New Perceptions

Requiem For Loser

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP042812

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:20 O come to the Father through Jesus the Son
00:25 And give Him the glory, great things He hath done
00:50 Rejoice ye pure in heart
00:54 Rejoice, give thanks and sing
00:58 Your festal banner wave on high
01:03 The cross of Christ your King.
01:07 Rejoice! Rejoice!
01:12 Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
01:17 Yes, on through life's long path
01:22 Still chanting as ye go
01:26 From youth to age, by night and day
01:31 In gladness and in woe.
01:35 Rejoice! Rejoice!
01:39 Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
01:45 Praise Him who reigns on high
01:50 The Lord whom we adore
01:54 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
01:59 One God forevermore.
02:03 Rejoice! Rejoice!
02:08 Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
02:16 Amen, amen. You may be seated.
02:20 This year we have been blessed
02:23 to see over and over and over again
02:26 the witness of those people
02:27 who have given their lives to Jesus Christ.
02:31 And we get to do that one more time during the school year.
02:35 Celebrate with us the commitment
02:39 and the passion of these people to accept Jesus Christ
02:43 as their friend and personal savior.
02:47 So I'm gonna invite Donna Heyer
02:50 with her dear friends John and Sylvia Baldwin
02:52 to join me right here as we testify to Jesus together.
02:57 Glad to have you here and that is a very lovely outfit.
03:02 Thank you. You're welcome.
03:05 So you have lived in this village of Ohio?
03:09 Yes, I came when I was 10 years old.
03:13 10 years old? So that about 50 years ago?
03:17 Thanks. You're welcome.
03:21 So you came when you were 10 years old.
03:23 And you grew up in this town
03:26 that has gone through some changes.
03:28 What are some of the changes
03:29 you've noticed in Berrien Springs?
03:30 Well, the first thing I have to say,
03:32 I'm the last member of the class of 1931.
03:38 The last surviving--
03:40 The last member, I'm pastor, vice president,
03:44 treasurer and cheerleader as a class of '31.
03:50 1931, let me do arithmetic, quick, quick, quick.
03:53 What is that 81, 80? No.
03:56 Don't whack your brain, it's not worth it.
04:01 So you've grown up in this community,
04:03 you have seen the changes, the Berrien Springs
04:05 the little village of Berrien Springs has gone through.
04:08 But I want to shift gears now and talk
04:10 to these two dear people who are standing beside you.
04:13 I'm gonna come over to Sylvia's side.
04:14 And Sylvia, so you and John are--
04:17 you were with your friends, the Webbers.
04:19 Do I have it right?
04:20 Freddy and Joyce. Freddy and Joyce.
04:21 And you're at Rio, you're having just a good Mexican lunch.
04:26 So Sylvia, what-- tell us the real story.
04:31 Well, I noticed this elderly lady by herself
04:35 which is kind of an usual in the Mexican restaurant.
04:38 And I thought to myself,
04:39 I wondered why she is here by herself.
04:42 And about that time we were finishing
04:45 and so I walked over to her and I said,
04:47 "I heard about what happened to you today."
04:49 Because baker to his concern, the owner had walked by and said
04:53 "See that lady, her house burned down today."
04:55 Her house had burned down that very day.
04:58 And she-- lot of what she owned
05:00 was burned up with that including her pet cat.
05:04 So she was very down I'm sure.
05:07 So when I went over to her, I said,
05:08 "I'm so sorry about what happened to you today.
05:11 And is there anything we can do?"
05:14 And she said, "Oh, I'm staying over here in this motel."
05:17 And she said, "The insurance company
05:18 is trying to sort it out."
05:20 So we by this time all of us were walking out
05:22 and we walked toward her van.
05:24 And she was driving, you asked me yesterday,
05:26 how longer that was and I figured it out
05:27 it was--she was 92 and she was driving a van.
05:31 You were driving a van, Donna, bless her.
05:34 I think, Dwight. What?
05:36 Nothing, Dwight. All right, okay.
05:39 And so we stood by the van and talked to her a little bit.
05:42 And John said, "Would you mind if we had a word of prayer?"
05:43 She said, "Oh, I'd love that." So John prayed.
05:46 She got in her van and went across the street to her motel
05:49 and I went home, we went home.
05:51 The next day I decided that I would give her a call
05:54 and see if there's anything that she thought of
05:57 in the meantime that we could do.
05:58 I said, "I'm going into Saint Joe,
05:59 would you like to go with me?"
06:00 Is there anything you need we'd like to do?
06:02 She said "Yes, I have some lamps that need to be rewired
06:05 because they got burned up."
06:06 I said, "Okay, come with me."
06:08 So we went to town and came back.
06:09 By that time it was Friday.
06:11 And so I said, "I go to church tomorrow,
06:14 would you like to go with me?"
06:15 I said, "After church be in my house, we'll have lunch."
06:18 She said, "Oh, that would be lovely."
06:20 And guess what?
06:21 When we got to church, guess what was happening?
06:24 Communion and I thought, how am I going to explain
06:27 the foot washing part of this to Donna?
06:29 Well, that turned out that I didn't need to explain a thing
06:32 she thought it was the most wonderful thing
06:33 she had ever experienced.
06:35 She said, "This is lovely.
06:36 I think every church should do this." Wow.
06:40 So let me get this straight, John and Sylvia.
06:42 You're professor here at theological seminary.
06:45 And Sylvia, you've been a nurse in a community.
06:47 So you're having, you're just having supper,
06:50 enjoying a great meal, and it all begins
06:53 by seeing another patron at the same restaurant.
06:58 You step out of your comfort zone,
07:00 you walk across the room, you initiate the contact
07:04 and these years later here we are.
