New Perceptions

East Winds

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP101406

00:27 "You alone are my heart's desire
00:32 And I long to worship thee
00:38 You alone are my strength, my shield
00:43 To you alone
00:46 May my spirit yield
00:52 You alone are my heart's desire
00:57 And I long to worship thee"
02:45 "Be still, my soul
02:49 The Lord is on thy side
02:55 Bear patiently
02:59 The cross of grief or pain
03:05 Leave to thy God
03:09 To order and provide
03:15 In every change
03:19 He faithful will remain
03:25 Be still, my soul
03:29 Thy best, thy heavenly, Friend
03:35 Through thorny ways
03:39 Leads to a joyful end
03:46 Be still, my soul
03:50 Thy God doth undertake
03:56 To guide the future
04:01 As He has the past
04:06 Thy hope, thy confidence,
04:11 Let nothing shake
04:16 All now mysterious
04:20 Shall be bright at last
04:26 Be still, my soul
04:30 The waves and winds still know
04:36 His voice who ruled them
04:41 While He dwelt below
04:47 Be still, my soul
04:51 The hour is hastening on
04:58 When we shall be
05:01 Forever with the Lord
05:08 When disappointment
05:13 Grief, and fear are gone
05:18 Sorrow forgot
05:22 Love's purest joys restored
05:29 Be still, my soul
05:33 When change and tears are past
05:39 All safe and blessed
05:45 We shall meet at last"
06:15 Sing to the Lord a jubilant song
06:18 Sing to the Lord a jubilant song
06:22 Rejoice and sing and let the earth be glad
06:25 Let the heavens be filled with joy
06:30 And a jubilant song
06:38 Sing alleluia to the Lord
06:42 Alleluia to the Lord
06:44 Alleluia to the Lord
06:46 Alleluia to the Lord
06:48 Alleluia to the Lord
06:50 Alleluia to the Lord
06:51 Alleluia to the Lord
06:54 Alleluia
06:56 Tell of His salvation from day to day
06:59 Shout His marvelous works among the people
07:03 For great is the Lord
07:04 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
07:11 Sing to the Lord a jubilant song
07:15 Sing to the Lord a jubilant song
07:18 Rejoice and sing and let the earth be glad
07:21 Let the heavens be filled with joy
07:26 And a jubilant song
07:36 Lord, you have been out refuge
07:40 From one generation to another
07:46 Before the mountains were made
07:50 Or the land and the sea were born
07:55 From age to age you are God
07:59 And we pray for the coming of your Kingdom
08:04 We shall rejoice
08:07 We shall be glad
08:08 All the days of our lives
08:18 Sing to the Lord a jubilant song
08:22 Sing to the Lord
08:23 A jubilant song
08:25 Rejoice and sing and let the earth be glad
08:29 Let the heavens be filled with joy
08:34 And a jubilant song
08:38 And a jubilant song
08:42 Sing to the Lord
08:52 A jubilant song
09:04 Amen.
09:09 Let's pray together.
09:13 Oh, is a choir who just sung
09:17 that You would draw from our hearts
09:20 a new, a new song, a new expression of praise
09:25 for our sleep deprive lives in the west.
09:31 Oh, this invitation of rest, what is that mean?
09:36 How do we connect with it?
09:39 And how in the world
09:42 can this secular postmodern civilization
09:48 ever get a hold of Your offer.
09:52 Its got to start with us,
09:53 teach us today that we might have that
09:56 which out of our own experience
09:58 we can share, in Jesus name, amen.
10:05 The last time you and I were together
10:10 we were considering
10:11 God's radical call to Islam
10:19 and I'm grateful for the dialogue,
10:21 the debate, the discussion that that teaching has engendered.
10:25 I have heard from many of you,
10:27 we email, heard from some of our viewers
10:29 on television as well.
10:32 We need to be wrestling with so immense a challenge
10:35 and as the Aussie say "Good on you, mate."
10:37 Good on you. Good for you.
10:39 We got to wrap our minds around this.
10:42 One of you wrote an email to me stating that
10:44 you've been in dialogue for sometime now
10:46 with a professor for Islamic studies
10:51 in Middle Eastern country that needs to remain unnamed
10:55 and he said, I'm gonna share this teaching with him.
10:57 Have him listen to, downloaded
10:58 from the website and examine as himself.
11:00 By the way, if you weren't here our last time together
11:05 "Star Rising Over Islam"
11:06 is the title of the teaching two weeks ago
11:08 and you can get it on our website.
11:10 I'll give you that website in just a minute.
11:11 It's on the new study guide that you're gonna receive.
11:14 I got another email
11:15 from one of our leading contacts in the Muslim world.
11:18 This particular individual
11:20 has direct relations with imam's
11:23 and he was praising God for the teaching
11:25 that is here in Holy Spirit
11:27 that which you and I were sharing just a few days ago.
11:30 And then on the other side of the coin
11:32 I did receive an email
11:33 from one of our viewers that greatly disturbed
11:37 that we would like Allah with the one true God
11:42 and deeply upset that we would have the audacity
11:45 to call young adults to commit
11:47 to a mission to Islamic countries.
11:50 I wrote back to that viewer and I shared with him,
11:54 you know, well, its clear we don't,
11:57 we don't hold to the same perspectives.
12:00 I'm certain that you join me in praying for God's
12:04 outpouring of blessing upon this great people,
12:06 the great people of Islam irrespective
12:08 of what your or my perspective might be.
12:13 But today what I want to do jetlagged in all,
12:15 I want to switch gears.
12:17 I want to shift from the religious east,
12:21 Islam I want to shift to the west
12:24 to the secular postmodern west.
12:26 Because having returned just a few hours ago
12:28 as I mentioned from Australia, Karen and I.
12:31 I must confess to you that
12:32 I have been brooding in my heart and mind
12:35 how in the world Islam is one challenge
12:37 but how in the world
12:38 where the everlasting gospel penetrate
12:41 the secular, postmodern west?
12:44 Every time I visit Australia I'm taken aback
12:47 by the bold almost brash western secularism
12:52 that it's so powerfully displaced.
12:54 Let me just put some snaps.
12:55 We were preaching in Sydney eight times
12:57 there in Sydney, pictures that we took a few days ago.
13:01 Sydney obviously the most telegenic, photogenic,
13:05 most recognized urban skyline in the world I'm sure.
13:10 When you look at Sydney the towering glass and steel
13:14 you realize this is the heart of Australia.
13:16 It is a nation on a cutting edge.
13:19 They are, they coined
13:21 the word contemporary as it were.
13:23 They live with state of the art.
