New Perceptions

40 Days, 40 Nights

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP082810

00:04 The Lord is blessing us this day.
00:07 Let's read this next passage responsibly.
00:12 "How great is the God that we serve?
00:15 Has He not created man and beast,
00:18 water and air, fish and fowl?
00:22 Does He not keep the heavens in motion
00:24 and yet also promises to be near His people when they pray?
00:30 Oh Lord, Creator of the heavens and the earth,
00:34 we ask you to be near today.
00:38 He has promised that whatever we ask
00:40 in the name of Jesus, that He will provide.
00:44 Why, then, do we ask so little of our mighty God?
00:50 Oh Lord, we ask that you will teach us to pray
00:54 as your Son, Jesus Christ, prayed.
00:58 If My people who are called by My name
01:02 will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
01:07 and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
01:11 and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
01:16 Oh Lord, forgive us of our sins.
01:20 Hear our prayer and bless your people in this community.
01:25 Make us a community united in Your name,
01:29 to be a light unto the world."
01:40 I must tell Jesus all of my trials
01:46 I cannot bear these burdens alone
01:53 In my distress He kindly will help me
02:00 He ever loves and cares for His own
02:06 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
02:13 I cannot bear my burdens alone
02:20 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
02:26 Jesus can help me Jesus alone
02:33 I must tell Jesus all of my trials
02:39 He is a kind compassionate Friend
02:46 If I but ask Him He will deliver
02:53 Makes of my troubles quickly an end
02:59 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
03:06 I cannot bear my burdens alone
03:13 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
03:19 Jesus can help me Jesus alone
03:26 O how the world to evil allures me!
03:32 O how my heart is tempted to sin!
03:39 I must tell Jesus And He will help me
03:45 Over the world that vict'ry to win
03:52 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
03:58 I cannot bear my burdens alone
04:05 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!
04:11 Jesus can help me Jesus alone
04:51 O, my sister and my brother
04:56 All who walk upon this earth
05:00 Fold to your hearts each other
05:08 Where mercy dwells The peace of the Lord is there
05:18 To live rightly is to love one another
05:25 Each kindness a gift
05:28 Each deed a prayer
05:35 O, my sister and my brother
05:40 Fold to your hearts each other
05:48 Listen, listen to one another Listen, listen to one another
05:55 Walk with reverence in the steps of those who have gone before
06:03 Where forgiveness and wisdom has stood
06:10 So shall the wide earth become our temple
06:18 Each life a psalm of gratitude
06:22 Each life a psalm of gratitude
06:35 Listen, listen to one another Listen, listen to one another
06:41 Listen, listen to one another
06:47 Listen, listen to one another Listen, listen to one another
06:52 Listen, listen to one another
06:55 Listen, listen to one another Listen, listen to one another
07:00 Then shall all shackles fall
07:06 The violence of war over the earth shall cease
07:12 Love shall tread out the fire of anger
07:17 And in its ashes plant a tree of peace
07:25 Then shall all shackles fall
07:35 The violence of war over the earth shall cease
07:45 Love shall tread out the fire of anger
07:54 And in its ashes plant a tree of peace`
08:00 And in its ashes plant a tree of peace
08:20 And in its ashes plant a tree of peace
08:25 And in its ashes plant a tree of peace
08:43 Plant a tree of peace
08:46 Plant a tree of peace
08:50 Plant a tree of peace
08:53 Listen, listen to one another
08:59 Listen, listen to one another
09:05 Listen, listen to one another
09:18 Plant a tree of peace
09:45 Oh, God, we are in a war when will the shackles fall?
09:52 When can we plant that tree of peace
09:58 or have You already planted it?
10:03 Embarking on this uncharted journey
10:04 together holy Father, through the mighty Holy Spirit
10:07 let holy scripture inform our minds
10:13 and guide our lives we pray in Christ name, amen.
10:20 This summer I read Eric Metaxas highly acclaimed
10:29 brand new biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
10:34 You heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
10:37 bright, young, Lutheran, pastor, theologian, writer,
10:43 tragically executed at the age of 39
10:47 just before the end of World War II.
10:49 Six hundred pages long, title of it,
10:53 you would be blessed, Bonhoeffer.
10:56 I read several biographies of Bonhoeffer over the years
11:00 but I must tell you that Metaxas treatment of his life
11:03 does something no other biography has done.
11:05 In that it draws the reader into the sea change
11:10 surrounding Adolf Hitler's political rise
11:14 in Germany in the 1930s.
11:18 And you can't help but wonder
11:21 how could an entire nation be duped into excoriating
11:26 and seeking to eventually exterminate a race of people?
11:32 It is utterly beyond our comprehension
11:36 and yet and I speak this only as an aside.
11:42 I must tell you that I worry over the way
11:46 some Americans are being whipped up into a frenzy
11:51 over the Muslims in our midst.
11:54 To the place I went just this last week
11:56 there is an American pastor who on the anniversary
11:59 of September 11 is going to burn a stack of Qurans.
12:06 How could a peace loving people
12:09 like the Germans be drawn into such a terrible and tragic war?
12:14 The life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
12:15 is a-- is a response to that tragedy.
