New Perceptions

Just Walk Across The Room

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP101808

01:02 Whatever be the love
01:08 It is enfolded
01:15 O, God of love
01:20 Within your arms
01:24 Embrace
01:29 Our human passions
01:35 Partnerships and yearnings
01:44 Refined within the radiance
01:51 Of your grace
02:07 Whatever be our smallest
02:11 Acts of courage
02:16 O, God of strength
02:20 They witness to your power
02:27 That reaches through our fear
02:34 And anxious trembling
02:39 And nurtures us to grow
02:44 To fullest flower
02:57 Whatever be the question
03:04 Or the challenge
03:09 O, God of wisdom
03:16 Source of holy speech
03:24 It is your call
03:29 That summons us
03:34 To justice
03:39 And opens hearts to live
03:44 The truth you teach
03:55 Whatever be our faith
04:01 It is uplifted
04:06 O, God of mystery
04:14 Far beyond our sights
04:21 Through shadowed lands
04:27 Through shadowed lands
04:33 Our wandering upward pathways
04:40 Converge
04:47 Within your final realm of light
05:05 Whatever be the song
05:12 It is your music
05:18 O, God of hope
05:23 Sustaining every breath
05:31 With morning stars
05:37 And mountains peaks
05:42 United
05:47 In symphonies of joy
05:53 Outliving death
06:10 Outliving death
06:13 Outliving death
06:17 In symphonies
06:22 Of joy
06:30 Of joy
06:55 Let's pray together.
06:58 Oh, God whatever be the love,
07:01 whatever be our smallest acts of courage,
07:06 whatever be the question or the challenge,
07:11 whatever be our faith,
07:13 whatever be the song, it is your music.
07:15 Oh, God of hope
07:17 sustaining every breath with morning stars
07:20 and mountain peaks united in symphonies of joy
07:25 out living death.
07:28 Holy Father, we have every reason to worship you today.
07:35 Receive these gifts of grateful hearts,
07:41 and take this moment, the moment has left,
07:44 turn it into a teaching moment.
07:45 Please may ancient scripture engage our very present journey
07:52 for the glory of Christ Jesus.
07:53 We pray in his name. Amen.
08:00 Can you believe?
08:01 Amen, can you believe this economic rollercoaster
08:06 that we are on as a nation, and not just as a nation,
08:09 that we are on as a world.
08:11 Look, I'm not an old guy,
08:13 but in all the years that I have lived
08:15 I cannot remember a time of such sustained
08:20 bad news headlines one after the other.
08:23 And every new headline recreates a landscape.
08:28 But I want to share with you this morning
08:30 why this time of such bad news
08:34 is actually the good news time for the everlasting gospel.
08:40 I want to refer to you to a study done back in 1967
08:43 two researchers at the University of Washington,
08:45 School of Medicine.
08:47 Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe designed an instrument called
08:50 the social readjustment rating scale.
08:54 Life change units, 43 human experiences
08:57 that you can go through.
08:59 Anyone of which will significantly
09:01 impact your next 12 months.
09:03 Now here's their premise, I'm quoting now,
09:05 their premise was that "The good and bad events,"
09:08 good and bad, "in one's life can increase stress levels
09:10 and make one more susceptible to illness
09:12 and mental health problems,"
09:14 i.e., there are certain life experiences we all go through.
09:17 And they can be good, very good as well as bad,
09:19 but by our going through them
09:21 internally the paradigm gets shifted.
09:24 It can be shifted physically
09:25 so that we become more vulnerable to disease.
09:27 It can become shifted emotionally
09:29 so that mental health becomes an issue or intellectually.
09:34 43 life experiences, and what as you know it,
09:36 at the very top, at the very top, 130 points,
09:42 and the issue is how many these points
09:44 you accumulate in 12 months,
09:45 at the every top the death of a child.
09:48 There is no greater human loss.
09:51 Death of a spouse is 30 points lower.
09:54 Death of a child.
09:56 That's how much your parents love you.
09:58 That's how much you mean to your parents.
10:00 If anything, God forbid, should happen to you,
10:04 they will be devastated, trust me.
10:08 I know the parents for the rest of their life
10:11 they will smile again,
10:13 but always with a silver tear in the corner of their eye,
10:17 I promise you.
10:19 It's not all bad news.
10:20 I mean come on, good news, even Christmas is on there.
10:24 Christmas causes stress. Marriage is on there.
10:27 You get married.
10:29 You know what, marriage is not only hard on your health,
10:31 it's hard on your wallet.
10:32 I mean everything kind of comes together in marriage.
10:36 And so we're rather excited, but it's wonderful.
10:38 I'm telling you, it is wonderful.
10:39 And so we were excited
10:40 when we got back from our year break
10:44 and found out that our son Kirk became engaged
10:47 to the lovely Chelsea Knowlton.
10:49 It's a good story.
10:50 But here's what's struck me 'cause I went to the UCLA web--
10:54 I got this from UCLA website.
10:57 Of these 43, of these 43, 12 of them deal with economy.
11:01 Deal with economic financial issues.
11:03 Listen to this, fired at work.
11:05 Well, that would be-- that would be significant,
11:07 fired at work.
11:08 Retirement, you think retirement,
11:10 now I'm just gonna sit back.
11:11 No, when you go into retirement,
11:12 that's a stressful time.
11:14 Because you're going through a change, see.
11:16 Any change you go through opens you up to further change.
11:19 That's the key to tuck away in your mind.
11:22 What's another one here? Business readjustments.
11:24 Boy, there's gonna be a lot of that happening now.
11:25 Change in financial state.
11:27 Oh, boy, that's for all human race.
11:29 Change to a different line of work.
11:30 People are losing their jobs.
11:32 Our unemployment rate is going up in this nation.
11:38 Mortgage over $50,000.
11:39 If in the last 12 months,
11:41 you took out a mortgage over $50,000,
11:43 that's a major, major stress issue.
11:45 Foreclosure of mortgage,
11:46 that's what's happening to America right now.
11:48 People losing their houses, that's huge stress.
11:50 Wife begins or stops work, trouble with the boss,
11:53 change of work hours or conditions,
11:54 loan less than $50,000.
11:56 That would be a student, loan less than $50,000 for one year.
11:59 That's stress.
12:01 But here's is the point, ladies and gentlemen,
12:03 with all of this economic upheaval,
12:06 do you know what happens?
12:08 People are suddenly vulnerable,
12:09 and they're now available for major paradigm shifting,
12:14 not just in health, not just in emotions,
12:17 but intellectually as well.
12:18 It's the perfect time for the gospel of the Lord
12:21 Jesus Christ to step in and say,
12:23 "I've got exactly what you're needing right now.
12:26 Christ always does that.
12:28 So there's a story in Acts that we have got to give
12:30 very careful attention to this morning
12:32 in our continuing series
12:33 because in this story our seven, count 'em,
12:36 seven essential principles to effectively step in
12:41 and become the agent of the Holy Spirit
12:43 to create a paradigm shift
12:45 for the Lord Jesus Christ, seven of 'em.
