New Perceptions

Born Again...Again

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP100811

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:19 Let me just--
00:21 let me just cut to the chase for this story.
00:24 Okay, I'm gonna find out what your ability is
00:27 to recognize animals.
00:30 I'm gonna find out can you recognize this animal?
00:33 You probably look at this animal say,
00:35 you know, I do not know what this animal is,
00:37 but I'm looking forward to finding out.
00:39 That's probably what you will do, okay?
00:42 So are you ready?
00:43 I'm gonna put it on these two screens right here.
00:45 You see these two screens?
00:46 As soon as you see it on the screen
00:48 and we will put it on the big screen as well.
00:50 You tell me what the animal is, all right let's go.
00:54 Panda.
00:58 You already knew about the panda bear?
01:00 Yes. Oh, yeah.
01:01 I though I might catch you by a surprise.
01:04 That is the lovely giant panda bear.
01:09 Do you know what extra credit,
01:11 if you can tell me what country
01:12 and the old country in the world that the panda's grown?
01:15 Did you just have this in school?
01:18 No.
01:21 Have you ever been to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago?
01:24 One of the great Zoo's of the world.
01:26 You have mom and dad take you sometime,
01:28 it's a wonderful zoo.
01:29 The first panda ever to leave China
01:32 and come to the United States, Brookfield Zoo in 1936.
01:36 So Panda's the whole world loves panda's
01:40 but just this last week listen to this--
01:42 just this last week the government of China
01:45 released some information we didn't know about
01:49 because you see
01:50 the panda's are what they call endanger.
01:54 What does it mean if you are in danger?
01:56 What's that mean?
01:57 That you need help.
01:59 You need help, that's exactly what it means.
02:02 You need help, because, because you are running out.
02:07 They did a headcount, listen to this,
02:09 they did a headcount, it's okay,
02:10 one, two, three, four, five
02:13 in China six, seven,
02:15 1590 panda's in the wild, 1590.
02:23 If they keep dwindling,
02:24 we're going to run out of panda's on earth.
02:26 They no longer be in the zoos, we can't have that,
02:28 so the Chinese government they said okay,
02:29 this is our fate, the whole world loves us
02:31 because of the pandas.
02:32 Let's have more panda's and they began to work
02:34 to have more panda's.
02:35 Oh, but the panda's don't give birth so easy.
02:38 Oh, work hard, work hard, work hard
02:40 and then just this week the government in China
02:43 released a picture.
02:44 Let's see the picture please.
02:50 Yeah, I knew you love that one.
02:53 Twelve little baby pandas
02:58 it's working, i'ts working,
03:01 it's working behind the senses.
03:04 They are getting the pandas to have babies.
03:09 So here is the deal, guys.
03:15 That green ball is just to keep them lying there without moving.
03:19 Let me know if they move
03:20 because then that ball doesn't work.
03:24 The government in China says,
03:26 we got to have more panda babies.
03:28 We got to have more babies, we got to have more babies.
03:30 And wait a minute, I thought, when I heard that story,
03:32 I said wait a minute, that's just like heaven.
03:34 Heaven says, we got to have more babies.
03:36 We got to have more babies,
03:38 not just the babies like you are
03:40 because when you were born
03:41 Jesus said I want her, I want her,
03:43 I want him, him, him, her, her, her.
03:45 I want him to be born.
03:46 I want her, her.
03:48 Jesus picked all of you out, but the Bible says,
03:51 that as you get older and you come to Jesus
03:54 you are born again.
03:57 New babies, you become a baby
03:59 all over again and you grow up in Jesus.
04:01 And heaven says, just like China where the pandas,
04:04 oh, we got to have more babies.
04:05 We got to have more people born again.
04:07 We have to find as many as we can.
04:10 Oh, my how many are thankful that--
04:12 that we were born in the first time.
04:14 How many want to say thank you Jesus,
04:16 I'm so glad to be alive, I have wonderful parents,
04:18 thank you Jesus.
04:19 And how many want to say with the other hand, Jesus,
04:22 if being born the second time is how I get into your kingdom.
04:25 I want to be born again.
04:28 Yes, I do.
04:30 Put those hands together,
04:31 close your eyes and let's pray.
04:33 Oh, Jesus, in China the government
04:36 oh, they want more panda babies more and more, more
04:39 but heaven wants earth children more born again.
04:43 Mom's and dad's and children
04:45 and so we raise both hands Jesus,
04:47 we are glad to be born in the first time,
04:49 but we really want to be born in the second time.
04:52 Please give us that second birth
04:55 we pray in your name, amen.
04:59 As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats,
05:02 you say thank you Jesus, thank you for panda babies.
05:06 I want to be born again
05:07 and become your child for the rest of my life.
05:28 The love of God is greater far
05:35 Than tongue or pen can ever tell
05:42 It goes beyond the highest star
05:48 And reaches to the lowest hell
05:55 The guilty pair, bowed down with care
06:01 God gave His Son to win
06:07 His erring child He reconciled
06:14 And pardoned from his sin
06:20 O love of God, how rich and pure
06:27 How measureless and strong
06:33 It shall forevermore endure
06:39 The saint's and angel's song
06:49 When hoary time shall pass away
06:55 And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall
07:02 When men who here refuse to pray
07:08 On rocks and hills and mountains call
07:15 God's love, so sure, shall still endure
07:21 All measureless and strong
07:27 Redeeming grace to Adam's race
07:33 The saints' and angels' song
07:44 Could we with ink the ocean fill
07:51 And were the skies of parchment made
07:57 Were every stalk on earth a quill
08:04 And every man a scribe by trade
08:10 To write the love of God above
08:17 Would drain the ocean dry
08:23 Nor could the scroll contain the whole
08:29 Though stretched from sky to sky
08:36 O love of God, how rich and pure
08:42 How measureless and strong
08:48 It shall forevermore endure--
08:55 The saint's and angel's song
09:06 The saint's and angel's song
09:25 Let's pray.
09:26 Dear God, thank you for The Chosen Lady.
09:32 You have raised up on this planet
09:34 for such a time as this, not by accident,
09:38 not by happen stands but by divine decree.
09:43 As a community of faith here on the campus of Andrews University
09:46 we have plunged into the gospel,
09:48 the fourth gospel,
09:50 they go back to it today far break not withstanding,
09:53 we go back to it today.
09:56 Oh, God, don't let us miss
09:58 what Christ our Lord would teach us
10:01 through this passage.
