Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP081807
01:40 One of the things I love best about
01:41 working at Andrews is the sense of community 01:44 experience with my colleagues. 01:47 Its exciting to, to realize that 01:49 we're all part of the same team. 01:51 We're here because we love Andrews, 01:53 and we want what is best for Andrews. 01:56 One of my favorite verses in Philippians 01:58 is where Paul counsels us. 02:00 "So this is my pray, that your love will flourish 02:03 and that you will not only love much 02:05 but that you will love well." 02:07 And as we get busy in this, 02:09 our days are sometimes really pressured 02:11 that is my prayer to You. 02:13 That we'll love one and other well in community. 02:19 Holy Father, those are words of the Apostle. 02:22 Do you speak them to us as well? 02:25 So this is my prayer that Your love will flourish 02:29 and that You will love well. 02:32 How can our love flourish 02:34 and how shall we love well unless Your love in fills us 02:38 which is why we have gathered this Sabbath 02:41 as a worshipping community. 02:43 Hours, before the school bells begin 02:45 their clanging all over again, 02:49 oh, God who is giving knows no ending. 02:54 We throw wide our hearts to You, 02:56 fix in us Your humble dwelling, 02:59 pour Your faithful mercies new. 03:01 And in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 03:04 please accept our grateful praise 03:08 as the new year approaches. 03:11 Amen. 03:47 God, whose giving knows no ending 03:51 From Your rich and endless store 03:56 Nature's wonder, Jesus' wisdom 04:00 Costly cross, grave's shattered door 04:05 Gifted by You, we turn to You 04:10 Off'ring up Yourselves in praise 04:16 Thankful song shall rise forever 04:20 Gracious donor of our days. 04:27 Skills and time are ours for pressing 04:32 Toward the goals of Christ, Your Son 04:37 All at peace in health and freedom 04:42 Races joined, the church made one 04:47 Now direct our daily labor 04:52 Lest we strive for self alone 04:58 Born with talents, make us servants 05:03 Fit to answer at your throne 05:27 Treasure, too, You have entrusted 05:33 Gain through pow'rs Your grace conferred 05:39 Ours to use for home and kindred 05:45 And to spread the Gospel Word 05:52 Open wide our hands in sharing 05:57 As we heed Christ's ageless call 06:05 Healing, teaching, and reclaiming 06:11 Serving You by loving all 06:23 Now its turn as congregation to come forward 06:26 and bring our praises, bring our thanksgivings, 06:31 bring our petitions to the Lord of the universe. 06:35 And so we will invite you 06:36 as we saying "Spirit of the living God" 06:39 to join us here at the front. 06:54 Spirit of the Living God 07:00 fall afresh on me 07:07 Spirit of the Living God 07:14 fall afresh on me 07:21 Break me, melt me 07:28 mold me, fill me 07:37 Spirit of the Living God 07:46 fall afresh on me 07:57 Father God, again it is our privilege 08:00 to be here this morning 08:03 to praise, honor and worship You. 08:06 You've brought us here safely after another week, 08:09 after another summer and we thank You. 08:13 In this place we have come to be with You 08:17 and in the next few moments of silence 08:20 we want to quiet our hearts 08:23 so that we can rest in You. 08:30 You have nurtured, You've led us 08:33 as a community of believers. 08:35 From this fellowship has grown Your schools 08:39 and communities of learning. 08:41 We thank You for the obvious signs 08:43 of Your leading and Your guiding 08:46 with our own like with Ruth Murdoch Elementary 08:49 in Andrews Academy and yet Lord, 08:53 we know that some of our brothers and sisters 08:55 are hurting spiritually, emotionally, physically 08:59 and we want to lift them up 09:02 and yet we know that 09:04 there are praises also that we have. 09:06 We praise You for the Father of Pastor Esther 09:11 and the blessing that you've given in that's situation. 09:15 We have also come to the front to bring special praises, 09:19 requests during the next moment of silence. 09:28 Lord, bless Your servant Pastor Dwight 09:32 as he shares with us just those thoughts 09:35 that we need this day in this hour. 09:38 May our minds be opened 09:39 to the working of the Holy Spirit. 