New Perceptions

Under The Fig Tree, On Top Of The Ladder

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP091711

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University
00:08 this is New Perceptions
00:11 with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:20 All Your ways are good All Your ways are sure
00:27 I will trust in You alone Higher than my sight
00:33 High above my life
00:37 I will trust in You alone
00:46 Where You go, I'll go Where You stay, I'll stay
00:51 When You move, I'll move I will follow You
00:57 Whom You love, I'll love How You serve I'll serve
01:02 If this life I lose I will follow You
01:10 I will follow You
01:18 Light unto the world Light unto my life
01:24 I will live for You alone
01:28 You're the One I seek Knowing I will find
01:35 All I need in You alone,
01:39 in You alone
01:44 Where You go, I'll go Where You stay, I'll stay
01:49 When You move, I'll move I will follow You
01:54 Whom you love, I'll love How You serve, I'll serve
01:59 If this life I lose,
02:02 I will follow You
02:07 I will follow You
02:15 In You there's life everlasting
02:20 In You there's freedom for my soul
02:26 In You there's joy unending, joy
02:33 And I will follow You
02:36 Where You go, I'll go Where You stay, I'll stay
02:41 When You move, I'll move I will follow You
02:47 Whom You love, I'll love How You serve, I'll serve
02:52 If this life I lose, I will follow You
02:58 Where You go, I'll go Where You stay, I'll stay
03:03 When You move, I'll move I will follow YOU
03:08 Whom you love, I'll love How You serve, I'll serve
03:13 If this life I lose, I will follow You
03:21 I will follow You
03:26 I will follow You
06:20 Let's pray together.
06:22 Oh, God Jesus is about to walk
06:24 on to this stage of the fourth gospel
06:30 and I pray that it will leave none of us
06:32 the same again in His name, amen.
06:38 In 1936, Samuel Barber composed what has become
06:43 perhaps the most recognizable American orchestral piece.
06:49 NPR music said, and I quote
06:52 with a "tense melodic line and tout harmonies"
06:57 a composition is consider by many
06:58 to be the most popular of all 20th century orchestral works.
07:04 Do you recognize it yet?
07:07 It's a second movement in Barber's string quartet opus 11.
07:11 The second movement is known as Adagio for strings.
07:16 Wikipedia what we do without Wikipedia,
07:20 informs us that the recording of the 1938 world premiere
07:24 with Arturo Toscanini conducting the NBC symphony orchestra
07:28 was selected in 2005 by the US Library of Congress
07:33 for permanent preservation
07:35 in the National Recording Registry.
07:37 Since 1938 this recording has been heard the world over.
07:40 Even the Soviet Union during the cold war
07:43 this was the one American classical piece
07:47 they would allowed to be played.
07:50 When Franklin Delano Roosevelt died
07:52 they played this music over the radio.
07:55 Albert Einstein funeral it was played.
07:57 The funeral of Princess Grace of Monaco
07:59 it was-- it was played.
08:02 2001, we just remembered a few days ago
08:05 at the last night of the proms in the Royal Albert Hall
08:07 that would be] London, England,
08:09 the normal patriotic music was dropped
08:11 the Adagio for Strings was played.
08:14 Sports fans, we are in Olympics, Vancouver BC 2010,
08:20 it was played in the opening exercises.
08:22 The British public listening to the BBC's today program
08:27 voted Adagio for Strings
08:29 the saddest classical work ever composed.
08:33 And I love that piece don't you.
08:36 I am gonna play it for you not the whole piece but a line.
08:39 Because, in 1967, Samuel Barber
08:41 transcribed his piece into an eight part coral rendition
08:45 and he named it "Agnus Dei Lamb of God."
08:51 My favorite coral rendition is by the all male choir.
08:54 All these voices are male that you are about to hear
08:57 of new college Oxford before we play
09:01 just a piece of it a line of it.
09:03 I have written the words in Latin right here in my Bible.
09:06 Just to on the page for John 1.
09:09 [speaking in foreign language],
09:11 Lamb of God, it takes away the sin in the world.
09:13 [speaking in foreign language]
09:14 Have mercy on us.
09:16 [speaking in foreign language]
09:17 Grant us peace.
09:19 Now the row that the row that band
09:23 and we will listen to just a few seconds of the opening.
09:25 You would instantly recognize it when you hear it
09:27 if you still don't recall it.
10:25 All right, I could listen to
10:26 all eight minutes of it couldn't you.
10:29 But there is no angelic choir singing.
10:33 There was no heavenly orchestration on the day
10:37 the words that inspired Agnus Dei on yours day
10:40 were first spoken.
10:42 Sunbathe wilderness movement when the world made flesh
10:47 appears on this stage for the first time.
10:51 I want to read that line with you open your Bible
10:52 the fourth gospel, the Gospel of John let's go.
10:55 A moving drama we now we finished a prologue
10:58 three sessions in the prologue now the stories
11:01 one of the other come tumbling in.
11:03 John 1:29, I have been in the New King James version.
11:06 If you didn't bring your bible today
11:08 you have to track this narrative
11:09 pull the pew Bible out in front of you.
11:12 Page 714, in the pew Bible
11:14 it will also be the New King James version.
11:17 John Chapter 1, the Gospel of John
11:19 fourth gospel 1:29.
11:25 "The next day"
11:28 hit the pause button right there.
11:29 What's the next day?
11:30 That's the day to the previous day.
11:32 What happened on the previous day?
11:34 You Baptist, you're the Messiah?
11:38 Nope.
11:40 You're Elijah? No.
11:43 You're the prophet Moses talked about?
11:44 No.
11:46 Then who are you?
11:47 And the voice of one crying in the wilderness
11:49 makes straight the way of the Lord.
11:51 Then why do you baptized.
11:54 Listen to me, I baptized with water
11:57 but there is one standing in your mist right now
11:59 whose stand those I am not even worthy to unlatch.
12:06 Rabbis when they surrounded themselves with disciples
12:10 could never command a disciple took off my sandals.
12:16 Disciple never had to stoop that load,
12:18 that task was only performed by a slave in the Middle East
12:23 anything down here were burden, just bad.
12:27 So when the President of the United States shows up
12:29 by surprise in Baghdad at the news conference
12:32 and a reporter reaches down.
