New Perceptions

Lessons From The White Spider, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP081509

00:59 Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee
01:03 God of glory, Lord of love
01:07 Hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee
01:11 Hail Thee as the sun above
01:15 Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
01:19 Drive the dark of doubt away
01:23 Giver of immortal gladness
01:27 Fill us with the light of day!
01:34 All Thy works with joy surrounded Thee
01:38 Earth and heav'n reflect Thy rays
01:42 Stars and angels sing around Thee
01:46 Center of unbroken praise
01:50 Field and forest, vale and mountain
01:55 Bloss'ming meadow, flashing sea
01:59 Chanting bird and flowing fountain
02:03 Call us to rejoice in Thee
02:09 Thou art giving and forgiving
02:13 Ever blessing, ever blest
02:17 Wellspring of the joy of living
02:21 Ocean depth of happy rest!
02:26 Thou the Father Christ our Brother
02:31 All who live in love are Thine
02:35 Teach us how to love each other
02:39 Lift us to the joy divine
05:41 I think it's just two, this Sabbath
05:43 and next children story and second service
05:45 and then the college kids will be here
05:48 and then you want to get mom and dad come to first church
05:51 where we have it every week.
05:55 Nice to have you, oh we got a group, nice to have you.
06:00 Are any of youfreshmen here at Andrews University?
06:04 You're going to be freshmen?
06:05 Yes, you are, yes you are Jesus doesn't come one day
06:09 you will be He doesn't come soon.
06:12 Nice to have you.
06:13 All right, everybody here?
06:15 Good and have you had a good summer?
06:18 Has it been a good summer?
06:19 How many days until school starts for you?
06:20 How many have school starting this next week?
06:22 Anybody having school starting in this next week
06:24 a few of you do.
06:25 Some schools will start last week.
06:27 And then how many the following week?
06:29 Ruth Murdoch? How man Ruth Murdoch?
06:31 Good, good, good, good, good, all right.
06:34 So here is the perfect, here is the perfect story
06:36 for the end of summer, would that be all right.
06:38 My friend, Alys Williams spotted this story
06:41 and she send it to me
06:42 and we need to have something upfront in order to do this,
06:45 so kids, can you just move back,
06:46 just a little this way because someone is coming
06:48 through the door right now.
06:49 Our deacons are bringing them.
06:50 Let's see here they come.
06:54 Boy, can you hear the engines?
06:57 Here they come, yep there is the first one.
07:00 What is that?
07:02 Oh my, is that a real jeep.
07:05 All right, stay down guys because it's coming in your way,
07:07 coming through.
07:08 Deacon Jones is bringing it right to the front.
07:11 Did any of you had this little drive around cars
07:13 in your drive way when you were a little, did you?
07:16 Oh, you know that-- oh, here comes another fancy model
07:19 right behind,
07:21 you know where we got this, don't you?
07:22 No.
07:23 Somebody traded them in for cash for clunkers
07:25 and so that's how they-- they want to get a new car.
07:28 See, you don't know about that but that's what they do.
07:31 Okay, now nobody is touching, nobody is touching,
07:33 everybody is watching.
07:35 Oh, the story today has to do with one these
07:38 and I need to say, a special thank you to my friend
07:41 Aunt Lona and Uncle Bud
07:42 because that's what my kids call them
07:44 when they were grown up
07:45 but Bud Chapman used to be sheriff.
07:47 Late last night we were still looking for these
07:49 and they found this one, their little grandson Alex
07:51 had that to quarter to ten last night.
07:54 And then somebody remembered
07:55 a Sabbath school room this morning had this.
07:56 Okay, let's look at this one because this one,
07:59 both of these are cars you can actually go,
08:02 you can go inside these and drive them, we won't try it.
08:06 This is a little smaller chap the story today
08:09 that happened this summer
08:10 has to do with this one right here.
08:12 Almost just like that.
08:14 So look at this one, because little Demetrius Jones,
08:19 three years old, that seem like a very long name
08:21 for a little boy, Demetrius Jones.
08:23 Anybody here three years old?
08:25 Be proud of it, put your hand up if you're three--
08:27 you're three, three your size, your size, your size, all right?
08:32 Demetrius is so excited and said,
08:33 hey, grandma and grandpa, are you telling me the truth,
08:36 I get to go with you to Peace River Island
08:40 for camping this weekend?
08:41 They live up in BC that's British Columbia,
08:45 all right that's in Canada.
08:46 You really mean it,
08:48 I get to go up with you to camping?
08:51 They said, yes Demetrius, you're gonna be--
08:53 are you gonna be will you be
08:54 because your mom and dad aren't coming
08:55 will you be obedient,
08:57 will you be helpful around the trailer?
08:58 Oh, yes I will.
09:00 Good, you're coming with us.
09:03 So can I take-- can I take my--
09:05 can I take my little driving truck?
09:08 All right, we'll put it in the back of the pickup truck
09:10 and so they put the little driving truck
09:12 in the back of their pickup truck
09:14 drove up to Peace River Island
09:18 and they set up their trailer.
09:19 Oh, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
09:22 because it was in the evening when they set up.
09:24 Tomorrow, tomorrow I get to ride
09:26 my little truck tomorrow I can hardly wait.
09:29 And so when they tuck little Demetrius into bed,
09:34 they promised him in the morning,
09:37 in the morning guess, who woke up early?
09:40 Demetrius.
09:42 Demetrius, you are absolutely right
09:44 because he wanted to do what?
09:45 Ride.
09:46 He wanted to ride his truck.
09:48 He woke up so early that grandma and grandpa--
09:53 that's how grandpa sleeps.
09:56 And he said, I don't want to wake,
09:58 I don't want to wake grandma and grandpa up.
10:00 So he said, I'm gonna go outside
10:04 and I'm gonna just ride my little truck.
10:07 It had a little motor on it I don't know what those are
10:10 must be very nice.
10:11 As it owned by daddy's okay, you knew all about them.
10:14 All right, so he got in his little truck,
10:20 people are sleeping in the campground,
10:22 you don't want awake them up with the loud truck.
