New Perceptions

East Gate

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP102106

00:27 Dear Father, here we are in Your house.
00:32 We thank You and we praise You for Your mercy,
00:36 for Your patience and for Your faithfulness,
00:39 for Your call because You brought us here today,
00:44 Lord we thank You for these things in Jesus name,
00:48 because it is in Him alone that we are even able
00:51 to speak Your name,
00:52 let alone come into Your presence.
00:56 So it is in His name that we praise You
00:58 this morning please accept our gifts, amen.
01:16 In Christ Alone my hope is found
01:23 He is my light, My strength, my song.
01:28 This Cornerstone, This solid ground
01:34 Firm through the fiercest Drought and storm
01:39 What heights of love, What depths of peace
01:45 When fears are stilled When strivings cease
01:50 My Comforter, my all in all
01:56 Here in the love of Christ I stand
02:04 In Christ alone Who took on flesh
02:10 Fullness of God In helpless babe
02:15 This gift of love And righteousness
02:20 Scorned by the ones He came to save
02:25 'Till on that cross As Jesus died
02:31 The wrath of God was satisfied
02:36 For every sin on Him was laid
02:42 Here In the death of Christ I live
02:48 There in the ground His body lay
02:52 Light of the world By darkness slain
02:57 Then bursting forth In glorious day
03:03 Up from the grave He rose again
03:08 And as He stands in victory
03:14 Sin's curse Has lost it's grip on me
03:19 For I am His and He is mine
03:25 Bought with the Precious blood of Christ
03:52 No guilt in life No fear in death
03:58 This is The power of Christ in me
04:03 From life's first cry To final breath
04:09 Jesus commands my destiny
04:14 No power of hell No scheme of man
04:19 Can ever pluck me from His hand
04:25 'Till He returns Or calls me home
04:31 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
05:03 This is my desire you
05:08 To honor you Lord
05:15 With all my heart I worship you
05:26 All I have within me,
05:32 I give You praise
05:38 All that I adore is in you
05:50 Lord, I give you my heart I give you my soul
05:57 I live for you alone
06:01 Every breath that I take Every moment I'm awake
06:08 Lord have Your way in me
06:17 This is my desire you
06:22 To honor you
06:28 Lord, with all my heart I worship you
06:39 All I have within me
06:44 I give You praise
06:50 All that I adore is in you
07:01 Lord I give you my heart
07:04 I give you my soul
07:08 I live for you alone
07:12 Every breath that I take Every moment I'm awake
07:19 Lord have Your way in me
07:34 In the morning
07:39 When I rise
07:42 In the morning when I rise
07:50 In the morning
07:54 When I rise
07:57 Give me Jesus
08:05 Give me Jesus
08:11 Give me Jesus
08:17 You can have all this world
08:25 But give me Jesus
08:33 Isn't that our pray in this morning?
08:36 You can have all this world,
08:38 take it all, just me give Jesus.
08:42 I invite those of you to join us at front for prayer
08:45 as we sing that stanza again
08:47 "In the morning when I rise give me Jesus"
08:50 that's your pray and join us at the front.
08:54 Just slip out of your seats and come on down
08:56 and sing with us, "In the morning as I rise."
09:01 In the morning when I rise
09:08 In the morning when I rise
09:14 In the morning when I rise
09:21 Give me Jesus
09:28 Give me Jesus
09:35 Give me Jesus
09:42 You can have all this world
09:49 But give me Jesus
10:05 Let us kneel as we pray.
10:22 Our Heavenly Father,
10:26 Our merciful and all loving God,
10:30 we have come to praise You and to worship You.
10:34 We would see Jesus, give us Jesus.
10:40 As we turn our eyes upon Him,
10:43 and again look full into His wonderful face,
10:47 may the things of earth grow strangely dim,
10:51 in the light of His glory and grace.
10:56 So we wait before you now with reverent
10:58 and submissive hearts,
11:02 so that as we listen to Your Word,
11:04 beautifully and meaningfully spoken and sung,
11:09 we might be lifted above our dark valleys of pain,
11:13 into the comfort and peace of Your presence.
11:19 We uplift to You just now those who've asked to be
11:23 remembered in prayer today,
11:26 along with all in our worshiping
11:28 and listening audience,
11:30 who bring to You special thanks and praises.
11:34 And all who carry special burdens,
11:37 concerns and hurts even though they may be unspoken.
11:43 As we pause this movement, hear these many solemn prayer,
11:49 we pray.
11:56 Bless us, Lord, those who ministered to us
11:59 in music and spoken word
12:02 and thank You, Father for hearing our prayer,
12:05 in Jesus name, amen.
12:15 If I take the wings Of the morning
12:21 And dwell in the Uttermost parts of the sea
12:26 Even there Shall thy hand lead me
12:31 And they right hand Shall hold me
12:36 If I take the wings Of the morning
12:41 And dwell in the Uttermost parts of the sea
12:47 Even there shall Thy hand lead me
12:51 And hold me
12:56 If I climb up into heaven Thou art there
13:06 If I make my bed in hell Behold, thou art there
13:16 O Lord, thou hast Searched me and known me
13:22 O Lord, thou hast Searched me and known me
13:27 Hast searched me and known me
13:35 Thou knoest my down-sitting And my uprising
13:44 Thou understandest My thought afar off
13:55 Thou compassest my path
14:00 and my lying down
14:03 And my lying down
14:06 And art acquainted With all my ways
14:17 For there is
14:20 Not a word in my tongue
14:26 But lo, O Lord
14:29 Thou knowest
14:30 It altogether
14:39 Whither shall I go from thy spirit
14:47 Or whither shall I flee from thy presence
15:04 Lord, thou art there
15:08 Thou art there
15:14 If I take the wings Of the morning
15:19 And dwell in the uttermost Parts of the sea
15:25 Even there shall Thy hand lead me
15:30 And thy right hand Shall hold me
15:35 If I say, surely the darkness Shall cover me
15:45 Even the night shall be Light about me
15:54 Yea, the darkness Is no darkness with thee
16:04 But the night shineth As the day
16:12 Shineth as the day
16:17 Shineth as the day
16:24 If I take the wings Of the morning
16:29 If I take the wings Of the morning
16:34 If I take the wings Of the morning
16:39 Thou art there
16:42 O Lord, thou art there.
