New Perceptions

The Regrets of Oscar Wilde

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP100116A

00:00 ♪♪
00:08 [ "God of Our Fathers" plays ]
00:44 [ Congregation sings ]
02:44 [ Song ends ]
02:46 [ "Majestic" plays ]
03:00 >> "O, Lord, our Lord." [ Congregation sings ]
03:40 "O, Lord, our Lord."
04:35 "I will worship."
04:50 Sing it together, "We will worship."
05:33 [ Tempo slows ]
05:42 [ Song ends ] [ "Majesty" plays ]
05:57 Sing together, "Majesty."
06:01 [ Congregation sings ]
08:10 ♪ Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings ♪
08:23 Amen, amen. You know, the past couple weeks,
08:27 if you've been here at PMC or watching online, Pastor Dwight's
08:30 been covering an amazing, amazing series talking about the
08:34 Word of God speaking truth into our hearts.
08:39 And that's what this next time is. As we come to the Lord in
08:43 prayer, we lift up His petitions, we claim His promises, and we come to God,
08:48 asking Him to speak His truth and His love and His grace into our lives.
08:54 And so today, as we sing this song, as we come into prayer, I invite you to ruminate on the
09:02 words, let those words resonate with you. Sometimes, we just sing words,
09:07 but, today, hear these words, sing these words as we ask God to speak to us today.
09:14 [ "Speak, O Lord" plays ]
09:20 [ Congregation sings ]
10:27 "Teach us, Lord."
11:36 [ Song fades out ]
14:46 [ Tempo quickens ]
16:00 [ Song ends ] >> Amen. >> That was beautiful.
16:07 Thank you very much. Just what we needed this Sabbath.
16:13 So, without any further ado, I want to plunge into -- I'm really excited about our
16:18 teaching today. I hope it impacts you the way it has impacted me in going through
16:23 this study. I want to pray with you. Then we'll roll the video
16:27 trailer. We're off. Dear Father, Homecoming Sabbath.
16:32 Kind of reminds us of a homecoming someday for the entire human race.
16:40 So we're glad to be a part of this homecoming. The nation is rather...
16:48 in a crazy sort of way right now. We can't quite figure out what's
16:52 happening in America. May hope be Your response to our national collective heart.
17:03 May it be Your response to our hearts. Bless this moment of teaching.
17:07 Make it clear, please, in Jesus' name. Amen. Let's roll that trailer.
17:13 [ Cellphone chimes ] [ Mid-tempo music plays ] [ Cellphones chiming ]
17:41 [ Music ends ]
17:45 Was a cool autumn evening about this time of year, actually, in the nation's capital,
17:50 Washington D.C. Friend of mine and I decided to go down to the
17:54 National Cathedral -- majestic Gothic architecture there in D.C. -- that evening.
18:00 We were at church headquarters for meetings during the day. "Let's just go. Come on."
18:05 Friend of mine, Rob Lloyd. "Let's just go check it out." We slipped in to the cathedral,
18:10 trying to find out if there's a prayer service going on. "Shh! They're gathered."
18:15 And as we sat in the back pew and listened, we discovered it's a prayer service for those
18:20 suffering from AIDS.
18:24 We sat there quietly and watched as one after another came
18:28 forward to the officiants who were standing at the front --
18:32 some alone, some with family, some with family and friends, as
18:37 the officiants prayed... prayed for healing.
18:41 I'm sure every heart was there for physical feeling.
18:45 But there's so many times when your heart also longs for
18:49 emotional healing.
18:51 It longs for spiritual healing. Tell you what, it was... It was an awesome moment just to
19:01 sit there and watch and pray with these strangers -- not unlike, by the way, the moment
19:09 when he is hanging there in midair, suspended from the ceiling that has been ripped
19:16 open with a hole large enough to lower a man through. There he is.
19:24 We are told he is suffering from the physical effects of a lifestyle he pursued once upon a
19:33 time -- spindly, immobile legs, skin taut, fallow, yellow, decaying.
