New Perceptions

Turning Wine Into Water

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP100111

00:05 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:43 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
00:49 Fullness of God in helpless babe
00:53 This gift of love and righteousness
00:59 Scorned by the ones He came to save
01:04 Till on that cross as Jesus died
01:09 The wrath of God was satisfied
01:14 For every sin on Him was laid
01:20 Here in the death of Christ I live
01:47 There in the ground His body lay
01:53 Light of the world by darkness slain
01:58 Then bursting forth in glorious Day
02:04 Up from the grave He rose again
02:09 And as He stands in victory
02:14 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
02:20 For I am His and He is mine
02:25 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
02:33 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
02:39 All other ground is sinking sand
02:44 All other ground is sinking sand
02:52 On Christ the solid rock I stand,
02:58 All other ground is sinking sand
03:04 All other ground is sinking sand
03:11 No guilt in life, no fear in death
03:17 This is the power of Christ in me
03:22 From a life's first cry to final breath
03:27 Jesus commands my destiny
03:32 No power of hell, no scheme of man
03:37 Could ever pluck me from His hand
03:43 Till He returns and calls me home
03:49 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
04:21 I would like to call in audible right now
04:22 it's not in the worship program
04:26 but I want to invite Jeffery Sajdak to come up.
04:30 He is one of our alumni and Jeffery
04:32 you were just honored a few moments ago.
04:35 Congratulations, welcome back by the way,
04:37 what's this 20th reunion. Twenty years.
04:39 You graduated in 1991? That's correct.
04:42 Mercy, and your wife, you both now you and Betsy met here?
04:46 Yes, we did. Yeah.
04:47 Actually you knew each other before you even came here.
04:49 We met each other at Wisconsin academy.
04:51 Yeah, that's right the Wisconsin academy.
04:53 Jeff, you drop by the office yesterday,
04:55 that's why I'm doing this.
04:56 Now, you just found about this about three minutes ago.
04:59 Yes.
05:00 So I'm putting you on the spot
05:01 but Jeff, I have been
05:02 just brooding over our conversation and your testimony.
05:07 So let me just pick it up, Dr. Henderson did a nice job
05:10 in introducing what you do but some people have slept in
05:13 since you are with the Homeland,
05:15 the Department of Homeland Security.
05:17 That's correct.
05:18 Down in Indianapolis. That's correct.
05:19 You are an attorney. I am.
05:21 I have your card.
05:22 Supervisory attorney, Office of Assistant Chief Council.
05:26 That is correct. That's very impressive.
05:29 So God has put you in that office.
05:31 No doubt. Yeah.
05:33 So how could a guy walk up in your position station in life
05:39 walk up to an ice cream truck driver and engage him.
05:44 What would lead a man like you are professional
05:47 like you to do that?
05:50 How much time do I have?
05:51 You got about three minutes.
05:52 Okay, as I talked about it yesterday
05:56 when I have been impressed with its about relationship,
06:00 its about surrendering your life to Christ
06:03 and its about just believing in the journey
06:06 having trust in God and over last couple of years
06:10 I have just worked hard on my relation with God
06:13 and I told you that I was put my relationship
06:16 at the end of the day and often times I would forget.
06:18 And I changed that and
06:22 I make Him a priority every morning and it's been a journey.
06:25 God's impressed me that I needed to surrender
06:28 and what that truly meant was
06:32 I accept Him on His terms not my terms.
06:36 I like that.
06:37 And that let me to question as far as you know,
06:40 who's am I and you know the answer that is God.
06:44 You know, we give me our tithes but reality is
06:47 everything we own belongs to Him
06:50 and the Cicero church in Indiana has decided
06:55 that it is going to do a day in revelation
06:57 seminar we are doing that
06:59 and the lay members are doing that.
07:01 You handed this to me, Jeff in the office yesterday
07:04 so I'm looking at this "The Final Days,
07:05 an intelligent look into Bible Prophecy."
07:08 I'm thinking wow, wait a minute.
07:10 We got Ron Clouzet who is a member of our congregation
07:12 just opened up last night.
07:13 By the way did a powerful job I was so,
07:17 we are all so blessed packed out here.
07:20 And he is going again tonight for those
07:21 who are sitting out there and he will be right here
07:23 in this church live via satellite.
07:25 So I'm looking at this and I think well this is like
07:27 prophecy decoded but I turn it over
07:31 and I realize wait a minute
07:32 these are the books, these are speakers
07:35 I see you there you are, you school law grad,
07:38 you have got a physician on here,
07:39 you got a dentist on here, you have a genitor on here,
07:42 you have an engineer on here
07:44 what do we all one, two, three, four
07:46 what do all seven of you men have in common?
07:49 What's up?
07:50 I think we have just all surrounded our life to Christ
07:53 for we were following His leading.
07:55 And what are you going to do about it?
07:56 Why is this broacher printed?
07:59 We are all starting Sunday, it gonna start tomorrow night
08:04 meetings I have opened up my house
08:07 invited work, coworkers went around the neighborhood,
08:11 the ice cream truck driver
08:13 we will see what happens and you know,
08:16 I guess the burden I have on my heart is
08:19 God has just emblazed us all here incredibly.
08:22 I mean the education in this sanctuary.
08:25 The alumni you know, it is time as we talked about yesterday,
08:30 the end of time is near it is so near
08:33 and if we are gonna get this message out
08:35 it can't be just the pastors
08:37 and I think this decoding is an awesome opportunity
08:40 if you don't comfort about that message
08:42 go to the decoding get a comfort level
08:45 and open up your houses, open up to the meeting rooms.
