[ "Speak, O Lord" plays ] 00:00:08.64\00:00:11.54 >> ¤ Speak, O Lord, as we come to You ¤ ¤ To receive the food 00:00:37.27\00:00:48.54 of Your holy word ¤ ¤ Take Your truth ¤ ¤ Plant it deep in us ¤ 00:00:48.54\00:00:58.05 ¤ Shape and fashion us in Your likeness ¤ ¤ That the light of 00:00:58.05\00:01:11.27 Christ might be seen today ¤ ¤ In our acts of love and our 00:01:11.27\00:01:23.85 deeds of faith ¤ ¤ Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us ¤ ¤ All Your purposes for Your 00:01:23.85\00:01:34.66 glory ¤ 00:01:34.66\00:01:39.83 >> I invite you to stand for us to pray this morning. 00:01:40.00\00:01:44.37 Holy God, we recognize you as the supreme being of all of the 00:01:54.81\00:02:04.19 universe. If there's anyone who by virtue of their essence, by virtue of character, authority 00:02:04.19\00:02:14.00 and power, can speak into our lives, it's You. You are the light of the world. 00:02:14.00\00:02:19.63 You are the author of love. You are the master storyteller. And so we come to You this 00:02:19.63\00:02:32.11 morning, Father, to receive the truth that you have for us, the truth that will change us. 00:02:32.11\00:02:39.19 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. I'm so excited. This is a Sabbath of many new 00:02:39.19\00:02:48.00 things. We have new freshmen. We have new graduate students. 00:02:48.00\00:02:53.03 We have new transfer students. I bet you we have new faculty and 00:02:53.03\00:02:57.61 new staff. We probably have some new neighbors here, and I want you to take a moment and just 00:02:57.61\00:03:02.21 welcome them. Give them a hearty PMC welcome, everyone that's 00:03:02.21\00:03:06.85 beside you, and say, "Welcome to Sabbath. Welcome to being with 00:03:06.85\00:03:10.92 one another." ¤¤ 00:03:10.92\00:03:13.32 Isn't it good to be home? For all of those of you who are coming back and here early, we 00:03:29.44\00:03:34.91 welcome you home. We're excited that you are here and get to worship with us this 00:03:34.91\00:03:41.82 morning. Our opening song this morning, our opening anthem, is 00:03:41.82\00:03:46.82 "Days of Elijah." You know the song really well. And what it 00:03:46.82\00:03:51.93 says there is very true. These are a different kind of days. 00:03:51.93\00:03:56.36 And if you listen, right in the middle of the song, there's a 00:03:56.36\00:04:01.64 bridge. And it says, "There's no God like Jehovah." You're familiar with it -- 00:04:01.64\00:04:06.61 "There's no God like Jehovah." And here's the picture that I 00:04:06.61\00:04:10.85 want you to paint. Here's what I want you to envision when you think of, "There's no God like 00:04:10.85\00:04:15.22 Jehovah." Think that we're an army, right? We're a happy, noisy army -- we're glad to be 00:04:15.22\00:04:21.99 here -- whose general is the king of the universe, our God. And here's what we're doing. 00:04:21.99\00:04:28.26 We're coming after the enemy because we're gonna strike a 00:04:28.26\00:04:32.30 deathly blow. We have Jesus, Michael, the archangel, with us. And we're coming from a 00:04:32.30\00:04:37.24 distance, so it's gonna start off real low -- "There's no God 00:04:37.24\00:04:40.58 like Jehovah." But as we're getting closer and closer and closer, it gets louder and 00:04:40.58\00:04:44.88 louder and louder. I'm gonna let you know in the song when that part happens because we are in 00:04:44.88\00:04:50.92 an army that's here to serve the direction of the Lord. And we are gonna take out the 00:04:50.92\00:04:54.26 enemy, and we want him to know we're coming for him. [ "Days of 00:04:54.26\00:04:59.63 Elijah" playing ] [ Congregation sings ] 00:05:13.71\00:05:16.61 You got to tell people Jesus is coming. 00:06:04.96\00:06:08.16 ¤¤ 00:06:08.16\00:06:10.07 Here it is. Here it is. Real quiet at first, real quiet 00:07:01.22\00:07:03.42 at first. Here we go. 00:07:03.42\00:07:06.09 Now dig deep. 00:07:24.37\00:07:26.94 Cry it out! 00:07:33.58\00:07:36.15 [ Rhythmic clapping ] 00:08:00.81\00:08:03.38 [ "You Are Holy" plays ] 00:08:28.27\00:08:31.17 [ Congregation sings ] 00:08:34.71\00:08:37.61 That's what she said today. She says, "I will live for you." 00:09:46.92\00:09:51.09 [ "There Is None Like You" plays ] 00:11:16.60\00:11:21.34 [ Congregation sings ] 00:11:28.42\00:11:31.32 We could spend an eternity looking in other places. But why 00:13:11.52\00:13:20.50 not decide today? I'm reminded of the story of the woman at the well who's searching and looking 00:13:20.50\00:13:26.63 and looking in all the wrong places, and then she encounters 00:13:26.63\00:13:33.94 this carpenter. She encounters this messiah, this one that the Scriptures spoke of. 00:13:33.94\00:13:38.08 And this is what he said to her. He says, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty 00:13:38.08\00:13:43.25 again." He's talking about those places that don't really 00:13:43.25\00:13:48.16 satisfy. He says, "But whoever drinks the water I give them 00:13:48.16\00:13:53.56 will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water, welling 00:13:53.56\00:14:00.04 up to eternal life." Don't you want that kind of water, the 00:14:00.04\00:14:05.77 kind that you will never thirst again? Let's not waste another moment. Let's invite Him in and 00:14:05.77\00:14:14.25 tell Him to speak to us. We're back to that opening intro. 