New Perceptions

Mary & Thomas: Patron Saints Of Higher Education

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP042112

00:06 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:55 Everyone needs compassion
00:58 A love that's never failing
01:03 Let mercy fall on me
01:08 Everyone needs forgiveness
01:11 The kindness of a Savior
01:15 The hope of nations
01:20 The hope of nations
01:24 Savior
01:26 He can move the mountains
01:29 My God is mighty to save
01:33 He is mighty to save
01:37 Forever
01:38 Author of salvation
01:42 He rose and conquered the grave
01:45 Jesus conquered the grave
01:50 So take me as You find me
01:54 All my fears and failures
01:58 Fill my life again
02:03 I give my life to follow
02:06 Everything I believe in
02:10 Now I surrender
02:15 Now I surrender
02:19 Savior
02:21 He can move the mountains
02:24 My God is mighty to save
02:27 He is mighty to save
02:31 Forever
02:33 Author of salvation
02:36 He rose and conquered the grave
02:40 Jesus conquered the grave
02:43 Shine your light
02:45 And let the whole world see
02:49 We're singing for the glory of the risen King, Jesus
02:56 Shine your light
02:58 And let the whole world see
03:01 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
03:08 Savior
03:09 He can move the mountains
03:13 My God is mighty to save
03:16 He is mighty to save
03:20 Forever
03:22 Author of salvation
03:25 He rose and conquered the grave
03:29 Jesus conquered the grave
03:33 Shine your light
03:34 And let the whole world see
03:38 We're singing for the glory of the risen King, Jesus
03:45 Shine your light
03:46 And let the whole world see
03:50 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
03:56 Savior
03:58 He can move the mountains
04:02 My God is mighty to save
04:05 He is mighty to save
04:09 Forever
04:11 Author of Salvation
04:15 He rose and conquered the grave
04:19 Jesus conquered the grave
04:38 God sent His son
04:44 They called Him, Jesus
04:49 He came to love
04:55 Heal and forgive
05:00 He bled and died
05:06 To buy my pardon
05:12 An empty grave is there to prove
05:18 My Savior lives
05:24 Because He lives
05:29 I can face tomorrow
05:35 Because He lives
05:41 All fear is gone
05:46 Because I know
05:52 He holds the future
05:58 And life is worth the living
06:03 Just because He lives
06:10 How sweet to hold
06:16 A newborn baby
06:22 And feel the pride
06:28 And joy he gives
06:34 But greater still
06:40 The calm assurance
06:45 This child can face uncertain days
06:52 Because He Lives
06:57 Because He lives
07:03 I can face tomorrow
07:09 Because He lives
07:15 All fear is gone
07:21 Because I know
07:27 He holds the future
07:33 And life is worth the living
07:38 Just because He lives
11:35 Oh, God, it is well with our soul.
11:36 You're on the throne of the universe.
11:38 We are here, Lord of heaven is in our mist, it is well.
11:45 Now we go to Holy Scripture.
11:48 A word to third millennium goes like this,
11:51 that today's teaching be clear
11:54 this next of the last Sabbath of this series.
11:57 We want to see the risen Christ,
11:59 we want to sense Him here in His name, we pray, amen.
12:04 Remember the little rhyme.
12:05 Mary, Mary, quite contrary
12:08 How does your garden grow
12:11 With silver bells and cockle shells
12:15 And pretty maids all in a row
12:18 Poor Mary.
12:21 She's wild with grief.
12:23 Hasn't slept a wink tonight.
12:27 Too short the night.
12:31 She drags herself out of bed against the stubble
12:34 through the dark shadows
12:36 made silver by the still full Passover moon.
12:41 Finally she's all alone, all alone in front of the tomb,
12:46 no guards, no soldiers to call, ho.
12:53 No sound.
12:58 Say this silence of an empty now ominously empty tomb.
13:05 They've stolen her master's corpse,
13:09 still wild the tears.
13:13 She runs back through the same silver shadows.
13:16 Now the city gate ajar.
13:17 She's quick in up a dark alley, up the staircase, sobbing aloud.
13:22 Now she's pounding on that wooden door,
13:24 barred and shattered. Somebody find the stirs.
13:29 The door slowly, cautiously cracks open.
13:34 A slice of orange light like a CAT scan down her face.
13:42 We've grown up with the story.
13:44 But today we go back to it, because we're in the story.
13:48 Open your Bible to 4th Gospel,
13:49 this next to the last Sabbath in the Gospel of John.
13:52 I can't believe the school year is almost over.
13:54 Find the Gospel of John, Chapter 20.
13:57 You've got to relive this narrative.
13:59 If you didn't bring your Bible,
14:00 grab the pew Bible in front of you.
14:01 Track it with me, please, New King James Version.
14:04 What's the page number 731?
14:06 Put the title slide on the screen.
14:08 Those of you are watching on live streaming,
14:09 we're delighted to have you right now.
14:11 Those of you are watching on Television as well.
14:13 Coming to the end of this year long series,
14:16 this half of the series called "The Last Days."
14:19 The last days of Christ.
14:21 Today's teaching, "Mary and Thomas,
14:23 Patron Saints of Higher Education."
14:25 Let's go.
14:26 By the way those of you are watching,
14:27 you see that website
14:30 You go there and all of these teachings
14:33 are archived at your pleasure.
14:35 You may review them.
14:38 So I'm not looking it up while I'm talking.
14:40 John 20, let's go.
14:41 John 20, let's pick it up in verse 1,
14:43 "Now on the first day of the week
14:45 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark,
14:50 and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.
14:53 Then she ran," verse 2
14:55 "and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple,"
14:58 that would be John boy,
14:59 "whom Jesus loved, and said to them.
15:01 'They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb,
15:03 and we do not know where they have laid Him.'"
15:05 So verse 3 "Peter therefore went out,
15:07 and the other disciple, and were going to the tomb."
