New Perceptions

Spilling The Secret

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP090410

00:32 Lord, now indeed I find
00:36 Thy power, and Thine alone
00:41 Can change the leper's spots
00:45 And melt the heart of stone
00:51 Let's sing the third verse together.
00:57 And when before the throne
01:01 I stand in Him complete
01:06 I'll lay my trophies down
01:10 All down at Jesus' feet
01:16 Jesus paid it all
01:20 All to Him I owe
01:25 Sin had left a crimson stain
01:29 He washed it white as snow
01:40 Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
01:44 And raised this life up from the dead
01:49 Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
01:53 And raised this life up from the dead
01:58 Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
02:02 And raised this life up from the dead
02:06 Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
02:11 And raised this life up from the dead
02:18 Jesus paid it all
02:24 All to Him I owe
02:28 Sin had left a crimson stain
02:34 He washed it white as snow
02:47 Amen.
02:48 That same God who sent His Son to die,
02:52 the same God who created the entire universe
02:56 also considers Himself to be our Father
03:00 and when we approach Him in prayer,
03:02 we can call Him Father.
03:05 What a blessing that is to us.
03:12 I have a Maker
03:18 He formed my heart
03:24 Before even time began
03:29 My life was in His hands
03:37 He knows my name
03:43 He knows my every thought
03:49 He sees each tear that falls
03:54 And He hears me when I call
04:02 I have a Father.
04:05 I have a Father
04:11 He calls me His own
04:17 He'll never leave me
04:22 No matter where I go
04:29 He knows my name
04:35 He knows my every thought
04:41 He sees each tear that falls
04:46 And He hears me when I call
04:52 And He hears me when I call
05:01 How many of you have someone in their lives
05:03 or someone that they know, that they think
05:05 it would be impossible for them to come to Christ.
05:10 Impossible.
05:13 I had the opportunity to come and share just briefly
05:17 something that's happened in my life.
05:20 I was speaking to a pastor once and he expressed to me
05:23 how he had a spiritual revival in his own life.
05:27 And he felt like David.
05:28 He said, he told me
05:30 "I feel like I can run a giant."
05:33 I remember sitting there
05:34 and listening to him and thinking,
05:37 I've never felt like that in my whole life.
05:41 During this time I was reading this book
05:43 known as the "Desire of Ages,"
05:45 and in a chapter there as a child
05:47 she writes a statement about Jesus,
05:50 when he was a young boy.
05:51 He says "He attempted much because He expected much."
05:56 And I was thinking to myself
05:59 perhaps, the reason that I'm not doing a lot
06:03 is because I don't really expect
06:04 that God's gonna do a lot for me.
06:07 See my God was the God of the lost keys.
06:11 I serve the God that helped me get to class on time.
06:16 I serve the God that made sure that nobody else noticed
06:19 that spaghetti stain on my shirt.
06:22 That was the God I served.
06:25 And so during time I was reading Testimonies,
06:27 she talked about how before she became a prophet,
06:29 how one by one she started working
06:32 in the lives of all her friends and so they were all converted.
06:34 And I said "Well, if she can do it, why not me?"
06:38 The Bible says that God is the same
06:39 yesterday, today and forever.
06:40 So I'm not waiting on Him. He's waiting on me.
06:44 And so I decided, all right, I'm going to attempt much
06:49 and really expect that God's gonna do a lot for me.
06:53 And so I talked to my family and some of my friends
06:56 and we started to write down on a piece of paper
06:59 people that we thought it would be impossible,
07:01 a literal miracle for them to come to Christ.
07:06 And to make a very long story short,
07:09 ladies and gentlemen,
07:10 I have seen the impossible done.
07:14 I have seen atheists going to church.
07:17 I have seen addictions
07:19 that have been longstanding broken
07:22 and by God's honoring glory,
07:23 I have seen at least already three baptisms
07:26 and expecting many more, including my very own brother.
07:30 Folks, we serve a God who can do the impossible
07:35 and there is power in prayer.
07:41 Happy Sabbath, everybody.
07:45 This morning we're bringing you comfort in words and in music.
07:52 We come from Arkansas, Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey,
07:58 Berrien Springs and Wisconsin.
08:03 And we bring you music in a Nigerian language, Yoruba,
08:09 it says "So Wa Oluwa."
08:12 So to keep you in tune with the song
08:13 I'm gonna give you a few definitions.
08:16 When we say or sing "a labada" and we do this,
08:22 we're asking for strength.
08:26 When we say "aayo," we're asking for joy.
08:31 When we say "okun," we're asking for endurance
08:38 to go and to continue on this journey
08:44 until He returns.
08:46 "So Wa Oluwa," save us and guide us, dear God.
11:21 The One who died and now lives,
11:27 the One who saves,
11:31 He is calling, He is waiting.
11:35 Give Him your heart, hold His hand.
11:39 Let Him guide you. Hold on.
12:52 Thank you.
12:55 Thank you, Ambassadors.
12:57 What a revival prayer,
12:59 "So Wa Oluwa," save us, our God.
13:06 Last night I'd some quiet time, just doing some brooding
13:13 over this journey that we have commenced together,
13:19 thinking what would a revival
13:20 at Andrews University look like.
13:24 I mean a full blown Holy Spirit revival.
13:30 So I opened up my Bible there in my little study at home
13:35 and find these familiar words.
13:37 I'm opening up my new Andrew Study Bible at home
13:42 and I find these words and I noticed
13:43 something interesting in the note.
13:46 So if you're a freshman you already have your Bible here.
13:51 Take a look at Joel,
13:52 the little book of Joel Chapter 2, Peter,
13:57 you remember preached these words on the day of Pentecost.
14:01 So I want to share this with you, then we'll have
14:02 prayer and plunge into today's teaching, all right?