13:25 You watch their televisions,
13:26 we did, you read the newspapers as I did,
13:27 you get a sense of their, you review their history
13:30 and you realize the indomitable pluck,
13:33 the raw energy that raised up this nation
13:37 clustered only on the seacoast of Australia.
13:39 This is barren wilderness in the middle
13:41 but that raised up this mighty nation.
13:45 I mean that any, any culture that can come up
13:48 with get on your made and no worries,
13:49 they are a wonderful people, a fun people to be around.
13:53 But for them and for the west all of this comes at a price.
13:58 Karen and I were walking through one of the resorts,
14:00 surfers of Sydney called Manly
14:02 and it came on a psychiatrist or psychologist office.
14:06 She had a big metal plaque outside her door
14:09 and it was her name
14:10 and then all these initials after.
14:12 So she is obviously highly trained.
14:14 And then underneath she advertises
14:16 what it is the service she provides
14:19 and she indicates that she is in fact a counselor
14:22 for stress relief and sleep disorders.
14:27 This is in a lovely seaside resort
14:30 on the outskirts of Sydney.
14:33 You realize that for all that
14:35 we have accomplished in the west
14:38 it is come at a high, high price.
14:41 This consumption of all the daylight hours,
14:44 all the night time hours,
14:45 24/7 working, surviving, partying, playing
14:49 but in the consumption of it all
14:52 what do we end up with?
14:53 We end up with this massive sleep depravation.
14:56 Not from jetlag but just from simply living
14:59 in the west, sleep depravation.
15:04 And by the way not in Australia alone,
15:06 come on, it's a whole west.
15:07 This is USA Today, three months ago.
15:10 Thank you Larry Ulery, one of the faculty here
15:12 at Andrews who is sending this to me.
15:13 Look at this headline,
15:15 I mean, wouldn't this catch your eye
15:16 "A call to honor the Sabbath."
15:19 So I'm instantly intrigue, it turns out this piece
15:22 is written by a Presbyterian pastor,
15:24 all right, pastoring in Fairfax, Virginia.
15:27 I'm gonna read just a line or two
15:29 from the middle of his essay.
15:31 This is a editorial essay.
15:34 "Whether religious or not, people know" okay,
15:36 people in the west, Australia, Western Europe, UK.
15:40 We got some friends here from Brazil today.
15:41 Brazil fits into the category the postmodern west.
15:46 "Whether religious or not,
15:47 people know that they need to take a day off
15:49 in order to maintain their sanity
15:51 and remain efficient and productive at work.
15:53 But I'm convinced" writes this Presbyterian pastor
15:55 "I'm convinced that downtime is not enough.
15:59 We need a formal day of rest.
16:01 A true Sabbath gives us time to refresh
16:03 and renew ourselves, regain proper perspective
16:06 and redirect our lives to what is good
16:07 and true and worthwhile.
16:08 There is something positive and even creative about
16:11 allowing ourselves to take a break,
16:13 as noted in the Bible
16:15 when it says God finishes the work
16:16 of creation on the seventh day by resting"
16:19 and then he writes in "Genesis 2:2.
16:21 Resting is an act of creativity."
16:26 You know I got the thinking
16:27 just part of this brooding post Australia brooding,
16:30 could it be, come on think little for a moment.
16:32 Could it be that the secular west sleep deprivation
16:36 which is really pandemic,
16:39 pandemic in our western culture.
16:41 Could it be that sleep deprivation
16:43 in fact is opening a massive door
16:47 to the postmodern world?
16:49 I mean, you think about postmodern.
16:52 They simultaneous start for community and rest.
16:56 They want to belong,
16:58 they want to be a part, they need rest.
16:59 The two most passionate of their needs
17:02 community and rest they lose one,
17:04 rest in pursuit of the other community.
17:06 Could it be that we've discovered the perfect gift
17:08 that if they could embrace the gift
17:10 they meet their deepest felt needs.
17:12 With this caveat, with this caveat.
17:17 If that perfect gift however,
17:19 if that perfect gift hardly impacts our own existences
17:24 how can we possibly be effective
17:27 in communicating that gift
17:30 to the secular west and to the secular east?
17:34 Open your Bible with me that caveat in place
17:37 and let's take a look at rumor number two.
17:39 We are doing a series here called,
17:40 rumors from the east.
17:42 Open to the Bible's last book, this is rumor number two.
17:44 These first few sessions we've spent together
17:47 have been devoted to rumor number one.
17:48 There are only three rumors, only three,
17:50 these rumors from the east,
17:51 titled the series, rumors from the east.
17:52 Today we take a look at rumor number two,
17:56 the Apocalypse, Revelation Chapter 7.
17:59 I want you to read some verses right here
18:01 at the outset with me please.
18:02 Revelation Chapter 7,
18:03 I'll be in the New King James Version today.
18:05 If you didn't bring a Bible there will a pew Bible
18:07 in the rack in the front of you.
18:09 It's page, page 826 in the pew Bible,
18:14 whatever translation you have read along with me please.
18:17 Revelation Chapter 7, let's just read
18:18 the first three verse of Revelation 7:1
18:21 "After these things I saw four angels standing
18:24 at the four corners of the earth,
18:26 holding the four winds of the earth,
18:28 that the wind should not blow on the earth,
18:30 on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree."
18:32 And then verse 2, I saw a fifth angel.
18:34 All right there are already four
18:35 there now here comes a fifth.
18:36 "I saw another angel ascending from the east,"
18:39 Key words, three rumors about the east,
18:40 only three in the Apocalyptic literature.
18:43 So we're now moving to number two.
18:45 "I saw another angel ascending from the east,
18:47 having the seal of the living God.
18:49 And he cried with a loud voice" in the Greek, megalaphone.
18:52 Megaphone, this is a huge voice.
18:54 "And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
18:56 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,"
18:58 verse 3 "And he said to them,
18:59 'Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees
19:03 until we have sealed the servants
19:05 of our God on their foreheads.'"
19:08 Stop it right there.
19:09 Would you scribble this down, please?
19:10 Take out your new study guide
19:12 and make note that this is rumor number two.
19:16 The study guides ought to be in your worship bulletin today.
19:19 Ushers, thank you for getting us--
19:21 if you do that gentlemen, just hold your hand up
19:24 if you came in and you didn't get
19:25 a worship bulletin when you came in
19:27 or several of you with just one bulletin
19:29 I would like you to have please,
19:30 one of these study guides for yourself.
19:32 The opening quotation is worth it.
19:33 Write there Presbyterian pastor's quotation
19:36 we are gonna get to that in just a second here.
19:37 Hold your hand up.
19:38 And those of you who are watching on television
19:39 you get the same study guide.
19:41 Let me put that website on the screen right now,
19:43 www-- there it is
19:45 pioneer church.TV.
