New Perceptions

The Children Of Abraham

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP091011

00:20 What do you remember?
00:24 Where were you when you first heard about it?
00:28 I was in between classes.
00:31 That morning we had Chapel.
00:32 And I was just getting ready with some final elements.
00:36 I remember Matthew Gambel was going to speak.
00:37 And I was walking through Griggs Hall.
00:40 Some of you remember what that building was like.
00:42 And Nadine Nelson, my good friend came and said,
00:45 Did you hear? Did you hear about the tower?
00:48 And it didn't mean much to me in the moment.
00:54 I said, No. She said, Like there's been a an attack,
00:58 or a crash, or something.
01:00 And in that moment what I remembered was, you know,
01:05 it seemed like over the last several years there had been
01:07 some kind of bombing at the World Trade Center,
01:11 but it didn't, it wasn't huge.
01:13 It was, I mean it was significant, but it wasn't huge.
01:16 And so I kind of carried that with me in that moment,
01:18 and I didn't think much of it.
01:20 And then I went and somebody turned on the TV
01:23 in one of the offices, and I saw, I saw what was happening.
01:29 And I remember getting goose bumps.
01:32 I remember being frozen and wondering what in the world?
01:37 What has just, what has just happened?
01:41 Do you remember where you were September 11 when the news broke
01:49 of that great calamity that just happened?
01:53 Do you remember? And what do you remember?
01:57 I want to remember them today for just a few
02:04 moments this morning.
02:05 So join me in reading the following responsely.
02:09 We will put it up on the screen here for you.
03:30 Let's take a moment of silence to remember those who suffered
03:34 that day and ever since.
03:50 We now look to God, our help in ages past,
03:53 and our hope for years to come.
03:56 Join me in singing hymn 103.
06:19 Pray with me. Our God, our help in ages past,
06:26 and our hope for years to come.
06:27 Our sustainer, our comforter, our protector.
06:33 We submit our hearts and our selves to You this morning.
06:39 And may we bask in Your everlasting love.
06:43 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
06:51 Please stand.
11:50 Maybe you brought that injustice with you today.
11:53 Maybe you brought that pain.
11:55 Maybe you brought that hurt with you.
12:00 I want to invite you, if you have that with you,
12:04 if you have some other burden in your hearts,
12:06 bring it with you up front, and lay it at the feet of Jesus,
12:11 as we have our prayer.
12:12 Don't carry that with you anymore.
12:14 Allow yourself rather than be overcome by pain, and anger,
12:19 and hurt, to be drowning in the love of Jesus Christ.
12:22 So come, come and give that to Him.
18:13 Let us pray. Lord have mercy.
18:19 Christ have mercy.
18:27 God of Abraham have mercy upon Your children.
18:34 Don't let us destroy ourselves.
18:46 Have mercy on us, Oh Lord, and teach us to have this aim,
19:00 through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
19:11 Less than a month after September 11, ten years ago,
19:17 less than a month later, a busload of us from
19:23 Andrews University, mostly students, some faculty,
19:30 and one pastor, drove through the night so that we might stand
19:39 in that cordoned off edge of where this world
19:50 was changed forever.
19:52 There's not a one of us here that cannot instantly recall
20:00 that slow motion disintegration of those towers, one and two,
20:08 that mushroom cloud of death, dust, debris.
20:16 It was a sunny Friday, the 1st of October 2001.
20:25 We stood on the gaping edge of ground zero.
20:32 A woman was there.
20:36 You were there. A woman was there.
20:39 She was crying. And so as students, faculty,
20:47 we surrounded her.
20:50 And she told us, she pointed, It was right over there.
20:55 She said, I was standing here, right over there.
20:57 The wheel of an airplane landed on the street.
21:05 Then, she said, a child's toy fell to the ground.
21:11 This is almost a month later, and she's still weeping,
21:16 returning to that sacred site.
21:19 I took pictures that day.
21:23 I want to share those pictures with you right now.
22:26 Those nine fire fighters you saw, Engine Company 22,
22:30 were lost in those two towers.
22:34 And what shall we remember today, ten years later?
