New Perceptions

Turn Your Surviving Into Thriving

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP042509

00:32 Praise the Lord. You may be seated.
00:37 Is our God awesome this Sabbath?
00:42 I got to raise in mercy and raise in truth
00:46 and teaches us in compassion.
00:49 We sing the song
00:50 that's became a favorite this semester.
00:55 It says mighty to save, from the uttermost,
00:59 our God reaches out,
01:01 saves us and delivers us from our sins
01:04 and brings us into right relationship with Him.
01:08 So we declare that today.
01:24 It's really focus on these words,
01:26 every one needs compassion, together.
01:30 Everyone needs compassion, love that's never failing
01:37 Let mercy
01:38 Let mercy fall on me
01:44 Everyone needs forgiveness
01:47 The kindness of a Savior
01:52 The hope of nations
02:00 Savior
02:02 Savior, He can move the mountains
02:08 My God is mighty to save
02:12 He is mighty to save
02:16 Forever Author of salvation
02:21 He rose and conquered the grave
02:25 Jesus conquered the grave
02:30 So take me.
02:31 So take me, as You find me
02:33 All my fears
02:35 All my fears and failures
02:38 Fill my life again.
02:40 Fill my life again
02:44 I give my life.
02:45 I give my life to follow
02:47 Everything I believe in
02:53 Now I surrender
02:58 I surrender
03:02 Savior
03:04 Savior, He can move the mountains
03:08 My God is mighty to save
03:12 He is mighty to save
03:16 Forever Author of salvation
03:21 He rose and conquered the grave
03:26 Jesus conquered the grave
03:29 Shine your light
03:31 And let the whole world see
03:35 We're singing for the glory
03:38 Of the risen King
03:42 Jesus, shine you light
03:44 And let the whole world see
03:47 We're singing for the glory
03:48 We're singing for the glory
03:51 Of the risen King
03:54 Savior
03:56 Savior, He can move the mountains
04:01 My God is mighty to save
04:05 He is mighty to save
04:09 Forever, Author of salvation
04:15 He rose and conquered the grave
04:18 Jesus conquered the grave
04:22 Savior, He can move the mountains
04:28 My God is mighty to save
04:31 He is mighty to save.
04:35 Forever, Author of salvation
04:40 He rose and conquered the grave
04:44 Jesus conquered the grave
04:48 Shine your light, and let the whole world see
04:54 We're singing for the glory
04:57 Of the risen King Jesus
05:00 Shine you light, and let the whole world see
05:06 We're singing for the glory
05:09 Of the risen King
05:13 Savior, He can move the mountains
05:19 My God is mighty to save
05:23 He is mighty to save
05:27 Forever, Author of salvation
05:33 He rose and conquered the grave
05:36 Jesus conquered the grave
05:49 I am seekin' for a city, Hallelujah
05:55 I am seekin' for a city!
05:58 Hallelujah
06:01 For a city into de Hebben
06:03 Hallelujah
06:07 For a city into de Hebben
06:09 Hallelujah
06:12 Lord I don't feel no-ways tired Childaren
06:19 Oh, glory Hallelujah!
06:24 For I hope to shout glory
06:27 when dis worl' is on fire Childaren
06:31 Oh, glory Hallelujah!
06:36 Dere's a better day a -comin', Hallelujah
06:41 Dere's a better day a-comin'
06:44 Hallelujah
06:47 When I leave dis worl' ob sorrow,
06:50 Hallelujah
06:53 For to jine de holy number
06:56 Hallelujah
06:59 Lord I don't feel no-ways tired Childaren
07:05 Oh, glory Hallelujah
07:11 For I hope to shout glory
07:14 when dis worl' is on fire Childaren
07:17 Oh, glory Hallelujah!
07:58 Amen.
08:00 Holy Father, they sing, hallelujah we join with them.
08:06 You've been a good God, You've gotten us
08:07 to this point in the journey, don't abandon us now.
08:12 Given the times, is there a word
08:16 You would yet share with us.
08:20 Jesus name we wait on You.
08:22 Amen.
08:26 Once upon a time there was a rich man
08:27 whose investments
08:33 were going very well.
08:37 Not the kind of word, you and I need to hear,
08:41 we who are very envious of that thought given
08:45 the not very well times of which you're living.
08:48 Although, I need to say this,
08:49 it is not a sin, it is not a sin to be rich.
08:55 Nor it is a sin to have a skill to invest wisely.
09:01 Although truth be known,
09:02 there is research now that indicates,
09:05 there is very little correlation
09:06 between having money or not having it and happiness.
09:11 Forbes magazine carried a piece,
09:13 describing that research.
09:16 A piece entitled, "Money doesn't buy happiness."
09:19 So let me read this to you, just a line or two from it.
09:23 It's official, money can't buy happiness.
09:26 We're all muttering under our breath,
09:28 yeah, but try me, please just try me, try me.
09:31 "It's official, money can't buy happiness.
09:33 Sure, if a person is handed $10,"
09:35 listen to this, "the pleasure centers of his brain light up,
09:40 as if he were given, food, sex or drugs."
09:43 Ain't that something?
09:45 Can you believe it? Let's find out.
09:46 Let's just find out that
09:48 if pleasure center really lights up.
09:49 I have, here in my wallet.
09:52 I'm gonna double the $10, by the way.
09:54 I got a $20, right here.
09:58 All right!
09:59 First person that comes to get this $20,
10:05 actually I have two more,
10:07 because the people of First Church felt bad for me
10:08 and gave me a bunch.
10:10 I got two more. I can take two more.
10:12 But I want to pull the camera in on the brain
10:15 and look at the pleasure center.
10:22 All right, this was not staged okay, guys.
10:26 Do you have the camera on their brain?
10:29 All right, watch it.
10:31 All right, $20 think what happens
10:33 to your pleasure center when you, when you--
10:37 please, you can keep it fella,
10:41 you can, you're the guy getting married in June,
10:42 you're gonna need it trust me.
10:45 You are really gonna need it.
10:47 Another $20.
10:49 Now you just lug it at,
10:50 the people in the First Church had mercy on me.
10:52 They said, all right Pastor, just in case you do this again
10:55 and I got some extras, all right.