12:34 He pulls of his shoe to throw it out at him.
12:36 You might remember that, bad.
12:40 When John says "I am not even worthy to unlatch his sandal
12:43 he saying "I am lower than a slave in his presence."
12:49 That's the one of whom he speaks.
12:51 All right, now we can read it.
12:53 Verse 29 "And the next day John saw Jesus."
12:58 Last time he saw Jesus 40 plus days ago.
13:02 He sees the same Jesus that he baptized
13:04 now sunken cheeks hollowed out eyes
13:08 skinned bones but fire in those young eyes.
13:12 And a kingly mane on that countenance
13:15 and when he spots Him in the crowd.
13:17 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and he said."
13:21 Here the words "Agnus Dei and he said,"
13:25 Behold! '"Behold!
13:28 The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'
13:36 "I will tell you what there are to be an angel choir
13:37 singing right now.
13:38 This would be the perfect moment
13:40 for all of that orchestration to come moving in.
13:42 Do you know why?
13:44 Because this is the first time in human history
13:46 that any human being has been granted
13:50 the honor of personally introducing
13:53 God almighty made flesh as a Messiah?
13:58 Prophets by the hundreds before John
14:00 would have given almost their lives
14:02 if they could have been the one appoint.
14:04 Can I have that privilege God, when You come to earth
14:06 can I be the one to introduce You?
14:10 Only John, that's why Jesus months later will say of John.
14:14 By the way of all the babies
14:15 that ever came out of their mothers womb
14:18 this is the greatest ever to be born.
14:21 Wow, and by the way born for this solitary moment
14:29 and mission, you think about it.
14:31 This is it, everything prior in John the Baptist life
14:35 has been a prelude.
14:36 Now, verse 29 and everything that follows is postlude.
14:42 Everything is wrapped up in his life mission
14:45 in that single sentence that sunbathe day.
14:50 I bring that to our attention because some of us think
14:53 that when God calls you to do whatever it is,
14:56 you have been called to do and thank you Alice,
14:58 for reminding us during our worship this morning
15:00 we all have a calling.
15:02 But then when God calls me you he calls for a nice hunk
15:05 a 20 years on the world stage may be 30, no.
15:10 When you look at the grades in Holy Scripture
15:13 more often than not it was one shining moment.
15:18 Elisha, you think Elisha lived all his life
15:20 miracle after miracle 43 years of Elisha's life
15:23 an absolute obscurity we have no trace of them.
15:26 Elisha, the big Elisha the precursor to Elisha
15:30 29 years we only know a few days of Elisha's life.
15:34 The Lord Jesus 30 plus years
15:38 in absolute unknown obscurity
15:42 and then you get your moment.
15:44 Some of you are coming to that moment soon.
15:48 Some of us have already passed the moment
15:52 but we remain faithful to the end.
15:56 Behold the Lamb of God
15:59 who takes it away the sin of the world.
16:01 For this one sentence John the Baptist was born
16:03 and it makes you wonder could it be my life destiny
16:06 and yours is wrapped up in that sentence as well.
16:09 That point so critical
16:10 I want you to grab your study guide right now
16:12 out of your worship bulletin please.
16:14 Brand new study guide today pull it out,
16:15 we got to lock that in
16:17 while it's still fresh in our minds.
16:18 Thank you ushers, let's go.
16:20 If you didn't get a study guide hold your hand up
16:22 here the usher is coming up the isle is right behind you.
16:24 So hold your hand up and we will make sure
16:26 you get this study guide.
16:27 This one is the keeper I hope you're up in the balcony
16:30 hold your hand up, you are in overflow
16:31 we glad you're here hold your hand up.
16:33 Those who are watching on television
16:34 we delighted to have you as well.
16:36 Let me put your website on the screen for you
16:38 and you can go to the website and get the same study guide.
16:41 There it is, our website
16:47 You're looking for the series the last word
16:51 the fourth gospel for a final generation.
16:53 You see the big banner at the top can't miss it.
16:55 I can't believe we already did part of four the series,
16:58 so you want to drop down to the teaching that's entitled
17:00 "Under the Fig Tree On Top of the Ladder."
17:04 When you see that title click on it says study guide.
17:06 You get the study guide
17:07 the identical one sitting right there.
17:09 Those of you watching live streaming right now
17:10 wherever you're in the United States or in the world
17:13 we are delighted to have you, you do the same thing.
17:15 You got your computer light and going now
17:17 so just use your computer with your other hand
17:19 and we will have that same study guide.
17:21 All right, let's go.
17:23 I will get to you, keep your hand up
17:25 if you didn't get one.
17:26 Jot this down, for this one sentence
17:28 John the Baptist was born, one sentence
17:31 everything before I pray to you
17:33 and everything after postlude
17:34 one sentence he gives, that's his moment.
17:37 For this one sentence he was born and how about this
17:39 "For this one witness you and I have been born."
17:41 Could that be true for this one witness?
17:43 You're saying Dwight, what's the witness?
17:46 You know what the witness is, write it down.
17:48 "For this one witness," look that's the NIV.
17:51 I like the NIV by the way "Look the lamb of God
17:54 who takes away the sin of the world!"
17:56 Look at him.
17:57 For that one witness you have been born.
18:00 Look the Lamb of God
18:01 who takes away the sin of the world.
18:03 And by the way why Lamb of God,
18:05 why doesn't John the baptize
18:06 who used what John the evangelist does.
18:08 Why doesn't he say "hey look the word of the God."
18:11 And how about "hey look the king of God."
18:14 Well, how about this one hey look the son of God.
18:17 No, no, no he says "hey look the Lamb of God."
18:21 Now in his curious minds boom connection
18:26 but we are not in a agrarian society, are we.
18:29 The closest we ever get to a lamb is
18:31 "Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.
18:35 And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go."
18:38 I bet don't know the next stanza.
18:39 "It followed her to school one day,
18:41 it was against the rule.
18:43 It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb in school."
18:47 We don't even know the poem anymore.
18:50 We are not agrarian "Behold the Lamb of God
18:53 who takes away the sin of the world!"
18:57 The very mention of sin and this lamb
19:00 links it immediately to sacrifice
19:03 but what we do know about sacrificing a lamb today.
19:06 We know zero not a nothing.
