New Perceptions

Go Over The Head Of Warren Buffet

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP041809

07:25 Now sing together,
07:26 "Over the mountains and the seas."
07:28 Over the mountains and the sea
07:31 Your river runs with love for me
07:34 And I will open up my heart And let the Healer set me free
07:39 I'm happy to be in the truth. I'm happy to be in the truth
07:44 And I will daily lift my hands I'll always sing.
07:47 For I will always sing Of when your love came down.
07:49 Of when Your love came down
07:52 And sing that chorus out together.
07:53 I could sing of Your love forever
07:59 Just raise our voices.
08:00 I could sing of Your love forever
08:06 I could sing of Your love forever
08:12 I could sing of Your love forever
08:18 We're gonna sing that once more.
08:26 Just have every voice singing, all together,
08:29 "Over the mountains and the sea."
08:31 Over the mountains and the sea
08:34 Your River runs with love for me
08:37 And I will open up my heart And let the healer set me free
08:42 I'm happy to be in the truth. I'm happy to be in the truth
08:47 And I will daily lift my hands For I will always sing
08:52 Of when Your love came down I could sing.
08:57 I could sing of Your love forever
09:03 I could sing of Your love forever
09:09 I could sing of Your love forever
09:16 I could sing of Your love--
09:18 Amazing grace, can we have the ladies sing?
09:21 Amazing grace!
09:27 How sweet the sound
09:33 That saved a wretch
09:39 like me!
09:46 I once was lost,
09:52 but now am found
09:58 Was blind, but now
10:04 I see
10:09 One last time we sing in chorus "I could sing."
10:12 I could sing of Your love forever
10:18 I could sing of Your love forever
10:25 I could sing of Your love forever
10:31 I could sing of Your love forever
10:42 Thank you, Wind Symphony and the worship team.
10:49 I can't believe that in two Sabbath
10:53 the year will be over.
10:54 But you blessed us while you are here.
10:55 Thank you very much. Hope you coming back next year.
10:59 We'll be waiting for you. God give you a blessed summer.
11:05 Let's pray together.
11:08 Holy Father, we could sing of Your love forever.
11:10 Why not?
11:12 When You know, You have been loved that much.
11:16 Can't help, but sing.
11:20 But today's teaching reinforced that truth
11:23 beyond the shadow of a doubt.
11:25 We pray in Jesus name, amen.
11:31 Do you know who this man is? Recognize him?
11:35 You don't? That's Warren Buffett.
11:39 Have you ever heard of Warren Buffett?
11:42 Have you?
11:44 Forbes magazine last month
11:46 came out with a report on Warren Buffett,
11:47 I've got it from
11:50 Let me just read to you about that man.
11:54 Age, 77. Fortune, self-made.
11:59 Source, Berkshire Hathaway.
12:02 Country of citizenship, United States.
12:04 Residence, Omaha, Nebraska, United States, North America.
12:07 Industry, Investments. Marital status, widowed.
12:10 Re-married, three children.
12:12 Education, University of Nebraska,
12:15 Lincoln, Bachelor of Arts and Science,
12:17 Columbia University, Master of Science.
12:20 Your education stands you in good stead.
12:23 Now, America's most beloved investor
12:25 is now the World's richest man.
12:29 Soared past friend and bridge partner Bill Gates
12:31 as shares of Berkshire Hathaway climb 25 percent
12:35 since the middle of last July.
12:36 Son of Nebraska politician,
12:38 he delivered newspapers as a boy.
12:39 Filed his first tax return at the age of 13,
12:43 claiming $35 deduction for bicycle.
12:47 You go.
12:48 Now you know, why he is, of what he is.
12:52 All right, here we go, let me read one more line.
12:55 Took over textile firm, Berkshire,
12:57 Berkshire Hathaway, 1965,
12:59 today, holding company invested in insurance, GEICO.
13:04 Never heard of that little Australian accented--
13:08 what is it?
13:09 Gecko, that's it.
13:10 Yeah well, of course, GEICO, gecko.
13:12 Not gonna figure that out, GEICO.
13:15 General RE.
13:16 Jewellery, Borsheim's,
13:17 Utilities, MidAmerican Energy and food,
13:20 Dairy Queen and See's candies.
13:23 Every time you eat an ice-cream cone
13:24 that's dipped from Diary Queen
13:26 you're helping out Warren Buffett.
13:30 Estimated net worth today-- today, put his picture back up.
13:34 Estimated net worth today, $62 billion.
13:42 Wow! I want to give you some advice.
13:46 If Warren Buffett should call you this next week,
13:49 now I'm serious.
13:51 If he should call you this next week,
13:54 and he says over the phone from Omaha,
13:56 Nebraska, I've heard about you
14:00 and I want to become friends with you.
14:03 I'd love to go in a partnership with you.
14:06 I'm willing to put my $62 Billion
14:09 on the line for your success.
14:12 Would you be willing-- he asks on the phone,
14:14 would be willing for me to do just that?
14:17 I want to give you a little bit of pastoral counsel.
14:19 I'm not the brightest crayon in the box
14:21 but let me tell you that if he ever asks you,
14:25 just say, yes, please.
14:32 If Warren Buffett wants to be your friend
14:35 just say, yes!
14:40 Do you know what,
14:41 I've got an even better deal for you right now?
14:43 Open your Bible with me please to, Genesis Chapter 28,
14:46 the book of beginnings, Genesis 28.
14:50 A story, a perfect story for a generation
14:52 in the time of economic crisis.
14:55 Nobody said that the crisis is over.
14:57 Prognosticators are saying this could get worse
15:01 before it gets better.
15:04 A story for the penniless and the hopeless
15:06 that maybe what you feel like today.
15:08 A perfect story for anybody,
15:09 whose life is melting down, right now.
15:11 Open your Bible with me please to Genesis Chapter 28.
15:15 I'm gonna be today in the,
15:16 today's New International Version.
15:17 You didn't-- if you didn't bring a Bible,
15:19 you got to, you got to follow this story.
15:20 It's a great story.
15:21 Grab the pew Bible in front of you.
15:23 The page number in the pew Bible
15:24 would be page 19.
15:27 Genesis 28. Let's dive in this together.
15:29 Those of you watching on television right now,
15:31 find their Bible.
15:32 Read the story.
15:33 We'll put it on the screen for you as well.
15:35 Here you go, Genesis 28:10
15:37 "Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Harran.
