New Perceptions

After The Thunder Missed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP051708

00:29 Will you stay standing with us, as we sing, Amazed.
00:34 You dance over me
00:40 While I am unaware
00:47 And You sing all around
00:54 But I never hear the sound
01:00 Lord, I'm amazed by You
01:20 How You love me
01:27 Lord, I'm amazed by You
01:48 How You love me
01:52 Straight again, You dance over me.
01:55 You dance over me
02:02 While I am unaware
02:09 And You sing all around
02:15 But I never hear the sound
02:21 Lord, I'm amazed by You
02:42 How You love me
02:47 Let's sing, how wide.
02:49 How wide, how deep
03:02 How great,
03:08 is Your love for me?
03:12 Let's sing it again, how long.
03:16 How wide
03:22 how deep
03:29 How great
03:34 Is Your love for me?
03:39 Come on sing it up.
03:42 How wide
03:49 How deep
03:55 How great
04:00 Is Your love for me?
04:06 Lord
04:08 Lord, I'm amazed by You
04:28 How You love me
04:35 Lord, I'm amazed by You
04:56 How You love me
05:04 Amen. You may be seated.
05:19 Sing with us, I'm forgiven.
05:23 I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
05:30 I'm accepted, You were condemned
05:36 I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me
05:42 Because You died and rose again
05:50 Let's try that again, I'm forgiven.
05:53 I'm forgiven because You were forsaken
06:00 I'm accepted, You were condemned
06:07 I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me
06:13 Because You died and rose again
06:21 Amazing love, how can it be?
06:28 That you, my king would die for me
06:34 Amazing love, I know it's true
06:41 It's my joy to honor You
06:46 In all I do I honor You
07:05 I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken
07:12 I'm accepted, You were condemned
07:19 I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me
07:25 Because You died and rose again
07:33 Amazing love, how can it be
07:40 That You, my King would die for me
07:47 Amazing love, I know it's true
07:53 It's my joy to honor You
07:57 Sing amazing love.
08:00 Amazing love how can it be?
08:07 That You, my King would die for me
08:14 Amazing love, I know it's true
08:21 It's my joy to honor You
08:26 In all I do, I honor You
08:47 The faithful love of the Lord, it never ends!
08:51 His mercies never cease.
08:54 Great is thy faithfulness,
08:57 His mercies begin new every morning.
09:00 I say to myself, the Lord is my inheritance.
09:04 Therefore I will hope in him.
09:11 Great is Thy faithfulness!
09:18 Great is Thy faithfulness!
09:24 Morning by morning
09:30 new mercies I see
09:37 All I have needed
09:43 Thy hand hath provided
09:51 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:01 Lord unto me
10:10 You all know this prayer.
10:12 In Ephesians 3,
10:15 it's Paul's prayer for spiritual growth
10:16 and he says, "When I think of all these things,
10:19 I fall to my knees and I pray to the Father,
10:23 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.
10:27 I pray that from His glorious unlimited resources
10:32 that He will empower you with strength,
10:36 in the inner spirit.
10:38 Then, Christ will make his home in your hearts
10:41 as you trust in Him, your roots will grow down deep
10:45 and God's love will keep you strong.
10:47 And may you have the power to understand,
10:50 as all Gods people should,
10:53 how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.
10:59 May you experience the love of Christ,
11:02 that's surpasses all knowledge.
11:07 Sing with us, "How Deep the Father's Love."
11:11 How deep the Father's love for us
11:19 How vast beyond all measure
11:27 That He should give His only Son
11:34 To make a wretch His treasure
11:42 How great the pain of searing loss
11:49 The Father turns His face away
11:57 As wounds which mar the chosen One
12:05 Bring many sons to glory
12:20 Behold the Man upon a cross
12:28 My sin upon His shoulders
12:35 Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
12:42 Call out among the scoffers
12:50 It was my sin that left Him there
12:57 Until it was accomplished
13:05 His dying breath has brought me life
13:12 I know that it is finished
13:28 I will not boast in anything
13:36 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
13:43 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
13:51 His death and resurrection
13:58 Why should I gain from His reward?
14:05 I cannot give an answer
14:14 But this I know with all my heart
14:21 His wounds have paid my ransom
14:36 This is the day, this is the day
14:40 That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made
14:44 I will rejoice, I will rejoice
14:48 And be glad in it, and be glad in it
14:52 This is the day that the Lord has made
14:56 I will rejoice and be glad in it
15:00 This is the day, this is the day
15:04 That the Lord has made
15:08 (Singing in foreign language)
15:49 Red is the color of my favorite rose
15:53 Green is the color of the grass that grows
15:58 Yellow is the color of the sun that shines
16:02 Way up high in the blue, blue sky
16:06 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:11 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:15 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:19 Color my life with love!
16:30 Red is the color of my favorite rose
16:34 Green is the color of the grass that grows
16:38 Yellow is the color of the sun that shines
16:43 Way up high in the blue, blue sky
16:47 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:51 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:55 Jesus! You sure know how to color!
16:59 Color my life with Color my life with
17:03 Color my life with love!
17:13 Oh God, we linger a bit longer
17:15 in this sanctuary
17:16 of this glad worship place.
17:23 We've been much in worship
17:27 as now the Holy Scripture speaks in a way,
17:31 we hope will be clear for us.
17:34 Open our minds, our ears, our hearts, You have your way.
17:39 Instruct us as we begin a new journey today
17:41 in Jesus name, amen.
17:45 You know what, after all the, the mounts--
17:50 are you following this, the election campaign?
17:53 I mean, please, this thing is interminable.
17:58 After the mounts of hubris that stinky pride
18:03 that had been accumulating through this campaign
18:05 on television, radio ad nauseam,
18:08 it might be the right time for a new series of reflections
18:11 on the subject of humility.