00:14:14.25\00:14:18.39 And I'm gonna invite you to stand because we're making a petition before God right now to 00:14:18.39\00:14:24.26 speak to us, Lord. [ "Speak, O Lord" plays ] 00:14:24.26\00:14:27.86 [ Congregation sings ] 00:14:32.57\00:14:35.47 You may listen, but you need to act, as well. ¤¤ 00:15:36.36\00:15:43.24 Some of you are here this morning, and you have several 00:16:51.17\00:16:55.34 things unresolved. You're not financially cleared. You aren't done with registering for your 00:16:55.34\00:16:59.91 classes. Some of you are here this morning, and you have aches and pains and burdens that have 00:16:59.91\00:17:06.09 been pressing on you all week. But here's what I want to tell you -- that our God is special 00:17:06.09\00:17:13.40 and unique and unlike any other god because He says, "Ask, and I will give it to you." 00:17:13.40\00:17:20.04 He says, "Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will 00:17:20.04\00:17:25.61 be opened." If you have that kind of courage, to ask a high 00:17:25.61\00:17:32.75 request of the king of the universe, I want you to come forward right now for our prayer 00:17:32.75\00:17:37.35 time this morning and get as close to the cross -- don't be shy -- get as close to the cross 00:17:37.35\00:17:42.19 as possible. We're gonna sing this verse and come and make your petition known before our 00:17:42.19\00:17:47.36 Lord God as Pastor Rodlie prays for us. Come forward. ¤¤ 00:17:47.36\00:17:52.80 [ Congregation sings ] 00:17:56.44\00:17:59.01 >> ¤ Arise, my soul, arise ¤ ¤ Stretch forth to things 00:19:35.10\00:19:39.94 eternal ¤ 00:19:39.94\00:19:42.18 ¤ And haste thee to the feet of thy Redeemer God ¤ ¤ Though hid 00:19:42.34\00:19:50.75 from mortal eyes, He dwells in light supernal ¤ ¤ Yet worship Him in humbleness and own Him 00:19:50.75\00:20:00.76 Lord ¤ ¤ His banquet of love awaits thee above ¤ ¤ Behold, the marriage festal of 00:20:00.76\00:20:09.64 the Lamb is come ¤ ¤ Rejoice, my soul, rejoice ¤ ¤ To heaven lift 00:20:09.64\00:20:18.35 up thy voice ¤ >> ¤ Alleluia ¤ >> ¤ Alleluia ¤ >> ¤ Alleluia ¤ 00:20:18.35\00:20:20.68 >> ¤ Alleluia ¤ >> ¤ Alleluia ¤ ¤ List to the harps of heaven ¤ 00:20:20.68\00:20:30.49 ¤ Hark to the song victorious ¤ ¤ The never-ending anthem sounding through the sky ¤ 00:20:30.49\00:20:40.37 ¤ To mortals is not given ¤ ¤ To chant its strains all-glorious ¤ 00:20:40.37\00:20:47.71 ¤ Yet sing, my soul, the praise of Him who reigns on high ¤ ¤ Who bought with his blood 00:20:47.71\00:21:00.26 the ransomed of God ¤ ¤ To Him be everlasting power and victory 00:21:00.26\00:21:22.11 ¤ ¤ And let the great Amen resound through heaven again ¤ ¤ 00:21:22.11\00:21:29.52 Alleluia ¤ ¤ Alleluia ¤ ¤ Alleluia-a-a ¤ [ Song ends ] 00:21:29.52\00:21:38.76 >> Amen! [ Applause ] 00:21:38.76\00:21:42.20 >> Thank you, gentlemen. Just what we needed for today -- singing about the cross, blood 00:21:48.54\00:21:54.01 bought. Rejoice, rejoice. Hallelujah. 00:21:54.01\00:21:59.08 He has bought us with his blood. And if you will direct your attention to that board high 00:21:59.08\00:22:07.32 overhead, every name on that board is on that board because she, he, they made a decision 00:22:07.32\00:22:14.76 last night to become moral leaders, to put their lives, put their names on the line for 00:22:14.76\00:22:22.54 moral leadership on this campus. God knows we need moral leadership in this nation, as 00:22:22.54\00:22:27.71 the presidential-election campaign is showing us. We need leaders in America. 00:22:27.71\00:22:33.88 And I am so grateful to God for those names. Praise God. 00:22:33.88\00:22:39.19 By the time you come next Sabbath -- In fact, you come to opening convocation, that canvas 00:22:39.19\00:22:46.66 will be hanging there for all the world to see. Four years in 00:22:46.66\00:22:51.53 a row now -- that's who all these names are, individuals who have said, "I'm putting my name 00:22:51.53\00:22:57.84 on the line for Christ." Good for you. Let's pray. 00:22:57.84\00:23:03.48 Oh, God, rejoice, rejoice, hallelujah, as the men just 00:23:03.48\00:23:11.45 sang. We've been in worship from the moment we walked in. Nothing 00:23:11.45\00:23:19.16 stopped. We're bending our ear. We're hoping to hear from You 00:23:19.16\00:23:23.16 through Your word. Don't disappoint us, please. Don't let this frail voice get in the way 00:23:23.16\00:23:31.34 of Yours. Speak to us. In Christ we pray. In his name, amen. 00:23:31.34\00:23:35.74 Once every four years, the whole world catches this Olympic bug, 00:23:35.91\00:23:41.12 this quadrennial celebration of youth, where the young of the 00:23:41.12\00:23:47.82 world, on a stage of Earth, perform. 00:23:47.82\00:23:51.39 And everybody who's old wishes I could be young again, just like 00:23:51.39\00:23:55.30 them. Even the august 00:23:55.30\00:23:57.77 Wall Street Journal has to get in on the act this last week. 00:23:57.77\00:24:02.77 I'm gonna share an op-ed piece written by the rabbi and 00:24:02.94\00:24:07.64 minister of Congregation Shearith Israel in Manhattan. I can share this because my 00:24:07.64\00:24:12.38 friend Don Wilson tore it out of his Wall Street Journal and 00:24:12.38\00:24:17.75 shared it with me. The story is straight out of the Summer Olympics -- not the Olympics in 00:24:17.75\00:24:24.73 Rio, but the summer games in Paris, 1924. Two British runners, okay? So we got two 00:24:24.73\00:24:31.70 more runners on the scene. Two British runners -- a Jew named Harold Abrahams and a Scot 00:24:31.70\00:24:39.61 named Eric Liddell, a devout Christian. The whole world knows 00:24:39.61\00:24:47.18 their story because 35 years ago this very year, that story was immortalized in the great 00:24:47.18\00:24:52.32 "Chariots of Fire." You remember that? ¤ Dun, dun, dun, 00:24:52.32\00:24:57.13 dun-dun-dun ¤ All right, well, there they are. [ Laughter ] I'll spare you the soundtrack. 