Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: NP
Program Code: NP062108
00:28 Let's sing this together, "Thank You for the Cross."
00:31 Thank you for the cross Lord 00:38 Thank you for the price You paid 00:42 Beautiful. 00:44 Bearing all my sin and shame 00:48 In love You came 00:52 And gave amazing grace 00:57 Thank you for this love, Lord 01:03 Thank you for the nail-pierced hands 01:09 Washed me in Your cleansing flow 01:13 Now all I know 01:16 Your forgiveness and embrace 01:23 Worthy is the Lamb 01:30 Seated on the throne 01:36 Crown You now with many crowns 01:41 You reign victorious 01:48 High and lifted up 01:54 Jesus, Son of God 02:00 The Darling of Heaven 02:03 Crucified 02:10 Worthy is the Lamb 02:16 Worthy is the Lamb 02:22 Worthy is the Lamb 02:29 Worthy is the Lamb 02:35 Worthy is the Lamb 02:36 Worthy is the Lamb 02:42 Seated on the throne 02:48 Crown You now with many crowns 02:54 You reign victorious 03:00 High and lifted up 03:07 Jesus, Son of God 03:13 The Darling of Heaven 03:16 Crucified 03:22 Worthy is the Lamb 03:29 Worthy is the Lamb 03:35 Worthy is the Lamb 03:42 Worthy is the Lamb 03:55 Church said, amen. Amen. 03:57 You may be seated. 04:01 How deep the Father's love for us. 04:05 How vast beyond all measure. 04:08 Is that your testimony today? 04:10 Have we recognized the depth of the Father's love? 04:19 As join in this song together. 04:34 How deep the Father's love for us 04:39 How vast beyond all measure 04:45 That He should give His only Son 04:50 To make a wretch His treasure 04:55 How great the pain of searing loss 05:01 The Father turns His face away 05:06 As wounds which mar the chosen One 05:12 Bring many sons to glory 05:28 Behold the Man upon a cross 05:33 My sin upon His shoulders 05:38 Ashamed I hear my mocking voice 05:43 Call out among the scoffers 05:48 It was my sin that left Him there 05:54 Until it was accomplished 05:59 His dying breath has brought me life 06:04 I know that it is finished 06:20 I will not boast in anything 06:26 No gifts, no power, no wisdom 06:32 But I will boast in Jesus Christ 06:37 His death and resurrection 06:42 Why should I gain from His reward? 06:48 I cannot give an answer 06:53 But this I know with all my heart 06:58 His wounds have paid my ransom 07:02 Why should I gain? 07:03 Why should I gain from His reward? 07:09 I cannot give an answer 07:14 But this I know with all my heart 07:20 His wounds have paid 07:23 My ransom 07:28 Thank you, Lord. Thank you. 08:09 There is a fountain filled with blood 08:16 Drawn from Immanuel's veins 08:24 And sinners plunged beneath that flood 08:31 Lose all their guilty stains 08:39 Lose all their guilty stains 08:46 Lose all their guilty stains 08:54 And sinners plunged beneath that flood 09:01 Lose all their guilty stains 09:09 The dying thief rejoiced to see 09:16 That fountain in His day 09:22 And there may I though vile as he 09:29 Washed all my sins away 09:36 Washed all my sins away 09:43 Washed all my sins away 09:49 And there may I though vile as he 09:56 Washed all my sins away 10:03 E'er since by faith I saw the stream 10:10 Thy flowing wounds supply 10:16 Redeeming love has been my theme 10:23 And shall be till I die 10:30 And shall be till I die 10:37 And shall be till I die 10:44 Redeeming love has been my theme 10:51 And shall be till I die 11:03 I am crucified with Christ 11:08 Therefore I no longer live 11:12 Jesus Christ now lives in me 11:19 I am crucified with Christ 11:22 Therefore I no longer live 11:27 Jesus Christ now lives in me 11:45 Embrace the cross 11:50 Where Jesus suffered 11:54 Though it will cost 11:57 All you claim as yours 12:02 Your sacrifice will seem small 12:07 Beside the treasure 12:10 Eternity can't measure 12:14 What Jesus holds in store 12:24 Embrace the love 12:29 The cross requires 12:33 Cling to the one 12:37 Whose heart knew every pain 12:42 Receive from Jesus 12:45 Fountains of compassion 12:50 Only He can fashion 12:54 Your heart to move as His 13:01 Oh, wondrous cross 13:05 Our desires rest in you 13:09 Oh, Lord Jesus 13:12 make us bolder 13:18 To face with courage the shame and disgrace 13:26 You bore 13:28 Upon Your shoulder 13:40 Embrace the life 13:46 That comes from dying 13:51 Come trace the steps 13:54 The Savior walked for you 14:00 An empty tomb 14:03 Concludes Golgotha's sorrow 14:09 Endure then till tomorrow 14:13 Your cross of suffering 14:24 Embrace the cross 14:30 Embrace the cross 14:36 The cross of Jesus 15:06 Amen. 15:13 And so Holy Father, 15:14 we have come to do just that to embrace the cross. 