New Perceptions

How To Stone The Prophet

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP101307

00:31 God of wonders beyond our galaxy
00:36 You are holy, holy
00:43 The universe declares Your majesty
00:49 You are holy, holy
00:56 God of wonders beyond our galaxy
01:02 You are holy, holy
01:09 The universe declares Your majesty
01:15 You are holy, holy
01:23 Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth
01:29 Lord of heaven and earth
01:49 From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
01:58 Creation's revealing Your majesty
02:06 From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
02:14 Every creature unique in the song that it sings
02:21 All exclaiming
02:23 Indescribable, uncontainable
02:27 You placed the stars in the sky
02:30 And You know them by name.
02:34 You are amazing, God
02:40 All powerful, untamable,
02:44 Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
02:51 You are amazing, God
03:02 Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
03:10 Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
03:19 Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
03:27 Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
03:33 None can fathom
03:36 Indescribable, uncontainable
03:39 You placed the stars in the sky
03:42 And You know them by name
03:46 You are amazing, God
03:52 All powerful, untamable
03:56 Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
04:03 You are amazing, God
04:11 You are amazing, God
04:20 You are amazing, God
04:35 Sing with us I love You, Lord.
04:37 I love You, Lord
04:44 And I lift my voice
04:52 To worship You
05:00 O my soul, rejoice
05:09 Take joy, my King
05:16 In what You hear
05:23 May it be a sweet, sweet sound
05:32 In Your ear
05:37 I invite you to be seated as we sing the second verse.
05:41 I love You, Lord
05:48 And I lift my voice
05:56 To worship You
06:03 O my soul, rejoice
06:12 Take joy, my King
06:20 In what You hear
06:28 May it be a sweet, sweet sound
06:37 In Your ear
06:58 Our Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice
07:02 Let the islands of the sea be glad
07:04 Come people, lift their voice
07:07 Righteousness and judgment shall remain
07:10 The heavens declare His glory for our Lord reigns
07:15 Our Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice
07:19 Let the islands of the sea be glad
07:21 Come people, lift their voice
07:23 Righteousness and judgment shall remain
07:27 The heavens declare His glory for our Lord reigns
07:32 A fire goes before Him
07:34 Burning unbelief
07:36 All idols fall before Him
07:38 Slain by heaven's heat
07:40 For you, O Lord, are worthy
07:42 Before you all shall bow
07:45 And worship you forever as King of glory now
07:51 Our Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice
07:55 Let the islands of the sea be glad
07:57 Come people, lift their voice
07:59 Righteousness and judgment shall remain
08:03 The heavens declare His glory for our Lord reigns
08:07 Our Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice
08:11 Let the islands of the sea be glad
08:13 Come people, lift their voice
08:17 Righteousness and judgment shall remain
08:20 The heavens declare His glory for our Lord reigns
08:30 Our Lord reigns
08:44 Over the years that I've had the privilege of pastoring
08:48 in this university parish
08:53 my heart has sensed a growing burden
08:56 for revival at Andrews University.
09:03 There is no question in my mind
09:05 that this institution was raised up by God
09:11 for a legacy of leadership
09:13 for our global community of faith.
09:20 As the years go by I wonder,
09:22 I wonder about myself, I wonder about us.
09:29 Are we drifting
09:32 from our divine destiny?
09:37 Preoccupied with our financial and institutional survival,
09:46 distracted by the siren songs of a morally
09:51 fallen culture and society.
09:56 I just keep asking myself,
10:02 am I being lulled to sleep?
10:06 Are we being lulled to sleep when in fact
10:10 the times are calling for what could be,
10:14 what should be our finest hour.
10:21 As I search my own heart,
10:27 I've been earnestly praying of late
10:28 that the spirit of God
10:33 would awaken within me, would awaken within us
10:36 corporately this hunger for Him.
10:43 He would somehow revive our flagging spirits,
10:48 restore our moral vision,
10:53 re-ignite our spiritual mission.
10:57 I know I'm not alone in those prayers.
11:01 Our pastoral staff has been
11:02 on our knees recently, earnestly praying.
11:06 I know there are men, women and young adults
11:08 on this campus and about this community
11:12 who also are praying.
11:15 Beginning of the school year
11:16 three young freshmen men came into my office.
11:19 Their young hearts burdened
11:22 for the spiritual revival of this institution.
11:26 After opening convocation at Andrews University,
11:29 a graduate student came into my office and he said,
11:32 "Pastor, what are we gonna do?
11:34 What is it going to take?"
11:40 It is in this context of a deep seeking after God,
11:46 seeking for revival, seeking for reformation
11:49 on this campus that this series,
11:52 "The Chosen" is being shared, you and I together.
11:58 So that none might be lost,
12:00 so that all might sense God's calling to the chosen.
12:04 And now in this series we come
12:06 to four communal realties about life and its institution.
12:15 These presentations are gonna be controversial,
12:18 I understand that.
12:20 But you asked the questions,
12:24 students, faculty, and community members alike,
12:27 when we surveyed this congregation
12:28 this last spring, you raised the questions
12:32 and now we are going to explore for the answers.
12:38 Four of them tucked inside the series of "The Chosen."
12:42 And in the second service only,
12:45 we will end each presentation as we will today with live Q&A.
12:52 Question number one,
12:54 what about the spirit of prophecy
12:55 at Andrews University?
12:57 Today's presentation "How to stone the prophet."
13:01 Question number two, what about drinking and diet at Andrews?
13:05 Presentation "How to eat, drink,
13:07 and be merry without getting stoned."
13:13 I'm glad you got it.
13:16 Question number three what about dress and jewelry
13:20 at Andrews University?
13:23 How much of naked is acceptable?
13:26 And finally question number four,
13:29 what about sex and sexuality at Andrews?
13:32 How to live without sex for a while?
13:39 I hope you'll join me
13:40 for all four of these aspects of communal life
13:43 that I believe are part and parcel of any reformation
13:47 and revival that we are waiting for,
13:49 that we are praying for at Andrews University.
13:53 Let's pray.
