New Perceptions

Turning Your Story Into His-story

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP100408

00:27 a shelter like no other
00:30 Your name, let the nations sing it louder
00:36 'Cause nothing has the power to save
00:43 But Your name
00:47 Is a strong and mighty tower
00:50 Your name is a shelter like no other
00:56 Your name, let the nations sing it louder
01:03 'Cause nothing has the power to save
01:10 But Your name
01:26 I was raised an Adventist,
01:28 but I backslid for a couple of years.
01:34 At the time when I met Allen, I was actually a Buddhist
01:40 which Buddhism's all about being peaceful and everything,
01:44 but I had such a problem with anger and addiction.
01:57 I've been reading these books that I'd found in my house
02:00 that my grandpa, he wasn't a Christian,
02:03 but he used to sell Ellen White books
02:05 and when he quit doing it he gave all the books to my mom.
02:09 So growing up I had all these Ellen White books in my house
02:12 and I was reading through them
02:14 and I felt the urge to start going to church.
02:20 After we got married, it was about a year-and-a-half later
02:24 that we got evicted from our apartment in Tucson
02:29 and we packed up everything that we had
02:33 that could fit into our Lincoln Town car.
02:39 When we got to Dallas, we were homeless
02:42 and we pretty much floated around from place to place.
02:46 Forever would take this time.
02:48 Yeah, for about two years, we had nowhere else to go,
02:53 no one else would let us stay with them, like, we had--
02:56 we didn't have enough to get a place
02:58 so we put everything that we had in our van and we left.
03:04 So when we left Texas, we only had about $1,200 with us
03:11 and we didn't really know where to go,
03:15 so we prayed about it and she just opened up the atlas
03:20 and she pointed to the Upper Peninsula.
03:24 When we got to the Upper Peninsula,
03:27 we had to pay tithe on the money that we did have.
03:31 So I sent that to my grandfather who worked for the Conference.
03:37 And he always calls me to thank me for the tithe.
03:43 And so when he did call he said,
03:46 why don't you head down to Berrien Springs.
03:49 After he got off the phone with his grandfather,
03:52 we prayed about it and about 30 minutes later
03:55 we decided to leave and head down to Berrien Springs.
04:01 The following Sabbath, we went to Tennessee
04:05 and it was a communion service.
04:08 And I loved it because it felt like
04:12 the Holy Spirit was right there.
04:14 It was just a very strong experience.
04:17 We had both grown closer to God
04:21 and we had recommitted ourselves and everything
04:24 and so we wanted to kind of
04:27 start a new life with Christ and everything.
04:39 That is some testimony, Allen, Danae.
04:45 I mean, do I have the story straight?
04:47 Here is this Buddhist teenager
04:51 whose grandpa leaves some Christian books,
04:54 one of which was "Desire of Ages"
04:56 and "The Uncle Arthur Bible Stories."
05:00 So you grew up in this godless home
05:01 with these godly books and then you go to a website.
05:06 What's the name of that website? Straight edge.
05:08 Straight edge, a sexual purity website
05:11 and you bump into this kid across the country. Yes.
05:15 Do you get the feeling like God has been
05:18 moving you both step by step? No doubt.
05:21 Yeah, I mean you end up here at Andrews.
05:22 I meet you at the summer graduation
05:24 because you're running cameras for graduation here.
05:28 We got you on our television crew now,
05:32 but here you are
05:34 because this is what a husband and a wife need to do,
05:38 at some point we've got to go the journey with Christ together
05:43 And I'm so proud of you.
05:45 Allen, you could be taking theology here. Yes.
05:47 Danae, you're working on... General studies.
05:50 General studies, that's it.
05:53 But God's dream that got you to that website together,
05:57 in living in that car all these months,
06:01 God's dream that has brought you here to Andrews University,
06:05 is just the beginning.
06:07 This testimony of yours now,
06:08 you got to turn your story into His story,
06:11 so history is His story.
06:12 You got to turn you story into His story
06:14 and God is gonna use your friendship with Christ,
06:19 how you found Him to draw others.
06:22 You got a unique story that others
06:24 who also have unique stories can be drawn to.
06:27 So here it is, Revelation 12:11,
06:30 "And they overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb
06:34 and by the word of their testimony."
06:36 Don't you ever be afraid or ashamed of sharing the story.
06:41 The world needs to hear it
06:42 because it's the story of Jesus, right?
06:44 Right. The world needs to hear it.
06:46 So you want to become a part of the Pioneer Memorial Church,
06:50 body of Christ, both of you? Yes.
06:53 You're willing to follow Jesus every step? Yes.
06:55 Until He comes? Yes.
06:57 How about a congregation show, we just raise our two hands,
07:01 two hands and just say, "Hey, Danae, Allen Lowder,
07:04 you've come to us, we're proud of you."
07:07 I want to pray for you both.
07:09 Dear Father, what a story, praise God,
07:14 but that's the glory of you.
07:17 It doesn't matter our story, you can get there from here
07:22 and so we rejoice with Allen and Danae,
07:25 take this moment, seal it in their hearts
07:28 and make them bold witnesses for Christ,
07:31 wherever on earth You lead them.
07:33 And even as I put my hands upon their heads,
07:36 may this be a symbol of the mighty infilling
07:39 of the third person of the godhead, Holy Spirit,
07:41 who himself will bring a cluster of spiritual gifts
07:44 and will unleash this couple
07:47 in this generation before the return of Christ.
07:50 Bring them much joy as they share their story
07:54 and lead others to the same Jesus.
07:56 In His name, we pray. Amen.
07:59 Amen. Amen.
08:00 All right, Allen, you're the husband,
08:02 I'm gonna start with you.
08:10 You made the decision, you told us,
08:13 I'm going all the way, I'm gonna stay all the way.
08:15 Because you made that decision,
08:17 it's my joy to baptize you now in the name of God the Father,
08:21 God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
08:44 And, Danae, welcome to the family.
08:48 Because you've made the same decision your husband has,
08:51 to stick with Jesus every step of the way,
08:54 I'm delighted and honored to baptize you now
08:57 in the name of God who is our Father,
08:59 God who is our Savior and Son and God, the Holy Spirit.
09:18 How would you like to be on trial for your faith?
09:24 If you were being cross-examined for what you believe,
09:31 I wonder if you would fare like Joanne White did
09:39 in the Blount County, Tennessee,
09:42 courtroom of Judge W. Dale Young.
09:48 I read a story this summer in the July issue
09:50 of Liberty Magazine and I was appalled.
09:55 It was the final divorce hearing
09:57 involving the custody of her two teenage children.
10:01 Joanne is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
10:04 Let me read you from that court hearing.
10:10 This is a piece by Celeste Perrino Walker.
10:15 "Almost most Christians know in the back of their mind
10:17 that it's possible they'll be called on the stand
10:19 and asked to defend their beliefs.
10:22 Few of them actually believe it will really happen
10:23 and even fewer go through
10:25 the actual experience as Joanne White did.
10:30 She was asked about her religious beliefs extensively."
10:35 Listen, "I knew that they were gonna do this," White says,
10:39 "but I didn't know how hard it was gonna be.