22:38 What if we could remember the lesson of Ground Zero through
22:44 the eyes of the prologue of the fourth gospel?
22:49 Open your Bible with me, please, as we continue our New Year's
22:53 series, The Last Word, The Fourth Gospel for
22:58 a Final Generation.
22:59 Open to the prologue; our last time in the prologue,
23:02 Number 3 time in the prologue.
23:05 We plunge next week into the drama of John.
23:08 But one last time in the prologue. we cannot miss
23:11 We cannot miss its pinnacle ending.
23:15 If you didn't bring a Bible, pull out the pew
23:18 Bible in front of you.
23:20 You're going to want to track this short line.
23:22 It's page 714 in our pew Bible.
23:24 I'm in the New King James Version.
23:25 Any translation you have is perfect right now.
23:28 The gospel of John 1, let's read verse 16.
23:37 Who's this His? That's the Word made flesh.
23:49 Craig Keener in his 2 Volume Commentary on John,
23:53 spends an entire page trying to unpack what that Greek phrase
23:57 could possibly mean.
23:58 In the Greek it literally reads like this:
24:00 Grace instead of grace.
24:01 What's up with that?
24:03 Grace instead of grace?
24:05 Keener runs through a host of possibilities, but he concludes
24:11 that whatever the translation, what we have embedded here
24:15 is the profound assurance that in the Word made flesh,
24:19 get this, in the Word made flesh, we have an inexhaustible
24:24 supply of blessing.
24:26 That's the point. The Christ who becomes flesh, the eternal God
24:31 who becomes one with us, unleashes for us an
24:34 inexhaustible supply of blessing.
24:38 That point is so critical.
24:39 We're moving to our reflex ions on September 11 in a moment,
24:42 but we need to lock that point in right now.
24:44 Pull out your study guide, please, real quick.
24:46 Pull out your study guide.
24:47 Let's lock that in.
24:49 Your study guide is in your worship bulletin today.
24:50 Choir, you have your study guides? Good.
24:53 You've got your worship bulletin's.
24:54 If you didn't get a worship bulletin as you came in,
24:57 ushers are going to come by your way right now, up in the balcony
25:01 here and overflow in the Youth Chapel.
25:04 You need a study guide.
25:06 Keep your hand up. We'll spot you.
25:08 Those of you watching on television,
25:10 we're delighted that you're here on this Anniversary weekend.
25:14 This is Part 3 of our brand new series, The Last Word.
25:17 Let me give you our website, and you can
25:19 get the same study guide.
25:21 We'll put in on the screen for you right now.
25:22 There it is. The website is:
25:29 You're looking for the series, The Last Word, this is Part 3.
25:32 The title of this series, Presentation 3 today:
25:43 If you see that just click onto study guide and you'll have it.
25:46 So you get the same study guide.
25:48 Those of you watching live streaming now, you can get that
25:50 study guide as live streaming is taking place.
25:53 That way you'll be right up to speed with us.
25:57 By the way, I trust that this study guide is a keeper.
26:00 So hang on to this study guide.
26:01 If you didn't get a study guide, hold your hand up.
26:03 They're still coming your way.
26:04 But we need to go, so let's fill it in.
26:05 Craig Keener. I want to lock in that phrase.
26:07 What's, what's, what's verse 16 talking about?
26:12 Grace, instead of grace.
26:16 Key point. When the Word, who was God, stepped out of His
26:20 eternity with God, and He enters into our human family,
26:22 becomes God with us, He unleashes this...
26:27 It reminds me of a line from Desire of Ages.
26:29 Keep your pen moving.
26:31 Classic line, Desire of Ages.
26:32 You'll have to fill it in.
26:55 And write this in.
27:05 Not just the riches of heaven, but the whole universe.
27:28 End quote. Read that verse again, Verse 16.
27:34 And of His fullness, the words fullness, we've all received
27:38 grace for grace. Verse 17.
27:54 Bosom! Do you know what the word bosom means? Huh?
27:59 Is that too old of an English word for you? bosom.
28:04 One of my most favorite people in all this life,
28:07 as a kid growing up especially, was my Great Aunt.
