New Perceptions

Why We Are The Most Unique People On Earth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP090807

00:37 From the highest of heights
00:39 To the depths of the sea
00:44 Amazing world.
00:46 Creation's revealing Your majesty
00:53 From the colors of Fall
00:56 To the fragrance of Spring
01:01 Ev'ry creature unique in the song that it sings
01:07 All exclaiming
01:09 Indescribable, uncontainable
01:13 You placed the stars in the sky
01:16 And You know them by name
01:19 You are amazing, God
01:25 All powerful.
01:26 All powerful, untamable
01:29 Awestruck we fall to our knees
01:32 As we humbly proclaim
01:35 You are amazing God
01:42 Who has told ev'ry lightning bolt
01:45 Where it should go
01:50 Or seen heavenly storehouses
01:52 Laden with snow?
01:57 Who imagined the sun
02:00 and gives source to its light
02:06 Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night?
02:11 None can fathom
02:13 Indescribable, uncontainable
02:17 You placed the stars in the sky
02:19 And You know them by name
02:23 You are amazing, God
02:29 All powerful, untamable
02:33 Awestruck we fall to our knees
02:35 As we humbly proclaim
02:39 You are amazing God
02:45 Indescribable, uncontainable
02:48 You placed the stars in the sky
02:50 And You know them by name
02:54 You are amazing, God
03:00 All powerful, untamable
03:04 Awestruck we fall to our knees
03:06 As we humbly proclaim
03:09 You are amazing God
03:15 You are amazing God
03:17 You are amazing God
03:25 You are amazing God
03:33 Our God is an awesome God
03:38 He reigns from heaven above
03:44 With wisdom, pow'r and love
03:50 Our God is an awesome God
03:56 Our God is an awesome God
04:03 He reigns from heaven above
04:08 With wisdom, pow'r and love
04:14 Our God is an awesome God
04:22 Amen.
04:40 Lord of all creation
04:46 Of water, earth, and sky
04:51 The heavens are Your tabernacle
04:58 Glory to the Lord on high
05:03 God of wonders beyond out galaxy
05:09 You are holy, holy
05:16 The universe declares Your majesty
05:21 You are holy, holy
05:29 Lord of heaven and earth
05:35 Lord of heaven and earth
05:52 Sing together, early in the morning.
05:55 Early in the morning
06:01 I will celebrate the light
06:07 And as I stumble through the darkness
06:13 I will call Your name by night
06:18 God of wonders beyond our galaxy
06:24 You are holy, holy
06:30 The universe declares Your majesty
06:36 You are holy, holy
06:43 Lord of heaven and earth
06:49 Lord of heaven and earth
06:56 Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
07:02 Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
07:08 Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
07:16 Now everyone.
07:37 God of wonders beyond out galaxy
07:43 You are holy, holy
07:49 The universe declares Your majesty
07:54 You are holy, holy
08:01 God of wonders beyond out galaxy
08:06 You are holy, holy
08:14 The universe declares Your majesty
08:19 You are holy, holy
08:27 Lord of heaven and earth
08:35 Lord of heaven and earth
08:45 Holy, holy, holy,
08:52 Lord, God,
08:56 Almighty
09:02 Early in the morning
09:09 Our song
09:11 Shall rise to Thee
09:19 Holy, holy
09:23 Holy
09:28 Merciful
09:31 And mighty
09:37 God in three Persons
09:45 Blessed Trinity
09:52 That stanza one more time.
09:55 Holy, holy
09:59 Holy
10:04 Lord, God,
10:08 Almighty
10:13 Early in the morning
10:21 Our song
10:23 Shall rise to Thee
10:31 Holy, holy
10:36 Holy
10:40 Merciful
10:43 And mighty
10:49 God in three Persons
10:58 Blessed Trinity
11:15 Oh, Father, if somehow
11:19 we could make this moment last and last.
11:25 We know where we are.
11:29 We are in a holy place, in the presence of a Holy God.
11:36 We have been worshipping You.
11:39 We have not stopped.
11:43 In Your mercy and grace would You honor this worship
11:51 by bringing to us a word,
11:55 hush all the voices within us
11:59 and somehow through the majesty of this moment,
12:05 let it be Your voice that speaks to us.
12:10 We want to hear, and we wish to heed
12:15 for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
12:25 Our Holy God speaks these words to us.
12:34 "For you our holy people to the Lord your God.
12:43 The Lord your God has chosen you
12:45 to be a people for himself a special treasure
12:50 above all the peoples on the face of this earth.
12:57 The Lord did not said his love on you nor choose you
13:00 because you are in number than any other people,
13:04 for you are the least of all peoples.
13:10 But the Lord is chosen you because the Lord loves you
13:14 and because He would keep the oath
13:16 which He swore to your fathers and mothers.
13:20 The Lord is brought you out with the mighty hand
13:22 and redeemed you from the house of bondage,
13:25 from the hand of Pharaoh King of Egypt.
13:29 Let my people go,
13:32 therefore know that the Lord your God,
13:36 He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant
13:40 and mercy for a thousand generations with those
13:44 who love Him and keep His commandments."
13:53 When you think about being chosen,
13:58 there are probably more than a few of us
14:00 who remember those long ago days...
14:08 during recess...
14:13 on that playground school yard.
14:17 Teachers picked the two biggest guys in class
14:21 and asked them to be the captains.
14:25 Choose up two teams in a sport
14:29 where winning matters and the rest of us...
14:37 we form obediently that line in the playground and we wait.
14:47 One by one the big captains gaze
14:53 over that motley line call a name.
15:02 We nervously are holding our breath
15:07 shifting our way from one sneaker to the other
15:14 and every time a name is called amazingly
15:17 that line gets thinner...
