New Perceptions

God's Party: Green Google

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP041908

02:07 Amen.
06:49 I was reading in Genesis 1 this week,
06:52 knowing that the topic was creation
06:54 and I'm just amazed
06:58 at how God created the earth in six days
07:01 and on the seventh day He rested,
07:03 but throughout all of His creation He says,
07:06 I do all things well. And that's what the song--
07:08 we're going to teach you a new song, it's called
07:11 "You do all things well."
07:14 And we're going to sing it through once
07:16 and then we're going to ask you to join us
07:17 the second time through.
07:22 Mountain maker
07:28 Ocean tamer
07:33 Glimpses of you Burn in my eyes
07:39 The worship of heaven
07:42 Fills up the skies You made it all
07:47 Said let there be And there was
07:53 All that we see
07:56 The sound of Your voice
07:59 The works of Your hands
08:03 You do all things well
08:09 You do all things well
08:14 You do all things well
08:19 We're going to ask you to join us
08:21 the second time as we sing it.
15:09 Just like a tree that's planted by the water
15:14 I shall not be moved
15:18 The winds are blowing all around me
15:24 I shall not be moved
15:28 Just like a tree that's planted by the water
15:33 I shall not be moved
15:38 The winds are blowing all around me
15:43 I shall not be moved
15:47 These winds will never last
15:52 This storm is sure to pass
15:57 This trial is just a test
16:01 So I shall not
16:04 I shall not No, I shall not
16:09 Be moved
16:11 These winds will never last
16:16 This storm is sure to pass
16:21 This trial is just a test
16:25 So I shall not
16:29 I shall not No, I shall not
16:33 Be moved
16:37 The winds of affliction sweep over my soul
16:39 and billows and storm clouds continue to roll
16:42 The winds of affliction sweep over my soul
16:45 and billows and storm clouds continue to roll
16:47 The winds of affliction sweep over my soul
16:50 and billows and storm clouds continue to roll
16:53 The winds of affliction sweep over my soul
16:56 and billows and storm clouds continue to roll
16:58 I shall not I shall not
17:03 No, I shall not be moved
17:08 I shall not I shall not
17:13 No, I shall not be moved
17:23 Let's pray together.
17:28 Holy Father all of creation has a song, we have a song.
17:34 We wanna sing along.
17:39 We have been much in reflection already,
17:48 regarding You as our Creator.
17:58 What does it mean here and now
18:05 teach us through Holy Scripture
18:10 and may we be the earth children you have called us
18:13 to be in Christ name, amen.
18:20 Did you know that last month Google
18:23 turned black in order to go green?
18:28 Google, everybody knows Google, of course.
18:31 The largest internet search engine on this planet.
18:34 Last month by the way, in the United States
18:36 alone 6.44 billion searches Americans made on Google.
18:42 Anyway last month may be you saw it
18:44 on homepage this sort of press release
18:50 notice appeared.
18:53 "Google users in the United States will notice today
18:56 that we turn the lights out on the homepage
19:00 as a gesture to raise awareness of the world wide
19:03 energy conservation effort called "Earth Hour."
19:06 Have you heard about it?
19:09 On Saturday March 29,
19:13 Earth Hour invites people around the world
19:15 to turn off their lights for one hour
19:17 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM in their local time zone.
19:20 On this day cities around the world including
19:22 Copenhagen, Chicago, Melbourne, Dubai and Tel Aviv
19:26 will hold events to acknowledge
19:27 their commitment to energy conservation,
19:30 Given our company's commitment
19:31 to environmental awareness in energy efficiency,
19:34 we strongly support the earth our campaign."
19:37 So on March 29, if you had gone to,
19:40 this is what you would have seen.
19:43 Google went black in order to go green.
19:48 Green of course being the operative color
19:50 of what Paul Hawkens in his new book,
19:52 "Blessed Unrest" given to me by my friend Dixie Wang,
19:57 but Paul Hawkens calls
19:58 the largest social movement in all of history,
20:02 The Green Movement.
20:05 In honor which today I am wearing this tie
20:09 that does not belong to me. Three weeks ago
20:12 our worship leader Justin Davis was up front,
20:15 I said, "Hey, Justin. In three weeks
20:16 I've got a preach on green, can I borrow your tie?"
20:20 So thank you Justin, very nice.
20:24 We are talking about the Green Movement,
20:25 we are talking about the conservation movement,
20:26 we are talking about earth day ecology, green Google.
20:33 So here's the pressing question.
20:35 Do you suppose we have to be as green as Google?
20:39 The pointed answer is simply we must be greener than Google.
20:44 I want you to open your Bible with me please
20:46 to the greenest story in all of Holy Scripture.
20:49 Back to the very beginning, Genesis 1.
20:53 I want to plunge into this with you, Genesis 1,
20:55 there is no greener chapter in the entire book.
21:00 Genesis 1, we're going to pick it up.
21:03 By the way I need to warn you,
21:05 this story starts green but almost literally
21:07 overnight the story turns brown.
21:10 We'll get the brown story, let's start with a green story.
21:13 Genesis 1, this is in the middle of day six,
21:17 God's creation is almost about to wrap up.