10:57 So-- save the hugs, till later.
11:00 Save the hugs till later.
11:01 Thank you guys, give me a high-five, though.
11:03 Come on. All right.
11:06 The whole point is, ladies and gentlemen, when--
11:10 nice job, guys.
11:15 When you receive money,
11:18 the pleasure center of your brain
11:20 that registers food, sex or drugs lights up.
11:24 But I have some bad news for you.
11:27 Hold on, now.
11:28 "That initial rush does not translate
11:32 into long term pleasure for most people."
11:35 All right?
11:36 Surveys have found, this is fascinating,
11:37 "Surveys have found virtually the same level of happiness
11:41 between the very rich individuals
11:44 on the Forbes 400 list."
11:45 And by the way, we talked about
11:46 Warren Buffett last week, you remember that?
11:48 He's on the Forbes 400, the richest man on earth,
11:50 $62 billion dollars worth.
11:54 But surveys-- now research shows,
11:55 that the "level of happiness between the richest people
12:00 and the Maasai herdsmen of East Africa"
12:03 and Karen and I were in the Maasai Mara,
12:05 the last year, is negligible.
12:08 They're just as happy as Warren Buffett.
12:11 So take that to the bank.
12:15 Lottery winners, watch this, "Lottery winner's
12:18 return to their previous level of happiness
12:20 after about five years."
12:23 You get millions, back after five years.
12:25 "Peter Ubel, professor in Medicine,
12:27 University of Michigan, just up the road,
12:28 the relation between money and happiness
12:30 is pretty, pretty, small."
12:32 One more.
12:34 "George Loewenstein, an economist
12:35 at Carnegie Mellon University, why doesn't wealth
12:38 bring us a constant sense of joy?"
12:39 Listen up.
12:40 "Part of the reason, that people are very good
12:42 at figuring out what to do with the money.
12:44 People, generally over-estimate
12:46 the amount of long-term pleasure,
12:47 they'll get from a given object."
12:50 Once up on a time, there was a rich man,
12:55 whose investments went, very, very well.
13:00 And Jesus told us this story
13:02 so that even when we're not doing very well,
13:05 we will do, very well, indeed.
13:10 Now this for your story hour, we'll call this story,
13:13 the parable of the rich fool.
13:18 I see you listen to this story hour, too.
13:20 Good.
13:22 It's target audience, university students.
13:27 Open your Bible with me please,
13:28 a very short parable with a very sharp point.
13:36 You got to read it.
13:37 You got to read it. Pull out your pew Bible.
13:38 If you didn't bring a Bible, grab the pew Bible.
13:40 It's the gospel of St. Luke Chapter 12.
13:42 Luke Chapter 12, I'm gonna be
13:45 in the today's New International Version.
13:47 If you don't have a Bible, please grab the pew Bible.
13:49 Those of you watching on television, grab your Bible.
13:51 This is one unforgettable story.
13:54 Luke Chapter 12, let's see
13:57 what the page number in the pew Bible, page 701.
14:01 Secret number four,
14:03 how to turn your surviving into thriving
14:07 in the midst of this economic meltdown.
14:09 Let's find out.
14:11 Secret number four, the final of the four secrets.
14:13 Luke Chapter 12, I got to turn this in here,
14:16 talking and not finding it.
14:17 Luke Chapter 12:16,
14:22 "And he" Jesus "told them this parable,
14:26 'The ground of a certain rich man
14:29 yielded an abundant harvest."
14:33 Ladies and gentlemen, the word is bumper.
14:35 Bumper, bumper crop.
14:39 I mean, there was his, big, green, shiny John-Deer,
14:44 just clawing up that grain
14:46 as fast as that combine could move.
14:49 I don't know, how this thing works,
14:51 but the grain goes inside that iron belly of that combine
14:54 and then it comes up a shoot, a snout.
14:57 And these trucks drive right under that shoot
15:00 and yellow gold, yellow grain piling up.
15:05 And as soon as that truck's down,
15:06 here comes another truck.
15:07 And another, and another, and that night,
15:09 after harvesting his entire land,
15:13 there were so many heaping rented trucks in his farm yard.
15:18 There would've been room for one more.
15:22 And so this farmer sits down at his tiny little desk,
15:25 and he pulls out his trusty adding machine.
15:33 He cannot, he cannot believe his eyes.
15:37 He recalculates, and recalculates.
15:39 He's discovered, he has more yellow grain
15:42 than he has silo space.
15:44 He's thinking to himself, hallelujah.
15:50 Like that's what Jesus has him saying right here.
15:52 Verse 17, "He thought to himself," mercy
15:56 "'What shall I do?
15:57 I have no place to store my crops.'
16:00 Then he said, 'This is what I'll do.
16:02 I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones,
16:04 and there I will store my surplus grain.'
16:07 " And unbeknown to you and me,
16:09 Jesus has been carefully inserting into that parable,
16:12 the first person singular possessive pronoun, my, my, my.
16:17 What was it here?
16:18 My crops, my barns, my surplus grain,
16:22 and verse 19, myself.
16:26 Hey, wait a minute, rich man.
16:30 Who sent the rain?
16:32 Who gave you that sunshine?
16:34 Who had that cycle of light and dark?
16:36 Who gave you the wisdom? Who gave you the heartbeat?
16:37 Who gave you the lung to breathe, all that energy?
16:42 Come on, Mr. Rich man.
16:44 Can't you just-- Would it kill you?
16:46 Would it kill you to say thank you to God?
16:50 It'll kill you, not to.
16:56 And by the way, did u see that?
16:58 My, surplus grain.
17:01 Let me tell you something,
17:03 you'll never have a problem with room for surplus,
17:06 if you give your surplus away.
17:08 There's no problem, give it away.
17:11 Quit hanging on to that excess.
17:13 You don't need it, do you?
17:19 It never occurs to that rich man,
17:21 but they're poor people.
17:23 It doesn't occur to him that
17:24 he wouldn't have a storage problem,
17:26 were he not having a selfish problem.
17:28 Now, would he?
17:30 And so he says to himself this little,
17:32 he goes on verse 19, "And I'll say to myself" self,
17:36 here we go, "'You have plenty
17:39 of grain laid up for many years.
