New Perceptions

The Two Goats

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP101009

00:27 The Bible declares in Psalms 63:1-4,
00:31 "O, God, You are my God, early will I seek You,
00:33 My soul thirsts for You, My flesh longs for You.
00:37 In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.
00:40 And so I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
00:42 to see Your power and to see Your glory.
00:46 Because Your loving kindness is better than life,
00:51 my lips shall praise You.
00:52 Thus I will bless You while I live."
00:55 I've come to bless the Lord today
00:57 that my lips might praise Him.
00:58 We're going to sing together, "Praise Him," hymn 249.
01:01 Let's sing with all our hearts this morning.
01:28 Praise Him! Praise Him!
01:32 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
01:35 Sing, O Earth
01:37 His wonderful love proclaim
01:41 Hail Him! Hail Him!
01:44 Highest archangels in glory
01:47 Strength and honor give to His holy Name
01:53 Like a shepherd
01:56 Jesus will guard His children
02:00 In His arms
02:02 He carries them all day long
02:06 Praise Him! Praise Him!
02:09 Tell of His excellent greatness!
02:12 Praise Him! Praise Him!
02:16 Ever in joyful song!
02:21 Praise Him! Praise Him!
02:24 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
02:27 Heavenly portals loud with hosannas ring
02:33 Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever
02:39 Crown Him! Crown Him!
02:43 Prophet, and Priest, and King
02:46 Christ is coming!
02:49 Over the world victorious
02:53 Power and glory unto the Lord belong
03:00 Praise Him! Praise Him!
03:03 Tell of His excellent greatness
03:06 Praise Him! Praise Him!
03:09 Ever in joyful song
03:16 Amen.
03:18 We're going to sing this song to all generations.
03:20 I want you just to cry out with your heart to Him
03:23 as we testify our risen Savior.
03:27 All together.
03:29 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
03:37 And declare, His, faithfulness in truth
03:44 I will testify
03:45 I will testify
03:48 Of one crucified
03:49 Of one crucified
03:51 And I'll sing His praises
03:53 And I'll sing His praises
03:55 To all generations
03:57 To all generations
04:01 To all generations
04:05 To all generations, we speak
04:12 To all
04:13 To all generations
04:16 To all generations
04:20 To all generations, we sing
04:28 And we sing it all together this morning.
04:30 I will sing of the mercies.
04:32 I will sing of the mercies of
04:36 Beautiful The Lord forever
04:39 And declare
04:40 And declare, His faithfulness in truth
04:46 So with all my heart
04:47 So with all my heart
04:51 And every breath
04:52 And every breath
04:54 I will shout
04:55 I will shout His praises
04:59 To all
05:00 To all generations
05:04 To all generations
05:07 To all generations, we speak
05:14 To all generations
05:19 To all generations
05:23 To all generations, we sing
05:29 One last time all together
05:30 To all generations
05:35 To all generations
05:39 To all generations, we speak
05:44 We declare His love today, to all
05:46 To all generations
05:50 To all generations
05:54 To all generations, we sing
06:02 Can the Church say amen?
06:05 This next song says, "Hallelujah, what a Savior."
06:09 It's a reply to the awesome love of Christ
06:12 and His sacrifice for us.
06:15 Man of Sorrows
06:20 what a name
06:23 For the Son of God who came
06:31 Ruined sinners to reclaim
06:38 Hallelujah!
06:42 What a Savior
06:47 Bearing shame and scoffing rude
06:55 In my place condemned
07:00 He stood
07:03 Sealed my pardon with His blood
07:10 Hallelujah!
07:13 What a Savior
07:20 Let's sing the chorus together
07:22 Hallelujah, hallelujah
07:29 Hallelujah, what a Savior
07:35 Hallelujah
07:37 Hallelujah, hallelujah
07:44 Hallelujah, what a Savior
07:52 Guilty.
07:54 Guilty, vile, and helpless, we
08:01 Spotless Lamb of God was He
08:07 Full atonement
08:08 Full atonement can it be
08:15 Hallelujah!
08:19 What a Savior
08:22 Lifted up
08:24 Lifted up was He to die
08:30 Beautiful church
08:32 It is finished was His cry
08:37 Now in heaven
08:39 Now in heaven exalted high
08:45 Hallelujah!
08:49 What a Savior
08:55 Hallelujah
08:57 Hallelujah, hallelujah
09:04 Hallelujah, what a Savior
09:10 We say it together, hallelujah.
09:12 Hallelujah, hallelujah
09:19 Hallelujah
09:23 What a Savior
09:30 When He comes
09:31 When He comes, our glorious King
09:39 All His ransomed home to bring
09:44 Then anew
09:46 Then anew this song we'll sing
09:52 Hallelujah!
09:56 What a Savior
10:04 Hallelujah, hallelujah
10:11 Hallelujah
10:15 What a Savior
10:17 Hallelujah, hallelujah
10:22 Hallelujah
10:26 Hallelujah
10:30 What a Savior
10:42 Hallelujah
10:47 we sing together
10:49 Under your wings
10:56 Cover me
10:57 Cover me
11:04 Within your mighty hand
11:10 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
11:18 I will soar with you above the storm
11:25 Father You are King over the flood
11:32 I will be still
11:35 And know You are God
11:44 Find rest my soul
11:50 In Christ alone
11:52 In Christ alone
11:58 Know His power
12:00 Know His power
12:06 In quietness and trust
12:10 We'll sing that chorus together
12:12 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
12:19 I will soar with you
12:22 Above the storm
12:26 Father You are King over the flood
12:34 I will be still and know You are God
12:42 The Bible declares in Psalms 46:10,
12:46 "Be still, and know that I am God,
12:48 I will be exalted among the nations,
12:51 and I will be exalted in the earth."