19:49 And as he hangs there in midair, his friends eagerly watching from the hole, the one over
19:59 whose head the hole had been rapidly dug looks down. This one has a man face, strong
20:09 features, but a tenderness and a kindness unusual -- dark eyes of compassion.
20:19 He looks down into the twitching face. If you've ever seen the face of
20:28 guilt -- and in my kind of work, I see that face now and then. The eyes darting, desperate.
20:40 A twitch. The one who looks down reads the entire story.
20:47 This man doesn't want healing for his legs. His heart is about to die.
20:55 And in desperation, he's come through the roof. And Jesus speaks.
21:02 And when Jesus speaks, he activates a law that has been operative in the universe as
21:09 long as there has been a Creator God. We've learned about that law in
21:14 this series -- #RxF4Now. The law goes like this. Whenever the Creator speaks a
21:25 word, no matter what word it is He speaks, the spoken omnipotent word instantly creates the
21:35 reality that the word describes. So when He stood in this dark spot of the Milky Way, and He
21:43 said, "Let there be light," in half a nanosecond, there is light.
21:51 Whenever God speaks a word, that word, whether here or here, immediately creates the reality
22:00 He speaks. So the same Creator, now incarnated in human flesh, looks
22:06 down at this shriveled, desperate, dying heart. And He speaks the words the man
22:18 has come to hear. "Son... your sins are forgiven."
22:29 And in that instant, the omnipotence unleashed with the word, "Let there be
22:35 forgiveness --" [ Exhales sharply ] All over the face you see it.
22:42 "Desire of Ages" captures this moment.
22:44 Oh, lock this moment in your heart.
22:46 "Could He really do this for me, too?"
22:48 "The burden --" the paralytic. "The burden..."
23:01 "In simple faith, he accepted the words of Jesus as the boon
23:05 of new life. He urged no further request --"
23:07 He didn't come for the legs. He came for the heart.
23:13 "He urges no further request, but he lay in blissful silence,
23:18 too happy for words," staring into the face that smiles down
23:23 on him. "The light of heaven --" Oh, I
23:27 love this. "The light of heaven irradiated
23:30 his countenance, and the people looked with awe --" "Wow, did
23:36 you see that?"
23:40 Romans 8:1 -- our text. Would you find it in your Bible, whatever Bible you brought?
23:47 Didn't bring a Bible, grab the pew Bible in front of you. You got your device there.
23:50 Let's go. Romans chapter eight. What has just happened before
23:57 our eyes? Romans 8:1. "Therefore --" And I'm in the
24:01 NIV. "Therefore..."
24:16 That amazing? "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who
24:20 are --" what? Come on, finish the sentence for me.
24:23 For those who are what? In Christ Jesus. In Christ.
24:29 That's Paul's favorite -- That has become Paul's life-mission theme.
24:33 He is the champion of "in Christ." Over 200 times -- Over 200 times
24:37 in his scribbled epistles, he will use that phrase or one of its cognates -- "In Christ, in
24:43 him, in Christ, in him, in Christ, in him." Why?
24:46 Because when you're in Christ, something happens to you, and you'll never be the same again.
24:53 "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
24:58 Hallelujah. And by the way, that is precisely what the paralytic
25:04 desperately needed to know, and he learned it like that. Because, you see, just go
25:10 backwards into chapter 7, verse 24. The cry, the anguished cry of
25:14 the paralytic, is captured here in Romans 7:27 -- verse 24, rather.
25:20 Romans 7:24...
25:29 There isn't an Andrews alum that does not know the truth about that line.
25:38 You may have dodged it, you may have ducked it, you may have tried to forget it, you may have
25:42 even self-medicated yourself so that you will never think of it again, but that truth is born
25:47 and birthed in every heart that longs for something more. "Oh, wretched man that I am!
25:55 Who will deliver me from this body of death?" "Oh, wretched woman that I am!
25:59 Who will deliver me from this body of death?" You can be a student at
26:02 Andrews University. That's your cry. You can be a faculty member, you
26:05 can be a preacher at Andrews University. That's your cry.
26:08 "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?"
