Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP090509
00:29 Somebody came to Carl Barks,
00:30 the great 20th century theologian. 00:33 He said, all right you've spent your life studying 00:35 what's the greatest truth you discovered 00:38 and he replied Jesus loves me this I know. 00:44 There is no greater truth which you and I are about 00:46 to plunge into will have to bottom line on that shining 00:53 and resplendent affirmation 00:55 Jesus loves me this I know 01:01 for the Bible tells me. 01:06 And because it does we go. 01:10 Pray with me as we plunge into today's teaching. 01:19 Holy Father, that is a greatest true 01:21 what truth could supersede 01:28 that simple childhood confession, 01:33 Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible has told me so. 01:39 May the love of Christ even in this teaching today 01:46 may it shine with all its glory. 01:50 We pray in Christ's name, amen. 01:54 Only in America because a story like this happened 01:59 I'm grateful to my friend for Freddie Webber 02:02 who spotted this story and shared with me. 02:04 True story dateline Charlotte, North Carolina 02:10 this is a big weekend for the Webber tribe 02:13 with Kim getting married. 02:16 I want to read this to you, its just a short piece. 02:19 By the way, this story won first place in last year's 02:23 Criminal Lawyers Award Contest. 02:26 All right just a short piece. 02:30 Charlotte, North Carolina, a lawyer purchased a box 02:32 a very rare and expensive cigars, 02:37 big mistake number one, 02:41 then insured them against among other things fire. 02:49 Within a month having smoked 02:50 his entire stockpile of these great cigars 02:53 the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. 02:59 In his claim the lawyer stated 03:01 that the cigars were lost in a series a "small fires." 03:09 The insurance company refused to pay 03:12 sighting the obvious reason 03:14 that the man had consumed the cigars 03:15 in the normal fashion. 03:17 The lawyer sue, the lawyer sue and won. 03:22 Now there's more hold on. 03:23 Delivering the ruling the judge agreed 03:27 with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. 03:30 The judge stated nevertheless that the lawyer had a policy 03:33 from the company in which it had warranted 03:35 that the cigars were insurable and also guarantee 03:38 that it would ensure them against fire without defining 03:41 what is considered to be unacceptable fire 03:44 and was therefore obligated to pay the claim. 03:49 Hold on, rather than endure a lengthy 03:51 and costly appeal process 03:53 the insurance company accepted the ruling 03:55 and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars 04:00 that perished in the "fires." 04:03 All right now, 04:05 now after the lawyer cashed the check 04:12 the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of arson 04:24 with his own insurance claim 04:26 and testimony from the previous case being used against him. 04:31 The lawyer was convicted 04:32 of intentionally burning his insurer property 04:34 and was sentenced to 24 months in jail 04:37 and a $24,000 fine. 04:44 Do you-- question, do you suppose 04:48 it's as messed up as this in heavens courtroom? 04:55 Heaven has a courtroom? Oh, yes, it does. 05:00 I want to take you to the very heart 05:02 of that courtroom right now. 05:04 Last week as we began this new series entitled 05:07 "The Temple" we looked at three only three them 05:10 the script or passages of that temple. 05:13 It's actually the throne 05:15 we're gonna go back to one of them 05:16 and spend our time all our time in that one. 05:19 Open your Bible with me 05:20 please to the Book at Daniel in the Old Testament. 05:23 A breathtaking dramatic portrayal, 05:28 you got to see for yourself. 05:29 If you didn't bring your own Bible 05:31 grab the pew Bible in front of you. 05:32 You will want to follow along. 05:34 It will be page 602 in your pew Bible. 05:37 I'm gonna be in the New International Version 05:39 right here Daniel Chapter 7. 05:41 You're finding the Book at Daniel, 05:43 Daniel Chapter 7, stunning portrayal watch this. 05:50 Daniel Chapter 7 let's pick it up please in verse 9. 05:53 "As I looked," Daniel's envision 05:57 "As I looked, thrones were set in place, 06:02 and the Ancient of Days took his seat. 06:06 His clothing was as white as snow 06:08 and the hair of his head was white like wool." 06:10 That's the Almighty Himself. 06:13 "His throne was flaming a fire, 06:15 and its wheels were all ablaze." 06:17 Verse 10 "A river fire was flowing, 06:19 coming out from before him. 06:21 Thousands upon thousands attended him, 06:23 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. 06:26 The court was seated, and the books were opened." 06:31 Ladies and gentlemen, if you read nothing else 06:32 but those two verses there are three obviously 06:37 that I wish to draw to your attention right now. 06:41 If nothing else you would know obviously these three are true. 06:44 Take a study guide out at this very moment 06:46 and let's put those-- let's jot those 06:47 when I'm calling the obviously, the three obviously, 06:50 let's jot them down right now. 06:52 Thank you ushers, for making sure 06:53 that everybody here gets that study guide. 06:56 Hold your hand up if you didn't get 06:57 a study guide when you came in. 06:58 It's in your worship bulletin but if you can't find it 07:01 hold your hand up even in balcony, 07:04 overflow ask for the study guide. 07:06 And those of you who are watching on television 07:08 we're delighted to have you. 07:09 You can have the same study guide, 07:11 we are just embarking on a brand new series called 07:14 "The Temple" this is part two. 07:16 I'll put it on the screen for you 07:17 because you need our website 07:19 this is part two entitled "God on the Docket." 07:23 Now you see the website on the screen 07:25 go to that website please. 07:32 The banner will introduce you to the a new series The Temple. 07:35 You're looking for part two where it says study guide 07:37 you click on you'll have the same study guide. 07:40 We're ready to go. 07:42 Everybody have a study guide? Three obviously, that's all. 07:46 If you just read the few sentences 07:48 we've read you know obviously number one, 07:52 this is a court scene jot it down. 07:54 Obviously number one, this is a court scene. 07:58 The language is unmistakable, the court is convened, 08:00 evidentiary books and records are being examined. 08:03 You don't have to be a Perry Mason 08:04 rerun enthusiast to know this is a court scene. 08:08 Obviously number two, write it down please, 08:11 the court is convened in God's temple. 08:14 All right, He is clearly shown seated on His throne. 