12:57 Let's take this moment to recognize our Creator,
13:02 recognize His sovereign rule in our hearts.
13:07 Find rest my soul
13:13 In Christ
13:15 In Christ alone
13:20 You've got it sing it out
13:21 Know His power
13:23 Know His power
13:30 In quietness and trust
13:36 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
13:43 I will soar with you
13:46 Above the storm
13:50 Father You are King over the flood
13:58 I will be still and know You are God
14:04 When the oceans
14:06 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
14:13 I will soar with you
14:16 Above the storm
14:20 Father You are King over the flood
14:28 I will be still
14:31 And know You are God
14:36 I will be still
14:39 And know
14:43 You are God
15:10 The pilgrims throng thro' the city gates
15:17 While the night is falling fast
15:25 They go to watch on Calvary's hill
15:33 Ere the twilight hours are past
15:40 Though dark be the way
15:45 With eyes of faith
15:49 They gaze on His cross above
15:56 And, lo! From each heart
16:00 The shadows depart
16:04 As they list to His words of love
16:12 As they list
16:14 to His words of love
16:22 Rest, rest to the weary peace
16:30 Peace to the soul
16:34 Tho' life may be dreary
16:40 Earth is not thy goal
16:46 O lay down thy burden
16:52 O come unto Me
16:58 I will not forsake thee
17:04 I will not forsake thee
17:10 I will not forsake thee
17:16 Tho' all else should flee
17:31 Far, far, away
17:34 O'er the dream of years
17:38 They hear
17:40 the voice of the king
17:46 Where, O grave
17:50 Where is thy victory
17:54 And where,
17:56 O death is thy sting?
18:03 Captive He leads them for evermore
18:10 While weary pilgrims
18:15 rejoice
18:19 For looking on high
18:22 to the cross He bore
18:26 The faithful shall hear
18:31 His voice
18:35 The faithful
18:37 shall hear His voice
18:45 Rest, rest to the weary peace
18:53 Peace to the soul
18:57 Tho' life may be dreary
19:03 Earth is not thy goal
19:10 O lay down thy burden
19:16 O come unto Me
19:22 I will not forsake thee
19:27 I will not forsake thee
19:33 I will not forsake thee
19:40 Tho' all else should flee
19:45 Tho'
19:49 all else should flee
20:08 Let's pray.
20:15 Thank You, Father, for speaking that word of hope
20:18 and promise through Sophia.
20:22 Rest and peace from the one who declares,
20:25 "I will never leave you or forsake you."
20:30 Because of that truth, we are here.
20:35 And may the teaching we are about to hear
20:39 confirm to us that You are the God.
20:47 You are the God, we can trust to the very end.
20:53 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
20:58 Thanks to my two friends Kathy Kudell and Holly Schafer.
21:02 I'm about to introduce to you
21:03 two very new goat friends of mine.
21:08 But before they come out
21:10 and join me here, in the pulpit.
21:14 I want to take a moment with you
21:15 and reflect on this two goat ritual
21:18 that was central to the Day of Atonement celebration.
21:25 Before we reenact that,
21:27 let's read the account in Leviticus.
21:30 Take your Bible out please, Leviticus chapter 16.
21:33 This is the great Yom Kippur chapter, Leviticus 16.
21:37 If you didn't bring a Bible, you need to see this.
21:39 Grab the pew Bible in front of you.
21:41 It will be page 80 in your pew Bible.
21:45 Let's get the settings for this reenactment
21:48 by reading the actual account
21:50 given by God through Moses to the children of Israel.
21:54 Something's in this for Israel.
21:56 Something is in this for you and me.
21:59 We've got to find out what that is.
22:01 Leviticus 16,
22:02 It'll be in the New International version.
22:04 Let's just pick it up.
22:06 Aaron, the high priest,
22:07 is moving through his ritual on this most holy
22:11 and somber day of the religious calendar, all right.
22:15 So it's the Day of Atonement.
22:18 When we get down to verse five,
22:19 notice now what's happening.
22:21 Verse 5 "From the Israelite community he,"
22:24 Aaron the high priest,
22:26 "is to take two male goats for a sin offering
22:29 and a ram for a burnt offering."
22:31 Now verse 6, "Aaron is to offer the bull,"
22:34 which he's already selected,
22:36 "for his own sin offering to make atonement
22:38 for himself and his household."
22:40 So this is for the priestly community.
22:42 There will be that sacrifice.
22:44 Then verse 7, "He is to take the two goats
22:49 and present them before the lord
22:50 at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting."
22:54 You're picturing it, two goats at the entrance.
22:57 Verse 8, "He is to cast lost
23:02 for the two goats.
23:05 One lot for the Lord
23:06 and the other for the scapegoat."
23:09 We're gonna find out that's a mistranslation.
23:11 We'll get to that in just a moment.
