 24:58 from New Testament scholar Craig Keener. 25:00 I want you to catch this because it's significant. 25:03 Notice how pivot all the judgment theme 25:06 is in the gospel of John, in the fourth gospel. 25:09 You have it there in your study guide. Let's go. 25:11 Keener writing "Judgment appears as a central" 25:14 would you write it down please. 25:16 "Judgment appears as a central motif" or theme. 25:20 Judgment is a central theme 25:23 in this gospel, the fourth gospel. 25:25 Now I'm giving evidence there for you 25:27 'cause you can do your homework on this. 25:29 Keener's talking about the Greek noun Krisis 25:31 from which comes by the way our word crisis. 25:34 It can mean judgment or it can mean condemnation. 25:36 And then he listen-- 11 verses 25:37 where that word appears in the fourth gospel. 25:41 Then he says oh, by the way, 25:42 let me tell you about the very krino 25:43 which means to judge or to condemn 25:45 there are 14 verses, 15 verses 25:48 oh, no 25 rather, 25 verses throughout the gospel. 25:53 What's Keener's point keep reading. 25:55 "Jesus' present mission is not judgment 25:58 but the world apart from Him stands under judgment. 26:02 Jesus will judge in the end, 26:03 and the way people respond to Him 26:05 in the present determines their destiny 26:07 those who do not embrace Him face eternal judgment." 26:11 What's the point, Dwight? The point is simple. 26:14 Judgment is a central theme in the fourth gospel. 26:20 So here they are now 26:21 we just had the miracle narrative 26:23 now come two stunning words about the judgment. 26:25 Would you write the down please? 26:27 Stunning word about end time judgment stunning word one, 26:30 it's a word about the Judge. 26:32 Make sure to capital 'J.' 26:34 It's a word about the Judge. 26:38 Look at this is a lengthy defense 26:39 of Jesus makes before the Supreme Court 26:41 we're not going to read the entire defense, you may. 26:43 We're going to spot check it. 26:45 Drop down to verse 22. 26:46 Jesus is now giving His defense 26:48 before the Sanhedrin for-- this is verse 22. 26:51 "For the Father judges no one, 26:53 but has committed all judgment to the Son, 26:56 that all should honor the Son 26:57 just as they honor the Father. 26:59 She who does not honor the Son 27:01 does not honor the Father who sent Him." 27:04 All right. 27:06 Would you jot it down please? 27:07 Jesus is saying hey, 27:08 "Because I am the Son of God I am the judge." 27:14 Write that down. That's what He's saying. 27:15 I'm the Son of God, I am the Judge. 27:19 All right. 27:21 But notice He has a little bit more to say. 27:23 Drop down to verse 26. 27:26 "For as the Father has life in Himself, 27:28 so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself." 27:31 Verse 27 "And the Father has given Him 27:33 the Son authority to execute judgment also, 27:38 because He is the Son of Man." 27:39 Write it down. 27:40 This time Jesus is saying, 27:41 "Because I'm the Son of Man, I am the Judge." 27:45 Well, which is it? 27:46 You said you're the Son of God 27:47 and you're the judge, or you are the Son of Man 27:48 you're the judge? 27:49 No, it's because I'm both then I'm the judge. 27:54 It's because I am intimately bound up with the human race, 27:57 intimately bound up with Almighty God 27:59 that I'm the only one in the universe 28:02 who can function as judge of the human race. 28:08 I am the Judge. 28:11 You think about the people sitting in that Supreme Court 28:15 who are the judges of the land. 28:17 There might have been a bit of unnerving realization. 28:23 What if He is? 28:26 What if He is the Judge? 28:30 Then the Supreme Court will one day 28:32 stand before Him, that's why. 28:36 Well, you know we don't talk-- 28:38 we don't talk very often about Jesus is Judge, do we? 28:41 Now we love the picture of Jesus as the defense attorney, 28:44 the advocate that's why we love. 28:46 1 John 2:1, let's put that on the screen. 28:48 1 John 2:1 "My dear children, 28:51 I write this to you so that you will not sin. 28:54 But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate" 28:57 a defending a attorney, we have the defender 29:00 "with the Father Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 29:04 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins," 29:06 and by the way "not only for our sins, 29:07 but for the sins of the whole wide world." 