New Perceptions

Finis: What Really Happened That Day?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP041412

00:05 From the campus of Andrews University,
00:08 this is New Perceptions with Dr. Dwight K. Nelson.
00:28 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
00:33 No sweeter name have I ever known
00:37 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
00:43 No sweeter name
00:45 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
00:49 No sweeter name have I ever known
00:53 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
01:00 You are the life
01:02 You are the life to my heart and my soul
01:06 You are the light to the darkness around me
01:10 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
01:15 You are the only Truth and the Way
01:24 Wish I can see Him again. No sweeter name.
01:27 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
01:32 No sweeter name have I ever known
01:36 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
01:44 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
01:49 No sweeter name have I ever known
01:53 No sweeter name than the name of Jesus
01:59 You are the life
02:01 You are the life to my heart and my soul
02:06 You are the light to the darkness around me
02:10 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
02:14 You are the only Truth and the Way
02:19 You are the life to my heart and my soul
02:23 You are the light to the darkness around me
02:27 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
02:31 You are the only Truth and the Way
02:39 Truth and the way
02:44 Jesus
02:49 Jesus
02:52 Take the name of Jesus
02:58 Jesus
03:01 Oh, Jesus
03:06 Jesus
03:10 Take the name of Jesus
03:15 Jesus
03:19 You are the life to my heart and my soul
03:24 You are the light to the darkness around me
03:28 You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
03:32 You are the only Truth and the Way
03:39 Truth and the way
07:30 This week we ask Andrew students
07:31 a very important question.
07:34 What does the gospel mean to you?
07:38 The gospel to me means good news.
07:41 Freedom. Salvation.
07:42 The gospel to me means His unfathomable love.
07:46 The gospel to me is a gift.
07:50 The gospel to me means Joy.
07:52 The gospel to me means love.
07:55 The gospel to me is a solution from everyday's struggles.
07:59 The gospel means to me that there is a hope for my future.
08:03 To me a gospel I said,
08:04 a think that makes people change.
08:09 To me the gospel means
08:12 evaluating my own life and giving up
08:15 something in mind to replace over something
08:19 that God tells me to replace with.
08:22 To me the gospel means the reassurance of my faith.
08:26 To me the gospel makes me realize
08:29 how unworthy I'm at salvation.
08:31 And just knowing that God care so much about my life is
08:37 it just truly sets me free and we ritually guides us.
08:42 The gospel is we hope to see
08:43 family members and loved ones that I've lost.
08:46 Gospel to me the literal transition of the word
08:49 gospel is good news.
08:50 So the only thing I think about
08:52 when I think of the phrase good news is Jesus Christ.
08:55 The gospel means peace to me,
08:59 I just think about the gift of the friendship of Jesus Christ
09:06 and it just overwhelmed from the peace knowing that
09:09 even if all else fails
09:11 if nobody is here for me today or tomorrow,
09:15 I have Jesus and that's peace.
09:32 So what's the gospel mean to you?
09:34 If they put a camera in your face and asked you,
09:39 how would you respond?
09:41 What is the gospel to this generation?
09:46 I hope that by the time this teaching is through,
09:50 you will know the answer.
09:51 Let's pray.
09:53 Oh, God.
09:55 Gospel means good news, we know that much
09:58 but what so good about the good news?
10:02 What would you say to us through holy scripture?
10:06 What would you tuck deep within our minds, our spirits,
10:09 our souls, so that when you--
10:11 when we hurry out of this sanctuary
10:16 into the world that awaits us,
10:17 the good news goes with us, make it clear please.
10:21 For Jesus glory in His name, we pray, amen.
10:26 One of the most provocative paintings for me,
10:29 I can't talk for you, I'm not an art critics
10:31 so don't come up to me afterwards.
10:33 One of the most provocative paintings for me
10:36 from the day Jesus was crucified, all right,
10:40 is the oil canvas work of the 19th-century
10:45 Italian artist named, Antonio Ciseri.
10:50 The title of the painting "Ecce Homo."
10:54 It means behold the man.
10:56 I'll put it on the screen for you in just a minute
10:58 but I have so moved by this painting,
11:00 I really this is a special painting to me,
11:02 I put it as I was writing this week
11:04 I put it as the desktop for my laptop
11:07 just so can I see it watch that picture.
11:13 Ciseri, 19th-century is known
11:15 for his almost photographic effect,
11:19 it looks like a photograph,
11:20 take a look we put it on the screen right now
11:22 Ecce Homo, there it is.
11:24 How many here seeing this picture before?
11:26 Come on, you seen it, haven't you? Yeah.
11:28 Ecce Homo, Latin behold the man there in
11:32 Pilate's praetorian residence, the governor has pulled away
11:39 from his throne of judgment,
11:41 he's standing leaning over the banister
11:43 above the rocastin of the rabble
11:48 who are screaming for the blood of this prisoner.
11:51 Pilate points back at Jesus,
11:53 you see Jesus striped to the waist crown of thorns.
11:57 If you could see with clarity like my laptop screen
12:00 you would see his eyes are looking down,
12:02 He's not looking at anybody,
12:03 He's just looking down as if lost in thought.
12:06 Pilate is framed by a centurion,
12:09 you see the execution,
12:10 he has the scourge or the flagram in his hand.
12:14 I think that's probably
12:15 Mrs. Pilate in one of her attendees
12:17 and then some minor government officials,
12:19 that's the judgment scene.
12:22 No where is that judgment scene were finely nuanced
12:28 then the gospel of John,
12:29 the fourth gospel our theme book
12:32 and in three weeks it's all over,
12:34 this is three Sabbaths coming today.
12:36 I want to go back to that moment,
12:38 I want to go to Pilate's judgment hall.
12:41 And so without any further we do.
12:43 What is the gospel mean to me?
12:44 Let's find out John Chapter 19, open your Bible,
12:47 you didn't bring your Bible we'll put it on the screen
12:49 for you wind symphony, and by the way
12:51 beautifully done today.
12:54 Didn't she love the collaboration
12:55 with wind symphony and organ and worship team.
12:59 I'll tell you there is no other worship place
13:01 where you can have this many musicians,
13:04 minister the way you did, thank you
13:06 Allan Mitchell, very much, bless you.
