New Perceptions

The Issachar Factor Pt. 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP060609

00:27 Jesus, Lamb of God
00:34 Worthy is Your name
00:47 Amen.
00:49 Well, I'm just excited to hear your voices.
00:51 You all are really ringing out.
00:53 And I think of that day
00:54 when we see our Savior face to face.
00:58 It's also beautiful, 'cause I don't have my team here today
01:01 and so we have one humongous praise team
01:03 is that all right today.
01:05 We sing together from our hearts and with passion
01:08 with fervor to the King of kings and to the Lord of Lords.
01:11 He desires to hear us just.
01:12 The Bible say He is in throne in our praises,
01:15 He dwells when we lift Him high,
01:18 when we adore Him we cry holy.
01:23 Here's the testimony of the Christian
01:25 'I'm forgiven" let's sing together.
01:27 I'm forgiven Because you were forsaken
01:34 I'm accepted You were condemned
01:41 I'm alive and well Your Spirit is within me
01:47 Because you died and rose again
01:53 Amazing love.
01:55 Amazing love How can it be
02:02 That You my King would die for me?
02:07 Amazing love
02:09 Amazing love I know it's true
02:15 It's my joy
02:17 It's my joy to honor You,
02:21 In all I do, I honor You
02:30 Let's try it again.
02:32 I'm forgiven.
02:34 I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
02:40 Think about it
02:41 I'm accepted, You were condemned
02:47 And today
02:48 I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me
02:54 Because you died and rose again
03:00 Amazing love, amazing love,
03:04 how can it be
03:09 That You my King would die for me?
03:14 Amazing love
03:15 Amazing love, I know it's true
03:22 And it's my joy to honor You
03:26 In all I do
03:27 In all I do, I honor You
03:33 We make this declaration.
03:35 You are my King Jesus, You
03:41 Jesus, You are my King
03:47 Confess it for yourself today.
03:49 You are my King Jesus
03:55 Jesus you are my King
04:01 One last time, amazing love.
04:04 Amazing love, how can it be
04:11 That You my King would die for me?
04:15 Amazing love
04:17 Amazing love, I know it's true
04:24 It's my joy to honor You
04:28 In all In all I do,
04:32 I honor you In all I do
04:37 In all I do, I'll honor You
04:46 Let's sing this hymn.
04:48 Amazing grace,
04:54 How sweet the sound
05:00 That saved a wretch
05:06 Like me
05:12 I once was lost
05:19 but no I'm found
05:25 Was blind but now
05:31 I see
05:51 One by one Jesse's sons
05:57 stood before the prophet
06:01 The prophet knew a king
06:04 would soon be found
06:10 And each one passed except the last
06:16 No one thought to call him
06:20 Surely he would never wear a crown
06:27 But when others see
06:32 a shepherd boy
06:35 God may see a king
06:40 Even though your life seems filled
06:45 with ordinary things
06:49 In just a moment
06:51 He can touch you
06:54 and everything will change
06:59 When others see a shepherd boy
07:04 God may see a king
07:21 One by one problems come
07:26 and dreams get shattered
07:31 And times it seems so hard
07:33 to understand
07:39 But things like chance and circumstance
07:45 They don't really matter
07:49 Our Father holds tomorrow in His hands
07:56 And when others see a shepherd boy
08:03 God may see a king
08:08 Even though your life seems filled
08:12 with ordinary things
08:16 In just a moment He can touch you
08:21 and everything will change
08:26 When others see a shepherd boy
08:31 God may see a king
08:40 Well it wasn't the oldest and it wasn't the strongest
08:46 Chosen on that day
08:50 And yet the giants fell the nations trembled
08:56 When they stood in his way
09:01 And when others see a shepherd boy
09:07 God may see a king
09:11 Even though your life seems filled
09:16 with ordinary things
09:20 In just a moment He can touch you
09:25 and everything will change
09:29 When others see a shepherd boy
09:35 God may see a king
09:46 God may see a king
10:11 Let's pray together.
10:15 Only You, Father, are able to do that.
10:23 See little shepherd, boys and girls like us.
10:30 And see something down deep beneath that exterior
10:33 that promises a partnership of the King of Kings.
10:41 Teach us today
10:43 how we can partner with You in that very mission.
10:47 In these times of the Issachar factor
10:50 teach us today.
10:51 We pray in Christ name, amen.
10:57 As we wrap this-- there are many series the Issachar factor.
11:02 I'm thinking about a paradox
11:05 that a Greek philosopher named Zeno of Elea 5th BC.
11:12 He came up with this paradox.
11:13 And I'm thinking Issachar factor.
11:15 He says or he said
11:20 that if you travel every day
11:23 half way to your destination
11:28 you will never reach your destination.
11:33 You think about that, because every day
11:37 there'll be just a little more you have to go.
11:41 I'm thinking Issachar factor,
11:42 I'm thinking of this unlikely little tribe
11:47 tucked away in the tribes of Israel
11:51 and I'm thinking of their accumulation of knowledge
11:54 could it be the same way.
11:56 No matter how much knowledge you accumulate every day
12:00 there will be more.
12:03 I want to come full circle with that
12:05 as we wrap up this little three part mini-series
12:07 by going back to our theme text.
12:09 Go back to 1 Chronicles with me.
12:12 Will you 1 Chronicles 12,
12:14 some of you are joining us today for the first time
12:15 we're delighted to have you.
12:17 So here's the text we have been brooding over this text
12:20 our last time in this theme text,
12:22 1 Chronicles Chapter 12.
12:24 If you didn't bring a Bible today,
12:25 grab the pew Bible in front of you.
12:26 You have got to track this one.
12:28 This is the capstone to our three piece mini-series.
12:33 Let's go to the theme text it will be--
12:35 if you grab the pew Bible it would be the same translation
12:37 that I'll be reading from this morning
12:39 the New King James and if it's--
12:41 if you are in the pew Bible that would be page 285.
12:47 So young David, by the way the shepherd boy becomes king
12:49 that's what's happening in 1 Chronicles 12.
12:51 The boy has become a king
12:53 and it list now the 12 tribes of Israel
12:55 and how each of them is having is stepping forward
12:58 providing support for the brand new young monarch.
13:02 Everybody out saw shepherd boy,
13:04 but God saw a king, all right.
13:07 So tucked in the middle of this list
13:10 comes this obscure tribe Issachar.