09:42 Keep Your healing grace flowing through our cooperate efforts. 09:46 Indeed Lord, we want to seek You first 09:50 best and foremost. 09:52 And only after we have brought our helpless hearts to You 09:56 can we rightly serve others. 09:58 So today we give You our community, our schools, 10:02 our leaders, teachers, parents, and our students. 10:07 But most importantly we hand over to You 10:11 our claim to ourselves. 10:14 We are Yours, use us as You will 10:18 because You are faithful. 10:21 We boldly pray all of this in Jesus name, amen. 30:03 If you didn't bring your Bible pull out the pew Bible 30:05 its page 790 there. 30:11 Here's from the message 30:12 "If you gotten any thing at all out of following Christ, 30:17 if His love has made any difference in you life, 30:21 if being in a community of the Spirit." I like that. 30:23 "If being in a community of the Spirit 30:25 means anything to you, 30:27 if you have a heart, if you care." 30:28 And Peterson italicizes. 30:31 "If you care then do me a favor. 30:34 Agree with each other, love each other, 30:37 be deep-spirited friends. 30:39 Don't push your way to the front, 30:41 don't sweet talk your way to the top. 30:43 Put yourself aside and help others get ahead. 30:47 Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. 30:48 Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." 30:54 You know what we need around here? 30:56 No true, we need, what we need is a front porch. 31:01 I've read a book that is really 31:03 stirred up my thinking this summer. 31:05 Written, by Joseph R Myers title of the book 31:08 "The Search to Belong, Rethinking Intimacy, 31:11 Community, and Small Groups." 31:14 Now, here, here is Myers point he said 31:16 we as Americans are a nation in search of a front porch. 31:23 Do you think about you just-- 31:24 you know when you drive through Berrien Springs 31:27 how many houses in our little community 31:29 have front porches? 31:30 The only ones, isn't this true, 31:31 the only ones are the old, old homesteads with, 31:35 you know, they got to creek 31:38 with a century old collection of memories. 31:40 Only the old houses have the verandas, isn't that right? 31:44 When you go to our where lot of you live these, 31:46 these new developments anybody building front porches anymore? 31:49 Nobody is building them. 31:52 Myer says "we are a nation now in search of a front porch." 31:59 I mean what good is a front porch? 32:02 Have you ever watched Andy Griffith, 32:03 the Andy Griffith show? 32:07 Now, come on don't do you say Andy Griffith who? 32:09 You know, you can notice 32:12 those reruns have been going forever. 32:14 But you know I got to thinking. 32:16 I'm wondering if-- and the students aren't here yet 32:19 but I wonder if the students know the Andy Griffith Show. 32:23 So my PowerPoint man 32:26 the bioengineer student a major here 32:30 just a sharp computer wiz works for ITES 32:32 I think this, he is coming up on his junior year 32:34 and his name is Anthony Willis. 32:36 He is up there in the media mezzanine 32:40 running the PowerPoint right now. 32:41 So I said "I'm gonna check it with Anthony." 32:43 I said, "Anthony, 'look at you're a young man, 32:47 have you ever heard of the Andy Griffith show?" 32:51 He didn't say a word. He went-- 33:00 so we whistled it together. 33:03 And you know what if the college students 33:04 were here right now we would whistle the whole thing. 33:08 But as a faculty you got to be, kind of proper 33:13 but Andy Griffith Show. 33:16 Almost every scene in the Andy Griffith Show 33:18 ended in that twirler moment 33:20 when there was that Sheriff Andy 33:24 and his loveable befriend Aunt Bee 33:29 and right at the OP, you remember OP. 33:32 And then of course the rash well accident-prone 33:35 Deputy Sherriff Barney but they'd that last, 33:38 last moment of the show sitting on a front porch. 33:42 I came across the piece by a guy name Scott Cook. 33:46 I would like this for an essay title 33:47 the "Cultural Significance of the American Front Porch." 33:50 Let me read this to you. 33:51 I put it up on the screen for you. 33:53 "The American front porch." 