New Perceptions

Whatever Happened To Justice?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP042107

00:39 Sing the praises to our King
00:41 For He is the King of Kings
00:44 We sing the praises to our King
00:46 For He's the King of Kings
00:49 We sing the praises to our King
00:51 For He is the King of Kings
00:54 We sing the praises to our King
00:56 For He is the King of Kings
00:58 Give Him glory
01:01 For He is the King
01:03 Give Him glory
01:06 For He is the King of Kings
01:08 Give Him glory
01:11 For He is the King
01:13 Give Him glory
01:16 For He is the King of Kings
01:19 We sing the praises to our King
01:21 For He is the King of Kings
01:24 We sing the praises to our King
01:26 For He is the King of Kings
01:29 We sing the praises to our King
01:31 For He is the King of Kings
01:34 We sing the praises to our King
01:36 For He is the King of Kings
01:38 Give Him glory
01:41 For He is the King
01:43 Give Him glory
01:46 For He is the King of Kings
01:50 All hail King Jesus!
02:00 All hail Emmanuel!
02:09 All hail King Jesus!
02:19 All hail Emmanuel!
02:28 He reigns forever
02:31 He reigns forever He reigns forever
02:36 And evermore!
02:38 He reigns forever
02:41 He reigns forever He reigns forever
02:46 And evermore!
02:48 He reigns forever
02:51 He reigns forever He reigns forever
02:56 And evermore!
02:58 He reigns forever
03:01 He reigns forever He reigns forever
03:06 And evermore!
03:08 He reigns forever
03:11 He reigns forever
03:13 He reigns forever and evermore
03:19 All hail King Jesus!
03:37 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
03:39 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
03:41 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
03:43 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
03:47 And He shall lift you up
03:51 Higher and higher
03:52 And He shall lift you up
04:03 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
04:05 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
04:07 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
04:09 And He shall lift you up
04:14 Higher and higher
04:15 And He shall lift you up
04:21 Our God is an awesome God
04:24 He reigns from heaven above
04:27 With wisdom, pow'r and love
04:30 Our God is an awesome God
04:33 Our God is an awesome God
04:36 He reigns from heaven above
04:39 With wisdom, pow'r and love
04:42 Our God is an awesome God
04:45 Our God is an awesome God
04:48 He reigns from heaven above
04:51 With wisdom, pow'r and love
04:54 Our God is an awesome God
04:57 Our God is an awesome God
05:07 Our God is an awesome God
05:10 He reigns from heaven above
05:13 With wisdom, pow'r and love
05:16 Our God is an awesome God
05:19 Our God is an awesome God
05:22 He reigns from heaven above
05:25 With wisdom, pow'r and love
05:28 Our God is an awesome God
05:38 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
05:39 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
05:42 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
05:44 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
05:47 And He shall lift you up
05:51 Higher and higher
05:52 And He shall lift you up
05:58 And He shall lift you up
06:03 Higher and higher
06:05 And He shall lift you up
06:15 What an amazing exchange God offers us.
06:19 Humility for glory.
06:22 Sin for righteousness.
06:25 And one day when He glorifies us,
06:27 when He finally lifts us up, the ultimate time,
06:30 we will have the joy of giving it right back to Him.
06:35 The crown that He puts on our head when He lifts us up,
06:39 off of this earth to heaven forever,
06:42 that crown which He puts on our head after He says,
06:45 well done, my good and faithful servant,
06:49 that crown we will joyfully, I believe,
06:52 take off our heads and lay it down at His feet.
06:56 Amen.
07:09 We fall down
07:12 We lay our crowns
07:15 At the feet of Jesus
07:21 The greatness of Mercy and love
07:27 At the feet of Jesus
07:32 And we cry holy, holy, holy
07:38 And we cry holy, holy, holy
07:44 And we cry holy, holy, holy
07:51 Is the Lamb
07:58 We fall down
08:01 We lay our crowns
08:03 At the feet of Jesus
08:10 The greatness of Mercy and love
08:15 At the feet of Jesus
08:20 And we cry holy, holy, holy
08:26 And we cry holy, holy, holy
08:32 And we cry holy, holy, holy
08:39 Is the Lamb
08:42 And we cry holy, holy, holy
08:47 And we cry holy, holy, holy
08:53 And we cry holy, holy, holy
09:00 Is the Lamb
09:21 Before the throne of God above
09:26 I have a strong and perfect plea
09:31 A great high Priest whose name is Love
09:36 Who ever lives and pleads for me
09:40 My name is graven on His hands
09:45 My name is written on His heart
09:50 I know that while in Heaven He stands
09:55 No tongue can bid me thence depart
09:59 No tongue can bid me thence depart
10:06 When Satan tempts me to despair
10:11 And tells me of the guilt within
10:16 Upward I look and see Him there
10:20 Who made an end of all my sin
10:25 Because the sinless Savior died
10:30 My sinful soul is counted free
10:35 For God the Just is satisfied
10:39 To look on Him and pardon me
10:44 To look on Him and pardon me
10:51 Behold Him there the Risen Lamb
10:56 My perfect spotless Righteousness
11:01 The great unchangeable I Am
11:05 The King of glory and of grace
11:10 One with Himself I cannot die
11:14 My soul is purchased by His blood
11:19 My life is hid with Christ on high
11:24 With Christ my Savior and my God
11:29 With Christ my Savior and my God
11:47 Isaiah 55,
11:50 "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
11:55 Call on Him while He is near.