13:10 All right, so if you don't bring your,
13:11 can't read your Bible, you can see on it
13:13 look at the monitor up there
13:14 and on the pew as well.
13:17 Okay, enough talking.
13:18 John 18, we'll pick it up John 18.
13:20 I'm in the New Revised Standard version.
13:22 This is the most significant narrative
13:24 in the history of the universe.
13:25 So if you didn't bring your Bible,
13:26 do yourself the favor
13:27 of pulling the pew Bible out in front of you.
13:29 I'll give you the page number,
13:30 you've got to track this, page 729, John 18.
13:35 John 18:28, "Then," okay, Peter is just deny Jesus,
13:39 the last time you and I are together
13:41 two Sabbaths ago.
13:43 "Then," after Peter's denial,
13:47 "They," this is the Judean aristocracy.
13:51 "They led Jesus from Caiaphas to the Praetorium,"
13:55 Pilate sermon residence.
13:57 "And it was early morning.
13:59 But they themselves did not go into the Praetorium,
14:02 lest they should be defiled,
14:04 but that they might eat the Passover."
14:06 I tell you what the scrupulous duplicity of Jerusalem's elite
14:11 is almost breathtaking, you can't believe it.
14:15 They're-- here they are illegally railroading
14:18 an innocent man to his death and they know it.
14:21 And yet they hypocritically pretend, obedience
14:24 to divine law and moral purity
14:26 when they are more guilty than the pagan governor
14:29 to whom they've just deliver Jesus.
14:30 They fear ritual contamination
14:33 when they are plagued with moral rot.
14:37 Verse 29.
14:39 "Pilate," catering to there insensibilities
14:43 comes out to them verse 29,
14:44 "And Pilate went out to them and said,
14:46 What accusation do you bring about this man?"'
14:51 They come with this nifty little well, governor
14:53 we wouldn't be here
14:55 if he wasn't worthy of your action.
14:58 Pilate steps back and you've got courts
15:00 taken him to your own system.
15:02 Now the crafty-- have to acknowledge
15:05 that they are subjugated people and they remind him,
15:07 "Listen we cannot execute capital punishment.
15:10 So we brought him to you."
15:12 Bring the prisoner in.
15:15 Sits inside the praetorium, Jesus bound,
15:18 no longer gag before him.
15:21 Are you the king of the Jews?
15:24 Now they say that's the charge.
15:26 Are you the king of the Jews?
15:28 Jesus looks into the governor's eyes.
15:30 Are you asking that of yourself?
15:32 Or have others said that of me?
15:37 Your leaders, your nation brought you to me.
15:41 And the king is not of this world.
15:44 If our king were of this world, my followers will fight.
15:47 Oh, you are a king then.
15:50 And Jesus replies, this is what verse 37
15:53 "Jesus answered,
15:55 'you say rightly that I am a king.
15:58 For this cause I was born,
16:00 and for this cause I have come into the world
16:02 that I should bear witness to the truth.
16:04 Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.'
16:06 Verse 38 and "Pilate said to him,
16:09 "What is truth?"
16:13 John is a mater of irony in the fourth gospel
16:15 as we've already noted in the series.
16:17 Already in this narrative,
16:19 he is juxta oppose the Jewish hierarchies
16:22 scrupulous execution of the pass over meal
16:25 all the while they unwittingly collaborate
16:27 to kill the genuine pass over lamb.
16:31 Now the patent governor asked a universal question,
16:33 you, what's truth?
16:36 When embodied, incarnated before him is the answer,
16:40 I am the way the truth in the life.
16:43 Pilate won't wait, what's truth?
16:45 Gone.
16:47 "Pilate said to Him, 'What is truth?'
16:48 And when he had said this,
16:50 he went out again to the Jews, and said to them,
16:52 'I find no fault in Him at all."
16:56 Put the pause button right there.
16:59 Because right now in this narrative
17:01 a series of seven threes, seven trios,
17:06 seven triples is gonna emerge.
17:10 Unique only to the forth gospel,
17:13 the gospel of John, each of these trios,
17:16 an insightful point for you and me.
17:18 And I think we got to scribble all seven down.
17:20 Only in John, the seven trios,
17:22 seven triples that yield one truth.
17:26 So grab your study guide,
17:27 let's do it right now, come you got a study guide,
17:29 pull it out of your worship bulletin.
17:30 Ushers, let's go, let's get a study guide to everybody,
17:33 you gonna want, you gonna want these seven trios
17:35 that lead to one truth.
17:37 So hold your hand up,
17:38 our friendly ushers are coming your way up
17:39 in the balcony over flow you're sitting there.
17:42 Glad to have you and those of you watching on television
17:44 we're delighted to have you as well.
17:45 Let me cut to chase with you, let me put it on the screen,
17:48 I want you to have the same study guide,
17:49 the seven trios, you're gonna want these seven.
17:52 So let's put on screen right now,
17:54 there it is,
18:00 that's our website.
18:02 And you are looking for the series "The last days".
18:03 Is it the last days of John,
18:05 it's a two part series and it's--
18:08 Rather it's a two series
18:09 in the forth gospel, the last the--
18:11 The last word and then the last days.
18:16 Three Sabbaths and it's history.
18:18 So you're looking for the series "The last days"
18:20 tied up today's teaching, you see it on the screen there.
18:22 Finis, Latin for end, what really happened that day.
18:27 It's a study guide right beside
18:28 that title, you got it, let's go.
18:30 All right, seven threes that form one truth,
18:33 all you need to, John,
18:34 all you need to the forth gospel.
18:36 Trio number one right it down, 3 "no faults".
18:40 Put the quotation marks around it
18:41 because those are Pilate's words.
18:42 There times "no fault",
18:44 three "no faults" before the cross.
18:47 Pilate comes out to the cross
18:49 and we just read it here in verse 38,
18:51 "I find no fault in him at all."
18:52 Drop down to chapter 19:4,
18:54 I find no fault in him, drop down to verse 6,
18:57 I find no fault in him.
18:59 Three times this pagan governor early Friday morning
19:02 declares to the leaders of the Judean aristocracy
19:07 and the rabble, he's not guilty,
19:09 I'm telling you he is not guilty.