26:13 We are all paralytics, and the bad news is terrible, which is why you need to get the good
26:19 news, which is the very next verse. "Wretched man that I am!
26:21 Who will deliver me from this body of death?" Look at verse 25.
26:24 "But thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!"
26:29 Now verse one of chapter eight...
26:38 No condemnation in Christ. No condemnation. You say, "Aw, I don't know that
26:46 that's true." Well, come on. Think about it. Why would God condemn someone
26:50 who's in Christ? He would be condemning Himself. That would be the craziest thing
26:54 in the universe to do. "Why would I condemn myself?"
26:57 If you're in Christ, no condemnation.
27:00 It's illogical for condemnation to arise.
27:02 It's impossible. If you're in Christ, no
27:05 condemnation. "Why would I condemn myself?"
27:10 "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in
27:12 Christ Jesus."
27:14 Turns out Paul is trying to set us -- he's trying to get our attention with this "in Christ."
27:18 Over 200 times, he'll use this phrase. "Come on, get it, get it, get
27:21 it, get it!" In fact, I'll tell you this -- he has already set us up for
27:27 chapter eight, verse one in what he did in chapter five, so just turn the page.
27:31 Just go back to Romans chapter five. Everybody knows Romans five, at
27:34 least the first half of it. It's the second half we ignore. The first half is just replete
27:38 with this glorious description of God's love -- the Father's love, the Son's love for us.
27:43 You remember this, Romans chapter five? Let's pick it up in verse six.
27:45 "You see, just at the right time -- just at the right time, when we were still powerless,
27:51 Christ died for the ungodly." Oh, Lord. Paul goes on...
28:03 But verse eight. God the Father...
28:12 [ Claps ]
28:15 You cannot be loved today any more by the God, the Supreme Being of this universe,
28:22 than you are already loved. Nothing you can do to diminish that love.
28:26 Nothing you can do to increase that love. Nothing.
28:33 So, Paul has, "Father, Son, Father, Son, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on," and
28:37 then, all of a sudden, Paul says, "Hey, yo, I want to talk about Adam."
28:40 "Adam, Paul? Why would you bring up Adam now? We're having a great time with
28:43 the Father and the Son." "I'll show you," he says. Drop down to verse 12.
28:46 Now here we go into territory nobody ventures in Romans five. Come on.
28:51 There's something stunning here. Watch this. Verse 12.
28:54 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through the one
28:57 man --" Who is the father of the human race?
28:58 Help me out. Who is the father of the human
29:00 race? Be Adam.
29:04 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man --"
29:07 that would be Adam -- "and death through sin, and in this way
29:10 death came to all people, because all sinned..."
29:14 And Paul stops.
29:16 All your new translations just have a big dash and then white space after it.
29:19 You know why? Because he never finished the sentence.
29:22 He never finished the sentence. When we see him in eternity, "Yo, Paul, that sentence in
29:27 Romans five, what was up with that? Why didn't you finish it?"
29:29 Hey, haven't you ever had a -- Come on, alums. Didn't you have a brilliant
29:32 professor in one of your classes -- come on, students today.
29:34 A brilliant professor, the man, the woman, is waxing eloquent. All of a sudden --
29:38 [Exhales sharply] she's gone. Where did she go? We were just talking about this,
29:42 but [Exhales sharply] now we're here. Brilliant mind.
29:48 Thought of something else, and he's gone the other way.
29:52 I read John Brown's commentary two summers ago -- the
29:54 Bible-application commentary in the Book of Romans -- read it
29:57 through. And I learned from John that in
29:58 fact the linguists have a technical word for unfinished
30:01 sentences. It's called "anacoluthon."
30:04 It means "a sentence that never ends the way it should." So that's one of those.
30:10 We just had one of those. There's no ending to it. But, boy, oh, boy, the path
30:13 [Exhales sharply] that Paul went on to -- take a look at this path.
30:17 Because, you see, Paul, with his brilliant Hebrew mind -- he's a Jewish scholar -- Paul knows
30:24 that, in Judaism, in Hebrew thought, you don't have like we have it in the West, you and
30:30 me -- individual, individual, individual, individual, individual, individual.
