New Perceptions

The Dark Night Rises: Two

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP090812

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions
00:11 with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:30 Lift up the trumpet
00:33 And loud let it ring
00:36 Jesus is coming again!
00:42 Cheer up ye pilgrims
00:45 Be joyful and sing
00:49 Jesus is coming again!
00:55 Coming again, coming again
01:01 Jesus is coming again
01:08 Nations are angry by this we do know
01:13 Jesus is coming again!
01:18 Knowledge increases
01:21 Men run to and fro
01:25 Jesus is coming again!
01:31 Coming again, coming again
01:37 Jesus is coming again
01:48 Amen! Amen.
01:50 This morning we want to celebrate
01:54 one of our key mission statement components.
01:57 It's celebration of "Go".
02:00 One of the things that Andrews University
02:02 is full of is spiritually mature
02:06 and committed
02:07 Seventh-day Adventist young people.
02:08 So I'm going to ask some of those young people
02:10 to come up.
02:11 If you worked at a summer camp this summer, please come on up,
02:14 join me up here.
02:15 If you are an R.A. this year, please come up.
02:17 If you were on a study tour this last summer,
02:20 please come forward.
02:22 If you're a student dean,
02:24 any of the residence halls come up.
02:25 If you did colporteur ministry this summer, come on up.
02:29 Just join me up here
02:30 on the platform and on the stairs.
02:33 We have a lot of young people
02:36 that go out at the conclusion of every school year,
02:40 go at the end of every school year
02:42 and do ministry.
02:46 All right, so where is Paul? Paul, come here.
02:49 Paul is one of the leaders from Flag Camp right here
02:52 in Berrien Springs, Michigan,
02:54 a ministry of Pioneer Memorial Church.
02:55 Paul, why do you do summer camp?
02:59 This was my first year working at camp.
03:01 And honestly, I can say working with the kids
03:04 is probably one of the most life
03:05 changing experiences.
03:07 Like every single day we got excited to get up
03:08 in the morning and go to work just because I know like,
03:10 if the kid can leave camp with a smile on their face,
03:13 I know I made a difference that day.
03:15 And you did that every day.
03:16 Sophia, my daughter was at Flag Camp this summer.
03:19 She came back, she was singing songs
03:22 that I didn't teach her.
03:23 And that was just one of the beautiful things
03:24 is that she would come home every day
03:26 with new Christian songs
03:28 that she was praising God and every time she see Paul,
03:31 she sees Paul she smiles and she laughs.
03:34 And Paul smiles and he laughs and it's a special.
03:38 Thank you. Thank you, Paul.
03:39 Now we had something really interesting happen.
03:41 I'm going to show you a picture,
03:42 we do study tours here at Andrews University.
03:45 Where is Constanza and Ruben. Come on up, Constanza.
03:50 We do study tours every year and this year
03:52 there was a Bible land study tour
03:55 and something special really happened,
03:56 what happened?
03:58 I was baptized. She was baptized.
04:00 Let's see if we can get those pictures on there.
04:04 That's her father Ruben right here
04:05 who is your professor.
04:07 She went on the study tour and she just...
04:09 You felt compelled to give your life to Jesus.
04:12 And that's, that's what
04:14 these Go ministries are all about.
04:17 It's about going out once you've left this place
04:20 and taking what you've learned,
04:22 taking what you've experienced and the inspiration
04:23 that you've had in your life and sharing that with others
04:26 and that results in baptism.
04:28 So I want to do something really special right now.
04:31 Doc, if you could have a prayer to bless
04:34 and welcome Constanza,
04:36 but also to bless all of the students
04:37 who have gone out this last summer returning
04:40 and those students who are now serving
04:41 that they would be blessed in the ministry.
04:43 If you want to join me in this prayer,
04:46 please come forward,
04:48 lay your hands on some of these young people.
04:50 Otherwise stand in your place
04:52 as we have this prayer of blessing.
05:03 Holy God, we are so thankful to You
05:05 for everything
05:06 that You are doing on this campus.
05:08 The way You are inspiring
05:09 young people giving them wisdom them and strength
05:11 and passion for Your cause.
05:13 We thank You Father that Your Spirit is moving
05:16 in so many different ways here in the classroom,
05:19 in these big activities
05:20 that we do in one on one conversations.
05:22 You're ministering on so many different levels here
05:25 and I thank You so much.
05:26 What a privilege that we have to be surrounded
05:29 with such a great crowd of young people
05:31 who love You so dearly.
05:33 And especially this morning
05:34 we would like to have a blessing,
05:36 a prayer for Constanza, that You ought to be with her,
05:40 she has made such an incredible commitment back there
05:45 at the River Jordan and deciding to follow You,
05:48 and we ask You Father
05:49 that You protect her and guide her,
05:52 and if You give her compassion and wisdom
05:53 on how to live for Your glory in every aspect of her life.
05:58 This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
06:00 Amen. Amen.
06:05 Soon I will be done
06:09 With the troubles of the world
06:14 Troubles of the world
06:19 The troubles of the world
06:24 Soon I will be done
06:27 With the troubles of the world
06:31 Going home to live with God
06:37 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
06:39 Soon I will be done
06:41 With the troubles of the world
06:42 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
06:45 The troubles of the world The troubles of the world
06:48 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
06:50 Going home to live with God
06:53 I want to meet my mother I want to meet my mother
06:59 I want to meet my mother Going to live with God
07:04 I want to meet my mother I want to meet my mother
07:10 I want to meet my mother Going to live with God
07:15 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
07:18 The troubles of the world The troubles of the world
07:20 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
07:22 Going home to live with God
07:25 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
07:28 The troubles of the world The troubles of the world
07:30 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
07:33 Going home to live with God
07:36 No more weepin' and wailin' No more weepin' and wailin'
07:41 No more weepin' and wailin'
07:43 I'm going to live with God
07:46 No more weepin' and wailin'
07:48 No more weepin' and wailin'
07:51 No more weepin' and wailin' I'm going to live with God
07:59 No more suffering
08:01 Suffering or crying
08:04 No weeping
08:12 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
08:14 The troubles of the world The troubles of the world
08:17 Soon I will be done With the troubles of the world
08:19 Going home to live with God
08:22 I want to meet my Jesus I want to meet my Jesus
08:27 I want to meet my Jesus I'm going to live with God
08:32 I want to meet my Jesus I want to meet my Jesus
08:38 I want to meet my Jesus I'm going to live with God
08:44 I'm going to live with God
08:52 With God
08:58 Amen.
09:06 We'll, thank you Gurney.
09:07 Thank you very much Gurney and Josh.
09:11 We needed that soon
09:13 I will be done with the troubles of the world.
09:18 Because let me tell you something,
09:20 if this life is no trouble to you, you have no,
09:24 you have no heart for the return of Christ.