10:41 I was told not much religion goes in the courtroom,
10:45 but between them Judge Young and Craig Garrick,
10:47 her ex-husband's attorney, asked her questions
10:50 about subjects including mark of the beast,
10:54 the fourth commandment, the reformers."
10:57 Say, what do you know about the reformers?
10:58 Tell us about the reformers.
11:01 "The Sabbath changing from Saturday to Sunday,
11:05 the papacy, worship, the seal of God,
11:08 recognizing the Sabbath, keeping it holy.
11:11 Though he protested many times,
11:13 her own attorney Kevin Shepherd,
11:15 was unable to deter the line of questioning."
11:19 Now here's from the actual court transcripts.
11:21 Mr. Shepherd, that's her attorney speaking now.
11:24 "Your Honor, I'm gonna object.
11:25 I feel like the court is attacking
11:27 my client's religious beliefs."
11:29 The court, that would be his honor,
11:30 "I'm not attacking anybody,
11:32 I just want to understand what she's talking about.
11:35 "They just kept on," says White.
11:37 He, judge Young, didn't tell Craig Garrick
11:39 to stop the line of questioning,
11:40 he told Kevin Shepherd to basically,
11:42 her attorney, sit down.
11:43 "I was up there helpless.
11:44 Kevin couldn't help me and he, Judge Young,
11:46 did not tell Craig Garrick to be quiet.
11:48 He just kept asking me questions."
11:50 The transcript reads further,
11:52 the court, the judge speaking again,
11:53 "Well, I'd like to understand it,
11:55 I really would and I'm not trying
11:56 to harp on you or put you in a box,
11:58 but you've got to tell me, you got to explain it to me,
12:02 why were her religious beliefs even an issue?
12:08 Well, that's what bothered me, says Shepherd, her attorney.
12:10 It really wasn't an issue and my concern was
12:12 that Joanne really felt mocked
12:14 You could tell by watching her on the stand
12:16 that she was feeling very uncomfortable
12:18 and I think she truly felt that she was being attacked.
12:22 The irony of it is that although
12:23 the case was not about religion at all,
12:25 there was nevertheless, it nevertheless
12:28 was the main topic of cross examination."
12:32 Final line, says Joanne White,
12:34 "I gave an hour long bible study course to a judge in a courtroom
12:37 where church and state are supposed to be separate,
12:40 that's the bottom-line."
12:44 How would you like to be in that hot seat, huh?
12:48 Maybe someday you will.
12:50 In fact, the biblical line that is the premise,
12:54 the logical premise for this new series called Primetime
12:58 suggests that, in fact, one day you will.
13:01 I want you take a look at that line.
13:03 1 Peter, find 1 Peter in your Bible.
13:06 I don't want you to read it on the screen,
13:07 you got to read this in your Bible.
13:09 If you don't have a Bible, grab the pew Bible in front of you.
13:11 1 Peter, Chapter 3, one line,
13:17 this is the rationale for why you and I
13:19 are plunging into this Primetime series.
13:21 We're not taking this stuff lightly.
13:24 One line, 1 Peter 3:15,
13:30 cut right to the heart of verse 15,
13:33 you see these words there, verse 1 Peter 3.
13:35 By the way it's page 816 in the pew Bible,
13:38 if you're looking on in the pew Bible.
13:40 Right in the middle of that verse, here comes the line.
13:43 "always be ready to give a defense."
13:46 There's a courtroom word,
13:48 "always be ready to give a defense to everyone
13:51 who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."
13:56 You know how Peter knows that that in fact has to be true,
13:59 because of his own bitter experience, that's why.
14:02 He learnt the hard way.
14:03 You better be ready with an answer.
14:05 That little girl sitting on the other side
14:06 of the bonfire that dark night,
14:08 she looks through the orange shadows,
14:09 says, "hey, boy, haven't I seen you before?
14:12 Aren't you a follower of that man on trial,
14:14 Jesus of Nazareth?"
14:15 Peter was not ready with an answer
14:17 for the reason of the hope that is within him.
14:18 He didn't know what to say and then we know
14:20 the tragic meltdown that took place to cover up.
14:25 The glorious truth about failure is that you can learn from it
14:29 and Peter learned and now he tells us,
14:31 hey, hey, hey, when you're in the witness stand,
14:34 be ready, be ready to give a defense,
14:38 the hope that is inside of you.
14:44 You're in a classroom, raise your hand.
14:48 You're in a boardroom,
14:50 Mr. Chair, I have something to say.
14:52 You're in the court of law, you're on the basketball court,
14:55 it doesn't matter where you are,
14:56 just be ready 24x7 to give a defense.
15:01 That's Peter's point.
15:04 And right now with your permission
15:06 for the defense that you will make,
15:08 I want to place in your hands a single tool,
15:12 a single truth, you get this straight, and you will,
15:16 a single truth that nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever,
15:20 even in a court of law be able to refute
15:22 or countermand what you're saying,
15:25 a single strategic tool in your hand.
15:31 You see this series Primetime, we set it all up talking about
15:33 how important young adults are in God's end time strategy.
15:37 We move now past the setup.
15:38 We are plunging now into the how-to,
15:40 the rest of the series is how-to.
15:41 Don't miss, coming up soon.
15:43 Two parts, how to testify to an atheist,
15:47 how to reach an atheist with the gospel of Christ.
15:50 So in order to plunge into this particular how-to,
15:52 we got to go to the book of Acts again
15:53 because that's our textbook for this series.
15:55 So find Acts chapter 9, incredible story.
15:58 This has to be one of the great,
15:59 great, great stories of all Christianity,
16:03 not as great as Calvary, not as great as Calvary,
16:06 but here's the effect of Calvary.
16:08 Take a look at this, Acts Chapter 9.
16:11 I'm in the Today's New International Version.
16:13 You follow along,
16:14 whatever translation you brought with you.
16:17 Acts Chapter 9, we're gonna find out what this tool is,
16:19 you're gonna see it wielded skillfully
16:21 and you're gonna realize I can do that, too.
16:24 All right, Acts 9:1,
16:25 "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out
16:28 murderous threats against the Lord's disciples."
16:31 Hey, who's this Saul guy?
16:33 You know, a lot of-- the problem with most of us,
16:35 when we see the word "Saul,"
16:36 'cause we know he's gonna eventually become Paul,
16:37 we imagine him to be an old man right here.
16:41 He is not an old man right now.
16:44 In fact, I need to show you that
16:45 in fact he's your age, he is a young adult.
16:47 Watch this, you got to skip Chapter 8,
16:49 go back to the end of Chapter 7 because at the end of Chapter 7,
16:53 a trial has been brought to its rump court conclusion.
16:57 Another young adult, you say,
16:59 Dwight, how do we know the other young adult is a young adult?
17:02 Because it is clear from Acts 6, 7 and 8,
17:06 you weave these three chapters together,
17:08 it is clear that the young adult who's on trial for his faith,
17:12 an Hellenized Jew who's become a Christian,
17:15 his name is Stephen, Stephen has already met this Saul.
17:21 Oh, they met all right.
