New Perceptions

Sex In The Temple: What's So Gay About That?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP101709

00:26 "He is mighty to save
00:29 This is our God.
00:37 This is the One we have waited for
00:44 This is the One we have waited for
00:51 This is the One we have waited for
00:57 Jesus, Lord and Savior
01:04 Jesus, Lord and Savior
01:10 Jesus, Lord and Savior
01:17 Jesus, Lord and Savior"
01:28 "How marvelous, how wonderful
01:35 And my song shall ever be
01:42 How marvelous, how wonderful
01:49 Is my Savior's love for me
02:01 I stand amazed in the presence
02:08 Of Jesus the Nazarene
02:15 And wonder how He could love me
02:22 A sinner condemned unclean
02:28 Singing.
02:29 How marvelous, how wonderful
02:37 And my song shall ever be
02:44 How marvelous, how wonderful
02:51 Is my Savior's love for me
03:03 He took my sins and my sorrows
03:10 He made them His very own
03:17 He bore the burden to Calvary
03:24 And suffered and died alone
03:30 Singing.
03:31 How marvelous, how wonderful
03:38 And my song shall ever be
03:45 How marvelous, how wonderful
03:52 Is my Savior's love for me
04:04 And when, with the ransomed in glory
04:11 His face I at last shall see
04:22 It will be my joy through the ages
04:29 To sing of His love for me
04:36 Singing.
04:37 How marvelous, how wonderful
04:44 And my song shall ever be
04:51 How marvelous, how wonderful
04:57 Is my Savior's love for me
05:04 Singing.
05:06 How marvelous, how wonderful
05:13 And my song shall ever be
05:21 How marvelous, how wonderful
05:29 Is my Savior's love for me"
05:45 "Lord, prepare me
05:49 To be a sanctuary
05:54 Pure and holy,
05:58 tried and true
06:03 With thanksgiving
06:07 I'll be a living
06:11 Sanctuary
06:17 Lord, for You"
06:27 Let's pray.
06:34 And so Father, we pray the words.
06:38 We pray the prayer.
06:41 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary,
06:46 pure and holy, tried and true,
06:52 with thanksgiving
06:55 I will, we will be a living sanctuary for You.
07:03 Through Christ Jesus please answer that prayer, amen.
07:10 So here's a question, what kind of sex
07:16 should we have in this sanctuary,
07:19 in this temple?
07:22 Heterosexual sex,
07:26 homosexual sex, no sex?
07:34 I asked that question
07:36 because Andrew's University in the theological seminar
07:38 this weekend are hosting
07:41 national conference entitled marriage,
07:43 homosexuality and the church.
07:46 So we have their permission to talk about sex.
07:51 Obviously, David Letterman
07:53 didn't need any permission at all.
07:57 I'm talking about the David Letterman
07:59 who a few days ago got himself
08:01 into a heap of trouble sexually,
08:06 because he has been the most popularly late night
08:10 host on American television.
08:11 Letterman surely knew
08:14 that he would own the headlines for days
08:17 after that now famous Mayakoba
08:20 confession live audience
08:24 and the late show with David Letterman.
08:26 Thanks to YouTube,
08:28 I've had the chance to listen
08:29 to the over 10 minute monolog confession.
08:34 I'm gonna play right now for you, just a snippet,
08:38 seven minutes into his confession
08:41 this is what he said on national television.
08:52 "Now of course we get to, what was all the creepy stuff,
08:59 that he was gonna put into the screenplay
09:01 and the movie?
09:03 And the creepy stuff was that I have--
09:07 had sex with women who work for me on this show.
09:12 Now, my response to that is, yes, I have.
09:19 I have had sex with women who work on this show.
09:28 And would it embarrassing if it would made public?
09:32 Perhaps it would,
09:33 perhaps it would, especially for the women.
09:42 You can't believe it, can you?
09:45 Human sexuality, it is an amazing reality.
09:51 You can laugh over it
09:53 and I tell you what every time I hear that clip,
09:55 and I hear the audience laughing I just--
09:57 to me it is utterly inexplicable he's just confess.
10:04 You're gonna laugh over like the audience
10:05 with David Letterman, you can weep over it
10:07 as I suppose Mrs. Letterman still is
10:11 and all the women working for David Letterman,
10:14 whom he took one by one into that secret studio
10:19 above the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City,
10:22 took them there to have sex with them.
10:27 You're gonna laugh over it,
10:29 you can cry over it but you cannot escape it.
10:32 Can you?
10:33 This roiling force within us that drives us our sexuality.
10:39 That's right you got to take your head of
10:41 to the Holy Scriptures on a bashed
10:44 in plunging into this earthy, earthly human reality.
10:51 Take our passage today X-rated.
10:55 Paul ensures his passage right into the middle
10:58 of a letter to a abandon
10:59 a brand new loyal Christ followers living
11:02 in the licentious sex capital of Corinth.
11:06 I tell you what, taking about Paul and no punches,
11:09 I'm gonna apologies in advance
11:11 for all that blushing you're gonna do.
11:13 Open your Bible with me please to 1 Corinthians Chapter 6,
11:16 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 you didn't bring a Bible
11:19 your gonna want to track this one grab
11:21 the pew Bible in front of you,
11:23 it's the New King James Version
11:24 it will be page 770 in that pew Bible.
11:29 I'm in the New International Version this morning,
11:32 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 one of the great,
11:35 great human sexuality passages in all of Holy Scriptures.
11:39 1 Corinthians Chapter 6, pick it up at verse 9.
11:43 1 Corinthians 6:9,
11:45 "Do you not know" question don't you guys know,
11:51 "that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
11:56 Do not be" hold on "Do not be deceived."