11:58 Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts.
12:04 Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him.
12:09 Let him turn to our God, for He will freely pardon."
12:15 As we seek God this morning,
12:18 I invite you, as we sing our prayer song,
12:21 to join us at the front
12:23 as we approach this wonderful God in prayer.
12:33 Oh Lord, You're beautiful
12:42 Your face is all I seek
12:50 And when Your eyes are on this child
12:59 Your grace abounds to me
13:07 Oh Lord, You're beautiful
13:16 Your face is all I seek
13:24 And when Your eyes are on this child
13:33 Your grace abounds to me
13:42 All merciful God, infinite, eternal
13:49 and unchangeable, glorious in holiness,
13:56 full of love and compassion
14:00 and abundant in grace and truth,
14:04 hallowed be Your name.
14:08 We praise you, oh God, for our creation, preservation
14:14 and all the blessings of life You grant us.
14:18 For Your Word which is a lamp to our feet
14:22 and a light to our path.
14:25 For the everlasting riches of Your mercy.
14:30 For Your patience that is born with us.
14:35 For earth and sky
14:38 and all the beauties of this world in glorious spring time.
14:44 We rejoice to see
14:46 the miracle of life all around us once again.
14:50 Life coming from seeming death.
14:55 We take hope as we remember what Jesus can do for us.
15:02 We uplift to You, all who have come forward this morning,
15:06 some to say thank You for a special blessing,
15:10 some to lay before You a request or concern.
15:14 Hear our prayers, oh Lord.
15:18 Amen.
18:35 Thank you Andrews Academy.
18:36 The concert band, powerful.
18:38 Thank you very much.
18:44 That music perhaps reflects
18:46 how some of us are feeling right now.
18:50 Strong and bombastic and angry.
19:02 I just learned last night
19:06 of a story that makes me angry.
19:14 There are some of you here in worship who are angry
19:19 for reasons known only to you and God.
19:27 So often anger has to do with
19:31 our sense of a miscarriage of justice, something unfair.
19:38 I'm angry.
19:40 I'm going to ask God right now
19:42 to not let that anger seep into this teaching,
19:48 because this teaching addresses what makes us angry.
19:54 And I don't want to get in the way.
19:56 You need to hear what Jesus is about to teach you
20:01 through a passage in the gospels.
20:07 I want to pray with you.
20:09 Then we'll plunge into the Word together.
20:13 Holy Father, that music was strong.
20:19 You got to know Your children.
20:23 There are times when we have strong feelings,
20:29 and we don't know what to do.
20:34 We're not sure how to right the wrong.
20:41 We're not sure how to take away the injustice,
20:46 particularly when free will is involved
20:48 and human choices are protected by You,
20:54 as we would only have it.
20:57 This is been some week on this planet,
21:03 in this nation, upon this campus.
21:08 Oh God, a word, please.
21:18 Hide us all
21:21 so that Christ's spirit might get through to all of us.
21:26 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
21:32 There is an ugly word
21:36 in our human vocabulary
21:40 that most of us wish to never use.
21:44 It is a dark word.
21:48 It feels cruel and angry.
21:54 The word is revenge, revenge.
22:00 What does revenge mean?
22:02 Simply put, revenge means settling the score.
22:09 Revenge happens when self perceived justice
22:14 decides to take matters into its own hands
22:18 and settle the score.
22:20 Sometimes with tragic, tragic consequences,
22:25 as the whole world observed this last week.
22:33 The tragedy on the campus of Virginia Tech,
22:39 in that massacre,
22:41 the near tragedy on our own campus,
22:45 on the same day at almost the same moment.
22:52 Because of a self perceived need to settle the score
22:59 and take care of justice, take it into his own hands.
23:04 Does God behave that way?
23:09 Once upon a time, Jesus told a story
23:12 and it's going to surprise you, because it sure seems like,
23:18 in fact, God feels the same way.
23:22 Open your Bible, please, to the Gospel of St. Luke.
23:26 The gospel of Luke 18.
23:32 In a story about vengeance
23:36 and justice and God.
23:43 Because here we have been in a semester
23:45 and we've been talking mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
23:48 and it is a fair question to be raised
23:50 at some point along the way, okay, boy.
23:56 Whatever happened to justice?
