New Perceptions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP081812

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:33 Praise God from whom all blessings flow
00:39 Praise Him all creatures here below
00:46 Praise Him above ye heavenly host
00:52 Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
01:01 Amen
01:13 Holy Father, so here we are
01:15 all the good natured protesting aside
01:17 we can't halt the onward march of time,
01:21 we can't at a single date of this waiting summer
01:25 that alone our hearing lives.
01:27 And so, we've gathered from across this campus
01:30 and this community and this nation
01:32 as new students as long time residents.
01:36 We're hearing the sanctuary of time
01:38 this Seventh-day gift from You.
01:42 Here's our desire in our prayer
01:46 in this Your Sabbath presence,
01:50 may the staccato beat of our heart in our breaths low
01:54 to the gentile rhythm of your grace and your love.
01:59 We've come seeking Jesus.
02:01 If He's the one who will lead us in the New Year
02:03 that is not quite here then all is well.
02:07 If Christ shall rain and our king shall lead us,
02:11 all will be well.
02:13 Through Christ Jesus we worship You now, amen.
02:33 It was this last month that 14 of our high school
02:39 and college freshmen age
02:41 young people flew down to Panama
02:46 for a-- an evangelist trip.
02:53 Fourteen of our young people teamed up
02:55 with about 12 from Avon Park, Florida.
02:58 And together these young people did 24,
03:03 I'm not making the story up,
03:05 24 evangelistic series across the city of Panama
03:10 in the country of Panama, amen.
03:13 So, check this up, Pastor Dwight,
03:15 19 sermons in 16 days, amen.
03:24 The last Sabbath by the last Sabbath
03:26 conference there in Panama,
03:27 zipped us a report 136 baptisms
03:32 from the preaching of our young people.
03:35 I had the privilege of being there.
03:37 I want you to turn your attention to the screen
03:39 because you are going to have the privilege
03:41 of listening to them first hand, tell you what it was like.
03:47 Preaching, actually at first I was really nervous.
03:50 I was really nervous. It was stressful.
03:53 Nerve-racking. Nerve-racking.
03:54 At first, it was very hard for me
03:57 because English is not my first language nor Spanish.
04:01 Preaching now that something new and especially in Spanish
04:04 which is not my first language.
04:06 This was the foreign country I'm not in America anymore.
04:09 Honestly, I didn't really want to preach
04:13 but I kind of it kind of grew on to me.
04:16 And as the chipper rest, I actually was comfortable
04:19 after putting my own testimony in one of the sermons.
04:21 I can't even put in words what it was like for me.
04:24 Having myself the empty and have god filled
04:27 in order for me to send out the words to the people,
04:31 that was what preaching was like for me.
04:33 My first sermon was not really the best
04:36 because like it was just something
04:38 very new and everything.
04:40 So, I have lot of like pauses
04:42 in my sermon like awkward silences.
04:44 Like I'd stuttered really bad then I would pray
04:48 and I was like, Lord, speak through me.
04:50 It came to the part when I had to make the appeal
04:52 and so I made the appeal but no one came up.
04:55 Sometimes you don't know how they would respond,
04:58 so you wouldn't want to make a call
05:00 'cause you don't want-- no one to come up.
05:02 So, you'll be like, oh, maybe I shouldn't make a call.
05:04 The pastor of the church he comes up
05:05 and he said something in Spanish.
05:07 And then eight people came up and gave their heart to God.
05:09 Well, I remember the first time I gave a baptismal call
05:12 and no one came up and I was super excited
05:14 I wasn't worried about it all and I was like, God,
05:17 I'm gonna do this call for You.
05:19 So, I was really disappointed.
05:20 And I stood there like,
05:22 so this is what the pastor feels like,
05:24 if he makes an altar call nobody comes up.
05:25 Five minutes no one came up,
05:27 ten minutes one, one small kid came up.
05:31 I found out after I got off the stage
05:34 that there was this one day
05:35 who just-- she was too shame to come up
05:39 because she wanted to be re-baptized.
05:41 And I found that kind of powerful
05:43 because I was re-baptized.
05:45 I kept going and going
05:47 and finally the first day five people,
05:49 next day eight more people,
05:52 the next week about 25 baptized or going to be baptized.
05:56 There was an elder who brought along a bunch of street kids,
05:59 there was some young eager children
06:01 and then there was some tougher gangster boys
06:04 that came in and one of the first night
06:06 when I made the appeal I was a little nervous
06:08 whose gonna respond to God's call.
06:11 But it was the little children that came up.
06:13 If you jut believe that God will work on that not me
06:20 then they will-- it will actually test their hearts
06:23 and it will make them brave enough
06:25 to not care about what other people think
06:27 but to just make decisions in front of God.
06:29 The seeing of baptized
06:31 it kind of reminded me of my decision to be baptized,
06:34 it was-- it was like a new start.
06:37 Being on the side and just watching the baptisms,
06:40 it was amazing.
06:42 Four people ended up being baptized.
06:44 Seventeen people got baptized
06:48 and watching them go into the water
06:50 and coming back out it was such a blessing to me.
06:55 I thought I was going to Panama to bring others to God
06:57 and I did bring people to God.
07:00 But I realized that my church, you know,
07:02 that sponsor brought me to God to.
07:04 It just showed me that God is much bigger
07:07 than what I thought He was.
07:09 She had a mission for all of us.
07:11 Coming to Panama, it was a good thing.
07:13 It was totally just God working miracles through me.
07:16 I think I found a new hobby soul winning for Jesus.
07:19 That last Sabbath as we're outstanding there
07:21 they have them all hold hands in a big circle
07:24 and I told them this is what heaven will be like.
07:27 This is what God's work is all about
07:29 when He calls us to the missionaries.
07:30 If anybody has an opportunity to go to a mission trip,
07:33 they should really take the opportunity
07:34 because it will change you.
07:36 And there was a line that we all said
07:37 while we there in Panama, it Panama para Cristo.
07:41 Panama para Cristo.
07:43 Panama para Cristo.
07:44 Panama para Cristo.
07:45 Panama para Cristo.
07:47 Panama para Cristo.
07:48 Panama para Cristo.
07:50 Panama para Cristo.
07:51 Panama para Cristo.
07:53 Panama para Cristo.
07:55 Panama para Cristo.
07:56 It's true, Panama is for Christ.
08:01 We want to thank you all so very much for the donations
08:04 and prayers that you gave
08:05 that made this trip to Panama possible for us.
08:09 Many lives were changed
08:11 and many souls were won for Christ.
08:13 We were on a mission to change Panama
08:16 but in the end Panama also changed us.
08:18 So we were truly blessed
08:20 and words can't describe how much you,
08:22 this church has really helped us and sponsored us.
08:24 So thank you so much for your financial gifts and support.
08:27 And thank you, God bless.
08:30 Say, I promised I wanted to you show you something,
08:32 I have it right here in my pocket.
08:37 Oh, no, this is not a camera.
08:40 This is I want to see if you recognize this.
08:45 This-- I heard it right there.
08:48 I heard it right there.
08:50 I have a what is this? Gold medal.