23:13 "Aaron then," verse 9,
23:14 "shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord
23:18 and sacrifice it for a sin offering.
23:20 But the goat chosen by the lot as the scapegoat
23:25 shall be presented alive before the Lord
23:27 to be used for making atonement
23:29 by sending it into the desert as..."
23:31 as the Hebrew actually reads there,
23:33 Azazel, not scapegoat, Azazel.
23:36 We'll unpack that in just a moment.
23:38 So now without further do,
23:40 let's bring these two goats out.
23:43 For which I am very grateful
23:45 they have two lovely professional handlers,
23:50 who are going to bring the goats
23:53 to their designated place on this platform.
23:56 Dr. Holly is a veterinary in our community.
23:58 We take our dog Sadie to her.
24:00 And Professor Kathy
24:01 is in the department of agriculture
24:04 here in the college of technology.
24:07 And they're both goat experts, as you will see.
24:12 All right, ladies, bless you. Two lovely goats.
24:15 Now, folks, we're in Israel. This is the wilderness.
24:20 This is the Day of Atonement.
24:22 The two goats are brought to the entrance,
24:24 to the sanctuary, to the tent of meeting.
24:26 Now the lot must be cast.
24:29 Fascinating how they cast the lot.
24:31 Thank you Horn Archaeological Museum
24:34 for this loaned clay pot.
24:37 This is how they did it.
24:40 Inside the clay pot were two ballots.
24:44 We call them ballots, they're two lots,
24:46 two little pieces of wood.
24:48 Each has been designated,
24:49 one for Yahweh, one for the Lord
24:52 and the other for Azazel, all right.
24:57 So the two lots go in,
24:58 the high priest will not make the selection.
25:01 Oh, I like that color, oh, I like that one.
25:03 No, there is no human choice involved.
25:06 It is designated to be divinely done, all right.
25:09 So Aaron reaches in, he has to,
25:13 he is going to mix up these lots
25:15 to make sure that its fair,
25:16 and then he will remove a lot.
25:18 Now he is going to designate.
25:19 He is going to say, "Okay, I'm drawing a lot
25:20 for this goat," all right.
25:22 He doesn't draw the lot and say,
25:23 "Well, which goat do I want to ply to."
25:24 No, it's for this goat, all right.
25:26 So he reaches in and he pulls it out.
25:29 Ah! This is the goat for the Lord.
25:32 Now here's what happen.
25:33 Once the goat is designated as belonging to the Lord,
25:37 we know now who the other one belongs to.
25:39 A scarlet cord is taken and is wrapped around,
25:46 did you think the goats were going to be docile
25:48 when they came to the sanctuary?
25:50 Not at all, the scarlet cord is wrapped around
25:54 the one which will be slaughtered for the Lord.
26:00 The other scarlet cord is taken to the goat
26:03 that will remain alive and if this one had horns,
26:06 the scarlet chord will be wrapped around the horns.
26:10 It'll remain alive through the entire day.
26:14 Now the scarlet corded one? What's going to happen?
26:18 And by the way, here is where the ritual
26:21 no longer is acted out in public.
26:24 Because the high priest
26:25 will simply reach into his sacred garment
26:27 and remove the knife
26:29 and will slit the throat
26:31 of the goat chosen for the Lord.
26:33 Now here's what's happening.
26:34 Look at the verse 15 in Leviticus 16,
26:38 "He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering
26:42 for the people and take its blood..."
26:44 remember goat's blood
26:46 "...take its blood behind the curtain..."
26:49 into the most holy place
26:51 "...and do with it as he did with the bull's blood.
26:53 He shall sprinkle the goat's blood
26:55 on the atonement cover"
26:56 of the ark of the covenant "and in front of it."
26:59 The only day of the year the high priest
27:01 would ever dare to enter the most holy place
27:04 is after the selection has been made,
27:07 the sacrifice has taken place.
27:10 And with the blood of the Lord's goat,
27:13 he steps in to sprinkle and begin the cleansing process
27:17 of withdrawing all the sins that have been
27:20 accumulating through the year.
27:23 You got it so far?
27:25 All right, now there is only one goat left alive.
27:30 What happens to this goat?
27:31 Let's read, let's pick this up, pardon me, verse 20.
27:37 Verse 20 "When Aaron has finished making atonement
27:40 for the Most Holy Place," it's cleansed
27:42 "the Tent of Meeting" that would be the holy place,
27:44 it's cleansed "and the altar of sacrifice"
27:46 it now has blood sprinkled on it
27:48 "he shall bring forward the live goat.
27:54 He is," verse 21,
27:55 "to lay both hands on the head of the live goat
27:58 and confess over it all the wickedness
28:00 and rebellion of the Israelites,
28:01 all their sins and put them on the goat's head.
28:04 He shall send the goat away into the desert
28:06 in the care of a man appointed for the task."
28:09 Finally verse 22
28:10 and "The goat will carry on itself
28:12 all their sins to a solitary place,
28:15 and the man" the assistant
28:16 "shall release it in the dessert."
28:18 So here's the final reenactment.
28:22 When the sins have all been removed
28:25 from the sanctuary,
28:28 the high priest will come to the live goat.
28:30 And this is the only time in the sacred year
28:33 when a two hand leaning takes place,
28:36 usually just one hand but now its two hands.