19:50 Click on to this teaching series
19:52 "Rumors from the East" This is part five,
19:55 this one is entitled "East Winds."
19:58 When you click on the East Winds
19:59 it will say study guide.
20:00 Say yes, I want that study guide
20:02 and you will have the same study guide
20:03 right there on your computer screen
20:05 and you can go through the study guide with us.
20:07 If you are watching it on DVD just hit the pause button,
20:09 get that study guide and then please,
20:12 examine this teaching with us.
20:14 So would you jot this down, please?
20:15 Let's put it up on the screen, Rumor 2,
20:17 just write in the number 2,
20:18 this is the second of the three rumors from the east.
20:21 This whole teaching series devoted
20:22 to just these three rumors from the east.
20:25 Rumor 2 is Revelation 7
20:26 and then a verse from Revelation 14.
20:29 Now let's go to that quotation
20:30 from the Presbyterian pastor, you have it right there.
20:32 You have to fill it in,
20:33 in order for this to be complete.
20:35 Henry G. Brinton, pastor of Fairfax,
20:39 Virginia Presbyterian Church wrote this essay
20:41 in USA Today three months ago.
20:45 The problem, now these are Brinton's words.
20:47 "The problem with ignoring the Sabbath"
20:49 would you write that in please?
20:50 That's his word, "The problem with ignoring the Sabbath
20:54 is that it hurts us as individuals,
20:57 families and communities."
20:59 And then he quotes an author
21:01 whose book I have in my library, Wayne Muller, okay.
21:03 "Wayne Muller, therapist, minister
21:05 and best-selling author, is convinced that
21:07 modern life has become a violent enterprise.
21:10 We make war on our bodies by pushing them
21:13 beyond their limits, war on our children
21:15 by failing to give them our time,
21:17 and war on our communities by failing to be kind
21:19 and generous and connected to our neighbors."
21:21 Now "To bring an end to this destruction,"
21:24 here's where the pastor is going
21:25 "we have to establish a healthier balance
21:27 between work and rest."
21:29 Write in the word rest.
21:30 We need this balance between work and rest.
21:33 "But I'm convinced" now this is Brinton not Muller.
21:35 "I'm convinced that downtime is not enough.
21:38 We need a formal day of rest.
21:41 A true Sabbath." His words.
21:45 Now what in the world
21:46 does this Presbyterian pastor's essay in USA Today
21:50 and the need for a formal Sabbath have to do
21:52 with a fifth angels cry in Revelation Chapter 7?
21:54 These words we read just a moment ago.
21:57 The cool eyes tucked away
21:58 in a rather of skewer phrase the seal,
22:01 the seal of the living God.
22:04 Let's hit the table again.
22:05 Let check our envision
22:06 what we just read in Revelation 7.
22:08 So you have four angels, right?
22:09 Four angels, four corners of the world
22:11 holding the four winds.
22:12 The number four is inclusive.
22:14 When the number four appears in Apocalypse
22:16 it indicates the entire globe.
22:18 That makes sense, north, south, east, west
22:20 four corners, all right.
22:21 So you got four angels holding back the four winds.
22:24 By the way, we know the scene comes
22:26 just before the return of Christ
22:28 because the last description in chapter 6
22:30 is this glorious depiction of the second coming.
22:36 So in the context of the end of human existence
22:39 as we know it these first three verses
22:41 of Revelation 7 take place.
22:43 Now, what we know from Revelation 7
22:46 there are two realities we know.
22:47 Jot this down in your study guide,
22:48 put it on the screen for you.
22:49 This much we know, the friends of God
22:52 "The friends of God will be sealed in their foreheads."
22:56 We know that just from our cursory reading
22:58 which we've just done.
22:59 Number one the friends of God
23:00 will be sealed in their foreheads.
23:01 And number two, "The four winds will be let loose"
23:05 all four winds will be let loose
23:06 "in a final global cataclysm."
23:09 And by the way, I really don't blame
23:11 the residents of New Orleans
23:14 for thinking that one of those winds got loose a little early.
23:17 Just a few weeks ago as you know
23:19 I was down in New Orleans on the one year anniversary
23:21 of Hurricane Katrina destroyed the New Orleans
23:23 first Seventh-day Adventist Church,
23:24 so they are opening the church after rebuilding it.
23:27 On the one year anniversary
23:29 toward the still raw destruction
23:33 of some of their perishes there in New Orleans
23:35 and then after the final sermon
23:37 one of the church members hands me a DVD.
23:40 He says, you need to take a look at this
23:41 when you get home.
23:42 Our senior leadership team sat down
23:44 and looked at it, it is amazing.
23:46 I want to share with you just a brief clip.
23:47 These are home movies taken by a gentleman
23:51 who is on the second floor of his house
23:54 as the waters are ascending
23:57 from the broken levy not far from his home.
24:00 So that's the setting.
24:01 You are gonna see, this is amateur video,
24:04 we will put it on the screen right now.
24:07 The levy has broken
24:09 and that's the front yard, folks.
24:10 I mean, it looks like a massive sea.
24:12 You can see the wind,
24:14 the fury of the raging hurricane.
24:17 That's the balcony of the second floor.
24:19 Keep your eyes on this.
24:20 So he is on the second floor of his home,
24:23 the water has already penetrated the first floor
24:26 and in just a moment he is gonna give you--
24:28 look at the waves,
24:29 those are the waves in his front yard.
24:34 Now watch this, this is his front door.
24:37 This is first floor.
24:38 You see the water, it's now one foot
24:40 from the top of the front door on the first floor.
24:44 He is standing there at the top of the stairs
24:47 and you have to wonder what is going through
24:49 this man's mind as he takes this picture.
24:51 Because the water is rising as you watch--
24:53 Now it's coming under the door, second floor.
24:56 The water now is coming under the door.
24:59 He shoots again outside.
25:01 The place is a raging maelstrom, ugly dark water.
25:08 And now the water is beginning to burst underneath the door
25:11 and you can see little spurts of it.
25:13 It now penetrates the second floor.
25:15 In a moment you are gonna see his shot of the veranda.
25:19 So this is a second floor of veranda,
25:21 he is gonna look out the glass doors to that veranda
25:24 and you will notice now the water beginning
25:26 to pound on the second floor.
25:28 There is the veranda, look at that water, second floor.
25:30 There is only one way for him to go,
25:32 he has to cut a hole in his roof to survive
25:34 and you know, that's what they did.
25:35 Get into the attic, cut a hole in the roof above the attic
25:37 and then sit on the roof for, for a hopeful rescue.
25:41 I mean, you take a look at that clip
25:43 and you realize the unrestraint raw power of nature gone wild.