13:55 O God, hear our prayers
13:56 and revive our soul as a university,
14:01 as a congregation, as a denomination,
14:03 as a civilization.
14:07 May the glory the living God illumine our minds,
14:11 may the spirit of the living Christ possess our lives
14:14 as never before for the honor of Your kingdom
14:17 and for the sake of Your glory.
14:20 We humbly pray in Jesus' name, amen.
14:26 Why anybody in his right mind would ever want
14:29 to be a leader is beyond me.
14:32 Huh?
14:33 I mean I pulled out a piece of paper this last week,
14:36 and I decided to write down all the leadership crises
14:39 that Moses went through,
14:42 leading that pack of the children of Israel
14:45 across those hot desert sands for 40 years.
14:48 I started writing them down.
14:49 When I got through, I could not believe my eyes,
14:52 12 of them, 12 major leadership crises that Moses,
15:00 12 showdowns in the desert that Moses had to encounter.
15:02 Number one, before they've even crossed
15:04 the Red Sea, they're out.
15:05 Ten supernatural plagues have liberated
15:08 the children of Israel.
15:09 They're coming to the Red Sea.
15:10 The Egyptians are behind and the people cry out,
15:13 "Were there not enough graves in Egypt
15:15 that you had to bring us out here that we might be buried?"
15:18 Leadership crisis number 1.
15:20 Crisis number 2, after supernaturally
15:22 the Red Sea is parted, they get on the other side, no food.
15:27 What is the-- If only we could be back
15:30 by the flesh pots of Egypt.
15:32 God says, "All right, I'll give you manna."
15:34 Crisis number 3, they run out of water.
15:37 Now God has prepared the way for them every step of the way.
15:40 But now again the crisis,
15:43 and this time they threatened to stone Moses.
15:47 Crisis number 4, where is He?
15:51 40 days and we haven't seen hide nor tail of Him.
15:54 Tell you what, Aaron, give us a God,
15:56 give us something gold
15:57 and give us something to follow.
15:59 Crisis number 4, the meltdown of the community of faith
16:02 after the Ten Commandments have been verbally,
16:05 personally spoken by God Himself.
16:07 Crisis number 5, this is incredible.
16:13 This crisis number 5 of leadership got so bad.
16:17 You'll find it in Numbers 11, Moses goes to God and he says,
16:20 "Kill me, kill me, just kill me now.
16:22 Let's get it over with."
16:23 That's how bad it was.
16:24 Crisis number 6, crisis number 6,
16:29 ooh, they wanted meat.
16:31 We're tired of this manna, give us meat.
16:34 Crisis number 7, his own flesh and blood.
16:36 Crisis number 8, this is the major,
16:39 major meltdown, 12 spies come back.
16:41 We can't do it, we can't go in.
16:44 They want to stone him again.
16:46 Crisis number 9, Korah, Dathan,
16:48 Abiram challenges leadership, earth swallows them.
16:51 The very next day crisis number 10, the people say,
16:53 "You, Moses, you killed those guys."
16:56 Crisis number 11, the reader himself melts down.
17:03 Cast a disrepute upon the name of God
17:05 and forfeits the promised land.
17:07 Crisis number 12, the people again no food,
17:11 no water and serpents come into the community.
17:15 12 of them, 12 showdowns in the desert.
17:19 Why for the life of me anybody would want to be
17:21 a spiritual leader is beyond me.
17:24 But you know what the answer is?
17:26 The answer is, ah,
17:27 because when you've been called by God to be a prophet,
17:29 you have to be willing to pay
17:31 the price of that divine calling.
17:33 Of course, they're gonna reject you.
17:34 Of course, they'll spit in your face.
17:36 But when you're called, you're called.
17:38 You got to do what you got to do.
17:41 Open your Bible with me to crisis number 7,
17:43 crisis number 7, Numbers 12,
17:50 fourth book of the Pentateuch, Numbers 12.
17:53 What's the page number for those of you
17:54 that are grabbing a pew Bible,
17:55 'cause you got to follow the story.
17:56 We're gonna stick to this story,
17:57 Number 12, it will be page 102 in your pew Bible,
18:02 same translation that I'll be reading here,
18:04 the New King James version.
18:05 Take a look at this story, crisis number 7.
18:10 Numbers 12:1 "Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses
18:15 because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married;
18:19 for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
18:23 From the Hebrew it is clear
18:24 that Miriam is the instigator of this crisis.
18:26 She is listed first and the verb
18:28 is both feminine and singular.
18:31 Both older brother and older sister,
18:32 Moses' older brother and sister, are involved,
18:34 but Miriam leads the way.
18:36 Moses' wife Zipporah, let me just remind you
18:39 is the daughter of Jethro the Midianite.
18:41 They are direct descendants of father Abraham,
18:45 but apparently her skin is darker than the Hebrew skin.
18:51 And so she's referred to here as a Cushite or an Ethiopian.
18:55 Miriam uses that little-- that little visible difference
18:59 as a pretext for her jealousy for her kid brother's high
19:06 and uplifted row of leadership.
19:09 Obviously Miriam is jealous of Moses.
19:11 Verse 2, "So they," that would be Aaron and Miriam,
19:15 "And so they said,
19:16 'Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses?
19:20 Has He not spoken through us also?'
19:22 And the Lord heard it."
19:24 Aren't we pretty important, too?
19:28 Huh?
19:30 And the Lord heard it.
19:31 I want you to catch that last line.
19:32 And the Lord heard it
19:34 because private criticism of a leader
19:36 is very public to God.
19:41 You may have thought
19:42 that your backroom conversations
19:44 and private emails against
19:45 that leader were hidden from ear and eye,
19:48 but there is the watcher of Israel
19:50 for whom such criticism is very public indeed.
19:55 I have chosen in my brief sojourn on this earth
19:59 to abide by David's policy with King Saul.
20:02 Rotten, fallen king, but David said,
20:05 "I will not put forth my hand against the Lord's anointed."