15:42 And when he reached a certain place,
15:43 He stopped for the night because the sun had set."
15:47 Now I got to tell you,
15:48 that just read this out of the blue,
15:50 it feels like, you know, this guy Jacob, whoever he is,
15:52 is on some sort of day trip, it turns into an overnighter,
15:55 he is stopping for rest.
15:58 But you need to know, that if we could take
16:01 Jacob's heart-rate right now in this story,
16:04 he's in tachycardia.
16:07 Let me read to you,
16:08 a little bit of background, behind this moment
16:10 from that classic on the Old Testament
16:12 "Patriarchs and Prophets."
16:16 So here's the background, so you get to--
16:18 so you can know why the heart-rate is so high.
16:20 "Threatened by death.
16:22 Threatened, with death by the wrath of Esau."
16:25 That would be his brother, born just ahead of him.
16:28 They're twins but Esau, just came out first.
16:31 "Threatened, with death by the wrath
16:32 of his brother, Esau."
16:34 You see he tricked Esau.
16:36 Pulled the world over his daddy's eyes,
16:38 and stole the birth right and the paternal blessing.
16:42 Got them both.
16:44 And Esau has vowed and mamma heard about it.
16:46 Esau has vowed, I'm gonna kill that boy,
16:48 as soon as daddy dies Jacob is gone.
16:51 Adios.
16:52 So he's running for his life. He's on the lamb.
16:55 "Threatened with death by the wrath of Esau,
16:57 Jacob went out
16:58 from his father's home a fugitive.
17:00 With a deeply troubled heart,
17:02 he set out on his lonely journey."
17:03 Now, listen up.
17:04 "With only his staff in his hand,
17:06 he must travel hundreds of miles,
17:08 through a country inhabited by wild, roving tribes.
17:11 In his remorse and timidity he sought to avoid men,
17:15 lest he should be traced by his angry brother.
17:17 He feared that he had lost forever
17:19 the blessing that God had purposed to give him
17:21 and Satan was at hand to press temptations upon him."
17:24 That guy is getting it from every direction
17:27 and his heart-rate is, tachycardia.
17:32 "The evening of the second day,
17:33 he found Jacob far away from his father's tents.
17:35 He felt that he was an outcast.
17:37 He knew that all this trouble had been brought upon him
17:39 by his own wrong course.
17:40 Now the darkness of despair pressed upon his soul,
17:44 and he hardly dared to pray."
17:46 I want to stop right there.
17:47 Because every one of us knows
17:49 what it's like to come to that place in life
17:50 when you're feeling so guilty.
17:53 You're so overcome by you own actions
17:56 that you hardly dare to pray.
17:58 I need to tell you,
17:59 with all the authority I can muster that
18:01 whenever you come to those moments
18:03 and we all do, that is a sure sign,
18:06 you must immediately begin to pray.
18:09 When you feel you can't pray, because of what you've done
18:12 it is the moment gotta saying,
18:14 "Pray to me boy, pray to me girl,
18:16 I need to hear from you right now."
18:18 Don't you ever let the devil say,
18:19 "Well, you're too, you're too bad. All right, go."
18:24 He hardly dared to pray.
18:25 "But he was so utterly lonely
18:27 that he felt the need of protection from God
18:29 as he had never felt it before.
18:30 With weeping and deep humiliation
18:32 he confessed his sin to God.
18:34 And he intrigued for some evidence
18:36 that he was not utterly forsaken.
18:38 Still his burdened heart found no relief.
18:40 He had lost all confidence in himself,
18:42 and he feared that the God of his fathers
18:44 had cast him off."
18:47 That's why his heart-rate is so high, tonight.
18:52 Now the story goes on.
18:53 Let's pick it up right there, verse 11, again.
18:55 "When he reached a certain place,
18:57 out in the barren wilderness
18:59 "he stopped for the night because the sun had set.
19:02 Taking one of the stones there,
19:03 he put it under his head and lay down to sleep."
19:06 Verse 12, "He had a dream,
19:08 in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth,"
19:11 Now, the New King James reads ladder.
19:14 Something is down here.
19:16 Stairway ladder, it's resting on the earth
19:18 "With its top reaching to heaven,
19:21 and the angels of God
19:22 were ascending and descending on it."
19:25 And at the top of the stairway,
19:26 "There above it stood the Lord."
19:30 By the way, I need to tell you this,
19:31 that when that Lord of the dream,
19:33 eventually would come to earth,
19:34 He would turn to His disciples one day.
19:35 In John 1, he said, "Hey guys, I want to tell you something.
19:38 I am that stairway from henceforth,
19:40 you will see angels ascending and descending,
19:43 upon me, the ladder, between heaven and earth."
19:45 I am your staircase to heaven.
19:48 But that's good to know, you're not disconnected.
19:51 You're not all alone on this planet
19:53 in this crisis you're going through now.
19:54 You're not all alone. I'm the stairway.
19:57 "And there above it stood the Lord,
19:58 and He said, 'I am the Lord,
20:01 the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac.
20:05 I will give you and your descendants the land
20:08 on which you are lying.
20:09 Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth,
20:11 and you will spread out to the west and to the east,
20:13 to the north and to the south.
20:15 And all peoples on earth will be blessed
20:17 through you and your offspring.'"
20:19 Time out, God. Hold it, hold it, hold it.
20:22 Great dream.
20:24 You've just got the wrong dreamer here.
20:26 You don't mean that.
20:27 You don't mean, You're gonna,
20:28 You're gonna bless the human race
20:30 through this guy, whose name--
20:32 he lived up to his name.
20:33 They named him, the Supplanter.
20:35 Esau came out first
20:36 and Jacob was hanging on to Esau's heels.
20:38 I'm always after you. I'm always.
20:40 You're not gonna name--
20:41 you're not gonna promise this guy
20:42 who is a cheat, a liar, a crook!
20:47 And you're gonna bless the whole earth through him.
20:50 You know our problem, don't you?
20:52 Our problem is, we who think we are saints.
20:54 Our problem is that we think
20:55 God only does business with saints.
20:57 But come to find out, God cuts transaction
20:59 with anybody who'd give Him the time.
21:02 And He particularly specializes, in sinners.
21:07 So if you're feeling like a sinner today,
21:09 I got good news for you.
21:10 There was a cheat named, Jacob once.