10:24 So he's driving quietly.
10:27 You know, grandma and grandpa got up,
10:29 they got up and looked around hey,
10:33 hey, Demetrius where are you?
10:35 He's been ascending.
10:36 Hey, Demetrius, so grandpa got out
10:39 on the Peace River Island campground.
10:43 Demetrius, are you here? No answer.
10:48 Grandma, where is the truck? It's gone.
10:51 Oh, no. I bet he went running off.
10:55 He's probably visiting all the campus,
10:57 they went for camper to camper to camper no,
10:59 we never seen a little boy with a little truck.
11:00 No, we never seen a little boy with a little truck.
11:03 And then they look down to the flowing, raging river,
11:09 no, you can't--
11:11 then he would have left this truck right there,
11:12 no, he's not there soon they call the--
11:15 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, they came in.
11:18 They said how was he about this three years old.
11:20 Once he go by Demetrius they send out search parties
11:23 everywhere for two hours.
11:26 They searched for little Demetrius every road
11:28 they could think of, no sign of him.
11:31 Until two hours later, 12 kilometer away
11:38 somebody spotted a little boy on a make believe truck
11:44 that is turned upside down,
11:47 flowing in the raging river.
11:52 The rescuer dive into the frigid British Columbia waters
11:57 he swam out, the truck was upside down, Demetrius--
12:01 the rescuer grabbed him, haul him to the shore.
12:09 For 12 kilometers that's 7.5 miles,
12:12 he rode his truck down the river,
12:15 nobody saw him and eventually it rolled over
12:19 and the three year old boy knew
12:22 how to crawl up onto the bottom of the truck.
12:26 And hang on for dear life.
12:29 I got to see a picture of Demetrius Jones right now.
12:32 Let's put it on the screen.
12:33 There he is put on the big screen,
12:35 there he is.
12:37 Look at him, almost looks like this one doesn't it.
12:39 Let's see a close up of Demetrius Jones,
12:42 oh, does he look happy to be back
12:44 with grandma and grandpa of what?
12:46 Do you think he will ever do that again?
12:49 No. No way.
12:52 Oh, but I thought what a story for the end of summer
12:55 because who protects us even when we're in danger,
13:02 summer, fall, winter, spring, who protects us?
13:05 God. God does.
13:07 He has a guardian angel.
13:10 You know what, anytime God saves somebody's like
13:13 He saved yours do you know what it means?
13:15 It means, He has a special plan for you.
13:19 He's got a plan for Demetrius, He has a plan for you.
13:22 How many want to thank Jesus for bringing you all the way
13:25 through the summer safely with one hand
13:28 and then with the other hand say,
13:29 Jesus, may Your special plan for me
13:32 come true as I stay close to You.
13:36 Let's fold our hands put your hands together,
13:38 close your eyes.
13:39 Oh, dear Jesus, thank you for that story
13:41 that the guardian angel that save Demetrius,
13:45 you have guardian angels for all these children
13:47 and their mommas and daddies please Jesus,
13:50 because you have a plan for the new year keep us
13:54 close to You every step of the way.
13:57 We pray in Your name, amen.
14:01 As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats.
14:03 You just say, Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you.
14:43 O Lord my God!
14:47 When I in awesome wonder
14:52 Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
15:01 I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
15:09 Thy pow'r thro'out the universe displayed
15:18 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
15:28 How great Thou art,
15:32 how great Thou art!
15:36 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
15:45 How great Thou art,
15:50 how great Thou art!
15:59 And when I think that God, His Son not sparing
16:08 Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
16:18 That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing
16:27 He bled and died to take away my sin
16:37 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
16:47 How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
16:57 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
17:07 How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
17:23 When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
17:33 And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
17:42 Then I shall bow in humble adoration
17:53 And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!
18:03 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
18:14 How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
18:24 Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
18:35 How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
18:55 Oh, Father, we lived all of our heart up to You.
18:59 What do we say, You are the great one.
19:04 You are so great, you are so good
19:09 and we are so honored to be in Your presence.
19:11 We linger little longer, surely there is a word
19:14 You have for us from Holy Script make it clear please
19:19 and may relieve with the certain sense
19:22 of Your greatness and Your goodness
19:25 in Jesus name, amen.
19:28 Amen. Be seated please.
19:32 Oh, "How Great God is," amen and amen.
19:41 I want to you ask the permission of those of you
19:44 who are visiting here maybe for the first time
19:46 or just visiting we're glad to have you
19:48 but I need your permission to just have
19:50 a little family moment with the congregation here
19:53 we've been away for a six weeks.
19:56 I want to share a series of three little snapshots.
19:58 Let's just do this
19:59 and it's the third snapshot that will all get into
20:03 but let me just put the first snapshot
20:05 by a way of a testimony "How Great God Is."
20:07 These are little end of summer testimonies to God's goodness,
20:11 that's-- that's the manuscript that's 366 pages of a manuscript
20:17 and I want to thank this congregation
20:19 for your faithful prayer partnership in praying me
20:25 through the finishing of that manuscript
20:28 for devotional book coming out in a while.
20:33 One page for everyday it will come out on a leap year
20:37 and the years actually it's 2012
20:38 we will have forgotten the book by them but that's okay.
20:41 Book is due January 1, 2010
20:44 and so I knew that after December there will be no way
20:46 we could do anymore work on it
20:48 and so thank you for your-- your prayer partnership.
20:54 You know, there were times because you were praying it
20:58 just was a sense that God even gets into the writing process
21:03 that I just want to say, "How Great God Is."
21:05 So thank you very much, title of the book,
21:07 I think the Review and Herald Publishing Association
21:09 has coming out with the book
21:10 and they have to send it through all these committees
21:11 and you know and then book will gone say, I think in 2011.
21:17 But the title of book its been chosen is, "The Chosen."
21:21 It's a theological and spiritual profile of God's
21:23 last generation on earth and it has--
21:26 I hope it will be a very practical
21:28 how to component to the book
21:30 that will be helpful I'm praying.
21:32 So God is good and thank you again for your--
21:35 your prayer partnership.