17:23 In Acts 6, Stephen goes into
17:25 a Cilician synagogue in Jerusalem.
17:27 Saul is from Tarsus of Cilicia,
17:30 he goes into a Silesian synagogue
17:32 and he debates the brightest minds
17:34 that synagogue has to offer.
17:35 And he-- I was gonna say, hoops them,
17:40 but that didn't sound like a very spiritual term.
17:42 He beat them. The record is clear.
17:45 They could not answer his debating strategy.
17:50 He beats Saul and Saul is smarting
17:54 from that public humiliation
17:56 and the very next verse in Acts 6 says,
17:58 so immediately they set about to trump up false charges.
18:02 You can be certain that Saul is behind
18:06 the court scene in Acts Chapter 7.
18:08 Now there was no-- Stephen knew this is no hearing,
18:11 I'm not gonna get a jury's vote.
18:13 This is the Sanhedrin and it's over for me.
18:16 And sure enough, look at verse 57,
18:18 this is the tail end of Acts 7:57,
18:20 "At this" because he just said I see Jesus standing
18:23 beside the eternal God and the throne of the universe.
18:26 "At this" verse 57, the court,
18:28 "they cover their ears
18:29 and yelling at the top of their voices,
18:30 they all rushed at Stephen, they dragged him out of the city
18:33 and they began to stone him.
18:36 Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats
18:38 at the feet of a young man named Saul."
18:40 He won't touch a stone.
18:42 He set this whole thing up,
18:44 he's just there to make sure it happens
18:46 and all the coats, 'cause you get sweaty
18:48 when you're trying to stone somebody to death.
18:51 All the coats are at the feet of a young,
18:54 did you see that, young man.
18:56 He's a young adult, he's your age,
18:58 maybe late 20s, Stephen is young.
19:03 Saul is standing there with the coats heaped at his feet
19:06 and he's watching them kill a man.
19:08 I've never seen somebody kill a man,
19:10 but I only can imagine
19:12 that once you see someone kill a human being,
19:16 you will never forget it for the rest of your life.
19:23 The young adult is being stoned while the other watches.
19:28 Who wins now, Stephen? Who wins now?
19:34 And so Stephen, verse 60, "He falls to his knees."
19:41 I'll pick it up in verse 59, "While they were stoning him,
19:43 Stephen prayed, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.'"
19:45 Saul is hearing this whole testimony.
19:50 And when he fell to his knees, here it is, verse 60,
19:51 "Then he fell to his knees and he cried out,
19:53 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.'
19:55 And when he had said this, he fell asleep."
19:58 By the way just take note that in the Bible
20:00 when you die, you don't go to heaven,
20:02 you don't go to hell, you go to sleep,
20:04 this is the Bible truth, you go to sleep.
20:07 He fell asleep. But that's not over.
20:10 And Saul approved of their killing him.
20:14 This has been a setup from the beginning.
20:17 I got rid of him, blood on the stones, the man's dead,
20:21 but something happens in the heart
20:24 of one who represses the memory.
20:27 And the only way to deal with a repressed memory
20:31 is to in theory, distract your own attention.
20:36 And that's precisely what he does.
20:37 "And on that day," look at this, Acts 8:1,
20:39 "On that day a great persecution broke out
20:41 against the church in Jerusalem,
20:42 and all except the apostles were scattered
20:44 throughout Judea and Samaria."
20:45 Verse 2, "Godly men buried Stephen
20:47 and mourned deeply for him.
20:49 But Saul still driven by this memory,
20:52 Saul began to destroy the church.
20:53 Going from house to house,
20:54 he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison."
20:58 That's the background, he's a young man.
21:00 Chapter 9 now, one of the greatest stories in history.
21:03 He's a young man, not an old man, he's a young man.
21:06 All right, back to Chapter 9:1,
21:09 "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out,"
21:11 the Semitic mind associates anger with breath,
21:15 and by the way, that's absolutely true.
21:17 The next time you see somebody angry in front of you,
21:20 you watch, their nostrils will flare,
21:21 they'll begin to breathe shallowly.
21:24 When you're mad, it happens the same way to you.
21:28 That's just you can't help it,
21:29 it is a psychosomatic reaction to anger.
21:33 A synthetic mind breathing out means he's furious.
21:36 "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out
21:38 murderous threats against the Lord's disciples."
21:40 He's not content with Stephen's blood,
21:41 he's not content with Jerusalem's blood
21:42 and so, He went to the high priest," in verse 2,
21:44 "He asked the high priest for letters
21:46 to the synagogues in Damascus,
21:48 so that if he found anyone there who belonged to the Way,"
21:51 that's what they were calling
21:52 this new Christian movement, the Way.
21:53 Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life."
21:56 So if he found anybody in Damascus,
21:58 by the way, Damascus is oldest existing city on earth,
22:02 continuously existing, it still exists today,
22:04 oldest city on earth.
22:05 Now it's older than Cairo, older than Jerusalem, Damascus.
22:09 He says just let me go up to Damascus,
22:10 let me have papers that allow me to arrest
22:12 anybody belonging to the Way, whether men or women.
22:14 Desperation comes when you go for women and children,
22:17 you're desperate and that's what's happening here.
22:19 That "he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem."
22:21 Look at verse 3, "As he neared Damascus on his journey,"
22:25 all right, the most famous conversion story in history,
22:29 "as he neared Damascus on his journey,
22:32 suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him."
22:35 Have you ever seen those old and black white pictures
22:37 of the A-bomb Hiroshima or the testing done
22:41 out in the New Mexico wilderness?
22:42 It's this just this...
22:44 It's this white light and then the mushroom cloud.
22:48 It was a white light just...
22:52 and everybody in the passing, everybody is flat on the ground.
22:58 "And he fell to the ground," verse 4,
23:00 "And he heard a voice say to him,
23:02 'Saul, Saul, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
23:10 Who are you, Lord?'"
23:13 By the way this is not, he's not saying this is the Lord God.
23:15 It's just sir, who are you, Sir?
23:21 And the voice responds, "I am Jesus, whom you,"
23:26 the Greek is emphatic, "you are persecuting."
23:32 "Now," verse 6, "get up," the voice continues to speak.
23:35 "Get up and go into the city,
23:38 and you will be told what you must do."
23:39 Goodbye, gone.
23:43 That's it. What happens?
23:47 "The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless."
23:50 Saul later tells the story
23:51 and he says everybody's flat on the ground.
23:52 So they have gotten up now,
23:53 they're up and Saul, where is Saul?
23:58 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless,
24:00 they heard the sound, they heard,
24:02 the Greek word is actually the voice,
24:03 but they did not see anyone.
24:04 Verse 8, now the man for whom
24:07 this nuclear flash has taken place
24:10 pushes himself on that rocky road,
24:13 he pushes himself up, finally stagers to his feet,
24:17 but when he opens his eyes,
24:20 but did he-- his eyes could see nothing.
24:26 So they led him by the hand.
24:27 Obviously, they're close to Damascus to do this.
24:29 They led him by the hand into Damascus.
24:31 And verse 9, "For three days he was blind,
24:33 and did not eat, he did not drink anything."