19:09 So let's go to a nearby farm
19:10 fortunately one of our retired faculty owns a farm.
19:14 I am talking about the retired religion professor
19:17 Joseph Greg.
19:18 So let's go to Joseph Greg's farm
19:19 we are gonna take Kathy Coudle along
19:22 she is from the agriculture department here.
19:24 We are taking along a camera and we are gonna go and find out
19:27 what's up with the sacrificing of a sheep of a lamb.
19:32 We rolled this camera out a few years ago
19:33 and we'll play the clip right here.
19:38 This is Joe, Joe and Stella Greg's farm.
19:41 All right, right outside of-- right down the road
19:44 here on lemon creek.
19:49 I am standing here in the pasture of the Joe Greg
19:53 who is standing beside me and Kathy Coudle.
19:55 Actually, Kathy, this is your sheep
19:57 or you have how many sheep here?
19:59 I have about six. Yeah, six sheep here.
20:01 And this is you. Right.
20:05 Yeah, about how old will she be?
20:07 About an year and half old. About an year and half old.
20:10 Thinking of the sacrificial system ah,
20:13 Kathy and Joe the little lamb here under
20:19 and is brought to the tabernacle.
20:22 Well, let's face it, sheep are butchered in our country
20:26 for money, for consumption.
20:29 Where, how is the animal butchered?
20:33 Ah, with a knife. Okay.
20:35 Right here, you can feel the artery
20:40 if you push your fingers right down on the right spot.
20:42 All right, yeah. Yeah, ear to ear.
20:45 Yeah, ear to ear. Yeah, you cut.
20:47 You can't cut it just shallow because other wise
20:51 you'll cut the just jugular and it will stand them bleed
20:55 for a long on time.
20:56 I have seen people who have done that
20:58 and its not a very nice sight.
21:01 And Joe, you were saying the moment the incision is made
21:03 the animal goes unconscious.
21:05 That's right, soon as the blood pressure drops.
21:07 The blood pressure drops, consciousness fades away.
21:10 Right.
21:11 And then period of moment's minutes
21:13 the animal will bleed to death.
21:15 Yeah, yeah. Moments seconds.
21:16 Moments Seconds.
21:19 You have been a real sport bless your soul.
21:24 Well it's important to be kind to animals.
21:25 It's always important to be kind to animals.
21:27 Look at when you and I see a lamb
21:28 or you see a sheep off baa,
21:30 and all that little curly, curly wool.
21:35 But when John cries out behold the Lamb of God
21:39 instantly the connection is made in the listeners
21:43 that they knew the ancient prophecy.
21:44 Now I want you to keep your finger right here
21:45 because we will be right back.
21:46 But go to Isaiah they knew this prophecy.
21:49 This was not an unknown piece of antiquity.
21:53 Isaiah 53, we know it well ourselves
21:57 but look at the words here just refresh our memories.
22:00 Isaiah 53:4 speaking of the coming Messiah
22:07 "Surely He has borne our grief's ad carried our sorrows,
22:10 yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
22:13 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
22:15 He was bruised for our iniquities,
22:18 the chastisement for my peace was upon Him,
22:21 by His stripes you and I, we are healed.
22:24 All we like sheep" verse 6 "have gone astray,
22:27 we have turned, every one, to his own way,
22:29 and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
22:33 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
22:35 yet He opened not His mouth."
22:36 Now here it comes.
22:37 "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
22:40 and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
22:43 So He opened not His mouth."
22:50 Write it down what John is crying out that,
22:53 that sunny day when he cries out
22:57 "Behold! The Lamb of God
22:58 who takes away the sin of the world!"
23:00 It is essentially the cry, "Behold, the Savior."
23:03 That's what he is saying.
23:04 Take a look, you I am pointing at them right now.
23:07 Look at the savior of this world.
23:11 I mean, that's the gospel.
23:13 The Lamb of God who takes away--
23:16 He takes away our sin.
23:18 He takes away our guilt. He takes away our shame.
23:21 He takes away our death.
23:23 By dying in our place the cut is on His throat not ours.
23:27 The Lamb of God who takes away
23:30 you don't have to go bed tonight
23:31 with any haunting guilt on your conscience.
23:35 You can ask Jesus in this split second.
23:37 God, be my Savior and wash me clean.
23:41 Just like that He will do it.
23:42 He is the Lamb of God who takes it away
23:45 that is the everlasting gospel.
23:48 Thundered by that camel haired
23:50 bushy bearded prophet name John the baptizer.
23:54 Behold!
23:56 The Lamb of God who takes away
23:58 the sin of the world, the Savior.
24:00 And by the way the next day the John is so eager
24:03 to drive this point into the consciousness
24:05 of his own disciples that he repeats himself.
24:08 This is the next day verse 35
24:10 "Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples."
24:13 So they were just were three of them standing there.
24:15 "And looking at Jesus as He walked."
24:17 He spots Him the same forum.
24:20 "Looking at Jesus as He walked John said, gentlemen, Behold"
24:25 look, look, look "the Lamb of God!"
24:28 I am not gonna talk about taking away the sin of the world
24:29 I told you back that yesterday I want you to lock on him,
24:32 get that picture in your mind,
24:34 this is the one see his face this is God
24:37 come down look at the Lamb of God.
24:39 Behold and immediately this was so amazing
24:44 immediately those two disciples of John the baptizer
24:49 devoted followers of his in that split second
24:53 they privet on their sandals
24:55 they walk away from John for ever and ever.
25:00 I will tell you what, some of us find it very difficult
25:03 to play second fiddle but not John.
25:08 John 3:30 he will declare this immortal words
25:13 they still remain with us john speaking--
25:15 speaking of Christ.
25:16 "He must increase. And I, I must decrease.
25:21 How hard it is for some of us to say that about each other.
25:24 She must increase and put me in the background
25:27 push her up, put him out put me in the background.
25:30 How hard it is for some of us who work for Him
25:32 to say he must increase and I must decrease.
25:37 That's a gutsy confession to make.
25:39 After you're prime, after you're prime, He makes it.
25:45 And when the crowds begin to dwindle
25:47 and the people follow a new Messiah
25:49 can we still whisper
25:51 He must increase and I must decrease.