33:55 What we're missing today. 33:57 "The American front porch further represented 33:58 the ideal of community in America. 34:02 For the front porch existed as a zone 34:04 between the public and the private." 34:05 Its true isn't it. 34:06 "An area that could be shared 34:07 between the sanctity of the home and the community outside. 34:11 The front porch fostered a sense of community in neighborliness. 34:15 In the evening as people moved outdoors, 34:18 the porch served to connect individuals. 34:20 The neighbors from next door might stop by one's house, 34:22 sit on the porch and discuss both 34:24 personal and community issues. 34:26 The couple walking down the street 34:27 might offer a passing 'hello' as they passed house after house 34:31 whose inhabitants rested outdoors." 34:35 Hey, come on guys, that's what America needs. 34:37 We need front porches again that's Myers point. 34:41 And in fact I though this is priesthood 34:43 he makes the observation that this generation 34:46 our culture right, right now 34:48 has actually designed a new front porch. 34:51 We got front porches in America yep, 34:53 all through our suburbs 34:55 right to the heart of the downtown 34:57 across the nation and they're around the world. 35:00 And these front porches have a name 35:05 I'll put it on the screen you recognize the name 35:08 we'll put on the screen. 35:12 Come on don't you, don't you pretend like 35:14 what's Starbucks? 35:18 Isn't that true, you think about it. 35:20 Myers says you know the thing about Starbucks he says 35:23 is it what it's providing for this generation and culture 35:27 is something he calls median space. 35:29 That's the in between space. 35:30 I have my intimate space. 35:31 I have my private space and by the way next Sabbath 35:33 we'll be talking about the four spaces 35:34 that Edward T. Hall has identified that we all have 35:37 and we need to belong in these four spaces. 35:39 I will share that with you next Sabbath. 35:41 But Myers is saying we need this median space 35:43 because I have my intimate space 35:45 that's my house very few people 35:46 come into my house only with my permission. 35:49 And then I have this rough and tumble 35:51 work-a-day world of survival that's my public space 35:55 but I need something in between 35:57 and the Starbucks front porches have become that 36:02 where we can socially and personally. 36:04 It's not about this design or cardboard cup, 36:08 it's about making connection. 36:10 I think Myers is right. 36:11 Come on, faculty isn't he. 36:14 America is a nation seeking a front porch. 36:20 I kind of think... 36:22 that's what Paul is writing about don't you. 36:25 I mean if you got anything 36:26 how is it go here in the message. 36:27 "If you got anything at all out of following Christ, 36:31 if His love has made any difference in you life, 36:33 if being in a community of the Spirit 36:35 means anything to you, if you have a heart, 36:37 if you care then do me a favor. 36:39 Agree with each other love each other, 36:43 be deep spirited friends." 36:46 So here is the question come on, think about this. 36:49 How can we create some front porches around here, 36:51 around this campus because we are thinking campus now? 36:54 But I'm willing to think congregation, 36:55 I'm willing to talk community. 36:57 How can we create some new front porches around this place 37:03 for this deep-spirit of kind of friendship 37:05 to be able to foster and grow? 37:08 When you think about Andrews University 37:09 isn't this true, come on, 37:11 Andrews University we are a small 37:14 but big university. 37:17 I know we are not huge in terms of in roaming across the nation 37:20 but look at how many schools are we. 37:21 I didn't write this down you got to help me. 37:23 How many schools are we? 37:24 We have the college of arts and sciences, is that right? 37:27 Okay, school of education. 37:29 I was kind of wandering my mind across campus. 37:31 School of education, school of business, 37:33 school of technology, school of architecture, 37:38 theological seminary, graduate school, 37:43 Ruth Murdoch Elementary, Andrews Academy. 