30:33 We're just a nation of individuals. We've lost connectivity.
30:37 We've lost collective and corporate. We're just individuals now.
30:40 In the Hebrew mind, the many are one person. The many are one, and the many
30:48 have a representative head that is the head of the one. Thousands are in that one.
30:57 And that's what Paul is now gonna show us. We once had a head.
31:04 We now have a new head. And he's setting us up for the "in Christ" thing.
31:10 Watch this. Drop down to verse 15. "But the gift --" Because he's
31:14 talking about the Father, the Son, the gift -- Calvary, Calvary.
31:16 "The gift is not like the trespass --" the sin of Adam. "For if the many died..."
31:30 How much more?
31:33 He's setting us up. Now he's gonna run them by us -- three parallels.
31:38 Boy, if we had a chart -- The study guide, by the way, is in your -- all the quotations
31:41 today, you have them in your worship bulletin. There's nothing to fill in.
31:44 But if we had a chart, boy, here we would go. Three parallels. Here they come.
31:48 Let's pick it up in verse 17. "For if --" Put that on the screen, please.
31:51 There we go. "For if, by the trespass of the one man --" that would be
31:55 Adam -- "death reigned through that one man..."
32:06 [ Claps ] All right, let's create a little graph.
32:08 We'll have three lines to this chart -- call it a chart instead.
32:11 Adam equals what? Death reigns, yeah. Adam equals death reigns.
32:17 And now over here beside would be Christ, and what happens with Christ?
32:21 Life reigns. Okay. Let's go. This is verse 18 now.
32:26 "Consequently --" Three of these parallels he's gonna fire by us.
32:29 "Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in
32:32 condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted
32:36 in justification and life for --" how many people?
32:39 For how many people? For all. All.
32:42 Okay, second line. Come on, put the chart up real quick -- second line.
32:46 Adam equals condemnation for how many? All.
32:49 Christ equals justification or pardon and life for how many? For all.
32:55 Paul says, "Are you getting this?" "How about one more, Paul?"
32:57 He says, "I'll give you another one." Verse 19.
33:00 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man --"
33:03 that would be Adam -- "the many --" By the way, when Paul
33:06 uses "many" and "all," it's the same thing.
33:09 He's not trying to deal with numbers here.
33:10 No. Many means all. Verse 19.
33:14 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man --"
33:16 Adam -- "the many were made sinners, so also through the
33:19 obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous."
33:23 Come on, put that third line up. Adam -- many made sinners.
33:28 Christ -- many made righteous. What's going on here?
33:32 Paul's actually -- Paul's borrowing language from the
33:35 greatest Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament.
33:37 Be Isaiah 53. He's grabbing the language, and
33:41 he's weaving it in here. Let's put Isaiah 53 on the
33:43 screen because Isaiah 53 is about the Messiah, the servant
33:47 of Israel. See, Israel is one person.
33:49 The servant is the head. The servant is gonna go through
33:52 what Israel will not have to go through, because the servant
33:54 goes through. That's what's happening in
33:56 Isaiah 53. Take a look at verses 11 and 12.
33:59 " his knowledge my righteous servant will justify
34:02 many. He will bear their iniquities."
34:05 Verse 12. "For he bore the sin of many,
34:07 and he made intercession for the transgressors."
34:10 Somebody's stepping in. "I will represent all of them."
34:14 "What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do by
34:16 stepping in?" Go back to verses five and six.
34:20 "But he --" the servant -- "was pierced for our transgressions,
34:24 he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that
34:28 brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."
34:32 Keep reading. Verse six. "All we, like sheep, have gone
34:35 astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has
34:39 laid on him --" the representative of the entire
34:41 human race -- "the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us
34:47 all." You were under Adam.
34:50 What do you get for being under Adam? Death.
34:53 You now can be under Christ. And what do you get for being under Christ?
34:57 Life. In Adam, condemnation. In Christ, pardon and life --
35:05 for all, by the way. For all. And I need to ask you this
35:09 question. How much of all is all? How much of all is all?
