New Perceptions

Simple Church for Unsimple Times: Grow!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP082512

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:26 Oh, Lord my God When I in awesome wonder
00:33 Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
00:40 I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder
00:47 Thy power throughout The universe displayed.
00:52 Then sings my soul.
00:55 Then sings my soul
00:57 My Savior God to Thee
01:02 How great Thou art How great Thou art
01:10 Then sings my soul
01:12 My Savior God to Thee
01:17 How great Thou art How great Thou art
01:25 And when I think That God,
01:29 His son not sparing Sent Him to die
01:35 I scarce can take it in
01:40 That on the cross My burden gladly bearing
01:47 He bled and died To take away my sin
01:54 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
02:02 How great Thou art How great Thou art
02:10 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
02:17 How great Thou art How great Thou art
02:25 When Christ shall come With shout of acclamation
02:32 And take me home What joy shall fill my heart
02:40 Then I shall bow In humble adoration
02:47 And there proclaim
02:50 My God how great Thou art
02:55 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
03:03 How great Thou art How great Thou art
03:11 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
03:19 How great Thou art How great Thou art
03:26 Then sings my soul.
03:28 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
03:37 How great Thou art
03:41 How great Thou art
03:45 Then sings my soul My Savior God to Thee
03:54 How great Thou art
04:00 How great Thou art
04:11 Join us as we sing.
04:13 I will sing of my redeemer.
04:20 I will sing.
04:21 I will sing of my Redeemer
04:25 He who took the nails from me
04:29 I've been purchased I've been pardoned
04:33 Bound to Him I'm truly free
04:38 I will sing of my Redeemer
04:42 Lift my voice to praise my Lord
04:46 Ransomed by His Blood and mercy
04:50 I am His forevermore
05:00 I will sing.
05:02 I will sing of my Redeemer
05:06 How He sought me while a slave
05:10 Loosed me from the curse of sin
05:13 And from the power of the grave
05:18 I will sing of my Redeemer
05:23 Lift my voice to praise my Lord
05:26 Ransomed by His Blood and mercy
05:30 I am His forevermore
05:42 I will sing of my Redeemer
05:46 He who bore my cross, my curse
05:50 Came a servant, chose to suffer
05:54 Lifted up and cast from earth
05:58 I will sing of my Redeemer
06:02 Lift my voice to praise my Lord
06:06 Ransomed by His Blood and mercy
06:10 I am His forevermore
06:22 I will sing of my Redeemer
06:26 Tell about the grace I've known
06:30 Here on earth with those forgiven
06:34 And one day around His throne
06:39 I will sing of my Redeemer
06:43 Lift my voice to praise my Lord
06:47 Ransomed by His Blood and mercy
06:51 I am His forevermore
06:57 Ransomed by...
06:59 Ransomed by His Blood and mercy
07:03 I am His forevermore
07:11 Amen. Hallelujah.
07:14 All right, show-and-tell time,
07:16 show-and-tell time,
07:17 I have my little summer show-and-tell.
07:20 I want to show you what's inside this bag
07:22 because this summer we went out to Lake Tahoe.
07:25 Anybody know where Lake Tahoe is?
07:28 It's in America, it's in a state
07:31 all the way out on the west
07:32 and it's the state of California.
07:35 You nailed it today hadn't they class.
07:37 So we went out to Lake Tahoe because we,
07:39 my brother and sister and our spouses
07:42 we wanted to celebrate my mother with her husband Berg
07:45 and so we brought mom up to Lake Tahoe in a cabin
07:49 and we had just four wonderful days together.
07:51 Now along the way,
07:54 I'm just outside minding my own business
07:56 when all of a sudden, I see one of these,
08:00 I say, wait a minute have you ever seen
08:03 anything that size before.
08:06 Is it safe to pick it up?
08:08 I reached down and I said
08:09 I'm going to try and I grabbed it.
08:14 Set it in my suitcase, my carry on suitcase,
08:17 passed TSA all the way back to Berrien Springs
08:20 and here it is.
08:21 Look what...
08:23 Have you ever seen one as big as this?
08:27 Wow!
08:28 Wow!
08:29 Anybody know what this is?
08:33 What is it?
08:35 A pine cone straight from...
08:39 Wow, it hurts. Ooh, ouch!
08:42 Straight from Lake Tahoe, California.
08:45 Let me show you about this pine cone.
08:48 This is the largest pine cone I've seen.
08:51 So I said I'm bringing it home,
08:52 I'm going to put it right here in my office
08:54 so anytime you come to visit,
08:55 you'll be able to look at it, touch it.
08:57 This is a pine cone and guess what,
08:59 I started doing study on pine cones
09:01 and I found out this is a girl pine cone.
09:04 What?
09:06 That's why I got stuck.
09:10 This is a girl pine cone.
09:12 They have boy pine cones and girl pine cones.
09:16 This little pine cone and you say
09:19 ''Pastor, but how do you know the difference.'
09:21 ' I had to read up on it but here is how it works.
09:24 Jesus the creator who made us all,
09:27 when He designed pine cones, now this is going to be way...
09:30 This is going to be something else.
09:32 When He designed pine cones, He designed them
09:36 mathematically perfect and here is how we know
09:39 it's mathematically perfect.
09:42 Fibonacci, the Fibonacci numbers,
09:45 listen to this guys...
09:47 Have you ever seen a Fibonacci?
09:48 You're looking at one.
09:49 The Fibonacci numbers go like this, the next...
09:52 They always begins 01
09:54 the next number is always
09:56 the combination of the two before
09:58 and you just keep adding them
09:59 and they get huge and they form a spiral.
10:02 God, when Jesus created pine cones
10:04 He made them to fit
10:06 what's called the golden spiral,
10:08 the Fibonacci numbers.
10:11 A mathematician obviously created this world.
10:15 The scientists now are amazed
10:17 that they are finding the golden spiral in shells,
10:20 sea shells, pine cones, it's everywhere.
10:23 The secret formula
10:25 we discovered somebody designed this.
10:27 So when God designed the girl pine cone,
10:31 He made this little, these look like petals,
10:34 they're wooden petals.
10:36 You know what a pine cone is.
10:37 He made these petals so that the very back of the petals
10:41 there is a little ovule, that little,
10:43 there are two of them at the back
10:45 of every one of these petals.