16:45 O Lord, thou art there.
16:48 O Lord, thou art there.
16:51 O Lord, thou art there.
16:57 O Lord, thou art there.
17:00 O Lord
17:04 Thou art there.
17:11 O Lord, thou art there.
17:43 Let's pray together.
17:45 Oh, Father what beautiful, beautiful prayer.
17:48 We, we, we prayed it with the choir
17:49 as they sang Psalm 139...
17:55 if we fly with wings in the morning you are there...
18:00 in the depths of the darkest night Your were there.
18:04 You're not only Creator of the universe,
18:06 You are the sustainer,
18:07 Your finger prints are everywhere.
18:10 And that means Father, truly you are here.
18:15 All we need You to teach us today.
18:17 Let this teaching be clear, hide,
18:21 hide all the clamor that would distract us,
18:24 and may it be the voice of the holy scripture
18:28 that not only engages our minds
18:30 but we need you to empower
18:32 our hearts for the glory of Christ.
18:35 We pray in His name, amen.
18:41 I would like you to meet a friend of mine
18:44 his last name is Elton.
18:46 Give a warm welcome to Mr. S. K. Elton,
18:50 who I would like come out
18:53 and join me here on the platform,
18:57 S. K. Elton, skeleton, yeah.
19:02 Thank you Norm Paulo, one of our deacons.
19:05 This one of the deacons, who came late to first service.
19:10 Actually, actually this is from the biology department
19:12 thank you Dr. David Steen for loaning
19:14 this, this belongs to them.
19:17 I understand this is a biology major
19:20 who never graduated and so go into to good use.
19:24 Actually he's standing here today,
19:25 this skeleton because he represents
19:28 the system of 206 parts.
19:33 That's an average human skeleton, 206 parts.
19:37 How many different ways can a 206 part system
19:40 be put together, that' the question?
19:42 How many different ways?
19:43 Well if there were only one bone
19:45 and I happened to have in my pocket a clavicle
19:47 that would be what's up here will be
19:49 known as your collar bone.
19:51 I have clavicle here,
19:52 if there is just one bone in the system,
19:54 this can only put together one way is that right?
19:57 One, one times one equals to one.
20:00 If you have two bones, if I took both clavicles,
20:02 one times two equals two.
20:07 So there are deferent ways you can assemble it.
20:08 If there were three bones, one times,
20:10 two times, three equals, six yeah.
20:14 If there were four bones one times, two times,
20:16 three times, four equals 24 and so on, and so on.
20:19 So here's what mathematicians tell us,
20:21 you need to find-- if you want find out
20:23 how many deferent ways there are
20:25 to put a 206 part system together,
20:29 you just have to go one times,
20:30 two times, three times four times
20:31 all the way up to 206 and the number
20:33 is called 206 factorial, it's written 206
20:37 and a big exclamation mark after the six.
20:40 Now the number is gigantic.
20:43 The number is actually 10 to the 388th power.
20:47 That means you write the number one,
20:50 and then you write 388 thousand,
20:54 388 rather zeros after the one.
20:56 In fact let, let, let's just try it on the screen.
20:59 Here is what 388 zeros look like,
21:01 count real quick, quick, quick, quick,
21:03 quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
21:04 We'll put them all the same screen.
21:05 All right here they are,
21:07 that is the number 10 to the 388th.
21:12 I read an essay the other day, got a book in Australia.
21:16 Essay written by a scientist Jerry Bergman,
21:19 he teaches at Northwestern Community College
21:20 in Archbold, Ohio.
21:22 His second PHD is in human biology.
21:27 He notes in his essay that the achievement
21:29 of only the correct general position,
21:31 not that is it, is it right side up or up side down,
21:34 don't worry about all that, don't worry about tendons,
21:36 don't worry about should it be
21:37 twisted little to right, to left.
21:38 Just get it, get these in order.
21:41 The achievement for only the correct general position
21:43 required for all 206 parts will occur only once
21:46 out that 10 to the 388 random attempts.
21:51 Let me put me the number back upon the screen.
21:52 If you had that many tries,
21:55 it's all right put it on the screen please
21:56 If you had that many tries,
21:59 it would take you, that many to get one,
22:02 just one for all of these are in the right position.
22:07 Not right angle, but just in the right position.
22:10 Now, how long would it take for us to do that?
22:15 Dr. Bergman goes on and he says
22:16 okay let's take all the time that scientists
22:21 will grant to the universe, astronomic time,
22:23 they're guessing that the universe is between
22:24 10 billion to 20 billion years old.
22:27 How many seconds is that, that would be
22:29 10 to the 18th number of seconds.
22:31 All right so that's the one with 18 zeros after it,
22:34 that's how many seconds in history,
22:36 in all of the universe.
22:38 If you could do this, if every second
22:42 you could take all 206 and do--
22:46 rearranging every second--
22:48 oh, I don't like that one--
22:49 If you could do every single second
22:53 for the history of the universe, okay,
22:58 Dr. Bergman notes that the chance
23:01 of the correct general position
23:02 being obtained by random is less than
23:04 once in 10 billion years, less than once.
23:10 You say hey, well, Dwight, that's it.
23:11 That's all I wanted to know, can you get a skeleton
23:14 in 10 billion years, in the history of the universe,
23:16 can you get a skeleton?
23:17 Oh my friend don't get excited too quickly
23:20 because I remind you, that in order
23:22 to get skeleton you first have to have the bones.