25:56 Just like that they're gone forever
25:57 two disciples never to follow John again.
26:00 Something in that stranger compels them.
26:02 Here we go verse 37,
26:04 "The two disciples who heard John speak,
26:09 they followed Jesus."
26:13 When somebody starts walking behind you for a while
26:15 you pretty soon pick it up, don't you?
26:17 You just know, somebody is following me.
26:21 "Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following,
26:26 said to them, 'What do you seek?'"
26:33 There they are.
26:34 If you have a Red Letter Bible
26:35 those are the first words in red in the fourth gospel.
26:40 John the evangelist obviously has brooded over
26:44 how to begin his story what would be the first words
26:49 on the lips of Christ the word made flesh.
26:51 What will be his first words intriguingly enough
26:54 this question must be significant
26:56 to John the evangelist
26:58 because he not only begins his gospel with question
27:02 what do you seek, he ends his gospel with the same question
27:06 who do you seek.
27:08 Mary sobbing her eyes out in the garden
27:10 and the supplicant is emptying she thinks it's the gardener
27:13 who ask her women why you are crying,
27:15 what are you looking for?
27:16 And she says sir, if you have taken the body
27:17 just tell me I will take it from you.
27:20 The gospel begins with what do you seek,
27:22 it ends with who do you seek, because the journey of life
27:25 is from what you seek to who you seek.
27:29 The last question, why are you Dwight,
27:33 why are you so furiously
27:36 driving yourself through this life.
27:39 Andrews university campus, what's up with you guys
27:43 just driven, driven, driven, driven
27:45 what are you looking for.
27:48 Who you're seeking? Could it be me you look for.
27:55 Robert Smith in his, very creative commentary
28:01 on the fourth gospel called the "Wounded Lord."
28:03 It's all set to the eyes and confession of time
28:06 as it the end of the gospel.
28:07 Very, very creatively done.
28:08 I will put his words on the screen for you.
28:10 Take a look at this.
28:11 You have to fill this in by the way it's in your study guide.
28:13 "By means of this first utterance of Jesus,
28:17 the evangelist poses a question to all readers of the gospel.
28:20 As we approach to Jesus who inhabits
28:23 the pages of the Fourth Gospel, the evangelist insists
28:26 that we not rush forward, mindlessly turning pages."
28:30 By the way I love it
28:31 and David Alberta was in first church
28:33 and I spoke to him from up here.
28:35 I love this one project that were on now.
28:37 We are all in the gospels right.
28:39 Matthew and house of prayer and dorm worships,
28:42 co-curricle worships everybody is in the gospels or acts.
28:46 But you know what it would really,
28:47 it would be sad as if all we're doing
28:49 is just turning the pages while good
28:50 get another gospel quick, quick
28:52 before the school years is up, forget it.
28:55 Robert Smith says, wait a minute
28:56 why are you turning the pages?
28:58 You people who are plunging in to the fourth gospel
29:00 what is it just a little bit of page turning.
29:03 So you read a new story.
29:07 "As we approach to Jesus who inhabits
29:09 the pages of the fourth gospel,
29:11 the evangelists insist that we do not rush forward
29:14 mindlessly turning pages.
29:16 He wants us to stop and take to heart this question,
29:19 " write it down " what are you seeking?"
29:22 What do you looking for in your life?
29:24 What's the thirst that drives you?
29:27 What's the hunger that moves you?
29:29 What are you seeking?
29:31 What do you want from this Jesus?
29:33 What are you hoping for and looking for
29:34 as you read the story of Jesus set forth in this gospel?
29:37 What are you seeking with all of your striving
29:39 and working and thinking?
29:40 What is the target and goal of all your living?
29:44 What are you seeking guys?
29:46 You are following me. What are you looking for.
29:52 Verse 38 "Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following,
29:56 said to them, 'What do you seek?'
29:57 and they said to Him,
29:59 'Rabbi' (which is to say, when translated, Teacher),
30:02 'where are You staying?'
30:04 " This is the little too public place to talk
30:05 and we-- do you have a little place,
30:07 do you have somewhere private where we can visit,
30:08 where you are staying?
30:09 And Jesus said to them I love this,
30:11 verse 39, "Come and see.
30:14 And they came and they saw where He was staying,
30:16 And they remained with Him that day
30:19 (now it was about the tenth hour)."
30:20 Four O'clock in the afternoon
30:23 when she love talking about a video clip
30:24 that rolled in the midst of this teaching.
30:26 When she like love see on the screen he picture of Jesus,
30:29 Andrew and we are gonna find out
30:32 its John boy the three of them
30:35 sitting where ever Jesus took them
30:37 and they are spending the afternoon in conversation.
30:40 Look at if you and your friend
30:41 could be along with Jesus for one afternoon
30:44 what would you be talking about with Jesus?
30:46 Who would be on your--
30:47 what would be on your conversation list?
30:51 If you could have that time alone
30:53 we are not told what the conversation was
30:56 but whatever it was one of he two of them
30:57 were so moved as soon as they excuse themselves
30:59 at four in afternoon he went to find his brother.
31:02 And because everybody in this story gets name
31:06 except this other disciple and because we already know
31:10 that the writer of the Gospel of John
31:12 always hides himself in the background.
31:14 It isn't a whole lot of rocket science to conclude to
31:16 and that's John boy and because John boy and peter
31:19 always show up together in the gospel.
31:21 Its not surprising to think
31:23 that may be Andrews didn't go alone
31:25 but john boy followed him and the two of them
31:27 find brother, friend Peter.
31:34 Verse 40 "One of the two of them who heard John speak,
31:36 and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
31:39 He first found his own brother Simon,
31:42 and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah'
31:45 (which is translated, the Christ).
31:48 And he brought him to Jesus.
31:51 And when Jesus looked at him,
31:53 He said, 'You are Simon the son of Jonah.'
31:56 " Or the son of John.
31:57 "You shall be called Cephas" as we say cephas.
32:01 In the Aramaic stone, Greek petros
32:04 and once came the name Peter you will be called stone.
32:10 You know, wasn't that something that Jesus didn't say oh yeah.
32:13 Yeah, You know, what you are gonna do?
32:16 Before I am even dead you are gonna dead,
32:18 knock me to the word.