09:27 If life is one non-stop picnic for you,
09:32 you will never have a passion for Jesus to come.
09:37 The moment trouble strikes, the moment suffering comes,
09:43 our paradigm is radically shifted.
09:47 And trust me before it's over,
09:50 we will all be pleading that prayer,
09:54 "Soon I will be done
09:56 with the troubles of the world, oh God."
10:03 We are not left...
10:09 Without the shining light of hope
10:11 on our dark horizon.
10:17 And our hearts here
10:18 who already know the meaning of trouble,
10:22 and pain, and sorrow.
10:27 Someday we all will.
10:30 But in this interim, in this space,
10:36 we have left.
10:38 Oh, God, prepare us, get us ready,
10:41 may this morning's teaching, may this morning's teaching
10:45 from Holy Scripture be clear
10:46 to all of our thinking minds and our worshipping hearts.
10:52 We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
10:58 Psychologists have a term that I fear now,
11:06 describes the prevailing mindset
11:08 of this generation
11:10 and this civilization.
11:11 Here's the term.
11:14 Normalcy bias.
11:18 What's it mean?
11:20 Let me put Wikipedia's definition
11:22 on the screen for you.
11:24 Take a look at this. Read it off the screen.
11:26 The normalcy bias
11:30 or normality bias
11:33 refers to a mental state
11:35 people enter when facing a disaster.
11:39 It causes people to underestimate
11:41 both the possibility of a disaster occurring
11:43 and its possible effects."
11:45 Hit the pause button right there.
11:47 Case in point, Hurricane Katrina.
11:52 We just passed that anniversary, didn't we?
11:54 Isaac was coming in at the same time.
11:56 Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.
11:58 As that massive category five hurricane came,
12:03 howling out of the Gulf of Mexico,
12:06 dead eye toward the city of New Orleans.
12:10 And the word went out that our levee system
12:14 is not going to handle so horrendous a cataclysm.
12:20 By the tens of thousands, people said,
12:24 "it's not going to be that bad.
12:26 It's okay."
12:27 And by the thousands they perished.
12:30 Normalcy bias, the mental state people enter
12:32 when facing a disaster causing them
12:34 to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster
12:37 occurring and its possible effects.
12:40 Normalcy bias, Wikipedia goes on,
12:43 "This often results in situations
12:45 where people fail to adequately prepare, keyword,
12:49 failed to adequately prepare for disaster.
12:52 The assumption that is made in the case
12:54 of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster
12:57 never has occurred then it never will occur."
13:00 It's never happened on this planet,
13:01 it's not going to happen, trust me.
13:05 "It also results in the inability of people
13:07 to cope with a disaster once it does occur.
13:09 People with a normalcy bias
13:11 have difficulties reacting to something
13:12 they have not experienced before.
13:14 People also tend to interpret warnings
13:16 in the most optimistic way possible,
13:18 seizing on any ambiguities
13:20 to infer a less serious situation."
13:23 It's not gonna be so bad,
13:25 I'm telling you, don't get upset.
13:28 Case in point number two:
13:29 World War II Holocaust, 6 million Jews perish.
13:34 Initially a few Jewish proprietors
13:38 in Germany are troubled
13:39 as their places of business are ransacked.
13:43 Then there were a few incarcerations and arrests,
13:46 but the vast majority of the Jews living in Germany
13:49 minimized the Nazi threat
13:51 and simply could not come to believe
13:53 that there was an impending crisis
13:54 endangering their very survival.
13:59 It's not going to happen. This will pass.
14:05 What have we just read,
14:06 "People with the normalcy bias have difficulties reacting
14:08 to something they have not experienced before.
14:10 People also tend to interpret warnings
14:11 in the most optimistic way possible,
14:13 seizing on any ambiguities
14:15 to infer a less serious situation."
14:17 So here's the question.
14:19 Are you and am I,
14:20 are we also suffering from a normalcy bias?
14:25 Just like the citizens of New Orleans?
14:29 Just like the Jews of the Holocaust?
14:32 Is that our mindset as well?
14:35 Open your Bible with me please to the theme text
14:37 for this little three part mini series
14:40 that's launching this New Year.
14:42 Open your Bible to 1 Thessalonians 5.
14:44 1 Thessalonians 5, The Dark Knight Rises.
14:49 We were there last Sabbath, will be there next Sabbath
14:51 and that's it one two three and it's over.
14:55 Let's go back to that theme passage.
14:56 You didn't bring a Bible, please track this.
14:59 Pull the Bible out in front of you.
15:00 Pull it out of the pew rack and it will be page 796
15:04 in your pew rack Bible, that's the New King James.
15:06 I'm going to be once again in the NIV.
15:08 This is the new NIV. I like it.
15:12 1 Thessalonians 5:1.
15:14 We read these words last week. We return to them.
15:16 Verse 1.
15:18 "Now brothers and sisters,
15:19 about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
15:22 for you know very well."
15:23 Verse two. "That the day of the Lord."
15:26 By the way day of the Lord,
15:27 code phrase in Holy Scripture for the end of the world.
15:31 Code phrase for the return of Christ.
15:34 "For you know," verse 2, "very well
15:35 that the day of the Lord will come
15:37 like a thief in the night."
15:40 Verse 3.
15:42 "While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,'
15:45 destruction will come on them suddenly,
15:47 as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
15:49 and they will not escape."
15:50 We learned last week double negative.
15:52 They will no not escape.
15:53 Read my lips, nobody escapes the end, nobody.
15:59 Clearly Paul is describing a normalcy bias
16:03 for the last generation living on this planet
16:06 just before Jesus comes.
16:08 Normalcy bias, that point is so critical.
16:10 Grab your study guide.
16:12 Let's scribble it down right now.
16:13 Pull your study guide out of your worship bulletin,
16:15 there's a brand new one.
16:16 This is a keeper, this study guide, trust me,
16:18 you're going to want this and so if you don't have it.
16:20 Ushers, where are you ushers? Let's go.
16:22 Let's do this quickly please.
16:23 Right now ushers,
16:25 if you'll stand and those of you
16:26 who are watching on television, we're delighted to have you.
16:29 While they are getting these study guides out,
16:32 you get the same study guide.
16:33 Let me put it on the screen for you our website.
16:35 This is a little,
16:36 it's a little punchy miniseries,
16:38 The Dark Knight Rises Two.
16:40 That's today, two. Last week was one.
16:42 Next week will be three and it's over.
16:44 The Dark Knight Rises two, you can't miss it,
16:46 you'll see The Dark Knight artwork
16:48 on our website.
16:49 Click on there, go to two,
16:51 you'll have the same study guide
16:53 and you can join us.
16:54 You'll want this study guide, trust me.
16:56 You will want this study guide.
16:58 If you didn't get a bulletin when you came in,
17:00 keep your hand up, they're going to get your way.
17:05 And I want you to have the teaching
17:07 that we are going to share together
17:09 in Holy Scripture.