28:38 And this is the only time in the sacred year,
28:40 when with the hand leaning
28:42 there is a simultaneous confession.
28:44 All the other times the confession happened
28:46 before you brought your animal to the sanctuary.
28:49 But now the hands,
28:51 the two hands will be placed on the live goat.
28:54 And he'll press hard on this goat.
28:56 It'll be the transference of the culpability,
28:59 the blame for all the sins of God's people,
29:03 transferred to the goat that belongs to Azazel.
29:07 Once that transferred has been made,
29:10 the assistant takes that goat out into the wilderness
29:13 where it will subsequently perish alone.
29:18 Two goat ritual, Day of Atonement.
29:22 I'd tell you to give the goats a big hand right now
29:24 but I don't want to get them all excited.
29:26 But I think we ought to give a nice amen
29:28 to their handlers Dr. Holly
29:30 and professor Kathy what do you say?
29:32 How about a nice amen for that job?
29:34 Yeah, very well done.
29:35 Thank you, ladies, God bless you both.
29:38 Yeah, you can clap now
29:39 because the goats can't hear you.
29:47 So what was God doing with the children of Israel?
29:52 What's He saying to you and me,
29:55 who live in the day of atonement of human history?
29:59 What would be there for us?
30:01 Take out your study guide, let's examine some truths
30:05 that are associated with the two goat ritual.
30:07 Take out your study guide it's tucked away
30:09 in your communion bulletin today.
30:10 If you didn't get a study guide,
30:11 we've got friendly ushers
30:12 who are going to do this very fast,
30:14 gentlemen and ladies, please.
30:17 Hold your hand up if you didn't get a study guide
30:20 in your worship bulletin.
30:21 Five truths, you want five,
30:23 we're going to scribble them down right now.
30:25 Up in the balcony overflow right here
30:27 make sure everybody gets a study guide.
30:30 And I want to say those of you
30:31 who are watching our "Two Goat" teaching,
30:33 we're delighted you're here, go to the website.
30:35 Let me give you our website,
30:36 you can get the same study guide.
30:37 I'll put it on the screen for you right now.
30:39 fascinating two goat ritual.
30:45 What are these lessons we can take away from it?
30:47 This is part six by the way.
30:50 When you come to the teaching, "The Two Goats,"
30:52 you'll see study guide there, click on the study guide
30:54 and you'll be able to jot the same lessons down.
30:57 You can reflect on them later
30:59 but let's write them down together.
31:01 All right, five truths
31:03 from the two goat ritual, here we go.
31:05 Truth number one, lesson number one,
31:06 would you jot it down please?
31:08 The two goats do not represent the same person.
31:12 Key point.
31:14 The two goats do not represent the same person.
31:17 You see, the Bible often will use one animal,
31:20 one creature to represent two beings.
31:23 Watch this, keep your pen moving.
31:24 The lion, in the Bible,
31:26 the lion represents both Christ and Satan.
31:31 You go to Revelation chapter 5,
31:32 Jesus, the lamb is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
31:35 the roaring lion of eternity.
31:37 C. S. Lewis in Narnia, Aslan, see the lion.
31:41 But 1 Peter 5:8, "Beware, your adversary, the devil,
31:45 like a roaring lion prowls about
31:47 seeking whom he may devour."
31:49 One creature, two different representations.
31:51 That's true by the way of the serpent.
31:53 Jot this down as well.
31:54 The serpent first appears in Genesis 3.
31:58 The serpent clearly represents both Satan and Christ.
32:02 Genesis 3, we know who the serpent is.
32:03 Revelation 12:9,
32:05 "That old devil called the serpent"
32:08 we know who he is.
32:09 But when Jesus is alone with Nicodemus
32:11 in that clandestine midnight meeting, He says,
32:13 "As Moses lifted up the serpent,
32:15 I'm going to be lifted up."
32:17 I'm the serpent on Calvary.
32:19 Burying your sins in My very, in My very soul, all right.
32:24 So here we have, clearly, the point
32:27 that just because God uses a creature to represent himself
32:30 does not mean that creature always represents Him.
32:34 In fact, here,
32:36 because one goat represents Christ,
32:38 does it mean therefore,
32:39 the other goat has to represent Him as well?
32:42 In fact, if we take the pattern that we've just seen,
32:44 we would expect one of the beings
32:48 to be the opposite of Christ.
32:49 We would expect one of the beings
32:50 to be the Satan himself.
32:51 All right so that's lesson number one.
32:52 Here we go, lesson number two.
32:54 The goat that was chosen for the Lord symbolized Christ.
32:57 But of course, in this entire series of the temple
33:01 as we've been focusing on the Day of Atonement,
33:02 it has been crystal clear that the cleansing blood
33:04 on the Day of Atonement was the compelling symbol
33:07 for the cleansing blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
33:10 Behold the Lamb of God
33:11 who takes away the sin of the world.
33:13 There had been no question about that in anybody's mind.
33:15 And in fact, by the way,
33:17 not only on the Day of Atonement,
33:18 all 360 days of the year, that's right,
33:22 their month only had 30 days,
33:23 12 months, 360 days in their year.
33:25 All 360 days, anytime there's blood,
33:28 it's blood symbolizing the mighty Savior of the world,
33:32 the Lord Jesus Christ.
33:36 So Christ is symbolically,
33:40 symbolically represented by the Lord's goat.