12:47 Open your Bible to this story.
12:48 This is my other favorite story in the Book of Acts, Acts 8,
12:53 our theme book for this series primetime.
12:56 We're now moving deeper and deeper
12:57 into the series primetime.
12:58 It's all about mobilizing a new generation
13:00 to effectively communicate God's end time truth
13:02 to an end time world.
13:04 That's what this series is about.
13:05 And I've said this to you,
13:06 university students over and over again,
13:08 you are the primetime generation.
13:10 By the way, it's global.
13:11 In Romania the same way, in Romania the same way.
13:14 What, wherever you are, if you're a young adult,
13:18 you are primetime for God's strategic plan for this planet.
13:22 All right, so we're going to Acts 8.
13:23 If you didn't bring a Bible,
13:24 please, grab the pew Bible right now.
13:25 It's right in front of you.
13:26 What's the page number in the pew Bible, 739.
13:29 Let me find it here, got it right here,
13:31 I'm in the Today's New International Version
13:33 that the series is out of.
13:34 You can have any translation you wish.
13:36 Just glad you brought a Bible.
13:38 Acts 8, oh, this is the great story,
13:41 Philip and the Ethiopian.
13:43 Don't you love that story? I do, too.
13:45 All right, verse 26, let's read it together.
13:47 Now here we go, "Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip,"
13:54 got to hit the pause button right there
13:55 because Luke is huge on angels.
13:58 Angel comes and tells Zechariah,
13:59 "You're gonna have John the Baptist."
14:00 Angel comes to Mary and says, "You're gonna have Jesus."
14:02 Angel comes to the shepherd and says,
14:04 "Hey, shepherds, got great news for you."
14:06 Luke loves angels. He doesn't invent the angels.
14:09 He's very sensitive to angels and it keeps showing up.
14:12 You know what? You got to remember this.
14:13 Because we're moving into a story about
14:15 how to witness for your faith.
14:17 Angels are our partners in witnessing.
14:20 Every time you open your mouth to another human being
14:23 and you want to say a word about Jesus,
14:24 just let this little thought come to your mind.
14:28 I have a guardian angel,
14:29 that human being has a guardian angel,
14:31 and those two angels are in collaboration.
14:34 You are never outnumbered.
14:36 You are never outnumbered.
14:38 If there are ten people against you,
14:40 there are ten angels with you.
14:41 You are never outnumbered ever,
14:45 because the angels are always collaborating.
14:48 So an angel comes to Philip and says,
14:49 "Hey, Philip, go to the road south of Jerusalem."
14:53 By the way, notice this, no instructions.
14:54 It just says, "Go south to the road,"
14:56 that'd be a 50 mile highway through the desert,
14:59 "that desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."
15:03 Phil has no idea why he's going,
15:04 but when you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
15:07 and he says, "Go," you go.
15:09 Verse 27 "So he started out, and on his way,"
15:12 maybe this is it, "on his way he met an Ethiopian."
15:16 Now I need to tell you about Ethiopia back then.
15:17 When they talk about Ethiopia, it's not modern day Ethiopia.
15:20 It's all the land south of the first cataract
15:22 of the mighty Nile River, everything south of it.
15:25 It ends up, it ends up in today's Ethiopia,
15:27 but it could be anywhere along that stretch.
15:29 So he meets an Ethiopian eunuch.
15:32 Now you know what a eunuch is.
15:33 It's a male servant for royalty castrated.
15:36 All right?
15:37 Now there is some evidence that Daniel, Shadrach,
15:40 Meshach, and Abednego were all eunuch as well.
15:44 Not a very pleasant thought,
15:45 but that's the way they had their royal servants back then.
15:48 So this is an Ethiopian eunuch, all right.
15:52 And "he met an Ethiopian eunuch,
15:54 an important official in charge of all the treasury."
15:58 Now notice how my translation puts it, "of the Kandake."
16:03 Some of your Bible says, Candace,
16:05 Candace the queen of the Ethiopians,
16:06 but that's not true.
16:07 That's a mistranslation because Kandake in the Greek
16:13 is the title, is the title of a line of royalty.
16:16 Just like Pharaoh, Pharaoh is a title, Caesar.
16:19 They had other names, but that's the title.
16:20 Ptolemys, the Ptolemys.
16:23 So the Kandakes, it was a matriarchal society,
16:26 it was a line of queens.
16:27 We don't her name, she was just one of the Kandakes.
16:31 He works for her.
16:32 He's the treasurer of the royal court.
16:35 So he sees this official in charge
16:37 of all the treasury of the Kandake,
16:38 "which means 'queen of the Ethiopians.'
16:40 This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship."
16:42 He's a believer.
16:43 He has accepted Israel's God as his own.
16:45 He's a proselyte.
16:46 He believes in the creator God of the universe.
16:49 He's gone up to Jerusalem to worship.
16:50 He's on this way home, he is sitting in his chariot
16:53 reading the book Isaiah the prophet.
16:57 So his limousine is pulled off the road.
16:59 The shaded windows are all down,
17:01 'cause he wants a little bit of cross ventilation.
17:03 Nobody's there, he's on his own.
17:05 He's inside that stretch limo, and he's reading the Bible.
17:09 It's a scroll of Isaiah.
17:11 And verse 29, The Spirit told Philip,
17:15 "Go, go to that chariot and you stay near that chariot, boy,
17:21 and see what happens."
17:23 Principle number one, there it is, jot it down.
17:25 Take your study guide, please, quick, take that study guide.
17:27 Seven principles, we're gonna jot 'em all down for you.
17:29 Thank you, ushers.
17:30 Make sure that everybody here on the sanctuary floor,
17:35 up in the balcony and overflow,
17:36 make sure everybody gets--
17:37 I hope the choir all has study guides.
17:39 Good.
17:40 Those of you watching on television
17:41 we're delighted to have you.
17:42 We want you to have the same study guide.
17:43 You've got to jot these seven principles down.
17:45 So go to our website, put it on the screen for you,
17:48 www.pmchruch, you see it at the bottom of your screen,
17:54 You are looking for the series "Primetime."
17:56 This is part six in the series.
17:57 If you didn't get the first five parts,
17:59 they're all waiting for you right there with podcast.
18:02 But you're looking for the title today,
18:03 "Just Walk Across the Room."
18:05 It's a book title, I'll talk about it in a moment.
18:08 Click on there where it says study guide,
18:10 you'll have the same study guide.
18:11 Seven essential principles to guide us
18:14 in effectively sharing the good news,
18:16 the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
18:18 All right, let's go.
18:19 Everybody got one?
18:20 Principle number one, jot it down,
18:22 be open to the Spirit's impressions and promptings.
18:26 Write that down.
18:27 You're saying, "Dwight, that's just one line there.
18:30 Why did you put that in three lines?"
18:31 You know what?
18:32 'Cause I finally got wise to you.