07:08 Now Donna, you have been,
07:10 I think that Sabbath mark the beginning
07:12 of Sabbath after Sabbath
07:15 that you have worshiped here at pioneer. Oh, yes.
07:18 Then there came "I Perceive".
07:21 That was that little series of nine nights in Saint Joseph.
07:24 And I tell you what, no matter the weather,
07:26 there is no weather that intimidates you.
07:28 You were there every single night.
07:30 Well, thank John and Sylvia for that too.
07:34 They were faith for you.
07:35 I don't drive that van anymore.
07:37 You don't? Well, I'm glad to learn that.
07:38 I'm actually very glad to hear that.
07:43 But you were there night after night after night
07:45 as we went deeper and deeper into scripture.
07:47 And so Donna, there you were
07:49 and every night we were handing out
07:50 little decision cards, you were responding.
07:53 And you made a decision
07:56 at the end of that I Perceive series.
08:00 Yes. And what was that decision?
08:02 Well, I happen to baptized once
08:05 but I decided I'd be baptized again and join this church.
08:09 Now Donna, how old does a person have to be
08:12 to really give her heart completely to Jesus?
08:16 Well, I would say about 2. And how old are you?
08:22 Ninety eight. Are you?
08:24 Going on a 100. Ninety eight, going on a 100.
08:28 How about that, congregation?
08:31 Oh, I can say through me. No, it can't be.
08:38 Donna, isn't that something, 98 years young you are, right.
08:44 What a beautiful testimony.
08:46 To Jesus love for you and your love for Jesus.
08:50 You love Him with all your heart, don't you?
08:52 Oh, yes. So much.
08:54 And with every breath you have,
08:56 you're gonna continue to testify to Him and to live for Him
08:59 in this little village where you grew up.
09:01 Yes. Always.
09:03 We want to give you the official pioneer welcome.
09:05 We are so proud of you. You know what?
09:07 Donna, I've had the privilege of baptizing
09:09 a few men and women and children over the years.
09:12 You are the first 98 year old I've ever had that privilege.
09:15 That's my first experience too.
09:17 And it's your first experience, there you go. Amen.
09:21 All right, pioneer family, let Donna see the way.
09:24 Give her the pioneer wave. Donna, this is your family.
09:28 John and Sylvia and all their friends,
09:30 we're family together.
09:32 I want to pray with you before you're baptized. Sure.
09:36 Dear God, You have walked
09:38 with this friend of Yours all these years.
09:43 And isn't that something,
09:45 You lead some other friends to cross the path of this friend.
09:49 And a contagious witness
09:51 just walking across a restaurant is born.
09:54 This is how You grow the kingdom
09:56 and Donna is living proof that Jesus really
10:00 does work through every day relationships.
10:03 As I place my hand on her head
10:05 may be a symbol of the Holy Spirit
10:07 coming into Donna in a new and fresh way,
10:12 spiritual gifts that she will
10:14 continue to exercise for Your kingdom.
10:17 Give her joy, every step of the way
10:19 and may there be others because of her testimony
10:23 who will find the Lord Jesus as well.
10:25 In His name we pray, amen.
10:29 Give your hand here, there it goes.
10:33 Donna, I'm so honored,
10:36 And get that. Okay.
10:42 What was that?
10:43 That's why I'm telling you,
10:44 you should not be driving anymore now.
10:47 Right. All right.
10:49 You just hold her right there, that's perfect.
10:51 I'm gonna slip this hand behind you, there you go.
10:55 It is such a joy that you've chosen to follow Jesus
10:58 and now the honor for me to be able to baptize you
11:02 in the name of God, the Father,
11:04 God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit.
11:07 Just take a quick breathe and just bend your knees.
11:14 Amen. God bless you.
11:20 God bless you. Amen.
11:31 I love you all. Beautiful.
15:52 Let's pray together.
15:54 Oh God those shades of green we could see them.
15:57 This is the season of green.
16:01 You are the Creator, we are Your children,
16:03 all of us your creatures.
16:06 In Holy Scripture, please, engage our minds,
16:10 address our hearts one last time
16:12 as we head out into the waiting new season before us.
16:18 In Jesus name. Amen.
16:28 If Jesus were to suddenly appear right here in worship,
16:31 right in front of you and got in your face
16:34 and asked this question, what would you answer?
16:39 All right, so He's looking in your eyes,
16:41 you and Jesus and He asks you,
16:43 "Do you love Me?" How would you answer?
16:49 I wonder if we might answer like Golde did to Tevye
16:55 in that classic scene in Fiddler on the Roof.
16:57 You remember Fiddler on the Roof, you've seen it.
17:00 Those of you who don't know
17:01 Tevye is a poor Russian Jewish farmer,
17:03 he's just come in out of that dilapidated barn
17:05 into their little home on a Friday afternoon,
17:07 the Sabbath is about to arrive,
17:10 the three daughters are scurrying around outside.
17:13 But Tevye is inside and he must ask his wife of 25 years
17:18 a question he has never asked her before.
17:23 Do you love me?
17:25 I found a YouTube clip of this moment
17:27 so take a look at this and kind of relive the memories.
17:31 All right, let's go.
17:33 Love.
17:38 Golde, do you love me?
17:43 Do I what? Shh.
17:45 Do you love me?
17:48 Do I love you? Well?
17:52 With our daughters getting married
17:54 and this trouble in the town.
17:56 You're upset, you're worn out, go inside, go lie down.
18:00 Maybe it's indigestion.
18:03 No, Golde, I'm asking you a question.
18:07 Do you love me?
18:09 You're a fool. I know.
18:12 But do you love me?
18:16 Do I love you? Well?
18:19 For 25 years, I've washed your clothes,
18:22 cooked your meals, cleaned your house.