21:36 All right snapshot number two let me put that up
21:39 because it's a one more family moment here
21:40 we can put that on the screen.
21:42 That's a picture of our brand new daughter-in-law,
21:45 Chelsea Knowlton Nelson.
21:47 That's a picture of Kirk
21:48 and Chelsea just two Sundays ago
21:51 in the beautiful state of Vermont they God married
21:54 and they we're so excited to have another family member
21:57 in our tribe, Chelsea's dad is an OB/GYN over there.
22:00 They lived for years in Vermont.
22:03 And so their family planned for the wedding
22:05 to take place on Lake Champlain,
22:07 which is Lake between New York and Vermont
22:11 and a little dinner cruise ship it took place.
22:14 You know it's pouring down rain
22:15 just as we're getting ready to start
22:17 and then God just at that last moment lifted--
22:20 lifted the clouds and we had a beautiful sunset.
22:23 They got sunset on that little ship.
22:26 And so let me just show you one more picture
22:28 because those are our kids.
22:30 Here they are, that's Christian,
22:32 Andrews you know Andrews medical
22:33 with the US army range is as down at Fort Knox.
22:35 And I want you count that's one, two, three, four
22:37 because I'm looking for the day
22:38 when that picture will become five and six.
22:42 I'm figuring probably go up to 20
22:44 and so you see my kids you let them know.
22:49 But you know thank it
22:50 because I know congregations pray
22:52 especially for all the pastor's kids that are on the staff.
22:56 And thank you for all the prayers,
22:57 you've prayed for all the children
22:58 on our pastoral staff here
23:00 for what you've done for us, thank you.
23:01 "How great God is", halleluiah.
23:04 Now-- now you can come in, you visitors join us now.
23:08 Because I want to show a picture in a moment,
23:11 that would be of not the tallest mountain in Europe
23:16 it's not the tallest but it is a more treacherous
23:19 and challenging mountain
23:21 to be climbed even today in Europe.
23:24 When we were over in with the skill of architecture,
23:27 back in June in Italy for the Waldensians
23:30 where they were shooting a documentary over there
23:32 with Cathy Dempsey.
23:34 After it was over we slipped up to Switzerland
23:37 because we want to celebrate Karen and I
23:38 our 35th anniversary.
23:40 And so we found a little place there
23:42 did it all online you know
23:44 and when we woke up the first morning
23:46 I want you to see the picture
23:47 out of that little tiny apartment
23:49 in the village of Grindelwald, Switzerland.
23:52 You're looking there ladies and gentlemen, that is Eiger.
23:54 They don't even call it Mount Eiger it's just Eiger.
23:59 13,042 feet tallest so it's not the tallest.
24:04 But you see-- you see the front of it,
24:06 that is a 5,000 foot vertical face.
24:11 It was not conquered for decades.
24:15 Fertility after fertility of men intrepid men
24:19 wanting to go up that vertical face.
24:21 The first successful climb and I found all of these out
24:25 in a little village bookstore,
24:26 I brought a book call "The White Spider."
24:29 Because "The White Spider" is the nick name
24:31 they've given Eiger.
24:33 If you look up on that close up now
24:35 there is patch of vertical ice and snow
24:38 you have to traverse it to go to the summit.
24:42 And it is a deadly patch because in the summer
24:45 because you wouldn't climb it in the winter
24:47 in the summer even the melting of the sun
24:50 releases little particles of ice and snow
24:53 that become projectiles and missiles
24:57 and by the time you get to this white spider patch,
25:01 you just have to pray
25:03 that you will make it across that patch
25:05 without being striker.
25:06 Many plunge to their death
25:08 because of the falling projectiles.
25:10 This is a story the first successful ascent July 21
25:13 to July 24, 1938 by Heinrich Harrer the part--
25:18 they were six starting only four made it to the summit.
25:21 So it gives you an idea
25:23 of the magnitude to that challenge.
25:25 Now why talk about the "White Spider" at all,
25:26 here is why?
25:28 Because it occurs to me at this moment
25:29 in this waning movement of this summer,
25:32 there are massive white spiders
25:35 towering in front of our civilization and our nation.
25:39 This crazy economy that we were talking about when we left,
25:43 nothing is changed that little whistling by the cemetery
25:46 in the dark business of it's all okay now
25:48 don't believe the whistles.
25:52 This economy, this whole thing with the healthcare
25:56 debate, I mean, you're following all that.
25:58 Afghanistan we have these massive white spiders today,
26:02 that impeding the progress
26:03 but here is deal about a mountain,
26:05 you can either go up it or you can go back,
26:08 you can't go around it.
26:10 The white spiders that faced the human race
26:12 are gonna have to be ascended somehow
26:14 and by the way flip it over, forgot--
26:16 forget the global white spiders.
26:18 We all have our personal white spiders,
26:21 we have these looming, towering mount financial peaks
26:26 that are blocking us right now,
26:27 I'll never be able to make it to that top,
26:30 we have physical summits.
26:32 I'm talking about our health.
26:33 We've got emotional, we have social,
26:37 we have academic mountains, somebody you're freshman
26:40 just come into this campus we are so excited to have you.
26:44 God has led you here
26:45 and you're in front of incredible event year
26:47 but some of view with feeling like a
26:49 massive white spider right now.
26:51 There is no way I can get through this.
26:52 Oh, you can.
26:55 It's because we all had and face our white spiders
26:58 that we're beginning today at little,
26:59 mini little two patter, call lessons from the "White Spider"
27:04 two mountain climbing stories from the Old Testament,
27:07 today and next Sabbath
27:09 and then we plunged into a new school
27:10 because everybody will be back.
27:13 Two stories with fresh hope and courage,
27:16 don't want you to be discouraged.
27:19 Either go up or you go back and God says
27:21 I'm not let you go back you've got to go up,
27:23 we'll climb this, we'll make it by God's grace.
27:27 Story number one today,
27:29 I wish we can put an 85 year-old-man right here.
27:32 Is there anybody here who is man and who is 85 years old.