13:12 Verse 32, notice the identification marker
13:15 that Issachar is given.
13:17 Oh, I wish this marker would be true of me.
13:22 I wish it would be true of you Jeremy as well.
13:26 Issachar factor can be true before all of us.
13:31 Okay, this is verse 32 of 1 Chronicles 12
13:33 "And of the sons of Issachar" Now notice the ID marker.
13:37 "Who had understanding of the times,
13:40 to know what Israel ought to do."
13:47 This uncanny, this prescient ability
13:51 of a tiny little tribe in Israel to understand the times
13:53 and to know what Israel ought there for to do
13:55 was to obviously predicate upon on
13:57 analysis of accumulating information and knowledge.
14:01 Now remember the paradox, there is always gonna be more.
14:03 So here's the question, how much knowledge is sufficient
14:07 to begin to make analysis of the world
14:09 in which we're living right now?
14:10 If I exercises Issachar factor
14:12 how much knowledge do I need to have?
14:14 I would love to know what the sons of Issachar
14:17 would do with this very week,
14:18 this paradigm shifting week on the planet.
14:23 You have the president of the mightiest nation on earth
14:28 stepping behind the days
14:32 in the heart of a major Islamic university
14:37 which is in the heart of a major Islamic city,
14:41 which is in the heart of a major Islamic nation,
14:44 which is in the heart of Arab Muslim the world over.
14:52 President Obama steps up to that lector
14:54 and for 55 minutes
14:59 he lectures 1.3 billion Muslims.
15:03 His lecture interrupted over 40 times by applause.
15:08 What's going on?
15:09 I'd love to know what the sons of Issachar
15:11 would do with that one.
15:14 What does it mean?
15:15 How does this play into the times
15:16 you and I have been gifted privilege by God to live.
15:21 For our final Issachar factor brooding
15:25 there's ability to understand the times
15:28 and then to know how to respond accordingly.
15:31 It's not go to a president, it's go to a king.
15:34 It's not go to the world of Islam,
15:35 it's go to the world of Israel.
15:37 One line from an old bitter, sweet, melancholy king.
15:44 Book of Chronicles here's the line
15:46 let's find, Chronicles Chapter 12.
15:47 Look it if you grown up in the community of faith
15:51 1 Chronicles 12 is not gonna be a surprise to you.
15:53 Some of you may have never read the words before
15:55 that's all right.
15:56 I want you to blow the dust off of this ancient line.
15:59 This is Ecclesiastes 12,
16:01 I'm sorry I said 1 Chronicles 12,
16:02 but now we're going to Ecclesiastes 12.
16:05 Kind of threw you there sorry about that.
16:06 The Ecclesiastes 12 all right written by this embittered king.
16:10 This soliloquy at the end of life.
16:12 This is King Solomon of course.
16:15 Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 that would be page 454
16:19 in your pew Bible.
16:21 Take look at this line as we wrap this little mini-series.
16:26 Okay, Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
16:29 many of you've read this line before let me read it again
16:32 we'll put it on the screen for you.
16:33 "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,
16:38 before the difficult days come,
16:40 and the years draw near when you say,
16:42 'I have no pleasure in them.'"
16:46 Now that line is so familiar to so many of us
16:50 that it absolutely has no effect at all.
16:51 And so here's what I need to do you're not allow to do this.
16:54 Right there at the end of the apocalypse
16:55 it says at the end of the Bible
16:57 God will bring the plagues upon anybody
16:58 who adds a word or takes a word from Holy Scripture.
17:00 So I don't want to do that, I want to simply invert it.
17:03 Doesn't say a word about switching words,
17:05 I want to switch two words.
17:07 Well, I think will be okay.
17:10 But you're gonna need a study guide to do this.
17:11 We've got to see it in the study guide
17:13 and so thank you ushers, for making sure
17:15 that everybody here gets the study guide.
17:16 If you came in several of you with one worship bulletin
17:19 hold your hand up our ushers will make sure
17:21 all the way up into the balcony please,
17:22 our ushers will make sure that you get the study guide.
17:24 Keep your hand up they'll make their way down towards you
17:27 and those of you who are watching on television
17:29 we're delighted to have you.
17:30 Well, wrapping up this mini-series.
17:32 Glad you are here for part three.
17:34 Let me put it on the screen for you our website,
17:36 because if you go to our website
17:37 you'll be able to get the same study guide.
17:39 You're seeing on your screen right now
17:40 right there at the bottom of the screen
17:45 By the way all our visitors who are here
17:47 you can connect with us anywhere on earth through that website
17:50 and every teaching we share is sitting there for you
17:53 at your leisure to peruse and ponder.
17:55 You can get the podcast, subscribe to the podcast
17:57 and they'll come to you 24/7 when they are available.
18:02 All right, but those watching on television
18:04 look for the word study guide for part three,
18:06 it's part three we're looking for you see the word study guide
18:09 click onto that and you'll have the same study guide we have.
18:13 Now some of you look to the study guide
18:14 before we began you say oh,
18:15 there is obviously a typographical error,
18:17 because the identical sentence with the two same blanks
18:19 and the two same places are there somebody slipped up
18:22 and accidentally copied it a second time.
18:24 No that's intentional, all right.
18:28 So let's threw it our first,
18:29 let's threw it out the first set of blanks.
18:31 The proper reading of Ecclesiastes 12:1
18:34 "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth."
18:40 Ladies and gentlemen, I do not want to downplay
18:42 for a moment the significance of just the way the line reads.
18:49 God says, listen I want to tell you something
18:50 when you are young it's the perfect time
18:54 to remember your Creator.
18:57 Now look at most of our college kids
18:58 have gone for the summer,
19:00 but we've got a lot of young adults here still.
19:02 I see you out there.
19:05 You were chosen by God.
19:06 It doesn't matter how your life is progressing right now,
19:08 it doesn't matter how the lack of guidance,
19:12 the lack of a sense of destiny
19:14 you are living with right now forget it.
19:16 You are alive today, because God wheels you
19:18 into the existence.
19:20 The point of this why is king
19:22 embedded at the end of his life after wine, women and song
19:24 and realizing that isn't even enough.
19:26 The point of the king is when you're young remember,
19:31 the Creator created you calls you into existence.
19:34 You are here for a dream, you are here for a vision.
19:36 God has a destiny for you.
19:38 That's great just the way it reads,
19:40 but I need to switch it around.
19:41 So would you now fill it out please?