15:22 and you're still in it.
15:25 And in a moment, a painful moment
15:28 that too many of us remember,
15:32 there is that panic thought.
15:36 What if today I don't get chosen?
15:41 What if today I have to stand on the sidelines
15:47 and watch the chosen play their games?
15:51 For some of us that is a painful memory
15:57 'cause nobody wants to not be chosen,
16:01 not in a presidential election
16:03 not with the invitation to a party,
16:06 nobody wants to get left out.
16:09 So what are we gonna do?
16:11 We run smack-dab into the heart of this work chosen.
16:17 How we're gonna handle this?
16:19 Open your Bible with me please, to the book
16:21 that is our new theme book for this brand new journey
16:26 that you and I embarked upon last week together.
16:29 Book of Deuteronomy,
16:30 it's the fifth book of the Bible,
16:32 it's the towering climax to the mighty Pentateuch
16:37 in the Hebrew Bible, the first five books.
16:40 This is Deuteronomy in the Greek
16:42 the name actually means the duet,
16:45 the two, the second law, it's the repeating of the law.
16:50 And the Hebrew the actual name of this book
16:53 is the first words of the book itself,
16:56 these are the words that were written.
17:00 I'm going to the Book of Deuteronomy.
17:04 This is a book that reminds you
17:05 that actually was orally presented
17:07 before it was written.
17:13 It's a farewell address.
17:15 This is the last time He will be with these people.
17:20 I got to remind you,
17:22 those of you that missed last week,
17:23 can we just set the table again.
17:25 The congregation is under the age of 60,
17:28 this vast horde of liberated slaves,
17:32 they are actually children of the liberated slaves,
17:35 under the age of 60.
17:37 They have been wandering this
17:38 burning wilderness for 40 years,
17:41 waiting for every mother and father in that crowd to die
17:44 and become a burial heap.
17:47 And those burning essence they've been waiting for 40--
17:50 it's only three, three of them older than 60,
17:56 and only two of those three
17:58 will cross over into the promise land.
18:01 You know why?
18:02 I can't explain it to you, it doesn't seem fair to me.
18:06 But if you're a leader listen to me,
18:09 if you're a leader you are held
18:12 to a higher standard than anybody else.
18:17 And just days ago,
18:20 this far from the promise land the leader failed
18:27 and the word is you're not going, boy.
18:31 You're gonna die on that mountain
18:33 and then they'll crossover.
18:35 I know it's not fair but you accepted leadership.
18:40 You accepted the invitation to lead
18:44 and you be now held for the rest of the leadership
18:47 by a higher standard.
18:48 That's just the way it is with God.
18:52 And so they are there longest farewell address in history.
18:56 This is a part of that address.
18:59 I read the words to you just a moment ago
19:00 Deuteronomy Chapter 7, open your Bible
19:03 that the fifth book Deuteronomy Chapter 7.
19:06 If you didn't bring a Bible, you got to follow with this,
19:09 grab the pew Bible in the front of you please,
19:12 same translation I'll be reading
19:13 from the New King James version
19:14 Deuteronomy 7:6.
19:18 Deuteronomy 7:6, Moses,
19:23 seven chapters into this farewell address thundering.
19:27 You know, people have wondered--
19:28 people have wondered how could one man proclaim
19:33 this farewell address to the thousand--
19:36 the tens of thousands.
19:38 No PA, no outdoor concert, electronics nothing
19:43 but a man standing on the rock.
19:44 The scholars have come to believe and in fact,
19:46 when it talks about the believers
19:47 there were thousands and leaders over a hundred
19:49 as it does in chapter 1 and leaders over 10,
19:51 that those leaders were spaced all the way
19:53 to the back of that massive congregation
19:56 and when they heard the preacher upfront
19:58 the next wave picked it and said repeat it
20:00 and the next wave and the next wave.
20:03 You think some of the sermons are long here.
20:04 Yeah, you all have to sit through this.
20:09 So Moses crying out the love of his life.
20:12 These are his people. These are his kids.
20:15 Their parents that he grew up with they are gone.
20:17 It's only the kids left and their children
20:19 and some of them even have children.
20:22 So Moses crying out in the words for--
20:25 on behalf of God verse 6 Deuteronomy 7:6
20:27 "For you" a 120 year old voice thunders
20:32 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God."
20:38 Just hit the pause button right there,
20:40 because Moses chooses a very strategic word kadosh
20:46 and its root meaning that Hebrew word means
20:47 to be physically separated,
20:49 is to pull something apart from everything like it.
20:52 It's the separated.
20:54 In fact, the book-- the Pentateuch
20:56 the first book of the Bible begins with God declaring,
20:59 I'm going to now kadosh.
21:00 Watch this God says,
21:01 you see this one, two, three, four, five, six,
21:05 I'm now going to kadosh.
21:06 Let's put it on the screen, I'm gonna kadosh.
21:10 I'm gonna pull, the seventh day.
21:13 Physically pull it apart, separated from the rest.
21:17 Identical 24 hours same number of minutes
21:19 but this day now has been kadosh.
21:21 It is mine, not yours.
21:23 I give it to you or I made it for you
21:26 but its mine.
21:27 Divine seal of approval of it because God kadoshed it.
21:31 Some century later, God came along and said
21:33 oh, by the way, when you earn 10 pennies,
21:36 when you earn 10 pennies I'm gonna kadosh.
21:40 I'm gonna take one of those 10
21:41 and I'm just gonna slide it away.
21:45 The one I slide away is mine, it's called the tithe.
21:50 It's not yours, you can't spend it,
21:52 you can't bank it, you can't save it, its mine.