08:18 And as we noted last week 08:19 God's throne always appears in His temple or palace 08:23 what we ended up calling it last week mission control. 08:26 We know it's in His temple. 08:28 And obviously number three, the court is convened 08:31 before, keyword, before the end of the world. 08:36 If we're taking the time to read 08:37 the entire chapter of Daniel 7 we would have noted that 08:39 Daniel is tracing the prophetic history, 08:42 he starts with a mighty Babylonian empire, 08:44 boom, boom, boom 08:45 and he ends up with a superpower, 08:47 a religion political superpower at the end of time 08:51 and then the world ends. 08:53 In fact, let me just show this 08:54 to you drop down here in chapter 7, 08:57 drop down the verse 26 "But the court will sit," 09:01 all right so there's this court at the end of time. 09:03 "The court will sit, and his power" 09:05 the superpowers "power will be taken away 09:08 and completely destroyed forever." 09:11 Now notice what follows verse 27 09:14 "Then the sovereignty, power and greatness 09:16 of the kingdoms under the whole heaven 09:19 will be handed over the saints, 09:20 to the saints the people in the Most High. 09:22 His kingdom is to be everlasting" 09:24 and so on and so on 09:25 the end of earth's history as we know it. 09:28 So we know as you just jot it down 09:31 obviously the court is convened before the end of the world. 09:36 And as we will examine in another teaching 09:38 in this series strong biblical evidence indicates 09:43 that the court is already in session 09:46 as you and I are talking. 09:48 I'm talking and you're listening 09:49 right here right now, i.e., 09:52 what we just read in Daniel 7 is taking place, 09:56 can't see it but its happening. 10:00 We're gonna consider that evidence 10:02 that will lead us to the conclusion 10:05 there is no period in human history 10:07 as heavily fraught with quiet urgency as this one. 10:13 Whatever is going on up there 10:15 has eternal consequences for your life and mine. 10:18 It can no longer be on this planet business as usual 10:23 all right, three obviously uncontestable. 10:27 Now let me read that saying again with you 10:29 just to have it fresh in our minds. 10:32 Go back to verse 9, Daniel 7:9 10:35 "As I looked, thrones were set in place, 10:39 and the Ancient of Days took his seat. 10:41 His clothing was white as snow 10:43 and the hair of his head was white like wool. 10:45 His throne was flaming with fire, 10:46 and its wheels were all ablaze." 10:48 Verse 10 "A river of fire was flowing, 10:50 coming out from before him. 10:52 Thousands upon thousands attended him, 10:54 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. 10:56 The court was seated, and the books were opened." 11:00 Who are the key players in this celestial courtroom drama? 11:03 Jot them down now when we're through a number five. 11:06 I'm out of here. 11:07 Five key players in this celestial courtroom drama. 11:11 Number one, jot it down please, 11:14 the Ancient of Days/ God the Father/Judge. 11:21 I'll give you just an extra moment to write that down. 11:24 That is key player number one. 11:27 This is His temple, this is His throne room 11:31 and clearly He takes His seat. 11:34 When He takes His seat court is in session, 11:37 it's been convened all right. 11:40 Key player number one, the Ancient of Days. 11:42 Key player number two, jot it down please, 11:45 the celestial observers will call them the jury. 11:49 Would you write that down please? 11:52 The celestial observers the jury. 11:55 As we noted last week both Daniel and John are shown 11:57 this massive number in vision, the numbers not literal. 12:01 They are trying to communicate that it is so huge this temple 12:06 that hundreds of millions of angels 12:09 can encircle the throne and there's still room. 12:11 That's the point, the jury is there. 12:16 Key player number three 12:17 in the celestial courtroom drama, 12:18 jot it down please, the protagonist. 12:21 Now you gonna have to get the spellings 12:22 so look at the screen. 12:23 The protagonist. 12:25 So where we don't use much at all 12:27 so I'm gonna put a slash 12:29 and go ahead and write and Son of Man. 12:31 You know, you know, who a protagonist is? 12:34 He's the hero, the main man, 12:38 the number one player in the story. 12:41 We've got a protagonist right here, 12:42 you want to see him in the chapter 12:44 drop down to verse 13. 12:47 You got your Bible open there in Daniel 7:13, 12:50 "In my vision at night I looked, 12:54 and there before me was one like a son of man, 12:58 coming with the clouds of heaven. 13:00 He approached the Ancient of Days 13:02 and was led into his presence." 13:03 Verse 14 "He was given authority, 13:05 glory and sovereign power, 13:06 all peoples, nations and men and women 13:08 of every language worshiped him. 13:10 His dominion is an everlasting dominion 13:12 that will not pass away, 13:13 and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." 13:18 Son of man, would you jot this now please, 13:20 of all the titles Jesus could have chosen 13:22 to be a self descriptor in the gospels 13:25 this is the title He uses more than any other. 13:27 Write it down, Son a Man 13:28 is His number one preferred self-title. 13:32 And guess what, guess where He got the title. 13:36 In fact, I want to show this to you at His own romp court, 13:40 kangaroo trial all right, so that they can come up 13:45 with legal precedent to execute Him. 13:47 At His own trial as He's being cross-examined. 13:50 Look at this Matthew 26:63 "But Jesus remained silent." 13:54 Under cross-examination. 13:55 "So the high priest" the judge there "said to him, 13:57 'I charge you under oath by the living God. 14:01 You tell us '" you tell us" 14:03 'if you are the Christ, the Son of God.' 14:05 Yes," here He comes now 14:08 "'Yes, it is as you say,' Jesus replied. 14:11 'But I say to all of you'" in this courtroom 14:14 "in the future you will see the Son of Man 14:17 sitting at the right hand in the Mighty One 14:19 and" coming on the clouds 14:22 "coming on the clouds of heaven." 14:24 Ladies and gentlemen, that is a direct verbatim slip 14:27 and stuck in His testimony 14:29 He got it straight out of Daniel Chapter 7, 14:31 I'm an absolute man, you'll see me one day. 14:37 Oh, my I'll tell you what, 14:38 there is no question that the protagonist, 14:40 the hero of the heavenly courtroom is the son of man. 14:44 In fact, I just love this. 14:45 Let me just give-- let me show you 14:46 how central Jesus is to the court judgment 14:50 going on right now by the way. 14:52 How central is He watch as, 14:53 would you just jot these now please. 14:55 How central is the heavenly hero? 14:56 Number one, He is the protagonist. 14:58 Now you already have that but you need to put it again 15:00 so that you can run this list by somebody else. 15:02 Number one, He is the protagonist. 