00:24:57.13\00:25:01.66 There they are. The world knows their story. So, the rabbi takes 00:25:01.66\00:25:07.00 that story, and he opines. He comments on it. I just want to 00:25:07.00\00:25:10.97 read a line or two from his op-ed piece. "Abrahams, as depicted in the film, feels 00:25:10.97\00:25:17.21 stung by the latent anti-Semitism he encounters in elite English society. Seeing 00:25:17.21\00:25:22.95 his Jewishness as a social handicap, he runs competitively to gain acceptance." 00:25:22.95\00:25:26.49 Yet from a Jewish perspective, Abrahams's life remains tragic. As a rabbi --" a fellow Jew -- 00:25:26.49\00:25:33.06 "As a rabbi, I actually draw inspiration from the life of Eric Liddell, a devout 00:25:33.06\00:25:39.37 Christian. The Scottish runner's religious identity also 00:25:39.37\00:25:45.27 motivates his athletics, though in a very different way. In the film, Liddell's father, a 00:25:45.27\00:25:49.38 missionary --" by the way, a missionary to China. And Eric 00:25:49.38\00:25:58.02 was born in China. In the film, the father tells his son -- I'm quoting -- "You're the proud 00:25:58.02\00:26:01.82 possessor of many gifts, and it's your sacred duty to put them to good use." The father's 00:26:01.82\00:26:07.66 point is that people of faith should sanctify the world, the rabbi says, sanctify the world, 00:26:07.66\00:26:11.67 don't reject it. "Liddell's explanation for why he runs is 00:26:11.67\00:26:15.54 the most memorable quote from film --" and you will recall it -- "'I believe God made me for a 00:26:15.54\00:26:21.34 purpose, but He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.'" Now the story that 00:26:21.34\00:26:33.22 we all know. "While Americans rightly exult in the achievements of U.S. medalists, 00:26:33.22\00:26:37.96 'Chariots of Fire' also serves as a reminder that athletics and even patriotism only mean so 00:26:37.96\00:26:43.33 much. When Liddell is informed that a qualifying heat takes place on Sunday, his Sabbath --" 00:26:43.33\00:26:49.97 this Jew writing says, "Well, that's his Sabbath" -- "he chooses not to compete in that 00:26:49.97\00:26:59.18 race." And by the way, it was that decision to miss the 100-meter dash, for which he was 00:26:59.18\00:27:06.49 considered a certain gold medalist, instead to try to run the 400-meter race, where 00:27:06.49\00:27:13.13 everybody's saying, "He's not gonna be able to do it." It was 00:27:13.13\00:27:18.43 that decision that catapulted him to global fame. In the end, Eric Liddell won the gold on the 00:27:18.43\00:27:29.98 400-meter race. Returned to China, now himself a missionary, and 21 years later, after 00:27:29.98\00:27:37.32 winning the gold medal, died in China in a Japanese prisoner-of-war concentration 00:27:37.32\00:27:42.89 camp just months before World War II ended. I love this poster that they produced for the life 00:27:42.89\00:27:49.80 testimony of this young man and this athlete -- put it on the screen, please -- this athlete 00:27:49.80\00:27:54.10 who became a missionary. You see it there. Can you read the words 00:27:54.10\00:27:58.37 there? "Not for crowds...not for country...not for fame...not for 00:27:58.37\00:28:04.15 glory. He ran for God." But that's the way to live your 00:28:04.15\00:28:09.02 life. You knew starting out here. That's the way to live your life -- run for God. 00:28:09.02\00:28:13.69 Whatever it is you do, run for Him. There's something in the 00:28:13.69\00:28:19.19 heart of even a secular world, as the world has become today. There is a deep admiration. 00:28:19.19\00:28:25.17 There is something that the man of the world, the woman of the world finds extremely appealing 00:28:25.17\00:28:32.61 to see a human being go deep inside of him, deep inside of her for the sake of conviction. 00:28:32.61\00:28:40.52 The world rises up in awe, as we'll see, speaking of deep conviction, in today's story. 00:28:40.52\00:28:49.06 The title of today's story -- "The Well Digger: How to Live Deeply in a Sun-Scorched Land." 00:28:49.06\00:28:52.89 It's a rather obscure story. I daresay nobody here has really spent any time on it. 00:28:52.89\00:28:57.10 But perhaps in this forgotten piece of narrative, there is a secret embedded for us 00:28:57.10\00:29:02.00 third-millennials that we need to get. So, without any further 00:29:02.00\00:29:05.77 ado, open your Bible with me to the book of beginnings, Genesis 00:29:05.77\00:29:09.34 chapter 26. Let's go. Genesis 26. Bring your Bible. New students, every Sabbath, I 00:29:09.34\00:29:15.42 guarantee you we will use it. Genesis chapter 26. I'm in the 00:29:15.42\00:29:20.22 New International version. Whatever translation you have is 00:29:20.22\00:29:23.16 fine by me. You got a device, that's okay. You didn't bring anything, there's a pew Bible. 00:29:23.16\00:29:26.80 Grab it. We're gonna stay here. So, you want to track the story. 