17:42 Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry."
17:47 Time out, time out, hey, is it a sin to eat?
17:50 Of course, it's not. Is it a sin to drink?
17:52 It is not, depending on what you drink.
17:54 Is it a sin to be merry?
17:56 It's not a sin to be merry.
17:57 The Bible says, a merry heart, does good, like a medicine.
18:02 The big difference is, you eat and drink to live,
18:08 not live to eat and drink.
18:11 And that's the difference, your focus.
18:17 Late that night, late that night,
18:20 for the umpteenth time he has rerun the numbers.
18:25 Oh, my!
18:27 The rich man crawls into bed beside his slumbering wife,
18:29 it doesn't get any better than this,
18:31 he's muttering to himself and he begins to hum.
18:36 If I were a rich man
18:41 and he drifts off, drifts off to a glorious sleep.
18:48 A sliver of moon light falls through that
18:51 open window across that contented continence.
18:57 The curtains hang motion less, and limp,
19:01 beside the open window when all of a sudden, stiffen.
19:06 And then begins to mysteriously tremble,
19:08 as the midnight wind sweeps into the darkness,
19:11 and as if riding on that wind, an unseen presence.
19:15 The towers over that bent and a voice in the dark speaks,
19:21 you fool, that's exactly
19:26 what Jesus has the voice saying, you fool.
19:30 Look at verse 20,
19:31 "This very night your life will be demanded from you.
19:35 Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
19:46 And with that pronouncement,
19:49 the man jerks up, clutches his chest,
19:51 and before he can awaken her, he's dead.
19:55 The end!
20:00 What a great way to wrap up the school, isn't it?
20:03 What is his point?
20:05 Let's let this master story teller make his point.
20:06 Look at this.
20:07 Where's that point, verse 21, Jesus says,
20:08 you want to know the point,
20:10 "This is how it will be with those who store up things
20:13 for themselves but are not rich toward God."
20:18 Listen ladies and gentlemen, we may not be able to exigent
20:20 every fine little detail of this parable
20:22 but it is not rocket science,
20:24 to suddenly conclude with only one reading that
20:26 whatever that this being rich toward God is,
20:29 it is utterly essential for life.
20:33 That point is so critical, we need to write it down
20:35 for the final study guide in this four secrets
20:38 to surviving the coming economic earthquake.
20:41 Secret number four, grab your study guide, please.
20:42 Ushers, let's get study guide in the overflow and here
20:45 and in the balcony.
20:46 Make sure everybody today gets a study guide.
20:49 You're gonna want this study guide, raise your hand.
20:50 It's secret number four.
20:52 And those who are watching right now,
20:55 we're delighted that you are.
20:56 You can have the same study guide,
20:58 I'm gonna put it on the screen right now.
20:59 You go to our website, there it is.
21:01 You see it at the bottom of that panel,
21:08 You're looking for this series, "Four Secrets to Surviving
21:10 the Coming Economic Earthquake."
21:12 This is secret number four,
21:14 "Turn Your Surviving into Thriving."
21:18 And when you see that,
21:19 you see right underneath that a study guide,
21:21 you click there and you'll have the same study guide
21:23 and you can go through with us.
21:25 And by the, if you didn't get the first three secrets,
21:27 they're all sitting, right there in that website.
21:29 You can download them, to your iPod,
21:31 you want to watch them in your laptop
21:33 there they're for you in your leisure to pander,
21:35 four secrets for survival.
21:37 These are great secrets.
21:38 By the way, speaking of survival, I wish you were--
21:40 this church is full, right to the back.
21:44 Thursday night, David Ramsey, Coast to Coast live.
21:47 We had my friend Dave on both screens
21:50 coming from Tulsa, Oklahoma
21:52 and all my, he spent an hour and a half
21:54 talking about the economic meltdown we're in
21:58 and where do we go from here.
21:59 I am very grateful.
22:00 Karen and I were sitting there,
22:02 you know, I'm so grateful he spoke a word of hope
22:04 in the midst of this very uncertain time.
22:08 But I need to tell you that as a follower
22:09 because he didn't deal with a lot of specifics,
22:11 he was dealing with generalities.
22:13 But as a follower-- Monday night,
22:15 and then next Monday night, two Monday nights
22:17 we're gonna have a seminar, right here,
22:20 you got two financial young,
22:22 skilled young adults, by the way.
22:24 Bryan von Dorpowski, Scott Schalk
22:25 and they will read out some specifics,
22:28 how to get out of debt and stay out,
22:30 just this two nights.
22:31 Then this fall, we're gonna give
22:33 the financial peace university with the, right here,
22:37 we'll give you the dates, this fall.
22:39 By the way, let me also point out to you that,
22:40 in today's bulletin, there is a brand new,
22:43 did you see this little insert faith and finance.
22:45 There is a brand new...
22:50 how to seminar, to get us through these times.
22:53 And we're gonna be offering that seminar as well.
22:55 I see one of the seminar authors here, Ed Reed.
22:57 And works out it about Ed,
22:59 we're gonna have that this fall as well.
23:02 All right, but right now, there's stuff we can do.
23:04 We're not gonna have to wait for this fall.
23:05 Secret number four, but jot down the point that
23:07 we didn't want to forget, would you?
23:09 Whatever it means, jot this down,
23:11 "Whatever it means this idea of being rich toward God"
23:15 make sure you put the quotation marks around it
23:17 because those are Jesus words.
23:20 "Whatever it means this idea of being rich toward God
23:22 must be utterly essential to life!"
23:28 Keep your pen, moving.
23:29 "Because if you're not," rich toward God,
23:32 "all that you have and all that you are will die with you."
23:35 That's the point.
23:37 Short little parable sharp, big, truth.
23:43 Which by the way, is Jesus advance point
23:44 that He slips into, the introduction.
23:47 We skipped the introduction.
23:48 But I want you to read that introduction.
23:49 Go back to verse 13, same chapter,
23:53 pretty little for the parable.
23:54 "Someone in the crowd," so He's teaching in this crowd.
23:56 "Someone in the crowd said to him, 'hey, teacher,
23:59 tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.'"
