New Perceptions

Outside The Curtain, Inside The Camp

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP100309

00:28 Brokenness, brokenness
00:32 is what I long for
00:35 Brokenness is what I need
00:42 Brokenness, brokenness
00:45 is what You want from me
00:53 So, take my heart and form it
01:00 Take my mind, transform it
01:07 Take my will, conform it
01:14 To yours, to Yours, oh, Lord
01:22 You may be seated.
01:25 In the last several weeks
01:29 we have been hearing sermons about the temple
01:36 where God's throne is
01:40 and this next song is one that I believe was done
01:42 a couple weeks ago as a special music.
01:46 This morning we want to do that same song in a way that
01:52 might be a little more recognizable.
01:54 It's a song called "Before the Throne of God Above"
01:58 and if you know it, we just invite you
02:00 to join with us
02:01 and if you are just learning it for the first time
02:03 and you want to just get the melody
02:06 for that first verse, that's not a problem at all.
02:09 This is "Before the Throne of God Above."
02:15 Before the throne of God above
02:20 I have a strong and perfect plea
02:26 A great High Priest whose name is "Love"
02:32 Who ever lives and pleads for me
02:38 My name is graven on His hands
02:43 My name is written on His heart
02:49 I know that while in heav'n He stands
02:54 No tongue can bid me thence depart
03:00 No tongue can bid me thence depart
03:10 When Satan tempts me to despair
03:15 And tells me of the guilt within
03:21 Upward I look and see Him there
03:26 Who made an end to all my sin
03:31 Because the sinless Savior died
03:37 My sinful soul is counted free
03:42 For God the just is satisfied
03:48 To look on Him and pardon me
03:53 To look on Him and pardon me
04:03 Behold Him there the risen Lamb
04:08 My perfect, spotless Righteousness
04:13 The great, unchangeable I AM
04:18 The King of glory and of grace
04:24 One with Himself I cannot die
04:29 My soul is purchased by His blood
04:34 My life is hid with Christ on high
04:39 With Christ, my Savior, and my God
04:45 With Christ, my Savior, and my God
04:55 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
05:01 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
05:07 Streams of mercy, never ceasing
05:13 Call for songs of loudest praise
05:19 Teach me ever to adore Thee
05:25 May I still Thy goodness prove
05:30 While the hope of endless glory
05:36 Fills my heart with joy and love
05:46 Here I raise mine Ebenezer
05:51 Hither by Thy help I'm come
05:57 And I hope, by Thy good pleasure
06:02 Safely to arrive at home
06:08 Jesus sought me when a stranger
06:13 Wandering from the fold of God
06:19 He to rescue me from danger
06:24 Interposed His precious blood
06:33 Oh, to grace how great a debtor
06:40 Daily I'm constrained to be!
06:45 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
06:50 Bind me closer still to thee
06:56 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
07:01 Prone to leave the God I love
07:06 Here's my heart, Oh, take and seal it
07:12 Seal it for Thy courts above
07:17 Here's my heart, Oh, take and seal it
07:22 Seal it for Thy courts above
07:29 Take my heart and form it
07:36 Take my mind, transform it
07:44 Take my will, conform it
07:52 To Yours, to Yours, oh, Lord
08:05 Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!
08:09 Lawd! Just a-hold on!
08:11 Noah, Noah, let me come in
08:14 De door's all fastened an' de winders pinned!
08:17 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you hold on,
08:22 Yes, you got to hold on!
08:25 Noah said, "You lost yo' track,
08:28 You can't plow straight an' keep a-lookin' back"
08:31 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
08:36 yes, you got to hold on!
08:37 Well, my brother, hold on!
08:41 Yes, you got to hold on!
08:43 Yes, just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
08:48 Yes, you got to hold on!
08:50 If you want to get to heaven,
08:52 let me tell you how Jus' keep yo' hand on
08:55 de gospel plow
08:56 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
09:01 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:03 If dat plow stay in yo' hand,
09:05 land you straight in de promised land
09:08 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
09:12 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:14 Well, my sister, hold on!
09:16 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:19 Yes, just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
09:24 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:26 Mary had a little babe,
09:29 an' everyone called my Jesus' name
09:32 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
09:37 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:39 Keep on climbin' an' don't you tire,
09:41 'cause ev'ry rung goes higher an' higher!
09:44 Just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
09:49 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:50 Well, my brother, hold on!
09:53 Yes, you got to hold on!
09:55 Yes, just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
10:01 Yes, you got to hold on!
10:02 Well, my sister, hold on!
10:05 You got to hold on!
10:08 Yes, just keep yo' hand on de plow, an' you got to hold on,
10:11 Yes, you got to hold on!
10:15 Hmm, hmm, yes! Hmm, hmm, yes!
10:18 Hold on! Prayin'! Hold on! Prayin'!
10:21 Hold on! Singin'! Hold on! Shoutin' Lawd!
10:25 Just keep yo' hand
10:28 on de plow, an' you...
10:34 Just hold on!
10:41 Just hold on!
10:51 Amen.
11:01 Powerful one. Thank you, thank you.
11:04 Hold on, put your hand on the gospel plow, hold on.
11:09 Thank you very much.
11:11 Let's pray together.
11:13 Oh, God, that's what we want to do, hold on tight.
11:16 We're on the ride of our lives, hold on.
11:24 And in this hour
11:26 in which we have the high honor of living
11:29 how then shall we live, may today's teaching
11:36 be guided by the spirit for us all.
11:40 We pray in Christ's name, amen.
11:44 I don't know about you but I would have yelling
11:45 at the top of my lungs to spur that bus driver on.
11:52 Did you read the story?
11:54 Did you see that one?
11:55 This week, Wednesday morning,
11:58 6:48 local time a bus packed with passengers
12:04 making its usual commute
12:05 to the tiny island of American Samoa.
12:10 Now you know.
12:12 Somewhere between 13 and 25 minutes later
12:16 somebody on the bus happened to look out toward the shoreline
12:22 and saw a massive 15 to 20 foot
12:27 wall of water racing
12:32 toward that tiny little island territory
12:34 of America, American Samoa.