24:36 Three tortured days of pitch black,
24:40 nothing but my thoughts, nothing but my mind.
24:45 And Stephen's last prayer, God, forgive me.
24:51 Three days of that, tell you what, you'd be ready,
24:56 you'd be ready for anybody to visit you.
24:59 And sure enough that's what happens here.
25:01 Verse 10, "In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias."
25:04 His name means the Lord is gracious, yahweh is gracious"
25:07 And the Lord called to him in a vision, 'Hey, Ananias'"
25:11 Saul he has to call it twice to get his attention.
25:13 With Ananias it's just one call, "Ananias."
25:15 Ananias recognizes it's Jesus calling him.
25:19 But once you get used to that voice of the Lord
25:21 in your heart, you know, Ananias.
25:25 "Yes, Lord," he answered.
25:27 Verse 11, "The Lord told him,
25:29 'Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street
25:32 and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.'"
25:35 Isn't it great, ladies and gentlemen,
25:37 when God is after you, when God is hot on your trail,
25:40 He already knows your house address? Hallelujah.
25:46 He doesn't have to go on Google and find you.
25:49 He has the address on the tip of his tongue.
25:50 He says, go to that address.
25:52 By the way the Straight Street is still in Damascus today.
25:56 You go to Straight Street, you find Judas' house
25:59 and you ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, he's praying.
26:03 Oh, by the way, I need to tell you this, Ananias
26:05 he's just had a vision and in that--
26:06 God is very sweet and gracious.
26:09 He gives further instructions by tangentially pointing it out.
26:13 Oh, by the way, he's had a vision, Ananias,
26:14 and in the vision he saw a man named Ananias come
26:16 and place his hands on him to restore his sight.
26:18 Timeout, timeout, are you talking about this Ananias?
26:23 Are you talking about this Ananias from Damascus? I am.
26:29 But then you're not talking about the Saul,
26:30 maybe Saul at Bethlehem or Saul at Jerusalem,
26:32 but you're not talking about Saul at Tarsus, are you? I am.
26:37 Verse 13, "Lord, I have heard many reports about this man
26:40 and all the harm he's done to your people in Jerusalem.
26:42 And word on the street is he's come here
26:44 with the authority from the chief priests
26:45 to arrest all who call on your name."
26:47 You can't be serious? I am, go.
26:52 I tell you what, when you get the go,
26:54 when you finally get to go, there's only one choice
26:57 if you're a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ,
26:59 you got to go, you got to go. "Go!
27:04 This man is a chosen instrument
27:05 to proclaim my nam to the Gentiles
27:07 and their kings and to the people of Israel.
27:09 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."
27:11 Goodbye, gone. "Then Ananias went."
27:19 There it is, he went to the house.
27:22 I want to tell you something,
27:23 what do you suppose his pulse rate is right now?
27:27 He knows this is the killer, the young adult killer.
27:32 Don't you suppose he's about 120 beats a minute, maybe 140?
27:39 He finds that address and goes inside.
27:41 He said, do you have Saul of Tarsus here?
27:42 Hey, how do you know? I need to see him.
27:47 He walks into the room, there's a blind man sitting there.
27:49 A man is blind, he can't move, he's in that chair sitting.
27:55 And Ananias comes walking up to him,
27:57 isn't this beautiful, placing his hands on Saul.
28:00 Look at this, Jesus said you're safe, you're safe.
28:03 And he put his hands, he put his hands down on the killer.
28:09 "Placing his hands on Saul, he said, 'Brother Saul.'"
28:12 Ananias becomes Saul's first post conversion friend.
28:17 And he called him a brother, isn't that great?
28:19 Called him a brother. He didn't say, hey, you!
28:22 He said, Brother Saul.
28:24 "Brother, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you
28:27 on the road as you were coming here,
28:28 the Lord has sent me so that you may see again
28:31 and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
28:33 And in that instance, something like scales
28:35 white flaky substance trickling down Saul's cheeks
28:39 out of his eyes and he could see again
28:41 and he got up and the first thing he did was
28:43 I got to get baptized, I'm not wasting a minute.
28:47 I don't need food, get me saved.
28:50 That's how important baptism is.
28:55 You can go without your food,
28:57 but you can't go without being baptized by the water.
29:01 You haven't been baptized by the water, my friend,
29:03 you got a huge chapter in your life coming up.
29:05 Don't put it off.
29:09 The greatest Christian in the history of Christianity,
29:12 his first response is get me to water and baptize me.
29:16 And Ananias baptizing just as you saw it here
29:19 in the water, down under and back out again.
29:25 And after taking some food, verse 19,
29:26 after his baptism, he regained his strength.
29:28 And I love this 'cause here's the after.
29:30 "Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus."
29:32 Can you imagine people walking in the room
29:34 and saying, you ripped him? No, I am, I am.
29:39 And at once Saul, look at this verse 20,
29:40 he began to preach in the synagogues
29:42 that Jesus is the Son of God.
29:43 The only place in the book of Acts
29:45 you'll find that phrase "Son of God,"
29:46 because it's so critical here that this Jew,
29:50 this rabbi is now declaring that Christ is the Son of God.
29:56 I heard Stephen say he saw Him.
29:59 I met Him on the road, He is the Messiah.
30:04 All those who heard, verse 21,
30:06 they are astonished and they asked,
30:07 "hey, isn't he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem
30:10 among those who call on His name?
30:11 And hasn't he come here
30:12 to take us prisoners to the chief priests?
30:14 Yet Saul grew more and more powerful."
30:16 I'm telling you the moment you accept
30:18 the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior
30:19 and you begin to testify in His name,
30:22 you'll become more powerful and more powerful.
30:24 But if you say, well, I'm not quite ready yet,
30:26 you won't get an ounce of power.
30:28 The power comes in the act of witnessing, not prior to it.
30:33 The more you witness, the more power will be unleashed.
30:35 The more you talk, the more Holy Spirit takes charge.
30:39 That's what's happening to Saul.
30:41 And he became more and more powerful.
30:43 He baffled the Jews living in Damascus
30:45 by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.
30:49 There it is, ladies and gentlemen,
30:50 the Damascus road conversion story of Saul who became Paul.
30:54 And by the way, Damascus road now has become global metaphor.
30:57 You don't even have to be
30:58 a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ
30:59 and you can say, you know,
31:00 I had a Damascus road experience
31:02 and everybody knows you're talking about
31:04 a radical about-face in your thinking.
31:07 Everybody knows Damascus road,
31:08 now thanks to Saul who became Paul.
31:14 And out of that crisis, one blinding instant
31:18 and 72 hours of pitch darkness,
31:22 out of that crisis, the most dramatic
31:24 about-face in the history of the church took place.
31:28 An arch enemy of Christ is transformed in 72 hours
31:35 into the most passionate and devoted follower
31:37 Jesus has ever had on earth.
31:40 You may equal Saul, you will never surpass Saul.
31:45 Young adult, young man Saul.
31:50 Proof enough by the way that when you meet Jesus,
31:53 when you really, truly, personally meet Jesus,
31:58 you'll never be the same again, never, never, never,
32:01 never be the same again.
