Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP092907
00:52 In the seasons of our silence
00:57 In our darkness, in our day 01:02 Gracious Savior, as you promised 01:08 You are never far away 01:13 Neither life nor death can part us 01:18 Earth be low nor stars 03:30 In the seasons of our silence 03:35 In our darkness, in our day 03:40 Gracious Savior, as you promised 03:45 You are never far away 03:50 Neither life nor death can part us 03:55 Earth be low nor stars 04:07 A everlasting love 04:38 We are honor to have 04:40 your alumni return to your home campus, 04:43 your home church. 04:47 You have sensed this morning, 04:50 why some of us keep coming back to this place 04:54 Sabbath after Sabbath to worship. 04:56 We are so blessed. 04:59 Student leaders who... 05:04 have embraced a vision of worship 05:08 I tell you what every time I sit at their feet 05:11 as they lead us as if the portals open or into, 05:16 I should enter that throne room. 05:23 I need you to take-- 05:24 I am going to call an audible right here 05:26 The School of Architecture. 05:29 I need you to take your Bible out there. 05:30 You didn't bring a Bible, there's one in a pew rack 05:33 in front of you. 05:35 I was listening to Pastor Ernie Frank 05:37 just a moment ago 05:39 and when he accessed these words. 05:41 I must confess I've forgotten the words were in scripture. 05:45 I wanna read these words and then invite 05:47 my friends from The School of Architecture 05:48 to come and join me here. 05:52 Hebrews, the little Book of Hebrews 05:57 in the New Testament, 05:59 Hebrews Chapter 11, Bible's hall of fame, 06:03 hall of faith chapter, Hebrews 11. 06:07 Take a look at this. 06:09 They're really big 06:10 as a community of faith on that opening salv 06:12 and all those by faith, by faith, by faith. 06:16 But tucked away there at the end. 06:19 I've been reminded this morning are these words as well. 06:22 I want you to see it, let see drop down to verse 37. 06:26 Whatever transition you have, 06:27 I'll be in the New King James Version 06:28 which is your pew Bible. 06:32 Hebrews 11:37 and "They were stoned, 06:36 sawed in two" let's read, "they were tempted, 06:42 they were slain with the sword: 06:46 they wandered about in sheepskins and goats skins; 06:49 being destitute, afflicted and tormented..." 06:52 And then this outstanding line 06:56 verse 38, "Of whom the world..." 07:00 as it go "Of whom the world was not worthy..." 07:03 Yeah, and then don't forget the rest of 38, 07:07 "For they wandered in deserts, in mountains, 07:09 in dens and caves of the earth." 07:13 Karen and I have the privilege 07:14 this summer four unforgettable days for us 07:17 for the two of us to join The School of Architecture 07:20 in the northwest corner of Italy. 07:25 Seven Alpine Valleys that have become identified 07:32 as sequestered home 07:35 of a Christian sect called the Waldenses. 07:38 I wanna invite my friends from The School of Architecture 07:40 to come right now. 07:41 I need to have 07:42 or they're gonna be come in shifts, 07:43 the Kishah and Bryce, no Kishah and Chris, 07:46 sorry Bryce, look up to you next. 07:49 Kishah Michel and Christopher Perry, 07:52 Carey Carscallen, dean of The School of Architecture 07:55 and Kathy Demsky, librarian, 07:59 affectionately called Mrs. 'D' by the students. 08:03 Kishah and Chris we just added a scripture. 08:08 But I wanna go to the two that you have 08:10 and take a look at two key pieces 08:15 to set up a story of the Waldenses. 08:16 And, Kishah, let start with you in the Book of Deuteronomy. 08:19 This is our theme book for our semester series 08:22 call The Chosen here at Pioneer this semester. 08:27 Well, we gonna read, Kishah with, 08:29 what chapter's that? 08:30 Deuteronomy 4:7-10. 08:34 All right, let's look at up with Kishah 08:37 our worshippers Deuteronomy 4 08:41 beginning in verse 7. 08:51 All right, Kishah. 08:53 "What other nation is so great 08:55 as to have their Gods near them 08:57 the way the Lord our God is near to us 08:59 whenever we pray to him? 09:02 And what other nation is so great 09:05 as to have such righteous decrees 09:07 and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? 09:12 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely 09:15 so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen 09:18 or let them slip from your heart 09:19 as long as you live. 09:22 Teach them to your children 09:23 and to their children after them. 09:26 Remember the day you stood 09:27 before the Lord your God at Horeb, 09:29 when he said to me, 'Assemble the people 09:32 before me to hear my words so that they may learn 09:35 to revere me as long as they live in the land 09:37 and may teach them to their children."' 09:40 Thank you, Kishah. 09:41 Amazing that in this single passage in Deuteronomy 09:47 and we remember, Moses is addressing 09:49 a grown up generation, 09:50 who is just about to cross into the Promised Land. 09:52 What's amazing, 09:54 and I have to remind myself of this, 09:56 is that, they were not in Egypt. 09:59 He says "Remember when you were in Egypt," 10:00 but they weren't in Egypt, they didn't see any of that 10:03 supernatural deliverance 10:04 and yet because they are children 10:07 of the fathers and mothers of faith, 10:09 the story becomes theirs. 10:10 And we actually put ourselves into that story. 10:13 So as we... 10:14 we move into this tale that we share this morning. 10:20 Somehow we're the children of the, 10:22 children of the, children of the children 10:23 and this story becomes ours as well. 10:25 But we need one more piece, Christopher Perry. 10:29 Lets go to the Apocalypse, let set this up so we get... 10:32 prophetic and historical setting 10:34 for the Waldenses. 10:36 Revelation 12:13-16. 10:39 All right, let us find it with you there. 10:44 It says, "When the dragon saw that 10:46 he had been hurled to the earth-- 10:47 Hold it right here. Who's the dragon? 