35:15 That's pretty much all, isn't it? That's pretty much all.
35:20 All pardoned. All have life.
35:26 Well, look at verse 18. You say, "Dwight, you're just
35:28 making this up." Come on. Verse 18.
35:29 "Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in
35:31 condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted
35:35 in justification and life for all people."
35:38 As many people that are under Adam and in sin and death, that
35:42 same number of people now in Christ -- pardoned, life.
35:51 A century ago, a short little lady named Emma White wrote three stunning sentences.
35:56 These are all in your study guide. You take them home.
35:58 Let me run these three sentences by you. Sentence number one.
36:00 She's commenting on the prayer -- "Father, forgive them --" as he's being nailed to
36:03 the cross. "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing."
36:06 "That prayer --" So we're putting it on the screen now,
36:08 from "Desire of Ages." "That prayer..."
36:17 "Upon --" How many? "Upon all rests the guilt of
36:20 crucifying the Son of God. To --" How many?
36:23 "To all, forgiveness is freely offered.
36:25 'Whosoever will' may have peace with God, and inherit eternal
36:28 life." The entire human race was
36:31 pardoned, forgiven, justified in Christ.
36:34 Now here comes stunning sentence number two on the screen.
36:37 Christ "took in His grasp the world over which Satan claimed
36:41 to preside as his lawful territory, and by His wonderful
36:45 work in giving His life, Christ restored the whole race of men
36:51 and women to favor --" to favor -- "with God."
36:55 The whole race. Stunning sentence number three.
37:01 I love this one. Watch this...
37:14 Hit the pause button right there.
37:15 There are some of you here that sentence is describing right
37:18 now.
37:19 You know, you come to homecoming, you come to a time when -- reconnecting with
37:23 your class and old friends, and, you know, we have this little sentence on our hard disk that
37:29 we just keep repeating. "Yo, how are you?" "Fine. Thank you. And you?"
37:32 "Yo, how are you?" "Fine. Thank you. And you?" "Yo."
37:35 "Fine. Thank you. And you?" Don't even have to ask. We have the answer.
37:38 "Fine. Thank you. And you?" And yet, behind that well-manicured alum face or that
37:45 well-manicured and handsome student face, something's going on.
37:51 Your life is entangled. Your stomach is in knots. You are in such a bind that
38:00 nobody can slice this knot. Did you just notice what we read?
38:09 Jesus is drawn most to people like that. Entangled as you are in the back
38:15 row of the balcony, he's drawn to you. More than others, he's drawn to
38:22 you -- more than drawn to them. [ Scoffs ] Wow...
38:34 Here it comes...
38:40 Ladies and gentlemen, here's the point, please.
38:43 God is not trying to play hard to get with the human race.
38:46 The door to His heart, the door to His home is wide open today.
38:50 You can come home now, no questions asked!
38:55 No questions asked. "Come to me, and I'll give you
38:58 rest. Just come to me, and I'll save
39:02 you." [ Scoffs ]
39:06 It's called the Gospel. All the charges are dropped.
39:12 In fact, listen to this. The only way -- The only way a human being can possibly be lost
39:20 is if the human chooses to be lost. You have to choose to be lost
39:26 because God's...default position is a wide open heart to you, a love that will never stop loving
39:36 you -- ever, ever, ever. That's his default. If you want to be lost, you have
39:44 to say no to Him. Otherwise... He says, "Come. Come on.
39:53 Let's go. You and me." Wow. And, by the way, this is not
40:00 Universalism. You can say no. He's justified and pardoned and
40:07 forgiven the entire human race. You can come home right now, no questions asked.
40:11 This is not Universalism. You have the right to say, "Nah, I don't want to go home."
40:15 But why anybody would not want to come is beyond me. You say, "Aw, yeah, but, Dwight,
40:22 you have no idea how horrible a sinner I am. My family does not know.
40:28 My spouse does not know. My friends do not know. I've been living with this.
40:38 You have no concept." You are absolutely right, my friend.