20:13 So backroom scuttlebutt
20:15 and underground campaigns against any leader,
20:17 I will not participate in such duplicitous action.
20:21 And I encourage you to do the same.
20:26 Verse 3, now-- Oh, by the way,
20:30 verse 3 says, oh, by the way,
20:32 "Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men
20:37 who were on the face of the earth."
20:39 Let me remind you that Moses was not naturally humble,
20:42 he was not naturally meek,
20:43 as his murder of the Egyptian task master
20:45 40 years earlier certainly proves.
20:47 It took 40 long years in the wilderness for God
20:50 to instill in this future leader
20:52 the critical virtue of humility and meekness.
20:56 You can't lead without it.
20:57 Oh, you can throw your weight around without it,
21:00 but nobody will really follow you in the end.
21:03 It's only a meekman,
21:04 it's only a meek woman that we will follow.
21:08 One commentator put it this way,
21:10 "Only a meek or humble man knows
21:12 how to be submissive to God and to his subordinates
21:14 and at the same time to be
21:15 a courageous and dynamic leader."
21:19 " All right, and now comes God's woodshed.
21:20 You ready for this?
21:21 They're going to the woodshed.
21:23 Verse 4, "Suddenly,"
21:27 I wouldn't want to have been there,
21:28 I wouldn't want to have been there,
21:29 "Suddenly the Lord said to Moses,
21:33 Aaron, and Miriam,
21:35 'Come out, you three, to the tabernacle of meeting!'
21:39 So the three came out."
21:43 Verse 5, "Then the Lord came down in the pillar of cloud
21:47 and stood in the door of the tabernacle,
21:48 and called Aaron and Miriam."
21:50 You two, you come forward.
21:52 "And they both went forward."
21:54 And then verse 6, "He said, 'Hear now My words:
21:58 If there is a prophet among you,
22:00 I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
22:04 I speak to him in a dream.'"
22:06 Let me just tell you
22:07 something Miriam and Aaron about spiritual leadership.
22:10 The pre-incarnate Christ is speaking.
22:12 By the way 1 Corinthians 10 is clear.
22:13 This is the pre-incarnate Jesus Himself speaking.
22:16 Let me just tell you, tell you something,
22:18 you do not call yourself to be a prophet.
22:21 I do the calling.
22:22 It may be through a dream, it may be through a vision,
22:24 but it will only come through Me.
22:27 Ladies and gentlemen, that point is so critical,
22:29 I wish you'd scribble it down right now in the study guide
22:32 that you have in your worship bulletin.
22:34 Will you pull your study guide out please right now?
22:37 Jot that point down.
22:39 Ushers, thank you for going through one more time
22:41 because people may not have known
22:42 what you were going through a moment ago for.
22:44 Hold your hand up.
22:45 This is a study guide
22:46 you're gonna want to ruminate on long past this day.
22:49 Hold your hand up.
22:50 I see hands all the way to the back.
22:52 Thank you, ushers.
22:53 Make sure that everybody gets a study guide.
22:55 And those of you watching on television
22:57 let me put our website on the screen for you.
22:59 And you can go to that website and get the study guide.
23:01 There it is on the screen,,
23:04 go to that website.
23:05 You're looking for the series
23:06 that we're in the midst of called "The Chosen."
23:09 Title of this teaching today, "How to stone the prophet."
23:11 When you click, click and you get that,
23:13 it says study guide, you click there,
23:15 you will have the identical study guide.
23:19 And you can fill it in with us.
23:20 Ushers, thank you, come right back through.
23:22 Yep, all the way in the balcony.
23:23 Thank you, keep your hand up,
23:24 you will want to have this particular study guide
23:28 I do believe.
23:29 All right, let's fill it out, right at the top.
23:32 Here's the critical point.
23:33 You don't call yourself to be a prophet,
23:35 God does the calling.
23:37 And I'm gonna insert here, and not the church.
23:40 The community of faith does not call anybody to be a prophet.
23:43 God does the calling.
23:44 You don't call yourself, God does the calling.
23:46 Keep your pen moving.
23:47 In Numbers 12:6 it says if Jesus Christ were saying,
23:50 "It may be through a dream, it may be through a vision,
23:53 but it will only be through Me."
23:55 Only Christ calls to that
24:00 role of spiritual leadership to being a prophet.
24:02 Which by the way, was precisely Peters point
24:03 and in his mighty day of Pentecost servant.
24:06 Keep your pen moving, Acts 2 which is quoting Joel 2.
24:10 Acts 2, please note, Peter preaching,
24:12 "And it shall come to past in the Last days, says God,
24:15 that I" Now this word's coming from that
24:18 "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,
24:20 and your sons and your daughters"
24:23 women too can receive the gift of prophecy,
24:26 please note that,
24:27 "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy
24:30 and your young men shall see visions,
24:31 your old men shall dream dreams.
24:33 And on My menservants also on My maidservants
24:36 I will pour out My Spirit in those days."
24:39 Write it down, it is God how calls men and women
24:43 to the prophetic office, let us be clear.
24:45 God is the one who does the calling,
24:47 not the church, not you, not me,
24:49 not nobody but God himself.
24:51 All right, read it again verse 6,
24:54 "Then God said, "Hear now My words,
24:57 if there is a prophet among you,
24:58 I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision,
25:00 I speak to him in a dream."
25:02 Verse 7, "Not so with My servant Moses,
25:05 he is faithful in all My house.
25:07 I speak with him face to face, even plainly,
25:10 and not in dark sayings,
25:11 And he sees the form of the Lord.
25:13 Why then were you not afraid to speak
25:16 against My servant Moses?"
25:19 Whoa, did you catch that write it down,
25:20 God calls His prophet "My servant."
25:25 He did that of Abraham. He did of Job.
25:27 He does it of Moses,
25:28 in other words keep your pen moving,
25:30 a prophet is under the personal employ
25:33 of the Almighty God.
25:35 Nobody else may understand
25:37 and everybody else may criticize,
25:39 but the prophet answers directly to God himself.