29:11 Yeah, we love that picture of Jesus, 29:13 but Jesus as Judge are you serious, 29:15 He's the Judge? 29:17 Holy Scripture is replete with evidence 29:19 that Christ is the Judge. 29:21 I'm gonna run these by you, keep your pen moving, 29:23 you won't even have to look up, 29:24 I'll just read it out loud to you 29:26 and scribble the words down. 29:27 Let's go to Jesus last parable 29:29 that He told before His crucifixion. 29:31 The King coming He separating the sheep and the goats. 29:33 Here we go "When the Son a Man comes in His glory as the king 29:37 He will sit on the throne in His glory." 29:39 Now watch this. 29:40 "All the nations" of the world "will be gathered before Him, 29:43 and He will separate them" write in the word separate. 29:46 That is an active judgment, because He's determining 29:48 whose gonna get saved and whose gonna be lost. 29:51 "He will separate them" as a Shepherd 29:54 separates the sheep from the goats. 29:55 All right, that's Matthew 25. 29:57 Paul the mighty apostle comes along in II Corinthians 5:10. 30:01 Jot this down. 30:02 "For we must all appear before the" before the what? 30:07 "The judgment seat of Christ, 30:11 so that each of us may receive what is due for us 30:14 for the things done whether good or bad." 30:18 Next line. Paul again. 30:22 Before the creme da la crème of the intelligence here 30:26 on the mighty sit all of the area up in Athens Paul 30:29 thunders to these Pagan philosophers. 30:31 "God has appointed a day on which 30:33 He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man." 30:37 Capital "M" man " whom He has ordained." 30:40 Who is this man? Paul goes on. 30:42 "God has given assurances of this to all by raising Him" 30:45 the man "from the dead." 30:47 Clearly Christ is the one 30:49 who would judge the entire world. 30:51 God has set a date. 30:53 Daniel 8:14 defines that date 30:55 the prophetic marker was absolutely correct 30:58 with William Miller and those around him. 31:01 Nothing has changed the marker was correct. 31:05 God has set a day. 31:08 Jesus Himself--let's look at the words of Jesus again. 31:10 "For the Father judges no one, 31:11 but has committed all judgment to the Son 31:14 and has given Him authority to execute judgment." 31:19 No question the teaching is that Christ is the Judge. 31:23 In fact a century ago-- 31:25 let me put these words on screen for you. 31:26 You'll have to fill them in. 31:29 "From His high position, Christ, the King and glory, 31:32 the Majesty of heaven, 31:34 saw the condition of men and women." 31:36 Here on earth. 31:37 "He pitied human beings 31:38 in their weakness and sinfulness, 31:40 and He came to this earth to reveal what God is to us. 31:43 Christ humbled Himself to stand at the head of humanity, 31:48 to meet the temptations and endure the trials 31:50 that we must meet and endure. 31:52 And Christ has been made our Judge. 31:55 The Father is not the Judge. The angels are not. 31:59 He who took humanity upon Himself, 32:01 and in this world lived a perfect life, is to judge us." 32:04 Final line. 32:05 "He only" right that word in only. 32:08 "He only can be are Judge." Only one. 32:14 You can't judge me by the way, 32:17 you can't judge me. 32:19 I can't judge you either. 32:20 Nobody can judge us except the one who's here. 32:26 You know that means don't you? 32:28 Since the-- since the onset of the pre-advent judgment 32:33 which Daniel 8:14 predicts 32:37 since October 22, 1844 the judgment has been placed 32:41 in the incarnate hands of Christ Jesus our Savior. 32:45 He is the Judge. 32:48 Here comes the Judge. It is He. 32:53 Stunning word, stunning Revelation. 32:55 How did Keener put it? Let's put it up on the screen. 32:57 Keener, "Jesus will judge in the end, 32:59 and the way people respond to Him 33:00 in the present determines their destiny, 33:02 those who do not embrace Him face eternal judgment." 33:05 And because of that ladies and gentlemen, 33:07 we need to ponder right now. 33:08 I'm gonna give you the second word 33:09 then I'm through the second 33:11 stunning word about the judgment. 33:12 Don't blow this one off, 33:14 this one is going to be-- 33:15 this will catch you by surprise. 33:17 Stunning word number two about the judgment. 