19:11 What's the point--
19:12 What's the point John is making,
19:13 two obvious points, point number 1,
19:16 the roman judicial system clearly found Jesus innocent.
19:20 The Jewish courts did not, but the roman courts did.
19:23 The other obvious point however don't miss it,
19:28 the roman governor intentionally sacrifices
19:31 an innocent man,
19:32 he knows to be innocent for the sake personal
19:35 and political experience.
19:37 How many times have we sacrificed
19:38 somebody in the office, somebody in the dorm,
19:40 somebody in my circle of friends for the sake of me?
19:43 Let him go, who cares.
19:45 Pilate is no different, three times.
19:50 You see John has been really hard
19:52 on the Jewish elite.
19:54 Always dealing with the leaders in his gospel,
19:56 hard on them, but here at the end
19:58 he wants to make sure that we understand,
19:59 it's not only the Jewish leadership
20:01 it's also the roman leadership
20:02 that collaborate together to execute the Messiah.
20:06 You're very clear now, you've got to see this.
20:08 Okay, trio number two,
20:10 three titles before the cross, three titles.
20:13 You remember the forth gospel.
20:15 It was like two years ago but it's just a few months ago
20:17 when we opened the forth gospel together,
20:19 you remember John the Baptist thundered these words.
20:21 Jot down these three titles found in the gospel of Mark,
20:25 gospel of John rather.
20:26 This is John 1:29 "The next day John,
20:28 the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him,
20:30 and he said, 'Behold! the Lamb of God,
20:34 who takes away the sin of the world!"
20:36 Title number one write that down
20:37 behold the lamb, behold the Lamb of God.
20:42 Title number two,
20:43 pick it up in verse 1 of chapter 19,
20:45 right here, the bible is open before you.
20:47 "So then" verse 1
20:48 "Pilate tool Jesus and scourged Him."
20:51 We are talking about barbaric,
20:54 bloody a pre-execution, execution.
20:58 In fact some suggested executioners
21:00 actually out of mercy for the prisoners,
21:02 no, we have long and protracted
21:04 death would arrive on the cross.
21:06 Hastened it, shredding the skin,
21:08 to the skin is flat and hanging on your back.
21:13 Then Pilate to Jesus and scourged Him.
21:15 Innocent man, by the way, he believed.
21:18 Verse 2 "And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns
21:20 and put it on His head,
21:21 and they put on him a purple robe."
21:23 Verse 3 "Then they said, 'Hail, King of the Jews!'
21:25 and they struck Him with their hand
21:26 and the Greek means they kept slapping him back and forth.
21:30 Verse 4 "Pilate then went out again and he said to them,
21:32 'Behold, I am bringing Him out to you,
21:34 that you may know that I find no fault in Him.'
21:36 And here comes verse 5,
21:37 "Then Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorn
21:41 and the purple robe.
21:42 And Pilate said to them, 'Behold the Man!""
21:45 write it down.
21:47 Title number two, behold the man.
21:50 But the pagan governor is not through with titles.
21:53 Turn-- drop down to verse 13
21:55 "When Pilate therefore heard that saying,
21:57 he brought Jesus out
21:58 and he sat down in the judgment seat in a place
22:00 that is called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.
22:06 I have knelt on that stone,
22:07 it's under building now, it's crawl space,
22:10 I have knelt on that stone.
22:12 So moved, I'll tell you let the whole tour group leave,
22:16 I was all alone, so moved with the realization,
22:19 it's the very stone
22:21 from the time of Pilate, Gabbatha.
22:26 Verse 14,
22:27 "Now it was the Preparation Day of the Passover,
22:29 and about the sixth hour.
22:30 And he said to the Jews,"
22:31 here comes title number three 'Behold your king!"
22:36 Three titles before the cross.
22:39 By the way this is the Antonio Ciseri Movement.
22:42 Just put that picture backup
22:43 This is exactly the moment.
22:45 Now I'm going to read "Desire of Ages" for you.
22:47 You have it in your study guide
22:48 but just look at the picture, you can read it later.
22:50 Just look at that picture, there stood the Son of God
22:52 wearing the robe of mockery
22:54 and the crown of thorns stripped to the waist,
22:57 his back showed the long cruel stripes
23:01 from which the blood float freely,
23:02 his face was stained with blood
23:04 and bore the marks of exhaustion and pain.
23:06 But never had it appeared more beautiful than ever.
23:12 I wish I had a DVD, I wish I could look into those eyes.
23:17 Never ever has this face
23:20 appeared more beautiful than now.
23:26 Wow.
23:28 Every feature express gentleness and resignation
23:30 and the tenderous pity for his cruel foes.
23:33 In his manner there was no weakness,
23:35 but the strength and dignity of long suffering
23:37 and notice this last line,
23:39 even the priest and rulers were convicted
23:41 he was all that he claimed to be.
23:44 He is God, He is.
23:48 Let's kill anybody.
23:53 Behold the lamb, behold the man,
23:56 behold the king, behold your savoir,
23:58 question, is he your savior today?
24:02 Trio number three, write it down,
24:05 "3 languages, 3 languages at the cross."
24:10 Verse 17 let's read it
24:12 "And he, Jesus bearing His cross,"
24:14 Oh, where is Simon the Cyrene
24:16 the Libyan, where is the Libyan,
24:17 he's not here, John leaves in completely out
24:20 and we'll notice why in just a moment.
24:23 John "As Jesus is carrying His cross
24:24 and he bearing his cross went out to a place
24:26 called the Place of a Skull,
24:27 which is in Hebrew called Golgotha."
24:29 Isn't that amazing?
24:31 Gabbatha where Pilate sits
24:33 is the judgment seat of the governor,
24:35 Golgotha where Jesus was hanged
24:36 is the judgment seat of God.
24:40 Two judgment seats and they rhyme.
24:47 Verse 18 "When they came to Golgatha they crucified Him,
24:50 Jesus and two others with Him,"
24:51 See Dwight there is another three, you are right.
24:53 But that's not unique to John, all four have the three.
24:58 One on either side and Jesus in the center verse 19
25:00 and "Now Pilate wrote a title and put out it on the cross.