18:24 Given you children, milked your cow.
18:27 After 25 years, why talk about love right now?
18:33 Golde, the first time I met you was on our wedding day,
18:38 I was scared. I was shy.
18:40 I was nervous. So was I.
18:44 But my father and my mother said we'd learn to love each other.
18:49 And now I'm asking, Golde.
18:52 Do you love me?
18:55 I'm your wife. I know.
18:58 But do you love me?
19:01 Do I love him? Well?
19:06 Oh, I love that moment again, do you love me?
19:12 And if Jesus would ask us that question
19:13 this morning in our face, what would we answer?
19:16 Like Golde, look it, I've been going to church all my life.
19:20 And we turn the tithes and kept the Sabbath.
19:23 What do you mean do I love You?
19:26 No, but do you love Me?
19:31 Everybody who has read the Fourth Gospel knows
19:33 that it ends with Jesus asking that penetrating question.
19:36 Do you love Me?
19:39 The question is for us third millennials,
19:41 what's the answer gonna be?
19:42 Open your Bible, let's go last time,
19:47 last narrative of the last chapter of the last gospel
19:52 on this last Sabbath of the school, your John 21.
19:54 Open your Bible to John 21,
19:55 a fitting episode for the last time
19:59 in this Fourth Gospel, John 21.
20:02 You didn't bring a Bible, oh, you got to track this John 21,
20:06 grab the pew Bible in front of you, it's page 732.
20:09 What are we gonna call this teaching?
20:10 Let's put it on the screen.
20:11 Let's call this Requiem for a loser.
20:16 Requiem for a loser, the last days.
20:21 By the way it's just a reminder.
20:24 The Fourth Gospel series divided into two parts,
20:26 the last word is the first semester,
20:28 the last days, the last semester.
20:31 You didn't get any of these teachings, go to the site,
20:33 all the videos are archived, there are all the study guides.
20:37 Let's pick it up John 21,
20:38 this is the New King James Version as is your pew Bible.
20:43 John 21:1, "After these things Jesus showed Himself again,"
20:46 we were just with Thomas and Mary last week.
20:48 So now this is following that narrative.
20:51 "After these things Jesus showed Himself again
20:53 to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias,"
20:55 Only John calls it Lake of Galilee, Tiberias
20:58 for reasons known to him,
20:59 "The Sea of Tiberias and in this way He showed Himself."
21:03 Okay, so here is how it happened.
21:06 Verse 2, "Simon Peter," we know him.
21:09 We saw his meltdown.
21:10 "Thomas called the Twin," we were with him last week,
21:13 Patron Saint of Higher Education.
21:15 "Nathanael of Cana" remember him at the beginning of the journey.
21:19 When he came walking in,
21:20 the fellows are all standing around Jesus,
21:21 he points at Him and said,
21:22 I want to see a life that has no smear,
21:25 no stain, he is absolutely transparent.
21:28 This is that same Nathanael.
21:30 "The sons of Zebedee," the first time in the gospel
21:32 and the last it appears.
21:34 John boy and his older James and then two unnamed disciples,
21:39 "Two other disciples of His were together."
21:41 And verse 3, "Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.'
21:47 They said to him, 'We are going with you also.'
21:48 And so they went out and immediately got into the boat,
21:51 and that night they caught nothing."
21:54 Requiem for a loser, I have looked
21:58 on the men and women in our community
21:59 and the young adults on this campus
22:01 who have fallen in a moral meltdown.
22:07 I have watched them.
22:09 The shame, the stigma, the sorrow.
22:17 I was going through a stack of birthday letters,
22:20 signing the letters.
22:22 I come to a letter that belongs to a man
22:24 who in humiliation fled our community,
22:27 practically under the cover of darkness.
22:29 And I am ashamed to confess to you
22:33 that when I came to that letter, pen in hand,
22:37 I thought to myself, may be I just,
22:42 scribble, no message at all, I'll just signed it.
22:46 Oh, no. I tell you what?
22:48 I'll scribbled something so eligible,
22:50 he will never be able to read it.
22:52 This of course what happens
22:53 every time I write one of these letters.
22:56 I say, no, no, no, what I'll do,
22:57 I'll deep six, I'll drop in file 13,
23:00 he won't even know that the letter got thrown out.
23:02 He will think look at that, I guess I'm off their list.
23:06 Requiem for a loser.
23:09 Requiem is Latin and it means rest,
23:10 but here's the question, is there ever any rest
23:13 for a brother or a sister who has fallen on this campus?
23:17 Who has fallen in this community?
23:22 What did Peter say here?
23:24 "I am going fishing." I love that.
23:28 Because what happens next
23:29 is a shining testimony to Peter's bros.
23:34 They instantly step out, yo, you're not going alone,
23:36 we're going with you.
23:38 I love that about them.
23:39 Because let's face it, Peter has publicly,
23:41 Peter has publicly shamed the name of Jesus Christ
23:46 in the most humiliating way possible.
23:49 When all the attention around that campfire
23:51 remember, when all the attention
23:52 around that campfire was pinned on him.
23:55 He cried out, "Read my lips."
23:57 And somebody on the balcony was hearing it all.
24:00 Read my lips, I have never known
24:03 that blankety, blank, blank man in my life.
24:11 You can't fall more dramatically
24:17 and publicly in a way Peter has just done.
24:21 I say, I think it is a testimony to his circle
24:26 when he says, I am going fishing.
24:29 We're going with you, you're not gonna be alone.
24:34 Verse 3, "So Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.'
24:36 And they said to him, 'We are going with you also.'
24:38 And they went out and immediately got into the boat,
24:40 and that night they caught nothing."
24:43 But once full Passover
24:45 or but it's now and its waning sliver.
24:49 But it's still, it is still picture perfect tonight.