15:04 Number two, He is a protagonist for all. 15:08 Number two, He is the defense attorney for the condemned. 15:14 He's the defense attorney for the condemned. 15:18 Let's look at that verse at the end of that sentence. 15:20 That's 1 John 2:1, "My dear children," 15:23 this aged pastor writing to his congregations 15:26 "My dear children, I write this to you 15:28 so that you are not sin. 15:30 But if anybody does sin," I have some good news for you 15:33 "we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense 15:39 Jesus Christ, the Righteous One." 15:41 The New King James says the Advocate. 15:43 What's an advocate? He's the defense attorney. 15:47 Now you didn't follow day 15:48 the hearings for Supreme Court justice 15:50 so do my ear, this summer 15:52 because you're busy working but I follow a few of them. 15:57 When she was being grilled by the senate 15:59 where she had the hearings they asked her, 16:01 tell us a little bit about yourself. 16:02 And so she told them 16:04 when I was a girl growing up in New York City 16:07 I watched Perry Mason and watching Perry Mason 16:12 put a love in my heart to become the prosecutor 16:15 I became. 16:16 And one of the new, new senators Al Franken 16:19 who just got voted in he said, hey, wait, wait a minute judge, 16:25 don't you know that Perry Mason 16:27 is a defense attorney and you became a prosecutor? 16:30 Well, everybody out there little chuckle out of that 16:32 and by the way Franken said I'm a Perry Mason fan 16:34 and do you know that of all the cases 16:37 the great defense attorney Perry Mason tried on television 16:41 he only lost one. 16:43 Well isn't that some? Only lost one. 16:46 Ladies and gentlemen, there's a defense attorney 16:47 in the courtroom of eternity right now, 16:51 how many do you suppose he is lost? 16:53 Read my lips, zero. 16:56 He's even better than Perry Mason. 17:01 All right who is a hero, 17:02 whose is this hero of the heavenly sanctuary 17:04 He is number one, He is a protagonist. 17:05 Number two, He his defense attorney. 17:07 Jot this down number three, 17:08 He's a Savior for the condemned. 17:11 The prisoner sit in the dark 17:13 this in the dark this is the Savior. 17:16 In fact, let's just read the next verse 1 John 2:2 17:19 "He" Jesus "is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, 17:22 and not only for ours 17:24 but also for the sins up the whole world." 17:29 You know, the stories came out the Civil War 17:30 we've had about every practically 17:32 every era of earth's history. 17:34 You know, somebody fell asleep on sentry duty. 17:39 He's been condemned to be shot and somebody else steps for. 17:42 We have it out of-- we have a priest 17:43 in not in Auschwitz in World War II 17:46 who did the same step for and said kill me instead. 17:48 That's the picture of this hero of heaven 17:52 who steps in and says, I'll pay the penalty, 17:54 I'll take it, let him go. 17:57 I'm telling you what He is the protagonist 18:00 because He's the main man. 18:03 He's the heavenly hero to the max. 18:06 All right, what is He? 18:07 He is a protagonist, He is the defense attorney, 18:10 He is the Savior, He is the mediator. 18:13 Would you write this one down to please? 18:14 He is a Mediator/ High Priest. 18:17 Because you'll read Old Testament language 18:19 in the both Testaments, high priest is a mediator. 18:21 Its one who goes between to God. 18:24 So He's Mediator/ High Priest. 18:29 A friend of mine got in trouble with the law 18:31 I took him down to the courthouse here 18:32 in Berrien County. 18:33 He was behind in his child support 18:36 and then I learned about another person in the courtroom 18:40 that I had never known about. 18:42 The judge summoned 18:43 when my friend was call forward. 18:45 The judge summoned, 18:46 I want the friend of the court to come. 18:47 I want to tell you something, 18:48 they have a person who serves as a friend on the court, 18:51 she is never the friend. 18:56 If you're behind in child support 18:58 she's not your friend she's a friend to your wife. 19:01 Could the friend of the court please come forward? 19:04 What's been happening here? 19:06 Jesus is the court appointed friend for the human race. 19:12 He's the High Priest, He's mediator. 19:14 Oh, by the way, let's look at these two texts. 19:17 Hebrews 4:14 let's put it on the screen. 19:19 "Therefore, since we have a great high priest 19:20 who has gone through the heavens, 19:21 Jesus the Son of God, 19:23 let us hold firmly to the faith we profess." 19:25 Okay, so he's-- and this is my favorite of the favorites. 19:28 In Hebrews 7:25 you got to mark this in your Bible sometime. 19:32 "Therefore Jesus is able to save completely 19:35 those who come to God through him, 19:37 because he always lives to intercede for them." 19:42 For you and for me, hallelujah. 19:45 You got a friend in court, He's the friend of the court, 19:49 He is the protagonist, He's a defense attorney, 19:51 He's the Savior, He's a mediator, 19:53 He is the high priest 19:54 and finally you're not gonna believe this 19:56 He is also the judge. 19:59 He's the judge. 20:01 Watch this Jesus is speaking one day in John 5 20:07 and He makes this astounding statement. 20:10 John 5:22 Jesus speaking, 20:13 "Moreover, the Father judges no one, 20:17 but has entrusted all judgment to the Son." 20:22 Now wait a minute, wait a minute, 20:24 Dwight, you just said the ancient of days 20:25 is the judge, 20:26 we got another judge now, by the way 20:29 that's not such a great conundrum 20:30 we have multiple judges in many courtrooms across the land 20:33 so don't be all twitterpated. 20:36 But jot this down please. 20:37 Here's how it make the distinction. 20:38 Even though the Ancient of Days is shown 20:41 as the Presiding Judge of the heavenly judgment, 20:44 Christ is declared to be the ruling judge. 20:49 Many courts have more than one judge. 20:53 Jesus is a judge, can you see why? 20:55 Look at this, look it, tell me how this works. 20:58 If your-- let's say you had to go to court 21:01 and you have a defense attorney. 21:02 If your defense attorney is also your judge 21:09 how do you think the case is going to turn out? 21:12 That's a no brainer, you win every time. 21:15 If the defense attorney is your judge 21:17 you win hands down. 21:21 I'm telling you what, no wonder He's the hero. 21:25 No wonder every song they write has Him in it. 21:28 He's the great protagonist, the heavenly hero. 21:32 And by the way in case you're thinking, 21:35 yeah, boy, it's a good thing we got Jesus up there 21:37 because I know how mad the father is at me. 21:41 May I disabuse you of that? 21:42 Would you jot this verse down? 21:44 Jot it right in the margin of your study guide. 