12:38 Scientists, listen to this, scientists estimate
12:40 that is a result of a magnitude 8.0 earthquake
12:43 beneath the sea floor 125 miles to the south,
12:48 four of them, four consecutive walls
12:50 of water race towards Samoa and American Samoa
12:54 at the speed of a 747 in flight, 530 miles an hour.
13:01 Four tsunamis.
13:03 Somebody sees it, the whole bus freezes
13:08 as that bus driver swings the vehicle around
13:12 and races the wave to the highest spot
13:16 on little American Samoa.
13:18 Listen to this Associated Press release here, "'I was scared.
13:22 I was shocked,' said Didi Afuafi, 28-years-old,
13:27 who was on the bus when the giant waves
13:28 came ashore on American Samoa.
13:30 Didi went on 'All the people on the bus
13:31 were screaming, crying, trying to call their homes.
13:34 We couldn't get on cell phones.
13:35 The phones just died on us.
13:37 It was just crazy.'
13:40 With the water approaching fast,
13:42 the bus driver sped to the top of a nearby mountain,
13:44 where 300 to 500 people were gathered already,
13:47 including patients evacuated from the main hospital.
13:49 Among them were newborns with IVs,
13:50 crying children and frightened elderly people."
13:52 The clergy arrived and a prayer service began.
13:57 I'm telling you what, ladies and gentlemen,
13:59 it's true, isn't it?
14:01 How quickly life as we know it can change
14:06 and the paradigm shift in an instant
14:09 and our hearts go out today to the survivors
14:13 on Samoa and American Samoa.
14:15 We got students here from there, as well as the survivors
14:19 in Western Sumatra, Indonesia
14:22 which 24 hours later you heard
14:24 of course those killer quakes that struck Indonesia.
14:28 How quickly life as we know it change
14:33 so that they would never forget that there is coming a day
14:39 when business as usual will no longer pass.
14:45 Into the sacred calendar of the community of Israel
14:48 God stuck a single day, a day to remind them
14:54 that for the human race a day of reckoning is coming,
14:56 for the human race there will be a day of judgment
15:00 and they call the day the Day of Atonement.
15:05 I have tried to imagine
15:07 and I need you to help me out here.
15:09 What it would have been like if you and I were living
15:11 in that community of Israel
15:14 back as they're wandering through the wilderness.
15:15 What would it have been like to come to the Day of Atonement
15:18 when by the literally tens of thousands
15:21 the entire community gathers around the church
15:24 planted in the middle,
15:27 in the middle of that mobile nation.
15:31 Only today the church is empty.
15:33 Every human being has been commanded to leave--
15:36 they called it the sanctuary but it was their church.
15:38 Everybody is out except one lone individual
15:42 who today is granted divine permission to do
15:45 what is forbidden every other day of the year.
15:48 That is to walk all alone into that sacred space
15:55 called the most holy place.
15:58 And get this, get this, we can't track him,
16:02 we cannot tell where he is, any other day of the year,
16:06 his-- the high priest magisterial garments
16:09 along the hem are sewn in bell, pomegranate,
16:12 bell, pomegranate, bell, pomegranate,
16:14 bell, pomegranate.
16:15 So whenever the high priest moves,
16:16 tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
16:18 but today, no sound.
16:22 He stripped off of those magisterial garments
16:25 and today it's just sacred white linen.
16:29 In fact, some traditions say
16:32 that the congregation eventually came along
16:34 and tied a rope to the ankle of the high priest.
16:39 Should he as a representative of the community of Israel
16:42 bearing their sins as it were,
16:44 should he be stricken down by the Shekinah Glory,
16:47 they would then be able to drag him out for burial.
16:52 There is no record ever that that happened
16:55 but you and I today, you and I are today
16:57 with those tens of thousands
16:58 and we already know Aaron's boys,
17:01 those two preachers' kids have already inebriated DUI,
17:06 they have gone in, died in an instant.
17:11 So, guys, ladies and gentlemen,
17:15 what would it have been like to live
17:19 in the Day of Atonement back then?
17:22 I want to go to a passage with you
17:23 that we have not been to before.
17:25 There are two cryptic clues in this passage.
17:28 It's possible that we can surmise
17:31 not only what it would have been like back then
17:33 but maybe these cryptic clues are a guide
17:36 to how we should live right now.
17:39 Open your Bible please to the third book of the Bible,
17:40 the Book of Leviticus.
17:42 We are not going to Leviticus 16
17:44 where you and I have been before.
17:46 Let's now go to a brand new passage, Leviticus 23.
17:49 By the way, you didn't bring your Bible,
17:51 grab the Bible right in front of you,
17:52 it will be the New Kings James.
17:54 Our pew Bible is New King James,
17:55 you've got to see these two cryptic clues for yourself.
17:58 Grab the pew Bible,
17:59 it will be page 86 in your pew Bible,
18:04 I'm gonna be in the New International Version, the NIV.
18:07 Leviticus 23,
18:10 let's find Leviticus 23 together.
18:13 Just note three short verses, Leviticus 23,
18:20 and let's pick it up in verse 26, all right.
18:22 Leviticus 23:26, "The Lord said to Moses,"
18:25 here comes now verse 27
18:27 "The tenth day of this seventh month
18:30 is the Day of Atonement.
18:32 Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves,
18:35 and present an offering made to the Lord by fire."
18:37 Verse 28, "Do no work on that day,"
18:39 by the way, ladies and gentlemen,
18:41 this is the only day of the year
18:43 where work was forbidden.
18:45 No other holy or holidays we call them today,
18:48 no other holiday, sacred holiday
18:50 was work forbidden except the seventh day Sabbath.
18:52 Always the seventh day Sabbath
18:54 and then the Day of Atonement as well.
18:57 So verse 28, "Do no work on that day,
18:59 because it is the Day of Atonement,
19:00 when atonement is made for you before the Lord your God."