23:59 Is there no justice in the divine heart of mercy,
24:04 no vengeance
24:07 when the innocent suffer in the hands of a perpetrator?
24:12 No vengeance.
24:19 Jesus told a story, once upon a time,
24:22 Luke Chapter 18.
24:25 If you didn't bring a Bible today,
24:26 grab that pew Bible in front of you because this--
24:28 you haven't read the story in a long time
24:29 and you need to see this story.
24:32 Luke Chapter 18,
24:33 let me give you the page number in the pew Bible,
24:34 that would be page 706, New King James Version.
24:39 Those of you watching on television,
24:40 grab a Bible if there's one near you.
24:42 Take a look at this, will you?
24:44 Luke 18:1,
24:45 "Then, He, Jesus, spoke a parable to them,
24:47 that men and women ought always to pray and not lose heart."
24:51 Now that is the primary punch line to this story,
24:55 but I'm not concerned today about the primary punch line,
24:57 it's the secondary punch line and it is inescapable.
25:00 You'll get it, trust me, you'll get it.
25:02 The secondary punch line is what we're looking for today.
25:05 So Jesus speaks in verse 2
25:06 and if you have a red letterd Bible,
25:07 now it's all red, it's all red.
25:10 This is Jesus telling the story.
25:12 Verse 2, and Jesus said,
25:13 "There was in a certain city
25:15 a judge who did not fear God nor regard man."
25:20 I've known a few judges in my life.
25:22 Tried not to know them on a very intimate basis
25:24 but had to meet with them on occasion.
25:29 Now here's a judge who, as you'll know in just a moment,
25:32 is proud that he is both Godless and heartless.
25:36 Most of the judges I've met
25:37 seemed to be fairly compassionate individuals,
25:39 but I suppose there are a few judges,
25:41 Godless and heartless, this is one of them.
25:44 Jesus said there was a city once upon a time
25:46 and in this city was a judge
25:47 who is both Godless and heartless.
25:49 And next verse, verse 3.
25:50 In that same city was the widow.
25:53 Now, in this, in the culture of the orient
25:55 in which Jesus is telling the story,
25:57 we're talking, ladies and gentlemen,
25:58 about the bottom of the food chain.
26:01 A widow is at the very bottom.
26:02 She's the most helpless.
26:04 And I tell you what, if she dies,
26:06 if rather her husband dies and she has no kids,
26:08 she is really up a creek without a paddle.
26:11 If she has no sons,
26:13 there is nobody that goes to care for her,
26:15 she has no advocate, she has to do it all herself.
26:18 She's a widow of that caliber.
26:20 In the same city, Jesus says in verse 3,
26:22 "There was a widow, and she came to the judge
26:25 and she said, 'Get justice for me from my adversary.'"
26:29 The Greek word can actually be translated two ways.
26:32 It could be translated avenge me, I want revenge,
26:35 I want avenge, avengement, avenge me
26:38 or can be translated, give me justice,
26:40 I got an adversary.
26:42 Well, Jesus doesn't tell us what's going on here.
26:45 We read between the lines.
26:46 Apparently when her beloved life companion died,
26:51 there was a piece of family property
26:52 that he had mortgaged out to somebody else
26:54 and it's time for her to get that property back,
26:57 but whoever has the property is refusing to do it.
26:59 Won't give it back.
27:00 No, no, no, you have no-- he's gone.
27:06 So she has to go to the court and she pleads for justice.
27:11 Verse 4, "And..."
27:13 Jesus said, let me tell about that judge again.
27:15 "He would not for a while."
27:18 In the Greek it reads this way.
27:19 He kept on refusing her.
27:21 Over and over she kept coming, over and over you can say,
27:23 he kept saying, no, no, no, no, no, don't have time, go.
27:28 He would not for a while.
27:31 I say for a while because he maybe Godless
27:34 and he maybe heartless but he is not mindless.
27:38 There's only so much of this you can take.
27:41 Bright, bright judge.
27:43 As verse 4 says, "And he would not for a while,
27:45 but afterward he said within himself..."
27:47 He's rather proud of who he is.
27:49 "Though I do not fear God nor regard man."
27:52 I am godless and I am heartless,
27:54 I'm a coolheaded jurist.
27:56 'Even though I am," verse 5,
27:58 "yet, because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her,
28:02 lest by her continual coming she weary me.''
28:06 Now Peterson, in his rendition in the message
28:09 of this particular line, he translates it.
28:11 He translates it.
28:13 Otherwise, if I don't get rid of her,
28:15 she is going to end up beating me
28:17 black and blue by her pounding, I like that.
28:20 I see this little widow.
28:21 You see the little widow, tiny little fist,
28:23 and she is coming up that big chest of judge,
28:25 she's pounding, give me justice, give me.
28:27 No. Give me justice.
28:28 No. Give me justice.
28:30 No. Give me justice.
28:31 All right, you can have it.
28:34 She's pound me black and blue.