24:53 The lake calm, the silver left of the moon
24:57 reflected on those waters.
24:59 It's beautiful but it's depressing.
25:01 Because guess what?
25:03 Peter's not only morally fallen,
25:05 he is now professionally failing.
25:08 And I have seen it time and time again
25:12 when a man goes through moral meltdown
25:15 and he falls beyond his control there is a professional failing
25:21 that accompanies the moral falling.
25:25 Sad. No fish all night.
25:32 That's a record read, "And they caught nothing,"
25:36 zero, not a nothing.
25:38 I tell you what, there's nothing worse than nothing, is there?
25:42 Nothing to show for the class.
25:44 A whole semester and I failed it.
25:48 Nothing to show for sales, the entire month nothing.
25:53 No fears, no sparkle left in your marriage, nothing.
25:58 No advancement, no promotion, nothing.
26:00 No success with your social fishing on campus, nothing.
26:05 No resources, no money, no nothing.
26:10 There's nothing like nothing to make you feel a failure faster.
26:17 And they caught and he caught nothing.
26:21 Very interesting.
26:22 The same Greek word Jesus uses in the upper room
26:25 when He declares to the disciples,
26:28 without me you can do nothing.
26:32 Maybe that's the point.
26:37 Verse 4, "But when the morning had now come."
26:42 Oh, hit the pause button right there.
26:44 "When the morning had now come," I love that.
26:48 Beyond every midnight of nothing
26:50 there is still comes the morning of promise.
26:53 Midnight is not the last word.
26:56 I'm thinking of that gospel song
26:57 that Gloria Bill Gaither wrote and sang.
27:01 You remember this one?
27:02 Then came the morning
27:06 Oh, night turned into day
27:09 The stone was rolled away
27:11 Hope rose with the dawn
27:12 Then came the morning
27:15 Shadows vanished before the sun
27:17 Death had lost and life had won
27:20 For morning had come Hallelujah
27:25 After your midnight there will always come a morning,
27:28 don't give up.
27:30 Look at how this year is ending on your analysis
27:33 and on your spreadsheet of evaluation,
27:35 but don't give up.
27:37 There's a morning always that follows a midnight.
27:42 All right, Verse 4 again,
27:44 "But when the morning had come, Jesus stood on the shore,
27:50 yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus."
27:52 Then verse 5, "Jesus said to them,
27:54 'Children, have you any food?'"
27:56 one translator says it ought to be lambs
27:59 and another says it ought to be
28:00 yo, friends, caught anything yet?
28:04 "And they answered him. 'No.'
28:07 And He said to them, 'Cast the net
28:09 on the right side of the boat and you will find some.'"
28:16 The boys got the story down.
28:21 He's gonna be a preacher, Rodney, that's your boy.
28:25 Pastor, he's gonna be a preacher.
28:27 You go, "so they cast
28:30 and now they were not able to draw it in
28:32 because of the multitude of the fish."
28:35 The commentator suggest that the reason
28:37 the disciple that cast their net on the left side
28:40 is because of the steering ore is on the right side.
28:43 And nobody is gonna cast a net over the ore.
28:46 But Desire of Ages comes along and adds this insight.
28:49 We put it on the screen for you,
28:50 this classic devotion on the life of Jesus.
28:53 I hope you'll read it through some day soon.
28:56 The words on the screen, "Jesus had a purpose
28:58 in bidding them cast their net on the right side of the ship.
29:01 For on that side He stood upon the shore.
29:05 That was the side of faith.
29:08 If they labored in connection with Him,
29:10 His divine power combining with their human effort,
29:13 they could not," read those last three words.
29:15 They could not what? "Fail of success."
29:19 You will not fail
29:21 if you cast your net on the side Jesus is on.
29:24 Look, I know all your friends are over here, they say,
29:26 "Yo, come on over here."
29:28 Jesus says, "No, no, no, cast your net this direction."
29:32 For where I am it is always the right side."
29:35 All your family is over here and say,
29:36 what got in you that university, you're getting fanatical on us?
29:40 Who cares, Jesus said, "I'm over here,
29:42 I'm on the right side, cast your net this way."
29:45 Because when you cast your net on the right side
29:48 you were always casting to Christ Himself.
29:53 How did that line go? They could not fail of success.
29:59 Your career point, hey, you got to go this way,
30:01 now that you're finishing up at Andrews, go this way.
30:03 Jesus said, "No, no, no, no, I'm over here,
30:05 throw your net in My direction."
30:07 It's not about you becoming a grand success
30:10 for the headlines of earth to pick up.
30:12 It's about you becoming my disciple
30:15 and saving this world in this generation.
30:20 Wow.
30:22 Verse 7, "Therefore," 'cause they draw,
30:26 they're drawing in their net and it's full.
30:27 "Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved as jamboy
30:30 said to Peter, 'Yo, it's the Lord!'
30:33 Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord,
30:35 he put on his outer garment,
30:37 for he had removed it and he plunged into the sea."
30:39 He's so excited he did it backwards,
30:40 you don't get dressed when you jump in the water.
30:42 You hold your clothes over your head and paddle to shore
30:44 but he just said, I got to go.
30:46 Verse 8, "But the other disciples
30:48 came in the little skiff, that little boat,
30:49 for they were not far from land
30:51 about two hundred cubits, 300 feet,
30:52 dragging the net of fish.
30:55 Then as soon as they had come to land,
30:56 they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it."
31:00 Isn't that amazing?
31:02 How often we discover
31:04 that while we are fretting about coming up with nothing,
31:07 not a nothing, not a nothing.
31:09 All the while God is already had work
31:12 and Jesus is frying up breakfast for you.
31:18 It looks like nothing to you
31:19 but it doesn't look like nothing to Him, He's ready in advance.