19:03 Verse 29, "And anyone who does not deny himself on that day
19:08 must be cut off from his people."
19:12 Clearly it's a day of judgment, cut off.
19:17 And you'll say oh, come on, Dwight,
19:18 please give me a break.
19:21 All this Old Testament stuff, I mean, I'm New--
19:24 I'm post New Testament as a Christian.
19:27 I'm not into this little superstitious,
19:30 you know, ancient ritual.
19:33 It matters not a thing to me and you know what, my friend,
19:35 I'm with you absolutely right on
19:38 really, please, except,
19:44 except for the stunning discovery
19:46 as we have shared it in the last four teachings
19:49 that that little Day of Atonement,
19:51 that one day on the calendar for the community of Israel
19:54 was in fact a divinely designed enactment
19:59 of an eventual day for the entire human race.
20:03 A day of reckoning, a day of judgment,
20:05 a day when there will no longer be business as usual.
20:09 And as we noticed just last week
20:10 in that prophecy Daniel 8:14
20:12 the two-- the final two minute warning,
20:14 the final two minute warning of the human race.
20:17 Throw in a time out if you want.
20:19 Throw in time outs until you're out of time outs
20:21 but then that clock runs to zero.
20:24 Because of that, two cryptic clues here,
20:28 maybe they are a clue as to how then we should live today.
20:32 Let's take a look.
20:33 Take your study guide out,
20:34 let's jot that two clues down real quick
20:35 and then I'll go home.
20:37 Grab the study guide in your worship bulletin.
20:38 Reach into your worship bulletin,
20:39 pull out that study guide.
20:41 If you didn't get a worship bulletin
20:42 or you need a study guide, thank you, ushers,
20:44 let's get study guides please to those who need them,
20:47 hold your hand up and here they come.
20:49 By the way, those of you watching
20:50 on television right now, we are delighted to have you.
20:52 Let me put our website
20:53 on the screen for you right now,
20:55 you can get the same study guide.
20:56 You see it on the screen now
21:02 You're looking for the series "The Temple."
21:05 And this is, this is what, part five of "The Temple."
21:08 Outside the Curtain,
21:09 that will be outside the curtain, the most holy place
21:11 but inside the camp.
21:12 What was life like inside the camp?
21:16 Maybe that's a clue to what life
21:17 ought to be like today.
21:18 Let's check it out, figure it out.
21:20 All right, two clues.
21:22 You got a study guide, keep your hand up,
21:23 they are coming your way.
21:24 Two clues, jot it down, clue number one, deny yourself.
21:29 "Deny yourselves,"
21:32 Moses was speaking to the whole,
21:33 to the whole community.
21:34 Deny yourselves.
21:37 Let's read that verse again, verse 27,
21:39 you'll see it right there.
21:40 God speaking to Moses,
21:41 "The tenth day of this seventh month
21:42 is the Day of Atonement.
21:43 Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves,
21:46 and present an offering made to the Lord by fire."
21:50 Now keep your pen moving, jot this down.
21:52 To "deny yourself" depicts an intense personal,
21:56 that's the key word, personal,
21:58 intense personal seeking after God.
22:02 But the truth of the matter is we don't know what it means.
22:06 By that I mean you can't go to the books of Moses
22:08 and find any clue as to what does this
22:09 "deny yourself" mean.
22:11 In the Hebrew it can be translated,
22:13 those of you that have the New King James
22:14 or the King James, it says afflict yourself.
22:16 You have the New American Standard Bible
22:18 it says humble yourself.
22:19 We just looked at the NIV, it says deny yourself.
22:22 So what?
22:23 What's up with that?
22:25 Roy Gane, who teaches Old Testament here
22:29 in our theological seminar at Andrews University.
22:32 Listen to this, Roy Gane was invited
22:35 by Zondervan Publishing, huge publishing
22:40 in the Christian world, all right.
22:41 Roy Gane was invited by Zondervan Publishing
22:43 to author the Leviticus, Numbers volume
22:47 of their NIV application commentary
22:51 which by the way was not only a professional honor for Roy
22:55 but which also gave a scholar within our community of faith
22:58 the opportunity to carefully exergy
23:01 for the wider Christian world,
23:02 the Bible sanctuary teaching of the Day of Atonement.
23:06 Amazing.
23:08 I've been reading it through
23:09 just for my devotional experience
23:12 and I got to tell you his book
23:13 for this series has been extremely helpful.
23:16 Now Roy notes this.
23:18 He says you know what, you can't find this,
23:19 this phrase "deny yourself" in the writings of Moses
23:22 but there are three other places
23:23 it appears in the Old Testament
23:25 and from those three places, ah, that's what it means.
23:29 Would you jot it down please, in Psalm 35:13,
23:33 Isaiah 58:3, you can check these out later,
23:36 and Ezra 8:21, the practice of "denying yourself"
23:39 or "humbling oneself" is linked with fasting.
23:43 Write the word in please, "fasting."
23:46 So what's up with that, fasting?
23:49 Roy concludes...
23:51 This is Gane writing here, put it on the screen for you.
23:53 You need to fill it in, in your study guide.
23:54 "Thus, practicing self-denial is an outward expression
23:58 accompanying supplication to God
24:00 at a time of inner distress."
24:03 Hold on now.
24:04 "Temporary suspension of normal activities,
24:07 including eating that sustains life"
24:10 and then I put in brackets there, that's obviously fasting.
24:12 "Including eating that sustains life,"
24:14 suspension of that
24:15 "focuses on God without interruption
24:18 and acknowledges," jot it down,
24:20 "total dependence upon God at a time of special need."
24:24 Did you catch that?
24:26 Denying oneself means you undertake a sign
24:31 of total dependence upon God at a time of special need.
24:37 The Day of Atonement was the only day by the way,
24:40 of all the sacred holy days or holidays,
24:43 it was the only one where God commanded fasting.
24:46 In fact, it's mentioned in the Book of Acts.
24:49 It says on the Fast day
24:51 capital "F," Fast day near the end of Acts.
24:54 We know that's the Day of Atonement,
24:55 it's the only one.