08:54 This is a gold medal.
08:57 So where do you think I have been?
09:00 Panama.
09:01 Did you see me on TV? No.
09:05 They had me doing when the stadium was empty.
09:08 But here is a real, I've gold medal.
09:10 Now this is really not mine.
09:11 My friend Don Wilson
09:12 who was a member here and a CPA he said, Dwight,
09:15 If you want to do anything about the Olympics
09:16 when you come back
09:17 from your sabbatical here's a gold medal.
09:19 So, I have a gold medal.
09:20 Anybody want to wear this by the way?
09:21 Me.
09:22 Oh, I'm sorry that you can't but I just wanted to know.
09:27 So I have this gold medal.
09:29 Now I want to tell you story that came out of the Olympics
09:31 because look-- the problem about putting this gold medal
09:34 on is that everybody thinks
09:37 you got to have a gold medal to be special.
09:41 People think, oh, boy, if you don't get a gold
09:44 what's the other medal? Silver.
09:46 And if you don't get a silver then maybe you get a-- bronze.
09:50 And then after that people think you lose.
09:54 But that's not true at all. That's not true at all.
09:56 And I want to share a story we do that--
09:58 oh, this is something else.
10:00 Let me get this gold medal off
10:02 and let's put a picture on the screen
10:04 please, up in that corner. Can you see him?
10:06 Young man put on the big screen too, there he is.
10:09 This is the world champion Norwegian breaststroke
10:15 that's a certain kind of stroke
10:17 that you do when you're swimming
10:18 that it's the most natural human stroke.
10:20 If somebody throws a human being in the water,
10:22 this is what he start doing, this is what she starts doing
10:23 immediately to keep them afloat.
10:25 He is the world champion,
10:27 the fastest breaststroke swimmer.
10:31 Holds the world record from Norway.
10:33 His name is Alexander Oen. Oen.
10:38 Alexander Oen.
10:40 Now because he goes to the swim meets
10:43 he made a friend with a young man from Hungary.
10:46 Let's put the young man from Hungary on the screen.
10:49 There is the young man from Hungary,
10:51 his name is Daniel Gyurta.
10:54 All right, Daniel Gyurta.
10:55 So, you have Alexander and Daniel.
10:57 And guess what?
10:58 They became the best of friends
11:00 and they knew that they were gonna have to swim
11:03 to see which one of them could get the shiny gold medal.
11:07 Now the Norwegian swimmer is already a world record holder.
11:12 The Hungarian swimmer Daniel says, I'm gonna try hard.
11:16 I'm gonna give you a run for your money.
11:17 So they were practicing together.
11:20 They were at meets together.
11:21 And in fact, this Norwegian swimmer came over to Arizona
11:25 and last May he was swimming in training in Arizona
11:29 when suddenly, Oh, I'm sorry to report this.
11:32 Suddenly, his heart stop beating and they could not save him.
11:37 Something was wrong in his heart that he didn't know about,
11:40 26-years-old the world record holder for the breaststroke.
11:47 Oh, now Daniel is without friend.
11:51 He goes to the Olympics and Daniel says, all right,
11:53 I'm gonna race the very best
11:56 that my God given strength will allow.
11:58 I'm gonna swim as hard and as fast as I can.
12:00 And wouldn't you know it, the 200 meter breaststroke
12:04 Daniel from Hungary not a lot of people from Hungary
12:06 at the Olympics, Daniel from Hungary,
12:09 he received this beautiful gold medal.
12:14 He received the gold medal.
12:17 But the story didn't end there because here's what so special.
12:21 You know what Daniel told the reporters
12:22 who all came up afterwards.
12:23 Oh, hey, Daniel, how does it feel to-- how does it feel
12:26 to have the god medal around your neck?
12:28 You really did swim that fast.
12:32 How does it feel, Daniel?
12:33 Daniel says, let me tell you something.
12:37 I know that if my friend Alexander had been here,
12:42 he would have won the gold medal.
12:44 So as soon as I get back to Hungary
12:46 I'm gonna take this medal to a goldsmith
12:49 and I'm gonna have the goldsmith
12:51 make an exact copy and exact replica
12:55 and then I'm going to take it to Alexander's family.
13:00 He would have won the medal had he'd been here.
13:06 And the whole world were, oh, my isn't that wonderful.
13:12 He could have said I'm the best now.
13:14 No, he said if my friend had been here
13:17 he would have had this medal.
13:18 And he had a gold medal perfectly reproduced.
13:24 Oh, boys, but you know what the problem with the Olympics.
13:26 Come on, guys.
13:27 The problem with Olympics is we think that
13:28 if we don't get a medal, we don't--
13:31 we're not somebody special.
13:32 But the-- listen, hold on the Bible says,
13:35 that if you're in the race of life
13:38 guess how many people who crossed
13:40 the finished line with Jesus.
13:42 Guess how many will get not a gold medal
13:45 but a gold, what?
13:47 Gold crown.
13:49 Guess how many will get a gold crown
13:50 if you stay in the race to the very end with Jesus.
13:53 How many will get a gold crown?
13:56 Every single one.
13:57 Hey, do you see this cross here?
13:59 Do you see the cross in the platform?
14:00 You see it look down on the floor.
14:02 Yeah, the cross is in the floor.
14:04 When Jesus died, get these guys,
14:07 when Jesus die, He won the gold,
14:10 He won the gold medal for the whole human race
14:13 and everybody who runs the race with Him.
14:16 Look at that?
14:17 Everybody gets the gold crown.
14:20 How many are thankful, number one that Jesus died
14:22 and won the gold medal for us.
14:24 And how many want to say Jesus,
14:26 "I want to stay close to You
14:27 and cross the finished line with You
14:29 and receive that gold crown
14:33 with You forever and ever."
14:38 Hey, listen, let me tell you this--
14:40 hey, guys, I got an idea.
14:42 I got an idea
14:44 when we did the survey last spring
14:46 some of the worshippers said Dwight,
14:48 instead of having the same
14:50 little junior pastor have the prayer
14:52 at the end of the children story
14:53 why don't you thrown it open and let anybody
14:55 who wants to pray from Sabbath, the Sabbath.
14:59 So, I'm gonna get a microphone right here
15:01 and here's the question.
15:02 Who would like to thank Jesus
15:04 for winning the gold medal for us?
15:07 Sissy, I want to go with you right here.
15:10 Would you come and pray and would you thank Jesus
15:12 for winning the gold medal for us, okay?
15:16 Dear, Jesus, hope we'll have a good day today,
15:19 bless their food and bless their bodies now.
15:22 Gold medal.
15:23 And gold medal to His name, amen.
15:26 Amen.
15:27 All right. Thank you, Sissy.
15:29 As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats,
15:32 you can be saying that in your hearts.
15:34 Thank you, Jesus.
15:35 Thank you, Jesus for winning the gold for all of us.
15:39 Happy Sabbath.