28:38 Then the Lord said, verse 6,
28:42 "Hear what the unjust judge..."
28:45 By the way, by the way, please note,
28:48 Jesus passes judgment on the judge.
28:52 He is unjust.
28:54 And even in a land like ours and a county like this one,
28:57 there are unjust judges.
29:01 It's just part of the journey.
29:04 "Then the Lord said, 'Hear what the unjust judge said.'"
29:08 Verse 7, "And shall God not avenge His own elect
29:12 who cry out day and night to Him,
29:14 though He bears long with them?"
29:16 Verse 8, "I tell you that He will avenge them speedily."
29:21 Do you know why?
29:23 Because vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord,
29:27 and I will repay.
29:29 That's why.
29:31 Have mercy, there is justice, hallelujah.
29:35 I wish you'd write that down.
29:37 Friend of God, write that down, will you?
29:39 There is justice for the friends of God.
29:41 Pull out your study guide,
29:42 you got a study guide in that worship bulletin.
29:44 Thank you ushers, let's get these study guides out.
29:46 I'll tell you why you want the study guide,
29:48 because I have a quotation here
29:49 that you can't get anywhere on earth
29:51 but this study guide.
29:53 A private paper was sent to me by some lawyers,
29:55 I'll talk about that in just a moment.
29:57 I'm quoting that paper.
29:58 You want the study guide.
29:59 Hold your hand up if you don't have a study guide.
30:01 Make sure everybody here--
30:02 Do you have your study guides here?
30:03 Pull your study guides out, very good.
30:05 And while we're doing that,
30:06 those of you who are watching on television,
30:08 let me put our website on the screen for you.
30:09 You can join with us right now.
30:11 You got to fill this out.
30:12 There it is,
30:16 That's our website.
30:17 Please go to our website.
30:19 You click on to this series, Mercy Came A Runnin'.
30:22 Mercy, mercy, mercy and now justice.
30:25 "Whatever Happened to Justice?"
30:26 That's the title of this teaching.
30:27 "Whatever Happened to Justice?"
30:29 It'll say study guide, click there
30:31 and you'll have the same quotation
30:33 that you can get nowhere else on earth
30:34 but right there in our study guide.
30:36 That's yours so quickly got to your computer,
30:38 pull that study guide up and let's go.
30:41 Fill it out, please.
30:43 Would you fill it in, that verse, vengeance?
30:45 Write it in, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay."
30:51 Two words you got to write in, says the Lord.
30:53 Where's that coming from?
30:54 Romans 12:19, would you write in 19,
30:57 I think the study guide says 9, it's 19, slip of my finger.
31:02 That's supposed to be 19, so make sure you have 19 there.
31:04 It's quoted, this line is out of Deuteronomy 32:35.
31:10 It's quoted in both Romans 12:19
31:12 and again in Hebrews 10:30,
31:14 so the Old Testament line is embraced by the New Testament.
31:17 "'Vengeance is Mine,
31:19 and I will repay, 'says the Lord."
31:20 Jot it down. Have mercy, there is justice.
31:24 Have mercy, there is justice.
31:26 What's the punch line,
31:27 the secondary punch line of Jesus' parable?
31:29 Keep your pen moving.
31:30 "Shall not God avenge His own.''
31:33 Who are His own? Those are His friends on earth.
31:35 You're a friend of God?
31:36 You're going through, you're suffering through
31:37 some injustice, hold on, my friend,
31:40 I got good news for you.
31:41 We may have been talking about mercy heretofore,
31:43 but today it's justice.
31:45 Hold on. Hold on.
31:48 "Shall not God avenge His own
31:49 who cry out day and night to Him?"
31:52 Luke 18:7.
31:55 This week...
31:58 This week the world remember the holocaust
32:01 and commemorations around the planet,
32:03 6 million Jews
32:06 exterminated by an insane tyrant, an ideology.
32:10 But lest we forget, I need to remind you
32:12 that is not the only sorry chapter in the history
32:16 of the human race in the 20th century now gone.
32:20 I've a book in my library by a writer name Gary A. Haugen,
32:24 title of the book "The Good News of Injustice."
32:27 Let me quote you, it's in the study guide,
32:28 let me quote to you from Haugen's book.
32:31 You need to fill in the last word.
32:34 Put it on the screen.
32:35 "The outcome in the 20th century..."
32:36 You want to talk about the century behind us.
32:37 "The outcome in the 20th century
32:39 could be described an open-mouthed grave.
32:43 An entire generation of European youth composting..."
32:46 That's right, that's not misspelling.
32:49 They've turned to compost, fertilizing the soil of Europe.
32:54 "Composting the World War I battlefields of Verdun
32:58 and the Somme, Hitler's six million Jews,
33:00 Stalin's twenty million Soviet citizens,
33:02 Mao's tens of millions of political enemies
33:04 and peasant famine victims,
33:06 Pol Pot's two million Cambodians,
33:08 the Interhamwe's million Tutsi Rwandans,
33:11 and the millions of lives wasted away
33:13 during apartheid's forty-year reign."