21:46 I put it on the screen for you. 21:47 John 16: 26 21:49 Jesus just before He was executed spoke these words. 21:52 "In that day you will ask in my name. 21:54 And I am not saying that I will ask the Father" 21:56 I'm not gonna go to the Father "on your behalf." 21:58 Why not Lord? 21:59 "No, the father himself loves you 22:02 because you have loved me 22:04 have believed that I came from God." 22:08 I'm telling you what, 22:10 whether it's the presiding judge 22:11 or the ruling judge I got very good news for you, 22:14 you don't have to be afraid of the judge. 22:16 He's already on your side. 22:19 Five key players in the celestial drama 22:22 of heavens courtroom that is going on right now. 22:25 well, we're sitting here 22:26 scribbling down little fill in the blank stuff, 22:29 it's going on, it's going on right now. 22:35 Okay, what do we have? Who are the key players? 22:36 We have the ancient of day's, 22:38 we have celestial observes of the jury, 22:39 we have the protagonist, guess what, 22:41 we have number four the antagonist. 22:43 Write it down please, the antagonist. 22:45 That would be Satan, Satan, the antagonist. 22:50 What's an antagonist? 22:51 An antagonist is an opponent plain and simple. 22:54 For defending in court by the way, 22:55 if you're in court I want you to just know 22:57 that in case you ever go to court. 22:59 The prosecuting attorney is never your friend. 23:05 He's the guy, she's the woman boom, boom, boom, 23:09 trying to find every piece of evidence to take you down. 23:13 That's why the prosecuting attorney 23:16 in the Daniel 7 is the antagonist. 23:18 You say is he really there? Oh, he is here. 23:20 Take a look at verse 25, Daniel 7:25. 23:25 Here's antagonist. 23:27 "He" this antagonist 23:29 "will speak against the Most High 23:31 and oppress his saints 23:33 and try to change the set times in the laws. 23:35 And the saints will be handed over to him 23:37 for a bunch of time he is their antagonist." 23:42 Who is an antagonist? 23:44 Well, this obviously this evil power in Daniel 7 23:46 is a little puppet. 23:48 There's an antagonist behind the superpower. 23:50 There's an antagonistic pulling the strings. 23:52 Who's this antagonist? 23:53 I'll take you one other dramatic court scene. 23:57 It's maybe one of the most dramatic. 24:00 Keep your finger right here because we're coming right back 24:02 but I'll go to the Bible the Old Testament 24:04 next to the last book Zachariah, all right. 24:07 So Malachi ends the Old Testament 24:08 but go to Zachariah just before Malachi 24:11 and if you have the pew Bible that would be page 637. 24:15 This is high drama in the courtroom, watch this. 24:19 Zachariah Chapter 3, we'll start right at the top, 24:23 just read a few lines here 24:25 but you get the picture very quickly. 24:27 You'll know who the antagonist is 24:28 without being on the shadow of a doubt. 24:30 Zachariah 3:1 "Then he" God "showed me" 24:33 so Zachariah is envisioned as well. 24:35 Nobody goes to God's throne room. 24:37 There is no human being that has ever been 24:38 to God's throne room that's here on earth. 24:43 It has to go through vision, they're shown. 24:45 Okay, so he showed me. 24:47 "He showed me Joshua the high priest" 24:49 now that's a religious leader in Zachariah's 24:51 own community at the time. 24:52 So forget about Joshua, 24:53 he's a representative of all of us 24:55 messed up human sinners speaking of you and me. 24:58 All right, so he represents us. 24:59 Watch this, "So he showed me 25:01 Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord," 25:05 now somebody else is there "and Satan" 25:10 now wait a minute, hold on that's not a proper name. 25:14 That's Hebrew, in the Hebrew 25:16 is little "s" satan it means the accuser. 25:19 Back if you have a modern translations its footnote 25:21 and you at the bottom the accuser 25:23 we turned it into a name. 25:24 We took-- we transliterated 25:26 the Hebrew directly into English 25:27 and now we've called him Satan for millennia. 25:32 But he's the satan, he's the accuser. 25:36 "So I see this Joshua stand beside angel of Lord, 25:39 and on the other side him 25:40 Satan standing at his right side to accuse him." 25:44 Verse 2 "And the Lord said to Satan, 25:46 'The Lord rebuke you, Satan! 25:49 The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! 25:51 Is not this man a burning stick snack snacks from the fire?' 25:55 " Now verse 3, "Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes" 25:59 which by the way is how you and I dressed. 26:02 If we're depending on ourselves 26:04 and God with X-ray vision sees the condition of our hearts 26:07 and we are depending on ourselves 26:08 that's exactly what it looks like 26:10 to the whole courtroom. 26:11 You're showing up in filthy rags. 26:16 The Lord rebuke you, Satan. 26:18 Verse 3 "Now Joshua was dressed in filthy cloths as a sinner 26:21 standing there before the angel." 26:23 Verse 4 "And the angel said" I love this 26:24 "The angel said in the courtroom to those 26:26 who were standing before him, 26:27 'Take off his filthy clothes.' 26:29 Then he said to Joshua, 'See, I have taken away your sin, 26:33 and I will put rich garments on you.' 26:36 " Isn't that great? 26:37 I'll take off those rags and I'll cover you. 26:41 Spotless. 26:45 Who's the antagonist? No question in our book. 26:50 The fallen Lucifer for who he truly is 26:53 has just been exposed Zachariah 3, 26:55 in fact, would you jot it down please. 26:56 He's a little "s" satan the Hebrew 27:00 or capital "A" Accuser of the human race. 27:04 Write that down. He is your accuser. 27:06 Ladies and gentlemen, 27:08 please do not mistake this, he is not your friend. 27:14 He is not-- if you ever get into a little tussle with him 27:17 and little bit of debate and he's kind of saying 27:19 hey, come on boy, come on boy, get into conversation with me. 27:22 He is never ever, ever on your side. 27:26 He longs for nothing more than you're immediate destruction. 27:29 The fact that you and I are still alive 27:32 is because there's somebody in this universe 27:33 who is keeping us alive. 27:35 We would have been dead long ago. 27:39 He is not your friend. 27:40 You can never okay, what he tells you never trust him. 27:46 With that offer never trust him for that offer. 27:52 May I share something very intriguing? 27:55 This is amazing to me. 27:57 From this courtroom scene with key player number four, 28:00 the antagonist now introduced. 28:04 You think about this. In fact, jot it down please. 28:05 The Antagonist began his civil war 28:09 against God's kingdom in God's Temple/Sanctuary. 