12:00 Don't let the culture pull the wall over your eyes,
12:03 don't be snookered by society,
12:05 don't be doped
12:10 by politically correct thinking.
12:12 "Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral,"
12:16 now hit the pause button right there
12:17 because the Greek word is pornos
12:20 from when's comes our word pornography,
12:22 four or five major translations rented at fornication,
12:27 sex performed outside of marriage all right,
12:32 "Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral
12:35 nor idolaters nor adulterers,"
12:39 pause button again that would be sex performed
12:42 with someone who is not your spouse
12:45 you that are married.
12:47 "Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral
12:51 nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes"
12:55 hit the pause button right there.
12:56 Those are the young boys
12:58 that service the pageant temples
13:00 that dotted the landscape of Corinth.
13:05 In fact, the Corinthians had a proverb,
13:08 Paul quotes back to his readers that proverb,
13:10 a little later I'm gonna give it to you in advance.
13:12 "Food for the stomach and the stomach for the food."
13:17 Rob Bell his book Sex God,
13:20 describes how the ancients would come up
13:21 to the gates of those shrines
13:23 and there would be the male prostitutes
13:25 or sometimes female prostitutes
13:27 and they would quote that proverb
13:29 "Food for the stomach's, the stomach for food."
13:31 I'm hungry for sex, can I have some sex from you?
13:35 How much will it cost me?
13:38 "Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral
13:43 nor idolaters nor adulterers
13:45 nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders"
13:48 the New American Standard simply says nor homosexuals,
13:52 the New Revise Standard renders it nor sodomites.
13:56 "Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral
13:58 nor idolaters nor adulterers
14:01 nor male prostitutes not homosexual offenders
14:03 nor thieves nor the greedy"
14:05 halleluiah he is off a sex finely.
14:08 Verse 10 "Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards
14:11 nor slanderers nor swindlers
14:13 will inherit the kingdom of God."
14:14 Don't you know that?
14:16 And then in a stunning declaration
14:18 one line verse 11, I'm gonna let that one line
14:21 hang on the screen all by itself,
14:24 "And that is what some of you were."
14:30 Isn't that amazing?
14:33 And that, Paul writes
14:35 is what some of you are essentially--
14:37 here's what Paul is saying,
14:38 I know, I know, that some of you
14:41 were sexually immoral,
14:43 I know that some of you were idolaters,
14:45 I know that some of you were adulteress,
14:47 I know that some of you were male prostitutes,
14:50 I know that some of you were homosexual offenders,
14:52 I know that you were thieves,
14:53 you were greedy, you were drinkers,
14:54 you were slanderers, swindlers and slanderers
14:58 whatever you are I knew you were that.
15:04 Isn't it amazing?
15:07 That is what some of you were.
15:11 Something radical has happened to you
15:15 and what you were you know longer are.
15:21 That's the first bookend-- two bookends
15:23 to this great sex passage.
15:24 That's bookend number one
15:26 and I wish you scribble that down before we forget it.
15:29 Grab your study guide right now, will you?
15:30 Thank you ushers, for making sure that
15:32 everybody here gets a study guide.
15:33 If you got in three of you with one bullet or four of you,
15:36 you got to have your own.
15:37 There is some great quotations coming up,
15:39 you want this to brood over, hold your hand up.
15:41 We got friendly ushers up into the balcony.
15:43 Those of you who are watching
15:44 in overflow in youth chapel
15:45 make sure that you get this study guide as well.
15:48 And while you are getting the study guides here
15:50 I want to say to those of you watching on television
15:51 we're delighted to have you.
15:53 This as a significance study.
15:54 I hope you are plunge into it with us.
15:55 Go to our website,
15:57 let me put it on the screen for you
15:58 that's our website
16:02 you are looking for a series called The Temple.
16:04 This is part seven in The Temple.
16:06 By the way, if you haven't heard the first six parts,
16:09 that website podcast at your pleasure
16:13 available to you 24/7, all right.
16:15 But you are looking for the teaching
16:17 "Sex in the Temple, What So Gay About That?"
16:20 All right. Sex in the temple.
16:23 When you find that title
16:24 it'll say study guide right beside it,
16:25 you click it you'll have it.
16:27 Let's fill it in, bookend number one,
16:28 there are only two bookends.
16:29 Bookend number one,
16:31 what is the teaching of the bookend number one?
16:33 Jot it down.
16:34 Both bookends begin with the identical words,
16:36 don't you know, here we go
16:37 bookend number one, don't you know
16:40 "What you were, you no longer are."
16:44 Jot that down please.
16:45 "What you were, you no longer are."
16:48 Because something very radical has happened to you.
16:51 Hey, come on Paul, tell us what is it?
16:53 What is it?
16:54 He said all right, I'll tell you,
16:55 I would tell you.
16:56 Let's read verse 11 again "
16:58 And that is what some of you were.
17:00 But" but, write it down "you were washed."
17:05 Write it down, you were washed.
17:08 Isn't it amazing that in this list
17:11 of predominantly sexual sins the very first word
17:14 the Bible just opposes against it is washed, washed.
17:19 Come on, those who engage in sexual sins know
17:25 the desired to obey the way or shower away
17:29 a numinous sense of impurity
17:30 is a natural instinct even among the godless
17:34 whether it is personal sex or forbidden consensual sex,
17:37 the instinct to wash it away is strong.
17:41 It's no accident the God puts the word wash,
17:44 right up beside that list of sexual sin.
17:48 Everybody knows the story of, David Bathsheba,
17:50 David and Bathsheba, that's not David Letterman
17:51 that's David the king and Bathsheba.