25:03 And the writing was: Jesus of Nazareth,
25:05 the king of the Jews.
25:07 Then many of the Jews read this title,
25:09 many of them read the title,
25:10 for the place where was crucified was near the city."
25:12 And here it comes "It was written in that title
25:15 in Hebrew that would be Aramaic and Greek and Latin."
25:21 I don't care where are you from in the Roman Empire,
25:22 you're gonna get the point.
25:24 This is the king of the Jews.
25:28 Now the priest are furious, they come to Pilate verse 21
25:32 "Therefore the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate,
25:34 'Do not write, 'The King of the Jews,'
25:37 You should write 'He said, 'I am the King of the Jews.""
25:40 And Pilate with cold steel in his eyes
25:42 where he was railroaded in to his decision
25:44 and he knows it a leader that he was,
25:50 cold steel what I have written, I have written.
25:55 You see the priest overplayed their hand,
25:58 the charge against Jesus they told Pilate
26:00 was he-- King of the Jews,
26:02 boom, he puts it in writing.
26:05 And they are stuck.
26:09 Trio number four, write it down,
26:10 three Mary's at the cross.
26:14 You know that only John, only John.
26:18 Let's read the verse 25 got down to 25,
26:20 "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother,"
26:23 What's His mother's name?
26:24 Mary.
26:25 "And His mother's sister,
26:27 Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene."
26:31 There they are, three Mary's only John notes it.
26:35 And by the way, they are all women.
26:37 Where are the men, where are all the big,
26:41 where are all the big bragioso boys?
26:44 They were "I'll die for you, where are all the men,
26:49 one man is a boy, John boy.
26:53 The only eye witness of Calvary,
26:55 the only account that is eye witnessed.
26:58 All the men have fled.
27:00 I tell you what in a day and age
27:01 when some are wondering whether women
27:04 ought to be granted a place close to Jesus in ministry,
27:08 the story of Calvary seems to indicate
27:11 that perhaps they ought to be there first.
27:18 Passion of a women for Christ.
27:21 Unexcelled.
27:26 The only John boy there to receive Jesus
27:28 dying bestole of his mother to John's care,
27:31 mother's day is just a few weeks away.
27:34 And how is it with your own mother,
27:37 do you care for her and love her
27:39 in all your preoccupied business
27:42 on this campus and in your career?
27:46 Trio number five jot it down, "3 words from the cross,
27:51 the Christian world is long commemorated,
27:53 Christ seven words from the cross.
27:55 Not gone through my gospels and I've numbered them,
27:57 I know exactly the sequence 1, 2, 3.
27:59 But John unique has three that nobody else has,
28:04 here are John's 3 that happened to be numbers,
28:07 they happen to be numbers 3, 5
28:10 and 6 of the seven.
28:11 Let's go to, let's go to his first word in John,
28:13 that will be verse 26
28:15 "When Jesus therefore saw His mother,
28:16 and the disciple whom He loved"
28:17 That would be John boy
28:18 "Standing by, Jesus said to his mother,
28:20 'Woman, behold your son!'
28:24 Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!'
28:26 'And from that hour John boy took her to his own home."
28:32 Jesus had no siblings to commend her to,
28:35 he gives her to John.
28:37 And John counts it his highest honor
28:39 for the rest of his life until she dies,
28:42 to be her care provider.
28:46 It's word number one, you need word,
28:48 you need word number two, here comes the verse 28
28:50 and "After this, Jesus, knowing
28:52 that all things were now accomplished,
28:54 that the Scripture might be fulfilled said,
28:56 'I thirst!'
28:59 verse 29 "Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there;
29:03 and they filled a sponge with sour wine,
29:05 put it on hyssop, and put it up to His mouth."
29:08 Matthew and Mark both quote Psalm 22:1,
29:11 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
29:14 not a breath of it from John, but he will elude to Psalm 22
29:18 from when that those words came in Matthew and Mark
29:22 because in Psalm 22
29:23 the Messiah's tongue becomes so dry,
29:25 it sticks to the roof of his mouth,
29:27 it's like dust in his mouth.
29:29 And John inserts, John inserts I thirst,
29:35 remember that from it's very beginning
29:37 the forth gospel has attempted
29:38 to show the utter humanity of Jesus.
29:42 Our humanity so he sees--
29:43 He sees this merit woman, says woman--
29:46 Woman I'm dying of thirst, you have--
29:47 Can you give me some of this water?
29:49 John who began dine, Jesus thirsty
29:52 and this is gospel showing again his solidarity
29:55 with the human race,
29:56 I'm still human and I'm thirsty,
29:59 he shows it twice confirming that the savior
30:02 is the one with us.
30:04 And then there is a third word, this is the one we all know,
30:06 verse 30 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine,
30:09 He said, 'It is finished!' in those transitions
30:15 "And bowing His head he gave up His spirit."
30:18 There they are, three words from the cross.
30:24 Trio number six jot it down, "3 actions from the cross."
30:27 This is fascinating, absolutely fascinating,
30:29 listen to this, you remember a moment ago
30:31 and we noted that Jesus carried his own cross
30:33 there is no Simon or Libyan around,
30:35 John leaves him believe me Jesus carries his own cross,
30:37 what's up with that?
30:38 John is making a point
30:40 and he wants us to get it by these three actions,
30:43 jot the point down first.
30:44 Jesus was in control of His life
30:47 and death to the very end.
30:50 He is in control, nobody else says, I am.
30:54 All His ministries has been saying my hours not yet,
30:57 my hours not yet, my hours not yet.
30:59 But when his hour comes, he didn't tumble into it,
31:01 he didn't trip into it, he chose his hour.
31:05 Number one, John shows him carrying no cross.
31:08 Nobody-- I should rephrase that,
31:10 nobody carries his cross but Jesus.
31:12 Number two, look at this, action number two,
31:16 the three actions from the cross,
31:18 did we put the slide up the three actions?
31:21 That's it, that's the history-did
31:22 we put it up?
31:23 Okay.
31:25 Action number one, he bores on cross.
31:26 Check action number two.
31:27 He chooses his last words of completion.
31:30 He decides when it's gonna be finished.
31:33 He chooses it.