21:21 And when you step into Genesis 1
21:22 as you're finding it here it is,
21:24 it is the greenest and most luxurious global garden
21:27 you can possibly imagine.
21:30 Karen and I love to go to
21:32 Are you acquainted with
21:34 These brilliant color photographs from the world over.
21:38 And you know, you put those on your screen saver.
21:40 You put them on your desktop and ooh,
21:42 and you ah, just as luxury in glory.
21:46 During the Genesis 1,
21:47 and while you and I have witnessed
21:50 spectacular sunsets and sunrises.
21:54 This is almost heart-stopping.
21:55 Take a look at this Genesis 1:26,
21:57 this is almost heart-stopping.
21:59 This first of the green story, Genesis 1:26.
22:03 If you didn't bring a Bible yourself,
22:05 grab our pew Bible, same translation
22:07 in New King James Version.
22:09 I want to move to the end of day six,
22:11 this would be versus 26, Genesis 1:26, page 1,
22:14 of course in your pew Bible.
22:17 Then God said, creation almost over,
22:22 "Let us make man ha-adam,
22:25 from which eventually came the name Adam
22:28 but speaking of humankind,
22:29 "Let us make humankind in our image
22:32 according to our likeness, let them, male and female,
22:36 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
22:39 over the birds of the air and over the cattle,
22:41 and over all the earth and over every creeping thing
22:45 that creeps on the earth."
22:46 Verse 27, "So God created ha-adam in His own image,
22:51 In the image of God He created him,
22:52 male and female, He created them,
22:55 them then God blessed them and God said to them,
22:57 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue do it,
23:01 have dominion over the fish of the sea,
23:04 over the birds of the air and over every living thing
23:07 that moves on the earth."
23:09 Now I got to tell you that for some people
23:10 there are two very scary verbs tucked away in
23:13 what we've just read.
23:14 Verb 1, have dominion and verb 2, subdue.
23:19 It's almost as if, I mean you could get this sets
23:22 that God has somehow granting
23:23 to the human race a despotic rule,
23:26 sort of a carte blanche permission
23:31 for unbridled exploitation of nature and her resources.
23:35 We could make that conclusion with those two verbs,
23:38 were it not for two more verbs quickly inserted
23:41 into the very green chapter two.
23:42 You go to read the two chapters together.
23:44 So two more verbs, green chapter two,
23:47 go to--drop down to verse 15,
23:50 "Then the Lord God took the man
23:53 and put him in the garden of Eden to tend,"
23:56 here comes the two verbs, "to tend and keep it."
24:00 Now that's 1 Hebrew, abide, it means to tend.
24:04 You can translate it to till, but something fascinating
24:06 about that Hebrew word is that the verb
24:09 is very similar to the noun,
24:10 so abide is very similar to abed.
24:13 And you find abed, listen to this, guys,
24:15 the very last occurrence of the Book of Genesis,
24:17 you remember, Joseph's brothers sold him
24:20 in the slavery 18-- 12 years later, 12 years later.
24:27 19 years later, I'm sorry 19 years later.
24:30 Those brothers are gathered in Joseph's presence,
24:32 so we all know the story of how he introduces himself to them.
24:38 And in that moment when they fall to the earth,
24:41 they cry out the words in Genesis 50,
24:44 "We will be your servants forever."
24:48 The word servants and the word to tend are identical,
24:52 same writ, meaning that when God speaks in Genesis 2
24:57 of tending the garden,
24:58 He is describing serving the earth.
25:03 Now hold on, you'd say how this fits that second verb.
25:06 Read verse 15 again.
25:07 "Then the Lord took the man and He put them
25:09 in the garden of Eden to tend," and what's the second verb?
25:12 "To keep it."
25:14 The Hebrew word for keep is Shamar.
25:16 Now when we were boys,
25:17 my mother had us memorized the 121 Psalm.
25:22 We often repeated the 121 Psalm
25:24 at the beginning of the Sabbath at sundown.
25:27 I want to show you something very fascinating
25:30 about this word Shamar, as it appears in Psalm 121.
25:32 Hold your finger right there in Genesis 1.
25:34 Finds the 121 Psalm, Psalm 121, look at this.
25:41 What does that word Shamar mean?
25:44 What are the implications of this word?
25:48 All right, we are in the green story, Psalm 121.
25:52 You remember these words, familiar words.
25:55 All right, Psalm 121, as it begin their in verse 1,
25:58 "I will lift up my eyes," everybody knows it,
26:01 "I will lift up my eyes to the--"
26:04 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills
26:05 from whence comes my help comes from the Lord
26:08 who made heaven and earth."
26:09 All right, it is a song to the Creator,
26:12 "I'm lifting up my eyes to the Creator.
26:14 He will not allow your foot to be moved."
26:17 Now notice this, "He who keeps you," same word,
26:21 as Adam and Eve were asked to do in the garden.
26:23 "He who keeps you will not slumber."
26:24 Verse 4, "Behold He who keeps," there it is again,
26:26 "He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
26:29 The Lord is your keeper." There it is, the third time,
26:32 "The Lord is your shade upon your right hand.