12:20 A life snuffed out of the at hand of hangman's noose
12:24 as I learn through Metaxas.
12:27 Other biographies have not caught this
12:28 by direct order of Hitler himself
12:31 three weeks before his prison campus liberated
12:34 by the allies near the end of World War II.
12:36 War, we are a generation,
12:41 not the baby boomer generation, not the GI Generation,
12:44 we are a generation now steeped in war.
12:48 Iraq, may be Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
12:54 North and South Korea, the Sudan, Somalia,
12:59 and the list goes on and on and on
13:00 and yet nobody did taking about the most deadly draw
13:03 that is drawn all of us into its dark vortex.
13:07 The series we begin together right now
13:10 is book ended by that war.
13:14 So pull out your Bible.
13:16 Open your Bible with me please,
13:17 to what we are supposed to been a happily
13:19 ever after story of a new planet and a new race
13:22 and a brand new divine human venture.
13:26 It was supposed to have been but then there was war.
13:30 Open your Bible to the book of beginnings,
13:32 the Book of Genesis.
13:36 If you didn't bring a Bible grab the pew Bible in front of you.
13:37 You need to track this one, sir, madam,
13:40 both pull the pew Bible out in front of you.
13:42 It's an easy page, page two.
13:45 If you are freshmen and you have received
13:47 your brand new Andrews study Bible
13:51 I'll give you the page number there.
13:52 No, you don't need a page number.
13:54 I hope you bring your Andrews study Bible,
13:56 every single piece of this puzzle
14:00 that we put together this new season.
14:03 Genesis Chapter 3 let's take a look at it.
14:05 Genesis Chapter 3, you can't believe it,
14:08 here it is in the book of beginnings.
14:12 We have one line in Genesis 3 that intrigues us
14:14 but we need to run on to that line
14:15 so let's pick it up in verse 13, please Genesis Chapter 3.
14:18 This is the New King James Version,
14:21 Andrews--the brand new Andrews study Bible
14:23 is the New King James Version.
14:25 Any translation you have is fine with me,
14:27 I'm just glad you brought your Bible.
14:28 Let's go.
14:29 Let's pick it up in verse 13, Genesis 3,
14:32 and the Lord-- this is right after the meltdown
14:34 at the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
14:35 all right, the more meltdown.
14:37 "And the Lord God said to the woman,
14:39 'What is this you have done? '
14:42 And the woman said, 'The serpent deceived me, and I ate.'
14:48 So the Lord God said to the serpent" verse 14
14:51 "Because you have done this,
14:54 you are cursed more than all cattle,
14:56 and more than every beast of the field,
14:58 and 'On your belly you shall go,
14:59 and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.'"
15:02 And here comes the line now.
15:03 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
15:05 and between your seed and her seed.
15:07 He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel."
15:15 The pre-incarnate Christ is speaking these words by the way.
15:18 This is Jesus, the one who would become Jesus.
15:22 And what is He just done, He just declared war.
15:24 I am declaring war He pronounces.
15:30 Three paces into the brand new story
15:33 and we are in war already.
15:36 That point is so critical,
15:37 this business of God Himself declaring war,
15:39 that I need you to pull
15:40 your worship bulletin out right now, would you.
15:42 Pull your worship bulletin.
15:43 You're brand new here and say,
15:45 you say why do I need to go to the worship bulletin
15:47 because inside of the bulletin is the study guide.
15:49 Pull that study guide out of your new bulletin.
15:53 You didn't get your study guide
15:54 we got friendly ushers who are coming your way.
15:56 You want a study guide for what's on the backside.
15:58 The backside is what's important on the study guide.
16:00 If you didn't get a study guide hold your hand up,
16:02 you are in an overflow hold your hand up,
16:05 in the balcony hold your hand up.
16:06 Everybody gets a study guide today
16:08 and we are delighted to have those of you
16:10 who are joining us on television
16:11 I hope this, this brand new series
16:13 will stir your soul as well.
16:15 Let me give you our website
16:16 and then you can get the same study guide that we have.
16:18 Put it on the screen for you, there it is www--
16:22 you see there at the bottom,
16:27 You're looking for the brand new series
16:28 The Gift, today's teaching 40 Days and 40 Nights.
16:33 When you find that you click on the study guide
16:36 because it will say study guide right beneath that title
16:38 and you'll get the same study guide that we have.
16:41 You don't want to miss
16:42 the back side of that study guide.
16:44 Everybody gets one today.
16:47 In fact, let's get it right down.
16:50 Let's just read Genesis 3:15 one more time.
16:53 Be patience here come the ushers
16:54 they will get you keep your hand up.
16:56 We're gonna read 3:15 one more time.
16:58 God speaking Christ, the pre-incarnate Christ.
17:00 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman,"
17:02 o serpent "and between your seed and her seed,
17:05 and he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel"
17:09 I love the way Eugene Peterson
17:11 in his rendition called "The Message"
17:13 I love how he puts it and you will scribble it down
17:16 now please in your study guide.
17:17 What does God say? What is the Creator saying?
17:20 "I am declaring war."