15:10 Verse 4 "So they both ran together,
15:12 and the other disciple outran Peter
15:15 and came to the tomb first."
15:18 What would you expect?
15:21 Of course, the boy is gonna win.
15:22 You go John boy.
15:24 Some of us got older this last week.
15:28 And we who run know that when you run with younger soles
15:33 that would be S-O-L-E-S.
15:35 It's a given, they're gonna win.
15:38 Got a big race tomorrow, you know,
15:39 the youngest are gonna win.
15:40 So what's the big deal about that?
15:43 I think we ought to be proud that Peter even ran it all.
15:44 You go, Pete.
15:47 You go Pete, I tell you.
15:50 You know what, there's a little--
15:52 I sense just a little bit of hubris
15:54 and John putting in that Hebrews there first.
15:57 We didn't need to know that.
16:02 Okay, Verse 4 "So they both ran together,
16:05 and the other disciple outran Peter
16:08 and came to the tomb first."
16:09 And he," John boy, "stooping down and looking in,
16:12 saw the linen cloths lying there, yet he did not go in.
16:17 Then Simon Peter came--
16:21 Then Simon Peter came, following him."
16:24 One thing you can say about age.
16:26 We're not timid when we get old.
16:28 Peter straight into that, head into that sepulcher.
16:33 "And Peter following him, and went into the tomb,
16:35 and he saw the linen cloths lying there,
16:38 and the handkerchief that had been around His head,
16:41 not lying with the linen cloths,
16:43 but folded together in a place by itself."
16:45 Can have grave robbers now?
16:47 No grave robbers gonna snatch a body
16:49 and fold all the linen before leaving can't possible.
16:55 "Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first,"
16:59 he's not gonna let us forget,
17:02 "went in also, and he saw--"
17:05 And get this, the first human being to believe
17:08 in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
17:10 "And he believed."
17:13 Verse 9 "For as yet they did not know the Scripture,
17:16 that He must rise again from the dead.
17:17 Then the disciples went away again to their own homes."
17:22 But not Mary.
17:24 Perhaps the two have already left
17:26 by the time she arrives through those same shadows.
17:30 Now a dawn, quietly growing lighter.
17:33 And hour later she returns to that spot
17:39 and now weeping.
17:41 She peers into the sepulcher.
17:44 Verse 11, "But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping,
17:50 and as she wept she stooped down and she looked into the tomb."
17:55 Verse 12 "And she saw two angels in white sitting,
18:00 one at the head and the other at the feet,
18:02 where the body of Jesus had lain."
18:04 So I'm brooding on this passage this last week
18:06 and I come across the writer named Robert Smith.
18:09 And I discover a point
18:10 and observation I have never heard in all my life.
18:12 And I'll predict you haven't heard it--
18:14 You haven't heard it either.
18:15 This is Robert Smith in his delightful book,
18:17 "Wounded Lord: Reading John Through the Eyes of Thomas."
18:21 In that book, Smith asks the question, okay.
18:23 He says, "Hey, reader,
18:24 what Old Testament scene immediately comes to your mind
18:28 when you see what Mary has just seen?"
18:30 You have an angel here and then you have a slab
18:33 and you have an angel here.
18:35 What scene comes to your mind?
18:37 Of course, "The Ark of the Covenant
18:39 in the Most Holy Place."
18:40 How come I never saw that before?
18:44 He says, "You have it right there in that sepulcher."
18:46 And then Smith observes.
18:47 Let's put Robert Smith's words on the screen, please.
18:50 Jesus' tomb, I love this.
18:52 "Jesus' tomb is the new inner sanctum,
18:55 source not of contamination, but of new and eternal life.
18:59 By telling the story the way he has,
19:01 John is declaring that the crucified
19:03 and resurrected Jesus is himself
19:05 the place of most intimate and gracious meeting with God.
19:10 He is the place where heaven and earth meet
19:13 in holy and creative communion."
19:17 Isn't that beautiful?
19:18 The risen Christ is the new meeting place
19:20 of heaven and earth.
19:22 God and man, Savior and sinner.
19:25 It's all there now in the resurrected Christ.
19:30 Ah, verse 13 Then they-- Those two angels right there.
19:34 Then those angels, "They said to her,
19:37 'Woman, why are you weeping?'"
19:40 They rather tongue-tied in the fourth gospel.
19:42 They do a lot of talking in the other three.
19:44 But here they're just three words in the Greek,
19:46 why are you weeping?
19:48 "And she said to them," keep reading,
19:50 "'Because they have taken away my Lord,
19:52 and I do not know where they have laid Him.'"
19:55 Now, keep reading.
19:56 Verse 14 "Now when she had said this,
19:58 she turned around and she saw Jesus standing there,
20:01 and did not know that it was Jesus."
20:03 May be because the sun has just coming up behind him
20:07 and so she can't quite see.
20:08 Maybe it's the tears she--
20:10 all she knows is there is this man standing behind her.
20:20 And she--
20:23 not knowing who he was.
20:25 Looks-- Now verse 15, "Jesus said to her," I like this.
20:30 "Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?
20:34 Whom are you seeking?'"
20:36 Now hit the pause button right there.
20:38 Because in the beginning of the fourth gospel,
20:40 the very first spoken words of Jesus are these,
20:44 "What are you seeking?"
20:46 The gospel opens, His first words,
20:48 "What are you seeking?"
20:49 And the gospel close closes with His words,
20:52 "Whom are you seeking."
20:53 A little mini inclusio, two little book ends.
20:56 As if John would have us know that what--
20:59 when life's quest begins with the,
21:01 what that goal always is to move from the, what to the, who.
21:06 The human race clamoring for the meaning of life,
21:09 what are you seeking?
21:10 The human race that must be led to the urging question,
21:14 whom are you seeking?
21:16 Isn't that great?
21:18 Woman, why are you weeping?
21:21 Whom are you seeking?
21:24 And she-- Keep reading.