10:49 This Dragon is Satan. All right, go ahead. 10:52 "He pursued the woman" 10:54 Who-- who's the woman? 10:55 This woman is a church. 10:56 A church. All right. 10:57 The School of Architecture, good for you. 11:00 All right, so the dragon, the devil, 11:02 saw the church and what did he do? 11:04 "He pursued the woman 11:05 who had given birth to the male child." 11:07 Who's the male child? This is Jesus. 11:09 Hallelujah. All right, keep going. 11:12 "The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, 11:15 so that she might fly to the place 11:17 prepared for her in the desert, 11:19 where she would be taken care 11:21 of for a time, times and half a time..." 11:23 All right, hold it right there architect to be. 11:26 What in a world is that mean time, times and half a time? 11:29 That's the 1,260 day prophecy. 11:32 And in the Bible prophecy, a day equals? 11:34 One year. One year. 11:35 So we have a period of 1000 years 11:38 Middle Ages, Dark Ages history. 11:41 The enemy going for the community of faith, 11:44 they flee into the wilderness. 11:45 "Out of the serpent's reach..." 11:47 "Then from his mouth 11:48 the serpent spewed water like a river, 11:51 to overtake the woman 11:52 and sweep her away with the torrent. 11:54 But the earth helped the woman 11:56 by opening its mouth and swallowing the river 11:59 that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth." 12:01 Amazing. 12:02 So God uses the earth itself 12:05 to shield this community of faith in hiding. 12:07 The actual barren rocks 12:11 become God's ammunitions as it where, you know. 12:15 Now thank you both Kishah and Chris. 12:18 Uh, Carey Carscallen, dean of The School of Architecture, 12:21 look we all know what architecture is. 12:24 How can you explain having Waldenses studies 12:27 in School of Architecture. 12:29 But we look for ever-- every opportunity 12:31 we can integrate faith in learning. 12:34 Well, we want to do it in real in meaningful ways. 12:36 Okay. 12:37 We want our students to appreciate 12:39 not only the grand and majestic architecture 12:42 but also the ordinary, the humble. 12:45 And so have-- just before this experience, 12:47 they've been traveling for a month in Europe, 12:50 looking at some of these great architecture 12:52 and significant urban spaces 12:55 but then we take them up in to these Alpine Valleys 12:58 where they can look at some very humble stone buildings, 13:03 houses and settlements that are made with stone and wood. 13:06 Beautiful, okay. And as they-- 13:08 They're drawing and contemplating. 13:11 They not only think about this humble architecture 13:13 but the people who dwelled there, 13:16 who lived there, who built those 13:17 and who ultimately died there. 13:19 And it gives them an opportunity 13:21 to think about their own faith 13:23 and their calling in relationship to this. 13:26 I know you're proud of your students in this, are we? 13:28 Incredible bunch. 13:29 All right, guys, before you sit down, 13:30 just gonna bring another way up here. 13:32 But Mrs. D, Kathy Demsky, 13:34 you're probably the resident authority on this campus. 13:39 Done most readings certainly into the history 13:41 of the Waldenses Community, 13:42 that little sect through the centuries, 13:46 Uh, Kathy, let set it up before the kids come up here. 13:48 Okay, who are they? Who are the Waldenses? 13:50 They were the people that learnt Christianity 13:53 from the apostles. 13:55 When Rome was-- when Paul was in Rome 13:58 and Nero began persecuting Christians. 14:00 These early primitive people 14:02 fled to the Piedmont Valleys in the North of Italy. 14:05 In fact let's put the map up there 14:07 on the screen please of Italy. 14:09 And you will see there in the northwest corner. 14:13 You have Carey Carscallen in the northwest corner 14:15 actually up on the screen right there, here we go. 14:19 Uh, there it is, the Piedmont right above the Torre Pellice. 14:23 So they-- they move out of Rome 14:25 and they moved northward. 14:26 Right. 14:27 And they were the chosen, 14:29 the chosen of God to preserve scripture 14:31 and their faith through the Dark Ages 14:33 of this world's history. 14:34 They were the guardians of divine truth 14:36 and Holy Scripture 14:38 and they did more than just preserve 14:41 the Holy Scripture and their faith. 14:44 They went out as missionaries by twos 14:46 and they took the scripture 14:48 and their faith all over Europe. 14:50 A radical mission band, 14:51 we want to come back with that thought before 14:53 we're through this morning. 14:54 Uh, one last question for you Kathy, 14:59 why is it, 15:02 that in Dark Age's history there is so much heartache 15:05 attached to the story of the Waldenses? 15:08 There was-- it is said that 15:10 there was not a people that were more maligned 15:12 and persecuted than the Waldenses. 15:14 But they were peace loving people. 15:16 They were crushed over and over. 15:21 As a kid grown up with the story, 15:22 I figured it was just big wave and then good bye Waldenses. 15:25 Oh, no, it happens over and over. 15:27 As you had us view before the tour 15:29 and century after century, extermination 15:32 and then go back extermination, go back. 15:34 And they never lost their faith. 15:36 Actually they were the people who kept the light shining. 15:38 In fact we got, let's put that on the screen, 15:41 I want to skip that slide if you have up there now. 15:42 Well, let's show that 15:43 because, Kathy, you're talking about 15:45 the difference in the architecture. 15:46 There's the El Duomo in Milan, 15:48 which existed at the time of Waldenses. 15:50 Ornate architecture, beautiful. 15:52 Karen and I went through that. 15:53 And then on the right there is the architecture 15:56 of the Waldenses in the Alpine Valleys, 15:58 Seven Valleys in the Northwest Piedmont's 16:01 that were designated Waldensian Valleys. 