27:35 I promise I will not make come up on this platform but
27:40 I kind of visualize what an 85 man would--
27:43 85 year old man would look like today.
27:45 Anybody proud to be 85?
27:47 You're not so proud, are you?
27:51 We had some put their hands up in first church.
27:53 If we can 85 year old man right here
27:56 by the way is 85 young?
28:00 No, it's not young.
28:01 Is it old?
28:02 Oh, I don't know that we say so why we just agree
28:05 its middle age, middle age, all right.
28:07 If we can put an 85 year old man right here,
28:10 we could then begin to visualize the story
28:13 that's about to unfold.
28:14 His name meant Dog.
28:15 Now I know that in Roman culture that's not a very,
28:17 that's not a very complementary kind of name,
28:20 you call somebody a dog.
28:22 And yet he's one of the greatest unsung heroes
28:26 in the entire Old Testament.
28:28 When he's comes on the scene in our story today,
28:30 he's 85 years old, subtract 40
28:33 he would have been subtract 45 rather
28:36 that would I made him 40 those number are important
28:40 as you see as we open up the Bibles right now.
28:41 Let's go to the story without any further delay.
28:44 The sixth book of the Bible Joshua,
28:46 go to the Book at Joshua, find Joshua Chapter 14 please.
28:51 By the way I've be in the new International Version today,
28:54 if you didn't bring a Bible, oh, please find--
28:57 find the pew Bible right in front of you,
29:00 it'll be the New King James Version
29:01 not too much difference.
29:03 I'm thinking though I'm gonna be preaching
29:04 in the NIV again this fall.
29:07 I'm getting my New King James rebound
29:11 because the cover just tore apart.
29:12 By the way I have a woman that I know
29:15 if you have a Bible that needs to be recovered
29:17 you just get all to me you're watching on television,
29:19 you get hold of us that I'll give you a phone number
29:21 and you can get it done.
29:22 She did this one and did a beautiful, beautiful job.
29:24 So this is-- in the pew Bible that's,
29:26 we page 159 Joshua Chapter 14,
29:30 Joshua Chapter 14.
29:33 Lessons from the "White Spider"
29:36 the story of man name the Dog.
29:38 Joshua Chapter 14 let's pick it up in verse 6.
29:44 Joshua 14:6, "Now the men of Judah
29:46 approached Joshua at Gilgal,
29:49 and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him,"
29:53 hit the pause button right there,
29:55 he said to him but hold it right there.
29:57 We need to sense of what's happening in the story.
29:59 For five years now the children of Israel
30:05 now we used to sing this is kids in Sabbath school.
30:07 Didn't we sing a song about
30:08 the Walls of Jericho came tumbling down,
30:10 was isn't a some kind of a song like that,
30:11 the Walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
30:13 It's been five years since Jericho collapsed
30:16 and they conquered the first city of the new Promised Land.
30:20 I wish the story where win, win, win, win, win, win, win
30:22 but the story goes like win, win, loss
30:24 and it was bitter loss win, win, win.
30:27 It's all another story
30:28 in that bitter loss and the tragic lesson
30:30 they had to learn in the hard way.
30:32 But five years now they-- they've been--
30:34 they've been conquering piece by piece
30:36 until most-- most of Canon now
30:38 is ready to become the Promised Land
30:40 that God has given to the children of Israel.
30:42 That's when the story happens here
30:44 and these men of Judah approached.
30:45 Verse 6 again, "Now the men of Judah approached Joshua
30:48 at Gilgal, and Caleb" whose name means "dog"
30:53 there he is right there, Caleb
30:55 "and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to Joshua,"
30:59 I need to tell you hold, hold just a moment.
31:01 Kenizzite listen it, this is fascinating,
31:04 scholars believe some do,
31:07 the Caleb was a descended of Kenaz the grandson of Issa.
31:12 So the children of Israel all descendents of Jacob
31:14 so he's almost like a distant cousin all right?
31:17 Grandson of-- a grandson of Issa
31:19 and the Caleb was a proselyte one of the mix multitude
31:23 who join the children of Israel
31:25 in that midnight flight the Exodus from Egypt,
31:30 which is probably a shirt tail cousin of Moses
31:33 who is related to the Canaanites.
31:35 So isn't that something, he is part of the mix multitude
31:39 who became a radical believer, his name Metdog.
31:43 Caleb starts to speak here in verse 6, he says to Joshua,
31:49 ''You know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God
31:53 at Kadesh Barnea about you and me."
31:56 Because there is something very special about
31:57 Caleb and Joshua.
31:59 Kadesh Barnea by the way code words,
32:01 code words for the more meltdown.
32:04 Do you think God planned on Israel
32:05 taken 40 years to conquer,
32:08 the wilderness between them in the Promised Land.
32:10 You're kidding he wanted to be a matter of months.
32:13 Remember the story, 12 spies go in 10 spies comeback.
32:17 Massive walls no way
32:18 hosay we can never take this land two spies spoke up.
32:22 And then God made a promise all right.
32:26 Everybody in the age of 20,
32:28 you're not going in only these two.
32:31 So Caleb is reminding Joshua,
32:33 you and I, we're the only ones living left,
32:37 Caleb says to Joshua now you know
32:38 what the Lord say to Moses the man of God
32:40 at Kadesh Barnea about you and me.
32:41 ''I was forty years old
32:42 when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me
32:44 from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land.
32:46 And I brought him back a report according to my convictions
32:49 but" verse 8, "my brothers who went up with me
32:51 made the hearts of the people melt with fear.
32:53 I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.
32:56 So," verse 9, "on that day Moses swore to me,
32:59 you heard it Joshua,
33:00 ''The land on which your feet
33:02 Caleb have walked will be your inheritance
33:05 and that of your children forever,
33:06 because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.'
33:10 Now then, just as the Lord promised," I love this,
33:14 "he has kept me alive for forty-five years
33:17 since he said this to Moses."
33:19 He has kept me alive.
33:24 You think about it Caleb is the second oldest man
33:25 in the community, he is 85, Joshua was older.