33:15 Now hold on.
33:16 "We can easily forget that the same spirit of darkness
33:20 rules our present age.
33:23 Outside the affluent West, however,
33:25 in the Two-Thirds World,
33:26 where most of the children God created actually live,"
33:29 get it down, "the Fall is being played out
33:32 in ways more familiar to the biblical writers.
33:34 It is manifest in a world of brutal injustice."
33:39 Write it down.
33:40 It's the biblical world all over again,
33:43 we're experiencing it today.
33:45 The biblical world of injustice.
33:47 Let me put a verse or two on the screen for you.
33:50 Joel 3:3, how does it read?
33:52 "They have cast lots for My people,
33:54 they have given a boy as payment for a harlot,
33:57 and sold a girl for wine, that they may drink."
34:02 Gary Haugen tells about a Canadian Christian program
34:05 television crew that went to the Sudan,
34:08 all right, you know Sudan, you've heard of Darfur,
34:11 they went to the Sudan.
34:12 While the cameras are rolling,
34:14 they bought 319 women and children, on camera,
34:20 from the slave traders for $108 each.
34:24 They bought 319 human beings.
34:26 Don't you tell me that slavery is something in our past.
34:28 It is a part of life in the 21st century.
34:32 Where is the justice in that, huh?
34:34 Where's the justice?
34:35 Let's put another text on the screen,
34:37 Psalm 37:14,
34:39 "The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent their bow,
34:42 to cast down the poor and the needy,
34:44 to slay those who are of upright conduct."
34:46 Let's talk about Brazil. A bunch of you are from Brazil.
34:49 Let's talk about the state police in Brazil
34:51 who are being bought off by land owners
34:53 to destroy, to murder hapless, landless, homeless human beings
35:00 that are getting in the way of their massive land holdings.
35:05 Where is the justice in that?
35:07 Let's put another text on the screen,
35:08 how about the New Testament Roman 3:15-18,
35:12 "Their feet are swift to shed blood,
35:13 destruction and misery are in their ways,
35:16 and the way of peace they have not known.
35:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes."
35:22 I don't know if you've followed the news this week.
35:24 But in Turkey, while our mayhem was going on, in Turkey,
35:27 a tiny little Christian printing press,
35:30 in the heart of that modern Islamic nation,
35:32 somebody walked in and slew the three workers,
35:36 shot them in the back.
35:38 Where is the justice in that?
35:42 You want to talk about America?
35:44 Let's talk about America, the land of the free.
35:49 I received a paper from some Australian lawyers.
35:54 They said Pastor Nelson, we want you to read this paper,
35:56 it's entitled, "The State of Exception."
35:59 In the paper they are examining what is happening today
36:02 in a place called Guantanamo Bay Detention Center.
36:06 You may have heard of it.
36:09 As the result of the war on terror,
36:13 foreign individuals can be taken
36:16 from any country on earth
36:18 and placed in detention in Guantanamo Bay
36:22 with the normal constitutional freedoms
36:24 granted to liberty loving Americans denied them.
36:28 Run by the US government and the US military.
36:32 So that paper which you won't be able to find,
36:37 is partially quoted in your study guide.
36:39 I have the longer quote, a longer quote,
36:41 I'll put it on the screen.
36:42 "A state of exception is a form of governance
36:45 characterized by suspension of the democratic legal process
36:49 in favor of 'extra-judicial state violence'
36:53 against specified groups."
36:58 You're gonna brood on this for a while.
37:00 "It depends upon a certain political climate
37:03 and may arise in any democracy.
37:08 Guantanamo stands as a direct consequence
37:12 of that form of governance.
37:14 Integrated in the penal system,
37:16 the Guantanamo inmate is an exemplary element
37:20 subject to 'extreme measures'
37:23 legalized by the state of exception."
37:26 Couldn't do it in America but we'll do it here.
37:32 Keep reading.
37:33 "According to his legal status,
37:34 the Guantanamo inmate is synonymous
37:36 with numerous historical examples of groups
37:38 and individuals marginalized..."
37:40 This is Australian English,
37:41 so the spelling will look different.
37:42 "Marginalized for their convictions and affiliations,
37:45 the Huguenots, the Basques, Kurds, Jews, Christians,
37:49 Muslim groups, Gypsies, illegal immigrants, African refugees.
37:52 However..." Now here comes the punch line.
37:54 "The Guantanamo case is not limited
37:56 to the current political ambience."
37:59 Emphasis now is mine.
38:01 "It is a potential prelude to situations
38:04 that may deny the political convictions
38:07 and civic values of given minority groups."
38:12 But let me finish the sentence.
38:13 In America, in the future,
38:17 all right, in America, in the future, piece by piece.
38:25 And we're all so distracted, that we're just letting it go.