17:54 And look at it its not-- is it a sin to walk on a roof?
17:57 Of course not.
17:58 Is it a sin to look over the edge of the roof
18:00 as long as you don't get too close?
18:02 To look into neighbors yard? No problem at all.
18:04 To happen to see your neighbor's wife
18:06 bathing in the backyard?
18:07 Still no sin.
18:08 That was no more a sin for David than it was sin
18:11 for Joseph to be handsome, be loyal
18:13 and attracted to Mrs. Potiphar,
18:15 who bats her false eyelashes
18:17 and tries to beckon the boy into the bed.
18:20 Was that a sin for Joseph?
18:21 Are you kidding?
18:22 Was that a sin for David?
18:23 No, but it is the next response
18:28 that is the tragic twist
18:30 to separate the tale of those two young adults.
18:32 The next response here's the difference between
18:35 their two responses.
18:37 Joseph, Joseph fled, David fed
18:44 and there is a universe of difference.
18:48 Joseph fled the website, gone.
18:51 David fed at that website,
18:53 Joseph fled the laptop, David stag at the laptop.
18:56 Ladies and gentlemen,
18:58 all this talk about homosexuality this weekend,
19:00 I'm gonna tell you something as a pastor I happened to know
19:04 that much greater than homosexual sin
19:05 and heterosexual sin is pornographic sin,
19:08 pornographic sex,
19:10 its what's have chained this generation.
19:13 I know because you've come and told me.
19:19 Joseph fled, David fed
19:23 and there in lies the difference,
19:24 two very different endings.
19:26 And by the way, of course you know the story
19:27 after the David has impregnated
19:29 his neighbors wife God sends prophet Nathan
19:32 with the word we know the gigs up
19:36 and David breaks down, you remember
19:37 in that bitter remorse and repentance.
19:41 And in his prayer to God, here's where we're going,
19:44 in his prayer to god David uses the very word
19:48 Paul just opposes beside that list of sexual sin.
19:51 Of course David is right in Hebrew and Paul in Greek.
19:53 But here, here is David's prayer Psalm 51
19:56 the great penitential Psalm verse 7,
19:58 cleanse me oh, God, "Cleanse me with hyssop,
20:01 and I will be clean, wash me,
20:03 and I will be whiter than snow."
20:07 Wash me, you got to wash me,
20:08 I need a shower, I need a bath,
20:11 I need to cleaned,
20:12 wash me now, wash me.
20:19 But you were washed.
20:20 You used to be but you were washed.
20:24 Washed by what?
20:26 Its not rocket science when you consider
20:28 the New Testament record, in this series The Temple
20:31 we've been going to Gods temple,
20:33 His throne in the universal.
20:35 We're looking at what the Bible teaches
20:36 is the final strategic chapter in salvation history,
20:39 namely the day of at onement, the Day of Atonement.
20:42 Yom Kippur up there in that temple being cleansed down here
20:46 in the temple here also being cleansed.
20:50 And one of the passages we have returned to often
20:53 is the Day of Atonement chapter in the New Testament,
20:56 its Hebrews 9 and we've read this before,
20:58 I want to put it on the screen for you--,
20:59 Hebrews 9:14
21:00 "How much more, then, will the blood of Christ,
21:03 who through the eternal Spirit offered himself
21:06 unblemished to God,
21:07 how much more will his blood cleanse
21:09 our consciences from acts that lead to death,
21:13 so that we may served the living God!"
21:16 Would you write that down please?
21:17 What do we cleanse Bible,
21:18 how does that washing take place
21:20 we are washed by his blood
21:22 and there is a strength of the New Testament
21:24 confirmation behind that in you study guide.
21:27 You're washed by His blood.
21:28 We are washed by His blood
21:29 but not only that, this is amazing,
21:31 take a look at this Acts 22.16.
21:34 By the way correct your study guides
21:35 so that it reads 16 instead of six that was my mistake.
21:38 Acts 22:16 "And now what are you waiting for?
21:42 Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away,
21:48 calling on his name."
21:49 Would you write that down?
21:50 We are not only washed in His blood
21:51 we are washed by our baptism.
21:54 If you've been baptized in Christ
21:55 there was a washing that washed your past away.
21:57 If you have not been baptized yet plan on it,
22:01 that's how the washing will happen.
22:03 You must be baptized for that washing.
22:08 This is what you were, but you are no longer
22:11 what you were for you have been washed.
22:15 What you were you no longer are, why?
22:18 Because you have been washed.
22:21 What's the next one?
22:22 You have been washed but you were sanctified.
22:27 Would you write that in please?
22:28 The NIV reads out the conjunction but.
22:32 But you were washed
22:33 and it says while we had enough of them leave not.
22:35 No, no, it's got to be there in the Greek
22:37 but you were washed, but just supposed to
22:39 what you were before, but you were sanctified.
22:43 Do know what the Greek means for sanctified?
22:46 It literally reads but you were holized.
22:50 You've been made holy.
22:52 I was fascinated, intrigued with clinical cytologist
22:55 and researcher Mark Yarhouse observation.
22:57 Thursday night, this has been an incredible conference.
23:01 But in this key note address Thursday evening
23:03 he observed at this marriage homosexuality
23:06 in the church conference that Exodus International
23:09 which is a ministry targeted to lead young men and women
23:12 from homosexuality to moral purity.
23:17 He observed "Exodus International's
23:19 greatest strengths appears to be its ability
23:22 to lead its clients closer to Christ
23:24 whether there is orientation change or not."
23:28 What you were you no longer are
23:33 because something happened to you
23:34 when you came to Christ.