14:04 Joel 2:28.
14:10 I am thinking what would revival
14:12 on this campus look like if God answered our prayers.
14:17 "And it shall come to pass afterward,
14:19 that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh."
14:23 So I jumped down, I want to read the note
14:25 and the author of the note, one of our scholars here,
14:28 the author of the note points out
14:31 that God's gift of His Spirit
14:33 is not limited by three categories,
14:35 and here come the three categories.
14:36 Number one, it's not limited by gender,
14:39 "I am gonna pour out my Spirit on all flesh.
14:40 Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy."
14:44 It doesn't matter the gender.
14:45 Number two, it's not limited by age,
14:47 "Your old men shall dream dreams
14:49 and your young men shall see visions."
14:51 Young women see visions.
14:53 And then number three,
14:54 it's not limited by social status.
14:56 It doesn't matter who you are, who your daddy was.
15:00 "And also on my menservants and on my maidservants
15:03 I will pour out my Spirit in those days."
15:06 When the mighty outpouring comes,
15:08 it is cross generational, multi-ethnic
15:14 and it is concentrated
15:15 where people are gathered together
15:17 in one accord and are in prayer.
15:20 And by the way, it's not just getting filled
15:22 with warm spiritual fuzzies that the revival is all about
15:25 because you drop down to verse 32
15:26 and that revival comes it will come to pass
15:29 that whoever calls on the name of the Lord
15:31 gets saved on that spot, at that moment.
15:37 So I'm thinking, "God, here we are,
15:38 we've just embarked on this 40-days of prayer.
15:41 What would happen if we were bound together
15:46 with this passionate quest for Andrews University
15:51 and the Pioneer Memorial Church,
15:53 that at the beginning of this school year
15:56 you did something supernatural,
15:58 you did something beyond the ordinary in our midst?"
16:03 That's why, guys, we have embarked on this 40-days
16:07 and 40-nights of prayer.
16:08 That's why last Sabbath I preached on it.
16:13 We handed out the books as you left.
16:15 We gave out last Sabbath 1,500 books,
16:20 we gave another 250 out,
16:21 people came that didn't have the books
16:24 our opening night September 1, here in the sanctuary.
16:29 And because we have collectively embarked
16:31 on this journey together I am absolutely convinced
16:38 that if you will join us,
16:41 if you will be willing to commit the next 40 days
16:46 to ask for a baptism of the Holy Spirit in your life
16:48 and to pray for five lost people,
16:51 as Edwin was just sharing a moment ago,
16:52 pray for five lost people, I am utterly convicted
16:58 that God will be released to do something
17:01 he has perhaps never been able to do in our midst.
17:06 I'm dreaming of a revival.
17:08 I am praying, God, we're at the end of time.
17:12 Jesus is coming soon.
17:13 You're not waiting for another headline,
17:15 you're waiting for your church to wake up.
17:17 Give me everything you have.
17:20 And so here is the deal.
17:22 I'm joining pastor Aster--
17:28 I need you to come out on Wednesday night.
17:31 Now we need just the numbers,
17:35 the sheer numbers united in a shared passion.
17:44 If you're free Wednesday night at 7 o'clock,
17:47 come on-- come here to the sanctuary.
17:49 We're out at 7:45, it's 45 minutes.
17:52 It's not a preaching service.
17:53 We get right-- We move right into praying.
17:57 If you could come, this business of all together,
18:01 in one accord, in one place, why not?
18:04 Come on, come on out, Wednesday night.
18:08 Share--
18:10 Claim the promise of that outpouring.
18:13 God will do something, God will do something
18:16 we've never dreamed could happen in our lifetime.
18:21 Why not?
18:23 Please, do it for your pastor.
18:27 Come on out and let's pray together, Wednesday night.
18:31 Let's pray right now.
18:32 Oh, God, so wa oluwa.
18:37 Almighty God, save us.
18:40 We can't save ourselves, we can't save this world,
18:44 but we can go to our knees and so, Holy Father,
18:50 do whatever it takes, band this campus together
18:54 in a shared spiritual quest
19:00 and leave us never the same again.
19:02 We're not telling you how to respond,
19:04 you respond in your own way.
19:05 Just use us and fill us and let this teaching,
19:12 this critical teaching this morning,
19:13 let it be clear to all of us.
19:16 I humbly pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
19:21 I'm not gonna say the government
19:23 by its response to this crisis reminds me of God,
19:28 but what I want to say is
19:30 the Chilean government facing the mining disaster,
19:36 the way they responded
19:40 reminds me how God may be facing a very similar dilemma.
19:45 I mean you think about it.
19:46 Everybody is following the story, right?
19:48 Thirty-three men trapped, one half mile
19:51 down inside the bowels of this mountain,
19:54 hallelujah, found alive and well.
19:59 Then the government moves into the rescue
20:01 and discovers that in order to drill
20:03 a 28-inch hole through which they're gonna extricate all 33
20:08 through solid one half mile rock,
20:11 it will take them possibly until Christmas.
20:16 And so the government announces
20:17 a gag order on all communication.
20:20 No-- No fam-- Nobody say a word to them
20:23 about how long this is gonna take.
20:25 We can't break their spirits, we can't dash their hopes,
20:29 we can't crush their expectations.
20:32 Mum's the word, until last week somebody spilled the beans.
20:36 Yep, the health minister of the Chilean government himself,
20:41 on purpose,
20:43 through a line lowered to that tiny little tube
20:45 that they've got going down to that little chamber
20:49 radio messaged to the men below, "I'm sorry, amigos,
20:54 but we're not gonna get you as fast as you think.
20:56 It may take us until Christmas.
20:59 And so coming down this lifeline right now
21:03 are antidepressants.