28:10 We called her Auntie Fern.
28:11 A wonderful lady, my mother's Aunt.
28:14 She was a Watt. She married Clayton Forr.
28:17 She, and they, were career missionaries in the Far East.
28:20 And then they came back and he ended up his career,
28:23 a Agshire Director for the General Conference.
28:25 Anyway, Auntie Fern.
28:26 Auntie Fern was a short lady, but a wide lady,
28:31 with a low center of gravity.
28:33 So you can now picture it. Alright?
28:36 And she was a lover.
28:37 She just loved people, I'm telling you.
28:39 She was just one wonderful woman.
28:43 She was a lover, which meant that whenever you greeted
28:46 Auntie Fern you would step into her wide open embrace.
28:51 Alright? Those little arms would go out.
28:53 You'd step into her wide open embrace, and she greeted you
28:55 with a nickname that she had just for you.
28:57 And then she'd pulled, she folded you into
29:01 this expansive hug.
29:02 What I mean is that when Auntie Fern hugs you,
29:06 you knew two things: You knew 1. You were loved.
29:11 And you knew you were surrounded.
29:15 Because when she pulled your head into her bosom,
29:18 it was all bosom. Ha ha ha ha!
29:23 Is that okay? Ha ha ha ha ha!
29:27 So you got the picture!
29:29 I didn't know if you knew the word bosom. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
29:36 But it was all love; it was all genuine love from Auntie Fern.
29:39 That is John's point.
29:41 That's what he's trying to describe here.
29:42 The word he uses for bosom, called bust, is the identical
29:46 word he inserts into the last supper upper room account
29:51 when he describes, you remember this moment,
29:52 he describes the disciple that Jesus kept on loving.
29:55 You remember that code phrase, that humble phrase?
29:57 I'm the one that Jesus kept on loving.
29:59 He describes himself at the upper room table, reclining.
30:04 They didn't sit at the tables, you remember, they reclined.
30:06 And so he has his elbow here.
30:08 He's eating with his left hand, and he has his elbow here.
30:10 And right beside him, he's sitting next to Jesus.
30:13 Right behind him is Jesus.
30:15 And you remember, Peter is going, Ask Him who betrays Him.
30:19 So John, all he has to do, because he says, The disciple
30:23 that Jesus loved was leaning on His bosom.
30:24 All he has to do is just look up into Jesus' face like that,
30:28 and he asked the question.
30:30 The word bosom in the Greek, it's a tender,
30:35 it's a tender term.
30:36 It's what a Daddy does with his child on his lap.
30:39 It's what a husband and wife do.
30:41 It's what dear friends do.
30:43 It's what John does with the Word made flesh.
30:45 And it's what the Word made flesh does with the Father.
30:50 Say, that's the point.
30:52 With the Father, like this!
30:55 Robert Smith, boy if you can ever get his Commentary on John.
31:01 It's entitled, Wounded Lord.
31:03 It's just a short commentary.
31:05 Robert Smith translates Verse 18.
31:07 It's in our study guide. Fill it out.
31:09 Okay, this is how Verse 18 reads. He says:
31:18 Boy, I tell you what, now I got the picture, you see.
31:27 Craig Keener comes back with Verse 18, and he says,
31:31 Here's what it means.
31:34 Fill it in. It is describing
31:41 Which is why the New NIV, and I'm reading it through
31:45 right now, and I'm loving it.
31:46 And I'm going to bring it in.
31:48 I'll begin preaching from it for awhile.
31:49 The New NIV, the 2011 edition of the NIV,
31:53 just released this spring.
31:56 They dropped the word bosom completely out,
31:58 and here's how they put it.
31:59 Next slide, please. The Son,
32:06 See, the word bosom's gone.
32:08 Because they said, Nobody knows what the word bosom means.
32:10 But He's in the closest relationship with the Father.
32:15 That's what it means.
32:16 In the bosom of the Father.
32:17 You can't get any closer than that.
32:20 So, Ladies and Gentlemen, what does that mean for you and me?
32:23 Robert Smith again.
32:25 Put the words on the screen.
32:27 And this is provocative.