25:42 In fact, jot this down, Numbers 12:8
25:46 in the Hebrew reads literally,
25:47 "I speak with him, mouth to mouth."
25:51 I know the Bible says face the face
25:53 but the Hebrew is literally mouth to mouth.
25:56 Keep writing, in other words, for a prophet,
25:58 God communicates "mouth to mouth,"
26:00 whereas for you and me he communes "heart to heart."
26:05 You see, a prophet experiences through a vision,
26:08 through a dream, through some internal expression.
26:11 The prophet experiences direct
26:13 and specific communication from God.
26:16 And you say, hey, but pastor, I do too.
26:18 I get impressions from God. Yep, you're right.
26:20 You and I do.
26:21 God may impress us, hey,
26:22 I'm just getting ready to pick that up
26:24 but it belongs to my neighbor and the spirit says hey,
26:26 that belongs to somebody else.
26:28 Don't you dare take it.
26:29 I get impressions from God and so do you,
26:31 but the difference between you and me
26:32 and a prophet is God comes along to the prophet
26:34 and the prophet says,
26:35 I not only know what you were going to do
26:37 I know what you took and I know what you took.
26:42 So that when Ananias and Sapphira
26:44 are standing in front of Peter.
26:46 He says, hey, guys, this is wonderful.
26:48 What a wonderful, generous gift to the church,
26:52 is this everything?
26:53 Oh, yes, it is. Is this everything?
26:55 Oh, but of course it is.
26:56 You're giving everything to God?
26:58 But of course we have.
27:00 Peter than looks into their faces,
27:01 how long will you lie to the Holy Spirit?
27:05 The feet of the men that just buried your husband
27:08 are at the doors of Sapphira
27:09 and they're gonna bury you now, boom, she goes down.
27:13 I don't have that gift.
27:15 I'd like to have it when I drive to traffic
27:17 in Barrin Springs
27:18 but I do not have that gift and neither do you.
27:22 Well, because we--
27:23 this is a heart to heart community
27:24 with the Holy Spirit.
27:25 It's "mouth to mouth"
27:27 direct communication.
27:34 Moses in his farewell address, the book of Deuteronomy,
27:37 which happens to be our theme book for this series.
27:40 Go back to-- keep your finger right here
27:41 'cause we got to finish the story.
27:42 But in Deuteronomy 18,
27:44 I wish you'd take a look at this,
27:46 just go over one more book.
27:48 Deuteronomy 18 what's the page number
27:50 in the pew Bible, page 136.
27:53 All right, Deuteronomy 18, drop down to verse 15.
27:57 Moses in our theme book,
28:00 makes some very significant observations
28:03 about those who are called to be a prophet.
28:04 Take a look at this, drop down to verse 15,
28:06 Deuteronomy 18,
28:08 "The Lord your God
28:09 will raise up for you a Prophet"
28:11 now in my translation that prophet is a capital P
28:14 "a Prophet like me from your midst,
28:17 from your brothers.
28:18 Him you shall hear,"
28:19 and in the New Testament it is clear
28:21 that people knew this statement in Deuteronomy
28:23 and believe that the Messiah himself
28:25 would be the capital P, the ultimate prophet.
28:29 And so they said, where-- is this the prophet,
28:31 John 6, is this the prophet?
28:34 Moses says, "Gods gonna do it."
28:35 Now drop down to verse 18, God is now speaking,
28:37 Moses is quoting God,
28:38 "I will raise up for them a Prophet like you,
28:41 Moses, from among their brethren,
28:43 and will put My words in His mouth,
28:45 and He shall speak to them all that I command Him."
28:47 Verse 19 "And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words,
28:51 which He speaks in My name,"
28:53 please notice, it's very direct.
28:54 What he saying is for me, directly for me.
28:57 "Whoever will not hear My words,
28:59 which He speaks in My name,
29:00 I will require it of him..."
29:01 Verse 20, "But the prophet
29:03 who presumes to speak a word in My name,
29:05 which I have not commanded him to speak,
29:08 or who speaks in the name of other gods,
29:09 that prophet shall die."
29:12 Verse 21, "And if you say in your heart,"
29:14 hey, how am I gonna know
29:15 whether this word is from the Lord or not?
29:17 Here's Moses responds verse 22,
29:20 "When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord,
29:22 if the thing does not happen or come to pass,
29:25 that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken;
29:27 the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
29:29 you shall not be afraid of him."
29:32 i.e., write the point down please,
29:33 Moses' point is crystal clear--
29:36 God communicates directly to and through his prophets.
29:41 To and through, couldn't be more clear could he?
29:46 His very thoughts,
29:47 His very words communicated through to the prophet.
29:51 Now there's one other statement,
29:52 just turn a few pages back to chapter 13.
29:54 One other critical piece we got to put in here
29:56 and then we'll wrap the story.
29:59 three verses here,
30:02 take a look at this.
30:03 So Moses is talking about prophets again.
30:06 A bit earlier, verse 1 of chapter 13 Deuteronomy,
30:09 "If there arises among you a prophet
30:12 or a dreamer of dreams,
30:15 and he gives you a sign or a wonder,
30:18 and the sign or the wonder comes to pass,"
30:20 he makes a supernatural prediction
30:22 and it comes to pass,
30:24 "of which he spoke to you, and then he says,
30:27 'Let us go after other gods' which you have not known
30:30 'and let us serve them," here's the point verse 3,
30:32 "you shall not listen to the words of that prophet
30:35 or that dreamer of dreams,
30:36 for the Lord your God is testing you
30:38 to know whether you love the Lord your God
30:40 with all your heart and with all your soul."
30:44 Ladies and gentlemen, in the Christian community today,
30:46 this is a no brainer.
30:47 There are men and women
30:48 who are claiming to be prophets.
30:50 If you watch your religious television
30:51 you will see them on television.
30:52 You this-- you read the tabloids,
30:54 you'll read them even in national news
30:56 once in a while,
30:57 you'll run into somebody that says,
30:59 I am a prophet of the Lord.
31:01 Moses is clear here,
31:02 and I need you to jot this down.