21:06 Take the pills and deal with your disappointment."
21:12 I think of that dilemma and I'm thinking to myself,
21:15 wait a minute, wait a minute, isn't that,
21:16 isn't that, isn't that the picture of God
21:18 without the antidepressants part?
21:22 Isn't that the picture of God
21:23 looking down through the universe into the dark,
21:27 collapsed mine shaft of this fallen planet?
21:30 And there His children are entombed
21:32 and he's talking to everybody up on top,
21:35 "Hey, guys, what are we going to do?
21:36 We can't tell them how long this is going to take
21:38 before we can successfully extricate them from that hole.
21:42 So what shall we do? Shall we tell them anything?
21:44 Shall we parse out the secret portion by portion?"
21:49 Spilling the secret, the title of today's teaching
21:53 from an ancient line written by a very minor prophet
21:57 who packs a very major wallop, prophet Amos,
22:04 and God through Amos saying, "Hey, I want you to watch
22:07 how I spill the secret one portion at a time."
22:12 Open your Bible up to the teaching today
22:14 found in Amos 3, Old Testament.
22:17 If you got-- If you found Joel you're there,
22:20 it's the next book right after Joel.
22:22 Find Amos 3,
22:25 I'm gonna be here in my New King James version.
22:29 If you didn't bring a Bible,
22:30 grab the pew Bible in front of you
22:32 so that you get-- you'll be able to track this,
22:34 just one line, amazing, amazing line.
22:37 The very dilemma the Chilean government faced,
22:39 God has been facing all these millennia.
22:42 By the way, that would be page 618
22:44 in your pew Bible, Amos 3, to get to the line
22:47 I want to begin at the beginning of the chapter.
22:48 We'll have a little run on to that line.
22:50 Amos 3, pick it up please in verse 1, Amos 3:1,
22:55 "Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you,
22:59 O children of Israel, against the whole family
23:01 which I brought up from the land of Egypt,"
23:03 you're my people, you're my children, listen up.
23:08 "You," verse 2, "You only have
23:10 I known of all the families of the earth,
23:13 Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities."
23:17 Ouch.
23:19 'Cause when you're on the inside,
23:22 when you're a part of that inner circle
23:24 to whom much is given, how does it go?
23:26 To whom much is given, much will be required.
23:29 It makes me think of the words of Richard John Neuhaus.
23:32 Boy, he was spot on when he wrote
23:34 "It is a fearful thing to be chosen."
23:38 When you end up being chosen, it's no picnic.
23:43 Of all people I was counting on you.
23:46 You let me down.
23:48 Now God launches a series of seven
23:50 rhetorical questions, watch this.
23:51 You know what a rhetorical is, don't you?
23:53 A rhetorical question is that question
23:55 that implies the answer tucked inside of it.
23:59 So that if I-- if I say to you,
24:01 here is a rhetorical question.
24:02 If I say to you, "Yo, isn't this a gorgeous day?"
24:06 I'm not hoping that you'll respond "Man, I hate it."
24:11 I am expecting that you're gonna say, "But of course."
24:16 So here they come, watch them,
24:17 seven of them, God lines them up.
24:19 Here they go, Chapter 3:3, rhetorical question number 1
24:23 "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
24:25 No, how could I walk with you--
24:27 you and I go for a walk this afternoon
24:28 if we don't make an appointment together.
24:30 You got to be agreed.
24:31 Rhetorical question number 2
24:32 "Will a lion roar in the forest,
24:34 when he has no prey?"
24:35 Nope.
24:36 He's gonna roar when he's got it.
24:37 "Will a young lion cry out of his den,
24:39 if he has caught nothing?"
24:40 Nope.
24:41 Rhetorical question number 4
24:42 "Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth,
24:44 where there is no trap for it?"
24:45 No. How could it?
24:47 Rhetorical question number 5
24:49 "Will a snare spring up from the earth,
24:51 if it has caught nothing at all?"
24:52 Nope.
24:53 Rhetorical question number 6, verse 6
24:55 "If a trumpet is blown in a city,
24:57 will not the people be afraid?"
24:58 Yep.
25:00 And finally rhetorical question number 7 "
25:02 If there is calamity in a city,
25:04 will not the Lord have done it?"
25:07 God it would have been-- Then he goes
25:11 "Surely the Lord God does nothing,
25:13 unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
25:16 In a deft literary twist what Amos does is,
25:19 we're expecting another rhetorical question.
25:21 Amos should have asked, "Will not the Lord
25:24 reveal His secrets to His servants, the prophets?"
25:26 Yep.
25:27 But, oh no, he catches us off-guard and he quickly
25:30 moves from the interrogative to the declarative
25:33 and he says, "Yo, God will do nothing
25:37 without first revealing His secret
25:39 to His servants, the prophets."
25:42 Brilliant. One line.
25:47 God has apparently a select circle,
25:51 an inner circle on this planet
25:55 that He uses to spill His secrets,
26:00 that we can call the prophets God's secret spillers.
26:03 I want to nail that point down
26:04 before it gets past my mind and yours.
26:06 Would you grab your study guide, please, right now?
26:07 It's inside your worship bulletin.
26:09 Pull that study guide out.
26:10 If you didn't get a study guide out,
26:11 so let's make sure everybody gets it today,
26:13 because you're gonna want this study guide.
26:16 Just hold your hand up as our friendly ushers
26:17 come your way, up in the balcony,
26:19 those of you sitting in the overflow,
26:21 we're glad to have you as well.
26:22 If you need a study guide, just hold your hand up,
26:24 we'll get a study guide to you.
26:26 And while these are going out, I want to say to those of you
26:28 watching on television, we're delighted to have you.
26:30 You can have the same study guide, go to our website.
26:32 Let me put it on the screen for you.