17:10 All right, let's go. Jot that first one down please.
17:12 Clearly Paul here, in 1 Thessalonians 5.
17:16 "Clearly Paul here is describing a "normalcy bias"
17:19 as the mindset
17:21 of the final generation on earth!"
17:25 Hey, not to worry, peace and safety.
17:27 Boom! It's over.
17:29 Normalcy bias,
17:30 they do not believe it can happen here.
17:33 Clearly that's what Paul is describing.
17:35 Now because
17:37 that Wikipedia definition is so punching,
17:40 you have it right there but now you need to fill it in.
17:42 Let's put the Wikipedia definition
17:43 on the screen please.
17:44 "The normalcy bias refers to a mental state people enter
17:48 when facing a disaster."
17:49 That's the key word.
17:51 It's not all day long, every day,
17:52 it's when you're facing a disaster
17:54 that this bias kicks in.
17:56 Keep reading.
17:58 "It causes people to underestimate
17:59 both the possibility of a disaster occurring
18:02 and its possible effects."
18:04 Now I thought this next line was significant.
18:08 "This often results in situations
18:10 where people fail to adequately prepare..."
18:14 The whole point of a crisis is you've got to be ready
18:16 before it comes,
18:17 but now normalcy bias, is no big deal.
18:19 People fail to prepare. Write that word in.
18:24 They fail to prepare for a disaster.
18:25 Keep reading.
18:26 "The assumption that is made in the case of normalcy bias
18:29 is that since a disaster never has occurred
18:35 then it never will occur."
18:37 It's never happened on this planet,
18:39 it's not going to happen, trust me.
18:42 Look out.
18:43 "People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting
18:45 to something
18:46 they have not experienced before,
18:48 tending to interpret warnings
18:49 in the most optimistic way possible,
18:51 seizing on any ambiguities
18:52 to infer a less serious situation."
18:56 Ladies and gentlemen,
18:57 Paul is describing a very serious normalcy bias
19:02 at the end of time, the final generation on earth.
19:04 The entire planet, normalcy bias.
19:09 And by the way did you catch that word sudden?
19:11 Did you catch that word suddenly?
19:14 Let's read it again, verse 3.
19:17 Verse 3, "While people are saying,
19:19 'peace and safety.'
19:21 destruction will come on them suddenly."
19:23 Those of you that have the New King James,
19:24 sudden destruction will come on them.
19:27 Destruction will come on them suddenly,
19:28 "as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
19:30 and they will not, no, not escape."
19:34 Guess what?
19:36 This is hardly a new thought for Paul.
19:38 He happens to be borrowing it from his master.
19:41 Once upon a time when Jesus was teaching,
19:43 he sees two dramatic Old Testament narratives
19:47 and he says, "Here you go, this is normalcy bias."
19:50 Watch Jesus take
19:51 two dramatic tales out of the Old Testament.
19:55 And in fact I want you to see this,
19:57 not just on the screen.
19:58 Follow it in your Bible.
19:59 So go back to Luke, the Gospel of Luke 17.
20:04 I want you to see it right there
20:05 in the Word of God.
20:07 You didn't bring a Bible,
20:08 then of course you can read on the screen.
20:09 Those of you watching on live streaming,
20:11 I hope you have your Bible near.
20:15 And in mine it's bright red.
20:17 Oh, I love this, I love my red letter Bibles
20:19 because these are the words of Christ.
20:22 No question. This is Luke 17, page 26.
20:26 Luke 17.
20:28 Here come the two dramatic narratives
20:29 out of the Old Testament.
20:30 Verse 26, Jesus speaking,
20:32 "Just as it was in the days of" whom?
20:36 "Just as it was in the days of Noah,
20:39 so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man."
20:41 Verse 27, "People were eating..."
20:43 Is it a sin to eat?
20:45 No, it is not. People were drinking.
20:46 Is it a sin to drink? No, it is not.
20:49 People were marrying. Is it a sin to marry?
20:51 Better not be.
20:53 People were marrying and being given in marriage
20:55 right up
20:56 until the day Noah entered the ark.
21:00 Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
21:04 Normalcy bias illustration number one
21:06 from the Lord Jesus Himself.
21:08 Fill it in your study guide please,
21:09 "In the days of Noah society was enjoying "peace and safety"
21:13 right up until
21:15 "sudden destruction" swept them away."
21:17 Just like that it was over. No time to prepare.
21:21 You had to be prepared before the event itself.
21:26 Jesus says I have another one for you,
21:28 Luke 17:28.
21:30 "It was the same in the days of Lot.
21:34 People were eating and drinking,
21:35 buying and selling..."
21:37 Anything wrong with buying and selling?
21:38 Of course not. Planting and building?
21:39 Nothing wrong with that either.
21:41 "But the day Lot left Sodom..."
21:42 It was that predawn moment, the purple horizon hemorrhaging
21:47 with the realization that this is Judgment Day.
21:50 And Lot and Mrs. Lot and the two girls are fleeing.
21:54 That's what Jesus is talking about here.
21:56 "But the day Lot left Sodom,
21:58 fire and sulfur rained down from heaven
22:01 and destroyed them all."
22:05 Keep your pen moving. Jot it down, will you?
22:07 Also in the days of Lot, not just Noah.
22:10 "In the days of Lot society was enjoying "peace and safety"
22:12 right up until " sudden destruction"
22:15 swept them away.
22:16 Normalcy bias. Boom! And it's over.
22:20 So what's your point, Jesus? What are You trying to tell us?
22:23 He goes on verse 30, Jesus speaking,
22:26 "And it will be just like this on the day
22:28 the Son of Man is revealed.
22:30 On that day no one who is on the housetop,
22:32 with possessions inside, should go down to get them.
22:34 Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything."
22:37 It's over, go move.
22:39 In fact, one of the shortest lines
22:41 in the New Testament,
22:42 "Remember Lot's wife!"
22:47 So Paul's point is hardly a new thought here
22:50 in 1 Thessalonians 5.
22:53 He simply echoing his master.
22:54 In fact scholars believe that Paul is actually taking
22:57 a specific teaching of Jesus
22:59 and paraphrasing it and it's in Luke.
23:01 So just turn a few pages forward
23:03 and Luke tell you.
23:04 Come to Luke 21.
23:08 You read these words carefully
23:09 and you hear the echo of them all the way
23:11 through that 1 Thessalonians 5 passage.
23:14 This is Luke 21 now.
23:15 Also red letters, verse 34, Jesus speaking...
23:19 This is on the eve
23:21 of His own death and crucifixion.
23:23 "Be careful," Jesus says, "
23:25 or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing,
23:28 drunkenness and the anxieties of life,
23:30 and that day will close on you suddenly..."
23:33 There's that word.
23:34 "That day will close on you suddenly like a trap.