00:29:26.80\00:29:29.73 Genesis 26:1 -- "Now there was a famine in the land -- besides 00:29:29.90\00:29:35.34 the previous famine in Abraham's time -- and Isaac --" that's the 00:29:35.34\00:29:39.47 boy of Abraham -- "went to Abimelek, king of the 00:29:39.47\00:29:42.68 Philistines, in Gerar." Now, hit the pause button right 00:29:42.68\00:29:46.75 there. Hold it! Time out! 00:29:46.75\00:29:49.22 Something sounds very familiar here, and that's what's 00:29:49.38\00:29:53.32 happening. The writer of Genesis, who happened to have been Moses, has embedded in the 00:29:53.32\00:29:59.46 opening salvo to this story key words that will remind the reader, who's reading 00:29:59.46\00:30:04.80 consecutively through Genesis, "Wait a minute. I read a story just like this a moment ago." 00:30:04.80\00:30:07.77 Yes, you did -- in Genesis 20, as a matter of fact. Let me show 00:30:07.77\00:30:12.37 you six parallels between Genesis 20 and 26, where we are. Parallel number one -- same 00:30:12.37\00:30:16.78 family tribe. We've got Abraham. We got Isaac. Same tribe. 00:30:16.78\00:30:20.62 Parallel number two -- same land, in the dry Negev region of south Palestine, desert-y, arid. 00:30:20.62\00:30:27.49 Parallel number three -- same city of Gerar, which is the seat of the Philistine fiefdom. 00:30:27.49\00:30:34.76 Parallel number four -- same king, Abimelek, although scholars have finally concluded, 00:30:34.76\00:30:40.50 based on these two stories, "You know what? Abimelek can't be his 00:30:40.50\00:30:43.44 personal name." The stories are way -- You can't have the same 00:30:43.44\00:30:46.54 king in the same story -- in two stories, rather. It's like "pharaoh." It just means "king." 00:30:46.54\00:30:49.91 So, we have the -- we have the king of the Philistines. Parallel number five -- same God 00:30:49.91\00:30:54.58 shows up in the story. Parallel number six -- and so does the 00:30:54.58\00:30:58.45 same sin. Uh-oh. Yep. Keep reading -- verse 2. 00:30:58.45\00:31:03.02 Hit the pause button again. 00:31:14.14\00:31:16.04 I want you to know that with every command of "Go" from God, there is a command to stay. 00:31:16.20\00:31:22.88 You see, some people spend their whole life chasing after a dream somewhere else, usually over the 00:31:22.88\00:31:30.22 rainbow. But here's a story to remind us that happy are they 00:31:30.22\00:31:39.16 who realize that a dream isn't what you pursue somewhere else. 00:31:39.16\00:31:43.06 A dream is what you become where you are. 00:31:43.23\00:31:47.84 Mm. Stay where you are, Isaac. 00:31:47.84\00:31:55.18 And so those of you who are new students here, I'm gonna make a 00:31:55.18\00:31:58.28 little prophecy. 00:31:58.28\00:31:59.85 There will be some moments in your journey at Andrews University when you're 00:32:00.08\00:32:03.35 gonna say, "I'm outta here." I hope in those moments, you will hear the quiet voice of God 00:32:03.35\00:32:12.26 whisper to you what He whispered to Isaac. Verse 3 again. 00:32:12.26\00:32:20.27 "Stay in this land of learning because you're gonna learn. 00:32:32.28\00:32:35.12 You're gonna learn outside of textbooks. You're gonna learn 00:32:35.28\00:32:38.75 outside of laboratories. You're gonna learn life. And the only 00:32:38.75\00:32:42.06 way Isaac will learn the lesson he needs to learn is to stay right there. There are lessons 00:32:42.06\00:32:47.00 you will learn far away from the academics, but will take place right here. Stay in the land. 00:32:47.00\00:32:52.47 Learn with me." 00:32:52.47\00:32:54.37 Verse 4 -- "'I will make your descendants as numerous as the 00:32:54.54\00:32:57.37 stars in the sky -- like I told your daddy, so I'm promising 00:32:57.37\00:33:00.24 you -- and I will give them all these lands, and through your 00:33:00.24\00:33:03.11 offspring, all nations of earth will be blessed because --'" 00:33:03.11\00:33:06.28 verse 5 -- "'Abraham obeyed me -- talking about your papa -- 00:33:06.28\00:33:09.48 he did everything I required of him, keeping my commandments, my 00:33:09.48\00:33:12.85 decrees, and my instructions.' So Isaac stayed in Gerar." 00:33:12.85\00:33:20.40 And if the story ended right there, whoa, we got a beautifully profound promise 00:33:20.56\00:33:24.77 that we can take to the bank. But unfortunately, there is more 00:33:24.77\00:33:31.64 to the story. Dr. James Dobson -- you ever heard that name? Dr. Dobson, James Dobson -- 00:33:31.64\00:33:35.21 still alive, but no longer around, really. The famed child 00:33:35.21\00:33:39.88 psychologist of last century, family counselor, used to love to tell a story about a young 00:33:39.88\00:33:44.49 dad who's driving down the road -- okay, young dad driving down the road, his boy right here 00:33:44.49\00:33:48.12 beside him, his little boy right here beside him. And then the 00:33:48.12\00:33:51.33 dad does something that men do, and men cannot explain this. We do not know why we do this, 00:33:51.33\00:33:55.33 but the dad hits the button, and he drops the window down. And then he expectorates. 00:33:55.33\00:34:02.77 You have to get to be a senior at Andrews University to know that "expectorate" means "spit." 00:34:02.77\00:34:07.34 [ Laughter ] So, he -- [ Imitates spitting ] Out the 00:34:07.34\00:34:13.55 window. He's bringing his eyes back to continue driving when he hears the gurgling sound, the 00:34:13.55\00:34:18.89 same sound, coming from a little throat beside him. And before the father can react, 00:34:18.89\00:34:23.39 the boy went [imitates spitting] all over dad. [ Laughter ] 00:34:23.39\00:34:28.20 Now, Dr. Dobson's point is, like father, like son. That's exactly 00:34:28.20\00:34:34.77 what we have here in Genesis 26. You can't believe it. Yep. 00:34:34.77\00:34:38.21 Verse 6 again -- "So Isaac stayed in Gerar. 