18:15 Although, it would be interesting
18:16 just to put on the screen all the people that we know
18:18 of who've run for office, this year,
18:21 a coveted restraint for President of this land.
18:26 Look at them, you'd recognize some of the faces,
18:28 some of them you don't even know.
18:29 But all of them, I'll tell you what,
18:30 just like our neighbor Muhammad Ali,
18:32 all of these have said at one time or another,
18:35 I am the greatest, I am the best and you must pick me,
18:40 to be the number one leader in this nation.
18:42 You know sometimes, I'm not gonna tell you
18:43 which candidate, on that screen,
18:46 but there's one of those candidates,
18:47 whenever I hear that candidate speak,
18:48 I almost blush with the hubris,
18:52 just the ego that ekes out of every statement.
18:56 You're say, Dwight,
18:57 what are you talking about this hubris?
18:58 Lets put it on the screen, hubris.
19:00 It's a word in our dictionary, "hubris,
19:02 it's a noun that means wanton arrogance arising
19:05 from overbearing pride or passion."
19:08 Just kind of this excess.
19:11 So I'd begin today, a series of biographical sketches.
19:14 I went back over your sermon surveys from last year,
19:16 haven't got into the ones this year, yet.
19:18 But from last year, and a number of you said,
19:20 oh, do some biographies.
19:21 And so we're gonna do some biographies.
19:22 You ask for it, we're gonna do it.
19:24 Six biographies coming up here all focusing on the,
19:29 the antithesis of hubris, the very opposite of pride,
19:32 and that'd be humility, humility.
19:35 Now I need to tell you,
19:37 perhaps it's helpful to note it right here at the outset,
19:40 that generally, not always okay, not always,
19:42 but generally when a preacher preaches his heart out,
19:46 when he tackles a certain theme,
19:47 it is generally a confession,
19:52 but it is subject which he struggles with or she.
20:00 And so we begin a series today entitled,
20:02 "Not I but Christ, Tales of Humility."
20:07 Today's story, "After the Thunder, Missed."
20:10 After the-- and by the way
20:11 that's not mist that's missed.
20:16 "After the Thunder, Missed."
20:20 So let's shift gears and let's go.
20:22 I've never enjoyed or particularly relished
20:29 being the youngest face in the crowd.
20:32 And I don't suppose you did, either.
20:35 When you have a baby face,
20:38 it feels like you never grow up.
20:40 You're always the boy.
20:44 I suppose there comes a time
20:45 when all that plays to your advantage.
20:48 When all of your cohorts are shriveled like prunes,
20:52 but it is small consolation,
20:56 when you want so very much to be taken seriously...
21:04 and they'll treat you like a kid.
21:07 John Boy and I'm not thinking of the Walton's, either.
21:12 John Boy. Was that way for him.
21:17 The boyish face of the youngest
21:19 of the disciples of the Lord Jesus.
21:21 Karen and I just came back from Italy.
21:22 We were in Italy, last week.
21:24 Quinquennial gathering of the church in Italy
21:26 for a congress, it's such a joy to be with them.
21:29 That center filled with Italian, Christian,
21:33 some of the Adventist singing their hearts out.
21:35 Anyway, so we had three extra days to spend in Rome.
21:38 Rome is the capital of Christian heart,
21:40 it's a capital of Christian sculpture,
21:41 you know what, it's just the capital of history,
21:43 period, that's Rome.
21:45 But you see them all over, all over the city,
21:47 the statues of apostles.
21:49 And I'm telling you the gospel truth,
21:50 whenever you come in that little
21:52 that the pantheon of apostles,
21:54 you come to John, he's always,
21:56 he's always portrayed with a baby face,
21:59 beardless, obviously masculine,
22:02 could with a hair that long, look like a girl.
22:06 That's John, John Boy.
22:08 In fact you remember this,
22:10 Daniel Brown in that blockbuster book of his,
22:13 The Da Vinci Code, he's playing on the fact that Da Vinci,
22:16 in the last supper, not in Rome by the way,
22:18 the last supper's in Milan,
22:19 but Da Vinci portrays John, almost like a woman's face.
22:23 I'll put it on the screen for you.
22:24 And of course the whole plot of this fiction,
22:27 that's supposed to be Mary Magdalene,
22:28 that's kind of a under little secret we're passing along,
22:31 of course it's a bunch of hokey-pokey.
22:34 But it's because John looks so--
22:36 he's just so young.
22:39 So hubris, he's got it in spades.
22:41 When you, when you were a kid, you have to prove yourself,
22:44 you have to climb to the top of that heap
22:46 and you'd do anything
22:48 to establish yourself as a macho.
22:51 That's John, John-Boy.
22:56 It's interesting isn't it?
22:57 We usually hide
22:59 or reveal our inadequacies by our accessories.
23:05 Napoleon, the neighborhood shorty,
23:08 ends up growing up to become the European bully.
23:10 Why?
23:11 Because he's got to, he's got to overcompensate
23:12 for being such a short little rut.
23:16 John Boy, let's go to the first time
23:18 John Boy appears in the synoptics
23:19 by the Sea of Galilee.
23:21 It is the gospel of St. Mark Chapter 1.
23:23 Ian mark.
23:26 John comes on the scene here in the synoptics,
23:28 right by Galilee, this would be--
23:30 if you don't, you don't have a Bible,
23:32 grab your pew Bible we'll give the page number.
23:33 Here the page number is 673. Six hundred and seventy three.
23:40 Mark Chapter 1, this is the first moment.
23:45 Mark 1:16 "And as He"
23:46 Jesus "walked beside the Sea of Galilee,
23:48 He saw Simon and Andrew his brother
23:50 casting a net into the sea, for they were" what?
23:53 Call it out to me, what were they?
23:54 Come on guys, these, these are fishermen.
23:57 Being a fisherman wasn't high in the social ladder,
23:59 but at least it was on the ladder.
