New Perceptions

Down On All Fours

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP091308

00:28 Because you are the primetime generation,
00:30 I want to begin today with the story.
00:33 I got a letter from one of our listeners.
00:35 We're not only on television but we're on radio
00:37 and he was listening on WAUS several years ago.
00:42 So he is responding to what we shared that
00:46 Sabbath here in the pulpit.
00:50 I wrote him back, responded back to him
00:53 and out of that conversation in the mail,
00:57 we set up an appointment to meet.
00:59 He was living up in St. Joe and businessman in St. Joe.
01:05 So I made arrangements to go to his home,
01:07 met him, his wife, family.
01:11 And out of that,
01:13 out of that meeting through the radio at first...
01:19 a steady relationship developed.
01:22 He was eager to get into the word.
01:23 Now, this gentleman,
01:26 a quasi God believer...
01:31 but I am agnostic about Jesus.
01:33 I just don't know about this thing
01:35 you're saying about Jesus, you Christians.
01:40 Considered himself a Christian.
01:43 So he made a deal, okay, every Wednesday
01:45 he is a controller of his company, still, still is.
01:49 Okay, every Wednesday noon, I'll come up there
01:52 and let just walk the beach together,
01:53 we might have a brownbag, might not,
01:56 but we just study for one hour.
01:57 You give your lunch break
01:58 and I'll give mine and so we did,
02:01 week after week after week
02:02 and that went around for three years.
02:09 And I'm telling you he is just not getting it
02:12 about this Jesus and I am at my wits end.
02:17 I'm saying there is-- what more I can do, please.
02:23 And then the man went through a crisis.
02:27 A meltdown crisis.
02:30 And one night alone in his home,
02:34 something supernatural happened.
02:38 And I want him to tell you what happened.
02:40 And so where is my friend Dick Mackie?
02:42 Where are you, Dick?
02:43 There you are. Come on up.
02:46 Dick and I become friends.
02:49 He is a runner, he encouraged me
02:51 in this life of running but, Dick, here you are,
02:57 you're going through that meltdown.
03:00 Wife, children gone separated,
03:02 you're in that house all alone one night.
03:06 Tell us what happened?
03:09 Well, it was-- it was probably
03:12 the lowest point of my life.
03:15 I know a bunch of people here
03:17 and they've been supporting me and encouraging me.
03:19 But I was really depressed and lonely this night.
03:22 And I made a few phone calls,
03:24 this is before cell phones, nobody was home.
03:29 I'm just feeling really, really alone.
03:31 I'm in the kitchen and I'm washing dishes
03:33 and guys do wash dishes.
03:38 Especially if there's nobody else in the house,
03:41 and I'm washing dishes
03:43 and I'm crying and guys do cry too.
03:47 And I'm talking to God,
03:49 I've been talking to God all my life
03:51 but talking to Him and saying,
03:54 I just-- I just want to be helped,
03:57 I just want someone to be there,
03:58 I just want to helped.
04:01 And I'm standing there at the sink
04:04 and I felt arms wrapping around me from behind.
04:11 I don't understand what happened
04:14 but I knew, somehow I knew this was Jesus.
04:20 I had prayed to God and God had sent Jesus
04:25 and I still didn't understand all the connections.
04:28 But I knew that Jesus must come from God
04:32 and be with God, and that was the beginning.
04:36 And we connected after that story
04:38 you told me about what had happened.
04:41 And then it was just-- everything started falling
04:44 in place after that and pretty soon,
04:47 we're getting ready to stand in that
04:48 baptistery together you and I, so you write this poem to--
04:52 Because you're a poet
04:53 and I used to share your poetry with me.
04:56 But you write a special poem, tell us about that poem?
05:02 I wanted to do my testimony
05:04 and it come out in poetry form.
05:07 But I'm still struggling with this cross.
05:10 I don't-- you know,
05:13 how do you reconcile the world through blood guts and gore,
05:16 I just don't understand that
05:18 and I wrote this poem, I showed it to Dwight,
05:20 I showed it to the person who was going to sing it.
05:23 And they came back and they said,
05:26 we have a problem with this because it's not biblical.
05:30 And Dwight said,
05:32 we can't-- we can't use this
05:35 and I went home that night and I opened the door,
05:38 I got about few feet inside hit the wall slid down the wall.
05:44 I'm on the floor crying,
05:47 because I don't know what to do.
05:49 I mean, this is-- I'm depressed together
05:52 you know, and I'm just-- I said to God,
05:55 what do I do, what do I do?
05:59 And inside my head very distinctly
06:03 the words came, let Jesus speak for Himself.
06:10 And I got a pencil and paper
06:13 and within couple of minutes,
06:15 I wrote down these lines.
06:20 "Weep not my child,
06:22 embrace the love of my heart with share,
06:25 I know you're ashamed and your unspoken prayer,
06:31 upon my cross that prayer and God were reconciled.
06:37 When faith proclaimed my grace forever there."
06:43 Amen.
06:44 And I'd like to say two things to this congregation.
06:47 One, thank you for being there when I needed it.
06:52 And secondly,
06:54 I was raised in a congregational church.
06:57 I was practicing Catholic for 15 years or so
07:02 but I have never met the Jesus you know
07:06 until I came here,
07:09 you know Jesus different than anyone else
07:12 and the world needs to know your Jesus.
07:16 Amen, beautiful. Thank you, Dick.
07:18 Excellent.
07:25 So we were in that baptistery together,
07:28 it was a hallelujah day for you and for me.
07:32 Now I tell you why I'm wanting
07:34 Dick to share his story several reasons.
07:36 Number one,
07:38 here's a story of a God who says,
07:43 okay, you've done everything,
07:44 you can step out of the way, this is My moment.
07:48 And supernaturally,
07:50 God can step in to the people we care about,
07:52 just supernaturally do whatever He's got to do
07:55 like He did for you.
07:56 God answers prayer.
07:57 Yeah.
07:59 Number two, here you are a friend
08:02 and servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
08:05 We saw Dick this morning, he was receiving the offering.
08:07 He's also one of our...
08:09 first grade Sabbath school leaders, yeah.
08:12 And number three, number three,
08:16 several years ago we huddled up
08:19 with our senior leadership team
08:20 and we said we have to got to put something together
08:23 to equip contemporary Christian Adventist
08:27 with the ability to be a winsome contagious witness.
08:30 So for years now under Skip McCarty's leadership
08:34 we've been working on something called
08:35 the Contagious Adventist Seminar.
08:37 So to put that little study team together
08:40 we said, wait a minute,
08:41 we have got to have a quasi agnostic serving
08:46 on that-- on that team and Dick--
08:47 Someone who saw light. Someone who saw light.
08:50 Who could, better could sit in our circle
08:52 and now say, hey, let me tell you,
08:54 how it comes across to me.