21:25 "She supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him,
21:28 'Sir, if You have carried Him away,
21:32 tell me where You have laid Him,
21:33 and I will take Him away.'"
21:36 Now by the way this is the same language John has already used
21:39 when John the Baptist looked at Jesus
21:40 and he said "Behold the Lamb of God
21:42 who takes away the sin of the world."
21:44 That word takes away, she now uses it.
21:47 John has her using it.
21:49 The savior who has taken away her guilt
21:51 and she has a guilty past.
21:54 The savior who has taken away her guilt.
21:56 She says-- She is so devoted.
21:58 She said "Just give me his body, I'll take him away."
22:09 And Jesus said to her
22:13 as if He was gonna prove the claim that he made in John 10.
22:16 Remember in John 10, Jesus said,
22:17 "My sheep know my voice and I call them by name
22:22 to prove that that in fact is true.
22:24 "And Jesus said to her, 'Mary!
22:29 Mary. And she turned.'"
22:34 And she cries out--
22:36 I mean you can just see this moment as if it were a DVD.
22:38 "And she cries out to Him, 'Rabboni!'
22:40 (which is to say, Teacher).
22:41 Jesus said--" Oh, verse 17, "'Do not cling to Me.'"
22:43 Because she's holding onto him.
22:45 She just naturally flew at Him and grabbed Him,
22:47 maybe around the kneels but she's got Him
22:49 and He says, "'Oh, don't, don't cling to Me,
22:52 for I have not yet ascended to My Father,
22:55 but go to My brethren and say to them,
22:57 I am ascending to My Father now
22:58 and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"
23:01 So verse 18 "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples
23:04 that she had seen the Lord,
23:06 and that He had spoken these things to her."
23:10 I tell you what, every time I relive this story,
23:12 every single time I find it utterly stunning
23:16 that the godly universe, the creator Himself.
23:19 Fernando, what's -- Last name Ortya?
23:25 Yeah, Ortega.
23:26 Fernando Ortega, I love that song of his,
23:28 Jesus, King of Angels.
23:31 That is a beautiful song.
23:33 The king of Angels,
23:34 who after this victorious resurrection
23:38 wants to hurry to His father with Whom He has spent eternity
23:42 and say "Is it a done deal?"
23:45 Instead of hurrying to His father,
23:46 He wakes for this devoted, this dear friend of His.
23:51 He stands in the shadows of that dawning morning,
23:56 wakes to see Mary.
23:57 I found it absolutely stunning.
24:01 He wakes to meet with her.
24:03 I tell you why I find it so stunning,
24:05 because scholars, some scholars and desire of ages.
24:10 I want you to listen carefully here.
24:11 Have drawn the rightful, I believe,
24:13 the rightful conclusion that this Mary of Magdalene.
24:16 Now listen some of you had a little problem
24:18 this last time around.
24:19 But I'm gonna show you Mary--
24:22 this Mary Magdalene is Mary the sister of Lazarus and Martha?
24:28 Mary Magdalene, whenever that name is used in the four gospels
24:33 it is a cryptic link to her sullied
24:37 and stained sexual past.
24:43 Desire of Ages tells us that she was let into sin
24:47 by her uncle Simon the Pharisee for whom they had this big--
24:51 For whom the feast was provided.
24:57 An insatious advance by her uncle
25:03 has driven Mary into shame she has fled Bethany.
25:07 She has found a little village of Magdala
25:10 and there because she has been led into sin.
25:13 She sinks deeper and deeper into sin
25:17 and guilt and further shame.
25:20 Until one day, a young itinerant preacher
25:24 and teacher and healer, they're calling Messiah,
25:27 came by her way and she found her savior at last.
25:35 I want to put Desire of Ages on the screen for you,
25:36 look at this.
25:38 "Mary had been looked upon as a great sinner,
25:42 but Christ knew the circumstances
25:44 that had shaped her life.
25:46 He might have extinguished
25:47 every spark of hope in her soul, but He did not."
25:49 Listen girl, you should be going to this church,
25:51 find another church.
25:52 Don't come and please don't you know who we are.
25:55 He could've done that he didn't.
25:58 "It was He who had lifted her from despair and ruin.
26:02 Seven times she had heard His rebuke of the demons
26:05 that controlled her heart and mind."
26:07 The synoptics tell us that her name is Mary Magdalene.
26:10 And I'm quoting now the synoptics
26:13 out of whom he had cast seven demons.
26:17 The demon of gratification has held her a slave.
26:21 "Seven times--" Keep reading.
26:23 "Seven times she had heard strong cries
26:25 to the Father in her behalf.
26:26 She knew how offensive is sin to His unsullied purity,
26:29 and in His strength she had overcome."
26:32 Mary Magdalene is the code language for her past.
26:36 When that gospel writers want to talk about her present,
26:39 it's Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus,
26:42 same woman, same savior.
26:45 What a savior Jesus is.
26:49 I mean can you believe it.
26:51 And He's waiting in the shadows.
26:53 He's waiting in the shadows.
26:55 He could go to heaven
26:56 but He's waiting for this forgiven one to come
26:58 so that He might speak to her,
27:00 the first human to hear the resurrected one.
27:07 Wow. Amazing.
27:09 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
27:11 It saved a wretch like me.
27:14 I once was lost but now I'm found.
27:16 I was blind but now I see.
27:19 What a God, we worship right now.
27:23 Ah, but there's more to Sunday.
27:25 Keep reading, verse 19,
27:26 "Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week,
27:30 when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled,"
27:32 now notice this, "for fear of the Jews."
27:34 Because some people say,
27:35 "Oh, they're already having Sunday night prayer services."
27:38 Are you crazy?
27:40 There is no prayer is going on.
27:41 There is only sweat and adrenaline.
27:44 They are in the bared and shattered upper room
27:47 for fear of the Jews.
27:49 They're scared spit less. Trust me.
27:51 Nobody is having a worship service.
27:56 And all of a sudden, keep reading.
