New Perceptions

Pentecost Ii: A Laptop, Cell Phone And Plane Ticket

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP092708

00:53 He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
00:59 I will praise him
01:01 He is exalted, forever exalted
01:05 And I will praise His name
01:14 He is the Lord
01:18 For ever His truth shall reign
01:22 Heaven and earth
01:26 Rejoice in His holy name
01:31 He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
01:36 For He is the Lord.
01:39 For he is the Lord
01:43 Forever His truth shall reign
01:47 Heaven and earth
01:51 Rejoice in His holy name
01:56 He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
02:03 He is exalted.
02:04 He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
02:13 Oh, How sweet to trust in the exalted one.
02:48 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
02:55 Just to take Him at His word
03:01 Just to rest upon His promise
03:08 Just to know, 'Thus saith the Lord'
03:15 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
03:21 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
03:27 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
03:34 O for grace to trust Him more!
03:46 O how sweet to trust in Jesus
03:52 Just to trust His cleansing blood
03:59 And in simple faith to plunge me
04:05 'Neath the healing cleansing flood
04:12 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
04:19 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
04:25 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
04:32 O for grace to trust Him more!
04:43 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee
04:49 Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend
04:56 And I know that Thou art with me
05:02 Wilt be with me till the end
05:09 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
05:15 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
05:21 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
05:28 O for grace to trust Him more!
05:34 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
05:41 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
05:47 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
05:54 O for grace to trust Him more!
06:44 Rejoice, rejoice, believers
06:49 And let your lights appear
06:54 The evening is advancing
06:59 And darker night is near
07:03 The Bridegroom is arising
07:08 And soon is drawing nigh
07:13 Up, pray and watch and wrestle
07:18 At midnight comes the cry
07:37 The waters on the mountain
07:42 Proclaim the Bridegroom bear
07:46 Go forth as He approaches
07:51 With alleluias clear
07:56 The marriage feast is waiting
08:01 The gates wide open stand
08:06 Arise, O heirs of glory
08:11 The Bridegroom is at hand
08:26 The saints, who here in patience
08:31 Their cross and sufferings bore
08:36 Shall live and reign forever
08:41 When sorrow is no more
08:46 Around the throne of glory
08:51 The Lamb they shall behold
08:56 In triumph cast before Him
09:01 Their diadems of gold
09:17 Our hope and expectation
09:22 O Jesus, now appear
09:28 Arise, O Sun so longed for
09:34 Over this benighted sphere
09:38 With hearts and hands uplifted
09:44 We plead, O Lord to see
09:49 The day of earth's redemption
09:55 That sets Your people free!
10:03 Rejoice, rejoice
10:05 Rejoice, rejoice rejoice, rejoice
10:07 Rejoice, rejoice
10:12 Hallelujah
10:29 It's good to have you alumni home.
10:31 Thank you for coming.
10:33 We've look forward to having you.
10:35 Life goes on here of course, whether you're here or not
10:38 but it's always special to see you,
10:40 know that you think of us.
10:44 Good to have class of 88 back.
10:49 Greg parents, nice to have you.
10:53 Todd Copeland I can't believe it,
10:56 as it been 20 years, mercy.
11:01 When we came Todd was a senior in academy.
11:04 He's one of the great kids on this campus,
11:06 nice to have you back, well obviously.
11:10 Nick Scudamore, nice to have you back.
11:13 I think you're the only representative
11:15 of Battle Creek College this year.
11:22 You're not, we're the only ones that got that.
11:25 But Nick is ministry magazine editor
11:27 and his ministering to the world church.
11:31 In a few moments I would like to speak to the economic crisis
11:38 that our nation, world are facing.
11:46 But first I'm gonna pray with you
11:51 and plunge into our teaching today.
11:55 Holy Father, we rejoice, we rejoice for the choir,
11:58 we've rejoiced as a worshiping congregation.
12:03 We gather as family, we gather as community.
12:10 You've a word for us.
12:12 Students and faculty and alumni and community alike
12:18 that the word today please be clear.
12:20 Keep the preacher out of the way,
12:22 that the Spirit have his way.
12:24 We pray in Jesus name, amen.
12:29 Actually in the Book of Acts,
12:31 which is our theme book in this new series Primetime
12:33 there are only two young adults mentioned by name.
12:38 There are hundreds of young adults
12:39 I'm sure in the narrative of Acts,
12:42 but only two are called young
12:43 and then were given their names.
12:46 One of the two we remember
12:49 because he fell asleep in church.
12:52 Have you ever seen somebody fall asleep in church?
12:55 I know you don't,
12:56 but I mean if you seen somebody else
12:57 that kind of doze off.
13:00 Barbara Bush...
13:02 wife of the former president Bush, once remarked.
13:08 If you would take everybody
13:12 who sleeps in church
13:14 and line them up from end to end,
13:18 it would be a whole lot more comfortable.
13:24 This young man is remembered
13:27 because he slept in church.
13:30 But in the story his name means fortunate.
13:32 But in this story there is a paradigm
13:35 for the primetime generation of today.
13:37 And so, with out any further due
13:39 would you please go to the Book of Acts,
13:42 it's our theme book for this series Primetime,
13:46 this is part four.
13:47 "A Laptop, Cell Phone and Plane Ticket"
13:50 it's the title of today's teaching.
13:52 Go to Acts Chapter 20, if you didn't bring a Bible
13:54 we've got a pew Bible right in front of you.
13:55 Grab that pew Bible, this would be page 749.
14:01 Vital paradigm for the church of the primetime generation,
14:04 tucked away in this story in Acts Chapter 20.
14:08 I'll be in the Today's New International Version.
14:12 Any translation you've is fine.
14:14 The New King James is what's in the pew rack.
14:18 Acts 20:7,
14:20 and "On the first day of the week
14:23 we came together to break bread.