23:37 For it will come on those
23:39 who live on the face of the whole earth.
23:40 Be always therefore on the watch,
23:42 and pray that you may be able to escape
23:44 all that is about to happen,
23:46 and that you may be able to stand
23:47 before the Son of Man."
23:49 Suddenly it will come like a trap.
23:53 A few months ago,
23:54 I noticed that we had a ground squirrel
23:56 that was beginning to dig down by the foundation of our house
24:00 going down, down, down.
24:02 And I'm thinking if this guy goes too far south,
24:04 he's going to hit water
24:05 and it's going to come into the house.
24:07 I've got to get that ground squirrel.
24:08 So I went to Guerin dense village hardware
24:10 and I bought a small rodent trap.
24:14 Ever seen those? It's just a cage.
24:17 Has a trap door that goes up
24:19 and you have a little trigger where you place some bait.
24:22 So I had that trap door right by the hole
24:25 when he comes out and he's hungry, he'll go in.
24:27 I tried this bait, it didn't work.
24:29 The next day I tried another bait,
24:30 didn't work,
24:32 and then I found out peanut butter, peanut butter.
24:34 So I put peanut butter came back, there he was.
24:37 Now, ladies and gentlemen,
24:38 the trap door on that ground squirrel trap,
24:41 the trap door does it come,
24:44 does it come down
24:45 like a garage door slowly?
24:50 Keeping your peanut butter there's times.
24:53 Keep eating, they got more time.
24:55 Does it come down that way? You kidding? Boom! It's over.
24:57 That door wham! And it's shut.
25:00 That is Jesus point, suddenly the trap is sprung,
25:05 there is no getting out.
25:07 Jesus says the whole earth will be caught in that trap.
25:12 Is this just a uniquely New Testament idea?
25:14 No.
25:16 Jesus actually inspired writers in the Old Testament.
25:18 Look at this.
25:19 This is the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon.
25:21 Ecclesiastes 9:12, "No one knows
25:24 when their hour will come, so people are trapped..."
25:26 There that word.
25:28 "People are trapped
25:29 by evil times that fall suddenly..."
25:31 Write that down.
25:32 "That fall suddenly upon them."
25:35 That just in Ecclesiastes? No.
25:37 Look at one of the minor prophets,
25:38 Zephaniah 1:18.
25:40 "For the Lord will make a sudden end
25:44 of all who live on the earth."
25:48 You know what?
25:50 This normalcy bias,
25:52 Christianity has plague with it.
25:54 There are vast swathes of the Christian community
25:57 who say end of the world.
25:59 Please!
26:00 You're not really serious
26:01 that this is going to happen that way, are you?
26:03 I mean, please! It couldn't happen.
26:05 Normalcy bias is not for pagans only,
26:08 even for believers in Christ.
26:13 In full concurrence with these pieces of evidence
26:15 that we've just noted.
26:16 A little lady who wrote in the 19th century,
26:19 issued some unmistakable warnings,
26:21 may I put her words on the screen.
26:23 Fill them in please.
26:25 This is from that apocalyptic classic,
26:26 The Great Conversely, take a look at this.
26:28 "The end will come more quickly..."
26:30 Write that in.
26:31 "The end will come more quickly than we expect."
26:35 There's another one.
26:37 "Great changes are soon to take place in the world,
26:39 and the final movements will be..."
26:40 What's that word?
26:42 The final movements will be what?
26:43 "Rapid ones." And here's one more.
26:47 "Many of the prophecies
26:49 are about to be fulfilled in quick succession.
26:51 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! Over, just like that.
26:57 What's the point? Noah's point.
26:59 Lot's point. Jesus' point.
27:01 Paul's point. Ellen White's point.
27:04 At a time when normalcy bias declares
27:07 "peace and safety"
27:08 will prevail, sudden destruction
27:11 will end human history as we know it.
27:14 That's the point.
27:16 So here's the question that begs to be asked.
27:18 How can we know we are approaching
27:23 that point of no return?
27:26 How can we know we are inexorably arriving,
27:31 approaching the end of the world?
27:33 Let's go back to Paul. In 1 Thessalonians 5.
27:39 Let's pick it up in verse 4 now.
27:41 We will add a verse that we didn't read last week.
27:42 Verse 4.
27:44 "But you brothers and sisters, are not in darkness
27:47 so that this day should surprise you
27:49 like a thief.
27:52 You are all children of the light
27:56 and children of the day.
27:58 We do not belong in the night or to the darkness."
28:00 Now here comes a verse we're reading.
28:01 "So then, let us not be like others,
28:04 who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober."
28:11 Apparently there is a way for the friends of Jesus
28:14 to remain awake and unaffected,
28:17 uninfected by this mass normalcy bias.
28:21 Apparently there is some...
28:23 There is some provision
28:24 that alerts the friends of Christ
28:27 so that they are not caught when that trap door drops.
28:32 Before I share with you,
28:34 but for me it's one
28:36 of the most compelling evidences
28:37 that we are living right now on the edge of the end,
28:40 and in just one moment I want to share that with you,
28:42 but before I do, here are three promises.
28:45 I wish you jot these down.
28:46 Here are three promises you and I can begin to claim
28:49 immediately asking God to open our eyes
28:52 to see the critical trends and signs
28:54 that are taking place around us.
28:56 Promise number one.
28:57 We won't take the time to look this up.
28:59 Jeremiah 33:3. 33:3. Jeremiah 33:3.
29:03 Jot it down, will you?
29:05 God's inviting us, "Call to Me,
29:08 and I will answer you and I will show you great
29:11 and unsearchable things you do not know."
29:16 Ladies and gentlemen, let this be clear,
29:18 God is not playing hide and seek.
29:19 God's not saying.
29:21 "Hey I want to catch you by surprise, I got harder way,
29:23 I got harder way to spook you."
29:26 He's not playing hard to get.
29:28 God says, "Listen, listen, listen.
29:29 Call to Me, just call to Me.
29:33 I'll show you what you don't know."
29:36 Didn't you love it when your mom came to you
29:37 and maybe it was when you went to church.
29:40 She gave you that little book
29:41 that was a series of connect the dots.
29:44 You remember those little connect
29:45 the dots puzzles, you remember that?
29:47 Dot one, you draw a line to, what's the next one?
29:50 Two. And then you draw line two.
29:52 It's an amazing thing.
29:53 Three and you go all the way around
29:55 and suddenly
29:56 what was just a series of dots now, voila,
29:57 this beautiful big picture.
30:01 I got to say, hey, I know, I know,
30:04 I know how the dots connect.
30:06 Ask me. Ask Me to show you.
30:10 I want to tell you just a personal testimony,
30:13 I go to Jeremiah 33:3, often in my private prayer.
30:18 And I say God, You just said right here
30:22 that You will show me what I do not know.
30:25 There are a whole lot of people sleeping right now, God.