19:43 Let's ponder for this final Issachar factor piece,
19:45 let's ponder it this way.
19:48 "Remember now you're youth in the day of your Creator."
19:53 Switch the words around.
19:55 Will you please and write them in
19:56 and so that the inverted text
19:58 with the entire text would read this way.
20:00 Let's put it on the screen please.
20:01 "Remember now your youth in the days of your Creator,
20:04 before the difficult days come,
20:06 and the years draw near when you say,
20:09 'I am not get much out of this at all.'
20:12 " Now the Solomon's point is
20:14 this is a soliloquy of growing old
20:16 and the very next verse has described the body
20:18 physically falling apart.
20:20 It says bummer.
20:22 I understand he is concerned about aging,
20:24 but as I brood over the Issachar factor
20:28 and this one line inverted
20:30 I'm concerned about the aging,
20:32 I'm concerned about the dangers aging of our civilization.
20:38 In fact, let me tell you something
20:39 the word for difficult right here
20:41 before the difficult days come
20:43 the actual Hebrew word is evil.
20:46 In fact the last time it's using in the Old Testament
20:48 it's just one page back Ecclesiastes.
20:50 Just turn the page back Ecclesiastes 9:12.
20:53 Notice this very clearly there the context its evil,
20:56 the word is to be translated evil.
20:58 Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man also does not know his time"
21:04 obviously they don't have the Issachar factor.
21:06 Whoever these people are that they don't know their times
21:08 do not have the Issachar factor.
21:10 The Issachar factor means you will know your time,
21:12 you will then know how to respond to your time,
21:15 but Solomon says not everybody knows.
21:16 "For man also does not know his time,
21:18 like fish taken in a cruel net, like birds caught in a snare,
21:23 so the sons and daughters of men are snared in an evil."
21:28 There it is same word.
21:30 "In an evil time, when it falls suddenly."
21:35 And I must tell you I much more inebriate by that word suddenly
21:38 then attracted to that word evil.
21:40 "When it fall suddenly, suddenly upon them."
21:47 What does suddenly mean?
21:50 What does suddenly mean?
21:54 Suddenly is what happened late Sunday night
21:56 somewhere over the Atlantic as that ill-fated
22:00 Air France flight 447 suddenly, suddenly disappeared.
22:08 I saw it in my blog today,
22:10 scientist are calling it this intertropical convergence zone
22:13 and nearly continues ban of colliding weather systems
22:15 that stretches across the Atlantic at the equator
22:18 from Africa all the way across to South America.
22:24 Apparently this ICZ is the hot bed of some of the
22:27 earth's most violent storms.
22:30 Those thunderheads can stretch from sea level upto 60,000 feet
22:36 colliding weather systems leading some to speculate
22:38 that the aircraft flew into that brewing meteorological cauldron
22:42 and suffered a catastrophic event that's snuffed it off
22:45 the radar screen out of life gone.
22:47 And by the way the debris they found this week
22:49 it's not Air France debris.
22:51 We have no idea where that plane went down,
22:55 228 people gone.
22:56 You're sleeping, look I flying to Italy tomorrow,
22:59 have to fly overnight across the Atlantic,
23:01 I'm thinking about this.
23:05 You're sound asleep
23:06 and the next thing you know all hell breaks loose,
23:08 the electrical systems shuts down
23:09 we didn't get that computer notification boom
23:12 and now you're flying down.
23:15 You can't imagine suddenly
23:18 that's what suddenly means like that.
23:21 That's what suddenly means.
23:22 The wise king Solomon ruefully reminds us
23:26 that there is a wild card in the hand of faith
23:34 and it is a wild card
23:35 that the sons and daughters of Issachar today
23:38 must be acutely cognize enough
23:40 if we're gonna give correct analysis to this generation.
23:44 Would you jot it down please, here's the wild card.
23:48 "Regarding the Issachar factor's
23:49 'understanding the signs of the times,'
23:51 the 'wild card' in God's hand is called suddenly."
23:54 Just write it out suddenly.
23:55 That word is not unique to Ecclesiastes
23:57 as we're gonna note just now.
23:58 But write it down the wild card in the hand of faith
24:01 calling in the hand of God is a card suddenly,
24:04 when that card is played suddenly
24:05 the human paradigm shifts irrevocably shifts.
24:09 Never forget that in the hand is a wild card
24:13 entitled suddenly.
24:15 Let's go to the New Testament.
24:16 New Testament collaborates the very crucial point
24:19 that Solomon is making for
24:20 Issachar factor kind of thinking.
24:22 Go to the 1 Thessalonians in the New Testament.
24:24 Take a look at this.
24:26 If you're using a pew Bible it'll be page 796.
24:30 1 Thessalonians,
24:33 can't miss it here, cannot miss it.
24:36 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 let's pick it up in verse 1
24:38 "But concerning the times and the seasons."
24:41 All right, you want to know about the times
24:43 that we're living in.
24:44 "Concerning the times and the seasons,
24:45 you have no need that I should write to you.
24:48 For you yourselves know perfectly
24:49 that the day of the Lord."
24:50 That would be Christ return.
24:52 "The day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."
24:57 Verse 3 "For when they say, 'Peace and safety!'
25:01 Then suddenly, suddenly."
25:05 NIV translates it suddenly.
25:08 New King James says sudden destruction.
25:11 "Sudden destruction comes upon them,
25:13 as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.
25:15 And they shall not escape."
25:17 I need to tell you about-- first fill it in.
25:19 When they say peace and safety then sudden,
25:22 the New King James then sudden destruction comes upon them.
25:26 I do need to tell you that this thief in a night simile
25:29 some people read that and say,
25:31 that means Jesus is coming secretly.
25:33 No it doesn't mean that Jesus is coming secretly,
25:34 it means Jesus is coming unexpectedly.
25:36 How could-- because Paul illustrates it
25:38 with the woman in labor.
25:40 Is it a secret to the woman in labor that she is in labor?
25:42 No, it is not a secret.
25:44 She knows very well what is happening.
25:46 You can't about secret, it's unexpected.
25:47 I didn't think I was having the baby right now, Rebecca.
25:53 Suddenly, suddenly.
25:56 The only other place by the way that this Greek word is used
26:00 in the New Testament is, in this words of Christ
26:03 describing His second coming.
26:04 We will put it on the screen for you.
