New Perceptions

Why You Are The Most Unique Person On Earth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP090107

00:27 Give thanks with a grateful heart
00:31 Give thanks to the Holy One
00:35 Give thanks because
00:38 He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
00:44 Give thanks with a grateful heart
00:48 Give thanks to the Holy One
00:52 Give thanks because He's given
00:56 Jesus Christ, His Son
01:01 And now, let the weak say, I am strong
01:07 Let the poor say I am rich
01:11 Because of what the Lord has done for us
01:18 And now, let the weak say I am strong
01:24 Let the poor say I am rich
01:28 Because of what the Lord has done for us
01:35 Give thanks
01:45 Give thanks
01:54 The song we introduced on last week,
01:57 it simply says it's Sabbath and my rest has arrived.
02:00 It's Sabbath, a day God set a side.
02:03 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight.
02:06 It's Sabbath.
02:21 It's Sabbath, and my rest has arrived
02:29 It's Sabbath, a day God set aside
02:37 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight,
02:44 It's Sabbath
02:52 It's Sabbath, and my rest has arrived
02:59 It's Sabbath, a day God set aside
03:06 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight,
03:13 It's Sabbath
03:18 O Holy God
03:20 O Holy God, this Holy Day
03:27 Please purify our lives we pray
03:34 O Holy God, this Holy Day
03:41 Please purify our lives we pray
03:48 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight
03:55 it's Sabbath
04:00 Let's try once more.
04:02 It's Sabbath, and my rest has arrived
04:09 It's Sabbath, a day God set aside
04:16 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight
04:23 It's Sabbath
04:28 This is our prayer, O Holy God.
04:30 O Holy God, this Holy Day
04:37 Please purify our lives we pray
04:44 O Holy God, this Holy Day
04:51 Please purify our lives we pray
04:58 It's Sabbath, it's a joy and delight
05:05 It's Sabbath
05:30 Deep river
05:38 My home is over Jordan
05:49 Deep river
05:55 Lord, I want to cross
06:00 Over into camp ground
06:08 Deep river
06:16 My home is over Jordan
06:26 Deep river
06:32 Lord, I want to cross
06:39 Over into camp ground
06:45 Oh don't you want to go to that
06:55 That Promised Land
07:03 That land where all is peace?
07:16 Deep river
07:23 My home
07:26 Is over Jordan
07:36 Deep river, Lord
07:47 I want to cross over
07:52 I want to cross over
07:57 I want to cross
08:01 Over into campground
08:24 Amen.
09:03 I want to cross over, don't you?
09:08 I want to cross over.
09:13 I want to cross over.
09:15 Hallelujah.
09:23 To a generation once
09:25 on a very verge of crossing over,
09:30 these words were spoken.
09:35 And when the Lord your God brings you in to the land
09:38 which you go to posses and is cast out the nations
09:43 before you the Hittites and the Gargashites,
09:51 and the Amorites, and the Canaanites,
09:56 and the Perizzites, and the Hivites,
10:01 and the Jebusites
10:05 all the other termites.
10:09 When you go in to posses that lands
10:11 seven nations greater and mightier
10:13 than you will be there and when the Lord,
10:14 your God delivers them over to you,
10:18 you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them.
10:23 You should not make marriages with them.
10:26 You should not give your daughter to their son
10:30 nor take their daughter for your son
10:33 for they will turn your sons and daughters away
10:35 from following me to serve other gods.
10:39 For you listen,
10:41 for you our holy people to the Lord your God,
10:49 the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself,
10:56 a special treasure above all the peoples
10:59 on the face of the earth.
11:04 Let us pray.
11:06 Oh, God, what the choir sang we were praying.
11:12 I want to cross over,
11:15 I want to cross over.
11:18 One of these days the crossing over generation will be here,
11:24 and oh, God, may we be a part of it,
11:30 I humbly pray.
11:32 Teach us this morning.
11:34 Teach us,
11:37 so that we might indeed cross over
11:40 through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
11:47 Have you ever wondered what it was like
11:51 the night or the day that you are conceived?
11:56 I got to be honest with you,
11:57 I have never wandered in my life
12:00 until I came across a book this summer.
12:05 Founded in the Philadelphia airport book store,
12:09 Karen and I had just flown back from Italy,
12:13 four glorious days with a bus full
12:16 of Andrews University students, they're all architects.
12:18 Architect majors and we had the honor
12:21 of spending four days up in the green valleys
12:25 of the North West Italian Alps.
12:28 And in fact, that, that experience for me
12:30 and I think for them was so significant that
12:32 four weeks from today on this very platform,
12:36 I'm gonna have those architects students help me tell--
12:39 tell you what happened, all right.
12:41 Four weeks from today.
12:43 So now we are coming back
12:44 from Milan into Philadelphia and we got two hours
12:47 before we make our domestic connection to Chicago.
12:50 And I always go into a book store
12:51 if I have some time and so I looked,
12:52 oh, I've never seen this title before caught my eye,
12:55 Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To.
12:59 Now wouldn't that catch your eye?
13:01 Yeah, sub titled Divine Answers
13:03 to Life's Most Difficult Problems.
13:04 It's written by an author
13:05 I never heard him before Anthony DeStefano.
13:09 So I'm looking at these ten prayers,
13:11 prayer one boom, boom, boom.
13:12 Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, well, that make sense,
13:14 yeah, yeah that till I get to prayer number ten.
13:17 And when I get to prayer number ten,
13:18 here is prayer number ten, God lead me to my destiny.
13:23 I said, that's I have never heard
13:24 anybody pray that prayer.
13:25 So I started to read and before long
13:27 I ran in to these words.
13:29 Did you ever think about all the factors
13:31 that had to be in place for you to be born?
13:35 For I never thought about that.
13:36 About all the millions of tiny details
13:39 that had to converge at just the right time
13:42 and just the right place for you
13:44 to come into this world.