16:04 And now I want to go to the logo, 16:05 I shot this at the little Waldensian Church. 16:07 By the way the Waldensians still live. 16:09 They exist, they have churches, very few of them. 16:12 This is at a church 16:13 we worshipped in Sabbath morning 16:15 and there's a Latin model Lux Lucet in Tenebris, 16:18 a light shines in darkness. 16:20 So let's go into the story. 16:22 Thank you, Christopher and Kishah. 16:23 Thank you, Kathy. 16:24 Let's bring up our next wave, 16:25 it is your turn this time, 16:26 Bryce, and you and Sandra, Esmeralda, 16:30 come on up and join us here. 16:36 So we're all together for these few days. 16:39 I get to you in just a moment 16:40 but let set it up with some pictures. 16:42 So that everybody gets a feel 16:43 for this Castelluzzo, this is-- 16:46 this towering, rocky pinnacle. 16:49 So let's put some pictures up so that you can see 16:51 Andrews University students on the move. 16:53 Here's the picture, next please. 16:57 They keep moving, this-- 16:58 this, hey, Bryce by the way this is a long climb. 17:00 How long do you think it took us to get to the top? 17:01 I think, it took me at least a couple of hours. 17:04 Couple of hours to get it to the top. 17:05 At least, yeah. 17:06 I think in all honesty, 17:07 it was about three or four, weren't it? 17:09 All right. 17:10 Maybe it took you that long. 17:11 But I did, trust me. 17:13 Hey, who's asking the questions up here? 17:18 Yeah, you're right it did. 17:20 All right. 17:22 Okay, so what we do? We were looking at picture. 17:23 Let's go back to the pictures. 17:25 Oh, my, look it folks, we're getting higher now. 17:27 This rocky pinnacle is really up, 17:29 they were above the clouds. 17:30 You see the clouds, that's a-- 17:31 that's a horizontal shot at the clouds. 17:33 Let see the next picture please. 17:35 When I got to the top, 17:37 students are already with their sketch pads, 17:39 they've been all over Europe 17:40 and now they're on the summit of Castelluzzo, 17:42 they're painting, that's water color there. 17:44 Next slide please. 17:47 I'm telling you, we're talking straight down. 17:50 It's estimated that on bloody Easter, 17:51 April 24, 1655, 300 were hurled off of that ledge. 17:57 So you just read it, you just read it, 17:59 of whom the world is not worthy, 18:00 we just read it in scripture. 18:01 This is the Castelluzzo 18:02 and then is the next one, a picture of the monument. 18:06 A pilgrims long ago erected that 18:08 slate pile right at to top. 18:11 It was a moving prayer service we had, Mrs. D, 18:14 when we gathered around that. 18:15 Yes, you led out in that. 18:17 Bryce, now it's your turn. 18:20 Let me ask you something. 18:21 In fact, I got your paper right here, 18:25 you wrote kind of reflecting on your European tour. 18:28 When I pick this up in your description 18:30 of the Waldensian journey. 18:32 These words, I expected a visit 18:34 and document the site as an architectural student, 18:36 yet I never anticipated questioning 18:38 the depths of my soul. 18:40 What in the world are you describing there? 18:43 Well, as my dean was already saying. 18:46 We just spend over a month traveling all through Europe, 18:49 great cities as Rome and Paris studying architecture 18:52 and I signed up for this class thinking that 18:57 I'd just continue on with another architectural portion, 19:01 but the things that I questioned 19:02 when on this strip 19:04 went far deeper than any building studies. 19:08 When this journey was one that, 19:13 not just examining architecture, 19:14 but one of your faith. 19:17 And when you climb that mountain, 19:20 the several hours that it took us 19:22 in the middle of the day, maybe even longer 19:24 because some of us got lost. 19:26 But thinking of the Waldensians 19:28 doing it in the middle of the night to escape 19:30 from the Roman soldiers coming after them. 19:34 I could barely make it up there, 19:36 my weak body, all of ours. 19:37 But they scaled it in the middle of the night 19:39 and when you reach top of that cliff, 19:42 just staring down thousands of feet to the city below. 19:47 You can't even imagine what the Waldensians 19:50 were thinking to steer their faith head on 19:55 and to give their life for their faith 19:58 and their belief in Jesus Christ. 20:01 I stood there questioning, if I could do the same. 20:04 Mm-mm, thank you, Bryce. 20:07 Esmeralda, how about you, 20:10 I was reading your paper here and you wrote... 20:14 you wrote this line "I never thought that 20:16 I would be in the place, the same place, 20:19 where some people stood hundreds of years ago 20:21 for their faith to take their last breath." 20:23 So you're at the top now, 20:24 what's going through your heart? 20:26 Actually I can kind of remember 20:27 what's going on through my heart 20:29 because my heart is pounding really hard right now 20:31 and it reminds me of probably as much as it 20:34 pounded when I got to the top. 20:36 It was a long ways up like, 20:37 Bryce said of like five hours for me, I'm a slow walker. 20:41 But, when I got to the top 20:43 I did feel like my heart was gonna fall of 20:45 and I just thought of, 20:48 how would I react to people persecuting me for my faith 20:54 as a Waldensians women thousands of years ago. 20:58 And what I have stepped off from my faith, my faith, 21:02 would I let myself get thrown off the cliff 21:05 and die for God 21:07 or would I stay back and reject God. 21:11 And, standing up there it made me 21:14 rethink of what is that I really believe? 21:17 And whatever I believe is it worth it. 21:21 And as it was for the Waldensians 21:24 hundreds and hundreds of years ago 21:25 I think it's worth it to me now 21:27 and, um, it was kind of a refreshing, 21:30 stuff for me to actually arrive 21:32 where they took their last breath. 21:34 Good, good. 21:37 Sandra, John Milton, a blind English poet, 21:40 he immortalized 21:42 that Castelluzzo moment, April 24, 1655. 