26:34 There you see it, at the bottom of the screen,
26:41 You go to that website,
26:42 you're looking for the new series,
26:43 brand new, this is only part two, "The Gift".
26:46 By the way, if you missed part 1,
26:47 it's already there in podcast and videocast.
26:49 You can get it, it's sitting there right now for you,
26:52 but this is part 2 and the title of this teaching
26:54 "Spilling the secret."
26:57 When you get to "Spilling the Secret,
26:58 " it says study guide right there, you click on it,
27:00 you'll have the same study guide we have.
27:02 Delighted to have you. All right, let's go.
27:04 We got to move, Amos 3:7,
27:06 let's jot it down, put it on the screen.
27:09 This is the verse, Amos 3:7,
27:12 "Surely the Lord God does nothing."
27:13 Will you fill that in please?
27:14 There are three keywords here that you need to fill in.
27:16 "Surely the Lord God does nothing
27:18 unless He reveals His secret."
27:21 Notice something-- By the way, how much of nothing is nothing?
27:26 Nothing.
27:27 God does nothing without revealing His secrets
27:31 to His servants, the prophets.
27:34 They are--
27:35 In fact, keep your pen moving.
27:37 We'll go to the very next slide.
27:39 God's prophets were His confidants,
27:43 His "secret-spillers," we'll call them.
27:46 Thus you can understand, ladies and gentlemen,
27:48 theirs was not an ordinary relationship,
27:50 God and His prophets.
27:51 God drew them into His inner circle.
27:54 That's why Abraham Heschel,
27:56 the Great Rabbi of the 20th-centurty, scholar,
27:59 in his magisterial two volume series called "The Prophets,"
28:02 I've got those two books, I tell you dynamite.
28:05 Abraham Heschel describes the prophets this way.
28:08 You'll have to fill it in. Put it on the screen.
28:10 "The prophet claims to be far more than a messenger."
28:15 Notice what he is saying here.
28:16 "He is a person who stands in the presence of God,
28:19 who stands, " according to Jeremiah 23:18,
28:22 "who stands in the council," and by the way,
28:25 I put that little sidebar in there
28:26 because you need to know that the Hebrew word for "council"
28:29 is the same Hebrew word for "secret" that we just read.
28:32 God will reveal His secret through His prophets.
28:35 So this prophet stands in the council of the Lord,
28:39 in other words, the secret council.
28:40 "Who is a participant," Heschel goes on,
28:42 "as it were in the Council of God,
28:44 not a bearer of dispatches
28:46 whose function is limited to being sent on errands."
28:49 Now here it goes. "He is a counselor."
28:52 Jot that in please.
28:53 "He is a counselor as well as a messenger."
28:59 The point, there is a very close
29:02 and even intimate relationship
29:03 between God and the prophet of God
29:05 to the place that Amos, get this,
29:07 the prophet Amos can argue with God to change God's mind.
29:11 I want you to watch this happen.
29:12 Just turn one page over
29:13 or maybe two pages in your Bible to Amos 7.
29:17 Look at this.
29:19 A massive locust attack has taken place
29:22 in the northern kingdom where Amos is ministering,
29:25 the ten tribes.
29:26 Massive locust attack.
29:28 Amos is crushed by this judgment,
29:32 this apparent divine judgment.
29:33 So notice verse 2, "And so it was, when they,"
29:36 the locust, "had finished eating the grass of the land
29:38 that I said: 'O Lord God, forgive, I pray!
29:42 Oh, that Jacob may stand, for he is small.'
29:46 "Please be merciful to us.
29:49 "So," watch God,
29:51 "So the Lord relented concerning this.
29:55 'It shall not be,' He said."
29:58 That's how close the prophet is,
30:00 that's how close the prophet is with God,
30:02 changing His mind, attempting to.
30:05 So that Heschel now-- Keep your pen moving.
30:07 Heschel observes, "When the secret,
30:11 " that Amos 3:7 talks about this secret that God reveals.
30:14 "When the secret revealed is one of woe,
30:17 the prophet does not hesitate
30:20 to challenge the intention of the Lord,"
30:21 as we just saw, 7:2.
30:23 "When the lives of others are at stake,
30:25 the prophet does not say 'Thy will be done,'
30:27 but rather, 'Thy will be changed.'
30:31 "Jot that down.
30:32 Thy will be changed, Amos just did it.
30:35 By the way, that's what the prophet Abraham does.
30:37 God, you don't-- Whoa!
30:39 God, you don't mean you're gonna destroy Sodom, are you?
30:41 Not Sodom.
30:43 God, if there are 50 people in Sodom,
30:44 won't you keep us alive?
30:46 45? 40? 30? 20? 10?
30:47 Yep, I'll do it, I'll do it,
30:48 I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it.
30:50 The prophet trying to change the mind of God.
30:54 Isn't that amazing?
30:55 That's how close they are.
30:58 Inner circle.
31:00 In fact would you jot it down please?
31:02 "A very unique and close relationship
31:05 has ever existed between God and His prophets."
31:10 Very close.
31:11 You can use the word "intimate" between God and His prophets.
31:15 Now keep going because the sentence goes on,
31:17 "Because such a relationship," and here's the key point,
31:20 "Such a relationship manifested through the gift of prophecy-
31:24 was utterly essential and strategic
31:27 in the divine gift of salvation."
31:30 That's what's at stake.
31:32 It's not about, "Shall we have a gift called prophecy?"
31:33 No, no, no.
31:34 The huge, the huge issue is the gift of salvation
31:40 driven by the desire to give that gift to the human race.
31:43 God comes up with the gift of prophecy.
31:45 In fact, weren't we talking about that last week?
31:47 Weren't we in the garden last week at the gates,
31:49 the locked gates of the garden, two gifts.