23:36 You were washed. You were sanctified.
23:39 You have become more and more like Jesus.
23:43 I sure heard his testimony last night
23:44 this church was full on this level last evening.
23:48 Robert Gagnon's lecture, we'll hear that in a moment.
23:51 But we had a parallel discussion
23:53 and had the privilege of leading
23:54 and I wish you could have heard his testimony.
23:55 He also gave yesterday afternoon.
23:56 I'm talking about Wayne Blakely
23:59 who for 37 years lived the homosexual lifestyle
24:03 and within the last six months has come back to Jesus Christ
24:06 and has been re-baptized
24:07 and joined the Seventh-day Adventist church.
24:09 So he was here as a beautiful testimony.
24:11 Wayne said this in his testimony Friday afternoon
24:14 with the pastor Ester,
24:15 the opposite-- and I scribbled it down.
24:17 "The opposite of homosexuality
24:20 is not heterosexuality, but holiness."
24:24 Oh, he nailed it.
24:27 But you were washed,
24:29 this is what you were but you were washed.
24:31 But you were sanctified.
24:33 But-- here comes the third one,
24:34 but you were justified, write that in please.
24:38 But you were justified.
24:40 That's a term taken straight out of the court room
24:43 pauses-- hey guys,
24:44 I want you to remember, do you remember
24:47 when you arraigned before the divine judge,
24:49 almighty God the holy one,
24:50 do you remember when you were in Gods courtroom
24:53 and they read that long list of charges
24:55 that included all your guilty sexual sins.
25:00 Do you remember that when you by faith embrace
25:04 the Lord Jesus Christ as you Savior,
25:06 remember how the divine judge brought the gavel down
25:09 and it surprised you almost to death
25:11 because when that gavel slammed
25:15 down in that courtroom, rather than pronouncing guilty
25:19 he declared pardon, acquitted of all charges,
25:23 innocent, innocent, innocent.
25:27 That's the meaning of the Greek word justified.
25:31 The problem is those of us who live,
25:34 hung around a Christian community for a while,
25:37 we heard that word unpacked theologically
25:40 we heard that word unpacked theoretically,
25:42 but it makes no sense to us because nobody can show me--
25:44 they said well, its just forensic event in heaven.
25:47 I better differ with you.
25:49 I'm gonna show you right now.
25:50 Let's take the same David, not Letterman, David king.
25:55 Notice what happens.
25:56 Watch this, he dies all right,
25:58 he dies after David dies, God is talking to another king,
26:04 you can't believe this verse is in the Bible,
26:05 you just can't believe it but its there.
26:08 God is talking to another king
26:10 and listen to what he says about his friend David.
26:12 I'll put it on the screen for you.
26:13 1 Kings 14:8,
26:15 God's talking to this other king
26:17 and I put the numbers in their.
26:19 God is saying, hey, hey,
26:21 "You have not been my servant like David,
26:25 who 1 kept my commandments."
26:29 Time out, time out, time out.
26:31 God you talking to me?
26:32 Are you talking about King David?
26:33 What is this?
26:34 Alzheimer's is a divines reflection as well?
26:38 Have you forgotten?
26:39 What do you mean he kept your commandments?
26:41 He broke the seventh commandment
26:42 than he covered it up, he broke the sixth commandments,
26:44 killed her husband and to cover that up
26:45 broke the eighth commandment, bore false witness,
26:47 he broke all of the commandments
26:49 by the time he was through.
26:50 Don't you-- you got another David surely in mind?
26:52 Shh, God says you're interrupting me.
26:55 I'm talking about the king.
26:59 "You have not been like my servant David,
27:02 who 1 kept my commands
27:04 and 2 followed me with all his heart."
27:06 Wait, time out. What are you saying?
27:12 Followed you with all his heart?
27:14 Rubbish, he gave his heart to a woman
27:16 who wasn't even his wife, another man's wife.
27:19 Followed you with all his heart,
27:21 shh, I'm not finished yet.
27:26 "You have not been like my servant David,
27:29 who kept my commands
27:30 and followed me with all his heart,
27:32 doing only" write it in,
27:34 "doing only what is right in my eyes."
27:40 Ladies and gentlemen, can you believe that?
27:44 David is dead and gone,
27:46 his book his life book has shut
27:48 as it were it is already gone to the judge,
27:50 something about the divine memory
27:52 and the divine record apparently is able to erase,
27:57 erase sexual sin from the record
28:02 and declare the guy,
28:05 that girl has only done right in her life with me.
28:09 Amazing grace. How sweet the sound.
28:15 You can't believe that the verses is in your Bible
28:17 but I've rest my case its there.
28:21 What's going on here?
28:22 It's called the "everlasting gospel,"
28:25 that's what's going on.
28:26 It's what Paul is trying to describe to us.
28:29 It's the good news, listen to this
28:30 those of you that understand the Bible teaching
28:33 that we are in the final strategic chapter
28:35 of salvation history.
28:37 It's the good news that you had nothing to fear
28:39 from an end time judgment.
28:41 If you put your life
28:43 in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ
28:45 it says if you have never sinned at all.
28:49 I would call that a fairly cleansed record, wouldn't you?
28:53 In fact, I love this,
28:54 this is from the classics Steps to Christ,
28:56 you have to fill it in.
28:57 "If you give yourself to Christ,
29:01 and accept Him as your Savior,
29:04 then, sinful as your life may have been,
29:08 for His sake you are accounted righteous."
29:12 Now hold on "Christ character stands
29:14 in place of your character,
29:15 and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned."
29:20 Write in it.