10:03 We pray in Jesus name, amen.
10:07 Let me tell you about a story I read it in English newspaper
10:09 online just a few days ago.
10:11 Sarah and Rob sold house from the village of Churchtown,
10:15 never heard of this village, Churchtown, England.
10:19 They have planned to have their baby
10:21 through the services of midwifery or midwifery.
10:25 They were planning to have their baby last week at home
10:29 with the professional coach to come in
10:31 and do the delivery.
10:32 But early last Thursday, early Thursday morning,
10:35 Sarah's water broke you can picture it.
10:40 And before the mobile midwife could arrive the baby did.
10:45 So here you have trying to swallow his panic,
10:48 her young husband Rob,
10:51 who calls the midwife unit at the hospital
10:54 gets them on the speaker phone of his cell phone,
10:59 the only equipments he has are a plastic sheet
11:05 and some clean towels on the lounge floor.
11:08 That's a living room, where the family room,
11:10 those of you from England could help us.
11:11 On the lounge floor, as it all spread out
11:14 and while he's listening to the voice
11:16 inside the speaker phone step by step,
11:19 Rob who has never dreamed of doing this in his life
11:22 goes through the emotions and you guess that a few,
11:24 I don't know how long it was
11:25 but a few moments later he is cradling in his arms
11:29 seven pounds seven ounces a little baby boy
11:31 they named Harry.
11:33 Wow, I'll tell you what, all three of them,
11:35 I'm sure collapsed, father, mother and son.
11:38 A few days later mother Sarah went to the hospital
11:40 to thank everybody.
11:42 They come to find out that when Rob place that phone call
11:44 the entire midwifery team happened to be there
11:48 in the room as one of their own was giving,
11:53 shouting the commands
11:54 and instructions to this expected father.
11:58 They gave Rob an A plus, A plus for delivery.
12:02 And probably a C-Minus for form
12:05 because you don't really want to do it on the floor.
12:08 There they are.
12:09 Now they look happy.
12:10 He made it.
12:12 Once upon a time in a very late night conversation,
12:15 Jesus spoke about being born
12:18 and as it turned out His words would become the most sublime
12:21 and provocative account given anywhere
12:24 about how it is that a man or a woman
12:26 or a child is as they say,
12:31 "saved or as he says, born again."
12:36 Open your Bible with me please to the fourth gospel,
12:38 the gospel of John Chapter 3, let's go.
12:42 The last word the fourth gospel for our final generation.
12:45 Today is part six.
12:47 Delighted to have all of you who are watching on live streaming.
12:50 Where were you are in the nation or world,
12:52 we're honored to have you, be a part of the journey.
12:54 You will see everything we see on the screens,
12:56 you see it as well.
12:57 Grab your Bible where you are
12:59 and open with me please to the gospel of John,
13:02 John Chapter 3, the very famous John Chapter 3.
13:06 I'm in the New King James Version.
13:08 If you didn't bring your Bible pull the pew Bible out.
13:10 You've got to track this in your pew Bible, pull it out.
13:12 Let me give you the page number, page 715.
13:16 The Gospel of John 3, here we go verse1.
13:20 "There was a man
13:22 of the Pharisees named Nicodemus,
13:26 a ruler of the Jews."
13:29 Now, look it, look it, look it,
13:31 doesn't it seem rather odd that John would write this.
13:33 There was a man
13:37 of the Pharisees named Nicodemus.
13:38 I mean, common John, why didn't you just say,
13:40 there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus
13:42 and he's ruler of the Jews?
13:44 John intentionally inserts one word in the Greek
13:46 arthropods for once comes that word anthropology,
13:48 the study of man.
13:50 John, why this excess,
13:51 why this--why this extra inclusion?
13:56 Ah, because John,
13:58 John is tapping into a literary device.
14:01 He needs us to remember,
14:02 the immediately proceeding words in Chapter 2.
14:05 Look when John wrote-- when John wrote the gospel
14:07 there were no chapters, there were no verses,
14:08 it just went line, line, line, line.
14:10 So we--the word, the word man takes us back.
14:14 Look at the last lines of Chapter 2,
14:16 we were there last Sabbath.
14:17 Now when he-- this is verse 23.
14:19 "Now when He "Jesus" was in Jerusalem at the Passover"
14:23 remember cleansing of the temple, last Sabbath?
14:26 "Now when He Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover,
14:28 during the feast, many believed in His name
14:31 when they saw the signs which He did."
14:34 But verse 24, "Jesus did not commit Himself to them,
14:38 because He knew all people" says our men in inserted word.
14:42 Verse 25, "And had no need that anyone should testify of man"
14:47 there is the code word of man.
14:50 He had no need of anybody testifying a man,
14:52 for He knew what was in man twice.
14:57 And I got number three,
14:58 only one we read the two lines back to back, ah.
15:05 Jesus knew how fickle the human heart,
15:07 who one day can shout out hosanna
15:09 and the very next day cry out crucify Him.
15:13 He knew what was in the heart of man,
15:15 nobody needed to tell him.
15:16 All these people flock into Him because of the miracles.
15:18 Oh, he knows our heart.
15:21 He doesn't trust the--the verbal accent.
15:26 He knows the heart of every man, woman and child.
15:28 So when John inserts man, there was a man,
15:32 He's saying hey, hey, hey, hey,
15:34 this is to let you know Jesus already knows
15:36 what is in Nicodemus heart, He already knows.
15:40 Let's see how he responds to what He knows.
15:43 Read it again.
15:44 "There was a man" this is Verse 1,
15:47 "There was a man of the Pharisees
15:51 named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews."
15:54 Now Pharisees, come on we all know the Pharisees,
15:56 the religious conservatives of the day strictly orthodox,
15:59 deeply concerned about the purity of the people,
16:01 there were the Rabbi's
16:02 and teachers of the community of faith.
16:04 Nicodemus was one of them,
16:06 but he was not just a Pharisee, notice how John adds,
16:08 He was also a ruler of the Jews.
16:11 Do you know what that means?
16:12 Nicodemus had one of the coveted 71 seats
16:14 on the supreme court of the Jews,
16:18 the Sanhedrin.
16:20 He isn't just a Pharisee, He is in the inner circle.
16:24 Wow, Jesus, are you impressed?
16:26 You have someone with such high ecclesiastical status
16:30 coming to visit you humble Galilean.