30:29 Is there something I should be seeing
30:31 that I need to be sharing?
30:34 Open my eyes, you can do the same.
30:37 Go to Jeremiah 33:3.
30:38 Put your finger on it, say Jesus,
30:40 I want to see what I do not know.
30:42 I don't want to be caught by surprise.
30:44 I don't want to live with normalcy bias.
30:46 Oh, there's one more you got to...
30:47 And this is New Testament, just before he is betrayed,
30:52 the night of His betrayal.
30:55 John 16:13.
30:57 Red letter words, we won't look them up.
30:58 I hope you mark these verses eventually
31:00 in your Bible that you go to them often.
31:02 Jesus speaking upper room, "When He..."
31:04 Speaking about the Holy Spirit.
31:05 "When He, the Spirit of truth, comes,
31:07 He will guide you into all truth
31:09 and He will tell you what is yet to come."
31:13 Would you jot that down?
31:14 "He will tell you what is yet to come."
31:17 Jesus said, hey, listen, listen guys,
31:19 you are my friends, I have called you friends.
31:22 I'm not trying to surprise you,
31:24 I'm not trying to catch you, gotcha.
31:27 I want you to know, so ask and you receive,
31:29 seek and you'll find,
31:31 knock and it will be open to you.
31:33 I will send you the Holy Spirit
31:35 and He will tell you what is yet to come.
31:39 You can put your finger on John 16:13.
31:41 God, you've got to help me please.
31:44 And then just a few weeks ago, I found this third one.
31:46 So now I have three that I claim and worship.
31:48 Here's number three.
31:50 This is Review and Herald, August 5, 1902.
31:56 "Those who place themselves under God's control,
32:00 to be led and guided by Him, will catch the steady trend..."
32:04 That is a key word, would you jot that down?
32:06 "Those who are under
32:08 who placed themselves under God's control
32:09 to be led and guided by hand will catch
32:11 the steady trend of events ordained
32:15 by God to take place."
32:19 I'll share the trends with you.
32:21 That means I'll help you connect the dots.
32:25 I'll show you the trends. Wow!
32:30 And listen, keep in mind this little caveat please.
32:34 God has never promised to reveal every detail
32:36 of His endgame even to His friends on earth.
32:38 There are some surprises
32:40 that will be a surprise for the entire human race.
32:42 In fact Jesus Himself said when He was here, "Yo!
32:44 You're not going to know the day,
32:45 you're not going to know the hour.
32:47 You will not know a date for when I return."
32:49 That'll be a surprise.
32:52 But here are three promises with the stunning assurance
32:56 that God Himself will open our minds
32:59 and our eyes to the trends,
33:01 to the trend of events happening,
33:04 swirling all around us.
33:05 This is a 24/7 news cycle. The news cycle never stops.
33:09 We are flooded and drowning in information.
33:13 God says, ask me
33:15 and I'll help you pull this, this, this.
33:18 I'll show you the trend.
33:22 As a child of the light, as a child of the day,
33:24 I am urging you,
33:26 I am earnestly appealing to you,
33:30 please claim these promises
33:34 and ask him to show you
33:37 what is yet to come.
33:41 One of the critical trends.
33:43 I am now carefully watching
33:44 and I have a feeling you are too.
33:47 Is He unraveling the melting down
33:50 of our national and global economies?
33:55 Have a file of news clippings and Internet postings
33:58 and financial news letter exposés,
34:02 simply in tied,
34:03 it's about this thick is a manila file folder.
34:05 Simply entitled, "The Economy."
34:09 Listen, forget about Greece,
34:11 forget about the European Union,
34:13 some of you are from here, forget about China.
34:15 The fact of the matter is, we are facing
34:17 an even greater economic collapse
34:19 in our own nation
34:21 of the United States of America.
34:24 Just this last week,
34:25 you surely were following this little,
34:27 this little dot that appeared in the news.
34:30 The news media reminded us this last week
34:32 that we have now passed our national government debt.
34:36 We have crossed the $16 trillion threshold.
34:42 Never mind that the number 16 trillion
34:44 is humanly impossible to fathom, all right.
34:47 Nobody knows what 16 trillion is?
34:50 Look at it this way.
34:53 The IRS estimates that our government takes
34:56 in every year $2.1 trillion
35:02 in tax revenue from all sources that would be corporate taxes,
35:04 business taxes, personal taxes,
35:07 $2.1 trillion a year but just this year,
35:11 Congress has voted a budget of $3.2 trillion.
35:16 Spending more than we have by $1.1 trillion.
35:21 That difference is called the deficit
35:24 which is a euphemism
35:25 for more debt.
35:30 Every woman here who balances a checkbook,
35:35 knows that you cannot spend more
35:41 than you are receiving and survive financially.
35:46 Is that true? Is that true?
35:51 But what's also interesting is
35:53 that the interest on our national debt
35:55 is now running nearly
35:57 one-half trillion dollars a year,
36:00 just to pay the interest.
36:02 Not touching the $16 trillion principle.
36:05 Ladies and gentlemen,
36:07 if you keep spending more than you make
36:08 and your interest on
36:09 that accumulating debt keeps climbing,
36:11 you don't have to be a rocket scientist,
36:12 you don't have to be a Nobel laureate economist
36:14 either to conclude that we are facing...
36:18 We're facing a catastrophic financial collapse
36:23 because the hemorrhaging is now irreversible.
36:27 My friend, Norman Waggs loaned me a book
36:31 over the Labor Day holiday, had a chance to go through it,
36:33 the title of the book Aftershock,
36:35 written by macroeconomist David Wiedemer,
36:37 and his brother Robert, and Cindy Spitzer,
36:40 the three of them collaborating.
36:41 This book Aftershock has been on the Wall Street Journal
36:44 Business bestseller list
36:45 having predicted the first financial meltdown
36:48 in our nation back in 2007-2009.
36:51 They actually were making the prediction in 2005-2006.
36:54 So they had gotten everybody's attention.
36:57 The authors now,
36:58 this economic team has revised their book
37:00 into a second edition are now predicting
37:02 an even greater aftershock
37:05 which will follow the great recession
37:06 which is now theoretically behind us.
37:08 They write that this aftershock will be the meltdown,
37:12 they are suggesting, we don't know when
37:13 but sometime 2013-2015 maybe, we don't know for sure.
37:18 They are suggesting that this meltdown,
37:24 the aftershock will collapse both the US dollar
37:29 and the US government debt.
37:34 Notice the language of sudden
37:36 that they probably unwittingly embedded
37:38 in this line from their book.
37:40 I'll put it on the screen for you here,
37:41 "The dollar bubble,"
37:43 'Cause there are the two bubbles
37:44 they are watching now, the dollar bubble,
37:45 it's the worth of the dollar in the world
37:47 and the US government debt.