29:21 "Just as if you had not sinned."
29:25 By the way, that's what it means to be justified,
29:27 just as if I'd never sinned.
29:30 That's what it means to be justified,
29:31 just as if I never sinned.
29:35 As if you never ever sinned,
29:39 you once were but what you were,
29:43 you no longer are, because you've been washed,
29:48 you've been sanctified, you've been justified.
29:51 How's the verse go?
29:52 Read it again verse 11
29:53 "And that is what some of you were.
29:54 But you were washed, you were sanctified,
29:56 but you were justified
29:57 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
29:59 and by Spirit of our God."
30:01 Bookend number one, what you were,
30:04 you no longer are and that ladies and gentlemen,
30:06 is the gospel truth.
30:14 Let me read to you a few sentences
30:17 from a letter I received from one of our graduates
30:23 here at Andrew's University.
30:25 Dear Pastor Nelson,
30:28 last year I graduated form Andrew's University
30:30 and moved to and he names the graduate school
30:32 for professional school.
30:35 A good friend of mine told me I needed to listen
30:37 to one of your most recent ceremonies.
30:40 I imagine as a pastor you appreciate feed back
30:43 form those who have listened.
30:47 My heart is burdened, I'm homosexual
30:51 but I have never had sex with another man
30:53 because I'm saving myself for the one
30:56 I'm to be monogamous with even
30:59 and he names the city
31:00 which is one of the easiest places
31:02 to find fake sex.
31:03 I wait for just one, why?
31:06 Because to me it is so much more important
31:09 that I find someone who will love me
31:10 analogical, emotional, social and spiritual levels
31:13 before all caps,
31:14 before he loves me on a physical one.
31:18 I have not had sex with another man
31:19 because I value the establishment
31:21 of a solid base before physical action.
31:25 I do not put lust over love contrary
31:29 to the stereo type."
31:33 I tell you what, my heart goes out
31:36 to the young adults in this university
31:41 who are homosexual,
31:45 who attend classes here,
31:48 who worships in pews right here
31:54 and who wonder to themselves
31:59 if God and the church
32:02 have any place for them?
32:07 You know, the danger of a conference like this,
32:11 it seeks to affirm that biblical teaching
32:12 regarding homosexuality and marriage and the church,
32:15 is that the human struggle
32:17 can be in advertently sublimated
32:19 to the theological correctness of biblical interpretation.
32:23 And we forget until letters like this
32:26 and conversations like this become a painful remainder
32:29 of how deeply are humanities struggles
32:32 to comprehend the will of God
32:33 for our fractured lives in a society
32:35 that is essentially guard less and voiceless
32:38 when it comes to sexual purity and morality.
32:42 So here is this young adult pleading pastor,
32:46 what if I chose to save myself
32:47 for a single monogamous homosexual relationship,
32:50 will this not count onto God as pure
32:53 and right and moral?
32:59 What are you gonna say?
33:02 What are you gonna write back?
33:06 Richard Hays,
33:08 the eminent New Testament ethicist
33:10 from Duke University in his magnum opus,
33:15 great book, Moral Visions
33:17 for the New Testament tells of his own struggles
33:21 having a gay friend name Gary, who eventually dies of AIDS.
33:26 Spends a lengthy chapter in the Moral Vision
33:28 of the New Testament, a lengthy chapter
33:30 wrestling over the biblical witness
33:32 regarding homosexuality
33:33 and then Hays, comes to this conclusion
33:36 and I put the words on the screen for you.
33:38 "Though only a few biblical texts
33:41 speak of homoerotic activity," all that do mention,"
33:48 all that do mention it express unqualified disapproval.
33:53 Thus, on this issue,
33:54 there is no synthetic problem for New Testament ethics.
33:57 In this respect, the issue of homosexuality
34:00 differs significantly from matters
34:02 such as slavery or the subordination of women,
34:05 concerning which the Bible contains
34:06 internal tensions and counterposed witnesses."
34:09 But we do not find that he writes,
34:11 with the issue of homosexuality.
34:13 "The biblical witness against homosexual practice"
34:16 and that's the key word by the way
34:18 "the biblical witness against
34:19 homosexual practice is univocal."
34:23 That means one voice.
34:26 There are not scholars cannot gain say,
34:30 that bright minds observation
34:32 there are not multiple voices in scripture,
34:35 the Bible speaks univocally, one voice.
34:39 So the question is not
34:40 what is God have against homosexuality
34:42 but rather why is God so insisted
34:45 on his sexual blueprint.
34:47 Paul before we get to the last book
34:49 and just dives into that, you got to see this.
34:52 Your Bible's open at 1 Corinthians 6:12,
34:56 he is quoting some proverbs
34:57 he's heard from the Corinthians.
34:59 "Everything is permissible for me"
35:01 he's talking about the third millennium.
35:02 Anything goes man, its okay.
35:04 Talking about the postmodern plurality.
35:10 "Everything is permissible for me "
35:12 that's the proverb, Paul shoots back, ha,
35:14 "but not everything is beneficial."
35:16 No "Everything is permissible for me,"
35:18 Paul shoots back,
35:19 "but I will not be mastered by anything."
35:21 Now here comes that proverb verse 13.
35:23 "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"
35:27 that's the proverb.
35:28 Paul has listened God will destroy them both,
35:30 now as they both temple.
35:31 But now here's the punch line,
35:32 "The body is not meant for sexual immorality,
35:36 but for the Lord,
35:37 and the Lord is meant for the body."
35:40 Hold on Paul, Paul, out right
35:42 rejects platonic dualism some good spirit, bad body.
35:46 No way Paul's are you kidding, its good body made by God body.