24:02 Will you?
24:04 You know what, there's nothing more pathetic
24:07 than a family that dissolves
24:08 into a food fight over inheritance.
24:13 Bring in the lawyers, let's go to probate court,
24:15 let's settle this once and for all.
24:17 Are you crazy?
24:19 There isn't enough there to make it
24:20 worth destroying your family.
24:24 Give it up.
24:27 You'll be fine.
24:29 And Jesus by the way, He's making that point.
24:31 He shoots back to this man,
24:33 not a great complementary word here.
24:34 Hey, man.
24:37 You "Who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?'"
24:40 That's verse 14, now comes verse 15.
24:42 Then Jesus turns to the crowd and he says,
24:44 "'Watch out!
24:45 Be on your guard against all kinds of greed,
24:48 life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.'"
24:53 By the way, once upon a time, there was a rich man
24:55 and boom he shoots in to the parable.
24:57 But I want to make sure that you get the kind of pre,
24:59 the kind of the sub-punch line that he gives before.
25:03 Jot it down please. How did he put it here?
25:06 "For a life does not consist
25:08 in an abundance of possessions."
25:12 Boy, how true?
25:13 In fact, I wrote the sermon yesterday,
25:15 pew research came out with a study.
25:18 National survey, cell phone and telephones,
25:21 finding out, how Americans are surviving this meltdown.
25:24 They are finding out that Americans
25:26 are settling now for less.
25:27 Stuff we have to have before, we don't have to have now.
25:34 We're not, we're not that-- we're pretty bright.
25:39 And that's what Jesus point.
25:41 Look, life does not consist
25:42 in the abundance and possessions.
25:44 There's something exponentially
25:46 more important than possessions.
25:49 And in fact, if we hadn't just parachuted
25:51 in to the middle of Luke's gospel,
25:52 we'd already know.
25:53 The readers already know.
25:55 But we just come diving into the middle of the gospel
25:57 and so we missed what Luke has already inserted.
26:01 And what is he inserted?
26:02 A single line in the Sermon on the Mount.
26:04 Mathew left it out completely.
26:06 Thank you, Dr. Luke, for remembering it.
26:09 He inserts it.
26:11 I want you to go back just a few pages to chapter 6,
26:13 Luke Chapter 6.
26:15 Luke's rendition of the Sermon on the Mount.
26:19 Luke's rendition of the Sermon on the Mount.
26:21 Verse 38.
26:23 All right, Mathew-- I mean Luke 6:38.
26:29 All right, Jesus speaking.
26:31 If you have a red letter Bible
26:32 they are to be just as red as that parable was red.
26:34 "Give Jesus says, and it will be given to you.
26:40 A good measure, pressed down,
26:41 shaken together and running over,
26:43 will be poured into your lap.
26:45 For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
26:52 Now, I've to remind you,
26:53 incase you forgot that the ancients,
26:55 they'd wear this outer garment,
26:56 long outer garment that
26:57 would go all the way down to the feet.
26:59 The outer garment became their grocery bag,
27:01 or their suitcase.
27:03 Whenever they travel or went shopping,
27:04 because they're gonna reach down,
27:06 all the way down, grab the end
27:07 and pull it up like this
27:08 and now they have the grocery bag.
27:09 And when they're in that little village bazaar,
27:11 would you like some grain?
27:13 I sure would. They're holding the pocket.
27:15 The Greek word is for a bosom pocket.
27:17 They're holding the pocket and that merchant,
27:18 he's just poring that grain in and you could see it,
27:20 wow, wow, pressed down,
27:22 shaking together, wow, spilling over.
27:25 That's what Jesus is describing.
27:27 When you give, it'll come back to you the same way,
27:31 pressed down, pressing it way into down,
27:33 pressing together and poring over.
27:39 Give, He says, give and it'll be given to you.
27:44 By the way, I love the way Eugene Peterson--
27:45 let's put this on the screen.
27:47 Eugene Peterson's, rendition in the message Bible.
27:51 Look how he translates this verse.
27:53 You'll have to fill it in.
27:54 Give-- Jesus speaking,
27:55 "Give away your life, you'll find life given back,"
27:59 but not merely given back
28:01 "given back with bonus and blessing."
28:05 Giving, not getting, write that word in getting.
28:09 Giving, not getting, is the way,
28:12 generosity begets generosity.
28:17 I love that.
28:18 Generosity begets generosity.
28:20 Give and it'll be given to you.
28:24 I got to tell you, one of my favorite stories,
28:25 when I was a boy was the story of Elijah.
28:27 I grew up with Elijah my hero.
28:28 I mean, could there be
28:30 anybody greater than that prophet Elijah?
28:32 And you remember how his life story begins.
28:35 I mean, You think what it would be like.
28:37 You, going straight through,
28:38 right past the secret service, straight into the White House,
28:42 down the corridors, until you find
28:44 yourselves standing in the oval office
28:46 in front of president Obama.
28:49 And you look at the president and you say, mister president,
28:52 I'm here to tell you
28:54 that there will not be a drop of rain or dew,
28:56 until you hear from me again.
28:58 And you pivot on your heel
28:59 and you leave that building and you wisely go into hiding.
29:05 That is precisely, what Elijah did.
29:08 He goes into hiding.
29:11 God says, hey, little brook, little brook called Cherith.
29:16 Go to Cherith. I will take care of you.
29:20 Trust me.
29:22 So Elijah hides down by the waters that will diminish,
29:27 but he's down by the waters at the brook of Cherith
29:28 and you're not gonna believe this,
29:30 but I am telling you the gospel truth.
29:31 The next morning, when he awakens
29:33 and he looks up to that brassy blue heaven,
29:37 he sees, circling in a descending flight pattern,
29:42 a flock of raven, and inside their beaks,
29:45 they're all clutching food.
29:48 And he eats, and he drinks.
29:51 Apparently, it's true.
29:52 God will take care of you until the water runs out,
29:57 because Jesus says, the sun shines on the righteous
29:59 and the wicked.
30:00 You're not getting a pass.
30:01 If we're having a national drought,
30:03 if the economy is down, you get down, too.
30:05 God's people don't just say, well, I'm a believer,
30:08 so the economy doesn't affect me.