13:46 Haven't thought about that either
13:47 and just like a hook
13:49 he described the night I got conceived,
13:52 the night you got conceive.
13:53 Could have been a day I don't know, doesn't matter.
13:55 Now, he described it.
13:59 So when I get back,
14:00 I'm talking to the scientist on this campus.
14:02 I'm saying, hey, I called three of my biologist friends
14:07 who teach here at Andrews University.
14:09 So I'm talking to David Steen
14:10 and Bill Chobotar and Robert Zdor,
14:13 all right three of our scientists.
14:15 I said, is it like DeStefano portrays in his book.
14:18 They said, yep.
14:19 I said, do you have any pictures
14:21 of a conception taking place?
14:22 Yep.
14:23 You do?
14:24 I want it for this Sabbath.
14:26 And so I'm gonna show you
14:28 an actual conception taking place.
14:31 I figure this is a university audience
14:33 and you can handle it, all right.
14:36 But before I run those clips on the screen
14:39 I need to set the table for you, okay.
14:41 So, here it is.
14:43 This is-- this is a scenario, you understand this,
14:46 your father and your mother came together, true or false?
14:50 It's true.
14:51 Now, you need to hear this,
14:53 whether your father and mother stayed together?
14:55 Ever really got together or were strangers
14:59 is immaterial to the fact that it happened, all right.
15:03 So all of this that you're about to see
15:05 has happened, all right.
15:08 So when your father and mother came together,
15:11 he deposited in your mother
15:14 500 million tiny little male reproductive cells
15:20 called sperm, you understand that?
15:22 Five hundred million.
15:24 Now I want you to think about this,
15:27 he the man gives 500 million cells,
15:34 the mother gives one egg.
15:36 I'm telling you it is never been fair
15:38 from the very beginning.
15:42 Has it? Look at that.
15:45 Okay, so you got the picture,
15:50 five-- half a billion,
15:52 half a billion little sperm have a very short lifespan
15:56 and they know one thing find the ovum, the egg,
16:00 as fast as possible, all right.
16:02 I'm gonna show you the sperm first.
16:03 Let's put this sperm on the screen here.
16:05 You guys watching in the--
16:06 you see it on the monitors here.
16:07 Okay, so those are the sperms, those are these little guys
16:09 a half a billion of them are going to work, all right.
16:12 There they are, all right.
16:14 Now I want to give you another-- another clip here,
16:18 you are gonna see now
16:21 an egg be penetrated by a sperm, all right.
16:25 So this is what it looks like, the night you are conceived.
16:27 There it is, watch on,
16:28 just this is a move, so watch it.
16:31 There is the sperm, you see it there
16:33 and now he's found the egg
16:35 and he is working his way in to that egg.
16:38 We'll run it one more time. You see that, watch it.
16:41 See, it starts to wiggle.
16:42 This is it, this is his moment and he gets in.
16:46 Final clip, this is a little longer clip,
16:48 we not gonna play this one twice.
16:50 Final clip, watch what happens--
16:52 little further back photography watch what happens
16:55 when the sperm penetrates the egg.
17:00 You will see a shield.
17:02 You're gonna see a fertilization envelope develop.
17:04 Now see the point of sperm entry,
17:06 watch that now.
17:07 Watch out the egg begins to get pushed in
17:09 where the sperm has entered.
17:11 Do you see a mysterious shield
17:13 immediately going up around the egg,
17:14 do you see it?
17:15 Okay, give us a little close up.
17:17 Now you watch this fertilization envelope,
17:19 okay, here is magnification.
17:21 Now watch the side of that egg
17:23 being pushed in, that's a sperm now
17:26 that is penetrated the egg, all right.
17:29 So you see it being pushed in.
17:30 The moment that sperm enters a shield is instantly created
17:35 because, you can't have two sperm,
17:37 nature goes crazy, you have to have
17:40 just one penetration, all right.
17:44 Now I want you to think about--
17:45 do the numbers with me.
17:47 The night that you and I were conceived
17:49 or whenever it was, okay,
17:52 a single sperm, a single sperm
17:56 that has who you are right now, all through it,
18:00 a single sperm has to win the race.
18:07 Robert Zdor was telling me
18:09 that when it comes to winning that race
18:11 it's first come first serve.
18:14 The first little sperm that gets there,
18:18 and you understand that,
18:19 that when that little sperm gets there
18:20 that little shield goes up
18:22 and that means that 499 million, 999,999
18:28 other little sperm have to perish
18:31 they will now die because the sperm
18:34 that was you made it instead.
18:38 I have never thought about any of this before as you?
18:42 Leading days to find,
18:43 I'm gonna put his words on the screen.
18:44 This-- this is significant. Look at his conclusion.
18:47 Anthony DeStefano, listen to this.
18:49 "Half a billion potential human beings,
18:52 each one completely different from you,
18:55 could have been born in place of you had not that one,
18:58 unique sperm cell fertilized that one, unique ovum.
19:03 In a very real sense,
19:07 half a billion other potential human beings
19:09 had to forgo life to make way for you.
19:13 Half a billion other men and women,
19:15 each with their own distinct physical traits,
19:17 their own hair, eyes and voices,
19:18 each with his or her own unique personality,
19:21 never saw the light of day, so that you could live."
19:24 But I'm telling you of these--
19:25 this is the wow factor, there is even more.
19:28 Because you understand this in that month
19:30 there is a very small window.
19:32 Do you understand what I'm talking about?
19:33 There is a small window when that egg is available.
19:37 Right, a very small window,
19:40 and depending on when your mother and father
19:43 came together, it will depend
19:45 on those particular sperms that will go in.
19:47 True or false?
19:48 But of course,
19:49 so if you miss that small window,
19:51 you say what's the big deal, Dwight?
19:53 You get the window again next month.
19:54 That's right,
19:55 but your little sperm got created this month,
19:57 it will be-- it will be curtains next moth.