10:47 And when the weather gets warm in the pine cone,
10:51 the little girl pine cone is growing up,
10:53 when the weather gets warm,
10:54 she begins to spread her little wooden petals.
10:59 She spreads them out, the weather is warmer
11:02 and it's drier, and she does that for a reason
11:05 because the male,
11:06 the boy pine cones, they are tiny.
11:09 The boy pine cones put out a little pollen,
11:13 just a little pollen.
11:15 It gets in the air and the warm air breezes
11:18 when the girl pine cone has spread her petals,
11:22 the pollen from the boy pine cones goes inside,
11:25 gets lands on that little tiny,
11:29 those little tiny spots at the back.
11:31 The pine cone then as it gets cooler shuts down
11:34 between 6 months and 24 months the pine cone,
11:38 the little girl pine cone is fertilizing
11:41 and growing that seed 24 months maximum later
11:45 she then it's summer time again,
11:47 she opens up her petals and there they go,
11:51 now the fertilized seed now goes,
11:56 opens up so that the wind can carry it
11:58 as far as it can go.
11:59 Look at that. Look at this pine cone.
12:02 This little pine cone has all of that in it and guess what?
12:07 This pine cone is a reminder
12:09 that you can't be good just by yourself.
12:12 You were designed by the creator,
12:15 you need others.
12:17 Pine cones can't live all alone,
12:18 they need others.
12:20 Animals need others.
12:21 Plants and flowers and honeybees need others.
12:24 People need others.
12:25 Children in the church of Jesus need others.
12:30 We can't just go alone.
12:32 We were made to be together.
12:35 Let me hear you say that word.
12:37 We were made to be, what's the word?
12:40 Oh, it's little stronger on this side, let me try.
12:42 We were made to be? Together.
12:45 Oh, now I think this side has it.
12:46 We were made to be? Together!
12:49 Let's do it all together.
12:51 We were made to be together.
12:55 How many of you thank for Jesus
12:57 with such beautiful mathematical
12:59 precision has made us,
13:00 and how many want to say, Jesus,
13:02 please I want to be together with your friends
13:07 until You come.
13:08 Ah!
13:10 We started this last Sabbath and it went so well,
13:11 I'm going to do it again this Sabbath,
13:13 instead of having a junior pastor this year
13:15 because we took a survey and people say,
13:16 why don't you try this?
13:18 I'm going to ask is there a volunteer for prayer.
13:22 Now last Sabbath there was a young lady,
13:24 so I'm going to look for a young man.
13:26 Yes, I want to see that young man right on the back.
13:29 Come on up here.
13:31 Aden, come on up
13:33 and we're going to close our eyes
13:35 and fold our hands as Aden thanks Jesus for making us
13:39 with such beautiful precision to be together.
13:44 Just hold that real close.
13:45 Dear, Jesus, I just thank you for this wonderful day
13:47 and thank you that we're all here today and just,
13:51 I think please help us to all have a fun time
13:53 the rest of the day we have today,
13:55 in the name we pray, amen.
13:56 Amen. That works for me.
13:57 Thank you, Aden.
13:59 And thank you boys and girls as you go quietly
14:01 and reverently back to your seats.
14:03 You could be saying thank you to Jesus in your heart.
14:05 Thank you for making us so that we could be together.
14:09 God bless you. Happy Sabbath.
14:23 Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace
14:37 Where there is hatred, let me sow love
14:44 Where there is injury, pardon
14:51 Where there is doubt, faith
14:58 Where there is despair, hope
15:05 Where there is darkness, light
15:11 Where there is sadness, joy
15:20 O Divine Master Grant that
15:26 I may not so much seek
15:34 To be consoled as to console
15:41 To be understood as to understand
15:47 To be loved as to love
15:55 For it is in giving
16:02 that we receive
16:08 It is in pardoning
16:15 that we are pardoned
16:21 It is in dying
16:31 that we are born
16:38 to eternal life
17:03 Thank you, Charles Reid.
17:06 Let's pray together.
17:08 Oh, God make us instruments of Your peace.
17:14 That's what your friends are for
17:16 on this planet dark night,
17:18 bright day, it doesn't mater,
17:21 make us instruments of Your peace
17:24 and in this teaching call us,
17:26 call us to the journey
17:31 that is led by the Lord Jesus Himself,
17:33 in His name we pray, amen.
17:36 Did you hear about apple this week?
17:39 Apple, can you believe it. Wow!
17:41 I'm talking about Apple, the company.
17:43 Everybody knows the logo of Apple,
17:46 the maker of the iPhone, the iPad, the iPod,
17:51 the Mac computer system Apple.
17:56 This week became the most valuable.
18:00 We're talking about market capitalization here,
18:03 the most valuable company on earth.
18:05 The value determined this week
18:07 as those stocks continue to sale
18:09 and they're expensive stocks
18:11 $623 billion, Apple Company.
18:14 The closest competitor is ExxonMobil at $405 billon,
18:20 that's number two.
18:21 Microsoft the arch rival of Apple
18:25 weighs in at $273 billion.
18:28 In fact, now Apple is worth more than
18:30 Microsoft and Google combined.
18:34 In fact, in fact, two in facts,
18:37 Apple at its valuation of $623 billion
18:40 is now higher than the GDP,
18:43 the gross domestic product of Switzerland
18:47 or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.
18:51 Wow!
18:53 What's the big deal about Apple?
18:55 Ah!
18:56 Apple has mastered the simple.
19:00 Apple simple, you just have one big old dial
19:03 on the front,
19:04 all you have to do is just know where to touch that dial
19:07 and you have music.
19:08 You have what's embedded in that piece of genius.
19:12 Apple does life simply.
19:15 Wouldn't it be wonderful if the church would do life
19:18 just as simply as Apple, maybe she does,
19:21 connect, grow, surf, go,
19:27 may be it really is that's simple do in church.
19:31 Put the title slide for the number two,
19:33 this is only a little parter we began at last week,
19:35 we end it today.
19:36 Simple Church for unSimple Times
19:38 and oh, mine, the times are extremely unsimple.
19:41 Connect, grow, serve, go.
19:42 Thank you Charles Reid for reminding us of that line.
19:47 Today we want to get to the grow.