24:57 So here's the question,
24:59 what's the big deal about fasting?
25:01 Come on, tell me, what's the big deal about fasting?
25:04 Well, have you noticed, check this one out,
25:06 I'm gonna run this by you,
25:07 have you noticed ours is an appetite driven culture?
25:14 I want to talk about television commercials,
25:15 only television commercials right now.
25:17 I want you to name for me a single television commercial
25:21 that does not appeal to appetite.
25:24 Fame, food, drink, fortune,
25:29 power, possessions, popularity.
25:33 Tell me one television commercial
25:35 that you can think of that does not appeal
25:37 to one of those appetites we have.
25:39 Tell me one.
25:42 I can only think of one,
25:44 the commercial for Depends.
25:50 There's no appetite involved.
25:52 But my point is, my point is... everything--
25:58 I mean, sure, of course you can come up one,
26:00 you can come up with one.
26:03 But the dominant focus of our society
26:06 is appetite driven, is it not?
26:11 So here's the deal, what are you hungry for?
26:15 What are you hungry for right now?
26:18 What are you really hungry for?
26:21 And I'm gonna step, I'm gonna step into an area
26:24 you and I have never stepped into before.
26:27 Maybe I want to ask it in the form of a question,
26:30 could it be that maybe as the counter balance
26:35 to our appetite driven culture,
26:38 maybe it's kind of a divine antacid
26:40 to all the hungers that drive us.
26:43 In this hour of the Day of Atonement
26:47 in the throne room turned court room above
26:49 and by the way, it's down here
26:51 in this hour of the Day of Atonement
26:52 in the dorm room, in the class room,
26:54 in the living room, maybe,
26:59 maybe we ought to take seriously
27:03 the notion that every now and then, now hold on,
27:08 every now and then for maybe a day and a night,
27:11 I don't know, but every now and then
27:14 maybe in this hour of history
27:17 we ought to take seriously the idea of fasting.
27:24 Fasting... keeping in mind
27:28 of course Jesus' very balanced counsel
27:32 about anybody who undertakes a fast.
27:35 I want to show you what Jesus said on this,
27:36 very balanced.
27:38 You need to see it in your own Bible,
27:39 the sermon on the mount,
27:40 He didn't leave it out, it's right there.
27:42 Matthew Chapter 6,
27:44 Matthew 6:16,
27:50 Jesus talks about fasting, I want you to get this.
27:53 Take a look at it in your Bible.
27:54 "When you fast,"
27:56 by the way there is no command from Christ
27:58 to fast anywhere in the New Testament.
28:01 He never says fast but it is under--
28:04 this is an implicit understanding
28:06 that you are gonna fast,
28:07 the day will come when you will fast.
28:09 So I'm gonna give you some counsel about it.
28:11 Here we go, "When you fast,
28:12 do not look somber as the hypocrites do,
28:15 for they disfigure their faces
28:16 to show men and women that they are fasting.
28:18 "I tell you the truth," Jesus says,
28:20 "they have received their reward in full.
28:22 But when you fast, put oil on your head
28:25 and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious
28:27 to men and women that you are fasting,
28:29 but only to your Father, who is unseen,
28:30 and your Father, who sees
28:31 what is done in secret, He will reward you."
28:37 What's going on here?
28:38 I love the way, you're gonna love this too.
28:40 Eugene Peterson in the message,
28:42 notice how he paraphrases this very same passage
28:46 and you'll need to fill it in your study guide.
28:48 Peterson taking the same words of Jesus.
28:50 "When you practice some appetite-denying discipline."
28:53 That's what fasting would be, appetite denying,
28:56 the big issue is appetite.
28:57 He hit the nail on the head.
28:59 "When you practice some appetite-denying discipline
29:02 to better," please make sure
29:04 you get that word, "concentrate on God."
29:07 Ladies and gentlemen, let us be clear immediately
29:10 fasting is not about getting God's attention,
29:12 fasting does not make God say,
29:13 oh, man, I am really impressed with junior there.
29:16 I am really impressed with sissy.
29:18 Whoa, look at that fasting.
29:20 Fasting does not move God a wit,
29:23 24/7 He already loves you to the max, all right.
29:26 That's a key point, 24/7
29:28 He already loves you to the max.
29:30 But Peter-- let's put it back up, please.
29:33 What Peterson is saying here,
29:35 if you want to concentrate more clearly.
29:40 He says, Jesus says, "When you practice
29:41 some appetite-denying discipline to better
29:43 concentrate on God,
29:44 don't make a production out of it."
29:46 I love this.
29:47 Keep reading "It might turn you
29:50 into a small-time celebrity but it won't make you a saint."
29:54 Isn't that good?
29:55 Oh, barns, oh, she is fasting, oh.
30:00 By the way, Jesus says that is all the reward you get.
30:04 That's it.
30:05 If you tell anybody that little whoa, is all you get.
30:11 You haven't impressed God.
30:14 Peterson says, hey listen,
30:15 "If you 'go into training' inwardly" I like this
30:17 "If you 'go into training' inwardly, act normal outwardly.
30:21 Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth,"
30:24 please "wash your face.
30:27 God does not require," now isn't this good?
30:28 "God does not require attention-getting devices.
30:31 He won't overlook what you are doing,
30:32 He'll reward you well."
30:35 Don't you tell your roommate, "I'm going on a fast today,
30:37 can't go with you to the cafeteria."
30:39 Don't say a word to your housemate,
30:40 to your spouse mate, to your workmate, not a word.
30:44 Mum's the word, shh.
30:48 Just a day and a night where you will hold in check
30:53 an appetite that defines your day
30:57 and sets your schedule.
30:59 You think about it,
31:00 everything we do is run right here.
31:04 Everything we do comes out of here
31:06 but one day comes you say, oh, hold it, stomach,
31:09 I'm not listening to you today 24 hours, 24 hours.
31:15 Hey, listen, for some of us
31:17 it may be that food isn't the only thing we would fast from.
31:19 It may be that you would wish to fast from television.