37:46 Did I leave any out? 37:48 Yeah, it's nine schools. 37:52 But we got 1000s here 37:55 who are from literally almost a 100 nations. 37:57 We got faculty, staff and students 37:59 a very diverse population 38:01 that makes Andrews University, Andrews University. 38:03 So here is the question how can we form community 38:06 in a small but large university like this? 38:11 Ever heard of John Wooden? 38:14 You have to be a sportsman to know John Wooden. 38:16 John Wooden the winningest coach in college basketball. 38:21 He used to coach the UCLA Bruins. 38:22 You, you've heard it, wouldn't have you. 38:24 And in fact, 10 of the 12 years 38:27 they went to the national championship 38:28 they won, winningest coach. 38:31 Somebody came to Wooden one day and said 38:32 "hey, coach, how is that you can-- 38:34 how is that you can form a team 38:37 out of such a desperate bunch of young athletes? 38:40 How do you do it?" 38:42 And Wooden responded 38:43 and I want you think about the team you are on 38:45 because I'm thinking about the team I'm on. 38:46 Let's put Wooden on the screen here. 38:50 "All members of your team." 38:52 All right you're leader of a team. 38:54 You're member of a team. 38:55 "All members of your team must know 38:57 they're wanted, needed and appreciated. 39:03 And it's the leader's job." See I'm thinking of my own team. 39:06 "And it's the leader's job to help them experience value 39:10 through their experience of belonging." 39:13 And then look at this punch line. 39:15 Look at this, folks. 39:16 "We are many but are we much." 39:22 Boy, that's the title of our little 39:24 sharing time this morning. 39:25 We are many, put that on the screen for you 39:29 "We are many but are we much." 39:34 Isn't that what Wooden is suggesting. 39:37 Out of this-- out of the manyness that we are 39:40 and I'm thinking Andrews University. 39:42 God longs to release the muchness of our potential. 39:45 And that muchness doesn't just happen 39:47 because we are walking the sidewalks 39:48 and passing each other. 39:49 It's gonna take this sense of belonging 39:51 it's gonna take the gift of community 39:53 to release that muchness. 39:55 We are many but are we much. 39:57 So I repeat the question, 39:58 how is it that we can form you and I intentionally together 40:02 form some front porches around AndrewsUniversity? 40:09 Let me close with sharing with you 40:11 two or three suggestions 40:12 that may be your kindred spirit might pick up on. 40:15 Just, two or three of them. 40:16 I wanted to make all three of them 40:18 come out of Paul's reflections here in Philippians 2 40:25 but I couldn't make the first one, 40:26 I can't make this first one. 40:28 So, but here is number one. 40:29 We will make it number one anyway. 40:30 Number one, we need front porch breaks around here. 40:37 I want to part of my doctoral work 40:39 I went Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. 40:42 And I'm telling you what, 40:43 just like clock ward midmorning, 40:46 bells ring you know where everybody goes 40:48 not to the next class everybody heads to the campus, 40:52 space in the middle of that university. 40:54 Faculty and students all intermingling. 40:58 Now they have a strange name for it 41:00 they call it a coffee break. 41:07 But it's integrated into their formal scheduling 41:14 and colleagues interact 41:16 and what it if-- it was great for me. 41:18 I mean, see Peter Wagner 41:19 one of the great writers of missiologist 41:22 and I got to go up to him and always he don't 41:24 and you know and I have little O'Jays 41:25 and just to have that moment for interaction. 41:30 I'm afraid now please don't misunderstand me 41:32 but I'm really afraid that we are so driven 41:35 by our Adventist work ethic 41:38 that like busy little bees 41:39 we just keep minding our own business straight until noon 41:42 and when that noon whistle goes up bang, we are gone. 41:45 There is so no chance in the midmorning 41:49 for us to just drop everything 41:52 and have a little front porch break. 41:55 Now, look I'm not suggesting 41:58 that we open up a Starbucks franchise 42:00 like Notre Dame University students. 