37:48 "The dollar bubble will remain relatively hidden
37:51 until the end,
37:53 but when it starts to blow up, it will look a lot like
37:56 the financial crisis of late 2008,
37:59 meaning it will come on..."
38:00 What are the next two words?
38:02 "Very quickly..."
38:04 Very quickly.
38:06 Suddenly Jesus says the trap will spring.
38:09 The final events will be rapid ones,
38:11 very quickly.
38:12 Now notice the next line,
38:14 "It will be like a fire that firefighters
38:15 can no longer control...
38:17 In fact, it will..."
38:18 I thought this was rather unique.
38:20 "It will be a once-in-history event."
38:25 Not lifetime, once in history event.
38:29 The point is, ladies and gentlemen,
38:30 we're poised on the razor edge
38:32 of an unprecedented economic meltdown,
38:35 but you listen to both political parties
38:37 who coincidently both have concluded
38:39 their recent presidential conventions.
38:41 And you would think that
38:42 with their popular hero at the helm,
38:44 this baby can be turned around.
38:46 It's going to work someday, it's called normalcy bias.
38:53 There are people high enough
38:54 and bright enough to know the truth.
38:56 They're not going
38:58 to tell little people like you and me
38:59 for fear of creating some sort of panic.
39:03 And then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
39:06 I'll tell you what's happening
39:08 with those two presidential conventions,
39:09 they were simply whistling past the graveyard.
39:15 Let's do a little bit of sanctified dot connecting
39:17 for a moment to remind ourselves
39:18 why the economy is such a critical bell
39:21 weather trend.
39:22 I'm going to give you six dots.
39:24 Watch how these six dots can now connect, six dots,
39:27 they are in your study guide.
39:28 You brood over it later on, you just write them down now.
39:31 Dot number one,
39:32 we will all accept this dot, I'm certain.
39:34 Dot number one, our national/global civil
39:38 and social infrastructure
39:39 depends on the solvency of the economy.
39:42 Yes or no?
39:44 But of course, but of course,
39:46 it all depends on the solvency of the economy.
39:48 That's dot one. Let's go to dot number two.
39:51 Dot number two, if the economy collapses,
39:54 then law and order are likely to do the same.
39:59 Isn't that right?
40:01 Just look, rewind the video
40:03 to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
40:05 When the catastrophe hit, law and order finished.
40:11 Just two months ago in Athens, what are they doing?
40:14 They are rioting,
40:15 burning vehicles on the streets of that ancient city.
40:18 Why?
40:19 Because once the economy is insolvent,
40:21 you are threatening my very survival
40:23 and the masses will rise up.
40:27 Dot number three, jot it down, if law and order collapses,
40:31 then strident measures will have to be enacted
40:34 in an attempt to restore it.
40:35 True or false? You have to.
40:38 If you don't, it's curtains for the whole civilization.
40:42 Strident measures will have to be enacted.
40:45 In fact, you have the blogosphere right now,
40:49 going hot over the Patriot Act and I've checked it out,
40:52 there really was a Patriot Act
40:53 and it really does give the President
40:55 and the military police powers over this nation.
41:00 It's been enacted, it's there.
41:05 Dot number four, such drastic measures
41:08 undertaken in a time of crisis,
41:12 which will be what will have be done,
41:15 but such drastic measures
41:16 open the door to the curtailing,
41:18 write it down, of civil liberties.
41:22 You'll say, "Oh, Dwight, you're just making it up."
41:24 No, I'm not.
41:25 September 11, we're coming up
41:27 to that anniversary in just a few hours, aren't we?
41:28 September 11, 2001, 3 days or 2 days after September 11,
41:32 South Ben Tribune, front page,
41:34 I still remember reading the report,
41:36 a survey of Americans found out that between 51,
41:40 I don't what the number was, 51, 52,
41:42 53% of American surveyed told the surveyors,
41:47 "I'm willing to yield some of my civil liberties
41:51 for the sake of personal and national security."
41:54 I'll let it go.
41:58 Let me tell you something, in a crisis that will sweep
42:02 across the cities of this nation,
42:05 will Americans be willing to let go civil liberties
42:08 for the sake of security?
42:10 You bet.
42:11 Dot number five, jot it down please.
42:14 If civil liberties are curtailed
42:16 for the sake of national security,
42:17 then legislation to enforce a public,
42:20 even religious act of conformity becomes feasible.
42:28 Fascinating. Let me share this with you.
42:30 Michael Barkun, Professor of Social Science
42:32 at the University of New York in Buffalo,
42:35 studied the effect disasters can have on people's attitudes.
42:38 Now I'm indebted to my friend, Marvin Moore,
42:39 who includes this research in his book
42:41 Could It Really Happen?
42:42 I want to put Barkun's words on the screen for you,
42:44 you'll fill them in.
42:46 "One of Barkun's most significant conclusions
42:48 was that," Fascinating,
42:50 "look at this, 'Disaster creates conditions
42:53 peculiarly fitted to the rapid alteration
42:56 of belief systems...'"
42:58 What I believe before is now suddenly up
43:01 for grabs in the time of a crisis or a disaster.
43:04 Isn't that amazing? Wow.
43:09 Keep reading.
43:10 "Belief system
43:11 which under nondisaster conditions might be dismissed,
43:15 now receive sympathetic consideration."
43:18 We would never do that,
43:20 we would never do that in America,
43:22 but suddenly now the conditions have changed
43:25 and what I never would have done before,
43:28 I'm willing to do now.
43:31 Dot number six, if some form, final dot,
43:35 if some form of prescribed moral conformity
43:38 is made a legal mandate, then the "great controversy"
43:41 scenario of Revelation 13
43:43 is suddenly now
43:45 very possible.
43:49 Ladies and gentlemen, six dots, you can get there from here,
43:54 you can get there from an economy
43:56 that is on the cliff
43:58 to the fulfillment of Revelation 13.
44:00 Six dots, you can get there in six dots.
44:05 Isn't that amazing?
44:08 Now wonder Paul was so adamant
44:10 that we live out our divine destiny.
44:12 Read it again, one last time.
44:14 Pick it up in verse 4,
44:15 "But you, brothers and sisters..."
44:17 This is 1 Thessalonians 5.
44:18 "But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness
44:21 so that this day should surprise
44:22 you like a thief."
44:24 No, no, no, verse 5,
44:25 "You are children of the light,"
44:27 Do you know what it means
44:28 when it says children of the light?
44:29 That means we're children of Jesus.
44:31 Who's the light of the world?
44:32 Who's the light of the world? It's Christ.
44:35 So when you are children of...
44:36 When I'm a child of the light, I'm a child of Christ.
44:39 Paul's saying, "Hey, guys, don't worry, don't worry,
44:41 we're all children of Christ."
44:44 "You are all children of the light
44:46 and children of the day.
44:47 We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
44:49 So then," verse 6,
44:51 "let us not be like others, who are asleep,
44:55 but let us be awake and sober."