15:22 Forgive us, we thought it was nothing 15:26 more than a dusty piece of wood 15:31 that treasures chest of heaven. 15:34 Oh, God, let us embrace the cross 15:37 through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen. 15:42 If we can accept this premise is true, 15:46 the premise if we can accept it is true 15:48 than based on this premise 15:52 we must conclude that the most humble person 15:57 who has ever lived is God himself. 16:06 We'll take premise in just a moment 16:07 but let me first share with you a column 16:11 written by the syndicated columnist George Will. 16:14 His last column in Newsweek magazine 16:16 is ruminating over what he calls the years 16:19 most pertinent and sobering public affairs book. 16:23 He is talking about Gene Healy's book, 16:25 "The Cult of the Presidency, 16:27 America's Devotion to Executive Power." 16:31 And Healy's book explores our pension as a nation 16:35 for "redemption through presidential politics." 16:38 In other words we have a tendency 16:40 as Americans to elevate the presidency 16:42 to almost messianic status. 16:45 Healy's calls it Caesaropapism. 16:48 We combine the rule of Caesar 16:51 and the pope in the American president. 16:55 Now George Will writes and I quote will here. 16:57 "An occupational hazard of the inflated presidency 17:01 is a hazard to the nation as well. 17:04 It is what Healy borrowing a term from psychiatry calls 17:07 Acquired Situational Narcissism." 17:11 Acquired means you don't have it normally. 17:12 It comes to you, situational means 17:15 it comes to you in a certain situation 17:17 and Narcissism of course is self worship. 17:21 "As repositories of absurd expectations, 17:24 and surrounded by sycophants," 17:26 that would be those who flatter you. 17:27 "Presidents become deranged." 17:31 Now isn't that something? 17:33 Will point, something happens to the man 17:37 when he is in office. 17:41 Acquired Situational Narcissism. 17:44 When the power of the office deranges 17:47 and deludes the occupant. 17:50 Just like king Saul, last week, 17:55 just like Absalom two weeks ago. 18:01 And what about God? 18:03 They're almost-- 18:06 The reign notion is sacrilegious 18:08 it feels to suggest that somehow 18:11 he is been so long in that office. 18:15 He is been affected. 18:20 If we accept the premise is true 18:22 and we note the premise right now. 18:24 If this premise is true then we must conclude 18:29 that the most humble person in the universe is God himself. 18:32 Now here's the premise, 18:34 The very antitheses of Acquired Situational Narcissism. 18:39 If this premise is true what do you think? 18:42 Here it is. 18:43 Jesus is the most perfect depiction 18:47 and faithful reflection of God 18:49 we shall ever know in this life. 18:51 True or false? 18:54 But of course He asserts the premise 18:57 over and over and over again. 18:58 Doesn't He? 18:59 Than the upper room, John 14:9, put it on the screen for you. 19:02 What did Jesus say? 19:03 "Whoever has seen Me has seen" who? 19:05 You seen me you "seen the Father." 19:06 John 10:30 "I and the Father are one." 19:09 Back to the upper room, John 14:7, 19:11 "IF you really knew Me, 19:12 you would know My Father as well. 19:14 And from on you do know Him and you have seen Him." 19:17 And oh, my, what have they see tonight in the upper room? 19:20 They have seen the Man stripped to the waist 19:25 bearing a towel and a basin of water 19:30 and stoop-- get this, stooping 19:35 at the dirty feet 19:37 of his ASN infected disciples. 19:43 ASN, Acquired Situational Narcissism. 19:47 The psychiatric condition of the mind 19:48 where by a sense of power whether it is real delusional 19:51 deranges the individual to the place 19:53 he no longer accepts his humble status in life as real. 19:58 So that in that upper room 19:59 you got 12 men who are absolutely certain 20:02 they are not gonna be the ones to lower themselves, 20:04 not even John boy, 20:05 with whom we began the series a few weeks ago. 20:07 Not even John boy will stoop down to wash anyone's feet. 20:10 No, way, Jose. 20:14 The only one who is willing to go lower 20:16 then the 12 is the Master 20:21 who squats at 12 pairs of stinking feet. 20:30 Well, made Himself of no reputation 20:31 that took upon Him the form of a slave 20:33 and humbled himself. 20:35 How did Jesus put it once a Son of Man 20:37 came not to be served but to serve? 20:44 George Bush last week, 20:49 if you are following the news you know that he was in Europe. 20:52 In fact, if we could yesterday 20:53 he had an audience with Pope Benedict XVI. 20:58 I didn't learned about this 20:59 till Wednesday night at house of prayer 21:00 when somebody told me hey, go check the web. 21:03 The buzz in Europe. 