23:25 You have to have all 206 perfectly formed,
23:28 ready to go and you have to start
23:30 at the beginning of the time,
23:31 you have to start 10 to 20 billion years ago.
23:37 Is it possible?
23:38 Here's Dr. Bergman's conclusion,
23:42 for all practical purposes, a zero possibility exists
23:46 that the correct general position,
23:48 only the position of only 206 parts could be
23:52 obtained simultaneously by chance, zero possibility.
23:55 Because guess what guys, there are more than 206 bones.
23:59 Let's take the cerebral cortex, right back here,
24:01 all right, the human brain 10 billion cells
24:04 in just cerebral cortex.
24:07 Each one, humanly speaking, infinitely complex.
24:10 And not just the cerebral cortex,
24:12 listen to this, there are 75 trillion cells
24:16 in a human being's body.
24:18 Seventy five trillion, so got to have 206,
24:21 and then got to, you got to get all 10 billion
24:24 of the cerebral cortex, and then you have
24:26 to put all 75 trillion cells
24:30 in the perfectly correct position.
24:32 Ladies and Gentlemen,
24:33 if it statically impossible for 206
24:37 can you imagine that it is zero, nada,
24:42 not possible, to put the human body together,
24:45 in the history of the universe randomly.
24:52 You say hey, preacher, big deal
24:54 so what's it has to do with the rumors from the east?
24:56 Ah you watch, you just watch here,
24:59 I want invite you to use some of your 10 billion
25:02 cerebral cortex cells and open your Bible
25:04 please to the Bible's last book,
25:06 watch this, this is incredible.
25:09 Bible's last book let's go
25:11 to the Book of Revelation, please.
25:14 Let's take a look, our teaching series
25:16 is called "Rumors from the East,"
25:17 those of you who are joining us today for the first time,
25:20 we are delighted to have you by the way.
25:22 You'll be able to pick this right up
25:23 as if there hadn't been a sermon teaching
25:26 before this, this presentation.
25:28 Revelation chapter seven, if you didn't bring your Bible
25:30 please take the pew Bible,
25:32 it's right in front of you pull it out,
25:33 that's for you to use.
25:34 And it would be page, it would be page 826,
25:39 and by the way, before I forget,
25:41 before forget, I want you to jot
25:43 this numbers down real quick.
25:44 Get the numbers, while these are
25:45 still hot in our in minds.
25:46 Pull your pen out and take the study guide
25:48 that's in today's worship bulletin.
25:49 You have study guide waiting for you,
25:51 I want to make sure today everybody gets it.
25:53 In fact if you'd like to have
25:54 an extra one for a friend of yours
25:55 who's not here, hold your hand up
25:57 our ushers are going to put them
25:58 in your hands right now, all the way to the balcony,
26:00 I want to make sure choir, you have your study guide here?
26:03 Do you? Okay.
26:04 Now while the ushers are passing them
26:05 out I want say to those of you watching on television,
26:07 you can go our website.
26:08 In fact let me put it on the screen right now.
26:11 There it is
26:13 Go to that website please, click on the teaching series,
26:17 its called "Rumors from the East,"
26:18 this happens to be part 6
26:20 we're heading towards end of it.
26:21 This is part 6 and this one entitled
26:23 the "East Gate."
26:25 That'll become clear in just a movement.
26:27 Click on the "East Gate," where it says study guide,
26:29 boom you click there you will have
26:30 the same study guide that we have.
26:33 You can print it out or just leave it there
26:34 on the computer and follow this fascinating teaching.
26:38 All right everybody has it.
26:39 Let's get this numbers
26:40 while they are fresh in our minds,
26:41 jot them down please.
26:43 A random assembly of a 206 part system,
26:45 that will be the human skeleton.
26:47 Okay one times, two times, three times,
26:49 four times five all the way up to times
26:50 six equals ten to the 388th.
26:53 You know, you write in exponent,
26:55 come on you mathematicians.
26:56 You write it small you lifted up
26:58 little bit, all right.
26:59 10 to the 388, that means one with 388 zeroes after it,
27:04 that's, that's how many tries you would have
27:07 to make in order get one time, get this right, all right.
27:13 Keep writing here, rearranging these
27:14 206 parts once every second for all of astronomic time,
27:17 which would be between 10 to 20 billion years,
27:19 or 10 to the 18th seconds, just get that down
27:22 that's how many seconds in the history of the universe,
27:24 is a one out of 10, put this real small
27:28 388-18 minus one for every second
27:32 it it's a one our of 10 to the 370th possibility.
27:37 Now you scientists know all the stuff
27:39 and you majors in math specialists.
27:42 Now I want you to get this, this quotation
27:43 leading Dr. Jerry Bergman
27:46 form Northwest State College in Ohio.
27:48 Fill it in please "For all practical purposes,
27:50 a zero possibility exists
27:53 that the correct general position
27:55 of only 206 parts
27:56 could be obtained simultaneously by chance
27:58 and the average human has about 75 trillion cells!
28:03 Now here comes an extra sentence,
28:04 this illustration indicates that the argument
28:07 commonly used by evolutionists,
28:09 here's what the evolutionist scientists say,
28:11 given enough time, all right, given enough time,
28:14 anything can happen.
28:17 Dr. Bergman says, guess what?
28:19 given enough time anything cannot happen.
28:22 It essentially, it essentially takes this argument
28:26 and leaves it right wanting, it's bankrupt,
28:29 it's just as human,
28:30 it's statistically impossible to do.
28:34 That's all have to do
28:35 with the "Rumors from the East?"
28:37 All right, you have Revelation 7,
28:38 let's go, let's fly.
28:40 Revelation 7, let's pick it up with verse one
28:42 we will were last week
28:43 let's read the same verse again.
28:45 Revelation 7:1 "After these things
28:48 I saw four angels standing
28:49 at the four corners of the earth,
28:51 holding the four winds of the earth,
28:52 that the wind should not blow on the earth,
28:54 on the sea, or on any tree."