24:02 I mean, you didn't make a huge living,
24:03 but you made a living.
24:04 I've seen Simon Peter's home at Capernaum,
24:06 they say this is where it was, at least he had a house.
24:11 So they're fishermen.
24:13 So Jesus comes up on these two fishermen.
24:16 And "Then Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me,
24:20 and I will make you become fishers of men and women.'"
24:27 Hey I got to tell you, this is hardly
24:28 the first time Jesus has met these men.
24:29 They're-- these young men
24:31 are have already have met Jesus.
24:32 They're already quasi disciples.
24:35 But the problem is, they've been trying to juggle--
24:38 this young master that they're following
24:40 and a career that they're trying desperately to build.
24:42 So they haven't fully cut-off yet
24:44 and Jesus knows that this back and forthness has got to stop.
24:47 I got to have your full time attention
24:49 and so the day it comes,
24:51 you're coming after Me, follow Me.
24:53 Of course you know who I am and I know who you are,
24:55 come on boys, let's go.
24:57 You know these little slimy, silvery things
25:01 that you're wiggling around, no more.
25:03 I'm gonna enable you to fish for human lives.
25:07 You're gonna fish for souls, follow Me.
25:12 Verse 18, "They immediately"
25:14 that should be the two brothers, Peter and Andrew,
25:17 "They immediately left their nets and followed Jesus."
25:19 Verse 19, "When He had gone
25:20 a little farther" down the beach,
25:21 I've been along that stretch of beach in Capernaum,
25:23 when he went a little farther down those rocks,
25:25 because it's not a white sand beach,
25:27 when He went a little farther down the beach,
25:31 "He saw James the son of Zebedee
25:34 and John his brother,
25:35 who were also in the boat mending their nets."
25:40 Because James-- whenever James and John are,
25:43 are listed together, James is perennially named first,
25:46 we automatically conclude rightly
25:48 so that James is the elder brother
25:51 John Boy is the kid.
25:53 All right James and John, now they're also fishermen.
25:56 They're, they're, they're the sons of Zebedee,
25:58 and by the way Zebedee does pretty--
25:59 pretty well this man does,
26:01 because you'll note in the last verse.
26:03 He has servants.
26:04 So it's not just a father-son deal, they have hired help.
26:07 You got to be doing okay to have hired help, right?
26:10 He's an entrepreneur, so they got'em.
26:13 Jesus, the divine Master,
26:14 He stops before calling these boys
26:16 that barb and little skip,
26:17 up and down trying to get the nets ready
26:19 for fishing again tonight,
26:20 barbing and up and down Jesus reads their lives.
26:24 The divine Master knows before He even calls them,
26:26 you see that elder one right there, the older boy,
26:30 he'll be the first, the first.
26:34 By direct order of Herod himself, you'd be beheaded.
26:37 Number one, be the first to go.
26:38 And you see the little boy, you see John Boy,
26:41 John Boy, he'd be the last.
26:43 He'll hang on with every last finger nail
26:46 to He's the last to bear the reproach persecution
26:49 and toil of loyalty to the Master.
26:51 He'd be the last to go.
26:53 Jesus looked into that boat,
26:54 said, hey boys, you, you, let's go, follow Me.
27:04 "And immediately" verse 20, "He called them,
27:06 and they left their father Zebedee
27:07 in the boat with the hired servants,
27:11 and they went after Jesus."
27:13 That's the calling of John Boy.
27:15 I don't know it, may be he's 19,
27:16 may be he's 20, we don't know.
27:18 He's just a kid; he's with his older brother, Jimmy.
27:22 They're following this Jesus.
27:25 Just turn one page, you can move from the calling--
27:28 I just love this moment.
27:29 The moment when Jesus says, okay,
27:31 I'm gonna give you a nickname.
27:33 Did you ever get a nick-name when you were a kid?
27:35 Did anybody give you a nickname?
27:36 And has that nick-name stuck?
27:37 There's nothing worse than the nick-name that sticks.
27:39 You got a nickname?
27:41 I got a nick-name with some cousins.
27:44 And how would you like it, if it wasn't just your parents
27:47 or the cousins who gave you the nickname?
27:48 How'd you like it if God gave you the nickname?
27:51 Oh, brother, it would really stick.
27:55 That's what happens here, just turn one page,
27:56 go to Mark Chapter 3, turn one page.
27:59 This is the moment now, Jesus finally has 12,
28:01 this is His inner circle the 12.
28:02 He's gonna, He's gonna appoint these,
28:04 He's gonna anoint these,
28:05 this is the ordination servants we're gonna have right now.
28:07 And so it picks up here in John,
28:09 rather Mark Chapter 3,
28:11 just turn that page to verse 13.
28:13 "And Jesus went up on a mountain
28:14 and he called to Him those He Himself wanted.
28:17 And they came to Him."
28:18 And "Then Jesus appointed twelve,
28:20 that they might be with Him and that"--
28:21 they might, "that He might send them out to preach,
28:24 and to have power to heal sicknesses
28:25 and to cast out demons."
28:26 They're gonna become full time disciples.
28:28 Just what you and I'd been called to be,
28:29 by the way, full time disciples.
28:31 They're gonna be full time.
28:33 And now we get a listing, among I'd read a partial listing.
28:35 He starts with the, Mark does,
28:37 "Simon, to whom He gave the name Peter;"
28:40 Hey, I like you boy, I'm gonna call you, Rock, Rocky.
28:46 And then He turns, and who does He come to?
28:48 He comes to James and John. Look at that, verse 17.
28:50 "James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James,
28:52 to whom Jesus gave the name Boanerges," direct,
28:58 it means, "Sons of Thunder" sons of wrath.
29:01 We kind of view-- we view
29:03 from my eyes did in to "Sons of Thunder."
29:06 You know what He's really saying?