31:22 Now here's a thought fast from radio,
31:25 fast from your iPod.
31:26 No iPod, no music, off.
31:31 How about a 24 hour internet fast,
31:33 nothing in cyberspace.
31:36 I would say fast from our cell phones
31:38 but who has the courage and time for that
31:39 so we will just leave cell phones out of it.
31:42 Isn't that right?
31:44 Listen, jot this down please.
31:45 Whatever it is you fast from, here's a deal,
31:48 in its usual place.
31:49 Would you underline that and circle that.
31:51 In the usual place that
31:52 whatever it is you're fasting from
31:54 in that place in your day's schedule
31:55 insert some quiet time alone with God.
31:58 That's the big deal right there.
32:00 Substitution is how we are doing this.
32:02 You pull something out, I'm going without this now,
32:05 you put something in.
32:06 I want some quiet time alone with God.
32:09 That's the deal on fasting.
32:11 In fact, you know, you could do,
32:14 you could take your Bible.
32:16 Wouldn't this be something you got a pocket Bible,
32:17 take your Bible
32:19 to where you have lunch, when you slip away.
32:21 Nobody, hey, where did he go for lunch? I don't know.
32:23 You just slip away with your Bible.
32:25 During that time you normally be eating today,
32:28 I'm not eating, I'm eating here,
32:30 I'm feeding here.
32:32 In fact, jot that down will you please?
32:34 Substitute your appetite for food
32:36 with an appetite for "every word"
32:38 according Jesus "every word that comes
32:41 from the mouth of God" Matthew 4:11.
32:43 May I remind you that when Christ spoke those words
32:48 He is immortal, hand to hand combat
32:53 with the fallen Lucifer himself.
32:55 After 40 days he speaks these words,
32:57 after 40 days of fasting day and night
33:01 he is not asking anybody to be like Jesus there.
33:04 Never, never.
33:06 You know, God doesn't need a 40 fast
33:08 and trust me you don't either
33:10 but he said in the myth of that trust
33:14 "Man and women shall not live by bread alone,
33:16 but by every word that proceeds
33:18 from the mouth of God."
33:19 Take your pocket Bible with you,
33:21 find that little spot
33:22 where you can be alone with God,
33:24 feed on the Word of God.
33:25 Ladies and gentlemen,
33:26 the point is we are living in God's
33:27 final strategic salvation history chapter,
33:31 we are in the judgment.
33:34 I know it doesn't feel like it.
33:37 I know that we are going to dinner as soon as this is over.
33:39 I know that life goes on, we'll have Saturday night
33:41 and then there will be next week
33:43 and I know it doesn't feel like
33:45 we are in the judgment but we are.
33:51 The two minute warning has already sounded.
33:55 You can ignore it, you can play not me,
33:59 or you can sing, no, no, no, no, no.
34:03 Deny myself, I'll deny appetite not fast.
34:10 I love my friends down the road here in Buchanan,
34:13 Life Action Ministries, great leader Byron Paulus said,
34:17 chatted with Byron along the way my time pastoring here,
34:20 they run a wonderful ministry just down in Buchanan
34:22 and they put out this very inspirational magazine.
34:26 Can you get a camera in on that please?
34:29 This is their Revive magazine and this is the latest one
34:32 and look at the cover story, Bible Boredom?
34:35 Reviewing your passion for God's word.
34:38 Inside the magazine is a piece by Howard Hendricks,
34:41 the great theologian from Dallas Theological Seminary.
34:44 In his piece he tells a story
34:46 and I got to share the story with you.
34:48 He tells a story-- let me just read it to you.
34:52 Here it is. Okay.
34:54 "A man I know" all right "A man I know came to Christ,
34:58 so I gave him a New Testament and told him to read it.
35:02 He came back a week later and said, 'I read it.'
35:06 I said, 'I know, but I meant the whole thing.'
35:10 He said, 'I did.'
35:12 He said, 'I read the whole thing,
35:13 including the palms in the back.'
35:15 He thought the word was palms, it's Psalms,
35:17 you know, it's the little New Testament Psalms.
35:19 "'I read the palms,
35:20 I love those palms, I read them.'
35:23 And he said, 'I understand
35:25 there is another section to this thing.'"
35:26 He is talking about the Old Testament.
35:28 "So I gave him the Old Testament,
35:29 and three weeks later he came back
35:31 and said he'd read it!"
35:33 Now Hendricks is talking to you and me "My friend,
35:36 we have elders in our church
35:37 who have never read the Bible through in its entirety!
35:44 But here is this guy who is like a little kid
35:46 with a fire engine so excited to study the Bible.
35:49 Some time later, this same man and I
35:50 were studying the passage where Jesus says,
35:52 Luke 12:15 'One's life does not consist
35:54 in the abundance of the things he possesses.'
35:56 He stopped me and said, 'Whoa, does that mean
35:59 what I think it means?'
36:02 I asked him what he thought it meant,
36:03 and he explained it better than any commentary
36:06 commentary I had ever read.
36:07 So this man went out and liquidated
36:09 a million dollars' worth of property
36:11 to resource the work of Jesus Christ."
36:14 That's called taking the word seriously.
36:16 That's called being excited about that little pocket Bible.
36:18 That's called carrying that pocket Bible with you.
36:20 That's called every chance you get to find a moment
36:22 where you and God can be alone in His word.
36:25 Fast, fasting, pull something out
36:30 so that you can put something in.
36:32 Some of you by the way,
36:33 will pull something out permanently
36:35 and never bring it back.
36:37 That will be the work of the spirit
36:39 and you will have to know what that is.
36:47 We are living in God's judgment up there,
36:52 there must be a spiritual deepening going on
36:55 down here, that's the point.
36:58 And so I'm moving into territory
37:00 where you and I have never been before
37:01 and I'm wondering out loud
37:02 maybe the time has come for us to fast.
37:08 Let me share a line from this apocalyptic classic
37:10 called the Great Controversy.
37:11 You have it in your study guide,
37:13 you have to fill that in.