27:58 And all of a sudden, "Jesus came and stood in the midst,
28:02 and He said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"
28:09 Several years ago my friend, Melchizedek Ponniah
28:11 with the communication department
28:12 here at Andrew's University.
28:13 Sent me a Reuters news agency story about a man.
28:16 Listen to this. A man in Nicaragua lived down--
28:18 The outskirts of Managua.
28:20 Who suddenly turned up missing,
28:22 his wife goes frantic.
28:23 He's been missing for three days.
28:25 Something terrible has happened to him.
28:26 They go to the city morgue--
28:27 There he is. They got the body.
28:29 Brought the body back in a cascade
28:31 and while they were having the actual funeral service itself,
28:35 the victim comes walking through that door.
28:38 The place goes bananas.
28:43 It's a ghost.
28:46 Turns out the man had left town
28:47 to check on some property in the country--
28:50 have forgotten to tell his wife.
28:55 Who now is about to bury the wrong man
29:00 but is surely attempted to burry the right man.
29:05 I mean, you can only imagine the pandemonium went suddenly shock.
29:08 There he is, he's bigger than life.
29:11 The dead one, the risen Christ.
29:15 Luke says, they actually convince themselves,
29:18 this is a ghost.
29:19 And Jesus comes to them, where is this in verse 20.
29:22 "When He had said this, He showed them His hands
29:24 and His side and then the disciples,"
29:26 then they say, oh.
29:27 "Then the disciples are glad when they finally see the Lord."
29:34 Verse 22 "And when He had said this,
29:37 He breathed on them, and said to them,
29:41 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'"
29:43 Oh, I love this.
29:45 You know I have. That old hymn.
29:46 Somebody don't know that old hymn but I do.
29:49 And I have the words written right here, right--
29:51 all around the white space
29:52 I can find in Andrew study Bible for this first stanza.
29:55 Breathe on me, Breath of God
29:58 Fill me with life anew
30:00 That I may love what Thou dost love
30:04 And do what Thou wouldst do
30:08 What a prayer?
30:09 Every morning when you go to your prayer closet
30:10 that little corner in your dome room,
30:12 that little corner in your family room,
30:15 that corner in your study.
30:16 When you go to your prayer closet, you can say,
30:18 "Oh, Jesus would you breathe on me today?
30:21 Fill me with the Holy Spirit."
30:23 I mean, look what Jesus promise.
30:24 Luke 11:13, Jesus said look at, "If you who are evil,
30:28 know how to give good gifts to your children,
30:29 how much more will your Father in Heaven
30:31 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask."
30:34 You got to ask.
30:35 Tomorrow morning, when you go to have your prayer,
30:37 worship, just say, "Jesus, breathe on me, please.
30:39 Breathe on me."
30:41 And He breathes on them.
30:43 Breathe the Holy Spirit upon them.
30:45 Ah.
30:47 All right, verse 24, "Now Thomas," oh, oh, plot thickens.
30:52 Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve."
30:55 By the way, they're 11, now one committed suicide.
30:59 But they will be remembered
31:00 as 12 for the rest of their lives.
31:02 That's their moniker, now they're called the 12.
31:04 "Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve,
31:07 was not with them when Jesus came."
31:09 Maybe he stepped off for some fresh air,
31:10 sweaty bodies that are nervous,
31:12 really feel a room anyway.
31:14 Maybe it was for a few hours,
31:15 maybe it was over night, we don't know but he wasn't there.
31:18 And the other disciples, now when he comes back,
31:22 next morning, next day, who knows.
31:23 The other disciples when he comes back
31:26 they are clapping him on the back
31:27 and squeezing his beard to cheek
31:29 and saying, Thomas, you're not gonna believe this,
31:31 but "we have seen the Lord. He's alive."
31:35 And Thomas said, "Huh?"
31:38 Do you know why, he said, "Huh?"
31:41 Because he is a graduate of a university, that's why.
31:46 That's exactly why.
31:48 Higher education, what is it train us to do.
31:50 Those of us enmeshed in the life
31:52 of higher education in this little perish.
31:55 What is higher education train us to do?
31:58 You have to thank for yourself.
32:00 You don't take nobody-- Excuse me.
32:02 You don't take anybody's word for it.
32:07 You have to have empirical evidence.
32:12 Do you know what empirical evidence is?
32:15 I'm sure you do.
32:16 Empirical evidence is what you do in a laboratory
32:17 for four hours on a Wednesday night.
32:21 Empirical evidence is what you spend days doing in a library,
32:24 it's how you come to conclusions,
32:26 it's after you've examined all the evidence that you say,
32:31 "Aha, this must be true."
32:34 Thomas has gone to university, a graduate.
32:36 And he's been trained that whenever somebody
32:38 lays an audacious claim upon you, "Huh" is the response.
32:43 And that's exactly what he does.
32:45 Verse 25, now the disciples therefore said to him,
32:49 "Hey, Thomas, 'We have seen the Lord.'"
32:51 "And he said to them,
32:53 'No, unless I see in His hands the print,"
32:57 empirical evidence number one,
32:59 the print of the nails.'"
33:00 And by the way this is the only place in all four gospels
33:02 that nails are mentioned leading us
33:04 to know Jesus was crucified by nails.
33:06 You read it into the others because it's in your mind,
33:09 only because of Thomas' word do we know?
33:13 He said empirical evidence number one,
33:15 "I must see in His hands the print of the nails."
33:17 Empirical evidence number two,
33:18 "I want to put my finger in those print of the nails."
33:20 And empirical evidence number three,
33:21 "I want to put my hand into His side,
33:22 I will not believe until I do."
33:28 Is it wrong to insist on empirical evidence?
33:35 And is empirical evidence
33:36 antithetical to faith in religion?
33:40 Some think so.
33:42 George Marsden in his delightful little book,
33:44 "The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship."
33:47 Listen to him.
33:48 I put his words on the screen for you.
33:50 "It is very common...