32:19 You are going to turn the up blew with your obscenities
32:21 saying I don't know Him at all.
32:23 Not a word, not a word.
32:26 You just said Mr. Stone you are going be a rock.
32:31 Isn't that something about Jesus by the way?
32:33 He calls us what our potentially is
32:35 never what are our weakness is.
32:38 He picks out your potential and He says girl
32:41 "I love you I got a dream for your life."
32:45 Boy, I see you. And that's what He speaks.
32:49 Reminds me this line from Desire of Ages
32:50 not connecting with the story at all
32:52 but I want to insert it right here
32:53 put it on the screen for you Desire of Ages
32:55 that classic on life of Jesus.
32:56 "Jesus does not tell to any all that He might reveal,
33:01 but He bids every trembling soul take courage."
33:05 I am so glad Jesus doesn't tell me
33:07 everything about me that He knows.
33:09 I think I'd quit.
33:11 I think we'd all commit suicide
33:13 and I think we probably would.
33:15 If that just be truth I can't take that.
33:17 He says I know you can.
33:18 I am not gonna tell you everything
33:19 I know about you, Dwight.
33:21 Just live today with me, we will get you tomorrow
33:24 in due time, today you would Me.
33:27 What a savior. What a friend.
33:30 I mean, do you have a friend who is closer to you than that.
33:34 Wow, so, Jesus now has three disciples.
33:40 Look at this, Jesus with His disciple Andrew
33:44 and His disciple peter and His disciple John boy.
33:50 Or should we say there is Jesus and Andrews--
33:57 you are pretty quick.
33:59 Doesn't He want to be disciples with all of us?
34:02 He says I want Andrews and I want Peter,
34:05 and I want John, I want the whole campus.
34:08 He is always looking for disciples
34:10 which is why the very next verse.
34:11 Look at verse 43 "The following day
34:13 Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found"
34:19 this is the one he finds.
34:20 "He found Philip and said to him, 'Follow Me.'
34:23 " Verse 44 "Now Philip was from Bethsaida,
34:25 the city of Andrew and Peter."
34:27 And by the way John.
34:29 They are awful right they are all right
34:30 there on the shores of Galilee.
34:32 Isn't that something?
34:33 Philip knows Peter and Andrew and John and by the way
34:37 that's how the kingdom grows as my friend Rutty Jackson
34:40 likes to put it the kingdom advances among friends.
34:43 And so the four of them spend time with Jesus.
34:45 How much time we don't know
34:46 but we do know that as soon as it is over
34:49 Philip behaves in the same way as Andrew did.
34:51 He leaves Jesus and he goes and he finds a friend of his
34:55 because that's how it works.
34:58 I love this line from Steps to Christ.
35:00 You have to fill it in. Put it on the screen please.
35:02 Steps to Christ "No sooner does one come to Christ"
35:05 than there was born in her heart
35:07 "there is born in his heart a desire
35:10 to make known to others what a precious friend"
35:13 write that in.
35:14 "What a precious friend he has found in Jesus."
35:19 Do you think of Jesus as your friend?
35:22 You really can, you don't have to
35:23 you know I don't want to get too familiar.
35:27 No, He is your friend. He is your friend.
35:31 What a precious friend you found in Jesus.
35:33 "The saving and sanctifying truth
35:35 can't be shut up in your heart.
35:37 We shall not be able to hold our peace."
35:38 Oh I love this.
35:39 You can't keep quite you're gonna have to
35:40 say something about it to somebody
35:42 I got to tell you about this friend of mine
35:44 who doesn't tell me my weakness but he calls me by my strength
35:47 when I not even have my strength yet.
35:49 Wow, "If we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good,
35:52 we shall have something to tell.
35:54 Like Philip when he found the Savior,
35:56 we shall invite others" come, come, come,
35:58 "into His presence.
35:59 We shall seek to present to them the attractions."
36:03 Would you make sure you get that word in
36:05 because some people go around
36:07 and they are always talking about
36:09 the distractions of Christ.
36:12 This is what is not good about them
36:13 and this will be what's tough about this Christian life.
36:16 And this is where the burden gets heavy for peace sake.
36:20 If you can't say anything nice about Jesus
36:21 don't say anything at all.
36:24 Talk about His attractions.
36:27 Man, you see that way I will tell you what
36:30 He's been that way with me.
36:31 Come check it out for yourself.
36:35 "We shall seek to present to them the attractions of Christ
36:38 and the unseen realities of the world to come.
36:41 There will be an earnest longing that those around us may
36:44 here is our theme text Behold the Lamb of God,
36:47 who takes away the sin of the world."
36:51 So what does Philip do? He goes looking for a friend.
36:54 I will tell you what he knows precisely
36:56 where to find a friend.
36:57 Your friends, know where you hang out.
36:59 They know, please.
37:00 Philip knows where you will find his friend
37:02 under a fig tree.
37:03 Why he is under that fig tree
37:05 in once split second we will find out.
37:06 But let's go with Philip to find Nathanael,
37:08 verse 45 "Philip found Nathanael and he said to him,
37:12 'We have found Him.'
37:14 " This is the same, same testimony as Andrew.
37:17 He's essentially saying we found the Messiah.
37:19 "We have found Him 'of whom Moses in the law,
37:22 and also the prophets, wrote.'
37:24 " Now I'm gonna give you his name Nathanael.
37:26 He is "Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
37:29 And Nathanael said to him, 'Can any good thing
37:34 come out of that little town?
37:39 There was a little bit of intra village rivalry around Galilee
37:42 and that's what was going on.
37:45 Nazareth, can you believe it?
37:49 But ladies and gentlemen, in the sequence
37:51 we have just read this last five or six verses.
37:53 What we have found are imbedded seven simple steps
37:57 on how to share Jesus with your world.
38:00 Jot them down I'm gonna fly them by seven of them.
38:02 Here they go.
38:04 Number one, first, meet Jesus yourself.
38:07 That's absolutely impairment.
38:09 You can't share what you don't have.
38:12 You have to meet Jesus yourself.
38:14 Andrew meets Philips
38:15 meet him then they go to find their friends.
38:16 All right number one, meet Jesus yourself.
38:18 Number two, spend time with Him.
38:20 Can't you say Oh, hey, Jesus,
38:21 nice to meet you see you again then go.