32:03 And once you've met Jesus, oh, boy, you got to talk,
32:06 you have to tell the story, you can't keep it to yourself.
32:12 Watch Paul, now what I'm gonna do,
32:16 obviously, Paul has shared his testimony hundreds of times
32:19 in the course of the history
32:20 of these 20 years in the book of Acts.
32:23 Obviously, Dr. Luke goes and records it three times,
32:28 rather repetitious, but he's trying to tell us,
32:29 look, this is important, you got to tell your story.
32:31 So we've got the story three times.
32:33 I'm gonna go to those three stories right now with you
32:35 and I want to show you there tucked away in those stories
32:37 are some very simple instructions that will enable
32:40 you to tell your story just as powerfully,
32:43 just as effectively as Saul did, all right?
32:46 So get your study guide out.
32:47 You got your study guide, pull it out.
32:48 Actually let's make sure that everybody here
32:50 gets these simple instructions on how to tell your own story.
32:54 Hold your hand up if you don't have a study guide.
32:56 Ushers, all the way up to the back of the balcony,
32:58 in the overflow room, hold your hand up.
33:00 And those of you watching on television,
33:02 we're delighted to have you.
33:03 Let me put our website on the screen for you
33:04 and you can find the same study guide.
33:07 There it is,
33:10 Go to that website,
33:11 you're looking for the series Primetime.
33:13 This is part five of Primetime.
33:15 You're looking for the teaching
33:16 entitled, turning your story into His-story,
33:20 which of course, is the word history.
33:22 History is His-story, two words put in the one,
33:24 turning your story into His-story.
33:28 And when you click on study guide right there,
33:30 you'll have the same one we have.
33:32 All right, now get your study guide out,
33:33 we're not gonna write in it, just yet.
33:35 I'm gonna do this very quickly,
33:36 so have your pen ready to go.
33:38 Let's do these in three stories.
33:39 These are three times Paul shares his testimony.
33:42 My story, number one,
33:44 you know what they said about Paul?
33:45 I love this, you know, they said,
33:48 whenever Paul showed up in town,
33:50 there was either a revival or a riot.
33:53 And that's a gospel truth.
33:55 I'm telling you wherever this guy goes,
33:56 he's so radically devoted to Christ
33:58 that they're either gonna have a big revival in the church
34:00 or there's gonna be a riot in that city.
34:02 This story is about the riot. There is a huge riot.
34:06 I want you to go to Chapter 21.
34:08 Chapter 21, my story number one,
34:11 'cause there's a truth tucked away.
34:13 You learn this truth, you know how to tell your own story.
34:15 Keep this little study guide with you
34:17 and eventually you'll have your own story written up.
34:19 Okay, we're going to Acts Chapter 21.
34:21 Now he's come back from his third missionary tour.
34:26 I mean, he's been all over the Mediterranean,
34:27 particularly Asia Minor.
34:29 He's come back, he's brought some Gentile converts with him,
34:35 they become believers in the most High God.
34:39 He's gone to the temple.
34:42 You got to understand this about the temple in Jerusalem.
34:44 There's an outer court for Gentiles,
34:46 then there's a court for women,
34:48 then there's a court for men.
34:51 Some Jews from Asia Minor see Saul, now Paul,
34:56 they recognize him, their nemesis and he's here.
34:59 They saw him a moment ago
35:01 out on the street with a Gentile convert,
35:04 they assume he's taking that Gentile convert
35:07 all the way in to the sacred court of the men
35:11 and they explode, they may be trumped up,
35:14 I have no idea, but they explode and they say,
35:16 "men and brothers, did you see what this guy has just done?
35:21 He's desecrated our temple."
35:24 And, boy, just like that there is a riot.
35:27 All right, take it up here in--
35:29 they are tearing Paul to pieces by the way,
35:32 they're tearing him when the Roman centurion
35:35 and his guard, they come racing in
35:36 to deliver whoever it is, he has no idea who it is.
35:38 He thinks it's an Egyptian, it's not.
35:40 Turns out he's a Roman citizen, Paul,
35:42 as he was speaking the language of the centurion
35:43 and as they are taking him up in chains,
35:44 up the stairs to the barracks, Paul says to the centurion,
35:47 "do you mind if I say a word to this crowd?"
35:50 And when he heard him speak in his own tongue,
35:52 "sir, I didn't know you could"-- "Can I say a word?"
35:55 Said, "you may."
35:56 So Paul turns around halfway up to the barracks
35:59 and he addresses the rabble, they are furious.
36:02 And now here's where we pick it up, verse 40,
36:06 "Having received the commander's permission"
36:07 all right, here we go,
36:08 "Paul stood on the steps and he motioned to the crowd.
36:11 When they were all silent," you can just see it happening.
36:13 "He said to them in Aramaic" that's their tongue,
36:16 "He said to them in Aramaic, 'Brothers and fathers,
36:18 listen now to my defense.'"
36:20 And when they heard him speaking to them in Aramaic,
36:23 they became shh, shh.
36:27 Then Paul said, "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia,
36:31 but brought up in this city.
36:33 I studied under the great Rabbi Gamaliel.
36:35 I was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors.
36:37 I was just as zealous for God as any of you are today."
36:40 And boom, here goes his testimony.
36:42 We're not even gonna read it, because it's a repetition
36:43 of what we've already just read in Acts 9.
36:45 But you know what he does, he tells them,
36:46 here's my life before I met Jesus,
36:48 here's how I met Jesus and now here is my life today.
36:52 He is going just fine
36:54 until he makes the mistake of using the word Gentile.
36:56 And the moment he says Gentile,
36:59 the place, they read the riot act all over again
37:02 and the guards whisk him away.
37:04 This guy is lethal whoever it is.
37:08 All right, my story number one,
37:09 write it down, here we go, my story number one,
37:11 what do I learn from this? Keep it simple.
37:13 Write it down, keep it simple, very simple story.
37:15 I'm gonna tell you where I was born,
37:16 I'm gonna tell you where I grew up,
37:17 I'm gonna tell you how I met Jesus
37:19 and now here's what's happening.
37:20 Very simple, keep it simple. Keep your pen moving.
37:23 Let your story be a simple timeline that includes
37:26 "my life before I met Jesus, how I met Jesus,
37:30 my life after meeting Jesus."
37:32 Listen, folks, there's nothing erudite,
37:34 there's nothing fancy or complicated, highfalutin.
37:37 No, no, no, you already have these three components.
37:39 What your life was before Jesus,
37:41 how you met Jesus and now your life after Jesus,
37:44 after walking with Jesus.
37:48 Weave them together and you have your story
37:50 and you can turn your story into His story.
37:51 You can turn your story into His story
37:53 doing it just like Paul.
37:54 All right, that's story number one.
37:55 Keep it simple. Here goes story number two.
37:57 The very next day-- I love this story.
38:00 This is in Chapter 22, so the guard--
38:02 so the centurion says, "okay, listen, I got to figure out,
38:05 what are the religious charges against this holy man?
38:09 I'm gonna convene the Sanhedrin and I'll take Paul down there
38:13 and they can cross-examine him."
38:14 So Paul is taken in chains to the Sanhedrin.