33:52 for academics to dismiss religion as simply non-empirical
33:56 and therefore the idea relevance of religious perspectives
33:59 to respectable scholarship as absurd."
34:03 Keep reading.
34:04 In the Chronicle of Higher Education
34:06 and the faculty here know what that is.
34:07 A leading American intellectual historian
34:10 responded that "the notion that scholars' beliefs
34:13 are compatible with their academic interests is loony
34:17 and reflects a self-indulgent professoriate."
34:23 And somebody else wrote in
34:24 "Went even further, asserting that matter of religion are
34:27 'by definition not amenable to logic.'"
34:33 Clearly, ladies and gentlemen
34:34 in the realm of higher education.
34:35 There are those who reject the compatibility
34:38 of personal faith prospectus with serious, logical,
34:42 empirical scholarship, they just don't work.
34:45 But just as clearly in what we are about to witness
34:51 we would see the evidence that personal faith
34:55 and empirical evidence are not antithetical at all.
35:02 Read on, verse 26, "And after eight days,"
35:06 okay, so it's next week now.
35:08 "His disciples were again inside,
35:11 and Thomas with them."
35:15 And then it happens again, Jesus-- there it is.
35:17 "Jesus came, the doors being shut,
35:20 and stood in the midst, and He said again,
35:22 'Shalom to you!'
35:23 " Verse 27, and then He turns,
35:25 where are you--
35:26 And then He turns and looks straight to Thomas.
35:30 One little piece and now He's going for Thomas.
35:34 And He looks straight to Thomas.
35:35 "And He says 'Reach your finger here,
35:37 and look at My hands, and reach your hand here,
35:39 and put it into My side.
35:41 Do not be unbelieving, but believing.'
35:46 And Thomas answered and said to Him,
35:49 'My Lord and my God!'"
35:55 That's a major Christological Christ.
35:57 That's a major Christ book in-or inclusio.
36:01 The book opens declaring Christ is divine,
36:03 the book closes again confessing Christ is divine.
36:07 Intention, my Lord, and my God.
36:11 Jesus goes on.
36:12 "Jesus said to him, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me,
36:16 you have believed.
36:17 But blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
36:24 If you please.
36:25 Let's consider Thomas and Mary,
36:27 the patron saints of higher education,
36:28 particularly Christian higher education,
36:31 even more particularly
36:32 Seventh-day Adventist higher education.
36:35 You know I say patron saints, of course,
36:37 we know that they are sleeping in the dust of the earth
36:39 and they await the glorious return
36:41 and resurrection, the return of Christ.
36:43 But let's just for imagine--
36:45 Let's say that Thomas and Mary
36:48 are the gospel representatives of all of us,
36:50 who are enmeshed in higher education today, okay.
36:54 Why them? I tell you, why.
36:55 Because they like us operate out of an empirical bias
37:00 and empirical bias I have to have that to believe.
37:04 Mary has to see, Thomas has to touch,
37:08 but what is so amazing, listen to this.
37:10 What is so amazing is that
37:12 Jesus rebukes neither one of them for that empirical bias.
37:16 Not a word, not a scolding word.
37:19 He accepts it.
37:22 In fact He acquiesces to their empirical bias
37:24 and offers each of them what would be most convincing to them
37:27 for Mary, it's a sound of His voice
37:30 and that bring forth the confession.
37:31 For Thomas, it is the touch and that bring forth the confession.
37:35 Why?
37:36 Because our creator knows that He made us
37:39 for the very quest that higher education thrives on today.
37:44 He made us that way.
37:45 Intellectually we've been created
37:47 to exercise the highest powers of our minds
37:49 to grapple with the most empirical of all evidences.
37:53 We've been made that way which means,
37:55 it's okay to ask for empirical evidence.
37:59 Empirical evidence is not countered to God,
38:02 it's what God is, and it's what God does.
38:08 One of the seminarians in my preaching class, Nestor Soriano.
38:13 I told the class on Wednesday
38:14 what I'm gonna be preaching on today.
38:15 And he found something yesterday,
38:18 he sent me an email and he said,
38:19 "Hey, Dwight, did you see this latest--
38:21 in that latest issue of the Adventist Review,
38:23 a story written by Addison Hudgins.
38:26 Title of the article, "Lost sheep?
38:29 Discovering Why Young People Choose to Leave Church."
38:32 So we just slipped this in,
38:33 I want you to see this, look up here.
38:36 "As one young adult expressed,"
38:38 this is Hudgins writing, this is the young adult speaking.
38:41 "I always felt very guilty
38:44 when I had questions I wanted to ask."
38:47 Because apparently there are some communities
38:49 within the community of faith
38:51 where it is verboten to ask questions.
38:53 What are you asking that for?
38:54 You ought to believe, it says it right here,
38:56 just take it girl, come on boy.
38:59 Apparently there are some communities
39:01 where asking questions is a sign of loss of faith
39:06 or heresy or off the beam.
39:10 One young adult says, "I always felt very guilty
39:12 whenever I had questions I wanted to ask."
39:14 Now Hudgins goes on,
39:16 "We need to cultivate critical thinking skills
39:19 and not discourage young adults from questioning.
39:22 When we avoid challenging Bible passages
39:24 or brush off difficult questions,
39:26 we do the questioner a disservice,"
39:29 but I thought this was insight full
39:31 "and we do God a disservice.
39:36 God is the one searching for us--
39:38 which means He is big enough
39:40 to handle our doubts and discouragements."
39:43 "Let Him. Let the questions come.
39:45 Ask Me. Ask Me anything you wish.
39:49 Let me help you find the answer."
39:51 We ought to not be cutting off questions, please.
39:55 It's okay to ask God for evidence
39:58 to dispel our doubts but we need to do so.
40:01 Listen seriously.
40:03 We need to do so remembering the limits.
40:06 Remembering that there is something beyond
40:09 where empirical evidence goes,
40:11 reason goes to the end of empirical evidence
40:13 but then faith has to keep traversing,
40:16 faith can't stop, it has to keep going.