08:48 I mean let's get this message out,
08:50 Christ is coming soon why are we waiting?
08:52 Amen, amen.
08:54 So what you are doing is you are opening up your home,
08:57 you are going for ten nights I look at the list of subjects
09:01 then everything from these various venues
09:04 will transfer over to the local churches that
09:06 each of these men belongs to and the series will continue.
09:10 That's correct.
09:11 Yeah, Jeff, I'm so proud of you.
09:13 I'm thinking-- Glory to God.
09:15 Yeah, absolutely, you graduated from here
09:18 you knew, Jesus but along the way
09:21 you opened up yourself to Him
09:24 at another level to a deeper dimension.
09:28 We are just listening to Jessica a moment ago,
09:29 and that was a great interview.
09:31 Jose and Jessica, so she is saying,
09:33 look not everybody can do everything
09:36 but you are telling us that a man or woman
09:40 passionate about Jesus can step out of his or her comfort zone
09:43 and actually publicly in a comfortable house setting
09:47 communicate the everlasting gospel.
09:51 I believe that 100 % you know I'm not an expert
09:55 but I do believe that the Holy Spirit is gonna be there
09:57 Sunday night and every night that we open up our house
10:00 and if I don't have the words I'm gonna be listening
10:03 and that's the faith part, the trust part.
10:06 Amen. And --
10:08 How many want to say listen Jeff, we will pray for you
10:10 we can't imagine what it will be to move about our comfort zone
10:12 but we will pray for you.
10:13 And I'm proud of you Jeff, and may your try
10:16 among alumni and students at Andrews University increase.
10:19 God bless you, Thank you.
10:20 Thank you. Thank you.
10:27 And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us
10:34 and because He did we are here.
10:39 What shall He teach us today from His word?
10:46 Soren Kierkegaard,
10:47 the Danish Christian philosopher once wrote,
10:51 "Whereas Christ turned the water into wine,
10:55 the Church has succeeded in doing something more difficult,
10:59 it has turned wine into water."
11:05 Has a church done that today?
11:08 Is that what's up with the church?
11:10 I'm talking about our church.
11:13 I'm talking about the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
11:16 Have we turn the wine back into water.
11:21 And if we have
11:23 what's the hope for this generation.
11:29 Let's pray, oh, God,
11:34 on this home coming Sabbath we wonder
11:38 have we turned the wine back into water.
11:43 Dear Father, please reverse our reversal
11:51 and say this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
11:54 Amen.
11:57 I had the joy this last weekend of being in Paris,
12:01 with the European young Seventh-day Adventist
12:04 from all over the continent.
12:07 We are talking an organization called, AMICUS,
12:10 Adventist Ministry to College and University Students.
12:14 I have turned on bunch of young Disciples of Christ
12:21 at a wonderful weekend but on Sunday
12:23 some of us decided to visit what I learned subsequently
12:27 is the most visited museum in all the world.
12:31 I'm talking about the fame of French museum the Louvre,
12:38 got Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
12:40 Got to see Mona Lisa.
12:41 You got Hammurabi's code,
12:45 chiseled in a form in that black rock.
12:49 You got thousands of art and artifacts collections.
12:53 Wow, it's a huge museum one of the largest.
12:56 Any way so we are walking into this massive long exhibit hall
13:01 and I turn around and discover,
13:05 a painting so big like it's the largest
13:08 next to the largest painting in the museum
13:13 towering up to the ceiling and as soon as I recognized
13:16 what the painting is I said I got to pull my camera out
13:18 because this is our teaching for next Sabbath,
13:20 and on that Sabbath this will be a--
13:22 so I'm gonna share with you some snaps of that painting.
13:25 Put it on the screen I'm standing back always,
13:28 always, always everybody is in front though
13:31 they are holding their cameras up
13:32 they are taking the pictures of that painting.
13:36 Let me just tell you before I tell you what the painting
13:37 is, that painting is so huge in non metric terms
13:40 its 21 and two thirds feet tall
13:43 and thirty two and half feet long.
13:46 So let me give another shot,
13:47 I got to close so you could just see how--
13:49 let's go to the next picture please,
13:50 how tall that stretches up in that exhibit hall.
13:57 What is that painting that's the 1563 work
14:04 of Italian painter, Paolo Veronese
14:09 and it's the Wedding at Cana.
14:12 Beautiful, beautiful painting.
14:13 Now look, you can't get it-- let me show you one more.
14:15 I snap this picture but you know the lighting you keep trying
14:18 oh, I got to move for the light -- you can't do it.
14:20 So we went online here is the --
14:22 here is the digital picture of that painting,
14:25 you get the full effect of it.
14:27 Let me tell you about that paint take a careful look at it
14:29 do you know how many human figure are in that painting?
14:33 Over a 130.
14:37 Paolo was not content unless he had multiple,
14:41 multiple people in any painting he did.
14:44 Now, there is only one person looking straight at the artist
14:46 that's our Lord Jesus.
14:48 So let's zoom in on the Lord Jesus there He is.
14:52 Mother Mary is sitting beside Him.
14:56 Let's take another shot now over the bride and the groom.
15:00 There they are right at the edge of the painting
15:03 you can tell which one is the bride
15:04 and which one is the groom
15:05 and there is something very interesting about this paint
15:07 and I have to tell you over a 130 people
15:10 and not a single one of them is talking
15:13 because the painting was commissioned
15:15 by a Benedict team monitory
15:17 where silence is the rule.
15:19 So when he painted it all 130
15:23 no talking that painting hung for 235 years in that monitory
15:29 until Napoleon plundered it 1797
15:32 cut it in half shifted to France
15:35 where they stitch it back and where it still hangs today.