32:28 Wait until you get to his punch line.
32:30 Robert Smith, it's in your study guide, he's writing.
32:34 And he's right, isn't he?
32:50 We don't know God!
33:09 Here it comes.
33:14 Key point: God is like Jesus.
33:18 It's not Jesus is like God.
33:19 Oh, no, no, he reminds me of God.
33:22 No, no, no, it's the other way around.
33:23 God is like Jesus.
33:26 The only portrait of God we will ever be given this side
33:30 of eternity, is the picture of Jesus.
33:32 He is not like God, God is like Him.
33:36 Anyone who has seen Me...
33:38 What does He say in John 14?
33:40 Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.
33:43 This climax to the prologue declares that the only portrait
33:48 of God we will ever gaze upon, this, this side of eternity,
33:53 is the portrait, is the picture of Jesus.
33:56 There is no one closer than He to God.
34:00 So, hold on, hold on, hold on.
34:02 If you want to get to know God, you must get to know Christ.
34:10 That's the only way you will ever know God, ever, ever, ever.
34:20 Which, by the way, is the point Steps to
34:21 Christ powerfully makes.
34:23 Put it on the screen.
34:24 It's in your study guide.
34:26 You need to fill it out.
34:27 This little classic, Steps to Christ.
34:39 See, there's the prologue line.
34:40 Which only He who was in the bosom of the Father
34:42 could declare Him.
34:43 Only He. Fill that in, please.
34:58 End quote. Those who hunger; and I hope you
35:03 hunger to know God.
35:04 I join you in that hunger.
35:06 Those who hunger to know God must know Christ.
35:11 How did Jesus put it?
35:14 No one comes to the Father but through Me.
35:18 Say, Ah, come on Dwight, great point, but what's all this have
35:22 to do with September 11?
35:24 Um, well, let's see if we can get there from here.
35:32 In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus...
35:34 Do you remember that parable that Jesus told about
35:36 the rich man and Lazarus?
35:37 Jesus describes heaven with the Jewish idiom.
35:41 Fill this in. He describes heaven with the Jewish idiom,
35:43 in the bosom of whom? in the bosom of Abraham. Yep.
35:49 So let's move from the bosom of the Father to the bosom
35:52 of Abraham for a moment.
35:54 The Talmud describes Abraham's lap as the place
35:56 of the blessed dead.
35:57 In fact you hear it today.
35:59 You hear people say, Hey, did you hear about the man who died
36:01 and went to heaven, and Saint Peter met him at the gate?
36:02 Do you remember that? Yep.
36:04 We do that all the time.
36:05 For the Jews it was Abraham.
36:06 You're going to paradise?
36:08 You're going through?
36:09 Abraham will meet you at the gate.
36:11 Jesus seizes this bit of popular lore and weaves
36:13 it into His parable.
36:15 In fact, listen to this, Jesus has the rich man in Hades
36:18 crying out across the gulf to Father Abraham, Yoh!
36:23 Father Abraham! Reminds us of that children's song
36:28 not too long ago, Father Abraham had many sons,
36:33 many sons had Father Abraham. Cut! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
36:40 That thing goes forever! Ha, ha!
36:42 I'm not letting you go!
36:43 Alright, Father Abraham, because the truth be told,
36:47 Father Abraham really does have many sons and daughters.
36:50 Listen to this. He's the father of the children of Israel.
36:53 He's the father of the children of Ishmael.
36:55 And he's the father of the children of Christ.
36:57 Jot this down, will you, please?
37:06 Jot that down. All three of them.
37:10 You don't believe me?
37:12 Let me run the evidence by you right now.
37:14 Genesis 16:15. Fill it in.
37:25 Please note, Ishmael is the eldest son of Abraham.
37:30 No question.
37:32 He was a baby son preserved by divine miracle.
37:35 Fill that word in.
37:36 He's a baby son preserved by divine miracle.
37:38 Because when pregnant mother Hagar, the Egyptian handmaiden,
37:42 she's driven out of that house.
37:44 She will have a miscarriage unless God steps in.
37:47 And He does through the angel of the Lord.
37:49 Three great: first in the Bible.