33:19 Jot it down. What is it? 33:20 It's about the judged. 33:23 Not the capital "J" now. 33:24 No, no little "j," because that's you and me. 33:27 The word that Christ speaks is about the judged. 33:30 Now before we get to that word 33:31 I want to read what He said there in verse 24. 33:35 Okay, so you dropped down a little lower in chapter 5. 33:37 "Most assuredly," remember 33:39 when the New King James uses those words 33:43 "Most assuredly" a very truly 33:46 are truly, truly or verily, verily 33:48 whatever your translation that's John's device. 33:51 Twenty five times in the fourth gospel 33:52 John had put a double amen. 33:53 Amen, amen. 33:55 Whenever John inserts a double amen, 33:56 because Jesus didn't say amen, amen, 33:58 John inserts amen, amen. 34:00 Whenever John inserts amen, amen, 34:02 it's a red flag saying, you slowdown, 34:04 slow, readers slowdown. 34:07 Speed limit is low here, low, slower, slower 34:10 you got to see what you're driving through. 34:12 Amen, amen. 34:15 "I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him 34:19 who sent Me has everlasting life, 34:21 and shall not come into judgment, 34:23 but has passed from death into life." 34:26 I told you Dwight, I knew there was a verse. 34:28 Thank you for finding it for me. 34:30 I knew there was a verse that says that 34:31 when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior 34:34 you do not passed into the judgment, 34:35 he just said it right there from His lips. 34:40 Hey, hold on, hold on. 34:43 Come on, not so fast. 34:45 Now we need to remember 34:47 that the word for judgment creases, 34:51 can we translate it either judgment or condemnation. 34:54 And in fact it's a translator's call, 34:56 which is why in verse 29 the translators also-- 34:58 oh, no, no this means condemnation here. 35:01 Same word but in verse 29 35:02 it's translated condemnation. 35:06 But that how can you put it, how can say that 35:07 nobody comes into the judgment? 35:08 When we just look at all these texts 35:10 that say you come to the judgment 35:11 either Jesus is lying about the other texts 35:15 or He has not given us a get out of judgment free card 35:18 when you passed go. 35:21 Some thing is here. 35:25 In fact look at this Hebrews 10. 35:29 Christ Himself inspired these words. 35:30 "The Lord will judge." 35:32 Who? "His people." 35:35 Well, I thought you just said 35:38 that that the God's people don't pass into judgment. 35:40 No, no, no, no. 35:41 The Bible teaches the Lord will judge His people. 35:42 Look at this I Peter 4:17 35:44 "For the time has come for judgment to begin" at where? 35:48 "The house of God." Begins with God's people. 35:51 So it can't mean that if you believe in Him 35:55 you don't pass in the judgment. 35:57 That means we have to use the other translation. 35:59 Does it make sense the other way? 36:00 Amen, amen, I say to you, 36:01 who He hears My word and believes in Him 36:03 who sent me has everlasting life 36:05 and shall not come in a condemnation." 36:07 Oh, that works, no condemnation to those 36:10 who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1. 36:13 Oh, it works. So here's the question. 36:17 What is the word that Christ would speak to us? 36:20 This second stunning word that Christ would speak to us 36:23 who live in the hour of His judgment. 36:25 Ever heard the Revelation 14:7 36:27 "Fear God and give glory to Him 36:29 for the hour of His judgment is come and worship Him 36:33 who made heaven, and earth, the sea, 36:34 and the springs of water." 36:35 You've read those words before 36:37 just before the return of Christ there is a judgment. 36:40 So what word would Christ speak to us? 36:44 Could it be the same word 36:46 He spoke to the healed man 36:48 from the pool in Bethesda? 36:50 Drop back to verse 14. Go back to verse 14. 36:53 "Afterward Jesus found the healed man in the temple, 36:58 and He said to him, 36:59 'See you have been made well. 37:02 Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.'" 37:08 Would you scribbled this down please. 37:09 In the Greek it literally reads "Do not go on sinning." 37:15 Do not go on sinning. 37:16 Apparently, the man's lifestyle 37:18 something he was doing precipitated his illness. 37:25 Some sin the man was committing 37:27 was causing an exacerbating his sickness. 