16:22 When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound
16:25 And time shall be no more
16:27 When the morning breaks eternal, bright and fair
16:33 When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore
16:38 And the roll is called up yonder
16:41 I'll be there
16:43 When the roll is called up yonder
16:48 When the roll is called up yonder
16:53 When the roll is called up yonder
17:00 When the roll is called up yonder,
17:03 I'll be there
17:06 On that bright and cloudless morning
17:10 When the dead in Christ shall rise
17:12 And the glory of His resurrection share
17:17 When His chosen ones shall gather
17:20 to their home beyond the skies
17:23 And the roll is called up yonder
17:26 I'll be there
17:28 When the roll is called up yonder
17:34 When the roll is called up yonder
17:38 When the roll is called up yonder
17:45 When the roll is called up yonder,
17:50 I'll be there
17:53 Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun
17:58 Let us talk about His wondrous love and care
18:03 Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done
18:09 And the roll is called up yonder
18:11 I'll be there
18:14 When the roll is called up yonder
18:20 When the roll is called up yonder
18:25 When the roll is called up yonder
18:32 When the roll is called up yonder,
18:35 I'll be there
18:39 Oh, God, when the roll is called up yonder,
18:41 please, please, please I'll be there,
18:45 will be there by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
18:49 On the cusp of a New Year, what's the teaching
18:51 that You would have for us.
18:53 Jesus will speak in today's scriptures
18:55 so may we hear His voice loud and clear hide mine
18:59 and all the others to make sure that happens.
19:02 We pray in His name, amen.
19:06 I'm gonna put a picture on the screen for you right now.
19:09 When you see it, I'm gonna ask you,
19:10 do you know who this is?
19:12 This is from our recent news see if you recognize.
19:17 I apologize for the picture being out of focus,
19:19 let's put it on the screen.
19:22 It's out of focus because the cameraman
19:23 can't keep up with him.
19:24 Do you know who that is?
19:26 Do you-- you don't know who that is.
19:29 I give you one more picture. This should be a help to you.
19:35 That's my man, Usain Bolt. Take and look at him.
19:39 You are looking at-- you are looking
19:41 at the world's fastest human being alive today.
19:45 When he ran the 100 meters sprint
19:48 and won that sprint with the gold.
19:51 He ran it in 9.63 seconds.
19:55 I figure that how fast that is.
19:56 That is moving at 34 feet per second, 34 feet.
20:02 That's moving at 37.38 kilometers per hour
20:07 or 23.02 miles per hour
20:10 which is fast enough to get you a ticket
20:12 on this campus from campus security.
20:14 That's how fast he moves.
20:17 That's how fast.
20:19 Usain Bolt, the lightening bolt.
20:22 And get this, he was even faster
20:24 when he partnered with his three Jamaican buddies
20:27 in that-- excuse me,
20:29 in that final 4x100 relay.
20:32 In fact, they figured out the average time
20:34 that all four ran for each of their 100s,
20:36 9.21 seconds.
20:40 Now you understand with the relay,
20:42 you get to start running before you get the baton or the batten
20:47 whichever way you prefer to call it.
20:48 So, you, you're not starting from scratch,
20:51 so, it's a little faster.
20:53 But the deal with the relay,
20:55 the deal with the relay as you know
20:58 you're gonna be the fastest,
20:59 you're gonna be the fastest human being on this earth
21:01 but if you do not connect, if you do not connect--
21:06 let's put the picture the American team up,
21:07 they were right behind just a few hundreds behind are
21:11 friends the Jamaican's.
21:13 But the deal on relay is
21:15 if you do not connect the race is over.
21:18 You have to connect,
21:20 the secret to the race is the connect.
21:24 You know what, that's a truth about this life, isn't it?
21:26 The secret of life is the connect.
21:29 No connect. No finish.
21:33 The secret is the connect.
21:35 Now you're saying what in the world
21:36 are you talking about, Dwight?
21:37 I'm talking about what Jesus is talking about
21:39 in a very peculiar parable.
21:41 Open your Bible, please open your Bible
21:43 to the gospel of Luke Chapter 14.
21:46 Luke Chapter 14
21:47 and while you're finding Luke 14,
21:48 we're gonna put the title slide on the screen
21:50 because there are two little-- there are two part series,
21:52 mini series let's put it up right now, bless you.
21:55 This little mini series is entitled
21:56 "Simple Church for unSimple times."
21:59 The dark night is rising.
22:01 These are unsimple times.
22:02 So, today and next week simple church runs simple times
22:05 then two weeks in a day the dark night rises.
22:09 Luke Chapter 14,
22:13 I'm in the New King James version,
22:15 in fact, I've been in my Andrews Study Bible,
22:16 New King James version and I'm saying that
22:18 because here who are new students here
22:20 that's one of the gifts that you're gonna receive.
22:22 You're gonna get you really on Andrews Study Bible
22:25 and you're gonna be blessed by it.
22:26 So I preach out of.
22:28 So we're here at-- we're here at Luke 14.
22:30 You didn't bring a Bible you got--
22:31 this is peculiar parable you got to track it.
22:33 Here is the page number for the parable 703
22:35 in your pew Bible, pull that pew Bible out.
22:37 Let's go 703.
22:41 All right.
22:42 Any translation you bring is fine by me by the way,
22:44 it doesn't matter at all.
22:45 Let's begin in verse 15.
22:47 "Now when one of those who sat at the table with Jesus,
22:50 heard these things,"
22:52 oh, hit the pause button right here.
22:55 Because what has happened
22:57 is that Jesus has just dropped a little bombshell
23:03 in the polite company of a Sabbath dinner.
23:04 The host is a ruling Pharisee.
23:07 The hoity toady of the Pharisees of that town,
23:09 they're all reclining around the table.
23:12 Bad timing, Jesus
23:16 because what happened was but--
23:18 the wealthy would have their feast
23:19 even on Sabbath and the poor would come
23:21 because sometimes they were handouts
23:23 and Jesus spots in the periphery,
23:26 a man who drops his swollen portion,
23:28 abnormal swelling of his body.
23:30 And Jesus decides, He's gonna heal the man on the Sabbath
23:33 and He heels them.
23:35 Not a good way to begin dinner with the Pharisee
23:37 on the Sabbath.
23:41 More over after He does that Jesus has,
23:45 this is a rather blunt word to his host.
23:47 Just turn back at verse 12.
23:48 "Then Jesus said to him who had invited Him,"
23:50 you're talking to your host now.
23:51 You haven't even start eating yet
23:53 and you're talking to your host.
23:55 And Jesus said to him,
23:56 "When you give a dinner or a supper,
23:59 do not ask your friends,
24:00 your brothers and sisters, your relatives,
24:03 nor your rich neighbors,
24:04 lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid."
24:08 No, no, no, no.
24:09 "When you give a feast, invite the poor,
24:13 the maimed, the lame, and the blind."
24:18 Now, ladies and gentlemen, Jesus certainly is not against
24:21 having your friends over for a Sabbath dinner.
24:23 Jesus loved eating with His friends,
24:26 Martha, Mary and Lazarus.
24:27 He loved those moments.
24:29 What Jesus was saying is much deeper than that.
24:31 In fact, the Greek reads this way.
24:33 Here's the Greek.