26:05 Luke 21:34 Jesus says "But take heed to yourselves,
26:08 lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing,
26:11 drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day,
26:13 " capital "D" Day it's the Lord's day
26:15 it's always the return of Christ.
26:17 "And that Day come upon you unexpectedly."
26:20 Notice the last line now.
26:21 "For it will come as a snare
26:24 on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth."
26:27 The identical language that Solomon uses
26:29 they are caught in a snare,
26:30 they are entrapped, and suddenly.
26:33 Christ uses to say-- to say that's the way it'll be
26:38 when I return.
26:39 In fact, would you jot that down please?
26:40 But Jesus speaking here "But take heed
26:42 lest that Day come upon you unexpectedly."
26:44 Same word as suddenly.
26:46 "Like a trap."
26:48 Identical language from the wise King Solomon.
26:51 Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, the Issachar factor
26:53 presciently calculates its understanding of the times
26:56 by remembering the wild card in God's hand
26:59 and that card is called suddenly.
27:01 The reason this is so important,
27:02 because some of you think you got things figured out.
27:03 You say, I can see this trance,
27:05 I know where things are going and you know
27:06 and actually things are improving now.
27:08 Just remember no matter how the trance may appear
27:11 there is a wild card in the hand of faith and it is sudden
27:14 and when it is played the whole paradigm
27:19 is permanently shifted.
27:22 Do you ever wake up, do you-- this is happened to you I know.
27:26 You wake up in the middle of a night
27:29 feeling all refreshing like man I've slept a whole night
27:31 let's begin and you look at the clock, oh good night,
27:35 it's time for more good night.
27:38 Isn't that just awful?
27:39 You think you're ready to get up.
27:41 Well, this happened to me this week Monday.
27:44 I woke up feeling refreshed
27:46 and then I looked at the clock I said,
27:48 oh no, 3:00 something please.
27:53 I knew that if I stayed in bed I'll be tossing and turning
27:55 and then I would wake here up so I said, okay I'll get up.
27:58 Went down stairs, I keep a blanket down there in my study
28:02 and wrapped up in that blanket in the dark
28:03 and I decided to have some time to pray.
28:06 Now I understand I don't believe
28:09 that the messages or strong impressions
28:12 that God gives me are necessarily intended for you,
28:16 I understand that.
28:17 We all have our prayers lives,
28:18 we commune with God accordingly,
28:20 you commune with Him the way you do and I do as well,
28:23 but I must tell you that as I pray there in the darkness,
28:29 I was praying among other prayer focuses,
28:32 I was praying for this Issachar factor.
28:34 Not just for me I'm praying for you.
28:37 It's still good if just one person has an Issachar factor
28:39 ability to discern.
28:40 So I'm praying that God will give it to all of us
28:43 that will not, that will be a community
28:45 that is able to accurately know the times
28:47 and then know how to respond accordingly.
28:50 So while I'm praying this impression,
28:53 you know, this sense
28:59 came in me
29:03 that no matter how you read the tea leaves today,
29:08 because I can say you one thing
29:09 and you'll come along and say I got this from the web
29:10 and it's the exact opposite.
29:12 I understand how that works.
29:13 But no matter how the tea leaves might read today
29:16 there is the inescapable reality that human society
29:19 as we know it is headed like the ill-fated Flight 447
29:25 into a maelstrom on this planet.
29:28 Were too low on the horizon of time we cannot see it,
29:32 but if I read and study my Bible correctly
29:34 and I believe I do then before the return of Christ
29:38 there will be a massive global crisis
29:43 that will draw every nation on earth into it.
29:47 Look at, that's not rocket science,
29:50 it's not like oh, Dwight, great revelation.
29:53 The Bible has been saying that,
29:55 but I'm not realizing
29:57 that in the hand of faith is a card
30:00 that can literally overnight shift the paradigm.
30:07 Jesus is making the point of course,
30:09 very clearly and I want you to not read it on the screen,
30:11 but see it in your own Bible.
30:12 So go back to what's called the little apocalypse
30:15 this is the signs of the times Chapter Matthew 24.
30:18 Jesus is making the point take a look at this
30:20 then I want to share something that came to me.
30:22 Just that was sent to me this last week
30:24 I'll share with you see what you think.
30:25 This is Matthew 24:37 red letter words
30:29 if you have a Red Lettered Bible.
30:30 Jesus speaking here Matthew 24:37 page 668,
30:37 "But as the days of Noah were,
30:39 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
30:44 For as in the days before the flood."
30:45 Now watch this.
30:46 "As in the days before the flood,
30:49 they were eating and drinking."
30:51 Anything wrong with eating and drinking?
30:52 Nope.
30:53 "They were marrying and giving in marriage."
30:54 Anything wrong in marrying and giving in marriage?
30:55 Of course not.
30:57 Life as usual is proceeding that's the point.
31:01 "They were marrying and giving in marriage,
31:03 until the day" until the day "that Noah entered the ark,
31:08 and they did not know until the flood came
31:12 and took them all away,
31:14 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
31:18 Ladies and gentlemen,
31:20 the card, the wild card suddenly,
31:24 God suddenly played and it was over,
31:29 everything was just going on,
31:30 hunky-dory well, it's a great isn't it?
31:33 Yeah, looks like the economy is coming up.
31:34 Hey, hi-five on that, boom.
31:39 That's the point, that's the point.
31:42 Matthew Henry-- boy, is the line
31:45 "Though God bare a great wild He will not bare always."
31:51 What we get by with today
31:54 and may face curtains tomorrow, that's the point.
31:58 Noah in the flood wild card, Sodom and Gomorrah overnight,
32:02 wild card just like that.
32:04 Over night, September 11, 2001 just like that wild card,
32:10 life forever on this planet has changed.
32:11 We can never go back in your dreams,
32:16 that's Jesus point.
32:18 You want to talk about an earthquake it could happen,
32:20 you want to talk about hurricane we've seen it happen,
32:22 you want to talk about tsunami pick your pick
32:23 take you pick Mother Nature, political nature
32:26 it doesn't matter overnight the paradigm shifts.
32:29 Now here's the question.
32:31 Could it happen, here where I'm going,
32:34 all right, could it happen economically?
32:41 Could it happen economically?
32:45 So I subscribe to two financial news letters.
32:49 One of which included a 24 page paper,
32:53 it came to me just a few days ago
32:55 written by Horace Brock
32:57 he is Ph.D. is from Princeton,
32:59 his Ph.D. is in mathematical economics
33:01 and political philosophy Harvard
33:03 and then he went to Harvard
33:05 then to Princeton to become an economist.