30:10 No, no, no, if it's raining,
30:12 it's raining everywhere buddy, and you're down, too.
30:16 And so God says, hey Elijah, you're out of water.
30:19 I suggest you go up to Jezebel, the queen,
30:21 go up to Jezebel's homeland.
30:23 She'll never think of looking for you there.
30:24 And provisional will be made for you.
30:26 You go, boy.
30:27 And Elijah goes and sure enough
30:28 as he gets to this village of Zarephath.
30:32 As he's coming up to the village,
30:33 he sees a little woman, turns out she's a widow
30:36 and she's picking up sticks.
30:39 She's looking for kindling.
30:40 Because, this is it,
30:41 this is going to be the last meal.
30:44 With that fire, little oil and flour
30:47 she and her son then will die.
30:49 Elijah spots her and says, yo mother,
30:54 you know what-- and she turns around
30:56 she can tell by the garb, he's a holy man.
30:58 You know what, I'm so thirsty, do you have any water for me?
31:04 Lord, she turns, precious commodity,
31:07 precious commodity.
31:08 Yo mother, I'm not only thirsty,
31:12 I'm so hungry, could you make some bread for me?
31:16 She looks back at him
31:17 and this is just his long stare.
31:19 And she says, no, sir.
31:22 I'm just getting some wood for our last meal.
31:26 My boy and I are now gonna starve to death.
31:29 Elijah looks into the face of that desperate woman
31:33 and he raises his index finger to heaven
31:35 and he says, as surely, as the Lord God of Israel is,
31:39 if You will give me some bread,
31:41 I promise You that little jug of oil,
31:44 and that jar of flour, will never run out,
31:47 until there's rain again.
31:51 And then I love this line, look at this,
31:52 I love the way the story ends.
31:54 1 Kings 17 and so "She went away
31:58 and did as Elijah had told her.
32:00 So there was food every day for Elijah
32:03 and for the woman and her family.
32:05 For the jar of flour was not used up
32:08 and the jug of oil did not run dry,
32:10 in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah."
32:16 Hallelujah.
32:18 Apparently, it's true.
32:19 God will take care of us.
32:27 Give and it will be given to you.
32:30 That's what the widow did.
32:33 "A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
32:34 and running over, will be poured into your lap.
32:37 For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
32:40 That is precisely what the widow did.
32:42 She gave the all that she had,
32:43 and God gave it all back to her,
32:45 poured it in to her lap
32:46 until she could even hold it all.
32:49 Apparently-- would you jot this down?
32:53 "If you make God first, He will make it last."
33:02 `If you make God first, He will make it last.
33:08 I don't know how it works,
33:10 I mean, it's so counter-intuitive.
33:11 This little woman has just this left
33:13 and she gives it up, but she gets way more.
33:15 I don't know how it works.
33:17 I only know that Jesus promised it would work.
33:21 Let me read it to you from Peterson again.
33:23 "Give away your life
33:24 and you'll find life given back,
33:26 not merely given back,
33:28 but given back with bonus and blessing.
33:30 Giving, not getting, is the way,
33:32 generosity begets generosity."
33:35 You want to know the secret for turning
33:37 your economic surviving into economic thriving,
33:40 write it down right now, secret number four.
33:43 "When living becomes giving, surviving becomes thriving."
33:49 That's it.
33:50 Write it down, secret number four.
33:52 "When living becomes giving, surviving becomes thriving."
33:57 Keep writing.
33:58 "The happiest people on earth (rich or poor) are all givers."
34:04 Write it down.
34:05 And by the way, keep your pen moving.
34:06 "They're also the healthiest people on earth.
34:12 My friend, Larry Ulery,
34:13 who teaches here at the university.
34:16 Larry sent this to me and I want to pass it onto you.
34:18 You have it in your study guide.
34:19 This is good.
34:20 This is from what, Michigan Literacy Inc.
34:23 You'll have to fill in a line or two.
34:24 I'm quoting now.
34:25 "According to researchers at the Institute
34:27 for the Advancement of Health, doing regular volunteer work"
34:31 all right, giving up yourself, giving up yourself
34:34 "doing regular volunteer work increases life expectancy."
34:38 Write that one down.
34:39 It increases life expectancy.
34:42 "The research suggests that the feeling of 'warmth'"
34:45 those endorphins, "the feeling of 'warmth'
34:48 that results from helping others
34:50 can be attributed to the release
34:52 of endorphins in the brain.
34:53 Since nerve cells involved are connected
34:55 to parts of the body that fight infection,"
34:57 jot this down, "doing good can help your immune system."
35:01 I'm still quoting.
35:02 Write it in, your immune system.
35:04 "Another study conducted at the University of California
35:07 Medical School in San Francisco,
35:08 found that volunteering 'seems to increase self esteem,
35:12 foster a sense of competence,
35:13 and fight off stress and depression.'"
35:16 Ladies and gentlemen, talk about thriving,
35:20 thriving instead of surviving.
35:22 You got it.
35:23 And it all comes, isn't this amazing?
35:26 It all comes to the one who's willing to give himself.
35:31 It all comes to the one
35:33 who's willing to give herself, to others.
35:39 Give and it will be given, unto you.
35:44 For generosity begets generosity.
35:52 That's why I was so proud of you yesterday.
35:55 Not yesterday, actually Thursday, to be in chapel
35:59 and to watch as our president invited,
36:01 46 young adults from Andrews University.
36:04 Come about at the pew, come to the front.
36:08 What's so special about them?
36:10 They're volunteering. Get this.
36:11 They're volunteering, to give a year
36:13 of their life in some foreign land
36:16 in the service of Christ Jesus himself.
36:19 They're gonna put a pause button,
36:21 hold everything, I'm gonna take this year away
36:25 and give of myself, for the sake of others.
36:29 I was so proud when I watch them come forward.
36:31 I want to tell you something,
36:32 you young adults who made that decision,
36:35 I want to tell you can trust Jesus.
36:37 He will make it up to you.
36:38 He will take that willingness
36:39 and I don't know how He's gonna do it,
36:41 but He will make it up to you.
36:46 Give and it will be given unto you.