24:35 Do not be in the habit of inviting only your friends.
24:42 I mean, come on, what's the point
24:43 of only inviting people who can invite you back?
24:47 It's if Jesus is saying, hey, guys,
24:50 the next time you put your Sabbath dinner lists together
24:52 I wish your hospitality list would be driven
24:56 by the needs of your fellow men and women, the needy.
25:02 I wish you would leave your friends and invite--
25:05 like this man I just healed, invite some of them
25:08 to your Sabbath dinner.
25:13 In fact, why don't you invite the poor,
25:15 the marginalize, the disenfranchised
25:17 why don't you invite the alienated to your dinner?
25:21 Oh, they'll never be able to repay you
25:24 but you will have made--
25:25 you will have made a forever difference by that invitation.
25:31 Silence, awkward silence.
25:36 And one of the Pharisees in an effort
25:38 to get the attention off of them
25:40 and it kind of break this uncomfortable pause.
25:44 He burst out in a pain of pious blether.
25:47 It only make sense, oh, blessed the ones who gets
25:50 invited to eat bread in the kingdom of God.
25:51 What?
25:52 What I'm gonna talk about eating bread in the kingdom of God.
25:55 But he was so nervous he had to slip something in.
25:58 Jesus says, "oh, really."
26:00 You're planned to be there, are you?
26:01 Let me tell you a story and here we go.
26:03 Now here comes a peculiar story, verse 16.
26:05 When Jesus said, "Then Jesus said to him,"
26:07 the man with this pious platitude,
26:09 "Then Jesus said to him, 'A certain man
26:12 gave a great supper and invited many."
26:15 ' Now you're gonna be thinking about a certain man
26:17 but you and I already know that between the lines
26:20 this certain man is representing a very certain God, you watch.
26:25 So, "A certain man gave a great supper
26:27 and invited many, " verse 17,
26:29 "and sent His servant at supper time
26:31 to say to those who were invited."
26:33 Notice this ladies and gentlemen,
26:34 they've already been invited.
26:36 They've already been invited.
26:38 Now this is just a little confirmation.
26:39 "He sent His servant to them to say,
26:42 'Come, for all things."
26:45 ' You all come now 'cause everything is ready.
26:49 Do you get these little save the date postcards?
26:54 This is a whole new-- whole new thing in society, I guess.
26:57 You send on a postcards, saying hey,
26:59 we're gonna have this big event
27:00 in two months, three months whatever.
27:02 We'll send a more official and formal invitation later
27:06 but save the date.
27:08 We do that now, don't we?
27:09 Well, it was dated in the time of Christ.
27:11 Invitation went out people marked it out I'll be there,
27:13 he already or else repeat.
27:14 Now comes, now comes the personal invitation.
27:18 Come for all things are now ready.
27:21 Now watch this.
27:23 Verse 18, but they all---
27:27 obviously this man was put
27:29 this man has put together a list of his closest friends,
27:31 these are friends.
27:32 These are people that he loves hanging around with
27:36 but they all.
27:37 Can you believe this?
27:38 "But they all one accord began to make excuses."
27:41 The first-- it's almost like this is not
27:43 some kind of collusion going on here.
27:45 "The first said to the servant,
27:48 'I have bought a piece of ground,
27:50 and I must go and see it.
27:52 I ask you to have me excused."
27:55 ' Are you serious?
27:56 That is the flimsiest of excuses.
27:59 Nobody buys a piece of real estate site unseen,
28:02 do you?
28:03 Now you can, you walk it off you examine.
28:05 No, I like this.
28:06 And you say, I bought some and I need to go check it out.
28:08 Flimsy, flimsy.
28:11 And then the servant goes to another verse 19,
28:13 "And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen,
28:16 and I am going to test them.
28:18 I ask you to have me excused."
28:20 ' Flimsy, flimsy.
28:22 I'll tell you something the first automobile
28:24 I ever bought was on old 1961, VW Beetle.
28:28 You remember those VW Beetles?
28:30 Yes, you do. Six volt.
28:33 I bought it from an owner in Downtown Chattanooga
28:36 and I made the-- I made the first mistake
28:38 in my auto purchasing experience.
28:41 I bought the car in the dark.
28:45 Now wise,
28:47 you got to see this thing-- it was under a street lamp.
28:50 I'm taking this guys word for-- this is beautiful.
28:55 I learned my lesson.
28:57 Nobody makes a purchase of five yoke of oxen
29:00 and not having checked, hey,
29:02 okay, I think you'll be fine, right.
29:06 Flimsy excuse.
29:07 It's like they're trying to come up with something whack
29:09 I don't want to be with you tonight,
29:10 I have something more important.
29:13 That wouldn't be you, that wouldn't be me of course
29:15 but I'm, you know, it's in the parable.
29:17 So, he goes to a third.
29:18 Where is the third?
29:19 "Still another said," verse 20.
29:21 "Still another said to the servant,
29:22 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come."
29:29 ' Has a henpecked husband if ever.
29:32 I have married you, truth of the matter is,
29:36 truth what the matter is that in the ancient code
29:40 newly weds were given a year off from civil and military service.
29:45 This is just one night with your host, friend.
29:48 What do you mean you can't give a night with him.
29:52 And by the way this, this guy,
29:53 this young newly wed is so in your face
29:56 and he just said, "I'm not coming."
29:58 The other two said, oh, please have me excused.
30:00 I ask to be excuse please.
30:02 Not this guy to just out.
30:07 How it's like to be the servant?
30:08 You gone through their whole invitation list,
30:10 the closest friends to the host.
30:13 I'd like to be the servant
30:14 I have to go back and tell your master,
30:15 oh, by the way nobody has time for you.
30:18 I mean, this next moment is a very embarrassing moment
30:20 because he has to go back and he has to--
30:25 so, what did you find out? How many are coming?
30:26 You got the list.
30:30 And he asked to announce
30:32 then not a single soul of the closest
30:34 in a circle of the host has time for the host.
30:38 Now, I tell you what in the oriental culture in which
30:40 Jesus is telling the story the refusal of the invitation
30:45 was the refusal of the friendship.
30:50 I don't want to come.
30:53 I don't want to come.
30:55 I'm too busy. I got stuff.
30:57 I mean, come on you're not coming up
30:58 with excuses like that.
31:00 Am I?
31:03 And the poor master, the poor host,
31:04 what's he gonna do?
31:05 He has labored for hours to prepare this feast.
31:09 Hours, major expenses invested in this banquet
31:15 and now nobody's coming.
31:18 Would you be upset?
31:19 Yes or no.
31:22 I'll ask the women here.
31:23 Would you be upset if you plan
31:25 for a whole day a dinner and nobody came?
31:27 Would you be upset? Ladies, let me hear.
31:29 All right.
31:32 The question would be he'd be terribly upset and offended.
31:35 Let me come on, these are my friends.
31:37 But if plan "A" doesn't work
31:40 the host who reminds us of somebody else
31:43 the host moves from plan A to plan B.
31:46 And the host turns he said, okay, okay.
31:47 Let's do this, where is this.