19:49 We want to get to the grow
19:50 and then we'll drop this for a while.
19:54 But is the church really that simple.
19:56 If you thought last week's parable was peculiar,
19:58 wait till you take a look at this one.
20:00 Two back to back parables.
20:01 Jesus is going to sound like He is repeating Himself,
20:05 but at the moment we plunge deeper,
20:07 you're going to see this is radically different.
20:09 Let's go to the second parable.
20:11 Feels and sounds like where we were last week,
20:13 but now we are in the Gospel of Mathew.
20:14 Open your Bible please to the Gospel of Mathew.
20:17 This one is down right provocative,
20:19 Mathew Chapter 22.
20:20 I'm in the New King James Version.
20:22 You can grab the pew Bible...
20:24 Listen, if you didn't bring your Bible,
20:25 grab the pew Bible in front of you.
20:26 You gonna want to track this unusual, unusual parable.
20:30 This is Mathew 22.
20:32 Jesus will be dead in just a few days now.
20:35 Some things on His heart and mind
20:36 and He saves it till now.
20:38 Mathew 22 will pick it up in the first verse.
20:41 In the pew Bible it will be page 665.
20:45 Here we go, Mathew 22:1,
20:47 "And Jesus answered and spoke to them
20:49 again by parables and said:" Verse 2,
20:51 "The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king
20:53 who arranged a marriage for his son."
20:55 Verse 3, "And he sent out his servants to call
20:58 those who were invited to the wedding,
20:59 and they were not willing to come."
21:01 You say, Wow, Dwight, I told you this is same.
21:03 Sounds familiar not the same, don't get excited.
21:07 Last week in Luke 14 it was a host
21:09 who was having his closest friends over.
21:12 This is now a key.
21:13 We are not dealing with the host here,
21:15 we're dealing with the majestic king
21:16 who is throwing a lavish banquet
21:19 for the marriage of his son.
21:21 I mean come on, not unlike Queen Elizabeth,
21:26 God bless her.
21:27 When she threw that massive, majestic,
21:31 lavish banquet for our favorite royals,
21:35 put them on the screen please,
21:36 Prince William and his lovely Kate.
21:39 Everybody knows, the world knows
21:40 who those two are.
21:41 The whole world saw this.
21:43 Now look at it in the next picture,
21:44 the whole world,
21:45 the kiss scene around the world,
21:47 heard around the world.
21:49 So what do we have?
21:50 We have a royal wedding just like that.
21:51 The king has invited his friends to attend,
21:53 and can you believe this without any excuses,
21:56 last week they had excuses, this week no excuses,
21:58 they just say ''No, I'm not coming.'
22:01 ' But it gets even worse, watch this.
22:04 Verse 3 again, "So the king sent out his servants
22:07 to call those who were invited to the wedding,
22:09 and they were not willing to come."
22:12 Verse 4, "Again, the king sent out
22:14 other servants..."
22:15 They didn't get it, now you go and he said them,
22:18 ''Tell those who are invited,
22:20 "See, I have prepared my dinner,
22:22 my oxen and fatted cattle are killed..."
22:25 Okay, so the king is not really in the story
22:28 into a low class drama,
22:29 we are not going to hold that against the king,
22:31 okay, so that's their dinner.
22:33 See he says, "My fatted cattle and the oxen are killed,
22:39 and all things are ready.
22:41 Come, come, come to the wedding."
22:45 Verse 5, "But they, the ones receiving
22:47 the re-invitation made light of it
22:49 and went on their way, one to his own farm,
22:50 another to his business."
22:52 Verse 6, Kenny, I told you it gets worse.
22:54 Verse 6, "And the rest seized his servants,
22:56 treated them spitefully, and killed them."
22:59 Can you believe it?
23:01 Is this the way you respond to a servant of the king?
23:04 Commentators and scholars were clear.
23:06 Ladies and gentlemen, that Jesus is skillfully here
23:08 telling the story of the Jewish leaders
23:11 and their nation without mentioning any names.
23:18 The tale of the Old Testament.
23:19 It's a story of a heartbroken God over and over,
23:21 prophet after prophet pleading with his people,
23:24 come back to me, come back to me.
23:27 And now the son of the king is standing in their very midst
23:31 and they're going to kill him in a matter of hours.
23:37 Verse 7, "But when the king heard about it,
23:41 he was furious.
23:43 And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers,
23:46 and burned up their city."
23:48 In that single cryptic line, Jesus is announcing
23:52 the impending fate of Jerusalem.
23:54 Forty years from right now,
23:55 I'm telling you the story today.
23:57 Forty years from now 70 AD, the Roman General Titus
24:01 will erased the city in second and burn it to the ground
24:05 70 AD, 40 years.
24:09 Cryptic announcement.
24:11 Yeah, but you say, listen,
24:13 what kind of a mean king is this?
24:16 You don't come to my party, I'm going to kill you.
24:19 David Redding in his provocative book
24:20 the parables he told.
24:22 He responds to that.
24:23 Let me put the words on the screen for you,
24:25 this is David Redding,
24:26 "Now look God is no petulant child
24:29 getting back at those who hurt His feelings.
24:31 The parable is suggesting, I like this,
24:33 the parable is suggesting that mortality is our chance."
24:38 Mortality means this life right now,
24:40 you are alive, this is your chance.
24:41 "The parable is suggesting the mortality is our chance
24:44 that there is something conclusive
24:45 about our life here.
24:46 Our death signals the end, not of an inning,
24:49 but of a game.
24:50 It's over, listen, we are not going into extra innings,
24:53 it's over.
24:55 All God's mercy, reading on...
24:57 "All God's mercy cannot erase the final score."
25:00 The score you are tabulating today
25:02 makes the difference,
25:04 that's the point, You can't just turn down
25:05 the invitation right and left say,
25:07 well, I'm not into this.
25:08 Yes, you are going to get the score you made.
25:13 All God's mercy, Redding writing,
25:15 cannot erase the final score and when we lose this life,
25:18 oh my, we will lose an advantage
25:21 that belonged to it alone...
25:24 What we are respecting here
25:26 is the guest's awesome privilege to refuse."
25:30 Isn't that something?
25:33 It may be our awesome privilege to refuse,
25:34 ladies and gentlemen,
25:36 but who but a fool would exercise that privilege.