29:08 I mean you try to picture this ladies and gentlemen,
29:09 what happened to an ordination.
29:10 Right now, this is a very serious moment, Lord.
29:13 I just assume, not have a nickname today
29:15 but the Lord stops the ordination and says,
29:17 by the way, before I put my hands on you,
29:19 you know what I'm gonna name you boys,
29:20 I'm gonna call you, "The Hothead Brothers."
29:24 That's exactly right, I'm gonna name you,
29:25 "The Hothead Brothers."
29:29 How'd you like that?
29:30 I don't mind a nickname,
29:31 but if God gives me the nickname, please,
29:33 I'll never get rid of it and he doesn't.
29:37 Hey Mark, by the way, how could the incarnate
29:40 God pick out a nick-name like that?
29:42 What do you suppose to let Jesus to say,
29:44 you're gonna be the hothead bros, with Me?
29:49 Why do you suppose, He gives them a nickname?
29:52 John did it the hard way, he earned it.
29:56 Jesus has been watching these boys
29:58 just from the beginning.
30:01 In fact, Dr. Luke, in his gospel,
30:03 he puts two of the hothead stories side by side,
30:05 so it makes really easy to read them together.
30:06 So let's go to Luke Chapter 9.
30:08 You want to see the hothead stories, this is the evidence.
30:10 Why were these boys be called the hothead brothers?
30:12 Look at this, go to Mark-- from Mark go to Luke 9.
30:17 Luke Chapter 9.
30:22 I hate it when a nickname sticks, don't you?
30:25 Stuck for them, and now you know why,
30:27 now you know why, look at this,
30:28 Luke, Luke 9, take a look in your Bible.
30:30 Let's pick this up in the verse 51.
30:32 "Now it came to pass, when the time had come
30:34 for Jesus to be received up,
30:36 that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem."
30:39 He's got to die in Jerusalem.
30:40 He knows that.
30:41 "And He sent messengers before His face.
30:44 And as they went" these messengers,
30:46 "they entered a village of Samaritans,
30:47 to prepare of Him."
30:48 Hey listen, the master's coming.
30:50 We need a little place to stay tonight,
30:52 we'll eat some food, and what happens?
30:55 "But" verse 53, the villagers, the Samaritans,
30:58 "did not receive Jesus,
31:00 because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem."
31:04 Picky, picky, picky.
31:06 I want to tell you something,
31:07 nothing has changed in 2,000 years.
31:08 The president just this week was in Palestine
31:11 and you still have the same contentious.
31:14 If you're going there, you're not a friend of ours.
31:17 Do you know what it used to be that
31:18 if we had a visa from one of those nations in Palestine?
31:21 You couldn't cross the border in to the other,
31:22 and if you had it from the other
31:23 you couldn't get here, it's just got worse and worse.
31:26 Started long ago.
31:29 Now John Boy and James,
31:34 are big on superheroes.
31:38 And that they love history.
31:39 You got to hand that to them, they love history.
31:41 And when that messenger comes back and says,
31:43 you know what, they say we can't even stay here,
31:45 we got to find somewhere else to sleep tonight.
31:46 These boys go apoplectic.
31:48 They just, they just explode hotheads that they are.
31:54 And they pull story right out of history.
31:56 Elijah was their superhero.
31:58 They love that moment when the captain of the guard
32:01 from the battalion in Samaria brought those 50 soldiers
32:05 and Elijah just calls down fire from heaven
32:08 on those rebels and boom, they're nuked, they're gone.
32:11 And so Jimmy and John turned to Jesus said,
32:13 listen Master, just don't you worry about this,
32:16 we will take care of this village just like that.
32:20 Give us a word, and we're gonna nuke that entire town.
32:27 That's exactly what happened here.
32:30 Look at verse 54.
32:31 "And when His disciples James and John saw this,
32:32 they said, 'Lord, do You want us to command fire
32:33 to come down from heaven
32:34 and consume them, just as Elijah did?'
32:36 But Jesus turned and rebuked them, and said"
32:38 you hotheaded, you hotheads, what is the problem with you?
32:44 "'You do not know what manner of spirit you are.
32:47 For the Son of Man did not come
32:48 to destroy men's lives but to save them.'
32:52 And so they went to another village."
32:56 Can you believe that, over a perceived sight,
33:00 Jim and John are willing and ready to obligate
33:04 an entire village of human life?
33:07 Just gone! Because you tipped me off.
33:12 Sons of thunder.
33:14 Now the other story is actually
33:15 just before this one that we read.
33:16 So go up to verse 49.
33:19 When they had a comeback-- when they came back
33:20 from one of their mission and John said,
33:22 hey Jesus, You're not gonna believe this.
33:25 I came across a man, we did,
33:27 a man who's casting out demons in Your name.
33:29 You know what I did?
33:30 I put that man in his place and said listen,
33:32 you can't do this, you're not follower of the Master,
33:34 like we are, cease in this cyst, or--
33:38 what do you think Jesus, did I do the right thing?
33:42 Jesus answers, verse 50.
33:45 "But Jesus said to him," oh brother,
33:48 "'Do not forbid him,
33:50 for he who is not against us is on our side.'"
33:54 Come on guys, time out, hotheads.
34:00 How often are we just like John Boy?
34:06 Categorizing, oh categorizing our actions
34:08 as always very defensive of glory of Christ,
34:11 when in fact if the truth were known,
34:12 and it'll always says, I did what I did
34:15 for the glory of me.
34:17 I just won't tell you that,
34:18 I say, I'm doing it for Jesus.'''
34:21 Doing it for Jesus.
34:23 I have seen times when men and women
34:26 would refuse to budge from a public position
34:30 they have taken regarding some Biblical truth.
34:33 And there are saying, it is in defensive truth,
34:36 when in fact, it is in defense of pride and ego.