18:33 Some of you are coming up to me after church and saying,
18:35 "Hey, listen, I've already figured out
18:36 your study guide before you even get up.
18:37 I figure out all the blanks. And I got it."
18:39 I said, "All right, Sherry, this week,
18:40 from now on, don't-- just one long line.
18:43 Nobody will ever know what goes in that long line.
18:45 Now they'll have to listen all the way through."
18:49 That's what you get for bragging to me.
18:53 So write it down, be open to the Spirit's
18:55 impressions and promptings.
18:57 Whether it's your angel or the Holy Spirit,
18:59 it really doesn't matter.
19:00 There are crucial moments in your day,
19:02 there will be crucial moments in your week when God says,
19:04 "Hey, boy, girl, you're it right now.
19:07 We got to have you and now."
19:10 Be ready, be open to the Spirit's impressions.
19:13 Question, but how can I know for sure
19:15 that right now is the right time?
19:19 Answer, would you jot this down?
19:23 Maybe this-- Is this the one
19:24 that I'm supposed to do it, too?
19:25 Jot this down.
19:27 Ask yourself what you think
19:28 Jesus wants for this individual,
19:30 to be saved or lost?
19:33 Once you determine what Jesus wants
19:34 for that individual, you say, "Duh."
19:36 But of course that's the point.
19:38 Of course, he wants this individual saved.
19:39 So if you're getting the impression right now,
19:41 you're in a cafeteria, you're in a store,
19:42 you're on a plane, and you're getting the impression,
19:44 you ought to say something,
19:45 then you ought to say something.
19:47 He wants this person saved, trust me.
19:49 In fact, would you jot it down please?
19:50 Jesus said it in the house of Zacchaeus, Luke 19:10.
19:54 Put it on the screen and fill it in please.
19:55 "The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost."
20:00 You want to know what turns heaven on?
20:01 That's it, that's all they think about night and day.
20:04 How do we save lost children?
20:06 'Cause they're all kids to them.
20:07 We're all children to heaven.
20:09 I love this line, I have it written
20:10 down in my Bible at Luke 15
20:14 the parable of the lost sheep and lost coin and the lost boy.
20:18 And we had Derek Nelson in chapel do a great job.
20:20 Wasn't that a great chapel?
20:22 Great chapel, he taught us out of that passage this week.
20:26 I love this, "Christ's Object Lessons,"
20:27 what's the page number, 196, you have to fill it in.
20:29 "At the foot of the cross, remembering that for one sinner
20:32 Christ would have laid down his life,
20:35 you may estimate the value of a soul."
20:40 You don't have to wonder about the guy across the hall,
20:42 is Jesus interested in the guy across the hall?
20:45 How about the neighbor across the street?
20:46 You don't have to ask anymore.
20:47 You know he would have died for one.
20:49 That surely would include the person you're about,
20:51 you know, you're not sure.
20:52 Do I, do I not? Do I?
20:54 Now, question, but is this the right time?
20:59 So you say, "But look, Dwight, is this really the right time?"
21:02 Answer, you'll never know, you can't know.
21:06 In fact, jot this down,
21:07 you may be one of a long line of "witnesses"
21:11 that God of the universe is needing to slowly
21:15 but surely open up that individual
21:16 to the influence of the Holy Spirit
21:19 and the everlasting gospel of Christ.
21:21 You have no idea where you are in this stream.
21:24 Just be your link, don't let that link down, you be it.
21:28 Do you remember that college pastor,
21:29 in the nearby college
21:30 I was telling about a few times ago?
21:33 Let me tell you about that college pastor.
21:34 Let me show you all the contacts.
21:35 First contact, he had some Seventh Day
21:36 Adventist students in his class.
21:38 They start talking to him.
21:39 Contact number two, he goes, out of curiosity,
21:41 he goes to the Christian ABC bookstore here in town,
21:45 and he meets Sarah Sink.
21:46 He says, "Give me some books." She sells some books to him.
21:49 Contact number three, students say,
21:51 "You ought to come to church sometime."
21:52 He shows up on Easter Sabbath. I meet him.
21:54 Contact number four, we have Bible studies together.
21:57 Contact number five, I have no idea
21:59 who contact number five is.
22:00 It's immaterial to me.
22:02 All I need to be is there when my moment comes.
22:06 God will weave a golden chain
22:08 to just draw that heart to eternal life,
22:11 if we'll all just be the little link.
22:13 You don't have to be great in this link.
22:14 You may have a very small part.
22:16 Who cares? Just be there for them.
22:19 All right, yeah, but how-- you know,
22:21 come on, Dwight, I'm just really not sure
22:22 that this witnessing is really my gift.
22:25 Oh, would you write this down, please?
22:27 It may not be your gift, but it certainly is your role
22:30 as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
22:33 I got a letter from a mother here,
22:35 who has kids in college here.
22:37 She says, "You know, something, pastor, please,
22:39 I mean, you know, all kids are not--
22:41 are not extroverts and able to just chat-chat-chat-chat.
22:45 I understand that, I understand that.
22:48 But would you write this down in response?
22:51 God has not made us all evangelists.
22:53 He has not made us all evangelists,
22:55 but He has called us all to be witnesses.
22:57 Acts 1:8, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,
22:59 we've already looked at that in the series.
23:01 When the Holy Spirit comes on you,
23:02 you'll receive power, and you, I promise,
23:04 I promise you, Jesus says, you will be my witness.
23:08 You just will be.
23:11 Everybody, the shiest,
23:12 most introverted human being on earth
23:15 may be the one strategic link
23:18 that will get that person across.
23:20 Don't you ever say,
23:21 it can't be me helping God on this one.
23:24 In fact Bill Hybels, in his book,
23:26 "Just Walk Across The Room"
23:27 from whence comes this sermon title.
23:30 You see that in your study guide.
23:31 I love this, he wrote,
23:33 "God made you exactly as you are.
23:35 He wired you and gave you the temperament
23:38 and the experience," bashful as you are,
23:41 "and the background that you have,"
23:43 he wanted your daddy to be your daddy
23:44 and your momma to be your momma.
23:45 He chose them all for you
23:47 'cause it would produce only you.
23:49 And nobody else like you on this planet.
23:50 "He wanted someone just like you in this world right now.
23:53 Today. In this generation."
23:55 Hey, listen, he says, "memorize all 24 verses of Psalm 139,"
23:59 where it says, David says,
24:01 you wired me when I was still in my mother's womb.
24:03 You wired me.
24:04 You are what you are
24:05 because God wanted you to be what you are.
24:08 If you don't believe it read,
24:09 memorize Psalm 139 if you have to,
24:11 "but don't lose sight of the intentionality
24:13 God poured into his blueprint for you."
24:15 Oh, I like that.
24:17 Okay, so that was principle number one.
24:18 Let's find principle number two now.
24:20 Go back to the story, let's pick it up from verse 29,
24:22 And so the Spirit told Philip,
24:23 "Psst, Philip, go to the chariot,
24:26 stay near the chariot."