21:46 When the world finally got to England, 21:48 written eye witness accounts, Sir Oliver Cromwell 21:51 was so aghast that crime against humanity 21:54 that he declared a national day 21:55 of fasting and prayer in England. 21:57 John Milton then, takes pen in hand 22:00 in his daughter's hand, 22:01 because he is blind, he recites this poem 22:03 on the late massacre in the Piedmonts. 22:05 Can you read that for us, please? 22:08 "Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughter'd saints, 22:11 whose bones Lie scatter'd on the Alpine mountains cold 22:15 Ev'n them who kept thy truth so pure of old 22:18 When all our fathers worshipp'd stocks and stones 22:21 Forget not: in thy book record their groans 22:24 Who were thy sheep and in their ancient fold Slain 22:27 by the bloody Piemontese 22:29 that roll'd Mother with infant down the rocks. 22:32 Their moans, the vales redoubl'd to the hills 22:35 And they to Heav'n 22:36 Their martyr'd blood and ashes sow 22:38 O'er all the' Italian fields 22:40 where still doth sway The triple tyrant; 22:43 that from these may grow A hundred-fold, 22:45 who having learnt thy way 22:47 Early may fly the Babylonian woe." 22:49 Isn't that something 22:51 from these may grow out of the seed. 22:53 Totalitarian said that 22:54 the blood of martyr is the seed. 22:56 From these the great English poets 22:58 may grow a new generation. 23:00 You know what, you're it. You are that generation. 23:03 I wanna move on to part two now. 23:05 Thank you, guys. 23:07 I'll bring up Kevin and Christie. 23:10 Come on up and join us. 23:12 Mrs. D, while they're coming up, 23:14 we're gonna talk about the cave. 23:16 How was that? 23:17 For me, unforgettable, unforgettable. 23:21 But, Kathie, it's interesting 23:22 in your assignment to these students. 23:25 The assignment does not read go and sketch a picture 23:29 of Waldensian houses of worship. 23:30 What's up with that? 23:32 Because in the village where you-- 23:34 Where we go to sketch there are no churches. 23:37 Because they were not allowed 23:38 to have formal places of worship 23:40 until around the early 1800's, so we don't-- 23:44 we attend church and then grown here, 23:46 and then we go to the cave, where they worshipped. 23:50 It's said that, they could fit 200 in there 23:52 that would've really been packed though. 23:54 This is the... the particular cave we went-- 23:55 The cave we went-- 23:56 Let's put a picture or two up there. 23:59 If you're into claustrophobia, this is not the cave to visit. 24:02 We're heading right there towards the opening. 24:04 Next picture please. 24:05 And then you got to down into that opening, 24:07 crawl into this space that holds about like you said 200. 24:11 Next picture please. 24:12 It's carved out kind of a dome feature. 24:17 And there we were Kathy had asked that 24:20 we celebrate Holy Communion in that cave, 24:23 most unforgettable Lord supper 24:25 I know that I will ever officiate at. 24:29 It's so dark that Kevin 24:30 who is sitting here in the middle. 24:32 Next picture please. 24:34 He has its little pocket flashlight 24:36 and he's shinning it over the shoulders 24:38 of Kathy and Conrad who are holding the tray 24:41 of communion of wine and bread. 24:44 There's no way we can distribute it, 24:45 if you drop it, there's no way 24:47 we can walk to it if we can't tell 24:48 where you are and so Kevin has 24:50 just beautifully there holding that light 24:52 so that you make your way to the light 24:54 and you'll find salvation. 24:56 What a metaphor that ended up for us. 24:58 Next picture shows everybody slowly inching their way 25:02 through the cave to receive the emblems 25:05 of Lord's victory for us on Calvary. 25:10 Christy, you've never worshipped in the cave 25:12 before and I had neither. 25:14 You're in that dank darkness, what's happening inside of you? 25:19 It was just very moving for me, 25:24 you know, and I saw the little hole that 25:26 we had to go through to get to cave, 25:27 it wasn't exactly what I was expecting 25:30 and when I got inside it was really dark 25:34 and yeah, cold rainy I had drops dripping on my head 25:37 'cause it had rained earlier in the day. 25:40 My eyes finally adjusted and I just kept thinking about 25:43 all the generations that had worshipped there before us. 25:46 And I kept imagining the families 25:49 that must have been there 25:50 and just these people really lived their faith 25:55 and it was amazing to be in the place 25:57 that they could come together and worship the Lord 26:01 and really renew themselves and get their strength 26:05 to live like they did, it was amazing. 26:09 And like Milton wrote out of their faith, 26:11 out of the seeds of their sacrificial faith 26:14 we are born, we are born. 26:16 Kevin, you've heard the Waldenses stories 26:20 since a kid growing up in the church. 26:23 You shared something with me that I thought was fascinating. 26:26 How the story affected you as a boy 26:29 when momma told it to you? 26:31 Yes, my mother used to tell me the stories 26:35 when I was a kid only 8, 10 years old. 26:38 And during that time, last semester, 26:44 I was going through hard times in my life 26:46 and Miss Demsky came to me 26:49 and she asked me to join her class. 26:51 And as soon as she told me, 26:55 I have some flashbacks from the stories 26:58 that my mom used to tell me. 27:00 And I joined the class and here we are 27:07 reading the stories of the Waldensians 27:11 and suddenly I started feeling in my heart 27:14 that feeling again of becoming a missionary. 27:18 Wanting to be a missionary. 27:19 Wanting to be a missionary. 27:21 And at times we feel that telling our kids 27:25 these types of stories, terrible stories 27:28 would make them afraid 27:30 of going out and share the gospel. 