21:05 Did you know that the wire services 21:07 were a buzz are a buzz with the notion 21:12 that President Bush is about to convert 21:15 to Roman Catholicism. 21:18 In Europe the word on the street is 21:21 like his good friend Tony Blair 21:23 who after he left office as prime minister 21:25 of Great Britain converted to Catholicism 21:27 and announced it to the world in December 21:29 even so President Bush will leave the Methodist church 21:34 and do the same. 21:36 So given the buzz on the street the prayers, the press. 21:39 Oh, my they were hanging on every-- 21:43 in this papal audience. 21:44 Will there be a clue, will the president indicate 21:47 this is where he is going and true to form. 21:52 The Pope obviously, now the grateful payback 21:56 for the imperial welcome he received 21:58 in the White House back in April. 21:59 The Pope breaks protocol and president 22:02 and takes the president on a personal stroll 22:06 through the private Vatican gardens. 22:07 Karen and I were looking on those gardens 22:09 just about five weeks ago. 22:11 Beautiful gardens. And so the press watched. 22:14 Now what would it happen 22:15 as the cameras were trained on the Pope and president. 22:18 What would have happened 22:19 if the Pope had stripped down to his waist, 22:26 kneeled over and wash the feet of George and Laura Bush 22:32 taking off that white cassock? 22:35 You know, what, it is so bizarre 22:38 you can't even think of it. 22:39 Tell me, please, this is crazy. 22:45 Why? 22:46 Because power and prestige have their place 22:50 and the greater never bows to the lesser 22:57 and yet when the supreme monarch of the universe strips 23:00 to His waist and he squats down 23:03 and he personally bays the feet of the men 23:06 who should have been lining up one after my turn next, 23:09 I wash his next, my turn, my turn, my turn. 23:11 They didn't line up but they should have. 23:15 Let me hit the pause button right here. 23:17 Do you know what, our problem is, 23:18 here's our problem. 23:20 We've have been to this story in John 13 23:21 that seems so many times 23:23 that it moves our souls not a wit anymore. 23:27 But of course-- I mean, come on, divine love, 23:29 what you expect divine love to do? 23:30 Next come on guys, get your feet wash by Jesus. 23:37 We only think that way 23:39 because of our sin darkened imagination 23:42 that cannot possibly comprehend the resplendent glory 23:46 that once belong to the man 23:47 squatting in front of our dirty feet. 23:49 That's why we think that way. 23:50 You want to know who this man this? 23:53 I'm reading a commentary 23:54 through right now in the book of Revelation. 23:56 There is a scene at the end of the apocalypse 23:57 that it might be well for us to just take a peak at. 24:00 Go to the end of the Bible, the Book of Revelation. 24:03 Go ahead and look at it in your Bibles. 24:04 Grab the pew Bible if you didn't bring one. 24:06 It's a last book of the Bible 24:07 you won't have any problem finding it. 24:08 Revelation Chapter 20, Revelation Chapter 20, 24:13 dramatic reminder of this 24:15 squatting monarch's rifle elevation. 24:17 Take a look at this-- 24:19 oh, I want to be there on that day. 24:21 I want to tell you something there's only one place 24:23 I want to be, on that day I want to be very close 24:25 to where this moment takes place. 24:27 I don't want to be outside. 24:30 The moment 24:31 it's called the great white throne judgment. 24:35 You know, when Justin and Justin 24:37 and their singers were leading us this morning 24:41 and we sang about 24:42 "Worthy is the Lamb high and lifted up" 24:46 I already knew this was coming 24:48 and I tell you what my heart just swept 24:51 into that moment what will it be like 24:53 when He is lifted higher and higher 24:55 that great white throne above the human race. 25:02 Ladies and gentlemen, 25:03 we have with our Spielberg jaded imaginations 25:08 not an eye order of ability to grasp this picture. 25:14 Look at it Revelation 20:11, 25:17 "Then I saw a great white throne 25:20 and Him who was seated on it, 25:22 from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. 25:25 And there was found no place for them." 25:26 The sky tried to run, the sky tried to run 25:30 and couldn't find a place to go. 25:32 The earth tried to run and it could not go. 25:35 It got no place to hide. 25:36 It's going on here verse 12, 25:37 "And I saw the dead, small and great, 25:40 standing before the God, and the books were opened. 