33:42 In fact, let's put the--
33:43 we read this just a moment ago in our scripture.
33:45 Let's put it on the screen.
33:46 Hebrews chapter 9,
33:48 the great Day of Atonement chapter.
33:49 Hebrews 9:22 "In fact, the law requires that
33:54 nearly everything be cleansed with blood,
33:56 and without the shedding of blood
33:58 there is no forgiveness."
33:59 Now lets go back to verse 14 "How much more then"
34:02 how much more than the blood of goats,
34:03 that's what he is saying, "How much more, then,
34:05 will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
34:09 offered himself unblemished to God."
34:11 Notice what Christ's blood can do.
34:12 It can cleanse you and me, it can cleanse
34:14 "our consciences from acts that lead to death,
34:17 so that we may serve the living God!"
34:21 Christ symbolically represented by the Lord's goat.
34:25 So what about the other goat?
34:29 Who's this Azazel?
34:31 Lesson number three, jot it down please.
34:32 The goat that was chosen for Azazel symbolized Satan.
34:38 Jot it down. Symbolized Satan.
34:42 By the way, this is the only place
34:43 in the entire Hebrew Bible
34:45 which would be the Old Testament,
34:46 where the name or even the word Azazel appears.
34:50 There was a time when scholars
34:52 weren't quite certain over the etymology
34:54 and the identification of this mysterious Azazel.
34:56 But there is growing unanimity now.
35:01 In the very next chapter, in fact,
35:02 if you just turn over to Leviticus 17:7,
35:06 God warns the children of Israel,
35:07 don't offer sacrifices to the goat demons.
35:12 Your new translations will foot note it, goat demons.
35:15 What's going on?
35:16 There's another power counter to God.
35:19 In fact, jot this down in your study guide.
35:21 Leviticus 17:7 suggests that there is a counter goat power
35:25 or a person in opposition to God.
35:28 Who is that being or person?
35:32 Our friend Roy Gane, who wrote the commentary
35:35 for Zondervan, the Leviticus, Numbers,
35:37 Volume of the NIV application commentary.
35:40 This is from his commentary, Roy is writing here.
35:42 He teaches here at the Theological Seminary,
35:46 in the Old Testament department.
35:47 Let's put it up here. These are Roy's words.
35:49 "Once we know that la'aza'zel is the proper name 'Azazel,'"
35:57 by the way the New Revised Standard Version
35:59 correctly translates it, not scapegoat but Azazel.
36:02 "Once we know that,
36:03 that it is referring to a personal being
36:05 other than the Lord," now watch this
36:07 "we automatically rule out the traditional
36:09 mistranslation of Azazel as scapegoat,
36:12 that is the goat that goes away or escapes."
36:15 Roy goes on, "The dynamics of the live goat ritual imply
36:18 that Azazel is the Lord's enemy."
36:22 Now he is quoting from his own book "Altar Call"
36:25 and with very colorful language coming up here now.
36:27 "The Lord directed the Israelites to transport
36:29 their sins on a goat to Azazel,
36:32 who ended up with this noxious load.
36:34 This would be like sending someone
36:36 a truck full of chemical waste or dumping a load of reeking,
36:40 maggot infested chicken manure all over his front lawn.
36:44 Not a friendly gesture.
36:46 Here, Azazel, get a load of this!"
36:51 Somebody is not your friend when they do that to you.
36:53 That's the point.
36:54 Now with that colorful language Roy is describing this goat
37:01 and he puts it this way in another place.
37:02 He calls this goat a ritual garbage truck
37:05 or a permanent moral septic tank.
37:09 Now listen, the point is clear and Roy makes this.
37:12 There is no, now you got to get this,
37:14 there is no substitution taking place with the live goat.
37:20 It is not substituted for Israel,
37:22 it will not die for Israel's sins.
37:24 No, no, no, no, right this down please.
37:26 "Azazel's goat is not the sin bearer,
37:30 not the sin bearer.
37:32 The Lord's goat is the sin bearer."
37:35 You've got to get that point.
37:39 Then what's happening with Azazel's goat?
37:40 Keep writing.
37:42 Azazel's goat is rather
37:44 the final repository of culpability,
37:47 I'll leave the word up there so you can get the spelling.
37:49 Culpability, that means blame.
37:52 This goat is the final repository of culpability
37:57 or ultimate responsibility for all the cleansed
37:59 and forgiven sins of Israel.
38:03 That's what's going on.
38:04 Hey, listen, every now
38:06 and then we read of another bank heist.
38:08 All right, so two accomplices rip off a bank
38:10 somewhere in our community.
38:12 They're taken to court
38:13 but in court it's been discovered
38:16 that there has been an evil mastermind
38:18 from the mafia who directed the entire caper.
38:22 Now are the two accomplices guilty?
38:24 Yes, they are.
38:26 But will not the law also throw
38:28 the book at the evil mastermind,
38:32 who perpetrated the crime behind the accomplices?
38:35 Yes or no? But of course.
38:38 That's what's going on here.
38:39 Azazel is the evil mastermind
38:42 for all evil in the history of the human race.
38:46 And the book will be thrown at Azazel one day, trust me.
38:51 In fact, jot this down, will you please?