35:51 But let me tell you what the body is for jot this down.
35:53 Your body was created by God solely
35:56 for the purpose of relational pleasure.
35:59 The body was made for the Lord
36:00 and the Lord was made-- the Lord is for the body,
36:03 relational pleasure.
36:06 Listen folks, come on,
36:08 we could have been created disembodied spirits,
36:11 but God shows instead of make us bright
36:13 thinking, living bodies with minds,
36:15 that thrive on relationship.
36:17 We just love relationships.
36:18 What's that word?
36:20 Relationship, by definition and by necessity
36:22 is a focus outside of self and onto another.
36:26 Isn't that right?
36:27 Has to be or you don't have a relationship.
36:29 Sexual sin whether heterosexual or homosexual is sin
36:34 simply because it turns the human appetite in on itself
36:41 and a life consumed by appetite sexual or dietary,
36:45 is a life that consumes itself
36:48 feeding off of itself, robbing itself
36:50 with the simple pleasure and un unbridled joy
36:52 of a loving relationship with its Creator
36:54 and with the neighbors around it.
36:56 That's why sexual gratification,
37:00 wanting sexual gratification
37:02 is thus making love to yourself.
37:07 It's what it is,
37:09 whether you use a man or a woman or yourself.
37:15 Wanting sexual gratifications making love to yourself
37:17 and thus is a sin against yourself,
37:19 your body and the bold rejection of the Creator
37:22 who made you to enjoy this life,
37:24 in tandem with Him.
37:29 The question is not
37:30 what is God have against homosexuality,
37:32 but rather why is God so insistent
37:35 on His sexual blueprint?
37:39 Hey, take a look at this verse 16 Paul goes on,
37:43 "Do you not know that he who unites himself
37:46 with a prostitute is one with her in body?
37:50 For it is said" now, Paul quotes directly
37:51 from Genesis 2
37:52 "The two will become one flesh."
37:55 But Paul goes on "He who unites himself
37:57 with a Lord is one with him in spirit."
37:59 As Robert Gagnon raised last night I mean--
38:01 what is wrong with this picture?
38:03 I mean, you have someone who's one spirit with Jesus,
38:06 but you have that same person, one flesh with the prostitute.
38:09 Is there something wrong here?
38:11 Something isn't matching up,
38:14 that's Paul's point, how can it be?
38:16 How can you be one with Christ and one with her?
38:18 One with him?
38:20 You can't.
38:22 You be one with neither, you lose.
38:26 Isn't that something he quotes
38:28 from Genesis straight out of the creation account
38:31 over those words in Genesis
38:32 where God defines human marriage for all time
38:35 as a union of a man and a woman quoting Genesis 2
38:38 "For a man shall leave his father and mother,
38:40 and be joined to his wife
38:41 and the two shall become one flesh."
38:45 Sexual expression between two human beings is defined by
38:50 and confined to the marriage of a man and a woman
38:56 only, only.
39:02 The high octane of our human sexuality
39:04 by divine design is to be shared
39:08 only within the protective confines of man woman,
39:11 husband and wife marriage
39:16 suggest other wise is to flagrantly reject
39:19 the Creators temple for human happiness
39:22 and replace it with a fallen substitute at both humanly
39:24 and divinely cannot protect, cant preserve our human family
39:28 nor satisfied our human long.
39:29 You won't be happy,
39:31 you will not be fully fulfilled,
39:34 as Robert Gagnon spoke last evening idolatry
39:37 and same sex intercourse
39:40 are a frontal assault on the work
39:42 of the Creator in nature, in nature.
39:50 And by the way, the moment that conclusion is established
39:53 and I'm telling you the truth,
39:55 scholarship has not been able to gain
39:57 say that conclusion.
39:59 It's univocal and it stands like a rock.
40:03 You can walk at it, you can't change it.
40:06 But the moment we established that
40:08 then cry, the heart cry
40:11 of this young adult in his letter.
40:14 But wait a minute, please, that's not fair.
40:17 I'm what I am,
40:18 shall I be punished for a lifetime
40:20 because of my orientation?
40:22 Here's the deal,
40:23 I promise I will be monogamous
40:24 in my homosexuality.
40:26 I will be faithful to one man till I die.
40:30 Admirable desire.
40:33 Now Richard, Richard Hays
40:35 it says if he got the letter himself
40:36 and he writes to respond,
40:38 I put Hays words on the screen for you.
40:40 The italics are his.
40:42 "Is it Christianly appropriate
40:45 for Christians who experience themselves
40:47 as having a homosexual orientation
40:50 to continue to participate in same-sex erotic activity?
40:55 No. No.
40:58 The only one who was entitled
41:01 to cast a stone instead charged the recipient of his mercy
41:05 to 'go and sin no more.'
41:09 It is no more appropriate for homosexual Christians
41:11 to persist in homosexual activity
41:13 than it would be for heterosexual Christians
41:16 to persist in fornication or adultery."
41:19 Ladies and gentlemen, heterosexual sinners,
41:22 homosexual sinners it does not matter,
41:24 the gospel of God declares you can be delivered
41:27 and set free in Christ, washed, holized
41:32 declare pardon forever and ever, amen.
41:36 Heterosexual, homosexual it does not matter.
41:42 Hays writes and for me this is one of the clearest
41:46 and most compassionate pieces of counsel
41:48 I have read for homosexuals
41:50 who encountered the biblical witnesses
41:51 and discovered there is no way,
41:52 you can't change it, you can't retro apps,
41:55 you can't rewrite it, it stands.