31:34 And action number three, only in John.
31:37 Notice the sequence you read just a moment ago
31:38 in verse 30, how Jesus died.
31:40 And when you and I die, this is the way we ill die.
31:42 If Jesus doesn't come,
31:43 you and I are gonna breathe our last.
31:45 This is the way we're gonna die.
31:46 We're gonna- There goes our last breath
31:49 and after we breathe our last breath,
31:51 boom, our head will go down.
31:53 Isn't that how it happens in the movies?
31:56 I mean I'm figuring that's the way it goes.
31:59 I've been with people when they died.
32:00 I know that's the way it goes.
32:05 Not with Jesus.
32:06 He doesn't go, phew, last breath, boom.
32:09 Jesus goes like this.
32:12 He bows his head, then breathes his last.
32:16 Intentional action.
32:18 Three actions to show that he is in control
32:21 and look how quick Keener puts it.
32:23 Put it on the screen, you have to fill this in.
32:24 "The crucifixion in John is Jesus' triumph."
32:27 The synoptic is focused on his passion, his suffering.
32:29 Oh, my Lord, what you went through.
32:31 None of that in John. Jesus ends the conqueror.
32:34 He ends in triumph.
32:39 My hour has finally come.
32:41 Final trio number 7, jot it down.
32:43 There are three woundings because of the cross.
32:46 You need to, John.
32:47 Now the first two are in all the gospels.
32:50 Wounding number one, that's the flagrum,
32:52 that's when that, that those leather straps
32:55 embedded with bone and metal and rock
32:57 are wrapped around you by the executioner.
32:59 Once he gets it around you, your bare,
33:01 he yanks it and it just shreds your skin.
33:04 It just shreds.
33:05 He has already been wounded once.
33:06 The other wounding of course is Calvary.
33:08 But the third wounding nobody else knows.
33:12 Let's pick it up in verse 31.
33:14 He has just died. "Therefore--" Verse 31.
33:17 "-because it was the Preparation Day,
33:19 that the bodies should not remain
33:20 on the cross on the Sabbath
33:22 for that Sabbath was a high day,
33:23 the Jews asked Pilate
33:24 that their legs might be broken,
33:26 and that they might be taken away."
33:28 You see the barbaric form
33:29 of crucifixion is slow asphyxiation.
33:31 You will strangulate to death
33:34 because in order to breathe,
33:35 you have to raise yourself up,
33:37 suck it, and then sink back down.
33:40 It is such searing pain
33:42 that the Latin has coined a word excruciatus.
33:45 From whence comes our word
33:46 and it means from out of the cross-- excruciating.
33:49 The next time you have an excruciating headache,
33:50 you are saying my pain is from out of the cross.
33:53 Excruciatus.
33:56 So when they want to hasten death,
33:58 what do they do?
33:59 They break the legs because you know,
34:01 you have no strength now.
34:03 Raise yourself up, you will simply hang
34:05 and they strangulate.
34:07 'Cause you're legs are broken, it's too painful.
34:09 That's what they did.
34:11 Verse 32, "Then the soldiers came
34:12 and broke the legs of the first
34:14 and of the other who was crucified with Him."
34:16 "But-" verse 33, "-
34:17 when they came to Jesus
34:18 and saw that He was already dead-"
34:21 You don't die this fast.
34:24 And, "-they saw that He was already dead,
34:25 they did not break His legs."
34:26 Verse 34, "But one of the soldiers
34:28 pierced His side with a spear,
34:30 and immediately blood and water came out."
34:36 Only in John.
34:38 The third wounding.
34:39 Isn't this amazing? Think about it.
34:42 Jesus rode to the cross
34:43 that begins at the front of the gospel.
34:45 Begins with water turning into wine, isn't that right?
34:49 Water turning into wine.
34:51 His road to Calvary ends with wine turning into water.
34:56 They just gave Him some wine and then it comes out water.
35:00 Reverses the buckets, water to wine, wine to water
35:06 what's the big deal John, ah, wine and water,
35:09 blood and water, blood and water, blood and water,
35:12 it's embedded throughout the entire gospel,
35:14 blood and water, blood and water.
35:15 You are saved by blood and water, blood and water.
35:20 Here they are, Ladies and Gentlemen,
35:22 seven unique trios woven into John's narrative of Calvary
35:25 but what is the one truth. Seven trios, one truth.
35:28 What is it?
35:30 Listen carefully.
35:31 What is the gospel? They answered.
35:34 What the gospel means to me,
35:36 in the triumphant cry of Jesus, it is finished.
35:40 There is a closure and completeness we not-
35:43 we need not only to intellectually grasp
35:46 but experientially embrace and here's what I mean.
35:51 In our particular community of faith,
35:53 highly convictional community that it is,
35:56 where right living and right behaving
35:59 are rightly emphasized.
36:02 There is a danger that we may live
36:05 with a numinous sense, a latent uncertainty
36:09 regarding the status of my salvation.
36:12 I mean, am I really saved?
36:14 How do I know, how do I know I'm fully saved?
36:18 Oh, yeah, I know, I know John 3:16.
36:20 I know that Jesus died for me
36:22 but do I, can I have the assurance
36:23 of his provision for my salvation?
36:26 I'm talking about failing, fumbling,
36:28 stumbling, sinning me.
36:30 How can I know that that salvation is for me?
36:38 I know he triumphed on the cross.
36:39 I read the story just now
36:41 but what is God waiting for-- for me?
36:43 How can I rise above this troubling sense
36:46 that in order to be really sure, really secure
36:49 there is something else I need to be doing.
36:52 How can I know I am saved.
36:56 We all need, all of us need to take a closer
36:59 look at this, at this death cry.
37:02 It is finished.
37:03 In fact would you jot this down please?
37:04 The literal Greek phrase is finished.
37:06 Jot his down.
37:07 The literal Greek for is "It has been completed."
37:10 Write that down. It has been completed.
37:16 Keep your pen moving.
37:18 That Greek is in the perfect tense.
37:20 Now that means, it's describing an action
37:22 finished in the past, jot that down.
37:24 An action finished in the past
37:26 whose effects continue into the present.
37:30 So it has happened back there
37:32 but the effect is still going under there.