25:42 And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. 25:45 And the dead were judged according to their works, 25:49 by the things which were written in the books." 25:51 Now having read that I want to share with you 25:54 what feels like an eyewitness account, all right. 25:56 This is from a book called Great Controversy. 25:57 I put the words on the screen 25:58 so that you can see them as well. 26:00 "Far above the city, 26:01 upon a foundation of burnished gold," 26:05 all right, foundation of burnished gold, 26:07 "is a throne, high and lifted up." 26:09 We sang that a moment ago, high and lifted up. 26:12 That throne is going higher and higher and higher. 26:16 And watch this "Upon this throne sits the Son of God, 26:20 and around Him are the subjects of His kingdom." 26:23 Oh, I want to be in that circle around Him. 26:25 "The power and majesty of Christ" 26:27 now get this "no language can describe, no pen portray. 26:31 The glory of the Eternal Father is enshrouding His Son. 26:34 The brightness of His presence fills the City of God, 26:37 and flows out beyond the gates, 26:39 flooding the earth with its radiance." 26:41 You cannot imagine the glory, 26:44 the resplendent glory of that moment. 26:47 That, that, right there is who was washing the feet 26:52 Thursday night in the upper room 26:54 that potentate. 26:57 Not a lonely president, not a lonely Pope 26:59 but the supreme potentate of the universe. 27:02 That's who was washing the feet in the upper room. 27:07 Once upon a time according to the story 27:09 that supreme ruler stood up, stripped himself, 27:15 stepped down from the throne and when I say down 27:17 I mean down, down, down, all the way down 27:23 until He finally emerges from some obscure 27:25 peasant girls womb in a backyard cave 27:30 and is born into this race. 27:34 Why was He born? 27:35 So that 30 odd years 27:36 later on that hardened forbidding night 27:40 He might humble himself ever further 27:43 and stoop down and squat before us 27:46 and wash our feet. 27:50 You know, what the only humiliation 27:51 it would have been more humiliating and humbling. 27:53 Would have been to strip Him naked 27:55 and nailed Him to and tree 27:57 and hang Him front of the gaping world. 28:01 How did Jesus put it? 28:04 If you are seeing Me you seen the Father. 28:08 For the Father and I are like this. 28:10 We're are one. 28:12 If you would have known Me 28:14 you would have known my Father also 28:16 but that's the problem. 28:17 We really don't know, do we? Don't know the Father. 28:22 Not this God who Philip Yancey describes as being shy. 28:25 Have you ever thought of God who is shy? 28:28 The shy God. 28:30 Have you ever thought of God who is being humble? 28:32 I'll be honest with you I have not-- 28:34 I had not thought about God being humble. 28:35 I somehow, you know, humble is for everybody else 28:37 but not for God, He is your God. 28:41 And then a friend of mine gave me a paper. 28:43 He is classmate in college his name is Fred Bishop, 28:45 he is a physician turned theologian. 28:47 And in this paper he explores the leadership paradigm 28:50 we see amongst the trinity. 28:51 Let me run this by, this is fascinating. 28:53 What is leadership like 28:55 among the top leaders in the universe? 28:56 These are the three highest, all right. 28:58 The trinity, well, you have the Father 29:00 the perfect leader displaying His humility, 29:04 His leadership through humility. 29:05 You know how He does it? 29:06 He does it by His humble service 29:08 to the entire creation. 29:09 If you are alive He is serving you right now. 29:13 You are alive this moment 29:14 because the Father is serving you. 29:15 You said, let Him go. Let Him go. 29:20 He serves His entire creation. 29:22 Then you have the Son, the perfect follower 29:24 displaying His leadership through His humility 29:26 humbly submitting Himself to His Father the leader. 29:30 The Son, just say hey, 29:31 I'm number one here now I submit to you. 29:35 I submit humbly. 29:37 And then you have the third person of the God head 29:39 the great enabler. 29:41 This being is so humble he will never been seen 29:44 in the history of the universe to be admired. 29:47 Never see. 29:49 You have this round robin circular humility 29:53 amongst the trinity. 29:58 The humility that climax is not in that great white throne 30:02 but on that old rugged cross. 30:05 That's the humility climax. 30:09 End with me in Philippians, will you? 30:11 Not enough to be in the apocalypse 30:12 that's to come. 30:13 Let's look at what's already come. 30:15 Philippians Chapter 2, page 790 in your pew Bible. 