37:31 Desire of Ages 37:32 and I put the words on a screen for you. 37:34 "His disease was in a great degree 37:36 the result of his owns sin, 37:40 and was looked upon as a judgment from God." 37:42 I know there are some Christians today 37:44 who believe that AIDS is a judgment from God. 37:46 Well serves you right. 37:50 I hope you never-- 37:51 I hope you never subscribe to that kind of word thinking. 37:54 But people around the pool were saying, 37:59 he did it, he's got it now. 38:05 "His disease was in a great degree 38:07 the result of his own sin, 38:09 and was looked upon as a judgment from God. 38:10 Alone and friendless, 38:12 feeling that he was shut out from God's mercy, 38:14 the sufferer passed long years of misery." 38:20 Was is an STD? Could have been. 38:24 Sexually transmitted disease could have been. 38:27 Nobody says, nobody says, 38:29 all Jesus says is stop it now, stop it now. 38:36 And so living as we are 38:39 you and I and the hour of His judgment. 38:43 I wonder "Would there be anything in your life," 38:48 would there be anything in my life, 38:52 "that Jesus would quietly command us 38:54 to 'cease and desist?'" 39:00 Stop it, stop it now, this is the judgment. 39:08 I'm coming soon. 39:10 You can no longer keep laughing this off. 39:13 You can no longer keep shrugging this away. 39:16 I am coming soon. 39:19 Don't go on sinning any longer. 39:27 Well, I wonder what's in that would be 39:32 that He will be speaking to you about 39:39 and me about? 39:41 Would it be this-- would it be from the sexual realm? 39:48 Would it be in the arena of diet? 39:54 Would it be under the category 39:56 of amusing myself entertainment? 40:00 What would Jesus say, hey, boy, 40:02 listen to Me stop this, stop it now 40:06 or something worse will come upon you. 40:08 And what could be worse than losing your soul 40:11 over that which you refuse to let go. 40:16 Stop it. 40:17 Don't go on doing that any longer. 40:24 What does He speak of? 40:26 Would it be a spirit of judging, of criticizing? 40:33 Would it be a spirit of mercilessness? 40:36 Mercilessness of those who are in chronic pain? 40:41 A cold heart for those who are in chronic need? 40:43 That's not my responsibility forget it. 40:46 What would it be you got to stop this Dwight, 40:51 its going to kill you. 40:53 Would it be prayerlessness? 40:55 Too busy in my life to carve a hunk of time 41:02 along with God every day 41:06 or it would it be disobedience to what I know, 41:12 what you know is divine truth? 41:18 Would it be dishonesty, 41:21 a lack of integrity fudging the reports, 41:26 cheating on a quiz? 41:29 You know it's just not a big deal, please. 41:32 What it would be? 41:35 Or would it be pride, self worship, 41:39 vanity and ego-driven cockiness 41:42 that corrupts everything we do? 41:47 What is it? 41:50 Fact of the matter is, ladies and gentlemen, 41:52 this list doesn't have to be exhaustive, 41:56 because already the Holy Spirit has spoken to your heart 42:01 and you know what it is, you already know what it is. 42:07 Just you and God perhaps, 42:10 but you know what Jesus says, 42:14 stop this, no more. 42:18 Do not go on sinning. 42:22 Now Dwight, I mean, please 42:23 there's no hope for any for any of us. 42:25 Oh, yes there is. 42:28 The healer is the one who shows up in Bethesda. 42:32 I want to end with this quotation from Desire of Ages. 42:34 You're going to need to fill in one word. 42:36 Listen to this. 42:37 Oh, my, here is the gospel. 42:39 "Through the same faith" as the healed man of Bethesda, 42:42 "we may receive spiritual healing. 42:45 By sin we have been severed from the life of God. 42:48 Our souls our palsied. 42:49 Of ourselves we are no more capable of living a holy life 42:53 than was the impotent man capable of walking." 42:55 I can't be holy any more than he could walk. 42:57 I can't do it, I can't, I can't, I can't in my own power. 43:02 That's the point. 43:04 "There are many who realize their helplessness, 43:07 and who long for that spiritual life 43:10 which will bring them into harmony with God, 43:12 they are vainly striving to obtain it. 43:14 In despair they cry out the words of Paul, 43:16 'O wretched man that I am! 43:18 who shall deliver me from this body of death?' 