27:33 But it's something mysterious about these stories 27:38 that it burns out in your heart for years 27:42 and instead of making you afraid, 27:45 it actually gives you the courage 27:48 to go and tell someone. 27:50 And here we end up at this cave 27:53 and you come to me before you said, 27:55 pastor, listen, I've got a little something, 27:56 I need to talk to the students 27:57 about 23 of you were in that class. 27:59 Can I have a little time at the end of the communion? 28:01 I said you bet. 28:03 What were you thinking wanting to have that time? 28:06 What was-- What God laid on your heart? 28:08 Well, I always dream to go to this place 28:13 one time in my life and I wanted to be special 28:17 and I wanted to share the same feeling 28:20 for my classmates, so it came to me that 28:25 trying to make something significant 28:28 so they can remember later in their lives. 28:33 I have the idea of getting a box. 28:35 Little lock box. 28:36 A lock box where you put a notebook 28:39 and as soon as we write their names 28:42 in memory or in significance 28:44 as is God is keeping their names in their heart, 28:48 in his heart. 28:49 And also the piece of paper 28:52 where they will write some notes 28:53 and prayers for the next generation. 28:57 The interesting part of the Waldensians 28:59 is that the recent, 29:01 one of the reasons why they died 29:03 is because they wanted to leave a legacy 29:05 for the rest of the world for us. 29:09 So that would be a legacy for other students 29:13 to come for next year. 29:14 Subsequent architectural classes coming. 29:16 In fact, we got a picture. Let's put that on the screen. 29:19 You have us, we left the cave. 29:21 We're all writing there in the light, 29:23 writing prayers or promises or testimonies 29:26 and then we put it in that lock box 29:29 and you and Mrs. D go back into the cave 29:32 'cause the strategy Kathy is that 29:33 you're gonna remember where this is. 29:35 Next year when you bring the next class. 29:37 Now we got a picture I think of you 29:39 uh, Kevin burying that. 29:40 Yup, I hope you can find that. 29:43 I think we can. 29:44 Yeah, because it's the-Kevin, it's passing it on 29:48 to the next class and the next class. 29:50 What we read in Deuteronomy 4. 29:51 Just keep passing it on 29:52 to the next generation and the next generation. 29:54 It's good for you. 29:55 If you let me pastor, uh, you just read a verse. 29:59 In the beginning of your sermon. 30:04 I think we missed one, very important one. 30:06 This is in Hebrews? This is in Hebrews. 30:07 All right. 30:09 Hebrew 11, the last verse of 11. 30:13 Read it for us. 30:14 It's 39, listen, 30:16 "These were all commended for their faith, 30:21 yet none of them received what was 30:24 or what had been promised to them." 30:27 It's very important. 30:29 It says, "God had planned something better for us 30:33 so that only together with them and us... 30:38 Halleluiah. 30:39 "They would be made perfect." 30:42 I believe we are in those times pastor. 30:45 We are that generation to make their sacrifice perfect. 30:51 So it's our time. 30:53 Thank you for that. 30:55 We have music there and of course 30:58 when you celebrate the cross music 31:00 is front and centre. 31:02 We had a makeshift quartet on the spot. 31:04 You guys did great and so I said 31:06 "hey when we do this in church, 31:08 would you sing it in Spanish as you did? 31:10 So guys come on up here. 31:13 This quartet from the School of Architecture singing, 31:17 singing the hymn that was first sung in public 31:20 just a stone throw up poking at road 31:22 in your Andrews University and all of you alumni remember 31:24 which hymn that was "The Old Rugged Cross." 31:27 Sing for us guys, stanza in Spanish 31:31 and then the chorus and then we all are gonna sing 31:34 the chorus again but we'll sing it in English. 31:36 We'll sing it with them. 33:02 So I'll cherish 33:05 The old rugged cross 33:11 Till my trophies at last 33:15 I lay down 33:19 I will cling 33:22 To the old rugged cross 33:29 And exchange it 33:31 Someday for a crown 33:39 Thank you gentlemen. Amen indeed. 33:42 It's a truth of Calvary 33:43 that binds God's community of faith together 33:45 from A.D.31 all the way to the end of times, 33:49 that old rugged cross. 33:51 It is at the heart of this community of faith. 33:54 Thank you, gentleman. And thank you, Kristy. 33:57 And, Kevin, let's go up to our last segment 34:00 because there is one more bit of Waldensian architecture 34:03 that we need to talk about. 34:04 I'm gonna invite Michael, 34:06 you come back up here please and Amanda 34:10 and let' talk, Kathy, about the College of the Barbes. 34:15 Who in the world were they? 34:16 Who in the world? 34:17 They were the pastors or the missionaries actually 34:21 uh, since scripture was totally central 34:23 to their lives they built this little college 34:26 which I think we can see it hopefully. 34:27 Let's put the picture up there, yeah. 34:30 Little stone building 34:32 but think of what happened there. 34:34 They not only memorized scripture, 34:37 the gospels, the epistles, but they copied scripture 34:40 on little pieces of paper and segments, 34:43 they can roll up and hide in their clothing 34:45 as they went out as missionaries by twos. 34:47 In fact we got a picture of that round table 34:49 where you were telling us that is actually 34:51 where they sat and did the transcriptions. 34:54 By candlelight and mostly in the winters. 34:57 So snow is covering the whole. 34:58 Covered the whole. 34:59 Probably covered the whole college. 35:00 It did. 35:02 Kids there and the young adults 35:03 are in there being trained because the objective 35:07 is not to leave them on the mountains site. 35:08 What's the objective? 35:10 Well, they actually, many of them went on to study 35:13 in seminaries of the world, Paris, Lombardi, other schools 35:17 and then they came back to go out by twos 35:20 and they didn't know when they went out. 35:22 They just went for two years at a time. 35:25 They didn't know if they would come back. 35:27 And they went out multi disciplined. 