21:57 If you want me to be your chief financial officer,
21:59 you want me to direct your financial affairs
22:02 and trust me boy, trust me girl,
22:04 He says, you need me.
22:06 That kadoshed tithe you return to me
22:09 I'll take good care of you, don't you worry about that.
22:12 The same word God uses now
22:13 when He speaks to this community of liberated slaves.
22:16 He said you know what I'm gonna do?
22:17 You are holy to me, I'm gonna kadosh you.
22:20 I'm gonna separate you from everybody else on earth
22:23 because you are mine.
22:24 You belong to me,
22:26 that's what He is talking about here.
22:28 Verse 6 again "For you are a holy people
22:31 to the Lord your God, the Lord your God
22:33 has chosen you to be a people for Himself,
22:35 a special treasure above all the peoples
22:38 on the face of the earth."
22:41 I tell you what ladies and gentlemen,
22:42 there is not really-- truly, there is not a politically
22:45 correct way to say what Moses just said.
22:48 All he can do is just don't be around the bush
22:50 just blurred it out.
22:52 And that's what he does.
22:53 He's talking to these grown up kids.
22:54 He says, listen to me, listen to me,
22:57 you who grew up on the desert sands you,
23:01 who are the children of the liberated slaves,
23:03 I'm telling you listen carefully to me.
23:05 God has looked at you
23:08 and He said I'm gonna kadosh you.
23:10 I'm gonna make you my special treasure.
23:12 I'm gonna make you my special possession
23:14 and I'm gonna pull you apart
23:15 from every other human being on this planet.
23:19 You children never forget,
23:24 you've been kadoshed by God as it were.
23:29 You know, I got to tell you, that in this day of equality
23:32 and egalitarian fairness it really feels--
23:36 it really-- it does not feel polite.
23:38 It does not feel proper.
23:39 It does not feel politically correct to say it like that
23:43 but he said it like that.
23:48 So what are we gonna do with this?
23:50 I mean we-- we might as well be honest to admit,
23:53 certainly we can do this
23:55 having read this book once upon a time,
23:57 surely we will admit you cannot escape the fact
24:00 that there is a selection process
24:03 somehow in scripture.
24:04 Let me--let me just show you this.
24:06 I'm gonna run by some of the greatest stories
24:07 of sacred history.
24:08 I'll run them by you call him out.
24:10 Adam and Eve first story on-- on earth.
24:12 Adam and Eve they have two boys
24:13 give me the names of the two boys, two boys.
24:15 What are the two boys names? Cain and Abel.
24:18 Doesn't it happen in that story,
24:20 one boy gets chosen by God
24:22 and the other boy gets rejected?
24:24 Is it that what happens?
24:27 Now, I don't know what's that-- what's up with that?
24:28 I don't know and to the antediluvian world,
24:31 that's the world before the flood.
24:34 In the midst of the antediluvian world
24:36 God finds a husband and a father and a wife.
24:39 And they have three boys, and the boys get married
24:41 so they have three daughters-in-law.
24:43 Noah, isn't that amazing?
24:46 God pulls aside eight human beings
24:50 and the rest let go.
24:54 Isn't that what happened? I mean, what's up with that?
24:57 And then you go over to Iraq,
24:59 today's Iraq go to a place called Ur of the Chaldees
25:01 and there is pagan family
25:02 and then in the midst of that pagan family there is a kid.
25:05 Let me just tell you something, even if your parents,
25:08 even if your brothers and sisters
25:09 do not grow up in the way you are heart is telling you,
25:12 you can grow up in a family that has not accepted God,
25:15 you can grow up in a family and you can become
25:18 a God believer in the midst of a family
25:21 that says we have no time for God in this home.
25:24 Because a boy name Abraham grows up
25:26 and God pick him out of the-- rejects the family says
25:29 I'll take that boy.
25:31 Isn't that the way it happened, ladies and gentlemen?
25:33 There is obviously some kind of selection process going on
25:36 because than Abraham has children.
25:37 He gets a little impatient and so he has--
25:39 he has a little baby boy by his wife's handmaiden.
25:44 Years later his wife finally has a baby.
25:46 So he has two boys, Ishmael and Isaac.
25:48 How do you explain this?
25:50 One gets chosen and the other chosen to a lesser destiny.
25:53 There is a separation.
25:54 What's happened in here? Isaac grows up.
25:56 Isaac has two boys, one name Esau and Jacob.
25:59 How do you explain this?
26:00 One of the boys is chosen for a lesser destiny
26:03 and the younger is selected.
26:05 What's happening in here?
26:07 By the way Jacob grows up and he doesn't have two boys,
26:09 he has 12 of them.
26:10 And one of them, the next to the youngest
26:12 becomes the deliver of the entire bunch.
26:15 And one day all 11 plus mom and dad
26:17 all bowed down to Joseph.
26:19 Joseph and his 11 brothers,
26:21 one gets chosen and the others not.
26:25 What's going on here? It's a story of sacred history.
26:27 It happens over and over again.
26:29 That little hand full of Jacobs kids
26:31 moves down to a-- to Egypt,
26:34 pagan Egypt two centuries later they becomes slaves
26:39 but Gods rejects the pagan nation
26:41 and He takes this little band of motley.
26:46 What's happening? It's happens all the time.
26:50 They cross into the promise land,
26:51 they finally form a kingdom.
26:53 They chose a king.
26:54 God un-chooses the king and chooses the shepherd boy
26:57 instead, He got Saul and David.
26:58 How do you explain it? God makes some--
27:00 There's some kind of selection process going on.
27:02 And eventually when the entire kingdom collapses,
27:04 it melts down and God has to reject the majority.
27:07 He still has a minority that He will call the raiment
27:10 and he says these are My chosen now.