31:23 It reminds me of this great line, jot this down
31:24 because there's no study guide today.
31:26 You need to keep this promise near you
31:27 as you head off into the adventurous summer.
31:29 Isaiah 65:24, God speaking,
31:32 "It shall come to pass that before they call I will answer."
31:37 Before you even ask I'm answering.
31:40 "And while they are still speaking, I will hear."
31:43 It may feel like nothing to you right now, my friend
31:47 but good news he has already made provision for you.
31:53 Now we come to the heart of the story.
31:57 Verse 10, "Jesus said to them,
32:00 'Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.'
32:02 So Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to the land,
32:05 full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three."
32:09 And scholars have ragged their brains,
32:10 there's some mystical, there's some mysterious,
32:12 there are some divinely
32:14 significant reason for this number.
32:15 No, not at all.
32:18 Listen, when you are poor fisherman,
32:20 you are poor fisherman
32:21 and the deal is we split the catch among us.
32:25 You will remember the total amount of fish.
32:29 Divide by 7 and that's what I get
32:32 and so John, that number just stuck with it.
32:34 153 we caught in a tiny little net.
32:38 Obviously miraculous.
32:40 "Although there were so many, the net was not broken."
32:42 Keep going, verse 12.
32:43 "Jesus said to them, 'Come and eat breakfast.'
32:46 Yet none of the disciples dared to ask Him.
32:48 'Who are You?' Knowing that it was the Lord.
32:50 Jesus then came and took the bread
32:52 and gave it to them, and likewise the fish."
32:54 Wouldn't you just love sitting around a campfire with Jesus?
32:57 Having Him pass the food to you,
32:59 the toast never burned, the fish. Wow.
33:06 Now Verse 14, "This is the third time
33:09 Jesus showed Himself to His disciples
33:11 after He was raised from the dead."
33:14 So, here we go now.
33:16 "When they're eating breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
33:21 'Simon, son of Jonah, son of John,
33:26 do you love Me more than these?'"
33:31 Scholars believe, He's pointing at the fish.
33:33 More than these, do you love Me?
33:38 "Peter said to Jesus, 'Yes, Lord,
33:41 You know that I love You.'"
33:44 No, no, I'll tell you what
33:45 everyday everybody else may desert you
33:47 but I will die for You, it's all gone,
33:49 it's gone, ashamed by his failure.
33:52 That's required. You know Lord, that I love You.
33:57 "Jesus said to Peter, 'Feed My lambs.'"
34:01 Verse 16, "Jesus said to him again a second time,
34:04 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?'
34:07 He said to Him, 'Yes, Lord, You know that I love You.'
34:11 Jesus said to him, 'Tend My sheep.'
34:15 Jesus said to him the third time,
34:16 'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?'
34:21 Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time,
34:23 'Do you love Me?'
34:26 And he said to him, 'Lord, You know all things,
34:30 You know that I love You.'
34:34 And Jesus said to him, 'Feed My sheep.'"
34:38 Three times, three times You declared with curses
34:44 that You never knew me, three times in public.
34:48 I also ask you, do you love Me?
34:52 Three denials, three confessions,
34:57 three restorations, do you love Me? Do you?
35:07 Verse 18, Jesus speaking now,
35:11 "Most assuredly, I say to you,"
35:13 oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, there it is, number 25,
35:16 the last of that literally device of John's
35:18 we've been tracking them all through this gospel.
35:20 Double Amen. Amen, amen.
35:23 When you see two amens right side by side,
35:25 you know that something huge is about to be spoken.
35:28 The last number 25, you just read it,
35:31 "Amen, amen, I say to you, Peter,
35:33 when you were younger, you girded yourself
35:35 and walked where you wished
35:37 but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands,
35:39 and another will gird you
35:41 and carry you where you do not wish.
35:43 This Jesus spoke, signifying
35:45 by what death Peter would glorify God.
35:47 And when Jesus had spoken this,
35:49 He said to Peter, 'Follow Me. Follow Me.'"
35:58 I know we all have to admit, we must admit.
36:01 that the story of Jesus forgiving and restoring Peter
36:04 into His inner circle of disciples
36:08 is truly one of the great finales of all sacred history.
36:11 How can you think about,
36:12 John opens his gospel with a call of Peter.
36:15 John dutifully records the fall of Peter and now hallelujah,
36:19 John ends his gospel with a forgiving of Peter.
36:23 I tell you what ladies and gentlemen,
36:24 all over it are the fingerprints
36:27 of the profound lover of Calvary the Savior of the world,
36:32 His fingerprints all over this ending.
36:37 No matter how awful your sin,
36:41 no matter how far you will fall.
36:46 My grace is sufficient for you for we're sin abounds.
36:53 Grace does much more abound.
36:59 Forgive you. Restore you.
37:04 Follow Me. If you want to.
37:10 But there are some who fall
37:12 and this is what is so heartbreaking.
37:15 There are some who fall, who do not want to un-fall.
37:22 You can't believe it.
37:24 But so strong is the draw of the dark kingdom.
37:32 Thus is the tale of two men that early Friday in Gethsemane,
37:35 they both fell, they both to be restored
37:38 at this moment around the same campfire.
37:41 One fell and begged to be unfallen,
37:44 the other fell and determined to stay fallen
37:47 and that's difference between Peter and Judas.
37:50 Same master, same grace, same drawing.
37:56 But Judas says, I'm not going back.
38:01 What a tragic, tragic contrast.
38:04 Requiem for a loser, are you kidding.
38:06 This is restoration for a sinner, hallelujah.
38:09 Restoration that begins with do you love me
38:12 and ends with follow me.
38:14 And that ladies and gentlemen is the last truth
38:16 of the last story, do you love me really means.