20:00 You have to have this month to get you here,
20:03 we had to have this month
20:05 and it couldn't been Friday night,
20:06 and it couldn't be Thursday night for you,
20:07 it had to be Wednesday night.
20:10 Do you understand what I'm saying?
20:11 Because that's the only time
20:13 the little half of you got to the other half
20:17 and made the creation that you become.
20:19 Is this too much information for this audience?
20:22 Am I getting too specific? You understand what I'm saying?
20:25 This is DeStefano, Anthony DeStefano.
20:27 And I'm saying, wow, look it,
20:30 if that little sperm doesn't get there
20:32 do you know what we get instead of you?
20:33 We get your sister.
20:36 Think of that, plus, plus,
20:41 don't forget about this, miscarriages.
20:42 One out of every-- one out of every five
20:46 pregnancies ends in miscarriage.
20:48 Think about this, still born
20:49 one out of every 100 births ends as a still born.
20:53 Think about this, abortions
20:55 one out of every four births is terminated in abortion.
20:59 Do you understand that the fact that
21:01 you made it all the way through the nine months gestation.
21:04 In fact Robert Zdor told me,
21:07 he said Dwight, I tell you what,
21:08 the reality is of the-- of the sperm egg unions
21:12 in the mother uterus only one third of those
21:15 will ever make it to see the light a day.
21:18 Ladies and gentleman, something big happened
21:23 'cause you are here, you are here,
21:28 leaving Anthony DeStefano to make a point
21:30 that I hope you will never forget.
21:31 In fact, this point is so important,
21:33 it's a very first quotation in our study guide.
21:35 Brand new series, brand new study guide,
21:37 grab your study guide
21:38 in your worship bulletin right now
21:41 and I don't want you to forget this point.
21:46 Ruminate on this will you?
21:47 You just kind of cogitate on it after this day.
21:50 Come on ushers, let's go, let's go.
21:51 Ushers, would you stand please
21:53 and make sure that everybody here gets a study guides.
21:56 Four of you came in with one bulletin.
21:58 Some of you are new in this church
21:59 and you didn't realize you got to get a bulletin every week,
22:01 'cause that's how you get your study guide.
22:02 Hold your hand up, don't have to be embarrassed,
22:04 it's worth-- the study guide worth this one quotation.
22:06 So hold your hand up
22:07 all the way in back of the balcony,
22:09 I will make sure that our choir's got it,
22:10 we are in business.
22:12 All right, now those of you watching on television
22:14 let me just say a word to you.
22:16 You can get this identical study guide
22:19 you may, if you go to our website.
22:21 Let me put it on the screen for you.
22:22 There it is
22:25 This is the beginning of our brand new series
22:27 entitled "The Chosen."
22:29 The teaching that you're looking for,
22:31 for this number one,
22:32 is "Why You Are the Most Unique Person on Earth."
22:36 Don't miss next week by the way,
22:37 "Why We Are the Most Unique People on Earth."
22:40 That's a whole another study, that's coming next week.
22:42 So you click on to that one,
22:44 "Why You Are the Most Unique Person on Earth,
22:46 " it say studied guide, one more click
22:47 and you will have the identical study guide that we have.
22:51 I want to open up with this powerful DeStefano quotation.
22:55 All right so you have it there.
22:57 The ushers will keep making their way back,
22:58 but I need to keep moving.
22:59 So let's put that quotation on screen please,
23:01 and we'll read it together.
23:03 DeStefano powerful reminder
23:05 "From a strictly statistical point of view,
23:08 your presence on this planet is a miracle."
23:12 Hallelujah. Write it down.
23:14 You today being here it's a miracle.
23:18 "At the very dawn of your life,
23:20 you had to overcome overwhelming odds,
23:22 odds higher than any you will ever after face
23:26 it in other situation.
23:28 No matter what you may think of yourself right now,
23:29 you are already an 'overachiever'
23:31 of the highest caliber.
23:33 No matter what ills may be fall you in life,
23:35 no matter what suffering you may be forced to endure,
23:38 no matter what family or money problems
23:40 you may eventually have to face,
23:41 it is imperative that you understand this,
23:44 " here we go "you came into this world as a Champion."
23:49 I like that.
23:50 I never heard anybody say that before.
23:52 You just by getting here,
23:53 you came in to the world as a champion.
23:56 Last sentence "Victory" isn't that good?
23:59 "Victory was your starting point."
24:02 Keep your pen moving.
24:03 "For it is more than clear that somebody has chosen you."
24:10 Write that down, somebody has chosen you
24:14 which is precisely the point that God do us this morning.
24:16 Take your Bible out please,
24:17 we are plunging into a brand new book.
24:20 Most of you haven't even read the book,
24:21 you never even read from the book,
24:23 but we are going to that book, for this new series The Chosen.
24:26 The book is the fifth book of the Bible,
24:27 it's called Deuteronomy,
24:29 the last book of the Pentateuch,
24:30 Deuteronomy.
24:32 Find Deuteronomy, find Deuteronomy,
24:34 and while you are finding that fifth book of the Bible,
24:36 let me just set the table for you,
24:38 so that we understand what we're about to read
24:40 in just one split second.
24:41 All right, here is the setting.
24:44 The crossing over generation,
24:45 what the choir just sang about a moment ago,
24:48 this crossing over generation has finally arrive
24:51 at the borders of the Promised Land,
24:53 the only thing between them and Canaan
24:56 is the raging and muddy Jordan.
24:58 So they are there boom, all right.
25:01 Their parents and grandparents had failed God's mission
25:07 and that is why for 40 years,
25:10 for 40 years burial mounds have dotted
25:15 the hot sands of their wandering.
25:17 For 40 years they've been waiting
25:19 for that generation to die off.
25:23 An entire generation is dead now
25:26 because of unbelief.
25:27 In fact, get this there only three,
25:29 there only three of that generation left, only three.
25:31 One is in his 70s his name is Caleb,
25:33 one is in his 80s his name is Joshua
25:35 and one the oldest one of them all is the leader of them all,
25:39 he is a 120 years of age today at what is his name?