15:39 Wow, let's take the original down,
15:41 let's take to the original story.
15:43 Everybody knows and loves the story of the Wedding at Cana
15:47 why, because everybody loves the wedding of course,
15:51 except perhaps the father of the bride
15:53 who is not only losing his little girl
15:56 but he is having the pain to lose her.
15:58 What is up with that be there and done that.
16:02 How many times have we stood
16:05 in the shadows of that little Cana kitchen?
16:08 We are there we are not to gonna interrupt
16:10 the banquet servants scoring in and out,
16:12 their sandals slapping up dust into the air
16:14 dust its captured by that shaft of sunlight
16:17 streaking through that loan kitchen portal
16:20 turning that shaft into gold because of the dust fragrance,
16:23 we stand there and the plot always thickens doesn't it?
16:28 When they are desperate servant comes flying into the kitchen
16:32 in a panic in the other, we are out of wine.
16:34 We ran out of wine too soon.
16:36 The party is over this is been ruined
16:39 what are we gonna do and everybody is ringing hands
16:44 and then we always remind our self
16:46 when that servant comes in we remind ourselves
16:48 oh, that's right the weddings were longer back
16:50 then seven days and beyond
16:52 and it would be a terrible affront to the guests
16:54 that you have invited
16:55 if you run out of food and wine they are in a trouble.
16:59 And then somebody call it, call the coordinator.
17:04 And a few moments later there she is Mother Mary.
17:06 Now, Desire of Ages tells us that Mary
17:08 was related to both parties in that-- in that wedding.
17:14 This is bad news.
17:17 I mean for the sake of the young couple and the family,
17:20 please Mary plunders what are the options are
17:24 then her face was standing in the kitchen in the corner
17:27 we see her face just beams, her boy.
17:31 You see, her boy is gone for two months
17:33 came back emaciated and think, hallow cheeks.
17:37 Like only a mother would notice you haven't been eating
17:41 but he came back with a band of young man
17:43 who with reverential admiration
17:46 hanging on nearly every word he speaks.
17:49 Mary believes the prophecies, she believes her baby
17:53 is the Messiah promised from God.
17:56 So this is just perfect.
17:58 This is His movement
18:01 and John minces no words in his narrative,
18:03 I want you to see this please the Gospel of John.
18:06 Open your Bible to the Gospel of John Chapter 2,
18:09 you didn't bring your Bible pull the pew Bible
18:10 out in front of page 714 in that pew Bible.
18:13 Take a look at this John Chapter 2
18:15 now in alumni I need to tell you
18:19 that this is the first time in history
18:20 all the way back to Battle Creek.
18:21 I don't know if we have any from the class
18:23 in Battle Creek who are here.
18:26 But this is the first time in history Battle Creek
18:28 alumni missionary calls Andrew University.
18:30 I just bet it's the first time that this institution
18:33 with its grand lengthy heritage is setting aside an entire year.
18:38 Listen to this carefully, every public venue for worship,
18:41 dorm worships, coed worships, co-circular worships, chapels,
18:46 house of prayer, prayer meetings,
18:47 Sabbath morning at pioneer,
18:49 every public venue is examining one of the four gospels
18:54 or the Book of Acts an entire year devoted.
18:59 In fact today, we begin one chapter of Sabbath
19:02 we spent four in the previous chapter
19:04 but now we begin one chapter Sabbath
19:06 and when we get to the last chapter
19:07 it'll be the last Sabbath of the school year.
19:11 So we are glad you are here alumni.
19:12 Open up to John Chapter 2, title of this series
19:16 is the last word the fourth gospel for a final generation.
19:19 John Chapter 2 take a look of this,
19:21 everybody knows this story verse one.
19:23 But we want to find out how Mother Mary deals with it.
19:25 Watch this verse 1, John Chapter 2,
19:28 "And on the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee,
19:31 and the mother of Jesus was there."
19:32 John will never call her Mary in the entire book,
19:35 she is always only the mother of Jesus.
19:38 "And the mother of Jesus was there."
19:39 Now, verse 2, "Now both Jesus and His disciples
19:41 were invited to the wedding."
19:43 And verse 3, "When they ran out of wine,
19:45 the mother of Jesus said to Him, 'They have no wine.'
19:51 Now look ladies and gentlemen,
19:53 when mothers make declaratory statements
19:55 are they simply statements or facts?
20:01 Your room is a mess.
20:04 Well, mother, very observant you are, bless you.
20:09 Is she making a statement of fact?
20:12 No, we learned very early in life did we not
20:15 that a maternal observation was usually a maternal command.
20:21 Do something about it now, right.
20:24 They have no more wine.
20:29 Is that a maternal observation
20:32 or is it an implicit maternal command?
20:35 Please son, do something about it right now.
20:40 That Jesus heard it that way
20:42 because He is a boy who grew up with that woman.
20:46 There's proof in His response.
20:51 Take a look at His response.
20:52 Verse 4, "Jesus said to her, 'Woman,
20:57 what does your concern have to do with Me?
20:59 My hour has not yet come.'"
21:02 Code phrase, over now all the way
21:05 through the fourth gospel my hour, the hour,
21:07 my hour, the hour code for Calvary,
21:10 code for atoning sacrifice this is not my time, woman.
21:19 But it is clear that mother's eyes win over son's protest.
21:26 You remember how your mother looked at you?
21:33 She didn't have to say a word, she looked at you.