28:56 And then verse 2
28:57 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,"
28:59 key word in this series we're looking
29:00 at the reference to the East and only three of them,
29:03 "having the seal of the living God.
29:07 And the fifth angel cried with a loud voice"
29:09 like a mega phone, "to the four angels to whom
29:12 it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
29:14 and he said" verse 3 "Do not harm the earth,
29:16 the sea, or the trees till we have sealed
29:19 the servants of out God on their foreheads."
29:22 John is curious now "and I heard"
29:24 he saying "the number of those who were sealed.
29:27 One hundred and forty-four thousand
29:29 of all the tribes of the children of Israel
29:31 were sealed."
29:33 Now let's pretend just for a moment,
29:34 ladies and gentlemen
29:35 that we have read these words before.
29:39 Even a cursory reading,
29:41 if this was the first time we heard them,
29:43 a cursory reading yield these four points,
29:45 jot them down please.
29:46 Point number 1, just a surface reading.
29:48 Number one, whatever is happening here transpires
29:51 just before the return of Christ,
29:55 write in the word return, happens just before the return.
29:59 In fact, just look at the last line of the chapter
30:02 just before these words, chapter 6:17
30:05 "For the great day of His wrath has come,
30:07 and who is able to stand?"
30:09 Second coming, boom, just before that transpires
30:12 this event in chapter 7 takes place, all right.
30:15 Number two, jot this down these 144,000, who are they?
30:19 They are, it's symbolic, it's symbolic number.
30:21 They are a symbol of God's friends,
30:24 write it in, at the end of time and the answer to the question
30:27 in chapter 6:17
30:29 "Who will stand up for God in the end?"
30:31 the question is who's going to be around?
30:34 These.
30:35 All right, number three, jot this down,
30:37 the symbolic seal in their forehead,
30:40 is the Father's name, Revelation 14:1
30:42 and it is a symbol of His ownership,
30:45 write those two words in.
30:47 Revelation 14:1, in fact let's,
30:49 let's just take a look at that for a movement.
30:51 "Then I looked, and behold, a lamb standing on Mount Zion,
30:53 an with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,
30:55 having His Father's name written where?
30:58 Written where? "On their foreheads."
30:59 So the seal and the name inter changeable, okay?
31:03 When you put your name on something,
31:05 refresh my memory,
31:06 what does it mean when you put your name on something?
31:09 When you put your name on book what's it mean?
31:10 It's mine, it belongs to me.
31:12 When you put your name on car,
31:15 deed or title, what's that mean?
31:16 Boom this book belongs,
31:18 this, this car belongs rather belongs to me.
31:19 When you put your name on a mortgage application
31:22 what is that mean?
31:23 Boom this house belongs to the bank.
31:24 That's what it means, doesn't belongs to you.
31:28 You think your house belongs to you?
31:29 You're crazy. You'll never own that house.
31:32 It belongs to the bank,
31:33 they bought it, the just trust you.
31:36 When you sign, how many weddings have I conducted,
31:39 when you sign your marriage certificate,
31:42 I've watched those marriage signatures,
31:43 then I've to mine.
31:44 When you sign your marriage certificate,
31:47 that spouse is saying I belong to you, honey,
31:49 I know I belong to you.
31:51 You belong to each other.
31:53 Once you put your name on means it belongs to me.
31:57 144,000 are a generation of radical,
31:59 loyal friends of God, who have chosen
32:01 to belong exclusively to Him.
32:03 All right, cursory reading you can figure these four out.
32:06 Here comes the final one, number four.
32:08 Jot it down please.
32:09 God has ownership because God is Creator,
32:14 that's Revelation 4:11, Jerry read it a moment ago
32:16 as our scripture reading, let's put Revelation 4:11
32:19 on the screen, "You are worthy, O Lord,
32:21 to receive glory and honor and power,
32:23 for You created all things,
32:26 and by Your will they exist and were created."
32:30 Ah, the whole universe belongs to God.
32:33 Look, look if you are created by God,
32:36 you belong to Him.
32:38 Which ladies and gentlemen, that's the rub,
32:42 that's the rub right there.
32:44 Some people say no way, Jose, I am not belonging to any God,
32:50 I am, I am all I need that's all and that's a rub.
32:54 Here is a geneticist his name is Richard Lewontin,
32:58 he is an atheist he made the statement about
33:00 evolutionary science materialism
33:02 that would be on God.
33:03 "materialism" is an absolute for we cannot
33:07 allow a divine foot in the door.
33:10 We just can have it, therefore no.
33:15 You know, it's really sad, I'll tell you why it's sad,
33:18 because the human race many, do not know what a friend
33:25 to the human race the Creator really is.
33:29 He's the best friend we got.
33:33 All right, here they are, four realities
33:35 we can know just from one time reading through,
33:36 we know these four.
33:37 Question but does the text more clearly identify
33:42 who these loyal friend of God are
33:45 and how can we identify them,
33:46 just before the return of Christ,
33:47 how are they identified?
33:48 Answer, there are 7 evidences.
33:50 I'm going to share now 7 evidences with you
33:53 and when the 7 are done I'm sitting down.
33:55 Drop jot this down please.
33:56 7 evidences, evidence number one.
33:59 Here's how we can know of whom these verse speaks.
34:01 Evidence number one, they, these people are sealed
34:04 with the seal of the living God,
34:07 write in the word living.
34:09 In fact let's just put Revelation 7:2
34:12 back on the screen.
34:13 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
34:15 having the seal of the living God"
34:18 so I go to the Bible works, laptop,
34:20 computer or a program, okay.
34:23 Do magic it's incredible, and type in the word living God
34:25 find them all for me, boom, boom, boom,
34:27 30 times in all the Bible.
34:30 That little couplet "living God" appears,
34:32 I give you, in your study guide you see
34:35 Jeremiah 10:10-13 and Acts 14:15,
34:38 just two of them.