08:56 And so, Dick, you had a part in the research
08:57 and the writing process
08:59 and you actually wrote some of the material
09:02 for that study on the Lord Jesus Christ.
09:04 This is an incredible seminar
09:06 and we're just ready to offer the alpha version that Dick
09:09 and our team have been working on for years, years.
09:13 If you would reach into your bulletin right now,
09:15 you're gonna see a little piece of paper like this
09:17 and I need you while Dick is standing right here with me,
09:19 I need you to pull it out
09:21 because I want you to take this.
09:23 I want you this-- this is gonna be
09:24 so user friendly for you.
09:26 This is gonna be no pressure.
09:31 Easy learning,
09:34 how you can become a winsome contagious
09:36 disciple of the Lord Jesus in the third millennium.
09:39 Come on, we can't use the old methods
09:40 of our grandpas and grandmas,
09:42 we've got to have something fresh.
09:44 And so if you would turn it over,
09:46 there is a place for you to scribble down
09:48 your name, your address,
09:50 give us your cell phone, put your email in twice,
09:52 so that we make sure we can get in touch with you.
09:54 Because next Sabbath we're gonna offer first time
09:58 in history hallelujah, the alpha version
10:01 of the Contagious Adventist Seminar.
10:02 We're gonna offer in the Physics Amphitheater
10:04 10 o'clock.
10:06 You can come at 10 o'clock.
10:08 We're gonna have topnotch team of teachers there.
10:10 We're gonna give the syllabus to you
10:13 that Dick has helped to prepare.
10:14 You will never be the same again
10:16 after the Contagious Adventist Seminar.
10:18 And so I wish you take a moment right now just--
10:21 just scribble your name down and address,
10:24 so that we can have it in just a moment
10:26 when the ushers come to give extra study guides out,
10:29 they also receive these from you,
10:30 so take a moment real quick right now.
10:33 And, Dick Mackie, God bless you,
10:35 your testimony is what Jesus is all about.
10:37 Thank you very much.
10:38 How about another hand for Dick Mackie?
10:48 The ushers are gonna come your way,
10:49 take a pen, I'm serious
10:51 just grab a pen right now and fill that out.
10:53 Combine about three moments to receive it.
10:58 But I'm not gonna wait for them
10:59 because I'm so excited about today's teaching.
11:02 It's the third story in the Book of Acts
11:04 and we just come to it by the journey we are on
11:09 two Sabbaths already in this series of primetime
11:10 but is there a more primetime story than Acts 3.
11:13 Open your Bible to Acts 3.
11:15 This is one of my favorite in the whole Book of Acts.
11:18 Acts Chapter 3.
11:20 We got to go to the story because there is a secret
11:22 tucked away in this story that is the primetime key.
11:29 Primetime key to this prayer,
11:31 "Give me, give me Your eyes,
11:32 oh, God, give me Your eyes."
11:35 So if you didn't bring your Bible,
11:36 take a pew Bible, it will be page 734.
11:38 Let's go 734,
11:40 that's a New King James Version in the pew,
11:41 but I'm gonna be here, I got to find it myself.
11:43 I'm gonna be here
11:45 in the Today's New International Version,
11:48 the TNIV.
11:50 All right, Acts Chapter 3, follow along.
11:56 Ushers, we're gonna wait a little bit,
12:00 I didn't see you guys jump up
12:01 and actually they're not through filling it out.
12:03 So hold on and then we get
12:04 to the study guide in just a moment.
12:06 That way though they will have just that
12:08 extra moment to fill it out.
12:10 We got the best ushers in the world
12:12 and they're ready to go,
12:13 but I want to give you just one more moment.
12:15 I see some of you are still writing, that's okay.
12:17 Fill it out, we'll be away in just a moment.
12:20 Acts 3:1, "One day Peter and John..."
12:24 And how old was John?
12:25 We don't know, John was probably a teenager
12:27 when Jesus called him, he might have been 19.
12:30 He's John boy, this is the kid in the group.
12:32 So if he was 19 or 20 when Jesus called him,
12:35 he's three and half,
12:36 he's 23 in this-- he's 23 in the story,
12:39 I want you university students to know that,
12:41 he's 23, 24 may be max out to 25,
12:45 okay, so he is your age.
12:47 Peter and John,
12:48 I'm talking about them, not Jeff.
12:50 We don't know-- we don't know Peter's age
12:52 but if Peter were 35 and we know he was married
12:55 when Jesus called him but if Peter in his 30s
12:58 you know, he's late 30s maybe early 40s.
13:01 So you have this, you have this 25 year old kid
13:03 as it were 23 with the big old bragger
13:07 so fishermen, they're both fishermen actually
13:10 trained on the Sea of Galilee.
13:12 So here is what's happened, verse 1,
13:14 "One day Peter and John were going up to the temple
13:18 at the time of prayer-- at three in the afternoon."
13:23 It's the time of the evening sacrifice.
13:24 Wherever they were in Jerusalem,
13:26 Peter looked over John and John boy looked at Peter
13:27 and say, hey, you want to go to prayer,
13:30 let's go to pray together.
13:31 There's nothing wrong with two men praying.
13:32 Is that a sin for two men
13:33 to be friends and pray together?
13:35 Are you kidding?
13:36 Let's go to prayer. And they both agree.
13:39 Verse 2, "Now a man who was lame from birth..."
13:44 We know from the end of the story
13:46 in Chapter 4 he's 40 years old,
13:47 he's been-- he's been lame,
13:49 ladies and gentlemen, for 40 years,
13:50 "A man who was lame from birth was being carried
13:53 to the temple gate..."
13:55 Now, what's the name of the temple gate?
13:57 What does it say in your Bible?
13:58 It's a gate Beautiful and I'm telling you what,
14:01 I've been to Jerusalem
14:02 and I've seen what the architects
14:05 and archeologists have collaborated,
14:06 they have this incredible spread to show
14:09 what Jerusalem looked like at the time of Christ
14:11 and its heritage temple.
14:13 You cannot imagine the glory of that temple.
14:16 This gate Beautiful,
14:17 these are massive white ivory colonnades
14:21 and carved into the white in gold
14:25 is the trellis of a vine all the way to the top.
14:28 They say in the afternoon when that sun begins
14:30 to dip towards the west and it shines on that gate,
14:35 it is resplendent hence the name gate Beautiful.
14:39 All right, "Now a man was lame from birth,"
14:41 it is verse 2, "was being carried
14:42 to the temple gate called Beautiful,
14:44 where he was put every day to beg
14:46 from those going into the temple courts.'
14:48 'It's not a dishonorable profession,
14:49 you can't do anything else with these legs,
14:51 these legs have never sustained your body's weight.
14:57 So, you gonna have to beg.
15:01 And who better-- who better to make the appeal to,
15:04 than the people are gonna worship God.
15:05 There is no heart this more open to you
15:07 than a heart that's on its way to worship God
15:09 and so that's strategic wise planning,
15:11 they put them at that gate, he's gonna ask.