35:28 They went out as merchants. 35:29 They went out as business people 35:31 but inside secret... 35:33 secret undercover as we say missionaries. 35:37 So, Michael, you were there. 35:38 You were at the pinnacle of Castelluzzo, 35:41 we were together in the cave, college. 35:44 I've read your paper. 35:45 You come home, you're thinking about all this. 35:48 What's the spirit doing inside of you? 35:51 Well, basically after seeing these different things 35:55 and also reading the story from the book 35:57 that we read in class. 36:00 It was a moving moment in that. 36:02 It was pushing me to think about 36:04 what was so worthy 36:07 of this people giving their lives away. 36:09 That's our most precious gift. 36:12 What so worthy of that. 36:13 And obviously I came to the conclusion 36:16 that it was the relationship with Christ 36:19 that was worth more than life itself 36:22 and that was powerful and it struck me 36:25 and that is how the relationship 36:26 with Jesus is like. 36:27 It's worth more than lives, 36:29 than our lives and they knew that. 36:32 And that's why they gave up their lives 36:34 for something better. 36:36 Um, powerful, powerful. 36:39 We had vivacious French- Italian guy named Danielle. 36:44 And she sings the songs, Amanda, 36:46 for one of our morning worships. 36:48 She came early 'cause she is gonna take us 36:49 to the next stop wherever. 36:52 I'd only heard that song once in my life before 36:54 and we got the hold of the words. 36:56 Would you sing it for us? The "Border of Red." 36:58 It's a metaphor of martyrdom and there's a stanza. 37:00 You just sing that stanza 37:01 that applies to the Waldensian's story? 37:04 Thank you. 37:15 There's a border of red on his garment 37:22 His robe is a glistening white 37:29 He lives on a street that's called Holy 37:36 His star-studded crown glitters bright 37:43 He walks with the ransomed of ages 37:50 Beloved of all Heaven, it's said 37:57 Why is he so honored in Heaven? 38:04 Tell me, why is the border of red? 38:11 He was slain in the valleys of Piedmont 38:18 Killed at the door of his home 38:24 And pursued o'er the Waldensian mountains 38:30 To be slain by the legions of Rome 38:37 Despised by his simple religion 38:43 For Jesus he suffered and bled 38:50 But now he will wear through the ages 38:57 The robe with the border of red 39:04 There's a border of red on his garment 39:10 His robe is a glistening white 39:17 He lives on a street that's called Holy 39:24 His star-studded crown glitters bright 39:30 He walks with the ransomed of ages 39:37 Beloved of all Heaven, it's said 39:44 Why is he so honored in Heaven? 39:50 Tell me, why is the border of red? 40:06 Turns out gentlemen we are all children 40:11 of the Waldensens, aren't we? 40:12 All of us. 40:14 Not just young adults, every single one of us 40:17 is related to that set 40:20 to that interrupted Alpine valley. 40:26 So why are we sharing this story today? 40:29 I'll tell you why. 40:31 It's not an itinerary, 40:33 it's not a little bit of travel log. 40:36 The fact of the matter remains 40:38 that this Waldensian Community models for us 40:42 radical commitment to mission. 40:46 Preservation of Holy Scriptures, 40:48 promulgation of Holy Scriptures. 40:55 As I think about these young adults 40:58 who made their way out of those Alpine Valleys, 41:03 moved in every strata of society, 41:07 infiltrating for Christ, 41:09 I cannot but thank alumni and Andrews University. 41:13 And in fact the 3,000 students 41:15 that have come to this institution 41:19 are being called to become a generation just like that. 41:21 Multi disciplined, you're moving 41:23 whatever your training is, 41:25 moving to whatever field God has called you to 41:28 but in the process you move as a radical missionary 41:33 for the Lord Jesus Christ. 41:36 Three years ago we began on this Alumni Sabbath 41:41 devoting the second service 41:43 to an appeal for student missionaries. 41:46 And so today I'm just gonna-- without any music, 41:49 without any fanfare make an invitation. 41:54 Want to speak first 41:55 to our university students who are here. 41:59 If you are an young adult in preparation 42:00 as these School of Architecture students 42:03 are as they were in the College of the Barbes 42:06 there in those Alpine meadows. 42:09 If you're young adult in preparation 42:12 for your life calling and you would be 42:14 willing today to commit your profession, 42:19 your career as an entering wedge for Christ 42:23 somewhere on this planet 42:26 as ultimately a missionary for the savior. 42:32 I'd like to invite you to stand 42:36 to your feet right now. 42:38 You are a university student willing to commit yourself, 42:45 your career, whatever it is that 42:47 God is getting ready to lead you. 42:51 But willing to commit yourself 42:53 to be an entering wedge for Christ 42:55 at some level of society 42:57 wherever it is that God called you. 43:01 You're student at Andrews University. 43:04 You're young adult in this generation. 43:10 God bless you. 43:14 Now this appeal needs to be more specific than that. 43:18 And that is if there are some of you 43:20 who have been wrestling over, 43:21 "shall I take a year out of my academic journey 43:26 and become a missionary, 43:28 leave the campus as this young adults did, 43:31 these Waldensian young adults. 43:33 Move into society, move into some country on earth 43:36 and there as a representative of Christ, serve humanity. 43:40 Some of you have been wrestling, 43:42 you wrestled last year and said, 43:43 "Boy, I don't know if this is really for me, 43:45 if I can give that year." 43:48 Or some of you have come to the place 43:49 in your walk with Jesus where you're saying, 43:51 you know, I believe I could carve that 43:54 into my Andrews University journey. 