38:52 The Day of Atonement dramatically teaches
38:55 that at the end of salvation history,
38:57 "God will place the culpability
38:59 or blame of all the sins of his saved friends,"
39:02 by the way, it's just to say friends,
39:04 those that don't want God get to stick with their sins.
39:07 Nobody gets, nobody takes them,
39:10 not even Satan will take them,
39:11 they get their own.
39:13 But God will place, keep reading in that sentence.
39:17 "God will place the culpability
39:18 of all the sins of his saved friends
39:19 back upon the mastermind who caused them,"
39:22 write it in, "Satan himself."
39:24 And by the way, please note, see Revelation 20,
39:27 because that's the great chapter of the millennium.
39:30 When the planet will be emptied of human life
39:35 and Azazel himself will have a 1,000 years
39:38 to ponder the fruitage of his rebellion
39:42 against the throne of the temple of God Himself.
39:45 A 1,000 years,
39:47 where the culpability is all coming back.
39:50 I did this all my self.
40:00 The good news is, ladies and gentlemen,
40:01 the Day of Atonement teaches that this sin,
40:04 this noxious, septic sin problem
40:08 will not last forever.
40:12 Hallelujah, God is going to bring it to an end one day.
40:15 Never again will there be sin in this universe.
40:17 Amen. That's the good news.
40:20 Lesson number four, jot it down.
40:22 "At-one-ment,"
40:23 because that's what the word atonement is.
40:24 "At-one-ment is both a noun
40:26 and a verb, an act and a process."
40:30 Key point.
40:31 Because you see, the Cross of Christ
40:33 is the finished act of God to secure atonement
40:37 for all who choose Him,
40:38 because ladies and gentlemen, that's what atonement means.
40:40 It means to reconcile, to reunite,
40:44 to restore two parties into at one relationship again.
40:49 Atonement creates two parties and restores them at one.
40:54 Calvary is the act of God in reconciling.
41:02 How does it go, 2nd Corinthians 5:19,
41:04 "God was in Christ,
41:05 reconciling the world to Him" at Calvary.
41:08 He's in Christ, reconcile, at one again.
41:13 But it didn't all end at Calvary,
41:18 it couldn't have.
41:20 Let's say I'm Warren Buffet, don't you wish?
41:24 And let's say I liquidate all my assets
41:27 and equities to the tune of $60 billion, all right.
41:32 So I'm Warren Buffet,
41:33 I now have $ 60 billion in cash.
41:35 You are a banker and I come to you
41:37 and I say, "Question number one,
41:38 would it be all right
41:40 if I put my $60 billion into your bank?"
41:43 What are you going to say to me:
41:45 "But of course, Mr. Buffet."
41:48 And then I ask you a second question,
41:49 "After I've put all my money in you bank,
41:52 would it be all right with you,
41:54 if occasionally I make withdrawals from that amount?"
41:59 And what are you going to say?
42:00 But of course, Mr. Buffet,
42:02 you may take as much as you want.
42:05 It's yours."
42:07 Ladies and gentlemen,
42:08 that's what happened at Calvary.
42:10 God liquidated His entire estate.
42:14 The assets of the treasury of heaven are taken
42:18 and are poured into this salvation atonement.
42:24 And ever since Calvary
42:25 and this is what Hebrews is trying to tell us.
42:28 Ever since Calvary, Christ has been withdrawing
42:32 from that storehouse of divine treasure.
42:36 For every man, woman and child who senses a moral bankruptcy,
42:40 if you're here today and you're saying,
42:41 "You know what, I'm feeling morally bankrupt right now,"
42:45 I have some good news for you.
42:46 There is a savior in this universe
42:50 who can withdraw from his infinite treasure
42:54 and pay it in full, what you owe to guilt.
42:59 Pay it in full, hallelujah. What do you say?
43:02 That's the point.
43:04 Now God making the deposit-act, God making withdrawals-process,
43:09 can you see it's both a noun and a verb?
43:12 Atonement is an act and it's also a process.
43:18 So He makes the deposit at Calvary complete act.
43:25 But Hebrews tells us now Jesus
43:26 as our heavenly high priest is mediating,
43:29 withdrawing from the funds to keep you afloat,
43:32 to keep me morally afloat as well.
43:37 And then, when you have the return of Christ
43:40 and the eradication of Satan.
43:43 Then atonement will return to enact one final act,
43:48 securing the universe for ever and ever.
43:50 Amen, ladies and gentlemen let's review it now
43:54 and write this down as we review them, please.
43:55 This is critical for you to understand.
43:58 Number one, "The Cross of Christ is a finished act
44:01 that secures atonement."
44:03 All right, finished, it is finished.
44:06 Jesus cried out, "It is finished."
44:08 Finished act that secures atonement.
44:10 Number two, "The mediation of Christ
44:12 is a continuing process that provides atonement."
44:16 Act, process.
44:18 We're living during the process time right now.
44:20 And finally number three, "The return of Christ
44:22 and the eradication of Satan is the final act
44:26 that completes the atonement."
44:28 Act, process, act.
44:32 Noun, verb, noun.
44:34 And by the way, all three acts
44:37 and phrases of divine atonement centered
44:40 as they are on Christ Jesus.
44:42 Everything centers on Jesus.
44:43 All three are dramatically symbolized in Yom Kippur,
44:48 the Day of Atonement, all three.