38:22 I'll put this on the screen for you.
38:26 Will you follow Me?
38:27 That's the truth of what we just read.
38:33 Robert Smith in his wonderful book, Wounded Lord,
38:37 reading the Fourth Gospel through the eyes Thomas.
38:39 Put Smith's words on the screen for you,
38:40 take a look at this.
38:41 This was insightful for me, "Only in the Fourth Gospel
38:45 is the bond uniting disciples to Jesus described as 'love.'"
38:50 Nowhere in the synoptic is He called love.
38:52 John says, "No, no, this is love."
38:55 "When Jesus three times asked Peter, 'Do you love Me?'
38:58 He is really asking, 'Will you be my disciple
39:01 whatever the cost or not?"
39:03 In other words, "Will you follow Me?"
39:07 You see, "Do you love Me?"
39:11 really means "Will you follow Me?"
39:16 Craig Keener in his majestic two line commentary
39:19 that we've been tracking through this entire series,
39:21 puts it this way, put Keener's words on the screen for you,
39:24 "The point of the passage has nothing to do with
39:28 a supposed difference between two Greek terms for love."
39:31 But some try to make it to be, there's no difference there.
39:34 But the--the point the passage has
39:36 "Everything to do with the way love for Jesus
39:38 is expressed in this Gospel."
39:41 How is it expressed in this Gospel? Obeying.
39:44 John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments, obey."
39:49 That's how love to Jesus is expressed, you obey Him.
39:52 Keep reading which implies by the way you see this line,
39:57 "Which implies utter self-sacrifice
39:59 and potentially death."
40:03 You see, "Do you love Me?"
40:05 really means, "Will you follow Me even to death."
40:13 But by the way not only follow Him
40:16 to the death of martyrdom that Peter is going to die.
40:20 Most of us here, no doubt will not die the death of a martyr
40:25 which means for us, okay, for most of us here.
40:28 "Will you follow Me to death means the death of old age.
40:35 If times you last and Jesus doesn't come soon.
40:38 Old age, I want you to change your glasses.
40:42 Excuse me.
40:43 I want you to change your glasses and re-read verse 18
40:47 because with new glasses on, you're gonna see
40:48 a classic description of old age, watch this.
40:53 Verse 18, again Jesus speaking, most assuredly,
40:55 "I say to you Peter, 'when you were younger
40:58 you dressed yourself and walked where you wished.'"
41:01 Boy, is that true on this campus.
41:02 When you were young you dressed yourself,
41:05 kind of wish sometimes may be, no.
41:11 "When you were younger you dressed yourself
41:14 and you walked where you wished but,"
41:17 now hold on, here it comes.
41:18 "But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands
41:23 and another will dress you and carry you
41:25 where you do not wish to go." That is old age.
41:32 I've had a chance to see it up close in personal.
41:37 With my mother-in-law, such a classic regal woman
41:42 by the way Karen's mom, Virginia Oswald.
41:46 Just a sweetheart, I've known her for years
41:48 and always well manicured
41:50 and dressed with such taste for beauty.
41:53 But as she aged, she was living with us here in this community.
41:57 As she aged her mind and her memory began to dim.
42:05 Until she couldn't remember
42:06 which dress to wear or not to wear
42:08 or how many days in a row she's already worn it.
42:12 And so her daughter had to become her dresser.
42:16 No, mother not that dress again.
42:18 Let's try this one today.
42:21 And there she was all dress up and no where to go.
42:26 Sitting in that easy chair until we would come
42:30 and we would take her by the hand.
42:33 And we would lead her to the car
42:35 and we would lead her to church.
42:38 And we would lead her to the house.
42:40 We would lead her to the wheelchair.
42:45 Until the day she died this last September.
42:48 It was a Sabbath evening just before Sunday.
42:52 I'm so grateful we both were there,
42:53 we were holding her hand on either side of her.
42:57 Holding her hands, her eyes open.
43:00 And then she breathed her last.
43:04 That's what happens in old age.
43:07 When you're young dressed yourself,
43:09 you go wherever you want.
43:10 But when you become old somebody else dresses you,
43:12 somebody else takes you where you don't want to go,
43:14 but you have to go anyway.
43:20 "Do you love Me?
43:23 Will you follow Me even unto death?"
43:27 Even to the death that comes at the end of what Nietzsche
43:31 calls a long obedience in the same direction.
43:35 Now look, I'm not in the habit
43:36 of quoting atheist from this pulpit
43:37 but I'm gonna do it today
43:39 because Friedrich Nietzsche quietly profound these words,
43:43 so we're gonna put it on the screen for you.
43:44 The great atheist of 20th century,
43:47 "The essential thing 'in heaven and earth'" Nietzsche writing.
43:50 "The essential thing 'in heaven and earth'
43:52 is that there should be
43:53 long obedience in the same direction."
43:57 I'm gonna hold that screen in front of your eyes for a moment.
43:59 I want you to lock that phrase in your mind.
44:01 "Long obedience in the same direction.
44:07 There thereby results, and has always resulted in the long run,
44:10 something which has made life worth living."
44:15 A long obedience in the same direction
44:20 really does make life worth living, doesn't it?
44:24 I think of the hundreds of you in this community
44:28 who live in a community dedicated to the young.
44:31 Everything we do here is for the young.
44:34 And what you do, you who have sojourned long on this pathway.
44:39 I'll look at you with utter admiration.
44:42 Talking about a long obedience in the same direction.
44:46 Look at the way you faithfully live,
44:49 quiet, no fanfare as you follow after the same Jesus.
44:54 You're obedient to your Lord and your master and your work.
44:57 You're obedient to Him in your marriage.
44:59 You're obedient to Him in your worship.