38:22 You have to spend time.
38:24 You got to know why this friendship is so special.
38:28 Why is this friendship so meaningful?
38:30 Wow, because you spend time with the Him.
38:31 Number three, good counsel by the way
38:34 begin with a family member or friend.
38:37 Some people will say well, I am gonna try
38:38 so I'm go out and stick on a stranger.
38:41 Oh, you can do it.
38:42 But you're setting yourself up for some real disappointment.
38:45 Pick somebody who already has confidence in you,
38:47 who knows you.
38:48 Says hey, I will take your word for it.
38:50 Somebody that loves you, family member.
38:52 Somebody who is close to you a friend.
38:54 Tell them let them be the first ones
38:56 you tell about Jesus.
38:57 As Ruthie Jacobsen say jot it down.
38:59 "The kingdom advances among friends."
39:01 That's how Jesus is doing, Andrew, John, Philip, Nathanael.
39:05 He is pulling all these friends He'll soon have 12.
39:09 One of them he never called.
39:12 One of them came and said you need me and didn't need him.
39:18 Sad story.
39:21 Okay number three, begin with the family member or a friend.
39:23 Number four, share your story.
39:26 Some people call on testimony. What's a testimony?
39:28 It is simply telling your story about you and Jesus.
39:30 That's what Andrews did.
39:31 Hey, Peter, I got to tell you about me and Jesus.
39:32 That's what Phil did.
39:34 You know, Nathanael let me tell you about me and Jesus.
39:35 Just tell your story that's number four.
39:37 Number 5, do not argue.
39:41 Notice how Philip deafly sidestepped the argument
39:45 that the Nathanael was trying to pick.
39:46 Oh, come on Nazareth, not a word.
39:51 Instead he does number six,
39:53 "Invite personal examination come and see."
39:57 Hey, look at I know it doesn't make sense to you
39:58 come on check it out.
40:00 Trust me.
40:01 Do you know, you and I friends, right?
40:03 Yeah.
40:04 Can you trust me. Yeah.
40:05 Come on, check it out.
40:07 And finally, number seven,
40:09 important, bring them to Jesus.
40:11 In other words stay with your family members,
40:13 stay with your friend, don't try to invitation
40:15 say hey go find Jesus, blessings on you.
40:18 No, you got to go with Him.
40:19 You got to lead Him, you got to journey with Him.
40:21 I am with you. We're close.
40:23 You've confidence in me You've met to Jesus
40:25 but you've confidence to me, let's go together.
40:28 Always journey with Him.
40:30 There they are seven simple steps,
40:32 let me take you to Jesus.
40:33 Oh come on, Dwight, has this work in real life.
40:35 I mean look, if Jesus were here and He is coming to chapel
40:38 or something than I could bring everybody to chapel.
40:39 Look, I want you all to meet my friend Jesus
40:41 but He is not here now.
40:43 Okay, I will show you how it works.
40:45 We'll do it right here.
40:47 Let me share an example for you.
40:50 In today's bulletin is one of these
40:56 put up here we have got the camera on.
40:58 Can you see it?
41:02 It says, "Prophecies Decoded."
41:04 It's in your worship bulletin.
41:06 Do you know this is-- this is a satellite lectureship
41:10 done by a friend of all of ours Ron Clouzet.
41:13 He sits in this church every Sabbath of worship
41:15 when he is around.
41:16 He is going to do this.
41:19 Prophecies Decoded, ah, come on Dwight,
41:21 I am not into prophecy you were talking about sharing Jesus.
41:25 I am talking about sharing Jesus.
41:26 You're not-- you're kidding me, aren't you
41:28 when you say, you're not getting into prophecies.
41:30 Oh, man, please look at in chapter 5,
41:32 at the Gospel of John we're gonna run into this line
41:34 one of these day, Jesus said you search the scriptures
41:36 because they are they which testify me.
41:39 That's what prophecy is, it tells the story of Jesus.
41:42 In fact, the greatest prophetic book
41:43 at the end of the New Testament is called Revelation.
41:46 It's the Revelation of what? The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
41:50 So here's our verse.
41:54 You take one of these, somebody says,
41:56 "Yeah I am not in the prophecy."
41:57 Oh, come on, come on, it's about Jesus.
42:03 You take it to a friend, all right, somebody you know.
42:05 Somebody in the dormitory that you know that needs Jesus.
42:08 Okay, so you take it personally deliver it.
42:10 You know, stick it under the door.
42:13 You deliver it. Neighbor, deliver it.
42:16 Colleague at work, you deliver it.
42:18 You say listen, this is our fascinating lectureship
42:21 that's beginning two weeks from last night,
42:23 two weeks from last night.
42:24 You'll be right here to Pioneer Memorial Church.
42:27 I am gonna pick you up and let's go together.
42:29 You don't have to stay for the whole thing.
42:31 If you don't like it you leave.
42:33 But I have found these prophecies not only a,
42:36 a steering opening to the headlines today
42:39 but I have found they tell about my friend Jesus.
42:43 I love to have you come.
42:44 Let me pick you up, what time I am going to pick you up
42:45 because this is going to start at 7:20 sharp?
42:49 When can I pick you up?
42:50 What do we just do,
42:51 we went through all seven steps, right here.
42:53 We did all seven steps.
42:54 Oh, no I am not into prophecy.
42:56 Now come on, come on,
42:57 you know, me let's just check it out together.
42:59 I think you will be happily surprised.
43:02 Come and see. I go with you.
43:06 Ladies and gentlemen,
43:07 we are talking about rocket science here?
43:09 You're kidding.
43:10 Hey I gonna ask you this question, you tell me.
43:12 Do you suppose Jesus worked hard to make sure
43:16 that sharing Him, with other people on this planet
43:19 would be the most gruesome
43:21 and awful experience we could ever have?
43:23 Do you think He worked hard to do that?
43:26 I think it's a flipside of that coin, don't you.
43:28 I think Jesus says, I am gonna make this
43:30 as easiest possible for you, find a friend,
43:33 somebody who loves you, somebody who trusts you
43:35 and go to that friend and say I want to come with me
43:38 I will go with you.
43:39 We'll go together.
43:40 I think you're gonna be happily surprised.
43:43 What's not to like about that?