43:57 I need to make this invitation, 43:59 if you would be willing to give a year 44:02 of your life here at Andrews University, 44:04 as a student missionary somewhere on this planet, 44:07 would you mind coming right down here to the front? 44:12 I'd like to have a prayer with you 44:14 as you begin the way is this. 44:19 Is this the calling Christ has given to me? 44:22 Some of you haven't even thought about it 44:23 until this very moment, that's okay. 44:25 You are not gonna be shipped off 44:27 somewhere today or even this year. 44:31 But if you would be willing in the context of this story 44:37 generation after generation these Waldensian young adults 44:40 who fending out in the society 44:44 undercover missionaries for Christ. 44:45 When does a doctor but he really show up 44:49 as an agent of his kingdom? 44:51 You go as a teacher but you really show up 44:53 as one that propagate His truth. 44:58 You go as a business person but you really show up 45:03 as one whose heart is saying, you know what? 45:08 Jesus has a border of red on his garment. 45:11 He paid the ultimate sacrifice 45:13 just to get me into the kingdom. 45:16 I'd love to do something for Jesus. 45:19 I'd love to go as a student missionary. 45:22 You'd say, Dwight, what's the big deal. 45:23 I mean, you know, so I'm gonna go out, 45:25 I'll just be a-- I'll be missionary for Jesus 45:27 after I leave Andrews University. 45:29 Well, halleluiah for you. 45:30 We need-- we absolutely do need that. 45:33 But I've been here just long enough 45:34 at Andrews University to know that 45:37 when young adults move out on a mission trips 45:39 something supernatural takes place in those lives. 45:42 I've seen-- 45:43 I've seen the students come back. 45:46 There is a change. 45:48 There is uh, I'm not sure 45:51 what the word is to apply to this 45:53 but there has been a paradigm shift 45:56 inside that young mind, inside that heart. 46:01 And so if you'd be willing to consider a year 46:06 in the service of Christ somewhere on this planet, 46:10 I'm gonna wait just a moment longer. 46:12 I'd like to invite you to come forward. 46:14 We got our chaplain permissions, 46:16 and he, he's gonna give you 46:21 a packet materials you can take a look at it and wait. 46:23 Would you be willing today to commit to that mission? 46:29 Anybody else? 46:35 I want to say a word to the alumni who are here. 46:39 You have been missionaries in your own-- 46:42 in your own way, in your own calling. 46:46 Obviously we got a giant statue. 46:50 Let me put on the screen for you sitting 46:51 right outside the front door of this church. 46:54 Everybody knows John Nevins Andrews. 46:57 It's more than obvious that 46:58 this institution has been named-- 47:01 named for the purpose of linking higher education 47:05 to the calling of a missionary. 47:06 First missionary of our community of faith, 47:08 there he is with his kids, literally anyway. 47:14 Andrews University alumni, 47:17 your support over the years 47:18 has provided the financial bedrock 47:21 for our student missionaries and today we're gonna-- 47:23 we're gonna conclude our service 47:25 with an invitation to you 47:28 to support the student missionary, 47:30 vision of this university. 47:33 Inside your-- 47:34 your worship bullet in there is an envelope. 47:36 I've got mine on the floor here and I'm not gonna pick it up, 47:38 but if you open up your alumni worship bulletin, 47:41 there is an envelope designating 47:44 your gifts specifically to young adults, 47:48 who like the Waldensian young are committed 47:52 to taking the kingdom of Christ 47:54 through their disciplines some place on this planet 47:57 while they are here at Andrews University. 48:01 I'd love for you to have a part. 48:03 I know you're already giving. 48:04 You've already given to the university. 48:06 You have your causes 48:07 and your missions that you support. 48:08 I want you to take a look at 48:09 these children of the Waldenses. 48:13 Take a look at these children of the Waldenses 48:14 and I ask you what cause could be more vital 48:21 for your financial commitment than to move these young adults 48:25 into the world for Christ. 48:26 If you'd like to have a part 48:28 in our student missionary annual appeal, 48:31 that envelope is in your worship bulletin today. 48:34 Would you take it out? Would you-- 48:36 Would you scribble something down there. 48:37 You'd say now, Dwight, 48:39 I didn't come prepared to make a big gift. 48:41 You can go home and then be prepared 48:43 to make that big gift but we really do 48:45 need your financial partnership in this mission. 48:53 There's a hymn in our hymn notes, Hymn 578. 48:56 I wish you pull that hymnal out, 48:57 we're not gonna sing all four stanzas 48:58 but I'd like to sing the first stanza, 49:05 second stanza and then we'll sing 49:07 the last stanza as well. 49:10 I want to ask the young adults to keep standing, 49:12 ask the rest of you remain seated 49:14 while we sing this. 49:16 If you are young adult and something-- 49:17 as you even sing these words, 49:19 God speaks to you through these word. 49:20 He says, "Hey I'm sending you. 49:21 I'm not calling you to life of-- 49:23 I'm not calling you to life of comfort, 49:25 I am calling to you to life of radical service to me." 49:28 And your heart is touched by the spirit even as we sing, 49:31 I want to invite you please to come out as well 49:33 and join us here at the front. 49:35 The ushers are gonna move right now 49:36 through the audience to receive your gift 49:39 to student missionary ministry. 49:43 Let's sing "So send I you" call of Christ to service. 