43:21 Let these desponding, struggling ones look up." 43:25 Hey, you see I put a little 1 there, 43:27 I wish you put it 1 in your quotation. 43:28 Right now I want to share with you 43:30 here as we wrap four steps they're all embedded right here. 43:33 Put a 1 right in the margin 43:35 and then circle the words "look up." 43:36 Number one, look up. 43:38 That's the only place the impotent man could look. 43:40 He's looking straight up into the face of Jesus 43:43 that means look into His face. 43:45 Look up. 43:47 Put a little one there. 43:49 Look up. 43:50 You want freedom, you want to be set free 43:52 from what has held you, what is straddled your life. 43:55 Step one look up, look into His face. 43:59 "The Saviors is bending over" keep reading 44:01 "The Savior is bending over the purchase of His blood, 44:04 He saying with inexpressible tenderness and pity, 44:06 do you want to be made well? 44:08 He bids you arise in health and peace. 44:11 Do not wait to feel that you are made whole." 44:13 Put a little 2 there, will you please? 44:15 "Believe in His word, believe His word." 44:19 Put a 2 there. 44:20 Take it that His word. 44:22 There is no command the Christ gives 44:24 that He does not give the power to fulfill that command with, 44:27 with His bidding comes as enabling. 44:30 Put a 2 there. Believe Him. 44:31 Believe that He can enable you to be set free. 44:36 "Believe His word, and it will be fulfilled. 44:39 Put your will." 44:40 Key word there, fill that in please. 44:42 "Put your will on the side of Christ." 44:44 Put your choosing on the side of Christ. 44:47 I choose Christ. 44:48 And then would you put a 3 here. 44:50 Here it is choose "Will choose to serve Him." 44:54 Put a little 3 by the margin right there, that step three. 44:58 "Choose to serve Him." 45:00 I've choose Lord Jesus to follow You. 45:02 I choose to obey You. 45:04 I choose by Your grace. 45:06 I choose to stay faithful to You. 45:08 You've got to help me Christ, 45:10 I can no more walk than the impotent man could. 45:14 I choose to obey You. 45:19 Are able "Choose to serve Him." 45:24 And in acting upon is word there's the four-step, 45:28 put it down please, little 4, act upon his word. 45:32 And in acting." 45:33 I know it doesn't make sense, I know it looks bleak. 45:36 Just step out, 45:38 it isn't until you put your foot 45:39 in the Jordan River that it parts, 45:41 it won't part with you standing here saying 45:43 I can't find the victory over this besetting sin. 45:45 I cannot find the victory God over this besetting sin. 45:48 I cannot find the victory. 45:49 Yes, you can, put your foot in the water. 45:51 The moment a foot goes in that water apart. 45:55 But God's not gonna take that step for you, 45:57 you have to take the step for yourself. 45:58 You put your foot in 46:01 then the miracle transforms your life. 46:09 Well, number four acting on his word. 46:10 And look at how quick-- 46:12 just put a big huge circle around this 46:13 "You will receive strength." 46:17 Step into the water you will receive miracles. 46:21 "Whatever may be the evil practice" 46:23 now listen carefully to this, 46:25 this is speaking to me, this is speaking to you. 46:28 "Whatever may be the evil practice, 46:31 the master passion 46:32 which through long indulgence binds both soul and body, 46:36 Christ is able and longs to deliver." 46:41 Hallelujah. What do you say? 46:43 There is no master passion. 46:45 Whatever is gripping you like a ball and chain today 46:48 you are not consign for life 46:50 to live in failure after failure, after failure. 46:55 He can set you free. 46:57 He can set you free. 47:00 Guys, we're living in the judgment. 47:03 Jesus is soon to come. 47:05 I can no longer laugh at that, 47:07 I can no longer shrugged it off and say someday Mahayana, 47:11 no there is no Mahayana. 47:14 You have today, you have today, 47:18 this campus has learned that there is no Mahayana. 47:22 You have today, you have today don't put off for tomorrow. 47:29 What He is saying please stop it Dwight, stop it. 47:33 Don't go on with this, give it up. 47:36 Give it to Me, let Me have it, 47:39 I'll set you free just like that. 47:42 Wow. 47:43 "He will impart life to the soul that is 'dead in trespasses.' 