37:34 It would be like you getting a FedEx,
37:35 you get a FedEx registered letter on Monday.
37:38 You tear it open and you find out
37:40 it's from a law firm
37:41 you have never heard of in your life.
37:43 Turns out that your great uncle whom you have never met
37:47 but have heard of, turns out your great uncle has died.
37:52 And some years before he died and he died childless
37:56 but some years before he died,
37:57 he filled out the will of his entire estate to you
38:04 and now that the law firm has found you,
38:08 you are about to inherit
38:09 his entire estate worth $3.3 billion.
38:16 I say, praise God for great uncles like that, huh.
38:19 $3.3 billion.
38:23 See, long ago, that will was completed with you in mind,
38:27 it was all signed, sealed and delivered back there
38:29 but now they finally find you
38:31 and the effects of that closure back
38:33 there now continues to reap its effect.
38:36 That's what's happening in the Greek tense
38:38 of "It is finished."
38:39 It's that same reality. Now listen up.
38:41 When Jesus died for the entire human race,
38:45 something was culminated. Something was completed.
38:48 In a very certain sense,
38:49 his mission of salvation was finished.
38:53 Finish. It was finished at the cross.
38:56 But, like your great uncle's will,
38:58 the effects keep rolling throughout history
39:01 as one human being after another
39:04 discovers that she, that he is named in Christ's will
39:08 and it's all there for the asking.
39:14 All you have to do is trust the benefactor,
39:18 believe his will or his word and receive the gift.
39:24 It is finished.
39:26 Means, we can rest secure and Jesus finished mission
39:29 and work at the cross.
39:32 In fact would you write this down, please?
39:35 What counts is not- that's my typo-
39:39 What counts is not my unfinished work-
39:46 but rather His finished work.
39:50 Get that down.
39:52 The secret to overcoming
39:54 our apprehension over our salvation
39:56 is to shift the focus from us to Him.
39:58 Otherwise, we are gonna be
40:01 as guilty as the medieval church
40:03 in making the same mistake they made for centuries.
40:05 And that reminds you about the medieval church.
40:07 Their scholars all thought and taught
40:11 that the earth was the centre of the universe
40:13 and all the stars and all the suns
40:16 rotate around the earth.
40:18 Then along comes a little scientist named Galileo.
40:21 He says, I got to change this notion, guys.
40:23 I looked up there and guess what,
40:24 the sun does not revolve around us.
40:27 We revolve around the sun.
40:31 We are not the centre of attraction.
40:34 The sun is.
40:37 I fear that too many of us have constructed
40:40 a faulty salvation/theological paradigm that places us
40:45 as the centre of attention, as the centre of attraction,
40:51 salvation revolves around me, so that what I do,
40:54 or do not do make all the difference.
40:56 What I accomplish or do not accomplish,
40:58 that's what makes all the difference.
41:00 I become the centre of my own universe.
41:05 Calvary, when you hear that shout,
41:09 "it is finished" declares that thinking is wrong.
41:15 Simply bankrupt.
41:19 Calvary is a closure.
41:20 It is the completeness.
41:22 It is the finishing of God's salvation.
41:24 Oh, yes, you're right, you're right, you're right.
41:25 In heaven's sanctuary, in the throne room right now,
41:28 the saving work of Christ continues
41:31 but that hardly minimizes or negates
41:34 the triumphant finish once for all sacrifice
41:37 of the Lord Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.
41:43 I repeat, the reason some of us
41:48 feel apprehension of our salvation today
41:51 is because like the medieval church
41:53 we believe we are the centre
41:55 around which the savior and salvation revolve
41:57 but how silly, how sad, I mean, look,
42:04 if I am the centre and I know how weak and frail,
42:07 I know how sinning I am, how utterly helpless,
42:11 if I am the centre, no wonder I have no hope.
42:14 No wonder there is no courage for me.
42:17 But if Christ is the center of attraction,
42:20 if he is the center of thy completed work,
42:23 then everything I have is pinned on him.
42:28 My hope, my assurance, my salvation securing Him.
42:35 Jot this down, will you? Please.
42:37 "The truth is--" This is critical.
42:39 "The truth is that the Son-"
42:41 And by the way, that's capital "SON."
42:44 "The son does not revolve around us-
42:47 we revolve around the Son."
42:55 Jesus is the center of attraction
42:57 for salvation not you.
43:00 Shrilling on me.
43:02 No wonder as soon as Jesus dies,
43:04 John immediately, did you notice this,
43:05 immediately he starts talking about the Sabbath
43:06 and blood or water.
43:07 What's up with that, John?
43:09 Why the Sabbath? Jot this down.
43:10 "In the Creation story-" You remember this.
43:13 "In the Creation story, on Friday
43:15 God declares His finished work- and it was 'very good'
43:18 and on the seventh-day Sabbath He rests."
43:23 "In the Redemption story-" Keep writing.
43:25 The same God, "--on Friday declares His finished work-
43:31 and it was 'very good'
43:32 and on the seventh-day Sabbath He rests in the tomb."
43:38 Once salvation is finished, He rests.
43:45 Nothing to add.
43:47 I can't add anything to creation, can I?
43:48 Oh, God, I want to add, I want to add
43:49 little something to creation.
43:51 You can't add anything.
43:53 If I can't anything to creation,
43:54 how could I add anything to salvation?
43:55 It's finished.
43:56 2,000 years ago, it was done before I was born.
44:04 Sabbath is embedded in John's Calvary story
44:07 to assure us that it is finished
44:09 means it really is finished.
44:13 You can rest.
44:14 You can rest in Him.
44:18 But why the blood and the water?
44:19 Good question.
44:20 When that soldier took his lancet up to the rib cage,
44:24 it burst the pericardial sack of Jesus' heart
44:27 releasing that trickle of blood and water
44:30 that John had, boy, himself witnessed.
44:32 He saw it running down the chest of his dead master.
44:40 John wants us to remember all through the fourth gospel,
44:44 it's been blood and water, blood and water,
44:47 water-baptism, water to wine, blood and water,
44:50 blood and water all the way through.
44:53 And when we get to the climactic moment
44:55 of the universe's history, John declares,
44:59 it's blood and water, all Jesus for our salvation.