34:39 But what are these two tell us
34:41 fill your study guide and please,
34:42 "The living God is synonymous with the Creating God."
34:46 Synonymous, watch this, let's put Acts 14:15,
34:50 Paul and his buddy Barnabas are in Lystra
34:53 and these people, because they just hear
34:54 the laying man, the people are convinces
34:56 these are two gods, two gods have
34:59 come to earth and they start offering sacrifices
35:01 and Paul say hold it, hold it,
35:03 you realize what is going on here.
35:04 And so he cries out these words Acts 14:15
35:07 "And saying, Men, why are you doing these things?
35:10 We also are men with the same nature as you,
35:12 and we preach to you that you should turn
35:14 from theses useless idols to the living God,
35:18 who made the heaven, the earth, the sea,
35:21 and all things that are in them."
35:24 There it is you see, when you living God,
35:26 that means creating God.
35:27 The seal of God that goes
35:29 in the forehead of His loyal friends
35:30 is the seal of the Creator, Creator, all right.
35:34 Evidence number two, jot this down please,
35:36 evidence number two.
35:37 By the way before I evidence number two,
35:40 can I just hit the pause button for a second,
35:41 just, just, just one moment.
35:44 I've been reading John Aston's compilation of essays
35:48 entitled "In 6 six why 50 scientists
35:51 choose to believe in creation."
35:52 Got the book in Australia.
35:55 One thing that occurred to me, as I've read these essays
36:01 and that is, both theories of origin,
36:04 naturalism, which means no, no, supernatural no deity,
36:09 naturalism no God.
36:10 And supernaturalism says oh, yes, God,
36:12 God Creator.
36:14 Both theories of origin are philosophically,
36:17 key word, philosophically dependent upon a God
36:21 for the theory of their origins.
36:24 Listen to this, here's Jeremiah Walter
36:26 who teaches engineering
36:27 at the University of Pennsylvania.
36:28 He's observed "naturalistic evolution
36:32 is forced to marry the Gods of mother earth
36:35 and father Time in order to come up
36:38 with their hypothesis."
36:41 Here's the thinking given enough time,
36:44 the forces of nature, we don't know
36:46 how they do it but with enough time
36:48 the forces of nature are able to could create life.
36:52 So the time and nature become de facto God
36:56 who inexplicably are able to do what we cannot show.
37:00 We don't know how, they just do it.
37:03 Leading Stephen Jay Gould,
37:04 the late Stephen Jay Gould, Howard,
37:07 brilliant evolutionary scientist,
37:10 leading Gould to exclaim that humans,
37:11 listen to this, humans are
37:13 a glorious evolutionary accident
37:16 that required 60 trillion contingent events,
37:20 all right 60, trillion of them.
37:22 And even he went on, even
37:24 if evolutionary history earth repeated itself
37:26 a million times he doubted
37:28 were any thing like home sapiens
37:30 would ever develop again.
37:32 We are a glorious accident, 60 trillion factors,
37:37 variables all lined up, boom we got us.
37:41 And that's all--
37:44 but if just noted with our skeleton here
37:47 there simply isn't enough time
37:48 and forces in nature put allow a 206 parts system
37:52 let alone a 75 trillion part system.
37:56 See, which is why whichever theory
38:00 you embrace, essentially becomes,
38:02 come on hear me out now,
38:03 essentially becomes a choice of God's.
38:07 You may choose Mother Nature,
38:08 father time or you may choose the living Creator,
38:11 God of the universe, but listen both theories
38:13 required an intervening force unknown
38:16 and unfalsifiable by men.
38:22 Scientists know what that means, unfalsifiable.
38:25 We can't prove it.
38:29 Evidence number two, jot this down please,
38:31 the angel that brings the sealing message
38:33 ascends out of the where?
38:35 East. Write that in please.
38:38 All right we're examining these three references to the east.
38:40 Remember, east is very significant
38:41 and by the way it's extremely significant
38:43 to what we've just read here.
38:44 You remember the principle
38:45 that we've been allowing to helps us
38:47 interpret Revelation, nearly every word
38:49 and phrase in Revelation is borrowed from where?
38:53 The Old Testament.
38:55 I'll tell you what, it's true again, right here,
38:56 and from the book of Ezekiel, once again,
38:58 from the book of Ezekiel, watch this.
39:00 Some of you've never seen these words before,
39:02 Ezekiel chapter 46 look at this.
39:05 Ezekiel 46 that would be in your pew Bible, page 592.
39:11 Ezekiel 46.
39:17 And just verse 1 and verse 3,
39:21 Ezekiel 46 look at this, "Thus says the Lord God,
39:28 'The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east'"
39:31 key word now, it's talking about the temple,
39:33 the new that they're going to build in Jerusalem.
39:35 "'The gateway of the inner court that faces
39:37 toward the east shall be shut the six working days,
39:42 but on the Sabbath, it shall be opened,
39:46 and on the day on the new moon is shall be opened.'"
39:48 Now drop down to verse 3,
39:49 "Likewise the people of the land shall worship
39:51 at the entrance to this gateway"
39:53 the one facing the east, "before the Lord,
39:55 on the Sabbaths and the new moons."
39:59 Would you write this down please, the east gate,
40:02 the east gate in Jerusalem's temple
40:05 was to be the Sabbath gate.
40:09 Please note that east is link to the Creator Sabbath,
40:12 not surprisingly so since the very word for the east
40:14 used in the Greek Old Testament,
40:15 the Septuagint, and in the New Testament
40:17 as well the Anatolia the word for east.
40:20 In fact, means the sun rising, means rising,
40:22 rising, rising, rising, rising,
40:23 so and did the scripture keep time,
40:26 the scripture keeps time by the what they called
40:28 the movement of the sun, sun set,
40:29 from sun set to sun set, from sun set to sun set,
40:31 sun set to sun set... you keep time.