37:51 The first time the angel of the Lord ever appears in Scripture.
37:53 The first time God ever names a baby.
37:55 First time anybody ever says, I've seen God face to face.
37:58 And it was all for an Egyptian handmaiden, servant girl.
38:03 She must have been pretty important to God.
38:06 That baby must have been important to God.
38:11 So, write it down. Next line.
38:18 In fact, I was given a Koran by a visiting Imam from Detroit,
38:22 and in that holy book for the Muslims, did you know this?
38:24 They tell the story of Abraham on Mount Moriah?
38:27 And guess who Abraham is offering to God? Ishmael.
38:31 In the Koran it's Ishmael.
38:33 That's why they have the Dome of the Rock on top the ruins
38:37 of Jerusalem's temple.
38:38 Why? Because that's holy ground.
38:40 Muslims say, We are the children of Abraham.
38:42 They are! But the Jews say the same, and they're right.
38:46 Look at this. Jot it down.
38:55 Isaac was Abraham's only son through Sarah.
39:01 He was a baby son born by divine miracle.
39:05 Ishmael was a baby son preserved by divine miracle.
39:09 Isaac is a baby son born by divine miracle.
39:12 A year before Isaac was born the Lord shows up in Abraham's tent.
39:16 You remember that?
39:17 He said, You're going to have a baby.
39:18 No, I'm not, Yes, you are.
39:20 Quit laughing, you are, and so on.
39:21 You remember the story.
39:22 Alright. So, jot this down.
39:24 Isaac was the father of the children of Israel.
39:26 That's exactly what Exodus 3:15 says.
39:28 That means he's the father of the children of Judaism today.
39:32 And the Jews, of course, today believe that when Abraham
39:35 sacrificed his son atop Mount Moriah, it was his son Isaac.
39:39 Right? But of course!
39:41 And the Jews consider themselves, therefore,
39:43 the children of Abraham.
39:45 And they are. But guess what?
39:46 They're not alone.
39:48 The Christians consider themselves
39:49 the children of Abraham.
39:50 Jot this down: Galatians 3, Paul writing.
39:54 If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
40:02 Isn't that something? Keep writing.
40:05 Who are these Christian children? They are:
40:11 There's a miracle for every first child out of that clan.
40:16 A miracle for Ishmael, a miracle for Isaac,
40:18 and miracle for the children of Abraham through Christ. Wow!
40:24 By virtue of His Lordship, the followers of Christ are
40:27 inheritors of every promise made to Abraham.
40:29 There you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen.
40:31 All three monotheistic religions honored today rightfully claim
40:36 Abraham as our father.
40:40 He's our father as well, which means... Now hold on!
40:45 ...which means September 11's tragedy ten years ago
40:50 was a tragedy for all three families of Abraham, was it not?
40:54 Come on, wasn't it?
40:57 That crime against humanity, perpetrated by a band of
41:02 extremists, sucked all three monotheistic clans of believers
41:07 into the same vortex.
41:12 So here's the question: then shall all three branches of
41:16 Father Abraham remain hostile, fractured,
41:20 and alienated from one another?
41:23 Could it be that the Father of Father Abraham still seeks
41:28 reconciliation that might yet unite the children of Abraham?
41:33 Would you be surprised?
41:36 Hey, just tell me, would you be surprised to learn
41:40 that there is... God has raised up, let me put it that way,
41:45 God has raised up a branch from within one of the three
41:48 Abrahamic family clans.
41:51 He's raised up a branch from one of those three to lead all three
41:58 to the bosom of the Father.
42:00 Would that surprise you?
42:03 There is a branch of the Christian family clan
42:06 that shares more common ground with the Muslim family clan,
42:10 and the Jewish family clan than any other community within
42:13 the Christian family.
42:15 No Christian body on earth is as close to both Jews and Muslims
42:20 as this particular Christian community.
42:22 I wonder who that community could be?
42:25 Let me show you how it works with the Jews.
42:27 With the Jews this Christian branch shares...
42:29 And I'll put this on the screen for you.
42:31 With the Jews it shares...
42:58 This branch shares all of that with Judaism.