47:47 He will set free the captive that is held by weakness 47:49 and misfortune and the chains of sins." 47:52 That's it. 47:54 He say, Dwight, come on please, 47:56 you can't be serious. No I am. 47:58 I'm serious, I'm dead serious right now. 48:02 May I run the four in front of you one more time 48:05 before we have the benediction? 48:08 Here they are, number one "Focus on Jesus." 48:11 Go to the gospels every morning. 48:12 Read one story every morning seven days a week. 48:15 Go to the gospels. 48:16 Look up into the face looking down at you. 48:18 Look up into His face 48:19 and the things of earth will go strangely dim 48:22 in the light of His glory and grace. 48:23 Focus on Jesus in the gospels. Number two. 48:25 What is it? "Believe His word." 48:27 "I can do all things 48:30 through Christ who strengthens me." 48:31 Jude 24 and 25 "Now unto him 48:34 that is able to keep you from falling." 48:36 He can keep you from falling. 48:38 He is able you have to give Him permission. 48:42 Focus on the word. 48:44 Focus on Christ. Believe His word. 48:46 Number three, Choose to serve Him. 48:48 Obey Him. Just choose. 48:50 I choose Jesus, I choose, 48:51 I don't know how we're gonna get through this, 48:53 but I choose to follow You. 48:56 And finally number four, Act on His word. 49:01 Act on His word. 49:02 Ladies and gentlemen, 49:03 do you think God intentionally made this 49:05 as difficult as He could think of, 49:07 so that we could barely get into the kingdom 49:09 and only a few with that. 49:11 Are you crazy? 49:12 He wants to save the human race. 49:14 It's about the ball and chain on your ankle. 49:16 He can't take it off unless you say you may take it off. 49:22 You can't take it off 49:23 you gone 38 years with the ball and chain. 49:26 You can't do it, He can do it. 49:33 You say, Dwight, you know what, 49:34 what is this some kind of legalism, 49:36 some kind of professionalism? 49:38 Okay, let me ask you, 49:41 was Jesus a legalist for saying to the man in the temple, 49:44 stop doing what you're doing it will kill you. 49:47 Was He a legalist for saying that to the man in the temple? 49:49 Yes are no, call it out to me. 49:51 No, it was not a legalist. 49:52 Was He a perfectionist for saying stop sinning? 49:55 Don't go on sinning any longer. 49:57 Was He perfectionist? No, He was not. 50:00 You know what He was? He's a realist. 50:02 And a realist is if you keep doing that it will kill you, 50:05 it will kill you. 50:06 I just healed you, but if you go back 50:07 like a dog to his vomit, it kill you. 50:10 Stay away from it, stay away. 50:15 He's being a realist. He's telling you the truth. 50:18 What do you want Him to do, lie to you, 50:21 call you, let you go to the judgment. 50:24 Laughing at what He has hoped you would finally deal with. 50:31 This is the hour of His judgment. 50:32 Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus is coming soon. 50:38 It's time to cleanse the soul temple, 50:41 cleanse the records up there fine, 50:43 but please cleanse the heart in here. 50:46 Cleanse me, oh God, 50:48 I want nothing between You and me, 50:51 nothing, nothing, nothing. 50:58 So the decision is yours. 51:03 I know this is a strong message, 51:07 but we ran into it getting to chapter 5. 51:09 We should have skipped chapter 5. 51:12 We ran into it. 51:15 And now we have to do something. 51:17 You'll never be the same again, because of this teaching. 51:20 If you say no to it, you now know what you're saying no to. 51:24 You're saying no to your Savior who is your judge. 51:28 And if He can't save you, 51:30 He'd the judge will make, but one decision 51:33 which you made for Him forget it, 51:37 take the Judge who is your Savior, obey Him. 51:42 Don't go on doing this please any longer. 51:50 "I can do all things 51:52 through Christ who strengthens me." 51:54 As a boy as to hear my mother, 51:57 beautiful contralto voice, 51:59 my dad was a preacher 52:01 and he would often have mother sing there in Japan 52:04 as we were move from the little church 52:05 to little church, 52:06 we would have mother sing this old gospel hymn. 52:09 So I grew up hearing this hymn 52:10 and I wish we would sing a stanza of it as well. 52:13 It's the familiar one. You've heard it, haven't you? 52:15 "Nothing between my soul and the Savior, 52:18 naught of this world's delusive dream." 52:23 Its 322 if you want sing. 52:25 Read the first stanza. 