42:04 I'm not suggesting that at all. 42:05 You know me well enough. 42:08 But we didn't call a post term break. 42:12 We just got to have a break. 42:15 How could number one, how could this front porch break 42:19 become reality here in Andrews University. 42:21 I'm gonna give you a clue. 42:23 I suppose if we got permission from the third floor. 42:29 I wasn't looking at the president. 42:33 I suppose if got permission from the third floor. 42:37 You know, all our take would be a few deans 42:38 I see some deans here. 42:40 We'll just take a few deans a couple of them 42:42 may be two or three departments sharers 42:44 they put their heads together 42:45 and say, hey, you know what, let's do it. 42:46 We have got to have front porch community 42:49 in our department in our share teams 42:52 what do you say we this particular 42:55 10 minute break let's make it social. 42:58 We'll do some special everyday for our majors for us. 43:02 That's all it would take. 43:03 You know Myers is right. We are a nation. 43:06 I want to rephrase Myers 43:08 we are university in search of a front porch. 43:15 And so Paul can come along say "hey please, please 43:19 if you've gone anything at all out of following Christ, 43:23 if His love is made any difference in your life 43:25 if being in a community of the Spirit 43:28 means anything do you, if you have a heart, 43:30 if you care then do me a favor, 43:32 agree with each other love each other, 43:34 be deep spirited friends." 43:37 Don't you really I love that rendition 43:39 be deep-spirited friends. 43:41 Because, that's number two. 43:42 Okay, they're just three of these. 43:44 There must be one of these you can do 43:46 to create front porches in your life. 43:47 But number two, we need front "porch friends" around here. 43:51 Front porch friends. 43:54 I got to read a story to you would you indulge me. 43:58 Joseph Myers, he describes 44:01 when he-- I think its second grade or third grade 44:03 I will see in just a moment but he tells it an incident 44:07 and that's so disappointing 44:08 and our kids are going back to school 44:09 and saw all these little cherubs upfront here moment ago. 44:13 So let me read this in honor of all our, 44:16 our great school teachers who were here. 44:20 "In the second grade," in the second grade all right. 44:23 "I was Jon's best friend, although it was news to me. 44:28 I'm not sure how this happened. 44:29 Mrs. King, our second-grade teacher, 44:31 gave us in assignment to write a report 44:32 and read it to the class. 44:34 The report was to be titled 44:36 'Can You Guess Who My Best Friend Is.' 44:39 And Mrs. King instructed us to begin with this question, 44:43 but not to reveal the answer until the last, 44:46 the very last sentence." 44:48 Despite his Jon, "Jon did not have great social skills. 44:53 What he did have was a hearing disorder. 44:56 His hearing aids were not the almost 44:58 invisible kind available today. 44:59 On his belt, Jon wore a box, 45:01 with wires from the box running unto his shirt 45:04 to a device in and behind his ear. 45:06 The only time this contraption worked to Jon's advantage 45:09 was when he would turn his hearing down 45:11 or often take a nap right in front of the teacher. 45:16 "Despite his disorder," listen to this, 45:19 "Jon always wore a smile. 45:22 We classmates did tried to warm up to Jon. 45:24 I mean, he was very friendly although he talked funny 45:26 because he cannot hear well. 45:27 It was difficult for him to form words 45:29 the rest of us could understand. 45:30 It was painfully difficult both for Jon and for us. 45:35 The day that reports were due" got to turn into day 45:39 "Jon announced that first recess 45:41 that he was going home with me after school. 45:43 I hadn't invited him. 45:45 At least I didn't recall that I had. 45:47 Jon was smiling from ear to ear as he made this his declaration. 45:50 'Have you asked your mom?' I asked. 45:52 I know, I hadn't asked my mother 45:54 which was a breach of our family's 'Friend Etiquette.' 45:57 'Yeths,' he replied it exuberantly. 