41:58 But he writes very compassionately
42:00 put the words on the screen for you,
42:02 "Despite the smooth illusions
42:07 perpetrated by mass culture in the United States,
42:10 sexual gratification is not a sacred right,
42:13 and celibacy is not a fate worse than death.
42:18 Surely it is a matter of some interests
42:20 for Christian ethnics that both Jesus and Paul
42:23 lived without sexual relationships."
42:25 Guess what, it wasn't only Jesus and Paul,
42:27 Jeremiah lived without a sexual relationship,
42:31 Elijah no sexual relationship,
42:33 John the Baptist no sexual relationship,
42:35 Anna the prophetess no sexual relationship,
42:37 Jesus no sexual relationship, Paul no sexual relationship.
42:43 It can be done.
42:46 "Heterosexually oriented persons,"
42:49 Hays goes on, "are also called
42:51 to abstinence from sex unless they marry.
42:58 The only difference, admittedly a salient one
43:01 in the case of homosexually oriented persons
43:04 is that they do not have the option
43:06 of homosexual marriage."
43:08 It just cannot be.
43:10 "So where does that leave them?
43:12 It leaves them in precisely the same situations
43:15 as the heterosexual who would like to marry
43:17 but cannot find an appropriate partner
43:19 and there are many such," I have such friends.
43:25 What position that does that leave you in?
43:27 Hays, concludes "Summoned to a difficult,
43:30 costly obedience, while 'groaning'
43:32 for the 'redemption of our bodies'
43:35 Romans Chapter 8."
43:45 I'm gonna read the ending of this letter.
43:52 In conclusion I understand
43:55 that the church has severe struggles with this issue,
44:00 I however plea-- listen to his heart,
44:03 I however plea that even greater care be taken
44:07 to not push gay youth out of the church
44:11 and inadvertently encourage a life of promiscuity.
44:16 We need to hear that,
44:18 because if the church is not a place
44:21 for gay youth, or not so young,
44:25 there is only one other place to go
44:27 and that's outside the church.
44:30 He's saying please, don't push us out.
44:41 So what salvation is there for gay youth
44:42 and straight youth for homosexual sinners
44:44 and heterosexual sinners?
44:45 Paul concludes with the final bookend, simple appeal.
44:50 Jot down the end of this sexuality passage,
44:52 pick it up at verse 19 begins the same ways verse 9.
44:54 "Do you not know" there's the other bookend.
44:57 "Do you not know that your body
45:00 is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
45:03 whom you have received from God?
45:06 You are not your own."
45:07 Verse 20 "You were brought at a price.
45:09 Therefore honor God with your body."
45:13 Bookend one good news,
45:16 What you were, you no longer are.
45:18 Bookend number two,
45:20 even better news, write it down.
45:22 What you are now, you can forever be.
45:27 Forever be what?
45:30 But Paul has just announced,
45:32 it is the stunning declaration shared
45:34 by no other religion on earth,
45:36 the Bible proclaims that the Creator of humanity,
45:39 has through His own death
45:41 purchased with crimson currency,
45:43 His earth children body and mind
45:46 and has not only purchased us,
45:48 but get this He bought the house
45:50 so that He could move into the house,
45:53 and live with us.
45:54 And having moved into the house,
45:57 He turns our human bodies
45:59 into His sacred shrine, hallelujah.
46:03 Hey, ladies and gentlemen,
46:05 you know what, the mystery is not that Gods moves in,
46:11 the mystery is that He even wanted to in the first place
46:16 that's the mystery.
46:20 You know what that means?
46:23 That means we must be, I tell you what,
46:25 we have to be of infinite value to God.
46:30 I mean, how else can you explain this?
46:32 You have an infinite God spilling
46:33 His blood to purchase us,
46:35 an infinite God choosing a tabernacle
46:36 and so finite temple it must mean,
46:39 we are of infinite value to Him.
46:42 So what's that mean for sex?
46:44 Piece of cake.
46:45 Here's what it means, sex belongs in the temple.
46:51 Homosexual temple?
46:52 Nope.
46:53 Heterosexual temple?
46:55 Nope.
46:56 Holy temple.
46:58 Sex belongs in the temple,
47:02 remember that, remember that.
47:06 Because that means all the sexuality
47:08 that you are right now
47:10 and all the sex you might practice in the future,
47:14 all of it will take place
47:16 in the physical presence of God himself.
47:22 Everything 'cause it's His temple,
47:27 He's sitting there, He's sitting there.
47:32 Remember you are the temple of God.
47:43 Sex in the temple, the holy temple,
47:45 but of course that's precisely where God wants it.
47:48 I mean, you think about after all
47:50 can you think of a safer place for sex to take place
47:57 than in the temple, in the temple.
48:03 I want to pray, will you?
48:06 Oh God, the mystery is not that You could come in,
48:12 the mystery is that You would even want to.
48:16 You know here is the compelling proclamations
48:23 our bodies, our sexuality,
48:27 us we are Your sacred shrine,
48:32 we are Your temple.
48:35 Oh, God, please, what a high destiny.
48:41 Call us to that destiny right now I pray.
48:49 And while every head is still bowed in prayer
48:51 I can't walk out of here
48:55 without making an invitation.
49:00 I want to make an invitation
49:01 to the young men, who are here.
49:03 Heterosexual, homosexual it doesn't matter to me.
49:07 I want to make invitation to the young men who are here,
49:11 would you be willing today
49:15 to reopen your temple
49:20 to the occupancy of the God of this universe.
49:25 Would you be willing to say,
49:29 this is Your house, my house is Your house,
49:34 come in today and hold this temple,
49:39 hold this house for me, for the rest of my journey.