31:49 Verse 21,
31:50 "So that servant came and reported
31:51 these things to his master.
31:52 Then the master of the house, being angry,
31:53 said to his servant," okay, "Go out quickly
31:55 into the streets and lanes of the city,
31:57 and I want you to bring in here the poor
31:58 and the maimed and the lame and the blind."
32:00 The very categories by the way
32:01 Jesus has just said, be really nice of you,
32:03 you brought these kind of people home.
32:05 The host does it, plan B, bring in the riff-raff,
32:09 bringing the marginalized.
32:11 I have you gone all these trouble
32:12 and not be able to give my food to somebody in this house?
32:17 And the servant goes out, he really as he goes out
32:19 and then he comes back I'm not hour too later.
32:22 He comes back what is this in verse 22,
32:24 "And the servant comes back and says, 'Master,
32:26 it is done as you commanded, and still we still got room."
32:30 ' So the master who first says,
32:31 "Go to the street and lanes that's inside the city walls."
32:34 Now he says listen, we saturated the city, okay.
32:36 I'm asking you to now go to the highways
32:38 and byways out to the hedges, go as far as you can go.
32:42 Anybody who is breathing give him the invitation,
32:46 bring them, bring them into my house.
32:49 Because now notice-- and this is the punch line
32:51 I want you to get it.
32:52 "Then the master" verse 23, "said to the servant,
32:54 'Go out into the highways and hedges,
32:56 and compel them to come in, that my house may be,"' what?
33:01 I'm gonna say that loud with you.
33:02 "That my house may be," what?
33:05 "May be filled."
33:06 Let's say that again.
33:07 "That My House may be filled."
33:10 There it is.
33:11 That's the whole punch line to today's teaching.
33:14 "That my house may be filled."
33:19 What's going on here?
33:20 You've got a host.
33:23 Let's close friends,
33:24 we don't have timeframe apparently,
33:26 you go along saying oh, I'm a friend of his,
33:28 oh, I'm a friend of his have no timeframe.
33:31 And the host says, no one we're not having an empty party.
33:35 I'll take anybody.
33:37 Anybody?
33:38 Connect, connect, connect with anybody.
33:43 Bring them in to my house.
33:46 Wow, remember that remember that old gospel hymn,
33:49 bring them in, bring them in.
33:52 Bring the wandering ones to Jesus.
33:54 Remember that to Jesus.
33:56 That's what they're doing. Just bring them in.
33:57 Hey, hey, oh, come here.
33:58 Come here, come here, come here and come here.
34:01 My house must be filled.
34:05 It's the God with filled house.
34:07 He's just like you.
34:10 He hates empty places around his table.
34:12 You know, it's embarrassing some times
34:13 we go to somebody's house
34:14 and then they'll say, we're so glad you came.
34:16 And there are all these empty places around the table.
34:19 Like maybe I don't know something here.
34:23 Maybe this isn't the home to go to.
34:26 Don't you think a host feels little embarrassed
34:28 all these empty places.
34:30 Find anybody you can.
34:32 You know what God is a God of a house
34:34 above that will be filled.
34:36 I was with the Koreans a few Sabbaths ago preaching--
34:39 1,200 Koreans came on to our campus
34:41 for their camp meeting from the east,
34:42 the eastern half of the United States.
34:45 And I had the privilege of working with them
34:47 doing a satellite series the end of September
34:49 with the Korean translator beside me
34:50 from Baltimore to every Korean church
34:53 in North America, 1,50,000 Adventists.
34:55 There are 2.5 million Koreans belief or no belief
34:59 in America and Canada, US and Canada.
35:02 So, I chose it's our text, this text
35:04 and I want you to see the picture of the God
35:06 who wants a house filled.
35:08 This is John and he's given those snapshot
35:09 of what's gonna be
35:11 when Jesus takes all the saved back to heaven.
35:12 "After these things I looked,
35:14 and behold, a great multitude
35:16 which no one could number, " arithmesai.
35:19 Nobody could do the arithmetic on this
35:21 "of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues."
35:24 By the way John has done the numbers on the angels
35:26 10, 000 times 10,000 and 1,000s of 1,000s.
35:29 He's come up with the hundred million plus angels
35:30 but when he tries to count the saved humans
35:33 he runs out of fingers.
35:34 He cannot count them, amazing.
35:37 Apparently God really goes out into the hedges
35:40 and the highways and gets anybody.
35:44 Okay, what's the next slide?
35:45 There were all these unaccountable innumerable throne
35:49 there they are, "standing before the throne
35:50 and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes,
35:53 with palm branches in their hands,
35:55 and they're crying with a loud voice,
35:56 " megaphone in the Greek like a megaphone shout.
36:00 They're singing, "It belongs to our God
36:02 who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
36:06 When God throws a party at the end of human history,
36:09 trust me His house will be full.
36:13 The people he wanted may not be there
36:17 but He still have a full house.
36:19 He's not going into eternity
36:20 with half of the place settings empty.
36:24 Everybody who wants to cross the finish line
36:28 with Him will be there.
36:31 He's the God of the full house.
36:33 I love that. My house will be filled.
36:36 God is huge, isn't He ladies and gentlemen,
36:37 God is huge on connecting with lost people.
36:39 And clearly Jesus story suggests that even
36:42 so we must be huge on connecting with lost people.
36:48 Big on connecting with lost people.
36:50 I'm gonna put a line on the screen for you right now.
36:53 Over the last few months you've seen some,
36:56 some frame statements.
36:59 It's planned its mission in a single line
37:01 "Transforming This Generation."
37:02 We're all about this generation,
37:03 we're not about to one that come,
37:04 we're not about to one is left.
37:05 We're about this one
37:06 because we're on a university campus.
37:08 "Transforming This Generation"
37:09 and our mission is one line long, watch this.
37:11 Our mission begins with connect.
37:15 Then our mission goes to grow.
37:17 Just four words in our mission statement.
37:19 Connect, Grow, Serve is the next line.
37:24 Go is the last word. Four words.
37:28 Connect, Grow, Serve, Go.
37:30 But for this morning, I want to take that connect.
37:32 Let's drop that connect down
37:33 and I want to spend a few moments
37:36 just brooding over what it means to Connect.
37:38 Connecting with people and connecting people with God.
37:44 Let me think about.
37:45 Isn't that what cavalry was all about
37:46 connecting people with God.
37:49 Panama para Cristo,
37:52 that's the whole you connecting people with God.
37:56 El Mundo para Cristo,
37:58 the whole world we've got to connect with God.
38:01 You know, that's what Calvary is about.
38:03 By the way that's the passion of Calvary
38:05 it surely would be the passion of the church of Calvary,
38:07 wouldn't it.
38:08 They would-- that would have to be our passion.
38:10 Young and aged in between, red and yellow, black and white
38:14 what's God passion?
38:15 Put it on the screen please.
38:16 "That My House may be filled."
38:19 That's all I want just fill my house
38:25 which is why God's house-- I want you to think about this.
38:28 God's house is the perfect opportunity to connect.
38:32 Notice house up there
38:33 I'm thinking about His house right here.