25:43 Moses. Moses.
25:48 Moses has been their shepherd
25:49 and pastor for 40 long wearying and discouraging years,
25:55 but what has kept him going all these decades
25:58 has been his passion for God, his love for the people of God
26:01 and the shining promise that one day he with them
26:05 would cross over into camp ground,
26:08 they cross over into the Promise Land.
26:13 And by the way he was that close,
26:19 he was that close until just a few days ago.
26:26 In a moment of raging frustration
26:29 with this congregations stiff neck obstinacy,
26:34 Moses lost his temper in front of them all
26:36 and smeared the character of God
26:39 before their gaping mouths
26:41 and swift was a divine sentence.
26:44 Do you know why that divine sentence was swift?
26:46 Because to whom much is given, much is required.
26:49 If you are a leader much has been given to you
26:52 and much will be required of you to answer for.
26:56 Swift for these words from God to Moses
26:59 because "you did not believe Me,
27:01 to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel,
27:03 therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land
27:06 which I have given them."
27:08 Moses wept, he pleaded for God
27:10 to reverse his sentence and finally it was so bad,
27:13 finally that God said, this-- this God
27:17 who had been face to face with Moses in communion
27:20 unlike any other human being in the history of time,
27:22 this God finally looked at Moses and said,
27:24 don't you ever bring that up to me again,
27:26 I don't want to hear another word about it.
27:27 Do you know why God brought it up?
27:29 Because every time Moses wept, it broke two hearts.
27:33 It broke Moses' heart and it broke God's heart.
27:37 And He said I can't handle this anymore,
27:39 I'm sorry, enough,
27:43 you'll die this side of the Promised Land.
27:47 And so that little purple peak just a few miles away
27:53 that's where he gonna die.
27:56 All alone Mount Nebo, he will have to climb it.
27:59 Nobody to bury him but God Almighty Himself.
28:03 So what we have here ladies and gentlemen,
28:05 this is his farewell address.
28:06 This is it.
28:08 He says good bye,
28:09 it's a longest farewell address in history.
28:11 He says good bye in the Book of Deuteronomy
28:14 to the generation that without him gets to cross over.
28:18 Do you think this was an easy speech to give?
28:22 I can't go with you, don't ask me,
28:25 I cannot go with you. That's a setting.
28:29 Seven chapters into his farewell address.
28:32 Find Deuteronomy 7, will you?
28:33 Seven chapters into this farewell address.
28:36 Take a look at this.
28:39 We're gonna be turning to this book
28:40 for the next few weeks of this new season,
28:42 you know why?
28:43 Because want to think about The Chosen.
28:45 But you see in the story this long ago
28:46 congregation are surely lessons
28:48 for another generation also on the borders
28:51 of the Promised Land, that's why?
28:53 There are lessons to be learned
28:55 when you are this close to Canaan
28:59 and we will learn from them, won't we?
29:01 We really will learn from them, won't we?
29:04 All right, Deuteronomy seven chapters in, Deuteronomy 7.
29:07 Okay, I'm in New Kings James.
29:08 If you didn't bring a Bible
29:10 grab that Bible right in front of you,
29:11 same translation I'm using right now.
29:13 Grab your pew Bible, bring your Bible next week,
29:15 if you are a new student here just get used to it.
29:17 We use the book here,
29:18 it's page 128 in the pew Bible, grab it.
29:21 Page 128 in the pew Bible. I want to drop down to verse 6.
29:25 put it on the screen please.
29:28 Moses, God's speaking through Moses to the children Israel.
29:32 You see these are the children of the parents
29:35 and the grandparents who are dead.
29:37 So these children plus their children
29:38 plus a few of their children, so that's it.
29:40 All the former generation
29:43 who because of unbelief could not make it,
29:44 they are dead, they're gone,
29:45 so now He's talking to the kids.
29:47 They really are kids to him.
29:49 Verse 6, Deuteronomy 7,
29:51 "For you" children, you hey, children you
29:56 "Are a holy people to the Lord your God,
29:59 the Lord your God has chosen you
30:01 to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above
30:04 all the peoples on the face of the earth."
30:06 Why we get chosen Moses? Why did God choose us?
30:09 He goes on verse 7
30:10 "The Lord" I want to tell you something
30:11 "He did not set His love on you nor choose you
30:14 because you were more in number than the other people."
30:16 Are you kidding?
30:17 You are the least of all peoples.
30:19 Nothing desirable about you trust me,
30:21 Moses is saying, you--
30:22 You want to know why you got chosen,
30:23 look at verse 8.
30:24 "Because the Lord loves you."
30:27 By the way the Hebrew word there for love
30:28 its' the same love that Jacob and Rachel had,
30:31 not Jacob and Leah, Jacob and Rachel
30:34 that same love, God had it for you
30:38 because the Lord loves you.
30:39 "And He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers,
30:41 the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand,
30:43 and redeemed you from the house of bondage,
30:45 from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
30:46 Therefore" final verse 9 "Know that I the Lord your God,
30:50 He" now that "He is God, the faithful God
30:54 who keeps covenant and mercy for a" I love this
30:57 "He keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations
31:01 with those who love Him and keep His commandments."
31:03 Hit the pause button right there because you know what,
31:06 Moses and DeStefano are both right.
31:08 You have been chosen.
31:10 Would you write that down please in your study guide,
31:12 "The Lord your God chose you."
31:16 Put it on the screen please,
31:17 "The Lord your God has chosen you."
31:20 Now I know folks,
31:21 you don't have to come and tell me.
31:22 Hey, Dwight, really this is plural here,
31:24 these are whole a lot of people.
31:25 We will get in to the plurality
31:26 its' a very-- it's a very radical
31:29 and it would be controversial next week message,
31:31 just trust me it will be controversial.
31:33 But we talk about that plural.