24:27 He didn't tell him what to say, didn't say a word.
24:29 Just says, "You go near that chariot."
24:31 And verse 30, "Then Philip ran up to the chariot
24:34 and he heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet.
24:37 'Do you understand what you are reading?'
24:39 Philip asked."
24:40 Luckily the limousine windows are down.
24:41 So he can hear the guy reading aloud inside
24:44 and he says, "I just heard you reading.
24:45 Do you understand what you're reading?"
24:47 So he just responded to that moment.
24:50 That's principle number two,
24:51 would you write it down, please?
24:52 Be willing to walk across the road or room.
24:56 That's what Philip did. He walked across the road.
24:58 The Spirit said, "This is your moment, go.
25:00 I'm not gonna tell you what to do, just go.
25:01 You'll figure it out." And he went.
25:04 In other words, make yourself available to that individual
25:07 that the Spirit is impressing you about.
25:09 Hey, listen, come on, ladies and gentlemen,
25:13 you have no-- you have no idea where this will go,
25:17 but if you don't go, you will never know.
25:20 Write it down, you got to go.
25:24 I don't know what's gonna turn out.
25:25 Turn out to be a zero, but who cares.
25:27 I did my little part. Don't worry about it.
25:30 Getting all twitterpated by, oh, I got to do something big.
25:33 Forget it. Just do your part.
25:36 Bill Hybels tells the story of a tall African American Muslim,
25:39 who came to know Christ
25:40 because of the action of a stranger at a cocktail party.
25:43 All right, this is in the deep south, by the way.
25:45 And these business men are all together,
25:49 except one businessman standing off by himself.
25:50 He's been to these things. He knows how it is.
25:52 Nobody's gonna talk to him anyway.
25:53 So he's standing in that corner.
25:55 There was a man, a stranger
25:56 in a circle with his colleagues,
25:57 and they're talking and laughing,
25:59 and you know how it is in the cafeteria.
26:00 You get a whole table full of people,
26:01 and there's one guy sitting all alone,
26:03 nobody cares about that girl over there.
26:05 You know how it goes, don't you?
26:07 So they're having this time.
26:08 And this guy happen to turn around,
26:09 and he saw that tall African American standing there.
26:12 Turns out he was a Muslim,
26:14 and he made a decision on the spot, on the spot.
26:18 And Hybels, that's what you have in your study guide.
26:21 "The Spirit living inside of him," you see it there,
26:23 "caused him to feel such compassion
26:25 for the man standing alone
26:27 that he excused himself from his Circle of Comfort,"
26:29 write that in.
26:30 'Cause we all have these circles of comfort,
26:32 where these are my, these are my friends
26:35 I know that I am accepted right here.
26:37 It's great to have a circle of comfort.
26:39 There's nothing wrong with that.
26:40 You just have to get out of it.
26:44 "He excused himself from his Circle of Comfort,
26:46 he made the turn to the other side of the room,
26:48 and he started walking in the direction of a place
26:51 I call the 'Zone of the Unknown.'"
26:54 I have no idea what's gonna happen now.
26:57 Let me tell you what, if you like living on the edge,
26:59 this is a great way to live.
27:01 Zone of the Unknown.
27:02 "He had resolved in his heart," and I love this,
27:04 "probably praying every step of the way,"
27:06 God, I want to meet this guy. I have no idea who he is.
27:09 Just take this moment and do something.
27:11 Do something, please. Praying the whole way over.
27:15 He resolved to enter the zone and see what God might do.
27:18 And Hybels is commenting now,
27:20 "In my opinion, it's within this zone
27:22 that God does his very best work."
27:26 And that story, which was shared to him,
27:28 became the metaphor for his book,
27:29 "Just Walk Across The Room."
27:31 You just got to walk across the room.
27:34 Do what the stranger did, do what Philip did.
27:36 Obey the promptings of the Spirit,
27:37 take a step out of your circle of comfort,
27:41 just get out of it.
27:42 Walk into the zone of the unknown.
27:46 You'll be all right. You won't die.
27:50 You may be exactly what the Spirit
27:52 was waiting for that day
27:53 because you were obedient.
27:56 By the way, may I remind you, that's exactly what Jesus did.
27:59 He is in the throne room of the universe.
28:01 And, boy, were we singing today,
28:03 hallelujah, thank you, Justin and Justin.
28:05 Were we singing today, he's in the throne room.
28:09 He is the subject of every ballet,
28:11 every poem, every song in the universe.
28:13 They're singing about Him.
28:14 He is the number one star and hero of all the galaxies.
28:19 But one day he stood from His throne.
28:21 He said, "I can't, I can't, I just can't,
28:22 I can't, I can't live here."
28:24 And he walked across the room
28:26 of the universe to a rebel planet,
28:29 the zone of the unknown.
28:31 The greatest risk any being has ever taken
28:33 in the history of the universe.
28:36 And became one for the human race.
28:39 It's what he did.
28:41 I carry these words written a century ago by Ellen White.
28:44 I carry them in the back of my Bible
28:46 and you have them in your study guide now.
28:47 Look, isn't this something?
28:48 "The same devotion, the same self-sacrifice,
28:51 the same subjection
28:52 to the claims of the Word of God,
28:54 that were manifest in the life of Christ,
28:56 must be seen in the lives of his witnesses."
28:58 That would be you and me,
29:00 "He left his home of security and peace,
29:02 he left the glory he had with the Father,
29:04 he left his position on the throne of the universe.
29:06 He went forth, a suffering, tempted man.
29:09 He went forth in solitude, to sow in tears,
29:11 to water with his blood,
29:12 the seed of life for a lost world.
29:15 In like manner," you and me, "his witnesses,
29:18 we are to go forth to sow.
29:20 The warning message," for our Christ's time,
29:23 "is to be carried to all parts of the world."
29:26 Just walk across the room, across the street,
29:30 across the country, go around the world.
29:32 Doesn't matter, just go, go, go.
29:35 This hour of economic instability
29:38 and financial uncertainty
29:39 when people now are going through
29:41 such life changing units, just boom, boom, boom,
29:43 that they are wide open to the gospel of Jesus,
29:47 the everlasting gospel.
29:49 Oh, boys, don't put it off.
29:51 Please, go, across the street, across the cafeteria,
29:54 across the backyard fence.
29:55 Just get over to him, get over to her.
29:59 All right, here's principle number three.
30:02 We need to read verse 30 here, read it again,
30:04 "Then Philip ran up to the chariot
30:05 and he heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet.
30:08 'Do you understand what you are reading?'
30:10 Philip asked." Scribble this down, will you?
30:12 Questions, write it down,
30:13 questions are a very effective way
30:16 to gain someone's attention and open up a conversation.
30:20 We'll get back to that other blank, don't worry about it.
30:22 Questions, questions.
30:25 Do you understand what you're reading?
30:28 Can you believe the economy these days?
30:32 Hey, hey tell me who's gonna win the World Series?