45:59 'Well, how you're gonna get home?' 46:01 He struggled to explain that he would go home with me 46:04 after school, eat supper with my family 46:06 which was not acquainted with him 46:07 and ride to the baseball game with us. 46:09 His mother would pick him up 46:10 after we 'slaughtered' as he put the other team." 46:14 You see 'Jon and I played on the same Little League team. 46:16 It is probably more accurate to say 46:18 'I played and Jon watched.' 46:21 During the team warm-ups Jon would throw with me. 46:23 Most of my teammates ignored him. 46:25 It was not very adapted at throwing, 46:26 and it was difficult to understand 46:27 and converse with him. 46:28 The coach was afraid to put him, 46:30 fearing he might get hurt due to his inability to hear. 46:32 But Jon's mother wanted him to fit in, to belong. 46:36 When it was time to present the reports, 46:38 Mrs. King called us up in an alphabetical order. 46:41 Jon's surname slated him last. 46:45 As he moved to the front of the room, 46:46 the class grew tense. 46:48 How would you Jon do? 46:49 Would we be able to understand him? 46:51 Whom would he pick as his best friend? 46:54 Jon struggled to shape words through his beaming smile. 46:57 He could hardly wait to get to the last sense 46:59 so he could proudly announce to the world 47:00 who his best friend was. 47:02 He was not nervous, 47:03 he had practiced hard to stand before us. 47:04 The class understood about half of what Jon said, 47:07 although it became clear that he would pick me. 47:10 The entire length of his report he kept looking at me." 47:16 I just love it. again you see it. 47:18 "And at one point even smiling and pointing to me. 47:22 And then he concluded 47:24 'An myne est friend isth Gio Myerths.' 47:30 That was years ago. 47:33 I had a question then. I have a question now. 47:36 How did this happen without my knowledge? 47:39 How could I be his best friend? 47:41 Did this mean he had to become mine?" 47:46 You know what... 47:49 we have a few people like little Jon 47:55 around this university in our departments, 48:00 in our classrooms, in the third floor, 48:03 the second floor, first floor, 48:05 basement I'm okay where it is 48:07 we got people that are hungry for somebody to notice me. 48:13 We've very full congregation on Sabbath 48:16 do you know there're people 48:17 who come here and don't meet a soul. 48:20 They go home and eat alone Sabbath after Sabbath. 48:25 I have no idea why they keep coming back. 48:30 Next Sabbath I'm going to share with you 48:31 the results of a survey of this congregation. 48:34 I will share a few of those thoughts with you. 48:38 You know what, ladies and gentlemen, 48:39 we need front porch friends around here. 48:42 I know our friendship circles oh, it's too large. 48:45 I can't add, I can't add too more strangers to this. 48:47 Oh, yes you can. Yes, you can. 48:51 There is a Jon here, there is a little Jon here 48:54 that would just love it, 48:56 if you could become as best friend, 48:58 if you could become her friend. 49:02 If you would have room on your front porch 49:03 if you only would for him to rock with you. 49:10 See we need, we need front porch breaks around here. 49:14 We need front porch friends around here 49:17 and then I want to put it on the screen. 49:21 This is the third we also need around here. 49:32 I'm looking at the monitor and I left out a quotation. 49:35 Its so good I'm gonna mess up 49:38 and go back to the quotation can you do that. 49:40 Will that will be okay. This, this is just choice. 49:41 Karen and I when we have our worships together 49:45 we have been reading a little book 49:46 maybe you never heard of it, 49:47 it's called "Sons and Daughters of God." 49:50 And the other day when we are reading 49:52 we came across this line 49:53 and this is too good to skip over. 49:55 And so thanking Anthony for just stealing yourself 49:58 and holding that slide on the screen. 49:59 I want to put something to-- this little quotation. 50:01 Would you, would you take a look at it. 50:03 Take look at there on the screen. 50:05 The author writes "Things will go wrong with everyone." 50:08 Let me ask you something, do things go wrong in your life? 50:09 Come on, be honest. 