44:50 That's why that was such a great day,
44:52 and that's why you and I cannot just blow
44:55 that old dusty antique
44:56 and say it has nothing to do with us.
44:58 It has everything to do with you and me
45:00 because lesson number five, write it down.
45:03 "It's cleansing time."
45:05 Final lesson, lesson number five,
45:07 "It's cleansing time."
45:08 That is a shining truth of the Day of Atonement.
45:11 We are living at this very hour.
45:13 And by the way, may I tell you this?
45:15 You were born, you were born into the Day of Atonement.
45:20 It didn't start after you came along,
45:21 you were born.
45:23 The heavenly judgment has already begun.
45:25 The two minute warning for the human race had sounded
45:29 and now the clock is counting down.
45:32 There's a cleansing going on in the sanctuary about
45:34 cleansing the records in His temple.
45:36 There's a cleansing going on amongst God's people below,
45:39 cleansing their hearts.
45:41 Record of sin, presence of sin, dual cleansing, simultaneously,
45:46 cleansing, cleansing, cleansing is the key.
45:50 Cleansing, it's cleansing time.
45:54 That's why I'm excited about this.
45:57 I should say that's why I'm stirred up about this.
46:00 I fear that some how we might just kind of,
46:04 smile it off and say,
46:07 "I'll get to this, when I'm ready for it."
46:10 The only time you're ready for it is right now.
46:14 You have nothing more than right now.
46:18 Cleansing time.
46:19 Last week, I shared a text with you
46:21 and we've been brooding over it ever since.
46:22 Come to our house of prayer you'll noticed it was front
46:24 and center for us Wednesday night.
46:27 Zechariah 12, I want to end with this text,
46:29 because it doesn't end with verse 10.
46:32 Zechariah 12:10, let me just put that
46:35 verse back up on the screen for you.
46:36 God is making this phenomenal, unbelievable almost promise.
46:41 And I want you to hear it.
46:43 Last week, we only concentrated on that first line of verse 10,
46:45 God speaking, "And I will pour on the house of David
46:48 and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
46:50 a spirit of grace and supplication."
46:53 And we said to ourselves last week
46:54 and I've been saying a whole lot of this to myself,
46:57 "God won't You please give this university,
47:00 give this community, give this congregation,
47:02 a spirit of asking, a spirit of supplication.
47:05 So that we don't just sit on our hands
47:07 and say, "Well what will be will be,
47:09 'que sera sera.'"
47:10 No, we're living, two minute warning.
47:16 Give us the spirit of asking please.
47:18 But we stop, artificially stopped
47:20 the verse last week there.
47:22 Notice how the second half of the verse reads.
47:24 "They will look on me," God says,
47:25 "I'm going to give you the spirit of supplication."
47:26 How?
47:28 "You will look on me, the one they have pierced,
47:32 and they will mourn for him
47:34 as one mourns for an only child,
47:36 and grieve bitterly for him
47:39 as one grieves for a firstborn."
47:41 One of our pastors, just a few weeks ago
47:44 conducted the funeral of a little girl,
47:47 who was killed by her father's car.
47:50 There is no sadder funeral. No sadder funeral.
47:56 You will mourn for me as if you were the cause
48:02 of the one who's pierced and dies.
48:04 You will mourn for me
48:06 as if your sins alone took my life.
48:10 It will finally sink in. I died, for only you.
48:17 Not for the guy beside you right now, for only you.
48:21 Your sins took my life.
48:23 You'll mourn for him as an only child.
48:28 Now if we left it right there, this morning we'd be sad.
48:31 But I got to show you, chapter 13 verse 1
48:34 follows this incredible promise.
48:36 Drop down to 13:1.
48:38 "On that day," here comes the Day of Atonement promise.
48:40 "On that day, a fountain
48:42 will be opened to the house of David."
48:44 Hallelujah.
48:45 "And the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
48:47 to cleanse them from sin and impurity."
48:51 What do you say?
48:52 On that day, when I am lifted up
48:54 and you will look on the one your sins have pierced,
48:56 there will be a fountain, a gushing fountain opened up.
48:59 And that fountain will wash you clean.
49:00 Day of Atonement promise.
49:02 You will be washed clean of your moral impurity.
49:05 You will be washed clean of your sinful stain.
49:07 I will wash you clean.
49:10 It doesn't get any better than that, does it?
49:12 Every sin in your life right now,
49:14 that you're a bit troubled by,
49:16 the good news is there's a fountain
49:17 that's already been opened up 2,000 years ago.
49:20 It's the Day of Atonement fountain opened early,
49:24 to cleanse the human race.
49:26 You could be clean.
49:27 You don't have to carry that stain with you.
49:29 You could be clean. Washed clean.
49:32 Today, when we come to the foot of the Cross,
49:34 I'm telling you don't you go anywhere.
49:35 You stay right here
49:37 because you want that cleansing.
49:39 Today at the foot of the Cross that fountain will be flowing.
49:44 And when you eat the bread and you drink the cup,
49:46 you will take that fountain in you
49:48 and it will be, it will mystically cleanse you
49:52 in the process of celebrating that sacrifice.
49:56 Why wouldn't you want to be cleansed?
49:59 What would you want to skip the cross?
50:03 You skip the cross,
50:04 you skip the only hope you have.