00:34:38.37\00:34:43.01 And when the men of that place asked him about his wife --" 00:34:43.01\00:34:47.15 uh-oh -- "he said, 'She is my sister.'" 00:34:47.15\00:34:53.86 Now, the reader of Genesis knows this -- "Again?!" 00:34:53.86\00:34:57.86 This has already happened twice with father Abraham, once when he went down to Egypt -- "Yo, 00:34:58.03\00:35:01.63 she's my -- she's my sis." Almost lost his life. He did it again in Gerar, same 00:35:01.63\00:35:07.27 place, with Abimelek -- lost his reputation. It's possible that 00:35:07.27\00:35:13.54 Abraham was just too shamed to even tell Isaac about it, but whether Isaac ever heard from 00:35:13.54\00:35:19.15 his dad or not, he follows in his dad's footsteps. Verse 7 00:35:19.15\00:35:25.65 again. Well, there is a seventh parallel that we could add to 00:35:38.97\00:35:41.14 these two stories because both men -- father and son -- 00:35:41.14\00:35:43.34 married, as I've had the good fortune of doing -- a beautiful 00:35:43.34\00:35:47.84 woman. 00:35:47.84\00:35:48.74 [ Laughter ] And both of them were scared stiff that the men 00:35:48.91\00:35:56.22 of the community would stiff them in order to run off with 00:35:56.22\00:36:03.06 their girls. So, they both lied about their wives -- "Yo, she's my sister." "Really?" 00:36:03.06\00:36:07.10 "Yep." "Wow. Pretty good-looking sister." 00:36:07.10\00:36:09.73 "Yeah. You should have seen our mother." 00:36:09.73\00:36:11.70 [ Laughter ] The truth is, it's never smart or clever or cute to 00:36:11.70\00:36:18.57 lie. The price is too high. And the even sadder truth -- Now, 00:36:18.57\00:36:23.21 listen up. If you're ever gonna be a parent one day or you're already a parent, the even 00:36:23.21\00:36:28.78 sadder truth is that the sins -- and I wince when I say this -- the sins of the parents are 00:36:28.78\00:36:34.12 often perpetuated in their children, not by divine decree, but by frail modeling. 00:36:34.12\00:36:41.90 There's a hard disk, Daddy, Mommy. There's a hard disk that 00:36:41.90\00:36:46.07 is watching everything you do and recording every word you say. It's on the hard disk. 00:36:46.07\00:36:58.28 Oh, my. That's a rather somber reminder. The price is too high 00:36:58.28\00:37:07.29 to lie. And so Isaac tears a page out of his father's 00:37:07.46\00:37:10.66 playbook, and he lies. And the Jacob, who's born 00:37:10.66\00:37:14.66 here -- he's already alive. 00:37:14.66\00:37:16.23 Jacob tears a page out of his daddy Isaac's playbook and he lies to his daddy when his daddy 00:37:16.40\00:37:21.37 is old and he cheats him out of that birthright. And then when 00:37:21.37\00:37:25.74 Jacob has boys, they all know the story and they tear a page out of daddy's playbook and they 00:37:25.74\00:37:30.45 lie to daddy -- "You know, some animal did this, must have killed your boy Joseph" -- when 00:37:30.45\00:37:35.62 they sold him as a slave. Lying embeds itself deeply within our 00:37:35.62\00:37:41.29 fallen hearts. You are still young. Don't tear a page out of Genesis' playbook, please. 00:37:41.29\00:37:46.96 Just leave the page there. And yet -- And this is the glory. 00:37:46.96\00:37:53.13 And yet, what a God in this story. Do you remember? 00:37:53.13\00:37:57.17 Do you remember how God described Abraham to Abraham's 00:37:57.17\00:38:00.98 boy Isaac? I want you to go back and look at these words. We just blew through them here. 00:38:00.98\00:38:05.18 Verse 5 -- God is speaking to Isaac, and He says, "Yo, Isaac, 00:38:05.35\00:38:08.18 let me tell you about your dad. Abraham obeyed me and did 00:38:08.18\00:38:11.82 everything I required of him, keeping my commandments --" you 00:38:11.82\00:38:15.89 talk about the eighth commandments, "Thou shalt not 00:38:15.89\00:38:18.59 bear false witness" -- "keeping my commandments, my decrees, and 00:38:18.59\00:38:21.83 my instructions." No matter how severe the 00:38:21.83\00:38:25.43 meltdown you have been through, for the God of the universe, all 00:38:25.43\00:38:29.54 it takes is one confession, and that is washed. 00:38:29.54\00:38:33.21 There's some celestial book in heaven that has recorded that 00:38:33.38\00:38:37.71 meltdown. It is washed from the divine record. What do you say 00:38:37.71\00:38:43.05 to that? Amen. Come on, guys. This is clearly the glorious gospel, the everlasting gospel 00:38:43.05\00:38:49.26 that begins in Genesis and goes all the way through Revelation. You have nothing to fear from 00:38:49.26\00:38:54.96 this God who loves you. And He will start over just like that, 00:38:54.96\00:39:01.14 wash the record. I mean, that's the gospel prophet Isaiah. Isn't 00:39:01.14\00:39:03.94 that what he said? Isaiah 1:18 -- "Though your sins be as like scarlet, they shall be... 00:39:03.94\00:39:06.84 >> "White as snow." >> Yeah. We're gonna have that reminder 00:39:06.84\00:39:10.28 in just five months -- white as snow. Same gospel prophet -- 00:39:10.28\00:39:15.35 chapter 43, verse 25 -- "I will remember your transgressions no 00:39:15.35\00:39:22.12 more." No more. Same gospel prophet -- Isaiah 44:22 -- "I will banish your sins like the 00:39:22.12\00:39:29.30 morning mist." I've been out running every morning before the sun comes up. And I'm telling 00:39:29.30\00:39:33.87 you, these last few weeks have been so muggy, so humid. 