43:51 When we stack of these at the door when you leave
43:53 any other greeting stations, grab a handful.
43:55 Say, I got more than one friend, great grab a handful.
43:58 Hand him out.
43:59 By the way Pastor Rodley is telling me listen Dwight,
44:01 make sure they know that in the worship bulletin today
44:04 there is a page for signing up as a volunteer.
44:07 We need all kinds of volunteers
44:08 to help make this event a huge success.
44:12 So you bring your friends volunteer if you want.
44:16 You see that page in the bulletin.
44:18 By the way let me tell you this before I sit down.
44:20 There is something in it for you.
44:23 No, I am serious, you know, those Steps to Christ
44:26 quotation a moment ago we didn't finish it
44:28 let's finish it right now.
44:29 Put it back up on the screen please
44:30 you will have to fill it in.
44:34 "And the effort to bless others" because sharing Jesus
44:36 what is that He's trying to bless somebody else.
44:38 "And the effort to bless others
44:39 will react in blessings upon ourselves.
44:42 This was the purpose of God
44:44 in giving us a part to act in the plan of salvation.
44:47 He has granted you and me the privilege
44:49 of becoming partakers of the divine nature
44:51 and, in their turn, in our turn of spreading
44:55 defusing blessings to those around us."
44:58 Now, here coming out, this is, this is dynamite.
44:59 This is the highest honor, can you believe that.
45:02 Now notice that, this is the highest honor.
45:05 There is no honor higher than this.
45:06 "This is the highest honor, this is the greatest joy
45:10 that it is possible for God to give to bestowed you and me."
45:16 Why would it be such a high honor,
45:17 why would it be such a great joy?
45:19 Because just like John, just like John
45:21 you get the privilege of same.
45:23 Hey, look, look, look this is the one, this is the one.
45:27 I want you to meet Him. There is no higher honor.
45:31 And by the way you're born for this.
45:33 You were born to do this.
45:35 That's why you live.
45:36 You think that you live just to occupy little bit
45:38 of tiller farmer until you become fertilizer again?
45:42 You think that's why you live?
45:43 You're kidding, you've been born.
45:45 Why did Jesus find you?
45:47 Why did He find Andrew because I want Peter.
45:50 I am getting you Andrew, you get Peter for me.
45:52 I am getting you Philip, you get Nathanael for me.
45:56 He needs us that's why we were born.
45:58 This is the highest honor you can have.
46:03 Keep, keep going.
46:04 "Those who thus become participants
46:05 in the labors of love are brought."
46:07 Can you believe that word?
46:09 "Nearest."
46:11 Nearest. Nearest.
46:14 You want to be close to God?
46:17 I can't imagine anybody saying no Dwight,
46:18 I actually I don't want to be very near God
46:19 I want to be close enough but not that near.
46:22 Are you kidding you wouldn't be here today.
46:23 You want to be close to god
46:25 this is the one activity in this life
46:28 that will bring you nearest to God.
46:30 You can't get closer to the nearest.
46:34 Wow, why do we make.
46:36 Do you know what it had just hit me
46:38 why we make such a big deal about this?
46:40 I bet you there is somebody around here
46:41 who doesn't want us to do this.
46:44 He knows how fast it goes, stop.
46:49 This is too much word come on, you don't have time
46:51 look at look oh good night. Go, go, go.
46:54 Why would he do that?
46:56 Because you are the most persuasive witness Christ has.
46:59 You can show him the person, the person will fall down dead.
47:01 He said I can't do that.
47:03 I will send a friend of his.
47:04 She will listen to a friend of hers.
47:07 You're the best shot God has, don't let your friend down.
47:11 That one and that one,
47:14 don't let your friend down, be a witness.
47:16 Wow, so Philip does.
47:18 So Philip is talking Nathanael, come and see
47:21 okay verse 47 and look at this.
47:23 Jesus is waiting, Jesus has set this thing
47:25 and watch this verse 47.
47:26 And "Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him."
47:30 Not in the whispers,
47:31 you see has all these little disciples around now
47:32 little tall as he is.
47:34 He has all these disciples around him
47:35 and he is saying it loud enough so that Nathanae
47:37 who is walking this way in spite of the quenching sandals
47:40 on the wilderness rock, Nathanael can overhear Jesus.
47:43 So Jesus is talking rather loud.
47:44 He said Oh, by the way hey fellows look "Behold,
47:48 an Israelite indeed a true blue Israelite,
47:52 in whom there is no deceit!"
47:55 And the Greek word for deceit is the bait on a fishhook.
48:00 In whom there is no bait because I know some people
48:03 who say they're followers of Christ
48:05 that they practice bait and switch
48:07 from about ten yards away they look great
48:09 until you get up close and then mercy
48:12 when did they move in next door
48:13 and why do we have to live next door to them.
48:18 Bait and switch.
48:21 Hey here is the true Israelite no bait on that hook,
48:25 he is real deal.
48:27 Oh, Nathanael comes walking up and he say
48:30 you how do you know about me.
48:34 Jesus looked at him and look at that next verse.
48:35 Jesus looked at him and He said,
48:36 I want to tell you something Nathanael.
48:38 "Before Philip came to you I saw you under that fig tree."
48:45 And just like that this is what sourced down into me.
48:47 I have always said why come on Nathanael
48:50 this is don't you think this is little precipitous,
48:51 it can't just brooded it out.
48:53 Because oh,
48:54 "Rabbi you are the king of Israel and Son of God!"
48:58 How did you do that so fast Nathanael?
49:01 That's the clue to what was happening under the fig tree.
49:06 Apparently, Nathanael has been in prayer under the fig tree.
49:10 He has heard John the Baptist he has seen this skinny
49:13 that he is pointed at this young adult.
49:15 And he is under this fig tree praying to God.
49:17 Almighty, God you can't--
49:19 God, you can't be serious this can't be the Messiah.
49:21 Is this really the Lamb of God?
49:23 God, I am asking you give me a sign,
49:26 give me a sign and I will believe.
49:29 And when Nathanael comes walking up
49:30 he gets the perfect sign.
49:32 I saw you under the fig tree.
49:37 Wow, your God. Isn't that so?
49:42 By the way when do you have worship?
49:44 First part of the day.
49:46 Where's it that you go to have prayer.