31:34 The fact that matter is I know God shows a whole people
31:37 but He also chose you, you wouldn't be here,
31:39 you wouldn't be here if God had not chosen you.
31:41 You been chosen, that's the point.
31:44 And by the way this is--
31:45 this is the stunning truth of scripture.
31:48 Not only where you chosen to be born,
31:50 hold on to your pew, you are chosen to be born
31:53 before you were even conceived.
31:56 Now think about that one, will you?
31:59 That is an amazing Bible truth.
32:00 You don't believe me?
32:02 Let me just run these verses by.
32:03 You keep your pen moving right now,
32:04 I'll put it on the screen.
32:05 Jeremiah 1:5,
32:06 God is speaking to a young adult.
32:09 He is speaking to a young adult named Jeremy.
32:12 He is talking to the boy and He said
32:13 I want to tell something Jeremy, before write it in
32:15 "Before I formed you in the womb,
32:19 I knew you, before you were born."
32:23 I said I got a dream for that boy,
32:25 I set you apart.
32:26 Paul comes along millennia later.
32:28 Paul comes along.
32:30 You now, about this 700 years later
32:32 Paul comes along.
32:34 Galatians 1:15 look at this Paul is making the same point,
32:36 the greatest Christian who ever lived.
32:38 "For it pleased God in His kindness to choose me
32:41 and call me, even before I was born!"
32:45 But what if your life turns out to be rotten?
32:46 What if you just meltdown and you ruined everything?
32:50 Are you still chosen by God before you're born?
32:52 David the king, did he meltdown?
32:55 Did David meltdown and shame the eternal kingdom?
32:58 Yes, he did. Was he forgiven?
32:59 You bet he was forgiven.
33:01 Even when you meltdown and God knows it in advance
33:04 in this great song appraised to God,
33:06 Psalm 139, look at David singing to God.
33:08 "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body"
33:12 oh, God, "you knit me together in my mother's womb.
33:15 You saw me before I was born." Keep going.
33:19 Every-- this is something
33:21 "Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
33:24 Every moment was laid out
33:26 before a single day had passed."
33:30 You wrote my whole story before I was even conceived.
33:34 Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing?
33:37 Knowing how you would turn out at this point in your life,
33:41 God still said I want that boy, I want that girl.
33:44 Isn't that amazing?
33:46 Pastors keep us praying this morning that was--
33:47 that was a moving prayer and he said you know,
33:50 come we've got already this short distance
33:54 in to the New Year and I failed you God.
33:56 God said, I knew you gonna fail me,
33:58 its okay, I still want you 'cause I have it,
34:00 I have-- I have another plan.
34:03 I got another plan for you. Amazing.
34:05 By the way do you know this would be true,
34:07 keep writing in your-- in your study guide.
34:09 This would have to be true. Put it on the screen please.
34:12 As surely as John the Baptist
34:13 and the Lord Jesus were born with a divine density,
34:16 so were you, and so was I.
34:18 I have that same destiny.
34:19 Oh, no, no, no not-- not the identical calling.
34:22 In fact, let's keep this-- keep this screen going please.
34:25 Not the same destiny, but the same divine chooser
34:30 who chose you to become the chosen.
34:33 Same chooser, you got chosen by the same chooser
34:36 as Jesus and John the Baptist.
34:38 I tell you what my friend's, good news,
34:42 I can rephrase that, glorious news.
34:45 For the next time,
34:46 the next time you and I do we do this or do we do it?
34:50 The next time you and I whimper with our self pitying tears
34:56 complaining to ourselves, complaining to God
34:59 whimpering to anybody who will stop and listen to us.
35:02 Moaning and groaning about how worthless my life is,
35:05 how-- how pointless, how meaningless life is,
35:08 I should never have been born.
35:10 Give me a break.
35:15 Say oh, pastor, you don't know about me.
35:17 Pastor, you do not know the truth about me.
35:22 I really was an accident.
35:24 My parents never planed for me.
35:29 They never stayed together.
35:31 It was just man and woman and here I am,
35:35 I am one huge oops for the human race.
35:40 I want to say this and I want to be respectful
35:42 of your observation, you know what you write,
35:44 you may be, yeah, I'm not gonna argue with,
35:46 you may be right about the man and woman
35:49 who conceived you, but I want you to read my lips.
35:54 There is a God in this universe
35:57 who chose them to create you,
36:02 to get you in to this life.
36:08 Don't you ever-- don't you ever tell me
36:11 you are not here by divine destiny
36:13 died that night
36:21 so that you, you could come.
36:28 It's got a proof-- it's got to be--
36:30 it's got to be the proof of the truth that
36:32 when you are chosen by God to live
36:36 you have everything to live for with God.
36:39 Would you write that down please,
36:41 no matter your parents, write it down,
36:42 no matter your parents,
36:43 I don't care who your daddy was,
36:45 I don't care who your mama was it doesn't matter now,
36:47 God just made sure He got you, and you're here.
36:51 Hallelujah.
36:54 You say, I'm the pastor, I want to tell you something.
36:57 You don't know my story.
36:59 You see,
37:02 I have been born with a terrible handicap.
37:07 My feet don't work,
37:09 my ears can't hear, my eyes can't see,
37:14 I'm truly an accident of nature.
37:21 I got a letter this last week from a blind friend of mine,
37:26 wrote a poem and wanted to share with me,
37:29 just this last week.
37:32 I got the poem right here
37:33 I want you to listen to this blind man writing.
37:43 All right, it's entitled,
37:45 "The Work of the Blind," written two weeks ago.
37:51 The Work of the Blind, Oh, God, writes this poet.
37:55 "Oh, God, let me be one blind in body
37:59 but who can see You in spirit most clearly
38:04 and who can You to others and lead others to You,
38:08 to Your love, to Your providence,
38:11 and in so doing I may help others
38:13 who are blind in spirit
38:15 but sighted in body receive sight."
38:20 Signed my friend Ray McAllister.