33:28 Everybody else is a little berry mound
33:31 on those hot wilderness sense.
33:32 Nobody is left, he's kept me alive.
33:37 You know when I read those words,
33:39 I think of the senior citizens in this congregation,
33:42 who can make the same testimony,
33:44 the Lord has kept me alive all these years, halleluiah.
33:51 We are so blessed to have you that God has to couched
33:57 and nurtured to your senior years in this congregation.
34:02 Now I won't say a word to the young
34:03 because their few young over here.
34:07 The commentary on this verse in Joshua,
34:10 by the way I called up, I called up the great
34:13 such a dear friend Professor Leona Running,
34:15 the great Hebrew professor in our theological seminar.
34:18 She is 93 years young now.
34:20 I called her up this last week I said, Leona
34:21 you-- you're the only one that knows
34:23 who wrote the different books
34:25 of the Bible commentary in our commentary series.
34:28 So who wrote the book,
34:30 who wrote the commentary for Joshua said,
34:31 I'll call you back she checked it all out,
34:34 RO Christiansen some of you might remember
34:36 that name wrote the book on Joshua.
34:39 Now I want put for those who are young, this is,
34:41 this is not for the aged,
34:43 this is not quote for you, this is for the young.
34:45 I want put it on the screen for you,
34:47 "The reward of a life of virtuous youth
34:52 and temperate manhood, by nature's own law,
34:55 is ordinarily" that's a key word,
34:57 "usually a vigorous, healthy, and respected old age.
35:03 'Loyalty to God had apparently preserved Caleb
35:06 from the dissipating sin of his fellow Israelites.
35:08 He had not indulged appetite as they had,
35:10 nor had he lost sleep and rest at night
35:13 struggling with a painted conscience
35:15 His abstemious his self control life
35:18 had paid off in dividends in this life,
35:21 and now" in our story "he presented himself
35:23 before Joshua with undiminished strength at an age
35:27 when most others had already been called from this life."
35:32 I want to say something that you who are young.
35:35 Don't you believe, don't get snookered by society
35:41 which will call you to sow all the vow
35:44 those you want right now,
35:46 I'm telling you what it isn't worth it, whatever--
35:50 whatever a man saws he's gonna eventually reap.
35:53 So here is the deal, don't you be at all,
35:56 don't you be at all ashamed about living virtuously,
36:01 healthfully, righteously and faithfully.
36:04 You live that way, you live it boldly
36:06 and one day if Jesus doesn't come soon
36:09 your life can be extended
36:10 just when the community faith will be needing you.
36:13 You start right now.
36:16 Look at Caleb, read verse 10 again,
36:19 "Now then, just as the Lord promised,
36:21 he has kept me alive for forty-five years
36:23 since the time he said this to Moses,
36:25 while Israel moved about in the desert.
36:27 Here I am today" can you see that 85 years old saying this.
36:29 And by the way, they didn't live to be 200,
36:32 Joshua lived to be 101
36:33 so he is the equivalent of 85 year old man today.
36:37 We just beg that the last survivor
36:39 World War I was is a 109.
36:42 So it's our-it's within our age bracket now.
36:45 Here I am today what did he say,
36:46 so here I am today eighty-five years old,
36:48 "I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out,
36:51 I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now
36:53 as I was then, Now give me"
36:55 and I love it in the New King James,
36:57 "Now give me this mountain" I want this mountain,
37:00 I'm 85 I can do it, "give me this mountain
37:04 that the Lord promised me that day."
37:05 Forty-five years ago.
37:06 "You yourself heard then
37:08 that the Anakites" these giants "were there
37:10 and their cities were large and fortified,
37:12 but the Lord helping me" at 85 years of age,
37:15 "I will drive them out just as he said." Hallelujah.
37:21 Mark those words down in your brain
37:23 and never forget them.
37:24 "Give me this mountain!" I want that mountain.
37:29 The cry of an oxygenerian, the bold cry.
37:33 What can we learn from it?
37:34 I want to share with you four lessons
37:36 and then will sit down will go.
37:37 Four lessons grab your study guide.
37:38 Do you the study guide, did you get a worship bulletin
37:40 when you came in? Thank you.
37:42 Friendly were making sure everybody
37:43 today gets a study guide.
37:45 If you didn't get one you want these four lessons
37:47 holds your hand up, four lesson.
37:49 And by the way the lesson number four is the key.
37:52 You want lesson number four,
37:53 it's a secret to all the first three
37:56 and while they are doing that I want to welcome those of you
37:57 who are watching on television right now
37:59 we're delighted to have you.
38:00 I want you to have the same study guide.
38:01 Jot these lessons down, go to our website.
38:03 Let me put it on the screen for you,
38:08 You're looking for the little two part series,
38:12 lesson from the White Spider, lesson from the White Spider.
38:15 This will be part one,
38:16 that's the one you click on next week will be part two
38:19 and then by the way don't miss our brand new,
38:22 New Year series that begins two week
38:25 from the day called the Temple.
38:28 Not the temple here, what's up, up there,
38:32 what is going on in the temple up there?
38:36 This maybe the most challenging series
38:38 you and I will ever work through together,
38:40 it begins two weeks from the day, the Temple.
38:44 But right now lessons from the White Spider
38:45 jot them down.
38:46 Let's go there are four of these
38:47 but the first three will only work
38:49 if you have lesson four.
38:51 That's the clincher number four.
38:52 But write it down please lesson number one,
38:54 Be willing to be in the minority.
38:58 Be willing to be in the minority
39:01 even if the minority report won't carry the day,
39:05 still be willing to be in the minority.
39:07 Now look at guys, ladies and gentlemen,
39:09 I understand that there is a little bit
39:11 of teenager in all of us
39:13 that loves the warm security of being a part of the pack,
39:17 a part of the crowd, a part of the majority.
39:20 I remember when I went out the college for the first time
39:22 this is for you freshman,
39:25 when I went out the college for the first time,
39:26 I was missionary's kid
39:27 I graduated from Far Eastern Academy
39:29 on the island nation of Singapore,
39:31 came back to the States all alone.