21:12 Lied as much as you did on those reading reports,
21:14 lied as much as you did on that exam,
21:15 lied as much as you did
21:19 and God said," I want to do business with you, boy, girl,
21:22 give Me another shot.
21:24 It's your life. Hallelujah."
21:27 Right dream, right dreamer. It's a sinner.
21:31 That's why I'm talking to you, God said.
21:36 Verse 14, we read that, didn't we?
21:40 "All the peoples on earth will be blessed
21:41 through you and your offspring."
21:42 Now, verse 15.
21:43 "I am with you" look at this, this is--
21:46 He's making this promise to a sinner.
21:48 "I am with you and will watch over you
21:50 wherever you go."
21:51 It's a sinner who's turned to Him
21:52 and said, you gotta help me God.
21:53 I'm so messed up my life.
21:55 There's no way out of this whole,
21:57 unless You do something.
21:58 He is making the promise to a sinner
21:59 who has turned back to Him.
22:00 That's the deal.
22:01 He can't make the promise to a sinner
22:03 who doesn't turn to Him.
22:04 But how can I help you? You don't want Me to help you.
22:06 But if you want Me sinner,
22:07 if you want Me, I'm there for you.
22:10 Just like that.
22:11 I, as He put it right here verse 15
22:14 "I am with you and I will watch over you
22:16 and wherever you go,
22:18 I'm gonna bring you back to this land.
22:19 I will not leave you until I have done
22:21 what I have promised you."
22:23 Good bye.
22:24 And "When Jacob" verse 16
22:26 "awoke from his sleep, he thought," surely
22:29 "'Surely the Lord is in this place,
22:31 and I was not aware of it.'
22:34 And He was afraid
22:35 and he said," how awesome"'
22:37 How awesome is this place!
22:40 This is none other than the house of God,
22:43 this is the gate of heaven.'"
22:45 You know, I got to thinking when I was studying this story,
22:47 this week, I got to thinking,
22:48 "what would happen, if you and I,
22:49 every time we came in to this church,
22:51 on this campus as worshippers, we thought those words first.
22:54 Whether it was to chapel or to Church on Sabbath?"
22:56 What if we thought,
22:58 "Wow, how awesome is this, this is the house of God.
23:02 This is a gate of heaven."
23:03 I have a feeling, what you and I do in this house
23:06 while we're with God would be affected
23:09 by that little confession as we come through the door.
23:11 I know its Thursday and I know its chapel.
23:13 But this is God's house. This is God's house.
23:20 It would make a difference, wouldn't it?
23:21 If I'd always remember when I stepped up here,
23:24 this is God's house.
23:26 He's here.
23:29 Earlier the next morning,
23:30 because that was in the middle of the night
23:31 when Jacob would woke, after the dream.
23:32 So he's waiting out till the--
23:33 just to first purple blushes
23:35 of the dawn on the eastern horizon
23:37 "Early the next morning Jacob took the stone
23:39 he had placed under his head and set it up
23:41 his pillow became a pillar
23:42 and he poured oil on top of it."
23:43 He consecrated it to God.
23:44 Verse 19 and "He called that place Bethel,"
23:47 house of EL, house of God,
23:50 "though the city used to be called Luz."
23:52 Verse 20 "Then Jacob made a vow,"
23:54 this is the first time in the Bible
23:56 a human is described doing this.
23:58 "Then Jacob made a vow, saying,
24:01 'If God will be with me
24:03 and will watch over me on this journey I am taking
24:06 and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
24:08 so that I return safely to my father's house,
24:11 then the Lord will be my God.'"
24:12 You know what, I've read this so long,
24:15 as a quid-pro-quo,
24:16 that's Latin for, "this for that."
24:18 I've read, okay Jacob said, kind of a crafty guy,
24:21 I'm cutting a deal with You.
24:22 You give me food, You keep me clothed,
24:24 You bring me back, then I'll worship You.
24:26 Ladies and gentlemen, that's--
24:27 that is ugly illogical.
24:29 You know why?
24:30 We just found this out this last week.
24:31 You know why?
24:32 Because, he's already got the assurance from God,
24:37 I'm with you and he woke up,
24:38 his heart bursting with gratitude.
24:40 This isn't, cutting the deal like,
24:42 I want to know if You're gonna be with me.
24:43 This is now a prayer.
24:45 Oh God, because You've promised
24:48 to cloth me and feed me and bring me back to this land
24:51 I want to do this for You.
24:53 That's what really happened in here.
24:54 And what is it that he wants to do for God?
24:56 Verse 27, So that if I return safely to my father's house,
24:59 then Lord, the Lord will be my God
25:02 "and this stone that I have set up as a pillar
25:04 will be God's house," and all that
25:07 "of all that you give me I will give You a tenth."
25:14 End of story.
25:16 What's going on here? Simple.
25:19 You got a sinner on the run, who has been overwhelmed
25:22 by the divine assurance of mercy and forgiveness.
25:24 I'm gonna start over with you.
25:25 I'm gonna start way over with you.
25:28 And he's so grateful.
25:30 He says, Here's the deal,
25:31 everything you give me for the rest of my life,
25:33 you get the first tenth.
25:34 You get it. I'm giving it to you.
25:38 That's what's going on.
25:40 Apparently ladies and gentlemen,
25:41 it's okay to allow a crisis, to forge a new compact,
25:48 between you and God.
25:51 That point is so critical
25:52 we're gonna write it down right now.
25:53 Let's do it. Let's just grab that study guide.
25:55 Is there a study guide in your worship bulletin?
25:56 Pull that study guide out.
25:58 You didn't get a study guide, you're gonna want this one.
25:59 It's a very practical one.
26:00 Hold your hand up, if you didn't get the study guide
26:02 our friendly ushers are coming your way,
26:04 all the way up to the back in the overflow as well.
26:06 Make sure everybody today gets a study guide.
26:09 And those of you, watching on TV,
26:11 we're so glad to have you.
26:12 I want you to have the same study guide.
26:13 This is a dynamite teaching. Follow along with this.
26:16 Let me put the website on the screen for you,
26:18 where you get the study guide.
26:19 You see it there,
26:20 at the very bottom of that screen.
26:22 Can you see,
26:27 That's the website you're looking for, it's our website.
26:30 You're looking for a series, by the way that ends next week.
26:33 Title of the series that you're looking for,
26:35 "Four Secrets to Survive
26:37 in the Coming Economic Earthquake."