25:41 Not if you really, not if she,
25:43 not if he really knew the king,
25:45 why would you say no to an invitation like this.
25:52 Verse 8, "Then he said to his servants, okay,
25:57 plan B 'The wedding is ready,
26:00 but those who were invited were not worthy."
26:02 Verse 9, "Therefore go into the highways
26:05 and as many as you find, invite to the wedding."
26:09 Can you believe that?
26:10 I mean, can you imagine we go into the mail box,
26:11 opening the mail box
26:13 and here with the British stamp cancel on it,
26:16 Buckingham Palace in the return address,
26:18 I have an invitation from Queen Elizabeth,
26:24 her majesty, to come to the banquet
26:27 of William and Kate.
26:29 Would you go if you got the invitation?
26:31 I know you would row the Atlantic to go
26:34 if that's what it took.
26:35 I'm not as hopelessly romantic as you.
26:38 I mean who would turn down the invitation,
26:41 if the Queen herself said,
26:43 come to my party for my grandson's wedding,
26:47 and that's what's happening here.
26:49 Very few people
26:51 get an invitation to so exclusive an event as that
26:54 which makes the king's command so outstanding,
26:56 and I like it in the NIV.
26:57 Look at this in the NIV.
26:59 The king tells his servants, "Invite anyone you can find."
27:02 Anybody, if he is breathing, if she is breathing,
27:05 extend the invitation, bring them
27:07 to this big and lavish event.
27:14 Do you know why the king issues that command?
27:16 I'll tell you why?
27:17 Because God is huge
27:23 on connecting with lost people.
27:25 That's why He is just big
27:30 on saving lost people.
27:34 We noted that in that other parable,
27:36 the matching parable last week.
27:37 In fact, the key line last week was this one.
27:40 Remember God says "That My house may be filled."
27:42 That's what I want, just fill this house up,
27:44 fill this house up.
27:46 I want my house full.
27:47 This week how does he put it?
27:49 He says "Invite anyone you find."
27:50 So those two phrases can actually be combined
27:51 to a single passionate command.
27:54 "Invite anyone you find that my house may be filled."
27:58 Because God is huge on connecting with lost people,
28:03 right?
28:04 Now look at, it I know what occurs to you.
28:06 Okay, Dwight, understand, yep, God is that way.
28:08 I know that the corollary conclusion
28:11 you already know it.
28:12 I mean look at it,
28:13 if God is so big on connecting with lost people,
28:17 the church ought to be big,
28:20 pretty big on connecting with lost people shouldn't we?
28:25 Of course which is why the simple mission
28:29 of the Pioneer Memorial Church
28:32 is the simple line that begins with a simple word.
28:36 Let's put it on the screen.
28:38 It begins with the word Connect.
28:41 That's a simple mission.
28:44 Can it be as simple as Apple?
28:46 Why not?
28:47 Connect, connect,
28:49 which is why by the way in every worship service
28:52 where you come to this church at the end of the teaching,
28:55 we'll end with something called the connect card.
28:57 It's in your bulletin right now.
28:59 In fact you want to reach and say,
29:00 Dwight, does my bulletin really have one.
29:01 It has one.
29:03 A connect card, what's the connect card about?
29:05 It gives a special opportunity to every worshiper,
29:07 guest or member, young or aged or in between,
29:11 red or yellow, black and white,
29:12 it doesn't matter saved or lost,
29:13 it doesn't matter.
29:15 This little connect card
29:16 is coming up in just a moment
29:18 and it would be an opportunity for you and me
29:19 to connect with God.
29:20 Reconnect if necessary but connect,
29:24 because God is huge on connecting.
29:27 We're not gonna over the card, we did that last week.
29:29 But I'm gonna play for you right now a video clip of why.
29:32 Now, listen to this.
29:33 A video clip of why I am so sold out
29:37 on this connect cards.
29:38 Watch this, this happened in February,
29:41 the last Sabbath of this of the last semester.
29:44 I sat on that row and I watched this testimony.
29:47 Let's go, Chris Sovey.
29:50 My name is Chris Sovey.
29:52 I grew up in Central Michigan and originally I was a nurse
29:56 and I moved out here to continue
29:58 my education actually as a physical therapist
30:00 for a change of careers,
30:02 and during that time
30:03 I found that I was seeking some answers
30:07 to some pretty tough spiritual questions
30:10 and I read a lot of different books
30:11 and try to find the answers in another places
30:14 but I could not find them,
30:15 so one time when I was actually here for service at PMC,
30:20 I happened to be listening pretty closely and filled out
30:23 one of connect cards and hopes that might help
30:27 find some answers so.
30:30 I immediately got response back from Bradley
30:32 and soon after I started the baptismal classes
30:35 which led me down the path
30:37 of trying to built a stronger relationship
30:39 with the Lord.
30:41 I think during my undergraduate studies,
30:42 I had kind of fallen out of that
30:44 but this has given me an opportunity on to,
30:47 to get back on track with that,
30:48 and so the Baptist, the baptism
30:50 itself means a lot to me
30:52 as a symbol to strengthen that relationship
30:55 and to just press on,
30:56 so I can find the answers to those questions.
31:00 Is that cool or what?
31:02 I sat in the first row
31:04 last Sabbath of the school year,
31:06 saw that tape played and I said,
31:08 oh, thank you Jesus.
31:09 That's why that connect card is so vital
31:14 to the mission of anybody that calls itself
31:17 the community of Christ.
31:18 You know, we can put on an inspiring service,
31:21 pull all the whistles and bells,
31:22 but if you in and there is no opportunity for connect,
31:26 what have you done?
31:27 What have we done?
31:29 We've missed the golden moment, an opportunity.
31:34 Thank you Chris for that testimony.
31:36 God is huge on connecting with those children.
31:39 Let's put that line again on the screen.
31:41 "Invite anyone you find,
31:43 anyone you find that my house may be filled."
31:46 Two parables, one passion, Connect.
31:49 It's God's passion, it must be our passion.
31:51 Which is why beginning next Sabbath,
31:53 we launch our brand new worship paradigm.
31:55 Should have gotten a letter
31:56 if you're member of this congregation.
31:58 Should have got a letter yesterday from me.