33:07 Twenty four page paper was included
33:08 in this financial news letter
33:10 I get so I ran the paper off and read it.
33:14 I want to read just a few lines to you.
33:17 Could it happen economically? So here's a deal.
33:18 He's looking at the ratio between debt and GDP,
33:23 the debt and GDP ratio.
33:25 You'll understand about debt.
33:27 This nation by the way is getting
33:28 further and further in debt
33:29 as we sit here, you understand it.
33:31 GDP, Grows Domestic Product
33:33 that's how they measure earth's economic boost the world over.
33:36 Every nation has a GDP it can be in the positive,
33:39 it can be in the negative.
33:41 Incidentally today globally it's minus 1%.
33:45 Now here is Brock's concern
33:46 that if our debt continues to mount
33:48 and the GDP instead of rising with the debt descends
33:51 in spite of the debt we're looking at a meltdown.
33:56 And then he makes these, he uses words
33:58 that you can understand with the Issachar factor
34:00 I immediately spot.
34:01 See if you catch these words, all right.
34:03 Let me read this to you.
34:04 "A year ago even six months ago the great debate centered
34:06 on whether the credit market crisis
34:08 would precipitate either a US or global recession.
34:10 A majority predicted a manageable recession
34:13 in the US, but nowhere else
34:14 with the possible exception of the UK."
34:16 Surprise, surprise.
34:18 "Uncertainty it was great
34:19 and kept increasing until recently, but no longer.
34:21 The good news today is that this uncertainty has disappeared
34:24 because everybody is in it now."
34:26 No more uncertainty.
34:28 Now listen two way
34:30 "the G7 economies are all in recession."
34:34 The most powerful economies on earth are all in recession.
34:37 "And more astonishingly the economy of the planet earth
34:40 is growing at about a minus 1% or less.
34:43 Earning are crumbling, global trade."
34:44 This is just weeks ago.
34:46 "Global trade has decrease by nearly 10%
34:48 rising global unemployment for tokens
34:50 social unrest in many quarters,
34:51 industrial production has dropped more than ever
34:53 before an excess capacity is rising in almost
34:55 all manufacturing sectors globally."
34:57 Now here is what caught my eye.
35:00 "All in all we have witnessed problems
35:02 that originated within the United States
35:05 give rise to global scenarios that were virtually unthinkable
35:10 as recently as the summer of 2008.
35:16 And do so now with blinding, blinding speed."
35:23 Two words, leap off
35:25 this economist analysis of the times.
35:29 Blinding, blinding speed.
35:37 When they say everything is coming up raises,
35:39 wow, this thing is turned around.
35:40 Man, hallelujah.
35:42 Remember the two words blinding speed.
35:46 A hundred years ago a century go these prescient words
35:48 were written wound you fill them in your study guide please.
35:51 A hundred years ago,
35:52 "Great changes are soon to take place in the world,
35:55 and the final movements will be rapid."
35:58 Blinding speed, "rapid ones."
36:02 Keep your pen moving.
36:03 "Beware the wild card 'blinding speed'"
36:07 also called "suddenly."
36:10 Beware don't you factor your journey in the future
36:14 without remembering there is that wild card.
36:16 Oh, put it out, you know,
36:17 I know I want to get little deeper with Jesus.
36:19 I know I want to grow in God, but you know what,
36:22 the day will come when I have a little more time.
36:24 Don't put it off, blinding speed, please, please.
36:30 This isn't rocket science. Blinding speed.
36:34 Oh, Dwight, I should we be afraid?
36:37 Oh, please don't be afraid. Please, please.
36:40 Please take a look at this put it in your study guide.
36:42 Hallelujah, Proverbs 3:25, 26,
36:45 "Do not be afraid of sudden terror
36:49 for the Lord will be your confidence."
36:51 What do you say to that? Hallelujah.
36:54 You have no, you and I have no reason to fear.
36:56 Sit up Issachar, sit up.
36:59 Just remember understand the times.
37:04 We must understand the times,
37:05 but remember the whole point of Issachar
37:06 is not just to understand the times
37:08 but its also to as a consequence of the careful analysis
37:12 to determine who we should move,
37:14 what we should do giving the times we are in.
37:18 And that's why we inverted our verse from Ecclesiastes,
37:21 let me put it back on the screen for you.
37:23 "Remember now your youth
37:26 in the days of your Creator, before."
37:31 Before this blinding speed wild card gets played.
37:34 Do now, do it now before the difficult
37:37 or the evil days come.
37:39 Before the massive crisis, remember your youth
37:43 and the days of your Creator.
37:44 Why should be remember the young?
37:46 I'll tell you why. If all kind of issues on earth.
37:47 why we are to remember the young?
37:48 Listen to this 3,400 of them, 3, 400 of them
37:53 we have right here at Andrews University.
37:56 All right, there is no other congregation on earth
37:57 that has been entrusted
37:58 with these 3,400 university students.
38:03 We have senses the congregation our mission is to young adults.
38:06 In fact, I got an email, I got to share this with you.
38:09 I got an email from one of our young adults,
38:11 freshmen this last year so he writes me.
38:13 He is on summer vacation right now.
38:15 But he writes, drear Pastor Nelson,
38:17 you may remember me.
38:18 I sent you an email last fall asking what I could to do
38:20 to bring about revival of Andrews
38:22 your reply was defending moment of my year.
38:24 Let me quickly we cap the story, turns out,
38:26 and I'm gland we have military chaplains here.
38:28 It turns out-- he's telling me
38:29 in this letter that on October 19
38:32 he enlist as a recruit for the Marine Reserves
38:36 here in Michigan as a basic infantry
38:38 I think he puts it here.
38:41 October 19 that's a Friday,
38:42 October 20 he's sitting in the back of the balcony
38:45 worshiping with this university congregation.
38:51 He is describing, he said,
38:52 you're laying out a plan to accomplish the impossible
38:54 the unattainable thing that I dreamed about
38:57 and sought for so much of my young life.
38:58 I waited to tell everyone about Jesus
39:00 and prepare the world so that He could come back.
39:02 The words you use are something like, Lord, tell me
39:04 where You want me to go and I'll go.
39:05 Tell me what You want me to do it and I'll do it.
39:07 I desperately wanted to say those words,
39:09 you gave an ultra call and thought
39:10 all my doubts to the wind.