26:39 We've already had secret one, we've had secret two,
26:41 today is secret three.
26:43 Title of today's secret,
26:44 "Go Over the Head of Warren Buffet."
26:46 And oh boy, don't you miss secret number 4, next weekend.
26:52 Surviving--no,
26:53 "Thriving in Midst of the Crisis."
26:57 Not surviving, thriving.
26:59 We'll wrap it up next week. Come back for that please.
27:01 But fill out the first line in your study guide.
27:04 Let's put it on the screen, please.
27:05 The very first line of your study guide,
27:06 "Apparently, it's okay to allow an economic crisis
27:12 to forge a new compact between you and God."
27:20 Just jot that down.
27:22 And I'll tell you the reason that's so important is
27:24 because some people are afraid
27:25 that turning crisis into compacts,
27:27 might turn God into--
27:28 it might turn God away
27:30 from the questionable motivation.
27:32 I mean, come on, why am I turning to God in a crisis?
27:34 And he's gonna say, "Well, you never loved Me
27:35 when you're in affair with a friend.
27:37 Only when it's raining, do you come around."
27:41 No.
27:44 You know what my friends,
27:45 the only thing worse
27:47 than turning to God in a crisis,
27:49 the only thing worse is not turning to God,
27:53 in a crisis.
27:54 That's what crisis are for.
27:55 In fact, will you jot it down please?
27:57 "Every crisis is a call
27:59 for a renewed compact with God."
28:03 It's that way in marriages. Marriages go through storms.
28:06 Trust me. They go through storms.
28:07 Every marriage does.
28:09 Now a storm is either gonna make your marriage stronger
28:11 or it's gonna make your marriage weaker.
28:13 You can't ride a storm out
28:14 and come out the same at the other end.
28:15 No.
28:16 Every crisis produces change that's why God allows crisis.
28:22 So why'd be any different in an economic crisis,
28:25 which by the way is why God allows crisis
28:29 to come to His children because the crisis can,
28:32 if we allow them draw us deeper.
28:35 Now look at, it's a, it's a huge risk for God
28:38 because the crisis that draws you closer to Him,
28:40 can be the crisis that drives me away from Him.
28:42 And so God has to calculate,
28:43 wait-a-minute, wait-a-minute,
28:44 she is doing fine, he is not.
28:46 It is a calculated risk. It may drive you further away.
28:52 But that's why in every crisis--
28:54 would you jot this down please?
28:55 "Just like it was with Jacob, in the midst of a crisis,
28:58 God draws especially near to us."
29:02 He's not leaving you hanging.
29:03 He's not farther away in a crisis,
29:05 it's the other way around.
29:06 Just like it was with Jacob.
29:07 I got the ladder where you're, boy?
29:09 I'm coming down that ladder,
29:10 right to where you're sleeping now.
29:12 He's always closer in a crisis
29:15 so that He can tilt the risk in His favor.
29:18 He wants to win.
29:19 He wants you to win. He don't want you to lose.
29:24 So that's what happens,
29:28 let's read verse 20 again.
29:29 "Then Jacob made a vow," when he woke up the next day
29:33 "saying, 'If God will be with me
29:35 and will watch over me on this journey I am taking
29:38 and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
29:40 so that I return safely to my father's household,
29:42 then the Lord will be my God
29:45 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar
29:47 will be God's house,
29:48 and of all that you give me dear God
29:51 I will give you a tenth.'"
29:54 You get a tenth.
29:56 Everything You give to me, I will give you a tenth.
30:02 Jot this down,
30:03 "As a recognition of God as his Savior and Sustainer,
30:07 Jacob offer back to God 1/10 of his income."
30:11 One-tenth! The Bible calls it--
30:13 jot it down, "The Bible calls it, 'tithe.'"
30:16 In reality--
30:18 this is not new Jacob, he's-- he come up with--
30:20 I think I'm gonna come up with this I-- are you kidding?
30:21 He learned it form his grandfather, Abraham.
30:24 Let me show you,
30:25 two very different motivations for giving tithe.
30:28 By the way just go back a few pages to Genesis 14
30:32 because, grandpa Abraham
30:33 really is the one who taught Jacob about this.
30:37 Go back to Genesis 14, drop down there to verse 18.
30:41 "Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine."
30:46 We got some worship going on now
30:47 like a communion service.
30:48 He brought out bread and wine.
30:51 And he was the priest-- this Melchizedek.
30:53 "He was the priest of the God Most High, and he"
30:56 the priest "blessed Abram," known then is Abram "saying,
31:00 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High,
31:03 Creator of heaven and earth.
31:04 And praise be to God Most High,
31:06 who delivered your enemies into your hand.'"
31:08 And now as a response, watch this.
31:10 "Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything."
31:15 Now the King James calls it, then Abraham gave Him--
31:17 Abram gave Him a tithe.
31:19 But notice how very different are the motivations.
31:23 So it came from Abraham,
31:24 but grandpa Abraham and grandson Jacob,
31:26 very different motivations.
31:28 Jot this down, will you?
31:29 "Abraham returned 'tithe'
31:31 as a grateful act of worship before God,
31:35 whereas Jacob gave it
31:37 as a grateful act of partnership with God."
31:43 But keep you pen moving.
31:44 "Clearly both motivations are acceptable to God."
31:49 He'll take it either way.
31:51 You want to make it a partnership deal?
31:52 Let's do it.
31:53 You want to make it a worship response?
31:54 Let's do it.
31:56 He'll take either one of them.
31:58 After all, that's what the wisest
32:00 and the richest man in the history of earth,
32:02 sorry Warren Buffett,
32:04 we got one richer than you, King Sullivan.
32:07 That's the lesson King Sullivan learned.
32:10 Take a look at this Proverb.
32:11 Proverbs 3. Proverbs 3.
32:14 Proverbs 3, these Proverbs, collected from the wisest man
32:18 who ever lived, King Sullivan.
32:20 Proverbs 3, he's making the very same point.
32:22 What's the page number in the pew Bible?
32:23 Page number is 429.
32:26 Proverbs 3, oh, that looks good.
32:29 So you got Abraham and Jacob in these two little pro--
32:31 no, that's one Proverb, split in half.
32:33 And Abraham will be in the first half,
32:35 and Jacob will be in the second half.
32:36 You watch this.