28:15 It all started right next to the throne of God. 28:22 It was the highest creative being in the universe 28:24 that's where the civil war started, 28:26 it started in the sanctuary, it started in God's temple 28:29 and when the accuser-- and by the way, 28:32 he began as diabolical career accusing. 28:34 Who is he accusing, humans? No, God. 28:38 He started his career accusing God. 28:41 When the accuser and his sympathizers 28:43 were tossed out to heaven, out of the temple, 28:45 you're out of the sanctuary, 28:46 in fact you are out of this whole kingdom 28:49 and they came down here. 28:51 They ended up on this planet 28:52 and got voted into this planet by our first parents. 28:56 When that happened you can be certain 28:58 that ever since his defeat in heaven 29:01 Satan has turned his withering fire on the truth 29:03 about God's temple on the truth about God sanctuary in heaven. 29:06 Do you know why? 29:08 I'll tell you why. Jot it down. 29:09 Because if Satan can destroy the truth about God's Temple, 29:12 he can defeat the influence of God's Throne. 29:15 That's why destroy, 29:18 destroy the truth about a temple in heaven. 29:21 Destroy the truth about a sanctuary above. 29:25 Get it out. Demolish it. 29:29 You think I'm making this up, watch this. 29:32 See those little verses 29:33 that are tagged down at the end of that line. 29:34 I'll put the verses on the screen 29:36 Daniel 8:11, 29:37 speaking up the antagonist capital, a antagonist. 29:40 "He even exalted himself as high 29:42 as the Prince to the host, 29:43 and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, 29:47 and a place out His sanctuary" 29:50 he's going for the sanctuary "cast down." 29:53 that's all he wants, destroy the temple. 29:56 Let me give another one 29:57 showing that is in the New Testament as well. 29:58 "Then he" the antagonist 30:02 "opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, 30:04 to blaspheme His name, his tabernacle," 30:08 trust me that's the temple sanctuary, 30:11 the courtroom in heaven. 30:12 He blasphemed even his tabernacle, 30:16 blasphemed it. 30:18 Oh, mercy. 30:20 Ladies and gentlemen, 30:21 it ought to be clear to you and me 30:24 that Satan will ever turn his venomous fury 30:28 against the temple. 30:30 Now, listen very carefully, any Bible teaching, 30:35 any Bible teaching that takes the reader on the Bible, 30:37 the student of the Bible 30:39 and sweeps that seeker up to God's throne room 30:43 any Bible teaching about the heavenly sanctuary 30:47 will immediately receive his un abated wrath, 30:53 destroy it, destroy it. 30:59 Oh, well, that's helpful to find out. 31:04 I'm glad, I'm glad for that, for that little observation. 31:07 Now I can understand what's going on. 31:10 You ought to make sense to me now. 31:12 I see it. 31:15 I learned that an antagonist 31:17 against the Bible teaching of God's sanctuary 31:20 showed up this summer not far 31:23 from this campus in a town nearby 31:26 and attempted to draw a crowd to his lectures. 31:31 Not very many came. 31:34 I was on sabbatical but one who did go told me 31:41 and described the ridicule and laughter that was heaped 31:48 on the Bible teaching of the temple in heaven. 31:58 How utterly sad to play into the hands 32:03 of the capital "A" accuser 32:10 to become unwittingly 32:12 and antagonist of the very truth. 32:16 Now listen carefully of the very truth 32:20 that has the son of man embedded in its soul. 32:27 If I were Lucifer, if I were Satan 32:32 I would go after that true with hook, 32:36 claw and fang and crash it, I would. 32:45 So anybody comes to you say, hey, boy, 32:48 you probably haven't heard this. 32:50 Girl, let me tell you this, it's not there. 32:55 There is no big thing happening in up there. 32:57 No big deal, forget it, forget it, forget it. 33:00 Anybody who comes and tells you that 33:02 just remember, 33:03 just remember the capital "A" Antagonist 33:08 who is calling the shots to destroy sanctuary. 33:14 No one-- what is this Revelation 33:16 was this Revelation 12:12, 33:18 "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell on them! 33:20 But" look out earth "woe the earth and the sea, 33:23 because the devil has gone down the you!" 33:24 Watch it, we will be afraid "He is filled with fury, 33:27 because he knows that his time is short." 33:29 Raise him up, raise up little "a" antagonist. 33:33 Raise him up, destroy, destroy that truth. 33:39 Five key players, we are in there with number five. 33:42 Ancient of days, celestial observers, 33:43 the jury, protagonist, son of man, 33:45 antagonist, Satan, finally number five 33:47 I'll sit down at the end of this. 33:49 Number five, would you write it down please. 33:50 "The Defendants/Accused/ "Holy People." 33:56 And I put that in quotation marks 33:57 because that today's New International Version 33:59 actually calls them that in this chapter 7. 34:01 Go back we will end in Daniel 7. 34:04 Go back to chapter 7. 34:06 Who are these people? 34:08 Take a look. 34:09 You are back to chapter 7, 34:11 your finger found the place drop down to verse 21. 34:14 "As I watched," in this vision 34:16 "this horn" I like the antagonist 34:18 "was waging war against the saints" 34:20 and the TNIV renders it "the holy people" 34:23 all right, the people that are Holy God's. 34:25 "As I watched, this horn was waging war 34:27 against this the holy people and defeating them, 34:29 until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment 34:32 in favor of the saints to the Most High, 34:34 and the time came when they possessed the kingdom." 34:37 Obviously the secondary object 34:39 of the antagonist or the accuser 34:41 because-- question can Satan physically 34:45 tear God off His throne, yes or no? 34:48 He can't go. He is gone adios. 34:51 He can never go back. 34:53 So what is a weak desperate always do 34:55 if you can't get at that source of power 34:58 anywhere on earth you kill the children. 35:01 It's happening today you kill the children. 35:05 If you are a weak 35:06 and you can't get to the power kill the children. 35:11 Obviously his secondary object is the friends of God. 35:18 And there in lies a very intriguing truth 35:21 and I need you to write it down please. 35:22 Notice this, destruct me, I said wait a minute, 35:24 wait a minute its true isn't it? 35:26 There is no mention of the wicked/unrighteous. 35:30 I'll give you a second to write both those down. 35:32 Whatever you want to call, there is no record, 35:37 no mention of the wicked/unrighteous 35:40 in the divine courtroom, 35:41 because no one disputes 35:44 their choice of Satan as Lord. 35:50 It's not up for debate. 35:51 Okay so just say I am getting a PhD in Andrews University 35:53 and I'm getting the PhD in sports. 35:55 Do they have a-- do they have any PhD in sport here? 35:58 Probably not. 35:59 Are we into sports at all here? 36:01 Okay, we don't do too bad do we. 36:03 We only play ourselves. 