14:26 Paul spoke to the people and,
14:28 because he intended to leave the next day,
14:30 he kept on talking until midnight."
14:33 I want to hit the pause button right there
14:34 because you can read that text and you can say,
14:36 oh man, look at that, it's obviously clear
14:38 there haven't Sunday worship in the New Testament.
14:41 It says first day and of course you're right.
14:44 And the overwhelming evidence for the church
14:47 in the New Testament of course is that
14:48 they worshipped on the Seventh day Sabbath.
14:50 So, why this say first day, it's clearly a worship service.
14:55 Scholars are not sure which reckoning,
14:58 time reckoning that Dr. Luke is using here in this narrative.
15:02 He could be using the Jewish way
15:04 of reckoning time or the Roman way.
15:05 Now the Jewish way,
15:06 you remember reckons time from Sun set to Sun set.
15:10 So if this was the first day of the week
15:12 that would mean from Saturday night
15:14 to Sunday evening at sun down.
15:17 In fact, the New English Bible came along,
15:19 used that wing of scholarship and said
15:21 obviously that is the meaning that Dr. Luke intended.
15:24 And so in the New English Bible you read Acts 20:7 in this way,
15:28 "On Saturday"
15:29 you see "On Saturday night in our assembly
15:32 for the breaking of bread,
15:33 Paul, who has to leave the next day addressed them,
15:35 and went on speaking until midnight."
15:38 However if you use the Roman reckoning of time
15:40 that would be like our time be from midnight to midnight.
15:42 So, if we use that reckoning
15:43 this would have to be late Sunday night
15:45 and into early Monday morning,
15:48 because it's an all night meeting.
15:49 Ladies and gentleman, either reckoning you use
15:52 clearly we're not dealing
15:54 with the Sunday morning worship service.
15:56 You say, hey wait a minute, Dwight,
15:57 but it says they broke bread.
15:58 So, that's obviously a reference
16:00 to the Lord's supper, its true.
16:02 Often times breaking bread
16:04 in the Book of ACTS means a Lord's supper
16:05 although sometimes it's just social pot lucking together.
16:09 But probably this was a Lord's supper.
16:11 However Acts 2:46 reads,
16:14 and they went from house to house and broke bread daily.
16:17 So, you can't take breaken bread
16:19 and make that the definition of holy day.
16:21 They did it every day of the week.
16:24 And besides, in here in Troas,
16:26 Paul has already been here seven days,
16:28 he's leaving tomorrow, this is his last chance,
16:30 perhaps they'll never see his face again,
16:33 it's a farewell meeting and so it goes all night long.
16:38 So, they're in that upper room,
16:41 verse 8, the narrative continues.
16:44 "There were many lamps in the upstairs room
16:48 where we were meeting."
16:49 Ah, wait there will be Dr. Luke,
16:50 the writer of Acts, so he's obviously present.
16:52 "There were many lamps in the upstairs room
16:53 where we were meeting."
16:54 Verse 9 "And seated in a window was a young man,
16:59 a young man named Eutychus."
17:04 His name means fortune and I'll tell what,
17:05 he is the fortunate one
17:07 who has chosen the best seat in the house.
17:09 You think about it.
17:10 Luke has just described many lamps
17:13 and these are oil lamps
17:14 that means black smoke and belching heat.
17:18 They're on the third floor,
17:19 they're jam packed, bodies galore.
17:23 That room is stifling.
17:25 It's the young adult to his credit,
17:27 who wisely surmises the seniors and said,
17:30 no way I want to sit in the middle of that
17:31 and he picks an open window
17:33 and props himself up in the seal.
17:36 Brilliant move.
17:40 Verse 9 again,
17:41 "Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus,
17:44 who was sinking."
17:45 If you ever watch somebody sleep in church,
17:47 you know that is the perfect, that is the perfect definition,
17:50 because you slowly start to sink.
17:53 You catch yourself and you go back and forth.
17:55 You don't think I see it,
17:56 but I always watch it from upfront here.
17:58 And it is a great,
18:01 I just love the way you try to cover it up by putting that
18:03 that bulletin in front of you.
18:05 We know what you're doing behind the bulletin,
18:07 because before you fall a sleep your hand falls down.
18:11 You don't know that,
18:12 but that's what happens, all right.
18:13 So, here's what's happening here see,
18:15 "Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus,
18:17 who was sinking into a deep sleep
18:20 as Paul talked on and on."
18:24 Hallelujah.
18:25 Those of us who're long winded preachers
18:27 take great comfort and refuge in the mighty of apostle Paul
18:31 who keeps preaching and preaching and preaching.
18:34 You go Paul.
18:37 So, "Eutychus, was sinking into a deep sleep
18:39 as Paul talked on and on."
18:41 Now here comes the tragedy.
18:44 "When he was sound asleep."
18:46 Once you're sound asleep wherever you're,
18:49 you're out of control, trust me.
18:51 Your head is bobbing every which way,
18:54 we all know by the way what's happened.
18:57 But, "when he was sound asleep"
18:59 obviously his head bobs out.
19:05 He has been sitting there,
19:07 the fresh cool night breeze just suck it in.
19:12 None of that oily lamp, none of those smelly bodies,
19:16 listening to the verbal's preacher,
19:19 but when he goes tragically, his head leads the way.
19:25 And "He fell to the ground from the third storey
19:31 and was picked up dead."
19:33 Now, like in Europe, ground floor has no number,
19:37 it's in the Middle East,
19:40 so, its ground, one, two, three.
19:42 So, when he says third floor,
19:44 he's talking about our fourth storey,
19:46 that between 30 to 40 feet.
19:48 He goes head first, no doubt, he went head first.
19:52 Massive head trauma and he's dead.
19:55 You say, no, he's not dead Dwight,
19:56 he's just unconscious.