31:59 Let me just run it by you one more time.
32:02 What's the reason for this shift of paradigm?
32:04 Let's put the sentence on the screen again please,
32:07 "Because Sabbath morning is the most opportune time
32:10 to connect people with God."
32:12 It's not Wednesday night, it's not Friday night.
32:15 It was a joy last night by the way,
32:16 400 plus freshmen crowded into the front.
32:19 They put up this beautiful cloth of wall,
32:22 so everybody is crowded up here and I got to preach to them.
32:25 I'm telling we got a great new class that's moving in.
32:28 And I'm praying that they will take over.
32:31 Friday night's great, my young friend,
32:33 Evan Knott's gonna be doing university vespers
32:36 every Friday night now and I've seen his line up,
32:39 it's gonna be an incredible experience,
32:40 you gonna want him.
32:41 It's not just for students by the way, Evan is very clear,
32:44 faculty staff and community invited.
32:46 When you see some of the speakers,
32:47 you will be here.
32:49 But Friday night is not the most
32:50 significant time to connect,
32:52 Sabbath morning is, not Monday, not Tuesday,
32:55 not Sunday, Sabbath morning
32:58 "because Sabbath morning is the most opportune time
33:01 to connect people with God."
33:02 Now the sentence finishes.
33:03 "We need to make Sabbath morning the most accessible
33:05 time for people to connect with God."
33:08 That's what it's about.
33:09 Making it user friendly.
33:11 It's no secret that we have a significant number
33:13 of students on this campus
33:15 who either sleep through the morning in their residences
33:17 or are simply disconnected with God, church, worship
33:22 which means that if we are to take seriously
33:26 our commission to connect, we have to make
33:29 whatever it is as user friendly as possible.
33:33 So what we decided to do
33:35 as whack the worship services down.
33:36 This is the last of the 90 minute service,
33:38 starting next week 75 minutes long.
33:41 We've whacked them, mow down 15 minutes each.
33:43 We've take another 10 minutes
33:44 and now with that extra 40 minutes
33:46 we're starting everything later.
33:48 Let's put the time, the new paradigm
33:49 on the screen please.
33:50 First Celebration: 9 o'clock in the morning.
33:53 I tell you what, no more children stories
33:54 in second service, so if children you want to come.
33:57 You want a children story, just give mom and dad,
33:59 look it, they got longer to sleep in now,
34:04 9 o'clock in the morning.
34:05 9 to 10:15, 15 minutes break, then we'll have Sabbath school
34:08 across campus just one hour long.
34:10 Children's divisions have always been
34:12 only one hour long.
34:13 Second Celebration after 15 minutes break,
34:15 next Sabbath 11:45, 75 fast minutes packed,
34:23 but our commandment is the same,
34:24 everything ends at one,
34:26 everything ends at one.
34:28 We think if we can make this services user friendly,
34:31 some of you will switch to first service
34:33 for your children they will be their freshest
34:35 and the quietest.
34:38 Some of you will come,
34:40 some others will come by your invitation to second.
34:44 Look it.
34:46 How did the King put it?
34:48 He said, I want you to go out there
34:49 and invite everybody you can that my house may be filled.
34:52 So here's the deal.
34:54 You invite your friend. Here's the deal.
34:56 You invite your friend here
34:58 and the Holy Spirit will take it from here.
35:02 You just bring your friend here,
35:04 he will take it from there.
35:07 Just like that video clip, we saw a moment ago
35:08 that young man sits down in church, the card's there,
35:11 he makes the decision.
35:13 Immediately somebody contacts him within 48 hours.
35:16 Let's put it on one more time.
35:17 "Invite anyone you find that My House may be filled."
35:21 But now I need you to notice please
35:23 the provocative punch line to this radically now.
35:25 Here goes the digression from any similarities
35:28 with last week.
35:29 Let's pick it up in verse 9.
35:31 "'Therefore, the king's instructions to the servants,
35:34 go into the highways, and as many as you find,
35:36 invite to the wedding.'
35:38 ' Verse 10, "So those servants went out into the highways
35:41 and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good.
35:47 Oh, isn't that something, both bad and good,
35:51 and the wedding hall was filled with guests."
35:55 Verse 11, "But when the king came in to see the guests..."
35:58 Oh, oh.
35:59 "He saw a man there
36:01 who did not have a wedding garment."
36:05 I mean that would be like Queen Elizabeth, of course,
36:07 we already got to this.
36:08 Yes, I rode, I get there,
36:09 so you're at Buckingham Palace now.
36:12 The man by the way did not show up naked.
36:14 Isn't it some kind of inappropriate?
36:15 It's just a street dress.
36:17 It's okay, it's okay to show up to God in your street dress.
36:20 But if you went to Buckingham Palace
36:22 for this big wedding banquet
36:23 you have a tall English butler to meet you at the door.
36:28 And he would announce to you
36:30 that you gonna take those clothes off
36:34 and we will provide for you the Queen's tuxedo.
36:37 Now wouldn't you take it?
36:39 You say, oh, I got to keep these jeans on.
36:40 No.
36:41 They say we gonna give you a tuxedo.
36:43 You put the tuxedo on.
36:44 They did that in the time of Christ.
36:46 Why the man refused the wedding robe is beyond me?
36:51 I don't understand it.
36:54 Verse 11 again, "But when the king came in
36:56 to see the guests, he saw a man there
36:58 who did not have on a wedding garment.
37:01 So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here,
37:07 how did you get in here without a wedding garment?"
37:11 I love what the king calls the man,
37:14 that the king has made sure
37:15 would be at that wedding banquet.
37:16 Don't you love that, he calls him friend.
37:18 Not you, you, no clothes?
37:25 He comes to him, he gets up to him,
37:26 he says, hey, friend.
37:28 What's up?
37:29 Where's your tux?
37:34 That we're friend.
37:35 I'm not surprised that it only appears in Matthew.
37:38 In fact, it appears in Matthew three times.
37:41 It's always on the lips of God.
37:43 You see Matthew, Matthew was that tax collector,
37:47 the hated scum.
37:50 Whenever they talked about tax collectors,
37:52 they always clump them together with sinners,
37:55 tax collectors and sinners.