15:15 Verse 3, "When he saw Peter and John about to enter."
15:22 You know, there is a law about giving,
15:24 the people who give the most are usually the poorest.
15:27 You want to get money, go to a poor person,
15:28 don't go to wealthy person, go to a poor person.
15:30 Now I know there are so many exceptions to that rule,
15:33 don't lock me into it, but you understand.
15:35 He sees these two fishermen just two threadbare fishermen
15:39 on the way to prayer meeting together
15:41 and he says, you know what,
15:42 these goys got a coin in those deep pockets,
15:44 I'm gonna try so that's what--
15:46 that's what Luke tells us here,
15:47 "When he saw Peter and John about to enter."
15:49 They're just stepping off that last stair going
15:51 into the gate Beautiful, he asked them for money.
15:54 Hey, fellows alms for the poor,
15:57 hey, hey, hey, over here, over here,
15:58 over here, over here, alms for the poor.
16:01 Puts his boney hand out.
16:05 And verse 4, Peter stops dead in his track.
16:10 "Peter looked straight at him, as did John."
16:14 They stop, big man looks, younger man looks,
16:18 they both lock on...
16:20 to that lame man sitting beneath the colonnade.
16:25 And then Peter said and I'm telling you what,
16:27 the lame man's heart just soars into heaven
16:30 when he hears these words.
16:31 Peter said, hey, boy, look at us
16:35 and the guy's heart leaps you know why,
16:37 because obviously the only time
16:39 anybody in this temple yells out for attention
16:42 is when he's going to do something mighty
16:45 to be applauded by the public.
16:48 And so the beggar's heart leaps,
16:49 all right, I'm looking.
16:51 Look at us he says, and Peter sees that.
16:56 He sees that expectation on a face
16:58 and he has to cut it out right now
17:01 and he looks into that beggar's faces,
17:02 he said hey, I have no silver,
17:09 I have no gold.
17:13 The guy says, what a sucker I am,
17:18 I thought, look at me,
17:21 look at me boy, I have no silver, gold.
17:26 I'd learn this verse as a kid growing up.
17:29 "Silver and gold have I none,
17:33 but such as I have I give thee in the name
17:36 of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk."
17:41 And that man, that 40 year old is paralyzed,
17:47 physically and emotionally
17:49 he is in that split second that is not unfamiliar
17:55 with all of our journey that split second
17:57 between unbelief and belief, he's not sure.
18:03 Forty years of wasted vegetable legs,
18:07 you're asking me to get up and walk.
18:10 And Peter sees in that split second as well,
18:13 there is a faith crisis right here.
18:14 By the way it's okay to have a faith crisis.
18:16 It's okay to be an unbeliever.
18:18 It's okay to be suspended between unbelief and belief
18:21 if you don't stay there forever.
18:24 And God send us a good friend
18:25 who in that moment says, I want to help your belief
18:27 because that's exactly what Peter does.
18:29 Look at the next verse.
18:30 Peter reaches out and he grabs the man,
18:32 he grabs the man probably his right hand,
18:34 the man's right hand and he said all right, go.
18:38 Now this guy, this guy isn't even a sack of potatoes,
18:42 Peter has pulled in, he's pulled in hundreds,
18:45 hundreds of pounds of fish look at that torso.
18:50 So he reaches down and just like picking up
18:51 a little, little gunny sack, he says, come on.
18:56 And you notice this, ladies and gentlemen,
18:58 isn't this amazing, isn't this amazing,
19:01 watch this, verse 7,
19:02 "Taking him by the right hand,
19:04 he Peter helped him up the lame man up,
19:06 and somewhere between down and up
19:09 instantly the man's feet and ankles iron, iron.
19:21 And here is the greatest understatement
19:22 in the entire Book of Acts.
19:24 "He humped to his feet and began to walk.
19:27 And then he went with them into the temple courts,
19:30 walking and jumping and praising God."
19:33 Do you remember when you were a kid come on,
19:35 don't pretend like that all.
19:37 Do you remember when you were a kid
19:38 and your daddy would come waking into the room
19:39 and say hey, we're going to the zoo today.
19:44 You remember how you reacted.
19:45 Come on, you start, you start,
19:47 I remember my kids they would just start jumping
19:49 and then they go like this,
19:50 did you do that, did you do that?
19:52 You were so excited,
19:53 you couldn't hold that back physically
19:55 and that is precisely what's happened
19:58 with this man with iron legs now,
20:00 he is leaping and jumping
20:02 and it's Luke's favorite phrase praising God.
20:07 And old boy does it start a commotion?
20:09 Verse 10,
20:11 "When all the people saw him walking and praising God,
20:13 they recognized him as the same man
20:15 who used to sit begging at the temple called Beautiful,
20:17 and they were filled with wonder and amazement
20:19 at what had happened to him the end?"
20:23 Isn't that a great story?
20:25 I just love that story.
20:27 It reminds me of another story
20:29 about Thomas Aquinas the great Middle Ages
20:32 theologian of the church and philosopher.
20:35 One day he was having personal audience
20:37 with Pope Urban IV, there in Rome.
20:41 And the pope was taking his beloved counselor
20:44 and theologian and showing him
20:46 the amassed treasures of Rome,
20:48 heaped high on the tables and the pope says to him,
20:52 you see Thomas my son,
20:55 the church can no longer say silver and gold have I none.
21:01 The theologian shut back,
21:05 oh yes, Holy Father
21:08 but neither can she say in the name of Jesus
21:11 of Nazareth get up and walk.
21:16 Ladies and gentlemen,
21:17 I grant you the wealth of the church today,
21:19 we are a wealthy church relatively speaking.
21:23 We got wealth but where is the power
21:26 of the Risen Christ?
21:28 Where is the power that can cry out,
21:30 silver and gold have we none
21:32 but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth
21:33 get up and walk boy now, where is it?
21:41 Makes you wonder.
21:45 Big time we may be sitting here today
21:48 in need of the secret that set ablaze that first church.
21:54 If I understand my Bible correctly
21:55 what happened to the church in the beginning
21:56 it's supposed to happen all over again
21:58 with the church in the ending, is that not true.
22:00 Then we need to know that secret.
22:02 Jot it down, you'll never forget the secret.
22:03 Once you jot it down you will never forget it,
22:05 I have been praying.
22:07 Take out your study guide now.
22:09 Now, ushers, that's when I need you to go, all right?
22:13 Study guides are already out,
22:14 everybody's got them, all right.
22:16 Have you turned in the-- this beautiful yellow cards
22:18 everything's done, head deacon is saying,
22:20 Dwight, it's under control.
22:21 Thank you, Milan.
22:23 All right, those of you watching on television,
22:24 let me take a moment with you.
22:26 We're delighted to have you.
22:27 Please go to our website.