27:13 Somehow ladies and gentlemen, it keeps happening.
27:16 You go after exile you finally come back the--
27:18 the days of glory are over forever
27:21 and then wouldn't you know it
27:22 that's when God decides to show up in person
27:24 and in flesh they called Him Emanuel,
27:26 Jesus of Nazareth.
27:28 And can you believe this,
27:29 the leadership of His nation rejected Him
27:32 but the masses embraced Him.
27:35 And when Jesus arose on that resurrection morning
27:40 they began to emerge a new chosen.
27:42 Not based on DNA, not based on geographical boundaries,
27:46 not based on any temple in Jerusalem a new chosen.
27:49 The fact of the matter is ladies and gentlemen,
27:51 if you want to take all this scriptures seriously,
27:53 we are gonna confront that there is a selection process.
27:56 Throughout sacred history there has been a selection process.
27:59 In fact, that point is so crucial
28:01 I wish you'd right it down right now.
28:03 Would you take out your study guide, please?
28:04 It should be in your worship bulletin today.
28:06 Thank you ushers, for getting on it now.
28:08 Hold those study guides up,
28:10 I want to make sure everybody here gets one.
28:12 Those of you in the balcony,
28:13 all the way to the back of the balcony
28:14 please just hold your hand up.
28:16 A stunning set of parallels
28:17 that we're gonna examine this morning,
28:19 you must examine and ruminate
28:22 over these parallels on your own.
28:24 Take it home, take it home.
28:25 Hold your hand up.
28:26 Everybody get one, I want to say to those of you
28:29 who have joined us right now on television.
28:31 We are so glad that you are here.
28:32 I want to make sure you get the same study guides
28:34 so let me put it on the screen for you right now.
28:36 We put out website there it is
28:38 that's our website.
28:43 You'll see the series called "The Chosen."
28:46 It's the same logo that you see on the screen
28:48 right now, we'll have that red cue ball
28:50 in the midst of all those white one.
28:52 You click on to The Chosen, this is number two,
28:55 "Why We Are the Most Unique People in Earth."
28:58 By the way, if you weren't here
28:59 watching television or you hear this morning,
29:02 you weren't here last week when the series was launch.
29:04 You have go to please, please for you sake,
29:08 listen to why you are the most unique person on earth.
29:11 You can download the podcast at that web address,
29:14 you can get it.
29:15 Listen to it when you are in leisure.
29:17 That set-- set's up now for part two,
29:20 "Why We Are the Most Unique People on Earth."
29:21 All right, everybody has one? All right, good let's go.
29:26 Let's get our pens moving.
29:27 Let's fill it out right there at the top
29:29 throughout sacred history.
29:31 There it is.
29:32 By the way, you're always looking for the--
29:34 the yellow words that are underlined.
29:35 That's the word you'll fill in.
29:37 Throughout sacred history
29:38 God has had a community of faith
29:40 that he has identified as "the chosen."
29:44 Fill that in please, the chosen throughout sacred history,
29:47 we just-- we just ran through the story we now know.
29:49 we read this just a moment ago.
29:52 Keep your pen moving, just fill in the words,
29:54 "The Lord your God has chosen you
29:55 to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all."
30:02 You know preacher didn't invent that word,
30:03 Moses didn't invent that word,
30:04 all is the instruction above all people.
30:10 Is this some little passing fancy Moses
30:12 has to get it out of the system
30:13 before the farewell address can end,
30:15 are you kidding?
30:17 Scripture is laced with this theme.
30:19 I want to give you five other annotations
30:21 from Holy Scripture.
30:22 Keep your pen going now.
30:23 Let's get go back to the Book of Exodus,
30:24 God speaking there at the foot of Mount Sinai.
30:27 Exodus 19:5, God says to the people,
30:30 these liberated slaves,
30:31 "You shall be a special treasure to Me
30:34 above all the people."
30:36 God's been saying this for a while.
30:38 Deuteronomy 14:2, it's in your study guide
30:41 but we're gonna put anything there
30:42 because it's the identical,
30:44 its a verbatim repetition of chapter 7, verse 6.
30:47 So let's go on, Deuteronomy 26:18,
30:50 Moses still speaking the farewell address
30:52 beginning to wind down.
30:54 "Today the Lord has proclaimed you to be His special people."
30:59 Chapter 7, special treasure,
31:00 now he calls them special people.
31:03 Is this limited only to Moses? No.
31:04 In fact, let's take the last book of the Old Testament,
31:06 the Book of Malachi.
31:07 Watch this, Malachi 3:17, fill it in.
31:10 God is speaking, "'They shall be Mine,'
31:12 says the Lord of hosts, 'on that day
31:14 that I make them My jewels.'"
31:16 Now I need to tell you that word for jewels
31:18 is the identical Hebrew word for special possession,
31:21 special treasure.
31:22 Only here it's translated to jewels.
31:23 What are jewels?
31:25 That which I hold closely to me because of their great value.
31:29 I'm gonna make you My jewels God says.
31:32 Well, yeah, but this is just an Old Testament idea,
31:34 banished in the New, you're kidding?
31:37 You serious?
31:38 Look at this, 1 Peter 2:9,
31:40 speaking of the Christian church now, watch this.
31:42 Fill it in, "But you" these are pagans
31:46 that are converted to Christianity
31:48 that Peter is writing to,
31:49 "But you are a chosen" now the Greek word here
31:52 is eklektos, from ones comes our word elected.
31:55 So God says, you are elected.
31:57 "You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
32:00 a holy nation, His own special,"
32:02 Peter grabs that word from the Old Testament says
32:04 it's still true, "His own special people
32:07 who once were not a people but now are the people of God."