45:05 Not my blood and water, His blood and water.
45:09 We are secure in Him. Jot this down, will you?
45:13 "The blood of His finished sacrifice-"
45:14 What's that all about?
45:15 "--that covers my sins in the past,
45:17 the water of His continuous purification-"
45:18 What's that all about?
45:19 "--that cleanses my life in the present."
45:21 Isn't this amazing?
45:22 Listen, guys. Look at this.
45:23 John has made sure that
45:25 we're not only dealing in the past.
45:26 Oh, come on. Everything's 2,000 years ago.
45:28 Yeah, that's good.
45:29 The blood covers everything
45:31 but those are the words but what about the present
45:33 when I mess up, mess up, mess up.
45:35 We have water for cleansing now.
45:37 So there's- Jesus covers us in the past
45:39 and He covers us in the present
45:40 and He would journey with us into his future.
45:44 Blood and water.
45:46 Oh, you don't have to be apprehensive,
45:48 you don't have to worry
45:49 about the state of your salvation,
45:51 is there something more I should be doing, God?
45:53 I don't feel very secure. Forget it.
45:56 It is finished means it really is finished.
46:05 Just how finished these words from the century ago,
46:08 you've never seen this quote,
46:09 I'll put it on the screen for you,
46:11 you have it in your study guide,
46:12 "Christ planted the cross between heaven and earth,
46:16 and when the Father beheld the sacrifice of His Son,
46:19 He bowed before it
46:21 in recognition of its perfection.
46:23 It is enough, 'He said.
46:25 'The atonement is complete."
46:27 There it is, it is enough, it is complete,
46:31 it is finished three of them.
46:34 It is enough,
46:36 it is complete,
46:38 it is finished.
46:40 Oh, child of God who are you?
46:43 Where should I be looking right now, child of God.
46:47 Be at peace, be at peace.
46:54 No worry, no fear,
47:00 it's all done,
47:01 it is finished means it really is finished.
47:06 He did it, it's your, the will, it's yours,
47:12 everything, it's yours, it is finished
47:17 means it really is finished,
47:22 Jesus paid it all.
47:25 All to he might owe, sin had left a crimson stain,
47:32 but he washed me white as snow
47:34 that old gospel him puts the blood and water together
47:37 and I want to sing just one stanza
47:38 right now, don't go, don't move,
47:40 just stay seated I want to put--
47:42 we got to see Pilate one more time,
47:43 that picture is so moving,
47:45 there you go hymn 184,
47:47 you don't even have to look it up,
47:48 the words would be right here we're going to sing a stanza,
47:50 just sing it of the screen, you see Jesus there,
47:54 it is finished, Jesus paid it all,
47:56 let's sing that together just a chord would be fine.
48:06 It's up on the screen, sing about the blood and water.
48:10 I hear the Savior say
48:15 Thy strength indeed is small
48:21 Child of weakness watch and pray
48:27 Find in Me thine all in all
48:33 Jesus paid it all
48:39 All to Him I owe
48:44 Sin had left a crimson stain
48:50 He washed it white as snow
48:58 I want to sing that chorus again,
48:59 I want to sing that chorus
49:00 that's the truth of it is finished,
49:02 that's the truth of the blood of--
49:03 The blood and the water, he paid it all,
49:05 I owe everything to Him.
49:06 Sin left us crimson, awful stain in my life
49:10 but he has washed it white as snow.
49:12 Let's sing that, sing that chorus again.
49:14 Jesus paid it all
49:20 All to Him I owe
49:26 Sin had left a crimson stain
49:33 He washed it
49:37 White as snow
49:41 My dear fiends, that's the gospel.
49:43 Somebody puts a camera in your face and asks you,
49:45 that's the gospel, everybody who was on the screen
49:47 had it right, but that's the gospel.
49:51 He's paid it all.
49:52 All to Him I owe, that's the gospel.
49:56 So do I-- What next step do I take,
49:57 I mean I got to do something I can't just hear about Calvary
49:59 and not take another step,
50:01 could you pull your-- Your connect card out right now,
50:04 our closing moment, I want to draw your attention
50:06 to this card, there is a next step,
50:08 surely here that you can take, Jesus paid it all,
50:12 all to Him I owe, sin had a crimson stain,
50:16 he washed me, he washed it white as snow.
50:21 Look at that-- You've already written on this side,
50:23 you're going to turn this in, in just a moment.
50:25 Thank you for-- for your name there but--
50:28 But go the back side it says my next step today is--
50:33 Is next step to design to fit every teaching.
50:36 Here are two that I'd suggest, here are two,
50:39 I want to spend some time everyday
50:40 this next week thanking God
50:42 that it is finished really means it is finished.
50:45 Why not, everyday when you have your worship
50:47 you just say, hey, God this week--
50:49 This post ester week I'm celebrating
50:52 that it is finished really means it is finished.
50:55 Every morning you'll need a little reminder,
50:58 you can just do it.
50:59 Put a check mark there, yeah--
51:01 Dwight I'll join you in that
51:02 and here's another one I would like to share
51:04 John 19's "It is finished story"
51:06 with someone who needs this assurance,
51:08 now listen to me carefully,
51:09 I'm going to be misunderstood probably
51:11 but I'm going to say it anyway,
51:13 the older you get sometimes
51:15 in this particular community of faith,
51:18 the more apprehensive you can become.
51:22 My dear grandmother, she rests in Jesus now,
51:25 died at 99 years of age
51:26 but I remember visiting her once out of Loma Linda,
51:29 I was pasturing here
51:30 and went out there to see grandma
51:32 and you know, she'd be watching on T.V
51:34 and it's her boy and knowing all that,
51:35 but she said, Dwight,
51:37 you know tell me again, how it works.
51:41 I mean, she has-- She has been a world--
51:43 world church leader and all but why,
51:45 she just because the older you get
51:47 I guess probably the nearer you get to death
51:50 you're just saying, do I really have
51:51 all my bases covered, is everything okay?
51:54 Now at your age you're saying,
51:56 "Hey, of course I got, it's great, hallelujah
52:00 but there may be somebody in your circle,
52:06 in your neighborhood circle,
52:07 in your family circle, in your friendship circle,
52:12 who struggles with knowing
52:13 the good news of the 'It is finished'.