30:37 Hey, can I borrow your ladder? All it takes is a question.
30:42 A question is the most engaging
30:43 form of human conversation there is,
30:45 because the moment you ask a question,
30:46 somebody's gonna give an answer.
30:48 So we're flying back from Romania
30:49 and here is this guy, turns out he's an engineer,
30:52 he's reading the scholarly journal articles.
30:53 They've all been photocopied.
30:54 And I'm looking at the titles,
30:55 you know, nanoseconds and photons.
30:57 And I finally said, "What is it you're reading?"
31:01 Folks, this isn't something cutesy or clever you do.
31:03 You just use a question like Philip.
31:06 Do you understand what you're reading here?
31:08 Just ask question.
31:09 It invites the individual to respond.
31:12 So here's the principle.
31:13 Write it down now, principle three,
31:15 be ready to take the initiative.
31:17 You don't always have to use the question Philip did.
31:18 You can come up with something else.
31:20 Hey, I made you a batch of cookies.
31:22 What's wrong with that? It's an entree.
31:25 No, it's not entree, is it?
31:28 In my diet it would be an entree.
31:30 But in your diet it's a dessert.
31:33 But you know I mean by entree, entry, all right.
31:36 No, that's what I meant, that's really what I meant.
31:38 And you heard it the other way.
31:41 See, you got to able to ask questions.
31:42 Now, Dwight, what did you really mean by that?
31:45 All right, you're saying,
31:48 Dwight, I'm not an expert in any of this.
31:50 I can't take the initiative.
31:51 You know, here's what you can do.
31:53 Here's what you can do, this week,
31:56 hey, have you ever seen one of these?
31:58 That's all you have to say.
31:59 Have you ever-- Did you get one of these?
32:01 They say, "Yes, I got one." Fine.
32:03 If they say no, hey, I got one for you.
32:04 You can have it. What's it about?
32:06 It's Mark Finley, Discover 08, beginning Friday night,
32:08 satellite event right here, big screen.
32:11 I want to invite you to come. You've got to come.
32:13 See, you just asked a question, did you get one of these?
32:16 It's not hard.
32:17 If they say no, you give it to them.
32:18 If they say yes, oh, yeah, you're invited.
32:23 That's it, just ask a question.
32:24 Yeah, but, you know, Dwight, I'm just not an expert in this.
32:26 Oh, please, you don't have to be an expert, please.
32:30 Witnessing, would you, jot this down please,
32:31 witnessing is not about your ability,
32:35 it's about your availability.
32:38 Who cares what you can do?
32:39 If you got a mouth, you can do it.
32:44 You just have to be available, that's all it is.
32:47 Take the initiative when the Spirit prompts you.
32:48 All right, let's go to--
32:49 let's find principle number four.
32:51 Verse 30 read that again,
32:52 "Then Philip ran up to the chariot
32:54 and he heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet.
32:56 'Do you understand what you're reading?'
32:57 He wisely asked.
32:58 How can I," the man shoots back, verse 31,
33:01 "unless someone explains it to me?"
33:02 So he invited, "Hey, Philip, come on in.
33:04 Sir, come into my-- come into my limousine, here.
33:08 "And invited Philip to come up and sit with him."
33:10 Verse 32, "This is the passage of Scripture
33:12 the eunuch was reading," the glorious Isaiah 53,
33:16 "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter,
33:17 and as a lamb before its shearer is silent,
33:19 so he did not open his mouth.
33:20 In his humiliation he was deprived of justice.
33:22 Who can speak of his descendants?
33:24 For his life was taken from the earth."
33:26 And then the eunuch looked
33:27 straight into the stranger's face,
33:28 this guy that just walked across the road
33:29 and is now in his limousine, and he says,
33:32 "Hey, did this prophet, tell me please,
33:38 is he talking about himself?
33:40 Or is he talking about somebody else?
33:43 I want to know.
33:44 And then verse 35, I love this, verse 35,
33:47 "Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture
33:51 and told him the good news about Jesus."
33:56 Ah, there it is, principle number four,
33:57 write it down, be prepared to answer a question.
34:01 Be prepared to answer a question.
34:02 Raise a question to engage a conversation,
34:06 engage a conversation.
34:07 But be prepared to answer.
34:10 That's precisely what Philip was ready to do.
34:12 And by the way, in so doing
34:13 he adds a very important dimension to witnessing
34:15 that we don't think about.
34:16 'Cause here's how you and I think of witnessing.
34:18 Traditionally, we think witnessing
34:20 is giving your testimony.
34:21 Remember our last teaching together,
34:23 turning your story into His story.
34:24 Giving your testimony to someone
34:26 who does not believe.
34:27 And we think that means atheists,
34:30 agnostics and unbelievers.
34:31 Those are the people you witness to.
34:34 Now don't miss 2 weeks from now,
34:35 when we begin a little two part inside the series,
34:37 "How to witness to an atheist?"
34:39 I hope that will be helpful for you.
34:40 But we're wrong.
34:41 Witnessing is not only about atheists,
34:43 agnostics and unbelievers.
34:45 In fact the Ethiopian already believes
34:48 in the true God of the universe.
34:50 He already has the Bible, he's reading the Bible.
34:51 So it's not like, "Oh, there is a Bible."
34:53 No, he's already into it which leads me to conclude
35:00 that even Christians, would you jot this down,
35:02 please, even Christians--
35:05 Now I left one out.
35:07 Just before, witnessing is also sharing the good news
35:09 about Jesus with someone
35:10 who is seeking to understand Scripture more clearly.
35:14 That's also witnessing.
35:15 Now I'll get to the one I wanted to get to.
35:17 Even Christians can be witnessed to,
35:19 so that they discover deeper truths
35:21 about Jesus in the Bible, truths
35:23 they never knew or studied before.
35:26 Now if you stuck around for the break,
35:27 Pastor Skip last week
35:29 masterfully dealt with this issue,
35:30 can you witness to somebody who is already a believer?
35:32 But of course. He made the case airtight.
35:35 I'm simply reaffirming his point.
35:37 I wasn't here, I was in Romania,
35:38 but he sent me his notes.
35:39 I read it, yep, perfect.
35:43 That's why we need to be prepared
35:44 as Philip was to respond to somebody who says,
35:46 "You know what, I was hoping
35:47 somebody would come by right now.
35:49 I have a question about the Bible."
35:50 I know that makes you want to--
35:52 that makes you feel like panicking, doesn't it?
35:53 Boy, what do you think, I am a Bible--
35:55 Bible answer man, Bible answer woman?
35:58 I'm no authority in the Bible.
36:01 Of course you're not. You don't have to be.
36:03 But don't forget our theme text.
36:05 1 Peter 3:15, fill it in, 1 Peter 3:15,
36:08 "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone
36:13 who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
36:18 You say, "But look, I'm just a student, please."
36:21 Just a student? Are you serious?
36:23 Jot this one down,
36:24 Christ desires to use every student,
36:27 word written 100 years ago,
36:28 Christ desires to use every student as His agent.