37:56 And for as long as he would live,
37:59 Matthew would never forget that golden afternoon
38:04 when a young Rabbi walked up to his toll booth,
38:08 his tax booth,
38:09 and he looked into his dark eyes, and he said,
38:12 I want you to come and follow me.
38:16 Matthew's heart was won by the friendship
38:20 of the incarnate God, so it's Matthew,
38:23 it's only in Matthew
38:24 where Jesus standing in the orange flicker
38:27 of Gethsemane at that early morning hour.
38:29 Jesus looks into the haunted face
38:31 of his betrayer.
38:33 And only in Matthew does Jesus call Judas friend.
38:38 What are you doing?
38:40 Only in Matthew the two parables
38:42 that both of the protagonist representing God himself,
38:45 the generous employer and the surprised king,
38:49 only in Matthew.
38:51 Do the God figures calls the individual,
38:54 the antagonist friend?
38:56 Three times in Matthew, three times on the lips of God.
39:00 Matthew is moved by the friendship
39:02 that Jesus has offered him.
39:03 You know what, friendship apparently that Jesus offers
39:06 even when you have messed out, burned out and melted down.
39:14 Apparently Jesus calling Judas friend means,
39:19 no matter what your past has been,
39:22 no matter what you're doing right now.
39:25 If you'll give me a chance, I offer you my friendship.
39:32 How could you say no to a God who calls you friend?
39:41 Verse 12, "So he said to him, 'Friend,
39:45 how did you get in here without a wedding garment?'
39:48 And he was speechless."
39:52 Because what can you say,
39:53 when God has not only given you a personal invitation
39:55 at the greatest event in the history
39:56 of the universe and you have,
39:58 the invitation is written in your name.
40:00 When God has given you that invitation
40:02 and has made every provision for you to stay
40:04 in that party for the rest of eternity.
40:06 What do you gonna say?
40:07 You would be speechless.
40:10 What am I gonna do?
40:12 Come here for some numb numb and then leave, how crass.
40:21 That's all he came for, he came for to eat,
40:23 he came for the job and he is speechless,
40:27 what can you say?
40:29 How much simpler for me to admit
40:31 my deep need and accept his spotless robe.
40:35 When I mow our lawn, spring, summer and autumn.
40:39 I put the same clothes on week after week,
40:42 and I wash them every three months
40:44 whether they needed or not.
40:49 We are talking stinky, we're talking sweat,
40:53 we're talking smelly.
40:56 The Bible tells me, Dwight,
40:58 put your best on in front of God
41:00 and the moral best I have is that stinky
41:05 grass mowing garments.
41:08 Isaiah 64 comes along, he says, you know what, Dwight,
41:11 filthy rags, that you're wearing,
41:13 filthy rags, but hallelujah before Isaiah 64 got written,
41:16 Isaiah 61 got written and I love this,
41:18 Isaiah crying out to God,
41:20 "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
41:21 My soul shall be joyful in my God,
41:23 for He has clothed me,
41:25 wow, with the garments of salvation."
41:26 Keep reading.
41:27 "He has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
41:30 as a bridegroom decks himself..."
41:32 Oh, this is a wedding robe.
41:33 "As a bridegroom decks himself with ornament,
41:36 and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."
41:38 I am covered with the new robe from God Himself.
41:43 Wow, Christ's Object Lessons describe the robe this way.
41:47 I put it on the screen for you.
41:49 "This robe, woven in the loom..."
41:52 That's how you make textile, you need a loom.
41:54 "This robe, woven in the loom of heaven,
41:56 has in it not one thread of human devising."
41:58 Not a single stitch, hey, this is the Dwight stitch,
42:00 God got to have just a little bit me.
42:02 Here's my Dwight stitch.
42:03 No, not in the robe God gives.
42:04 Not a single Dwight stitch in that garment.
42:07 Not a single thread of human devising.
42:10 Keep reading.
42:11 "Christ in His humanity wrought out
42:13 a perfect character..."
42:14 You can read perfect life if you wish.
42:16 "And this character, this life He offers to impart to us."
42:21 Take my life, I'll take your, oh,
42:22 I'll take your filthy rags
42:24 and you put on my spotless robe.
42:27 "It is the righteousness of Christ,
42:28 His own unblemished character that through faith is imparted
42:31 to all who receive Him as their personal Savior."
42:35 Ladies and gentlemen, that is how we grow,
42:38 we connect with Christ.
42:40 We receive Him as our personal Savior
42:42 and immediately grow kicks in.
42:45 We immediately,
42:47 because He says take the rags off,
42:49 wear this, it's spotless, immediately grow,
42:54 we begin to grow.
42:56 In fact, let's put that graphic up.
42:58 Connect, we see Him as our personal Savior
43:01 and just boom just like that, grow kicks in.
43:05 And here what's so amazing,
43:07 I needed you to catch this point, please.
43:09 We do not grow alone.
43:13 You cannot grow alone.
43:15 You can only grow in community.
43:18 Did you think the wedding hall was empty?
43:20 Are you kidding, it's packed.
43:22 We grow in community.
43:24 The community of others just like us.
43:26 Reminds me of this familiar words,
43:27 you remember these words
43:29 from the Book of Hebrews Chapter 10.
43:30 "And let us consider one another..."
43:32 Talking about growing together in community.
43:35 "Let's consider one another in order to stir up love
43:37 and good works, keep reading, not forsaking,
43:39 not forsaking of the assembling of ourselves together."
43:42 We got to reconnect again and again.
43:44 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
43:46 as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another,
43:49 and so much the more as you see the capital Day,
43:54 the D day of Jesus' returns
43:56 as you see that Day approaching."
43:57 We grow in community
44:00 which is a provocative point Jesus'
44:02 parable is making.
44:04 Look at, but I love this, look at verse 10.
44:07 "And so those servants went out into the highways
44:08 and gathered together, see that's the bringing together,
44:11 gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good.
44:17 And the wedding hall was filled with guests."
44:20 They gathered together, both the bad and the good,
44:24 together that means in community,
44:26 but did you catch that both the bad and the good.
44:32 I love that picture of the church, don't you?
44:35 Because we're all filled with both the bad and the good.
44:41 Some people think the mission of the church
44:43 is to get the bad out, get them out, out, out, whoa.
44:46 Are we all good now? Is everybody in here good?