38:34 I'm thinking about how God is here in this house
38:40 in a sense in which He is in nether house in this community.
38:43 I'm thinking about how God is here
38:44 in this day of the Sabbath
38:46 in which He is no other day of the week.
38:50 So, you get Sabbath His day and church His house.
38:54 This is the perfect place to connect for that reason.
38:59 In your worship bulletin today
39:01 is a little tiny card that looks like this.
39:03 Would you pull it out for a moment please?
39:05 This is what we call the connect card.
39:07 The connect card.
39:09 What's it about? It's about connecting people.
39:11 It's about connecting people with God.
39:15 I want you to take a look at it.
39:18 This sort of-- this simple little card by the way
39:21 every Sabbath we've had it in the bulletin since March.
39:25 This little card is for you and me.
39:27 Are you a guest here?
39:29 Are you a member here? It doesn't matter.
39:30 Are you a young or you aged?
39:31 It doesn't matter.
39:33 Are you saved, are you lost?
39:34 It doesn't matter. This is for all of us.
39:36 This is the connect card
39:38 because you can't come to an end of a teaching
39:40 as we have here every Sabbath.
39:42 You can't come to the end of a teaching
39:43 and not take the next step, there's has to be something.
39:45 I got to-- I got to reconnect with God.
39:47 And by the way the preacher has to reconnect.
39:49 I fill these cards out because I'm preaching to myself
39:52 even as we're sharing a Bible teaching.
39:54 I have to make a next step.
39:56 So, on the-- let's put that in front of the card up please.
40:00 On the front of the card you have the sailing information
40:02 that will enable us to send you something.
40:04 If you put an email address there
40:06 sometimes we offer material bingo,
40:08 you get that material within 48 hours,
40:09 that's our pledge to get it to you the material.
40:14 You want to put your name of course, email.
40:16 This is your first time, I'm glad to have you.
40:19 So, I'm not-- not gonna reach through that.
40:20 You want to put your demographic information that you may.
40:23 Nobody's come-- nobody's coming to your door
40:25 with this information.
40:26 But you give an email address we'll get it to you.
40:29 So this is about yourself but at the end of every teaching
40:31 here's what happens.
40:33 The connect card now becomes the next step.
40:34 Let's put the next step up.
40:36 Let's turn the card around.
40:37 This is the-- we call this the next step
40:39 beside of the card.
40:40 And how does the next step work?
40:41 Works like this.
40:43 Every teaching has some practical specific ways.
40:48 I can take the next step.
40:49 I don't want just hear this and go out and forget it.
40:50 I wanted to do something about it.
40:52 I want to act and what the Holy Spirit
40:54 is impressing me to do.
40:55 So that's why the back of your card
40:57 says my next step today is and then we'll list something,
41:01 something practical, something you can do.
41:04 I try to make sure I get at least two,
41:06 two out of those usually there are three.
41:10 But now I want to draw your attention
41:12 to the right side of the card
41:14 that little box I'm interested in.
41:16 Listen carefully for some worshippers
41:18 this second box
41:21 is what becomes the life changing box.
41:24 We've seen it happened in
41:25 just the few weeks we've been doing it.
41:27 Look at this-- look at the little box.
41:30 I'm interested in beginning a relationship with Jesus,
41:34 right university campus.
41:36 Come on we got, we got students from
41:38 almost 100 different nations.
41:40 It is possible that in a campus this large
41:42 there are many who have yet to connect with Christ.
41:46 We may have some new students who were sitting right here.
41:49 But I want to tell you something, Dwight,
41:50 I got a collection of butterflies in my stomach,
41:53 I can't believe I'm doing this, our whole new chapter.
41:56 I'm scared, spindles.
41:58 We may have some freshmen here
42:01 who need to take the next step and begin a full fledge
42:05 not because I'm under mommy and daddy.
42:07 No, I'm on my own now.
42:09 A full fledge next step relationship with Jesus.
42:13 If you put a check mark there, 48 hours,
42:16 you give us an email address, 48 hours
42:18 we'll send you a material
42:19 to begin to grow a friendship with Jesus.
42:21 We'll send you a little video.
42:23 We'll send it all to you.
42:24 We're not coming to your home or dorm room.
42:27 We have to make this connect opportunity available.
42:30 Look at the next one, information on baptism.
42:33 This one is blown us out of the water
42:35 it will be-- be very candid with you.
42:36 Our baptisms in this universe congregation
42:39 have gone just like this.
42:40 Why?
42:41 Because every single Sabbath
42:42 the Holy Spirit has an opportunity
42:44 to speak to somebody.
42:45 You've been here five weeks in a row
42:46 and you said, I'm not into that.
42:47 I'm not into that.
42:48 Week number six, you were sitting here
42:50 and Holy Spirit says, "by the way,
42:51 I have been thinking about you with this number two.
42:54 Could you-- do you want to follow Jesus in baptism?"
42:57 Nobody gets baptized on the spot
42:59 but everybody gets an opportunity to decide
43:02 that maybe you, you've never been baptized.
43:05 You've been waiting.
43:06 What are you waiting for? This is perfect.
43:08 You're here now at Andrew University
43:10 your new opportunity to begin a brand new chapter
43:14 just you and Jesus.
43:15 I thank God for your parents
43:17 who invested a lot of money to get you here
43:19 and have invested their lives
43:20 to protect you till you've gotten here
43:22 but you're on your own now.
43:24 We're here to journey with you.
43:26 We're not-- hey, mom and dad
43:27 I see you and turn to each other.
43:28 We're-- you're not dumping with them off
43:29 we'll stay with them.
43:31 We'll stay with them.
43:32 But madam, young madam, young sir,
43:35 you're on your own now.
43:37 It's not family and Jesus. It's you and Jesus.
43:41 Haven't been baptized put a check mark there.
43:43 Number three, what's number three?
43:44 Information on church membership.
43:46 We have a visitor from all over Michiana
43:48 who coming into this church all over the world.
43:52 We need to make that available.
43:54 We have number four,
43:55 I want to sign up for a ministry team.
43:56 I want-- I don't want to just be here and lump and log
43:58 I want to be involved.
43:59 You check number four,
44:01 we'll send you a 12-14 ministries
44:02 that right now can take you.
44:03 We'll tell you how to get in touch
44:04 with that ministry later.
44:06 It's to make the next step possible,
44:08 it's to connect, to connect.
44:12 So we call it the connect card.
44:13 And what's the big deal about it
44:15 put it up on the screen again please.
44:16 "That My House may be filled."
44:22 God has a passion.
44:23 Listen, I can't get my friends go on the streets.
44:25 I can't get those in the streets,
44:26 go out in the highways and hedges, get Me,
44:28 bring, bring My run away earth children to Me.
44:31 Come to Me. Come, come, come, come.
44:34 It's God's passion.
44:35 It must be our passion too.
44:37 All right, all of this is leading out for me
44:39 to make a big announcement now to our Pioneer family.
44:41 We are announcing today right now
44:43 a brand new worship paradigm
44:45 for this university congregation.