26:33 The sun should not strike you by day nor the moon by night.
26:36 The Lord shall," How does it read?
26:37 "The Lord shall," What? Same word again,
26:40 the translators now have given
26:42 a slight deferential to the word.
26:44 "The Lord shall preserve you from all evil.
26:47 He shall preserve," There it is again,
26:49 "He shall preserve your soul."
26:50 Finally verse 8, "The Lord shall preserve your going out
26:53 and your coming in from this time forth
26:55 and even forevermore."
26:56 The point ladies and gentlemen is that word Shamar
26:58 which is to keep is essentially to preserve
27:02 and to protect which gives a powerful green truth
27:08 that God is attempting to bring to the human race
27:12 in the very green chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis.
27:16 This truth is so powerful that I wish you take out
27:18 your green study guide today.
27:20 Look at this, our green study guide, have mercy.
27:22 Take out your green study guide today.
27:24 Let's scribble it down, will you?
27:27 Let's jot this-- what is the green point, guys?
27:29 Thank you ushers for making sure
27:31 that everybody here gets a green,
27:33 a green, this is a collector's item,
27:35 you can sell it on eBay.
27:36 A green study guide for today's green Google.
27:42 Take your study guide, by the way those
27:43 who are watching on television, we're delighted to have you.
27:45 You can get the same study,
27:46 and by the way, it will be green.
27:48 If you have green paper in your printer,
27:49 it will come out, I promise you it will come out green.
27:52 Go to our website, and let me put it
27:53 on the screen for you"
27:58 You're looking for a series called God's Party.
28:00 We are wrapping up the series.
28:01 Next Sabbath, the final installment in God's Party:
28:05 Yahoo, a perfect way to end this series
28:08 but today it's Green Google.
28:09 So you are looking for God's Party
28:10 then you are looking for Green Google
28:11 and you're looking for the word beside Green Google
28:13 that says study guide.
28:15 When you find study guide, you click on
28:18 and you will have this same study guide.
28:20 All right so let's just scribble it in.
28:22 What is the green point that in the beginning
28:26 is seeking to making to the human race?
28:28 First make sure that you know that we're in the green story.
28:30 So would you fill it in please,
28:32 jot it down this is the green story.
28:35 All right, Genesis 1 and 2, the green story.
28:37 Now keep the pen moving.
28:39 Genesis 1:26-28, here are the two verbs,
28:43 "To have dominion" and "To subdue,"
28:47 we look at those two verbs is explained by Genesis 2:15
28:51 where the next two verbs where "To tend" means,
28:53 jot this down, "To serve" and "to keep"
28:56 means "To preserve and protect."
28:59 I.e. write it down,
29:02 "To rule the earth means to serve creation."
29:07 And God describes putting the human race
29:10 on this planet to rule, to have dominion means
29:12 you're going to serve it, you're going to protect it,
29:15 you're going to preserved it.
29:17 In fact, jot this down.
29:18 You could say that the Sabbath is God's original earth day
29:22 for his green agenda from the beginning
29:24 because after He gives those orders
29:26 for the green movement in the beginning,
29:28 He then gives the Sabbath.
29:29 Let's read that, go back to Genesis 2 in your Bible.
29:34 Back to that green chapter, Genesis 2,
29:36 pick it up in verse 1,
29:37 "Thus the heavens and the earth
29:38 and all the host of them were finished.
29:42 And on the seventh day God ended His work
29:46 which He had done and He rested on the seventh day
29:50 from all His work which He had done.
29:52 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
29:55 because in it He rested from all His work
29:58 which He had created and made."
30:02 The green story, but the tragedy is the green story
30:07 was not to remain green for long.
30:10 And we move almost overnight to the brown story.
30:13 In fact write it down please, it's the brown story.
30:18 Everybody knows the story of the fall.
30:21 God puts a tree in the middle of the garden,
30:24 nothing poisonous in the tree, no evil curse to the tree.
30:28 It's simply another tree
30:30 but in order to have a voting booth,
30:32 in order to establish that the human race has chosen Him,
30:36 God has given simple instructions for this tree,
30:37 "If you go to this tree, you vote for Lucifer.
30:39 If you go to this tree, you vote for evil.
30:41 If you wish to remain on my side in this cosmic warfare,
30:48 stay away from the tree.
30:50 We know the heartache of Eve and Adam
30:53 both going to that tree
30:54 as if they were pulling the lever,
30:56 pulling the lever to that voting booth.
31:01 They hide, God comes in search of them.
31:08 "Why are you hiding from me?"
31:10 "I heard you coming, I was afraid."
31:11 "Why are you afraid?" "I am naked."
31:12 "How do you know you are naked?
31:14 Did you eat of that tree? Ah, you pulled the lever."
31:18 Ladies and gentlemen,
31:19 there are four consequences to the human fall,
31:22 and I want you to get this down in your study guide please.
31:24 Four consequences, number one.
31:26 As God begins to talk to them He says,
31:28 "Hey, serpent, I want to tell you something.
31:29 You are going to be forever changed."