36:52 Now, I haven't planned to do this,
36:55 because, we had that extra money
37:01 that was given to me between services.
37:04 I want the three people, who received money from me,
37:07 to answer this question.
37:08 Do you want to be healthy and do you want to live longer?
37:15 Do you want to be happy and do you want to be healthy?
37:18 Come back to me, come, come, come, come, come.
37:20 The three of you, come on, come, come.
37:27 All right.
37:29 All right.
37:32 You know what guys, Jesus is making a point.
37:40 No, no, no, we're gonna do it differently.
37:42 We're gonna do it differently.
37:43 Jesus is making a point.
37:44 When you give,
37:46 that's when those endorphins kick in,
37:48 that's when the immune system boosts,
37:50 that's when your heart finds happiness.
37:52 And I can tell by your three faces,
37:53 you want that more than anything else in the world.
37:56 And so I want three others, three others to come here,
38:00 and they're gonna give to you.
38:01 The first three that come here,
38:04 I want three others to come, only three, only three.
38:09 Okay, give, give, and give.
38:12 All right, you guys that got, go.
38:16 No, you stay here, stay here, stay, hey, hey, hey, you.
38:21 You guys go.
38:24 No, I want you to stay.
38:26 You feel healthier?
38:27 No.
38:30 You're supposed to say, but of course pastor,
38:32 I feel great.
38:34 I want to tell you something guys, I'm proud of you
38:35 because something happened inside,
38:36 you don't feel it right now but it happened.
38:41 And just because, just because it did happen,
38:45 you know, they gave me so much money,
38:47 in First Church that I got three more $20 bills
38:50 where those came from.
38:51 Now, I want you to take these.
38:53 I'm feeling healthy now.
38:54 Yeah, yeah.
38:56 You really feel healthy now, I know.
38:57 Thank you.
38:58 All right, thanks guys. God bless you guys.
39:08 There it is, ladies and gentlemen,
39:09 secret number four, "When living becomes giving,
39:13 surviving turns to thriving."
39:18 You got to give, you got to give.
39:22 Unless you think, that that giving
39:24 does not include the local church,
39:26 let this little pastor rise up his tiny voice
39:28 in an earnest appeal for you to support your local church
39:33 wherever it is, you're worshipping
39:35 right now it doesn't matter to me.
39:38 In fact, would you jot this down please?
39:39 "The only reason there is a local church
39:42 is because local Christians are local givers."
39:46 That's why.
39:47 If nobody at Pioneer gave,
39:48 there'd be no church on this campus.
39:50 Adios.
39:53 But because people give, we're here.
39:57 I want to tell you something, I bow before God Almighty
40:03 when I realize the kind of giving
40:06 that takes place in this university congregation,
40:09 this is not a wealthy congregation.
40:12 When I see men, when I see women,
40:14 when I see young adults, when I see teenagers,
40:16 when I see little children,
40:17 who are giving as an act of worship and devotion to God.
40:21 Not just return of tithe,
40:22 they're giving beyond the tithe.
40:23 When I see that, I bow down to God
40:25 and I say, God, it doesn't get any better than this.
40:28 It doesn't get any better than this.
40:31 In fact, the treasurer, the other day, our accountant,
40:34 shoved a tithe envelope in to my hands
40:36 and he said Dwight, I think you need to open this one?
40:37 And boy, it's kind of crunchy and full and I am thinking,
40:40 this is a gas, what is it?
40:42 So I got my letter opener
40:43 and slicked that tithe envelope, open
40:45 and I dumped out on to my desk,
40:47 a few beads, a couple of trinkets and four pennies
40:51 and then on the cover of the tithe envelope
40:53 in a childish scroll, for Jesus, for Jesus.
40:59 I want to tell you something, if you're young,
41:03 if you're young,
41:06 this is the perfect time, to start giving.
41:11 'Cause listen, you're young now,
41:14 but if you give,
41:15 you'll become a very old giver one day.
41:22 Give and it'll be given back to you.
41:24 But you have to start this.
41:26 You got to break the cycle of selfishness.
41:28 You got to say, I got to give.
41:30 I don't care how poor you are
41:31 or how rich you are you got to give.
41:34 Give and it will be given back to you.
41:36 Press down, it can't even keep it in that pocket.
41:40 I don't know how God is gonna make it up to you.
41:43 I just know that Jesus said, give
41:47 and it will be given back to you.
41:51 So you're here at Pioneer or wherever else you worship
41:54 I want you to experience the endorphin joy
41:58 that Jesus is describing, give.
42:01 You never have given before, who cares?
42:03 Start now.
42:05 It's about surviving and thriving
42:08 in the midst of this economic meltdown.
42:10 Start giving now.
42:11 Grab a fist full of tithe envelopes,
42:12 when you leave this place
42:13 and start putting money in it
42:15 and bring it back and bring it back.
42:17 Wherever you worship, bring it back
42:21 and God will make it up to you because as far as I know,
42:25 he's the biggest giver in the universe.
42:30 Come on say it out loud with me, John 3:16,
42:32 from the Old King James, "For God so loved the world,
42:38 that he gave his only begotten Son,
42:41 that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish,
42:46 but have everlasting life."
42:49 A century ago, these words were written.
42:52 I'll put it on the screen for you,
42:53 you have it in your study guide.
42:55 "Let us surrender ourselves a living sacrifice,
42:59 and give our all to Jesus.
43:03 It is His, we are His purchased possession.
43:07 Those who are recipients of His grace,
43:09 who contemplate the cross of Calvary,
43:12 will not question concerning the proportion to be given,"
43:14 well, I don't want to give too much, you know.
43:16 No.
43:17 "But they will feel that the richest offering
43:18 is all too meager,"
43:20 no matter what I give it's all too meager,
43:23 "all disproportionate to the great gift
43:26 of the only begotten Son of the infinite God."
43:30 Final sentence.
43:31 "Through self-denial, the poorest"
43:34 hit the pause button right there.
43:37 Because you know, how you and I think?
43:38 We think, giving is for those who really have it.
43:42 If I don't have it, I don't have to give.
43:44 Wrong, wrong, wrong.
43:46 Don't you want to live? Don't you want to live?