52:26 We'll put the words on the screen for you 52:27 though also maybe you can just leave your hymn now close 52:30 and let's stand together and let's sing our commitment. 52:32 This is an altar call, now nobody's coming forward. 52:34 I'm not asking you to raise your hand, 52:36 you've already made a decision in your heart 52:38 or you're wrestling with that decision now 52:40 and I'm praying for that decision 52:41 that you make the decision Jesus is calling you today to make 52:45 the decision to declare to Him by your grace Lord Jesus, 52:49 I want nothing between my soul and You my Judge. 53:09 Nothing between my soul and my Savior 53:17 Naught of this world's delusive dream 53:25 I have renounced all sinful pleasure 53:32 Jesus is mine, 53:36 There's nothing between 53:41 Nothing between my soul and my Savior 53:49 So that His blessed face 53:54 May be seen 53:57 Nothing preventing 54:01 The least of His favor 54:06 Keep the way clear! 54:10 Let nothing between 54:17 Isn't that a beautiful prayer to pray to your own heart? 54:19 Saying, oh, Jesus, please 54:21 so I want nothing between You and my Savior. 54:27 We pray the prayer He answers the prayer. 54:30 His grace is sufficient for us. 54:32 At the beginning of the journey 54:33 it will be sufficient for us, at the end of the journey. 54:36 We can trust Him. 54:37 I want to sing that chorus, one more time. 54:39 How its begin, what's the opening note? 54:41 Nothing between 54:45 My soul and my Savior 54:50 So that His blessed face 54:55 May be seen 54:59 Nothing preventing 55:03 The least of His favor 55:09 Keep the way clear! 55:13 Let nothing between 55:20 O Father, we sing, 55:22 we sing the desire of our hearts. 55:25 We are so weak, we are so fragile, God. 55:31 But our Savior is able, 55:36 if He could heal a man 55:37 who for 38 years lay there crippled, 55:43 He can heal my crippled heart, 55:45 He can heal our crippled lives. 55:47 There is nothing He cannot do. 55:51 And so oh, God, 55:52 we humbly ask that You would take away 55:56 using our own hands please, 55:58 take away all that is between us and the Savior 56:02 and let us live today in the words of William Miller, 56:05 today and today and today 56:09 with nothing between until Jesus comes. 56:13 And we shall know the truth 56:16 of this mighty promise of Holy Scripture. 56:22 And now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, 56:27 to keep you from falling, 56:29 and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory 56:32 with exceeding joy 56:34 to God our Savior who alone is wise 56:38 be glory and majesty dominion power 56:42 both now and forever, amen. 56:58 Before you go I'd like to take a moment and talk to you 57:00 about your relationship with Jesus. 57:02 So often we go to church, 57:03 we listen to a sermon about the things 57:05 that Jesus said or that which Jesus did. 57:08 We learn all these facts about Him. 57:09 Yeah, when it comes down to it we sometimes realize 57:11 we haven't actually come to know Him personally ourselves 57:15 or perhaps you've only recently discovered the love of Christ 57:18 and you wondering where you go from here. 57:20 That's why I'd like to invite you to take 57:21 advantage of this free book offer 57:23 the little classic "Steps to Christ." 57:25 since this book was first print a century ago, 57:28 it sold over 50 million copies, 57:29 its been translated into a 135 different languages. 57:33 You know what, the good news of the gospel is so direct 57:35 and so sublimely simple that we often look right past it. 57:39 So what this book does is it will help you see the good news 57:42 in all it's glory in all its beauty. 57:44 What you're gonna discover here 57:45 are clear simply steps to help you 57:47 enter into the most important friendship of your life. 57:51 So please give us a call. 57:52 Toll free number you see it on your screen. 57:54 877 and then the two words "His-Will." 57:57 877-His-Will. 57:58 Ask one of our friendly operators 58:00 for your free copy of "Steps to Christ." 58:03 By the way years ago this book led me to Christ 58:06 and I pray that it will lead you to Him as well. 58:08 So give us a call and in the meantime 58:10 God be with you every step of the way 58:12 until we're here again next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17