75 degrees we're talking about 00:39:33.87\00:39:38.97 in the dark, that there are just -- there's these low-lying sheets of mist that you run 00:39:38.97\00:39:46.08 through and sweat even more. God says, "Like the sun that --" [blows] -- "vanishes the mist, 00:39:46.08\00:39:52.35 that's what I'll do with your sin, the record." It's the 00:39:52.35\00:39:56.19 gospel. Paul says, "Here is the gospel. Here is a faithful and trustworthy saying -- 00:39:56.19\00:40:02.60 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst,'" 1 Timothy 1:15. 00:40:02.60\00:40:10.41 What a great note, by the way, to begin a new year. Don't you 00:40:10.41\00:40:13.78 think? Good news for you and me. Okay, verse 8. He's lied. Here 00:40:13.78\00:40:17.88 it comes. Now verse 8 -- 00:40:18.05\00:40:19.95 We are not told what was happening during that caressing. 00:40:28.79\00:40:32.09 All we know is that it would never happen between a brother 00:40:32.09\00:40:35.43 and a sister. 00:40:35.43\00:40:37.33 So, verse 9 -- 00:40:41.47\00:40:43.37 After public deceit and public exposure, God is still willing 00:41:22.88\00:41:28.25 to do business with His man, that man, that husband, that 00:41:28.25\00:41:33.32 father, that patriarch of the tribe. 00:41:33.32\00:41:36.26 God keeps His promises. He keeps His promises. 00:41:36.26\00:41:41.70 "I will bless you." And by the way, don't you 00:41:41.70\00:41:44.27 dare -- Oh, you can't miss next week. 00:41:44.27\00:41:46.43 Next week we're gonna begin a series, and the title of this 00:41:46.43\00:41:49.34 series is "#RxF4Now." That series begins next Sabbath, 00:41:49.34\00:41:56.54 and next Sabbath I will share with you a secret shared with me 00:41:56.54\00:42:01.02 by three individuals, a secret I have found and begun 00:42:01.02\00:42:04.85 incorporating this summer. 00:42:04.85\00:42:06.42 And it has already changed my life. Next Sabbath, the secret 00:42:06.59\00:42:10.89 that will change your life forever. God keeps His promises and blesses Isaac beyond 00:42:10.89\00:42:21.64 imagining. The very same God, by the way, who this new year will bless you in this place. 00:42:21.64\00:42:33.58 He's promised. 00:42:33.58\00:42:37.15 Put the promise on the screen for me. 00:42:37.32\00:42:38.72 I love this promise. 00:42:38.72\00:42:40.62 You know what, ladies and gentlemen? 00:42:48.80\00:42:50.77 It's very okay -- It's very okay to ask God to bless you 00:42:50.77\00:42:56.07 intellectually, to ask God to bless you academically. 00:42:56.07\00:43:01.68 It's okay. In fact, there's a prayer I pray 00:43:01.68\00:43:05.01 a lot, and imagine my surprise when I hear Pastor Rodlie 00:43:05.01\00:43:07.62 incorporate that prayer into his morning pastoral prayer. 00:43:07.62\00:43:12.25 You heard it just a moment ago. 00:43:12.25\00:43:13.25 It's the prayer of Jabez. You know what? I was praying that 00:43:13.42\00:43:18.23 prayer over and over yesterday. I'm saying, "God, we're gonna be in this sanctuary together. 00:43:18.23\00:43:23.13 God, expand your territory. Don't worry about mine. Expand 00:43:23.13\00:43:27.67 your territory. We need a whole new generation of young, moral leaders." And I stand here today 00:43:27.67\00:43:34.18 humbly to inform you that, in answer to that prayer, you see that in front of you. 00:43:34.18\00:43:39.71 What's that prayer? Come on. I want to pray it to you. 00:43:39.71\00:43:41.82 1 Chronicles 4:10 -- 00:43:41.82\00:43:43.82 And Jabez prayed. Here's the little prayer of 00:43:43.99\00:43:45.92 Jabez -- "Oh, God, that You would bless me indeed and expand 00:43:45.92\00:43:52.03 my territory, that Your hand would be upon me so that You 00:43:52.03\00:43:56.46 keep me from evil so that I may not cause pain." 00:43:56.46\00:44:00.37 And the record reads, God said, "You got it, boy. 00:44:00.37\00:44:04.57 You got it." Pray the prayer. 00:44:04.57\00:44:07.61 It's okay to ask -- It's very okay to ask God to bless you 00:44:07.61\00:44:11.41 intellectually, academically while you're here. 00:44:11.41\00:44:15.18 John Henry Newman, one of the great Christian thinkers of all 00:44:15.18\00:44:18.55 time, wrote these words. I put it on the screen for you. 00:44:18.55\00:44:21.92 "That perfection of the intellect, which is the result 00:44:21.92\00:44:25.19 of Education --" that's why you're here -- to perfect the 00:44:25.19\00:44:28.56 intellect -- "and its beau --" that's an Old English word that 00:44:28.56\00:44:34.17 means "attractive" -- "and its attractive ideal, to be imparted 00:44:34.17\00:44:38.04 to individuals in their respective measures -- that 00:44:38.04\00:44:41.24 perfection of the intellect is the clear, calm, accurate vision 00:44:41.24\00:44:45.11 and comprehension of all things, as far as the finite mind can 00:44:45.11\00:44:48.92 embrace them." Wow. 00:44:48.92\00:44:52.45 That's the goal -- comprehend as much as the finite mind can 00:44:52.62\00:44:57.23 embrace. By the way, another great Christian thinker living at the very same time as 00:44:57.23\00:45:02.23 John Henry Newman also wrote the same point. Her name is Ellen 00:45:02.23\00:45:07.54 White. This is in her classic "Christ's Object Lessons," page 00:45:07.54\00:45:11.24 333. Look at that on the screen. 