17:23 There it is I'm telling you
17:25 book ended through Holy Scripture.
17:28 "I am declaring war between you and the woman."
17:32 Look at the way the New Living Translation renders.
17:33 Jot it down.
17:35 "From now on you and woman will be enemies."
17:38 Three chapters into this pristine prime evil story
17:42 and we are already at war.
17:48 The war that will not only draw
17:49 Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
17:51 into its blood vertex
17:54 but it has drawn you and me as well.
17:57 The stream of war will continue
17:58 through the entire Holy Scriptures.
18:01 In fact, I was brooding over this message,
18:03 this teaching this last week and it occurred to me
18:05 that you can sum up all of sacred history,
18:08 this history of war you can summit up
18:11 with one little triangle.
18:16 The scholars who deal in sacred literature tell us
18:19 that these triangles are actually called chiasm.
18:22 The chiasm is a literary device to draw the reader's attention
18:26 to what is most important of all
18:28 so that the author very skillfully sets up
18:30 through parallel thoughts
18:32 until he can get the reader to the pinnacle, the essence.
18:37 It has no parallel.
18:38 What the-- the summit will have no parallel.
18:41 So it goes like this,
18:42 let we put it on the screen for us
18:43 to show how chiasm works.
18:45 Let's put that triangle up.
18:47 So at the bottom on one side you're gonna have A1
18:50 and there would be an opposite--
18:51 this can be one verse, this can be an entire chapter,
18:54 it can be an entire biblical book.
18:56 I'm suggesting it's the entire Bible.
18:58 Watch this, so what's at the beginning
19:00 we will have a parallel at the end
19:02 and you go little further from the beginning
19:03 then you're gonna have B1,
19:04 it will have a parallel at the end.
19:06 Go little further and you're gonna have C1
19:08 and it will have a parallel at the end
19:10 but the whole point of this chiasm
19:12 by the writer is to get you
19:13 to focus on D which is at the top.
19:16 The summit, the apex, the unparalleled truth.
19:23 It occurred to me this last week
19:24 as I'm brooding over this passage.
19:25 Wait a minute, the whole book is a chiasm.
19:29 In fact, you think about it, Genesis begins--
19:34 the Bible begins in Genesis with a garden
19:39 and it ends in Revelation with a garden.
19:41 Isn't that true?
19:42 Genesis 1 and 2 garden, Revelation 21 and 22 garden.
19:47 Jot it down we will as well put it on the screen.
19:49 You can go and fill that, flip it over
19:50 because this is the back side of your study guide
19:53 which you need.
19:56 Garden, garden in the beginning.
19:58 The chiasm of the Bible, garden in the beginning,
20:00 garden at the end.
20:02 But immediately after the garden theme in Genesis
20:04 as we've just noted
20:06 this cosmic war theme is introduced.
20:08 The question is, would we find the cosmic war theme
20:11 right behind the garden in Revelation.
20:13 Let's find out, let's go to Revelation.
20:14 So you are in the book of beginnings,
20:16 let's go to the book of endings.
20:17 Our only two books today.
20:19 Let's go to Revelation, Revelation Chapter 12,
20:24 Revelation Chapter 12.
20:26 Not surprisingly, yep, there it is,
20:30 before the garden that end a book there is war.
20:34 Revelation 12:7, it's page 829 in your pew Bible.
20:41 Revelation 12:7, And war, there it is.
20:44 "And war broke out in heaven.
20:47 Michael and his angels" the pre-incarnate Christ
20:49 "fought with the dragon and the dragon
20:51 and his angels fought," verse 8
20:53 "but they did not" the dragon and its angels did not "prevail,
20:55 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
20:59 So the great dragon was cast out,"
21:00 hey, wait a minute.
21:01 Who is this great dragon? Keep reading.
21:03 "So the great dragon was cast out
21:04 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,"
21:08 serpent there it is, there is the Genesis serpent.
21:12 "That serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
21:15 who deceives the whole world, he was cast to the earth,
21:17 and his angels were cast out with him."
21:19 That's that primordial war.
21:22 But there is a war at the end of times.
21:23 Just go to the-- go to the last line
21:25 of Revelation 12, take a look at this.
21:26 Verse 17, this is the final generation.
21:30 The last chapter verse history.
21:32 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
21:35 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,"
21:39 that's how the New King James reads.
21:41 The Greek word is sperma.
21:43 You know what a sperm is?
21:44 It's a male reproductive seed. Sperma means seed.
21:48 You plant sperma in the ground, it's the same word.
21:52 So it should and the dragon-- how its going,
21:54 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
21:56 and he went to make war with the rest of her seed,
21:59 who keep the commandments of God
22:01 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
22:03 There will be a war straight to the end of time.
22:08 That goes-- put it down.
22:09 Jot it down in your chiasm on the back of your study guide
22:12 would you fill it out please.
22:14 War, clearly it's put it up war on both sides.
22:17 No question and nobody is making this up.
22:19 There it is.
22:20 Parallel thinking all the way to a us--
22:22 to a thought that stands
22:24 uniquely unparalleled and unrivaled.
22:28 All right, so now we know there is war.