39:33 So one of us, you heard just a moment ago
39:35 went to southern college.
39:39 Now I got to tell you first Singapore was 10 years
39:42 behind life in the United States.
39:45 So when I landed on that campus
39:47 I was dressing like happy days.
39:51 I had long dark plans there where intentionally
39:54 just a little short so that they would reveal
39:56 the white socks that I had on,
39:58 I showed up in that first freshman
40:00 orientation meeting with these white socks
40:02 that look like they had neon lights
40:03 just announcing that they were there,
40:06 I realized nobody else in that crowd
40:07 was wearing white socks.
40:08 I went straight back to the dorm
40:10 took those socks out and never worn again.
40:13 There is something about the teenager in all of us
40:15 nobody wants to stick out like soar thumb,
40:17 nobody wants to look David I look like a country bumpkin.
40:21 I don't want to do that.
40:23 But lesson number one,
40:25 Be willing to be apart of the minority.
40:28 Nobody likes standing off from the crowd I understand,
40:31 12 spies comeback, 10 off the 12 of vast majority say,
40:34 giants too tall, walls too massive cannot be done
40:39 and when the people start wailing
40:41 Caleb and Joshua go waiting out into the morning congregation,
40:45 timeout time wait hold it,
40:47 what do you mean it can't be done,
40:49 you forgot who's leading us,
40:50 of course it can't be done.
40:52 Do you know that they picked up stones
40:54 ready to stone the minority report?
40:58 Two spies who said with the power of our God
41:01 we can do it.
41:03 No matter what the cast my friends,
41:05 we must all be willing to be apart of the minority.
41:08 Let me share with you some words written 100 years ago,
41:11 commenting on this aspect of Caleb's life.
41:13 Put it on the screen for you,
41:14 I do believe there in your study guide as well.
41:17 Speaking of Caleb, "It is when the unbelieving
41:20 cast contempt upon the Word of God
41:23 that the faithful Calebs are called for.
41:27 It is then that they will stand firm at the post of duty,
41:31 without parade," without show
41:33 "and without swerving because of reproach.
41:35 The unbelieving spies stood ready to destroy Caleb.
41:39 He saw the stones in their hands,
41:44 the hands of those who had brought a false report
41:46 but this did not deter him,
41:48 he had a message and he would bear it.
41:50 The same spirit will be manifested today
41:52 by those who are true to God."
41:56 There is been big rocker this summer across the nation,
42:00 in our community of faith over the competing world
42:04 views of creation and evolution and theories of origin,
42:10 the story of Caleb is a compelling reminder
42:13 that even if you're in the minority
42:15 you must stand hold,
42:18 hold the ground, hold your ground.
42:21 Lesson number one,
42:22 be willing to be in the minority.
42:23 Lesson number two, jot it down,
42:25 Grow bolder as you grow older.
42:30 Grow bolder as you grow older.
42:34 I have a wonderful mother-in-law
42:36 she is 90 years young, should be 91 in January.
42:41 She likes to quip, growing old emphasizes.
42:47 That's good.
42:49 You know, I got to tell you
42:50 this is kind of embracing to admit this you
42:52 but I used to think,
42:54 I used to think you know what, what is the problem,
42:57 I would love to grow old.
42:58 I mean, common when you retire,
43:00 you never have to work a day in your life again,
43:03 hallelujah.
43:04 When you retired you can sleep in
43:07 for as long as you want every single day.
43:11 Now I'm beginning to discover you know,
43:14 even if you want to sleep in anymore you can't.
43:18 Is that happened to you too?
43:20 Even on Sunday your day out you can't sleep in,
43:22 you're waking up with the birds.
43:24 This is a conspiracy by the young
43:26 I that's what I think it is.
43:27 You guys plan this.
43:31 Now I tell you what after loosing two fathers,
43:33 watching both of them die, not very pretty deaths
43:37 and having two be loving mothers now,
43:40 watching all the medications, all the pills,
43:43 all the doctor visits, I've revised my understanding.
43:49 I believe my mother-- my mother-in-law is right
43:51 growing old emphasizes.
43:54 But you know what, growing old physically
43:57 doesn't have to mean growing weak spiritually
43:59 or morally or ethically.
44:03 You can grow bolder, you can grow bolder
44:06 as you grow older that's what happen to Caleb.
44:08 He got bolder as he went.
44:10 By the way that's the truth about Abraham and Sarah
44:12 their faith story,
44:13 here at the beginning was nothing like it was
44:15 when they grew old.
44:17 That's a way it was with Jacob,
44:19 that' a way it was with Moses he had to go pass 80
44:21 before God said I can use you know.
44:24 Grow bolder as you grow older.
44:26 It was that way with Ruth and Mary and Paul and John
44:30 until when you get to Paul
44:31 who's just about ready to be executed
44:33 and he is saying I'm know I have believed in,
44:36 I'm persuaded he's able to keep what I have committed
44:38 onto him against that day.
44:40 Grow bolder as you grow older.
44:44 We are so blessed in this perish to have you
44:48 who are seniors, the seniors followers
44:52 and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
44:54 You don't understand the incredible commitment
44:57 you make to the body of Christ.
45:00 Your tenacious faith,
45:03 your willingness to stay faithful
45:05 no matter what happens, I'm telling you what,
45:08 God sent you to us, we have to have you,
45:12 you model to us what we must be.
45:14 We too want to grow bolder as we grow older.
45:18 I want to share this with just to seen
45:19 it's the rest of you, you can, you don't have to listen to this
45:22 but there is a promise that I find so beautiful
45:24 and I want you to hear these words from God.
45:26 God is speaking this promise to you.
45:28 This is in the Book of Isaiah.
45:30 I want you look it up in your Bible
45:31 will put it on the screen but go ahead look it up
45:33 because you may want to mark these verses in your Bible.
45:35 This would be Isaiah 46.
45:39 Just two verses but I'll tell you what an awesome promise
45:43 God makes to you.