49:45 Is there a young man here
49:47 who would like to stand at his feet,
49:49 he may be single, he may be married,
49:52 he maybe a dad, is there a young man here
49:56 who would like to stand to his feet
49:58 and say I give this body to you, oh God,
50:04 Your temple, my body, Your temple.
50:09 My body, Your temple.
50:11 If there is a young man here
50:12 who would like to pray that prayer
50:14 I want to invite you to stand on your feet right now,
50:17 in the balcony at the back, you're in the sanctuary here,
50:20 you are in the overflow room, you're watching on television,
50:23 just stand and by standing you say
50:28 I'm Yours, I'm Yours.
50:33 You say, Dwight, how can I stand,
50:36 I mean please, you don't know my story.
50:39 The story is immaterial.
50:42 You know something that word washed,
50:46 do you what it means?
50:47 It obviously means
50:50 that when you come to the Lord Jesus Christ
50:52 and you say my body is Your temple, wash me now,
50:54 it means you are endowed with spiritual virginity.
51:00 It's all over, whatever the past was is immaterial now.
51:06 You get it, young, may the temple of God,
51:13 your past covered.
51:16 Any other young man would stand to your feet
51:20 as I'm standing on mine
51:22 and say oh, Jesus,
51:24 I renew to You, my desire.
51:28 This is Your temple, my body, your temple.
51:34 I want to make an invitation
51:35 to the young women who are here,
51:38 how about you?
51:40 Nevermind the story past heterosexual,
51:43 homosexual it doesn't matter
51:46 would you too wish to stand at your feet
51:49 and by standing declare my body Your temple,
51:54 you can have me forever and ever, amen.
52:01 My body Your temple,
52:06 spiritual virginity and being washed in Christ
52:09 I receive it.
52:11 My body Your temple,
52:16 my body Your temple.
52:19 I'm proud of the young this is the wave
52:22 that God will send forth into this planet
52:25 to reach the broken who surround us.
52:29 Healed young men and women,
52:32 I'm proud of you but it needs to be all of us.
52:37 If you're a not so young man,
52:40 married, father, grandfather,
52:43 not married, divorced
52:47 but you want to declare my body Your temple,
52:51 like these have declared it,
52:52 would you stand to your feet,
52:54 if you're a man
52:56 and say Jesus, you can count on.
52:59 My body Your temple,
53:03 one with You, how about of ladies,
53:08 society so much looks to the women
53:11 to set the pace morally.
53:14 If your not a young women but you're a women
53:15 and you wish to say as single as you are,
53:18 married as you are, divorced as you are,
53:22 heterosexual, homosexual, what is it matter now,
53:24 my body Your temple.
53:27 And you're a women would you stand to your feet
53:29 if you wish to say that, pray that prayer as well.
53:35 Right, we got to sing that song again,
53:37 it's such a beautiful prayer,
53:41 Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary.
53:46 It's a prayer to be the temple,
53:48 we've just responded
53:51 but now let's sing that prayer Greg, lead us.
53:54 He sure does, please.
53:58 Lord, prepare me
54:03 To be a sanctuary
54:09 Pure and holy
54:15 Tried and true
54:20 With thanksgiving,
54:26 I'll be a living
54:31 Sanctuary,
54:37 Lord, for You
54:41 I want to sing that one more time
54:42 but I want to drop the decibels way down now, way down
54:46 and I want us to sing that just as a breezed prayer.
54:50 Lord, prepare me. Let's sing is again.
54:53 Lord, prepare me,
54:59 To be a sanctuary
55:06 Pure and holy,
55:12 Tried and true
55:18 With thanksgiving,
55:23 I'll be a living
55:30 Sanctuary
55:37 Lord, for You
55:43 And so the Holy Father, that is our prayer,
55:45 seal upon us now Your benedictions,
55:47 seal this offer
55:52 our body Your temple,
55:56 seal it we pray.
55:58 And now to Him,
56:01 who has freed us from our sins by His blood,
56:06 made His to be a kingdom of priest for His glory
56:13 to the only wise God our Savior,
56:16 be glory in majesty, dominion and power
56:20 both now and forever more
56:23 that all the people say, amen.
56:28 I'd like to take a moment here at the end of the service
56:30 to tell you about one of the most important groups of people
56:33 that make this ministry possible.
56:36 There're team of people,
56:37 they're not afraid to get down into the thick of life itself
56:41 which is why you're gonna find them.
56:42 You will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:45 They're prayer partners,
56:47 a group of men and women and young adults
56:50 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:53 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:56 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher,
56:59 that God will use me, that God would use
57:00 the countless other volunteers
57:03 to spread the everlasting gospel
57:05 and the Word of God in ways
57:06 we could never have imagined before.
57:08 There are the ones who are praying
57:10 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people,
57:13 open up the hearts of viewers around the world
57:15 for the message, the critical message
57:18 for this end time generation.
57:21 And what I would like to do is ask you
57:23 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us,
57:25 a prayer partner with New Perceptions?
57:27 You don't have to call it toll free number.
57:29 You don't have to go online to register.
57:31 All I need to know is that you'd willing
57:33 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day.
57:39 Pray that somehow through radio and television and the web
57:43 God will open up new doors,
57:45 new-- new regions on earth
57:48 where the everlasting Gospel can be proclaimed.
57:50 There is no question the power of prayer
57:53 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:55 we could never have imagined before.
57:58 So that's it.
57:59 Would you please be willing to partner with me in prayer?
58:03 The times are urgent, the need is critical
58:06 and I hope you'll say, yes.
58:08 Till we're together in next time
58:10 may the prayer answering God
58:12 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2015-02-05