25:48 It is a terrible thing to behold.
25:50 And here is Revelation 7 indicating
25:53 that the day is coming when all four winds get lose.
25:57 But I wish you scribble this down
25:58 because I'm not afraid about that day
26:00 and you and I don't have to be afraid.
26:01 Write this down, you know, I'm not afraid
26:02 because we have Psalm 46:1.
26:05 Write down that reference.
26:06 That is so, that is such a beautiful assurance.
26:09 Psalm 46:1, God is our, do you know this one?
26:12 Say it out loud if you do.
26:13 "God is our refuge and strength,
26:15 A very present help in trouble.
26:18 Therefore we will not be fear.
26:21 Though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea,
26:23 though its waters roar and be troubled."
26:25 Hallelujah, we have nothing to fear for the future
26:28 we have that assurance.
26:29 But before the, before the four winds
26:33 are released in that final cataclysm
26:35 the fifth angel has a mission
26:37 and that's where we are headed here.
26:38 Let's take a look again at verse 2,
26:40 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
26:44 having the seal of the living God."
26:46 Hit the pause button right there
26:47 because there is the, there is the word to clue
26:50 that we are looking for the word east.
26:52 And we reminded ourselves already in rumor number one,
26:54 that something happens everyday of the year in the east.
26:57 What is that that ascends
26:58 out of the east everyday of the year?
26:59 What comes up?
27:01 Jot it down in your study guide.
27:02 Would you please?
27:04 But of course, in the east the sun rises.
27:08 Which is the very same imaginary we saw
27:09 on rumor number one in Revelation 18:1,
27:11 the sun of righteousness is rising one last time
27:13 in the east higher and higher
27:15 until the earth is flood with her shine.
27:17 One last spectacular burst of God's glory
27:21 and then the end comes.
27:22 We call it the last sunrise.
27:24 In fact, this was, this was an amazing recognition.
27:32 Do you realize that the Bible actually
27:34 in one case names Jesus as sunrise?
27:37 Take a look at this.
27:38 The Greek word, you have it
27:39 in your study guide for east is anatole.
27:41 Anatole means the rising.
27:43 And so that's why the east is where the sun rises.
27:46 Dr. Luke uses the very same word
27:48 as a proper name for Christ.
27:50 In fact, jot this down, will you?
27:51 Luke 1:78, calls Christ the promised "A"
27:55 as it were Anatole or the "Sunrise."
27:59 New American Standard Version actually calls Him,
28:01 He is the Messiah is the Sunrise.
28:03 Let's put those versus on the screen.
28:05 Luke 1:78
28:07 "Because of the tender mercy of our God,
28:10 with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us."
28:13 What's the good news?
28:14 "He will shine on those who sit in darkness
28:16 and the shadow of death,
28:17 it will guide our feet into the way of peace."
28:20 Luke's point is Christ is the promise sunrise.
28:22 The Messiah as first coming as the sunrise,
28:25 John comes along in the apocalypse
28:26 and says he is the promise sunrise at the second coming
28:29 because, jot this down, the Son always shines.
28:34 The Son always shines when Jesus shows up.
28:37 You know, if we only would spend
28:41 that extra time in the presence of Christ.
28:44 He is going to shine on you if you just allow yourself
28:49 in your sleep deprive run ragged schedule.
28:54 If you just keep yourself that extra moment in His presence.
28:59 The sun was shining on Moses.
29:00 Remember the story about Moses who would go up
29:02 and have this personal communion
29:04 with the pre-incarnate Christ.
29:06 And you remember when he would come down
29:07 from those moments of worship
29:08 they would actually have to put,
29:10 remember what they put over his face.
29:11 What they would put? They put a veil over his face.
29:13 You can't hide it, when you been along with Jesus
29:16 it will shine from your light.
29:18 Not like Moses. Not physically.
29:19 But it will shine intellectually,
29:21 it will shine emotionally,
29:22 it will shine socially, it will shine personally.
29:26 Whatever is happening here,
29:28 what's clear as it this sunrise means that
29:31 Jesus is saturated in this last scene,
29:36 this vision of Revelation 7,
29:38 it is saturated with the glory of Jesus Himself.
29:40 So the question is what's happening here?
29:41 Verse 2, read it again.
29:43 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
29:44 having the seal of the living God.
29:46 And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
29:48 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
29:51 and he said" verse 3,
29:52 "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees
29:55 until we have sealed the servants of our God
29:57 on their foreheads."
30:00 Now add verse 4.
30:02 "And I heard the number of those who were sealed.
30:05 One hundred and forty-four thousand
30:07 of all the tribes of the children of Israel
30:10 are sealed on their foreheads."
30:13 Now we are gonna sidestep the whole question of the,
30:15 of the 144,000.
30:16 I put it in your study guide.
30:18 We had a major teaching on this some time ago.
30:20 John the Baptist generation part four we get into
30:23 and you get a study guide with that
30:24 and you can take a look at that in your leisure.
30:26 Let's just forget the 144,000 expect suffice it to say
30:30 and jot this down please.
30:31 "The 144,000 represent a final generation of loyal,"
30:36 write in the word "loyal friends of God."
30:40 The 144,000 a loyal generation to God.
30:45 And by the way in between services
30:46 our minister music came to me.
30:48 He said Dwight, you know hear the Silhouettes
30:50 what's singing today.
30:51 James Lee III used to sing with the Silhouettes.
30:54 He's a graduate of Andrew's Academy,
30:55 he went to Andrew's University
30:56 also went to University of Michigan.
30:59 And get this, this I can't scribble this down for me.
31:02 This coming Thursday night in the Kennedy,
31:04 in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,
31:07 one of the most famous performing art centers
31:09 in this nation.
31:11 James Lee III one of our own right here,
31:15 James Lee III is providing the music to be performed
31:20 by the National Symphony Orchestra,
31:22 the title of his composition "Beyond Rivers of Vision"
31:27 and in the third moment James has intentionally
31:30 inserted the numbers 144,000, 144,000.
31:36 I said, how could that be?
31:37 He says, well, you will sign a numeric value
31:39 to the numbers with middle C being zero,
31:41 C short being one,
31:42 D being two and so on he goes up to 11 up to B
31:46 and there is a sequence sea shape EECCC,
31:51 144,000.
31:57 Just thought he needs to be know that.
31:59 Doesn't fit into the teaching at all
32:01 but-- You know I thought,
32:04 here is this kid that grew in our midst
32:06 and his-- this is the first time in the history
32:09 right in the community of faith I can say to those
32:10 who are watching on television.