34:42 I'm not backing down now, I got book supporting this.
34:50 I've seen marriages, I've seen marriages just unravel,
34:56 because somebody refuses
35:02 to swallow his pride, swallow her hubris.
35:08 I've seen business associates broken.
35:10 I've watched close friends, severed.
35:17 Because neither guy has willing to admit, he was wrong.
35:21 I've taken my stand, so help me God.
35:25 And God doesn't help you. You're on your own.
35:31 Acts of the Apostles puts it this way,
35:33 James and John had thought that in checking this man
35:35 they had in view the Lords honor.
35:39 But they began to see
35:40 that they were jealous for their own.
35:41 Just pretending, pretending that this was--
35:43 I'm doing this for Jesus.
35:44 Now, I realize I'm doing this for me.
35:47 I want to be in the inner circle
35:48 and I don't want anyone else there.
35:51 So a little bit of John Boy is in all of us, isn't there?
35:55 Okay, jot this down.
35:56 This is something from your study guide.
35:57 Now, it's a very short study guide?
35:58 Jot this down.
35:59 Acts of the Apostles, page 540, notice this.
36:01 "John did not naturally possess the loveliness of character
36:04 that his later experience revealed.
36:06 By nature," jot this down, "he had serious defects."
36:12 Serious defects, yeah, by nature.
36:18 You know defects are don't just happen--
36:20 Tribune, I read the Tribune every day.
36:22 Here're the parts being recalled.
36:24 Defect means, there's something wrong with this thing,
36:25 it should've never gone in to the market.
36:28 Can you imagine, can you imagine like
36:30 you and me being born with the defects already?
36:33 God can't recall us.
36:35 He says, I'm gonna have to fix what's already there.
36:37 Look at these, I could not believe this list.
36:40 Eight defects, jot these - you don't have to jot it down,
36:42 just count them, in your mind.
36:44 He was-- speaking of John Boy,
36:45 "He was not only 1, proud, 2, self-assertive,
36:50 3, ambitious for honor, he was also impetuous."
36:53 Boom! I'm ticked and I'm acting on this right now.
36:57 He was impetuous.
36:58 "He was 5, resentful under injury.
37:00 He and his brother were called 'sons of thunder.'
37:01 6, he had an evil temper,
37:03 7, he had the desire for revenge."
37:05 Here's was John's motive, this was his mantra.
37:09 I never get mad, I get even.
37:12 Desire for revenge, I'll get back at you don't you worry.
37:15 Tit-for-a tat, I keep score.
37:18 "Number 8," What's number 8 there?
37:21 "He had the spirit of criticism"
37:22 all of that in the beloved disciple."
37:25 Boy, good news for the likes of you and me,
37:26 wouldn't you say?
37:27 Hallelujah.
37:29 Jesus, if you can do something that kind of a life,
37:31 would you please do something for me?
37:38 You know but what's so utterly amazing for me,
37:41 is that this John Boy, with all that psychological
37:44 and character defects,
37:45 not only ends up in the inner circle of Jesus,
37:47 get this guys, he ends up
37:50 the closest friend Jesus will have on earth.
37:54 Acts of Apostles describes it this way,
37:56 John enjoyed to pre-eminent degree,
38:00 the friendship of Christ.
38:03 It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
38:04 Did Jesus play favorites, is that it?
38:07 Did He play favorites?
38:08 You know what, I know I wouldn't have been
38:09 in the inner circle.
38:10 I'd be out there in the fringes.
38:12 I understand that.
38:13 So I can't help, but feel for those guys.
38:15 Because I remember the times in the gospel stories
38:17 when Jesus would stop the group right here and says,
38:18 hey guys hey, let's see, I want you Peter,
38:21 I want you James, I want you John, you three, come with me.
38:23 We're going behind close doors. You guys stay out here.
38:25 The close doors belongs to Jairus,
38:27 behind those doors he's gonna get a little girl back to life
38:29 and only three of them get to see it.
38:31 I would be feeling it.
38:34 Why wasn't I part of that group?
38:36 Who're these guys?
38:38 When Jesus says stops the group and say, hey, hey, hey,
38:40 Peter I'll take you, John, James, come here boys.
38:42 We're gonna climb this mountain,
38:43 you guys stay down here in the valley.
38:45 And up on top of the mountain,
38:46 Moses and Elijah personally show up
38:48 and Jesus just transfigured.
38:49 I would be tipped that I got left out of that one.
38:54 I'd feel it. Wouldn't you feel it?
38:57 But Jesus says, I want to have some real prayer time now.
39:00 So you guys, lets see, the nine of you stay right here
39:02 at the gate of the garden.
39:03 But Peter, James, John, you three come with Me
39:05 we're gonna have a prayer,
39:06 a prayer season inside Gethsemane.
39:09 I'd have felt that. I'd have said, hey.
39:14 Is Jesus playing favorites? Is he?
39:17 There's one more story I want to share with you.
39:20 Its proof enough, He's not playing favorites at all.
39:21 Go to the gospel of Mark again,
39:23 so we're in Luke, go back to Mark.
39:25 Mark Chapter 10.
39:27 Because one day, one day James and John sat up to Jesus,
39:33 sat right up to His side and say,
39:35 hey, can we talk to You privately please?
39:38 Peter-- rest of you--
39:43 I want to talk to the Master, just the two of us, you go.
39:47 That moment, they're gonna spring something on Jesus,
39:50 to catch Him off guard,
39:51 may be we'll get what we want that way.
39:53 And that's exactly
39:54 what happened here in Mark 10:35.
39:56 "Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
39:58 came to Jesus and they said, 'Teacher'" look at--
40:00 if anybody ever comes to you with this request,
40:02 you just be fore warned, something,
40:04 something you're not gonna be happy with it.
40:07 "'Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask.'"