30:19 Philippians Chapter 2, end with me here. 30:23 Considered the oldest Christian hymn extent 30:28 I believe that these words were actually a hymn-- 30:31 these words were sung as a hymn 30:33 in their prayer services long ago. 30:36 Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, 30:41 which was also in Christ Jesus. 30:44 Who, being in the form of God, 30:47 did not consider robbery to be equal with God, 30:50 but he made himself of no reputation, 30:52 taking the form of a slave," 30:54 that's how the Greek reads "of a slave, 30:57 and coming in the likeness of men and woman 30:59 and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself, 31:04 and became obedient to the point of death, 31:06 even the death of the cross." 31:11 It's an old hymn. 31:12 They used to sing those words. 31:19 No humbler, no, humbler, 31:24 no one humbler. 31:28 There's a magazine that still goes out, 31:29 it's a wonderful magazine if you can subscribe 31:31 to it be sure and do as Karen and I do. 31:33 It's called Signs of the Times. 31:34 It's been around for a long time. 31:36 A 110 ten years ago this very month on June ninth, 31:39 110 years ago these words appeared in Signs magazine. 31:43 I'll put them on the screen for you. 31:44 "What a sight was this for Heaven to look upon! 31:48 Christ, who knew not the least taint of sin or defilement, 31:51 took our nature in its deteriorated condition. 31:54 This was humiliation greater than finite 31:56 man or woman could possibly comprehend. 31:59 God was manifest in the flesh. God humbled Himself. 32:03 What a subject for thought, for deep, 32:06 earnest contemplation!" 32:08 Can you believe that God humbled Himself? 32:11 No acquired situational narcissism with this guy. 32:17 The only protocol he embraces is the protocol not of a king, 32:20 not of a pope but of a slave. 32:22 It's only understands is how to be a slave. 32:28 I mean, can you think of anyone in the universe 32:31 who is more humble than this God? 32:35 Come on tell me. Call the name out. 32:36 You name her for me. 32:37 Name her, tell me who is name is. 32:40 Who is more humble that you ever met than this God? 32:42 Give me one name. You cannot name a name. 32:45 I'll leave you here forever 32:46 and you will not come up with a name. 32:49 There is one humbler. 32:51 No God humbler in this universe. 32:55 And try to think, I mean, can you think of anybody. 32:58 You would rather be more like than this God. 33:04 I mean, which I like to be like Him. 33:07 You not had to backwards. 33:08 We thought that you will exert yourself 33:10 and to show your authority around this place 33:11 you got to have a little bit of power. 33:13 You got to push, you got to push. 33:14 See other way around. 33:15 We got it all the devil has infected us all 33:18 we got to backwards, it's the other way around. 33:20 If you have power you're slave. 33:23 You serve. 33:26 If you have power you give love. 33:30 You've been wrong. 33:32 For an entire race we've been wrong 33:35 that's why He came. 33:37 So guys, I got to tell you the kingdom. 33:39 The kingdom is different. 33:45 Apparently we can calm as humble as the Lord Jesus 33:51 because you know why, that's precisely why I put, 33:54 why Paul put this here. 33:56 Look at this, go to verse 3. 33:57 Here is the point Paul is making 33:59 when he launches into this hymn. 34:00 Verse 3, "Let nothing be done 34:02 through selfish ambition or conceit, 34:05 but in humility, in humility of mind 34:09 let each esteem others better than himself, 34:11 better than herself. 34:12 Let each one of you look out not only for his own interests, 34:15 but also for the interest of others." 34:17 Now "Let this mind, therefore be in you 34:21 which is also in Christ Jesus." 34:23 You want to be humble you got to have Jesus mind, 34:25 just ask for His mind. 34:27 You can be as humble as Jesus 34:29 but you have to have His mind. 34:31 You got to have His heart. Let this mind be in you. 34:35 Apparently the very contemplation 34:36 of the humility of Jesus begins to have an affect on me 34:40 and have an affect on you, oh mercy. 34:42 Look at this Desire of Ages, put it on the screen for you. 34:44 "Looking upon the crucified Redeemer, 34:47 we more fully comprehend the magnitude 34:49 and meaning of the sacrifice made by the Majesty of heaven. 34:52 The plan of salvation is glorified before us, 34:55 and the thought of Calvary" I love this, 34:57 "the thought of Calvary awakens living 34:59 and sacred emotions in our hearts. 