44:48 No.
44:49 If everybody in here is good, we have no longer church,
44:51 we are a museum of something that's never been done before.
45:00 We don't do the sorting out.
45:01 God says, you bring 'em all bad and good,
45:03 I'll take care of that at the end.
45:06 I love that picture of the church.
45:08 Apparently God intends for all of us to be together,
45:12 the alcoholic and sexually addicted
45:15 are to share the same space
45:17 with the proud and the self righteous.
45:19 Everybody's here together, why?
45:22 Because the good, when they hang around,
45:24 the bad develop a new sensitivity
45:26 and sympathy to have morally difficult
45:28 some people experience this life.
45:31 And the bad as they hang around with the good discover
45:34 how very possible the morally upright life really is.
45:39 We only grow when we're all together, bad and good.
45:46 We grow in Christ together like the children story,
45:50 together, that's the key.
45:53 Which is why this new school year,
45:55 come this winter in particular,
45:56 you gonna hear a lot more about grow,
45:59 because what's the bottom-line to grow?
46:02 What's the bottom-line of the grow line?
46:05 Together, together, to grow together,
46:08 that's the bottom-line.
46:09 If I were tweeting,
46:10 and I'm always amazed how many people
46:12 will take this line and immediately tweet it
46:13 because I am on Twitter as well.
46:15 If I were tweeting this line, I would do this way,
46:18 2gather 2gether 2grow 2gether.
46:22 That's what the grow line is all about,
46:24 2gather 2gether 2grow 2gether.
46:28 That's Pioneer's simple mission.
46:30 We can be simple as Apple,
46:31 2gather 2gether 2grow 2gether,
46:35 that's how we connect.
46:37 That's how we grow together, together.
46:43 All right take out your connect card
46:45 while we're together.
46:46 Would you take out your connect card, please?
46:48 Pastor sharing a moment ago,
46:49 talked about filling in the front.
46:51 Other way we have some visitors guests with us today,
46:54 delighted you're here.
46:56 I am really curious on that bottom-line,
46:57 if you're guests, how did hear about us?
46:59 Did you find this on Google?
47:02 Did a friend invite you?
47:04 Did you see it on television?
47:06 How did you hear about us?
47:08 That's very helpful for us to know.
47:10 What you put on here by the way members,
47:14 guests, it doesn't matter, we all fill this card,
47:15 I like to write my card in as well.
47:17 What you put on here is much information
47:19 as you think will be helpful.
47:20 Now, when I turn the card over,
47:22 there may be something you gonna need.
47:23 So I always say your email address
47:25 would be most helpful.
47:27 We'll send that material to you within 48 hours.
47:29 Did you hear Chris Sovey say, immediately I was contacted,
47:32 that's how it works?
47:34 It doesn't matter how many fill out the cards,
47:35 we have a whole team that will make sure
47:37 that you get the response.
47:39 Okay, so let's turn the card over.
47:41 Let's talk about my next step today,
47:42 because no teaching should end
47:44 without somebody tell me listen,
47:45 what do I do now?
47:47 I want to take the next step.
47:48 I don't want to just go home and say, oh, I was inspired,
47:50 let's have dinner now.
47:51 No, I want to take next step.
47:52 I want to grow in Christ.
47:54 What's the next step?
47:56 How about this one?
47:57 I want to connect people with God and so I will seek
47:59 to invite someone to come to this worship celebration
48:02 next week or some Sabbath soon.
48:06 I was talking to one of our members last week
48:10 and the member would just say,
48:11 man, you're not gonna believe it
48:12 but in the course of the conversation,
48:14 it was just like it suddenly came up.
48:16 Would you like to come to Pioneer with me?
48:20 That happens time and time again.
48:22 Would you like to come to Pioneer with me?
48:29 And the guest came, the guest came.
48:33 It's your invitation that makes the difference.
48:35 The come makes the connect possible.
48:38 I'd like to, I want to put the check right here,
48:40 I want to connect people with God,
48:42 I want to take advantage of this moment.
48:46 But here is the other one.
48:47 I want to gather together to grow together
48:49 and so I would look for opportunities
48:52 to be together.
48:55 I want to grow in the context,
48:57 in the fellowship of other people.
48:59 I want to grow.
49:01 Let me put a slide on the screen for you.
49:04 We're trying something we have never tried before,
49:06 hope it works.
49:08 We're gonna move House of Prayer
49:09 down in the Commons,
49:11 put a bunch of round cafe tables up, serve drinks.
49:13 And for 45 minutes, we're gonna connect.
49:16 Round tables, Book of Acts, starting this Wednesday night.
49:21 Love to have you come.
49:22 Growth takes place always never as a lone range
49:25 but in the circle of somebody else.
49:27 Hope you can come.
49:28 That's page of the worship bulletin,
49:30 you need to remind yourself, tear it off,
49:31 put it on the refrigerator.
49:32 Come and join us, put it on your closet door in the doom,
49:35 come and join us.
49:39 I want to gather together to grow together
49:41 and so I'll look for opportunities to be together.
49:43 Put a check mark there.
49:45 Our ushers gonna receive this in just a moment,
49:46 but I wanted it, because Chris was here,
49:48 Chris was here and somebody took the time
49:50 to go to the other box.
49:52 There're some here who would put a check mark.
49:54 I am interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus.
49:56 He's calling you friend.
49:57 Can you believe that?
49:59 He is calling you friend.
50:00 He is offering His friendship.
50:02 It's a simple as that to receive Him.
50:05 If you put a check mark there, I'd like begin a friendship
50:07 with Jesus, guess what?
50:08 You put an email, I need an email address
50:10 on the other side.
50:11 We will send you in 48 hours, within 48 hours
50:14 we will send you material
50:15 to how you can grow your friendship with Jesus.
50:17 We're not gonna come knocking on your door.
50:19 We're gonna respect your privacy,
50:21 but we're gonna begin to give you the tools
50:23 to grow in relationship with Jesus.
50:25 Oh, I'm interested in the information on baptism.
50:27 Chris obviously see checked that one
50:29 because that's the contact
50:30 and he didn't get baptized the next day,
50:33 but began to study the Bible, and when he was ready,
50:35 he was baptized.
50:37 It was a beautiful baptism.
50:38 Oh, I'm interested on information on the church.