16:33 But John say, hey, hey, don't get all excited about his rank,
16:36 Jesus already knows what's in him.
16:39 Verse 2, so "This man
16:43 came to Jesus by night"
16:47 I mean, one can't be too careful
16:48 in protecting once reputation, can one?
16:51 Shh, don't let anybody know I'm here.
16:53 So this man came to Jesus by night
16:56 and said to Him, "Rabbi,
16:58 we know that You are a teacher."
17:00 Oh, by the way, come on a teacher?
17:03 Rabbi we know You are a teacher sent from God.
17:07 Nicodemus, you wouldn't be coming to Him
17:10 if He were just a teacher now would you?
17:13 There is something in your mind and heart
17:14 Nicodemus that recognizes this is an unusual human being.
17:19 Why don't you just go ahead and say it Nicodemus?
17:21 Four male Jews have already said it
17:24 this early in the gospel story.
17:26 John the Baptist says, He's the Messiah.
17:27 Andrew says, He's the Messiah.
17:29 Philip says, He's the Messiah.
17:30 Nathanael says, He's the Messiah.
17:32 So, it wouldn't be too terrible radical for you
17:35 Nicodemus to say, it is well, but he won't.
17:38 He hides behind--
17:39 Well, we know listening all these miracles you do.
17:41 You have to be a teacher sent from God.
17:48 "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God,
17:53 but no one,
17:54 for no one can do these signs
17:55 that You do unless God is with him.
17:57 Jesus answered and said to him,
17:59 Most assuredly, I say to you,
18:01 unless one is born again,
18:03 he cannot see the kingdom of God."
18:05 Nicodemus comes for a late night tete-a-tete, conversation.
18:10 Jesus turns it into a midnight alter call
18:12 surprise, surprise, surprise.
18:18 Would you please take out your new study guide
18:20 because what is about to follow
18:22 is so essential to your Christian journey
18:25 that we have to get it down on paper.
18:26 Come on, pull that study guide out,
18:28 here come the ushers.
18:29 Hold your hand up if you need a study guide,
18:30 they are coming your way, hold your hand up.
18:34 Take the study guide
18:35 and while they are getting the study guides,
18:36 you up in the balcony as well.
18:38 I want to welcome all of you who are watching live streaming
18:40 or watching on television, we are delighted that you here.
18:43 Listen you get the same study guide.
18:44 Let me put our website on the screen for you.
18:46 You go to that website you can get the study guide.
18:48 You see it on the screen,
18:49 there it is, you see it
18:54 You're looking for the series the last word,
18:56 this turns out to be part six in the last word.
19:00 You say up, come on Do I have to seen the first five?
19:02 What, the first five we're all sitting there,
19:03 video cast, podcast, you can download them
19:05 at your leisure, but this is number six.
19:07 Born Again, again,
19:09 click on to that title born again, again
19:12 and it will say your study guide there click, study guide.
19:16 You will have the same study guide.
19:17 This study guide, where you about to write,
19:21 you want to lock away in your heart,
19:23 so get the study guide.
19:24 If they are coming by and you didn't get a study guide
19:26 make sure you get this one,
19:27 this is an important study guide.
19:28 I hope you will share it with others along the way.
19:32 But before we get in any further into the study guide.
19:35 Let me put some words from the book,
19:36 this classic on the life of Jesus
19:38 called the Desire of Ages.
19:39 Let me put these words
19:41 and you have to fill the words out in your study guide.
19:42 Let's put them on the screen.
19:44 Speaking of this movement, this midnight conversation.
19:47 "In the interview with Nicodemus,
19:49 Jesus unfolded the plan of salvation
19:52 and His mission to the world.
19:56 In none of His subsequent discourses"
19:57 now that's pretty heavy.
19:58 You know what's that saying?
19:59 Nothing He will save beyond this movement.
20:02 Never again whatever He says,
20:03 "In none of His subsequent discourses
20:06 did He explain so fully"
20:08 and would you write this down please,
20:09 "step by step," step by step.
20:15 Never again did He explain so fully step by step.
20:18 The work necessary to be done in the hearts of all
20:21 who would inherit the kingdom of heaven,
20:23 step by step.
20:26 And so with your permission for the next few moments.
20:28 Let's examine a step by step analysis
20:30 of this midnight conversation.
20:32 We'll take it apart
20:33 five steps are embedded in that conversation.
20:35 Five steps you learn these five steps
20:37 you are in the kingdom of heaven,
20:39 if you take the five steps.
20:40 Five steps, let's go verse 3 again.
20:43 "Jesus answered and said to him,
20:45 "Most assuredly, I say to you"
20:48 now look at you can't tell it in the English
20:50 but in the Greek, this is a huge red flag waving now.
20:54 Whenever in the New King James,
20:56 you run into more assuredly
20:58 where ever in the NIV you run into very truly
21:02 that means there are double words right there,
21:05 the amen is repeated.
21:07 So here's Jesus, "Amen Amen, I Say to You."
21:10 Only John in the New Testament exercises
21:12 that literally device, 25 times in the fourth gospel,
21:16 double amen.
21:17 Every time you run into that double amen,
21:19 it's like John is saying, whoa, whoa, whoa,
21:21 slow down, slow down, preacher, slow down reader,
21:24 this is huge don't miss it, amen, amen.
21:28 Look they are talking Aramaic, but it's very close in Aramaic,
21:33 amen, amen very close.
21:36 Amen, amen, Jesus says to Nicodemus.
21:41 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
21:43 unless one is born again,
21:46 he, she cannot see the kingdom of God."
21:48 Verse 4, "Nicodemus said to Him,
21:50 "How can a man be born when he is old?
21:53 Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb
21:57 and be born?"
22:01 Nice try Rabbi Nicodemus.
22:04 You can't fool us.
22:05 You know exactly what Jesus means.
22:07 Craig Keener the New Testament scholar
22:08 has carefully researched to show
22:11 that the pagans knew the expression rebirth
22:15 for a new beginning.
22:16 The Greeks knew there could be expression rebirth
22:19 for a new beginning.
22:20 The Jews knew the expression rebirth
22:23 for a new beginning.
22:24 Don't pretend, well, do I got to get into my mother's tummy?
22:28 No, you know.
22:30 You see in Jewish theology,
22:32 to be born as son of Abraham though
22:34 and here is the though,
22:35 to be born as son of Abraham
22:37 was a virtual guarantee
22:38 of admission into the Kingdom of Heaven.