40:12 Anybody ever comes and says, I want you do for me,
40:13 whatever I ask, you'd never say yes,
40:15 till you find out what it is.
40:17 Jesus is brilliant, He's also gentle.
40:20 And so He's gonna let this thing play out.
40:21 He says, okay guys, what is it?
40:23 He's okay the next first.
40:24 What is it? What is it you want?
40:28 According to Him, verse 37.
40:29 They say okay, you want to know
40:30 what we want, here it is.
40:31 "Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand
40:34 and the other on Your left, in Your glory.'"
40:38 Want the top two positions,
40:41 two senior vice-president positions,
40:43 please represent You.
40:48 I love this.
40:49 Jesus said to them guys,
40:54 you don't even know what you're asking.
40:57 Do you know what My throne is gonna be?
41:00 Do you what my throne is going to be?
41:03 It won't have a place to sit.
41:05 I'll have to be nailed to that thing.
41:07 You don't want, what you just asked.
41:09 Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,
41:11 be careful what you pray for, ever, ever, ever with God.
41:15 You may just get what you ask for.
41:18 Jesus says, hey talk to me.
41:21 Are you able to drink the cup I'm gonna drink?
41:23 Oh, yes, of course, we are.
41:26 Are you able to be baptized with the baptism,
41:28 I'm gonna be baptized with?
41:29 Yes, indeed.
41:31 Be careful what you ask for because they got exactly
41:34 what they asked for.
41:36 First guy to go-- last guy to hang on.
41:40 They both got it.
41:43 You didn't want it that way, did you?
41:45 Be careful.
41:47 You better be serious
41:48 what you're asking God right now.
41:49 Some of you are in an earnest prayer season with God
41:51 you be very serious what you're asking Him,
41:53 because you may get what you ask for.
41:57 They said, we're able we can do it.
41:59 Jesus said, let Me tell you something,
42:00 I love this, look at this verse 39.
42:04 "They said, 'We're able.'
42:05 Jesus said to them,
42:06 'You will indeed drink the cup that I drink and you end
42:08 with the baptism I am baptized with,
42:10 you will be baptized.'"
42:11 But notice verse 40.
42:12 "But to sit on My right hand
42:13 and on My left is not Mine to give,
42:15 but it is for those for whom it is prepared."
42:17 Now I'm gonna put something on the screen
42:18 that you don't have it in your study guide.
42:19 I want you to see this, this is from "Desire of Ages,"
42:21 take a look at this.
42:23 "In the kingdom of God,
42:26 position is not gained through favoritism.
42:31 It is not earned, nor is it received
42:33 through an arbitrary bestowal.
42:35 It is the result of character."
42:37 Isn't that some? Jesus is not playing favorites.
42:41 This inner circle, nope. "It is the result of character.
42:44 The crown and the throne are tokens
42:46 of a condition attained,
42:47 they are the tokens of self-conquest
42:49 through our Lord Jesus Christ."
42:51 You know Jesus is so merciful that these guys
42:53 He could've just cut the legs out from under them--
42:56 What kind of idiots are you?
43:00 I've got 12 guys following Me, who says you get the closest?
43:04 He could've just diced them, but He doesn't.
43:09 He knows that inside that earthy heart,
43:13 there is an ardent love for Jesus.
43:16 Jesus was always drawn to those
43:20 who were drawn to Him.
43:22 He never played favorites.
43:24 But if you want Me, we're gonna be the best friends.
43:28 He just wants to know, do you want Him?
43:32 If you don't want Him,
43:33 He's not gonna kick the door down.
43:36 He's drawn to the people who are drawn to Him.
43:39 You want an inside circle friendship?
43:41 You want an inside circle position?
43:45 Be a friend. Get drawn in.
43:49 You may end up--
43:53 But it'll be best thing in eternity for you.
43:57 Draw near. I love that about Jesus.
44:03 You know what, Jesus is really saying here?
44:08 You want to be the greatest?
44:11 Become the humblest
44:12 and you never want to be the greatest again.
44:14 That's what He is saying.
44:15 Look at this-- got to end with this, Now 41.
44:18 "Then the ten heard it," and it says here,
44:21 "they were greatly displeased."
44:22 That's euphemism.
44:24 They were ticked to high heavens.
44:27 Those punks.
44:31 "They were greatly displeased with James and John.
44:33 But Jesus called all of them."
44:34 Gathers the twelve, and He says, hey listen, verse 42.
44:36 "You know that those who are considered rulers
44:38 over the Gentiles lord it over them,
44:39 and their great ones exercise authority over them."
44:42 Remember that by the way, the next time you watch
44:43 this presidential campaign unfold,
44:45 the great one in the world of paganism,
44:47 in the world of Gentiles, the great ones achieve status.
44:52 Jesus says, it's not that way with you, look at verse 43.
44:54 "'It shall not be so among you,
44:55 but whoever desires to" be among
44:57 "be great among you shall be your servant.
44:59 Whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all.
45:01 For even the Son of Man"
45:03 who could've asked for that top throne
45:05 in the universe and already had it.
45:07 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
45:09 but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
45:16 Greatest are the humblest
45:17 who don't want to be the greatest at all.
45:20 Clearly Jesus is mixing any favorite status, notions,
45:24 no inner circle here, I'm not playing favorites.
45:27 Not you James, not you John, nope, nobody.
45:32 I'm simply drawn to those who're drawn to Me
45:34 and He reads the hearts of these boys,
45:37 it says, they want Me.
45:44 He draws all, Jesus draws all, but not all will be drawn.
45:49 And by the way,
45:50 that's the difference between John and Judas.
45:54 Two disciples, on the eve of Christ's death,
45:58 it is Judas and John,
45:59 who pressed the closest to the Jesus.
46:02 Do you know on this, you know this that the top two positions
46:04 around the Lords upper table are John and Judas?
46:06 You know that?