45:45 Isaiah 46:3, he says, hey listen to me,
45:48 "Listen to me, O house of Jacob,
45:51 and all you who remain in the house of Israel,
45:53 you whom I have upheld since you were conceived,
45:56 and have carried since your birth."
45:59 I've been with you since that first gasp of air
46:02 when you came out to your mommy's tummy,
46:04 I've been there with you, now notice
46:05 what He promises to you.
46:06 Verse 4, "Even to your old age and gray hairs
46:14 I am he,
46:16 I am he who will sustain you.
46:18 I have made you and I will carry you,
46:21 I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
46:24 Isn't that beautiful?
46:26 Even until you have white hair or no hair
46:28 it doesn't matter to Me, I'm there for you,
46:31 I'm with you every step of the way.
46:34 I'm gonna holds you and sustain you
46:36 and I'm gonna rescue you right at the end.
46:39 I'll rescue you.
46:40 Lot of debate in this healthcare about end of life issues.
46:43 The big debate in the healthcare conversation right now,
46:46 what about end of life issues?
46:47 God is saying end of life, I'll be with you,
46:50 you want to end of life issue here it is,
46:51 I'm with you till you die.
46:54 I'll be with you when you breathe your last.
46:56 I'll be there, I'll be with you.
46:58 Oh, what a God?
47:00 Well, grow older and as you grow older grow bolder.
47:04 Lesson number three jot it down please,
47:05 Ask God for you mountain.
47:08 Octogenarian Caleb cries out "Give me this mountain!"
47:12 We got to pray the same prayer, ladies and gentlemen.
47:14 Ask God for your mountain.
47:15 It doesn't matter the mountains,
47:16 we all got different mountains, trust me.
47:18 We're different ages we got different mountains
47:20 it doesn't matter, financial mountain,
47:23 physical mountain, health mountain,
47:24 social mountain.
47:25 I'm here as the brand new student mountain,
47:28 it doesn't matter the mountain.
47:30 We've got the mountains but here is a deal,
47:32 we need to ask God to give us.
47:36 Oh, God give me, give me this mountain.
47:41 This story hair raising
47:43 describing the first successful ascent.
47:47 They came to a point of no return
47:50 and I want to put the words.
47:51 I think they are in the study guide
47:52 to put them on the screen for you.
47:53 "Forward" now this is Heinrich Harrer,
47:57 his name's translation the German book,
47:58 "Forward," he writes "was the only way,"
48:01 these are the weak and frozen because they are iced up.
48:06 They're spending the night in a rope,
48:08 there is no, there is no ledge.
48:09 You are hanging in a rope, waiting for the sun to rise
48:12 so that you can start climbing again.
48:15 '''Forward' was the only way now no more turning back.
48:18 The past was wiped out, all that mattered was future,
48:20 and the future lay over the snow-plastered,
48:22 ice glazed summit-wall.
48:24 'I believe'" and here he's speaking a truth
48:26 for all of life, "'I believe no man can be completely able
48:29 to summon all his strength, all his will, all his energy,
48:33 for the lat desperate move, till he is convinced
48:36 that the last bridge is down behind him
48:38 and that there is nowhere to go but on.'''
48:42 They're comes at time in life
48:44 when you have to cut the ropes to your past and just go up.
48:48 There is no choice buddy, up is the only way left.
48:56 Give me this mountain.
48:57 We need to tear a page out of Caleb's play book
48:59 and ask God for the mountain that intimidates us,
49:02 give me this mountain.
49:05 You know what just melting the words
49:07 will enable us to talk to talk
49:09 you're gonna have to talk to talk
49:10 before you'll ever walk to walk.
49:11 So just say words to yourself again and again
49:13 God give me this mountain. What are you talking about?
49:15 I'm talking about this financial crises I'm in.
49:17 Give me this mountain.
49:19 I'm talking about this educational academic crisis
49:21 I'm facing, give me this mountain.
49:23 There are string of failures in my life,
49:25 give me this mountain.
49:26 What you're doing is, you're transforming
49:28 your shifting the paradigm.
49:30 In fact, would you jot this down please.
49:32 You shift the paradigm.
49:33 We need to shift the paradigm on that towering mountain
49:36 before us so that rather than defining it as an obstacle,
49:41 we ask God to give it to us as an opportunity.
49:45 There is a huge difference,
49:46 just changing your mind about the mountain.
49:49 Oh, God, I know it's a crisis
49:51 but you know what, give me this mountain
49:52 because it will the perfect moment for You
49:55 to show yourself strong on this planet for me.
49:58 Give me this mountain, please.
50:03 So Caleb did, nothing changed it's still the awful mountain
50:06 it was 45 years ago, he has to still take it,
50:10 he's asking for it now, give me, give me this mountain.
50:17 I love that promise in 2 Chronicles 16:9,
50:22 I skipped over when I put this study guide together,
50:24 my apology I'm gonna put it on the screen
50:25 please jot this down.
50:26 This is a promise for you, 2 Chronicles Chapter 16:9,
50:30 "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth
50:33 to strengthen those whose hearts are fully,
50:37 fully committed to him."
50:40 Isn't that beautiful?
50:41 He just look over for somebody to help,
50:43 if you say give me this mountain I'll help you.
50:47 Sister, brother, I will help you,
50:50 give me this mountain.
50:52 He is just looking for someone
50:54 whose heart is longing for him to show himself strong.
50:58 All right here it is final lesson four.
51:01 Now remember the first three will work
51:03 if there is lesson four, this is-- this is it,
51:05 lesson four is what counts.
51:07 You get the first three,
51:08 if you remember lesson four jot it down.
51:10 And finally follow God "wholeheartedly."
51:13 That word is between quotation marks because the Hebrew word
51:16 for wholeheartedly appear six times
51:19 in connection with the life of Caleb more than
51:21 any other person in the entire Old Testament.
51:24 He is called following God wholeheartedly,
51:26 in fact it's three times in this very story that we just read.
51:29 Let's end the story now Joshua, go back to Joshua 14,
51:32 let's end of story with verse 13.