31:31 Consequence number one,
31:32 is that animal life on this planet is affected,
31:35 the serpent, all of animal life is affected.
31:39 Number two, God looks at the serpent,
31:41 He says, "You know what, the woman's going to have
31:43 a baby one day and that seed, I am going to create enmity
31:46 between you and the human race, that the entire human life
31:50 is affected on this planet." That's consequence two.
31:52 Consequence number three. God comes to Eve and He says,
31:55 "Eve, you are going to still have babies
31:56 but it is going to be an awful pain.
31:58 You're going to bare in pain and labor
32:01 to bring forth that child."
32:02 And then God comes to Adam and He says,
32:04 "Adam, I got to tell you, the whole creation,
32:07 all of creation will be affected because of your decision."
32:11 In fact, I want you to read this,
32:13 verse 17, in this tragic brown story.
32:16 Verse 17, Genesis 3:17, "Then to Adam,
32:19 God said, this is the Creator,
32:20 this is the pre incarnate Christ.
32:22 He says to Adam, 'Because you have heeded
32:23 the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree
32:26 of which I commanded you saying,
32:27 "You shall not eat of it."
32:29 Cursed is the ground for your sake.
32:32 In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.
32:34 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you.
32:37 And you shall eat the herb of the field."
32:39 And verse 19, "In the sweat of your face
32:41 you shall eat till you return to the ground for out of it
32:43 you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you shall return."
32:48 It is brown from here on out.
32:50 You are brown now. You go back to the earth.
32:55 And what's the brown story?
32:56 Ladies and gentlemen, the brown story is simply
32:58 that as a consequence of our rebellion against the Creator.
33:04 And by the way the brown story
33:06 is what the green movement does not tell.
33:08 They either don't know or don't believe it
33:11 but it is the brown story that tells us
33:13 as a consequence of usurping our divinely
33:18 ordained dominion on this planet allowing it
33:24 to be usurped by the fallen angel Lucifer,
33:28 by voting to choose his side over God side.
33:34 It is the brown story of an entire creation
33:38 that is plunged into the heartache.
33:43 The green movement does not tell the brown story.
33:46 You and I must recognize, we live with that brown story.
33:50 In fact the New Testament even more powerfully
33:53 than Genesis 3 in a very succinct way
33:56 tells the from green to brown story.
33:59 Go to the Book of Romans, our last text
34:01 we will look up together, Romans 8.
34:07 I want to reflect with you. I want to reflect the meaning
34:09 of the third millennia survivors that we are.
34:11 How do we relate to the movement,
34:18 the largest social movement in the history of earth
34:20 as Paul Hawkens calls it.
34:22 Romans 8:19, drop down to verse 19.
34:27 By the way this is page 761 in your pew Bible.
34:32 "For the earnest expectations of the creation,"
34:34 you're going to see those two words,
34:36 the creation, four times, that little couplet.
34:37 "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly
34:41 waits for the revealing of the sons of God."
34:43 Something has gone horribly wrong in creation
34:45 and all of creation awaits that the word that the Paul
34:49 uses there is apocalypses.
34:50 It waits for the apocalypse.
34:52 It waits for the wrapping up of this
34:55 tragedy experiment in rebellion.
34:57 "For the earnest expectations of the creation
34:58 eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God,"
35:01 Verse 20, "For the creation
35:02 was subjected to futility, not willingly."
35:06 Nature itself had no choice in the brown story.
35:11 The choice was made by the human race
35:13 and as a consequence all the creation is thrown
35:17 into this horrible dysfunction.
35:22 Verse 20, "For the creation was subjected to futility,
35:24 not willingly, but because of Him
35:26 who subjected it in hope."
35:27 God didn't say, "Okay, nature,
35:29 I am going to kill you now because Adam and Eve said,
35:31 no, no, no, no." He said, "I am awfully sorry to do this.
35:33 I am awfully sorry that the entire ecosystem
35:35 now will be plunged into brown."
35:41 Why did God do it because, verse 21,
35:42 "Because the creation itself also will be delivered one day
35:47 from the bondage of corruption
35:48 into the glorious liberty of the children of God."
35:50 Here comes the summation,
35:52 "For we know that the whole creation,
35:54 the entire earth, all of nature groans and labors
35:59 with child pangs together until now."
36:01 Jot it down ladies and gentlemen,
36:03 "There is no more succinct and emotive a retelling
36:06 of the green to brown story than this.
36:09 The whole creation groans.
36:15 We were in Kenya at the Masai Mara couple of months ago,
36:18 this huge wild kingdom
36:23 and I took this picture of a lioness
36:24 that had just filled a gazelle.
36:29 Take a look at that picture, ladies and gentleman,
36:31 that's the brown story. That's all creation groaning.
36:37 Do you think that gazelle shows this consequence?
36:44 Creation has not sinned, creation cannot be faulted.
36:49 It got sucked into the brown story
36:53 because of our choice.
36:56 All creation, the whole creation groans, longing for redemption.
37:04 Oh, good, so let's just wait then.
37:05 Let's just wait till Christ comes
37:07 and then we get green again for ever and ever, amen.