32:37 Proverb 3:9, "Honor the Lord with your wealth,"
32:41 some of you saying, that's not me
32:44 because I have no wealth.
32:46 Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on.
32:47 In the New King James it reads, possessions.
32:49 Don't you come and tell me, you've no possessions.
32:52 An iPod is a possession. A laptop is a possession.
32:55 You have many possessions.
32:58 Yeah, you're not wealthy, I understand and neither am I.
33:00 But we have possessions.
33:01 "Honor" how is it go here verse 9
33:03 "Honor the Lord with your wealth,
33:05 with the first fruits of your crops."
33:07 So any money coming in, you give Him the first skim.
33:09 Just give him the first little skim.
33:11 Honor Him with the first fruits of your crops.
33:13 Now that's Abraham. Now here comes Jacob.
33:15 Verse 10,
33:16 "Then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
33:20 and your vats will brim over with new wine."
33:24 Watch this. Write it down, please.
33:26 Two lines powerfully depict
33:27 the very different motivations for Abraham and Jacob.
33:31 "Proverbs 3:9," jot it down,
33:32 "describes the human response
33:34 of gratitude for divine blessings."
33:36 That's Abraham.
33:37 He just comes back and says,
33:38 "I want to give this to you God, I'm so grateful."
33:39 In worship, the human response of gratitude.
33:43 But "Proverb 3:10 describes
33:45 the human request in gratitude for more"
33:49 I want more, I want more, I want more.
33:50 The more you give me, the more I give back to you.
33:53 Jacob, has nothing, he's penniless.
33:55 He wants more, he needs more.
33:58 Two very different responses, but remember
34:01 both motivations are acceptable to our divine parent,
34:05 hallelujah.
34:07 And we know that for sure
34:09 because God cannot get any clear than this.
34:11 This is a clear. This is it.
34:13 So go to the last page of your Old Testament.
34:15 The very last page of your Old Testament, Malachi.
34:19 Malachi Chapter 3,
34:23 we'll land our plane right here.
34:25 Malachi 3:8.
34:30 Malachi 3,
34:32 what page number is it in the pew Bible?
34:33 645.
34:35 Malachi 3:8, God is speaking now.
34:39 God is speaking, and He asks the question,
34:41 "Will a mere mortal rob God?
34:47 Yet you" God says to Israel
34:50 "Yet you rob me."
34:52 Now, hit the pause button right there.
34:53 What does it mean to rob someone?
34:57 What does it mean?
34:59 Hey, I could not believe my ears this week.
35:01 True story.
35:02 I'm listening to CBS radio,
35:04 and they've given a story about woman down in Florida--
35:06 what that town is she from? Boynton beach, Florida.
35:10 This woman's at work.
35:12 And I heard the 911 tape, so I know.
35:14 Okay, this woman's at work,
35:16 you see her house, was robbed, sometime ago
35:18 and so she put, right up there in the corner,
35:20 she put a little webcam, right up there
35:23 so that it could take a picture
35:24 of everything happening in her house.
35:26 So she's at work, this last week and she said,
35:29 "I'm gonna see how it is at my house?"
35:32 Boom, there it is.
35:34 And while she's watching her house,
35:36 one stranger goes by, another stranger.
35:39 Two men, true story, are ripping off her house
35:44 while she's watching, on the computer screen at work.
35:47 She dials, 911 and she says," You got to help me,"
35:50 and they played her tapes back.
35:51 She is desperate.
35:53 She says, "They are stealing everything I have."
35:55 There goes my DVD, there goes my Wii, there goes"
35:59 and the little appliances
36:00 were all going under this guy's arms.
36:02 One of the guys had the temerity to go
36:03 to her refrigerator
36:04 and pull out a bag of cheese
36:06 and he's going through the house
36:07 ripping her off, eating her cheese.
36:10 The other guy sees the camera up there
36:12 and goes up near like this and he gonna.
36:16 She says, "You got to help me they're still in the house."
36:19 Oh, and by the way,
36:20 through the images every now and then,
36:22 when her watchdog wagging his tail
36:25 the whole time.
36:28 I get rid of that dog immediately.
36:34 She says, "You got to help me, you gotta help me."
36:36 And it is really something.
36:37 And the dispatcher said,"
36:38 Ma'am, ma'am, calm down, calm down ma'am.
36:40 Ma'am, we got the police on the way.
36:41 Eighteen police arrived with guns drawn
36:44 and surrounded that house.
36:45 Can you imagine the look on the burglars
36:47 when they walked out?
36:51 What does it mean to steal? What does it mean to rob?
36:54 It means to take something that belongs to somebody else
36:59 and appropriate it for yourself.
37:02 That's what it means. And that's what God is saying.
37:06 Verse 8 again.
37:07 "Will a mere mortal rob God?
37:14 Yet you rob me.
37:16 But you ask,
37:17 'How are we robbing you?' In tithes and offerings."
37:24 Come on, come on. How can we rob God?
37:27 Please. Oh, simple.
37:30 We take what doesn't belong to us,
37:32 what belongs to somebody else
37:34 and we appropriate it to ourselves.
37:37 How much belongs to God?
37:39 Let's just do a real quick check
37:41 from scripture, how much belongs to God.
37:42 You keep your fingers moving here
37:44 because we're gonna fly through these.
37:45 Haggai 2:8 God is speaking
37:47 "The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine."
37:49 So that means all the money on earth belongs to God,
37:51 all right.
37:52 Sorry Warren Buffett, it all belongs to God.
37:54 You got it from Him. Yes, you did.
37:56 Okay Haggai 2:8,
37:58 "The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine."
37:59 Psalm 50:10, jot it down.
38:01 God is speaking,"For the cattle on a thousand hills are Mine."
38:07 And incidentally from the last reports
38:08 we've gotten, the hills
38:09 under the cattle are also God's.
38:14 Psalm 24:1, jot it down.
38:16 "The earth" here it is "The earth is the Lord's
38:20 and everything in it,
38:21 the world, and all who live in it."
38:24 I'm telling you Maltbie Babcock got it right.
38:26 "This is my Father's world." It's all His.
38:31 The old spiritual sings,
38:32 "He got the whole world, in His hands."
38:35 Ladies and gentlemen, it's all His.
38:39 Is that my? Come on. That is not fair.
38:41 If God has everything, I got nothing.
38:44 That's not what the Bible is teaching.