19:57 Oh, you forget, who's right in the storey,
20:00 a physician, who obviously carefully chooses his words
20:04 and the words are dead.
20:07 Dead.
20:10 And alive.
20:13 There's still good news coming.
20:14 So, he's dead,
20:16 you can hear the shriek in that jam packed upper floor
20:20 as the entire congregation,
20:22 and by the way the stairs
20:23 are all on the outside in the Middle East.
20:24 So, they're all pounded down those stairs
20:28 and when they take him up, Luke says he was dead.
20:31 They're holding the corpse, still warm.
20:35 Paul, Paul the short stocky apostle,
20:39 half blind, in the dark
20:42 trying to make his way down that same stairs
20:45 and I'm sure he's praying out loud to the God of Israel
20:47 and the Lord Jesus Christ, save this boy.
20:50 And when Paul comes down, what verse is this?
20:54 Verse 10, "Paul went down," see four flights.
20:58 Paul went down and he does what he Elijah did
21:02 when he walked into the room of the dead boy,
21:03 he does what Elijah did
21:05 when he walked into the room of the dead boy,
21:06 Paul does the same thing, he throws himself
21:09 and he "threw himself on the young man
21:11 and he put his arms around him."
21:14 And he just hugged the body.
21:17 He hugged the body.
21:19 Until finally, Paul could look up
21:22 and says here in the TNIV,
21:24 "Don't be alarmed" in the Greek it says,
21:25 stop your agitation.
21:27 Obviously there's a commotion going on.
21:30 Time out.
21:31 He's alive.
21:34 Eutychus eyes flutter,
21:37 that young adult said something like, what happened?
21:41 And you can be sure ladies and gentlemen,
21:43 that beneath, that starry, starry night
21:46 there was an instantaneous
21:49 prayer service on the ground floor.
21:53 There's been a resurrection, he lived.
21:56 And Paul, bless his soul,
21:58 not want to be distracted by the dramatic,
22:00 turns to the crowd and says, hey, listen folks,
22:02 I was just in the middle of a sense,
22:03 I've more I need to say just get up, get up, get up,
22:05 lets go up there I want to still talk to you.
22:07 And that's exactly what happened here in verse 11.
22:09 "Then he, Paul went upstairs again
22:11 and broke bread and ate.
22:12 And after talking until daylight, he left."
22:14 Now, notice verse 12,
22:15 "And the people took the young man home alive
22:17 and were greatly comforted."
22:22 Why would we share a story like this on a alumni Sabbath?
22:27 Could it be, that in the story of Eutychus,
22:29 there's the paradigm tucked away
22:31 about the church of the primetime generation.
22:34 There's a word I intentionally skipped over,
22:38 when we read it without comment.
22:39 I want to go back to that word.
22:41 Acts-- verse 7 here in Acts 20.
22:44 And "On the first day of the week
22:45 we came together to break bread.
22:46 And Paul spoke to the people
22:48 and because he intended to leave the next day,
22:50 he kept on talking until midnight."
22:53 Now, the Greek words for kept on talking,
22:55 is not kept on preaching.
22:56 He's not preaching now.
22:58 Something else is happening
22:59 on the fourth floor of that little Troas building.
23:05 Something else is going on.
23:06 In fact the Greek word here is dialegomai
23:09 from whence comes our word dialogue.
23:11 So, they're having a back to front,
23:15 front to back, Q and A question, conversation.
23:19 I got a question Paul, he's open at,
23:21 surely opening up his heart.
23:23 One last time I'll tell you about Jesus,
23:24 let me tell you the story of Calvary again.
23:26 Some where in the night, some body says,
23:28 but Paul how are we gonna reach Troas,
23:29 back in forth the conversation goes.
23:33 Now, here's the point ladies and gentleman,
23:35 they're talking to themselves.
23:37 And while the church was talking to themselves
23:42 the young adult fell away.
23:47 That point is so significant,
23:48 I wish you would right it down right now.
23:49 Would you take your study guide,
23:50 it's in your alumni bulletin today.
23:52 Reach inside to pull up that study guide
23:54 if you didn't get one we've got--
23:55 they are friendliest ushers in the world,
23:57 you just hold your hand up.
23:58 You didn't know it's an alumnus that you need to,
24:00 everybody in your family to have one or so,
24:01 if you've only got one bulletin per family,
24:04 hold your hand up.
24:05 All the way up to the balcony,
24:06 the choir has these study guides.
24:10 That point is so significant, we need to jot it down.
24:13 And by the way well we're handing those out here,
24:15 those who're watching on television,
24:17 we're delighted to have you.
24:18 You can get the same study guide,
24:19 let me put that website on the screen for you,
24:21, that's our website.
24:26 You're looking for the series called Primetime,
24:28 this is part four.
24:30 Title of this teaching "Pentecost II,
24:32 a Laptop, Cell Phone and Plane Ticket."
24:34 When you see that title,
24:36 you'll see study guide right under it,
24:37 you click that, you'll have the very same study guide
24:41 there on your computer screen.
24:43 All right, lets get the point while still fresh in our minds.
24:45 Jot it down, will you please?
24:46 Right there at the top of the study guide,
24:47 the Greek word for talking is dialegomai
24:50 from whence comes our word dialogue,
24:52 they're having a tete-a-tete,
24:54 they're going back and forth, they're talking to themselves,
24:57 they're having a dialogue
24:58 and it that word refers to a collective conversation
25:00 between the speaker and the audience.
25:01 What's the point, Dwight?
25:03 The point is this,
25:04 while the church was talking to themselves,
25:06 the young adult dropped out.
25:08 It happened while the church was talking to themselves.
25:12 I love this community faith that I was born into.
25:16 Fifth generation Adventist, forth generation preacher.
25:19 I've hang around this church for a long time.
25:21 I can tell you something about
25:22 the Seventh-day Adventist church,
25:23 most of you're gonna agree.