40:43 I do not know how horrible it is in your heart. All I know is the darkness that
40:51 dwells too often deep in my own soul. "Oh, wretched man that I am!
41:01 Who will deliver me from this body of death?" And this much else I do know
41:11 from the studying and the reading and the praying that I've done over this #RxF4Now.
41:21 This much I do know. For every horrible sinner, there is one wonderful Savior.
41:36 That much I know. No matter how much sin is in your life and in my life, verse
41:44 20 in the old King James is absolutely true. Put it on the screen please...
41:56 The more sins you have, the more grace He pours in. The more sins you have, the more
42:03 grace He pours in. She who does not confess much does not receive much.
42:12 "Simon, Simon, the woman has wept over my feet and washed them, and you didn't kiss me.
42:18 You gave me no oil for my head. You didn't wash my feet. She who has been forgiven much
42:26 loves deeply." "Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound."
42:33 Wow. By the way, the news is even better.
42:38 Hold on to your pew now 'cause we're gonna get to the best news.
42:41 It's coming right now, so hold on. Come on. Hold on.
42:44 Grab that cold wooden pew. Because in Christ, it gets -- Come on, come on.
42:51 Paul is not through. Go to chapter six. Watch this. You're not gonna believe this.
42:55 Some of you are gonna say, "Oh, boy, typical homiletical hyperbole.
42:58 That's what we get from Dwight, homiletical hyperbole." Okay. Check it out for yourself.
43:01 Romans chapter six. Come on, check it out. Romans 6:3.
43:06 Paul says...
43:10 Scholars believe that that "baptized into Christ," that notion from the very beginning
43:13 of the Christian faith, was the seed for Paul to champion this phrase over 200 times -- "in
43:19 Christ." He got it from the baptismal formula.
43:21 You're baptized into Christ -- "in Christ, in Christ, in Christ."
43:25 Hey, Paul says, "Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ were baptized into
43:29 his --" what? His death was yours. You were so into him, his death
43:33 became yours. Keep reading. Verse four.
43:36 "And we were therefore buried with him --" His burial became
43:38 yours. Keep reading.
43:40 "...buried with him through baptism into death in order
43:43 that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory
43:46 of the Father --" Guess what. We, too, came up with him.
43:50 We came up with him Resurrection Sunday.
43:53 Verse five...
44:01 [ Claps ] Man!
44:03 You're really in when you're in. You die with him, you're buried with him, you rise with him,
44:09 and guess what. You didn't know this. You ascended with him.
44:11 Did you know that you ascended with Christ? Come on, you ascended with
44:14 Christ. You're saying, "Now, this is where you're pulling my leg,
44:17 Dwight." No, no, no, no, no. Come on. Paul, Ephesians chapter two.
44:22 You got a Bible, turn to Ephesians chapter two. Look at this. Look at this.
44:26 Can you believe this is in your Bible? Ephesians chapter two.
44:29 We'll pick it up in verse four. Ephesians 2:4. "But because of --" Paul is just
44:33 so enamored with the love of God. Everywhere you turn, you're
44:36 running into God's love with Paul. "But because of His great love
44:40 for us, God, who is rich in mercy --" verse five -- "made us alive together with Christ even
44:45 when we were dead in transgressions." You remember that phrase we
44:49 read? You're all tangled up in sin. You don't know what to do.
44:52 Remember that phrase? Guess what. When you're in the "all tangled
44:56 up and dead in sin" phase of your life, God has already begun moving you into "in Christ."
45:05 He didn't wait for a changed life to do it. He started while you were still
45:11 dead in transgressions. Mercy. "And --" Oh, boy.
45:17 Oh, boy. Verse six...
45:26 Guess where you are right now if you're in Christ? You're already in heaven.
45:30 You are already in heaven. Do you believe that? Because when the Creator says,
45:33 "You're already in heaven," if you say, "Amen," it is. "I just said amen, Dwight, but
45:39 I'm still having to listen to you. Why aren't I in heaven?"
45:44 You're there in Christ. Keep reading. There's one more verse.