36:32 If you're a student, hallelujah,
36:34 'cause you're an agent for Christ.
36:35 You are an agent for the most High God.
36:38 Don't you ever apologize for being a student.
36:41 You're primetime.
36:42 Yeah, but, you know what, Dwight,
36:43 I'm not gonna know what to say.
36:45 Let me pass on two recommendations to you.
36:46 Number one, please take our contagious Adventist seminar.
36:50 We're going through it the first time right now.
36:51 Too late, can't get into it now.
36:53 But we're gonna-- I'm gonna ask
36:54 that we offer it before the school year
36:55 is over one more time.
36:57 I want you to have a chance to take it.
36:59 The whole purpose of this seminar
37:00 is to equip you, to give you the ability,
37:02 the wherewithal to be able to intelligently discuss
37:06 some of the great themes of the Holy Scripture.
37:08 You don't have to get a doctor to do this.
37:10 You just need a little bit of coaching.
37:11 And we want to coach you.
37:13 But here's my second recommendation,
37:15 never forget this verse.
37:16 This is a dynamite verse, Luke 12:11, 12
37:20 in the New Living Translation, fill this in.
37:22 I tell you what, this verse comes to mind at times
37:24 when I am desperate.
37:25 I say, "God, you got to help me right now."
37:28 Look at this promise, Jesus speaking these words,
37:31 "Don't worry about what to say in your defense,
37:34 for the Holy Spirit will teach you
37:35 what needs to be said
37:37 even as you are standing there."
37:41 On the spot.
37:43 I could tell you story after story after story,
37:45 but let me tell you probably the most famous story of all.
37:48 His name was Nehemiah.
37:50 He was a Jewish exile, also serving royalty.
37:53 One day the angry king,
37:55 'cause this king was mercurial in his personality.
37:58 Oh, boy, you never know how the king's gonna react.
38:00 One day the king said,
38:01 "Hey, you look like you're downhearted.
38:03 Oh, you're never supposed to be downhearted
38:04 in the presence of the glorious sun of the universe.
38:08 What's the problem?"
38:09 Nehemiah says, "How can I be happy
38:11 when the city that I came from is in shambles."
38:15 The king says, "What can I do for you?"
38:19 And just like that, just like that he realizes,
38:22 "I have to know what to say right now."
38:25 And so the shortest prayer in all the Scriptures,
38:27 Nehemiah 2:4,
38:28 "Then I prayed to the God of heaven,
38:30 and I answered the king."
38:32 That was it, boom, boom.
38:34 That's the shortest prayer in the Bible.
38:36 Boom, boom.
38:37 You know how long that prayer was?
38:38 Four letters, H-E-L-P, help.
38:42 There's nothing wrong with praying that way.
38:44 God says, "I was hoping you'd ask."
38:46 That's why Jesus says, "I got the Spirit here."
38:48 You got to help-- And Nehemiah says
38:50 what he never would have said if he hadn't prayed.
38:52 He asks for way more than prudence
38:56 would have told him to.
38:57 He just blew the bank account,
38:59 but the Spirit said this would be a good time to do it.
39:01 Boom, and he got it.
39:04 Yeah, proving true Jesus' words,
39:05 while you're standing there, you get the answer.
39:09 All right, let's look at principle five,
39:10 there are only seven of these.
39:11 Principle five, let's read verse 35 again,
39:13 "Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture
39:16 and he told him the good news about Jesus."
39:20 Here it is principle five, be mindful of the context
39:23 of that moment and conversation.
39:26 Do not be like the presidential candidates in their debates.
39:31 Moderator asks the question,
39:33 he says one word, just one word,
39:35 sounding like he's going to answer the question and...
39:38 into that campaign speech.
39:39 All of them rehearsed campaign speeches over and over again.
39:42 Forget it. You can't do that.
39:44 If somebody asked a question about Isaiah 53,
39:47 then you're gonna have to answer about Isaiah 53.
39:49 That's exactly what Philip did.
39:50 He began,
39:51 he began in the context of the questioner.
39:55 If somebody asks you about the Sabbath,
39:56 then you talk about the Sabbath.
39:57 You don't say, "Well, five conversations from now
39:59 I'll tell you about the seventh day Sabbath."
40:01 No, I want to know right now.
40:04 Help, and then speak, that's all you do.
40:07 You have to stay within the context.
40:09 You can do like-- as Philip did masterfully,
40:14 but stay in the context.
40:15 Don't apologize.
40:17 Okay, let's find principle number six, verse 36,
40:20 "And as they traveled along the road,"
40:21 so the limousine is now driving down the road.
40:23 I mean he's driving now and Philip is talking,
40:25 they're visiting in the back.
40:27 "They came to some water, and the eunuch said,
40:30 'Look, here is water.
40:33 What can stand in the way of my being baptized?'
40:36 And He gave orders" through the glass window,
40:38 knocked on it.
40:39 Stop.
40:40 The chauffeur pulled over.
40:42 "And then both Philip and the eunuch
40:47 went down into the water and Philip baptized him."
40:50 By the way that's how it's done always in the Bible.
40:54 You know, sprinkled as a baby,
40:56 you know, sprinkled as an adult,
40:57 the very Greek word means you do it just like Jesus did.
41:00 You go down under the water with someone with you,
41:02 someone will baptize you, always in the New Testament.
41:07 It's the only-- It's the only one baptism, that's it.
41:09 So they went down in the water, and, oh, then they come up,
41:13 and I wish you could have seen the face of that Ethiopian.
41:15 It was radiant.
41:18 Principle six write it down,
41:21 be focused on the ultimate goal of every witness,
41:26 the salvation of the individual through baptism into Christ.
41:31 Good leaders know that you must
41:33 always lead with the end in view.
41:36 You always have to see the end, 'cause it's tough going
41:39 until you get to the end sometimes, very tough going.
41:42 But if you hold on to that vision,
41:44 you can get through anything.
41:46 You know what the end is for you?
41:47 It's that glorious moment when that man, that woman,
41:50 that young adult, that teenager
41:52 that you were a link in comes up out of that baptistery
41:56 absolutely resplendent with joy.
42:03 You just have to trust me on this one.
42:05 There is no greater joy.
42:08 I mean that's as high as--
42:09 that's as high adrenaline as you can get,
42:12 more than any rollercoaster in the United States.
42:14 That is better than any food. You love good food?
42:17 That is more delectable than any food.
42:19 In fact, the disciples came to Jesus
42:21 after the woman at the well,
42:22 and she got saved.
42:23 And they said, "Hey, look, we got your--
42:24 we have your little brown bag now."
42:26 And Jesus said, "I've already eaten."
42:27 They said, "How could you have already eaten?"
42:28 He said, "I've eaten food you don't know anything about."
42:31 When you see a soul saved,
42:33 and that soul comes up out of that baptistery,
42:34 I'm telling you what, you will live for the day
42:36 when you can stand again and your eyes glistening
42:39 and your heart beating.