25:24 In fact, some of you, any denomination that you might
25:26 represent those of you watching
25:29 I've a feeling you're gonna say the same.
25:31 Because about our church this church I love,
25:33 we love talking to each other.
25:36 I mean, we just love talking to each other
25:40 and then we throw in our in house
25:44 collective conversations into publication
25:47 just to keep the conversations going.
25:49 So, you've Spectrum magazine and the Journal
25:51 of the Adventist Theological Association,
25:54 two very contrary journals
25:56 that carry on sometimes heated conversations with each other
25:59 over issues dear at least to the editors and the readers.
26:02 You've the Adventist Review and you've Adventist Today
26:04 who love to carryon sometimes very defensive conversations
26:09 over issues dear to the editors and at least to the readers.
26:11 We love to talk to each other
26:15 and by the way nothing will stir up our juices
26:18 more quickly than a good theological
26:20 or a ecclesiastical controversy.
26:22 Let's get into it, pull up here,
26:23 put your dukes up, lets talk.
26:27 We love to talk to each other.
26:29 But in the process,
26:31 we've a generation of young adults
26:32 today young Eutychus,
26:34 who are watching and listening from the periphery.
26:36 They're sitting in the window seals,
26:38 they're standing in the backdoor
26:40 and they are wondering,
26:42 shall I come in or shall I leave?
26:44 While we're talking to each other,
26:47 creating this collective heat and noise there they are.
26:52 Until today we've a generation in the church
26:55 that is not in the church today.
26:59 Allen Martin, teachers over here
27:01 at the theological seminar.
27:02 My friend Allen wrote an article,
27:04 Nick, for your great journal Ministry Magazine
27:07 this summer, July.
27:09 And in this, Allen, is a professor
27:12 for discipleship of family ministry here.
27:14 In this piece he noted and jot these,
27:16 you can't believe these numbers,
27:17 look at them ladies and gentlemen, jot them down.
27:19 The median age for the North,
27:21 for North American Seventh-day Adventist is 58,
27:25 compared to the median ages
27:26 of the United States and Canada,
27:28 36 and 37 respectively.
27:31 Can you believe that number? Keep writing.
27:35 More than 1,000 local Adventist churches
27:37 out of a total of 5,500 in North America
27:40 have no children or teens at all.
27:42 I'll tell you where those churches are going.
27:43 They're going adios.
27:49 They'll die off.
27:51 Come on we're not dealing with rocket science here.
27:54 Our own, Roger Dudley,
27:57 seminal landmark research on the Adventist young,
28:01 Allen's quoting Roger here,
28:03 can you see the quotation from Roger study,
28:05 "it seems reasonable to believe
28:07 that at least 40 to 50 percent
28:09 of Seventh-day Adventist teenagers,"
28:11 40 to 50 percent of teenagers
28:14 "are essentially leaving the church
28:16 by their middle twenties."
28:18 By the time they become young adults
28:20 it really is audios.
28:23 They're just leaving, 40 to 50 percent.
28:26 Wow.
28:27 You say, ah come on, pastor,
28:29 that's not just a problem of the church,
28:31 that's the problem of all the society,
28:32 they're all checking out these young.
28:34 Oh my friend I bet to differ with you
28:37 in this presidential psycho.
28:40 There is a candidate named, Barack Obama,
28:42 who by the hundreds of thousands
28:45 has attracted the young to his candidacy.
28:47 Don't you tell me that young adults
28:49 are checking out of the process,
28:51 they are has never before
28:53 in the political process engaged this year.
29:02 Oh, well, of course doesn't mean
29:06 that we've lost all the young in the church, you're right.
29:12 Not only our young adults
29:13 engaged in the political process,
29:14 they're also engaged in the spiritual process.
29:17 Which means that by no means are they all checking out.
29:20 Thousands, listen to this thousands,
29:22 I don't know what the number would be,
29:23 thousands of Seventh-day Adventist young adults,
29:26 just before Christmas will gather in San Jose, California
29:30 this year in the seventh annual GYC,
29:34 Generation of Youth for Christ Convocation.
29:37 They'll pay their own way,
29:39 they'll come from all over the continent.
29:41 Do you know why they'll gather?
29:42 Because they're tried of the Church
29:44 talking to itself that's why.
29:45 They're ready to take things in their own hands.
29:48 If nobody else wants to enlist us
29:54 we'll engage ourselves in a new conversation.
29:59 This Christmas by the thousands.
30:03 I got an email from a young adult here
30:05 at Andrews University, this week.
30:09 Mayor hall, Pastor Nelson,
30:11 you've talked a lot about revival in the past few weeks,
30:14 revival on the Andrews University campus,
30:16 revival in the world as a whole.
30:18 We're tangentially facing that
30:20 because as the primetime series gets us back
30:21 to when the Church was revived,
30:23 nothing wrong with thinking about it all over again.
30:25 So, you've talked a lot about this.
30:27 I'm a student at Andrews
30:28 and I share that dream what can I do?
30:31 I've prayed about it
30:32 and the spirit told me that you might have ideas
30:34 of how I can make help make that dream reality.
30:36 Thank you for your time and he signs his name.
30:39 I wrote him back, I said, we got to talk.
30:42 The point is ladies and gentlemen,
30:45 they're here young adults
30:48 who are saying I want to get involved.
30:51 I want the church to be revived,
30:53 I want to have, is there any thing I can do?
30:57 Tell me they're all checked out.
31:00 Next time you see Barack Obama remind yourself,
31:04 you can still appeal to the young
31:06 for a cause bigger than themselves.
31:09 The plain truth is ladies and gentlemen,
31:11 that we're a Church desperately in need of another Pentecost
31:14 and a new primetime generation.
31:19 Back on, I want to be really candid with you now.
31:22 I kind of think out loud with you.