00:45:11.41\00:45:13.64 Here comes the stinger. 00:45:41.67\00:45:43.91 It's very okay to ask God to bless you intellectually. 00:45:54.05\00:46:01.16 And God will bless you to the max. 00:46:01.16\00:46:03.83 And when he does, look out. Look out. 00:46:03.83\00:46:08.80 Look what happens here -- verse 13. 00:46:08.80\00:46:13.90 "And the man Isaac became rich, and his wealth continued to grow 00:46:13.90\00:46:16.50 until he became very wealthy." 00:46:16.50\00:46:18.41 You see, when people envy you and God blesses you 00:46:34.19\00:46:39.53 intellectually -- when people envy you, do you know what they 00:46:39.53\00:46:42.46 do? 00:46:42.46\00:46:43.37 They plug up your well. That's exactly what they do. Truth is, there will always be 00:46:43.53\00:46:49.30 "well pliggers" -- well pluggers -- yeah, those others, too -- well pluggers around you 00:46:49.30\00:46:54.68 wherever you are. There's always gonna be somebody to throw rocks 00:46:54.68\00:46:59.85 in there. It's probably your deep convictions, all right, you 00:46:59.85\00:47:03.82 know, like Eric. Deep convictions -- you're willing to stand up and say yes. You're 00:47:03.82\00:47:08.16 willing to stand up and say no, like Joseph, Daniel, and Esther 00:47:08.16\00:47:11.13 did. Come on. Somebody like Haman is gonna be around to plug up that well. They'll throw 00:47:11.13\00:47:16.56 rocks and sand. They'll go after you with nails. I'm talking about well-meaning people. 00:47:16.56\00:47:20.34 We're talking about roommates and classmates, friends and colleagues who can't stand to 00:47:20.34\00:47:26.21 see somebody advancing under the anointing blessing of God. There will always be well 00:47:26.21\00:47:32.11 pluggers in your life. Take a page out of Isaac's playbook 00:47:32.11\00:47:36.38 here. What happens if they plug your well? Move and dig another 00:47:36.38\00:47:38.99 one. They get you over there, move and dig another well. I'm telling you what -- if you 00:47:38.99\00:47:43.79 will move and dig, if you'll move and dig, unplug and dig, unplug and dig, you will never 00:47:43.79\00:47:49.36 be out of water -- ever. And that's that point. When you 00:47:49.36\00:47:55.37 follow the Lord of Isaac, you will never be out of water. And it doesn't get any better 00:47:55.37\00:48:02.14 than that. In a dry and barren culture and society, where 00:48:02.14\00:48:08.15 people are panting, trying everything to swallow, hoping, "This will bring satisfaction," 00:48:08.15\00:48:15.32 and they get no satisfaction -- in a society like ours, there will be people -- young, moral 00:48:15.32\00:48:23.06 leaders -- who will drink deeply of a well that will never run 00:48:23.06\00:48:31.87 dry. I mean, what did Jesus -- Pastor José read this a moment 00:48:31.87\00:48:34.24 ago. What did Jesus say to the woman at the well? Come on. Put 00:48:34.24\00:48:37.05 it on the screen. What did he say to her? 00:48:37.05\00:48:38.28 "Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water,' he tells the 00:48:38.45\00:48:42.45 woman, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again --" 00:48:42.45\00:48:45.12 keep reading -- "but whoever drinks I give them will never 00:48:45.12\00:48:47.86 thirst. Indeed, the water I give them 00:48:47.86\00:48:49.92 will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal 00:48:49.92\00:48:52.99 life.'" Do you know what he's saying? 00:48:52.99\00:48:54.86 With Jesus, the water will never run out, ever, ever, ever. 00:48:54.86\00:49:01.60 What did he say to his disciples? 00:49:01.60\00:49:02.97 Look at this -- all in the book of John. 00:49:02.97\00:49:04.54 Here's John chapter 6. What did he say to his 00:49:04.54\00:49:06.37 disciples? Then Jesus declared, "I am the 00:49:06.37\00:49:08.14 bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never 00:49:08.14\00:49:10.05 go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty,'" 00:49:10.05\00:49:12.55 because with Jesus, the water will never run out. 00:49:12.55\00:49:15.02 What did he say to the crowd in John 7? 00:49:15.02\00:49:16.95 Take a look at this. "On the last and greatest day of 00:49:16.95\00:49:19.62 the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'Let 00:49:19.62\00:49:22.42 anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 00:49:22.42\00:49:24.66 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of 00:49:24.66\00:49:28.23 living water will flow from within them.'" 00:49:28.23\00:49:31.07 What's the point? With Jesus, the water will never 00:49:31.07\00:49:34.27 run out. What does he say to the whole 00:49:34.27\00:49:36.71 world to end the book of Revelation? 00:49:36.71\00:49:38.97 22:17 -- here it is -- 00:49:38.97\00:49:41.31 What's the big point, Dwight? With Jesus, the water will never 00:49:50.05\00:49:52.85 run out, not while you're here at Andrews University, not while 00:49:52.85\00:49:55.62 you're on this planet. 00:49:55.62\00:49:57.53 The water will never run out. They'll plug your wells. You'll 00:49:57.69\00:50:01.30 move. They'll plug your wells. You'll dig, dig hard, work deep, go beneath the surface. 00:50:01.30\00:50:07.47 Don't ever be satisfied with surface work. Go deep, and 00:50:07.47\00:50:15.31 you'll never, ever run out of water -- ever. You say, "Dwight, how do I get this water?" 00:50:15.31\00:50:22.15 60 seconds. I'll give to you in 60 seconds. Start the watch. 