46:07 Its-- now you think
46:08 it was Peter and John may be
46:11 James and John, Andrew and John.
46:13 No, no, no, no, the top two positions
46:14 around that Lords table are John and Judas.
46:17 How do we know?
46:18 Because Peter sitting around the table
46:19 he goes-- ask Him.
46:22 For John's right there to ask.
46:24 How do we that Judas was on the other side?
46:26 Because Jesus dips that little piece of bread
46:28 that Paschal bread in to the dipping.
46:34 And He says, the one I hands this to he is gonna betray Me.
46:38 Judas and John making a play at the very end,
46:45 and only one of them follow the Jesus into the garden.
46:47 Only one of them refused to run
46:49 when the rest cut and fled at Jesus arrest.
46:51 Only John Boy made his way
46:53 in to the very inner courtyard of kangaroo trial
46:55 and because there was pounding at the door,
46:56 and he realize it was Peter,
46:57 and he goes back and he tells the gatekeeper,
46:59 let him in and he rushes Peter
47:01 in to the place of his great moral fall.
47:04 Only John followed Jesus to the torturous long night
47:07 and the early morning.
47:08 Only John, of all the disciples,
47:10 only John, followed the master to the summit of Calvary.
47:14 Only John is left, so when Jesus
47:16 in His supreme agony looks down and says,
47:18 to whom can I give My mother,
47:19 there's one boy standing there and He said,
47:21 John Boy, this is your mother.
47:22 Do you understand? Take care of her when I'm gone.
47:26 Only John, everybody's gone.
47:30 Something has happened to John.
47:36 Some mysterious transformation has reshaped this hothead,
47:40 this Son of Thunder who is now willing to die.
47:44 Peter said, I'll die, he's cut, not John.
47:49 Something-- would this be
47:52 too much to conclude, apparently, apparently,
47:57 a daily prolonged exposure to the Savior,
48:03 can actually change your character?
48:09 Huh?
48:12 The guy has changed forever.
48:15 Three-and-half years-- I'll tell you what,
48:16 when I was studying this,
48:17 and doing the research this week,
48:18 my heart just leaped.
48:19 Because I got so many character flaws,
48:21 I don't even know where to start with God.
48:23 But here's the good news that struck me,
48:26 three-and-half years, you can go
48:28 through an entire character transformation
48:30 in three-and-half years.
48:33 Isn't that something?
48:34 I used to think that it takes a whole life-time.
48:36 I can't change in a life-time.
48:37 No, look at John, three-and-half years,
48:40 this Son of Thunder becomes a new man
48:44 and he never changes,
48:45 he stays that way for the rest of his life.
48:50 Guys, don't give up, do not give up.
48:54 I want the Spirit of God is calling
48:56 from deep inside of you saying,
48:57 you can change boy, come on girl,
48:59 you can change, I'll change you.
49:01 Prolonged exposure with the Savior
49:04 apparently changes the one
49:07 who by beholding becomes changed.
49:11 By beholding, we become changed.
49:16 Isn't that amazing?
49:18 I mean that's the greatest news in the whole story.
49:20 Three-and-half years and he's a different man.
49:22 Apparently I don't have to be stuck
49:24 with what I was born with.
49:27 Apparently the defects in my heart can be overcome
49:33 with prolonged exposure to the Lord Jesus Christ.
49:38 What do you say to that, huh?
49:40 Didn't make you want to say, amen?
49:41 Amen.
49:42 Now let me hear an, amen from you.
49:43 Amen.
49:44 Oh, come on guys, that's the good news.
49:49 Matthew 11:29, putting on the screen for you.
49:52 This is the great gospel invitation.
49:53 "Learn from Me, for I am" what?
49:56 Let's say this together out loud.
49:57 "Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart."
50:01 The NIV says, "Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble."
50:05 I'm a humble one.
50:07 Stick around with me John Boy, I'll change you.
50:10 I got to share this with you before I sit down.
50:12 Sevenfold strategy, he has an eight,
50:15 an eight characteristic defect, within him, eight part defect.
50:21 Note in your study guide, sevenfold strategy.
50:23 Here's how you can change,
50:24 here's how I can change, just like John, jot it down.
50:26 "But day after day, in contrast with his own violent spirit,"
50:29 this is "Desire of Ages" that classic.
50:32 John, jot it down, beheld the tenderness
50:36 and forbearance of Jesus."
50:38 He just looked at Jesus, just keep looking at Jesus,
50:40 read a gospel story a day.
50:41 Read a gospel story a day from the life of Christ.
50:43 I'm working my way through Luke right now.
50:44 Just read a gospel story a day.
50:46 Behold Jesus. That's what happened with John.
50:48 He beheld the tenderness and forbearance of Jesus.
50:50 He heard," number 2
50:51 "His lessons of humility and patience."
50:52 You'll hear them.
50:54 "3, He opened his heart."
50:55 Okay God, do something, I'm a mess.
50:58 Do you understand, my personality is a mess.
51:01 My character needs help, do something.
51:03 Just open your heart and just say God, do it.
51:05 "4, He became not only a hearer
51:09 but a doer of the Savior's words."
51:12 Jesus will say to you in the morning worship,
51:13 you're gonna do this now and you're gonna say,
51:15 yes Lord, I will.
51:16 Just do what you hear.
51:18 "5, Self was hid in Christ."
51:22 I'll be like that alligator,
51:23 you don't have to have a prominent place,
51:25 just stay where you are.
51:27 God will change the world from that base,
51:29 where He already put you.
51:30 "6, He learned to wear the yoke of Christ."
51:33 Learn from Me,
51:34 for I am gentle and humble at heart.
51:36 And finally, "7, He learned to bear His burden."
51:39 There it is ladies and gentlemen,
51:41 learn from Me Jesus says,
51:45 and John did and he became the humblest disciple of all.
51:48 The humblest disciple, hothead, the humblest disciple of all.