40:18 Richard Rice, I have his book in--
40:22 I want to share a line from his book.
40:23 The title of the book "Reason & the Contours of Faith."
40:26 And I'm gonna hang this sentence
40:27 on the screen for you for a moment
40:29 and if I were tweeting the one line from this Bible teaching
40:32 this will be the line I would tweet, this is it.
40:35 Richard Rice, "Faith always affirms
40:39 more than reason can support."
40:42 Just look at that for a moment.
40:44 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
40:48 Reason gets down to here,
40:49 empirical evidence stops right here, faith keeps going.
40:51 Faith said, I'm not stopping there, I keep going.
40:53 Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
41:01 Which is why Jesus, He does not rebuke Thomas.
41:04 But Jesus pronounces this benediction.
41:08 Read that again in verse 29.
41:09 "Jesus said to him, 'Thomas, please,
41:11 because you have seen Me, you have believed.'"
41:13 That's okay, that's okay.
41:14 "But blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
41:20 How does that line go
41:21 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
41:26 I mean you think about it.
41:28 First generation, okay, so here is Jesus
41:30 and here is that all that first generation crowd of believers.
41:35 The fact of matter is ladies and gentlemen,
41:36 they're gonna die. And they did die.
41:39 In fact John boy is now John the Elder,
41:42 they are dying off.
41:44 We are now in the second generation.
41:45 We're possibly into third generation.
41:47 And guess what for second generationers
41:49 and third generationers,
41:50 there is no empirical evidence.
41:52 It's gone where I couldn't touch him.
41:54 1 John 1, what we saw, what we handed,
41:57 what we touched, we don't have it.
42:01 Still for us 3rd millennium as what,
42:03 we have no empirical evidence which means.
42:05 Now hold on, which means
42:07 that the only empirical evidence we can handle
42:11 is the actual testimony of those who were here,
42:17 when the resurrection happened.
42:19 I say, come on, I don't like that.
42:21 I'm not gonna just do that kind of really nearly going back
42:24 and taking somebody else's word for it.
42:26 What do you mean you're not gonna do that?
42:27 You do it all the time.
42:28 You study history at all? Do you study history at all?
42:31 Ever heard of the declaration of the independence?
42:34 Of course, you have. It's a forgery.
42:36 I'm telling you, it's a forgery.
42:38 That signature at the end of that document,
42:40 what is it, Thomas Jefferson?
42:42 Oh, that's a forgery I can tell.
42:45 You say, Dwight it's not a forgery.
42:47 I've been to the National Archives
42:48 and I have actually looked at the document.
42:49 Guess what, so have I?
42:50 But who is to tell us that isn't a forgery.
42:52 Who is to tell us that this thing gets slipped in one night?
42:55 And we're all now believing that a declaration of independence
42:57 that was never made,
42:58 there never was a Thomas Jefferson.
43:00 No. We don't do that with history.
43:02 We believe if somebody who knew Thomas Jefferson
43:05 told somebody else about knowing Thomas Jefferson
43:07 who told somebody else, who told somebody else,
43:08 who told somebody else, and we're down here
43:10 and guess what without a question we accept by faith
43:15 there once was a Thomas Jefferson
43:17 and he really did sign the declaration of independence.
43:19 How do you like that?
43:20 But the moment we talk about the Bible
43:23 and history from the story of Christ.
43:25 Oh, I can't, I can't believe that
43:27 there's just bunch of tales that were written.
43:29 You have no more way of knowing the Bible is a bunch of tales
43:33 than you do American history is a bunch of tales.
43:37 We got a crazy logic don't we?
43:39 When it comes to God,
43:40 oh, suddenly picky, picky, picky, picky.
43:43 When it comes to our own history, oh, yeah.
43:45 Yo, Tom. Nice to see you.
43:49 What's up with that?
43:50 We've split. We have split ourselves.
43:53 And we do not use the same modus operandi with both stories.
43:56 We're hard on the resurrection story.
43:59 People who saw him and wrote it down, we're hard on them.
44:04 But we take Thomas Jefferson for granted.
44:09 That's why, "Faith has to affirm more than reason can support."
44:16 Let me read verse 30 to you.
44:18 And John-- This is the formal ending,
44:20 there will be one more story, the last one next Sabbath.
44:22 "And truly," John writes,
44:24 "And truly Jesus did many other signs."
44:27 See there they are, the signs are--
44:29 We-- Hey guys, we saw it all, and you haven't seen anything.
44:32 But I've written some of these signs down.
44:34 Why?
44:35 So that you may-- where are we,
44:36 "And truly Jesus did many other signs
44:38 in the presence of His disciples,
44:39 which are not written in this book."
44:40 Verse 31, "But the ones that I did write down are written
44:44 so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
44:47 the Son of God, and that believing
44:49 you may have life in His name."
44:51 I'm giving you empirical evidence,
44:53 first person testimony.
44:54 I'm giving you first person testimony.
44:57 You have to believe what I tell you.
45:01 You believe Thomas Jefferson.
45:02 Why don't you believe Thomas?
45:05 Believe, when he says my Lord and my God.
45:12 I'm giving you these signs
45:14 so that you too like all history
45:18 will come to believe the veracity of our story.
45:23 Isn't that amazing?
45:26 Wow.
45:28 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
45:35 And by the way that is precisely why
45:37 Adventist higher education exists today.
45:39 That's why it flourishes today,
45:41 because faith must affirms more than reason can support.
45:44 The states school system get you down to the end of reason
45:47 and it has to stop right here.
45:49 But faith, the faith school system
45:52 moves beyond that terminus.
45:56 And says there is more.
45:57 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
46:02 Hence the reason for the existence of Andrews University
46:05 and all of our sister universities,
46:07 we exist because faith always affirms
46:12 more than reason can support.
46:15 So around here unabashedly we mix them together.
46:23 In the end, I am telling you about a young man
46:25 I met on the plane two weeks ago.