00:50:22.15\00:50:25.92 How do you get the water? 00:50:25.92\00:50:27.49 They've put them on the screen. Just memorize them in your head. 00:50:27.66\00:50:30.26 You'll get it down. You want water from Jesus? 00:50:30.26\00:50:32.19 One gospel -- you pick the gospel, but stick with that 00:50:32.19\00:50:34.36 gospel till it's over -- one story per day, one story a day, 00:50:34.36\00:50:37.83 in your dorm room, in the community, faculty, staff, 00:50:37.83\00:50:40.10 student -- doesn't matter. Number 2 -- reread the story to 00:50:40.10\00:50:43.27 relive it. Just go back over it. 00:50:43.27\00:50:44.94 Let the story come alive in your mind. 00:50:44.94\00:50:46.41 Number 3 -- what fresh water can I drink from Jesus? 00:50:46.41\00:50:49.24 Ask yourself, "Where's this water in this story? 00:50:49.24\00:50:51.88 It's Jesus' life. There's water here. 00:50:51.88\00:50:53.72 Holy Spirit, show me where the water is." 00:50:53.72\00:50:55.42 Once you find water, write an e-mail to Jesus. 00:50:55.42\00:50:57.79 Number 4 -- you write him an e-mail. 00:50:57.79\00:50:59.75 You just sit down, and you scribble it out. 00:50:59.75\00:51:01.42 You write it out. You just write it and respond to 00:51:01.42\00:51:04.86 the gift of water that you just sensed from that reading. 00:51:04.86\00:51:07.96 And finally, number 5, you then kneel down before the maker and 00:51:07.96\00:51:11.47 creator of universe, who is your personal friend and you offer 00:51:11.47\00:51:14.90 your life for that new day to him and then you're gone. 00:51:14.90\00:51:18.01 Every day, fresh water with Jesus. 00:51:18.01\00:51:19.64 It doesn't get any better than that, does it? 00:51:19.64\00:51:21.71 Because I remind you that, with Jesus, the water never stops. 00:51:21.71\00:51:26.38 Even when they kill him -- phoom! -- water. 00:51:26.38\00:51:32.69 Even when they kill him, he never runs out. 00:51:32.69\00:51:36.96 With Jesus, the water never runs out. 00:51:36.96\00:51:40.50 He's thirsty on the cross so that we would never be thirsty 00:51:40.50\00:51:45.17 again. 00:51:45.17\00:51:46.43 With Jesus, the water never runs out. Everybody who says that's 00:51:46.60\00:51:53.24 good news, say "Amen" with me. >> Amen! >> And Amen. 00:51:53.24\00:51:56.85 All right, I want you to stand. We're gonna sing a beautiful gospel -- gospel song. 00:51:56.85\00:52:01.02 I want to sing this gospel song -- 493. "Like the woman at the 00:52:01.02\00:52:06.22 well, I was seeking for things that do not satisfy." Let's sing it together -- three 00:52:06.22\00:52:13.60 stanzas. [ "Fill My Cup, Lord" plays ] 00:52:13.60\00:52:16.77 [ Congregation sings ] 00:52:27.21\00:52:29.94 We'll sing the last stanza. When we get to that chorus about "fill my cup," don't be 00:54:40.68\00:54:45.51 embarrassed that this will feel like junior one Sabbath school. But let's put our hands 00:54:45.51\00:54:50.39 together, shall we, just symbolically, when we get to that chorus -- "Fill my cup, 00:54:50.39\00:54:53.76 Lord. I lift it up." And just lift it up. 00:54:53.76\00:54:55.69 You don't have to raise it way over your head, but just symbolically, let's tell the 00:54:55.69\00:54:59.16 Lord we're serious. "You fill this, fill us with your water," 00:54:59.16\00:55:02.26 all right? We'll do that on the last chorus, hmm? 00:55:02.26\00:55:04.73 [ Congregation sings ] 00:55:04.90\00:55:08.17 Oh, God, that is our prayer. We lift our empty hearts and humbly pray today and today and 00:56:19.37\00:56:29.48 today, fill this cup with the life-giving water of Christ Jesus our Savior and our 00:56:29.48\00:56:40.36 friend. And now, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the 00:56:40.36\00:56:49.44 love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you 00:56:49.44\00:56:56.75 all." Amen. >> May I take an extra moment with you and let you know how grateful I am that 00:57:00.18\00:57:03.85 you joined us in worship today? I hear from viewers like you across the nation, and literally 00:57:03.85\00:57:07.52 around the world, and I'm thankful. If you'd like to 00:57:07.52\00:57:11.16 explore further what we have just shared, I hope you'll visit 00:57:11.16\00:57:13.80 us at our website. It's an easy one to remember -- 00:57:13.96\00:57:19.00 www.pmchurch.tv. We're the Pioneer Memorial Church here on 00:57:19.00\00:57:21.90 the campus of Andrews University. So, that's 00:57:21.90\00:57:26.81 www.pmchurch.tv. Click onto that website, and you'll be able to 00:57:26.81\00:57:29.24 listen to a podcast of this material. You can download the 00:57:29.24\00:57:31.25 presentation. You can print off the study 00:57:31.25\00:57:33.08 guide. You may have a special prayer 00:57:33.08\00:57:34.82 need that you wish to share with our prayer partners, or you may 00:57:34.82\00:57:37.65 wish to partner with us through a personal donation to help 00:57:37.65\00:57:40.29 reach this generation with the everlasting good news of Christ. 00:57:40.29\00:57:44.09 If you'd rather talk with someone, call one of our 00:57:44.09\00:57:46.16 friendly operators. Here's the toll-free number -- 00:57:46.16\00:57:49.06 877, and then the two words "His will." 00:57:49.06\00:57:51.33 877-HIS-WILL. In the meantime, may the grace 00:57:51.33\00:57:55.70 and peace of Jesus be yours every step of this adventurous 00:57:55.70\00:57:59.37 way. ¤¤ 00:57:59.37\00:58:04.71