44:48 We want on-- on a retreat this summer
44:49 I've seen a leadership team back in June
44:52 and we prayerfully wrestle with okay,
44:53 if God is big if God has a passion
44:55 to connect with lost people
44:57 are we making this golden Sabbath morning
45:01 opportunity really accessible.
45:04 Are we making it easy to go to or are we kind of like,
45:07 you know, this is a little difficult
45:08 but if you really get up early and come
45:11 where will be able to do this with you.
45:16 We've run this by our leadership team.
45:17 We've run this by our elected leadership.
45:23 It's no secret that here at Andrews University
45:26 we have a significant number of students
45:28 who either sleep to the morning in their residences
45:30 or simply are disconnected
45:32 with any notion of church, worship and God.
45:34 What could we do if you could be a friend of one of them
45:38 could bring him here,
45:39 how could we make this as easily accessible as possible?
45:46 I want to put a sentence on the screen for you.
45:48 Therefore, because--
45:49 I just want you to see the whole sentence.
45:51 "Because Sabbath morning is the most opportune time
45:54 to connect people with God," burn on there's no other time
45:57 as opportunists.
45:59 "Because Sabbath morning is the most opportune time
46:01 to connect people with God," here's the rest of the sentence.
46:03 "We need to make Sabbath morning
46:05 the most accessible time for people to connect with God."
46:09 This has to be just as easy as we can possibly make it
46:13 for your friends and you to connect with God.
46:18 And so we are recommending two actions
46:19 and these will begin on September 11.
46:21 Two weeks from today the dark night rises
46:24 that's when we begin the new time,
46:26 our new paradigm.
46:27 Two actions.
46:29 Action number one,
46:30 we're gonna shorten each worship service
46:31 by 15 minutes shortening it.
46:35 We had a member come up afterwards and say,
46:37 first service to say, come on pastor,
46:39 it's like I really-- I look all week
46:42 I'm looking forward to this and you're cutting it down.
46:44 Oh, don't, don't jump that to that conclusion.
46:47 Step two is grow.
46:48 I'll say more about grow later not today.
46:50 Grow is gonna bring some of the elements that you think
46:52 you're missing by a shorter service
46:54 you're gonna get it in the grow.
46:56 Connect grow serve go.
46:59 Now we're gonna cut it down.
47:01 We're gonna cut it down.
47:03 Action number two,
47:04 we're gonna take those saved minutes
47:06 and put together a new Sabbath morning schedule.
47:11 That God's house maybe filled.
47:13 All right, let's go, let's put it on the screen
47:14 I want to show you.
47:16 First celebration 9 o'clock in the morning.
47:20 We've been having first celebration at 9, at 8:20.
47:24 Forty minutes later we're gonna start first church.
47:27 It'll be a shorter service.
47:29 Nine o'clock in the morning-- by the way students,
47:33 freshmen who are kind of--
47:34 you're gonna just check it out these first few weeks.
47:37 By the way, is a very fresh kind of service, I mean,
47:41 it's the first thing in the morning
47:42 but it's not so hard now.
47:44 It's not 8:20, its 9 o'clock.
47:47 Young parents who were saying,
47:48 "man, I love to get my kids to first service
47:50 'cause they're always the most attentive,
47:52 there's a children story always in first.
47:53 There won't be a children straight come September 1 and 2.
47:56 I'd like to get it but 8:20 towards
47:57 I can't get my kids ready.
47:58 Hey, mom, 9 o'clock now, perfect,
48:02 9 to 10:15, 75 minutes long.
48:05 This worship of service has been cut down,
48:06 15 minutes cut off, 75 minutes long.
48:09 Okay, so, then Sabbath school will now be
48:10 let's see the next line,
48:11 Sabbath school be after 15 minutes break,
48:13 you get 15 minute break.
48:15 Then Sabbath school will be from 10:30 to 11:30.
48:17 I thought it'd have been an hour long downstairs.
48:19 Some of our satellite Sabbath schools
48:21 are gonna cut back 10 minutes,
48:22 for the children it's already been an hour.
48:24 Now this will cut back 10 minuets,
48:25 Sabbath school from 10:30, 10:30 to 11:30.
48:30 we'll have a 15 minute break then we go to second celebration
48:33 and that will be at 11:45 to 1:00.
48:36 Notice this old timers 1:00
48:39 that the ending time is still the same.
48:42 We didn't push anything later than 1 o'clock,
48:43 it's still the same, we just cut it down 15 minutes.
48:47 First celebration Sabbath school,
48:48 second celebration.
48:49 Now look we understand, we understand
48:55 that in order to pull this off
48:56 it will necessitate careful planning and execution.
49:00 The sermons will have to be shorter hold your applause.
49:06 The sermons will have to be shorter,
49:08 so the stats are all right, Dwight,
49:09 you got to get it down to 30
49:10 but then we'll give you 10 minutes Q&A,
49:13 live Q&A live microphone Q&A.
49:15 Oh, I could do that. All right.
49:21 Sermons will have to be shorter, a more streamline flow music
49:24 we can't have organizations coming here
49:25 and say, we want to play three numbers today.
49:27 We're gonna fill upon, nope, sorry you can't do it.
49:30 Music live to be more streamline,
49:32 they need to be a creative blending a special features
49:34 with the changing template from Sabbath to Sabbath
49:36 particularly in our second celebration.
49:38 You're not gonna get a better music director
49:40 than Josh will have a whole team,
49:41 praise team up here in next Sabbath,
49:43 they're ready to go 75 minutes,
49:46 it's gonna be tight.
49:49 But it's now accessible.
49:51 We love to see some--
49:53 who are coming to second now say, hey,
49:54 I could do the 9 o'clock
49:55 that open a more room here then we can get more.
49:57 The whole point is that his house maybe filled.
49:59 We have to fill the house of God,
50:01 people connecting with Him.
50:03 "That My House may be filled."
50:07 For that reason all three worship communities
50:09 that Pioneer sponsors new life,
50:11 one place and Pioneer one and two,
50:14 all of these will officially launch
50:15 this new schedule September 1.
50:18 Everybody is on it come September 1.
50:20 Two weeks because if its-- it is not enough for us
50:25 to maintain the stat score around here,
50:26 if God is passionate about connecting with people
50:32 and having His house filled
50:33 and we must do whatever it takes to reach people
50:35 on a Sabbath morning, it's the most opportune time.
50:38 Now we put it one more time on the screen for you.
50:41 What's the big deal?
50:42 The punch line of Jesus parable, "That My House may be filled."
50:47 Which is why I want to end with the story now.
50:50 The short story just learned about this Kathy
50:52 and comrade Demsky are active members
50:55 in our congregation right here.
50:56 Kathy by the way is the school of architectural librarian,
50:59 she is a-- an expert
51:01 in Waldensian history quite a scholar.
51:04 Anyway they invited last Sabbath,
51:06 so this is the very fresh story.
51:07 Last Sabbath they invited some friends to come to church--
51:10 hey, come to church with us
51:11 'cause that's what all this is about just come to church.
51:15 They've invited some friends and lo and behold the friends
51:17 show up and they brought their pastor.