22:40 If I'm a Jew, I mean, oh, no, man,
22:44 you gentiles, all for you gentile
22:45 is very clear in their theology note.
22:47 You must be adopted,
22:49 you must be rebirth in order to get into the heaven,
22:52 but why me Nicodemus is saying
22:56 you are talking about me,
22:57 for a circumspect Jew to picture himself
23:01 outside the circle of salvation was a huge affront.
23:07 Thus Nicodemus is-- he doesn't know what to say,
23:09 he just say, well, how can I kind of go back
23:10 into my mothers tummy?
23:11 He's just having to say something here.
23:17 Jot it down will you please, step number one?
23:20 Step number one "You must be born again.
23:23 Now, the Greek word can be translated
23:25 in two different ways.
23:26 And so let's go ahead and be safe and write
23:28 you must be born from above.
23:30 Get both phrases in.
23:32 You must be born again,
23:34 you must be born
23:35 from above because the Greek word Anothen
23:38 can be translated either way.
23:39 That Nicodemus took it,
23:42 as again is clear from his response.
23:45 Wow, I got to go again
23:47 but the John may have mean it the other way,
23:50 is clear from verse 31
23:51 in the same chapter where it says,
23:52 He who came from above.
23:54 It doesn't make sense to say, he who came again no,
23:57 its he who came from above and so it leads,
24:00 it leads, it leads us to wonder.
24:02 Maybe John intended both definitions
24:04 to give rich meaning either way.
24:07 Step number one, you must be born again,
24:09 you must be born from above.
24:13 In other words, jot this down will you please?
24:15 Your life must experience a spiritual rebirth.
24:19 Not a foreign concept they knew it back then.
24:22 Your life must experience,
24:23 but let's forget about that back then,
24:25 it's in the third millennium now.
24:27 You and I our lives must experience a spiritual rebirth
24:31 and what's that mean?
24:33 Look at verse 5, Jesus answered.
24:34 Oh, boy, here comes another one,
24:36 amen, amen, another double amen,
24:39 most assured, this is verse 5,
24:41 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
24:43 unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
24:46 he, she cannot enter the kingdom of God."
24:53 Jot it down, step number two,
24:55 "You must be born again of water."
24:57 Write that in please, you must be born again of water.
25:01 The fourth gospel opens with John the Baptizer
25:03 in the Jordan River and in this very chapter
25:07 in verse 23 it says, "John was near near Aenon,
25:10 because there was much water there."
25:12 So water baptism is book ended to this expression.
25:17 So those scholars had to say,
25:18 well, we are not sure of what water means.
25:20 I beg to differ with them.
25:22 The water is embedded,
25:24 the water of baptism is embedded right there.
25:27 You see the Pharisees of which Nicodemus is one,
25:30 they all went out to examine John the Baptist,
25:31 they sent delegations out.
25:32 Who is this thundering voice in the wilderness?
25:35 Look at this guy baptizing everybody.
25:37 Mark Chapter 1 declares that
25:38 John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance
25:42 and by the thousands as it were the masses of Palestine
25:47 came to be baptized.
25:48 They came to be baptized with the John the Baptist,
25:50 but when he makes the alter call to the Pharisees,
25:53 they say whoa, I'm not going forward
25:57 because if a Pharisees went forward
25:58 it would be a tacit admission
26:00 that I have something to repent of
26:02 and Pharisees don't wanna have anything
26:04 to repent them at least in public.
26:06 And so Jesus takes on the Pharisees
26:08 in Matthew 20 and Luke 7.
26:10 And he says, you rejected John's baptism,
26:13 but he is not giving Nicodemus a pass.
26:16 Nope, he is got Pharisee right here
26:18 and he shoots its straight into their heart.
26:20 He says, hey listen, you want to be born again?
26:22 You must be born of water.
26:25 In fact, jot this down, "no water baptism,
26:30 no born again."
26:33 That's what Jesus is saying.
26:35 Some people say, well, I no that.
26:36 No, that's what Jesus is saying.
26:38 "No water baptism, no born again."
26:40 And by the way, no born again no heaven,
26:43 no heaven, you will not go.
26:46 In other words, ladies and gentlemen,
26:50 water baptism is essential to your salvation.
26:54 Some of you have been following Christ for many years
26:56 but you just kind of said,
26:58 you know, this water baptism it's a little inconvenient,
27:00 I'm not going to do it.
27:02 I'll follow Jesus, but I won't be baptized.
27:04 My, friend, you can't follow Jesus and not be baptized
27:07 He was baptized, who needed no baptism
27:10 and He says come follow me, follow me.
27:14 So if you have not been baptized yet,
27:15 may I appeal directly to you right now.
27:17 If you have not been baptized yet,
27:20 this is--this is the perfect movement for you
27:23 to decide in your mind you know,
27:24 what Dwight, you're right, I need to be baptized.
27:27 I'll make arrangements.
27:29 I will let somebody know I must be baptized.
27:33 Jesus said no baptism, no born again,
27:36 no born again, no heaven, I want to be baptized.
27:40 But I want to broaden the appeal for one moment here.
27:43 There are some of you here
27:44 watching, listening,
27:46 present, who must be re-baptized.
27:53 Re-baptized, what are saying?
27:55 Come on, Dwight, I know you lived in such a way
28:00 that you have essentially declared to your world
28:03 I'm divorced from Christ.
28:06 I no longer belong to,
28:07 I know I got married to Christ
28:08 once upon a time in the baptistery,
28:10 but I'm not now, no.
28:13 Buy your life you have essentially made that a mission,
28:16 listen, you know it, your families know it,
28:20 your friends know it, your colleagues at work know it,
28:25 or may be only God know is it.
28:28 But in your heart, you know, you severed the tie.
28:33 I want to say that those of you
28:38 in that category,
28:40 I believe Jesus words are just as pressing to you--
28:44 You will not be reborn into My kingdom
28:48 unless you are re-baptized into Me.
28:52 Oh, come on, Dwight, insist because you don't well,
28:54 get up, what people are gonna think?
28:55 Oh, that's the point.
28:58 I'm too proud, I can't do it.
29:02 What will they say?
29:04 My, friend, the issue is not what they will say,
29:07 the issue is what are you saying?
29:11 Its time to write a new chapter in your life
29:13 and that new chapter will never get written
29:14 until you are re-baptized.