50:10 Hey, things go wrong with me all the time, don't they? 50:16 You too, "Things will go wrong with every one, 50:18 sadness and discouragement press every soul 50:21 then a personal presence." 50:23 Somebody shows up "a friend 50:26 who will comfort and impart strength 50:28 will turn back the darts of the enemy 50:30 that are aimed to destroy. 50:33 Christian friends are not half as plentiful as they should be. 50:36 In hours of temptation in a crisis, 50:38 what a value is a true friend! 50:41 Oh, such help is worth more than precious pearls." 50:46 Hey, guys I have never owned a pearl in my life 50:50 but I want you to know I want friends bad. 50:53 I want to have a friend. 50:55 Don't you. 50:57 Yeah. 51:00 Oh, "If you have got anything it all out of following Christ, 51:03 if His love has made any difference in your life, 51:05 if being in a community of the Spirit 51:06 means anything to you, if you have a heart, 51:08 if you care then do me a favor. 51:11 Agree with each other, love each other, 51:13 be deep-spirited friends." 51:16 Three of them, you take the one that works for you. 51:18 Number one, we need "front porch" breaks. 51:21 Number two, we need 51:22 "front porch" friends around here. 51:24 And finally, number three, 51:25 we need "front porch" groups around here. 51:28 Circles of--small circles of men, women and young adults 51:31 who are committed to this, this Pauline Passion 51:36 to develop and grow deep-spirited friendship. 51:39 We need them around here. 51:42 In fact, you think about it the early church 51:44 in the Book of Acts there is no question. 51:46 The secret to their explosive growth 51:49 was their front porch communities. 51:50 Let me, let me put it on the screen for you 51:52 Acts Chapter 2 take a look of this verse 46 and 47. 51:57 "So continuing daily with one accord." 51:59 Describing the infant church. 52:00 "Continuing daily with one accord in the temple, 52:02 and breaking bread from house to house." 52:04 You can go ahead and read that. 52:06 "From front porch to front porch, 52:08 because they were socialized. 52:09 They were going from house to house and sharing food. 52:12 "Breaking bread from front porch to front porch 52:14 they ate their food with gladness 52:16 and simplicity of heart, 52:18 praising God and having favor with all the people." 52:22 You think about it the front porch of community 52:25 is what led that early church 52:26 to have such a dramatic impact with the pagan society. 52:29 You know what the pagans are saying 52:31 "see, how these Christians love one and another." 52:34 Wow. 52:38 Front porch communities 52:40 are the secret of the early church. 52:41 Now I got two little bits of good news to pass on to you. 52:47 Number one, you need to know there is a-- 52:49 there is a front porch small groups 52:52 somewhere in this university or community 52:54 that is just perfect for you. 52:56 I'm gonna talk about now 52:58 we will deal with it next Sabbath 52:59 but I do want to draw your attention 53:01 because this is in your bulletin. 53:02 See this little purple piece of paper. 53:04 Our leadership team for our small groups' ministry 53:06 put this together. 53:08 You can take it home there is code word 53:10 to get into the website it shows the different groups. 53:13 I wish you were just got to feel a bit risky 53:16 and check out this web site. 53:18 Andrews University, 53:20 our small groups that are beginning to form. 53:23 That's all I want to say about it 53:24 but if you would like to be open to a front porch small community 53:29 I'll just bet you there is one here ready for you. 53:32 May be you'll be the one to get one going I don't know. 53:35 So hang on to this don't throw it away when you leave. 53:37 Take this little purple piece of paper home 53:38 it has to code word on it 53:39 and you just move into that site. 53:41 But here is the other bit of I think it is good news 53:43 and you need to hear this. 53:46 And that is you don't have to join a small group 53:51 in order to experience community and belonging. 53:56 I got that from reading Joseph Myers book, 53:59 The Search to Belong. 