22:28 Let me put it on the screen for you,
22:35 And those of you in here if you still didn't get it,
22:36 you got to get the study guide.
22:38 If you didn't get the study guide,
22:39 this may be the most important study guide in this series.
22:41 Just hold your hand up, if you didn't get it.
22:43 It's not one per family.
22:44 This will be a private study guide
22:46 as you'll see in just a moment.
22:47 Now those of you watching on TV,
22:48 you can get the same study guide,
22:50 you're looking for the series primetime,
22:51 this is part 3.
22:53 If you didn't get the first two parts,
22:54 go to our website
22:56 and get the podcast you can get it.
22:57 But you're looking for Down on All Fours
22:59 that's the title of today's teaching
23:01 Down on All Fours.
23:02 When you see that it will say study guide,
23:04 click there and you'll have it.
23:07 We got it here, we are ready to go.
23:09 All right, number one,
23:10 you see the first line there, fill it in please.
23:13 The primetime secret of the church in the beginning
23:17 and at the ending remains the same:
23:19 It is the time of prayer that unleashes the time of power."
23:25 Now, that is a crucial point.
23:27 If I got the direct quote straight out of the TNIV,
23:30 let's put it on the screen please,
23:31 verse 1 again of Acts 3,
23:33 "One day Peter and John were going up to the temple
23:36 at the time of prayer."
23:40 It was while they were on their way to prayer meeting
23:43 that this miracle took place.
23:45 The man would not have been healed,
23:46 if the man had not headed to prayer meeting.
23:51 No prayer, in that case no power.
23:55 And I suppose Peter and John, John was 25 like you, he's 24.
23:59 I suppose he had a dozen, maybe two dozen,
24:01 maybe three dozen reasons why he should not be going
24:04 to prayer meeting this week, I just can't do it.
24:08 And they would have been valid and we would have said,
24:09 yeah, you bet I understand, you don't have to go to this.
24:13 But they went to prayer
24:15 and it was on their way to prayer
24:17 that the power was unleashed, it's at the time of prayer.
24:22 Wow, obviously there is nothing more essential
24:26 than prayer at least in the Book of Acts.
24:30 Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
24:31 I mean if we really believed that ourselves,
24:34 wouldn't we be praying all the time.
24:37 I mean if you really believed in the power of prayer.
24:40 There is a great line here, Frank Laubach.
24:43 Put it on your-- in your study guide,
24:45 fill this in please,
24:46 "Prayer is the mightiest power on earth.
24:49 Listen, enough of us, if we prayed enough,
24:54 could save the world-- if we prayed enough."
24:58 Three enoughs
25:00 are just enough for us to get the message
25:03 that if we prayed enough, enough of us,
25:05 this world would be a different place.
25:11 John Dawson in his marvelous book
25:13 Taking Our Cities for God.
25:16 I read that book three or four times through,
25:18 it just keeps moving me every time I go through it
25:20 and there is one line every time I come on it,
25:22 it just stirs my heart.
25:23 It's in a series of lines,
25:24 you know I want to give them to you.
25:26 There are three lines here. Let me give you the first one.
25:27 It's in there in your study guide.
25:28 "The priorities of eternity and the spiritual world
25:31 should be the realities that dominate our thinking."
25:34 And then he asked the question that made me stop.
25:36 Boy, when he asks this question
25:37 the first time I'm reading the book,
25:38 wow, he asked the question.
25:41 "Are you a Christian in belief but an agnostic in practice?"
25:49 Hey, what's an agnostic?
25:51 What's an agnostic?
25:52 Somebody said, I'm not sure,
25:53 I'm not sure, I really believe this
25:54 and that, I mean, I just don't know.
25:57 Are you a Christian? Am I a Christian?
25:58 But of course, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
26:00 hallelujah.
26:01 But am I practically and in practice an agnostic.
26:05 He said, Dwight, I never call you an agnostic,
26:07 I wouldn't do that to you.
26:09 Why would you call anybody an agnostic?
26:11 Because if I'm not tapping in
26:13 to the supernatural power of almighty God
26:17 and I'm trying to handle my life always in my own,
26:19 I'm always coming up with the solution,
26:21 I'm always looking to get my way out of stuff,
26:23 nothing wrong with using our brains that we've been given,
26:25 but if I'm totally dependant on me,
26:28 I'm an agnostic.
26:29 I just don't believe that
26:30 God is really able in this case to do much at all.
26:36 Are you a Christian in belief but an agnostic in practice?"
26:39 And then, hold on now,
26:40 Dawson just blew me out of the water
26:43 with what you're about to read.
26:44 It's there in your study guide.
26:46 The prayer, look at this, "The prayer of a human being
26:50 can alter history by releasing angels into the earth."
26:56 I had to pause button right there.
26:58 I know that there are some of you here.
27:00 Your very sterile paradigm of life
27:03 on this planet does not allow
27:04 for angelic intervention at any point.
27:07 It's just to-- that's for old ladies and children,
27:09 you're too bright, you're too wise,
27:11 too many degrees.
27:14 Who angels?
27:15 Please, there are no angels.
27:19 I got to share with you my--
27:21 my other most favorite story in Acts.
27:23 Just go over there to Chapter 12 for a moment.
27:25 Can't stay long here. Cannot stay long.
27:27 Acts Chapter 12
27:29 and wait, I'm gonna put it on the screen here,
27:32 "It was about this time that Herod arrested
27:33 some who belonged to the church,
27:34 intending to persecute them."
27:36 And guess what?
27:37 John boy, remember John boy,
27:38 this is his older brother James,
27:40 he's out there James.
27:41 Herod arrested James and listen to this
27:45 had him beheaded, adios.
27:50 And then when he saw that
27:51 it pleased the religious authorities,
27:53 you know what Herod did?
27:54 He said, man, you guys gonna like this, don't you?
27:56 Let me get another one those apostles
27:58 and he takes Peter, and Peter is put into prison
28:02 prepared to be beheaded the next day
28:05 when the story starts here.
28:07 And isn't this amazing, I used to wrestle with it.
28:10 Look at verse 5, "So Peter was kept in prison,
28:14 but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
28:16 And I'm saying, man,
28:17 come on guys you really blew it for James
28:19 why didn't you have a prayer meeting for James,
28:21 you could have got him out
28:24 and he said, isn't weird
28:25 they didn't have the prayer meeting
28:26 until the second guy is in and then it hit me.
28:29 'Cause Steven's already been martyred
28:31 and it hit me, you know what?
28:33 I bet the church thought, the early church,
28:35 hey, the guys that were with Jesus,
28:39 can't touch him, can't touch him.
28:41 If you are an apostle, you're guaranteed,
28:44 and then James gone.
28:47 And boy when wicked King Herod says,
28:49 I'm gonna take number 2, that place goes berserk.
28:54 We have got to pray.
28:56 You know the word there by the way in the Greek
28:58 what it says, they earnestly pray for Peter.