31:51 Remember that?
31:52 Two gifts that God gave to the human race, why?
31:55 Because the creator could no longer enjoy
31:58 face to face communion.
32:00 Some of you have been brooding over that thought
32:02 and saying "you know what?
32:03 What's the big deal with that?
32:05 God, why don't you just go ahead
32:06 and talk to us face to face?"
32:08 Ah, look at, it's not that God
32:10 doesn't want to talk to us face to face.
32:12 It's that he can't talk to us face to face.
32:15 Look at, when you go, when you to into a darkroom
32:19 and you turn on the light, okay.
32:22 Where does the darkness go? Does it run for cover?
32:25 Hide under the bed? Where does the darkness go?
32:29 The fact of the matter is, ladies and gentlemen,
32:30 darkness and light cannot co-habit the same space.
32:35 When light comes in, darkness is gone
32:38 and that's why God cannot say, "Hey, Dwight,
32:40 yo, I want to come down, I want to meet you
32:42 where you're having your prayers
32:43 and worship today, so just to keep the door open.
32:46 I'll be walking through in just a moment."
32:47 God cannot walk into my space. You know why?
32:50 Because there is still darkness in Dwight's heart.
32:53 There is still darkness in my mind.
32:54 There is darkness in my body.
32:56 It clings to me or I cling to it
32:58 and if light walks in to where that darkness is,
33:01 boom, the darkness is gone.
33:02 And if I'm holding onto that darkness
33:03 in any way, poosh, I'm gone.
33:09 God says, "I can't do this to you, boy.
33:12 We're gonna have to do this whole thing not face to face.
33:18 I'll kill you and I don't want that."
33:21 And so He gives two gifts to the human race.
33:24 Because we can't go face to face,
33:26 God says, "I'm gonna give you a gift whereby 24/7,
33:30 I don't care where you are on this planet,
33:32 24/7 we will meet face to face."
33:37 Face to face.
33:38 Look at this, Hebrews 11:6
33:41 "But without faith it is impossible to please God,
33:45 for he, for she who comes to God must believe that He is,
33:50 and that He is a rewarder of those
33:51 who diligently seek Him."
33:53 God says, we can't do face to face,
33:54 but if you're just lisp face to face you get faith to faith.
33:58 We'll do faith to faith together.
34:00 Prayer, because I need to hear from you
34:03 and the gift of prophecy,
34:04 yeah, I'm gonna give you a second gift
34:05 at the gates of the locked garden.
34:07 I'm gonna give you this mysterious collaboration
34:09 between the divine and the human
34:10 whereby certain select individual human beings
34:14 though they're very human foibles
34:16 and failures are more than obvious.
34:19 Don't you miss next week, oh my,
34:20 of maniacs and fools and other such gifts.
34:24 It's heartrending.
34:25 They are utterly human.
34:28 But in spite of their foibles I picked them
34:32 and they will spill my secrets to you.
34:34 Listen up to them.
34:36 Now, I am talking to you.
34:38 Gift of prophecy. In fact, let's read it again.
34:41 That's what's happening here, Amos 3:7
34:43 "Surely the Lord God does nothing,
34:46 unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
34:51 I mean, you know, folks just think about this.
34:52 What does this say about the character of God?
34:55 You know, He could have said "Hey, adios, don't call us.
34:59 We'll call you."
35:00 But instead, He gives two gifts because--
35:03 What is the passion of His heart?
35:04 I have got to keep in touch with you.
35:07 I'm doing everything, everything divinely possible
35:11 so that we are never separated.
35:14 What does it say about God? Does He love you or what?
35:18 24/7, 24/7.
35:21 Wow.
35:24 So why should we be surprised then to discover
35:29 that when we trace the salvation story
35:31 from beginning to end, look what we discover
35:33 before every major chapter in the salvation story.
35:38 Just before the chapter is to begin,
35:40 God raises up one of these inner circle secret-spillers.
35:45 Every time.
35:46 Watch this
35:49 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God."
35:51 Amos is being clear on that.
35:53 Yeah, the secret things belong to God,
35:55 "but those things which are revealed,
35:57 "the secrets He's already spilled,
35:59 "belong to us and to our children forever."
36:02 Why is God sending these secrets?
36:04 So "that we may do all the words of this law."
36:07 So that we may be in the heart of His salvation journey.
36:11 The whole point of it, the whole point of it
36:14 is because He wants to save you and me, that's it,
36:16 two gifts, to save the likes of you and me.
36:19 So, God, how does this work? You send your secrets down?
36:21 I mean how do you do it?
36:23 New Testament now, 2 Peter 1:19-21
36:27 "And so," Peter says, remember
36:29 "we have the prophetic word confirmed,
36:32 which you do well to heed as a light
36:34 that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns
36:38 and the morning star rises in your hearts."
36:41 How does this work?
36:42 Well, you need to know this first,
36:43 "that no prophecy of Scripture
36:45 is of any private interpretation,
36:48 for prophecy never came by the will of man,
36:51 but holy men of God spoke
36:53 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
36:56 That's what's happening, God's taking His secret
36:58 and entrusting it to these select chosen ones.
37:03 They'll be my messengers, they'll be my prophets,
37:05 they're my servants.
37:08 Read it again, Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God does nothing,
37:14 unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
37:17 Would you jot this down please? It is the truth.
37:20 Before every major chapter of salvation history story
37:25 God first raised up a prophet.
37:28 That's the point.
37:29 God raised up a prophet to announce the divine secret
37:33 of the impending salvation event.
37:37 Let's just check this out, okay?
37:39 I want to share with you
37:40 seven major chapters from salvation history.
37:42 When it's over, I'll sit down and we're through.
37:44 Seven chapters, let me run these by you real quick,
37:46 keep your pen moving.