49:48 Wherever it is.
49:50 Isn't it stunning to realize
49:52 He sees me in my private prayers?
49:56 He sees you with your broken heart,
49:59 he sees you with your tortured life.
50:02 He sees you with your weary heart.
50:05 He sees you-- I saw you in the corner of that dorm room.
50:08 I saw you this morning I was listening, girl.
50:11 Boy, I was listening to you I saw you.
50:17 Isn't that amazing?
50:18 Wow, you are God.
50:22 I know and I am your friend follow me.
50:27 Mercy, and Jesus looks into Nathanael's face by the way
50:31 and He says to him, verse 50.
50:33 This is the end.
50:35 "Jesus answered and said to him."
50:36 Hey "Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree,'
50:39 do you believe?"
50:41 Oh, Nathanael
50:42 you're going to see greater things than these.
50:43 Now, here comes verse 51.
50:45 "And Jesus said to Nathanael, most assuredly."
50:48 And by the way we're running to it for the first time.
50:50 Twenty five, times, only the writer John
50:53 will exercise this literary device,
50:55 two words in the Greek, the same word, Amen.
50:59 In English it would be Amen, Amen.
51:01 Only John does it and every time John inserts
51:04 twenty five, times, in his gospel, amen, amen
51:06 it's like he is waving this red flag.
51:09 You all reader, slowdown now, slowdown something big
51:13 is about to be declared.
51:15 Amen, amen, "I say to you from now on
51:20 you shall see the heaven opened
51:22 and the angels of god ascending
51:26 and descending upon the Son of Man."
51:28 Look at me Nathanael,
51:30 you remembered the story of Jacob,
51:32 you remembered Jacob's ladder.
51:33 I am that ladder.
51:35 I will take the hand of Almighty God
51:37 I take the hand of the human race.
51:38 I am the connection.
51:40 I am and on me the angels of God will ascend and descend.
51:48 I just caught it for the first time this week
51:50 it says ascend and descend.
51:51 I thought it was descend and ascend.
51:54 No when Jesus steps into your life
51:57 the ladder goes down into your life.
51:59 And in that instinct you have the bonus blessing
52:02 of the angels of heaven
52:03 who are on the ground boots on the ground with you.
52:06 They ascend to heaven with your petitions
52:08 they descend from heaven with God's promises.
52:10 They ascend to heaven with your cries
52:12 they descend from heaven with God's answers.
52:15 When you get Jesus, when you get the ladder,
52:20 you get all of the heaven.
52:22 Now tell me that isn't the friend to get excited about?
52:31 And because I am God's ladder in your life
52:35 I need you to be my ladder in someone else's life.
52:40 Ladies and gentlemen, that's the truth.
52:41 Write it down in closing please.
52:44 "Once Jesus becomes your Lamb,
52:49 you become His ladder."
52:53 What's that mean? Put it the other way.
52:56 Next screen please.
52:57 "Once Jesus becomes your Savior, you become His witness."
53:04 It just goes ipso facto it just follows just like that.
53:12 Do I, do I have to be a witness for Him.
53:14 No, its not do I have to its do I get to, you get to.
53:20 And what do we just read and this is the highest honor
53:22 the greatest joy that is possible for God
53:25 to bestow upon men and women hallelujah and amen.
53:30 Well, it has a pretty weak amen.
53:32 Let me try it again hallelujah and amen.
53:34 Amen, that is an honor that He has called you and me
53:39 to become witnesses for Him.
53:40 So stand your feet right now, we're going to sing the song
53:42 that you learned in Sabbath school
53:43 and I promise you, you have not forgotten it.
53:45 Stand to your feet right now and minister music
53:48 will give us a mighty chord
53:49 and we're going to start with that.
53:53 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
54:00 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
54:07 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
54:12 Put your hands, put your hand in the air.
54:15 All around the neighborhood
54:19 I'm gonna let it shine
54:23 All around the neighborhood I'm gonna let it shine
54:30 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
54:35 All right, now you know this next one.
54:37 Won't let Satan 'whoof' it out I'm gonna let it shine
54:45 Won't let Satan 'whoof' it out I'm gonna let it shine
54:52 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
54:58 Till Jesus comes.
54:59 Let it shine till Jesus comes I'm gonna let it shine
55:07 Let it shine till Jesus comes I'm gonna let it shine
55:14 Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
55:21 All right now sing it like a prayer.
55:23 This little light of mine
55:28 I'm gonna let it shine
55:32 This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine
55:40 Let it shine, let it shine,
55:45 let it shine
55:49 Oh, Father, that is our choice.
55:52 That is our prayer.
55:53 We were born for this just like John the Baptist,
55:56 born for this one testimony.
55:59 Oh, world you who know me.
56:02 Take a look at him this is the Lamb of God
56:07 who takes away the sin of world.
56:10 God, please make us mighty witnesses for our Christ.
56:17 In His name we pray, amen.
56:33 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:35 I hope the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time
56:38 with us right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church,
56:40 on the campus of Andrews University.
56:42 Do you know that around the world people join us
56:44 every week for this hour of worship?
56:46 We're always looking as a consequence
56:48 for new ways to bridge.
56:49 Somehow, to connect with these people
56:51 who come here to worship you the telecast.
56:54 One of the areas that is quickly growing for us
56:56 is our website.
56:57 We have more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:01 It's an incredible opportunity that God has given us
57:04 to expand His kingdom.
57:06 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:08 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
57:11 I'd love to have you call our toll free number.
57:14 We have got very friendly operators standing by.
57:16 Here is the number 877-HIS-WILL,
57:19 877 and then two words HIS WILL,
57:21 one of the operators will be happy to give you the details
57:25 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:27 If you prefer listen, you could do it all online.
57:30 Go to our website please
57:34 I'd be honored to have the privilege of partnering
57:36 with you as we seek to spread the truth
57:38 about God for this generation.
57:40 We are living in urgent times.
57:43 Now more than ever we've got to go to the world
57:46 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:48 So once again hears that toll free number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:52 Thank you in advance for your generosity
57:55 it blesses me and you grow this ministry.
57:58 I pray that the Spirit of Christ will abide
58:00 with you every step of the way
58:02 and hope you'll come back again next time right here
58:05 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2014-12-17