44:59 Children of Christ, let us be awake.
45:04 Ellen White, a century ago wrote
45:06 a one sentence prayer,
45:08 I've scribbled it in my Bible, put it on the screen for you,
45:11 "God of heaven, wake us up!"
45:16 "God of heaven, wake us up!"
45:22 "God of heaven,
45:24 wake us up!"
45:28 That's the line to tweet to the world by the way.
45:31 That's the line to tweet to your little world,
45:34 "God of heaven, wake us up!"
45:40 Because the dark night is rising faster
45:41 than we first imagined.
45:43 And we still have work to do,
45:45 we have lives to prepare for Jesus,
45:47 we have people to warn for Jesus,
45:48 we have a world yet to reach for Jesus.
45:51 And we must reach this world in this generation.
45:54 We do not have decades now.
45:57 We do not have decades now, we have years.
46:02 Some of you have only months left.
46:07 God of heaven,
46:09 wake us up now, please.
46:14 I want to conclude, I told you last week.
46:15 Didn't I tell you last week,
46:17 I got an email at the beginning of this summer
46:19 and then another one at the end.
46:20 Let me just end now with that email
46:22 I got at the end of this summer from a total stranger.
46:28 "Hello, Pastor, I'll keep it short.
46:31 I'm 25, doing mission work in Africa from Boise, Idaho,
46:37 preaching my first evangelism campaign last month
46:39 in the DRC,"
46:41 The Democratic Republic of the Congo,
46:43 "in the midst of 20,000 UN troops protecting Goma,"
46:47 the city where he is preaching,
46:48 "from a tax by a huge rebel army."
46:51 How'd you like to be preaching with the army ringing the city?
46:54 "Was with a team of 19 other speakers,
46:56 thousands were baptized,
46:57 87 of my side will be in Ghana in November
47:00 for another series with a team of 44 other speakers
47:02 and I'm currently in Rwanda doing work."
47:08 Turns out he's been listening to the Pioneer podcasts.
47:11 "Two big things I've learned.
47:13 Number one, every Friday night I pray for five people
47:16 who I know are either lost
47:17 or haven't completely discovered
47:18 the full Bible truth.
47:20 And number two,
47:21 I pray frequently to have the heart of God
47:23 for this lost world,
47:24 also those teachings have definitely reinforced
47:26 my desire above all else
47:27 that God's Spirit be poured out.
47:29 So we can tell the world and go home."
47:31 So I wrote this kid back, 25 years old,
47:34 never met him in my life.
47:35 I said, "How does a 25-year-old American end up in Africa?"
47:40 He told me a story,
47:42 just printed the email off yesterday.
47:46 He said, "It's now impossible to express in words
47:49 how much this world needs to hear about Jesus
47:51 and His soon-coming all seven plus billion of them.
47:55 I got to hit hard
47:56 with this third member of the Godhead,"
47:58 he means the Holy Spirit,
47:59 "on May 11 of this year
48:00 about 11:30 at night was laying down on,"
48:02 I like this, "was laying down
48:04 on my comfortable couch in my comfortable house,
48:06 in my comfortable neighborhood,
48:08 in comfortable Boise, Idaho,
48:10 when all of a sudden I sat up quickly
48:11 and agreed in my head to serve full time
48:14 as a life-long missionary.
48:16 If somebody would have told me
48:18 that was going to happen 10 seconds beforehand,
48:20 I would have grinned and gone back
48:21 into the comfortable mode.
48:24 Trying to describe the event is difficult
48:25 but it was like a comprehension bomb
48:27 exploded in my mind,
48:28 things in my life flashed quickly,
48:30 my friends life,
48:31 my experiences in this life all the same conclusion,
48:34 Jesus has to come soon
48:36 but we have work to do to make it happen."
48:38 Turns out the kid is a videographer
48:41 for NBC television in Boise, Idaho.
48:43 He's been working for NBC for five years and in May,
48:48 comprehension bomb as he calls it.
48:50 Guess what he does?
48:52 Next prayer he tells me, he sells his house
48:55 above what he was asking for five days
48:58 before he got on that plane.
49:00 Sold everything he had except for some clothes, laptop, iPod,
49:05 and a few other miscellaneous items.
49:06 Look, as long as you have your laptop
49:07 and iPod
49:09 you can go anywhere on this planet.
49:11 Come on, you know what generation
49:12 he is a part of, of course.
49:14 He said, "I sold everything else
49:15 but I got my laptop, and iPod, and a plane ticket.
49:17 And I flew on July 17th," get this, "July 17th,
49:21 I found myself getting off a plane in Africa on the way
49:24 to do something I've never done before, preach.
49:29 Never had a desire to do it, never wanted to do it.
49:32 And at 25 years old,
49:33 I felt too young and inexperienced
49:35 but God blessed the meetings
49:36 though even in the midst of a city of about
49:38 a million on the edge
49:39 because of the intense fighting taking place
49:40 just a few miles outside of town.
49:42 Every one of the meetings
49:43 was packed to the brim over the course of two weeks.
49:45 The desire to learn about the Bible
49:46 and Jesus was powerful to witness.
49:50 I'll be here in Africa for two years,
49:52 after that I don't know.
49:53 Personally, I wish all 18 million of us
49:56 in the church,"
49:57 He's talking about Seventh-day Adventist,
49:59 "I wish all of us were full-time missionaries
50:01 at home or abroad.
50:02 There is just so much needed.
50:04 We'd have been home yesterday if that was the case.
50:07 Man, I'm just so tired of seeing
50:09 what I'm seeing in this life."
50:13 I tell you what, I get a letter like this,
50:15 the letter is burning around the edges in my hand
50:18 after I printed off.
50:20 And something gets ignited in my heart
50:22 and I pray this prayer, "God of heaven, wake me up.
50:27 Wake me up." Twenty five years old.
50:33 God of heaven, wake us up!
50:37 We've got lives to prepare for Jesus.
50:40 We've people to warn for Jesus.
50:42 We've a world to reach for Jesus.
50:44 God of heaven, wake us up!"
50:49 I pray.
50:53 Pull out your connect card, will you please?
50:56 It's tucked away, it looks like this.
50:57 It's in your worship bulletin. I want to end with this.
51:02 A little connect card
51:04 because, brothers and sisters of the Advent hope,
51:09 we can't come to an end of a teaching
51:10 like this and just say,
51:12 "Oh, that's great, I'm inspired now.
51:13 I'll just look forward to Jesus coming."
51:14 There has to be a next step we can take.
51:18 Last week, two stacks,
51:23 this high.
51:28 You're guest here for the first time,
51:29 please take a moment and fill this out.
51:31 Let's know how you have found out
51:33 about this place.
51:35 You've been here a few times in a row, that's great.
51:37 We consider you part of the family.
51:40 Would you please put your email address
51:42 on the front side of this card?