31:24 I wonder if the economic crisis
31:26 that our nation and world are facing today,
31:29 by the way while we're worshiping here right now,
31:34 they're trying to figure it out.
31:36 I wonder to myself could this become a catalyst
31:40 for the Pentecost two generation.
31:45 I mean you look at how similar the times were,
31:47 2,000 years apart.
31:49 But did little bit of research.
31:50 Here's Philip Harland from York University in Toronto.
31:55 He has written a piece called
31:57 "The Economy of First Century Palestine:
31:59 The State of Scholarly Discussion"
32:01 and I'm reading his analysis.
32:03 I'm amazed at the striking similarities
32:05 between our 2,000 years apart economies.
32:08 This is in your study guide,
32:09 I'll put it on the screen this is Harland.
32:11 "In that first century AD
32:12 more and more of the land in Palestine
32:14 became concentrated
32:16 'into the hands of fewer large landowners
32:19 at the expense of the peasants,'"
32:20 what's going on?
32:21 "The forfeiture of land due to indebtedness
32:24 was a main cause of peasants losing their land"
32:28 Sounds like am economic melt down to me.
32:31 Sounds like what we're having today.
32:32 Tenth, now, 10,000 houses,
32:36 homes a day are being foreclosed
32:38 in United States alone,
32:39 not a word about Canada, 10,000 a day.
32:43 Because the peasantry is in debt,
32:45 we can't keep this up any longer.
32:47 And what's happening with the wealthy landowners?
32:49 Read Wall Street investment banks
32:53 who have gobbled up such massive amounts of toxic death
32:56 that they're threatening to collapse
32:57 an entire economy as a consequence.
33:00 You want to talk about the economy?
33:01 The whole nation is talking about it.
33:03 We can worship and think about it as well.
33:07 I read a fascinating piece last week.
33:09 Analyzing the last ten days, what's happened.
33:13 I didn't know, you didn't know this,
33:14 but apparently, all right apparently
33:17 last Thursday a week ago
33:21 we came to the preceptors edge
33:23 of an economic melt down in this nation.
33:28 Hank Paulson, the secretary treasurer here
33:30 in the United States and Ben Bernanke,
33:32 the chairman of the Federal Reserve,
33:34 we're in Nancy Pelosi's office a week ago Thursday,
33:37 sitting about on a oak table,
33:39 twelve congressional leaders have gathered.
33:44 And Paulson and Bernanke took turns describing
33:47 where we are as we ever we could go Thursday night.
33:50 Apparently I didn't know this either
33:52 but the credit lines had frozen, completely frozen.
33:55 So that banks were refusing to lend to even banks
33:58 and if banks will not pass money, it's over.
34:01 You shut the whole system down
34:02 and apparently Wednesday night quietly
34:05 money is being withdrawn outside our country
34:09 and placed away from United States.
34:13 So, Bernanke gets up,
34:15 according to this piece,
34:17 he gets up and he announces to the them,
34:22 of course, this is after the Lehman Brothers
34:23 and Merrill Lynch and AIG and,
34:25 by the way yesterday largest bank
34:27 in history went bankrupt, largest bankruptcy in history.
34:30 He announces to the leaders,
34:32 you could have massive failures within days,
34:33 he told the group,
34:35 and it would go beyond the banking system
34:36 and he started naming brand name companies.
34:39 Now here's the line that caught my eye,
34:40 politicians leaving the meeting a week ago Thursday
34:43 said they were shocked at these portions of Armageddon
34:46 from the usually understated Bernanke.
34:48 They left the 90 minute meeting looking shaken
34:50 and resolve the act before the election.
34:51 Now hold on, Christopher Dodd,
34:53 Connecticut democrat
34:54 and chairman of the senate banking committee has quoted,
34:57 it was as sobering a meeting
34:59 as any of us have ever attended in our career's here.
35:03 Ladies and gentlemen, the point is simply this.
35:09 We now live in an hour of profound change,
35:14 you understand this don't you.
35:15 Literally overnight the headlines
35:18 can rewrite life is renowned.
35:23 In that context could it be that like Pentecost one,
35:29 Pentecost two will come in an hour of economic crisis.
35:35 I want you to think for one moment,
35:37 the amazing similarities between the 120 men women
35:40 and young adults crowded
35:41 into the upper room in Jerusalem
35:42 on the day of Pentecost and the young adult generation,
35:45 the primetime generation today,
35:48 in which 3,400
35:49 have been in entrusted to Andrews University.
35:51 I want you to notice the similarities for a moment,
35:54 in fact its in your study guide,
35:55 jot these down, will you.
35:56 These are the parallels.
35:58 Number one and I'm speaking to the young adults
36:00 who are here right now.
36:02 Number one just like them, Pentecost one,
36:05 you are also devoted followers of Jesus Christ hands down.
36:11 You've a passion for Christ.
36:13 You've a passion for His mission,
36:15 just like them.
36:17 You've number one.
36:18 Number two, just like them you are also relatively poor
36:22 and dominantly landless.
36:24 Perfect description of an Andrews University student.
36:28 Dominantly poor, relatively poor
36:31 and dominantly landless, you owe nothing, nothing.
36:35 And number three, just like them you are also sabbatarian.
36:38 You worship the Creator on the seventh day Sabbath
36:40 and you are little a Adventist.
36:42 You are fervent in your belief that Jesus is coming soon.
36:46 By the way that makes number four,
36:47 just like them you are also without roots,
36:51 and thus perfectly positioned
36:52 to be instantly mobilized by the Holy Spirit.
36:57 Because unlike them all you need is a laptop,
37:04 a cell phone and a plane ticket.
37:09 There's never been a generation so rapidly deployed
37:11 or so constantly in touch as is primetime generation.
37:14 Guess what guys, you like that animation?
37:18 They worked on that between services,
37:19 that the relax they gave me with no charge.