54:01 And I must tell you that when I read that 54:03 that was just kind of like this, this almost inaudible 54:09 because I know sometimes when I deal with the subject 54:10 and may be when you, when you read other literature 54:13 its almost suggesting that 54:14 if you're not a part of small group my man, 54:16 "A" you're not a good Christian 54:17 and "B" you don't know the meaning of community 54:19 and "C" what's matter your sense of belonging. 54:21 You almost feel guilty for not joining a small group. 54:25 But Myers says no, no, no, 54:27 what every human shares is this, need to belong. 54:31 We've got four different spaces we talk about that next week. 54:33 Four different spaces where 54:34 we could find that need fulfilled. 54:37 Not everybody has to join a small group to belong 54:39 but I need to quickly say 54:42 if you're working with a little stereo type 54:44 of what a small group is 54:45 I want you to just abandon that for a few days. 54:49 I hope to reshape that. 54:52 Because it may be that for you 54:54 the very kind of belonging you're hungry for 54:57 can only come through a front porch small community. 55:02 Sign on that purple piece of paper. 55:05 That there are three of them ladies and gentlemen, 55:06 number one, we need small, we need, 55:08 we need "front porch" breaks around here. 55:11 Number two, we need 55:12 "front porch" friends around here. 55:13 Number three, we need "front porch" groups around here 55:16 because you know why, we need Jesus that's it. 55:20 I mean you think about it all three of these suggestions 55:22 really centered down in the Lord Jesus Himself. 55:25 Because who would you rather have 55:29 for a front porch break than the one who says come to Me. 55:32 Hey, hey are you-- are you worn up 55:34 and you hasn't even started yet 55:35 come to Me, I will give you rest. 55:38 He is the perfect front porch break that you and I need. 55:41 Who better to have as a front porch friend 55:43 than Jesus Himself who when He looks into our faces 55:45 before He goes up to cavalry 55:47 he says "by the way guys I need you to know 55:49 I have called you friends." 55:52 I mean who better to have in a front porch small group 55:56 than the same Jesus who said 55:58 where two of three of you get together 56:00 in My name I'm there. 56:02 Ladies and gentlemen, it all centers on Jesus. 56:05 We're just why Paul after he makes this 56:07 impassioned appeal for community 56:09 the very next verse, verse 5 56:11 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." 56:18 Because you see when you have the mind in to Christ 56:20 I kind of like to read that 56:21 when you have the heart of Christ 56:24 you are in search just like Jesus 56:27 for another front porch. 56:30 Hey, listen I don't know a lot, 56:31 you're lot brighter than I am but this much I know 56:36 sooner or later if you follow Jesus sooner or later 56:41 you're gonna end up on the front porch 56:46 and when I think about all of us 56:48 it occurs to me that sooner would be a whole life better. 56:58 Let me take one more moment of your time to let you know 57:00 that one of the blessings I receive from this telecast 57:03 is being in touch with viewers like you all across Michigan 57:06 and our nation and literally the world. 57:08 I'm humbled and honored 57:10 with your sharing of journey with us. 57:11 Sometimes it's a Bible question, 57:13 other time it's an observation or suggestion 57:15 and sometimes just a note 57:16 to share a prayer or a prayer request. 57:18 I'd love to hear from you and it's so easy to be in touch. 57:21 Just go to our Pioneer Memorial Church website 57:24 and click on contact 57:28 and then the word pastor 57:30 and then jot down the message you wish to send. 57:32 If you have a prayer request click on those words 57:35 or call our toll free number 1-877-HIS-WILL 57:40 and I promise you that our prayer partners 57:42 will lift your personal need to God. 57:43 Because nobody should have to journey alone, 57:46 not only do we have Jesus but we also have each other. 57:49 So write me won't you at 57:53 In the mean time may the God whose mercy 57:55 continually runs after us be with you 24/7 57:59 every step of the way. 58:01 I'll see you again right here next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17