32:12 This is a first time in our,
32:13 our little community of faith's history
32:15 where a composition from a member
32:17 of this little community of faith
32:18 is being performed by the National Orchestra
32:21 and Ken Logan our minister of music
32:23 is flying over on Thursday to be a part of that event.
32:26 Isn't that some?
32:27 Yeah, come on, just little moment of joy.
32:30 Hundred and forty four thousand,
32:31 what is it have to do with what we are studying?
32:33 Absolutely nothing, all right.
32:36 Now, I want to go back to that line that we,
32:39 that you just scribbled in.
32:40 The 144,000 represent a final generation of loyal,
32:44 loyal friends of God.
32:45 You say Dwight, how do you know that they are loyal?
32:47 Because of the great New Testament principal
32:50 that we have been reminding ourselves of here
32:52 in the apocalypse that is scholar are clear
32:56 that our most every word, every phrase in the apocalypse,
33:00 in the Book of Revelation is borrowed heavily
33:04 from an Old Testament source.
33:06 So that if we can find the Old Testament sources
33:08 we can unlock the meaning of the apocalypse
33:11 and this passage we just read is no exception.
33:13 Take a look at this verse, amazing.
33:17 The Book of Ezekiel again.
33:18 Rumor number one had us going to Ezekiel,
33:20 rumor number two has is going to Ezekiel
33:22 and I see two of my colleagues sitting out here
33:24 Jon Paulien and Ranko Stefanovic
33:26 and I'm telling you what gentlemen,
33:27 I'm amazed at how often Paul, oh, not Paul,
33:30 how John dips into the Ezekiel well for his imaginary.
33:33 The Ezekiel well, amazed.
33:35 All right, let's go back to Ezekiel Chapter 9.
33:38 What page number would that be?
33:39 Page 562.
33:43 This is a samba story just four verses long
33:47 but as soon as you read the story
33:49 instantly you'll recognize,
33:50 oh, that's where John got that whole metaphor
33:54 that he writes in Revelation 7.
33:55 All right, Ezekiel 4, I got to quit talking and find it.
33:58 Ezekiel 9 rather, Ezekiel 9:1-4.
34:02 There we go.
34:04 "Then He" He that would be God.
34:08 "The God call out in my hear" so Ezekiel is having a vision.
34:11 "He called out with a loud voice, saying,
34:14 "Let those who have charge over the city draw near,
34:16 each with a deadly weapon in his hand."
34:18 Verse 2 "And suddenly six men" materialize
34:21 "six men came from the direction
34:22 of the upper gate, which faces north,
34:24 each with his battle-ax in his hand."
34:26 This is not a pretty scene.
34:27 They have a weapon of destruction
34:30 affixed to their sides.
34:32 "One man among them" so there is a seventh.
34:35 "One man among them was clothed with linen"
34:38 all white he's clothed in the garb
34:41 of the high priest on the Day of Atonement."
34:43 Which is the day symbolizing judgment in the Old Testament.
34:47 The day of Atonement. So he's clothed in white.
34:49 He doesn't have a weapon. Notice what he has here.
34:51 "One man clothed with linen
34:53 had a writer's inkhorn at his side."
34:55 So he had this little fashioned little,
34:57 you know, inkhorn where you dip the quill
34:59 and then you write.
35:00 So he has this writer's inkhorn
35:03 "And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar."
35:05 That would be inside, that would be in the temple.
35:07 Verse 3, "Now the glory of the God of Israel
35:10 had gone up from the cherub,"
35:11 there in the most holy place "where it had been,
35:13 to the threshold of the temple.
35:14 And God called to the man clothed with linen,
35:18 who had the writer's inkhorn at his side
35:19 and the Lord said to him,"
35:20 Now here it goes, verse 4.
35:22 "Go through the midst of the city,
35:24 through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark" where?
35:28 Put a mark where?
35:30 "Put a mark on the foreheads of the men and women
35:33 who sigh and cry over all the abominations
35:37 that are done within it."
35:38 Now here what so fascinating.
35:40 The Hebrew word for mark there
35:42 is actually the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet
35:45 its taw, taw.
35:47 And in Ezekiel's time when he wrote
35:49 that letter the alphabet he wrote it as an "X."
35:52 So what God is telling the men dressed in white,
35:54 He says, you go through the city
35:56 and those people who share my concern for the collapse,
36:00 the moral collapse of this city,
36:02 when you come to somebody who shares that concern
36:04 I want you to put a little "X" right on the forehead.
36:09 Mark them.
36:12 Notice ladies and gentlemen,
36:13 the one's marked are not marked for destruction.
36:15 Are they? No, no, no, no.
36:17 They are marked for being spared.
36:19 Put a mark, save that one.
36:24 Now what is the behavior of the rest of the populous
36:27 that is so burden some to God?
36:29 Just drop back in chapter 8 the verse 16, look at 8:16.
36:32 What's going on in that city? This will be a clue for you.
36:36 Chapter 8 verse 16, "So He" God "brought me
36:38 into the inner court of the Lord's house
36:39 and there, at the door of the temple of the Lord,
36:41 between the porch and the altar,
36:43 were about twenty-five men
36:45 with their backs toward the church"
36:47 their backs are turned "toward the temple of the Lord
36:50 and their faces toward the east,
36:52 and they were worshiping the sun toward the east."
36:58 In other words in the midst of this community of faith
37:02 there are those who are worshipping the sun.
37:07 Those would be the ones
37:08 that would not get the mark of God's allegiance.
37:13 What's Ezekiel's point?
37:16 Jot it down will you please in your study guide?
37:18 "Clearly" the precedent here in "Ezekiel
37:20 is helping us understand that the mark or seal
37:23 that God places in the foreheads of individuals
37:25 is the sign of allegiance" its not deselect
37:29 it's a sign of allegiance "to God."
37:34 In fact, Revelation contrasts too much.
37:37 Remember from your study of Revelation,
37:38 there-- and both marks go in the forehead of individuals.
37:42 In Revelation we just read about the seal of God
37:45 which goes in the forehead
37:46 but there is another mark in chapter 13
37:48 called the mark of the beast and it also goes where?
37:51 It goes in the forehead. Why in the forehead?
37:54 Because the forehead is a sign of proactive
37:56 intentional, personal choice.
37:58 I choose, I choose.
38:01 I choose to be loyal to God in this case
38:04 or to the beast in chapter 13th's case.
38:07 But very interesting about the beast.
38:08 The beast will also identify its loyal adherence
38:11 not only with the mark to the forehead
38:14 but the beast will also put a mark
38:15 where else on the person?
38:17 Remember where else?
38:18 Where is it? On the hand.
38:20 Notice with God there can be no hand,
38:22 no hand mark to identify loyalty to God.