50:07 So send I you-by grace 50:11 Made strong to triumph 50:16 O'er hosts of hell 50:19 O'er darkness, death, and sin 50:24 My name to bear 50:28 And that name to conquer- 50:33 So send I you 50:37 My victory to win 50:43 So send I you 50:47 To take souls in bondage 50:53 The word of truth 50:56 That sets the captive free 51:01 To break the bonds of sin 51:06 To loose death's fetters- 51:11 So send I you 51:14 To bring the lost to Me 51:23 So send I you-to bear 51:28 My cross with patience 51:32 And then one day 51:36 With joy to lay it down 51:41 To hear My voice 51:45 'Well done, My faithful servant- 51:52 Come share My throne 51:56 My kingdom, and My crown! 52:04 As the Father hath sent Me 52:13 So send I you 52:25 How about the rest of us children of the Waldenses, 52:27 we want to our lives, recommit ourselves 52:29 for the Christ's mission today? 52:31 I know you do. 52:32 Stand with me in that recommitment. 52:35 Offer our all to Christ. 52:37 Jesus, you take us, you use us on this campus, 52:40 off this campus, wherever You put us, 52:42 use us to shine the light in darkness. 52:48 Oh Christ, we stand border of red is on your garment. 52:55 You poured out your life 52:57 for a lost civilization in world 53:00 because You did that we are even in the church today 53:04 and so we stand in the sense 53:06 of deep gratitude and indebtedness. 53:10 We are thankful Holy Christ for what You have done. 53:14 We stand together as an act of solidarity. 53:19 We are the children of the Waldenses. 53:22 Their legacy has been handed on to us. 53:26 Preservation of Holy Scripture, 53:33 propagation of holy truth. 53:37 That's why we came to EMC years ago. 53:40 That's why we enrolled in Andrews University today. 53:42 We stand in solidarity as children of the Waldenses. 53:46 Take our determination. Shift the paradigm for us. 53:52 When we go home usher us into the next level 53:56 of the high calling of your mission. 53:58 And finally oh, Jesus, these young adults 54:01 who are standing across the sanctuary 54:04 and these who have come forward, 54:07 they are Your children, whatever Your vision 54:11 is for his life or her life make it clear, 54:14 these who came forward and-- 54:16 and have said "I'll give a year-- 54:18 I'll give a year of my life here 54:21 for the sake of Christ's kingdom. 54:23 Oh, Lord, honor-- honor that decision. 54:27 Grow that commitment. 54:30 They will never come back to their little world 54:34 the same for having made that commitment. 54:39 Manage the details, lead them on the journey 54:43 and one day soon 54:45 as our architect students have reminded us one day soon 54:48 when the generations are reunited again 54:52 uh, the joy, Holy Christ of worshipping You with them, 54:57 all of us, children of the King at last. 55:00 May not one of us standing today 55:02 missing on that glorious day 55:04 when You return for Your children. 55:08 We pray in Your holy name. 55:10 Let all the people say amen and amen. 55:23 Before you go, I wanted to take one more moment 55:25 and let you know how glad I am 55:27 to share this hour of worship and Bible teaching with us. 55:30 This is Pioneer Memorial Church. 55:32 We are on the campus of Andrews University 55:33 and the series is the Chosen. 55:36 This is the series that has been growing 55:38 and it's burned on my hurt and over the last few weeks 55:42 before this new season began in some-- 55:45 some concentrated prayer time, 55:46 I believe the Spirit of God 55:48 led me to this series out of the Book of Deuteronomy 55:50 for this generation within our community of faith 55:53 and outside this community of faith. 55:55 I believe both communities 55:58 need to hear the compelling Bible truth 56:03 captured in the series called The Chosen. 56:04 So thank you for joining-- joining me 56:06 and all of us as we continue our journey 56:08 deeper and deeper into the heart of this theme. 56:11 Living as you and do and I'm -- 56:13 I'm I know I'm preaching to the choir now. 56:16 Living as we do on the edge of the civilization 56:19 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change. 56:23 I am so grateful and I know you are 56:25 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus. 56:29 I'm thankful that you and I have been given 56:31 the privilege by God to partner to reach this generation 56:34 the world over through the satellite telecast. 56:37 I don't know how it works. 56:38 I just know that those satellites drop the signals 56:41 and those footprints all over the planet 56:43 are helping disseminate this divine call 56:46 to become a part of the chosen. 56:48 God's last generation on earth. 56:50 So please, this is what I wanted you to know. 56:52 I thank God for you. 56:54 The generous way you have partnered 56:55 with us in the past 56:56 and making new perceptions possible globally. 57:00 Your tax deductible gifts are being multiplied 57:02 all across the earth I believe for such a time as this. 57:06 Look, if you'd like to order a copy of today's teaching, 57:10 you can order DVD, you get all the PowerPoint, 57:12 every thing is there, you can share it 57:13 with your friends, share it with your family. 57:15 I'm gonna just insert this here. 57:17 If you go to our website 57:18 and we've been advertising our website all along the way 57:20 and I'm gonna insert it right here, 57:21 57:24 Go to that website, you can get a podcast of this. 57:27 We have people now subscribing to podcast the world over. 57:30 It's time for this message to get out. 57:33 Thank you for your partnership and helping us do that. 57:36 Call one of our friendly operators. 57:37 It's a toll free number, won't cost you a penny. 57:39 If you're in North America 877-HIS-WILL. 57:42 You call that number. 57:43 I'll promise you every penny that you share 57:46 we will invest your generosity 57:49 in God's mission to reach this final generation now. 57:53 Thank you very, very much 57:54 and be assured I'm looking forward 57:56 to seeing you here right here 57:58 again next time as we continue 58:01 our fascinating journey into The Chosen. 58:04 God bless you. |
Revised 2015-07-02