37:14 "We are living in the most solemn period
37:16 of this world's history."
37:17 Well, there's an under statement.
37:19 "The destiny of earth's teeming
37:20 multitudes is about to be decided.
37:22 Our own future well-being
37:23 and also the salvation of other souls
37:25 depend upon the course which we now pursue.
37:27 We need to be guided by the Spirit of truth.
37:30 Every follower of Christ should earnestly inquire
37:32 'Lord, what do you want from me?"
37:33 What do You want me to do?
37:35 He will honor that prayer by the way, He will honor
37:38 and He will show you, He will lead you.
37:40 Now here comes, "We need to humble ourselves"
37:42 that's Day of Atonement language
37:44 straight out of the Hebrew.
37:45 "We need to humble ourselves before the Lord,
37:48 with fasting and prayer, " Jot that down,
37:51 fasting and prayer.
37:55 "And to meditate much upon His word,
37:57 especially" this what got me by surprise,
37:59 "especially the scenes of the judgment."
38:02 Why do you ever want to look at those scenes?
38:04 Hey they always make me a little bit nervous.
38:07 Maybe that's the point.
38:13 "Great peace have they which love thy law."
38:15 Look, I understand about peace that passes understanding
38:17 but every, every now and then I need a little reminder.
38:20 Dwight, guess what buddy, your life is just today
38:27 so how's it going you and me today boy,
38:31 because I'm concerned every now and then
38:34 you get them too, the little--
38:40 you thought about where we are in history right now?
38:45 It's a Day of Atonement language
38:46 straight out of the scripture.
38:48 Humbling ourselves through fasting and prayer.
38:50 So here's a deal, maybe you and I
38:53 are to consider fasting as a demonstration
38:54 as Roy Gane put it of our total dependence upon God
38:58 in a time of special need.
39:00 I don't know when to tell you to do it,
39:02 I don't know how much time you ought to do it,
39:03 for don't ask me.
39:08 But what if we just did it?
39:11 And if you are on a prescribed diet
39:12 check with your physician of fast from
39:13 something beside food or drink.
39:15 All I know is that we are living
39:17 in the time of the judgment
39:18 and it's probably calling for an intensification
39:21 of the spiritual experience we are presently enjoying,
39:23 intensify, intensify.
39:29 Let's read that line again.
39:31 Did you keep your finger in Leviticus 23,
39:34 read it again verse 26.
39:36 "The Lord said to Moses,
39:38 'The tenth day of this seventh month
39:39 is the Day of Atonement.
39:40 Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves,
39:43 and present an offering made to the Lord by fire."
39:47 There it is clue number two.
39:48 Clue number one, deny yourself.
39:50 Clue number two, assemble yourselves.
39:54 Hold a sacred assembly.
39:56 Now ladies and gentlemen, look to deny yourself
39:58 depicts an intense, maybe why witness down,
40:00 an intense personal seeking after God.
40:02 But now to "assemble yourselves"
40:05 depicts an intense, write it down, collective,
40:08 a collective seeking after God.
40:10 The Day of Atonement is both a private intensification
40:13 and a collective intensification.
40:14 It's got to happen on both levels,
40:16 privately, collectively.
40:20 I was sharing my heart this last Wednesday night
40:24 with a house of prayer congregation
40:26 and I was wondering aloud with them.
40:30 What do you think it's gonna take?
40:32 Maybe you have an answer to this?
40:33 What do you think it's gonna take
40:35 for God to get the attention of this generation?
40:39 Inside the church, outside the church,
40:41 it doesn't matter to me, just this generation.
40:43 What do you think it's gonna take?
40:46 I mean, you and I might not agree about everything
40:49 that's very okay, but I have a feeling--
40:52 I mean, please, could there be,
40:55 you help me out, could there be
40:59 a more opportune time for the friends of Jesus
41:04 to be coming together outside of Sabbath worship?
41:08 I mean, we got that one down, hallelujah.
41:11 But could there be an opportune time in history--
41:14 could there be a more opportune time
41:15 in history than this one,
41:16 the insecurity, the uncertainty?
41:19 I look in the faces of our talking heads
41:22 nobody knows for sure what's going on.
41:26 Wouldn't this be a fairly obvious time
41:29 for the community to have these sacred assemblies?
41:34 Whatever that means, beyond Sabbath worship.
41:39 Jonathan Edwards considered by many
41:41 the greatest theologian in American history.
41:44 Jonathan Edwards,
41:45 I'll put the words on the screen for you.
41:47 Three centuries ago he wrote these words.
41:49 "When God is about to accomplish great things
41:51 for his church," I like this.
41:52 "When God is about to accomplish great things
41:54 for his church, He will begin by a remarkable
41:57 pouring out of 'the Spirit of grace and supplication.'
42:02 " Now hold on, what if we were on the cusp?
42:05 What if we were right now on the cusp of God
42:08 getting ready to do that
42:11 for His church, for the human race?
42:15 Right now, what if we were just almost there?
42:20 What if God were waiting for an intense collective
42:23 seeking after Him like we never have before?
42:27 Did you see that line?
42:28 By the way, you look down your study guide
42:29 because you have there quote there.
42:30 Do you see that line, he is quoting from the,
42:31 from the scripture.
42:32 God will pour "the Spirit of grace and supplication."
42:36 See the quotation marks around it?
42:37 Let me put from his old King James
42:38 because that's all they have back then three centuries ago,
42:40 he only had the King James.
42:42 Here's the line, Zechariah 12:10, fascinating.
42:45 Go and make it in your Bible later sometime.
42:48 God making this promise, isn't this incredible?
42:51 "And I will pour out on the house of David
42:53 and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
42:55 a spirit of grace and supplication."
43:00 That is amazing.
43:02 In fact, jot it down, "I will pour out upon you
43:05 a spirit of grace and supplication."
43:08 The New Living translation renders
43:09 that a spirit of prayer.
43:10 Write that in, a spirit of prayer.
43:12 You go to the English Standard Version
43:13 and it feels like a spirit of pleading, pleading.