51:19 And so the friends and the pastor are here
51:21 last Sabbath heard a great sermon
51:22 with Pastor Michael preaching last Sabbath.
51:24 He had a chance to meet them afterwards.
51:26 They say, we're gonna come again.
51:28 Ladies and gentlemen, that's it.
51:32 That's what I need to be doing.
51:34 That's what you can be doing.
51:35 It's just coming up to somebody and saying, hey,
51:38 once you come to-- once you come to worship with me.
51:40 You know, you'll never be embarrassed here.
51:43 You will never be embarrassed here.
51:45 You can bring anybody you want, any religion,
51:48 any persuasion, no religion, bring them.
51:52 Listen, if you will get your neighbor
51:55 your colleague, your roommate,
51:58 the guy across the hall in the dorm
52:00 if you will get your friend here,
52:03 the Holy Spirit will take it from here.
52:07 You just get him here.
52:08 We'll do-- the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
52:10 We'll try to help, corporate with the spirit
52:12 and when that connect card comes
52:14 as it will come every single week
52:16 the Holy Spirit says good,
52:18 I have some private conversations,
52:20 I need to quickly do here.
52:23 That my house may be filled.
52:25 The most opportune time in the Pioneers' life,
52:29 life of this university congregation,
52:30 the most opportune moment to connect
52:32 with God is always Sabbath morning.
52:34 We're not bringing in the higher guns
52:35 in every three years have them try to find lost people.
52:38 We're gonna do it here every single week.
52:42 Bring your friend. You got a friend.
52:45 Bring, bring a colleague. Bring your classmate.
52:50 You bring them here
52:51 the Holy Spirit will take it from here.
52:54 All you have to do is say, come.
52:55 So if I were gonna tweet this bottom line
52:58 to this teaching today.
52:59 Here is my tweeted line today, because I have a-- an account
53:02 on Twitter as most of you know.
53:05 Here is the bottom line today.
53:06 "It only takes 1 'Come' 2 'Connect.'"
53:11 That's the truth.
53:13 It only takes one come to connect.
53:17 You have the come, God will do the connect.
53:22 Do the come, He'll do the connect
53:25 and His house gets filled one by one.
53:31 What do you say to that? Amen and amen.
53:35 Would you take your card now,
53:36 we're at the end of our service.
53:38 Take your card.
53:39 I want to go through these three with you just these three.
53:43 My next step today, okay, Dwight,
53:44 what's my next step on the teaching
53:45 that you have just shared.
53:46 Number one, I'm gonna put a check on these,
53:49 like I already had mine marked up here.
53:51 Here is the one I have marked up.
53:53 So I'll put a check here
53:54 I want to connect people with God.
53:56 Is there anybody here who doesn't want
53:57 to connect people with living God,
53:59 the Creator, the Savior,
54:01 the forever friend of the universe?
54:02 Anybody here don't want to connect anybody with God?
54:03 No.
54:04 We all can put a check mark right there.
54:06 You've been a member here for 20 years,
54:08 put a check mark there.
54:09 You are brand new today I want to help.
54:12 I don't even know God, your box is number two,
54:17 put a check mark there we'll in touch with you email.
54:20 Okay, number one, I want to connect with God.
54:21 Number two, I will ask God to show me people
54:24 I know who are ready to connect with Him.
54:27 That's not a bad deal, God I never know who is ready.
54:30 Just impress me, impress me, impress me,
54:32 am I working around somebody
54:33 and am I playing golf with somebody,
54:36 am I shooting hoops with somebody
54:39 who is ready to come.
54:41 Impress me, that's number two.
54:43 So I'll put a check mark there.
54:44 Now, here is the third option
54:46 because it only takes one come to connect
54:49 I will seek to invite someone to come
54:52 to this worship celebration next week
54:55 or some Sabbath service.
54:56 So you are not in a pressure
54:58 you have to do this by next week,
54:59 some Sabbath soon just bring somebody with you,
55:02 we'll never embarrass you.
55:04 And the Holy Spirit will be right here ready to go.
55:10 It only takes one come to connect.
55:14 After you put those check marks long time member,
55:17 you're offering the plate is coming by just a moment,
55:21 just drop it in the offering plate,
55:23 just drop it in the offering plate.
55:24 Visitor for the first time glad you are here,
55:26 guest just drop it in the offering plate,
55:29 honor to have you.
55:32 Our morning tithes and offerings now
55:33 we will also be returned
55:34 that's why we have to do this at the end.
55:36 Now, you know, we have to do this at the end,
55:37 can't be done anywhere else in the service but right now.
55:42 Our morning tithes and offerings,
55:43 you know, Jesus said freely you receive, freely give,
55:46 this is our chance to worship with our giving.
55:49 You have something to give to God today
55:52 and give a decision to Him,
55:53 you can give our grower kingdom.
55:56 I want to pray a prayer dedication
55:58 for these cards right now.
55:59 Dear God, you are huge on connecting with people
56:05 lost people, aren't You?
56:07 Your friends won't come
56:08 You go to those little further away
56:11 if they won't come You'll go,
56:12 You go to the ends with the earth.
56:14 Calvary has taught us
56:16 to save last men, women, teenagers and children.
56:20 Oh, God, we're trying to do, we're trying to be like You.
56:24 We want to connect lost people to You,
56:26 not to us to You.
56:28 And so take this humble beginning and grow Your house,
56:31 fill Your house for Your glory alone.
56:35 Our tithes and offerings we cheerfully return.
56:39 Take our humble gifts and multiply them
56:41 for Your glory anywhere on earth
56:43 in Jesus name we pray, amen.
56:50 Before you go I'd like to take a moment and talk to you about
56:53 your relationship with Jesus.
56:54 So often we go to church we're listening to a sermon
56:56 about the things that Jesus said
56:58 or that which Jesus did.
57:00 We learned all these facts about Him.
57:01 Yeah, when it comes down to it
57:02 we sometimes realize we haven't actually
57:05 come to know Him personally ourselves
57:07 or perhaps you've only recently discovered the love of Christ
57:10 and you're wondering where you go from here.
57:12 That's why I'd like to invite you
57:13 to take advance of this free book offer
57:15 the little classics Steps to Christ.
57:17 Since this book was first penned a century ago,
57:20 it sold over 50 million copies,
57:21 its been translated into 135 different languages.
57:25 You know what the good news of the gospel is so direct
57:28 and so sublimely simple that we often look right past it.
57:31 So, what this book does is,
57:32 it will help you see the good news
57:34 and all its glory and all its beauty.
57:36 What you're gonna discover here
57:37 are clear simple steps to help you enter into the most
57:41 important friendship of your life.
57:43 So, please give us a call.
57:45 Toll free number you see it on your screen 877
57:47 and then the two words His-Will, 877-His-Will.
57:50 Ask one of our friendly operators
57:52 for your free copy of "Steps to Christ."
57:55 By the way, years ago this book led me to Christ
57:58 and I pray that it will lead you to Him as well.
58:00 So, give us a call.
58:01 And in the mean time, God be with you every step of the way
58:04 until we're here again next time.


Revised 2014-12-17