43:03 The fact is that had Israel embraced the Messiah when He
43:08 came to them there never would have been the need for this
43:12 branch of the Christian family to have been raised up at all.
43:17 But the record in the prologue of the fourth
43:20 gospel is bitterly sad.
43:21 I remind you, these words are in the prologue.
43:24 Verse 11. He, the Word,
43:36 Now I want you to think with me.
43:37 Had the community of Israel, with her leadership,
43:41 united in accepting Christ, there would have been no need
43:45 for any further remnant community.
43:48 Israel would have carried God's truth to the end.
43:51 In fact, there would have been no need for the two other
43:54 monotheistic religions that came after Judaism.
43:59 Christianity and Islam would never have been born.
44:05 The truth is that the Jews have no closer spiritual cousins,
44:09 or family, than this divinely raised up apocalyptic community
44:13 within the Christian family.
44:15 Furthermore, the family of Islam has no closer spiritual cousin,
44:19 or family within the Christian community than this same
44:21 apocalyptic branch that we've just noted is close to Judaism.
44:24 Let me show you that with the Muslims this same Christian
44:27 branch shares these major common grounds.
44:30 Put it on the screen for you.
44:37 Different holy books, but still reverence for the holy book.
44:59 Within the Christian community to share these seven tenants
45:05 of faith is indeed a most significant common ground
45:08 with Muslims, isn't it?
45:10 So who is this branch within the Christian community that has
45:14 been raised up to bridge to all three monotheistic religions
45:18 at this time in history?
45:20 I believe that the Seventh-day Adventist church
45:24 is that community.
45:26 A community of Christians closer to Jews and Muslims
45:31 than any other Christian body.
45:34 But that closeness now, that closeness does not denigrate
45:38 its distinctive Christian witness within this community
45:42 of faith, for like all other Christian communities,
45:45 in contradistinction to Islam and Judaism,
45:49 the Seventh-day Adventist church accepts the testimony
45:51 of the Jewish writer of the fourth gospel, the apostle John,
45:55 who himself was a Jewish Christian.
45:58 And that is the shining truth of the prologue,
46:01 and his entire gospel, that Jesus was,
46:04 and is the incarnation of one who shares both deity and
46:09 eternity with almighty God.
46:11 But who came down to the human race becoming one with us,
46:14 so that He might die for the human race.
46:16 And on the third day He rose again to become our Lord
46:20 forever and ever, Amen.
46:27 Which is why, by the way, the Word made flesh in the fourth
46:31 gospel, John goes to extra lengths to make certain the
46:34 reader is clear the Word made flesh is greater than both
46:38 Moses, who's mentioned twelve times in this gospel,
46:41 or Abraham, who's mentioned eleven times in this gospel.
46:44 Let me give you two sample verses where John is
46:46 driving this point home.
46:47 First about Moses.
46:54 The greater proceeds the lesser, of course.
46:56 John's point clear.
46:58 What does he say about Abraham?
47:01 Jesus speaking to a group of Jews.
47:07 I AM. The children of Abraham and Moses, of Ishmael and Isaac,
47:16 are the very children the heavenly Father longs to draw
47:20 into His eternal heart, which is why He sent His Son.
47:27 And which is why,...
47:29 And now I need you to be listening
47:30 very carefully, please.
47:31 Which is why you and I, as Seventh-day Adventists must
47:35 come to the place where we find it painful.
47:37 You say, Find what painful, Dwight?
47:39 Listen, you and I as Seventh-day Adventists must come to the
47:42 place where we find it painful.
47:46 And I'm speaking about the false charactures,
47:49 and misrepresentations that You Tube, and Cyberspace perpetrate
47:55 against both of these monotheistic communities.
47:58 If it is a mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church
48:03 to build bridges to our Muslim and Jewish friends
48:05 and neighbors, than of all people on earth we should
48:08 reject the impulse to forward any e-mail, or any video clip
48:14 that belittles, or attacks the sincere faith of these
48:17 children of Abraham.
48:18 I got a letter two weeks ago from one of our listeners.