43:17 I will pour out the spirit on you.
43:20 And by the way, that's not Holy Spirit,
43:21 He can say I'll pour out my spirit on you.
43:24 No, no, no, no, no,
43:25 before I pour out finally My spirit
43:29 I'm gonna first pour out a spirit of asking.
43:33 I'm gonna give you a new spirit,
43:34 a spirit that wants to have what I've had all along.
43:39 I'll pour out on you a spirit of supplication.
43:43 A giddiness.
43:44 Now watch this I'll put another line
43:46 from Jonathan Edwards.
43:48 "When God has something very great
43:53 to accomplish for His church,
43:55 it is His will that there should precede it
43:58 the extraordinary prayers of His people."
44:04 Ladies and gentlemen, wouldn't it be something,
44:08 wouldn't it be something if God were waiting
44:11 to find out from you and me,
44:14 if we are intensely serious about wanting that final gift
44:20 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
44:22 Wouldn't be something, so it is now like, hey, God,
44:25 I would love to have that Holy Spirit
44:26 fill me please, hallelujah.
44:28 That one time request, what if God were holding back
44:33 and saying no, no, no, no, no,
44:35 I want to know do you really want it.
44:39 So He is not promising on that promise we just read.
44:42 He is not saying, I'm gonna pour out My sprit.
44:43 He says, no, I'm gonna give you instead
44:45 a spirit of asking.
44:48 Oh, what happened?
44:49 Oh, what happened if you were the one
44:51 God was waiting to ask on behalf of this campus.
44:54 Listen Dwight, how would I pray that prayer?
44:55 Simple.
44:57 Say, oh, God, I wish you would pour out
44:59 upon Andrews University a spirit of asking,
45:03 a spirit of pleading.
45:05 God, we can go through generation,
45:06 after generation, class after class after class.
45:09 We can go for another millennium
45:10 if You need us to but could it be
45:12 that you are on the cusp of what You have promised to do
45:16 if we were in the Day of Atonement.
45:18 Now would you pour out for us a spirit of asking,
45:23 a spirit of wanting?
45:30 You know, I got two wonderful kids, hallelujah,
45:32 Kirk and Kristin.
45:34 And Kirk and Kristin were very young.
45:37 In November, every year in November Toys "R" Us
45:42 would come out with the new Christmas flyer.
45:43 They used to come out in November
45:44 now they are coming out first of October of course,
45:47 but Toys "R" Us
45:50 and you know my kids would do every Sunday
45:51 they would pull it out
45:52 because they love to drew those pictures.
45:55 So I hey, guys, here's the latest Toys "R" Us
45:59 brochure of full color and they would hurry off
46:02 to a corner of the house and before you know,
46:05 what I mean, in five minutes Kirk is back daddy,
46:08 I found it at last what I have always
46:11 been wanting all my life.
46:14 Daddy, can I have this and point--
46:17 put his little pudgy finger I want that.
46:20 I've always-- daddy, you know that
46:22 I always wanted this.
46:23 And I'm thinking to myself yeah, right.
46:28 Because if another week goes by and another Toys "R" Us
46:31 flyer comes out guess what,
46:34 he goes back to the same pictures
46:35 but now it's not that one he wants another one.
46:37 Daddy, I'm telling-- you weren't sure last
46:40 but you really be sure now this is the one I want.
46:44 There isn't a parent alive who doesn't know
46:46 what I'm describing right now.
46:48 Come on, isn't that true?
46:49 Of course.
46:50 So what does a wise parent do?
46:53 A wise parent waits.
46:55 Okay, I'm gonna watch this boy for a while.
46:57 If my boy comes back to me week, after week,
46:59 after week, after week, after week,
47:01 and he said I got to have it, I got to have it,
47:03 I got to have it and I love my boy
47:05 and I'm thinking this would be a nice gift for him.
47:07 At that point I take him seriously.
47:11 That little flash in the pan I got to have it now stuff
47:13 hey, I'm not a dummy
47:17 because if I give you that you want something else.
47:21 Our divine parent is no different.
47:24 Oh, God, I got to have the Holy Spirit see You later,
47:26 ciao and we are gone.
47:29 Oh, you really want the spirit, did you?
47:32 I'll see if you bring it up tonight
47:34 and it's not anywhere near on mines.
47:36 What a pastor preached about it today
47:37 I say bring it up.
47:38 But then it's gone.
47:41 Ladies and gentlemen, if this is a Day of Atonement
47:44 up there and down here
47:45 then there is a new intensification
47:47 that God is calling for
47:49 and He is saying, guys, come on, let's get real please.
47:52 How many gifts do you want?
47:53 I have one gift,
47:55 I have one gift that if you get this gift
47:57 it will give you every other gift in My store house,
47:58 ask Me for that gift
48:01 but I want to find out if you really want it.
48:03 Ask Me again tomorrow and then ask me again tomorrow,
48:06 and then ask me again tomorrow,
48:07 and one of these days trust me
48:10 I will give you, your hearts content.
48:13 But I got to find out are you really serious?
48:17 Do you want it?
48:18 A century ago, not three centuries ago
48:19 that's Jonathan Edwards, a century ago
48:22 these words were written, put it on the screen for you.
48:24 "A revival of true godliness among us
48:28 is the greatest and most urgent
48:30 of all our need.
48:32 To seek this should be our first work.
48:33 There must be earnest effort
48:34 to obtain the blessing of the Lord,
48:36 not because God is not willing
48:38 to bestow His blessing upon us,
48:40 but because we are unprepared to receive it."
48:41 You only asked me once.
48:44 If I gave the same to you what would you do?
48:45 You throw it away.
48:47 You're not ready to receive it.
48:48 It's because we are not ready,
48:49 that we must keep asking.
48:52 Oh, that last line, "A revival need be expected
48:54 only in answer to prayer."
48:56 So here's the deal, what if preparatory
48:58 to this final revival that Revelation 18:1
49:01 predicts this outpouring the sprit all over the planet,
49:04 what if God wants us before asking for the spirit,
49:09 what if we started asking for the spirit of asking.