43:51 The poorest, the poorest woman
43:54 or man on this planet can give back to the one
43:59 who's already giving all to you.
44:01 Don't just say, I'm taking a pass
44:02 'cause I'm a student here and I just don't have much.
44:05 You got to see my school bill.
44:07 Who cares about your school bill?
44:08 What do you have in your pocket?
44:11 What do you have in your pocket?
44:14 I can take care of you, boy. I can take care of you, girl.
44:16 You know, that school bill, I already have a plan.
44:20 I just want to know, do you have a heart like Mine?
44:26 Would you be willing too become a giver?
44:29 Because if you are a giver, I'll bring it back to you.
44:34 I will take care of you.
44:37 Just ask the widow, the pagan widow of Zarephath.
44:43 I'll take it, I'll take care of you, lady.
44:48 Read that sentence again, "Through self-denial,
44:50 the poorest will find ways
44:53 of obtaining something to give back to God."
44:59 Ain't that some?
45:01 Wow.
45:02 How did that Forbes magazine headline read?
45:05 Money can't buy happiness,
45:06 but giving certainly will for there's no happier giver,
45:10 in the universe, than God himself.
45:14 Let me end with this, Madeline Johnston,
45:16 one of our church members,
45:18 she was telling the other day about their daughter,
45:20 Elizabeth, now lives out in LA.
45:22 But she was a little girl about three or four years old,
45:25 and she was given a memory verse.
45:26 Back when we were little you remember,
45:27 you had to learn these memory verses?
45:29 So she was given a memory verse, 2 Corinthians 9.
45:32 "God loveth a cheerful giver."
45:35 Yet to learn that one too, huh?
45:36 "God loveth a cheerful giver."
45:38 But you know how it is, with these children minds
45:41 they get the words turned around a bit
45:43 which is why all that week,
45:45 as Beth was rehearsing her memory verse, to herself,
45:49 and reciting it to her dollies, she kept repeating the words,
45:54 God is a lovely giver.
45:59 You know what that little girl got it wrong,
46:01 but she got it right.
46:03 God is a lovely, lovely giver.
46:11 Want to be like Him?
46:13 You'll be a lovely giver too.
46:15 The little you have, the little you've,
46:20 become a lovely cheerful giver.
46:24 "God is lovely cheerful giver."
46:27 And you know what, you'll be the same
46:30 and your surviving will turn to thriving,
46:32 because you know that you belong to somebody
46:35 in this universe who-- guess what?
46:37 Will take care of you.
46:41 Can we trust Him? Can we trust Him?
46:44 Yes, we can.
46:48 Can we trust Him?
46:49 Say it again with me, yes, we can.
46:52 Oh, yes, we can. And so we come now, is it?
46:57 The year is over.
46:59 The fourth part mini series has just ended.
47:02 But I can't walk away, I can't walk away
47:04 from this place without putting my heart on the record.
47:08 I mean, come on, this is the God
47:09 who gave everything for me.
47:12 I can't think of a more fitting time for me and you
47:15 to say back to Him, you know what
47:18 I'm gonna give it all back to You.
47:19 All that I am, all that I have, I give it back to You.
47:24 My treasure, my talents, my time,
47:28 I give it all back to You.
47:29 I want to be all Yours, Jesus.
47:31 I want to advance Your kingdom on earth
47:33 by being all Yours.
47:36 Don't you want to be all His? Hey, don't you?
47:41 I think we ought to respond.
47:45 Anyways I'd like to invite you to respond.
47:50 I want to start first with those 46 student missionaries,
47:52 if somewhere in this service.
47:57 How about saying on the eve of your going,
48:00 I'm giving it all back to You, Jesus.
48:02 Just take it away.
48:03 Would you get up out of the pew,
48:05 wherever you're sitting and just come to the front?
48:09 And I want to say to young adults,
48:11 who're are here and some of you are saying,
48:13 you know, I don't know that
48:14 I gonna even have a job this summer.
48:16 I was just talking with chaplain Japheth,
48:18 just before the service begin and he said Dwight,
48:20 you know what, if anybody wants to go
48:22 as a student missionary right now, we got space.
48:27 We got the means.
48:28 You can go.
48:31 I mean, I want to say to seniors
48:33 who're moving out of this place,
48:35 we've been so blessed
48:36 and lucky to have you God to go with you.
48:39 But I know, the graduations next week,
48:40 I can't think of better time
48:42 and putting yourselves on the line today.
48:44 I give my all back to Jesus.
48:47 I want to say to any young adult who is here,
48:49 would you like to, right now, say to Christ,
48:52 I give my all back to You?
48:56 If you're young adult and you would like to say that
48:57 in any of these categories or ones I didn't even think of,
49:00 would you stand on your feet
49:01 and just come right here to the front?
49:02 We're gonna end, to sing that two stanzas of that
49:05 beautiful hymn, "God Will Take Care of You."
49:07 Come on, come on.
49:08 You're in a seminary, come on.
49:10 You're young adult, come forward,
49:11 just step on everybody's toes
49:13 as you're moving down that aisle,
49:15 that pew come on up here.
49:18 I don't know which category you're in,
49:19 it doesn't matter to me.
49:21 But if you're a young adult and you'd like to say oh,
49:23 Jesus, I want to give it all to You.
49:25 I don't know what that even means,
49:26 but I want to be a giver, just like You are.
49:29 You're up in the balcony,
49:30 you're in the overflow right now.
49:31 Come on out of that overflow, come on in here.
49:34 Come down from the balcony.
49:35 Let's just take this moment, we began the New Year,
49:37 the school year with an elder call.
49:39 Let's just end it with this call of commitment.
49:41 If you're a young adult,
49:43 and you know you're a young adult, come on.
49:45 Are you in a choir? Come on.
49:48 Give your all, give your all.
49:50 Say Jesus, I give it all to You.
49:52 God bless you. God bless you.
49:56 You're not doing this for the church,
49:57 you're not doing this for the preacher,
49:59 you're just doing it, to Jesus.
50:03 Any others?
50:05 Give your all to Jesus, you take it.
50:08 Now, if you're an young adult just came forward saying,
50:10 I didn't thought about this idea
50:12 of being a student missionary before,
50:13 but now that you mentioned it Dwight,
50:14 I'm kind of curious about that.