22:31 And by the way, it's not any old sort of war
22:32 it is a cosmic war clearly
22:34 so would you put that down as the next step up?
22:36 Let's put it down.
22:37 In Genesis you have a serpent versus the Woman's Seed.
22:41 Write in the capital "S" by the way.
22:43 You have the serpent versus the Woman's Seed
22:45 and in sure enough in Revelation
22:48 you have the dragon versus the woman's seed.
22:51 Little "s." Parallel, parallel, parallel.
22:57 The garden in the beginning a garden that leads to war
23:00 between the serpent and the woman
23:02 at the ending a war between the dragon and the woman
23:05 that leads back to the garden.
23:06 Everything happens in reverse,
23:07 coming down that mountain on the other side.
23:09 Anyway you cut it ladies and gentlemen,
23:11 the simple truth is evident
23:13 for the inhabitance of this planet
23:14 it is war from beginning to end.
23:19 Doesn't matter where you come from
23:21 or what your major is,
23:25 don't care who you are or who your daddy is,
23:28 doesn't matter, you are in the war
23:31 sucked in like all of us.
23:33 Every your child born in to this planet is in war.
23:36 I was visiting with a human being
23:39 the other day whose been pinned down
23:42 on the bloody crossfire of this war,
23:44 tears trickling down the cheeks.
23:47 I'll tell you what, when you are an earth child
23:49 and you have been morally shut up by the enemy
23:52 it is not a very pretty picture at all.
23:56 I was visiting with another human being
24:00 the other day who is also pinned down
24:03 in the deadly crossfire of this war.
24:04 Life ebbing away as the body is wasting away
24:08 all because of an enemy implanted disease.
24:14 When you are an earth child
24:15 and you are physically under attack by the enemy
24:17 it is not a very pretty picture
24:22 and if we were all left
24:24 with only these bloody photographs
24:26 of the morally wounded and the physically slain
24:28 this decaying garden will turnout to be a hell
24:32 of unprecedented proportions.
24:36 But hallelujah, hallelujah, there is more to this triangle.
24:41 There is the apex, there is the summit
24:44 of unparallel, unrivalled truth we got to get to that summit.
24:48 We've hurried too, too quickly through these two passages.
24:51 Let's go back to Genesis and see it tucked to where there.
24:53 Very cryptically here but it's tucked away.
24:56 Genesis Chapter 3, go back to Genesis 3 please verse 15.
25:00 Let's read it again, the Creator speaking
25:04 "And I will put enmity between you" serpent
25:06 "And the woman, and between your seed and her seed.
25:09 He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel.
25:15 Now ladies and gentlemen, we need to note this
25:17 that the Creator is announcing,
25:18 when He declares war profound pronouncement,
25:23 you can't believe this.
25:24 You know, what He is saying,
25:27 I'm going to implant in every human psyche
25:30 born into this planet,
25:32 every human being will have implanted
25:35 a hostility, a bias against evil.
25:42 Everyone of us when we were born implanted deep within,
25:50 I don't care how dark, how dark the society
25:54 you may have grown up in it doesn't matter,
25:56 implanted deep within an hostility, a bias.
26:02 By the way God did not plant a bias toward God,
26:05 he could have but then there were--
26:08 time out you can't do that.
26:11 It's a bias against evil not a bias toward God.
26:17 That's why no matter how dark our conscience
26:18 there still beats within every human heart
26:20 a subliminal sense of right and wrong.
26:22 You think about that,
26:23 were that hostility toward evil not implanted
26:26 we would be a irretrievably, irreparably, irreversibly
26:29 allied with the forces of darkness
26:31 and we would be irredeemable.
26:32 I cannot save the human race, he had to do this.
26:36 They didn't have the advantage you had,
26:37 this is what I'm planting in them
26:39 a natural hostility to the premises of your kingdom.
26:44 By the way here's how it works. Let's make this practical.
26:49 What difference it will make in my life?
26:50 The next time-- the next time
26:53 that implanted hostility to evil begins to flash red
26:56 and your conscience do not smother it obey it, obey it.
27:01 If it's flashing red stop,
27:04 somebody is telling you something.
27:06 You already have that in you,
27:07 you know what's right and you know what's wrong
27:10 but here's the other, the flip side of that coin.
27:12 The next time you're praying for a loss person
27:15 you can know his conscience
27:17 her conscience is already on your side
27:21 because of this implanted hostility to evil.
27:24 Well, that's wonderful.
27:26 You're already a step ahead when you pray for a lost person.
27:30 She-- he already has that bias against darkness.
27:38 Read it again "And I will put enmity" verse 15
27:44 "I will put between you and the woman,
27:46 and between your seed and her seed.
27:48 He shall bruise your head and shall bruise His heel."
27:54 Wait a minute.
27:55 God is not talking about everybody coming from the woman.
27:57 We are all the seed of the woman,
27:59 Eve is the mother of us all
28:01 but He is-- the word is singular
28:03 which is why the New King James Version which you have,
28:06 the New King James Version capitalizes the "S."
28:09 What's God saying?
28:11 God is saying...
28:15 I am going to send into the stream of the human race
28:22 one who become just like you born of a woman.