37:10 Wrong, wrong. I want you to listen for a moment
37:14 to one of the most articulate voices in the green movement.
37:16 He is Harvard scientist, Edward Wilson,
37:18 hailed by Time Magazine
37:19 as one of the world's greatest naturalists.
37:23 My son Kirk as we were flying off to Africa,
37:27 he said, "Dad, you got to read this.
37:28 You just got to read this book."
37:31 It's E.O. Wilson's book, new book,
37:32 The Creation, an appeal to save life on earth.
37:35 Now, Kirk is in environment studies,
37:37 major, double major with communications
37:38 and so he's working for Dennis Woodland,
37:40 the resident scientist and botanist on this campus.
37:44 And so Kirk said, "Dad, read it."
37:47 Now, I did, look at this, atheist scientist.
37:51 And here's how the whole-- here's how the book is set up.
37:52 He is writing to an imaginary pastor.
37:58 And the whole book is his passionate appeal to Christians.
38:03 Here's how it begins, "Dear Pastor we have not met,
38:06 yet I feel I know you well enough to call you friend.
38:09 First of all, we grew up in the same faith.
38:11 As a boy I too answered the altar call,
38:13 I went under the water."
38:14 He was a Baptist, he grew up a Baptist.
38:16 "I went under the water,
38:17 although I no longer belong to that faith,
38:19 I am confident that if we met
38:20 and spoke privately of our deepest beliefs,
38:23 it would be in a spirit of mutual respect and good will.
38:26 I write to you now for your counsel and help.
38:30 Of course, in doing so, I see no way to avoid
38:32 the fundamental differences in our respective worldviews.
38:34 You are a literalist interpreter of Christian Holy Scripture.
38:38 You reject the conclusion of science
38:39 that mankind evolved from lower forms.
38:41 I am a secular humanist
38:43 which is kind of a euphemism for atheists.
38:46 I think existence is what we make of it as individuals.
38:48 There is no guarantee of life after death,
38:50 and heaven and hell are what we create
38:52 for ourselves on this planet.
38:53 There is no other home. Humanity originated here
38:56 by evolution from lower forms over millions of years.
38:59 And yes, I will speak plain, our ancestors
39:01 were apelike animals, preacher.
39:06 For you, the glory of an unseen divinity;
39:08 for me the glory of the universe revealed at last.
39:10 You have found your final truth, I am still searching.
39:13 I may be wrong, you may be wrong.
39:14 We may both be partly right.
39:18 I put it this way because you have the power
39:21 to help solve a great problem about which I care deeply.
39:24 I hope you have the same concern.
39:26 I suggest that we set aside our differences
39:28 in order to save the Creation."
39:29 And Creation, all through the book is capital C.
39:31 "The defense of living nature is a universal value.
39:34 It doesn't arise from, nor does it promote
39:36 any religious or ideological dogma.
39:38 Rather, it serves without discrimination
39:40 the interests of all humanity."
39:42 And now, take your study guide
39:43 because I am going to pick it up right
39:45 what you have in your study guide.
39:46 "Pastor, we need your help.
39:50 The Creation-living Nature is in deep trouble.
39:53 Scientists estimate that if habitat conversion
39:55 and other destructive human activities
39:57 continue at their present rates,"
39:59 write this down,
40:01 "Half the species of plants and animals on earth
40:03 could be either gone or at least fated for early extinction
40:06 by the end of the century.
40:11 A full quarter, jot that down.
40:12 A full quarter will drop to this level during
40:14 the next half century as a result of climate change alone.
40:17 The ongoing extinction rate is calculated
40:19 in the most conservative estimates to be about
40:21 a hundred times above that prevailing
40:23 before humans appeared on Earth,
40:25 we would say since the fall
40:26 the extinction rate is hundred times more than
40:30 it was in the beginning and it is expected to rise
40:33 at least a thousand times greater or more
40:36 in the next few decades.
40:37 If this rise continues unabated, the cost to humanity,
40:41 in wealth, environmental security,
40:42 and quality of life, will be catastrophic, catastrophic."
40:48 So write this atheist scientist.
40:52 "You may well ask at this point,"
40:54 let me just keep reading a couple of more lines.
40:56 "Why me? Because religion and science
40:58 are the two most powerful forces in the world today,
41:00 including especially the United States.
41:02 If religion and science could be united
41:04 on the common ground of biological conservation,
41:07 the problem would soon be solved."
41:10 Now listen to this, "I am puzzled
41:11 that so many religious leaders, who spiritually represent
41:14 a large majority of people around the world,
41:15 have hesitated to make protection of the Creation
41:18 an important part of their magisterium."
41:21 Hold on, "Even more perplexing, now listen,
41:24 is the widespread conviction among Christians
41:26 that the Second Coming is imminent," sound familiar?
41:30 "That the Second Coming is imminent
41:31 and that therefore the condition of the planet
41:33 is of little consequence. For those who believe
41:36 this form of Christianity, the fate of ten million
41:39 other life forms indeed does not matter.
41:41 Pastor, tell me I am wrong." Is he wrong?
41:48 Is he wrong about us as a community of faith in learning?