42:40 And you're standing up on that right there at that pew
42:43 and you're watching what's happening.
42:45 It doesn't get any better than that.
42:48 The little classic steps to Christ.
42:51 You have it in your study guide there.
42:53 Oh, I love this.
42:54 "God might have committed the message of the gospel,
42:57 and all the work of loving ministry,
42:58 to the heavenly angels."
42:59 You think about it. Couldn't the angels have gone.
43:01 Hey, I'll go. Stay right there, Philip.
43:03 Sleep in this morning. You need an extra day.
43:05 I'll go, I know where that road is.
43:07 No. Angel said, "Hey, you go."
43:10 Why is God so big?
43:11 He could do the whole thing himself.
43:13 Look at this, "He might have employed other means
43:18 for accomplishing His purpose.
43:20 But in His infinite love," it's not like God said,
43:23 "I hate witnessing.
43:24 I just hate it. Would somebody else do it?
43:26 Yeah, will you do it for me?
43:27 I just don't like doing this stuff."
43:29 Are you kidding?
43:31 It's out of love that he says,
43:32 "No, I'm gonna let you do what I love to do 24/7.
43:37 You're gonna have My heart."
43:38 And by the way,
43:39 if you don't have the Father's heart,
43:41 you're never going to the Father's house,
43:43 trust me.
43:44 You have to have His heart before you go to His home.
43:47 That's a key, and that's why
43:49 things are taking a long time down below.
43:54 When are you gonna have My heart?
43:57 A little more of the economic crises
43:58 and he'll get our attention,
43:59 you just watch, he'll get our attention.
44:02 I got to let those toys go now.
44:04 Guess I can't have that anymore.
44:06 Don't need it. Work for me, boy, I need you.
44:11 Oh, isn't this great?
44:12 So "but in His infinite love He chose to make us
44:15 co-workers with Himself, with Jesus Christ,
44:18 with the angels that we might share the,"
44:20 here's the whole point,
44:22 "that we might share the blessing,
44:23 the, joy, the spiritual uplifting,
44:25 which results from this unselfish ministry."
44:27 God says, "You got to do it, you got to do it with Me.
44:30 You'll never be happier in your life."
44:32 Finally number seven, verse 39,
44:36 "And when they came up out of the water,"
44:38 boy, I wish I could have been on this hitchhiking ride.
44:40 "When they came up out of the water,
44:41 the Spirit of Lord," gone, Philip is gone,
44:44 just like that, took him away.
44:48 "And the eunuch did not see him again,
44:49 but he went on this way rejoicing."
44:51 And guess what, that eunuch became a new witness
44:54 for the whole Kandake royal community.
44:58 "And Philip," verse 40,
44:59 "however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about,
45:02 preaching the gospel in all the towns
45:04 until he reached Caesarea."
45:05 Write it down, principle seven, be ready to turn right around
45:08 and do it all over again.
45:11 You don't take a vacation after you've won someone to Jesus.
45:13 You say, give me more.
45:15 Who else can I find for the Master?
45:18 That's why Jesus once upon a time,
45:21 He makes clear this moment in Philip's story,
45:24 Jesus said to everyone who has more,
45:28 to everyone who has more will be given, that's it.
45:31 That's what, you know,
45:32 the Holy Spirit is a brilliant businessman.
45:33 We're going through this economic challenging time now,
45:36 but the Holy Spirit knows
45:38 if I want my investment to be multiplied,
45:41 will I give it to the guy who keeps taking
45:44 what I give him and immediately multiplies it,
45:46 or will I give it to the one who gets it,
45:49 and then just hoards it, and never does a thing with it.
45:52 This is not Economics 101.
45:54 This is prior to that, and that is,
45:56 the one that's doing the investing
45:58 keeps getting the opportunities.
45:59 Some people say, you know, there are just some men,
46:01 some women just have a knack for this.
46:02 They don't have a knack for it. It's not a knack.
46:05 They just keep taking what God gives them,
46:06 and He says, "Boy, give that girl more."
46:10 Wouldn't you do that? But of course you would.
46:15 To him, to her who has more will be given.
46:19 Ah, seize the moment you have. Don't sit on it.
46:21 So what do you say?
46:22 You and I begin every day this way, with this prayer.
46:25 Fill it in, this is the last filling in here.
46:27 Every day humble simple prayer,
46:30 Oh, God, today I offer to you my life and my witness.
46:35 Send to me or send me to someone
46:39 who needs to know Jesus and His truth.
46:43 Amen.
46:44 I tell you what, ladies and gentlemen,
46:45 you pray that prayer every day,
46:46 and you will experience the unbridled joy
46:50 that led God to give you
46:51 the opportunity in the first place.
46:52 He said nothing will make you happier than this.
46:54 Nothing will fill your heart more than this.
46:57 There they are seven essential principles
47:00 for stepping into the paradigm shifting economic crisis
47:02 that we are in, and taking advantage of it,
47:04 and saying I got just what your heart is now ready for.
47:07 Take advantage of it.
47:08 Seven principles, take it home, meditate, brood on it.
47:11 Don't lose those seven. I want to end with a story.
47:16 I heard this story some years ago,
47:18 but when we were in Romania last week,
47:21 and we were in the infamous
47:23 Sighet prison of the former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu,
47:29 you've heard of him, all right.
47:31 Communist penitentiary.
47:34 As I was going into one of the rooms,
47:38 I said, ah, I forgot all about that story.
47:42 I'm gonna tell it to you right now.
47:44 I'm gonna give you a picture, too, on the screen here.
47:46 I mean, this is like going to dark.
47:48 I mean when you realize that the intellectuals,
47:51 the artists, the politicians, the clergy,
47:54 the people who are educated
47:56 were rounded up by the Communist
47:57 and incarcerated there, dying in that prison,
48:00 I mean, it's as bad as summer come like the cow or whatever.
48:04 The walls covered with the pictures of those
48:07 who paid the supreme sacrifice for that repressive regime.
48:13 So they've turned every cell into a museum piece.
48:16 Now there is a typical cell, look at that.
48:17 And by the way it was against the law
48:18 to look out that window.
48:19 They finally covered the windows up.
48:21 Against the law to look out that window.
48:23 One of the rooms I went into was dedicated to the clergy,
48:27 so I'm particularly interested in that.
48:29 And I said, "Hey, Karen, come here, look at this.
48:31 Here, I know this man." I got a book in my library.
48:35 And I want you to see the picture,
48:36 there he is right there.
48:37 I saw his picture, I said,
48:39 "I have a book in my library called
48:41 "Sermons in solitary confinement."
48:44 And then I remembered I've met him.
48:47 I'm gonna tell you this story.
48:48 I was flying out to LA to preach one weekend.
48:50 I thought it was a nonstop flight,
48:51 but for some reason they landed in Denver.
48:54 And we had to get off and change equipment.
48:55 So I got off.
48:57 I saw two clergy in front of me, all right.