28:27 And when he comes, the literal Hebrew reads
28:30 "He will crush your head"
28:33 or set right in the moral conflict
28:35 "you will crush his heel."
28:37 What's that mean? I'll tell you what it means.
28:41 While you were gone this summer,
28:43 just before the end of the summer by the way
28:45 the university resurfaced beautiful black top
28:49 around this circle in front of Pioneer.
28:52 It's a lovely circle, you can drive it
28:54 as many times as you want
28:55 you don't ever have to stop
28:56 you just keep going around and around.
28:58 Don't forget the speed bumps always in the same place.
29:00 Beautiful.
29:02 So we saw this coming
29:04 and one day I drove up just as this--
29:07 have you ever seen one of these this huge steam roller.
29:10 You ever seen these steam rollers?
29:12 It is rolling over the steaming hot fresh tar turning it,
29:18 transforming it into a solid rocky surface.
29:23 So question, which would you rather have happened to you
29:26 that steam roller roll over your heel
29:31 or roll over your head?
29:32 Which would you prefer?
29:35 Answer, I prefer neither,
29:37 of course but that's God's point.
29:40 I here we put you on notice
29:42 oh, serpent when the Seed comes born of a woman
29:45 into the human stream and race
29:46 when that seed arrives he will steam roll your head
29:50 but in the mortal conflict you will steam roll his heel.
29:54 Precisely, cryptic but precisely the truth about Calvary.
30:00 Isn't it?
30:01 isn't that the truth about Calvary?
30:02 When we go to the flip side of the chiasm
30:04 and we go to Revelation the apocalypse unlocks
30:07 and says yep, you read it right, boy, girl, you read it right.
30:10 Go right back one last time to Revelation 12.
30:15 Take a look at this, Revelation 12:10,
30:20 "Then I heard a loud voice" megalofoni in the Greek.
30:24 Loud, megaphone, megaphone.
30:26 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
30:29 'Now'" something has just happened.
30:31 "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
30:36 and the power of His Christ have come
30:38 for the accuser of our brothers and sister,
30:40 who is accused them before our God day and night,
30:42 has been cast down.
30:44 And they" the followers of Christ
30:47 "they overcame him" the dragon "by the blood of the Lamb"
30:50 code language in the apocalypse.
30:52 Whenever you run into blood of the Lamb
30:53 code language for Calvary.
30:56 Because of Calvary "they over came him
30:59 by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,
31:02 and they did not love their lives to the death."
31:08 There it is prime evil mystery unlocked
31:12 other side of the triangle.
31:14 No question, Calvary is front in center.
31:18 When the Seed crushed the head of the serpent and warned.
31:26 Look at this Hebrews 2:14, Hebrews 2,
31:32 "Inasmuch then as the children have partaken
31:34 of flesh and blood, He" Christ
31:36 "Himself likewise shared in the same,
31:39 that through death" all right Calvary
31:42 "through death He might destroy him
31:45 who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
31:49 I'm telling you it is this is the truth.
31:52 That little apocalyptic classic Great Controversy,
31:55 I love this one line of Great Controversy.
31:57 Can we put that on the screen, please?
31:58 "In the Savior's expiring cry,
32:00 'It is finished,'" it's Calvary clearly.
32:03 "The death knell of Satan was rung.
32:06 The great controversy which had been
32:07 so long in progress was then decided,
32:10 and the final eradication of evil was made certain."
32:14 Ladies and gentlemen, there it is the shining summit,
32:16 the unparalleled, unrivaled truth in the universe.
32:20 Put it at the top please, of your chiasm write at the top,
32:25 "At the cross, Christ defeated Satan!"
32:30 That's it, at the cross, Christ defeated Satan.
32:36 You know, what that means?
32:37 Any claw hold he has in my life
32:41 that claw can be forcibly withdrawn.
32:46 Any ball and chain that he has attached to my ankle
32:50 guilt from the past, sins that I'm convinced
32:53 I could never be forgiven.
32:54 Now I got a letter from a viewer
32:56 who just opened up his heart
32:58 in the middle of nowhere just reading it yesterday.
33:03 You don't know how I struggle.
33:05 You have no idea how I struggle.
33:07 Is there any hope for me?
33:09 I'm telling you what my friends, there is hope
33:11 because at Calvary, at the cross,
33:13 at the cross Christ defeated past tense,
33:18 He has already defeated Satan
33:20 and guess what, by defeating Satan
33:22 He has already guarantee
33:25 the outcome of the war, God wins.
33:28 God wins.
33:29 Put a little cross at the top of your chiasm.
33:31 Put a little cross.
33:32 You can make it as big as you wish
33:34 because that's the unparallel, unrivaled truth
33:37 in all of sacred scripture.
33:39 God wins because Christ has already
33:43 defeated and triumphed over the enemy.
33:46 And guess what, in Him we can too.
33:49 You say how, Dwight? The same way Jesus did.
33:53 Let's say this is the gates of the garden.
33:54 By the way they are locked now.
33:56 The garden is locked.
33:58 These are the gates to the Garden of Eden, right here.
34:00 Guess whose standing there.