38:17 Now these are his colleagues,
38:18 Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin
38:21 before he became a Christian.
38:23 These are his colleagues,
38:24 he knows them all, they know who he is.
38:25 Don't play dumb with me, you know who I am.
38:29 But he knows he's not gonna get a hearing here.
38:32 They'll nail him, they will kill him.
38:34 And he's worried for his life and I would be, too.
38:37 And so Paul does a mastiff, a brilliant piece of strategy.
38:41 He takes his life story and reduces it to a single sentence.
38:45 He says let's try this because you see,
38:46 there are two groups here.
38:47 They're the Sadducees, these are the liberals,
38:49 no resurrection, no angels, no nothing.
38:51 Then over here, all the Pharisees.
38:53 Paul is a Pharisee, all the Pharisees,
38:54 yes, there are angels, yes, there is a resurrection.
38:57 And Paul realized I've got to split this court
38:59 and split it fast.
39:00 And so he stands before them with his chains on his wrist
39:03 and he said, "men and brethren,
39:04 I'm here to tell you that I'm on trial
39:06 because I'm a Pharisee of the Pharisees
39:09 and I believe in the resurrection."
39:10 And just like that everybody who had been prepared to lynch him,
39:14 half of the group said, "hey, timeout,
39:16 hey, hey, this guy is one of us."
39:20 And there is a roaring controversy now
39:24 because everybody's stepping off the plane saying
39:25 you know what, please this guy, there's nothing wrong with him.
39:27 What's the problem? Why is he arrested anyway?
39:30 The Sadducees want him, but Paul split the court.
39:33 In fact, it's so bad, you drop down here to 23:10,
39:41 Acts 23:10, "The dispute became so violent
39:43 that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn into pieces."
39:46 The Sadducees want him and the Pharisees want him.
39:49 So he sends the troops in, he's out.
39:51 Okay, there's my story number two,
39:52 that's it, one line, one line, write it down, keep it short.
39:56 My story number two, keep it short.
39:58 What do I get from this story? Keep it short.
39:59 First one, keep it simple, simple.
40:01 Number two, keep it short.
40:04 Keep your pen moving,
40:06 to defend your faith by telling your story.
40:09 Come on, you don't need a long testimony.
40:11 In fact, jot this down,
40:12 some suggest that you can do it in less than 100 words.
40:16 Keep it short, my story number three,
40:21 only three of these, here's number three.
40:23 Paul can no longer be entrusted to the temple hierarchy.
40:27 It's clear they're gonna kill him.
40:29 Paul realizes he has no hope with appealing to the Jews
40:32 and so Paul is taken up to Caesarea by the Roman guard,
40:36 kept in a prison in Caesarea which is still in Palestine.
40:40 And finally Paul says the only way
40:42 I'm gonna get out of here alive is if I appeal to Caesar.
40:45 And so he says, "I exercise my rights as a Roman citizen,
40:48 I appeal to Caesar, please."
40:51 To Caesar you've appealed, to Caesar you'll go.
40:53 A Roman gets that, get it,
40:55 just a privilege and prerogative.
40:58 But Festus, the Roman governor
40:59 doesn't know what to do with this guy.
41:01 I mean the religious hierarchy wants him executed.
41:03 I can't find anything wrong with him.
41:05 Ah, I have your highness King Herod Agrippa II,
41:10 I'm gonna have the king come.
41:11 And so he invites the king, great pomp and ceremony.
41:14 He invites the king with his wife Bernice.
41:17 You see Agrippa, this is a brilliant move on Festus' part.
41:19 Agrippa is the great grandson of Herod the Great,
41:23 through the Jewish wife of Herod the Great.
41:26 So there is a little bit of Jewish blood in Herod Agrippa.
41:31 This is perfect, but Herod Agrippa
41:32 is strictly loyal only to Rome.
41:34 So he has a man who can represent both sides.
41:36 Now listen, oh, King, you listen carefully now,
41:39 I'm gonna have this man talk.
41:40 Give me something to put in the legal document
41:42 that sends him to Caesar.
41:43 I've got to have something. King says bring him in.
41:45 And they bring him in, where is this, 26,
41:48 they bring him in, Acts 26:1, then Agrippa said to Paul,
41:51 "okay, you go,
41:53 you have permission now to speak for yourself."
41:55 And you know what Paul does? Brilliant.
41:58 He adjusts his testimony to fit his audience.
42:01 Watch, what he does.
42:02 When he's talking to the Jews on the barrack stairs,
42:05 no mention, no mention of Gentile
42:07 until he slipped right at the end.
42:10 Why? Because that will only inflame them.
42:12 When he's talking to the Jews, he mentions Ananias,
42:14 a holy and devout Jew living in Damascus,
42:17 but when he's in front of Gentiles,
42:19 a room of Gentiles now no mention of Ananias,
42:23 no mention of Ananias.
42:25 And instead, he weaves into the Damascus road movement
42:28 Jesus saying, I'm the road, I'm sending you to the Gentiles.
42:31 Why has he changed his story?
42:33 It's true, but he's changed it to adapt to his audience
42:37 and he wants the Gentiles, he wants their souls
42:40 and so he says I'll talk to you about Gentiles.
42:42 God cares about Gentiles.
42:45 See, it's brilliant. What did he do?
42:49 Here's the third point, my story number three,
42:51 write it down, keep it suitable.
42:54 You know how you put a suit on when you go to one place,
42:56 then you get another suit of clothes, you go somewhere else,
42:57 put on another suit of clothes when you go somewhere else?
42:59 That's what it means to be suitable,
43:01 you've got to fit the occasion, keep it suitable.
43:04 If you're sharing your testimony with a roommate down
43:07 or a friend down the hall in the dorm,
43:11 you're gonna put this suit of clothes on.
43:13 If you are in an airplane
43:14 and you're sitting beside a Fortune 500 executive,
43:17 you're gonna put this suit of clothes on.
43:20 If you're writing an email to somebody and said,
43:21 I need help. Can you help me?
43:22 And you're gonna tell your story in that email,
43:24 you're gonna put the suit on
43:25 that's appropriate to the person you are talking to.
43:27 Keep your testimony suitable.
43:29 You can change your clothes, and the story is still the same.
43:31 That's what Paul does.
43:33 And when he's with the Pharisees, I'm a Pharisee.
43:36 One line story now. Keep it suitable.
43:39 Keep it simple, keep it short, keep it suitable.
43:42 And finally how can I do it? Here we go.
43:44 Bill Hybels, very helpful book,
43:46 "Just Walk Across The Room," which by the way
43:48 they have on sale over here
43:49 at the ABC Christian book store just across the street.
43:52 So you can go over there, pick up the book, if you like.
43:56 Hybels shares some very practical counsel
43:59 and how to write up your own story and then share it.
44:01 I mean this guy has listened to stories
44:03 because he's been coaching people
44:04 how to be contagious Christians for years.
44:06 He's heard hundreds of these bumbling, stumbling
44:09 Christian testimonies and in all candor he makes this point.