31:04 If a prophet displays supernatural powers
31:07 but teaches contrary, write in the word "contrary."
31:10 Teaches contrary to the word of God,
31:14 we are to reject that prophet as false.
31:18 By the way, prophets are not to be judged
31:20 by predictions at all.
31:23 Do you know that Moses and John the Baptist,
31:25 the two greatest prophets
31:26 in the entire corpus of sacred history.
31:28 Neither one made a prediction,
31:30 so it isn't a prediction that makes you a prophet.
31:33 Prophets are not to be judgeed by prediction,
31:35 they ought to be judge by faithfulness.
31:38 Faithfulness to the word of God.
31:40 Oh, and by the way, speaking of the word of God.
31:42 You don't have to write a book in the word of God
31:45 to be a great prophet.
31:46 In fact, Jesus said, of John the baptize--
31:48 John the Baptist to the baptizer,
31:50 this is the greatest prophet who has ever lived--
31:53 and he never wrote a book that made it into the Canaan.
31:57 You don't have to write a book in the Bible to be a prophet.
32:02 But the point is faithfulness,
32:04 faithfulness to the word of God.
32:07 How does the story end? Very quickly.
32:10 Take a look at the end.
32:12 Go back to where you were holding your finger,
32:14 go back to at verse 9 of Numbers 12.
32:17 So God makes this, makes this statement about
32:19 being a prophet then verse 9,
32:20 "So the anger of the Lord was aroused against them,
32:24 and He departed."
32:25 Verse 10, "And when the cloud departed
32:27 from above the tabernacle,
32:29 suddenly Miriam became leprous,
32:32 as white as snow.
32:33 Then Aaron turned toward Miriam,
32:35 and there she was, a leper."
32:39 Jot it down, write it down.
32:42 Miriam's fundamental error was disrespect for
32:46 and rebellion against
32:48 God's lawfully constituted authority in his prophet.
32:53 That was the issue,
32:56 she rejected the prophets authority for her life.
33:01 And oh, my, Aaron suddenly gets it
33:04 and he gets it fast.
33:05 Verse 11 and so Aaron said to Moses,
33:07 by the way remember these are two.
33:09 This is Moses' older brother
33:11 and Miriam is older is his oldest sister.
33:12 These are the two they said,
33:13 hey, come on, can't we lead just like our kid brother?
33:16 But now notice the reformation in Aaron's heart
33:19 when he comes to Moses in verse 11
33:21 and he says to Moses.
33:22 Oh, my Lord, he's talking about his kid brother here,
33:26 "Oh, my lord."
33:29 You got the point,
33:31 "Oh, my lord! Please do not lay this sin on us,
33:34 in which we have done foolishly and in which we have sinned."
33:38 Would you please note it as you write it down.
33:40 It is both foolish and a sin to reject the prophet of God.
33:48 Write it down, we've done foolishly.
33:50 We have sinned,
33:52 which is why Gods query bears repeating
33:54 again there in verse 8, jot it down.
33:56 "Why then were you not afraid to speak
34:00 against my servant?"
34:06 Well, Moses cries out to God on behalf of his
34:09 older sister Miriam and in seven day,
34:11 she was healed of her leprosy, hallelujah, the end.
34:17 Story number two,
34:19 story number two once upon a time,
34:22 there was a second great movement
34:24 just like the children of Israel
34:25 that was raised up by God
34:27 to lead his people into the promise land.
34:31 They too were the chosen,
34:33 not for there significance
34:35 they were the most in significant
34:36 of all religious body.
34:37 They were chosen by God for this sake
34:40 of his passionate mission
34:42 to save a final generation on earth
34:44 and lead it back to him and His truth.
34:48 And because they were the chosen,
34:50 they too were sent a prophet,
34:55 who did not call herself a prophet
34:58 for her divine mission entailed much more than a prophet.
35:01 Who instead referred to herself as the messenger of the Lord.
35:07 Can you get there from here?
35:08 Can you build a biblical case
35:11 for that prophetic gift today, absolutely.
35:15 Keep that pen moving, let's go.
35:16 We're not gonna not gonna look these verses up.
35:17 They're all there their in your study guide.
35:18 Amos 3 we'll put it on the screen for you,
35:20 Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord does nothing,"
35:23 write it in "Surely the Lord does nothing,
35:25 unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets"
35:30 " keep your pen moving,
35:31 "in every major epoch of sacred history,"
35:36 help me check this out
35:37 "in every major epoch of sacred history,
35:39 God has raised up a prophet to prepare his people
35:42 for what is impending."
35:44 Write in the word impending.
35:46 Now I need you to help me here, so something's coming.
35:48 When the flood was coming, who did God raise up?
35:51 Whom did God raise up?
35:53 No one, when God was gonna raise up a chosen people.
35:56 Who was the father of Israel? Whom that God raise up?
35:59 Father Abraham, he was a prophet.
36:00 When them exodus came, whom did God raise up?
36:03 Moses.
36:04 When the monarchy came to Israel,
36:07 whom did God raise up?
36:08 Samuel, when the exile came for that kingdom,
36:12 both kingdoms, whom did God raise up?
36:14 A handful of them, Jeremiah, Isaiah and on and on.
36:19 When the Messiah was coming the first time,
36:21 whom did God raise up?
36:22 John the baptizer.
36:24 When the gospel was to go to the Gentiles
36:27 and all the world whom did God raise up?
36:29 Paul.
36:31 When the messiah is coming the second time
36:34 whom will God raise up?
36:36 Question?
36:37 Would it not be logical to conclude
36:41 that even as he as has raised up
36:43 the prophetic gift over and over and over again.
36:46 The most glorious of that in human history.
36:49 Would he leave it? Would he leave it?
36:52 Without that prophetic gift manifested
36:55 at the end of time.
36:57 The book of revelation comes along and says,
36:59 no he would not, it's no brainer.