34:01 We already know, you have Christ himself
34:03 and you have the fallen.
34:05 You have the king of angels standing there
34:06 with the fallen rebel angel.
34:08 Isn't that right?
34:09 Weren't they standing there together at the gates,
34:11 the locked gates of the garden?
34:12 The next time they will meet face to face.
34:15 The next time they will meet,
34:16 they will be standing right here.
34:19 The king of angels has become a bone of a woman now,
34:22 a seed in here tummy
34:25 and was birthed into the human race.
34:27 The next time they meet face to face, hand to hand now.
34:31 It's after 40 days and 40 nights
34:34 of Jesus baptism afterwards they meet face to face again.
34:42 Only now the tables are turned
34:49 and the angel who has come
34:50 and he knows who the king of angels is
34:52 the angel who has come
34:54 paces about the emaciated form of this human being
34:57 and he says, you know who I'm,
35:03 I know who you are I think.
35:07 So tell you what,
35:10 if you are who you think you are show me,
35:16 turn these stones into bread.
35:22 But it had been a temptation for Christ
35:25 40 days and 40 nights without food.
35:28 Mahatma Gandhi, the great peace protestor in India,
35:32 twice in his life went through a 21 day fast.
35:36 No food, water but no food.
35:39 I went online and found that the diary entry of a woman
35:43 who has gone 56 days without food.
35:47 Just water and at the end
35:48 a little bit of diluted carrot juice.
35:51 And as I was reading her diary entries and thinking
35:55 why would anybody, anybody endure this for any reason.
36:02 You know, Moses did 40 days and 40 nights.
36:04 Moses did twice.
36:05 Elijah did 40 days and 40 nights just like Jesus.
36:09 So why, why Jesus? It's going on here.
36:17 Truth be known.
36:20 In that second showdown right here
36:22 in the wilderness Jesus has only two weapons.
36:25 Do you understand that the two weapons
36:27 that Jesus has were actually given to the human race
36:29 at the gates of the lock--
36:30 at the locked gates of the garden.
36:32 Only two weapons, no nuclear power,
36:39 no instant evaporation.
36:42 Just two weapons.
36:47 And when the chance of the fallen angel,
36:50 or the king of angels is ended.
36:54 Jesus reaches into his sheath and pulls out one sword.
37:02 It is written, it is written
37:07 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
37:14 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
37:20 You been over that story so many times
37:21 we know exactly how it's gonna end.
37:23 But what you don't know in that story
37:25 He has only the two weapons.
37:29 The two gifts entrusted to the human race
37:32 outside the locked gates of the garden.
37:33 In fact, I wish you scribbled that down right now. Will you?
37:36 Two life-sustaining, battle-conquering gift weapons
37:42 for a fallen race that could no longer enjoy
37:45 and endure a face to face communion with their Creator.
37:47 As Adam and Eve is sobbing outside that locked gate
37:51 God is looking into their brook--
37:53 their broken continuances and He says,
37:55 but you must know because of your sin
37:58 My glory will become more and more destructed to you.
38:01 So while I'm locking the gates to that garden
38:04 you need to know as well I'm not locking the gates of My kingdom.
38:06 I'm giving you two gifts right now,
38:08 two gifts exercise these gifts.
38:12 Two gift weapons against our mortal enemy.
38:16 We share the same enemy.
38:18 What are the two gifts jot them down.
38:20 Number one, the gift of prayer
38:25 because God would desperately need to hear from us.
38:29 We think Jesus was doing for 40 days and 40 nights
38:31 it was a gift of prayer
38:34 but a lot of people don't know that His second weapon--
38:38 Jesus was actually like
38:39 the Japanese samurai put out two.
38:44 The only two He has, the only two you have.
38:48 First gift, the gift of prayer.
38:49 You know, that one was there
38:50 but would you put this down please,
38:51 the second gift is the gift of prophecy.
38:54 First gift the prayer
38:55 is because God would desperately need
38:57 to hear from us and the gift of prophecy
38:58 because we would desperately need to hear from God.
39:01 God says listen, I'm gonna pick a certain man once a while,
39:04 I'm gonna pick a certain woman once upon time
39:06 and I will communicate directly to them
39:08 and that human being will come to you
39:10 and give you messages from Me.
39:11 Listen to the prophets very carefully
39:14 it's the only way I can commune with you.
39:16 No more face to face, no more, no more ever
39:20 until I come back and move in.
39:23 So pull it out when the enemy is there
39:28 and that's what He did.
39:29 You say come on,
39:30 Jesus didn't pull out the gift of prophecy
39:32 when He fought with Lucifer in there--
39:34 Satan let's call him Satan in the wilderness.
39:36 Oh, yes, He did.
39:38 Who wrote those words,
39:39 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
39:40 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
39:42 Who wrote those words?
39:43 The great prophet, the greatest of the prophets, Moses.
39:46 Christ memorized Moses as a boy.
39:49 He memorized the prophets.
39:51 He had no score opened up,
39:52 it's all here and He pulls it out and it's ready.
40:00 Two gifts reference, gift of prayer
40:04 and the gift of prophecy
40:06 because guess what we have to have both
40:10 to win in Christ the war.