38:27 Doctor of philosophy, student in Andrews University.
38:32 I understand, I understand about physical handicaps.
38:37 I understand about emotional handicaps.
38:40 Some of us have spiritual handicaps,
38:41 we are born with them or we created them
38:43 by the way we live life.
38:45 But you know what ladies and gentlemen,
38:46 you didn't catch-- you and I did not catch God by surprise.
38:49 He knew you are coming, He knew I was coming.
38:54 Fact is we live in imperfect world
38:57 and an imperfect creation now, and we are imperfect creatures
39:00 having to live with imperfect odds
39:02 of even making it to this life, but you made it.
39:04 You know, why you made it?
39:06 I'll tell you why you made it because God said--
39:08 God said, look in to your tummy.
39:09 God said, you see that fragile little baby,
39:11 you see that fragile little girl, I want her.
39:13 I want her, do everything you can,
39:15 she is going to be born.
39:16 I don't care what the odds,
39:17 I'm having her because I chose her.
39:20 When God looked in to your mother's tummy
39:22 once up on a time He said,
39:23 you see that pitiful little boy,
39:26 I want him.
39:27 He's mine. I've called him. I've chosen for him to live.
39:31 He beat the odds
39:33 because, I'm his-- I'm the chooser.
39:36 I want him, bring him, give him to Me.
39:39 You got chosen and that's why you're here.
39:43 Wow. Anthony DeStefano was right.
39:47 Would you write this down please?
39:48 "We may be statistical miracles,
39:51 but we are not statistical accidents."
39:53 Hallelujah.
39:55 So keep your pen moving.
39:56 No matter you're a handicap, you are still God's chosen,
40:00 you are still God's chosen.
40:04 God's chosen one.
40:05 Oh, I know what some of you are saying,
40:06 all right, all right, all right,
40:07 but the reality is pastor, I'm-- I'm just too old now.
40:11 Are you serious?
40:13 Are you telling me that your divine destiny
40:14 kind of goes away because of your age?
40:17 Please 84-years-old,
40:19 she is a widow, she is 84-years-old,
40:21 her entire-- look at this guys,
40:23 her entire life has been focused,
40:26 she doesn't know it but she's coming down
40:28 to a little five minute window of destiny
40:30 that's all she gonna have, 84-year-widow.
40:33 You know her destiny is?
40:35 She walks into church one day,
40:36 she sees a mother holding a baby
40:37 and it is told to her that is the baby Messiah
40:41 tell everybody now, and Anna the Prophetess
40:44 opens her mouth and proclaims.
40:45 They weren't a whole lot people there,
40:47 but she told everybody there this is the Messiah
40:50 and boom she's gone.
40:51 That's it, that's all we will ever know about her.
40:53 But she was faithful till the 84th year of her life
40:57 and that little five minute window destiny,
40:59 don't you ever tell me that when get old like you are,
41:04 the destiny is over.
41:05 Some of you are waiting for close to your last breath,
41:10 for what you will do, you will do for God.
41:12 You will say something?
41:14 You will be something, you will do something,
41:18 and God says, she did it, it's over.
41:24 Tell that to Moses, he still too old?
41:26 Do you know what Moses is-- Moses,
41:28 I just-- I just discovered this the other day,
41:30 I'm reading through-- you know, I read a Psalm a day.
41:32 So I'm reading Psalm 90
41:33 just seven days ago was Psalm 90.
41:35 Listen to this guys,
41:36 it's the only Psalm in the Bible
41:37 that says Moses-- prayer Moses man to God.
41:41 Psalm 90, do you remember in Psalm 90 what Moses says?
41:43 Here's what Moses says in Psalm 90.
41:44 He said, oh, God, our lives might make it to 70
41:47 if we're really lucky we might make it to 80 years.
41:49 Do you remember that from Psalm 90?
41:50 If we're really fortunate we might make it 80.
41:53 Moses is writing that Psalm, that prayer in the wilderness
41:57 and he believes that he is nearing
41:59 to end of his life, it is curtains,
42:01 he blew it 40 years ago, there is no destiny for him
42:04 and he saying God I'm 70 I might make it to 80
42:07 but I know, it's over then.
42:08 And God is saying in the back of his mind boy,
42:11 you just keep leaning on Me
42:13 because I got a surprise for you,
42:15 I'm gonna infuse you with 40 more years after you turn 80.
42:19 Don't you who ever write God off
42:20 who can keep you going as long as He needs you
42:23 for the destiny you've been called for.
42:25 Man, oh man, and by the way
42:26 don't you give me the opposite either.
42:28 Don't you give me this business I'm too young,
42:29 I'm only a freshman in this university.
42:31 I talk with three freshman boys
42:33 came into my office this last week,
42:34 they said, Dwight, pastor, we have--
42:37 we have a passion for Andrews University.
42:40 We have a passion.
42:41 I said guys, let me just tell you something.
42:43 You are here not by accident, you are here
42:44 because God is gonna use you on this campus.
42:46 Don't you tell me that because I'm just a freshman,
42:49 I'm not gonna make a difference.
42:50 You will make a difference.
42:51 Some sophomores didn't make a difference,
42:53 some juniors didn't, some seniors didn't,
42:54 and that why we can take a freshman right now
42:57 and God can use you.
42:58 Don't you ever apologize for being too young.
43:00 Explain that to Samuel, do you know how Samuel--
43:02 do you know how old Samuel is?
43:03 He's five-years-old
43:05 and he starts getting messages from God.
43:06 Is that-- is that a little bit too old to start?
43:09 Five, write it down please,
43:12 No matter your age, no matter your age,
43:17 you're still God's chosen one.
43:19 And by the way if you're God's chosen one,
43:20 keep your moving,
43:21 then that can only mean that he has a destiny.
43:24 Write it in. He has a destiny for you.
43:26 A very unique mission for a very unique creation,
43:30 that's why you were born.