46:27 I'm flying over to Mannheim, Germany.
46:30 For a big youth convention, these are young adults,
46:34 1,200 plus German young adults.
46:36 It was an incredible experience.
46:38 So anyway I'm flying over. This is like a Wednesday,
46:40 I got to fly all night to start preaching on Thursday.
46:43 I got on the plane in the South Bend
46:46 and here comes this guy down the--
46:48 And I'm looking him over, this is gonna be my seatmate.
46:50 He is I guess about 29 years old,
46:53 three-day growth of beard, you know,
46:55 how these guys do it now.
46:56 And he has his Jeans on
46:58 and he just plops into the seat beside me.
47:01 So I'm reading a book and I looked over to him.
47:04 And I never start a conversation right way.
47:06 So I notice he has an academic paper in his hand.
47:09 Well, that's intriguing for me. So I'm looking to the title,
47:12 Heidegger, Schleiermacher, Kant. Oh! This guy's into philosophy.
47:17 So after we took off, I leaned over to him and said,
47:20 "Hey, is this is a paper you are writing
47:22 or is it a paper you are reading?"
47:24 Turns out he's a Notre Dame PHD almost graduate,
47:28 in two weeks he'll be a graduate philosophy.
47:30 And he's going to the American Philosophical Association, APA.
47:34 And he is gonna--
47:35 This is one of the papers that's being read.
47:36 And so he's studying it in advance.
47:38 He says, "What do you do?"
47:39 I said, "I'm at a little school
47:41 just up the road from you, Andrews University.
47:43 And pastor at the university church.
47:47 Oh, yeah.
47:51 I always get some. That's okay. They get over it.
47:55 And so this is the perfect entree now
47:57 because he's brought it up.
47:58 So I saw and look at him
47:59 and I said by the way what church did you grow up in?
48:04 If you want to ask somebody about their faith,
48:06 just ask the question like that.
48:07 Watch you're not saying anything,
48:09 you just-- what church did you grow up in?
48:11 Oh, I'm an agnostic.
48:12 I grow up in a Lutheran church but I'm an agnostic.
48:15 You know, I said, "Well, why are you an agnostic?"
48:17 He said, "Well, because look I've done all the studying
48:19 and I'm finding out that there are questions
48:21 that just do not have answers.
48:23 I'm not saying there is no God.
48:24 I'm just saying I don't know from the evidences here.
48:28 And so I'm an agnostic.
48:33 Why do you believe?
48:34 Oh, good question.
48:37 And so flying over late Michigan.
48:39 We only have like 25 minutes.
48:41 Flying over late Michigan.
48:43 We're in this conversation.
48:44 We're talking about theodicy, good God, evil world.
48:47 We're talking about how can you believe
48:51 and when we're landing I'm thinking,
48:53 you know, I got to keep in touch with him.
48:55 And so I said to him, hey, give me your email address,
48:58 I want to give you --
48:59 I want to give you C.S. Lewis's book
49:01 Mere Christianity, brilliant.
49:02 By the way he was an agnostic/atheist
49:05 and became a believer in Christ.
49:08 I want to send you this book Mere Christianity.
49:09 He said, "I think I read that back in --"
49:11 I said, "You probably did but let me send it to you.
49:12 Give me your e-mail, when I get back to Germany,
49:14 I'll e-mail you, give you address.
49:16 Because it is a safe way, there's a two step way."
49:19 So he said, "Sure."
49:20 I said, "I will send you another book too."
49:24 No, I told him what the book was,
49:26 little book I've written called "Outrageous Grace"
49:28 which deals with how can you have
49:29 a good God in the evil world
49:30 so it's a little bit of theodicy.
49:31 And I said, "I send you my book as well."
49:33 So I get back, email him, shoots me.
49:36 I want that book.
49:37 Hey, I found I found CS Lewis.
49:38 So don't bother to sending me that
49:39 I'm gonna read that like you suggested.
49:41 Because CS Lewis, here is the deal.
49:42 CS Lewis defends the Christian faith
49:45 philosophically without quoting a single Bible text.
49:50 Good for somebody who doesn't want to hear the Bible
49:52 but it is open to think.
49:54 So anyways I got the book so don't send it to me.
49:56 But I want your book, so I sent him that book
49:59 and I threw in another book, two for the price of one.
50:03 I threw in a book called the Great Controversy,
50:05 I don't know if you've heard about it.
50:08 But I wrote, I script it in the cover,
50:09 I script it in the cover.
50:10 Listen you grew up a Luther,
50:11 here are the three chapters that really moved me
50:13 when I'm feeling down and out
50:14 I go to these three chapters and I read them,
50:16 I hope they bless you too,
50:17 it's a history of Christianity blessings.
50:22 That short visit across late Michigan
50:24 with a young agnostic in my way of thinking proves it true.
50:29 This bottom line that
50:31 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
50:36 Get your reasons going.
50:38 You say, "Dwight, I'm not a believer here either."
50:40 Well, I'm glad you identified yourself.
50:43 Get your reasons going.
50:44 You can-- You can take the first step of reason.
50:48 And what's the first step of reason?
50:49 Be just like Thomas.
50:50 He say, "Hey, I have to have empirical evidence.
50:54 That's the way I'm wired, my mind works that way.
50:56 Go ahead be my guest.
50:58 Ask him for empirical evidence."
51:02 Who is to say that the same living Christ
51:04 will not show up one night in your room stand before you
51:08 and He'll say put your finger out and touch me I am.
51:18 Could a young philosopher,
51:19 professor to be open himself
51:22 up to the possibility of empirical evidence
51:24 that would be convincing to him?
51:26 Why not?
51:27 "Faith always affirms more than reason can support."
51:31 So you take the first step, declare like Thomas.
51:34 I must have empirical evidence
51:37 and see that Christ will not open for you
51:39 the windows of heaven
51:41 and give you reason to believe.
51:43 What did He say?