38:30 Got to have it for the sake of our security, you understand.
38:36 Tell that to 6 million Jews,
38:40 for the sake of security, please.
38:47 Where's the justice in what we just read?
38:49 The ancient prophets knew all about this day coming.
38:52 It was not unfamiliar to their own day.
38:54 Look at this, Habakkuk 1:4,
38:57 "Therefore the law is ignored and justice is never upheld.
39:02 For the wicked surround the righteous,
39:03 therefore justice comes out perverted."
39:06 Look at this Micah 3:9 "Hear this, you leaders..."
39:09 You see leaders make the difference.
39:10 Leaders can change what we have counted on, they can reverse.
39:15 "Hear this, you leaders of the house of Jacob,
39:17 you rulers of the house of Israel,
39:18 who despises justice and distort all that is right."
39:22 What's going to happen?
39:23 Ecclesiastes 5:8,
39:24 "If you see the poor oppressed in a district,
39:27 and justice and rights denied,
39:29 guess what, don't be surprised at such things."
39:32 It happens on this planet.
39:37 Amazing.
39:40 And Jesus spoke a parable to them,
39:43 that men and women ought always to pray and not lose heart.
39:47 And he said, "There was in a certain city a judge
39:51 who did not fear God nor regard man.
39:53 Now there was a widow in that city,
39:55 and she came to him, saying,
39:56 'Get justice for me from my adversary.'
39:59 And he would not, for a while,
40:02 but afterward he said within himself,
40:03 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man,
40:05 yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her,
40:08 lest by her continual coming she weary me.'
40:11 Then the Lord said, 'Hear what the unjust judge said.
40:14 And shall God not avenge His own elect
40:16 who cry out day and night to Him,
40:18 though He bears long with them?
40:19 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.'"
40:23 Speedily.
40:26 You know what?
40:27 When you're unfairly,
40:29 when you're unfairly, and that's a key word.
40:31 When you're unfairly suffering, unfairly,
40:36 you never cry out for mercy.
40:38 You always cry out for justice.
40:41 Isn't that right?
40:43 Yeah. Give me justice, avenge me of my adversary.
40:49 You can be certain that there are many grieving families
40:52 in the Virginia Tech community today
40:54 who are crying out for justice.
40:58 And you can be just as certain
41:01 that there is a little Korean family
41:03 in that same region today that is pleading for mercy,
41:07 because that's the reality of it all.
41:10 Justice and mercy always go together.
41:14 They are inseparable.
41:16 When you ask for one, you will get the other.
41:18 When one comes running to you, the other cannot be far behind.
41:22 Justice and mercy,
41:26 inseparable, inseparable,
41:31 which of course is precisely the truth
41:34 of the everlasting gospel.
41:36 That great passage, Romans 3:23-26.
41:39 Don't look it up in your Bible.
41:41 Let's put it on the screen and it's going to be from
41:43 Today's New International Version.
41:45 You have it in your study guide.
41:46 Let's-- remember how we used to have to diagram sentences
41:49 in the old English classes, and became the subject,
41:51 and predicate, direct object, let's do a little diagramming,
41:55 not that heavy, from these four lines.
41:57 You have them all right there. You got it.
42:01 All right, let's go, Romans 3:23.
42:04 This is a TNIV. Yeah, fill it in.
42:06 "For all."
42:07 now, you knew this verse, "For all have sinned
42:11 and fall short of the glory of God."
42:13 How many of us have sinned?
42:15 Oh, that is a no-brainer.
42:18 And because we have sinned, what do we deserve?
42:20 What do sinners deserve?
42:22 Sinners deserve justice.
42:23 By the way, ladies and gentlemen,
42:24 that's the definition.
42:25 Justice is what we deserve.
42:27 Mercy is always what we do not deserve,
42:30 by definition, right?
42:32 We deserve justice.
42:34 And what is justice for a sinner?
42:35 It's eternal death.
42:36 Death pays a wage and it's eternal, Romans 6:23.
42:39 All right, let's go to verse 24. Write it down.
42:42 And, by the way, this is the very next verse,
42:44 I like the way that TNIV renders it.
42:46 All have sinned and all, the whole human race,
42:49 "All are justified freely by His grace..."
42:52 Write it in.
42:53 "Through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
42:56 Did you catch that, guys?
42:57 We deserve the penalty of justice,
43:00 the penalty of death, we're all sinners,
43:02 but mercy, hallelujah, mercy came a runnin'
43:04 through Christ Jesus,
43:05 came a runnin' straight to you and me.
43:08 You agree? Mercy came a runnin'.
43:12 Do we get what we deserve?
43:13 No, we get what we don't deserve, that's mercy.
43:19 Because in mercy's grace, we're justified.
43:21 You know what justified means?
43:22 It means to be acquitted. It means to be pardoned.
43:24 It means to be set free, no charges.