32:12 Ladies and gentlemen, keep your pen moving.
32:14 Whether the children of Israel in the Old Testament
32:16 or the church of Christ in the New Testament,
32:18 clearly God throughout sacred history
32:20 has chosen for Himself a people to whom
32:23 and through whom He has revealed the glory
32:27 and truth of His character.
32:29 Case made, end of point.
32:32 So what's that have to do
32:33 the likes of you and me, you say?
32:36 Look it, could it be, could it be
32:38 that Deuteronomy 7:6 is talking about
32:41 the likes of us, could it be?
32:43 You say, what do you mean, the us?
32:45 The us?
32:46 I want to answer that in just a moment.
32:49 This summer during my sabbatical study
32:52 I came across a book written
32:53 in the last century by a writer,
32:56 most of you never even heard of this writer,
32:58 Taylor G. Bunch.
33:00 Came across the book, title of the book
33:01 "Exodus in Type and Antitype."
33:04 I tell you what with a title like that
33:05 who'd even pick up the book up?
33:08 But I did.
33:11 And in that book I came across this intriguing observation.
33:17 It's in your study guide, you have to fill it in.
33:20 Notice what Taylor Bunch is concluding.
33:24 See there in your study guide I put it on the screen for you.
33:26 "The Bible," he writes, "is a book of parallel events
33:29 and movements, of types and their antitypes."
33:32 Hey, timeout, come on preacher,
33:33 what's this types and antitypes stuff?
33:35 Well, it just goes like this,
33:37 did they sacrifice little lambs in the Old Testament, did they?
33:40 Yeah. Did they?
33:41 Did the blood of the lamb ever save them?
33:43 No.
33:44 What was the lamb about? The lamb was a symbol.
33:47 It was a symbol of a much greater fulfillment,
33:49 a greater reality that would come.
33:50 This is the type, this is the antitype.
33:53 The little lamb is the type,
33:54 the lamb of God is the antitype.
33:57 Antitype means a grand fulfillment
33:59 so what Taylor Bunch is saying is hey,
34:01 have you ever noticed the Bible is a book of parallel events
34:03 and movements of types and antitypes?
34:06 "This makes the Bible an up-to-date Book
34:08 from Genesis to Revelation
34:10 to the very close of human history."
34:12 Now here comes the sentence that caught me by surprise.
34:15 "One of the greatest parallels
34:17 is found in what we call the Exodus
34:20 and Advent movement of ancient and modern Israel.
34:24 These are the two greatest religious movements
34:27 in all history."
34:33 Now that is a profound claim to make.
34:36 You understand what did he say?
34:37 There are two parallel movements
34:39 in the course of sacred history.
34:41 Movement number one, the literal children of Israel,
34:44 Exodus out of Egypt and moving to the Promised Land.
34:48 Movement number two,
34:49 the spiritual children of Israel,
34:51 Exodus out of this earth
34:52 and move into the heavenly canon.
34:55 He said there are two movements,
34:57 the greatest movements in the history of this earth.
35:02 And you and I are gonna ask ourselves,
35:04 oh, brother, I mean is this true?
35:05 I mean, two movements, are they really parallel?
35:09 So that if I can understand the first movement,
35:12 I might better live out the last movement,
35:16 is that true?
35:18 You've got a study guide here, I want to now fly them by you,
35:21 fly them by 15 parallels, 15 parallels.
35:26 You're gonna give them have writer's cramp
35:27 you get over it but just keep that pen moving.
35:30 Fifteen parallels between these two
35:32 greatest movements in the history of earth.
35:34 Consider these parables, parallels rather.
35:37 You got number one there, its right in front of you,
35:38 number one, fill it in please.
35:40 Both movements were called to "cross over"
35:42 into the Promised Land.
35:45 Promised Land. Write that down please.
35:48 Parallel number two,
35:49 Both movements were raised up in fulfillment
35:51 of definite time prophecies.
35:53 I put a few verses at the end, one verse for each movement,
35:56 you go home, you brood over, you do the ruminating
35:58 and do the studying afterwards.
36:00 We don't have time to look these out.
36:02 Number two, both raised up
36:04 in fulfillment of definite time prophecies.
36:06 That's a fascinating one, you need to examine it.
36:09 Number three, Both movements were called to champion God
36:11 as Redeemer and Deliverer from human bondage.
36:16 Yvonne Carlo who sang his heart out for us
36:18 "Let My People Go," the punch line
36:22 of that grand spiritual was bondage,
36:26 set my people, in every age
36:28 set my people free from this world's bondage.
36:32 So both movements were called to champion God is a Redeemer.
36:34 Number four, parallel number four,
36:36 Both movements were to journey under the blood of the Lamb
36:39 as a symbol of salvation by faith alone
36:42 in the divine sacrifice.
36:44 Parallel number five,
36:46 both movements were called out of sun worship.
36:49 Exodus 12, God is clear
36:51 I have passed judgment on the gods of Egypt
36:53 and one of those gods is the god Ra,
36:56 the god of the sun.
36:58 He's judged the god of the sun.
36:59 Both of movements were called out of sun worship.
37:02 Parallel number six,
37:03 Both movements were raised up to champion the Law,
37:06 capital W-- that's capital L rather Law.
37:11 See that's why I never got chosen,
37:12 when it is spelling bees, you just leave Dwight,
37:15 just-- we don't want him on our team.
37:18 All right.
37:19 Okay, number six,
37:20 Both were raised up to champion the Law of God.
37:22 Number seven,
37:23 Both were called to restore worship of the Creator God
37:27 through the preservation of his seventh-day Sabbath.
37:32 Write it down. Parallel movements.