44:12 I got to put the words on the screen for you,
44:13 he makes this point,
44:14 he said some of these testimonies are so annoying,
44:17 exhausting and circuitist, I have thought to myself,
44:20 and now here are his words put on the screen,
44:22 I have thought to myself,
44:23 "If I were a person living far from God
44:26 and had even a tinge of interest
44:28 in this thing called Christianity,
44:30 after hearing your story,
44:31 I think I'd recommit myself to paganism."
44:35 You didn't dodge me into a thing.
44:36 I don't want whatever you've got If that's your story...
44:40 So Hybels says, listen, let me help you,
44:42 let me give you four critiques, four critiques.
44:45 He said this is the problem I see in some testimonies.
44:47 Don't let this be your problem.
44:48 Criticism number one, write it down,
44:50 criticism number one, long-windedness. All right.
44:54 Our testimony, keep writing,
44:55 ought not to be no longer than 3 minutes.
44:57 I've got mine down to just about 100 words.
45:00 Pay attention to the other person's body language.
45:03 Look at, if they're looking all over the room,
45:05 if they're-- you know, their arms are crossed,
45:07 that means they're not listening.
45:08 Arms crossed, that means I'm shut off to you now.
45:11 Watch the body sign.
45:12 You don't have to finish the testimony.
45:14 It's not like you get a little extra star in your crown
45:16 if you can get it all the way through.
45:19 No, you're supposed to be thoughtful.
45:21 You don't have to share the rest of the story.
45:22 I'll tell you some other time.
45:24 Keep your story short enough, jot this down,
45:25 to allow the other person to ask questions.
45:27 Hey, tell me about that, I mean, what really happened?
45:30 You can't tell it all in 100 words,
45:31 but, you don't need to.
45:33 You want to whet Holy Spirit, whet an appetite,
45:35 I want to know more.
45:36 Okay, criticism number two, write it down, fuzziness.
45:39 Hybels says "the only thing worse than a long story
45:41 is a long story that is incoherent."
45:44 Man, where are you going with this thing?
45:45 Where are you going with this? I don't know.
45:50 "Keep your stories simple," I like this counsel,
45:53 "containing one clear plot line" write it down,
45:56 "one clear plot line that appropriately conveys
45:58 the heartbeat of your faith journey."
46:00 See there's a keyword about your past,
46:03 there's a keyword now that needs to explain
46:05 your life since meeting Jesus.
46:07 You'll figure it out, I'll show you in just a minute.
46:09 Now criticism number three, religioinese.
46:12 Hybels writes it takes a lot of work to expunge
46:14 insider jargon from your story, but it's worth it.
46:17 I was amazed, I wrote mine out,
46:18 I was amazed I'm still talking to a Christian
46:20 that's what I'm doing,
46:21 make the story so that it's heard by a non-Christian.
46:24 You can't say to a non Christian,
46:25 listen, when the Holy Spirit came
46:27 into my heart, he set me on fire.
46:30 Like what? How they get it out?
46:34 You know, set me on fire. What does that mean?
46:36 Means nothing to secular person. Nothing.
46:40 You know, my life changed.
46:42 Well, then tell me how it changed.
46:44 Then you tell me. All right.
46:46 Watch out for these religionese.
46:47 Okay, final criticism, number four, superiority.
46:51 Hybels writes, "there may be no quicker way to send
46:53 an unbeliever to the hills than to play the piety card."
46:56 Since I've become so good and so perfect
47:01 and I sure feel sorry for you, but if you come to my Jesus,
47:05 you can become the same way as me.
47:08 You get the point, drop it, drop it.
47:12 Your superiority is your intent,
47:14 you'll never reach anybody anyway,
47:16 'cause it isn't your story that reaches up soul.
47:18 It's Jesus story tucked away in your story,
47:20 that's the whole point.
47:22 All right, four critiques, they're good,
47:24 hang on to that little study guide.
47:25 Now to protect us from these four common pitfalls,
47:28 you and I need to remember this.
47:29 Look at, Madison Avenue, they're selling everything.
47:31 Boy, the economy is so bad,
47:33 they're just hoping you'll buy anything at all for Christmas.
47:37 It's bad, but the way Madison Avenue
47:39 has leant to sell effectively is to do a before and after.
47:46 Have you ever seen those diet loss,
47:48 those weight loss diet advertisements?
47:51 Have you seen those? They're crazy.
47:53 So I go on the internet, I say, okay, I got to find a real one.
47:55 So I went on the internet and I came to an internet article,
47:59 getting healthy the geeky way.
48:02 I said I'd be interesting in that,
48:04 well, because right there, sure enough,
48:07 look at this, before and after.
48:08 Whoa, I said I got to try this method.
48:10 So here I was, this is directly from the internet,
48:13 first, the before picture,
48:15 look at that, isn't he a handsome dude?
48:16 Look at that, look at that after look at that after.
48:21 I tell you what, can you really go from there to there?
48:24 Are you serious? Is it some kind of trick?
48:26 No, it's really is me. It is.
48:29 Man, I'm the before, but here's the point,
48:32 ladies and gentlemen, I'm the before,
48:34 I share your before and I want to now experience your after.
48:40 In fact would you write that down please, write it down.
48:41 "Because when you share the same "before" with somebody else,
48:44 you are seeking the same "after."
48:47 Nothing is more persuasive than the testimony,
48:49 'it worked for me!'
48:53 Show me that before and after picture again.
48:55 Oh, boy, it really did work for you, didn't it?
48:58 I want the same thing to happen to me.
49:00 Guys, that's how they make billions of dollars.
49:04 Because we believe the testimony before and after.
49:07 And when you're telling the truth, God wins.
49:11 So here's what you got to do,
49:12 you got to know what your before is.
49:14 I hope you haven't been a Christian so long
49:16 that you can't remember what your before was.
49:18 What was it, fear? Or was it guilt?
49:22 Or was it self destruction? Or was it ego?
49:26 There's somebody on this planet that has your before
49:30 and who needs to hear how you got to this after.
49:33 I mean, I looked just like you before,
49:35 how do I get to this after, you got to tell them.
49:38 You know what, I was filled with fear
49:40 till I met Jesus and when Jesus came,
49:43 when Jesus took over my life and I began to trust myself to him,
49:46 you know what, I got peace today.
49:49 Really? You can go from fear to peace?
49:50 Yeah, look at me, I'm living proof.
49:53 Before I met Jesus I'm telling you I felt so guilty
49:56 I was practicing, I was practicing a life
49:59 that I couldn't even go to sleep at night.
50:01 I had to medicate myself to get to sleep,
50:03 I felt so guilty and then I met Jesus
50:05 and I found out that you can get forgiveness
50:07 and you can be accepted by the God of the universe
50:09 and he has brought me a sense of accepting peace.
50:17 Let me tell you something, I was a self destructive man.
50:18 You don't know all the stuff I did before.
50:21 I was self destructive and then I met Jesus,
50:23 He found me and now my heart is growing
50:27 in healthily emotional ways I could never dreamed possible.
50:31 I was egotistical before,
50:33 I was depending on my own achievement,
50:34 I was certain that I could get there by my accomplishments
50:37 and then I met Jesus and I learned the truth.
50:40 You know what, you really,
50:43 you really need the gift of humble service.