37:02 You can conclude it without Revelation
37:04 now let me show it you in Revelation,
37:05 keep your moving, Revelation 12:17,
37:08 the apocalypse declares
37:09 "And the dragon, that would be satan,
37:11 was enraged with a women that's the community of God
37:14 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring
37:16 at the end to time,
37:18 who keeps the commandments of God
37:19 and have the testimony."
37:22 Write that word "testimony of Jesus."
37:25 Testimony of Jesus Christ.
37:26 So we ask the question,
37:27 what does the testimony of Jesus Christ
37:29 mean in the apocalypse.
37:30 We let the book of Revelation interpret itself,
37:32 keep your pen moving chapter 19 and Revelation 10.
37:35 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
37:40 Write it in, "spirit of prophecy."
37:43 By the way Revelation 22: 9 links the testimony of Jesus
37:47 to the presence of a prophet in the community of faith.
37:50 So it's the presence of a prophet,
37:53 a testimony of Jesus,
37:55 i.e., now you fill this in,
37:57 one of the identifying marks
37:58 of God's community of faith and truth
38:00 at the end of time will be presence
38:02 of his prophetic gift in their midst.
38:07 I mean come on, folks, is it not utterly consistent
38:10 with the divine modus operandi for God
38:12 to raised up a messenger to prepare,
38:14 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
38:17 Wouldn't it make sense?
38:20 But of course, having graciously given
38:22 the prophetic gift for ever
38:24 other major epic and sacred history,
38:26 why would not the same God bestow
38:29 that same gift for the most crucial time
38:31 in human history.
38:33 Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
38:35 today and forever.
38:39 Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord does nothing,
38:43 without revealing his secret
38:45 to his servants, the prophets."
38:52 Her name was Ellen White.
38:57 She was a woman of remarkable spiritual gifts
38:59 who lived most of her life in 19th century.
39:03 Yet through her writings and public ministry,
39:06 she has made a revolutionary impact
39:09 on millions of people right into the 21st century.
39:15 From the age of 17 until she died 70 years later
39:19 Ellen White received nearly 2,000 visions
39:22 and dreams from a few moments, varying in length,
39:26 to nearly four hours.
39:28 It was those revelations that resulted
39:30 in her prodigious literary output that includes today,
39:34 100 books available in English titles.
39:38 55, 000 pages of manual script, 5,000 periodical articles.
39:43 One of her book,
39:45 her life changing masterpiece on the Christian life
39:48 "Steps to Christ."
39:50 When I was a graduate student here in Andrews University,
39:52 I got a hold of that book and reading that book
39:56 was a catalyst for a re-conversion in my life
39:59 to the Lord Jesus.
40:02 If you don't have that little books
40:03 step to Christ, right afterwards,
40:05 after our Q and A you get one.
40:08 I'll have one for you here right in front.
40:10 This little book alone has been translated
40:13 into 135 different languages on earth.
40:19 Prodigious she was, in fact,
40:21 she may well be the most translated women writer
40:24 in literature and the most translated
40:26 American author of either gender.
40:30 As a further consequence of the prophetic gift,
40:33 she helped raised up a Christian movement today
40:35 that offers the largest protestant educational system
40:38 including Andrews University.
40:41 As a result of that gift,
40:44 this Christian movement today
40:46 offers the most extensive protestant heath system
40:48 on earth including Loma Linda University
40:51 and hospital.
40:52 National Geographic Magazine two years ago
40:55 carried a cover story extolling the health benefits
40:57 of the health message
40:58 Ellen White received
40:59 an championed during her lifetime.
41:01 A message by the way far ahead of the medical
41:04 and nutritional knowledge of her day
41:06 but validated in our generation
41:08 by extensive scientific research and study.
41:14 A result of her visionary leadership,
41:16 the Seventh-day Adventist church
41:18 which she helped found,
41:21 is in more nations on earth
41:23 than any of their protestant denomination.
41:27 Ladies and gentlemen,
41:28 I do not believe there is a human explanation
41:32 for so prolific and fruitful
41:35 a life in ministry.
41:41 Do her writings then take the place of the Bible
41:43 in my life in my church, absolutely not.
41:46 You know me better than that, in fact, you know what,
41:49 you know how she referred to her writing?
41:50 She described her writings as a lesser light
41:52 that points to the-- to the greater light.
41:54 Like the moon keeps reflecting back
41:57 to the glory of the sun.
41:59 I can personally testify though,
42:01 that her writings constantly point the reader
42:04 to Jesus and his word.
42:07 I have not read a more passionately
42:10 Christ centered author in my life
42:12 and I have read hundreds and hundreds of authors.
42:20 Her love for Jesus and her passion
42:22 for pointing lost people to her savior,
42:25 have deeply influenced my walk with God.
42:30 Two friends of mine,
42:31 Roger Dudley and Des Cummings Jr.
42:36 undertook a study some years ago.
42:38 Where they surveyed more than 8,200 members
42:40 of 193 Seventh-day churches here in North America,
42:44 20 different categorizers of spiritual life
42:47 were being measured in this survey
42:48 including one question that went like this.
42:50 Have you read the writings of Ellen White or not?
42:54 Do you read them or not? The results are stunning.
42:58 I want you to jot that numbers down
42:59 and you can go home and concentrate on this.
43:01 Jot the numbers down in your study guide.
43:03 82% write that in,
43:05 82% of the regular readers of Ellen White's writings
43:08 assessed their relationship with Jesus as intimate.
43:12 The figure was only 56% for the non readers
43:16 of Ellen White in our community of faith.
43:18 Ladies and gentlemen, that is a 26% difference.
43:23 Number two, write it down,
43:24 82% of the regular readers of Ellen White
43:26 indicated a high degree of assurance
43:28 of being right with God,
43:29 compared to 59% of the non-readers.
43:32 Number three, readers of Ellen White were 24% more
43:36 involved in Christian outreach
43:37 and service activities than were the non-readers.
43:40 And finally number four,
43:41 82% of those who read Ellen White regularly
43:44 also have daily personal Bible study
43:47 as compared 47% for the non- readers,
43:51 exactly the opposite effect which false prophets
43:54 tend to have upon their followers.