38:47 In fact, when God creates this planet in the beginning,
38:50 he takes Adam and Eve aside and He says,
38:51 "Hey guys, this is all yours." Can you believe that?
38:54 Well, you know, He said technically it's Mine
38:56 because I made it.
38:57 But I'm giving it to you
38:59 and I want you please to manage this for Me.
39:03 In fact, jot this down in your study guide,
39:06 Genesis 2:15.
39:08 "The Lord God took the man,"
39:09 and by the way that's generic human race.
39:12 "He takes this human race
39:15 and He puts them
39:17 in the Garden of Eden to work it
39:19 and to take care of it."
39:21 Take care of it.
39:23 When you care--
39:24 by the way this is a great green reminder
39:27 on the eve of the week that brings Earth day to us.
39:31 Human beings have been put on this planet,
39:33 to take care of the planet.
39:37 "When you take care of someone else's property,"
39:39 jot this down, "you aren't an owner,"
39:41 but I got good news for you, you are not a robber either.
39:44 You know what you're? "You're a steward or manager."
39:47 Jot that down. That's who you are.
39:49 You are a steward. You are a manager.
39:52 And by the way that is not a demeaning term.
39:54 or a belittling notion That is a high honor.
39:58 You think about it.
40:00 When you were a kid growing up, how much did you own?
40:02 Tell me the truth.
40:03 When you were a kid how much did you own?
40:06 Zero. Nada. Nothing.
40:09 Every gift you gave to your dad,
40:10 you got it from you dad in the first place.
40:13 He acted like, it was something from you,
40:15 it was from him.
40:18 But you know what,
40:19 you owned not a single thing as a kid growing up,
40:22 but you were as happy as a lark.
40:24 Because you have nothing to worry about,
40:26 somebody-- my daddy has got all the worries.
40:28 My daddy is in control.
40:30 My daddy will take care of everything,
40:32 and you went through life just hunky-dory all the time.
40:36 Not a worry through your childhood.
40:38 You only start to worry when you became a teenager.
40:42 And that's all down hill from there.
40:46 That's the point, ladies and gentlemen,
40:48 to keep fresh in our memory, this parent child relationship,
40:54 this owner, steward, manager paradigm,
40:57 to keep that fresh in our minds.
41:00 God's who's the one that invented it.
41:01 Abraham didn't invent it.
41:02 God invented, Hey I'm gonna take 1/10 of the top.
41:05 By the way don't get all bin-out-of-shape,
41:08 all ten tenths belong to you.
41:10 But I will take a tenth.
41:12 I don't need your nickels and dimes, for Pete's sake.
41:15 I got it all.
41:16 But when you return these nickels and dimes to Me,
41:19 you're saying to Me, "God you're the one that worries,
41:25 I'm the one that lives.
41:27 And I'm hiring You, to work for me."
41:30 And God says, "Cha-Ching, that's exactly what I want."
41:35 Jot it down, will you?
41:36 "God designed the 'tithe' to be a sign of our compact with him.
41:39 He is our CFO." Oh, by the way what CFO mean?
41:45 Chief Financial Officer.
41:48 He's our C-- that's the one that makes
41:51 all the ultimate money decisions.
41:53 "He's our CFO and we are his administrative assistants."
41:59 Now, keep that pen going because this gets even better.
42:01 "When we return His 1/10" okay.
42:03 We return His, because it belongs to Him.
42:06 "When we return His 1/10 back to Him,
42:08 we recognize His 10/10 ownership of us
42:12 and His 100% partnership with us."
42:18 So here's the Bibles great formula
42:19 for getting out of debt and staying out of debt.
42:21 Here it is, "God's ownership,
42:25 plus My stewardship equals, our partnership."
42:30 We're in this to the max, together.
42:36 And because we're partners,
42:37 oh boy, hold on to your pew right now.
42:39 Look how our divine CFO comes through.
42:43 You're not gonna believe this
42:44 but He really is promising this,
42:46 this is verse 10.
42:47 God says, "Bring the whole tithe,"
42:48 bring that 1/10.
42:50 Come on, don't give me tithe light, 9%.
42:53 You give me tithe 10%.
42:56 God says, "You bring that tithe to Me,
42:58 bring it into the storehouse,
42:59 that there may be food in My house."
43:01 And then I love this "Test Me"
43:02 the New King James says, you try Me.
43:04 Just try Me, try Me, try Me, try Me.
43:05 "Test me in this, ' says the Lord Almighty,
43:08 and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven,"
43:13 I love that "throw open the floodgates of heaven
43:16 and pour out so much blessings
43:18 there will not be room enough to store it."
43:23 Hallelujah.
43:25 Mercy.
43:28 Wow.
43:31 You ever see the game show, Deal or No Deal?
43:35 Who comes up with these things?
43:38 They obviously haven't been to college
43:41 or maybe they've been to college
43:43 and sure gets everybody watching.
43:44 But anyway you know this Deal or No Deal,
43:46 you get a chance to get a million dollars.
43:48 And there's this guy, up in the sky
43:51 behind this smoke glass,
43:53 you can only see as silver, you never see His face.
43:56 I'll deal with you. I'll make a deal.
43:59 You're not gonna get that million,
44:00 I'm gonna offer you this to bow out right now.
44:05 God says, "I'm better than that guy.
44:09 That's My money anyway.
44:11 I'm not trying to take the money away from you.
44:13 But here's the deal, I need to know,
44:16 from My vantage point up in the sky,
44:19 I need to know, if you're willing to trust Me,
44:22 put everything you have in My hands.
44:25 I'm not gonna necessarily make you
44:27 another Warren Buffett.
44:29 Oh, there have been men and women,
44:30 who become exceedingly wealthy, read Abraham,
44:33 who have trusted God.
44:35 But I'm not necessarily gonna make you
44:37 another Warren Buffett, but here's My deal with you,
44:40 I who am richer than Warren Buffett,
44:42 will be your CFO, 24/7, night and day.
44:46 And anytime you need anything, you ask Me.
44:48 Are you in debt right now?
44:50 I'm gonna get you out of debt, God says.
44:52 I'm gonna get you out of debt.
44:53 I know this doesn't make sense,
44:56 because you have less to work with,
44:57 but you got to trust me.
44:58 I'm gonna get you out of debt.
45:02 I just need to know, deal or no deal?
45:06 You're gonna trust me or not? That's the deal.
45:09 Will you trust me? What a God.