37:23 The fact is ladies and gentlemen,
37:24 God can mobilize this prime time generation,
37:26 God can mobilize these young adults,
37:28 you young adults any where on the planet He wishes
37:31 and because you have so little halleluiah,
37:35 you don't have a lot to pack up,
37:38 throw in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt
37:40 and you are ready to go and God's ready to go.
37:46 You've been setup by the way,
37:48 sorry to be the one to announce this to you.
37:50 You've been setup by the Holy Spirit
37:52 all you need now,
37:54 is for that mighty third person of the God
37:55 had to pour himself out upon you
37:57 and you are it, Pentecost two.
38:05 Margaret Mead,
38:06 a popular American cultural anthropologist
38:09 of the last century.
38:10 She wrote a line, I take great comfort in this line,
38:12 it's in your study guide, isn't this something.
38:14 Mead writes, "Never underestimate the ability
38:18 of a small group of committed individuals
38:21 to change the world.
38:23 Indeed, they are the only ones that have."
38:28 You think about the great changes of history.
38:32 This little nation, this little nation was formed
38:34 by just the handful of young by the way.
38:37 Communism formed by just a handful.
38:40 The church in Acts formed by just a handful.
38:43 Mead is absolutely right.
38:44 You got to be committed,
38:46 but it can be a small group of committed
38:48 they are the only ones
38:49 that have brought change on this planet.
38:51 Listen, you may say,
38:53 hey that we are in no comparison
38:55 with Obama's army of the young.
38:57 Ah, you may not be
38:58 but you've aligned yourself to the Christ of Calvary
39:01 and under His blood stain banner
39:03 you have all the forces of heaven ready to be unleash,
39:07 not for a political cause,
39:09 for the greatest agenda in the history of this universe
39:13 and that is the salvation of the human race.
39:16 Man, you got setup.
39:19 You got born at the right time.
39:24 God says I got to have you.
39:26 Tell you what, baby boomers were born at the wrong time.
39:30 We got so many toys now, our roots are so deep.
39:33 God says, give me another generation.
39:37 How many houses do those people have?
39:39 How many cars in those garages?
39:45 I need another generation.
39:48 I need another generation.
39:51 You know what, speaking to Margaret Mead,
39:53 a woman a century earlier than Margaret Mead
39:55 wrote these words in your study guide.
39:57 The last words in your study guide.
39:59 I like this, I carry these words
40:00 in the back of my Bible.
40:02 "With such an army of workers," Ellen White.
40:05 "With such an army of workers as our youth,
40:08 rightly trained, might furnish,
40:10 how soon the message of a crucified, risen
40:12 and soon coming Savior
40:14 might be carried to the whole world!"
40:16 Just like that.
40:17 Primetime generation, that's all He needs.
40:19 "How soon might the end come,
40:21 the end of suffering and sorrow and sin!"
40:24 Isn't that something, just like that God can do it,
40:28 with His strategic primetime army.
40:33 I'm telling you that's what keeps me going.
40:36 That is what keeps me going
40:38 because you finally arrived.
40:43 Don't sell yourself short.
40:44 Some of you can do in those speeches
40:46 in your mind right now, it's not me, it's not me,
40:47 get off that trip, it's you.
40:52 Your mission should you choose to accept it,
40:55 it's your mission.
40:58 With such an army is this,
41:00 primetime generation of the young--
41:01 Oh, I tell you what, I find that word army very unique.
41:05 The Blogosfere has gone wild over this economic meltdown
41:10 and I was lead through the Blogosfere to,
41:14 they are not saying much about this in public,
41:16 I don't know why.
41:18 But I found out, I went to,
41:20 it's an army report, listen to this.
41:22 They reported that a brigade is being brought back from Iraq
41:25 and assigned to this nation.
41:29 Here to afford the national guarder
41:30 has been assigned to this nation
41:31 and the army's purpose is go out there.
41:33 But now they've assigned the brigade
41:36 to the United States.
41:37 What for?
41:38 Marking the, and I'm quoting now.
41:40 "The first time an active unit
41:42 has been given a dedicated assignment to North Com."
41:45 You are saying what's North Com?
41:46 "It's a joint command established in 2002
41:48 to provide command and control
41:50 for federal homeland defense efforts."
41:54 We're going to use the army now amongst our people.
41:58 Now watch this, what kind of efforts, another quote.
42:00 "They may be called upon to help
42:03 with civil unrest and crowd control."
42:07 Crowd control, somebody expecting some trouble.
42:16 This much is certain.
42:18 If ever there were a critical hour
42:20 for Gods young army to be mobilized,
42:25 society is ready.
42:27 This is primetime, primetime has come.
42:32 I believe that Jesus has raised up your generation
42:36 for mission that no other,
42:38 nobody else can fulfill but you.
42:43 We been praying for you.
42:46 We been waiting for you.
42:47 You came at the right time, at time of utter instability.
42:50 You come with the right qualifications,
42:51 a wiliness for immediate mobility.
42:55 But here's the question.
42:57 Now that you've come are you ready to go?
43:04 Now that you've come are you ready to go?
43:10 I want to end with that question.
43:12 I'm not going to end with the heart tucking story.
43:15 I want to end with an honest appeal.
43:17 If you're young listen please.
43:21 I was driving out at the beautiful new entrance
43:23 to Andrews University yesterday
43:26 and saw this young adult on a tiny little motor scooter,
43:29 I've never seen a motor--
43:30 I've never seen such a small thing
43:32 and he is going down,
43:33 you know the, there's a white stripe to left,
43:35 bikers going there and so he is going down there.
43:37 We both get to the highway at the same time
43:39 and he cuts behind me, so I roll my window down
43:41 because he is coming up beside.
43:43 I made some wise crack about his transportation.
43:47 And he sees who it is.
43:50 Say hey pastor, I been wanting to talk to you.
43:52 I said what's up.