51:44 We got several email addresses this last week
51:47 that we could not read.
51:49 We can't send you what you are asking for,
51:50 this material that you'll ask for here.
51:52 So please make sure you allegedly write
51:53 your email address.
51:55 If you're not sure it's readable,
51:56 go ahead and include your cell phone,
51:58 so we can call to ask you what it is.
52:00 Turn the card over, it says, "My next step."
52:03 What's the next step we take together?
52:06 We got to do something, we can't just sit here,
52:07 and go home, and eat that vegan cottage cheese loaf.
52:13 Number one, I will claim...
52:15 Oh, this is the one I can put a checkmark by
52:17 and I'm sure you can too,
52:19 "I will claim the three divine promises
52:21 for insight to connect the dots and discern
52:24 the trends of this end time generation."
52:27 You've been here long time, you've been here short time,
52:29 it doesn't matter but can you join me?
52:30 Can you put a checkmark right there?
52:31 Why can't we? Of course.
52:33 I will claim those three promises.
52:34 Hang on to that study guide,
52:35 you will have those promises for the rest of your life.
52:37 Never lose them, never, never lose them.
52:40 Number two, "I would join you, Dwight, in praying the prayer,
52:43 'God, of heaven, wake me up!'"
52:46 Would you really?
52:48 Would you be willing to ask Jesus
52:49 to just wake you up like I'm willing to ask for me?
52:53 Put a checkmark there. Jesus, wake me up."
52:56 And I'm putting it here, box number three.
52:59 I would like information about becoming a missionary
53:02 for Christ in this dark world.
53:04 Last Sabbath, a 146 of you checked that box.
53:10 A 146 people sitting around you said,
53:14 "I want to be a missionary.
53:16 What do I need to know?"
53:18 You don't become a missionary tomorrow,
53:19 we're not shipping you on a plane,
53:21 but if you would like more information
53:23 about how you can become a missionary,
53:25 put a checkmark there.
53:26 Within 48 hours, we will get information to you
53:30 and you can begin to think and pray about it.
53:32 25 years old lying on a comfortable couch
53:36 and he wakes up at 11:30
53:37 just like that and his brain is saying,
53:40 "You're going to be a missionary for me."
53:43 It can happen that way.
53:45 Sometimes it takes longer as I just, kind of,
53:47 brood over the possibility.
53:48 Don't worry about how, just make your life available.
53:51 Put a checkmark there if you are interested.
53:53 If you're one of the 146 from last week,
53:54 don't check it again, you don't need to.
54:00 But we've added a new one on the other box.
54:03 And so I need to draw your attention to it.
54:07 "I'm interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus."
54:10 Some of you who are hearing material
54:12 for the first time, you say,
54:13 "I didn't know there were any dots to connect.
54:15 I didn't know that
54:16 there is some kind of normalcy bias here
54:17 that the world's coming to an end.
54:19 I didn't know that Jesus is the light
54:20 that I'm desperate for."
54:22 If your heart right now is sensing,
54:25 you know what, boy,
54:27 you know what, girl, I need that friendship.
54:29 And you would like to know how.
54:31 We'll send you something through Cyberspace.
54:32 We're not going to knock on your door,
54:33 just put a checkmark there.
54:35 Why not begin to grow a friendship
54:38 with the one who is soon to come?
54:39 Put a checkmark there.
54:40 "I want information on baptism."
54:42 Put a checkmark there,
54:43 nobody is going to be baptized next week.
54:44 You haven't been baptized? This is the year.
54:47 "Normalcy bias means
54:48 I have all kinds of time, life goes on."
54:50 No, you don't have all kinds of time,
54:52 this is the year to make your decision
54:54 for the Lord Jesus Christ.
54:55 Put a checkmark there. We will be in touch with you.
54:57 You take your time
54:59 but make the decision now, don't put it off.
55:01 Don't put the decision off.
55:03 Now here's the one we're adding,
55:05 "I'd like to serve on the prayer ministry team."
55:08 You know, both of these emails from both young adults
55:11 talked about a renewed sense of earnest praying,
55:16 earnest praying.
55:19 You want to join the prayer team?
55:21 You want to be strategic in your praying?
55:23 Put a checkmark there.
55:24 We'll send you an email,
55:26 we'll put you in touch with the team.
55:29 "I would like to join that prayer team.
55:32 I would like to intercede on behalf of this world,
55:36 this campus, this congregation."
55:40 Put a checkmark there.
55:41 The ushers are going to come in just a moment to receive
55:43 these along
55:44 with our morning tithes and offerings.
55:47 But there's some life's...
55:48 Look at 146 last week I didn't know,
55:50 their life-changing decision is being made right now,
55:52 and I'd like to pray over the decision
55:54 that you're wrestling with as you decide
55:57 whether I put a checkmark there or not.
55:58 That offering plate will be by your side in just a moment.
56:01 But let me pray first,
56:03 and then we'll receive your cards.
56:04 Oh, God...
56:07 Connecting the dots, you can get there from here.
56:12 We never realized that
56:14 the actual conditions today in a matter of dots,
56:19 how many other trends
56:22 are also connecting
56:25 to that same destination,
56:27 the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:30 Oh, Father, children of the light,
56:32 children of the day,
56:34 shine that light brightly into our minds.
56:38 Please let us know,
56:41 and then with that light shining upon us,
56:43 send us out into this world.
56:45 If the world is just a block away,
56:47 or 12 miles away,
56:49 or an ocean away, send us out into the world
56:52 with the light of the Lord Jesus,
56:56 shining our light for the one who is soon to come.
57:01 Take our morning tithes and offerings,
57:03 it isn't a lot but multiply
57:05 these gifts to permeate
57:09 Your light into all this dark world.
57:12 We pray in Jesus name,
57:15 amen.
57:18 Living as you and I are in this time
57:20 when the dark night is rising.
57:22 I believe it's absolutely critical
57:24 that we prepare ourselves for what's yet to come.
57:26 That's why I'm excited about this little book.
57:28 You can see it, On the Edge of Time,
57:31 preparing for the crisis ahead.
57:33 This is a short condensation of that apocalyptic classic,
57:36 The Great Controversy.
57:38 And I'd love to send this to you.
57:39 No charge, even the phone call is free.
57:42 So jot this number down. It's easy to remember.
57:44 Here's the number, 877,
57:45 that's all you have to remember,
57:47 877 plus two words,
57:48 HIS-WILL, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:52 Our friendly operators are standing
57:54 by to receive your order.
57:55 No cost to you.
57:56 I'm happy to send you this gift copy of a book
57:58 that will stir your mind and your heart,
58:00 I believe, to the core.
58:02 You'll never regret reading the book for yourself.
58:05 So please call our toll-free number 877-HIS-WILL.
58:09 And until we meet again next time, God be with you.


Revised 2018-06-18