40:32 Starts with the dark part of the day
40:34 and ends with the light part of the day.
40:35 From sun set to sun set, that's how the scripture
40:37 keeps the time.
40:38 So the Sabbath is marked, all time is marked by sun set.
40:41 So what Ezekiel's saying is there'll be six cycles,
40:44 six cycles of sun sets and then on the seventh cycle,
40:48 that gate is closed, on the seventh cycle,
40:50 the doors open, because it's the Sabbath now.
40:53 The gates that face east,
40:55 east and the Seventh-day Sabbath are bound together.
41:00 Interestingly enough, the gospel of Luke
41:03 does the same thing.
41:04 Watch this, this is the evidence number three,
41:05 jot this down, the gospel, that would be Luke,
41:07 that calls Jesus the "Sunrise,
41:09 " if you were here last week,
41:11 we saw that in Luke 1:78, the gospel that calls Jesus
41:15 the sunrise, that's the Greek word for east,
41:17 is the same gospel that calls Jesus
41:20 the Lord of the Sabbath in 6:5.
41:28 See the Greek word for the sunrise, east, in Christ,
41:33 in Christ, this is the key point, in Christ,
41:36 east and Sabbath are joined together.
41:38 Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of the east,
41:40 Lord of the sunrise, in Christ they're joined together.
41:43 Now what do we know just from this
41:45 three pieces of evidence?
41:46 We know that the angel that arises out of the east
41:48 with the seal of the living God for His loyal friends brings
41:51 this seal of the Creator.
41:53 All right the seal of the Creator,
41:54 bring it from the east, which should
41:55 a sign of the Sabbath, and bring it through Him
41:57 who's the divine Lord of the Sabbath,
42:00 Jesus is the front and center all the way through it.
42:02 Front and center.
42:03 In fact, do know what John, the one who wrote
42:06 Revelation, makes the identical point.
42:08 Watch this evidence number four, jot it down,
42:10 John in Revelation links Jesus as Lord of salvation
42:15 1:5 and 6, to Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath 1:10.
42:22 This is fascinating watch,
42:23 let's put 1:5 and 6 on the screen.
42:27 John is giving a, a doxology to the trinity and he comes
42:31 to Jesus and he says, "And from Jesus Christ,
42:33 the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,
42:35 and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
42:37 To Him Jesus who loved us and washed us from our sins
42:40 in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests
42:43 to His God and Father, to Him, to Jesus,
42:46 be glory and dominion forever and ever.
42:48 Amen."
42:49 There is question in John that Jesus
42:51 is the Lord of salvation.
42:53 Now just lines later, verse 10 of the chapter one
42:57 John talks about Sabbath, watch this,
42:59 so put Revelation 1:10
43:01 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day,
43:04 and I heard behind me a loud voice,
43:06 as of a trumpet..." and--
43:08 there is a materialization of Christ Himself,
43:11 Christ actually comes down to John.
43:14 Would you jot this down please,
43:15 the intent of John in the Apocalypse is to accentuate
43:20 the divinity, the divinity of Jesus.
43:23 Keep writing, in an empire that worships the Caesar,
43:26 John will show all of heaven worshiping the Christ,
43:30 fill that in.
43:32 And that's why John, does not call the day of worship
43:36 what he call it all the way through his gospel,
43:37 written nearly in the same time,
43:38 just few years earlier.
43:39 John won't call it Sabbath, his friends Mathew,
43:42 Mark and Luke all call the Sabbath, john won't.
43:44 Only one time in all the New Testament does,
43:47 do these words, does this name for Sabbath appear
43:51 and John calls it the Lord's day.
43:55 In fact, we need to fill that in.
43:56 But in order to emphasize Jesus' divine Lordship over
43:58 all creation here it is, only here does John call
44:01 the Seventh-day Sabbath "the Lord's day."
44:03 Now you know, when you and I come that phrase
44:05 we think it's like this the Lord's day,
44:10 no, no that's not point I making this the "Lord's day."
44:14 And I'm using a phrase used no where else,
44:17 in order to make sure you understand.
44:20 I was in, I was worshiping on the Sabbath,
44:22 I was in worship when suddenly, on the Lord's day,
44:27 the Lord showed up to me.
44:30 That's his point, the divinity of Christ,
44:32 the Lord's day.
44:34 What day is the Lord's day, let's Luke 6:5 Jesus was clear
44:39 we didn't read just a movement ago,
44:40 I'll give them a movement for scramble back to it,
44:42 Luke 6:5 "And Jesus said to them,
44:44 'The Son of Man is also Lord I'm Lord,
44:49 I'm the Lord of the Sabbath day.'
44:53 "Like the rest of the New Testament
44:54 John exalts Jesus' both Lord of salvation and Lord
44:58 of the Seventh-day Sabbath.
45:00 In fact here's the little summery
45:01 would you fill that in please, so the seal
45:02 that goes on the foreheads of God's loyal friends
45:04 at the end of time is a recognition of Him
45:07 as Creator through the Sabbath,
45:10 the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
45:12 Three more left.
45:13 Evidence number five, evidence number five,
45:16 the Old Testament confirms that conclusion.
45:22 Keep you pen moving, let me just run three line by
45:24 really quick, Psalm 40:8.
45:28 Hebrews 10 tells us, these are the words of Jesus,
45:30 Psalm 40:8 "I delight to do Your will, O my God,
45:33 and Your law," write it in "is within my heart."
45:39 I would expect Jesus to say that he was the law
45:40 giver in first place.
45:42 I would expect the law to be in His heart.
45:43 And love how God how describes His people,
45:45 in Isaiah 51:7 particularly, here in New Living translation,
45:50 God speaking "Listen to me, you who know right
45:52 from wrong and cherish my law in you hearts."