21:36 Apparently Mary does that
21:38 because He says, it's not my time
21:40 but she turns around, she turns around to the servants
21:42 and she says, Verse 5,
21:44 "His mother said to the servants,
21:45 'Whatever He says to you, do it.'
21:49 " What this may not be His hour but I'm still His mother.
21:54 Do it whatever He says.
21:57 Craig Keener, calls it her holy chutzpah
22:00 her chutzpah of faith.
22:01 I like that.
22:03 So everybody in the kitchen just staring,
22:06 all right whatever He says she said, we do.
22:10 What do you say?
22:13 Jesus is standing there
22:16 a loving son obeying to His mother
22:17 He is just let her know,
22:19 He is no longer her boy,
22:21 just the boy that obedient to His mother
22:24 and obedient to His heavenly Father
22:26 He makes the decision, one command.
22:29 Here He goes, verse 6, "Now there were set there
22:32 six water pots of stone,
22:34 according to the manner of purification of the Jews"
22:37 ritual watching before you eat,
22:38 okay, where they all lie.
22:40 Now, stones-- those pots contain 20 or 30 gallons apiece?
22:45 Now, here comes verse 7, "Jesus said to them,
22:47 'Fill the water pots with water.'
22:49 And they filled them up to the brim."
22:54 Verse 8 "And He said to them," now,
22:55 "'Draw some out take it to the master of the feast
22:58 and they took it" verse 9, when the master of the feast
23:03 "when the master of the feast had tasted the water
23:05 that was made wine, and did not know where it came from
23:08 but the servants who had drawn the water knew,
23:10 the master of the feast called the bridegroom."
23:12 Yo, he said come over here.
23:14 Verse 10, "And he said to him, " look
23:15 "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine,
23:17 and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior.
23:20 Nobody you have kept the good wine until now!"
23:27 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee,
23:31 and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him."
23:36 Question is, do we, do we, do we believe in Him?
23:42 Now remember, remember
23:44 if we are not going to this story
23:46 to review the turning of water into the wine
23:50 we are going to this story to discover
23:54 the turning of wine back into water.
23:58 And some of you when you came in and then
23:59 you got the little worship bulletin said, all right,
24:01 this is alumni Sabbath, great oh,
24:03 look at that look at the sermon.
24:04 What an original title turning water into wine.
24:07 And you looked at the picture
24:09 in fact we will put it on screen for you
24:10 this is the graphic on your bulletin cover.
24:12 This is our -- our title for today's teaching
24:15 but notice it's not turning water into
24:16 wine its turning wine into water.
24:18 And I want you to note
24:19 what are young adult graphics designer
24:23 Rochelle Thompson who gets married a week from tomorrow
24:27 that's why she did so well on this.
24:29 Take a look at that.
24:30 She is marrying Breton often back
24:34 who grew up right here in our community.
24:35 Any way, look at you though that was water
24:37 turning into a cup and then it becomes wine.
24:39 No, no look carefully what is it?
24:40 Its wine going into a cup that suddenly
24:42 as it hit the bottom of the cup becomes water.
24:45 See that, that's our point today.
24:49 I mean how did Soren Kierkegaard put it,
24:51 let's put it back up on the screen please.
24:53 "Whereas Christ turned the water into wine,
24:55 the church has succeeded in doing something more difficult,
24:58 it has turned wine into water."
25:02 So here is the question, how does a church do that?
25:07 How is a church that you belong to and I belong to
25:09 how have we been doing that?
25:11 How have we been turning the wine back into water?
25:14 You know, you have some ideas right now,
25:16 that popping into your head.
25:17 How is it that we turn wine back into water?
25:20 Here is the deal I want to hear from you,
25:22 pull out your cell phone, let's go,
25:24 pull out your cell phone, we'll do this.
25:27 You got your cell phone here don't fake like
25:28 you don't have it here, you have it.
25:30 So, pull your cell phone out I'm gonna put in just a moment
25:35 I'm gonna put the question up on the screen
25:37 and then the text number will be there
25:38 and would you text that number with your response.
25:40 Now, this is not gonna be just some little quickly
25:41 oh well, no I want you to think.
25:44 You can take a little time its embedded right into
25:47 the sermon time that you ponder for a moment.
25:49 Let's put the question up now, there it is.
25:52 In what way has the church-- what is some of the ways
25:55 its not just one, what are some of the ways
25:57 that the church has turned the wine back into water?
26:00 Let's find out.
26:02 You see that text number there?
26:03 You punch in that text number and then with your over active
26:07 on steroid thumbs you just punch that sentence up.
26:11 You don't need two or three sentences you just put it down,
26:14 I quit talking for a moment so that you can do it.
26:17 What is some of the ways, you know, I'm gonna read them
26:20 I have my-- I have my wife's iPad
26:23 in the pulpit with me, so get this on.
26:26 There we go, okay.
26:29 So, you are gonna be texting to me
26:31 and I'm gonna get them right here.
26:37 All right, please, you are thinking good,
26:42 you are in the choir and you have a cell phone, try it.
26:48 Those of you by the way watching live streaming
26:50 almost forgot about you, we are delighted to
26:51 have you on this home coming Sabbath.
26:53 You are watching live streaming right now, you can do it.
26:55 Well, anywhere you are in the United States and like
26:57 anywhere in the world you want to pay the toll
27:00 you can punch that number in
27:01 and you can send a message and we get it right here.
27:04 Oh, boy, oh mercy here they come.
27:08 All right, boy, we are climbing fast.
27:12 We had 520 last time you and I did this.
27:16 Somebody's cell phones are coming to church.
27:19 But I'm glad you are bring them bring them all this far away
27:21 bring them all the school year,
27:23 glad you are having.