29:00 It's the same word that the same author Luke uses
29:03 in his gospel Chapter 22:44,
29:05 when he describes Jesus Down on All Fours
29:08 in the garden of Gethsemane
29:10 pleading with God to save his life.
29:12 They are doing the same kind of praying
29:13 it's all four praying, it's called Down on All Fours.
29:17 They are begging God constantly,
29:21 earnestly, save Peter.
29:25 And the old Peter blesses
29:26 so, he figures he's gonna be gone tomorrow.
29:28 Look if it's good for James,
29:29 we fish together for so many years, I'm next.
29:33 Peter is sound asleep in the prison.
29:36 I tell you what?
29:37 That's the peace that passes understanding.
29:41 I don't understand it.
29:43 I'd be up saying prayer all night long.
29:46 Is there any sin I left out because I'm going tomorrow.
29:51 Peter is sound asleep, snoring away.
29:55 And unfortunately for Peter,
29:57 he has an impolite guardian angel.
30:02 That angel just doesn't have courtesy at all.
30:04 You look at the next verse.
30:06 It says the angel shows up, what verse is this?
30:08 It says the angel shows up in verse 7,
30:10 "Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to him
30:12 and a light shone in the cell."
30:13 And get this, he strikes him,
30:17 when I'm asleep all you have to just say,
30:19 hey, Dwight, shh, shh, Dwight, hey, hey.
30:22 You don't hit me,
30:25 but that's what the angel did, wake up.
30:29 You know the angel probably knows
30:30 that these fishermen can sleep through anything
30:32 and he knows a little gentle call.
30:36 You know, Peter up and just like that,
30:42 chains all gone, come on, come on,
30:44 come on, come on we got stuff to do.
30:46 Go, follow me.
30:49 Four units of Roman guards, four each,
30:51 four door opens, they're asleep,
30:55 four door opens they're all asleep.
30:58 Four more door opens all are asleep,
31:01 four more and its outdoors,
31:03 door opens angel and Peter gone
31:05 and they-- the 16 sleep through it all.
31:09 The record says, that the angel went one block
31:11 with Peter and shh, it's gone.
31:15 Peter says, I'm not dreaming. This is fresh air.
31:18 And you know where Peter goes,
31:20 he goes straight to prayer meeting,
31:21 they're in prayer meeting for him.
31:23 I wish we had time to unpack the story
31:25 because when he goes to the prayer meeting,
31:26 he knocks on the door, there is a servant Granny Rose,
31:29 in Greek it's Rhoda but her name is Rose.
31:31 She answers the door, she said, who's there, who's there?
31:34 He says, it's Peter.
31:36 She said, I said, who's there.
31:39 He said, I said Peter.
31:42 Peter who?
31:44 Peter me.
31:48 She is so excited
31:50 the one they've been praying for is here.
31:53 She leaves the door locked,
31:55 goes back to the prayer meeting,
31:56 she said, hey guys, time outs,
31:57 hey, hey, takes the young adult to do this,
31:59 stop praying, enough prayers,
32:02 shh, woman get down,
32:04 no, hey Peter is at the door.
32:06 Get down and pray girl.
32:09 How long you've been praying?
32:11 No, I'm serious Peter is at the door.
32:13 You got to be crazy.
32:15 No, I'm telling, he's at the door.
32:17 And they opened the door and Peter comes walking
32:19 and they said, why didn't you tell us he was at the door.
32:23 I love that story because ladies and gentlemen,
32:25 it's counterculture to the paradigm
32:27 you and I have grown up in.
32:28 Our paradigm is you pray,
32:30 who cares maybe something happen,
32:31 maybe be doesn't but they believe
32:32 they said, no God,
32:34 you have angels that you can release
32:38 and that's John Dawson's point.
32:40 That's Dawson's point.
32:41 Let me read it again, "The prayer of a human being
32:43 can alter history by releasing angels into the earth."
32:47 And here is what struck me.
32:49 I tell you I was reprimanded with this line.
32:54 "If we really believed this truth, Dawson writes,
32:58 we would pray with intensity, and we pray constantly."
33:03 I read that line years ago and every time I read it
33:05 I just go, huh,
33:07 if I really believed that the almighty God
33:10 of the universe when I pray is prepared
33:13 if need be to release the forces
33:16 of his army in heaven to answer that prayer,
33:19 I would be in prayer intensely and constantly.
33:25 I would be praying all the time
33:26 and so would you, don't you go look at me
33:28 like you wouldn't, you would if you believed.
33:32 "No wonder in the Book of Acts
33:34 we find the record that the praying
33:35 of its primetime players Acts records
33:38 that praying 25 times,
33:40 write it down 25 times there in prayer,
33:45 I counted it in the Greek.
33:47 That's why I'm convinced, ladies and gentlemen,
33:49 that prayer is the most potent weapon
33:51 in this arsenal of the primetime generation.
33:54 You are the primetime generation
33:56 and listen, prayer is your most potent weapon in your arsenal.
34:00 And by the way this is not any old prayer,
34:02 oh, God is gracious, God is good,
34:04 let us thank Him for this-- no, it's not any old prayer.
34:06 Lord, I lay me down to sleep my pray this,
34:08 my soul to keep-- no, no, no.
34:12 This is prayer for lost people.
34:15 Now listen by name,
34:18 by name, by name.
34:24 In fact if you like to take this entire teaching
34:29 and reduce it to a single sentence here it is
34:32 in your study guide, fill it in please.
34:34 "Prayer is the power of passion put to practice."
34:41 That's it.
34:42 Prayer is the power of passion put to practice.
34:45 You're saying, hey, Dwight,
34:47 what passion are you talking about?
34:48 What we've been talking about for the last two Sabbaths,
34:50 that God's unrelenting passion for lost people.
34:54 That is the most, that is the most
34:55 explosive power in the universe.
34:57 Are you following the news?
34:59 Did you hear what happened this last week
35:00 beneath the grassy sod of the border
35:03 between Switzerland and France,
35:04 did you hear about that?
35:06 The world's largest atom smasher,
35:10 particle accelerator 17 miles circuit underground
35:14 was put in operation.
35:16 They want to find out how the Big Bang,
35:18 how could the universe have started
35:20 with immense power.
35:21 Ladies and gentlemen, that power is nothing
35:25 in comparison to the God who's the Lord of the universe.
35:30 Prayer, prayer is tapping the passion.
35:34 In fact, you know what?
35:35 God's love for lost people
35:37 is the great... Write this down.
35:38 "God's love for lost people is the greatest power
35:41 in the universe bar none."
35:44 When you and I go to our knees
35:46 and we remember by name an individual who is lost,
35:49 we are tapping into his passion,
35:50 we are tapping into his power.
35:52 Prayer is the power of passion put to practice.
35:59 My friend Joe Engelkemier in his marvelous book,
36:02 30 days, 30 days to Intercessory Prayer.