43:31 You're born to fulfill a destiny,
43:34 God's destiny and by the way DeStefano makes this point,
43:38 I don't want to shoot off on to it,
43:39 but it's a significant one.
43:40 He says, a lot of people spend their lives
43:42 following their dreams,
43:43 the odds, hey listen carefully now
43:45 because I've heard preachers around here say,
43:46 oh, find your dreams, find your dreams.
43:48 Follow your dreams, be a great man.
43:51 The object of life is not following our dreams,
43:54 it's finding God's destiny.
43:56 Some of us are dreaming a dream
43:58 that is not in the same direction as God's destiny.
44:00 The object of life is to find the destiny.
44:03 And that's why Stefano says that's prayer number 10,
44:06 you pray this prayer God will show it to you.
44:07 Write it down, oh, God, lead me to my destiny.
44:12 Lead me, that prayer number 10.
44:14 Lead me to my destiny
44:18 because you know what, you're a key
44:22 and the master craftsman has shaped that key
44:25 to open a lock on this planet
44:26 that no other key will ever be able to open it.
44:30 There is a lock that's God's destiny.
44:32 There is a lock on this planet
44:34 that only you can be the insertion
44:37 to accomplish God's mission for you.
44:40 And by the way if you say, I'm not gonna do it.
44:42 I am not gonna do it what God has called me to do.
44:44 Guess what? It will never get done.
44:46 That lock will remain locked for the rest of eternity.
44:49 A door could have been opened
44:51 because you were the key God shaped,
44:55 the only key that could possibly open that door.
44:59 Nobody can pick it up if you leave it.
45:00 It's over, it's just locked.
45:02 We'll never know what could have been
45:05 had you a reason to your high calling a destiny.
45:11 Hundred years ago in this classic on the life,
45:13 on the parables rather of Christ,
45:15 take a look at this, put it on the screen.
45:18 This is little book Christ's Object Lessons,
45:20 this is-- this is incredible.
45:22 Long before DeStefano the point was made.
45:23 "Each has his place in the eternal plan of heaven.
45:26 Each she is to work in cooperation with Christ
45:29 for the salvation of souls."
45:30 Now hold on.
45:31 "No more surely is the place prepared for us
45:34 in the heavenly mansions than is the special"
45:37 write it in, that means unique.
45:39 That means one and only
45:41 "than is the special place designated on earth
45:44 where we are to work for God."
45:46 You have a special place.
45:48 I tell you isn't that a prayer to pray for this New Year?
45:50 Oh, God, lead me to my destiny.
45:52 Help me to find that special place
45:54 that You have for me on this planet.
45:55 That's the object of life.
45:57 You find why you're chosen to get born in the first place.
46:01 There is a reason why you are here.
46:03 You are here by divine appointment.
46:06 What is it? I don't know.
46:08 I do not know, that's between you and God
46:10 to figure out over the journey ahead.
46:12 Let me read it one more time
46:13 in your hearing Deuteronomy 7:6,
46:16 Moses speaking to his people
46:18 the children who about to crossover.
46:19 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God,
46:24 the Lord your God has chosen you
46:27 to be a people for Himself a special treasure above
46:30 all the peoples on the face of the earth."
46:35 Do you know why my friend, you've been chosen?
46:37 Do you know why? You're special today?
46:40 I tell you why?
46:41 Because just on the other side of that purple mountain
46:45 beyond the muddy Jordan there is another mountain
46:49 in the heart of the Promised Land,
46:51 this mountain will eventually be called Calvary.
46:54 And on that mountain the divine chosen one
46:58 gave up His choosiness and chose to die,
47:02 so that the lost ones like you and me
47:04 one day could know we've been chosen
47:07 and we could choose to live.
47:09 Jesus cross is the choosing of you and me for our destiny.
47:15 I'm gonna end with these scriptures,
47:17 that's why Ephesians exclaims, it's been in our praise.
47:21 Ephesians 1:3 "How we praise God,
47:24 the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
47:26 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
47:28 in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ.
47:30 Long ago, even before he made the world,
47:32 God loved us and chose us in Christ."
47:36 Write it down "Chose us in Christ to be holy
47:38 and without fault in his eyes.
47:39 So we praise God for the wonderful kindness
47:42 He has poured out on us
47:43 because we belong to his dearly loved Son.
47:45 He is so rich in kindness that he purchased our freedom
47:50 through the blood of his Son, and our sins are forgiven."
47:53 I repeat Jesus death on the cross
47:55 has sealed our choosiness forever and ever.
48:00 And that is why my friend, you are the most--
48:02 you are the most unique person on earth
48:07 because you have been created by God an original,
48:10 you are an original.
48:11 There is no copy of you anywhere on this earth
48:15 and get this in the history of the universe,
48:17 there will never be another you.
48:21 You are an original.
48:23 When we were over in Italy
48:24 we went to-- went into a cathedral
48:26 and there hanging up on one of the walls is--
48:28 is this ancient art work.
48:30 Obliviously a classic worn by time.
48:33 Anybody who knows anything about art knows
48:35 that if you're an original, you are worth a fortune,
48:42 which is the truth about you and me,
48:44 we are divine originals
48:46 and we are worth a fortune to God,
48:51 who has chosen us.
48:52 Which by the way, it means that if there is a refrigerator--
48:55 if God has a refrigerator in heaven
48:59 your picture is on it right now.
49:04 Welcome, welcome to the chosen ones.
49:12 I was listening to Pastor Gibbs prayer as he prayed.
49:16 We're gonna sing a prayer together in just one movement.
49:21 But as I listen to that prayer I said
49:22 oh, God, we cannot come to this moment
49:24 and just sing the Lord's prayer and hurry out of here.
49:26 I have to make an invitation
49:27 and so I'm gonna do it right now.
49:28 I want to make an invitation,
49:29 if you're a university student here
49:34 and you know that's true, you have been chosen,
49:36 and you would like it on the threshold
49:38 of a New Year to declare,
49:41 I choose the one who has chosen me.