39:11 I said the words, I came forward
39:13 and looks for ways to act on those words
39:15 that very Sabbath
39:16 I went outreach up in Benton Harbor for the first time
39:18 it was an awesome experience.
39:20 And I serve faithfully for every week
39:22 they had it until the end of spring semester.
39:25 May his tribe increase.
39:27 He was 18 last fall in that balcony.
39:30 Ladies and gentlemen,
39:31 we have hundreds and hundreds of them on this campus.
39:36 Eighteen years old young man, we have a mission.
39:40 And by the way, you want to see the real number
39:44 under the age of college, under the collegiate age
39:48 we have another 700 young adults.
39:54 That's 4,100, 4,100 in our perish the God says,
40:01 you take care oft, you prepare them for Me.
40:05 Remember now you are youth in the days of your Creator
40:09 before the difficult days comes,
40:12 before the meltdown remember them now.
40:15 Wow, how can we do it?
40:16 I want to end with this
40:17 seven simple ways to make a spiritual difference.
40:20 You seven simple ways
40:21 everyone in these Issachar factors has had a list of seven,
40:25 this is the final list of seven jot this down please.
40:27 Number one, you want to make a difference
40:28 in some young person's life here we go.
40:30 Number one, Ask God to make you a mentor to them.
40:35 Ask God to make you a mentor to them.
40:38 We brought 13 university students
40:40 down into our boardroom here
40:41 and we asked them okay, listen,
40:42 what can Pioneer do for you?
40:45 I for one, I'm telling you the truth
40:46 I simply did not expect what these kids were saying.
40:51 Two students you know what they said,
40:53 here's what we want.
40:54 We want you to open up your homes to us
40:57 on a Friday night for worship
40:58 and supper, Sabbath for dinner
41:00 and then we like to sit around.
41:02 We vow you old people.
41:05 And they were thinking to you,
41:06 they were thinking actually of you
41:07 when they were saying that.
41:09 I asked them they said, oh yeah, I meant the others.
41:12 We vow you people with age.
41:17 I just would not have guessed that there would be response.
41:20 But then I'm reading this book
41:22 that they ordered on
41:23 and let me show up to you.
41:24 This is Ed Stetzer book. Take a look at this.
41:28 Title of the book "Lost and Found,
41:29 The Younger Unchurched
41:30 and the Churches that Reach Them"
41:32 a book that reports on three major research projects
41:34 of polling, surveys and personal interviews
41:36 and he collaborates this point and it's in your study guide.
41:39 We'll put it on the screen for you.
41:40 Here's what Stetzer's found.
41:42 "When people from an older generation
41:44 invite young adults into their lives,
41:47 they have that chance to mentor them."
41:50 Now watch this, this was a surprise for me.
41:53 "Too many young adults today have no one to turn to."
41:56 Now this part was it.
41:57 "When it comes to the tough questions of life."
42:00 All right "Questions of faith,
42:01 marriage, life, and work."
42:03 But here's the surprise, but they also.
42:05 Who did they turn to for "the practical questions
42:07 of life changing my oil, preparing my taxes,
42:10 making my budget work, building a resume."
42:12 I never thought about that, nobody show me how to do it.
42:16 I just want to hang. Do you know how to do this?
42:20 Notice that next line "Churches that connect generations"
42:24 an intergenerational church like we are.
42:26 "Churches that connect generations
42:28 can be wonderful bodies of believers
42:30 who respect each other in every facet of congregational life."
42:34 Our kids said, we want to come home
42:35 and just kind of sit around your table
42:36 listen to you tell stories and draw from your wisdom.
42:41 They were right.
42:43 Number two, Go deep with them.
42:47 Number one, Ask God to open your heart,
42:48 open your doors to our young.
42:50 Number two, Go deep with them.
42:52 Listen to Stetzer again. This is amazing.
42:55 "Young adults are looking for and striving toward truth.
42:58 They care about who they are and what they're becoming."
43:00 Now jot it down.
43:01 "Ankle deep does not work for them.
43:07 They'd rather be over their heads
43:08 as opposed to kicking around at the shallow end."
43:11 You know what, we mistakenly assume
43:13 that the young are interested in serious too,
43:15 they just want to play that is not true.
43:17 They want to go deep.
43:19 They want somebody to say listen
43:20 let's get into the word together.
43:21 I'm going over, I'm taking
43:22 the summary statements over to Italy with me
43:24 so that I can analyze the survey
43:26 that we did back in the worship survey,
43:28 preaching survey back in April.
43:31 You would be amazed
43:32 that how deep the young want to go.
43:36 They don't want namby-pamby, they don't want pabulum,
43:39 they are into apologetics, they are into hey show me,
43:41 teach doctrine and truth.
43:45 They want to go deep, ankle deep will not suffice.
43:48 So open up your home,
43:49 open up your Sabbath school class to young adults.
43:50 By the way you got Sabbath school class,
43:52 just a bunch of youth sitting around old timers,
43:54 why don't you bring some young adults into that class,
43:56 why don't you really do some mentoring?
43:59 All right number three, Model your values to them.
44:01 Model your values to them.
44:03 You know what, we are foolish to think
44:05 that we must dress like them, talk like them,
44:07 behave like them in order to influence them.
44:09 That is so far from the truth.
44:11 Guess what, it's the other way around.
44:13 They want us old fuddy-duddies to be able to articulate
44:19 and model the values and standards we hold high.
44:23 Now this is gonna blow you out of the water.
44:26 Stetzer reports in one major survey
44:28 that only 31% of unchurched
44:31 young adults said yes to this statement.
44:33 Put it on the screen.
44:34 "Only three out of ten unchurched said
44:37 'if music at church sounded similar
44:39 to my favorite type of music,
44:40 I would be more likely to attend.'
44:42 " Now let me reverse the numbers for you.
44:44 Seven out of ten young adults unchurched young adults said,
44:47 I don't care about the music,
44:48 you don't have to do music my way
44:51 in order for me to come.
44:52 Now the way some music gets defended
44:54 and some circulars on this campus
44:55 you would think it was the other way
44:57 around, seven out of ten would say
44:58 I got to have the right music in order to go.
45:00 They don't have to. Isn't that amazing?
45:03 Hold your line, the values and standards
45:07 they expect you to hold model it to them.
45:11 Model your values to them. Don't be afraid.
45:15 Number four, Draw them into community,
45:17 the community of a small group.