45:52 Verse seven. "In order that in the coming
45:54 ages God might show the incomparable riches of his
45:57 grace, expressed in His kindness to us --" there it is again,
46:01 over 200 times -- "in Christ Jesus."
46:05 That is absolutely unbelievable. We died in him, we're buried with him, we rose with him, we
46:12 ascended with him, we're sitting on the throne of the universe in Christ Jesus, with him.
46:18 Now, think, think. When you're sitting on the throne with Christ, how could
46:24 God ever lose you? How could you be lost? You're already there.
46:31 You're there. You're secure. He can't lose you... unless you say, "Get me out of
46:40 here. Get me out of here. Send me back. Send me back."
46:48 We do not understand how this "in Christ" theme is absolutely huge in God's economy of
46:55 salvation. This "in Christ" phrase, this "in Christ" truth, there is no
47:01 "huger" truth. We just invented a word. No huger truth than this one.
47:09 That's why Paul devoted his life now to preach "in Christ, in Christ."
47:16 And that little old lady we were talking about a moment ago, God bless her, got it right again
47:22 when she wrote these stunning words in a letter to someone who needed to read them, and that
47:28 someone may be you today. I'll put them on the screen for you.
47:31 You'll take them home in that study guide. You didn't get a study guide,
47:34 ask one of these friendly ushers who will be sitting up here, and you can get it from them.
47:38 "The message from God to me for you --" Here's your message from God.
47:45 "Message from God to me for you is --" and she's quoting the red-letter words in John 6:37,
47:49 the words of Jesus -- "'Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.'"
47:53 By the way, in the Greek -- This is very interesting. In the Greek -- look at that
47:57 line. "I will in no wise," that's a double negative in the Greek.
48:00 "I will no, not ever, cast out. You come to me... in Christ forever."
48:08 Now she goes on. Watch this, watch this...
48:21 I want to tell you something.
48:23 I promise you this. That little lady had no clue that there was a double negative
48:28 in John 6:37, but when she reacts to the promise, what does she put?
48:33 A double negative in the English. "You will never, never --" in
48:37 case you missed the first one. "You will never, never be turned away."
48:44 [ Scoffs ]
48:45 Keep reading 'cause it gets even better...
48:56 "Cling to that promise and you are safe."
48:59 Quote the line again for us, please.
49:02 "'She that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.'
49:05 Present this assurance to Jesus, and you are as safe as
49:08 though --" "already," I'm adding -- "inside the city of
49:12 God."
49:14 I rest my case. When you're in Christ, you're on the throne now.
49:19 You're inside the city, do you understand that? You can't get lost, unless you
49:24 say, "Let me out of here. Let me out. I don't like this place."
49:29 You're free to go, by the way. But why would anybody say, "Let me out of here"?
49:39 Wow. Christ's promise, Christ's grace is so strong, so sure, it's as
49:48 if you're already there. "Aw, Dwight, come on, now. Tell me, tell me, tell me.
49:52 How can I be in Christ?" Okay. Here's how. "Yeah, but come on.
49:57 Tell me something." No, I am. "What is this?"
50:00 This is what you do. You want to be in Christ, this
50:03 is what you do. This frail little hand is
50:07 upturned. And you know what the hand is
50:09 saying for the heart? "Amen. Amen. I'll take it.
50:17 I'll take it, please."
50:19 That's all you have to do. Take it. Just put your hand out. Ask Him.
50:31 It's yours. Don't walk away. Put two hands out if that helps. Some of you are saying to
50:41 yourself, "I know, I know." This is what you're saying. "Oh, this is so elementary.
50:45 I am so farther on in my life than this." Well, goodie for you.
50:52 [ Laughter ] Sounds to me like a Pharisee who's praying to God, "Oh, God,
50:58 I thank You I'm not like that wretch in the back row of the balcony.
51:01 I got my life together, thank you, Jesus." Same little lady.
51:09 These words on the screen. "All of us need to humble our
51:12 own individual hearts, and be converted --" how often?
51:16 What's that last word? How often?
51:18 Daily. Daily. Daily.