27:24 Alumni by the way, you can join us live streaming
27:26 anytime you want, 11:30 eastern time,
27:28 11:30 eastern time and our website
27:32 you can join us if you are sick at home can't go to church
27:34 you can worship right here in your old home church.
27:37 We are live, no matter who is preaching it will be live
27:39 every Sabbath to the world.
27:42 All right, okay, what are some of the ways,
27:45 oh, two that appeared.
27:49 Listen to this, lack of Bible study.
27:50 Okay, what are some of the ways
27:51 the church is turning the wine -- wine into water.
27:53 Lack of Bible study,
27:55 TV and internet takes too much of our time.
27:59 We are using the internet we shouldn't probably but we are.
28:03 TV and internet takes too much of our time.
28:04 Common we are techno society
28:06 but the person is obviously making a point.
28:10 All right, what are some of the ways
28:13 that church has turned the wine back into water?
28:15 Bureaucracy.
28:19 Have you ever become so tough heavy now,
28:20 that everything is institutionalized
28:22 the wine is gone the succulent taste of the living Christ
28:26 has been over come by bureaucratic operation.
28:42 Not all say that they are Christians.
28:46 No, not that all Adventists say that they are Adventist
28:48 and they act or act like Adventist, hypocrites.
28:51 Ouch.
28:57 We made what is sacred coming.
29:02 Lost of the sense of the holy.
29:12 We focus more on rules than Jesus love.
29:15 Is that happened to us?
29:18 How you turn the wine-- how can you turn the wine
29:20 back into-- back into water?
29:24 A substituting Christ doctrine for man's tradition
29:26 wine is turned to water.
29:31 It means by substitution man's tradition
29:33 for Christ doctrine, its turned into water.
29:41 Fail the trust and follow Christ,
29:43 fail to weight on Him, the lack of reverence.
29:50 What is it we do that turns the wine back into water?
29:57 It goes through all 398 responses right here,
30:00 please keep coming.
30:02 I won't take that off the screen, now.
30:04 What is it we do that turns the wine back in the water?
30:09 Kierkegaard is right, we have done something more difficult
30:12 to turn the wine back into water.
30:13 You say common Dwight, you can't do that.
30:15 You just read, you just can't take a little story like this
30:18 and turn it into a little parable about the church.
30:21 Oh, yeah.
30:24 I just found out this week listen to this fascinating
30:26 I just discovered this week
30:29 that there is something embedded in the story
30:30 that allows us to do just that.
30:32 Let's go back to 2:1.
30:34 Chapter 2 this John 2 "On the third day"
30:37 there was a wedding in Cana.
30:38 I want you to hold on to that third day,
30:40 Craig keener, in his magisterial two volume commentary of John
30:43 which I brought for this series powerful,
30:45 he points outs that what we have here is actually
30:47 a literally device called, listen to this
30:49 its called an inclusio.
30:52 Latin word what's an inclusio?
30:54 When an author inserts and inclusio
30:56 it's like he essentially places two matching bookends
31:00 on either side of a passage that he wants to treat as a whole.
31:03 It can be a few verses, it can be a series of chapter
31:07 but when he inserts an inclusio the author is saying
31:10 hey, these are not these not separate unrelated components
31:15 they all are to make a single point.
31:19 And guess what we find an inclusio right here
31:23 in John Chapter 2, let's put it on the screen here.
31:25 Inclusio number one, "on the third day."
31:28 Now if you drop down to verses 19 and 20
31:31 Jesus says, destroy this temple and in three days
31:33 I will arise it again and the Jews repeat him.
31:36 On the third day, and in three days the inclusio.
31:40 John is saying there is a driving point guys,
31:43 there is a driving point for these stories
31:44 being locked together by those two bookends.
31:47 What's the driving point?
31:49 We better find out that by another story.
31:51 We can't talk about the church may be.
31:53 Let's read the second inclusio story.
31:55 Second inclusio story begins in verse 13,
31:59 "Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand,
32:01 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem."
32:03 Hit the pause button right there.
32:04 Isn't it amazing that John inserts
32:06 the pass over of the Jews.
32:10 If he were writing to only a Jewish Christian
32:12 audience he would have said now, the pass over came
32:14 and Jesus goes to Jerusalem.
32:16 But no he inserts the Passover of the Jews.
32:20 John obviously intends gentile readers like you and me
32:24 to be reading this so that we understand this is a high day
32:28 in the life of the Jewish community.
32:31 And by the way, when you say Passover to Jewish Christian
32:35 even in first century and this is 70 years after the story.
32:39 When you say Passover to Jewish Christian
32:41 you say pass over to a gentile Christian
32:43 in that immediate hearing or reading
32:45 there is this boom flashback.
32:49 And the listener the reader suddenly sees
32:52 a midnight door pose glistening with uncoagulated
32:56 lamb's blood shining in the dark.
33:01 That Passover means the death angel passed over
33:06 the homes of the Hebrew slaves
33:09 that believed in the redeemer
33:11 and splashed with hyssop branches blood--
33:14 lamb's blood on the door post of their little slave
33:19 that's the grand supernatural deliverance of God's people.
33:24 That's what's happening when you say pass over.
33:27 By the way, John is the only one of the four gospels
33:31 that notes every pass over.
33:32 We know from John Jesus had four pass over
33:34 which means His ministry was three and half years long.
33:37 He will die on the fourth Passover,
33:41 that's what the clue is, Calvary is coming,
33:44 Calvary is coming.
33:45 All right, verse 13 "Now a Passover of the Jews
33:49 was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem."