41:52 Is he wrong about us who have this passionate
41:55 hope that Jesus is coming soon
41:56 and because of that hope is he right?
41:59 And in fact, who cares whether we trash the earth or not,
42:03 it's almost over. Is he wrong?
42:08 I tell you what if E.O. Wilson were here today,
42:10 I like to write him a letter back.
42:11 If he were today, here's what I will do.
42:13 Since he call me by my first name,
42:14 I will call him by his first name,
42:16 "Dear, Professor, yes it is true, yes it is true.
42:22 So here's my letter to E.O. Wilson, all right.
42:24 "Yes it is true, we are Adventists
42:27 and we believe that Christ is soon to return to this planet.
42:30 Nevertheless we reject the notion
42:32 that the creation is no longer of any concern to us,
42:35 for we are not simply little a Adventists,
42:37 a hope shared by Christians everywhere.
42:39 No, we are Seventh-day Adventists
42:43 which means that ideally we should choose
42:46 to live our lives by the following four credos."
42:49 Would you write these down in your study guide please.
42:51 Number one, "We are not products of nature's--
42:55 of natural selections random chance
42:58 but we are the creation
42:59 of a loving and intelligent Creator."
43:01 Write that in. Number two,
43:05 "As a memorial of His creation,
43:07 God gave to the human race the seventh-day Sabbath,
43:10 a day in which we rest in His friendship
43:12 and celebrate His handiwork."
43:15 Write that in. Number three,
43:17 "We therefore are reminded every seventh day
43:20 that this world of nature is God's entrustment
43:23 to us for our care. And finally, number four,
43:27 "We recognize that the Creation will never be
43:30 fully healed though we do recognize
43:32 that it will never be fully healed of its obvious
43:34 dysfunction evil's final eradication,
43:37 and though we eagerly do await
43:39 the return of our Savior and Creator,
43:41 nevertheless we believe our care of God's Creation
43:45 is required of all who are children of the Creator."
43:52 Pastor, tell me I am wrong, you wrote.
43:54 "Professor, I wish that you were,
43:56 in fact I hope that you are. But let me be quick to assure
44:02 you that you're also right.
44:04 For now more than ever religion and science,
44:05 the church and the academy must join forces
44:09 to fight for the preservation and protection
44:11 of the creation whether or not
44:12 we believe it to be the product of natural random selection
44:15 as you do or the gift of a loving Creator as we do.
44:18 Our radically different worldviews must not prevent
44:21 or preclude our joining forces for this shared cause,
44:26 your friend, the Pastor."
44:34 So how green shall we then live,
44:36 we who believe that Jesus is soon to come?
44:41 Dixie Wang gave me Paul Hawkens book, Blessed Unrest.
44:45 How the largest movement in the world
44:47 came into being and why no one saw it coming.
44:50 In that book, this is in your study guide,
44:51 in that book he speak of a rabbinical tradition
44:53 that holds that if the world is ending
44:55 and the Messiah arrives, you first plant a tree
44:59 and then go to find out if the story is true or not.
45:02 You plant a tree.
45:05 So how should we then plant our trees,
45:07 we who await the return of the Messiah?
45:09 How shall we color our world green
45:11 even while it is still brown?
45:14 Let me close with ten ways, ten ways you and I
45:19 as Creator loving, creation serving
45:22 and Sabbath keeping Christians can turn our world green.
45:25 All right, ten ways. Write them down, ten ways.
45:29 Please get this, this is now
45:30 a part of the Back to Green story.
45:33 Now back to green, back to green.
45:35 We were green, then we were brown and now finally,
45:37 how do we get back to green?
45:39 Number one, eat greens.
45:48 Became a vegetarian.
45:52 New York Times, January 26 this year,
45:55 carried a piece entitled
45:56 "Rethinking the meat guzzler that is food for thought."
45:59 keep you pen ready.
46:01 Americans, get this guy's,
46:03 Americans consume that means grow
46:04 and kill 10 billion animals a year, just Americans.
46:10 All right, write that down.
46:12 Number two, jot this down.
46:13 An estimated 30% of the earth's ice free-land
46:17 is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production
46:19 which generates nearly a fifth of the world's
46:23 greenhouse gases more than even transportation.
46:26 Can you believe it?
46:28 More than transportation, those animals.
46:32 800 million, you don't have this down but let me tell you,
46:34 800 million human being suffer from hunger
46:36 and malnutrition and yet guess what,
46:38 the dominant, the dominant purpose for growing corn
46:42 and soy is not to the feed the hungry,
46:44 it's to stock up the animals that we will then kill to eat.
46:51 Jot this one down, two to five times
46:53 more grain as much as ten times more in the United States
46:56 is required to produce the same amount of calories
46:58 to livestock as to direct grain consumption.
47:01 Listen, you want to live healthy,
47:02 take the grain in your hand
47:03 and shove it down in your mouth.
47:04 Don't eat it after the cow has eaten it.
47:09 Just shove it down your mouth.
47:12 You don't need all that stuff on top of it.
47:17 One more, the environmental impact of growing
47:20 so much grain for animal feed is profound.