43:27 Everything's been dropped. You're free to go.
43:30 Oh, when the judge says that, bring it on, hallelujah.
43:34 Oh, great, so now we got mercy, no more justice.
43:36 Is that what Paul is teaching. No, no, no, no.
43:41 Look at verse 25, fill it in.
43:42 "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,
43:46 through the shedding of his blood,
43:47 to be received by faith.
43:49 He did this to demonstrate his justice." Write it down.
43:53 "He did this to demonstrate his justice,
43:54 because in his forbearance and tolerance
43:56 he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished."
44:01 Ladies and gentlemen, that is precisely the point.
44:03 In order to have mercy,
44:05 somebody has to provide justice.
44:07 You can't have one without the other.
44:09 To get the one, you have to have the other.
44:12 When one comes running,
44:13 the other is already there, that's the point.
44:18 Final line, verse 26.
44:20 'God did this," fill it in.
44:21 "God did this to demonstrate his justice
44:23 at the present time, so as to be just..."
44:28 That's his justice, it's divine justice.
44:30 "So as to be just and the one who justifies."
44:35 That's divine mercy, the one who acquits,
44:37 pardons, lets you go,
44:39 justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
44:42 My dear, friends, Calvary,
44:44 Calvary is the dramatic blending of divine justice,
44:48 which says I got a law and that law says,
44:51 this is the way we operate the universe,
44:53 I cannot change that law.
44:56 Calvary is the blending of divine justice and divine mercy
44:59 that says even though they've broken a law,
45:02 I will pardon them.
45:05 It is the climax of divine justice
45:09 and divine mercy embracing.
45:11 In fact, Psalm 85:10 says they actually kiss,
45:15 they kissed at the cross.
45:19 You want to read a powerful expression of this truth?
45:21 Keep your study guide right there.
45:22 Look at this from Desire of Ages, unbelievable,
45:25 Desire of Ages, powerful.
45:28 "Through Jesus..."
45:29 What's going on here in Romans 3?
45:31 What went on on Calvary?
45:32 "Through Jesus,
45:33 God's mercy was manifested to men and women,
45:36 but mercy does not set aside justice."
45:39 Write that down, key point.
45:40 It does not set aside justice.
45:42 "The law reveals the attributes of God's character,
45:45 and not a jot or a tittle,"
45:47 not a crossing of a T, not a dotting of an eye,
45:50 "of it could be changed to meet man in his fallen condition."
45:53 Oh, Father, Father, I just came from earth,
45:55 you're not going to believe this.
45:56 Adam and Eve have disobeyed.
45:59 They have rebelled against You.
46:00 What you told them not to do, they've done.
46:03 What are we gonna do?
46:04 Father says, well, you know what,
46:05 let's do this, let's just change the law.
46:06 If we re-write the law then they haven't disobeyed
46:09 and everybody will be happy.
46:11 Are you crazy? He can't, it's His throne.
46:15 If He rewrites the law or abrogates it
46:17 or shoves it to the side, He no longer has the throne.
46:20 He can't be Him. He can't be He.
46:25 He can't.
46:28 Mercy does not set aside justice.
46:30 Now read that next sentence.
46:33 Oh, this is powerful.
46:34 "God did not change His law, but He sacrificed Himself."
46:41 Isn't that something?
46:42 "He sacrificed Himself in Christ for our redemption.
46:47 Which is why both," write it down,
46:49 "both justice and mercy triumphed at Calvary."
46:55 What do you say to that? Amen.
46:58 Both triumphed, both of them at Calvary.
47:02 Oh, great, oh great.
47:04 Does that mean that all is going to be forgiven now?
47:06 There is no accounting,
47:07 you can with impunity do what you wish.
47:10 Not on your life. No, no, no, no.
47:14 God is clear.
47:16 Vengeance, you know, what God says,
47:21 ready my lips, read my lips, "Vengeance is mine,
47:27 and I will, I promise you, I will repay."
47:31 I will repay.
47:34 There is a day of reckoning coming,
47:35 for those who have despised mercy and denied justice.
47:39 Any landlords here?
47:44 Any employers here?
47:52 Any neighbors here?
47:56 There is a day of reckoning coming.
48:03 Those who have despised mercy and denied justice,
48:05 who withheld the just wages of the laborer,
48:10 who have denied the just rights of the prisoner,
48:13 who have abused the just liberties of a child
48:15 or woman or human being,
48:17 who have silenced the just in order to destroy the truth.
48:21 There is a day of reckoning coming for Babylon.
48:24 Ever heard of her?
48:28 When the prayers of the souls under the altar of heaven
48:31 will one day be answered.
48:32 Do you remember that prayer?
48:34 How long O God, just and true,
48:37 how long until You avenge our blood on those
48:39 who dwell on the earth?
48:43 God says, shh, vengeance is mine,
48:46 I will repay, I will repay.
48:52 And that's why the prayer is found in the apocalypse.