45:20 In that same survey listen to this
45:21 46% of the unchurched said yes to this statement.
45:26 I would be willing to join a small group of people
45:28 to learn more about the Bible and Jesus.
45:32 What was the number? Forty six percent of unchurched.
45:35 It's higher among the church kids.
45:37 Unchurched kids, don't know Jesus kids.
45:40 I wouldn't mind be in a small group.
45:43 Listen, you got a small group already,
45:45 you don't have to say well, I got to turn them
45:46 all into young adults in order to draw more.
45:48 No you don't.
45:49 They love intergenerational,
45:51 so just bring them in, add them to your group.
45:59 You invite them to bring a couple of their friends over
46:01 and you bring a couple of your friends
46:02 and you sit down on a Friday night
46:03 something can start growing
46:04 that you could start building a community,
46:05 they'd come back again
46:06 and they'd come back again and again.
46:08 You take them deeper in the word of God.
46:11 Listen to Stetzer again, you going to fill this one in.
46:13 "Rather than behave/believe/belong ministry."
46:17 Now I want to tell you what he is saying,
46:18 because this is a way we done ministry for year
46:20 in our community of faith.
46:21 Here's the way we do it. You got to behave right.
46:23 If you behave right you can come here
46:26 then you got to believe right,
46:27 if you believe right we'll let you join us.
46:30 So we go behave first and then believe
46:33 and then we'll let you go on.
46:34 They don't want to do it that way.
46:36 They said, no we want to belong,
46:38 we'd like to, how did he put it here,
46:40 we want to belong first
46:41 then we will decide about believing
46:43 and then we'll decide about
46:45 become not behaving just let us become,
46:47 let us become what you've become.
46:50 You see we get real, we get real spiritually mature
46:53 and we said, now said, everybody now
46:54 that joins this church has to be just like me,
46:58 have a same taste,
46:59 have a same spiritual level of maturity.
47:02 No, we don't have to do that bring them in.
47:06 In facts Stetzer goes on, what's that last sentence.
47:07 "What this means is that an unchurched individual
47:09 is immediately welcomed
47:11 into the community with other Christians."
47:12 By the way he's not saying,
47:14 he's saying I'm not saying baptize them today,
47:16 I'm just saying get them in,
47:17 get them in, let them belong first
47:20 then they'll come to believe then they'll become.
47:24 Okay number five, Do ministry.
47:26 Do ministry, key word with them in church.
47:31 Do ministry with them in the church.
47:34 Our strategic plan here
47:35 that we've been sharing with our HR vision
47:37 envisions inviting young adults serving
47:38 beside you in every ministry of this church
47:40 from the nursery Sabbath school
47:41 and the other side of that glass
47:42 to neighboring labor down the street ministering
47:44 to the distance franchise of the intercity near us.
47:49 Every ministry that is being done
47:51 in the Pioneer Memorial Church,
47:53 every leader eventually our dream is
47:55 we'll have a shadow young adult,
47:57 a shadow two or three of them
47:59 who will shadow you, who will watch you,
48:01 who will observe you, who will say hey,
48:03 show me how to do that.
48:04 Teach me about that part, that's our vision.
48:08 You've got to do it with them.
48:11 You know what, we believe that the day will come
48:13 when they'll leave to this campus
48:14 and go anywhere earth they say hey, listen,
48:15 I was taught back at Pioneer,
48:16 I was taught at Andrews University,
48:18 where I graduated.
48:19 I know how to do that, I can help you there,
48:20 oh just show me how to do, I can do that too.
48:23 They come as servants
48:25 they come immersed in a world of need.
48:27 Number six, Do service.
48:30 First one was, five was, do ministry
48:31 this one is, do service.
48:32 This is a key point. Do service with them.
48:38 Listen to these number 66% of church,
48:41 all right, these are the kids in church,
48:42 66% two thirds of them
48:43 and 47% of the unchurched young adults
48:46 Stetzer writing here "Waited the opportunity
48:48 to meet the needs of others locally and globally
48:51 as extremely important in their lives."
48:54 You think about this, this is the first generation
48:56 who was grown up with a real time war.
48:59 Real time, they are watching war on TV back here at home.
49:04 It's not the generations
49:05 we have to go by the news that came back.
49:08 These kids can pick a plane ticket
49:09 any day of the week and they're gone.
49:11 Go for a week, go for two weeks then they'll come home.
49:14 They are inundated with internet information,
49:16 the media targeting them.
49:18 They know the world, they know the global needs
49:20 and they are saying somebody is got to make a difference
49:23 on this planet and so it caught my eye.
49:26 Look at this "Adventist Review" just came out few days ago.
49:31 I got to read it off the screen,
49:32 'cause I can't read the-- there you go.
49:34 What Jesus said about young adults,
49:36 "What Jesus Said About Young Adult Ministry."
49:40 One of the lead authors in this story
49:42 in this piece is Duane McBride is one of our faculty here.
49:45 Here's an interesting point by the way they discover that
49:47 when young adults get involved in service and it's pivotal
49:51 that adults be in service them.
49:53 When young adults get involved in service
49:55 there is 40%, 40% of them
49:59 over the previous 12 months have no substance abuse period.
50:05 They are focused now on another reason 40% of them
50:09 over the previous 12 months no substance abuse at all.
50:13 Its called prophylactic, it's called preventing.
50:17 Well, do service with them in the community
50:21 that's why we have our outreach ministry up in Benton Harbor.
50:23 That's why this kid sent the email
50:25 and he said, that first thing
50:26 I did was out there good for him.
50:29 And finally I got to ask you this,
50:33 give me the most effective age to reach the young adult.
50:35 What age of a young adult is the best time
50:37 to strike for the Lord Jesus Christ?
50:39 The best age 12 and under.
50:42 You say come on Dwight, you can't be a young adult
50:44 and be 12 and under.
50:46 That's precisely the point.
50:48 Jot it down will you please finally number seven,
50:50 Volunteer to minister to them when they're 12 or under.
50:53 George Barna, seminar research
50:55 Christian demographer here in this nation
50:57 let me put the quote on the screen for you.
50:59 You'll have to fill it in.
51:00 "We discovered that the probability
51:01 of someone embracing Jesus as his or her Savior
51:05 was 32% for those between the ages of 5 and 12."
51:11 All right three out of ten chance.