37:36 Number eight,
37:37 Both would passionately look forward to the coming Messiah.
37:42 Number nine, Both movements were called
37:44 to reject the fallen, the fallen culture
37:47 and debased religions of the nations around them.
37:50 Number ten,
37:51 Both movements were led by a divinely called prophet.
37:58 Number eleven,
37:59 Both movements were called to adopt a lifestyle and diet
38:02 that would reveal the stunning health differences
38:05 between them and society at large.
38:10 Number twelve,
38:11 Both movements would discover in the sanctuary system
38:14 a defining revelation of God's salvation history
38:18 on earth and in heaven.
38:20 Three more.
38:21 Number thirteen,
38:23 Both movements were to champion the Word of God
38:27 as the authoritative revelation rather of divine truth.
38:31 And by the way Jesus in the wilderness,
38:34 first temptation,
38:35 Jesus in the wilderness goes to our theme book
38:38 and in the face of the tempter
38:39 He says, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
38:41 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
38:44 That's straight of Deuteronomy.
38:47 Both movements were champion the Word of God.
38:49 Number 14, Both movements are called the chosen.
38:52 Revelation 14:12 by the way, you look at it the word saint,
38:57 you'll see the words saints.
38:59 It's the same word for kadosh,
39:00 it means to be physically separated, chosen, set apart.
39:04 And finally number 15, Both movements were--
39:06 oh, I want you to get this one please.
39:09 Number 15,
39:10 Both movements were capable of failing their mission
39:13 and being replaced by a community of faith
39:17 more faithful and obedient than they.
39:21 Yep,
39:26 there they are ladies and gentlemen,
39:27 one writer calls the two movements
39:31 religious movements in the history of earth.
39:34 And by the way remarkably parallel aren't they?
39:37 Remarkably parallel. What's going on here?
39:42 Write it down, could it be that to better understand
39:47 the divine calling of the second movement,
39:49 it is essential that we note
39:50 the divine leading in the first movement?
39:53 Could it be?
39:55 That Paul writes is precisely the point
39:58 I'm trying to make.
39:59 Paul's making a point.
40:01 Take a look at this, you need to look at in your Bible.
40:03 Last passage we'll look at New Testaments
40:05 1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 10,
40:08 take a look at this.
40:09 You thought Taylor G. Bunch invented this
40:12 and the preacher upfront
40:13 is just kind of grasping it straws wrong?
40:16 Somebody long ago said wait a minute,
40:20 two movements one at the beginning
40:23 one at the end, parallel movements--
40:26 parallel movements.
40:27 1 Corinthians 10 that will page 772
40:31 in your pew Bible, 1 Corinthians Chapter 10.
40:35 Let me find it myself here, 1 Corinthians 10:1
40:39 the apostle Paul writing to the pagans,
40:42 to the pagans in Corinth.
40:44 They've become, the pagans have become a Christian,
40:46 followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
40:48 He's writing to pagans.
40:49 He's not writing to Jews,
40:50 He is writing to pagans, all right.
40:54 1 Corinthian 10:1 "Moreover, brothers and sisters,
40:57 I do not want you to be unaware that all our,"
41:02 isn't that amazing?
41:03 He is writing to a group of converted pagans
41:05 and they said-- he says they're your fathers too, our fathers.
41:08 Paul's a Jew. Our fathers, yours and mine.
41:11 There is some kind of continuity here
41:13 that apparently never gets broken
41:15 between the two movements.
41:17 Watch this "Moreover, brothers and sisters,
41:20 I do not want you to be unaware
41:21 that all our fathers were under the cloud,
41:23 all passed through the sea,"
41:24 verse 2 " all were baptized into Moses
41:27 in the cloud and in the sea,"
41:28 verse 3 "all ate the same spiritual food,"
41:31 verse 4 "and all drank the same spiritual drink.
41:33 For they drank of that spiritual Rock
41:35 that followed them, and that Rock was Christ."
41:38 Verse 5 "But with most of them God was not well pleased,
41:41 for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.
41:44 Now these things became our examples,
41:46 to the intent that we should not lust
41:48 after evil things as they also lusted.
41:51 And do not become idolaters as were some of them were."
41:54 Put the pause button right there.
41:56 Do you know why we are in the series?
41:57 Let me just tell you,
41:58 didn't mention this last week to you.
42:00 Do you know why we are in The Chosen?
42:01 Because you ask for it.
42:03 When we surveyed this congregation last spring
42:05 you filled out surveys.
42:06 Pastor, here's what I want you to preach.
42:08 I know noted carefully which ones were college students,
42:10 which ones were community, which ones are faculty.
42:12 You filled out the survey, we are in this series
42:15 because of questions you raised.
42:19 In fact, I want to tell you something,
42:22 I didn't tell first church this but I'll tell you.
42:26 We are coming to four questions that came up over and over
42:29 from students at Andrews University.
42:32 Questions about alcohol,
42:36 sex, dress and the prophet.
42:43 And so starting in October, four sermons in a row.
42:50 Your questions and only in second church
42:53 don't say a word to those who are coming to first.
42:57 Only in second church when the teaching is over,
43:01 I'm standing right here.
43:02 We are throwing open mike and you can ask any question
43:05 you wish about the subject we just covered.
43:10 Not give any speech you wish,
43:13 ask any question you wish and we will wrestle together.
43:17 Come now, let us reason together.
43:20 Paul says the very four questions
43:22 that you have hot on your hearts
43:24 as young adults they're the story
43:26 of the wandering in the wilderness,
43:28 that's why we've gone to The Chosen.
43:29 You asked, we're there.
43:33 That's why Paul says here in the verse 7
43:34 hey, by the way "Do not become idolaters
43:36 as were some of them did.