33:51 Now oh, boy, the plot really thickens now here we go
33:54 verse 14, "And He" Jesus "found in the temple
33:57 those who sold oxen and sheep and doves,
34:01 and the money changers doing business."
34:05 I want you to picture the scene.
34:06 Here comes this young rabbi
34:10 entourage of at least five that we know of.
34:15 He comes straightly for the first time and as an adult
34:18 that we know of into the mighty
34:22 the magisterial architectural feet of Herod the great,
34:27 Jerusalem's temple burnish gold over laid,
34:32 quite ivory in laid.
34:34 They say that when the afternoon sun shined on Herod's temple
34:39 it was set a blaze like a fire.
34:43 One of the great wonders of the world,
34:47 he comes walking in and what is the sense
34:50 that greats his young eyes as he steps into that courtyards
34:54 and drinks it all in.
34:59 Remember, this is the Oedipus of which God once said.
35:04 "Let them make me a sanctuary,
35:06 that I might dwell among them."
35:10 This is the building where God show kind of glory
35:14 behind that inner wall but none the last divine glory
35:17 God is in this building.
35:19 And what greets the dark and fire eyes of this stranger
35:24 this young rabbi as he walks in.
35:29 Lowing and cattle, bleating of sheep,
35:35 the cooing of doves, the clink of money changers
35:40 something has gone desperately wrong with the church.
35:47 It wasn't a pretty scene.
35:49 You see, God told Moses in Exodus 30
35:53 when you come to My temple bring an offering.
35:55 A half shekel was required a year
35:59 but now this is the perfect opportunity
36:01 if you want to get a little scam going.
36:06 They had a temple shekel
36:11 we couldn't bring your foreign homeland currency
36:15 you had to exchange your currency to get that shekel
36:18 and there in lay the angry bothering come on
36:22 you can't tell me a shekel is worth that.
36:26 There in lay the under the table bakshish.
36:34 Jesus steps in and by the way
36:37 in that raucous cacophony of Babylon
36:42 there are actually worshippers from all over the world
36:44 who have spent, who knows a life saving
36:47 to stand in Jerusalem's temple today and worship.
36:49 They are trying to talk to the most high God in prayer
36:52 and this horrendous noise.
36:55 I mean, it's like a use-- it's like a used car lot.
36:57 The animals are parked like cars on a used car lot.
37:00 It's just mayhem and they are trying to worship Him.
37:07 And the young Messiah steps in
37:11 and with those eyes takes it all in.
37:17 Wow, verse 14 "And He found in the temple
37:23 those who sold oxen and sheep and doves,
37:27 and the money changers doing business."
37:33 Read on verse 15, he makes up his mind quickly,
37:37 "And when He had made" verse 15,
37:39 "When He had made a whip of cords,
37:42 He drove them all out of the temple,
37:45 with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money
37:48 and he overtook those tables just with one hand."
37:50 He is a carpenter remember?
37:53 Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.
37:57 Money everywhere, it was not a pretty scene.
38:02 I remind you that animals when they are startled
38:05 have a physiological relation
38:07 with either their bladder or the or the bowels
38:10 I remind you that moneychangers
38:13 when their money is taken from them having physical relation
38:18 and so you have animals,
38:20 you have this young man with a scourge
38:23 in his hand never used it.
38:25 He had animals and moneychangers
38:27 slipping and sliding on what is been now deposited
38:30 on that marble floor, trying to get away from him.
38:39 It was not a pretty sense, verse 16,
38:42 "And he said to those who sold the doves,
38:44 'Take these things away!"
38:46 I like it in the NIV.
38:48 "Get this out of here.
38:52 Voice heard to the fathers edges" and the courtyards,
38:58 "Take these things away!
39:00 Do not make my Father's house a house of merchandise!"
39:05 Three and half, three years later he will cleanse the temple
39:08 one more time then it will not be his father's house.
39:11 Do you what he will say, my house
39:14 and when He walks out of it, it will be your house.
39:17 It's not ours any more you may have it.
39:21 You made my fathers house place a merchandise.
39:30 Verse 18, -- verse 17 "The disciples remembered Psalm 69:9
39:34 "Then his disciples remembered that it was written,
39:36 'Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up."
39:38 Consumed fiery passion, wow.
39:44 And so verse 18, the Jews
39:46 I want to hit the pause button right there,
39:48 because you need to know this is not the Jewish people
39:52 when John uses that code the Jews
39:54 He always refers to the religious hierarchy,
39:58 the spiritual-- the intended spiritual leaders
40:01 of the community of faith.
40:02 The Jews are not the people they are the prods.
40:05 They are not the people they are the priests
40:08 and there will rely the conflict all through the Passovers.
40:14 That they knew what this young stranger
40:18 was doing is clear.
40:23 They heard Him loud and clear,
40:27 He is assuming the right to administer
40:30 the affairs of the temple they got it.
40:34 He is announcing His mission as Messiah, they got it.
40:38 That they got it is shown by their response.
40:41 They could have just laugh say how fool is this guy.
40:43 No, they shoot back at Him, verse 18,
40:46 "So the Jews answered and said to Him,
40:48 'What sign do you show to us, since you do these things?'
40:51 And Jesus answered and said to them,
40:53 the leaders 'destroy this temple,
40:55 and in three days'" here is that inclusio
40:58 "'And in three days, I will raise it up.'
41:01 And the Jews said to Him," verse 20,
41:04 "'Its taken forty-six years for her to build this temple,
41:07 and will you raise it in three days?'
41:09 " But verse 21, " Jesus was speaking
41:11 of the temple of His body.