38:24 Why?
38:25 Because the hand simply symbolizes
38:27 compliance without agreement.
38:29 I just go along, you know, I'm not into this.
38:31 I don't care. Go ahead leave me.
38:33 So it can go on the hand for the beast or the forehead.
38:36 But God said, no, no, no, no, nothing on the hand for me
38:39 because you can't follow the crowd into heaven.
38:42 You can't just follow somebody,
38:44 you'll have to make the decision yourself.
38:48 When you make the choice I'll put an "X" right on you.
38:52 You are a loyal friend of mine.
38:58 Now back to the question,
39:00 what is this seal of the living God
39:01 that is symbolically places on the foreheads
39:03 of God's end time loyal friends?
39:05 There is one more clue that we have to note.
39:06 Go back to Revelation, last verse here,
39:09 Revelation Chapter 14, take a look at this.
39:12 One more clue.
39:15 Put Revelation 14 with Revelation 7,
39:18 bingo we have it.
39:19 And by the way that's the key, ladies and gentlemen.
39:21 The key is to let the Bible interpret itself.
39:23 I could sit up here and say, you know what,
39:24 I know what those marks are, that's a computer barcode.
39:28 It's a little chip that gets put in your hand
39:30 or in your forehead.
39:31 I mean, I can tell you anything
39:32 and you have no way to disprove it.
39:33 You say, well, maybe so, maybe so.
39:35 But if we let the Bible interpret itself
39:38 we get spared some of the craziness
39:40 that circulates in evangelical circles today.
39:42 People are just grabbing for straws,
39:44 what could that be?
39:45 And so when you buy
39:46 the National Enquirer at the supermarket
39:48 they say barcode found in head of boy.
39:54 Craziness.
39:55 Let the Bible interpret itself, so let's do that.
39:57 Revelation 14:1, "Then I looked, and behold,
40:01 a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him"
40:04 how many people?
40:05 One hundred and forty-four thousand,
40:07 here the same people that were sealed.
40:09 "With Him One hundred and forty-four thousand,
40:11 having His Father's name written" where?
40:15 "Written on their foreheads."
40:17 Ladies and gentlemen, would you write that down please?
40:19 "The 'seal of the living God' in their foreheads,
40:21 7:3 is the equivalent of the 'name'"
40:25 write it in, "is equivalent of the 'name of the Father'
40:28 in their foreheads 14:1."
40:30 A equals B.
40:35 What's the big deal about a name?
40:37 Listen, when you put your name on something
40:41 what does that signify?
40:43 When you put your name,
40:44 when you scribble your name on something
40:46 what you are saying by scribbling your name?
40:48 What are you saying? That belongs to me.
40:52 That is mine.
40:54 I want to, I want to share something with you.
40:59 This was given to us by our friend Doug Martin
41:03 who is over in Hong Kong.
41:05 I bring a camera up here so you can see
41:06 what it is on the screen.
41:09 This is a beautiful little lacquered case
41:14 and if you open the case up inside the case
41:18 is a lovely little something that is called--
41:23 can you see this?
41:25 This is a seal.
41:27 Now I know that this isn't something Doug just made out
41:30 because I grew up as a missionaries kid in Japan.
41:32 My father used to have a seal.
41:34 Japanese and Chinese use the same characters.
41:37 So my father had a seal made with his own characters
41:41 and Doug has told me
41:42 and I have to accept it by faith,
41:43 it in fact this is my name on these,
41:45 these-- gonna be awful
41:47 if something terrible that you stamp.
41:49 But the point of the seal is whenever you,
41:51 whenever you transact bistre with a seal,
41:54 when you put the seal on that document
41:58 that is as official as official can get in the orient.
42:01 So that what you do, let me turn my notes over here.
42:04 What you do is you take this seal
42:07 and it comes with a nice little red pasty ink.
42:11 So you take the seal and you,
42:12 you just put it in and you make sure
42:13 you get some of that red paste on it
42:15 and then the document, you just take it
42:19 and I don't know if its right side up
42:20 or upside down but who cares.
42:21 So you take it and you just go
42:26 and when you pull it off voila,
42:29 in Chinese this book belongs to me.
42:35 Thank you, Tim.
42:36 Because and would you jot this down please?
42:38 In the orient, in the orient when you use a seal,
42:41 a seal signifies ownership.
42:43 Write that down please.
42:44 We will put that on the screen so we make sure that we get it.
42:46 "The seal in the Orient is considered
42:48 a symbol of ownership."
42:51 Look at, if you invite me to your house for dinner today,
42:53 we would love to come by the way
42:54 except got to be with a small group having dinner.
42:56 But if we came to your house for dinner
42:58 and I brought the sort of seal straight from the sermon
43:00 and while you were in the kitchen,
43:02 while you were in the kitchen getting things ready
43:03 I go to you library and I go stamp,
43:05 stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp,
43:06 my name all through your books.
43:08 Would that work?
43:09 No, it won't work. You know why?
43:11 Because you can only stamp your seal
43:15 on that which belongs to you.
43:17 Seals cannot on that which does not belong to you.
43:22 You would never has us all for dinner again.
43:26 But that's the point of a seal.
43:28 The seal can only be placed on that
43:31 which belongs to the one making the stamp.
43:35 You get it?
43:37 I saw another angel coming up
43:39 in the midst of the fore and he yelled out to the four,
43:41 hey, guys, hold it.
43:43 Don't let, don't let any more of those Katrina's get through.
43:46 Don't let for it once, please, hold it back
43:49 until we have sealed
43:51 the friends of Jesus on their foreheads.
43:54 Nothing on the hand, no following the crowd,
43:57 not for this group they are gonna make the choice
43:59 to follow the eternal Father for the rest of eternity.
44:03 Hold the winds until we can go...
44:08 the name of the Father on the loyal friends of Jesus.
44:16 That's the angel says.
44:19 Which is why it reads
44:20 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
44:22 having the seal of the living God.
44:23 And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
44:25 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
44:27 and he said, 'Do not harm the earth,
44:28 the sea, or the trees till we have sealed
44:30 the servants of our God on their foreheads.'"
44:32 Would you write this down please?
44:33 "At the end of time God places his seal of ownership,
44:36 'they belong to Me'" That's what the seal say.
44:38 They belong to Me, its My name,
44:40 I'm putting My name on the "foreheads of those
44:42 who have chosen to be loyal to Me."
44:43 He stamps His name on their foreheads.
44:46 Angels please see little "X" there,
44:48 that little "X" means spare them.
44:50 When the four winds are let loose make sure
44:53 that I do not lose a single loyal friend of Mine.
44:56 Make sure "X" spare, save...
45:05 they belong to me.