29:17 I'm not talking about general rededication,
29:19 everybody wants to be rededication,
29:20 let's all get re-baptized together.
29:21 I'm not talking about that,
29:23 but those of you that know of what I speak,
29:25 know of what I'm saying, you cut the tie,
29:30 its time to come back, its time to come back
29:36 that's what Jesus is saying.
29:37 It's the fourth gospel for our final generation.
29:40 We can say well, that's 2000 years
29:41 with that old Pharisee, no that's for you and me.
29:48 Step one, you must be born again.
29:50 Step two, you must be born of water.
29:54 Step three, write it down,
29:56 you must be born again of the spirit.
29:58 Jot it down please.
30:00 Step three, you must be born again of the spirit.
30:02 Let's pick it up in verse 5, "Jesus said, amen, amen,
30:06 "I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
30:10 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
30:13 That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
30:16 and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
30:18 Verse 7 "Do not marvel that I said to you,
30:21 'You are" by the way in the Greek, it's plural.
30:23 So I'll just scribble that you all must be born again."
30:26 The wind blows, verse 8, "where it wishes,
30:28 and you hear the sound of it,
30:30 but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.
30:32 So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."
30:35 Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus inclusion
30:38 with water baptism of spirit baptism
30:42 freezes from the notion
30:44 that if I go through the physical motions
30:46 ipso facto automatically I'm now in the kingdom.
30:50 It doesn't work that way.
30:52 No, Jesus says no.
30:55 The only way this will work for you,
30:56 of course you go through the water baptism.
30:57 But the only way that water baptism works
30:59 is if you allow my spirit to be at work in you.
31:02 The Greek word for spirit is wind,
31:05 it can go either way.
31:07 Let the wind--
31:10 As my Japanese friends say,
31:12 let the Kami that's God.
31:14 Kaza that's wind.
31:16 Kamikaze you remember that from history,
31:18 kamikaze divine wind,
31:20 let the divine wind blow over you.
31:25 He will achieve your rebirth,
31:27 He will achieve your reconversion,
31:29 He will achieve your renewal,
31:30 let the spirit-- you must be born of the spirit
31:33 I'm taking this out of your hands,
31:34 you cannot do this.
31:37 It is an act of God that rebirths you.
31:40 You must be born of the water and of the spirit.
31:43 In fact, would you jot this down please?
31:45 You can no more rebirth yourself spiritually,
31:48 than you were able to birth yourself physically"
31:53 no more.
31:55 Some of you are studying your study guide real closely
31:57 and where is he now?
32:02 When I was cutting and pasting the study guide together
32:04 I left that one out.
32:06 But we got it in, so those of you live streaming
32:08 don't you be laughing over there you have it,
32:11 you have it right now.
32:12 That's a key point, I want to put that backup.
32:13 Would you guys up in the booth please put that back up.
32:16 You can no more re-birth yourself spiritually
32:18 that's a key point.
32:19 You can't rebirth yourself spiritually anymore
32:21 than you birth yourself physically.
32:23 How many picture mom and dad when you are born?
32:25 How many picture mom and dad, not a hand goes up, why?
32:27 Because you had no choice, it happened all outside of you,
32:30 that's the way it is in the second birth.
32:33 It happens all outside of you, the power is outside of you.
32:36 That's why Jesus says, water and spirit,
32:38 it's outside of you.
32:39 Now Desire of Ages, I love this
32:41 put this on the screen you are gonna have to fill this in.
32:43 Jesus speaking of this moment,
32:45 Desire of Ages describing what Jesus is speaking up.
32:47 "The wind is heard among the branches of the trees"
32:51 won't you love lying on bed at night?
32:52 Open window here in Michigan
32:53 you can just hear those tress speaking to each other,
32:56 "The wind is heard among the branches of the trees,
32:57 rustling the leaves and flowers;
32:59 yet it isn't invisible,
33:01 and no man knows whence it comes or whither it goes.
33:04 So with the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart.
33:07 It can no more be explained than can the movements of the wind.
33:10 A person may not be able to tell."
33:12 Some of you are gonna find this very good news
33:14 because people said to you, hey whatever you say,
33:16 they you say, I'm really not sure.
33:18 It's okay, read this
33:19 "A person may not be able to tell the exact time or place,
33:22 or to trace all the circumstances
33:24 in the process of conversion,
33:25 but this does not prove her to be unconverted,
33:28 him to be unconverted.
33:29 By an agency as unseen as the wind"
33:33 and I love this, "Christ is constantly working"
33:36 write it down,
33:37 He is constantly working upon your heart and mind.
33:40 He is constantly at work.
33:43 There is never a moment
33:45 when the mighty spirit of Christ is not--
33:48 right beside you speaking to you,
33:50 he's constantly working.
33:52 Little by little, keep reading,
33:54 "Little by little, perhaps unconsciously to the receiver,
33:57 impressions are made that tend to draw the soul to Christ."
34:01 Now, I'll put the number in
34:02 "These may be received one through meditating upon Him,
34:06 right in Him that's Christ.
34:07 These may be received one through meditating upon Him.
34:11 Two, through reading the scriptures.
34:13 In your morning worship when you are along with Jesus
34:16 and you are meditating on Him
34:17 and you are reading the gospel's for your morning worship,
34:20 that's when He speaks to you.
34:22 He will speak to you.
34:23 One, in meditating on Him.
34:25 Two, through reading the Scriptures or three,
34:30 this one caught me by a surprise,
34:32 or three, through hearing the word
34:34 from the living preacher.
34:37 In other words, what's happening right now?
34:39 These aren't God's words, these are very human words,
34:42 but some how God is able to take the human words
34:45 and speak to your heart.
34:46 That's how decisions are made in worship.
34:47 That's why people are giving invitations in worship, why?
34:49 Because the Holy Spirit is at work through human.
34:51 Through a human the Holy Spirit at work saying,
34:53 that's you, that's you I'm talking about.
34:56 Madam, that's you.
34:57 Sir I'm talking to you through a living preacher.
35:02 That's why it's a humbling task
35:04 to crawl up into this pulpit Sabbath
35:05 after Sabbath trust me.
35:07 There isn't a human being worthy to step into the pulpit
35:10 and speak on behalf of God.
35:14 But through the words, suddenly--
35:18 it's been happening all through weeks,
35:20 suddenly as the spirit comes with more direct appeal.
35:22 The soul gladly surrenders itself to Jesus.