48:55 Oh, God, then repay her double according to her works,
49:01 for she is drunk with the blood of the saints
49:03 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
49:05 Repay her double. I will repay.
49:09 In just a few weeks,
49:13 I cannot believe that this--
49:17 that I get to be part of this, in just a few weeks
49:23 with a handful of Andrews University students,
49:27 I get to go to North Italy
49:30 and we're going to stand in the dank,
49:32 dark caves of the Waldensians who fled for their lives,
49:39 where the blood of the innocent
49:40 was spilled on those rocky floors.
49:46 Vengeance is mine, I will repay, I will repay.
49:55 Of course, if the truth is known
49:58 then we all know the truth.
50:01 The dark perpetrator behind all of our inhuman injustices,
50:06 perpetrator is one and the same, the fallen Lucifer.
50:13 We got an email today, from someone in the family,
50:19 with the announcement, that the cancer has spread
50:22 to the entire body and there is no treatment left.
50:30 Who do you suppose is ultimately responsible
50:33 for this insanity we live with on this planet, huh?
50:37 This pain and suffering of divorce.
50:38 Who do you suppose will get the rap in the end?
50:42 The pain and suffering of disease of death.
50:44 Is there no vengeance for the one who did this to me?
50:54 Vengeance is mine, I will repay.
51:00 Revelation 20, look at those words.
51:05 Revelation 20, "And fire came down from heaven,
51:13 out of heaven from God and devoured them.
51:19 And the devil, who deceived them,
51:21 was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone."
51:26 Ladies and gentlemen, let it be clear
51:28 that divine justice has made certain
51:31 that there will be hell to pay.
51:36 No, it's impossible you--
51:38 The truth is if there is no justice,
51:40 there can be no mercy, for justice
51:43 and mercy are inseparable,
51:46 which means when one comes a runnin',
51:47 the other cannot be far behind.
51:49 Some of you, this very day are crying out for divine justice.
51:55 I need to tell you, my friend,
51:56 mercy, mercy hears your plea.
52:03 And mercy will answer your prayer.
52:06 Don't you take revenge?
52:09 Don't you touch it?
52:11 Vengeance is mine, I'll take care of this.
52:14 You leave it alone, don't you touch it.
52:17 The mercy hears you.
52:20 And there is a day coming,
52:23 when into the nail scarred hands of mercy,
52:26 justice will be taken.
52:27 It will be a strange justice and I need to warn you,
52:29 it may not look like the justice
52:32 you were asking for,
52:35 but this much is clear.
52:37 On that day, both mercy and justice will be satisfied.
52:43 God will be satisfied.
52:45 And you will be satisfied as well.
52:48 "For shall not God avenge his own,
52:50 who cry out to him night and day."
53:34 Be still, my soul
53:37 The Lord is on thy side
53:44 Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
53:54 Leave to thy God
53:58 To order and provide
54:05 In every change
54:09 He faithful will remain
54:16 Be still, my soul,
54:21 Thy best, thy heavenly, friend
54:28 Through thorny ways
54:33 Leads to a joyful end
54:41 Be still, my soul
54:45 the hour is hastening on
54:52 When we shall be
54:56 Forever with the Lord
55:04 When disappointment
55:08 grief, and fear are gone
55:15 Sorrow forgot
55:19 love's purest joys restored
55:27 Be still, my soul
55:31 When change and tears are past
55:39 All safe and blessed
55:44 we shall meet at last
55:58 Holy Father,
56:03 we take comfort in knowing
56:07 that You will have the last word.
56:14 Justice and mercy shall triumph together
56:21 and when they do, may we be there for the celebration.
56:30 In the name of Jesus Christ,
56:32 our justice, at our mercy, amen.
56:58 Let me take one more moment of you time to let you know
57:01 that one of the blessings I received from this telecast
57:03 is being in touch with viewers like you
57:05 all across Michiana and our nation and literally the world.
57:09 I'm humbled and honored
57:10 with your sharing the journey with us.
57:11 Sometimes it's a Bible question,
57:13 other times it's an observation or a suggestion
57:15 and sometimes just a note to share a prayer
57:17 or a prayer request.
57:19 I'd love to hear from you
57:20 and it's so easy to be in touch.
57:21 Just go to our Pioneer Memorial Church website,
57:27 and click on contact, and then the word pastor
57:30 and then jot down the message you wish to send.
57:33 If you have a prayer request, click on those words
57:35 or call our toll free number 1-877-HIS-WILL
57:40 and I promise you that our prayer partners
57:42 will lift your personal need to God,
57:44 because, nobody should have to journey alone.
57:46 Not only do we have Jesus but we also have each other.
57:49 So write me, won't you at
57:53 In the meantime, may the God whose mercy
57:55 continually runs after us,
57:57 be with you 24/7, every step of the way.
58:02 I will see you again, right here, next time.


Revised 2015-05-06