43:54 He said you know what,
43:55 I believe God is coming soon
43:58 and there is some stuff I need to talk about.
44:01 I said come in the office next week.
44:04 He is a social worker, major.
44:09 I sense something is going on this planet
44:11 and I need to talk to you, is there,
44:12 something we can be doing?
44:14 Oh yes there's something you can be doing.
44:16 Gods put on an army together.
44:21 Rapid mobilization.
44:25 No roots, just a laptop a cell phone
44:29 and a plane ticket that's all you need.
44:31 Primetime, hear it Jesus has called you.
44:38 The Lord of Calvary greater than any presidential candidate
44:42 is saying I need you boy, I need you girl,
44:44 you work for Me, you work for Me.
44:48 We have a biggest mission in the history of the universe
44:52 and we need to rapid up now.
44:55 And so I need to make an appeal right now
44:57 to those sitting behind me and those sitting in front.
45:00 If you are a young adult
45:02 and I let you decide what that is.
45:07 If you are a young adult
45:11 and you would be willing to say to the Lord Jesus Christ,
45:15 I would join that army.
45:17 I will join Your primetime army,
45:19 I'll go anywhere You want me to go.
45:21 I'll go to any nation on earth that You send me to.
45:23 I'll go to any state in the union You send me to.
45:25 You give me a plane ticket and I'll go.
45:27 I'll go.
45:31 If you're willing to make that kind of commitment
45:36 as a young adult I'm gonna ask you
45:37 to stand your feet come,
45:38 come to the front right now, right now.
45:44 You're the primetime generation.
45:47 In the back of the balcony come forward,
45:49 in the crowd behind me come forward.
45:53 Say, I'm ready Jesus.
45:57 You say the word and I go.
46:00 Now look at, guys,
46:01 I've no idea where Christ is going to send you.
46:04 God bless you. God bless you.
46:06 I've no idea where Jesus is gonna send you.
46:10 I just know, He's been waiting a long time for you to come.
46:14 Hallelujah.
46:16 And you're here, praise God.
46:19 You're not making a commitment to me,
46:21 you're not even making a commitment
46:22 to the Seventh-day Adventist church.
46:25 You're making a commitment to the Lord of the church.
46:28 Say now go, I'll camp me into the primetime.
46:30 I'm prime time.
46:32 I've no idea where the economy is going,
46:33 you know what I don't either, I don't care.
46:36 I just know God is ready to move.
46:38 I know that every thing is setup.
46:40 I know that if God wants to pull the plug
46:41 He can pull the plug tomorrow, that's His business.
46:44 But you're the generation, the army.
46:48 How soon the end could come, with an army like this.
46:53 Some of you can take a year off next year.
46:56 Just a year off, I'll go for a year.
46:58 Somebody saying there's no way, Dwight,
47:00 I got to get out of here.
47:01 I'm staying right in, that's fine.
47:04 We need you right here. We need you in Benton Harbor.
47:06 We need you right here in this community.
47:11 The point is we just need you.
47:13 The church is been waiting for you and you are it.
47:17 And I'm so proud of you.
47:18 You're what keeps this university going.
47:22 You're what keeps this little preacher going to.
47:27 How about it Andrews University
47:29 here they are the student first church by the way too.
47:35 Here they are.
47:37 This is the young, this is the primetime generation.
47:40 I want to make an appeal to you
47:42 a alumni who were here and rest of you adults.
47:45 I was in the potluck last Sabbath
47:47 for the Sabbath school class and one of the retirees say,
47:50 hey Dwight, this economy is a mess.
47:53 I said, yeah I know.
47:56 He said hey, you know we have some money set aside,
47:59 at what point Dwight,
48:00 are we supposed to invest that money
48:03 in the work of the church.
48:04 And I looked back at him and said, are you kidding me?
48:07 I have no idea.
48:09 He said, do you suppose,
48:10 if you would say something from upfront
48:12 if that time came?
48:13 Well, I suppose.
48:16 But I said to this, I said to my friend I said listen to me.
48:19 You know Karen and I are thinking a little bit,
48:20 hey what about the extras.
48:25 I'll tell you what,
48:27 one thing is clear in my thinking
48:30 that I want, whatever discretionary income
48:34 that God has entrusted to me
48:35 I would like to invest it with Him
48:38 before the money is worthless.
48:41 Because there will be one day
48:42 that bank account is paper zero, nada.
48:46 Just ask the people who live to the great depression
48:49 they are now starting to cast an eye backward Ben Bernanke
48:52 a specialist in the great depression.
48:54 They're looking backward now
48:56 and saying could it be, who knows.
48:58 The point is now I'm appealing to you alumni and adults now,
49:03 you've some money you can invest.
49:05 We need thousands of dollars.
49:07 We need, look at this we need plane tickets.
49:11 We got to get this generation,
49:12 they're ready to go.
49:14 They just don't, they're poor like Pentecost one.
49:19 They need some help.
49:20 So we're receiving an offering today, yes we are.
49:24 There's a little envelope in your bulletin
49:26 that looks like this.
49:28 I wish the alumni, everybody else will see it right now.
49:30 I wish you pull this little envelope out,
49:32 because this is your way to say hey Dwight,
49:33 I'll help out, you bet.
49:35 I don't care if they go overseas,
49:36 I don't care if they stay in Benton, Harbor,
49:38 I don't care if they go--
49:40 We had a couple of student missionaries up here
49:41 went to Indianapolis last year during chapel,
49:43 they were given their testimony.
49:44 I don't care if they go to India.
49:45 I don't care where they go, I just want to help them go.
49:48 Here's my money.
49:49 You say Dwight, I didn't bring any thing
49:51 to really fill this up, well it does take credit card.
49:56 But if you're not prepared to give
49:57 I wish you would write your name down.
49:58 I wish you would write your name down
49:59 and email address and say hey listen
50:01 I'll put the amount that you would like to give.