51:52 How do I know?
51:55 Clinching proof, then I'll say that.
51:57 This was just-- there's a boy out of the water.
51:59 How do I know?
52:00 Because when John wrote the gospel,
52:01 when John wrote the story of Jesus, listen to this,
52:04 you will not find in a single place,
52:06 in the gospel of John, the name, John.
52:11 He has left himself out of the story.
52:14 You know you'll find John, the Baptist,
52:15 you won't find John ever named in the story.
52:20 Oh, wasn't he-- is he not
52:21 in the story in the gospel of John?
52:22 Oh, he's there, often.
52:26 But he intentionally cloaks himself with a cold phrase
52:30 he'll use five times in that gospel.
52:33 This is proof, that when you go to Calvary
52:37 in that prolonged exposure, you're changed.
52:41 You don't have to wait till you're 80 to changed,
52:43 you can change right now.
52:45 Here's the proof, I'm gonna show you
52:46 the first place it appears, this cold phrase,
52:48 John, this is our last text, John 13:23,
52:51 take a look at this.
52:52 John 13:23 never forget this.
52:55 This is the proof, John learned the lesson of humility.
52:59 And if there's hope for John with eight serious defects,
53:03 there might be hope for me and you as well.
53:04 John 13:23, and then, "There was one leaning
53:08 on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples,
53:12 whom Jesus loved."
53:16 I don't know what you're saying--
53:17 Dwight, that didn't sound very humble to me.
53:21 Hey, by the way, I'm the disciple that Jesus loved.
53:24 What's so humble about that?
53:26 Because we miss it, we miss it in the English,
53:28 we have to get it in the Greek.
53:29 In the Greek, in the Greek tense
53:31 it's in the imperfect and it goes like this.
53:34 "He was the disciple whom Jesus kept on loving."
53:39 Write it down.
53:41 That's how it is supposed to be translated.
53:42 He kept on loving me, that's John point.
53:46 Five times, in my mess, He kept on loving me.
53:49 In my short fused fury, He kept on loving me.
53:53 In my hubris and pride, He kept on loving me,
53:56 and He drew me closer, and He drew me closer
53:59 and He can keep on loving you and draw you closer and closer.
54:02 Five times, cold phrase,
54:07 I'm the guy in the story that Jesus never quit loving.
54:12 Isn't that great?
54:13 Isn't that great? Hallelujah.
54:15 You know what ladies and gentlemen,
54:16 Jesus will keep on loving you.
54:18 You go to the same Jesus that John went to,
54:20 you get some prolonged exposure with Him every morning.
54:22 He will keep on loving you closer
54:25 and closer and closer, to Him.
54:27 You want to sit beside Me in the kingdom,
54:30 you want to sit on this side?
54:32 You come, you come with Me,
54:34 you'd be baptized with what I am baptized with.
54:36 You drink the cup that I drink.
54:39 You get so close to Me, that we are this, trust Me.
54:44 You'll be in My kingdom, next to Me.
54:50 I want to be next to Jesus, don't you?
54:53 I want to be next to Jesus,
54:55 so I want to be just like John.
54:59 I want to be next to Jesus, so I want to be just like John.
55:04 Prolonged exposure to the Savior,
55:07 I want be changed.
55:09 I got may be three-and- half years,
55:11 may be I got two-and- half years,
55:12 I may only have half-a-year left,
55:14 I need to be changed now just like John.
55:21 You want that?
55:24 After the thunder John's missing.
55:28 He's missed, he's missed an whole book,
55:30 his name isn't even there.
55:31 After the thunder, he's missed.
55:33 There is a mist, a mist of Christ's humility,
55:37 after the thunder in your life,
55:38 there will be the mist of Jesus humility.
55:40 Step into that mist, step in, not I but Christ,
55:46 we honored, loved, exhorted, not I but Christ.
55:50 Not I but Christ.
55:53 You want that?
55:55 I do. I really, really do.
55:59 Let us stand for the benediction.
56:10 Three-and-half years, three-and-half years,
56:15 and we thought it would take forever.
56:21 Oh Jesus, what I pray for myself,
56:23 I pray for this worshipping community,
56:28 for every viewer, for every worshipper.
56:31 May the prolonged exposure
56:33 to who you are, in the gospel story
56:39 have a tangible transforming
56:44 effect on our hearts,
56:47 our characters, our personalities, our lives.
56:52 I want to be humble just like John, who was just like You.
56:57 Grant that to all of us for the glory of our Savior.
57:03 We pray in His name, amen.
57:08 I wanted to take one more moment here
57:10 at the end of the telecast to let you know how grateful
57:12 I'm for your journey with us,
57:15 with our New Perceptions ministry.
57:17 You may think that New Perceptions
57:18 is only about television but I need to tell you
57:21 we do have a website
57:22 which is more than just the study guide.
57:24 I know we go to the study guide every week
57:26 but if you go to our website let me put the address
57:28 on the screen again,,
57:33 you will find at that website a blog.
57:35 Every Wednesday I sit down on my laptop
57:37 and write up a blog something as commenting on world events,
57:40 something local, something national, you get the blog.
57:42 You want to archive previous teachings from here
57:45 in the Pioneer pulpit you go to that annotated archive
57:49 you can pick out a message it will be sent to you.
57:51 You want to get into the podcast business
57:55 I'm not real hi-tech here on this,
57:57 but if you click podcast you will be able to connect
57:59 instantly with every new teaching
58:01 that comes from the Pioneer pulpit.
58:02 The point is we're trying to connect
58:04 with a generation on the move, on the go.
58:07 Thanks for being a part of it.
58:08 Thanks for your prayer partnership.
58:09 We've got to connect with this generation
58:12 at this time in earth's history
58:14 and I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission.
58:16 God bless you, until next time.


Revised 2015-07-19