50:49 God's still working on me, but I'm telling you what,
50:52 I'm finding that the life with Jesus is so much better.
50:57 You see what it is, guys?
50:58 This is not rocket science, it's what Paul did.
51:00 Before I was this, then I met Jesus on the Damascus road
51:03 and now I'm this and he adapted it to fit
51:05 the needs of whoever he was sharing his story with.
51:09 Isn't that great?
51:10 Bill Hybels will end with this, Bill Hybels,
51:12 look at that quotation, he puts this distinctly,
51:15 "it's worth sharing your heart and soul to firm up
51:17 the three-pronged foundation of your story."
51:19 Here's a little review for you.
51:21 The key word or concept that describes
51:23 who you were before you met Christ.
51:25 I was filled with fear.
51:27 Then the fact that you came to a relationship with Jesus.
51:30 But then Jesus found me.
51:32 I've begun a friendship with him and now the key word
51:34 or concept that describes who you are
51:36 after walking with Christ for a time,
51:38 my fear has been exchanged by peace.
51:41 I can't even explain it to you
51:42 but when I put my head on the pillow at night,
51:44 I fall straight asleep.
51:47 Something has happened to me
51:49 and, my friend, it can happen to you, too.
51:52 Same Jesus can do it for you.
51:53 You see the before and after and let me tell you
51:56 the greatest before and after in all of Christendom
51:59 is probably Paul but here's the second greatest,
52:01 I once was lost but now I'm found,
52:04 was blind but now I see.
52:09 That's before and after, that's John Newton,
52:10 the slave trader who saidi, my life before I met Jesus,
52:13 I was a mess, I was lost, blind,
52:18 but I met Christ and now I can see 'cause I'm found.
52:23 That's it, ladies and gentlemen, that's it.
52:26 This is not some kind of you got to get a PhD
52:29 and how to give a testimony installment.
52:33 No, all you need is to have met Jesus.
52:37 If you haven't met Jesus,
52:40 then there is a new story just waiting to get told.
52:43 If you haven't met Jesus,
52:45 oh, my, this may be the best day of your life.
52:50 But before I get to that, I'm praying this morning
52:54 in my little study back at home,
52:56 everything is done, just thinking
52:59 and the Holy Spirit said, hey, Dwight,
53:01 you forgot a key verse. I said, you're right.
53:06 How could I miss that? It's not in the study guide.
53:09 We got together with out PowerPoint producer,
53:12 he produced it for me.
53:14 Here's the verse, I put it on the screen for you.
53:16 Look at this, Revelation 12:11,
53:20 the generation living at the end of time,
53:23 they young and the not so young,
53:25 triumphed over the dragon by the blood of the Lamb
53:28 and most people stop the verse right there.
53:30 Scribble this down in your study guide, Revelation 12:11.
53:33 Most people stop the verse right there,
53:35 but there's a second half to that.
53:36 It's not only Calvary that wins.
53:38 Calvary can only win when people see
53:40 a before and after picture as a result of Calvary.
53:44 Calvary is not enough.
53:46 Calvary says I need some human witnesses
53:49 in the defense stand to tell the truth
53:53 about what I've done in their lives.
53:55 They overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb
53:57 and by the word of their testimony.
54:00 If you don't have a testimony,
54:02 the Holy Spirit is about to give you a testimony.
54:06 It's been a long time since you've had a testimony?
54:08 I got some good news for you.
54:09 It doesn't matter how long it's been.
54:11 You say, Dwight, I've never told my story to anybody.
54:13 You know why I haven't told my story to anybody?
54:15 Because I didn't have a Damascus road experience.
54:16 I grew up in a happy home.
54:18 My parents never divorced, I never took drugs,
54:21 you know, I've just been trying to be faithful all my life.
54:24 I have no great story.
54:26 My dear friend, that is the story that God needs
54:31 because there are people out there just like you.
54:34 They didn't do the whole nine yards,
54:37 they just haven't found Jesus.
54:38 They're living a great life but something's missing,
54:41 and you can come along and say, hey,
54:43 you don't have to do drugs in order to find Jesus.
54:45 You don't have to sleep with every woman
54:47 in the city in order to find Jesus.
54:49 You can just have a hunger in your heart realizing
54:51 like the rich young ruler that when you go to bed at night,
54:53 something doesn't feel quite right.
54:57 I'm telling you why you don't feel quite right
54:58 because you don't have Jesus yet.
54:59 I found Jesus. I kind of grew into it.
55:03 But the closer I have come to know him, the more I realized,
55:07 without Jesus this world is shut.
55:10 I wish you would the Jesus I've found.
55:12 See, how simple that is.
55:14 You don't need some horrendous story,
55:17 you just need a story, you just need to find Jesus.
55:27 This is a strategic weapon for you, you wield this right.
55:32 Your before and after picture will go into the internet,
55:34 it will go around the world,
55:37 your little world, your office world,
55:38 your class world, your dormitory world,
55:40 your story will go through your neighborhood world,
55:43 your story as simple as it is,
55:45 before and after is waiting to be told.
55:50 There are some people on this planet
55:52 who will only be reached by your story.
55:55 The other stories won't touch them.
55:57 So the Holy Spirit's gonna make sure
55:59 that somebody who is in need of your story
56:01 crosses your path this next week.
56:04 If you say to the Holy Spirit,
56:06 Holy Spirit, I would like my life to help you.
56:11 Give me somebody with whom I can share my story.
56:15 If you pray that prayer, next week,
56:18 you be patient, you be patient,
56:21 somebody will cross your path who needs your story.
56:28 It's that simple. We're talking strategy now.
56:32 We're talking a generation that approaching the edge of crisis.
56:35 We're talking about it's the right time
56:39 to tell your story and let it be transformed into His story.
56:48 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you again today.
56:51 I hope the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time with us.
56:54 You know what, we've got people all over this earth
56:56 who join us every week for this worship hour.
56:59 Now as a consequence we're always looking for new ways
57:02 to bridge to somehow allow these who worship with us
57:05 to be bridged to the truth about Jesus
57:08 for this critical time in history.
57:10 One of the areas of bridging
57:12 that's quickly growing is our website.
57:14 We have more than 140,000 visitors a year.
57:17 It is an amazing opportunity that God has given us
57:20 to expand His kingdom here on earth.
57:23 If you'd like to partner with us,
57:24 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel,
57:27 I tell you what, would you be willing to call this number?
57:30 Let me put it on the screen for you, 877-- it's toll free,
57:33 877, the two words, His Will.
57:36 One of our operators will be glad to help you,
57:38 walk through the details of that partnership,
57:41 or if you prefer you can do it all online
57:43 in the privacy of your own home.
57:45 The website, you know it,
57:51 I've been honored for the privilege of partnering
57:52 with you as we seek to spread the truth
57:54 about Jesus for this generation.
57:56 If ever there were an urgent generation
57:59 to get the good news out, it's got to be this one.
58:02 So once again, the toll free number,
58:04 877, two words, His Will.
58:06 Thank you in advance for your generosity.
58:08 I'm looking forward to the continuing worship journey
58:11 that you and I share right here.


Revised 2014-12-17