36:09 He's quoting Andrew Murray the great South African divine,
36:13 and it's in your study guide,
36:14 these are the words of Andrew Murray,
36:16 30 days to more powerful Intercessory Prayer
36:19 "Where there is much prayer, Murray is writing,
36:22 there will be much of the Spirit
36:24 and where there is much of the Spirit
36:25 there will be much prayer."
36:26 Now hold on.
36:27 Between our Impotence, you know what?
36:30 Im means no, potence means power, no power.
36:33 Between our no power and God's Omnipotence,
36:37 Omni means all so that's all power
36:39 between our no power and God's all power
36:42 intercession, write it down
36:44 intercession is the blessed link."
36:49 And what is intercession?
36:51 Intercession is praying for other
36:52 is what Jesus does for you and me 24/7.
36:55 Have you ever read Hebrews 7:25?
36:57 And He always lives to make intercession for us 24/7.
37:01 And by the way hold on,
37:03 this isn't something He started
37:04 once He got back to heaven after the ascension.
37:07 No, no, no, no.
37:08 Jesus was an intercessor when He was here on earth.
37:10 In fact the night before He was executed, get this,
37:13 He sees the same Peter, the same Peter.
37:16 He sees Simon and He says,
37:19 this is Luke 22, "Simon, Simon,
37:22 Satan has desired to sift you like sand
37:26 but I have prayed for you that you will be converted."
37:32 He was an intercessor before He left us.
37:35 He prayed for the lost and so should we.
37:38 In fact jot this down.
37:39 This is Paul, one of the great intercessors
37:42 of Christian history.
37:43 This is what I Timothy, I Timothy 2:1, 3 fill it in.
37:48 Paul says, "I urge then that petitions,
37:49 and prayers, and intercession
37:50 and thanksgiving be made for everyone.
37:52 This is good and pleases God our Savior,
37:55 who wants all people to be saved..."
38:00 And notice there's still more to that.
38:01 "Who wants all people to be saved
38:04 and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
38:07 Some people say, well, if you just get him up to Jesus
38:09 and that's all they need.
38:10 No, no that's to be saved
38:12 but you also need to come to a knowledge of the truth.
38:16 I wish God wants all to be saved.
38:20 Clearly prayer is the power of God's passion
38:22 put to human practice.
38:23 I'm telling you what?
38:24 It's the most potent weapon
38:26 in the arsenal of faith and love.
38:32 God could do for Dick Mackie.
38:34 Listen to me carefully now.
38:36 Dick was standing right here with me,
38:37 sitting out there now.
38:39 God could do for Dick Mackie what Dwight could not do
38:42 if he had spend another 30 years,
38:45 I've done all the arguing, done all the logic,
38:47 looked at all the scripture, not enough
38:51 but God says, all right, hey, Dwight stand back now,
38:54 you're praying for Dick, good.
38:57 Let me show what I can do boy,
38:59 and Dick on a night when he's collapsed in tears,
39:04 senses somebody come behind him
39:07 and say you are not alone.
39:10 And in his heart he says, this is Jesus.
39:15 Look, I could with Saul with the little light
39:17 on the road to Damascus, now he believes in Jesus.
39:20 I can do with Dick in the kitchen.
39:22 You guys, you write me off too soon.
39:24 What do you think I am, impotent?
39:27 I can do anything I want.
39:29 You just talk to me about the lost,
39:30 I'll take care of the rest, isn't it something.
39:33 No wonder Wesley Duewel,
39:34 I love this line, boy, you fill it in,
39:37 "You can love more people through prayer
39:39 than any other way."
39:42 You wanna love this world,
39:44 you love people through prayer
39:45 more than any other way.
39:46 So here is the question.
39:47 Dwight, how can I effectively pray for lost people?
39:49 Let me close by sharing with you five very simple
39:51 but successful strategies.
39:54 You'll be able to do this to pray for your family,
39:56 your friends, your neighbors and even strangers.
39:59 Watch this, you pray for strangers.
40:01 Jot this down now in closing.
40:02 Number 1, make a list.
40:06 Without a list you'll never remember to pray for the lost.
40:08 Who goes on that list keep your pen moving.
40:10 Anyone you care about who needs to know Christ
40:12 and his truth.
40:14 So that can be members of your family
40:15 but of course start with those closest to you.
40:17 You might have family member who are lost.
40:18 It could be your parents, it could be your children,
40:20 it could be your brother-in-law,
40:21 it could be your cousin.
40:23 Look, I know you have a huge family tree,
40:25 you don't have to put your whole family tree
40:26 on that prayer, on that prayer list,
40:28 but you have a special burden for some of your family,
40:32 put their names on your prayer list.
40:35 Who else goes on that list? Put your friends.
40:36 Well, you're talking about my friends.
40:37 Well, I'm talking about your classmates,
40:39 I'm talking about roommates,
40:41 I'm talking about buddies from childhood,
40:43 I'm talking about golfing partners.
40:44 I don't how you have your friends,
40:46 you got your friends.
40:47 Do I have to put all my friends on?
40:48 No, just put the lost friends number 1
40:50 and those that you're especially burdened for,
40:53 just put him down.
40:55 Do you got any neighbors?
40:56 Yeah, I got the guy in the next room in the dorm,
40:58 pray for him, I got neighbors at home.
40:59 Are they lost?
41:00 Pray for them by name.
41:02 You have associates at work,
41:04 you have colleagues in your profession,
41:05 you know they are lost.
41:06 Pray for them.
41:08 Now hold on, you can even pray for strangers
41:14 who have no idea that you are praying for them.
41:17 You are a total stranger to them.
41:19 I have two names on my prayer list
41:23 of well-known preachers and I pray for them.
41:29 If you would go to them and say hey,
41:31 this guy name Dwight he's praying for you,
41:34 they would be affronted as it were
41:36 by that-- by the very thought,
41:37 what do you mean praying for me, I'm saved.
41:40 Ah, but you see...
41:43 I'm desperate for these leaders
41:48 to know the truth of the book they preach,
41:54 and I'm thinking if this guy could find that truth.
42:01 Oh, what God could do on this planet.
42:06 They know nothing by the human being name Dwight,
42:11 but I pray for them, they are on my prayer list.
42:13 You can pray for strangers.
42:16 Point is you got to pray for somebody.
42:19 Make the list, all right let me put a quotation
42:21 on the screen for you,
42:23 "In our petitions we are to include
42:25 our neighbors as well as ourselves.
42:27 No one prays aright who seeks a blessing
42:29 for herself alone."
42:32 If our prayers of all become me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
42:35 I'm telling you what you can still get through to God,
42:37 you're getting the great blessing
42:38 until you get off you sister, until you get off you bro,
42:42 your prayers are not having the maximum effect
42:45 they can have back on you,
42:46 pray for other people all right.
42:48 Number 1, make a list.