43:37 As it is written, 'The people sat down
43:38 to eat and drink, and rose up to play.'"
43:41 Verse 8 "Nor let us commit sexual immorality,
43:43 as some of them did, and in one day
43:45 twenty-three thousand fell," well, we go to that story.
43:48 Verse 9 "nor let us tempt Christ,
43:50 as some of them also tempted,
43:51 and were destroyed by serpents,"
43:53 serpents have mercy verse 10," nor complain,
43:56 as some of them also complained,
43:57 and were destroyed by the destroyer."
43:59 Here comes the punch line now verse 11,"
44:01 Now all these things" in the long ago passed
44:05 "happened to them as examples,
44:07 and they were written for our admonition,
44:10 whose the us upon whom
44:13 the ends of the ages have come."
44:16 Ladies and Gentlemen, what you just read
44:18 is a mighty apostle Paul declaring
44:20 there will be a generation at the end of time
44:22 upon whom the ends of the ages come.
44:24 That generation will need to carefully study a long ago
44:28 wandering in the wilderness
44:29 for out of that story of the first chosen
44:33 there will be truth for the final chosen.
44:35 You'll learn the lessons of a movement long ago
44:39 for a movement that will cross over into the Promise Land.
44:43 Isn't that amazing?
44:45 This isn't Taylor Bunch, this is the apostle Paul.
44:50 One movement came out of Egypt
44:51 and journeyed toward the Promise Land
44:53 the other upon whom the ends of the ages
44:55 have come, though that movement
44:57 and the first movement unbroken thread.
45:02 You saw 15 parallels unbroken thread.
45:10 A century ago another inspired writer wrote
45:12 to the children of the second movements.
45:15 When I came across these words
45:17 I said oh, boy, I'm reading Andrews University
45:21 in these words, a young adult generation.
45:24 Look at this, it's right there in your study guide
45:26 "in many cases the children" I'm thinking of the children.
45:28 You are the children of the moms and dads
45:30 who are dying in wilderness wandering.
45:32 You are the children of the grandparents
45:34 who are already dead and buried.
45:35 You are the children, I'm thinking of you,
45:40 "In many cases the children like you
45:42 are drifting away from the old landmarks."
45:48 What's happening? What's going on?
45:51 "Here are principles that we are
45:53 not to regard with indifference.
45:54 Those who have seen the truth and felt its importance,
45:57 and have had an experience in the things of God,
45:59 are to teach sound doctrine
46:01 to their young, to their children.
46:05 They should make them the young acquainted
46:08 with the great pillars of our faith,
46:10 the reasons why we are called" now hold on,
46:13 "why we are called, as were the children of Israel,
46:15 to be a peculiar people, a holy nation,
46:18 separate and distinct from all other people
46:20 on the face of the earth."
46:24 Now that is a huge,
46:27 huge claim and command.
46:34 The two greatest movements, religious movements in history.
46:38 And let me just talk out heart with you now before I sit down.
46:42 It's my concern, does this generation
46:47 even know that it's chosen?
46:54 Does it? Do you?
46:55 Okay I'm talking to you, do you?
46:57 Do you know?
46:58 You who are the children of us baby boomers,
47:01 do you even know that assuredly,
47:06 has God raised up that movement long ago,
47:09 He has raised up this movement today.
47:12 Do you even know that?
47:15 Does this generation know that this community of faith
47:21 is not just another denomination
47:24 in a smoggiest board of churches today?
47:28 That this movement has been personally ordained, decreed,
47:33 and raised up by God for such a time as this.
47:36 Do you even know that?
47:39 Do you even know it? You do not.
47:42 You haven't been told it in a long, long time.
47:49 And that's why I'm concerned.
47:53 We got a generation,
47:55 I don't know if you realize this
47:57 but we have a generation just as surely
48:00 as you were personally chosen.
48:01 Remember last week, just as surely
48:03 as you have a unique destiny we have a generation
48:06 that has a unique, unique destiny.
48:11 Do you understand that potentially,
48:13 potentially you are the generation
48:19 with the stunning potential of being able
48:22 to lead this movement to cross over
48:28 without seeing death?
48:32 No death.
48:34 Moses died, a whole generations buried.
48:39 But come on guys, someday there will be a generation
48:41 that will be alive and it will not see death.
48:45 It will cross the joy alive.
48:48 Do you understand? You?
48:51 Potentially you or that generation?
48:59 Have you been told that?
49:01 Have you been taught
49:04 that God has given you the potential of being
49:06 the last generation on this earth?
49:07 Do you understand that?
49:10 Look, I have baby boomer colleagues,
49:16 all right, I have baby boomer colleagues
49:20 who get very nervous whenever this portion
49:24 of their forgotten heritage is brought up.
49:30 You know why, and I want to say this,
49:31 I want to-- I want you to know that their motives, all right.
49:37 You know why?
49:38 Because they don't want to offend anybody.
49:41 It's just the way we baby boomers are,
49:42 we just want to make everybody happy.
49:45 They don't want to offend anybody
49:47 and so they have lived their lives trying hard
49:51 to be accepted by the wider Christian community
49:54 and the surrounding world.
49:56 We're just like you, really we are.
50:00 Can we be on your team? Will you chose us?
50:08 For some of them, for some of them
50:10 to speak of an Adventist identity,
50:14 and an Adventist institution
50:16 and an Adventist movement is anathema.
50:19 You will never hear them ever say Adventist.
50:27 Christian not Adventist.
50:34 So come on Dwight, what's the difference?
50:35 Of course, of course that its core soul
50:40 it's Christianity.
50:44 But there is something more.