45:06 Question, conceivably couldn't God
45:09 declare that about every man, woman
45:12 and child on this planet?
45:13 Couldn't He by virtue of the fact
45:14 that he is our mutual Creator.
45:17 Couldn't He declare the whole earth is mine?
45:20 But of course He could.
45:21 And in fact, that precisely why he gave the human race
45:24 the Seventh-day Sabbath long ago.
45:26 Would you jot this down in your study guide.
45:27 "The Sabbath is a seal"
45:29 its a "seal in time whereby all earth children
45:33 can be reminded that indeed
45:35 they do belong to their Creator."
45:36 Seal goes down.
45:39 That the Creator in fact,
45:40 is there forever friend, they belong to Him.
45:44 Which by the way is the grand
45:46 and glorious teaching of the forth commandment
45:49 in the Decalogue written on the stone.
45:50 Let's put the forth commandment.
45:51 Now in fact, I wish you would look it up in your Bible.
45:54 Don't take the screen worth for just look it up
45:56 please in your Bible, Exodus Chapter 20,
46:01 one last text to look up Exodus 20, look at verse 8.
46:05 This is forth commandment,
46:06 yeah, you remember these words.
46:07 Do you?
46:08 Forth commandment verse 8,
46:09 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
46:14 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
46:18 but the seventh day
46:20 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
46:22 In it you shall do no work,
46:24 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
46:27 nor your male servant,
46:29 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
46:32 nor your stranger who is within your gates"
46:34 why, why, why?
46:35 Verse 11, "For in six days the Lord made the heavens
46:38 and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
46:41 and rested the seventh day.
46:43 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
46:46 and hallowed it."
46:48 Having put His seal upon a perfect creation
46:52 God then rested.
46:53 And He said, when you come to that day
46:55 I wish you would rest with Me.
46:57 In the resting in me it allows My name
47:01 to go on your faking process.
47:03 Let Me stamp that I'm your Creator
47:06 and then you recognize you belong to Me.
47:08 Let me seal you on the day I seal from the very beginning.
47:14 That's why Jesus can come along.
47:15 Look at this Mark Chapter 2, remember these words, verse 27.
47:19 "And Jesus said to them,
47:20 'The Sabbath was made for man and woman
47:22 and not man and woman for the Sabbath.
47:24 Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
47:27 We are going over our PowerPoint yesterday
47:29 with Anthony Wills who is a computing engineer major here
47:33 out wrapping it up at Andrews University.
47:35 And Anthony say, hey Dwight,
47:36 but what is this about the Sabbath
47:38 was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
47:40 Oh, Jesus is reminding us is that
47:42 on what day of creation was the human race began?
47:46 On day, what number was it? Day six, right.
47:49 Day six, on Friday as it were Adam and Eve were created.
47:53 It's after Friday once God has a new generation of friends
47:59 a race of personal companions for this planet.
48:05 Once He has the friends
48:07 then he makes the day to celebrate the friendship.
48:10 Here's they make the day and say man,
48:11 I need somebody to worship Me on this day,
48:13 I need some humans.
48:14 No, it's the other way around.
48:15 The Sabbath was made for man and woman
48:17 not man and woman for the Sabbath.
48:19 And that's why it's no wonder that Jesus
48:21 who is Lord of the Sabbath
48:22 cries out the invitation of the Sabbath.
48:24 I love these words, in fact, write them in your study guide
48:27 the well known words, Matthew 11:28
48:29 Jesus Christ says, "Come to Me,
48:31 all you who labor and are heavy laden
48:34 and" I will give you" what "I will give you rest."
48:38 Write it down, I'll give you rest, Come to Me.
48:42 The some of righteous is who rises
48:43 one last time with his out stretched arms
48:46 healing in that out stretched arms he said,
48:47 you know, what, postmodern secular west
48:50 if you just come to me
48:52 I can heal your sleep depravation,
48:53 I can heal your stress anxieties.
48:57 Come to Me, I'll give you rest.
49:00 I'll tell you what, if Australia could come
49:02 and America and Europe and China,
49:03 write this down, the world Japan
49:05 they could find this gift of rest
49:06 for the their sleep-deprived, rest-less souls.
49:10 You live in a world of restlessness today
49:14 if only they would come.
49:16 I'll tell you what I need to end by saying,
49:17 if only we would to him for that rest
49:22 for I fear that we'll champion the day of the Sabbath,
49:25 have sadly forgotten the way of the Sabbath.
49:29 We've turned this day loyal friendship
49:31 with the creator into a day of clock watching and bed filling.
49:34 And the way after running ragged
49:37 all week from over work and over study
49:39 we collapse on the Sabbath contented to call
49:41 our extra long afternoon nap
49:43 as the obligatory rest for the seventh day.
49:46 Hallelujah, I got my rest in.
49:48 Oh, day of rest in gladness.
49:50 Can you imagine, do you suppose
49:51 the Creator looks forward to spending the Sabbath with you?
49:53 I'm not asking about you and Creator.
49:55 Does He enjoy spending the Sabbath with you?
49:59 If the Sabbath is simply mean unraveling
50:03 because I've driven myself off of the previous six days.
50:09 And ladies and gentlemen, I repeat, if the Sabbath
50:13 rest is not attractive to us who know better
50:16 how under heaven could we possibly presented
50:21 to the secular postmodern west?
50:22 How can we tell them about something
50:24 we haven't experienced ourselves?
50:26 We can't.
50:30 Let me close with this simple suggestion
50:33 written a century ago.
50:35 "The Sabbath is a golden clasp that unites God and His people"
50:40 his friends, "Daily" write that in please.
50:43 Daily the Sabbath "Daily it will be their prayer
50:46 that the sanctification of the Sabbath
50:48 God's seal of ownership.
50:49 Daily they will pray that it might rest upon them.
50:52 Every day" write that in
50:54 "Every day they will have the companionship of Christ."
50:58 Did you get that guys,
50:59 the Seventh-day Sabbath is most meaningful
51:01 when it becomes a daily and everyday kind of preoccupation.
51:05 Hey, let me ask you a question.
51:06 When a man falls in love with a woman
51:08 though their time each week maybe limited to a day here
51:10 or a dinner there the fact remains that
51:12 when you are in love
51:14 are you not preoccupied with that love
51:16 the whole week through?
51:17 Are you not?
51:19 Come on,
51:20 I'm not talking about heart flashes all day long,
51:24 let's be clear.
51:25 What I'm talking about is in the midst of the phonetic day.
51:28 I can stop and I can think of Karen
51:30 and I tell you what it brings a certain glow and joy to me
51:32 because you know, why, I'm happily married to her.