35:24 By many, this is called sudden conversion but it's not,
35:28 its result of long wooing by the Spirit of God,--
35:31 a patient, protracted process."
35:34 I like that.
35:35 You now have that quotation you can keep it.
35:38 What's Jesus saying, you look at verse 9.
35:40 So as Nicodemus hears all this, Nicodemus answers in verse 9,
35:44 "And He said to Him, "How"
35:46 come on "How can these things be?
35:50 Jesus answered and said to Him,"
35:53 I love what Jesus does, he turns the tables around,
35:55 you called me just a teacher, all right just a teacher.
35:58 Well, I'm gonna reverse it
35:59 and I'm gonna pay the compliment to you.
36:01 How can you be teacher of Israel?
36:05 You are the great teacher, aren't you?
36:08 How can you the teacher?
36:09 I'm just a teacher.
36:12 How can you the teacher of Israel?
36:15 How you the teacher of Israel and do not know these things.
36:18 Verse 11, "Most assuredly, here's the third time, amen,
36:21 amen sit up and take note reader.
36:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
36:26 we the father and I speak what We know
36:29 and testify what We have seen,
36:31 and you" and its plural there so the NIV says
36:33 "you people do not receive Our witness."
36:36 Verse 12 "if I have told you earthly things
36:38 and you do not believe, how will you believe
36:40 if I tell you heavenly things?"
36:44 Jesus says, listen, when we hear earthly things
36:49 we are thinking, well, maybe he's talking about
36:51 physical positions and materialism
36:53 and the accoutrements of this life.
36:55 No, no, no, when He says,
36:56 I've just been talking about earthly things,
36:58 He is talking about the esoteric subjects
37:01 of how to be born again, how to be saved,
37:03 but he loves all of that, he says that's elementary.
37:07 You can't know the elementary
37:08 how I'm gonna explain you the sublime themes,
37:10 the love of God for a lost word you won't understand it.
37:14 Boy, he's not giving any wiggle room
37:17 for this rabbi now,
37:19 because He's moving in for the appeal.
37:24 Verse 13, I'm gonna help you.
37:27 Here we go he says to Nicodemus I'll help you grasp the heaven,
37:30 verse 13, "No one has ascended to heaven
37:32 but He who came down from heaven,
37:34 that is the Son of Man who is in heaven."
37:37 Verse 14, "And as Moses lifted up
37:39 the serpent in the wilderness,
37:41 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever"
37:44 verse 15 "believes in Him should not perish
37:47 but have eternal life."
37:50 Nicodemus knows well the story of the bronze serpent.
37:55 Remember the story the serpent?
37:56 The wipers by the thousands slithering
37:59 under the tent flaps or the belly aching
38:01 and grumbling children of Israel?
38:03 They are being bitten.
38:05 Now you remember the story.
38:08 In fact this week,
38:09 would you know at this week cover of the South Haven Tribune
38:12 there's a with picture,
38:13 there is a full report on efforts
38:16 being made to save the eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
38:22 The eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
38:26 It's the only poisonous snake in Michigan.
38:29 We put a picture on the screen for you,
38:31 that's the eastern--
38:33 The eastern massasauga rattlesnake,
38:38 and looking at that picture by the way,
38:39 I would not be upset at all
38:41 if it became extinct in my neighborhood, all right.
38:45 I don't want to wipe the species out,
38:46 but in my neighbor you can have it in your.
38:51 That's the story.
38:52 Wipers by the thousands slithering
38:55 under the ten flaps into the sleeping bags.
39:00 Fangs in poisonous, deadly poison.
39:05 The people panic and cry out to God,
39:07 God hears them and He says, Mosses quick, quick
39:09 in the centre of the camp,
39:11 lift up a molded bronze serpent
39:15 and everyone who looks at that serpent will live
39:19 and they did
39:20 who looked ah,
39:23 Jesus says, to Nicodemus.
39:25 I am that brass serpent and when I'm lifted up,
39:33 look and live, look and live.
39:38 In fact would you jot that down please?
39:40 That's the point.
39:41 Look and live is the code language
39:43 only in the fourth gospel.
39:45 And Jesus is the only one Who uses it.
39:47 Whenever you see look and live and I have the references there,
39:50 when ever those, when you see those words,
39:51 on His lips, He is describing would you jot it down please,
39:54 its code language for His own atoning crucifixion
39:59 as Mosses lifted up the brass serpent.
40:03 So the son of man will be lifted up
40:05 high on that Roman cross.
40:07 He will be lifted up
40:08 so that all who look might live.
40:11 Let me show you how He does it there in the last reference.
40:14 John 12, "And I, if I am lifted up
40:16 from the earth" Jesus speaking,
40:18 "I will draw all peoples to Myself."
40:20 Now, notice the next verse,
40:22 "This He said, signifying by what death" Roman crucifixion
40:27 "by what death He would die" lifted high on a Roman cross.
40:33 Robert Smith in his commentary on John,
40:35 wounded Lord, the fourth gospel for the eyes of Thomas.
40:39 We put the words on the screen for you.
40:41 "Jesus will be lifted up," Smith writes,
40:44 "as the bronze serpent was, for the healing of God's people.
40:48 His descent by incarnation
40:50 and his ascent by means of the cross
40:52 are love's triumphant course through the cosmos,
40:56 gathering to God's bosom all who believe,
40:58 blessing them with unconquerable life.
41:01 Nicodemus is neither the first
41:03 nor the last to shake his head at the message."
41:08 But its step four, write it down,
41:10 step four, "You must be born again at His cross.
41:15 Can't get around the cross, can't detour around the cross.
41:18 No, you can't-- you cannot absent the cross.
41:23 From these five steps--
41:28 I don't know how it works, ladies and gentlemen,
41:29 I mean, how was Mosses to explain.
41:30 Hey, guys, you just look at this--
41:33 you look and you will be saved.
41:34 How does it work? It's too divine.
41:38 But Jesus says, as I'm lifted up,
41:40 you look at me, sheer radical faith,
41:44 you look up at Me.
41:46 You look at Me and I'll heal you just like that.
41:51 You have to look at me more.
41:53 Look and live, look at Me and live.
41:57 That's the point.
42:02 Jot this down in your study guide will you please?
42:04 "Born of water and born of Spirit
42:07 have neither meaning nor purpose
42:10 without the human choice to trust in the Son of Man
42:12 and Son of God who died upon Calvary."
42:14 Jot that down.