36:05 Okay, guys, let's say I'm getting a PhD in sports, 36:11 and I want to study Boston Red Sox fans. 36:14 You know its baseball season. 36:15 So I want to study in my PhD research, 36:17 Boston Red Sox fans. 36:19 Whom I am gonna interview? 36:21 If I come along just going through the crowd, 36:23 and I come along to a Yankee fan. 36:26 What I am gonna do that Yankee fan? 36:27 Get out of here. I don't even talk to you. 36:30 We already know you are a Yankee fan, 36:32 we're not concerned of what you think about anything 36:33 'cause you are a Yankee fan. 36:35 I only want to get a hold of Boston Red Sox fans, 36:38 and interview them. 36:40 Ladies and gentlemen, 36:41 that's what's happening in the courtroom above. 36:43 There's no point-- why do we need to in-- 36:45 why do we need to interview these people, 36:46 they've already chosen Satan as Lord. 36:49 What's not to know? 36:51 That's why they're not mentioned, 36:53 they are no where in that courtroom. 36:56 Back would you write this down please, 36:57 the heavenly judgment focuses 36:59 instead on all throughout history 37:02 who have declared their loyalty to God. 37:06 I want Boston Red Sox fans to talk to, please, 37:10 Yankees out. 37:13 That's what's happening by the way 37:16 with the story of Job. 37:18 Remember the story Job? The accuser comes along. 37:23 He does this with you and me. 37:24 He say hey God, You think this guy is Yours? 37:28 Do you-- do You really think this guy is Your friend? 37:31 I mean, what did he do in the night of Gethsemane? 37:33 What did he do on the night of Gethsemane? 37:34 He says, hey listen, Jesus, these are supposed to be 37:37 the eleven costliest human beings on earth to You? 37:39 Tell me what's going on now? 37:40 They're not praying with You, they are sleeping. 37:42 How many times has that line got him play in the universe? 37:45 They are not friends with You they are sleeping 37:48 when they are supposed to be praying. 37:49 Nobody cares about You, they are not Your friends. 37:51 In fact, one of them already betrayed You, 37:53 the other guys gonna deny You in just a few moments. 37:56 That's what Satan does. He did with God in Job. 38:00 He thinks this guy likes you. 38:02 I tell you why Job is Your friend? 38:04 Because you put this little circle around him 38:06 and You keep blessing him, 38:07 and blessing him, and blessing him. 38:08 I'm telling you what God, you take away that circle 38:10 remove Your divine protection 38:12 He will spit in Your face and curse You in the end. 38:15 That's what's happening and he does it with everyone 38:18 who claims to be a friend of God's? 38:21 You think he is? 38:24 And God says all right, listen I heard enough of this. 38:31 You want to see? Let's find out. 38:34 Bring all the-- bring all the records of those 38:36 who said they are my friends. 38:37 Bring them all out. 38:39 Let's find out if the accuser is right. 38:41 I have no friends on this earth. 38:42 You are telling me I have nobody on this earth 38:45 that loyal to me bring them out 38:47 let's take a look. 38:49 Ladies and gentlemen, that, that's the reality. 38:55 And that's why you read Daniel 7:10 38:57 "The court was seated, and the books were opened." 39:04 Oh, good God has to open the books 39:05 because He need jog his memory. 39:06 Let's see what was she like? 39:08 Oh, I can't-- I can't put the face, 39:10 but I remember the name. 39:11 Is that what's going on? Are you kidding? 39:14 Never forget this text for the rest of your life. 39:16 2 Timothy 2:19 jot it down, the lord knows, 39:22 "The lord knows those who are his." 39:26 You can inscribe that in stone. 39:28 God-- God needs no judgment to satisfy His own curiosity, 39:33 the records are not for Him 39:35 they are for everyone else who wonders. 39:36 You know, what maybe this accuser has a point. 39:38 I have been watching that guy down there, 39:40 I'm not sure I want to let him 39:41 into this kingdom forever and ever, 39:43 let we better check it out. 39:45 The records are not for God, He already knows. 39:49 Instead God orders our divine audit, 39:52 a heavenly audit of every record. 39:54 Human being who has professed loyalty to God, 39:57 He says pull all the books out, 39:59 go over them carefully tell me 40:03 do I have any friends on this planet? 40:12 Same do I, but please is there nothing 40:18 for the Hitler's and the Pol Pot's, 40:21 the evil and wicked of this life. 40:24 The serial killers, no judgment for them? 40:28 Nobody said out my friend, 40:29 get it down in your-- get it in your heart. 40:31 There will be a day of accounting 40:32 for every human being who was walked this planet. 40:34 Don't you worry God will settle the accounts one day. 40:39 But in this dramatic celestial courtroom right now, 40:42 none of them is there. 40:44 Because the accuser has said you got nobody, 40:47 that's loyal to You, 40:48 really loyal to You on this planet. 40:55 So God says, "Okay, open the records 40:58 investigate the evidence." 41:00 You know, some somewhere along the way, 41:02 somebody said, you know, I heard people's, 41:05 this word investigate get it out. 41:07 No, keep it in. 41:09 What's wrong with investigating? 41:12 Somebody is bringing charges against you 41:13 they investigate the records. 41:14 What's the problem? 41:15 The devil bringing charges, let's investigate the record. 41:18 Would you jot this down please, so the investigator judgment, 41:20 we'll just call that what's happening right now. 41:22 So the investigative judgment isn't about a God 41:24 trying to make up his mind in court, 41:27 but about a God seeking to defend his friends in court 41:29 and there's a world of difference. 41:32 You know just well, I got to decide, 41:34 do I save him or not. 41:35 No, none of that's taking place. 41:38 The Pol-- that Pol Pot's and the Hitler's, 41:41 they will have their day 41:42 but judgment has to start somewhere. 41:45 In fact, how can you argue with what you are about to read? 41:48 This is about as clear as it is, 41:50 in my humble little estimation may I run three texts by you, 41:53 and there are score more where this came from. 41:55 Let me run these by you. 41:56 1 Peter 4:17 the Word of God is absolutely clear. 42:00 "It is time for judgment 42:02 to begin with the family of God." 42:06 Let's begin with those Yankee fans, 42:08 we know where they stand. We begin with our fans here. 42:11 It begins with the family of God. 42:14 Write that down number two, 2 Corinthians 5:10 42:17 "For we" Paul is writing to a Christian Church, 42:19 "we must all as Christian's appear 42:22 before the judgment seat of Christ." 42:24 Did I make that up was that somehow a typographical error? 