50:11 "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn
50:14 from Immanuel's veins and sinners plunge
50:18 beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains."
50:22 You know who wrote that song?
50:24 His name is William Cowper, it's spelt 'Cowper.'
50:28 Go on wikipedia.
50:30 I refresh my memory of his life.
50:33 The man was manic depressive.
50:34 Some of you know what that means,
50:36 bipolar, swing to high, swing to low.
50:40 This man, manic depressive, found Jesus Christ
50:46 but when you find Jesus does it mean--
50:48 It doesn't mean suddenly all the ills go away.
50:51 You still are you.
50:54 And in the midst of his finding the Gospel,
50:59 this William Cowper
51:00 who became a great English poet.
51:03 Three times he attempted suicide.
51:06 Three times he attempted to take his life.
51:08 Twice he ended up in insane asylum,
51:10 as they had in those days.
51:12 He became a friend of John Newton.
51:13 "Amazing Grace," John Newton became a friend of his.
51:17 And in the moments of quiet, when his mind, un-tortured,
51:22 gave him the presence to write,
51:24 he composed this great poem, a 100 poems beside it.
51:28 "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn
51:31 from Immanuel's veins and sinners plunge beneath
51:34 that flood lose all their guilty stains."
51:38 Ladies and gentlemen,
51:39 that's the Day of Atonement promise.
51:41 There's been a fountain that's been open for the earth.
51:45 And you and I today, can step into that fountain
51:47 and lose all our guilty stains.
51:51 Hallelujah. That's why we're here.
51:53 I want to sing that. I want to sing that with you.
51:56 American folk tune has been put to it
51:59 and so we've learned the tune.
52:01 I want to sing this.
52:03 I want to sing the first, second and third
52:05 stanzas of this great composition.
52:07 It's all gonna be on the screen
52:08 so you don't have to look it up.
52:10 We'll put the hymn number up there on the screen
52:12 for you right now, if you want to use the hymnal.
52:13 But the three stanzas are going to be on the screen.
52:16 Let's sing those.
52:18 Let's stand together as we sing.
52:26 And Just sing your heart out, just let this be your testimony
52:29 that today in the fountain you have
52:32 what Jesus has brought you.
52:33 Just let your heart well up as you sing.
52:44 There is a fountain filled with blood
52:51 Drawn from Immanuel's veins
52:57 And sinners plunged beneath that flood
53:03 Lose all their guilty stains
53:09 Lose all their guilty stains
53:16 Lose all their guilty stains
53:22 And sinners plunged beneath that flood
53:28 Lose all their guilty stains
53:36 The dying thief rejoiced to see
53:43 That fountain in his day
53:49 And there may I, though vile as he
53:55 Washed all my sins away
54:02 Washed all my sins away
54:09 Washed all my sins away
54:15 And there may I, though vile as he
54:22 Washed all my sins away
54:31 E'er since by faith, I saw the stream
54:38 Thy flowing wounds supply
54:44 Redeeming love has been my theme
54:51 And shall be till I die
54:57 And shall be till I die
55:04 And shall be till I die
55:11 Redeeming love has been my theme
55:18 And shall be
55:21 till I die
55:28 Oh, God, if that dear friend of Yours tortured in his soul
55:33 could find the hope of the Gospel
55:35 and pour it out in the words we have just sung,
55:39 then the good news must be very good indeed.
55:43 And so we sing at the top of our hearts,
55:45 we sing with all our voices.
55:51 Redeeming love shall be my theme
55:55 and shall be till I die.
55:58 Holy Father, for the fountain
55:59 opened up in Christ, all of us thank You.
56:03 We don't know what to say.
56:04 Thank you is such a pitiful expression
56:07 of the heartfelt gratitude we have
56:09 that we're not stained forever, sin is not staying forever.
56:14 You're going to cleanse us and the universe
56:18 and then forever, with Him who was our lamb.
56:21 O, God, today,
56:24 pour out that fountain and in its stream,
56:29 let us rejoice through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
56:33 Amen.
56:37 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:39 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus
56:41 has blessed your time with us right here
56:42 in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:44 on the campus of Andrews University.
56:46 Do you know that around the world,
56:47 people join us every week for this hour of worship?
56:50 We're always looking as a consequence
56:51 for new ways to bridge,
56:53 somehow to connect with these people
56:55 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:58 One of the areas
56:59 that is quickly growing for us is our website.
57:01 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:05 It's an incredible opportunity
57:07 that God has given us to expand His kingdom.
57:10 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:12 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel,
57:15 I'd love to have you call our toll free number.
57:17 We got very friendly operators standing by.
57:20 Here's the number, 877-His-Will.
57:23 877 and then the two words His Will.
57:25 One of the operators
57:27 will be happy to give you the details
57:28 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:31 If you prefer, listen, you can do it all online.
57:33 Go to our website, please.
57:38 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:39 of partnering with you as we seek to spread
57:41 the truth about God for this generation.
57:44 We are living in urgent times.
57:47 Now more than ever, we've got to go to the world
57:50 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:52 So once again, here's that toll free number, 877-His-Will.
57:56 Thank you in advance for your generosity.
57:59 That blesses me and you grow this ministry.
58:02 I pray that the Spirit of Christ
58:03 will abide with you, every step of the way.
58:06 And I hope you come back again next time, right here,
58:09 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2015-05-21