49:44 If you are a university student today,
49:46 would you stand up and come right here
49:48 to the front right now and just say,
49:49 I choose the God who has chosen me.
49:52 I want to be a part of the crossing over generation.
49:54 I choose to follow that God who has called me,
49:58 if you are a university student and you're here today
50:02 just come on down here to the front,
50:03 I want to pray with you.
50:05 And then we'll sing a-- we will sing together
50:07 that majestic prayer, Our Father which art in heaven.
50:13 God has-- God has chosen you my, friend.
50:15 You are here by divine destiny. You are not a mistake.
50:19 Your life is an original,
50:22 which means you're worth a fortune.
50:23 I don't know what God's dream for you is,
50:25 I have no clue what it is.
50:27 I just know that God has waited all His life for this day to--
50:33 for you to get this far, hallelujah.
50:36 I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you.
50:38 Choose the God who has chosen you
50:41 and for the rest of this season we will find out
50:42 what it means to be the chosen,
50:44 you and I together, all of us together.
50:46 All right, there they are, hallelujah.
50:48 How about the rest of you?
50:49 You want to respond to the God who has chosen you?
50:51 I want you to stand on your feet
50:52 and by standing on your feet say I too choose you God,
50:55 you've chosen me that's clear, I too choose you God
50:59 and by Your grace I will a part of the crossing
51:01 over generation that chosen ones,
51:03 I too choose you.
51:06 Oh, Father, we stand today,
51:07 how could we not stand the odds of our being here,
51:12 are almost infinite.
51:15 Must be we have an infinite designer
51:18 who said I need another original
51:20 and so here we are,
51:22 we are as original as they come.
51:24 You chose us, we know that and we stand in honor
51:29 and recognition of that high destiny.
51:33 Oh, God, what is it mean beyond today only You know.
51:36 Moses thought it was over
51:38 and I never knew until that last moment.
51:42 Samuel just a boy and it started.
51:44 Whatever Your will is that destiny
51:47 we pray together the 10th prayer,
51:49 God lead me to that destiny, leads us we pray.
51:53 And so Father in this moment of commitment
51:55 we give everything back to You, we choose You,
51:57 we'll crossover with You one day
52:00 and no matter what.
52:02 And so now we sing,
52:03 we sing the words the Jesus taught us to sing.
52:07 This beginning moment of every school year
52:09 this is when we through our hearts back Father,
52:12 and we mean the Lord's prayer
52:14 for You are our Father in heaven,
52:17 You chose us,
52:19 and we thank you in Jesus name, amen.
52:31 Our Father
52:39 Which art in heaven
52:50 Hallowed be
52:58 Thy name
53:07 Thy kingdom come
53:15 Thy will be done
53:21 In earth
53:26 As it is in heaven
53:51 Give us this day
53:56 Our daily bread
54:03 And forgive us our debts
54:09 As we forgive our debtors
54:21 And lead us
54:24 Not into temptation
54:29 But deliver us from evil
54:37 For Thine is the kingdom
54:44 And the power
54:48 And the glory
54:54 Forever
55:03 Amen
55:31 Before you go I wanted to take one more moment
55:34 and let you know how glad I am
55:36 you shared this hour of worship
55:37 and Bible teaching with us.
55:38 This is the Pioneer Memorial Church
55:40 and we're on the campus of Andrews University
55:42 and the series is The Chosen.
55:44 This is a series that has been growing
55:47 and it's burned on my heart
55:48 and over the last few weeks before this new season began.
55:53 And some concentrated prayer time
55:55 I believe the Spirit of God led me do this series,
55:57 out of the Book of Deuteronomy
55:59 for this generation within our community of faith
56:01 and outside this community of faith.
56:04 I believe both, both communities
56:07 need to hear the compelling Bible truth
56:11 captured in this series called The Chosen.
56:13 So thank you, for joining me
56:15 and all of us as we continue our journey
56:17 deeper and deeper into the heart of this theme.
56:20 Living as you and I do and I'm--
56:22 I know I'm preaching to the choir now,
56:24 living as we do on the edge of a civilization
56:27 that is surviving through constant upheaval and change.
56:32 I am so grateful and I know you are
56:34 for the bedrock hope we have in Jesus.
56:37 I'm thankful that you and I have been
56:39 given the privilege by God to partner,
56:42 to reach this generation the world over
56:44 through the satellite telecast.
56:45 I don't know how it works,
56:46 I just know that those satellites drop the signals
56:49 and those footprints all over the planet
56:51 are helping disseminate this divine call
56:55 to become a part of The Chosen,
56:56 God's last generation on earth.
56:58 So please, here's what I want you to know,
57:00 I thank God for you in a generous way
57:03 you have partnered with us in the past
57:05 and making New Perceptions possible globally.
57:08 Your tax-deductible gifts are been multiplied
57:11 all across the earth I believe for such a time as this.
57:14 Look, would you like to order a copy
57:16 of today's teaching you can order DVD,
57:19 you get all the PowerPoint, everything is there,
57:21 you can share with your friends,
57:23 share with your family.
57:24 I want to just insert this here,
57:26 if you go to our website
57:27 and we've been advertising our website all along the way
57:29 and I'm gonna insert it right here,
57:33 go to that website you get a podcast of this.
57:35 We have people now subscribing to podcast the world over,
57:39 its time for this message to get out.
57:42 Thank you for your partnership in helping us do that.
57:44 Call one of our friendly operators
57:46 to toll-free number, it won't cost you a penny
57:48 here in North America, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:50 You call that number.
57:53 I promise you, every penny that you share
57:55 we will invest your generosity
57:57 in God's mission to reach this final generation now.
58:01 Thank you very, very much.
58:03 And be assured, I'm looking forward
58:04 to seeing you here, right here
58:07 again next time as we continue
58:09 our fascinating journey into The Chosen.
58:13 God bless you.


Revised 2015-02-26