42:27 It is there and text number three, 42:29 Hebrews 10:30 "The Lord will judge his people." 42:33 New Testament, and there's a handful 42:35 out of the Old Testament as well. 42:38 What's going on here ladies and gentlemen, 42:40 is God hoping somehow, I got to lose these? 42:42 Are you kidding? 42:43 God is proving that He can save them forever and ever. 42:46 These are mine, these are mine. 42:49 I told you, I had friends. That's what it's about. 42:55 Yeah, but I thought Jesus says, come on didn't Jesus say 42:57 somewhere you know, if you accept me as Savior, 43:00 you don't-- you'll never come into judgment. 43:03 Oh, yes, He said something like that 43:04 but that's a mistranslation of the Greek 43:06 and that's what's caused that little bit consternation. 43:09 Let me show you, and the NIV caught the mistake 43:11 and carefully corrected it, 43:13 and we'll put it on the screen for John 5:24 43:15 Jesus speaking "I tell you the truth," 43:17 and by the way in the Greek that's amen, amen 43:19 double amen always means sit up boy, listen to this. 43:23 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word 43:25 and believes him who sent me has eternal life 43:28 and will not be condemned." 43:30 You see the Greek word can be translated 43:32 condemnation or judgment, the NIV have the choice. 43:35 They say which way shall we go, but they say 43:37 how could it be the God's friends 43:38 will not come into judgment, 43:39 because we just read the texts? 43:40 Or it says, they will come into judgment. 43:42 So they made the choice, no, it has to be condemned here. 43:45 That's the point. 43:47 See, it isn't the God's friends lies won't be examined 43:51 in the divine judgment, they will be. 43:53 Thanks to the, thanks to the accuser. 43:57 He is a guy just doing this. 44:00 It's that their lies won't be condemned 44:02 in the divine judgment, thanks to the Savior. 44:06 Romans 8:1 can you say with me 44:09 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those 44:14 who are in Christ Jesus." 44:15 Did you hear that no condemnation 44:18 when you are in Christ, no condemnation. 44:21 Anybody comes along and tells you 44:22 hey boy, hey girl, this is really bad news, 44:25 this Bible teaching is bad news better drop it, 44:27 better just forget it. 44:28 You just repeat after, 44:29 you just repeat after scripture. 44:31 No, it's not bad news at all. There's no condemnation. 44:36 No condemnation in Christ Jesus. 44:40 And by the way that's why Daniel 7 ends away it does. 44:43 So I'm gonna go there and we will wrap it up. 44:46 You still have Daniel 7 open, 44:47 drop down to read it again verse 21. 44:51 Daniel 7:21 "As I watched, this horn the antagonist 44:55 was waging war against the Holy people 44:57 and defeating them, until" watch this, 45:00 until verse 22 "The Ancient of Days came 45:03 and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints." 45:09 Do you catch that? 45:10 He pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High. 45:16 The divine judgment in the heavenly 45:17 sanctuary courtroom reaches a verdict, 45:19 and guess what the verdict did? 45:20 In favor, in favor. 45:23 You see when Hebrew goes to court, 45:24 'cause this Bible was written for Hebrews. 45:27 When a Hebrew mind goes to court, 45:29 he is not concerned with issues of guilt or innocence. 45:32 The Hebrew mind is not thinking guilt or innocence. 45:34 You know, what she's thinking? 45:36 She's thinking vindication 45:37 and exoneration writes that down. 45:39 Vindication and exoneration, 45:42 that's what the Hebrew mind thinks of, 45:44 when it thinks of court and judgments. 45:46 It's not about guilt and innocence, 45:48 it's about vindication. 45:49 In fact, you remember this, 45:51 Jesus told a parable once about a little old lady. 45:53 She was a widow and an adversary 45:55 was coming against her trying to search-- search tips. 45:58 Well, he was trying to take her property. 46:02 I was trying to say that word sir, 46:03 what is the word certipist? 46:06 Well forget it. 46:09 He was trying-- he was trying to sneak there it is, 46:12 he was trying to sneak her property away illegally. 46:17 Illegally, so what she do? 46:19 She doesn't go to the judge and say oh judge, 46:21 he guilty or innocent no, no, no 46:22 she runs into the judge and she turns up. 46:24 I'm sorry to tell you this, 46:25 the judge was on the take all right. 46:27 She says oh, judge, I got this adversary, 46:29 he's trying to sneak my property away from me. 46:31 You got to help me oh, judge. 46:33 And judge said, I just let this women continue for a while 46:35 because one of this issue get 46:36 that the little bit of baksheesh here, 46:38 a little bit of pay over and I will deliver her. 46:41 But she knows-- she's too poor, she never paid him. 46:42 She just kept coming after him. 46:44 She was bugging him so bad then finally he said himself 46:47 you know what this woman is driving me to distraction. 46:49 If I don't get rid of her, I'm gonna die. 46:52 And that's what he did, he took the adversary, 46:55 he says get out of here, the law is on this woman side. 46:59 See for a Hebrew that's all I want in court. 47:02 Get rid of my adversary, get rid of him for me. 47:08 That's what's going on. 47:09 The judgment is given in favor, in favor of God's friends. 47:15 Can you understand ladies and gentlemen, why? 47:17 Now you know, I'm so excited about this. 47:19 Can you understand why this teaching, 47:22 that the antagonist has put all of his withering guns 47:26 to blow out of the water? 47:27 Can you understand why this teaching 47:29 is such good news to the friend's of God? 47:32 Because it's not about guilt and innocence, 47:34 it's about get him off of my back forever and ever, amen. 47:39 God says okay, okay. 47:42 I knew I had friends down here, 47:43 that didn't want him and wanted Me instead. 47:46 I told you, I told you they would be down here. 47:50 Look at the books, 47:52 when I'm through it's over, it's over. 47:58 I tell you what? 48:00 The friends of God know 48:02 that the divine court is on their side. 48:07 I want you jot that down 48:08 deep in your little mind right now. 48:10 "The divine court is on my side." 48:14 Just say it to yourself, 48:16 the divine court is on your side, 48:20 it's on my side. 48:22 I mean, you think about it 48:23 everybody in the celestial courtroom 48:26 do you get this, 48:27 everybody in the celestial courtroom 48:28 was pulling for you. 48:30 Ancient of Days, he is for you. 48:32 Celestial, observers they're all for you. 48:34 Protagonist is for you. 48:36 He is not only a judge, He is your defense attorney, 48:39 He is your mediator, He is a friend of the court, 48:41 He is everybody and He is pulling for you. 48:43 In fact, I understand that even one of them 48:45 in the courtroom today has already died for you. 48:49 I'm telling you what, sister, 48:51 the good news doesn't get any better than that 48:54 and that's why it's called the everlasting gospel. 