51:23 May have been a long time since you ever told Jesus, "I'm in you, and you're in me."
51:29 I know you're a member of some church somewhere. That's fine.
51:33 Won't get you anywhere. It may be a long time since you've told Jesus, but start
51:42 today, tomorrow morning, and the next and the next. "What do I pray, Dwight?"
51:48 [ Scoffs ] What'd Jesus say in John 15:5? "Abide in me, and I in you."
51:55 It's life. "You abide in me, and I in you. You're in Christ, I'm in you."
51:59 So your prayer every day could be, "Oh, God, today, right now, as the day begins, I want to be
52:04 in Christ. Please, Jesus in me. That's all I'm asking.
52:09 Let me be in him. May he be in me." Every day, be converted daily --
52:16 every day in Christ. You say, "But, Dwight, what in the world does this have to do
52:21 with the regrets of Oscar Wilde?" Oscar Wilde.
52:23 Put his picture on the screen for you -- Irish playwright, novelist, poet, essayist, one of
52:31 the great luminaries in the world of the arts in the 19th century.
52:35 His single novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" -- widely acclaimed, brilliant
52:39 mind, academic honors. One author described him as a "scintillating writer."
52:46 Oscar Wilde, at the height of his fame and success, almost by accident, ended up in court not
52:53 once but twice, and it was the second time that the secrets of his life were exposed to the
53:00 public, and he was shamed before the world. They gave him a two-year
53:06 sentence of hard labor. And while in prison, he reflected on his tragic fall and
53:15 described his spiritual journey in a very long letter that has since been titled
53:21 "De Profundis." Latin. Wilde was released from prison
53:32 after his two-year sentence. He died a year later in Paris, destitute.
53:39 He was 46. But from that day, "Profundis" -- these words of
53:46 his confession. On the screen, please...
54:36 "I allowed pleasure to dominate me, and I ended in horrible
54:41 disgrace."
54:45 The regrets of Oscar Wilde. What a tragic story. What a sad ending to so much
54:57 promise. [ Sighs ] Because nobody's story --
55:03 nobody's story has to end this way. "There is therefore now no
55:09 condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." In fact, Jesus spoke the very
55:17 words when they threw that woman taken in adultery in a heap at his feet.
55:21 Jesus said to her, "Woman... neither do I condemn you. Now go in peace.
55:32 Leave your life of sin behind." No condemnation, no regrets when you are in Christ, which you can
55:46 be right now. Right now. You say, "Amen..."
55:54 You say, "Amen," inside...
55:58 have it. Believe. Believe.
56:08 Apparently, you can even say to get a miracle, "Lord, I believe -- help my unbelief."
56:13 You get the miracle anyway. "Just the seed of a mustard plant, that's all I need.
56:22 Just believe me," he says, and you're in Christ. Amen.
56:30 Oh, God, could the truth be this simple? Could it be this clear?
56:37 Could the news be this glorious? Please, my Lord, look into our hearts.
56:48 "Oh, wretched man, wretched woman that I am!" Look into our hearts and hear
56:58 the quiet "amen" that we speak to you now.
57:13 Amen.
57:17 >> I want to take an extra moment with you to tell you about something we're really
57:20 excited about. It's called "Hope Trending: A Crash Course on How to Live
57:23 Without Fear." It's a 9-night series of 60-minute programs that will be
57:28 live-streamed to the world October 14 through 22, and we want to connect with your
57:33 friends -- friends who have yet to meet God, friends who have yet to discover how vital
57:37 end-time truths are for this very generation. That's why I hope you'll pass on
57:42 to them an invitation. All the information you need for that invitation is at our
57:45 website. Let me give that website to you.
57:47 Check it out for yourself --
57:50 One word -- And would you please join me in
57:55 praying that this new innovative strategy will open up fresh
57:58 doors for Jesus across this nation and literally around the
58:02 world.
58:03 In the meantime, my prayer is that God will continue to bless you with His hope, with His
58:07 grace, with His peace until we meet again right here next time.
58:15 ♪♪


Revised 2016-11-23