47:23 Agriculture in the U.S. much of which now serve
47:26 the demand for meat contributes nearly
47:28 three-quarters of all water quality problems
47:31 in the nation's rivers and streams."
47:35 Ladies and gentlemen, I need you hear me
47:36 very, very clearly now.
47:40 Strictly, all right, strictly from an ecological
47:44 or green perspective, let's just deal in that way,
47:49 not saying a word about the massive,
47:51 health cost carried by disease-causing
47:53 animal flesh consumption.
47:55 Not saying a word about that.
47:56 Not saying a word about the moral issue
47:59 of animal cruelty in our assembly line,
48:01 hormone injected, animal production and slaughter.
48:04 Strictly from a green perspective,
48:08 it is both incongruous and inconsistent
48:11 for anyone advocating environmental stewardship
48:14 to adopt a diet that requires the raping a both animals
48:17 and farmlands for the sake of meat consumption.
48:22 It is absolutely incongruous.
48:25 The next time you're at McDonalds
48:29 and you're wolfing down that cheeseburger,
48:32 I want you to think, no, I am serious
48:35 because we have a whole lot of people
48:36 walking around saying, I am green, man, I am green.
48:38 I am into this green movement, bring it on.
48:41 Okay put your money where your mouth is.
48:45 The next time you wolf down that double whopper,
48:52 you ask yourself the implications of my purchasing,
48:58 this product sustains
49:01 an industry that is destroying this planet.
49:07 Go green, eat greens, number one.
49:11 Number two, and by the way from two to nine
49:14 I am embedded to Ashley Burnett.
49:19 In last weeks at student moment,
49:21 delightful little piece she put together.
49:22 So numbers two through nine are from her.
49:25 This is good stuff. So just scribble these,
49:27 I will fly through it.
49:28 Number two, number one is eat greens.
49:31 Number two, power down.
49:33 What is she talking about?
49:34 She's talking about turn off the lights.
49:36 I went to Sierra clubs website and found out that 44%
49:39 of the electricity we use in our offices,
49:41 in buildings, in classroom,
49:42 44% electricity is from lights alone.
49:47 Just turn the light out when you leave.
49:49 Just turn the light out when you leave.
49:51 You can help the earth, turn it off, power down.
49:54 Number three, I like this, this is Ashley,
49:57 tune up, pump up and team up.
49:59 Tune up means if you have that old belching car
50:03 that keeps blowing blue smoke all through campus,
50:05 get it tuned, just get the car tune.
50:07 Team up means carpool, but pump up,
50:09 I like this. Jot this down.
50:10 If we all kept our tires properly inflated,
50:13 we could save almost two billion gallons of gas a year,
50:18 isn't that some, two billion
50:19 just from keeping your tires pumped up.
50:21 Number three, no, that's number three.
50:23 Number four, let me go back to number three
50:28 because there's an evangelical movement called
50:30 the evangelical environment, environmental network
50:33 and they are challenging Christian and Adventists
50:37 love affair with the SUV's and they are asking
50:39 the bumper sticker question, what would Jesus drive?
50:48 Drive through our parking lot after church today.
50:55 Are we doing our best to conserve gasoline
50:59 and oil consumption? You say, "Pastor,
51:02 I see that you're driving a little blazer SUV."
51:06 Yeah, but its 1996, gives awful gas mileage,
51:11 I am telling you the truth, 14 miles per gallon.
51:15 Yeah. I know it's a Sabbath but yes if anybody wants us--
51:19 What did you say, sell it?
51:20 All right. See me afterwards.
51:27 All right, number four, number four, make it quick.
51:32 Jot this down, will you.
51:33 On average we each use 123 gallons of water
51:36 per day with 60 of them coming
51:37 from a single 10 minute shower.
51:40 You can save 12 gallons by cutting two minutes off
51:42 you shower time. Look at that, go green, shower less.
51:48 Now that's not Ashley, that's kind of slipped in,
51:50 I don't know how that got in there.
51:52 Shower well but shower shorter, that's the point, all right.
51:55 Number five, number five, recycle it.
51:58 Write it down, recycle it.
51:59 The environmental protection agency estimates
52:02 that each of us produces 4.5 pounds
52:05 of trash everyday.
52:08 Now, there's been a big-faculty send me their,
52:11 some of their emails, so there's been quite
52:13 a discussion on campus over the last two weeks
52:15 about recycling on this campus
52:16 and I'm not going to get into the thick of that.
52:18 I do believe our provost has heard the conversation
52:20 and is acting to respond.
52:21 Ladies and gentleman, we've got to recycle.
52:23 We recycle here at the church, you these bulletins
52:25 that you lovingly leave behind when you exit this church.
52:30 We take all of that, all goes to recycling,
52:32 recycle, recycle. There's a website here,
52:34 if you don't know where your recycle center is,
52:35 to find a center near you.
52:39 Number six, go mobile.
52:40 Now this one surprised me. Buy your own thermos jug
52:43 and get a water filter and do this.
52:47 Write it down, when you purchase
52:49 a one liter bottle of water you are actually
52:51 consuming six liters since plastic manufacturing
52:54 requires five liters of water
52:56 just to cool the plastic container before you get it.