45:14 He said, hey, by the way, let me tell you,
45:16 how I took care of My kids
45:17 when they were going through the wilderness,
45:19 40 years on those hot desert sands.
45:21 Jot this down in your study guide.
45:23 Here's what I did to these people
45:24 who tithe with Me,
45:25 "During the 40 years
45:28 your clothes did not wear out, nor did your sandals."
45:33 Apparently, the CFO of the universe
45:35 can make the rubber stay on the heels of our shoes.
45:40 And if He could do it on the heels of our shoes,
45:41 He could probably do it on the tyres of our cars.
45:44 Keep those tyres going.
45:47 I know it says 60,000, but I'm giving you 80,000.
45:52 And I don't know how He's gonna do it with you.
45:54 That's not trivialities
45:55 but you understand what I am saying.
45:56 I'll take care of you. I will take care of you.
46:00 I did for my friends before.
46:02 By the way, my friend David, he says, listen to this,
46:05 David have spoke these words Psalm 37:25.
46:09 David says, "I have never seen the righteous forsaken
46:13 or their children begging bread."
46:16 Some of you, right now have children
46:17 and you're going through this economic crisis with children
46:19 and you're saying to yourself,
46:21 how will I ever make it through this crisis?
46:24 God can't take care of my kids plus me.
46:28 What am I gonna do?
46:29 And God is saying, I will take care of you.
46:35 I will take care of you.
46:38 You're gonna have to trust your kids, mamma.
46:39 You have to trust your kids to God.
46:41 You're gonna have to ask God, to manage their lives as well.
46:44 Papa, I'll take care of you.
46:48 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you what,
46:51 you're not gonna find anywhere in scripture
46:53 a deal better than this one.
46:54 This is it.
46:56 So God says, try Me, test Me, prove Me.
47:00 See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven
47:02 and pour you out such a blessing.
47:04 I'm gonna bring you through this debt,
47:05 I'm gonna bring you to economic security,
47:07 I'm gonna bring you to financial salvation,
47:10 one day, if you trust me.
47:12 You gotta trust me. You gotta trust me.
47:18 We'll read it again,
47:20 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
47:21 that there may be food in my house.
47:23 Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty,
47:25 and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven
47:28 and pour out so much blessings
47:30 that there will not be room enough to store it."
47:32 Write it down please.
47:33 There it is, secret number three.
47:35 "Go over the head of Warren Buffet
47:37 and enlist God as your CFO
47:40 by returning his one-tenth back to him.
47:44 That's it.
47:45 Secret number three, it's just simple as that.
47:50 Return his one-tenth back to Him.
47:53 But you're saying, pastor, pastor time-out, pastor.
47:55 I can't, I can't. I'm so far in debt now,
47:59 I cannot afford to return to God,
48:02 His tithe and His offerings. I cannot afford to.
48:05 My dear friend, you cannot afford, not to.
48:09 You can't afford, not to. I'm being honest with you.
48:15 Could it be, that the unselfish act of generosity
48:18 toward God in giving offerings, when you feel
48:20 you're can't afford to give a gift,
48:21 is the very spirit of catalyst your life
48:23 has been needing to set you free
48:24 from you self-centered worries and anxieties.
48:27 You gotta get off of it.
48:28 You gotta get off of that horse.
48:29 Get off of that pony,
48:30 because you've ridden that one to debt.
48:33 Poor me, poor me, poor me. We know it's a crisis.
48:36 It's a crisis for all. But you got to get off of that.
48:40 Could it be, a cut in God end
48:43 right at the beginning is antiote.
48:47 Speaking of giving,
48:50 listen to this, you have it in your study guide,
48:52 Ed Gungor in his book
48:53 "Religiously Transmitted Diseases,"
48:55 I like that title. He makes his point well.
48:58 It's in your study guide,
48:59 you're gonna have to fill in the words.
49:01 Here we go. Giving, this is good.
49:03 "Giving touches a nerve in us that nothing else does.
49:10 We look a lot like God when we do it, John 3:16."
49:14 For God so love the world that He gave.
49:17 We look like God when we give.
49:19 "When you give," keep going, write that in "When you give,
49:21 you defy the fear that you won't have enough.
49:25 You insult greed, the impulse to acquire
49:28 or possess more than one needs or deserves.
49:30 If you really believe that God owns it all
49:33 and that he is your source and provider,
49:35 giving will be a simpler matter."
49:37 Keep writing.
49:39 "The arena of giving is the only place
49:43 where exactly what's going on in your heart
49:46 is revealed."
49:47 There's no other way friend, the universe to know
49:49 what's happening in that guy's heart?
49:51 The only way to find out is, check his giving record.
49:53 That's the-- what's happening in that lady's heart?
49:55 Check her giving record.
49:56 The giving record tells the truth
49:58 about what's happening inside.
50:00 If you're not given, you got a heart problem.
50:02 Sure, it's a selfishness issue.
50:05 If you can't give-- you say well,
50:07 what if I am poor as a widow?
50:09 If you're poor as a widow,
50:13 Oh if you're poor as a widow, give.
50:19 Now he goes on here
50:20 "The arena of giving is the only place
50:22 where exactly what's going on in your heart is revealed.
50:23 According to Jesus" keep writing,
50:25 "giving keeps your heart in motion towards God,"
50:28 I like that, "and away from material things,"
50:29 one more sense.
50:30 "Your heart will follow the direction of your giving."
50:33 Your heart will follow the direction of your giving.
50:36 You know what, you come to think of it,
50:39 see if isn't true.
50:41 If we don't give, it's not because
50:44 we can't afford to,
50:46 it's because we don't trust His promises
50:49 to take care of us, when we do.
50:52 It's not because we can't afford, you can.
50:55 You can give.
50:57 You can give. It's His antidote.
51:01 Had a student, one of my student friends
51:02 here at the university.
51:03 He said pass, I got to tell you this.
51:05 I had $40 in my wallet, $40 eating a hole in my wallet.
51:08 I want to get, I want to get some clothes,
51:10 I needed clothes badly.
51:11 So he said, I got off-campus, I got off-campus
51:14 and bumped into a homeless man.
51:16 Oh, and I knew that I had to share
51:19 something with him and so I gave him some money.
51:21 Now, that's a true story.
51:22 So he gives this homeless man off-campus, some money.