52:15 That's what the second sentence is,
52:16 look it I would like to share John 19's
52:18 'It is finished' story with someone who needs it.
52:21 God if you leave me to somebody to--
52:23 Somebody this next week or five weeks from now,
52:25 I'm not gonna forget this.
52:26 I know the good news is it is finished,
52:29 means it really is finished
52:31 and so help me to just be able to tell that story.
52:37 Sat beside an agnostic
52:38 when I was flying out to Germany
52:39 just a few days ago for ester weekend out there,
52:42 want to tell you next Sabbath
52:44 that conversation with an agnostic
52:46 from Norte Dame University.
52:48 I'll share that story with you.
52:50 There will be somebody that will come in your life
52:52 that you can share the gospel with.
52:54 Just say God I make myself available please,
52:56 if there is somebody that needs it,
52:58 I want to-- I want to help.
53:01 Somebody you're saying, you know, Dwight,
53:02 I really need to come to the savior,
53:04 I mean, he died for me.
53:05 This thing really hit me, those seven trios,
53:08 they're just-- it's inescapable.
53:10 He did this in advance for me.
53:12 He signed the will and I am in it,
53:15 and I've never formally come to Jesus
53:17 and if that's you my friend
53:19 just put a little check mark here.
53:20 I'd like to begin, I'm gonna soon begin
53:21 a relationship with Jesus, I'll send you an email
53:23 we put-- We'll put material in your hand.
53:26 There you go, we'll put material
53:27 in your hand to help you.
53:29 You can do it.
53:30 Jesus is ready, you're in the will.
53:34 It's all signed.
53:35 It's finished.
53:37 Baptism, we are having some beautiful Baptism
53:39 next week and then the following week
53:41 and then you'll say, Dwight I'm really all prepared
53:42 I just need to do it.
53:43 Put a check mark right there,
53:45 I'm interested in Baptism
53:46 and we can work you in either next Sabbath
53:48 or the last Sabbath of school year.
53:50 Why not you are ready,
53:51 you don't need to take a whole bunch of classes you're ready.
53:54 If you're not, we wont, 'cause nobody gets Baptized
53:57 unless they feel that this is the moment.
53:59 Put a check mark there.
54:00 There are the boxes you can put a check mark on,
54:02 always happy to be in touch with you.
54:03 Everyone in those boxes, in that small box,
54:05 you put a check mark there, you get an email.
54:07 Within 48 hours, you'll get an email
54:09 explaining the next step for you
54:11 in one of those responses.
54:16 This is the time when we receive
54:17 our morning tithes and offerings.
54:19 Freely you have received Jesus said, now freely give.
54:23 Oh, the day, whatever the offering is for
54:27 it doesn't matter to you just give, give today.
54:30 You have tithes you want to return, give today.
54:32 As the--As the ushers come by as they will in just a moment
54:35 I want to have a dedication prayer with you.
54:37 This is where you drop your little white card,
54:38 just drop it and we'll take it from there,
54:40 we'll be in touch with you don't worry.
54:41 Don't take it and hand it at the door, no,
54:43 just-- Just drop it in that offering plate.
54:46 Want to sing that chorus one more time,
54:48 when we're through but the--
54:50 We got simple gifts coming up
54:52 and it's beautiful from the wind symphony
54:54 and so I'm gonna pray first and they'll play while they--
54:57 returning our, sending our cards.
54:59 Oh, God, this is it,
55:02 this is--This is Calvary,
55:04 what's the good news to us the good news is,
55:06 is that God finished 2,000 years ago.
55:13 We place all our weight on the word of Jesus,
55:15 not the word of anyone else, the word of Jesus
55:21 and I pray for every heart here Holy father please
55:24 don't let anybody go home with an apprehension,
55:26 I'm just not sure what, what--
55:30 bring peace to that troubled heart,
55:33 bring calm to that agitated mind.
55:36 Go back to Calvary with her or with him,
55:40 point to the one who is the savior of the world
55:43 and let us all leave this place
55:46 full of grace and truth in Christ.
55:50 We return our tithes and offerings.
55:54 How could we repay you for Calvary,
55:55 we're in the will, we're in the will.
55:58 We have it all, please receive our humble gifts
56:02 and gratitude in Jesus name.
56:05 Amen.
56:10 I'd like to take a moment here
56:11 at the end of the service to tell you about
56:13 one of the most important groups of people
56:15 that make this ministry possible.
56:18 They are a team of people,
56:19 they are not afraid to get down into this thick of life itself.
56:23 Which is why you're going to find them
56:24 you will find them moving forward on their knees.
56:27 They are our prayer partners,
56:29 a group of men and women and young adults
56:32 who believe that this humble television ministry
56:35 has been raised up by God for such a time as this.
56:38 And so they pray earnestly, that God will use the preacher,
56:41 that God will use me,
56:42 that God will use the countless other volunteers
56:44 to spread the everlasting gospel
56:47 and the Word of God in ways
56:48 we could ever have imagined before.
56:50 They are the ones who are praying
56:52 that God is going to open up the hearts of people,
56:55 open up the hearts of viewers
56:56 around the world for the message,
56:58 the critical message for this end time generation.
57:03 And what I'd like to do is ask you,
57:05 would you be willing to be a prayer partner with us?
57:07 A prayer partner with New Perceptions?
57:09 You don't have to call our toll free number,
57:11 you don't have to go online to register.
57:13 All I need to know
57:14 is that you'd be willing to lift this little ministry up
57:19 day after day after day.
57:21 Pray that somehow through radio
57:24 and television and the web.
57:25 God will open up new doors, new--
57:28 New regions on earth,
57:29 where the everlasting gospel can be proclaimed.
57:32 There is no question the power of prayer
57:35 has potential to take this ministry
57:37 to place this we could never have imagined before.
57:40 So, that's it,
57:41 would you please be willing
57:43 to partner with me in prayer?
57:45 The times are urgent, the need is critical
57:48 and I hope you'll say yes.
57:50 Till we are together,
57:51 next time may the prayer answering God
57:54 accompany you every step of the way.


Revised 2014-12-17