50:51 Whenever they hear something like,
50:53 something kind of to this coming from a pulpit
50:55 or this pulpit its particular they get nervous
50:58 and start talking to each other.
51:03 After all who wants to be the chosen
51:07 when all you wish to be accepted?
51:13 One of the brightest minds in America today
51:16 I don't agree with him philosophically
51:20 but he made an observation I found it,
51:23 I've written his words on the bottom
51:25 of the page for Deuteronomy 7:6.
51:28 Richard John Neuhaus,
51:29 one of the celebrated intellectuals
51:32 of this generation.
51:35 Richard John Neuhaus the words are in your study guide,
51:37 "God's chosen ones live out the drama
51:41 and destiny of God himself."
51:44 Now listen to this, "It is a fearful thing to be chosen.
51:49 It is as though God enters history
51:52 through his chosen ones."
51:57 He's right, it is a fearful thing to be chosen.
52:03 Two great movements through which
52:06 God has entered history through His chosen ones
52:09 but do our children even know it anymore?
52:15 Do we?
52:23 On the eve if His death
52:24 Jesus looked into the upturn faces of His closest
52:27 and dearest friends on earth,
52:30 and Jesus spoke the words of John 15:16
52:32 Jesus says you know what "You did not choose me,"
52:37 you didn't choose me, "but I chose you."
52:44 That of course is the truth about the chosen.
52:46 You choose the one who chooses you.
52:51 Go back to that playground one more movement,
52:54 that-- glorious moment when one of the captains called
52:59 your name and your heart leaped.
53:03 I'll not be left on the sidelines today.
53:05 He chose you but you ain't running up to him,
53:08 you were so excited to be on the team.
53:10 That you said I chose this team.
53:12 Captain, I chose you to be my leader.
53:15 That's just the way it works.
53:17 When you've been chosen
53:19 you choose the one who chooses you.
53:24 God, give us a generation poised
53:28 on the brink of the Promise Land.
53:32 God, raise up for us please a generation
53:38 that knows that in Christ
53:42 this last movement can truly be
53:47 a movement of destiny, unequivocal in your choice,
53:51 unequivocal in our choice of the Lord Jesus.
53:55 God, give us that generation today.
54:02 Let's pray.
54:04 Oh, God, oh, Father,
54:11 what we're gonna do with this it's inescapable.
54:20 Shall we throw our elbows out of joint
54:23 padding ourselves on the back?
54:26 What a tragic mistake the first movement did
54:29 and doing just that.
54:31 We cannot, we dare not.
54:35 But Holy Father, if You've been waiting
54:39 for this generation and I believe You have.
54:45 If You've been calling these young
54:47 and I know You are, oh, God, beginning today
54:52 sow the seeds of that unique destiny
54:57 deep within his mind, deep within her hearts,
55:04 and may she, may he, may we,
55:09 in the humility of the Lord Jesus Christ,
55:13 stand for You in this hour
55:20 for the sake of Your character and Your kingdom
55:26 we pray in Christ name, Amen.
55:32 Before you go I wanted to take one more moment
55:34 and let you know how glad I am you shared this hour of worship
55:37 and Bible teaching with us.
55:38 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church
55:40 and we're on the campus of Andrew's University
55:42 and the series is The Chosen.
55:44 This is a series that has been growing
55:47 and it's burned on my heart and over the last few weeks
55:51 before this new season began.
55:53 And some concentrated prayer time
55:55 I believe the Spirit of God lead me do this series,
55:57 out of the Book of Deuteronomy for this generation
56:00 within our community of faith
56:02 and outside this community of faith.
56:04 I believe both, both communities need to hear
56:08 the compelling Bible truth captured
56:12 in this series called The Chosen.
56:13 So thank you, for joining me
56:15 and all of us as we continue our journey
56:17 deeper and deeper into the heart of this theme.
56:20 Living as you and I do and I'm--
56:22 I know I'm preaching to the choir now,
56:24 living as we do on the edge of a civilization
56:28 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change.
56:32 I am so grateful and I know you are
56:34 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus.
56:37 I'm thankful that you and I have been given
56:40 the privilege by God to partner,
56:42 to reach this generation
56:43 the world over through the satellite telecast.
56:45 I don't know how it works, I just know
56:47 that those satellites drop the signals
56:49 and those footprints all over the planet
56:51 are helping disseminate this divine call
56:55 to become a part of The Chosen,
56:56 God's last generation on earth.
56:58 So please, here's what I want you to know,
57:00 I thank God for you in a generous way
57:03 you have partnered with us in the past
57:05 and making New Perceptions possible globally.
57:08 Your tax-deductible gifts
57:10 are been multiplied all across the earth
57:12 I believe for such a time as this.
57:14 Look, would you like to order a copy of today's teaching
57:18 you can order DVD, you get all the PowerPoint,
57:20 everything is there,
57:22 you can share with your friends,
57:23 share with your family.
57:24 I want to just insert this here,
57:26 if you go to our website and we've been
57:27 advertising our website all along the way
57:29 and I'm gonna insert it right here,
57:33 go to that website you get a podcast of this.
57:35 We have people now subscribing to podcast the world over,
57:39 its time for this message to get out.
57:42 Thank you for your partnership in helping us do that.
57:44 Call one of our friendly operators to toll-free number,
57:46 it won't cost you a penny here in North America, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:50 You call that number, I promise you,
57:53 every penny that you share
57:55 we will invest your generosity in God's mission
57:58 to reach this final generation now.
58:01 Thank you very, very much.
58:03 And be assured, I'm looking forward to seeing you here,
58:06 right here again next time as we continue
58:09 our fascinating journey into The Chosen.
58:13 God bless you.


Revised 2015-02-26