45:58 Very interesting one more line from the Isaiah,
46:00 jot it down, Isaiah 8:16, God speaking, "Seal,
46:04 "we've been talking about he seal so that word
46:06 catches our attention, seal, the Hebrew by the way
46:10 an official seal, "Seal the law among my disciples."
46:16 Hey have you ever seen an official seal?
46:18 Hebrew's clear, this is the official seal,
46:19 have you ever seen one?
46:21 The next time you see the president
46:23 giving the news conference you'll see
46:24 on the very front of his the little lectern you see
46:26 a little seal, won't you?
46:27 Every time the president gives the news conference.
46:29 So let's just take our present presidents,
46:32 George W Bush.
46:34 The seal has three ingredients, it has number one,
46:36 the name, George W Buss, number two, the office,
46:39 let's put that picture up please, number two, the office,
46:41 president and his jurisdiction
46:44 of the United States of America,
46:45 he's not the president of the world,
46:46 he's president only of the United States of America.
46:49 Isn't that right? That's the jurisdiction.
46:52 Now look, I want to you to take look at the Decalogue,
46:55 that'd be the Ten Commandments.
46:56 There is only one of the Ten Commandments
46:58 that has the three official ingredient of the seal in it.
47:03 Take look, go back to, go back to the Ten Commandments
47:06 of the Exodus Chapter 20.
47:10 I'd like you to see this for yourself, Exodus 20,
47:12 the Ten Commandments, thank you pastor
47:16 for your testimony just a movement ago about
47:19 how your Church every, every Sunday it repeated
47:22 the Ten Commandments, isn't that right?
47:23 Repeated the Ten Commandments,
47:25 in fact you did mentioned, Jerry that you two are
47:26 students together in the theological seminary,
47:29 because here you are attending the seminary now
47:30 is that correct?
47:31 Yeah good to have you.
47:35 But here is what is read in many churches every,
47:38 every worship, weekly worship.
47:41 Let's go down to the fourth Commandment,
47:42 drop down to the verse 8 "Remember the Sabbath day,
47:47 to keep it holy.
47:49 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
47:53 but verse 10 the Seventh day is the Sabbath
47:56 of the Lord your God.
47:57 In it you shall do no work, you, nor you son,
48:00 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
48:03 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
48:04 nor your stranger who is within your gates."
48:06 One more verse 11 "For in six days
48:09 the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea,
48:11 and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
48:15 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
48:20 Jot it down please, the only one
48:23 of the Ten Commandments
48:24 that contains the three ingredients
48:25 of an official seal is the fourth Commandment.
48:29 The fourth write it in, the fourth.
48:30 What are the three ingredients
48:32 again pastor let's put them on the screen.
48:33 Ingredient one, you have to have the name,
48:35 "the Lord you God, there it is, the Lord your God."
48:38 You have to have an office. What's the office? The maker.
48:41 Now its say he made, we have turn that verb into a noun
48:44 He's the maker, the Creator, and what is His jurisdiction?
48:46 Ah, what did we put, fill it in please "the heavens
48:49 and the earth, the sea and all that is in them."
48:53 I.e. the entire universe is the Creator's jurisdiction
48:57 true or false?
48:59 But of course.
49:02 Clearly, just as the New Testament
49:04 does the Old Testament links the seal of God
49:07 with His office as Creator as memorialized
49:11 in the Seventh-day Sabbath,
49:14 the day both Old and New teach the day Jesus is the Lord of.
49:19 Just two more, jot them down please number six,
49:21 evidence number 6, the sealed ones are given
49:25 a global mission, a global message
49:26 that proclaims, fill it in,
49:28 "Worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea
49:31 and the springs of waters."
49:33 You know it's amazing, John describes Revelation 14,
49:35 he describes these 144,000 this final generation
49:38 and as soon as he get that description out his mouth,
49:41 he immediately takes his pen to describing the massage
49:45 they will take, they are raised up God to take this
49:47 massage to the entire plant and what's the massage?
49:51 Let's, let's put it on the screen first
49:53 "Then I saw another angel"
49:55 this right after he describes the seal,
49:57 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
50:00 having the everlasting gospel to preach
50:02 to those who dwell on the earth.
50:03 To every nation, tribe, tongue, and people,
50:05 and He said with a loud voice," there's you mega phone again
50:08 "'Fear God and give glory to Him,
50:10 for the hour of His judgment has come,
50:12 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
50:14 the sea and springs of water."
50:16 "Would you write it down please?
50:17 and 7 are clear,
50:20 are clearly a call to earth's inhabitants
50:23 to return to the Creator, return to the one who made
50:27 heaven and earth and the sea,
50:29 return to the Creator and his Seventh-day Sabbath.
50:32 You say I don't see a word about that,
50:34 let me just tell me something,
50:35 the language in the Greek in verse 7 of Revelation 14
50:38 is the identical language in the Greek,
50:41 in the Greek Old Testament Septuagint
50:43 in the Fourth the Commandment.
50:44 The same language, it's the Sabbath
50:47 and the Creator.
50:49 That is the passion of that appeal.
50:52 Finally the evidence number seven,
50:55 evidence number seven, the one who seals
50:57 God's friends,
50:58 write it down, is the Holy Spirit,
51:01 whom Jesus called in John 16:13 "The Spirit of truth."
51:08 Whatever the Spirit seals into you it's going to be true,
51:10 it's going to be the truth.
51:12 And by the way, there are three great verse Ephesians 1:13,
51:15 Ephesians 4:30 and 2nd Corinthians 1:22,
51:17 all describe the Holy Spirit as the one who seals.
51:19 Let's put Ephesians, yeah, Ephesians 4:30 on the screen.
51:23 Paul writes "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
51:26 by whom you were sealed,
51:28 the Holy Spirit is the one who seals you,
51:30 by whom you were sealed, for the day of redemption."