35:01 Praise to God and the Lamb" 35:03 just as we were singing just a moment ago 35:06 "Praise to God and the Lamb will be 35:08 in our hearts and on our lips," 35:11 and now here's this line. 35:12 This line is so potent for me 35:15 as I got to struggle with the subject 35:17 that we maneuver within this short series. 35:19 I struggle with it. 35:20 This line is so potent for me 35:22 that I have written this line on the page 35:25 that tells the story in Matthew of the Calvary. 35:28 I've written this line down. 35:30 Isn't this amazing? 35:31 Take a look at it on the screen. 35:32 "Pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the soul 35:37 that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary." 35:40 I mean, I memorize because I read it every day. 35:42 "Pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the soul 35:47 that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary." 35:52 Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here today 35:54 to take a towel and some bread in a cup 35:57 the great emblems of Calvary 36:00 so that pride and self-worship may not flourish today. 36:05 I don't know how it works 36:06 but apparent, it's kind of like, 36:08 when you walk into a room, hey, here's a question for you. 36:10 When you walk into a room, 36:11 a dark room like the barn a moment ago, 36:13 when you walk into a dark room and you turn on, 36:16 you hit the switch and the light goes on 36:18 where does the darkness go? 36:20 Where does it go? 36:22 Does it go up to a little corner in the universe 36:23 where it hides and waits to come back? 36:25 But of course not, it simply seizes to exist. 36:28 When you step up the Calvary and the switch is hit 36:31 and the resplendent glory of that sacrifice 36:34 shines on your heart. 36:35 Where does your pride and self-worship go? 36:37 You can't be proud of that moment, 36:38 it is humanely impossible because it's gone. 36:41 You are at the foot of the cross, 36:43 do you understand. 36:44 When we go to the cross the light, 36:47 the floodlight of divine humility shines on us 36:51 and our pride and self-worship gone. 36:54 Yeah, but, Dwight, what about tomorrow? 36:55 Oh, you are right, tomorrow. 36:57 It will define the day but what about tomorrow, 36:59 and the next day, 37:00 and the next day and the next day? 37:02 That's why we got to go to the cross every day. 37:04 I wish you join me every morning 37:05 wherever you live, 37:07 wherever you live on this planet right now 37:09 I wish you would join me every morning 37:11 and beginning your day reading the story of Calvary. 37:15 Then you and I can go to where the light is 37:18 and trying to self, gone, 37:21 they cannot exist for the glory of divine humanity 37:26 at Calvary shines on us. 37:29 Go with me every day, you got your Bible, don't you. 37:32 Open your Bible every day as you begin it 37:34 with the story of Calvary. 37:36 Okay, where else you worship just start with Calvary, 37:39 start at the cross. 37:40 Hit the switch. 37:42 "Pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the soul 37:44 that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary." 37:49 No God humbler than the one on the cross. 37:53 You know, why, for God is the most humble person 37:57 who has ever lived 38:00 and I for one want to be just like Him, 38:04 just like Jesus, don't you? 38:08 I mean, come on, don't you? Of course. 38:11 Oh, God, hit the switch, 38:16 shine the light there resplendent glory 38:20 of the most humble person in the universe 38:26 shine it at the cross 38:29 that is the ultimate humiliation. 38:32 Shine at it Calvary and destroy the pride 38:37 and self-worship deep within us. 38:40 Do it today and tomorrow and the next day, 38:44 and the next day, and the next day, 38:47 until that great white judgment 38:49 and we by the grace of Jesus 38:51 shall be in that circle about him. 38:54 Oh, God, do it we pray, 38:57 in Christ name, amen. 39:02 Three emblems for His humility. 39:04 A towel, some bread and a cup. 39:08 You get those three in your hands 39:10 and I'll telling you, you hit the switch. 39:12 Today we give the spirit the opportunity 39:15 to hit the switch for us. 39:17 Yes, this is it, ladies and gentlemen, 39:19 it doesn't get any better than this. 39:21 This is the greatest worship we can ever experience 39:26 while we celebrate the cross. 39:27 We come to the Lord's table, you will be the same, 39:30 you I'll never be the same. 39:33 So join me downstairs. 39:37 Hey, guess what, you know what you gonna do? 39:39 We're gonna be, we're gonna be slaves. 