51:35 Caleb ask give me this mountain, here we go,
51:40 "Then Joshua blessed Caleb," it's verse 13 of 14
51:43 "Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh
51:46 and gave him Hebron as his inheritance.
51:48 So Hebron has belonged to Caleb son of Jephunneh
51:51 the Kenizzite ever since, because he followed the Lord,
51:56 the God of Israel," with all his heart,
52:02 "wholeheartedly."
52:03 As the NIV renders it.
52:05 So what is mean to follow God wholeheartedly?
52:08 Well, let's just answer this way,
52:09 what would it mean to follow God half heartedly?
52:13 What is mean to follow God half heartedly?
52:16 I mean, having just come from a wedding,
52:17 can you imagine wedding bows
52:18 and we've got a beautiful wedding tomorrow
52:20 with Garemo and Esther.
52:22 Can you imagine wedding bows going like this
52:24 a pledge to have and to hold you to love
52:27 and cherish you with half my heart?
52:31 Do you think there is minister in the world
52:34 who put his hand and say all right
52:35 and I'll pronounce your husband-- are you kidding.
52:37 If you ever say half my heart you go home it's over.
52:43 What is it mean to follow God wholeheartedly?
52:47 Out of Christiansen, I love this.
52:50 He writes that the Hebrew word for a wholeheartedly
52:52 gives the idea of a traveler
52:54 who intend upon following his guide
52:56 walk so closely in his steps
52:58 as to leave hardly any space in between.
53:02 That is very close.
53:03 Look at because its summer time,
53:05 does it-- hasn't it happened to you,
53:06 you're wearing flip-flops
53:08 and someone behind you keep stepping on them
53:10 because they're getting too close.
53:11 What are you doing? I mean.
53:14 When you wear a little flip-flops
53:17 that's what it means, to follow God wholeheartedly.
53:20 It mean walks so close to Him
53:22 you are practically stepping on his flip-flops,
53:28 Hebrew says, it's that close, that close.
53:32 I can think of a better way on this Pre New Year movement,
53:35 I can think of better way to end of the New Year
53:37 and follow God wholeheartedly, can you?
53:40 So how do I follow God wholeheartedly?
53:44 You can you know.
53:46 I want to end with this,
53:47 a century ago these words written by Caleb,
53:49 have a lot to say today it just one line,
53:51 look at it in your study guide it was Caleb's faith,
53:55 "It was Caleb's faith that gave him courage even so today
53:58 to follow Jesus requires wholehearted"
54:01 there is the key word "requires wholehearted
54:05 conversation at the start, and a repetition
54:11 of this conversation every day."
54:16 Did you catch that?
54:17 Wholehearted at the start and a repetition
54:21 of this conversation every day.
54:25 So what's this with repeat conversation every day?
54:28 It's a simple ladies and gentlemen,
54:29 just get this down.
54:30 All that means
54:31 is to go to the mountain of salvation every day.
54:33 Go to that mountain every day.
54:36 You say what mountain you're talking about
54:37 there is only mountain in the universe,
54:39 God stood at the foot of the mountain one day
54:40 and long before Cable cry the words,
54:42 God stood at the foot of this towering mountain
54:44 and he cried out, give me this mountain.
54:47 I'm talking about Mount Calvary.
54:49 So here is the deal,
54:51 every day for the rest of your journey,
54:53 every day for the rest of your journey
54:56 read the story of Calvary in Matthew 27.
54:59 I do it every day.
55:02 Climb Mount Calvary in the just behind
55:05 the sign of Jesus every single day,
55:08 whatever you do for your worship include
55:09 the reading of Matthew 27,
55:11 beginning with verse 24 go to verse 54,
55:13 we climb the mountain every day
55:16 and when you get the summon of Mount Calvary
55:18 at the foot of the cross,
55:20 you pray the prayer of Caleb,
55:21 oh, God give me, give me this mountain.
55:27 I can't save myself, I can't save my family,
55:30 I can't save my friends, I can't save my carrier,
55:33 I can't say my life.
55:34 Oh, God give me, give me this mountain, Mount Calvary.
55:41 And you know what He will do?
55:42 He'll give the every gift that flows from Mount Calvary.
55:44 He will give it to you.
55:46 Out of that hymn writer put it free to all
55:48 a healing stream flows from the Calvary's mountain.
55:53 Give me that mountain, give it to me.
55:57 And by the way, true, true.
56:00 If you will pray that prayer, give me this mountain,
56:04 speaking of Calvary every day with Jesus,
56:07 if you will pray that prayer
56:09 there is not another mountain in your life
56:13 that Jesus will not help you climb and conquer with Him.
56:20 You go up Calvary every day
56:23 and you get every other mountain as well.
56:27 Give me this mountain. Give me this mountain.
56:35 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today,
56:38 out the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time with us
56:41 right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:42 in the campus of Andrews university.
56:45 Do you know that around the world
56:46 people join us every week for this our worship.
56:48 We're always looking as a consequence for new ways
56:50 to bridge somehow to connect with these people,
56:53 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:56 One of the areas that is quickly growing for us,
56:59 is our website.
57:00 We had more than hundred
57:01 and forty thousand visitors last year,
57:04 it's an incredible opportunity
57:05 that God has given us to expand His kingdom.
57:08 If you would like to help partner with us
57:10 as we seek the spread the everlasting gospel
57:13 I'd love to have your call our toll-free number.
57:16 We got very friendly operators standing by, here is the number,
57:19 877-His-Will, 877 and then the two words His Will,
57:23 one of the operators will be happy to give you the details
57:27 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:30 If you prefer listen you could do it all online.
57:32 Go to our website, please,
57:36 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:38 of partnering with you as we seek the spread
57:40 that truth of our God for this generation.
57:42 We are living in urgent times, now more than never
57:46 we've got to go to the world
57:49 where the good news interested to us.
57:50 So once again here is that toll-free number 877-His-Will.
57:55 Thank you in advance for your generosity.
57:57 That blesses me and you grow this ministry.
58:00 I pray that the Spirit of Christ
58:02 will abide with you every step of the way
58:04 and I hope you'll come back again next time right here
58:08 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2014-12-17