45:02 You're obedient to Him in your retirement.
45:06 A long obedience in the same direction
45:11 and I think to myself
45:12 how lucky this congregation is to have people like you.
45:19 'Cause life isn't only about the young,
45:22 it's about those who are aged, slowly but surely.
45:28 "Do you love Me?"
45:30 really means "Will you follow Me?"
45:32 And will you follow Me means till your last breath.
45:38 So Jesus is explaining all this to Peter.
45:40 All right, it's okay, so Peter
45:41 and they're walking, having a very private conversation,
45:43 walking along the Sea of Galilee
45:45 when Peter suddenly notices some movement behind him
45:47 and He rolls around, it's John boy,
45:50 what, you've been eavesdropping on this whole conversation?
45:52 Of course he did, that's why we have the conversation.
45:56 But Peter and John are friends fortunately
45:58 wherever they appear in Acts they always appear together,
46:01 in the Synoptics they are always together.
46:03 Young boy, older man but fast friends.
46:06 So Peter has got me instructions about he is going to die.
46:09 So he turns to me and he said, "Jesus, Jesus, look at him. Him.
46:11 Tell me, how is going to die?"
46:15 Now listen to how Jesus responds.
46:18 Verse 22, "Jesus said to Peter,
46:20 'If I will, if I wish that he, John boy
46:22 remain till I come, what is that to you?'"
46:26 Polite way for saying, it's none of your business.
46:31 You, three words in the Greeks, three words in English,
46:33 "You follow Me."
46:39 Wow.
46:41 Apparently you can die two very different deaths
46:47 and the ending is the same.
46:48 Peter, we know the story about Peter, don't we?
46:50 Church tradition tells us that Peter,
46:52 when he was taking to the imperial city
46:53 on those Seven Hills of Rome.
46:55 When he was led to his execution,
46:57 they said, we're gonna crucify you.
46:59 He said, you can't crucify me.
47:01 In the manner of my Lord crucify me upside down.
47:04 He was nailed upside down. Head down, feet up.
47:07 He died. Because I cannot follow Jesus.
47:10 I who denied Him. Peter dies a bloody death.
47:17 John, John boy becomes John the elder,
47:19 the only one of the twelve who did not die a violent death.
47:23 John the elder, an aged pastor
47:26 who finally quietly breathed his last
47:29 there in his parish in Ephesus.
47:35 Two very different deaths alluded to here
47:37 at the end of a Fourth Gospel.
47:38 Where you see "Do you love Me?"
47:40 really means "Will you follow Me?"
47:41 No matter how you die because it doesn't matter how you die.
47:44 The critical issue is how shall we live? How you live?
47:49 Which is why the last record of words of Jesus.
47:52 Can you believe that, you just read them.
47:53 If you ever read that of Bible,
47:54 are there any red words after those three?
47:58 "You follow Me."
48:02 The book ends with a call, "You follow Me."
48:11 The year ends with a call, "You follow Me."
48:18 So how should we answer? How's your answer?
48:24 In this last moment we have together,
48:25 I wish you take out your connect card right now.
48:28 I like to give you a way to answer
48:31 at least two boxes to check.
48:33 Take out the connect card, you know this one
48:34 that chaplain Jose just talked about Pastor Jose a moment ago.
48:37 You filled in this part, make sure we have your e-mail
48:40 because you're gonna want something
48:41 that you're gonna check I believe, you're gonna want it.
48:43 So put your e-mail for sure on the front.
48:45 Now turn the card over, my next step today is--
48:49 and I hope everybody here and those of you watching
48:52 on television or live streaming,
48:53 we got these cards on our website,
48:55 you can get this, you can make the same response.
48:57 I hope everybody here checks,
48:59 I chose to follow the Jesus of John 21
49:02 to the end of my days no matter how I die.
49:05 Isn't that you?
49:07 Oh, I want to put a check mark there.
49:09 And then look at here, here's number two,
49:10 this summer I would like a strategic plan
49:13 to focus on Jesus while I'm away from campus
49:15 because I'm coming back.
49:17 But this summer, I'd like a way
49:18 to focus on Jesus in my prayer life.
49:20 Please send it to me.
49:21 If you put your e-mail address on the other side,
49:23 we will send you that strategic plan all summer long.
49:27 You can focus on Jesus.
49:28 What does it mean to follow Him?
49:29 You can focus on Him, you'll be fine.
49:32 Some of you saw a baptism or two or three today
49:35 and Holy Spirit is speaking in your heart and he saying,
49:37 hey, listen girl, boy, you follow Me.
49:42 And the time has come for you to make a decision.
49:44 You're saying, Dwight, look it,
49:45 I'm leaving, I'm leaving campus.
49:46 Don't worry about it, we'll take care, we can wait.
49:49 But why not make the decision
49:51 on the cusp of the next chapter of your life.
49:53 Over here in this little box,
49:54 I want to begin a relationship with Jesus, check there.
49:56 I want information on baptism, check there.
49:58 We'll get the information to you,
49:59 we have to have your e-mail address
50:01 but we will get the information to you. Why wait?
50:05 Why not in this last moment
50:06 make it the first moment, you and Jesus?
50:09 Whether you've walked with Him all your life
50:11 or you're saying I want to start a new chapter?
50:14 In fact here's how I want to end today.
50:15 You don't do this with the connect card
50:17 but I'm doing it today.
50:19 I want to sing a little chorus
50:20 and I want to invite you if you're student.
50:24 To commit yourself to walking with the same Jesus.
50:30 Bring a card, you turn in just a second
50:32 but just hold your card with you.
50:35 Would you mind coming forward
50:36 and let me have a prayer with you,
50:38 a prayer that sends us out.