51:33 Write this down please, "The very Spirit
51:36 that John was in the Lord's say on,"
51:38 remember he said I was in the Spirit
51:39 on the Lord's day, the very Spirit
51:42 is the one who seals the Creator's name
51:45 and the Creator's day upon the minds
51:47 and hearts of an end-time generation.
51:51 God says, hey, I belong to them, I'm their Creator,
51:54 they belong to me they're my Creation.
51:58 There they are ladies and gentlemen,
52:00 seven of them, seven compelling evidences
52:03 that the sealing of the Revelation 7
52:05 describes a loyalty to the Creator God
52:08 that will be evidenced by the observance of his
52:10 Seventh-day Sabbath.
52:12 I don't know about you but I'm, when I'm thinking,
52:14 you know, would I like a little seal on me,
52:16 I tell what, if that seal means that I belong to the Creator,
52:19 if that seal means His name on my life,
52:22 I want that seal, I mean, don't you?
52:24 I mean, come on, it's a no brainer, isn't it?
52:26 Is that a Christian on earth who would not want
52:28 the seal of God in his or her forehead?
52:30 I can't think of a Christian alive
52:31 who wouldn't say now seal me,
52:32 put the Creator seal right, nothing is going on the skin.
52:36 It's going in side my life as symbol of my commitment
52:40 to the one who owns me, as it were, the one created me.
52:45 Hey this much I know, and then I'll sit down,
52:46 this much I know.
52:50 It is no accident, that this particular rumor from the
52:55 east is shown in the apocalypse to be
52:58 on the ascendancy at very time in the human history,
53:03 there's never been an hour like this,
53:04 at the very time in human history
53:06 when the notion of God as Creator
53:08 is under the most withering attack
53:10 it has ever suffered.
53:12 It's no coincidence that at this time,
53:16 God raise up a generation and says, boy,
53:19 you belong to me, no coincidence.
53:23 The secular post-modern culture that rules academia,
53:27 it rules the entertainment world,
53:29 it even rules mainline religion,
53:32 that culture is a vowed in his opposition
53:36 to the notion of a Creator God.
53:38 And I tell you what, the, the forces of political
53:41 correctness are exactly in heavy,
53:44 heavy toll to anybody, who would out there stand up
53:48 and say wait a minute I don't, I don't believe that,
53:50 I do not believe that.
53:53 I believe, I believe
53:55 in a living God, who created me.
53:59 I tell you what it's huge toll to stand up out there
54:03 with that confession.
54:06 But I tell you, I, tell you also this in my last breath.
54:11 You look at, look at this, get the camera here please.
54:15 You look at this guy, take a careful
54:17 look at him please,
54:18 our silent friend reminds us that without the Creator
54:23 this is all we have to look forward to.
54:27 Take a look, that's it baby, that's your destiny, girl, boy.
54:33 That's your eternity.
54:35 Take a good look, take a good look.
54:39 Darwinism, naturalism, evolutionary scientists
54:43 and philosophy have nothing to give you
54:45 except the cold hand of death.
54:51 Hey, you laugh, you laugh, it's true.
54:55 This is all get. This is all you get.
55:03 According to the apocalypse,
55:05 there will a generation at the end of time
55:07 that in the face of overwhelming
55:09 public resistance, the generation will stand up
55:12 and say you know what...
55:16 this much I know, this much I know.
55:21 I was blind but now I see, I was lost
55:25 but now I am found, this much I know,
55:27 somebody has put His name on my life.
55:30 And I belong to him and if it's a choice
55:33 between two hands, if it's a choice
55:35 between this hand and a nail scared hand,
55:39 there will be generation at the end of time
55:41 that stands up and says you can have that hand,
55:43 I will take the nail scared hand in my hand,
55:46 and I will live, I will die for my Creator.
55:52 Ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to be over
55:54 dramatic here, but you know what,
55:56 there're only two hands to choose from,
55:59 there's no third hand, there's no third hand.
56:02 You can, you can't say, I'm going to hold this hand
56:04 because I'm really kind of keep in touch with those people
56:07 and I'm going to hold this hand over here.
56:08 You can't hold two hands, there's isn't a marriage
56:12 on earth that'll allow you to hold two hands.
56:14 Trust me, you can't hold two hands.
56:17 You have let go of one hand and only clasp the other,
56:21 you can choose this hand.
56:24 Or you can choose the nail scared hand
56:26 of the living Creator, who by the way
56:28 if understand this book correctly,
56:29 not only offers us his hand,
56:30 not only offers us His heart but if the book is true,
56:34 also offers us His home one day.
56:37 And when He describes that home
56:39 in Isaiah 66, he says,
56:40 let me tell you what it is like home folks,
56:42 from one Sabbath to another, all flesh will come
56:47 and worship before me.
56:50 I want to be part of that reunion, don't you?
56:53 I want to hold the living hand.
56:55 I don't what your choice is but as for in my house
56:57 we will serve the Lord.
57:01 Amen.
57:05 Before you go I just want to take one more moment
57:07 to let you know how glad I am you share this hour of worship
57:10 and Bible teachings with us.
57:12 Living in the world that we do now,
57:13 a civilization surviving on the edge of constant
57:16 upheaval and change, I'm grateful that we have
57:19 bed rock hope of Jesus, aren't you?
57:21 And I'm thankful that you and I can partner together
57:23 to reach this generation the world over,
57:25 through the satellite telecast.
57:27 So please know that I thank God and you for the generous way
57:31 you partnered with us.
57:33 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:35 all across the earth for such a time as this.
57:38 If you'd like to order a DVD or a video tape copy of this
57:41 teaching today, or make a donation
57:42 on your credit card,
57:44 please call our friendly operators
57:45 at the numbers on your screen, there it is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:49 Just the two words 877-HIS-WILL and I promise you,
57:53 we will invest every penny
57:54 of your generosity in God's mission
57:56 to reach this final generation now.
57:59 Thank you for that partnership.
58:01 And I will see you here again, next time.


Revised 2015-05-14