42:15 Listen, do I can't find in my study guide.
42:16 Well, that's the other one I missed.
42:19 All I missed till this time.
42:21 There's no advance to eighth grade for me,
42:23 it's just like you stayed here till you get it straight boy.
42:26 So let's put it on the screen now,
42:27 that all the people on live streaming are getting this
42:28 and they have it in their study guide online.
42:30 Okay, born of water, I want to repeat this,
42:32 "Born of water" as He told Nicodemus,
42:35 "born of Spirit have neither meaning nor purpose
42:38 without the human choice to trust,"
42:41 sheer radical faith you have to trust Him.
42:44 "Trust in the Son of Man and Son of God
42:47 who died upon Calvary."
42:48 That's the point.
42:49 Faith is not your savior, faith cannot save you,
42:52 but without faith you will not be saved.
42:54 Jesus is your Savior, but you have to exercise faith.
42:57 Don't ask, don't come to me and say
42:59 Dwight, how does it work?
43:00 I don't know.
43:01 I know that if you look you live,
43:04 if you believe you live.
43:09 Craig Keener Jot this down, will you please.
43:11 Craig Keener you do have this one.
43:13 "This passage clarifies the prerequisite
43:15 for birth from above,
43:16 not mere faith in Christ in an abstract sense,
43:20 nor faith despite the crucifixion,"
43:23 but jot it down, "faith in the crucified Christ."
43:27 Ladies and gentlemen, He is only antidote
43:29 for sin sinners, the crucified Christ.
43:32 Don't ever stop your gospel meditation
43:35 till you get to Calvary,
43:36 that why I read Calvary every single day.
43:38 Matthew 27, I read this story why?
43:40 Because its only at Calvary the power is unleashed
43:44 that the spirit unleashes the power,
43:47 its at the cross.
43:48 You must be born again at His cross.
43:52 We must pray, oh, my God
43:55 you see that in your study guide?
43:56 Oh, my God my sins crushed out
44:01 the life of my Savior at the cross
44:04 and I bow in penitence
44:07 to receive His healing and salvation.
44:11 You ask, and it happens by faith
44:17 and then we end with the great verse.
44:19 This is the most well know text
44:21 in all of sacred literature for God verse 16,
44:26 "For God so loved the world
44:28 that He gave His only begotten Son,
44:31 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
44:35 but have everlasting life."
44:36 There are no more sublime words
44:38 in all of the-- of human literature
44:41 than these words right there.
44:43 Every child at his mother's knee memorizes these words,
44:47 if he has a believing parents.
44:48 For God, say it out loud with me,
44:51 "For God so loved the world
44:55 that He gave His only begotten Son
44:58 and whoever believes in Him should not perish
45:02 but have everlasting life."
45:06 Wow, step 5, the last step jot it down.
45:10 You must be born again in His love.
45:14 And here it is, the absent the love of God
45:17 you won't get born again,
45:18 "You must be born again in His love."
45:22 And how profound is this love
45:24 that the Holy Spirit sheds broad in our hearts.
45:27 Oh, let me run these by you
45:28 from that one of the most translated books
45:33 in all of human literature.
45:34 Steps to Christ is up there,
45:35 I don't know at forth or fifth or third,
45:37 they are the most translated books.
45:39 Let me share with you three lines from "Steps to Christ."
45:42 "The heart of God yearns over His earthly children
45:45 with a love stronger than death.
45:48 In giving up His Son,
45:50 He has poured out to us all heaven in one gift."
45:56 Praise God. All heaven in one gift.
46:00 Here's the next line,
46:01 "Such love is without a parallel."
46:04 Four exclamation marks will now come.
46:07 Children of the heavenly King!
46:08 One, Precious promise!
46:10 Two, Theme for the most profound meditation!
46:13 Three, The matchless love of God for a world
46:16 that did not love Him!"
46:17 Four, one more line, "But this great sacrifice
46:21 was not made in order
46:22 to create in the Father's heart a love for us,
46:25 not to make Him willing to save.
46:27 No, no!,
46:28 God so loved the world,
46:30 that He gave His only begotten Son.
46:32 John 3:16.
46:34 The Father loves us,
46:35 not because of the great atoning sacrifice,
46:38 but He provided the great atoning sacrifice
46:41 because He loves us.
46:43 Christ," fill this in, I love this,
46:45 "Christ was the medium
46:46 through which God could pour out His infinite,
46:52 infinite love...
46:56 upon a fallen world."
46:59 In that midnight, tete-a-tete,
47:03 Nicodemus was the first human being
47:05 to ever hear those words,
47:09 the utterance of this
47:10 most sublime declaration of God's love.
47:13 Say it again with me, "For God so loved the world
47:17 that He gave His only begotten Son,
47:20 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish
47:24 but have everlasting life."
47:26 No matter who you are,
47:29 no matter where you are,
47:31 no matter what you do,
47:33 no matter what you have done,
47:35 it does not matter,
47:38 God has poured out His love and His life
47:42 to save the lives of you and me,
47:47 and how shall we respond?
47:52 Step one,
47:56 you must be born again,
47:59 rebirth that's how you respond.
48:02 Step number two, you must be born again of water,
48:05 that's the personal response physical
48:07 so that you go through it
48:08 in outward motion that can be seen.
48:11 Step number three,
48:13 you must be born again of the spirit,
48:16 that's the inner divine renewing and reconverting.
48:21 Step number four,
48:22 you must be born again at His cross.
48:25 By faith, you trust, you look at and you live.
48:29 And finally step number five,
48:30 you must be born again in His love.
48:33 The Bible declares that it is the goodness of God
48:37 that leads us to repentance,
48:39 quick can't even come up with repentance.
48:41 Its all God and its God's love
48:44 that draws us, draws us.
48:47 Why would a man, why would a woman,
48:48 why would a young adult,
48:50 why would a child say no, no, I won't come?
48:56 Jesus five steps into the kingdom of heaven
48:59 and Nicodemus took them.
49:00 Did you know that Nicodemus took them?
49:02 No I didn't take them right then,
49:04 but over the months that would follow this prophecy
49:06 standing in the shadows of the sidelines,
49:09 stared at this young Messiah, watched every move,
49:12 analyzed, poured over the ancient scriptures
49:15 and its growing in his mind, He is who He said He was.
49:19 By the way, Nicodemus, sitting on the supreme court
49:21 it was Nicodemus to the-- of his colleagues,
49:25 who would say, excuse us, brother chairman,
49:27 I have just a little point,
49:28 shall we try a man who has not been heard from yet?