39:41 That's what you do. 39:42 When you kneel down in front of somebody else 39:43 you are saying I accept that you are greater than I. 39:46 When you kneel down in front of somebody else 39:48 you are saying I accept that you are greater than I. 39:50 We will become slaves just like Jesus 39:53 and we will say, that's my testimony today. 39:56 Let me serve You. Let me serve You please. 40:00 You are greater than I. 40:04 Everything is ready downstairs we got rooms for men, 40:06 we got rooms for women, 40:07 we got all kinds of family rooms downstairs, 40:10 you can't negotiate the stairs, 40:11 right around that corner on this level 40:13 everything is ready. 40:15 This is it, I mean, 40:16 this is the joy of following our Master. 40:21 Don't miss it. 40:22 Don't let your heart miss out on the example of Christ. 40:30 Let's go, I'll see you down stairs. 40:38 "Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow 40:41 that a time could ever be when I proudly said to Jesus, 40:46 'All of self, and none of Thee.' 40:50 Yet He found me, 40:52 I beheld Him bleeding on th' accursed tree 40:56 and my wistful heart said, faintly, 40:59 'Some of self, and some of Thee.' 41:04 Day by day His tender mercy, 41:05 healing, helping, full and free, 41:10 brought me lower while I whispered, 41:13 'Less of self, and more of Thee.' 41:18 Higher than the highest heaven, 41:20 deeper than the deepest sea, 41:22 Lord, thy love at last has conquered 41:27 'None of self, and all of Thee.'" 41:32 That Thursday night 41:35 when the humble God taught us 41:41 the gift of Calvary about His supper table 41:46 He gave us emblems so that we would remember. 41:50 Judy Aitken can read us 41:51 in the reading of that sacred account. 42:01 Thy communion reading is in the bulletin, 42:05 I'm reading from 42:06 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 NIV. 42:13 "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you, 42:18 The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 42:23 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 42:27 'This is my body, which is for you, 42:31 do this in remembrance of me.' 42:34 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, 42:39 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, do this, 42:45 whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.' 42:49 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, 42:53 you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." 42:58 Let us kneel as Norman Wagness 43:01 ask God's blessing on the emblems. 43:21 What a privilege it is Father, 43:24 to bow before You as a living God 43:27 who created us 43:29 and that You have a desire to the work of your hands 43:32 and that your attention is turned toward us today 43:36 as we come to You as your needy children. 43:41 We just want to give You praise 43:46 for the gift of your love to us 43:50 while we were yet sinners and before we knew You, 43:54 You have loved us. 43:56 And You told us You love us with an everlasting love. 44:01 You cannot give us up. 44:04 Lord, thank You for reaching out 44:07 to every heart here this morning 44:10 and touching us in our inner most souls 44:15 and helping us to appreciate 44:17 what Jesus has done for us in His life, in the living way 44:25 He demonstrated your love to us 44:29 and then in death we're thankful 44:32 that He took upon himself the sins of the world, 44:38 our sins and we are thankful. 44:46 We cannot earn your love, 44:48 we can never deserve it, we can just accept it. 44:52 We're thankful for the cleansing 44:54 that has taken place 44:55 and that we've been privileged to serve one another 44:59 and to wash each others feet as you instructed us 45:04 and now we reassembled to partake those emblems 45:08 that You've given to us long ago 45:13 that remind us of the blood 45:15 that was given to cleanse us all from sin 45:21 and re-acknowledge our need to You this day 45:25 and we are thankful for the bread, 45:29 His body that bore our sins 45:32 and that was beaten and humiliated 45:36 that He did not hold himself back from suffering. 