48:57 Don't you let them take don't you let them 48:59 take the judgment away from you. 49:01 It's not bad news, they got it all wrong. 49:04 The truth is, 49:05 its the greatest news in the universe. 49:08 Because at the heart is the heavenly hero, 49:13 my main man in heaven the Lord Jesus Christ. 49:19 All you have to do, 49:21 put your case in His hands that's it. 49:26 Put your case in His hands. 49:28 I invite you to bow you head right now, 49:30 and I want to pray with you. 49:32 I invite my singers to come out right now as well. 49:36 While your head is down and you're praying, 49:38 here's the deal. 49:40 I'm not gonna give altar call you come forward. 49:42 No. 49:44 The Ancient of Days, can read your heart 49:45 as if they were no other human being 49:47 in the universe right now. 49:48 He is reading your mind right now. 49:50 So here's the deal, would you please bow your head 49:53 and close eyes and let's pray. 49:58 Dear Father, this is about the best news, 50:03 we heard in a while. 50:06 It's no wonder the antagonist is desperate to hide this truth 50:11 and to destroy this teaching. 50:14 But guys, you are a lot bigger, 50:16 the protagonist has already beaten 50:18 the antagonist on his own ground 50:21 and is he is our heavenly hero too. 50:23 And so Father, we want to respond to this teaching, 50:26 just now while your head is still bowed 50:29 and your eyes, and heart lifted up to God. 50:32 Here's the deal, and I even ask you to raise your hand. 50:35 I gonna give just some seconds of quiet. 50:39 If you would like to tell God 50:42 that you wish a new to place your case 50:46 in the nail scared hands of your hero 50:51 and Savior tell Him right now 50:54 you may never have given your life to Jesus before. 50:58 There have been times and you thought about it, 50:59 you put it off. 51:01 Now, I'm not even gonna ask you get up and identify yourself. 51:03 That's okay, in the quiet of your heart right now tell, 51:08 tell the defense attorney, 51:11 who is the judge and the friend of the court. 51:13 Tell Him, I'm putting my case in your hands. 51:17 You say, Dwight, I don't know that means, 51:18 I want to do some thing more. 51:20 You get a hold of me. 51:22 We'll build this together, but right now you tell Him 51:28 I'm putting my case in your hands. 51:30 And by the way don't just do it today, 51:31 tomorrow morning when you are awaken 51:32 say it, oh by the way protagonist, 51:36 my case is still in your hands, I haven't pulled it out. 51:39 Today, and today, and today keep telling Him, 51:47 He is your hero, He is your Savior. 51:51 Back in 1841 born there in Dublin, Ireland 51:56 and a little girl's Charitie Lees Smith, 51:59 she became a poet. 52:01 My friend Janeem Lyme found her words. 52:04 She composed this poem at the age of 27, 52:08 your age some of you. 52:09 She composes poem, 52:10 it's on the cover of your bulletin by the way. 52:12 So you can keep this poem as long as you wish. 52:16 I have asked my friends, 52:18 our singers to sing these words for you 52:21 and the words will be on the screen 52:23 you can follow there, 52:24 you want to follow on the cover your bulletin that's all right. 52:27 But keep while they are singing. 52:29 Would you do this, keep affirming to God? 52:32 Your choice to leave your case in His hands. 52:37 Ladies. 52:45 Before the throne of God above 52:51 I have a strong and perfect plea 52:57 A great High Priest whose name is Love 53:02 Who ever lives and pleads for me 53:10 My name is graven on His hands 53:15 My name is written on His heart 53:22 I know that while in Heaven He stands 53:27 No tongue can bid me 53:31 thence depart 53:40 When Satan tempts me to despair 53:46 And tells me of the guilt within 53:52 Upward I look and see Him there 53:57 Who made an end to all my sin 54:04 Because the sinless Savior died 54:09 My sinful soul is counted free 54:16 For God the just is satisfied 54:21 To look on Him 54:24 And pardon me 54:34 Behold Him there the risen Lamb 54:40 My perfect spotless righteousness 54:46 The great unchangeable I Am 54:51 The King of glory and of grace 54:58 One in Himself I cannot die 55:03 My soul is purchased by His blood 55:09 My life is hid with Christ on high 55:15 With Christ my Savior 55:18 And my God 55:27 My life is hid with Christ on high 55:33 With Christ my Savior 55:37 And my God 55:45 Amen. 55:49 Just stand on knees we continue to pray. 56:01 And so Father, we place our cases 56:04 in those nails scared hands. 56:06 We can't defend ourselves. 56:10 The accuser is too strong but our hope is 56:14 in the hero of the courtroom right now. 56:19 So hear our prayers, 56:21 call us to that choice again and again and again 56:26 until You finally declare the judgment is now rendered 56:30 in favor of my friends on earth. 56:36 And not to him who is able to keep you from falling 56:40 and to present you before His glorious throne 56:43 without fault and with great joy 56:46 to the only God our Savior be glory and majesty, 56:51 power and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord 56:55 before all ages now and forever more, amen. 57:03 Let me take one more moment 57:04 as we close out our worship time together 57:05 and tell you about our weekly sermon podcast. 57:09 Each week around here we got our very special 57:12 group of technically savvy volunteers 57:14 from our media department 57:15 and gather together to publish a podcast 57:17 of the sermon messages like the one you heard today. 57:20 These messages by the way, 57:22 automatically downloaded to your computer via iTunes 57:25 everything set up and ready to go. 57:27 All you have to do to receive this free podcast subscription 57:30 just go to our website. 57:31 Let me give you the address 57:35 And while there you'll see podcast 57:37 just click on the podcast, 57:38 then you're gonna be given some easy to understand directions 57:41 that will guide you through the set up process 57:43 it's that simple. 57:45 Once again our website 57:49 And by the way, while you are there 57:50 you can also download the study guides 57:52 to follow along with each weeks teaching. 57:54 I hope you'll join the thousands of others, 57:56 enjoy that podcast each week and share it with your friends 58:00 that's what it's for to bless you 58:02 and then pass it on. 58:04 In the mean time, God bless you 58:06 and keep you as you journey on 58:08 and I'm looking forward to seeing you again 58:10 right here as we continue 58:12 to share God's holy scriptures together. |
Revised 2015-01-08