49:14 What if we just said I need a spirit of pleading
49:17 because I don't want it real, I don't want it real much now.
49:20 I'm just not really big on this now.
49:22 God, give me a pleading, create a hunger in me,
49:27 create a thirst in me, I want to ask.
49:32 Deny yourself by fasting.
49:35 Assemble yourselves by praying, sacred assembly
49:42 at the risk of being misunderstood.
49:44 I'm gonna put a screen,
49:45 a slide on the screen right now.
49:47 It's blue and it will say House of Prayer on it
49:52 and it will remind you that every Wednesday night
49:54 the doors of this church are open to human beings
49:59 who don't want to pray alone as we do all week anyway
50:04 but who now say sacred assembly, Day of Atonement,
50:08 assemble ourselves together I want to come.
50:11 It will be over by eight, starts at seven,
50:14 over by eight.
50:16 Don't have an hour in the hour of His judgment,
50:20 tell me, tell me.
50:23 That's not true.
50:25 I'm not making anybody feel guilty.
50:27 I'm not saying you're gonna be lost
50:28 if you don't come to house of prayer.
50:30 All I'm doing is telling you in the middle of every week
50:34 the doors to this church are open
50:37 and you can assemble yourself with others
50:42 who share your passion for the spirit of supplication.
50:46 I'd love to have you come.
50:50 That's it.
50:54 So here's the deal, I want to pray with you.
51:01 I want to kneel with you and in that kneeling
51:06 I want to some how get some words out here
51:09 out of my heart on your behalf to the throne of the temple
51:12 that is occupied right now.
51:15 I'm gonna talk direct,
51:17 directly I'll be in communication
51:21 to that temple room and here's what I'm gonna ask
51:23 and will tell you in advance,
51:24 I'm gonna ask that God would begin
51:28 to pour out a spirit of supplication
51:31 upon Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University
51:35 and our little tiny community here in South West Michigan.
51:39 I believe that the time is right for the pleading.
51:46 Let's kneel together.
51:48 By the way, when we are through kneeling
51:50 there will be words on the screen
51:51 and oh, I love this, old gospel hymn only stanza of it,
51:55 "Teach me Father, what to say,
51:57 teach me Father, how to pray."
51:58 It's a beautiful little prayer.
52:00 We'll sing that to conclude our service together.
52:10 Oh, God, so here we are sacred assembly
52:17 on our knees, You are on the throne
52:21 we are on our knees.
52:23 You're hearing our hearts right now,
52:25 not just one voice but all of these heart voices
52:30 ascending to You.
52:32 Dear Father, our prayer is a humble one,
52:35 it is a simple one.
52:37 Would You please pour out the spirit of pleading,
52:42 the spirit of asking, the spirit of supplication
52:48 upon us right here.
52:52 It maybe that little prayer group
52:54 that has been quietly meeting all these weeks
52:59 has been appointed by you
53:01 to become the front edge of a new prayer.
53:05 Keep them Father, praying it might be that young adult
53:10 whose been alone before You pouring our his heart,
53:12 pouring out her heart and saying God, change me.
53:16 Change my university, change my church,
53:19 change my world.
53:21 It may be she is praying that way already,
53:23 he is praying that way now because You raised him up
53:26 You said, I got to have somebody asking
53:28 on behalf of the whole.
53:30 Father, keep the prayers, only now multiply them.
53:34 That hundreds of prayers ascend not just today
53:37 because we looked in the Toys "R" Us catalogue
53:39 and oh, got to have it.
53:42 Create a new hunger for us,
53:44 a new hunger that will drive us back to our knees again
53:47 and again a relentless intensification of our faith
53:52 that will not let you go unless You bless me.
53:58 Just like Jacob I won't let You go
54:01 unless you bless me.
54:03 Grant us that intensification of our faith
54:08 now more than ever
54:14 and one day on the other side
54:19 tell us the story of how these humble prayers
54:26 were seized by the Holy Spirit
54:29 to bring on the grand finale of reaching this world
54:35 for Christ in one generation.
54:39 Oh, God, please do whatever it takes teach us
54:45 how to pray.
54:47 Let's sing that together.
55:03 Teach me, Father, what to say
55:10 Teach me, Father, how to pray
55:18 Teach me all along the way
55:26 How to be like Jesus
55:34 I would be like Jesus
55:43 I would be like Jesus!
55:51 Help me, Lord, to daily grow
56:00 More and more like Jesus!
56:11 Now to him who was able to keep you from falling
56:15 and to present you faultless before His throne
56:19 with great joy
56:21 to the only wise God our Savior be glory and honored
56:26 dominion and majesty both now
56:30 and forever more, amen.
56:36 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:39 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time with us
56:42 right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:44 on the campus of Andrews University.
56:46 Do you know that around the world
56:47 people join us every week for this hour of worship?
56:49 We're always looking as a consequence
56:51 for new ways to bridge somehow
56:53 to connect with these people
56:55 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:58 One of the areas that is quickly growing for us
57:00 is our website.
57:01 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:05 It's an incredible opportunity
57:07 that God has given us given us to expand His kingdom.
57:10 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:11 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
57:14 I would love to have you call our toll free number.
57:17 We've got very friendly operator standing
57:19 by here is the number 877-His-Will.
57:23 877 and then the two words His-Will,
57:25 one of the operators will be happy to give you
57:27 the details of how you can partner
57:29 with this global ministry.
57:31 If you prefer listen, you could do it all online
57:33 go to our website please
57:38 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:39 of partnering with you as we seek to spread
57:41 the truth about God for this generation.
57:43 We are living in urgent times,
57:47 now more than ever we've got to go to the world
57:50 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:52 So once again here is that toll free number
57:54 877-His-Will.
57:56 Thank you in advance for your generosity
57:59 that blesses me and you grow this ministry.
58:02 I pray that the Spirit of Christ
58:03 will abide with you every step of the way
58:06 and I hope you'll come back again next time right here
58:09 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2015-01-22