40:16 Two gifts, gift weapons.
40:21 In fact, would you jot it down please?
40:22 "Which is why both gifts, like a drawn sword,
40:25 were wielded by Jesus in that desert battle."
40:32 And the one before because I just skipped it.
40:35 As it turns out "Both gifts are strategic
40:37 in the divine war plan for the human race.
40:39 You gonna both now, that's it.
40:43 Forty days and forty nights
40:45 He unsheathed both weapons and He is victorious.
40:49 Forty days and forty nights, that's a long time to pray
40:53 and yet today
40:55 first time in the 50 year history of Andrews University
40:58 and the 51 year history of Pioneer Memorial Church
41:01 today we are joining together
41:04 in a consolidated 40 days of praying, never before ever.
41:12 What's up with that? Let me show you.
41:15 Let me hold this book so you can see it.
41:17 I want you to get this book. We got it for you.
41:19 We got it-- we have it for you today.
41:22 We have it for you back in the dormitory,
41:24 you go to that front desk
41:26 into Lamson, Meier, Burman we got it for you.
41:30 We got enough for everybody.
41:32 Can you see this title on the screen 40 Days,
41:37 what's the subtitle?
41:38 Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming.
41:43 Here's a deal, we're gonna start these 40 days
41:45 on the same day together September 1,
41:48 that's just a few days away that's Wednesday
41:51 and we're gonna pray for 40 days and 40 nights.
41:54 Dwight, there's no way
41:55 I can pray 40 days and 40 nights.
41:57 Are you crazy?
41:58 No, it's not as complicated as it sounds.
42:01 Inside this little, this little,
42:03 this little booklet are 40 readings.
42:06 There are two pages, 40 readings.
42:09 You read the reading, it's focusing on
42:14 asking God to be filled
42:16 with the mighty third person of the God head.
42:19 Because you know what, that's a truth of the two gifts
42:20 the gift weapons, they both the Holy Spirit.
42:23 They both in His domain.
42:25 So you want to be victorious?
42:26 You want this New Year to be unlike any year
42:28 you have ever lived in your life?
42:30 Then you ask, you ask
42:33 for the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
42:36 So that's it, there is a--
42:38 you read day one and then day two and three so on.
42:41 At the end of every little reading
42:43 there will be a Bible promise to claim and a suggested prayer.
42:47 You can do it in 10 minutes, its piece of cake
42:50 but there is a little provider that will make this more
42:52 than just reading a book through because who wants to read a book
42:54 so you already got enough books you got to read
42:55 through this semester I believe.
42:59 Here's what you do.
43:00 You pick a friend, you pick somebody you know
43:04 and say, hey, you, you and me
43:07 will be partners for these 40 days.
43:09 You don't have to get together with that friend
43:10 and read it out loud together.
43:11 You may, but the two of you--
43:16 do you have your iPhone 4?
43:19 If you pick a friend that has an iPhone 4
43:22 then you do this video thing together the whole time
43:29 and give me yours when you are tired of it
43:32 because I need one of those.
43:35 I don't.
43:37 So you can do it on the phone, you can do it what,
43:40 you know, do it over lunch break whatever.
43:43 But everyday-- here's the deal
43:44 everyday you connect with that friend
43:46 40 days and 40 nights
43:48 and you claim the promises together and you ask--
43:51 you will ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit
43:53 at the beginning of this uncharted journey.
43:55 Oh, God, fill me.
43:56 I want to live like Jesus.
43:58 I want to live on the cutting edge
44:00 with both weapons drawn in this war.
44:06 Take me to the tree of peace everyday,
44:08 take me to Calvary, take me to that tree of peace.
44:09 Take me, take me, take me.
44:11 So that's what this book is for.
44:12 There one another little suggestion in the praying.
44:14 We're all being invited to do this.
44:16 We have a prayer partner
44:17 so everybody has a prayer partner.
44:18 You can have your spouse or you can have your roommate.
44:20 Please, you are not to make this hard for yourself,
44:22 make it easy somebody is close to you, right.
44:26 So everyday we do this but here's the deal.
44:29 We're all being invited
44:30 to include in our praying not only ourselves,
44:32 me, me, me, me, me, no pray for lost people.
44:35 Five lost people, boy, come one you will come up
44:37 with five lost people I know you can.
44:39 Five lost people that you know, five human beings
44:42 who are not in Christ who need to be saved.
44:44 I don't care who they are.
44:45 It Could be a father, it could be a mother,
44:46 it could be a child, it could be a brother,
44:49 it could be a neighbor, could be a classmate,
44:51 could be your roommate
44:52 doesn't matter five of them, five.
44:55 You want to have more you may but five.
44:58 And every single day you pray for those five, everyday.
45:05 Wouldn't it be something everyday?
45:07 Look if a 1,000 of us we got enough books for everybody.
45:09 If a 1,000 of us had five people a day
45:13 we will pray for that is 5,000 lost human beings
45:17 that night and day will be remembered
45:19 before the throne of God.
45:21 I mean, can you imagine
45:23 the impact that would have on our lives,
45:25 not to mention a 1,000 of us
45:27 living in a same space together doing the same thing, wow.