43:56 False prophets draw you away from Holy Scripture.
43:59 Follow me, follow my teaching, the very opposite.
44:03 Within this community of faith,
44:05 those who read her have a deeper relationship
44:08 in Holy Scripture with the living God.
44:11 Leading to this conclusion.
44:13 Jot it down, in every one
44:15 of the 20 spiritual life categories surveyed,
44:17 the regular readers of Ellen White scored
44:19 higher than the non-readers.
44:23 Dudley and Cummings, in their conclusion wrote,
44:26 and I'll put their words on the screen for you.
44:28 "Seldom does a research study
44:29 find the evidence so heavily weighted toward one conclusion
44:33 in the church growth survey,
44:35 on every single item that deals with personal attitudes
44:38 or practices of spiritual life,
44:40 the member who regularly studies Ellen White's books
44:43 tends to rank higher than does the member who reads them
44:46 only occasionally or never."
44:50 Now listen to me carefully, if I were the enemy of Christ,
44:57 if I were the enemy of the chosen,
45:01 you can be certain.
45:03 I would do everything in my power to destroy
45:07 anything that would lead a person
45:10 closer to my archenemies.
45:13 Christ of the kingdom of heaven.
45:18 I would do everything to destroy
45:22 that which would draw people closer to him.
45:27 And by the way, if I were the enemy,
45:30 I would be particularly furious at this gift
45:33 because of the devastating way it repeatedly exposes
45:37 my diabolical modus operandi.
45:40 I would in particular,
45:42 I would in particular set my sights on a little book
45:46 called "Great Controversy"
45:47 because of its searing revelation
45:50 of my end time strategies.
45:53 It's a no brainer.
45:56 I would work hard, 24/7 to stone the prophet
46:02 and destroy the prophet's influence.
46:08 And that community, I'd do it with an innuendo,
46:14 I'd do it with a flippant remark.
46:18 I'd do it with email.
46:21 I'd do it with as many websites I could diabolically raise up.
46:27 I'd it in a private conversation.
46:30 I'd do it with a snicker. I'd do it with a laugh.
46:36 I would make certain that anybody enquiring,
46:41 any young mind still open
46:44 to the possibility of influence,
46:47 I would make certain.
46:49 The door has shut in that young adults mind.
46:54 I would, if I were the enemy.
46:59 A century ago, these words were written.
47:01 There are in your study guide, you need to fill it out.
47:04 The devils M.O. exposed, listen to this,
47:06 "The very last deception of Satan
47:08 will be to make of none, zero, nada,
47:12 effect the testimony of the spirit of God."
47:16 And going on beyond your study guide on the screen
47:19 "where there is no vision" continues to "people perish"
47:21 that's Proverbs 29:19.
47:23 Satan will work ingeniously in different ways
47:25 and through difference agencies,
47:26 to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant people
47:29 in the true testimony."
47:31 Let me tell you a story right now,
47:33 in a previous parish where I served,
47:37 there was a man who got swept up
47:38 in a new teaching that had come discarding the Bible truth
47:46 about divine cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary.
47:48 He swept up, we were friends.
47:50 He got swept up in this and eventually in response
47:54 he through out Ellen White and the church, all of it.
47:58 No more I've had.
48:02 Two decades go by and all of the sudden,
48:05 out of the blue, just a few months ago,
48:08 I get a packet from this very individual.
48:13 Turns out he's been watching TV.
48:16 So as some of our presentations on creationism,
48:19 and said, "Dwight, I thought you might like to know
48:21 that there is a whole lot of evidence out here
48:24 that proves that there is no creation.
48:26 And in fact, that proves that there is no creator
48:28 and there is no God at all" and I was dumb founded.
48:34 This man prayed fervently when I knew him.
48:38 No God, nothing and then I remembered,
48:44 a century ago this very regression--
48:49 regression was predicted.
48:51 And these words are so important
48:53 that there're in your study guide,
48:54 the last quotation you had.
48:57 It is Satan's plan,
48:58 the very pattern to regression being exposed here.
49:00 "It is Satan's plan to weaken the faith of Gods people
49:03 in the testimonies."
49:06 All right, now here's the key word,
49:07 "Next," once you do that,
49:10 there's a next step watch the steps now.
49:11 "Next follows skepticism in regard
49:15 to the vital points of our faith,
49:16 the pillars of our position then"
49:18 please notice this is regression now,
49:20 there's another step
49:21 "then doubt as to the Holy Scriptures,"
49:25 and then there's another step,
49:26 "then the downward march to perdition."
49:33 I've heard that word perdition before.
49:36 I heard it on the lips of Jesus.
49:37 Do you know when Jesus,
49:38 when he was praying in his high priestly prayer in John 17,
49:42 he referred to Judas as the son of what?
49:45 The son of perdition. Isn't that amazing?
49:48 The son of perdition.
49:51 Judas who was called to be a part
49:52 of the inner circle of Christ,
49:53 but who began to doubt the testimony of Jesus.
49:56 He said, oh, come on, it can't be.
49:59 And then the doubting of the testimony
50:00 let to the doubting, you know may the mission,
50:02 maybe his mission is really not that big
50:04 and then the doubting to mission let to--
50:06 may be he's not who he says he is
50:08 and after that there is now a tumble, no God,
50:11 no life and he hangs himself.
50:14 And it all begins, isn't that amazing,
50:17 it all being with the rejection of the testimony of Jesus.
50:23 There are two reasons why Judas
50:25 did not want the testimony of Jesus.
50:27 I wonder if these two reasons
50:28 are applicable today, two reasons.
50:30 Reason number one,
50:31 the testimony of Jesus cut across Judas' private life.
50:36 And I've wondered at times,
50:37 when I hear those who are making
50:39 a rather big show about their personal convictions.
50:44 I've wondered to myself, what is there?
50:48 Could there be something that has cut across, I hate it.
50:53 When you tell me not to do something,
50:55 I'll just take you out of my picture,
50:58 I don't have to deal with you anymore.