51:25 He goes down to the village gas station
51:26 to get gas
51:28 and a woman and her little child
51:29 come walking up to him and they said sir,
51:31 we need some money.
51:33 He reached into his wallet
51:34 and gave the balance of that $40
51:36 to that woman and that little child.
51:41 And he said, you know what pastor,
51:44 it's kind of crazy.
51:46 But after giving it, this passion to have
51:52 what I just had to have, it just disappeared.
51:56 It just went away.
51:59 You know, it makes you wonder, may be,
52:00 if we gave more we'd be contented with less.
52:09 May be that's what it's all about.
52:10 May be that's why Jesus-- the one thing Jesus spent
52:13 more time on than any other theme
52:15 in the gospels is giving.
52:17 Because He knows, it's the true story
52:20 of what's in your heart, right now.
52:22 If you don't give, you don't trust.
52:26 You don't trust me.
52:28 He says, I just want to know,
52:30 what are you giving these days? Wow.
52:39 God says, okay, try me.
52:42 Secret number three, three steps
52:44 for secret number three and then I'm sitting down.
52:45 Jot these down.
52:46 Three simple steps that you can take
52:47 to make secret number three to work in your life.
52:49 Let's go.
52:50 Secret number three,
52:51 step number one, jot it down, please.
52:53 "Always set aside God's 1/10 whenever you receive money."
52:57 Just jot that down.
52:58 Come on that's the point here from Jacob and Abraham,
53:01 and Jesus.
53:02 Always set aside God's 1/10 whenever you receive money.
53:05 Grandma sends your birthday money, one-tenth.
53:09 Government sends you a tax refund, one-tenth.
53:12 None of this scribbling.
53:13 Let's see if I already tithe this.
53:14 Forget it. One-tenth.
53:16 You say, hey but wait a minute, Dwight,
53:17 what about my unemployment check?
53:20 Well, why not?
53:22 Don't you need God as your CFO, 24/7
53:25 especially, when you're employed?
53:28 One-tenth. All right, that's' number one.
53:30 Number two, three little ways
53:32 to make secret number three come to life.
53:33 Number two, "Incrementally work up
53:35 another 1/10 for God as He blesses you."
53:39 The Bible calls these, offerings.
53:40 The tithe, boom goes right back to Him.
53:42 Nobody argues over that but He says, now as I bless you
53:45 I want you to start giving.
53:46 You bump into a homeless man, you give.
53:47 You bump into somebody who's in need, you give.
53:49 You help out your church, help out--
53:50 whatever organization, you help, you give.
53:53 It's an antidote to selfishness.
53:55 And little-- point number three
53:56 in the secret number there,
53:57 "Let every gift you give
53:59 be the compact between you and God
54:01 to live 10/10 for the other."
54:03 You each live a 100% for the other.
54:05 I'll tell you what, you can go through anything in this life,
54:07 if you'll live 100% for God, because trust me,
54:09 He's living a 100% for you. Let me end with a story.
54:12 Once upon a time, there was a little widow
54:15 who came to church and gave an offering to God.
54:17 Unbeknown to her, Jesus and His disciples
54:20 were in that church, that very day.
54:23 And when she tried to sneak
54:25 her little offering into that offering plate,
54:28 Jesus was blown out of the water
54:33 when He spotted her.
54:34 And He said in the stage whisper
54:36 that everybody in the back section
54:38 of the church could hear,
54:39 wow, guys did you see that?
54:42 This little woman has just given more
54:46 than all the wealthy in this church combined today.
54:50 Because they gave, they gave, out of their abundance.
54:54 And she, out of her poverty gave everything she had.
54:59 You see, ladies and gentlemen, that's the truth.
55:03 "With God it's not what you give that counts,
55:08 it's what you have left over that matters."
55:15 Once up on a time there was a God,
55:18 who gave everything He had to the human race
55:22 so that there was nothing left over.
55:28 Want you to read this text
55:29 on the screen, out loud with me.
55:30 2 Corinthians 8:9. Read it out loud with me.
55:34 "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
55:39 that though he was rich,
55:41 yet for your sake he became poor,
55:44 so that you through his poverty might become rich."
55:50 Nothing left over. God loved you that much.
55:53 Nothing, nada, left over. It's all yours.
55:58 I give it all to you.
56:00 Ladies and gentlemen, if the God of Jacob,
56:03 who became the savior of the world,
56:06 gave everything, with nothing left over.
56:08 Here's the question,
56:09 now you give me the answer on this one.
56:11 Here's the question for you.
56:13 Can you not then trust Him
56:19 to take care of you
56:21 when you give back to Him?
56:26 Can't you? Of course, you can.
56:29 You can. Yes, you can.
56:32 Yes, we can.
56:37 It's been a pleasure to be able to worship with you today.
56:39 I hope the Spirit of Jesus has blessed your time
56:42 with us right here in the Pioneer Memorial Church
56:44 in the campus of Andrews University.
56:46 Do you know that around the world,
56:47 people join us every week for this hour of worship?
56:50 We're always looking as a consequence
56:52 for new ways to bridge,
56:53 somehow to connect with these people
56:55 who come here to worship via the telecast.
56:58 One of the areas that's quickly growing
57:00 for us is our website.
57:01 We have a more than a 140,000 visitors last year.
57:05 It's an incredible opportunity
57:07 that God has given us to expand His kingdom.
57:10 If you'd like to help, partner with us,
57:12 as we seek to spread the everlasting gospel
57:15 I'd love to have you call our toll-free number.
57:17 We got very friendly operator standing by.
57:20 Here's the number, 877-His-Will, 877
57:24 and then the two words, His-Will,
57:25 one of the operators will be happy
57:27 to give you the details
57:28 of how you can partner with this global ministry.
57:31 If you prefer, listen, you could do it all online.
57:34 Got to our website please,
57:38 I'd be honored to have the privilege
57:39 of partnering with you, as we seek to spread
57:41 the truth about God for this generation.
57:44 We are living in urgent times.
57:47 Now more than ever, we've got to go to the world
57:50 with the good news entrusted to us.
57:52 So once again here's that toll-free number 877-His-Will.
57:56 Thank you in advance for you generosity.
57:59 That blesses me and you grow this ministry.
58:02 I'll pray that the Spirit of Christ
58:04 will abide with you every step of the way
58:06 and I hope you come back again next time right here,
58:09 as we continue our worship journey, together.


Revised 2015-07-13