50:16 I'd like to talk with, Chaplain J, about it,
50:19 Chaplain J is right there and he'd be waiting for you.
50:21 You just go right over to him and make a beeline to him
50:23 and he'll pull you aside and tell you what's up.
50:25 Any other young adults, God bless you,
50:27 coming down from the balcony?
50:28 God bless you.
50:30 You're a young adult, you know what a young adult is?
50:32 That's you.
50:35 You say Dwight, but what about everybody else,
50:37 everybody else is included in this appeal.
50:40 Come on, how about the rest of us.
50:43 Baby boomers?
50:45 Been accumulating stuff for a few years now.
50:50 How about letting go of some of that stuff?
50:52 Nobody is going out and having a garage sale tomorrow,
50:54 though we'd all benefit by one.
50:57 But just let it go, in your minds saying
50:59 I want to give it all back to God.
51:01 You've had a good career, have you?
51:02 God's given you some land may be,
51:04 God's given you some possessions at home,
51:06 lot of trinkets, lot of toys.
51:08 I'm gonna ask you to stand, I'm gonna ask you to stand
51:11 and say, I want to join these young adults
51:12 and give everything I have back to Jesus.
51:14 I don't know what that means,
51:15 but I'm gonna become a giver just like Jesus
51:17 and I'm gonna stand on my feet
51:18 and I'm saying Jesus, take this little me.
51:21 Just take this little me all that I have
51:23 and all that I am.
51:26 All that I have, all that I am I give it back to you.
51:31 You may not even be a baby boomer,
51:32 you may be a retiree, and you're looking
51:33 at fixed income and you're saying Dwight,
51:35 don't talk to me about giving on a fixed income.
51:37 No, I'm talking about fixed income.
51:40 You're unemployed right now
51:41 and you're watching on television.
51:42 The highest unemployment rate in the nation
51:44 is right here in Michigan, 18%.
51:46 You don't have a job you are saying Dwight,
51:48 how can I give, how can I give?
51:49 My friend, you make the commitment.
51:51 Give, Jesus said. You just give.
51:53 From what you have, you give and I'll give it back to you.
51:56 I don't know how He will give it back to you,
51:58 but He will take care of you.
52:00 Fixed income? No income?
52:02 He will take care of you.
52:06 That's the great news.
52:07 That's why we can survive this.
52:08 I've no idea where it's going.
52:09 Dave Ramsey, the other night, Thursday night,
52:11 Dave Ramsey said, I've no clue,
52:13 I've no idea where this is going.
52:16 But this much I know, ladies and gentlemen,
52:17 wherever this thing goes God is going with us.
52:20 What do you say to that?
52:22 Hallelujah and amen.
52:25 Oh, we respond to God.
52:27 We respond to God.
52:28 And now I want you to hear somebody singing
52:29 these words to you.
52:32 God will take care of you, through every day,
52:36 or all the way, He will take care of you.
52:40 God, will take care of you.
52:42 Somebody standing beside she is gonna read
52:44 those words right off of the screen.
52:45 Only two stanzas to this,
52:46 and you're gonna hear those words
52:47 as God himself saying, you boy, girl,
52:49 I'm telling you, I'll take care of you.
52:51 I will take care of you.
52:54 So proud of you, you just stay with Him.
52:57 Let's sing that together, shall we sing that
52:59 to the person beside you, who's singing it to you
53:01 and let's all go home with the good news,
53:03 He will take care of us.
53:19 Be not dismayed whate'er betide
53:25 God will take care of you
53:32 Beneath His wings of love abide
53:39 God will take care of you
53:45 God will take care of you
53:52 Through every day, o'er all the way
53:59 He will take care of you
54:07 God will take care of you
54:17 All you may need He will provide
54:24 God will take care of you
54:32 Nothing you ask will be denied
54:40 God will take care of you
54:47 God will take care of you
54:55 Through every day, o'er all the way
55:03 He will take care of you
55:13 God will take care of you
55:23 Oh, God, we receive those words as they were being--
55:26 as if they were being sung directly to us.
55:29 Don't worry, don't be anxious,
55:33 I'm gonna take care of you.
55:35 I promise you.
55:38 I will take care of you.
55:42 And so Holy Father, for these who believe in
55:45 Your word have come forward.
55:48 Honor these decisions, seal it.
55:52 But then go forth to give and give and give
55:55 and give it back to them again and again and again.
55:59 We didn't stand because we want it back,
56:03 we stood because we want to give it back.
56:06 Take it Jesus, take it please.
56:11 And now to Him, who is able to do
56:13 immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine.
56:17 According to His power that it is work within us
56:20 to Him be glory in the church
56:22 at in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
56:26 forever and ever, let all the people say,
56:30 amen and amen.
56:34 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:37 I hope that the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time
56:40 with us right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:42 on the campus of Andrews University.
56:44 Do you know that around the world people join us
56:46 every week for this hour of worship?
56:47 We're always looking as a consequence
56:49 for new ways to bridge somehow to connect with these people
56:53 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:55 One of the areas
56:56 that is quickly growing for us is our website.
56:59 We had more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:03 It's an incredible opportunity
57:04 that God has given us to expand His kingdom.
57:08 If you'd like to help partner with us
57:10 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
57:12 I would love to have you call our toll free number.
57:15 We've got very friendly operator standing
57:17 by here is the number 877-His-Will, 877
57:21 and then the two words His-Will,
57:23 one of the operators
57:25 will be happy to give you the details
57:26 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:29 If you prefer listen, you could do it all online
57:31 go to our website please
57:36 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:37 of partnering with you as we seek to spread
57:39 the truth about God for this generation.
57:41 We are living in urgent times,
57:45 now more than ever we've got to go to the world
57:48 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:50 So once again here is that toll free number
57:52 877-His-Will.
57:54 Thank you in advance for your generosity
57:57 that blesses me and you grow this ministry.
58:00 I pray that the Spirit of Christ will abide with you
58:02 every step of the way and I hope you'll come back
58:05 again next time right here
58:07 as we continue our worship journey together.


Revised 2015-07-13