45:41 And so Father, we just come in our neediness 45:47 of being cleansed, renew and knowing 45:51 that you accept us through your own merits 45:55 because Jesus did not die for His own sins 45:58 He was without sin and we are thankful 46:03 that that perfection is attributed to us 46:06 and for this grace 46:08 and this love and mercy we thank You. 46:11 Thank You that our names are in the book of life 46:14 and that we can rejoice 46:16 and we can look forward to the future 46:18 whatever it holds and knowing 46:20 that you will keep these lives 46:22 that we've committed to you now. 46:25 We come and we give You 46:27 our love and our worship in Jesus name, amen. 48:53 What wondrous love is this, 48:58 O my soul, O my soul 49:03 What wondrous love is this, 49:08 O my soul! 49:13 What wondrous love is this 49:18 That caused the Lord of bliss 49:23 To bear the dreadful curse 49:28 For my soul, for my soul 49:34 To bear the dreadful curse 49:39 For my soul! 50:15 All like sheep have gone astray 50:22 Gone astray 50:26 We all like sheep 50:28 Have gone astray 50:34 We all like sheep have gone astray 50:40 Which one turned his own way 50:45 And the Lord has laid on him 50:50 Laid on him, O my soul 50:56 The iniquity of us all 51:18 To God and to the Lamb 51:23 I will sing, I will sing 51:28 To God and to the Lamb 51:32 I will sing 51:37 To God and to the Lamb 51:42 Who is the great I AM 51:47 While millions join the theme 51:52 I will sing, I will sing 51:58 While millions join the theme 52:04 I will sing! 52:27 And so our humble God says to us, take 52:31 eat and drink these symbols of My humble love for you. 52:36 Do this in remembrance of Me. 53:23 In the sacred record reeves 53:24 that after they had sung a hymn they went out. 53:27 We too will sing a hymn of joy 53:30 for confession hymn 407 in your hymn 53:32 we'll sent forth by God's blessing. 53:37 The disciples had to assume 53:38 that Judas was leaving the upper room 53:41 to make an offering to the poor 53:44 we too receive an offering 53:46 on a joyful Sabbath such as this. 53:49 If God has blessed you over these last weeks 53:52 and you wish to extend that blessing freely 53:55 we have received freely let us give. 53:58 We receive an offering, 54:00 an emergency offering for those within our family 54:03 as well as within the inner city 54:05 of Benton Harbor in our mission there. 54:09 Let us with joy confess to Him 54:11 that we go forth now with His blessing. 54:40 Sent forth by God's blessing 54:44 Our true faith confessing 54:46 The people of God from 54:49 His dwelling take leave 54:53 The supper is ended 54:56 Oh, now be extended 54:59 The fruits of this service 55:02 In all who believe 55:06 The seed of His teaching 55:09 Receptive souls reaching 55:12 Shall blossom in action 55:15 For God and for all 55:19 His grace did invite us 55:22 His love shall unite us 55:25 To work for God's kingdom 55:29 And answer His call 55:34 With praise and thanksgiving 55:37 To God ever living 55:40 The tasks of our everyday 55:43 Life we will face 55:47 Our faith ever sharing 55:50 In love ever caring 55:53 Embracing His children 55:56 Of each tribe and race. 56:00 With Your feast You feed us 56:03 With Your light now lead us 56:06 Unite us as one in this 56:10 Life that we share 56:13 Then may all the living 56:16 With praise and thanksgiving 56:20 Give honor to Christ and His name that we bear 56:33 And the hymn who was able to keep you from stumbling 56:37 and to present you faultless 56:38 before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. 56:43 To God our humble Savior 56:45 who alone as wise be glory in majesty, 56:49 dominion in power, both now and forever, amen. 56:57 I wanted to take one more moment 56:59 here at the end of the telecast 57:00 to let you know how grateful I'm for your journey with us, 57:04 with our New Perceptions ministry. 57:05 You may think that New Perceptions 57:07 is only about television 57:08 but I need to tell you we do have a website 57:11 which is more than just a study guide. 57:13 I know we go to the study guide every week 57:14 but if you go to our website 57:16 let me put the address on the screen again, 57:17, 57:22 you will find at that website a blog. 57:24 Every Wednesday I sit down on my laptop 57:25 and write up a blog something as commenting on world events, 57:28 something local, something national, 57:30 you get the blog. 57:31 You want to archive previous teachings 57:34 from here the Pioneer pulpit 57:35 you go to that annotated archive 57:38 you can pick out a message it will be sent to you. 57:40 You want to get into the podcast business 57:43 I'm not real hi-tech here on this 57:45 but if you click podcast you will be 57:47 able to connect instantly with every new teaching 57:49 that comes from the Pioneer pulpit. 57:51 The point is we're trying to connect 57:53 with the generation on the move, on the go. 57:55 Thanks for being a part of it. 57:57 Thanks for your prayer partnership. 57:58 We've got to connect with this generation 58:00 at this time in earth's history 58:02 and I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission. 58:05 God bless you, until next time. |
Revised 2014-12-18