51:13 Four percent the moment
51:15 they turn 13 moving to their 13 to18 range 4%
51:18 and then it leaps higher once they turn 19 to 6%.
51:22 Can you believe that 6% for people 19 and over.
51:25 "In other words" Barna goes on,
51:27 "If people do not embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior
51:30 before they reach their teenage years,
51:33 the chance of their doing so at all is slim."
51:41 Isn't that amazing?
51:44 You want to do young adult ministry we believe
51:46 that we're supposed to what is it motivate,
51:49 mentor and mobilize young adults the most effective age
51:52 to begin that ministry 12 and under, 12 and under.
51:57 All of which leads me to say
51:58 that we are right now in earnest need
52:00 of some of you to volunteer to you help
52:02 reach these young for Christ.
52:04 Our nominating committee is in full swing,
52:08 but they are looking for adult and young adult
52:11 and some of you are young adults
52:13 I'm talking to you right now as well.
52:14 They are looking for adult and young adults leaders
52:16 in our preprimary Sabbath school
52:18 that six years old up into first grade
52:20 and our junior two Sabbath school that's fifth grade
52:22 and our junior Sabbath school that's sixth grade
52:24 and our early teen which is grade seven and eight
52:27 and in our pathfinder club
52:29 it is not that they have not tried,
52:33 they have made a great effort,
52:36 but you know what, some of us think
52:38 that coming to church is all about us getting fed
52:42 rather than us doing the feeding.
52:45 And we've turned church into this place
52:46 bringing on give me great music,
52:48 come on take me into the word,
52:50 come on I want a great Sabbath school class
52:51 and if I have all of that I'm happy.
52:54 This is not about you being happy,
52:56 this is about a generation of young
52:57 that we have to impact now
52:59 before the difficult days come.
53:01 We desperately need,
53:04 we desperately-- don't put that study guide away.
53:08 You keep that study guide out please.
53:10 We desperately need young adults and adults
53:16 who will say you know what I'm available.
53:18 Some of you had sat in the same Sabbath
53:19 school classes adults for 30 years
53:23 it's time to give it a break,
53:28 roll up your sleeves, go downstairs,
53:30 right up here with the youngest ages
53:33 and help us reach these kids for Jesus.
53:36 The most productive years are 5 to 12
53:39 it's all down hill after 12,
53:42 it's all down hill.
53:44 Did you get that?
53:45 It's down hill after 12. Please.
53:49 You say, Dwight, what can I do?
53:51 I was hoping you to ask.
53:52 That little tear off where is it?
53:54 That little tear off in the study guide
53:58 you got it there, yeah.
54:01 That little tear off would you mind,
54:03 yes, I'm will to volunteer.
54:06 I'd be willing to be a leader
54:07 or an assistant leader in the Sabbath school.
54:10 Hey, I thank God for all those in first church
54:11 who responded, I want you to respond too please.
54:14 Just jot your name down, your telephone number,
54:16 your email address that's it
54:17 we'll give to the nominated community
54:18 they'll be in touch with you,
54:19 nobody is gonna be drafted, forced, conscripted.
54:23 You get a chance to say I'm not really into that
54:26 how about you, do you have anything here?
54:27 Yep we do.
54:28 We desperately need you to help.
54:32 So right now would you tear it off,
54:34 right now fill it out, give it to me afterwards,
54:36 give it to any church officer you see standing,
54:38 give it to one of the ushers,
54:39 it doesn't matter who you give it to
54:40 we'll make sure get's to the nominating committee.
54:43 Fill it out right now.
54:44 We need, we desperately need a vision.
54:50 How did that song that Ryan sang a moment ago.
54:53 Some people see a shepherd boy,
54:58 but God looks in that boy's face,
54:59 God looks into that little girl's face
55:02 and He says that girl is My hero coming up.
55:09 Nobody knows it.
55:11 Oh, if you be willing to roll up your sleeves
55:13 step into our Sabbath schools for our kids.
55:17 I can't imagine right now a more significant gift
55:20 you could give to the Lord Jesus Christ a very precious.
55:24 And by the way you young adults I want to say it again
55:26 you sign up, yeah, go ahead over the summer,
55:28 we'll be in touch with you.
55:30 How does our inverted text go?
55:31 It's in let's just put it back on the screen please.
55:33 "Remember our youth."
55:35 We must "Remember our youth in the days of our Creator
55:39 before the difficult and evil days come."
55:42 Are we on the verge of us
55:43 depend as Christ has says one author puts it.
55:45 I believe we are, I'm giving you no timeline,
55:47 I have no timeline clue,
55:49 but I believe we're on the verge.
55:52 There is a wild card in the hand of faith,
55:54 it's called blinding speed,
55:56 it's called suddenly like that life will change.
55:59 We have before the difficult days come we must.
56:03 Sons and daughters, not of Issachar forget Issachar.
56:05 We are sons and daughters of God
56:06 we must seize this moment, grab these kids,
56:10 point them to Jesus and say Jesus please do
56:14 whatever it takes save our young.
56:18 The words of the poet
56:19 "Give of your best to the Master,
56:21 give of the strength of your youth,
56:23 clad in salvation's for armor,
56:25 join in the battle of truth."
56:32 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:34 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time with us
56:37 right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:39 on the campus of Andrews University.
56:41 Do you know that around the world
56:42 people join us every week for this hour of worship?
56:45 We're always looking
56:46 as a consequence for a new ways to bridge,
56:48 somehow to connect with these people
56:50 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:53 One of the areas that is quickly growing for us is our website.
56:56 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:00 It's an incredible opportunity
57:02 that God is given us to expand His kingdom.
57:05 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:07 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
57:10 I'd love to have you call our toll free number.
57:12 We got very friendly operators standing by.
57:15 Here's the number 877-His-Will,
57:18 877 and then the two words His-Will.
57:20 One of the operators will be happy to give you the details
57:23 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:26 If you prefer listen you can do it all online.
57:28 Go to our website please
57:33 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:34 of partnering with you
57:35 as we seek to spread the truth
57:36 about our God for this generation.
57:39 We are living in urgent times.
57:42 Now more than ever we've got to go to the world
57:45 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:47 So once again here's that toll free number
57:49 877-His-Will.
57:51 Thank you in advance for your generosity.
57:54 It blesses me and you grow this ministry.
57:57 I pray that the Spirit of Christ will abide with you
57:59 every step of the way and I hope
58:01 you'll come back again next time right here
58:04 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2014-12-17