51:35 Do you know, why now I'm happily married to her?
51:36 Because everyday when I leave the house
51:38 she puts me against the wall and she says repeat after me,
51:40 I'm a happily married man and I repeat it,
51:42 I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy.
51:49 Oh, mercy.
51:50 I tell you when I turn on my laptop
51:52 its Karen's picture for my,
51:54 for my desktop that's Karen's picture.
51:56 When I open this wallet right here
51:57 and I do business in this community
51:59 when I open the wallet to take anything out
52:01 the first picture you see is Karen's.
52:02 Why? Because I'm preoccupied with her.
52:04 I can't spend all day with here, I got a life.
52:12 I can't spend all day with her
52:14 and she can't spend all day with me.
52:16 I've given you six days to labor,
52:18 I've given you six days to labor.
52:20 I'm not asking to quit your job,
52:21 I'm not asking to think
52:22 God, God, God, God, God, God, God, 24/7.
52:25 I'm not asking you.
52:26 I've give you six days to do what you got to do
52:28 but I've given also the seventh day to move
52:31 from preoccupation to personal contact.
52:34 I need some time with you. I want to draw you into me.
52:39 If you got to have time with the one you love,
52:40 you can be preoccupied that's good
52:43 but you still need the time when you come together
52:46 and that preoccupation becomes personal contact.
52:51 That's what the Sabbath is,
52:52 personal contact with the Creator.
52:55 I know you got six days you got to study,
52:56 I know you got to get the degree here.
52:58 I know all about it.
53:01 What did that quota-- how did it read,
53:02 "The Sabbath is golden clasp that unites God and His people.
53:05 Daily it will be their prayer."
53:07 Here's the suggestion.
53:08 "It will be their prayer everyday
53:09 that the sanctification of the Sabbath,
53:11 God's seal of ownership may rest upon them.
53:13 Every day they will have the companionship of Christ."
53:16 So here's a suggestion ladies and gentlemen,
53:17 what if we pray everyday
53:19 "O God, may your Sabbath blessing rest upon me today."
53:24 I know its Sunday
53:25 but I'm asking for your Sabbath blessing.
53:27 I know its Monday
53:28 but I'm asking for your Sabbath blessing.
53:30 I know its Wednesday but may your Sabbath rest on me.
53:33 You saying Dwight, what's the Sabbath blessing?
53:34 The Sabbath blessing is resting
53:37 in the realization that He has put His ownership on me.
53:42 No worries, you don't have to worry anymore.
53:46 Why do you have to worry about life?
53:47 Do you understand that the Father has His name,
53:49 has His name on you?
53:50 When I was a kid growing up
53:51 did I ever worry, tell me the truth,
53:53 did I ever worry about a blooming thing?
53:56 No.
53:57 You know why?
53:58 Because I had a dad, I had a father
54:00 and I knew that everything was in my dad's hands
54:02 and there was nothing for me to do but to just have fun.
54:06 When you have a father who is in control
54:08 and he's got your name on you,
54:10 he says you belong to me boy, girl, I'm your dad.
54:13 I'm your oblate father.
54:15 No worries,
54:17 no worries, you don't have to worry about
54:19 getting through Andrews University.
54:20 You get through just fine.
54:22 He got you here, He'll get you through
54:24 and He'll get you out of here.
54:26 Amen.
54:27 No worries.
54:29 You are worried about your bank account,
54:30 you are worried about running out of money.
54:32 You job is down to a final thread,
54:35 your career is on the line, no worries.
54:38 Do you understand
54:39 that in the middle of that pretty forehead of your
54:41 there is a stamp,
54:43 a stamp with the crimson of Calvary it's read to
54:47 with the crimson of Calvary and the stamp says that's mine,
54:51 that boy is Mine.
54:52 You can do what you want devil to him
54:54 but that boy is Mine and I'm gonna protect
54:56 and that X, X marks the spot where a life belongs to me.
55:01 Ladies and gentlemen, no worries.
55:03 Look at the cross, look at the cross.
55:05 When some body has made and infinite investment
55:08 that expensive in your life,
55:11 don't you suppose he is now committed to protecting
55:14 the investment he has already made.
55:15 No worries, no worries.
55:19 Oh, ladies and gentlemen, it is time,
55:21 it is high time to reclaim the rest of the Sabbath
55:24 for the rest of the week.
55:25 The rest doesn't start on the seventh day
55:27 it says on the first, second, third,
55:29 fourth, fifth and six days.
55:31 You rest in Jesus six days, the seventh day then,
55:35 now we are together.
55:37 The world is shut out, the television is off,
55:42 the stereo has now gone through adjustment.
55:47 My reading material is beyond eyesight in my dormitory room.
55:52 The text book are covered by towels.
55:57 I want undistracted communion
56:03 with the father who says boy,
56:05 I've already written My name on your sweaty brow.
56:10 You belong to Me, no worries, no worry.
56:14 Oh, day of rest and gladness
56:17 that's when it becomes glad, that's when we have rest.
56:21 I want to sing that song with you can--
56:22 let's sing that.
56:23 What is it number 383,
56:27 383 and as we sing these words,
56:30 old words I want you to sing them again for the first time.
56:34 As we sing these words, "O day of rest and gladness,
56:37 O day of joy and light,
56:39 A garden, intersected with streams,
56:41 most beautiful and bright."
56:42 As you sing about the gift of rest,
56:45 would you with me today just say,
56:48 Jesus, by your grace
56:50 I want a seven day a week rest that will climax
56:54 in that day of rest and climax.
56:55 Let's sing that great hymn together as conclude.
57:06 Before you go I wanted to take one more moment
57:08 and let you know how glad I am you shared
57:10 this hour of worship of worship and Bible teaching with us.
57:13 Living in the world that we do now,
57:15 a civilization surviving on the edge
57:16 of constant upheaval and change
57:19 I'm grateful that we have the bedrock hope of Jesus,
57:21 aren't you?
57:22 And I'm thankful that you and I
57:23 can partner together to reach this generation
57:26 the world over through the satellite telecast.
57:29 So please know that I thank God
57:30 and you for the generous way you partner with us.
57:34 Your tax-deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:36 all across the earth for such a time as this.
57:39 If you would like to order a DVD
57:40 or a video tape copy of this teaching today
57:43 or make a donation on your credit card
57:45 please call our friendly operators
57:46 at the number on your screen.
57:47 There it is 877-HIS-WILL,
57:50 just the two words 877-HIS-WILL
57:53 and I promise you,
57:54 we will invest every penny of your generosity
57:56 in God's mission to reach this final generation now.
58:00 Thank you for that partnership
58:02 and I'll see you here again next time.


Revised 2015-05-11