48:59 So the guy-- One guy has this white collar on
49:01 and the other with his bushy black beard
49:03 and a little black cap.
49:04 I know he's an Orthodox priest.
49:05 And they are in-- they are in serious conversation.
49:08 I said, "Oh, man, I 'm one of them.
49:10 I'm gonna go and meet them."
49:13 No, seriously, that's exactly what I said.
49:14 So I watch them go into the waiting lounge there,
49:16 and they sat down,
49:17 and there was an empty chair in front of them.
49:19 So I sat down on that empty chair.
49:20 And you've done this, haven't you,
49:21 you sit down on the chair,
49:22 and then you lean way back to hear
49:24 what's happening behind you.
49:25 And when I leaned back to hear what was happening behind me,
49:28 I said, "Oh, no, they're speaking in tongues.
49:30 I cannot understand this at all."
49:33 Finally the bushy bearded
49:34 Orthodox priest got up and left.
49:36 That's my moment.
49:37 I turn around and I say to the man,
49:39 "Hey, what language was that you were speaking?"
49:41 And he said in fluent English, he said, "Romanian."
49:45 And I said, "Oh, really?"
49:46 I said, "Listen," here, this is my moment,
49:48 "I'm a minister, too."
49:50 He said, "You are? What church?"
49:54 Now you know,
49:59 you know that if they ever ask you
50:01 what church you belong to, you square yourself around.
50:06 No, you square yourself around,
50:11 you throw your shoulders back, you take a deep breath,
50:13 and you lock in on those eyes
50:15 'cause you want to watch the face afterwards,
50:18 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
50:20 And then you watch the reaction.
50:22 "Oh," he said, "I have known Adventists.
50:26 I knew some Adventists who were in prison."
50:29 I thought to myself, "I can't believe it.
50:33 Oh, my luck, I'm meeting a prison chaplain
50:36 who knew Adventist crooks."
50:38 Tell me, please.
50:41 "No, no, no," he said, "no, no, no, no."
50:43 He said, "I knew them when we were in prison together."
50:48 It turns out I had just met for the first time
50:50 the author of the book in my library.
50:52 Richard Wurmbrand, the great Lutheran pastor of Romania.
50:57 So I was-- he was incarcerated in that Sighet penitentiary.
51:01 He said, "Oh," he said, "by the way,"
51:03 he said, "son, I'm thirsty.
51:05 Would you mind taking me to get a drink?
51:07 Get some water?" He said, "Hold on to your arm."
51:09 he's probably in his late 70s.
51:12 He took my arm and we walked down the crowded concourse.
51:15 And he began to tell me the story.
51:16 He said, "Oh, I know you Adventists."
51:20 He said, "You know what?
51:21 You Adventists tithed when you were in prison."
51:26 And I thought, "Oh, man, that's kind of extreme.
51:30 Tithing in prison?" Please.
51:33 He said, "No, no, no, no.
51:35 Every week," and I read this on one of the walls
51:37 so I know it's true,
51:38 "every week we were given one
51:41 stale crusty piece of bread each.
51:46 But you Adventists, out of your devotion to God,
51:49 would tie that piece of bread
51:51 and give it to a more hungry prisoner."
51:56 And I thought to myself, oh, mercy,
52:00 how many of us don't even tithe at all.
52:05 And they're tithing their bread crusts for the glory
52:08 and honor of Jesus Christ.
52:10 Mercy.
52:11 He said, "Oh, no, I got to know you Adventists in prison."
52:14 In fact, he says, "You know what, we always knew
52:17 when the 7th day came because of you Adventists."
52:21 You know, I don't mind witnessing for my faith,
52:24 but to-- I mean to call out, Sabbath's here,
52:27 Sabbath's here, just-- it doesn't feel right.
52:29 "No, no, no," he said, "it wasn't that."
52:32 We always knew it was the 7th day of the week
52:35 because we would hear the Seventh-day Adventist
52:37 beginning to scream through their beatings
52:39 for refusing to work again on the holy Sabbath.
52:44 We knew it must be the Sabbath.
52:47 The Adventists are being beating again.
52:50 And I thought to myself, I walk into this church,
52:52 there's nobody to stop me, nobody.
52:54 Nobody to put up any resistance.
52:56 I sit down here until I'm ready to leave, and then I leave.
52:59 And here were these Romanian
53:00 Seventh-day Adventist Christians
53:03 refusing to dishonor Jesus.
53:06 I'll not work, even if you kill me I will not work.
53:10 So they beat him instead.
53:13 I tell you what, when I walked out of that penitentiary,
53:15 and that story came back to my mind,
53:17 I said in my heart, "Oh, God, I beg of you give me
53:24 the legacy of these Romanian
53:28 Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
53:30 And may I be faithful with my witness
53:35 unto death, please."
53:39 Richard Wurmbrand never forgot
53:42 until he died the witness of those
53:46 Seventh-day Adventist Christians in prison with him.
53:49 We, too, have been called to witness through our lives.
53:56 Jesus said, look, if the Holy Spirit
53:57 comes on you, you're gonna receive power.
53:59 You will be My witnesses.
54:03 I don't know about you,
54:04 but I want to fulfill Christ's promise.
54:06 Let me do the fulfilling of Your promise,
54:07 Jesus, let me fulfill if.
54:09 Let me be that witness.
54:11 Let me be that witness for You.
54:16 You want to be a witness for him?
54:18 You want to pray that prayer every morning?
54:19 I know there'll be some mornings we forget it,
54:20 but, you know, God, today send me to or send to me
54:25 someone with whom I can share You,
54:28 share the Lord Jesus.
54:30 If you'd like to claim that legacy,
54:33 join me in standing.
54:34 And by standing you say, no, I want to do that, too, Dwight.
54:36 Dwight, you're not gonna do it alone, I'll do it with you.
54:38 I'll do it with you. I'll do it with you.
54:45 There's an old gospel hymn.
54:46 We're not gonna sing the gospel hymn through,
54:48 but the chorus, I want you to sing the chorus with me.
54:51 I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord.
54:56 I'll say what You want me to say,
54:58 I'll be what You want me to be.
55:01 Put the words on the screen for you.
55:29 I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord
55:37 O'er mountain, or plain, or sea
55:45 I'll say what You want me to say
55:51 Dear Lord
55:55 I'll be what You want me to be
56:05 Now let's sing it just like a prayer,
56:06 just quietly sing it one more time.
56:08 Shall we?
56:10 I'll go where You want me to go
56:17 Dear Lord
56:20 O'er mountain, or plain
56:25 Or sea
56:28 I'll say what You want me to say
56:36 Dear Lord
56:40 I'll be what You want me to be
56:53 Let me take one more moment
56:54 as we close out our worship time together
56:56 and tell you about our weekly sermon podcast.
56:59 Each week around here we've got a very special group
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57:54 In the meantime, God bless you and keep you as you journey on.
57:58 And I'm looking forward to seeing you again right here
58:01 as we continue to share God's Holy Scriptures together.


Revised 2015-04-02