45:31 So that's a deal, pick up your book
45:34 when you leave right here at all the greeting stations.
45:37 You're under grad you want to go to the dorm
45:39 you got them right there.
45:40 We've got boxes of them for you, pick it up.
45:43 You're in the academy you got them at the front desk.
45:46 You say Dwight, I'm not in the dorm,
45:47 I'm a university student. Fine, pick it up here.
45:50 These are for all the rest of us, pick it up.
45:53 Oh, by the way, if you would like
45:54 to put a little donation
45:56 put it right there,
45:58 there will be place to give a donation.
46:00 It's only to cover the cost.
46:01 We had this specially printed designed for us right here.
46:06 You're gonna be blessed.
46:07 Seventy of us secretly did this
46:09 at the beginning of this calendar year.
46:11 We didn't make any fanfare about it,
46:12 didn't tell a soul about it
46:13 but we went through the 40 days and 40 nights together
46:16 and when we sat in a huddle 70 of us
46:18 and we said, how did it go?
46:20 Hands down the conviction was
46:21 we got to do this all of us together.
46:25 You will never be the same again, I promise.
46:30 Forty days and forty nights
46:33 you will be taking the gift of prophecy
46:35 and holy scripture and the gift of prayer
46:39 and with two swords
46:41 and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ
46:44 you will move straight ahead in victory.
46:51 Forty days, forty nights, grab your book as you leave.
46:58 Facebook, we'll have a page on Facebook.
47:01 You got stories to share go right to Facebook.
47:02 It's already there waiting for your,
47:04 thank you Richard Parks,
47:06 got that page ready for you.
47:08 We're ready to go, guys.
47:09 We had never done it before.
47:11 Don't you think that time is about right
47:13 that we join together in prayer?
47:14 I mean, I'm watching this economy.
47:16 Now the president talk about the economy in his address
47:19 to the whole campus on Thursday,
47:21 the brightest minds on earth have no clue
47:25 that whistling in the dark pass the cemetery.
47:29 Nobody knows, will it bounce out?
47:32 I don't know.
47:34 But the unsettledness of the planet,
47:39 some people are-- we are on the verge of something
47:43 we don't know what it is.
47:44 Guys, this is the time to pray, 40 days and 40 nights.
47:48 God bless you.
47:49 Oh, by the way September 1,
47:52 right here okay, we'll start it together.
47:54 September 1, Wednesday night house of prayer right here
47:57 in the sanctuary everybody come.
48:00 We'll have some extras here you want more,
48:02 we will have them here.
48:04 September 1, right here and we will do it together.
48:07 We'll just kind of do it and see how it feels
48:09 then you can get a better sense.
48:13 Every New Year that we begin on this campus together
48:18 we end with the most powerful prayer you can pray.
48:20 It's a prayer Jesus taught us to pray
48:23 and I can't think of a better time than right now
48:25 for you and me to sing this prayer.
48:28 Stephen Zork our choral director here at the university
48:31 is gonna lead us.
48:33 "Our Father, which art in heaven,
48:36 Hallowed be Thy name."
48:40 Let's stand together and pray as we sing together.
48:53 Our Father,
49:01 which art in heaven
49:12 Hallowed be
49:20 Thy name
49:29 Thy kingdom come
49:37 Thy will be done
49:43 On earth as it is in heaven
50:13 Give us this day our daily bread
50:24 And forgive us our debts
50:29 As we forgive our debtors
50:42 And lead us not into temptation
50:49 But deliver us from evil
50:55 For Thine is the kingdom
51:03 And the power
51:06 And the glory
51:11 Forever and ever
51:20 Amen
51:49 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
51:52 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time
51:55 with us right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
51:56 on the campus of Andrews University.
51:59 Do you know that around the world
52:00 people join us every week for this hour of worship?
52:02 We're always looking as a consequence
52:04 for new ways to bridge,
52:05 somehow to connect with these people
52:07 who come here to worship via the telecast.
52:10 One of the areas that is quickly growing for is our website.
52:14 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
52:18 It's an incredible opportunity that God has given us
52:20 to expand His kingdom.
52:22 If you'd like to help partner with us
52:24 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
52:27 I would love to have you call our toll free number.
52:30 We've got very friendly operator standing by.
52:32 Here's the number 877-His-Will,
52:35 877 and then the two words His Will.
52:38 One of the operators will be happy to give you
52:40 the details of how you can partner
52:42 with this global ministry.
52:44 If you prefer listen, you can do it all online.
52:46 Go to our website please,
52:51 I would be honored to have
52:52 the privilege of partnering with you
52:53 as we seek to spread the truth about God for this generation.
52:56 We are living in urgent times now more than never.
53:00 We've got to go to the world
53:03 where the good news entrusted to us.
53:05 So once again here's that toll free number 877-His-Will.
53:09 Thank you in advance for your generosity.
53:12 That blesses me and you grow this ministry.
53:15 I pray that the Spirit of Christ
53:16 will abide with you every step of the way
53:19 and I hope you'll come back again next time
53:21 right here as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2014-12-17