49:33 Time and again the spirit of God uses Nicodemus
49:35 to float the efforts to destroy Christ.
49:38 And that's why when they come to that final vote,
49:41 guess who got uninvited to the Supreme Court,
49:43 He wasn't there, he did even know they met
49:46 and they voted Jesus execution.
49:49 Nicodemus on that long dark lonely Sabbath,
49:56 Nicodemus who blooms over the evidence.
50:02 And by the way, what the disciples interpreted
50:05 as crushing their hope,
50:07 Nicodemus embraces as conforming His faith.
50:11 Nicodemus who on Friday afternoon
50:13 showed up with Joseph of Arimathea, wealthy man,
50:16 the disciples had no where to turn,
50:18 Nicodemus dips into his coffers with the bombs,
50:21 with the spices to embalm the body.
50:25 And after we are told that after the ascension of Christ,
50:28 Nicodemus used his wealth
50:30 to support the infant Christian church.
50:34 He who had been revered now hated in Jerusalem.
50:37 He becomes poorer of this worlds goods,
50:39 but he has become a radical follower
50:42 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
50:44 And there was Nicodemus who took John boy aside
50:47 and said John, I have to tell you
50:49 about a midnight visit once upon a time.
50:52 John dutifully wrote it down in the fourth gospel
50:54 and by the millions human beings
50:58 have heard the life saving story,
51:03 you must be born again.
51:06 I want to tell you something,
51:07 I'm here today because of Nicodemus
51:10 and I thank God for him.
51:12 I have a feeling many of you are here today
51:15 because of Nicodemus and you join me don't you?
51:19 I'm thanking God for this proud Pharisee
51:23 who found his savior in the Messiah.
51:28 At the bottom of that study guide,
51:30 there's one more fill in the blank.
51:34 Would you pull your study guide out again please?
51:36 At the bottom of the study guide,
51:38 I can't end this teaching without making invitation
51:41 and I'm gonna make it right now.
51:44 If you have not been baptized by water baptism,
51:47 immersed as Jesus was immersed,
51:49 immersed as John the Baptist baptized.
51:51 If you have not been baptized by water baptism,
51:53 my friend, today is the day to decide,
51:58 what's to lose?
52:01 If you are born of water you will enter the kingdom.
52:05 Not born of water, not born again,
52:08 not born again, no kingdom.
52:11 If you have been putting off making a decision
52:14 would you mind taking your study guide out right now
52:16 and would you please just circle,
52:17 I want to be baptized.
52:18 Put your name, put your address, telephone number.
52:20 We'll have ushers at the five doors as you leave,
52:23 just drop it in one of their little containers, just drop it.
52:27 We want to assist you.
52:28 Maybe you was gonna be baptized next Sabbath, so relax.
52:31 But look a decision is important as this,
52:34 there is no point in putting it off another day.
52:37 This will be the easiest you will ever have it.
52:39 Nobody is walking to the front, nobody is watching,
52:41 you're just filling that out and you turn it in,
52:43 we'll be in touch with you.
52:45 We want to make this the right next step for you.
52:50 You have never been baptized before,
52:51 you're watching on television right now,
52:52 you are watching on live streaming,
52:53 you say, Dwight, listen what do I do?
52:55 Listen, you have our website,
52:57 because you are on the website right now,
52:59 you send, you send your decision.
53:02 There's an email address on that website you send it,
53:04 we'll make sure that somebody is in touch with you.
53:06 You are watching on television right now,
53:08 you do the same thing, go to our website send an email,
53:10 we will make sure that somebody is in touch with you.
53:14 Why not?
53:15 You haven't been baptized before?
53:17 This is your golden movement, do it for the Lord Jesus Christ.
53:21 Do it for you, find the life,
53:23 the full of life that Nicodemus found.
53:26 Now, one more appeal.
53:32 If the Holy Spirit was speaking to you a moment ago,
53:34 when I talked about re-baptism,
53:37 than I want to invite you today to make a decision.
53:42 It's time to resubmit your relationship
53:47 with the Lord Jesus.
53:49 Everybody knows, so why not?
53:53 This is not a call for general rededication.
53:55 Oh, good I want to be rededicated my life,
53:57 re-baptize me, will you?
53:58 No.
54:00 Re-baptism,
54:02 it's for those who wish to be reborn after a fracture,
54:09 reborn.
54:10 God doesn't care what fractured your relationship,
54:14 its immaterial now,
54:16 what counts is reborn, re-baptized.
54:22 You want to circle that word re-baptized?
54:25 You want to give it to me personally understanding
54:27 than I'm here at the front.
54:28 You want to send it in the mail?
54:30 I'll take it in the mail.
54:32 But, my friend, why put it off?
54:38 And when the Son of man is lifted up
54:40 from the earth,
54:42 all those who look will live,
54:49 born of the water,
54:51 born of the spirit, born at the cross,
54:54 born in His love.
54:57 Turn that as you leave please.
55:00 I invite you to stand with me.
55:01 We're gonna sing one stanza of this great Calvary song,
55:04 it's my favorite.
55:05 Its hymn 312, and the hymn known.
55:06 I predict you don't even need the hymn now.
55:09 Jesus keep me near the cross,
55:10 we began with--
55:12 to God be the glory we end with this blind hymn writer
55:15 and this beautiful confession
55:17 that in the cross we have it all.
55:19 Stand with me and let's sing that first stanza.
55:21 We will sing it as a contemplated para,
55:24 only that first stanza together.
55:29 Jesus, keep me near the cross
55:36 There a precious fountain
55:43 Free to all, a healing stream
55:50 Flows from Calvary's mountain
55:58 In the cross, in the cross
56:06 Be my glory ever
56:14 Till my raptured soul shall find
56:22 Rest beyond the river
56:30 In the cross
56:35 in the cross
56:40 be my glory ever
56:48 Till my raptured soul shall find
56:57 Rest beyond the river
57:08 So father, because You so love the world
57:12 that You not only gave Your Son,
57:14 You gave Your life on Calvary because You have,
57:21 we can find new life,
57:25 rebirth in the hope of everlasting salvation.
57:30 Dear God do what ever it takes,
57:33 every one of us please born into your kingdom
57:39 through our Lord Jesus Christ.
57:42 The decision sealed forever and ever
57:47 in Christ name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17