50:40 We're gonna sing a chorus, you know,
50:41 this I have decided, you know that one?
50:44 Yeah, lets sing that together.
50:46 And while we're singing if you're student,
50:49 chaplain Jose has already mentioned the categories here,
50:52 but you know what if you're a student at the University,
50:54 undergraduate, graduate, it doesn't matter.
50:57 I'm gonna invite the others in a moment to join you,
50:58 but I'm gonna invite you first.
51:00 Would you mind just coming forward
51:01 and let's have a prayer right here.
51:03 I'm gonna start singing and as we sing bless you.
51:06 As we sing come forward, all right.
51:08 I have decided to follow Jesus
51:15 I have decided to follow Jesus
51:23 I have decided to follow Jesus
51:30 No turning back, no turning back
51:37 You're sitting in the balcony, good,
51:38 I see some of you going for the stair,
51:40 come on down, just come on down.
51:41 This is a rap moment,
51:42 you're in the overflow, you come as well if you like.
51:45 If you're student particularly,
51:47 if you're a student undergraduate or graduate,
51:51 come to the one who says you follow Me.
51:56 Though no one join me, yet I will follow,
51:58 let's sing that.
51:59 Though no one join me, yet I will follow
52:06 Though no one join me, yet I will follow
52:14 Though no one join me, yet I will follow
52:21 No turning back, no turning back
52:29 Before we sing one more stanza,
52:31 some of you have not come to Jesus before.
52:36 I'd love to have you today
52:38 with this connect card make that connection to Christ.
52:41 If not been baptized,
52:44 you don't have to wait to be an old man, elderly woman.
52:50 You can make a decision,
52:52 all the energy of your young adulthood
52:54 but you'll make it for Christ.
52:56 You will never be simpler than today.
52:59 If you need to check one of those boxes,
53:01 I wish you do it right now.
53:03 And bring the box with you,
53:04 we're gonna sing one more stanza, come on up.
53:07 And you who are here just go and pull it up all the way,
53:09 come right up to the stairs
53:10 'cause we have people behind you.
53:12 Come right in, bless you.
53:14 And let's sing, how it's go,
53:15 the cross before me, the world behind me.
53:18 All right, let's do that.
53:19 The cross before me, the world behind me
53:26 The cross before me, the world behind me
53:34 The cross before me, the world behind me
53:42 No turning back, no turning back
53:51 And how about the rest of us,
53:53 this is a perfect time for us too
53:56 to make the commitment.
53:57 You know what Jesus, You said you follow Me,
54:01 I will by Your grace follow You, wherever You lead me.
54:05 Wherever the next chapter is
54:06 I'm with You and You are with me.
54:10 You want to join these who have made their confession clear.
54:13 Stand to your feet, you can't crawl in the aisle now
54:16 but just stand to your feet if you wish to say Jesus,
54:19 count me in on this.
54:20 You said, you follow Me, I follow You.
54:29 Oh, Christ, risen Lord, soon coming Savior
54:36 two millennia have fled by
54:39 since that fireside moment by the Galilee.
54:46 But somehow amazingly it says if you're calling us right now.
54:54 Do you love Me?
54:56 Do you really? Then follow Me.
55:01 And so we've responded,
55:02 these who have come forward and now filling the aisles.
55:05 Oh, Christ Jesus, seal that decision,
55:09 they go out a committed man, a committed woman to You.
55:14 Hold on to that commitment.
55:16 Fresh way to focus on You,
55:18 every day of summer, send that to them.
55:22 Make it the chapter that's been waiting to be written.
55:26 And dear God, some are saying I come,
55:30 I want to follow into the Jordan River
55:32 with Christ Jesus my Lord, seal that decision.
55:37 How many weeks that go by between now
55:39 and the ratification of that decision stay close,
55:42 hold her close, hold him close.
55:46 But we stand because we wish
55:47 in solidarity release to share the journey.
55:52 Some of us are nearing our last breath.
55:55 We can't yet say how it is we will die.
55:59 But Jesus, if You don't come soon, we will die.
56:03 But when that moment comes, please hold our hand.
56:10 And we will follow You straight into eternity one day
56:14 on that resurrection morning.
56:16 Seal it all Jesus, seal it all.
56:20 We pray in Your name. Amen.
56:25 I'd like to take a moment here at the end of the service
56:27 to tell you about one of the most
56:28 important groups of people that make this ministry possible.
56:32 They're team of people, they're not afraid
56:35 to get down into the thick of life itself
56:38 which is why you're gonna find them,
56:39 you will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:42 They are our prayer partners.
56:44 A group of men and women and young adults
56:47 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:50 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:52 And so they pray earnestly that God will use the preacher.
56:55 And God will use me
56:57 and God will use the countless other volunteers
56:59 to spread the everlasting Gospel and the word of God
57:02 in ways we could never have imagined before.
57:05 They're the ones who are praying
57:06 that God is gonna open up the hearts of people,
57:10 open up the hearts of viewers around the world for the message
57:13 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:17 And what I like to do is ask you,
57:19 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us?
57:22 A prayer partner with New Perceptions.
57:24 You don't have to call a toll free number,
57:26 you don't have to go online to register.
57:27 All I need to know is that you'd be willing
57:30 to lift this little ministry up day after day after day.
57:36 Pray that somehow through radio and television and the web,
57:40 God will open up new doors, new regions on earth
57:45 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed.
57:47 There is no question, the power of prayer
57:49 has potential to take this ministry to places
57:52 we could never have imagined before.
57:55 So that's it, would you please be willing
57:58 to partner with me in prayer.
57:59 The times are urgent, the need is critical.
58:03 And I hope you will say yes.
58:05 Until we're together next time,
58:07 may the prayer answering God accompany you
58:10 every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17