37:47 Seven spilling-the-secret chapters in salvation history
37:51 where God raises up a prophet first to prepare His people
37:54 for what is just about to happen.
37:57 Chapter number 1, we're just--
37:59 These are not-- These aren't all of them.
38:01 I just picked seven of them, all right?
38:02 Chapter number 1, jot it down, the flood.
38:05 And who would be the prophet associated with the flood?
38:07 But of course our friend Noah, yeah.
38:12 I mean what a monumental chapter in salvation history.
38:16 God's primeval creation obliterated by a global flood.
38:20 Let's just read a few words from Genesis 6.
38:22 We'll just-- We'll read it off the screen,
38:24 "Then the Lord--"
38:25 You know, I read these words and I keep thinking,
38:27 "Am I looking at the third millennium?
38:29 Is this the 21st-century in my homeland?"
38:32 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man
38:34 was great in the earth and that every intent
38:36 of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
38:39 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth
38:42 and He was grieved in His heart."
38:44 You'll say how can anybody be sorry
38:45 that you made-- you made that child?
38:48 Listen, I have talked to some parents
38:51 whose hearts are so broken
38:53 over what has happened to their children
38:55 that they dared to breed the thought,
38:58 "I wish to God that we hadn't brought that life.
39:04 Look what has happened."
39:07 Don't you tell me that there aren't parents' hearts
39:10 who are broken and wondering did I do the right thing.
39:13 God's no different.
39:14 He's shown-- He's shown as a parent.
39:16 God says, "Look, I'm sorry,
39:19 but I'm gonna have to destroy humanity
39:21 whom I have created from the face of the earth,
39:23 both man and beast,
39:24 creeping things and birds of the air,
39:25 for I am sorry that I have made them."
39:28 But hallelujah, Noah, got him, I found one.
39:34 "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
39:37 It wasn't just Noah, there was a whole community,
39:39 the community of Seth.
39:40 I got Noah. "This is the genealogy of Noah.
39:43 Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations."
39:45 And Noah, just like Enoch, "Noah walked with God."
39:51 It's possible in the most corrupt hour of human history.
39:55 Isn't that great news? You can walk with God.
39:57 Yeah, "And so Noah begot three sons."
39:58 You know them, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
40:00 Oh, but let's hear a little bit more of the story.
40:01 "And God said to Noah,
40:02 "The end of all flesh has come before Me,
40:04 for the earth is filled with violence through them;
40:06 behold, I'm gonna destroy them with the earth."
40:07 So here's what I need you to do, Noah,
40:09 "Make yourself an ark of gopherwood;
40:10 make rooms in the ark,
40:11 and cover it inside and outside with pitch."
40:13 And how does Noah respond?
40:15 "Thus Noah did, according to all that God commanded him,
40:17 so he did."
40:20 Inner circle, the secret-spiller,
40:22 you're gonna tell everybody what I just told you.
40:26 You know, when I get to heaven
40:27 I hope to have a quiet conversation with Noah.
40:30 By the way, I already know what Noah looks like.
40:32 I believe Noah looks like the cover of our bulletin,
40:35 the picture that actually Peterson found.
40:37 I'll put it on the screen for you.
40:38 Let's put it on the-- Doesn't that look like Noah or what?
40:40 Is that a picture of Noah?
40:42 We googled Noah and we found him.
40:45 Look at that.
40:46 That is Noah if there ever were a Noah, there it is.
40:50 So anyway, I would like to sit down with Noah one day,
40:52 I'll say, "Noah, listen, I have two questions for you.
40:55 Question number one, sir, how did it feel
41:00 proclaiming a truth that could not be proven,
41:03 a truth for which you were ridiculed
41:06 by the scholars of your age?
41:07 How did that really feel?"
41:11 Then I throw in question number two,
41:13 "And why is it that you only preached
41:15 one sermon the entire 120 years?
41:20 No wonder you didn't have a congregation
41:21 when you were through."
41:25 And while we're at it,
41:26 I'm throwing in question number three,
41:28 "Why did you get drunk after the flood?"
41:32 I throw that question in for you to remind you
41:34 that when God gets
41:35 an inner circle confidant secret-spiller,
41:38 He doesn't look for somebody perfect.
41:41 He needs somebody willing.
41:44 We'll deal with those foibles and failures next Sabbath.
41:47 All right, so there is chapter number one,
41:49 we'll call it "The Flood."
41:50 Noah is the prophet.
41:51 Chapter number two, we'll call this one--
41:52 Put it on the screen please,
41:53 we'll call this one "The Chosen,
41:54 "the prophet would be Abraham, of course.
41:57 This is a massive chapter in salvation history
41:59 because God is going to raise up a people,
42:02 not because they're the greatest on earth.
42:03 Are you kidding, God, in fact, finally had to tell them
42:06 you're about the worst I've ever had.
42:08 But I need to have somebody.
42:12 Stiff neck-- Stiff neck though you are,
42:14 I need to have somebody and you're it
42:18 because I need you to take the light of my character
42:20 to the whole world, then I'll come.
42:22 That's the only reason you ever get chosen.
42:24 You're chosen for service and they were.
42:28 It's a massive chapter.
42:29 Ah, praise God.
42:32 Oh, but there's chapter 3, chapter 3,
42:34 jot it down, will you please?
42:35 "The Exodus,"
42:37 because the chosen end up in slavery.
42:39 Of all things, the exodus.
42:40 And who is the great prophet with the exodus?
42:42 But of course, that would be Moses.
42:43 And so God comes to Moses, in Exodus 3:2
42:46 "Come now, therefore, Moses,
42:48 and I'm gonna send you to Pharaoh
42:50 that you may bring My people,
42:51 the children of Israel, out of Egypt."