50:39 Put a check mark there.
50:41 We'll send you that information,
50:42 we need your email address.
50:44 I want to join a ministry team.
50:45 Put it there, I want to receive Bible studies,
50:47 put a check mark there.
50:49 We'll take care of the rest.
50:51 It's a next step for you.
50:52 if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you right now.
50:54 You say, hey come on, it's time,
50:57 let's get this friendship going.
50:58 Put a check mark.
51:00 We'll do everything, we can to help you.
51:02 This maybe and you gonna have to do two things at once
51:04 because you gonna need to put that card in,
51:07 but I'm gonna draw your attention
51:08 and show you four pictures in just one moment.
51:12 This probably is one of the most heartbreaking stories
51:15 to come out of the recent London 2012 Olympics.
51:19 Don't fool me.
51:20 You watched those Olympics, I watched them
51:22 and I was blessed.
51:23 I mean, come on, it's just a little bit
51:25 of the young of the world, 10,500 of them actually.
51:31 But one of the heartbreaking stories
51:33 concerns one of our own,
51:34 she lives right down in Plymouth, Indiana.
51:36 Do you know where that is?
51:37 That's south of South Bend.
51:39 So that's in Michiana.
51:40 Her name Morgan Uceny,
51:42 Morgan has been training since she was a little girl,
51:45 half her life, she has been training.
51:48 She had one dream.
51:49 I want to run in the 1500 meter race.
51:52 She in 2011,
51:53 she was the world's number one women
51:56 1500 meter race runner.
51:59 So now, she gets to go to the Olympics.
52:01 The whole town of Plymouth shows up in that auditorium.
52:05 They're cheering their hometown girl on.
52:07 Morgan's now 27 years old graduated from Plymouth High,
52:12 went to Cornwell University.
52:13 So she knows a little bit about studying as well.
52:16 But she just has been training,
52:17 and training and the race is on,
52:19 the gun goes off and Morgan for 1400 meters is on her,
52:25 on top of her game.
52:27 She's going now, I'm sorry for 1100 meters
52:29 she is on the top of her game.
52:30 She is going for the fourth, the last 400 meters,
52:33 when this tragic moment happens.
52:35 And you see Morgan there on left,
52:37 the heel of another runner caught her on the knee
52:41 and boy, she is down.
52:43 Did you see that's our little Plymouth girl?
52:46 She is our own.
52:47 She went down and she fell apart.
52:50 God bless her. Next picture please.
52:52 She fell apart, she just, she just collapsed in tears.
52:55 I mean there is no way you can recover that race.
52:58 It's over. I spent half a lifetime.
53:00 Listen to David, David Woods, Indianapolis star,
53:03 he put it this way,
53:04 "This is the other side of Olympic glory.
53:06 Half a lifetime of preparation
53:08 of dreaming shattered in an instant.
53:11 Pull the camera back a little bit.
53:13 Just take another look at her on the track.
53:15 She would later write on her Facebook page these words,
53:18 I have never experienced such a heartbreaking moment.
53:23 I mean doesn't your heart just go out to her,
53:25 don't you want to hug her and just say, that's okay,
53:27 we were so proud of you anyway.
53:30 But now that said to me,
53:32 to me the saddest picture of all is number four
53:35 and I put it on the screen.
53:38 She is down on her knees, the race is over,
53:42 her colleagues are congratulating each other
53:45 celebrating the finish.
53:47 And as David Woods put it,
53:49 "Oddly none of the other runners
53:51 acknowledged Uceny or came to her aid
53:55 after the race."
53:56 She walked off of that track alone.
54:00 Ladies and gentlemen, they may do alone out there.
54:04 We cannot do alone in here.
54:08 We cannot do alone in here.
54:11 Together is our word, together, one cries, I cry,
54:16 One laughs I laugh, together is
54:20 what this congregation must be about,
54:25 everyday, every week and every month
54:31 and that's what this little hymn
54:33 that we're gonna sing right now,
54:34 oh, this is, this is our favorite.
54:35 Stand to your feet, we're gonna sing hymn 315,
54:38 Blest be the tie that binds together, together, together.
54:43 Stand and let's sing this together.
54:58 Blest be the tie that binds
55:05 Our hearts in Christian love
55:10 The fellowship of kindred minds
55:17 Is like to that above
55:25 Before our Father's throne
55:32 We pour our ardent prayers
55:37 Our fears, our hopes Our aims are one
55:44 Our comforts, and our cares
55:53 When we asunder part
55:59 It gives us inward pain
56:05 But we shall still be joined in Heart,
56:13 and hope to meet again
56:24 And now the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
56:28 and the Love of God,
56:30 and the community of the Holy Spirit
56:32 be with you all.
56:34 Amen.
56:44 Before you go, I like to take a moment and talk to you
56:47 about your relationship with Jesus.
56:49 So often we go to church, we listen to a sermon
56:51 about the things that Jesus said or that which Jesus did.
56:54 We learn all these facts about Him.
56:56 Yet when it comes down to it, we sometimes realize,
56:58 we haven't actually come to know Him
57:00 personally ourselves.
57:02 Or perhaps you've recently discovered the love of Christ,
57:05 and you're wondering where you go from here.
57:07 That's why I like to invite you to take advantage
57:08 of this free book offer,
57:10 the little classic Steps to Christ.
57:12 Since this book was first penned a century ago,
57:14 it sold over 50 million copies.
57:16 It's been translated into 135 different languages.
57:19 You know what?
57:21 The good news of the gospel is so direct and so sublime
57:24 and simple that we often look right past it.
57:26 So what this book does is it will help you see
57:28 the good news in all its glory, in all its beauty.
57:31 What you gonna discover here are clear,
57:33 simple steps to help you enter
57:35 into the most important friendship of your life.
57:38 So please give us a call.
57:39 Toll free number, you see it on your screen 877 and then
57:42 the two words, His-Will, 877-His-Will.
57:45 Ask one of our friendly operators
57:47 for your free copy of Steps to Christ.
57:50 By the way, years ago this book led me to Christ.
57:53 And I pray that it will lead you to Him as well,
57:55 so give us a call.
57:56 And in the mean time God be with you every step of the way
57:59 until we're here again next time.


Revised 2016-06-23