41:12 Therefore" verse 22 "when He had risen from the dead,
41:16 His disciples remembered that He had said this to them
41:19 and they believed the Church
41:20 and the word which Jesus had said."
41:25 Ladies and gentlemen, there is no question John intends
41:28 for the story of the church
41:30 and the story of the wine and the water
41:32 to be bound together in a single driving point.
41:35 What's the driving point?
41:38 Soren Kierkegaard put his words up again,
41:41 the Danish philosopher "Whereas Christ turned
41:43 the water into wine" it is about the church.
41:47 The two stories make sure we know it's about the church.
41:50 "Whereas Christ turned the water into wine,
41:52 the church has succeeded
41:53 in doing something more difficult,
41:55 it has turned wine into water."
42:00 Question have we become
42:02 like the leaders of Jerusalem's temple?
42:05 Have we over the years since you graduated even perhaps,
42:10 have we been accumulating
42:12 our own unique, our own pet traditions
42:16 and the traditions mounting and mounting
42:18 cluttering our courtyards
42:19 until we are chuck a block with this collection.
42:26 All the wild the one who is the reason death ray
42:30 of the temple in our case the truth
42:33 because we are not big on the temple
42:35 we are big on truths.
42:36 If we have the truths that's all we need
42:39 we will make it just like them.
42:42 If we have the temple that's all we need we will make it.
42:45 Could it be that the reason for the truth
42:49 is what's gotten short shift, shifted in the church today
42:56 and we have taken the wine
42:58 and we have turned it back into water?
43:04 Wow, how do we do it you just acknowledged
43:11 hundreds of ways that we do.
43:15 Let me ask you something, where is the wine today?
43:19 Where is the passion of Adventism today?
43:23 Where is the fire, when is the last time
43:24 you are really excited
43:26 about being a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?
43:28 When is the last time your congregation
43:29 in worship active like it was excited
43:31 being a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?
43:33 Where is the fire today?
43:36 Where is the passion today?
43:38 The wine is gone, the succulent wine is gone
43:42 and we are left with tepid water instead.
43:50 Well, I know-- I know that our church administration
43:54 is been crisscrossing the globe reminding us all that is time
43:57 for rival and reformation
43:59 and I'll be the first to jump up and second hand motion.
44:03 But I have got to tell you serving this campus
44:05 to a generation of young third millennia's
44:08 as well as the generation of jaded baby boomers
44:11 that code phrase, revival and reformation can come across
44:14 as hackneyed and far too programmatic
44:17 and hieratically oriented and legislated.
44:21 You heard all our lives so what does it mean?
44:25 Who knows what it means anymore?
44:28 Simply preaching about it and talking about it
44:31 and voting about it
44:33 and I added my share sermons to the collection.
44:40 Simply writing about it hasn't brought it, has it?
44:45 Could it be that the church has turned
44:48 the wine back into water
44:49 and that what the church needs today
44:51 is not the miracle of rival and reformation
44:53 we need the miracle worker of rival and reformation.
44:58 That's what we need.
45:01 We need the person of Christ not the program of Christ.
45:06 We majored in the program, but we need the person,
45:11 we need the wine again.
45:17 Inclusio story number two,
45:19 the church desperately needs a miracle.
45:23 Inclusio story number one, Jesus is the miracle.
45:30 Jesus is all the miracle.
45:38 Our church that is managed to turn the wine back into water
45:41 Jesus is the only miracle left.
45:46 Our truths will not save us
45:49 anymore than the temple can save us.
45:52 Jesus saves, Jesus saves,
45:58 heard a joyful sound somewhere
46:01 Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
46:16 The Calvary is embedded in this miracle
46:18 that we desperately need is clear from this inclusio,
46:21 you think about it.
46:22 Well, they are just huge teller typing hints
46:26 but this is about Calvary.
46:27 For example, Jesus address of His mother
46:31 with this strange vocative of woman heard in Cana
46:35 will be heard only one other time
46:37 on the cross woman behold your Son.
46:44 The water and wine that float in the village of Cana
46:46 fore shattered and water and blood
46:48 that flow from the cross of Calvary.
46:51 Connect the Passover Lamb of God that cries out
46:55 take these things away will be the Passover Lamb of God
47:00 who died to take away the sin of the world.
47:03 Calvary is embedded in this inclusio.
47:07 That means if we want the miracle
47:09 we must have the miracle worker of Calvary
47:14 where the church that is managed
47:15 to turn the wine back into water
47:18 Jesus is the only miracle left.
47:26 There is nothing else, we can wait until alumni classes
47:31 come and go by the centuries there is nothing else.
47:37 If we seek to find it somewhere else,
47:41 we will having these reunions
47:44 for a long, long time.
47:50 So, will you let Jesus?
47:54 Will you let Jesus turn your water back into wine?
47:57 For get about the church,
48:00 we don't need to think about the church anymore,
48:01 you, me we are the church anyway?
48:04 So how is it with you?
48:06 When was your class again 20 years ago?
48:09 How was it with you, when the wine was rich and young,
48:15 and you and Jesus were
48:18 and today still wine still wine in your life.
48:25 What's happening?
48:27 Have we just settled down for a long winter's night
48:29 on this planet and one day I'll die
48:32 and then the blessed hope.
48:35 Please won't there come a generation that says,
48:39 we have waited long enough.
48:43 Let's go home, let's have a home coming again.
48:51 I happened to believe
48:54 that Jesus is returning soon to this planet
48:57 I have joined with Jeff in that conviction.
49:00 Loya believes it, preacher believes it, two of us.