42:54 Let My people go.
42:56 That is a huge chapter in salvation history.
42:59 In fact, do you know that,
43:00 that chapter becomes the prototype
43:03 of the grand Calvary chapter, when the entire human race
43:07 is released from the bondage of Satan?
43:09 What God does through, Moses in Egypt is a type,
43:14 it's a foreshadowing of what Christ would do
43:17 on Calvary's middle cross.
43:18 That's huge. And then guess what?
43:20 Moses not only has one 40 days and 40 nights prayer period,
43:24 he does double 40 days and 40 nights of praying
43:28 and in those doubles,
43:29 he's alone, face to face with God almost.
43:33 And God says "Take these Ten Commandments
43:34 that I've written with my finger,
43:36 take this sanctuary system
43:37 that illustrates the entire planet's salvation."
43:40 I'm telling you, this chapter is huge, but it's not the end.
43:44 There comes another chapter.
43:45 Put this one down, it's chapter number four,
43:47 this is "The Exile".
43:49 Who are the prophets associated with the exile?
43:51 Put Jeremiah, write Jeremiah
43:54 and then put the little Latin "et al".
43:56 That means "and all the others".
43:58 Because this was a string for three centuries,
44:01 God sends a string, prophet after prophet after prophet
44:04 after prophet begging, pleading, cajoling the people.
44:09 You don't want to-- You don't really mean this
44:11 that you don't want Me to be your protector.
44:12 Are you telling Me that you don't want Me
44:14 to be your shield,
44:15 because if I step back, it's adios, it's curtains.
44:19 I'm begging you keep Me as your God.
44:23 They're aping their pagan neighbors.
44:25 Can you believe that?
44:26 If the pagan neighbors do it, we got to do it.
44:28 They're worshipping their neighbors' gods.
44:31 God says you can't do this, you just can't.
44:36 By the way the string of prophets,
44:37 listen to this, Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Hosea,
44:39 Amos, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum and Zephaniah,
44:41 Habakkuk and then Jeremiah.
44:43 And the whole thing goes down the tubes
44:46 in Jeremiah's ministry.
44:48 Ah, but there's another chapter coming
44:50 called chapter number five "The Return," Daniel,
44:55 the return from exile/ Daniel, et al.,
44:57 because there are other prophets as well
45:00 to prepare the people for one last probationary period,
45:07 to prepare the people
45:08 for the coming of the Messiah, Daniel.
45:13 Hundreds of years go by,
45:14 then comes the great chapter number 6,
45:18 salvation chapter and, of course,
45:19 the salvation history, jot it down "The Coming."
45:22 The coming of who?
45:23 The coming of the Messiah, of course.
45:25 And who's the prophet associated
45:27 with the Messiah's first coming?
45:29 John the Baptist, it's got to be John, John the Baptist.
45:32 So critical was this secret spilling prophet
45:35 that God sent the mighty angel,
45:37 the angel Gabriel to alert the birth of John.
45:41 Put this up on the screen please.
45:42 Luke 1:15 "For he," John,
45:45 "will be great in the sight of the Lord,
45:46 and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink.
45:49 He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit,
45:50 even from his mother's womb.
45:52 And he will turn many of the children of Israel
45:54 to the Lord their God.
45:56 He will also go before the Messiah
45:57 in the spirit and power of Elijah,
45:59 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,'
46:01 and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,
46:04 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
46:08 How could there be a greater mission
46:11 than to prepare a people for the coming Messiah?
46:15 Stupendous.
46:16 Behold the Lamb of God
46:18 who takes away the sin of the world.
46:21 Seven chapters.
46:23 So what was that one? Was that number six?
46:24 Okay, here comes number seven, "Coming-2".
46:28 Jot that down please, "Coming-2".
46:30 Who is this one?
46:31 Not John the Baptist, but this one is John the Revelator.
46:35 And John who opens his apocalypse up,
46:37 he shows as the Amos 3:7 process, look at this,
46:40 we put Revelation 1 on the screen.
46:42 John is describing how this process works.
46:44 "The Revelation," the secret spilling, "of Jesus Christ,
46:47 which God gave him to show His servants -
46:51 things which must shortly take place.
46:53 And He sent," the secret, "
46:55 and signified it by His angel to His servant John."
46:58 And is John just hanging on to the secret?
47:00 Are you kidding? No.
47:01 John, "who bore witness to the word of God,
47:03 and to the testimony of Jesus Christ,
47:05 to all things that he saw.
47:06 Blessed," now notice the next verse,
47:08 "Blessed are those who read and those who hear the words
47:11 of this prophecy, and keep those things
47:13 which are written in it for the time is near."
47:17 Every single time, ladies and gentlemen,
47:18 God has something huge coming on the radar screen
47:22 of salvation history and boom, before it comes,
47:24 He raises up a prophet.
47:29 Seven major chapters, there they are, in salvation history.
47:32 And by the way, all of them clustered around the prophets
47:35 and the book that the prophets have bequeathed as our legacy,
47:39 this book right here.
47:42 I want to read you these words.
47:43 I'll put them on the screen for you,
47:44 from that apocalyptic classic.
47:46 Speaking of this book, what place does this book
47:48 have in the life of this community?
47:50 This is the apocalyptic classic "Great Controversy".
47:53 Put the words on the screen, words written a century ago,
47:56 "God will have a people upon the earth,
48:00 "at the end of time, he's talking about,
48:02 "God will have a people upon the earth
48:05 to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only,
48:09 as the standard of all doctrines
48:10 and the basis of all reforms."
48:13 Listen to this, "The opinions of learned men,
48:16 the deductions of science,
48:18 the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils,
48:21 as numerous and discordant as are the churches
48:23 which they represent, the voice of the majority-
48:26 not one nor all of these should be regarded
48:28 as evidence for or against any point of religious faith."