50:03 See these kids, they're ready to go.
50:05 You can help to send them.
50:07 God is so exited,
50:08 He has got His generation Pentecost
50:10 two could be the legacy of this generation.
50:15 That's God's call not mine.
50:17 I just know that I want to go down fight to the end.
50:21 And I want to go with these young,
50:22 by the way someday,
50:24 somebody came up to me afterwards
50:25 hey, Dwight, don't forget us who are 80.
50:26 No, I'm not forgetting you.
50:28 You and I baby boomers, we don't move now,
50:31 we're stuck that's okay.
50:33 We got stuff that we can give to the cause.
50:37 And we can be a work in the very little communities
50:39 where God has already placed us.
50:40 This is for all of us. Primetime is every demographic.
50:44 But these are the mobilized ones.
50:46 These are the front guard that Jesus has raised up.
50:49 So, we're gonna sing a song.
50:51 Put the words on the screen, I need the audience,
50:53 please just stay seated so the ushers can come by.
50:57 I'll follow these words are written back in 1886
50:59 by James Lawson Elginburg.
51:01 I will follow Thee, my Savior
51:03 Wheresoe'er my lot may be
51:05 Where Thou goest I will follow
51:07 Yes, my Lord, I'll follow Thee
51:10 We put three stanzas on the screen
51:11 that's all we're gonna sing
51:13 and we're gonna have a chance for all of us
51:15 to stand and have prayer
51:16 then Japhet, Chaplain Japhet,
51:18 is right there please those of you've come forward
51:21 just go right up those double doors
51:23 through the next double doors that's the youth chapel.
51:25 I want just one more moment with you before you leave.
51:28 Put something in your hands,
51:29 something for you to remember this by, all right.
51:33 All right ushers, you're ready to go?
51:35 You gonna have to get through these isles
51:37 but you can do that.
51:38 Let's put the words on the screen,
51:39 lets start singing.
51:51 I will follow Thee, my Savior
51:56 Wheresoe'er my lot may be
52:02 Where Thou goest I will follow
52:08 Yes, my Lord, I'll follow Thee
52:14 I will follow Thee, my Savior
52:20 Thou didst shed Thy blood for me
52:26 And though all men should forsake Thee
52:32 By Thy grace I'll follow Thee
52:41 Though the road be rough and stormy
52:47 Trackless as the foaming sea
52:53 Thou hast trod this way before me
52:59 And I'll gladly follow Thee
53:06 I will follow Thee, my Savior
53:12 Though didst shed Thy blood for me
53:19 And though all men should forsake Thee
53:25 By Thy grace I'll follow Thee
53:34 Though to Jordan's rolling billows
53:40 Cold and deep, Thou leadest me
53:47 Thou hast crossed the waves before me
53:53 And I still will follow Thee
54:00 I will follow Thee, my Savior
54:07 Thou didst shed Thy blood for me
54:14 And though all men should forsake Thee
54:21 By Thy grace I'll follow Thee
54:31 Holy Father, you know our hearts.
54:33 You know, that's what we want.
54:36 We want to been here today.
54:37 Did that word our longing?
54:39 We want to follow You,
54:40 we want to follow the Lord Jesus
54:42 wherever He leads.
54:44 Cold stormy waters, we'll go there.
54:48 High plateau deserts, we'll go there.
54:51 Crowded urban jungles, we'll go there.
54:54 We'll go wherever Jesus goes.
54:57 And oh Father, I want to thank You for these,
54:59 who are the young in our midst
55:01 primetime generation.
55:04 You've spoken to them today, the spirit has enlisted them.
55:08 I pray that every young adult here,
55:10 man and women would never forget this Sabbath
55:14 and the commitment he, the commitment she may
55:16 bring this memory back again and again.
55:19 The going isn't gonna be easy
55:22 but in those hours of midnight
55:27 You whisper, I've called You,
55:31 You said yes, You're in my army.
55:36 I need You till you die.
55:39 Oh, Jesus, seal us all please.
55:44 How soon the end the suffering and sorrow
55:49 and sin might come Pentecost, we plead.
55:59 Now to Him who loves us
56:03 and has freed us from our sins by His blood
56:06 and has made us to be a kingdom
56:07 and priest to serve his God and Father
56:10 to Him be glory and power forever and ever.
56:13 Look He's coming with a clouds and every eye will see Him.
56:18 And so shall it be.
56:21 Amen.
56:25 I'd like to take a moment here
56:26 at the end of the service to tell you about
56:28 one of the most important groups of people
56:30 that make this ministry possible.
56:33 They are team of people,
56:34 they are not afraid to get down into the thick of life itself
56:38 which is why you're gonna find them
56:39 you will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:42 They're our prayer partners,
56:44 a group of men and women and young adults
56:47 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:50 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:52 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher,
56:56 that God will use me,
56:57 that God will use the countless other volunteers
56:59 to spread the everlasting gospel and the Word of God
57:02 and ways we could never have imagined before.
57:05 There are the ones who are praying
57:06 that God is gonna open up the hearts of the people.
57:10 Open up the hearts of viewers
57:11 around the world for the message,
57:13 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:17 And what I'd like to do is ask you,
57:19 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us,
57:22 a prayer partner with New Perceptions?
57:24 You don't have to call our toll free number.
57:26 You don't have to go online to register.
57:28 All I need to know is that you would be willing
57:30 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day.
57:36 Pray that somehow through radio and television
57:39 and the web God will open up new doors,
57:42 new regions on earth
57:45 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed.
57:47 There is no question the power of prayer
57:50 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:52 we could never have imagined before.
57:55 So that's it, would you please be willing
57:58 to partner with me in prayer?
57:59 The times are urgent,
58:01 the need is critical and I hope you'll say, yes.
58:05 Till we're together next time may the prayer answering God
58:09 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2015-03-12