52:59 So you're drinking six every time you drink one,
53:01 you are spending six liters of water.
53:04 Just use your own thermos, fill it up,
53:07 drink out of that.
53:09 You go Ashley. Number seven, hug a tree.
53:12 This isn't something, guys.
53:14 Just by leaving receipts in the ATM machines
53:16 and gas station pumps will save
53:18 over three billion feet of paper,
53:21 enough to circle the globe 22 times, amazing.
53:24 Just, hey, I don't need a receipt, keeps it.
53:28 Sierra Club reminds us by the way,
53:29 to print on both sides, they use the back sides
53:31 of old documents for faxes and drafts.
53:33 The average US office worker goes through
53:35 10,000 sheets of copy paper a year.
53:39 Number eight, charitize.
53:41 What does Ashley mean by that?
53:42 She means never throw old clothes away
53:45 unless they are exceptionally stinky.
53:48 Take your clothes to the neighbor to neighbor,
53:50 there's a little neighbor to neighbor center here
53:52 in the village you take it their.
53:53 Take it to the goodwill, recycle your clothes.
53:56 There is somebody on this planet
53:57 who would love to have that outfit.
54:00 And not have to pay to have something to wear.
54:03 Recycle your clothes, charitize it, give it to charity.
54:05 Number nine, this is a two-mile challenge.
54:07 Ashley says, if you're going two miles or less,
54:09 park your car, walk your feet, lose the weight
54:12 and enjoy becoming green, just park your car.
54:17 Now we don't have to drive that hundred yards,
54:19 a hundred yards, I got to drive that parking
54:22 lot across campus, please.
54:24 And finally, number ten, I want to add this.
54:26 Ponder the green tree. I love this, Desire of Ages,
54:30 page 660, here's something for the green movement.
54:32 "To the death of Christwe owe even
54:34 this earthly life. The bread--"
54:36 and I am thinking about farmlands globally.
54:38 "The bread we eat is the purchase of His broken body.
54:41 The water--" I am thinking about rivers and streams,
54:43 lakes and oceans, "The water we drink
54:44 is bought by His spilled blood."
54:46 Listen to this, "The cross of Calvary
54:48 is stamped on every loaf.
54:50 It is reflected in every water spring."
54:53 Final line, would you jot it down,
54:55 "The death of Christ upon the cross
54:57 in some mysterious way set in motion
55:00 the re-greening of a creation turned brown."
55:04 Yep, redeeming the sinners but of course,
55:06 but also a re-greening of nature as well.
55:10 I'm telling you what guys, to the cross of Christ,
55:12 truly, truly, truly, to the cross of Jesus.
55:15 We own it all, we owe everything to the cross of Christ.
55:19 You know why don't you, you know why?
55:21 You know why we owe it all to the cross?
55:23 Because remember when we were
55:24 in Genesis 3 and God said,
55:25 I am going curse the ground, here's the word,
55:27 the Creator who said He cursed the ground came
55:31 and bore that curse on Calvary itself.
55:35 God bore the curse. You thought that it was Google
55:39 that turned black in order to become green?
55:42 No, no, no, it is God who on that Friday
55:44 turned very black in order for you and me
55:49 to become very green.
55:54 If any man is in Christ,
55:55 if any woman is in Christ she, he is a green
56:03 and new creation,
56:08 which is why ladies and gentlemen,
56:09 the Sabbath day is God's green earth day
56:16 which means that of all people on this planet,
56:18 you and I have got to lead the return to green.
56:26 Let's pray. Oh, God,
56:31 our Creator, You make us green,
56:37 You keep us green in Christ Jesus
56:42 and now holy Father, help us,
56:46 help You turn your world back
56:52 to green again, amen.
56:57 I wanted to take one more moment here
56:59 at the end of the telecast to let you know
57:01 how grateful I am for your journey with us,
57:04 with our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:06 You may think that New Perceptions
57:07 is only about television but I need to tell you,
57:10 we do have a website which is more than
57:12 just the study guide.
57:13 I know we go to the study guide every week
57:15 but if you go to our website,
57:16 let me put the address on the screen again,
57:22 You'll find at that website a blog.
57:24 I write every Wednesday.
57:25 I sit down with my laptop and write up a blog,
57:27 something as commenting on world events,
57:29 something local, something national.
57:31 You get the blog.
57:32 You want archive, previous teachings from here
57:35 in the Pioneer Pulpit, you go to that annotated archive.
57:38 You can pick out a message, it will be sent to you.
57:41 You want to get into the podcast business,
57:44 I am not real high-techie on this
57:46 but if you click podcast,
57:47 you'll be able to connect instantly
57:49 with every new teaching that comes
57:50 from the Pioneer Pulpit.
57:51 The point is we're trying to connect
57:53 with a generation on the move, on the go.
57:56 Thanks for being a part of it.
57:57 Thanks for your prayer partnership.
57:58 We have got to connect with this generation
58:01 at this time in earth's history.
58:03 And I'm grateful you and I are sharing the mission.
58:05 God bless you until next time.


Revised 2014-12-17