49:06 I'll tell you what a president said this
49:09 in his opening convocation this year,
49:12 its not rocket science anymore
49:14 to know that the world is on the edge of eternity.
49:18 When you got people who don't believe in anything
49:20 who were saying we are on the edge.
49:22 I was over in Europe a few days ago,
49:25 keep your eye on Europe.
49:28 If Europe goes we all go,
49:32 it's a largest economy in the world.
49:35 We are number two.
49:38 European Union is number one.
49:40 The brightest minds on this planet have not been able
49:44 to calculate an adequate response.
49:47 What's up?
49:49 We are out of time, that's what's up.
49:50 We are out of time.
49:52 I'm not gonna let you,
49:53 I'm not gonna let you just do business as usual.
49:56 So here is the question, okay, forget everything,
49:58 here is the question.
50:00 If Jesus came tonight would you be ready?
50:02 If Jesus came tonight would you be ready?
50:05 Would you?
50:07 He comes tonight, will you be ready?
50:10 Tonight, would you be ready?
50:13 That's the defining question forget all of the rest
50:16 don't worry about Europe or the US,
50:18 if He would have come tonight would you be ready?
50:20 Would I be ready tonight,
50:22 to meet my Lord and go home with Him?
50:24 The home coming we have been living for
50:26 would you be ready if Jesus came tonight?
50:29 Only you know the answer to that.
50:32 So let me ask another question because that's a downer,
50:36 would you like to be ready if Jesus came tonight?
50:39 Would you want to be ready?
50:41 Of course you would, of course I'll.
50:44 And ladies and gentlemen,
50:45 its time to pray for the miracle worker,
50:48 the miracle that we need is the miracle worker himself.
50:52 You say Dwight, I don't have to pray for that.
50:54 Piece of cake here it is, Jesus,
50:56 look at my life I'm water, I'm water spiritually
51:01 I'm water do you understand, I need wine.
51:05 I don't know how to get that wine.
51:07 You are the only one who can turn water back in the wine.
51:10 I'm asking you take the water of my life
51:13 and turn me back into wine I beg of you.
51:17 Just ask Him, ask Him to turn them back into wine.
51:28 I'm gonna put the number on the screen up one more time.
51:33 If you will text us your email address
51:37 I will send you seven steps
51:39 to turn the water back into wine.
51:44 If you will text us at that number,
51:48 live streaming you are watching text us at that number
51:53 I'll send you seven steps
51:54 to turning the water back into wine.
51:59 If you have never accepted Jesus before in your life
52:04 but you dropped in on this weekend
52:07 and you are hear at this moment
52:10 and you would like-- you would like somebody
52:14 to help you to accept Jesus
52:18 would you write on this not just your email address
52:21 but write the words, first time.
52:26 I don't know what you are sending first time
52:32 over the next couple of days,
52:36 I get it to you.
52:39 Seven simple steps to turn the water
52:44 to let Jesus turn the water back into wine.
52:46 Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,
52:50 we are at the edge, come on let's go.
52:56 Like what Jeff said,
52:57 you know, you have come under this conviction
52:59 and you got to tell somebody you can't just sit on it,
53:03 you don't have to be a graduate with the seminar
53:05 to tell somebody you will be a genitor,
53:06 you can be a dentist, you can be a lawyer,
53:08 you can be a engineer, you can be anybody.
53:10 A housewife you can be God's instrument.
53:19 It's time for the passion and the wine to come back.
53:25 I want that wine in my life.
53:26 I was praying last night, praying this morning God,
53:30 I want that wine, I want that more than anything,
53:33 I want the wine of Christ please, please as never before.
53:40 I want to sing one stanza of an old spiritual
53:45 "In the morning, when I rise. In the morning, when I rise."
53:50 I'll send you those seven steps.
53:51 "In the morning, when I rise.
53:53 Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus.
53:55 You may have all this world, but give me Jesus."
53:59 Stand your feet with me please.
54:01 And let's sing that commitment together.
54:16 In the morning when I rise
54:22 In the morning when I rise
54:28 In the morning when I rise
54:34 Give me Jesus
54:40 Give me Jesus
54:46 Give me Jesus
54:53 You can have all this world
55:00 Just give me Jesus
55:08 Let's sing it quietly like a prayer.
55:10 In the morning when I rise
55:17 In the morning when I rise
55:24 In the morning when I rise
55:32 Give me Jesus
55:39 Give me Jesus
55:47 Give me Jesus
55:55 You can have all this world
56:03 Give me Jesus
56:13 So God, we pray in a church
56:20 the wine that has been turned back to water in too many ways.
56:26 You lift your own hearts, oh, please give us Jesus,
56:33 restore the passion,
56:37 restore the wine,
56:41 give us the miracle worker.
56:44 He come soon in Him
56:50 this prayer secures us.
56:55 If you are to come tonight oh God, with Jesus
57:00 we know the answer we are safe
57:05 so give us Jesus today and today
57:11 and today until Jesus comes.
57:17 Amen.
57:32 I would like to take one more moment with you
57:35 if you would like to have the same materials
57:36 that individuals were texting for in this service
57:39 would you please call our toll free number
57:41 that's 877 and then the two words HIS WILL
57:44 and ask one of our friendly operators
57:45 to send you the seven steps
57:48 and if you're coming to Jesus
57:49 for the first time I'm so grateful.
57:51 Would you also mention that to the operator?
57:54 I believe that for all of us
57:55 this teaching from John 2 can mark a fresh new beginning.
57:59 That's what I'm praying for you and for me.
58:02 So God go with you and I'm looking forward
58:05 to seeing you again next time right here.
58:07 God Bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17