51:00 That was what let Judas, it cut it his greed.
51:03 Jesus never in public exposed him,
51:05 just little stories and then he'd look at Judas
51:08 like I know your hand is in the tier boy.
51:12 It cut across his personal, private practice.
51:15 And number two, it challenged Judas' theological paradigm,
51:20 the paradigm doesn't fit with what I believe
51:22 then Messiah should be.
51:23 Therefore I reject it.
51:24 I wonder again, if because I have already formed
51:28 theological paradigm whether I too am quick to that
51:32 reject the prophetic gift
51:35 as challenging my precious paradigm.
51:41 Son of perdition, the downward march,
51:45 you know what, ladies and gentlemen,
51:47 it is no wonder that II Chronicle 20:20
51:50 reads the way it does "Believe in the Lord your God,
51:56 and you shall be established believe His prophets,
52:01 and you shall prosper."
52:05 Listen to me closely, my last words,
52:08 please listen closely.
52:11 The writings of the messenger either now C.S. Lewis did this,
52:16 the writings of the messenger
52:17 either bare the signet of God or the signet of Satan.
52:21 You can't say, oh, little of both.
52:23 Foolish.
52:26 They cannot be both,
52:28 a good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit, can it?
52:34 So here's the point.
52:35 Maybe it is time for you to quit taking
52:41 somebody else's word for it
52:44 and taste the fruit yourself.
52:48 Don't take my word for it, don't you take my word for it.
52:51 You taste the fruit yourself.
52:54 This little book, "Steps to Christ,"
52:58 you don't have the book?
53:00 You see me right after the Q and A.
53:02 You ask for this I'll give you one.
53:04 You go home and see if this little books title
53:08 will not become a self fulfilling prophecy
53:11 in your life and you will find new steps,
53:13 deeper steps,
53:16 to a growing friendship with the Lord Jesus.
53:18 And by the way,
53:19 if you're watching on television right now,
53:20 you go that phone number you'll see at the end.
53:22 You called that number and I'll make sure
53:23 you'll get one of these books too.
53:25 Taste it for yourself, forget other peoples opinions,
53:30 taste the fruit for yourself.
53:32 I have and I believe.
53:39 Let us pray.
53:41 Oh, God, Holy Father, please,
53:47 we cannot let others make
53:51 the decisions for us.
53:57 Not a statement,
53:59 not a quotation, not a website.
54:06 We must taste ourselves and so,
54:11 dear God, this humble prayer
54:13 for this little community of faith.
54:16 Please, like that old cornflakes commercial said,
54:21 taste them again for first time.
54:25 Come back, taste the fruit, is it good fruit?
54:32 From a good tree and oh,
54:34 God, I am confident that every man, woman,
54:38 young adult and teenager's mind is opened
54:42 more to sprit of Jesus,
54:44 will know whether the testimony of Jesus
54:48 is true of not, make it clear.
54:52 The times are urgent. We need a revival.
54:56 Do your work in our midst, I humbly pray.
55:03 And now may the Father who gave the Son
55:09 and the Son who gave the Holy Spirit.
55:13 And the Holy Spirit who gave the prophets,
55:17 guide you and me
55:20 in the pathway of eternity, amen.
55:27 Before you go,
55:28 I wanted to take one more moment
55:29 to let you know,
55:30 how glad I am you shared this hour of worship
55:32 and Bible teachings with us.
55:34 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church,
55:36 we're on the campus of Andrews University
55:37 and the series is The Chosen.
55:40 This is the series that has been growing
55:42 and it's burned on my heart and over the last few weeks
55:46 before this new season began.
55:48 And some concentrated prayer time,
55:50 I believe the spirit of God led me
55:52 to the series out of book of Deuteronomy
55:54 for this generation within our community of faith
55:57 and outside this community of faith.
55:59 I believe both--
56:01 both communities need to hear the compelling bible truth
56:07 captured in the series called the chosen.
56:08 So thank you for joining,
56:09 joining me and all of us as we continue our journey
56:12 deeper and deeper into the heart of--
56:14 of this scene.
56:15 Living as you and I do and I'm--
56:18 I'm-- I know I'm preaching to the choir now,
56:20 living as we do on the edge of the civilization
56:23 that is surviving through constant of people in change.
56:27 I'm so grateful
56:28 and I know you are for the bed rock hope
56:30 we have in Jesus.
56:33 I'm thankful that you and I been given the--
56:35 privilege by God to partner to reach this generation
56:38 the world over through the satellite telecast.
56:40 I don't know how it works,
56:41 I just know that those satellites drop the signals
56:45 and those foot prints all over the planet
56:47 are helping disseminate this divine
56:50 called to become a part of the chosen.
56:52 Gods last generation on earth.
56:54 So please, here's what I wanted you to know,
56:56 I thank God for you and the generous way
56:58 you have partnered with us in the past,
57:00 in making New perceptions possible globally.
57:04 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied
57:06 all across the earth.
57:08 I believe for such a time is this.
57:09 Look, would you like to order copy of today's teaching
57:14 you can order DVD,
57:15 you get all the PowerPoint everything is there.
57:17 You can share it with your friends.
57:18 Share it with your family.
57:19 I want to just insert this here,
57:21 if you go to our website
57:23 and we've been advertising our website
57:24 all along the way and I'm gonna insert it right here,
57:25 go to that website.
57:29 You'll get a podcast of this,
57:31 we have people now subscribing to podcasts the world over.
57:34 It's time for this message to get out.
57:36 Thank you for your partnership and helping us do that.
57:39 Call one of our friendly operators.
57:41 It's a toll free number, won't cost you a penny.
57:43 Here in North America 877-HIS-WILL,
57:46 you call that number I promise you
57:48 every penny that you share we will invest
57:51 your generosity in God's mission
57:54 to reach this final generation now.
57:57 Thank you very, very much and be assured,
57:59 I'm looking forward to seeing you here,
58:01 right here again next time as we continue
58:05 our fascinating journey into the Chosen.
58:08 God bless you.


Revised 2015-06-22