51:44 Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
51:49 Reach out like Thomas.
51:50 And I believe.
51:52 I believe you may believe too.
51:59 Why not?
52:00 Bright mind that you are, what have you got to lose?
52:05 Reach out and ask for empirical evidence.
52:09 See what He does?
52:15 There's a little card in your worship bulletin today
52:21 because life is about taking the next step.
52:23 Would you pull the card out?
52:25 Ushers are gonna come in just a moment
52:27 receive these cards from all of us.
52:29 But this is a card you have already put your name,
52:32 put your email address here,
52:33 because I'm gonna send you something if you ask for,
52:34 only if you ask for.
52:36 I'm gonna send you something
52:37 I think you're gonna you be appreciative of it.
52:39 Turn the card over where it says my next step today is
52:43 --Could you put a check mark here,
52:44 I choose to exercise a daily faith in Christ
52:47 beyond empirical evidence that reason supports.
52:50 I choose to exercise a daily faith in Christ.
52:54 I want to put a check mark there,
52:56 but now here is the offer.
52:57 Here is offer, box number two,
52:59 next week I would like to read,
53:02 CS Lewis's Mere Christianity section.
53:04 Don't read the whole book.
53:06 I don't think the whole book is all that great really.
53:07 But book two within the book
53:10 I'm gonna send you a link
53:12 when you click on to that link
53:13 you will go immediately to book 2.
53:16 Read, book 2, I think there are four chapters
53:18 where he gives an apology for the Christian faith.
53:21 Next week I'd like to read it,
53:22 would you please send me that section.
53:24 I'll send you a link.
53:25 You can read it in your only leisure on your laptop,
53:30 your ipad, your smart phone or whatever.
53:32 But put a check mark there
53:34 and within 48 hours we'll get,
53:35 but we have to have your email address,
53:36 don't give it to us with no address.
53:38 If you have your email address,
53:39 we'll get this to you within 48 hours.
53:42 This Sabbath, you know, Dwight,
53:43 I'm just kind of thinking about this thing with Jesus,
53:45 Thomas, that young agnostic, I mean what about me?
53:49 If you are open to considering
53:52 a new relationship with Jesus,
53:54 beginning a new relationship with Jesus,
53:55 would you put a check mark right there
53:57 in another little box, I'm interested in beginning
53:59 a relationship with Jesus?
54:01 We'll send other material to you,
54:03 we're not gonna come knocking at your door.
54:05 We'll send it to you.
54:07 Somebody was saying you know what?
54:09 Watching that baptism,
54:11 I'm not 16, I'm a little older than 16.
54:13 But you know what I need to make that same step.
54:18 It's as easy as making the decision,
54:20 put a check mark there.
54:21 I like information about baptism we'll get it to you.
54:24 We'll get that information to you.
54:27 I want to sing a chorus,
54:28 Jose thank you for leading us in that--
54:30 Let's just sing the chorus of--
54:32 Because He Lives, you know that part.
54:34 Let's just sing that part.
54:35 We'll put the words on the screen for you
54:37 and then the ushers are gonna come.
54:38 I want to have a prayer and then the ushers would come.
54:42 Because He lives
54:46 I can face tomorrow
54:52 Because He lives
54:57 All fear is gone
55:02 Because I know
55:08 He holds the future
55:13 And life is worth the living
55:18 Just because He lives
55:26 Oh, God we are the product of higher education.
55:29 We need that empirical evidence.
55:32 You were so gracious.
55:33 Jesus was with Thomas and Mary.
55:36 What will you do for us?
55:38 We're not being presumptuous.
55:39 We're not demanding.
55:41 We're humbly asking, grow our faith.
55:44 We recognize in faith we'll one day have to move beyond
55:48 what reason supports,
55:50 but when that faith comes
55:53 take it deep into our minds and our hearts.
55:57 To believe in Him, whom to know life eternal,
56:01 what could be better than that?
56:03 Do father what You must do,
56:05 replace our little cards in the--
56:09 the offering prayers come by now.
56:11 Replace our morning tithes and offerings.
56:13 The tithes are yours, the offerings are ours
56:15 and we're grateful and so we return to You
56:18 and we give to You.
56:19 Please take all of this as we worship this last moment
56:23 in giving in Christ name we pray, amen.
56:31 I like to take a moment here at the end of the service
56:33 to tell you about one of the most
56:34 important groups of people
56:35 that make this ministry possible.
56:38 There are teams of people,
56:40 they're not afraid to get down into the thick of life itself
56:43 which is why you're gonna find them,
56:44 you will find them moving forwards on their knees.
56:48 There are prayer partners, a group of men and woman
56:51 and young adults who believe
56:53 that this humble television ministry
56:56 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:58 And so they pray honestly that God will use
57:00 the preacher that God will use me,
57:02 and that God would use the countless other volunteers
57:05 to spread the everlasting gospel and the word of God
57:08 in ways we could never have imagined before.
57:10 They're the once who are praying that God is gonna
57:13 open up the hearts of the people,
57:15 open up the hearts of viewers around the world,
57:18 for the message, the critical message
57:20 for this end time generation.
57:23 And what I would like to do is ask you,
57:25 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us?
57:28 A prayer partner with New Perceptions.
57:29 You don't have to call a toll free number.
57:31 You don't have to go online to register.
57:33 All I need to know is that
57:35 you'd be willing to lift this little ministry up.
57:40 Day after day after day.
57:42 Pray that somehow through radio and television
57:45 and the web God will open up new doors,
57:48 new regions on earth
57:50 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed.
57:53 There is no question the power of prayer
57:55 has potentially to takes this ministry
57:57 to places that we could never have imagined before.
58:00 So that's it would you please be willing
58:03 to partner with me in prayer?
58:05 The times are urgent,
58:07 the need is critical and I hope you will say yes.
58:11 Till we're together next time.
58:13 May the prayer answering God
58:15 accompany you every step of a way.


Revised 2014-12-17