42:49 Number 2, pray the list. Pray the list.
42:53 Should I pray this list every day?
42:54 No, you don't have to, the list is gonna get too long,
42:56 you won't be able to do it every day.
42:57 There is other stuff you and God have got to deal with.
43:01 I pray the list every Friday,
43:03 Friday morning is my prayer list
43:04 to go through that prayer list in its entirety once a week.
43:09 The point is there is no point in a prayer list,
43:11 if you're not praying it.
43:12 I used to have prayer list all over the house
43:14 but I never prayed them.
43:16 It took me a while to realize
43:18 the whole point of a prayer list is to use it.
43:22 Make the list. Pray the list.
43:24 And by the way look at the blessing in store for you,
43:26 we can put this on the screen for you,
43:27 "As we seek to win others to Christ,
43:29 bearing the burden of souls in our prayers,
43:32 our own hearts will throb
43:34 with the quickening influence of God's grace,
43:36 our own affections will glow with more divine fervor,
43:39 our whole Christian life will be more of a reality,
43:42 more earnest and more prayerful."
43:44 I'm telling you the residual,
43:45 the reciprocal benefits are out of sight
43:50 when you pray for somebody else.
43:52 All right, number 3, Work the list.
43:53 Make the list. Pray the list.
43:54 Work the list for sometime I've had the name
43:57 of a college professor on my prayer list.
44:00 He teaches at another college in our vicinity.
44:03 We studied the Bible together,
44:05 the spirit seemed to be leading us
44:06 deeper and deeper and deeper
44:07 when all of the sudden I'm telling you,
44:09 he went through a crisis, it was a meltdown.
44:12 And when that crisis was over
44:15 every effort I made to reconnect
44:17 and get that, get our studies going again,
44:19 it was all rebuffed, no, no, no.
44:22 Emais, phones I say God, he is on my prayer list,
44:26 I got to keep him on my prayer list.
44:29 So I kept praying.
44:30 One day, when I'm praying my prayer list
44:32 on Friday this name came with special burden to me
44:37 and I prayed again for him and I said God you know what,
44:39 I've done everything I can,
44:40 I don't know what to be doing now,
44:42 I'm at my wits end,
44:44 this professor what do you think?
44:46 Here's the deal God if you want me,
44:48 if this thing is over it's over,
44:50 sometimes it's over I understand that.
44:52 But if this is not over and You want us
44:54 to study together again, you have him contact me.
44:59 Two hours later he wrote me an email said,
45:01 Dwight, I've missed our time together,
45:03 when can we reconnect in study?
45:05 Ladies and gentlemen,
45:06 this is not a story about Dwight.
45:08 This is a story about an our almighty God
45:09 who says, why don't you talk to me about these people?
45:12 I'm the one that wants to save them.
45:14 You pray for them,
45:16 I act for them, you ask me.
45:19 You got to work your list, that's the point.
45:20 You can't just say, oh, do something for them.
45:22 You have to be willing to get out
45:23 of your comfort zone, make that contact,
45:25 have that conversation.
45:26 You say, now, Dwight, there is no way
45:28 I could ever have a Bible study with anybody,
45:30 lead somebody to Jesus or teach,
45:32 show somebody the teachings of the Bible.
45:34 My friend, you are so wrong,
45:37 that's why we have
45:38 the Contagious Adventist Seminar.
45:40 That's why you haven't handed it in yet,
45:42 please hand it in,
45:43 that's why that little yellow slip
45:45 gives you a chance to get in on the ground floor
45:48 and help us, raise up a generation
45:53 that is equipped to tell the truth about Jesus.
45:57 You deal with the most primetime teachings
45:59 in all the Holy Scripture and it's gonna be no threat,
46:02 user friendly, it is gonna work with you.
46:06 You come next Saturday.
46:10 You come 10 o'clock Physics Amphitheater,
46:12 there is room for you, you come, you can know.
46:17 All right, number 1, Make a list.
46:19 Number 2, Pray the list.
46:20 Number 3, Work the list.
46:21 Number 4, Grow the list. Grow the list.
46:25 God will keep bringing new names to you
46:26 if you'll faithfully keep adding them.
46:28 Because you know what?
46:29 You know what's happening, don't you?
46:30 God's walking up and down your dormitory hallway,
46:32 God say, man, I need somebody
46:33 in this dormitory hallway praying
46:35 but nobody is praying.
46:36 God comes along to you and you're the guy praying.
46:38 He says, you know what?
46:39 My, man, you are my intercessor on that hallway,
46:41 I'm gonna bring more names to you,
46:42 I'm gonna bring more names and more names and more names
46:44 because you're the guy acting on it.
46:46 You live in your neighborhood
46:47 and nobody else in your neighborhood
46:48 is praying for the lost.
46:49 But God finds your heart.
46:51 Trust me, if your are willing to pray for lost people,
46:54 He will bring them more and more and more.
46:58 Grow your list.
47:00 In fact, would you jot this down, please?
47:02 "You will grow your passion for the lost
47:04 as you grow your prayers for the lost."
47:08 You want to have passion for lost people.
47:10 Pray for them.
47:11 It will come, it will come.
47:14 Oh, look at this prayer, isn't it some,
47:15 put it on the screen for you.
47:16 "Oh, that earnest prayer of faith,
47:18 that the earnest prayer of faith may arise everywhere."
47:21 What prayer is this?
47:22 Oh, I love this.
47:23 "Give me souls buried now in error or I die!"
47:29 Just give me somebody to reach
47:34 in my business for you.
47:36 Give me somebody, please.
47:39 God will honor that and finally number 5,
47:41 keep the list.
47:42 You know what that means? Keep on praying no matter what.
47:44 No matter what happens, no matter what doesn't happen.
47:47 Don't quit praying because it doesn't happen,
47:49 just keep praying.
47:54 Don't quit bringing that
47:55 lost heart to Jesus in your prayers.
47:56 I want to close-- I want to close
47:58 with the story of George Muller
48:00 who through sheer faith and prayer raised get this,
48:06 he raised the equivalent of $180 million
48:12 without ever asking a human being for a penny.
48:15 He said, God, here's the deal early on in his life,
48:17 he was burdened for the orphans of England.
48:20 He said, God, here's the deal.
48:22 If you provide I'll never ask a soul for money
48:25 and God says, let's go.
48:27 And so George Muller 180 million
48:29 he never asked one soul,
48:31 God just supernaturally put a burden on somebody,
48:34 somebody show, hey, I thought you might need this.
48:36 Ten thousand orphans in his string of orphanages
48:40 in England in the mid 1800s, 10,000 orphans got saved
48:45 because a man had a passion for lost kids.
48:49 Don't you tell me God doesn't know
48:50 what He's doing?
48:52 Anyway this is George Muller
48:53 so he-- so early on in his life
48:55 he says, okay God, I'm picking five lost friends
48:58 and I'm gonna pray for these friends.