48:32 Before-- This is our call.
48:35 "Before accepting any doctrine or precept,
48:38 we should demand a plain
48:40 'Thus saith the Lord' in response."
48:45 God will have a people for whom the Bible and the Bible alone
48:53 is their sole authority at the end of time.
48:58 These 40 days of prayer they're not just about praying.
49:02 The 40 days of prayer have to be feasting from the Word.
49:08 You'll say "I don't want to read the Word.
49:09 Dwight, I'm just not really into the Bible right now.
49:11 I just want to pray."
49:12 Let me tell you something, my friend,
49:14 if you pray without the Word, your prayer is nearly bankrupt.
49:21 It is the word of God that will empower
49:24 and inform you're praying.
49:27 So in these 40 days get into the Word.
49:28 You got the new Andrews Study Bible,
49:30 get into the Word, get into the word of God.
49:32 You don't have the study Bible, fine.
49:33 Take any Bible you have, just get into the Word,
49:36 40 days and 40 nights in the Word and on our knees.
49:40 It's the combination.
49:42 God will have a people at the end of time
49:44 for whom the Bible and the Bible only
49:48 is their sole authority.
49:51 And by the way, in reading this Bible
49:53 I have come to this conclusion,
49:55 carefully studying it I am convicted that before
49:58 every major chapter of salvation history,
50:00 God has raised up a prophet to prepare His people
50:04 for what is yet ahead,
50:05 leading me to wonder out loud with you,
50:09 if that is true
50:11 that in every major chapter of salvation history
50:14 God has raised up a prophet to prepare His people
50:17 for what is impending, do you not suppose
50:20 He would do the same before the return of Christ?
50:26 Think with me now this last sentence.
50:29 I'm gonna repeat it.
50:32 If God has undertaken no major spiritual chapter
50:37 in salvation history
50:39 without first raising up a prophet to share that secret
50:42 and prepare His people for what was just ahead,
50:45 if that's true, and we've just seen that it is,
50:48 then would it not be both logical and consistent
50:53 to expect that before the most explosive and spectacular event
50:58 in salvation history?
51:00 I'm talking about the physical, visible,
51:03 personal return of the King of heaven and earth
51:06 the second time to this planet,
51:08 the most explosive moment in human history.
51:12 Would it not be logically consistent
51:15 to expect that just before that event,
51:19 God would raise up a prophet
51:23 before the return of Christ?
51:33 Wouldn't He do that,
51:38 if this is His story?
51:52 I want to invite you to sing a hymn about this Book.
51:57 Sing a hymn about this Book, ponder to that question
52:00 as our worship concludes.
52:02 We'll put the words on the screen for you,
52:03 "How firm a foundation we hear in His word."
52:11 Let's stand together and let's sing this hymn,
52:13 sing your heart out, this confession of this Book.
52:44 How firm a foundation
52:47 Ye saints of the Lord is laid for your faith
52:53 In His excellent word
52:56 What more can He say
53:00 Than to you He hath said
53:02 To you who for refuge
53:06 To Jesus hath fled?
53:11 Fear not, I am with thee
53:15 O, be not dismayed
53:17 For I am thy God
53:20 And will still give thee aid
53:23 I'll strengthen thee, help thee
53:27 And cause thee to stand
53:30 Upheld by My righteous,
53:33 Omnipotent hand
53:38 When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go
53:45 The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow
53:52 For I will be with Thee, thy trouble to bless
53:59 And sanctify to Thee
54:03 Thy deepest distress
54:08 When thro' fiery trials thy pathway shall lie
54:14 My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply
54:21 The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
54:27 Thy dross to consume
54:30 And thy gold to refine
54:37 The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
54:43 I will not, I will not, desert to his foes
54:50 That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake
54:56 I'll never, no never, no never forsake
55:08 Holy Father, we hear Your promise
55:10 to never, never forsake us.
55:12 Please hear our benediction response
55:20 by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
55:23 and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit
55:26 we will never, never forsake You, either.
55:31 Seal our souls,
55:36 our lives in the bedrock of Holy Scripture we pray.
55:45 And now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly
55:48 above all that we ask or think,
55:52 according to the power that works in us,
55:55 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus
55:59 to all generations forever and ever.
56:04 Amen.
56:24 I'd like to take a moment here
56:25 at the end of the service to tell you about
56:26 one of the most important groups of people
56:28 that make this ministry possible.
56:31 They're a team of people that are not afraid to get down
56:34 into the thick of life itself,
56:36 which is why you're gonna find them,
56:38 you will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:41 They're our prayer partners,
56:43 a group of men and women and young adults
56:46 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:49 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:51 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher
56:54 and God will use me and God will use the countless
56:57 other volunteers to spread the everlasting Gospel
57:00 and the word of God in ways
57:01 we could never have imagined before.
57:04 They're the ones who are praying
57:05 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people,
57:08 open up the hearts of viewers
57:10 around the world, for the message,
57:12 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:16 And what I'd like to do is ask you,
57:18 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us,
57:21 a prayer partner with New Perceptions?
57:23 You don't have to call a toll free number,
57:24 you don't have to go online or register.
57:26 All I need to know is that you'd be willing
57:29 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day,
57:35 pray that somehow through radio and television and the web
57:39 God will open up new doors, new regions on earth
57:43 where the everlasting Gospel can be proclaimed.
57:46 There is no question the power of prayer
57:48 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:50 we could never have imagined before.
57:53 So that's it, would you please be willing
57:56 to partner with me in prayer?
57:58 The times are urgent, the need is critical
58:02 and I hope you'll say yes.
58:04 Till we're together next time, may the prayer-answering God
58:08 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17