48:27 And the listener said, You, obviously don't know the Koran,
48:32 and outlined for me all the commands that reflect violence.
48:37 He just wrote it up in a three page typed letter.
48:42 You're right. Those are all there.
48:44 But have you read the Old Testament lately?
48:49 Do you know how long a list I could put together
48:51 from Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges?
48:54 How would you feel if somebody pulled all those references out
48:58 and left them all by themselves, no context, no nothing but just
49:02 the gut line, and then disseminated that line and said,
49:07 This is the Bible she believes in.
49:08 This is the Bible he believes in.
49:11 What kind of a religion do they have?
49:13 Ladies and Gentlemen, the golden rule taught to us by the Word
49:17 made flesh is you treat others the same way you want
49:22 to be treated yourself.
49:27 If we, as the children of Abraham ourselves,
49:29 seek to destroy the integrity and reputation of Godly Muslim's
49:32 and Jews, we engage in what is called fratricide.
49:35 Do you know what fratricide is?
49:37 It is the mortal attack of children upon their own siblings.
49:40 It's children killing their brothers and sisters.
49:42 Look, agreed, September 11 was an act of tragic fratricide
49:49 committed by Muslim extremists, we all agree.
49:51 But our collective response as Adventists, as Christians,
49:55 cannot be to reciprocate in a more subtle,
49:58 but nonetheless destructive manner, using the dissemination
50:01 of falsehoods in order to destroy a people,
50:04 no matter how pure our motives might be.
50:07 We can't do it. If our motivation is to seek,
50:13 and save the lost like Jesus, then there is only one response
50:17 we can make to attempts to harm rather than save.
50:21 We must categorically reject those fear mongering YouTube
50:25 clips, and forwarded e-mails.
50:27 No, that will never get past me.
50:29 That will never go past me.
50:31 It ended right here, right here.
50:36 And we must, in the name of the Word made flesh,
50:38 so that He could save us all, we must seek to build faith
50:41 bridges to the very ones others are rejecting.
50:45 That's the whole point.
50:46 The world may reject, but this is God's opportunity to build
50:51 a bridge where others have torn it down.
50:54 That's the point. And for that reason I wish to take this tenth
51:01 Anniversary opportunity of September 11, to recommit my
51:06 life to drawing nearer, and nearer to the One who is in
51:11 the bosom of the Father.
51:12 Because if Jesus is in closest relationship to the Father,
51:18 then I wish to come into closest relationship with Jesus.
51:24 That's what I want, because surely, when I am near to Him,
51:30 it will be clear to me that I must be near to them, too.
51:36 All the rest of the children of Abraham.
51:40 I want to be that for Jesus, don't you?
51:44 Yeah, I do. There's a great hymn I want us to sing in closing.
51:55 Pull your hymnal out.
51:56 It's hymn 301 in your hymnal.
51:57 But there's one stanza that links us with this verse
52:01 in the prologue, and I want to put the words on the screen.
52:04 Because this is a prayer of my heart, and I know it's the
52:06 prayer of your heart.
52:07 I just want to get nearer and nearer.
52:09 Can we put the words on the screen, please?
52:12 Remember this old hymn? this old gospel hymn?
52:14 I want to show you this line straight out of the prologue.
52:17 Look at the words on the screen for a moment.
52:19 It's hymn 301, by the way.
52:20 You're finding it in your hymnal, but look at the screen.
52:32 Now watch this.
52:38 We have sung that stanza for years.
52:40 Now you know where it came from.
52:43 It's the One who is in the breast of God
52:46 that we are praying to.
52:48 May I be drawn close to Your breast?
53:00 I want to go nearer, and nearer, and nearer
53:03 to Him until He comes.
53:05 Stand with me. Let's sing this beautiful prayer.
53:09 It is our prayer, hymn 301.
57:19 Holy Father, please answer the prayer we have just sung.
57:24 Nearer, and nearer, and nearer we pray,
57:31 so that we might be bridges from Your heart to theirs.
57:39 And now may the love of God, and the grace of His Son,
57:45 and the communion of the Holy Spirit abide with you and me
57:51 as we go to them, Amen.


Revised 2016-03-07