49:00 I 'm gonna pray for these friends until they're saved.
49:02 Here is the story.
49:03 So with these five lost friends early on
49:06 after fiver years one friend came to Christ, halleluiah.
49:10 I got four lost friends, he kept praying,
49:12 10 more years of prayer,
49:14 two more friends were converted.
49:17 I got two lost friends now.
49:19 He came over here to United States,
49:21 he was in Chicago.
49:22 And he told the crowd I have prayed for two men
49:26 by name every day for 35 years
49:28 on land or sea, sick or well,
49:30 I have remembered them before God by name
49:32 and I shall continue to pray for them daily by name
49:35 until they're saved or die.
49:37 And after 35 years of prayer the fourth friend was saved,
49:41 one friend left.
49:44 And for 52 years George Muller prayed
49:48 for that one friend
49:51 until death came and took Muller.
49:55 Three days after his funeral the friend was saved.
50:00 You can't quit.
50:01 Keep the list means keep praying.
50:05 Don't you-- as long as you're alive,
50:09 you keep praying.
50:11 There has got to be somebody in your life right now
50:14 that desperately needs you to be praying.
50:16 You know what?
50:17 I suppose there's somebody that you know that
50:20 if you didn't pray for that lost person,
50:22 there wouldn't be another soul on this planet
50:24 who by name would be praying for that individual.
50:26 There has to be somebody.
50:29 Five lost friends you got them.
50:31 Five people who are lost, you got them.
50:35 What would happen if you and I said hey,
50:38 come on we're the primetime generation,
50:41 let's use the most potent weapon we have.
50:43 You don't have to go to school for this weapon,
50:45 you just go to your knees.
50:46 What would happen if you and I agree, okay,
50:48 Dwight, I'm gonna pray for five lost people.
50:50 We're congregation of 3,000
50:52 that would be 15,000 lost people
50:54 who would be prayed for every single week.
50:56 That's not an insignificant number.
50:59 And you can come up with more than five.
51:03 They are at the end of your study guide, you see it there.
51:05 I wish you take your study guide right now
51:08 and I wish you'll fill it out, I'm giving you a moment,
51:10 quiet I'm gonna bring my friend Brad Krueger out here
51:12 with his psalm that he put together,
51:14 there is an old gospel hymn, ''For You I'm Praying",
51:17 I need you to listen to the words of this hymn
51:18 because it's so great.
51:19 But I don't want you to be distracted
51:21 from writing the names down
51:23 because at the end of the hymn just three stanzas.
51:25 At the end of it, we're gonna go to our knees
51:27 and we're gonna hold this up to God
51:28 and we're-- this would be the first prayer
51:30 for some of you for the lost-- for five lost friends.
51:36 So right now take that study guide
51:38 and by the way when you're doing the study guide,
51:39 let me just remind you,
51:41 you see the little asterisk at the bottom,
51:43 circle the ones you want to invite to Discoveries '08.
51:46 Mark Finley is gonna be here in, in four weeks.
51:51 You want to invite some of these,
51:53 your heart maybe needs to be prepared for,
51:54 just circle the names of the ones you want to invite.
51:58 Singers back come on sing for us,
51:59 sing us that "For you I'm praying".
52:01 Now, I tell you what?
52:02 If you know the chorus, if you know the chorus
52:04 it's a great chorus, I heard it at first service.
52:06 If you know that chorus you sing with them,
52:08 you sing with them.
52:10 "For you I'm praying," "For you I'm praying"
52:23 I have a Savior
52:26 He's pleading in glory
52:32 A dear, loving Savior
52:37 Though earth friends be few
52:41 And now He is watching
52:46 In tenderness o'er me
52:53 And oh, that my Savior
52:59 Were your Savior, too
53:07 For you I am praying
53:11 For you I am praying
53:15 For you I am praying
53:22 I'm praying for you
53:29 When Jesus has found you
53:32 Tell others the story
53:36 That's my loving Savior is your Savior, too
53:43 Then pray that your Savior may take them to glory
53:51 And prayer will be answered
53:57 'Twas answered for you!
54:01 For you I am praying
54:05 For you I am praying
54:09 For you I am praying
54:23 For you I am praying
54:39 Amen.
54:44 Now, we need to pray.
54:46 Let's go to our knees right now,
54:47 right where you are, take this list,
54:49 with the list in your hand just,
54:51 we're gonna lift this list, this list corporately to God.
54:55 For you I am praying let's do.
55:02 And so Holy Father we are here on our knees.
55:09 We look at the church in Acts,
55:11 apparently they move forward
55:12 on their knees for lost people.
55:16 And so wanting to follow that example set,
55:20 we've gone to our knees.
55:23 Oh, God, our prayer is the simple one,
55:25 just two prayers.
55:26 Prayer number 1, keep us on our knees
55:29 for these lost friends and family.
55:34 Keep us on our knees.
55:39 On behalf of these we love.
55:42 On behalf of these we hardly know
55:45 but they're lost.
55:47 Just two prayers, Jesus, keep us on our knees
55:50 and keep them these names we scribbled down,
55:54 keep them on Your heart.
55:56 Don't You ever turn away from them,
56:02 as long as there is a breath in that boy's body.
56:07 As long as a heart of that girl beats,
56:12 Jesus, do whatever it takes.
56:17 We tried everything.
56:20 It have to be supernatural,
56:24 but surely You can.
56:29 Pour out upon us is the ancient Prophet
56:31 Zechariah said a spirit of supplication in grace
56:35 and we may we pray for the lost as long as we have breath
56:41 or until You come...
56:49 in your name we collectively pray right now,
56:56 amen.
56:58 Let me take one more moment
56:59 as we close out our worship time together
57:01 and tell you about our weekly sermon podcast.
57:04 Each week around here we got a very special group
57:07 of technically savvy volunteers
57:09 from our media department
57:10 and gather together to publish a podcast
57:12 of the sermon messages like the one you heard today.
57:16 These messages by the way,
57:17 automatically downloaded to your computer via iTunes
57:20 everything set up and ready to go.
57:22 All you have to do to receive
57:24 this free podcast subscription just go to our website.
57:26 Let me give you the address
57:30 And while there you'll see podcast
57:32 just click on the podcast,
57:33 then you're gonna be given some easy
57:35 to understand directions
57:36 that will guide you through the set of process,
57:38 it's that simple.
57:40 Once again our website
57:44 And by the way, while you are there
57:45 you can also download the study guides
57:47 to follow along with each week's teaching.
57:49 I hope you join the thousands of others,
57:51 enjoy that podcast each week and share it
57:55 with your friends that's what it's for,
57:56 to bless you and then pass it on.
57:59 In the mean time, God bless you
58:01 and keep you as you journey on
58:03 and I'm looking forward to seeing you again right here
58:05 as we continue to share God's Holy Scriptures together.


Revised 2015-03-05